Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 01, 1845, Image 4

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    A Large Organ.
At Frryboury in Switzerland i very pow
erful organ, which it well described by cor
respondent of th New York Observer;
It has 7900 pipes, some of them 32 feet long,
iid 04 stops. It is an instrument of power,
nd though the traveller is compelled to pay e
leven francs to hear it on a week day, it U worili
the money. At first one imagines a trick is
played upon him, and that a full orchestra ac
companies the organ. The mellow tones melt
in and float away with the Itoavier notes, as if a
band of musicians were playing out of sioht.
Many refuse to believe it is not a deception till
they go up and examine every part of the instru
menu The effect is perfectly bewildering.
There is the trombone, the claronet, the flute,
the fife, and ever and anon the clear ringing
note of the trumpet. The performance is clo
ed with an imitation of a thunder storm, in
which the wonderful power of the instrument is
fully tested. At first you hear the low distant
crowl swelling up and dyinr sway. The next
peal breaks on the ear with more distinct and
threatning sound. Nearer and nearer rolls up
the thunder cloud, sending its quick and heavy
discharges through the atmosphere, till clap fol
lows clap with stunning rapidity, rolling and
crashing through the building till its solid arch
es tremble as if the real thunders of luaven
were bursting overhead. I did not dream that
a single instrument could possess so much pow
er. The same correspondent also described two
suspension bridges in Freybotirg : one remark
able fur its great length, the other for its ex
treme beauty. The latter connects the tops of
two mounts n, swinging over a frightful gulf
that makes one dizzy to look down into. There
ore no buttresses or mason work in siht at a
little distance. Shafts are sunk in the solid
rock of the mountains, down which the wires
that sustain it are dropped. There it atretic,
a mere black line nearly 1500 feet in the hea
ven, from summit to summit. It looks like a
spider's web flung across a chasm ; its delicate
tracery showing clear and distinct againU the
sky. While you are looking at the fuiry crea
tion suspended in mid-heaven, almost expecting
the next breeze will waft it away, you see a
heavy wugon drive on it. You shrink buck with
horror at the rashness that could trust so frail a
structure at that dizzy height. But the air hung
cobweb sustains the pressure, and the vehicle
passes in safety. Indeed weight steadies it,
while the wind, as it sweeps down the gulf,
makes it awing under you. The large suspen
sion bridge ia supported on four cables of iron
wire, each one composed of 1,05(5 wires. As
the Menia bridge of Wales is often said to be
longer than this, we eive the dimensions of both:
Freyburjr, length 905 feet height 174 feet,
breadth, 5iS feet. Menia, length 560 feet, height
130 feet, breadth 25 fret. A span of 905 feet,
without any intermediate pVr, seems impossible
at first, and one needs the testimony ol his own
eyes before he can fully believe it.
Poetry Kxlraordinary.
The circumstances that called forth the fob
lowing amusing distich arc as follows : At the
late session of the Northampton Court, a case
of trover and conversion was tried for a horse,
which the defendant, Jos. Sterner, of Lehigh
County, got into his possession, and which horse
died three days thereafter. Messrs. Mathew
Hale Jones and J. Glancy Jones were the law
yers concerned.
This steed would delight all the lads of the fancy.
When driven by Matthew and mounted by Clan-
Tint with one lawyer driving, and one on his back,
The devil took pity and killed the poor hack.
But even grim death could not save him from
The lawyer resolved that he should still carry
double, '
So a suit for conversion 'gainst the devil they
tried, '
When Hale got the hoofs, and Glancy the hide.
Lehigh Bulletin.
A Valentine's Joke. A New York corres
pondent of the Boston Transcript tells an anec
dote connected with Si. Vulentine's day.
'A talented physician, who was a strong be
liever in phrenology, had been for a long time
endeavoring to make his addresses acceptable
to a fair ludy whom the science taught him had
all the bump$ requisite to make her a most de
sirable partner for life, but the lady would not
acknowledge the 'soft impeachment, and laugh
ed at the swain for believing in humbug. Ho,
poor fellow, was ton much in love to bo wise,
and persisted in his attentions. Ou St. Valen
tine' day, the lady determined to finish the bu
siness, and she sent him an ornamented paper,
containing these lines :
"When I put all the bumps of your thick head to
gether, T think that your brains are as light as a feather;
From the Urge cotton bumps on your best tout 1
I see
Your thoughts are far more on your dress than
on me.
The man who is destined to make me a bride,
Must have more within, sir, and less of outtide."
It seems, however, that the bump of the gen
tleman's sell-complacency was not at all distur
bed by this hint at his self-conceit and vanity,
for he pas wd it off for a joke of some Boston
cousin, and tuld the whole a flair, in confidence,
on St. Vale mine's day, to his fair incogum !"
The Diffebkm-k l wish you would not
smoke segars!" said a plump little black-eyed
girl to her lover.
"Why not I smoke aa well as your chim
ney I"
"Because chimneys don't smoke when they
id in food order."
Country Merchants.
THE Subscriber. Wholesale Merchant, Manu
facturer and Deilt-r in Philadelphia, respect
fully invite tho Country Merchant who are a-l-out
purchasing Spring; nd Summer Sup
plies, tn an examination of their respective Stock
of Ootid.
We believe that our sever-d assortment are
complete hive ever been effete J in Ills city, and
shall be pleased to have I hem Rive us a call,
Importers and Dealers in Silk and Fancy Dry
Caleb Cope St eo. 105 Market St ahov 4th
WARP Remington 93 "
Ashhurat V Remington 80 "
See. Brother St eo 70 "
Yard & Gillnviie 109 "
Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods.
Reynold. MrFadand Si co 105 Market Slreit
Morgan. Hock Si co 67
W BOB Conner B3
Samuel Hood St co. N R cor of Market St ftih St
King, Boyd .V King, 86 North Second St, opposite
the iviiiititiin House
William H Brown & co SO North Fourth st
Julian. Mnson V eo 150 Market at
Eckel. Spanghr St Itatgurl, 129 North 8 J at above
Smith, Howell St Harr 3.1 North Second t
Barclay Lippincolt. 166 Market at, one door he
low Fifth, sooth aide
Ludwig, Kn-erller St co, 112 North Third, 8 W
corner of at
Haas St Hollinirsworth, IS North Sccon.l st and 2
Church A I v
Jimes J B well St co nO Market st
Frederick, Dewalt St co 63 North 3d at
Importers and Dialers in Hosiery, Gloves, Trim
mings and fancy Goods
E S Bil'nelt, 3 4th st. ea-t aide below Market
JAJP8 Reiner, 48 N 2d st, 4 doora below Arch at
Cluths, Cattimeres, Veilings. Tailors' Trim,
mings, Ac.
DcOouraey, I,,if nrcado co. 77 Market st.
William II l.ovo 147 "
J God ley Spry St co. 84 "
Hardware and Cufleru.
Edward S Handy (V co. 98 M ukel st shove 3d
Yardley, Sower St co.
177J "
lt "
IS7 "
195 "
s'wive 3d
be low 2.1
John S Finhi it St co.
Hen R Reeve St Co.
Wra T Howell & co.
Deacon St Peterson
Martin Dtichh r St Bro.
Michiel V Bak.r
below nth
4 North Third st
Maalin St Pepper
Fauat & Winchienner
Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage Trimmings.
John M Fotd 32 North Third st
II St G Fricke 14 "
Goff St Peterson 12 North Fouith st
Wm Ford 7 "
Suddiery, Saddlery Hardware, Harness, Trunk;
Ac c.
Edward P Mover 38 also 252 Market st.
Publishers, Booksellers und Stationers.
Giigg St Elhoit 9 North Fourth st
Hogan Si Thompson 80 "
Hides, Oil and Leather Dealers.
William Musser St co 2fi3 Maiket t
II M Ciawford 204 Norlh Third at
Boon, Shoes, Bvnnets, Caps, Leghorn Palm Hals
W E & J G Whelan, Wi8 Market st
Levick, Jenkins St co ISO "
China, Earthen Ware and Glass.
Alexander Rend 2(15 Market at
Peter Wrieht & Sons 25! "
Wright St Wharton 29 North ThirJ st
Benedict, P oney St Son 125 "
William P Hacker 62 North 2d st. above Arch
Manufacturers and Dealers in Drugs, Medicines,
I'uiiits, Oils, iVr.
Thomtia P Jam.s 212 Market at
Thompson. Pancoast & Co 40 " below 2 J
Caleb Cics.n 6 Noiih Third t
Manufacturers of Se ives, hiidilles. Screens, und
Wtretovrk in general,
Joseph A Nceiilea St eo. 64 North Fiont st
Combs, Brushes, Buttons, SpoiJ Cotton, Trim
mings, Fancy Uooils, dc. A;c
Oliver Martin V4 North Fourth st
S. M. U y 10
Manufacturers and Importers of MH lary Goads
Fringes, Curds, Tassels, Curriuge Imcc, S,c.
William II Horstmann St Sons, 51 Nonh Third si
Manufacturers of Umhllas, 1'arusols und San
Sleeper. Brothers 126 Market t
Wright Sl Rr.nheis 1U5 "
William A Drown fat;
Manufacturers if Hats, Cups, Wool Huts, &,e
Henderson & Levick 144 Market st
S St O C Nichols 144 "
Manufacturers of Patent Flour and Furniture
Oil Chilhs, and Elastic Carriage Curtains.
Potter St Carmichael 686 North Thin! t
Isaac alacauley, Jr. 6 North Fifh at
Manufacturers of Ladies' and Gentlemen's C heart
n tli n i. - -
4 ruvcutajr i rutins.
A L Hirker St co 150 Corsi.ul st
Georg B Bain 8 and 25 No.Ui Founh st
Importers of Toys, Fancy and Stap'e Goods, Bru
shes una I'erjumery
A F Oit Monrose 16 K Kouitli Mow Ma kel
Louis C Bauer ichs 170 Ma ke! at
Manufacturer rf Combs, Uruthis, Snaps a id
Thomas Buret), jr (late of Pit'talm g) 183 MatketM
William V Anderson St a 21 North Water st
John Trucks 17 N Filth si. comer of Comm. rce
Waierinsn St Oabourn, N W cor. of 31 4 Arch t
R Patterson &.co 1 82 Market i
Dealer in Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, 4 c
John J Richardson 43 Market st. Mow 3d
Importers of all hinds of Shipping Furs.
Willum G. iase Sl Sons, CO 8 Front lei .w Chrsnut
.IgricuUurnl and Horticultural Jmdeiueids, Gar.
den, Grass and Fh-wer Seeds.
D O Prouty, 194 Market t. Mow titb South side
Looking Classen, Plated and Fancy Hardware,
Combs, Brushes, A,e.
William Si Walter C.ea. n 14 North 4th at
Importer and Deafer in Bolting Cluths.
Jacob Fry 68 North 3d st. (i-uccesorlo Rulers)
Manufuetw trs and Dealers it Straw Goods, Hair
Edgings, 4e.
William M St Jmr E Maull, 30 North 2d at.
Manufacturers of Caps mnd Stocks, and Dealers
in Boots, Shoes and Bonnets.
James T Lcei & co. 124 North Thi.d at
Manufacturer of Pa ent Leather, GLeed Muslin,
Carriage OU Cluths and Caps,
John T Hollowuy 9 JSunh Fif.h sl
Brass Eight Day. 30 Hour and General Clock
Es tablish rn ems,
James 8 Smith 83 North Third st. near Cherry
J mes Uarher 338 Market t. sou'h side above 7th
A E I.ovi II corner of Third and Wood at, sud
corner of Fourth and Market sU.
Print Warehouse, Dtalers in Prints, only.
Morall St co. SOI Market sl. 3d door sbo Ffib.
Philadelphia Feb. I5lb, 1845.
Celebrated Family medicines
WILL not cure every thing, but atill remain
unequalled in their several departments by
every thing ever offered to the publie. who have
voluntary came forward and offered numerous and
highly respectable teetim mial of their superior
1 flicicy .
CantreWs Compound Medicated Syrup of Sar.
saparillat or, Anli-Seorbutic Syrup, for the cure
of Scorfula, Chronic Rheu.n itism. Chronic Swel.
lings of tho Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, snd all
Disees arising from the abuse of Mercury, SfC,
unsurpassed by any thin; in the market, combi.
ning all the virtues resident in the Ssrparilla
with a modern medicament, only lately brought
out by the most respectable medical authorities.
Price, 60 cent per b-ltle.
CnnfreH's Jntr-Dyspcptic Powder, for the re
lief ami permanent cure of thnt nisl distressing
complaint, D.veitepsi 1, in all its forms and stages.
It is ttuly a most valu ible remedy. Sjld in bottles
at 25 and 50 cents each.
Cuntrel'i .Igue. Mixture and Tonic Mcdica
menta, stands at the head of the list unrivalled by
ny, or all the innumerable medicim In n-e
throughout the lenRth snd bread h of the Und, for
the cure of Fkvsh snd Ann in all its stages, and
from all its consequences.
Resident-) in Fever and Ague district should
never be without it.
The suhscriM will forfeit EIFTY DOLLARS
where bis medicine. luiU to per form a cure in the
most obstinate cae.
Hold Who's:.s and Retail by CALEB CUES
SON. at bin Drug Warehouse, No. 6 Norih Third
Street, Philadelphia; Uo, bv the nculirly ap
pointed agent, SEJ'H W. ROBERTS, Wholesale
Druggist, No. 54 Water Street. Mobile.
Prepared only by the Subscriber, corner of CAR
PENTER and SECOND Streets, below Christi
an, Philadelphia, where it ia also retailed.
Observe, none are genuine without tie si ens lure
C anireir Apriie Mixture, or Tonic
For the cure of nil B Hints affections, if taken ac
cording to directions.
It is a never tailing remedy which no fami'y
ought m be without, especially in low murahy
As this medicine Is rut on under the nmnrie-
tor's immediate inspection on the most scientific
principles, Mng Pur. ly Vegetsble, and having
tried its etricaey on thousands, for upwards of 12
yiar. and to hi knowledge when taken strictly ac
cording to directions, there hns not been one fa lore.
I nder such circiim-tancea I recommend it te the
public, adding a certificat) in support of my asser
tion. I. John Burn", do certify thnt I waa in the ship
I'ob.cro Plant of Philadelphia. Cat.l. Reed, in
June, 1S27, bound lo Liverpool; took the fever
and spue and !a'd in Liverpool some t'me under
the doctor's hand, went fioin tbere to Baltimore.
lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks fiom
thence tn Philadelphia ; was sis months under Dr.
("oats; from llienee to New York went lo tt.e
Hospital, remained there about four wieks without
sny relief tried every thing without sny hem fit.
lor five vears. lleiring of Cantrell s Ague Mix
ture from a friend, I went lo bis store, told him
how I whs afflicted, and got a bottle of his mitture
and used it according to directions. It made a per-
led cure, and I have not had the least return since.
I do with confidence recommend it to the public.
ItlrtllraUil Syrup orsurnnparllla.
Philadelphia, April 10th, IS44.
Mr.JoHN A. Cthh.i ,
Dear Sir, Hating Itun sfflic'ed for upward' of
two year with ulceration of the throat, de-troyii g
the whole of the toft p il.ite, then through the upper
part of my mouth into my nose, from which sever-
ul pieces of hone came out, which partially dctroy.
ed my speech, tbrouch a kind Providence and your
Medicate, I Syrup of S iraxpinlt 1, 1 am now tetored
to pei b et hejlib.snd my sight. whch was so much
impair' d, is as rtrong hh w hen a boy.
I thought il a duty I owed to you and those simi
larly utl'ectid, to make it public.
1 uuis, R. spec follv,
Corner of Tenth and CVates Streets.
I, Ga' ril J.insb'ii, No. 6 R. rkliss Street, do cer
lifv tbal my wife, Jjne, was alllic'ed for two years
with b'lieuiniiifiii, and ut U-t was entirely doaMed,
so thai slio was i.Miged to Ih-confined to Im l , bear,
inrf f Csiit'eU's Melitated Syrup of Haiaiparilla,
or Ami fcorbu'ic Syrup, I procured four bottle,
which completely removed all her pains and stifl
ncn from her limbs; bottles made a per
fect cure. Sl e is now able to attend 10 her house
hold ilulb s as usual. GABIIIL JUNSI'ON.
Philadelphia, Jan. 22 I, 1814.
fj rripiive Pamphlets may be had of the
sgenli. (Gratia.) J. W. FRILING.
Sunbury, Nov. 9, 1841. ly .igent.
A S II rt V V IS O V, A
South East rornrr of Market and 4th sis..
"ITfHERE they alwaya keep on hand an exten
J sive i-i 1rt1n. nl of HA TS IS CA PS of every
description, got up in the bel and most approved
tj le. I'eis im denrous of purchasing cuieiior arii
cb a on Ihe most r caw. mi le terms, will fii d it to
il.eir advantage lo call b. fore making t'Uithsse
el-eh re.
Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1844. Iv
L)Oi IaiLaSiia03tj
vi:;i:i'4iti.i: ioiipoi .m,
r thk cms ir
n v spepsi a .
THIS Medicine is offered to the public gener
ally, from a full conviction thnt it is -uperior
to any other medicine now in use, for the cure of
Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility or
Bodily Weakness, cVc.
Its rfTecshsve been tested in a private practice
ofneir ii;ht yens, and it Is now more extensively
circulated, st the s.diciiude of many who have re
reived ihe mitd signal benetil from ihe u-e of it.
The following ia one among a numlier of cc rtifi
calea teceiv.d it, irlation to the success of this me
dicine 1
Lr astsm Co. Manh 18.
Da. ficosna W. Allen,
Dear Sir. U is wuu Kr at p'easure ihst I in
form you of ihe success attendiiig your Dyspeptic
Medicine, white employed in my piatiice. From
paat experience, 1 firmly believe that in eight esses
out of ten, the Dyspeptic, by the use of your medi
cine, rusy 11J himself of this ihorn in the
pathway of life: not only jn dysjplic esses, but
111 all eases of constipation, and diseases
on a dibililared state of in nervous system, toge
ther wnh a torpid slit of the bowels, will your E
liiir be found o( inestimable vslue. Numerous in
stance wherein the usefulness of the medicine hss
been realh-ed, may l foi warded, if required. I
wi.h you great success, and recommend the medi
cine to lbs suffering pari of mankind.
Youis, with great respect,
rj For sale at Ih store of H. B. Master, agent
for the proprietor, Sunbury, Pa,
October aoib, 1844. ly
Business attended to in the Counties of Nor
thuiplerland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia.
liefer (01
I tie has Hamt Sl Co.. "t
Lnwkft St Barroiv.
Hart, Ccmwtnn & IlAttT, Philad.
km soms, MrFAMLARn St Co.
SpRtn, Goon St ;o.,
P. It. ,M Assr.u & C. si. II A IX,
RESPECTFULLY offer to the public their
self-prepare I, well tested and highly effectu
al preparation for the extermination of
Ualsj, mice, Iiyiiiffj nnl Cock
roarlivN. They piomise thoa i,f the public who may be
annoyed by these destructive ermin, complete
riddsnsce. after using this highly effectual prepara
tion for s few day.
Thi preparation possesses the sinr.ulir property,
that without being sctoal poison, it will not only
kill the Rata am! Mieo. but will, in consequence of
Ihe smoke it produces, positively compel those that
do not directly partake of it, precipitately to lesve
the house
CAUTION A t e-e re always persons wil
ling snd ready, at the iutrudiiciion of any viilunhlc
arlicle, to offer imiist 01 a 1 f ihe genuine
production, we warn the public from purchising
this prepsration at any oilier place than at the
store of 11. B. Masse", Sunbuty.
P B. M. St O. M. II.
fX This preparition is sold at 25 cents per
box, and may be bad at the above named ftorc, at
any lime.
Sunbury, Feb. Rih, 1845.
:000 D.y Li Plat Hides first quality.
'.trtOO Dry Li Guira. do
IOOO Dry Salted La Gulra. do
ttOOO Dry Sall.d llr ail Hides, do
5W Bales Green Salted I'atua Kips.
iiO Bab Dry Pa n Kips.
I'iO Barrels Tanneia' Oil.
Tanners' and Curriera' Tools.
For sale lo Country Tanners ut ihe lonrsl prices
nnd upon Ihe lest t rms.
N. B. The highest maiket prices paid for all
kinds of leather.
No. 21, South I bird St. Phil .delphia.
September 14. 1844. ly.
TO MCItllllMS & .til I.I.I Mile's .
No. SO, North Second Strert, ( e the
Madison House, J
WHERE will be f mnd a general as-oit- "
ment of Florence Braids, All errs. Rul-s
lands, Peddles. Willow PUil, Rice Sl'sw, and tbe
much admired Neapolitan Lace, "d Fancy Biin
nets, manufactured by os, and for sale at the lowe-i
manufacture price Merchants snd Milliners are
invited in give tin a Cill upon visiting the City.
OCT" N. B. We have sImi rom-tan ly making our
superior hair snd oil . r edgings, all of which will
be sold cheap, for cash.
Pbiladeh hia, Mnv 25, 1841. ly
MIS Machine hi now l en le-tcd by more
than thirty families in thi neighborhood, and
Ins given entire i-atii-f 11 lion. It is o simple in it
ci instruction, thot tt cai not gel out of rrdr. It
cr, mains no iron toiu-l, nnd i.o,piingsor rollers lo
net out of repiir. Ii will do twice ss much wash
inc. with les.4 than ball tbe wear and tear of an) of
tin lite in veu i. m-, mid whit is of greater in por costs but Utile over half us much ad otbor
wasbing machine.
The uha riber has ihe ecu-ive right for Nor.
tbundierland, I'nion, L Coming, ('olumbia, Lu
r.erne snd Clinton counties. Price i f sire le mi.
bine f 6. H. II. M ASSKR.
Tbe f.dlowirg cetifieate s fiom a few of those
who have lhe-e in -rehire in ue.
Sunbury, Au. 21, IRI t.
We, the subscriber, certify liial we have lunv
in uie, in our families, "Sliueeil's patent Wash
ing M.ichine."and do not hesitate string thnt it is
a most excellent inven'i -n. 'That, in Wa-bing.
rl w ill htve than one h i1! tbe u-u d labor.
That il dix-a not requiie more than one third the
iisosl qnanii:y of sop and water ; snd that there
is no rubbing, and cons queiiily. bttle or no wear,
inn 1 r tearini!. Th ft it knocks i ff no butioua, and
Ibat the finesl clo.hes, such as collars, laces, luck",
frills, Sic, may be wast ed in a very utiorl lime
without tbe injun , ai.d in fact w ith, ut any
apparent wear and tear, hutev, r. We iht ref .r -cheerfully
rvcomiiiend il I our fiends and to the
public, a a Uiost useful and labor savinc m o bine.
Hon. GEO. t:. WEI KER,
11 run's Hotei, (forimrly Tremoi.l H iu-e, No.
116 Cti.tnul stieer,) Philadelphia, Seplemlx r
21st, 1844.
I have used Shugrrt's Pstent Washing Machine
in my hou-e upwards of eight month-, and do not
hesilata lo lay that I deem it one of the mo t use
lul and valuable labor-saving machines ever inven
ted. I formeily kept two women continually oc
cupied in washing, who now do as much in Iwo
daya as they tlien did in one w-etk. 'There is no
wear or tear in washing, and il require not more
than one-third Ihe usual quantity ol coap. 1 Imve
hsd a numlrrr of oihir in .chines in my lam ly, but
tins iasu decidedly superior to every thing else, sud
so II' tin liable lo get out of 11 p or, thai I would in
do without one if they ahould cost ten limes the
price Ibey are arid for. DANIEL HERK.
GLASS. 8 by 10, (rest quality,
Cut Nails, all s ues,
Sail, by the sack snd barrel,
Hals and Caps, of the beat qualify.
All f ir sale at reduced prices, by
Suubury.Ocl. 26, 1844. II. B. MASSER.
1 ()f BAGS Salt,
X JJ mo BsmU Jo., st 1 75 cash, for sale
Sunbury, Oct. 19th. 1844.
'Y WEED ( LO TH, a handsome article, all wool,
light and elastic, for Summer Coats and Paul,
for aale, very low, by
June 16. H. B. MASSER.
Tl ALZORINES, a handsome article for LaditV
Dresses, fur sate cheap, by
June 16. II. D. MAS6ER.
Wni'unATITC Sl'Rl'I.
rpiIE ealunh'e properties of Oakley's Deptira-
S,,u'1 of "sraaparilla, as a purifier of ihe
blow , is so y.P ,nown , pu(,jo gr,nay(
hat it Is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set
ting forth the advsntsge to be derived from it
use ; wherever ihe medicine has once been Intro
duced, U ul,,, precedence over all othera: eveiy
one that ha taken il, have derived so signal bene
final result, from it, that il i. recommended by
them with ihe utmost confidence. Physician of
the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it
to patient under their care ; containing nothing
deli teriou. but being Composed ol Ihe mot mild,
yet efficacious vegetable Is offered with
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rtfier of the blood now known. The use of a few
bottle, especially in Ihe spring months, will be at
tended wiih a most decided improvement in the ge
lieral strength or the system, eradicating any reeds
of diseare lhal may have been generated, besides
giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheum alism, Tetter,
I imples or eruptions of the Skin, White Swelling.
Ftsiula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Str. The nu
mernua certificates in ihe possession of the subscri
ber and his sgents, fiom physician and others, sre
sudicient to convince the most skeptical of in su
periority over all preparations of 8arsaparilla.
S.,1,1 wholesale and retail, by Ihe proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKLEY, Norlh fith street. Itea
ding, Beiks CoBiity, snd lo be bad of the following
pel sons :
In Korthumlierlnnd Count". 11. B. Mas.f,
Sunbury ; Ireland Si Mixel, McEwensville ; D
Krauser. Milton.
In Union County. J. Gearhsrt, Selim groves
A. Gutelm, MifTlinburg.
In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash
Reading, March 14. 184:1.
Mn. ( I believe il tbe tity of every
one lo do whatever in their power I ie, for the Ir ne.
fit of their fellow mao, and having had po-i ive
proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties
of your Dcpurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, I m st
coiiscientiou-ly recommend it lo Ihe afflicted. We
had the mii-fortune to lose Iwu of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous sores thai covered Ih.
face, head and neck, although we had some of tin
most -cientitic physician lo attend thi m and had
tried all the known I e medics, including fwaim's
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
was attacked in Ihe same manner, her face ar.d
neck w completely covered; the discharge Was so
offensive, snd the disease at such a heght. that we
despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects
of your Depuraiive Syiup ol S irsaparill 1, we were
induced lo make trial of il, as the Inst resort ; it
acted like a charm; the u'cers commenced healine
immediately, a ft w bottles entirely restored lo r to
her health, which she bus enjoyed tiniliteriuptedly
ever since. As a purifier of the bio. d,I verily be
line it has not its equal.
Walnut street, near Fouith, Reading.
Dongl issville, April 19th, IRIH.
Ma. OAKiri: My son Edmund Leaf, had the
scrofula in the most drend'ul snd diMies-ing man
ner for lhre years, dining which lime he wis dr.
ptived of tbe use of bis limbs, bi he id and neck
were covered with ulcer We tried all the differ
enl remedii a, but to no effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Noriintown, and alo Dr. Isaac
Hiester, of Reading, to use j our Depuraiive Syiup
of Sarsapsrilta, of which I obtained several bottles,
the use of which d'ove the disease eotirtly out of
his system, Ihe sore healed up, snd tbe child waa
restored to tfect health, which he b enjoyed
tiniliteriuptedly ever since, to the at. nistino ill of
many peisous who seen him du ing his affliction.
I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi
ficate thai ntl era who have a like affliction in ihe
family may know where to obtain .i valuable a
medicine. , Yours truly,
Sept. 16, 1843 ly
rPh pul lie will please observe that no Brnndieth
PiHs are genuine, unless the box has three li
bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom)
esi h containing a fic-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. Bas'iiNim, M. D. These la.
hel aie eiuraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an eipruse of over f 2,000. Therefore
it will lie seen lhal ihe only thing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is lo obsene these
Remember the lop, the side, and tbe bottom.
'The following respective persons are duly aultn ri
zed, and hold
For the sale of lirandrrih's Vegetable 1'nivcrsal
Norlhiimbeibir.d county : Milton Mackcy &
Chamhfilin. Sunbury II. B. M.isser. M'Enens
ville liel.indifc Meixell. Northumberland Win.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. St J. Walla.
Union C.unty: New Berlin Bogar St Win
ter, cluiscrtive George Gundtum. Mi. I. lie
burn !ac Smith. Beavertown David llubler.
Adainsburg Wm. J. May. M illliiisbum Mensch
St Ray. llatlelon Daniel Long. Freeburg
G. A. F. C. Mover. I.ewisburg Walla Si Green.
Columbia county ; Danville E. B. Reynolds
& Co. Berwick Shuman Ac R Henhouse. Ca--tawissa
C. G. Brobts. Blootnsburg Jhn R.
Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington
Robt. McCay. Limestone llallie. sl M.vilicht
Ohseive that each Agent has an Engravid Cer
'ilicate of Agency, containing a representation of
tr URANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which w ill also be seen exact copies of
the ricto label's now used upon the Brandrcth Pill
Philadelphia, office No. 8. North 8th street.
June 24th, 1843.
Nt.s. 29 and 31 North Thit.l Street.
Near the City Motel,
C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re.pectful'y in-
' 4te the attention of persons desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, lo his extensive Sales Rooms,
(both public snd Pi i ate.) for every description of
Household Furniture, whire can le obtained at all
time, a Urge assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Matuasses,
Sic., at very reduced prices, for csah.
(fc- Sales by Auction, twice week.
May SVlh, 1843. ly
W HJal AM J. MAH'flxi
FFICE, in theaecond story of the building oe
cunied by Dr. J. B. Masstr. on Markm
Oct. 81st, 1843.
A Tliresliliirr; Machine for Sulc.
fllHE subscriber offers for ssle a THRESHING
M. MACHINE, new and ia good order. The
Machine bas been tried, and prove to be an excel
lent en Il will be avid at a reduced price. anJ
warranted. Apply to . B. MASSrER.
July 1st, 1843.
rUTANEOlls) mtniilNS.
(H5 The following certificate describes one of the
most extraordinary cures ever effected by any
PtiitanKirnrA, February 10, 18.18.
70R twenty year I was severely afflicted with
A Tttii on the Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I was seventeen years old, and
continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio
lence, but without evor disappearing. During most
of tbe time, part of my face was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing; my head swelled st time until it Ritas if it
would buret the swelling wn so great, that I could
scarcely get my hat on. During the long period
that I was afflicted wiih the disease, I used a great
many plications, (among them severs! celebrated
preparation) as w. II aa taking; inward remedies,
including a number of bottles of Swaim's Panacea,
Extract of Sursapiirilii, Arc, In fact, it would be
impossible lo enumerate all the medicines I used.
I was also under the care of Iwo of the most dis
tinguished physician of this city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In Ihe fall of 18:tfi, the disease st Ihe time
being very violent, I commenced usine the Hose
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan St Davis.) In
a f. w applications the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, the rruption began to disappear,
and before I had used ajar the ill-ease was entirely
cnted. It has now been nearly a year and a half
since, and there is not a vestige of ihe disease re
mainine. except ihe scars from the deep pits formed
by the disease. It ia impossible for me to descril-o
in a certificate Ihe severity of ihe disease and my
suffering, but I will l e pleased to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on me. At the time I commenced
using the Rose Ointment I would have given bun
died of do laia to lie rid of the disense. Since u
sing it, I have recommended it to several persons,
(among them my mother, who had the disease bad
ly on her arm,) who w. rea'l cured by il.
JAMES DCKNELL, No. lftfi. Rare Sl.
(Xj- 'The Rose Ointment U prepared by E. B.
Vautihan. Soirh List corner of 'Third and Race
slie. Is, Philadelphia, and sold on nuciicv in Snnhu-r-y.
M T.yJ4 ih. IP 43 Agent.
Hov Ointment, lor To Iter.
I'm 1 1 sur lphi , May 27Ui, lH.1t.
'"PHM U to certify tbat I was severely atlbcrrd
A with Tetter in the hands nnd feet for upwards
of forty years; the disease was attended gmernlly
wild violent itching and swelling. I applied to 4
number of physicians, and used a great many nppli
ration without effecting a cure. About ayar
since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itehinu. and a few applications immedi
ate lycund the disease, which there has been no
return of, allhonuli I bad never been rid of it at
any lime for forty .tears. RICHARD SAVAGE,
Elivenlh. beb.w Spruce Street.
The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vautlinn, S nub KHsl corner of 'Third atid Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Stinbu
ry Ly H. U. MANSER,
My 14lh. 1843. Age-t.
OJth ROSi: OINTMENT, far T-tter.
A LTHOl'GH the superiority of the prcpiua't.-n
oter all otln rs is fully established, ihe proprie
tor take pb s.-ure in laying before the public the
following rertificaie from a respectable physician,
a graduate of the diversity of Pennsylvania. Dr.
Ranch, having found in ihi. remedy that relief for
a tedious and disagreeable affection which the mean
within the range of bis profession failed to afford,
has not hesitated logive it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that profession aie
1 pposed to secret Remedies.
I'hihhhhui , Sept. 19,181(1.
I was recently Irouhiid with a tedious herpetic
eruption, which covered nearly one side of my fice,
snd extended over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, proprie
lot of Ihe Rose Ointment, nbseiving my face, insis
ted on my trying his preparation, id which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem
bets ol my profession, I discountenance und disap
prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed upon the
public by itinoiatil pn tenders, 1 feel injustice bound
loexcipl the Roee O111I111111I from thai c'a-sof me
dictiies. and lo give it rrv approbation, as it entire
ly mred the eruption, ahhonnh it had resisted the
usad applications. DAM. H Al (ill, M. D.
dj I he Rose Ointment is prepared by E. 15.
Vauiihun, touth East corner of Third and Race
Streets. Philadelphia, and sold on aguicv in Sun
bury. by ). tj. masse u.
May 1 1th, 1843. Agent.
Hover's Ink.
Mitiuilacliitir of Wril inr nnd Indulli
ble Ink, No. KKi North Third Street, six
disirn below Rtice, (east fide,)
pEsPECTFU.I.Y int. rms cnunirv merchants
k nnd others, thai be con-tantly keeps on hand
a large sl.n lt of his superier Black, lllue slid Red
Ink. and also a superior quality of Iml. llil le Ink.
IL ink is put up in bellies varying in size, from
I to 32 ounces, and will be aold on reasonable
lernis, 'The ex.ebei t qualities of this ink has so
thoroughly cstshli-hcd Its character, that il is now
extensively used throughout the country.
For sale at the store of H. U. Mssser, Sun-
bory,la. May S7lh, 1843. ly
chaw 1 . i: svTi 1 1: ( sYxs ,
SUN BIT 11 V. PA. 7
AS taken Ihe office lonneily occupi.d by Ihe
Hon. I hsiles G. Donn. I. oi nosite the Court
House. lie will aitend lo bilaineu in ihe orl
of Northumbriland, I'nion ami t'oluuibia couiities.
May 2llh. 1843.
la a s ifMLys
(tie nr rut .Slugt,
IViiiis) it aula.
FIHE Subscriber respectfully inloims hi friend
X and tbe public in general, that be hss taken
Ihe above
IN T II E B O R l) 1; G 11 0 F M I) N C Y,
and that he is now well prepare) to accommodate
all who may favor him with their custom.
Hia Nuiieisu ArsKTattaTa we well aired, and
His Tsaii aan Bin will always be supplied
with the best Ihe maiket can afford.
Hia Stabliko, which is guid. will V under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He feels confident, by strict attention to business,
nd an earnest desire to render comfortable those
who may patronise him, that be will nnl fail togiv
general satisfaction. H. B. WEAVER.
Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1848. if.