MkLAISCHOLY SlIICIDt IN N. Yoa The N. Y. Mirror, in speaking or a suicide committed in that city, aaya : "We published last evening (18th inst.) an account of the death of the young Spaniard, who threw himself from the roof of his boarding house in Barclay street, but we were not then aware that it was any one whom we had ever seen. We have since identified him with a person we had often seen of late a young, but singular stylish and high-bred looking for eigner and a gentleman who knew liim has given is some particulars of his history. His name ras Aldama, and he was the son of tlie wealthiest man in the Havana, commonly known by the name of the "golden ox." The father had been for some time endeavoring to bring a boiit a marriage of the young man to one lady, while he was devotedly attached to another, and the voyage to this country was a compulsory se paration by paternal authority. Young Aldama was of an unhappily sensitive nature, and excitable to frenzy with what would scarcely move ordinary men. The day before the commission of this act, he had received very harsh letters by a new arrival from the Havana, and, left alone in his lodgings, his reason gave way. In the first moments of his delirium he at tempted to cut his throat with a roznr, and an hour or two afterwards, he rushed to the top of the house, stood for a moment or two gesticulat ing on the edge of the gutter, and then with his bands pointed above his head like a diver, he plunged headlong to the sidewalk. His death will occasion nnsiirpassrd affliction to his rela tives, and it has struck aghast the circle of ynung diplomats and foreigners, in which he passed his time. He was a great favorite. SisHor's. Fund. The New York True Sun says, the Trustees of the fund, the interest of v hich is devoteikto the support of the Bishop of thut Diocese, Imve had several meetings in rela tion to the payment of the last quarter's salary to the suspended prelate. A formal protest has been presented against the payment by one of the Trustees. The rhila. Inquirer says it is rumored that preparations are in proercss to get up another presentment against Bishop Onderdonk, in New York, and to try him on a number of fresh charg es. In the city of New York, says the Tribune, at this very hour, there arc some forty Faro and Roulette establishments regularly visited by professed G ambit rs, of whom there are at least twmy five hundred here, and by their dupes, men of the best families, and who might have been of the b 'st characters, if public attention had b.;en drawn to the extent of this vice, and the means for its reform. Cost of Intrmtkbance. The report of the Secretary of State of New York has shown that out of the $-500,000 spent annually in Now York for the support of the poor, one half of this enor mous tax can be traced to intemperence. Crawford is to cause a statue of Washington to be erected near the Capitol, and Powers is to make busts ot all the Presidents. The Fool Chief head war chief of the Kansas nation was klled a few days since, in a drunken brawl, by one of his own tribe. This name of "Fool" was given him on account of his rash, adventurous courage. Tin Gallows. The Clergyman in Ptovi Oence, K. I , are all preaching about hanging some being in favor and some against the pun ishment. Seasoxablk Anna. "Tuko time by the fore lock," says the adage. Take medicine at the pro per time, sy we. It in a mailer of less difficulty to ascertain the pruer time In sctk relief from me ilicinp, dun it is to ili-cuver the proper medicine which i to almiuirecr comfort t.i the afflict d pa tient. Brando th's Vegetable Uuiversal Pills, which have ehtaincd a celitnily in ihe "Annals of Phy.ic," unequalled in ancient and Modern times, liave performed such astonishing eurce, thnt thou vands of people, in jiialice to Dr. Bran.lri-th, have puldtccy recorded ihoir opinions of their wo.,dctful trad exifa.iVilinary licalih-rwtsiing qualities. (p tirrcb.Ase of H. B Maesvr, Sunhury, or of tfce irwt, rniMii-hcd in another part of this paper. jt .1 n n i e it. On the 20th nit., by the Rev. R. A.Fisher, Mr. John Haas of Augusta township, to Miss Masy AKNOi.n of Point township. On the 20th wit , by the Rev. J. P. Shindel, Mr. Solomon Sciiwcnk to Miss Marv Dkiulkk, both of Sliamokin. ""'i"i" c n", On Saturday last, at her residence, about one mile from this borough, Mrs. DEBORAH M. GRANT, aged hi years. On Thursday evening last, near this Borough, MtwJANK BRADY. a twin sister of Gen. Hugh Brady, ol the LT. S. Army, aged about 75 years. VIUCV, CUKUUXT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthnmer, WrntiT, 85 60 40 25 o lUi 12 a to CO 150 8 10 Kis. Cim, k Oats, Toac, FlitSEIS, liOTTXa, teas, BlKSWlT, Tallow, Dsitn ArrLra, Do. Pi ac mis, Flax, Ftst, IS brreby given that I hv purchased, at consta Ms'a asle, aa the property of Daniel Snyder, of Toint township, the following property, vit! Or,e Grey Cull, 2 Brown Cows, I Brindle Cow, 1 Sled and B..X, Plows, I Windmill, t Culling Bos, all of which I hsve left in Ihe po session of said ainvdar during my pleasure, of which Ihe pub lie will lake notice. WM. II. WAPLES. March 1st, 1845. 3t. Notice Instate of Col. John Jones dee'd. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Col John jMav. Jonas, dee'd., late of 8hamokin township, Notihumberland county, are hereby notified to make payment lo Wm. II. Muench, (one of the administrators of said dee'd,) between this date and the 1st of April next, without fail ; and those having claims against said cstste will piesent them duly authenticated fr settlement. After Ihe 1st of April all the unsettled acceunts will be placed in the hands of proper officers for collection, with out respect to persons. WM. II MUENCH, ELISHA KLIN 12. Sliamokin tp, March 1, 1845. 31 Adm'rs. Estate of John Iluclier, dee'd. TW'OTICE is herehv given to the heirs and legal I 'I representatives of John llucher, lata of the Rotnugh of Sunhury, Northumberland e unty, dee'd., that by virtue of a Writ of Partition or va luation issued out of the Orphans' Court of saiil county, to me directed, an Inquest will he hehl st the hie residence of eiid deceased, (in the Borough cf Sunhury, on Thursday , the 37th day of March, nt 10 o'clock, A. M , for the purpose of making partition of, or to value and appraise the red estate of said deceased, at which time and place you may attend if you think proper. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. Blur fT'a Office, ? Sunhury, March I, 1845 J 6t Iara:jr3a7,3i:d2 3313 fS her by Riven, that I purchased at constable's sale, on ihe 21st of February last. 2 It.iv Mares. 13 head heep, 2 Calves, t Red HeitTer. I Spotted Cow. 1 Plow, 8 hogs, 8 sells Harness, the undivi. iled h ilfnf 14 sen s of live in the (round one half of 13 acres of Wheat in the crntind, 1 ions f hay. I two hor-e Wagon. 1 eght day Bies Cock, fi Split Chairs, I lot Carpeting, 1 Spinning Wheel and 1 Harratv, sold as the property of I) .ni-l Soy. der of Point tnwnsh'p, which I have loaned to said Snyder during my pleasore. WILLIAM CALDWELL. March l-l. 1845. 3t LIST OF CAUSES. 17 OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumhcrland Co m'y, at April Tom, 1815, commencing the first Monday, heing the ?tli. J ico'i Painter vs E Green ugh Seilzinger, alienee of Garver vs J. din Garver et al Stephen Detr George Lawrence Frynitre for Evert vs J P Hackenberg SamM Swinehs t A wife vs Peter Feistcr Apple'on, endorsee of Edwards A Verree vs Wm Donaldson Dimmig for Camp Benjamin Robins Prentice fir Welch Stephen Derr R P Shannon D.iniel Broslus .lor-eph Mi mail vs J icoh Wortley vs Ahr.iham Lawrence s Joseph KelTer vs Hvnry Steinmetx vs Dennis Waters vs J .hn A Shinier v Shamnkin C al Iron Co vs John C Yonna U R Gearhart Il.ii.icl Mover cV Wife s Daniel Frvinire Claire Genevieve D.isqno s D.iniel Duiiklt herger Snme vs Same Welsh, P.-mp vV Friik George Oyster William Furrow a Abraham Klaze Ch.irles A Tnwar vs Genrce Eckert Liithl ct Hnffmnn vs .1 cV. P Momague J&JK Tn g. vs Wm M'Clecry ct al Hnyes, Klliol, I.)on & G.h vs Miller & Frymire George Lcibrich Henry Maser Henry Hitchman Gcorue Eckert Mi ch.ll for Ralier John &. Housvv.irlh Burns ii Ei-m Iv Elizateih Weiizel (itfOige Eckert D.vid M'Knight D S Spare Henry M ser Jacob Seas G .liiii & Billiorjton T A Billington l.'.iac Reitx lrin & Cnmer . Wm D Stoutrer J uni on Harv.y (eo Oyter and wife Henry S ir;.h im G110 A Croncr vs Henry Masser, Esq. vs Henry Folk vs G.'orpe Ku'x v George W Towar vs Ja.ed Iiwine vs George ILckcit cl al vs S.i me vs D Levy's ex'ra vs George W Towar vs R Richardson rt al v Henry St. tiler vs Wm M't'ar y et al vs R W A James Dunn is Gccirge H' tk. rt ei al vs v G.essing'-r vs Dati.l Wstsn vs Ha .s A" (!o-s vs John Shriner 1 s Amo ReeJ vs Joseph Bod v D.vid C U'uli'lt Levi llodart's u-sipnee vs Alhi (' B.irrel Anthony Watson et ul vs John M Housel ('hr'toit & Farnum vs J cV W F Waggunsellcr William Dcha.t Tlios Vaua!x.'ll Je-se Hensvl ll n-v Funk lloht D For.lsman Roht S Grant et ul vs J lines Shesrer s Margaret Lvon Ac vs Daniel Si 'A nlman vs Henry Nu iometx cV wife vs Benjimiii For.l.iusu vs William Reed SXMUEL D. JORDW. Proihonotar a office, 3 Sunhury, March 1. 1845. S VrMy. Boot & Shoe TMAKING. THE subscriber. Lt of ihe firm of B ck A Bro sius, would re-pectfully inform his old custom ers snd Ihe public generally, that he has t ken ihe shop f.rmerly nccapied by Haas A D' in keini'ler as a hMter slir. one door eat of Weal's store, in Market treet, Snnl.U'y. where he intends lu carry on his former busiuera of HOOT & S1IOU MAKIXCs, in nil i's vath u- branches. He wi I lie p epire.l 10 do all kinds of work in his line al the sh n. t re tire, snd in ihe most In manner. He is thai k ful for former p.ilinn.ig-, and by strict attet.d inc ti hu ines and reasonable rburges, will cnJeavor tj ile etve a continuance 1 f it JOSEPH BIH'K. Sunbiiry, Feb. 22', 1815, fim flHE suhscrilra have receive), and ar nuw X ope.-ing a splendid aortmcnt of Ihe following good- Hainny, Wilton and Velvet Carpetings Biussela and Imperi il 3 ply do P', J. Extrs suMidne and fine IngT.ina do ' Jijj'p. Engliah shaded A Dsma-k Venetian i j 1 ING. Ameircin twdlid and Kg'd do J Engtt.h DrXtggeils and Wo'Mri floor CUlhs Stair and Passage Bock'ns, Emboase.1 Piano '.& ", tUt Covers London Cheui'in and Tufted Rugs Door MsVm ot eveiy description. ALSO A large and extensive rssprlment of Floor Oil Cloths, Irom one to eight yards wide, cut lo fit eve ry description of rooms or psssagee. Also, low priced Ingrsin Cstpetirigs ftnm 3) to 62 j cents per yard, together wilh a large and exten sive assortment of goods u.ually kept by CJtpei merchants. The sbove goods will be soVl wholesale or retail st the lowest market prices. Country merchants sad others are particularly invited to call and exs miaa our slock before a.sking then selections. CLARKSON. RICH A MULLIUXN, Successors to Joseph Blackwood, No. 1 1 1 Chenui, C irner of Franklin Place. Philadelphia, Feb. 32d, 1846. WIST A It'S 11 1IA9I OF WILD CHERRY, A Ctrannnnil nalaamla Prepare 1 1 on Avis Wild Cherry Uark and Tar, Vie but remedy known to the world far the eitre of cong'Ait, eoldn. asthma, ermip, bleeding of the lung, whooping eough,brnttehitil, iitf enxit, nhnrlnen of breath, pain and xoeakne in the breast or side, liver comilaint, and the first tinges of CONSUMPTION. We will not assert that this BALSAM will core Oonsump'ion In 1st worst form, but it has cured many after all other means of relief had heen tried in vain. And why not 1 It seems that Ihe WILD CHERRY ws destined by Nntuie to be our PA NACEA for ihe ravacina diseases of this c ld la titude. Let not the despairing invslid waste his money and loose TIME, lo him si all important, in rxfierimentiiig with the Ireshy nostrums of Ihe d.iy. hut use nt once a medicine that will cure. If a cure he p.'S-uhle a medicine thnt science approves, and manv years of experience hive demonstrated thai it always relieves. " There is no such thing as fail," in the history of this wonderful BALSAM. Evidence the most convincing evedence that no one ean doubt, fully eslahli-hes this fact. For the sake of bnvity we ae'ect the f.d'owing from thousands. Isaac Pla't, Esq., Editor of the Pokeepsie Eae.le. one of the m st influential journals in the s'a'e of New Yoik, ststra undei the authority of his own name, thtt a young lady, a rclitive of his, of verv delicate consti'ulion, was attacked in Feh. 1842, with scere cold, which immediately produced spil ling of lilood. cough, fcer, and other ilnncerous and alarming symptoms. Through medical Meatmen' and cate she partially rec -vernl during summer. But on the return of winter she was attacked more violently than at fi'st, she became scirrrly ahle to walk and was tmuhled with couch, chills and fever every ilay, and appeaieil to he eoing rapiilly wi'h consiimp ion ; at this lime, when there u as n sign of improvement, Mr. Platl procured a ho'llo f WisTAn'a Balaam n Wir.n Cmaav. which she look, and it seemingly restored her. Khe g t a se cond, and before il half taken she was restored lo prrffft htnlth, which she has enjoyed to the pic sent lime, without the slighter! symptom of her for tner disc. -se. Mr. P atl savs "the cure e me under my own nh setvation and I cannot be mist cken as lo the facts." EXTRACT OF A LETTEl! FROM A POST MASTER, DATED Pr.Maaoaa, Wnshing'on Co., Maine, Apr. 29. 1844. MR. ISA .C BUTTS. Deir Sirs At the re quest of msny of my frieruls in this pi ice and vici nity who are sfflicted with consu option and liver eomp'aims, I lake the lihery of asking you lo ap point some one in this county aa agent 10 se'l Wis ta a'a Balsam o? Wnn Cusaar, and to send hi n a few doxen. aa there is none of it fir sale within 200 miles from this I hsve no doubt thai it would meet with a rea.ty sale if il were w here it enn'd le pioenred without loo much expense and ilelav. Mv wife was attacked about six m nths since wilh what the physicians calleil the first s age of ; consumption a complaint v, ry prevalent in this j S' citon of country. Having acen the u.tissm ail- , vert scd in Augusta. C3 200 ZlXH.ES rHOM XIBRB, -3 ! I took the pains to send there for a hot lie of it, which she look, and v hich helped her so much that I sent for two lities more, whiih he tus a'si ta ken, and rhe now svs she has not felt so well Tor six years as she does at this lime. All those who have inquired of me and oa 'clained what elTeet the Balsam had, are anxious to h .ve some for sale in this vic'ttitv. which is the catt-e of my writing you. Please inform me by retu n whether) on conclude to send some, and if so t-. whom, in that it may he known wheie il csn be had. I am with re-peel v.urs, etc. P. G. FARNSWORTH, P. M. The whole country is fist lean ing that no medi cine no phvsician no preparation of any kind whatever ran rqnal Da. WisTAa's Balsam or Wild Cmiubt. a Tni'isY woxnEnrrij erne. WsTsaviLia, Oneida co..N. Y. Sept. 15, 1813. Dear Sir I owe it to the a filleted to inform y u that in J.muary li-l I was alia, ked by a very vio lent cold, raus. d by wmkiig in the water, whiih settled on my lungs. It was accompini.-il bv a e rv a. ve.e pain in my breast and sides, ami als a .lis ies-'ng c ugh. I in ailendance a l ihe I est nie.'ic .l aid in our vill ige ; but afier exhausiing all their kil 'o no avail, ihey pronounced my .li-eae a c.irtRMKti rovsi'MPTtoM, an I ih.y one and ali gave me up to die. After much prtsu .sion I got iho consent of my physician to use the BaLSim ot Wilh Caiaav pn pared by Da Wisraa. I pur. ehii-c.l of the Agent in our pl ice one b.nle. Wforw using bs'f of wbirh I began to gtin strength, and it whs very evident my cough was much bettor and my symptoms in every wsy improving, t hive n.w used three bottles, and am restored to perfect health. This remit is abne owing in the n of UR WISTAR'S BALSAM Of WILD CHER RY and I take this method of g;'ng y u the in formation, parity to pay you the debt of gm tude I owe yu. and p irlly that others si i.ilarly afllicte.l max knw where to apply for te'ief. Very trulv youis, JAMES SAGE. Ma. I'aLMta. D'Uggirt,unJri djle of Watttville, Sept. 24lh, 1843, w rues 1 The stst.-ment Rivrn you by Mr. Jimea Sags is well known In be Hue by this whole cnmmumlv. It c rt.itily wsa a most rema.ka1 le cure. The sale of the Pal-am is very good, anj its sueccs in cures tru y fl altering. Youis resHrtfulv. D. D. PALMER. TIIK IOST CL'KK KVKR ia:coiii)',. II tntiosriri n. N.J. Ap';." 'o, 1841. On or about the 13th i'y of Oc 'rit t4 I, taken will) a violent pain in lb kJ rr.,r lne liver, which roniinued lor almif. ve itava, and waa f.l lowed by the bre.k tie , .Cl fi or jn. wardly, wrnc 1 rel'. vc.l th piii a li'He, but catiitd mo in inruw 4 great q.i tnmy ot ottensive oiatrpr and al.o blood. Bi ing grea'ly alairnr'il A this, I ii-, plied to a physician, but he Said be th.'Ug t 1'" CuU do hut li'lle for me ereept give me aome Alerrury Pills, ah ch I refused to lake, feeling e'islied thai they could do me no good s many o ther remedies were then T.cure.l by my wife and friends, hut none did nro any good and the ilia, chsrge of blood and coirtopiion still ctiLnUeil eV.Vv few days, and at Iskt Income so offensive I Cou'd scarcely breathe. I w is also srixed with a vi. olent rough, which at limes cauud me lo raise much nioieblooil than 1 had done before and my disrsse continued "in this wsy, stilt growing, until February, when alt hope of my recovery was given up, and my fi'iends all thought I would die ofaGALLoriaa Const urn... Al this moment, when my life drawing near Us cloe, I beard of DR. WIS PAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHELRY, and got a bolile which ai tuvi u mk 1 m m im atilt ; and by the ue of only three b"ttb's f thi mrd'cine-, all my pains were removed my cough and spiling of blood and cor ruption enluely atnpped, and in a few weeka my health was so far restoied as to enable me to wo k at my trade, (which is a c.irnl, r,) and up to this tune I bava enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. Gr-ocrstTia Cottarr, N. J , aa. Prrsinelly cams btfors me, the tubrcrtlsr, one ef . .jhj m the Justices of the Peace in and for the said coun. ly. Thorn ss Cotens, and heing duly affirmed acs cording 10 law, saiih the above statement i in all things true. Affirmed before me, on the 20th of April. 1843. J. CltT. J. P. $ Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL SAM. "SATIRE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTIOV a prescription congenid 10 our wsnts, aa ilia pie pared from chemical extracts from substances which the author of nature hss placed in our own l-ind for wise purposes, that manv vtho know no'liing of Ihemoilenf its prepsmion sre endeavoring to reap pecuniary benrfl'a by selling an article aimilir in name, or in apiiear -nee, or hv representing iheir own trash as suiicrior lo this BAI.S M. or bv put ting up a mixtuie and a demnly asseverating thai it is imported fr irn a foreign country, which i not the case. All these deceptive srta goto show Ihil WisTAa's Kalsasi is known to Ihe world lo he -THE Gil EAT IlEMEDY" and that to sell any mixture it must he this 11 name, sr pur' port to he like it in substance. Qcy Believe not the cunningly wrought fahrica. lions and lake only the original and genuine WisTAa's Balsam nr Wn.n CniiaaT. NO OTHER CAN BE X.IKB XT. Address all enters to ISAAC BUMS, No. 32 Ann St. New York. Agents, JOHN W. FRtLINO. Sunhurt, D. BRUjriOAM. Northumberland, J. K. MOYER. RUmmihwg, J. WAGGON SELLER, tirlins-O'rwr, BROWN cV CREASY, Mfltinvilte. Frh. 22d. 1815 ly ICtilc of Court. Peter Shi ley's adm'rs. vs. WilliamWefircr. TN the Court of Common Pleas f Noilhum' er-- Innd counlv. January 14ih, 1815. on motion of A. Jordan, Eai , ti e coml crnnt a r.ilenn II e j 'l'g nienl and lien c o'a of W I iam Welker, to ap peir on the first ilny of April term nex and liow cnise why the tn -n-v in colt t shonl.' nol lie applie.l to the jiidginint in f..vor of Peiir Shihy's silm's. SAMUEL D. JOKD'N. Prothonotiry' OfTie-. 3 l'roli'y Rnntuiry. Feli.22, 1815 S 4t .I;iroI Milvo'si Cxtate. TOTII'E is hcreliv Rivitt that lel'era of ad- l.iinistrntioo have heen grantid lo the su' senhers, on the esls'C of J ic.Vi Shtve. dee'd., late of Augusta lowi ship, Northumhe laud rniimv. All I ersnns having t'emanils against sid t elate are re quested to present them for exxmirnition and eitlf menl, and all persona indchted aro retfurrted lo make immediate payment. sm;el smive, john shive. Feh. 22.1. :845. 61 Adm'rs. Dlisoliitlon of Purl iM'rslilp, riHE Co-parltier-hi,' heretofore existing between X ihe sul'scribers. in the borough of Sunhury, in the Boot and Shoe nuking bus n. ra. was d ss.Jvtd on the 1 5 1 Ii inst. All (ersnns knowing ihemsflv.s indehtcil lo the fi in, and all iho-e h iving c' .ims against lh ,ame, are rrqii-e Weisrt, E-q. for settlement, are rrqit'a'e.l to call no George in whose hanoa Ihe b.Hiks titid accounts hvve been pi .ceil for ill it pur pose. JOSEPH BECK. El. IAS BROIL'S. Sunt.urv. Feb. 22.1. 1 8 15 3t UMnUULLAS rAUASOLS, cheap ron casxz. J. v. svAiira tTmbrclla and Tarastil Manul'ar.tory. Kb. 37 KoHh Thitd strret, two doors below the CITY HOTEL. Phlludclphla, A LWAYS on hs..d. a large stock of I'M- BRELLAS and PAKASULS, inclu ing tho lalr.t new sile of linked E.lged 1'ara-ola of Ihe tt woikmunship and materials, at prices that will make t. an uljecl to Country Meirhani. and i.tlu r lo Call and rxaitiine his atotk U-fore purchasing elsewhere. Feb. 24. 1845. LIST OP JURORS OF Norihiimherland County, f . r .p il Tutu, A. D. tH45. (rami Juror. Turbut, John M'Corinok, David L. Ireland. Lewis Wm. Stilt. I. i 'tinware. Jscob Urnwn. Jlitton. Jes,c Derii. k-on, J. .hit GoodUnder, llenty Mlru e. ChWirowtaw Jacob Brown. I'wnt. tn. le ghou. ,4ii-urrT. Jes-e Ua-tiin. Henry Bioom. Shomukin. Samuel Gi'ger. Ruth. Weaver. L'pper Nahtm'i. William Shadle. Lower Mahnniiy Daniel IZetlie, jr., Nicholas Bro-ius, Cl.a.le Brnaius. Jueksnn. Jeremish Long-doif. Eli s Eister, Michael Cna-ingei, Jacob ?eiler, Adam Campbell, Wm. Grub, John Wert. Tr.ivers Juror". Delanitre. Jacob Moaleller, Frnklio H. Car ver. Millon. Jaeph Rhoa 1, Wm. Hinan. Vhillisquaque.ij ,,' G jle. Knrthumtierland. Joseph Vandyke, David" Dnd,:e. Point. I.on.rt 1 II nel. Sitnbu v. l'hnles Hdeman, John P. Purs I. Gideo'i V.aikrl, (ieotge tturliei, J hn An o'd. 4imiI J.i-rph Wltti.'l, J.icih Sejsbnl'g. f.-.nuel KitfTr, J .tin Ziuimerm in, Wilham Fu' nan, Jiieob ( ss, snr., A.lsm Nei lie, Jose ph Ss vnlge, J.ic.'.h R.'tiu, llenjumin K't'chhaam, Kohcit ('ampl ell. jr , Dsnii I Oourxil, s 111 of J. hn Sliamokin Joseph Hkiht, Rol cm F ims Wot h. stir.. Abrtthsm Uiud),Mo'c Kitcui JainVs (i ss, Isaiah .Morg in. li'uh. (.'.'oTje lufcl.ler. John Oberd.of Caul Dsv'nl Vltomiw.'n. J s-i'h Hud. pper Mahi'iiuy David Clark, Sjmuel Hisri, J tJeoige I ui, J a ion iie.s. Lower Mnnniiry Jvroh Lei Re'. S lomon ileckeil, John Kielil, Jac. b Ktepp, Will. tJilulV r, John I.ei.ker. Little Muhoiny Jsfo'b MVIer. Jacksun - Sainu'cl Malirh, Jacob Seiler, knr. rlit Jurors. f,rrt,i. D.ivi.1 Mover, Pamu. I lrrh, Michael Wagt er, John Twee h Delaware. James, Peler Kb ckuer, Phil ip 1'rea.ler. Pulnn.l hn Murrsy, Y. W. Pollock, Simon Rsnd Iph. Chillisquaque Dsnfel P. Usui, Pamtiel Beik heimer, Ne il Caul. Point J amce Shriner. Aunoflrt Wm. Marti, llerry Weia, Walter Bell. Augunta. Joshua Folk, Georg' Hile, Cah-b Ely: Slsrk fl.uthi, Thomas Metidinhall. Shamotcin D ini'el H as, jr. Ji'urJl. Abiaham Hoffinsn. Coal. Joseph Spyder, Pembetton Bftd, Wm. Fejely, George Arnt.lrong. jr. Upper Mtihonoy. DtuM Moyer, John Malich, Davnl Uei 1. iAiwet Mahonoy. Daniel Rothermel, Peter Bo tel. Jjckmn. Mihse B hb, David eTthwsrlr. John Clark, y. .jf "I jl asM SHERIFF'S Y virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo naa issned nut of the Court of Common I'less of Northumberland County to me directed, will be exposed In sale, at the Court House in lh Borough of tSu'ibnry, on Mondsy the 7th day i.f Aptil nexl, al 1 o'clock, P. M., the follow inn ile-crihcd property to wit: A certain tract of land situate In Coal township, Norihotnh county, surveyed on a warrant granted In Michael Kroll. containing 250 acres more or 'e-s. adjoining lands surveyed in the names. Frederi k Carncr, Matthias ZimmeTnan, Bernard Hubb y em others; about 8 acres of which are cleared. ALSO The equal undivided ibtee-fonrlh parts, (the whole into four iqual parts to be divided,) of three certain ront gunus tracts of land, situate in Coal township aforesaid 1 one thereof surveyed on wsrrant grsnie.l to John IN.chol.a Unley ; one o iher thereof surveyed on a warrant to Petet Haass man, and the niher thereof aurveyed on a warrant granted to I'rter Msnrer, a 'joining lands surveyed in the names of B irnard Hubley, John Cowdcn, Benjamin F. Young and others, containing in Ihe whole 542 acres more or less, about 51 seres of which are rleaied ; whereon ate erected a 1 atory l..g house, a l.iii barn, an or, haul, Ac, now in Ihe occup iney of Michael Kera'ctter. AI.MO The eqml undivided one-fourth part, (the whole into four e.ptal pans to be divided,) of a certain tract or piece of land, situate in C. al town sli p alorc-nul, containing 2tl0 acres nr there , ImiuIs, (being 1 an of a I rger trad surveyed in the name of Daniel Rees, called "Springfield.") about 40 a ens of which are cleared ( whereon aire ereced a i two st..ry l. g hou-, a log barn, an orchard, Ac, now in the oeeupsnry of David Thompson. ALSO The cq.0,1 tmliv d, d one-fourth part cf a certain tract of lai d, situate in Coal township a f re.-a..l, com ining 200 acres or Ihereslmots, '(be ing pail of a larger tract surveved in the name of Dani. I Rees, called "Spriiigfie'd.") abrmt 4t) acres of w hirh aree'esrvd; whereon srw erected a two slory log house a log barn, an orchard, Ac., now in the orctiptncy of David Thompson, suljecl to a mortice. 10 John C. Html. Al.sO The crpnl iidilired one.f.ur'h part, of a cert tin tract of land, aitttale in Coal tp, afore said, called "Stone Henge," surveyed in the name ol William Tomlinson, ronlarning 245 acres, nr theicahon's. shout TjO teres of which are cleared whireon are rte led a two story log house, a log bam, a spring hnu e .ml a large orchard, now in Ihe uccupanry of John Thompsnn, Senr. Al.SO The rt;iiol tindivid. d onc-fourth part, of a cer'ain Iracl of land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, called "Stone II, nue, surveyed in the name of Willivn Totulii.S'.n. containing 245 acres or thrreahoiil-, ..bout fill nrns of which are clear ed : where. .n are erected a two story log house, a -pring h iu-e nii.t a large i.ichar.l, nnw in the nc i-upancv n Thonij son, sr., subject ro a mort gage to John C. Boyd. Al.SD A cram itset of land, situate in Coal to" n hip afoie-ald, a." inina lands now, or late of Bnl.lle, Company A others, containing 1P5 a en s mo.c or K-, a'w.ul 12 actes of which are cle. -red; wber on are f .ccted a two story log hjU-e ill d a l. g stable, subject lo eeriniu mortgiecs. ,a,,si) A certain tract or piece i.f land, situate in Coal town-hip aforesaid, adjoining lands of the Asvlurtt Co , Bi.b'le A C".. S.rnh Rees Anthers containiiig 1012 actes, 43 .erch a snd allowance more or lers, (being part-of three contiguous tracts of bind, surveyed in tlie numea of wnium filch ard, G.o ge Coldrsiu A An 'rew Shulier.) about one acre of which is cleared ; whereon are eieced a log house sod an excellent saw-milt, on the main branch of Shamnfcin creek, which paa.-es through said land. ALSO Two certain tr . cts cf land, sinta'e in Coal toe-rt-hip aforesaid, a. 'joining lards of Tom- lin.on, Yarnall, Mervtne, Melchoir Smith A othcta c uiiainii g logetln r 127 acres. 5fi perches an.l al low .ore, more or less, being the sime tracts of land which waa surveyed in pursuance of tvrn w-rr-tl's, granted Ui l't r Zeig-nfios, dnied ihe IO1I1 and SUl days of DeceniUr, 1629, icrpeclive. Iv. ALStl A certain tnct of land, situate in Cnnl tou 1. ship af..n a .id, a. joining I nula of Mclchntt Smith A fihem. roiiiaming one acres, 131 ptrchra Btid a'low anee, more nr hts. Al.SO The equal undivided fottr-lwe If.h pa't (the whole ii to 12 eqi- .1 par s t-. be ) l 31 ei.nticuons Hails ,i I mil. situaie in Little Mahn m.y A Coal lotvnhl.ipi nfore-aid ; one thereof ur verd on a warrant, gr.n'ed lo William Cook r. 'i.l n liii g 417 acres, 14(1 pWchea more or es-,ad ioinina Inmls siiiveted in the names of Jeren.iah jai k.on, Wil iam Gray A others ; 0" other there. of. so. v.yrd on a wa-rint granted 10 William Wilton containing 393 acre. 101 peiches more or less adjoining lands Mirvryed in ihe n "tries of -Jacob Sham II. John Cook Ao hers; one otLer iheie T surveyed on a wariant granted lo Thomas llannM-m. C'Hituioiog 412 acres, 45 perches and al lowance, more nr less, a.lj iiing lands surveyed in the names of 8-muel Scott. Jetemiah Jackson an.l oibers one elhr thereof surveved in pur-u me ..f a warrant 10 Thom Grant. rontaUing 418 s. ciea, 80 perches and 1i.i"fl a 'jnini' g- lands sipveted in ihe names of Thomas Rerfe Thom-i" II million A oilier-; one mhei tlicr cf, surveyed on a wai'Siit 10 Thomas Keee. ronla ning 433 a-ere-, 42 Tr, lies and allow l ire more or less, sd j iuiug lands suiveved in li e nam a of Th .mas Hnrni ioii.T Grant A o her-; rhc o her thereof, -ureycl on a w 1 rant lo Jen uiiali Jackson, con la 345 acres, 0 perchi s and Hlbraatice. mo'e 01 b ss, j tiling Inula ln-1 aoire-8'd. lo wit t To,. mas Ii eee, Thoiius Grant .rid 0'hera ; one other Ihert of, surveyed on a wariant lo Al land ir Hunter, ci.Tt eioit;c 420 a res, 25 perches, more o. Ies. Bdjoiulng I I'llda surv. c lin the names of T. Grant. Chtstophet Dunklebr rger and others; one oil ct ibeieol, kinv tel on a warVsul lo John Cow d. n. c ntaiiung 403 acres, .YI perches more or lers, a.lj .mil s' an.1. rurre.l in the nanus of William C. Dunkleliger and olhersj one other tber of. tuiveved on a waiTsnt io W tViam Gray, contain ing 3U9 a.-n-a. 1 1 pir'chea m -re or less, adjoining lanJ-suiveted in ihstiaiirs i.f Jeremiah Jackaon. John Cowdcn Snd Others , ona other ibeieof, str Vce I on a W .rranl to 'I bomaa Grant, lonla.ning 449 acres, 37 lurches mo a nr h sa, adjoining lands aurvi'y.dtn ihe names of ; line oilier fh-icv.f, suiveel ona warrant lo Samu el Scull, cm. mining 826 arrra 5 pffchrs and sllow. ance. s.ljoiirng lauds surveyed in Ihe names of Will. am Hamilton, Thorn a Kse A others; one Oiber thereof, survryrd on a warrant Id Jacob Bright, couiai.iirg 168cr. S fr9 perches more or la-s, ad joining lands suiveyed In lite names of Es her Cramer, (todfrty Watera and others One n'har thereof, surveyed on s warrant to William C. Black. ronaiii1nng 121 acres 8 S perches and allowance, adjoining lands suiviyed in the names of Kiehl, Huirer, Msrln atid tlhers; one o'her thereof, sur. Veyrd in Ihe name of John B .ycr, containing 118 si res 144 ierches nrvre or bs-, a.lj .ii, ing lands mi vejed in ihe names of John B Price, Michael Kr. .11 snd o heis t one oiher thereof, surveved 111 iha I ni ne of Chatlea Denng, containing 05 acres 97 perches more or less, adj .ining lands surveyed m the names if Hunter, Wa'ers, Kit hi and others; one other ibeieof, surveyed in the n .m of Aleiati der J .rdan. iooia n nj 121 acra 150 perches ra ie er ha . adioinina lands surveved In the names el 1 O.ei.l, Msrl.n, fchereH A others i rs e'uar the r- LSilKgn .1 M.1.S.I J. . 1 . I ofanrveytJ in Ihe mine of Oeavge W, Kisld, caas tain Ing 1 12 aces 137 perches mora or lata, edjo'n Ing lands surveyed in the names of Han'.er, Black A others ; ona other Iherenf, survevod In the narna of John O. Msrtin, containing 1 Of) seres snore) nf lese, adj.jning lands aurveyed in Iha names of Grant Bogar A Kiehl one other theioof, surveyed In tha nsma of John O. Martin, eontsinirg 174 acre 14 perches mors or le-s adjoining hnda an. veyrd in the names of Himmetreich, Yoxtl eimer A othera t ona other thereof, aurveyed In the name of George Prince, containing 117 acres R6 perches mrire ox les, adjoining lands snrveved in the names of Zei gler, Grant, towden A Biley s one other thereof, surveyed in Ihe name nf John B. Price, containing 118 aeretl perches m re or leaa, adjoining Inn .! eutveyed in the names i.f Bngar, Grant and other. 5 one other ihoreof. surveved in the name of John I). Price, eontaii ing 24. acres 44 ps-ches more nr less, adj 'inir g lands surveyed in the names of Yoxlhei mer. Shis-ler and others; one ether thereof, eur veyed in Ihe name of Godfrey Waters, containing 120 seres more or !es. adioit iitg lauds surveved i the names of Bright. Hunter and others 5 one other thereof, surveyed in the nsme of Hmry Yoftheimer, containing t9 acres 70 perches more nr less, arV joining lands surveyed in the names of Orsn, Yot iheimcr and others ; one o hcr thereof, surveyed in Ihe name of Henry Yoxtheimer. containing 173 acres fc"6 perchea more or lens, sdjninlng Isnds sor- veved in the names of Heed, Manin, (Jnwden and others ; one other thereof, sutveyrd in the nsme of Issac Ziegler, containing 125 sees 61 perches more nr less, sdioining lands gcitrryrd in the names ef Grant, Price and Bailey t one other thereof, survey, rd in Ihe name of Jacob Heller, containing ?13 a crcs 108 perches more or less, adjoining Boyd, Kramer, Maurer and Himmcbeleh one n her thereof, anrveyrd in the name of Henry Ilimmel. reich, containing 458 acres 40 perches more or lers, adjoining Boy I. ila m, Maurer an I others ; or.a other thereof, surveved in the name of llenrv Shi-s- r, containing 150 seres m.le or less, adjoining Jordan, Reed, Yoxtheimer and others i one other thereof, surveyed in Ihe name i f John Boyd, con taining 44 1 sctes 12 perches more or le, adjoin ing lands surveyed in Ihe names nf Frederick Cra mer, Peter Maurer and others; and ihe oih-r there. of, patented to Joseph Wallis. containing 123 se es mrs or less, adjoining Isnds surv- ve.l 111 the names of Himmelreieh, Yoxthiemer and rthere. Al.SO A certain tract of land, aitunle in Coil township aforesaid, surveyed in pursuit ea of a warrant granted m J rob Weis, jr , dated the 3 1 day of Seplemln r, IS2S. coTilaining 5 iicrea more nf lesa, adjoining lands surveyed in Ihe name otEJ ward G. Marklev and others. ALSO So much as is aituat d in C at town ship. Northumberland crunty, of elef n conngnnu tracts of land t onelhircnf. surveyed in the r.ama of William Boyd, containing 440 seres 91 percb' S more 01 less; one other thereof surveyed in th nao e of John R Smut, containing 430 acrea mora or leas; one o'her thereof rurveved in the name i.f John C. Boyd, containing 372 acres 110 ptrches more or less ; one orher thereof surveyed in the name of John C Boyd, containing 390 aeirs more or hs ( one other thereof, surveyed in lhe name of Samuel Morgin, containing 4 1 5 seres 1 15 per. he. mora or e,e ; one other thereof survry din Iho name of John C Ib.vd. cu taming 443 seres 61 pereht smnre or less ; one other therei f survevel tn the name of He-tcr Scott, containing 421 scrre 79 perches more or 1. s ; one other th.f of surv. y. d in the name of M ntrih M lloy.I, corila nmg 457 .cres 140 pi rein s me-e nr lcs; one. other I'.i reof s.i' veyed in 'he name of William Bovd, C o-tuining 458 icres 157 perches more nr Ire- one other thereof surveved in the nntne of Ehz i S. tj-n d. con taining 443 acres 1 p- rch more or !es, and the o thir thereof surveyed in ths namenf William Boyd, eonlsinlng 367 acrea 129 perrhea more nr le. mu h as is s mated in Coal township Norhumberlnnd county, "f the equal undivi eil ona fourth part . f 155 par's of 226 parts of Ihineert c ontiguous tracts ot land, surveyed on wsrrsn'S for 400 acres erh. d .led the 10th dty of Mav, 1793, g'sn'ed to William E liot. Gemg Aht"n. C deb L"w, i,.a John Y ting. John Whit. mn. Josr-ph, J .r.lin, R.ehard Tuii--, 'onn Warner, Dml Ree, Wi'l am Portr, Wil iim Mdl r. Peler Dehaveri at d William ('owe!; which said tracts nf la. d are by the official rennn of survey com. pipe I lo con. tain 5348 acres 120 perches sod all wanes. S. izeil, talen in execution, and 10 be a old as the prope'tv nf B.iril Palter-on. ALO Two ceil io contiguous lots nfgronn.1 sitnve i 1 the town of Shti'n.-kiii, in C a' township, Northumberland eon..ty. in that mrt of sa d town I n I out bv Ah I ml .n, E-q.. and othe.-s. and marked in the general p'on trer. of cs, 411 44'J. hounded on H e west bv lot No. 443, oa 'ha north bv a public ro d, and on the eal by lind ff Wm. M'C t'ty snd o her., and on ihs soinh by il a s.unh line nf -aid lots; esrh of -aid lots COntvnTg 40 feei In front and feet in buiqlh ; whereon ' er. cted a two story brick dwelling house and atula room, and a part of a log hou-a-. Seized, taken in execution, snd lo le sold at iha proii. ny of Ann v .mlveri m. FELIX MAURER, Sf:eriff. rherifTs OlTiee. J Siinlfjry. Fi h. I5'h, 1S45. S "Slieriif's Sale. HfeY virtue of a writ of Levari Farias, issued rot B 0 of the Court of C'-mmon Pleas of Norihum. b riant! r 'O'ltv. lo ine iTfor'ed. will be exposed m public sale on the premise , on S itu day the 15lh day i.f Ma ch next, at 1 o'cl rk P. the follow ing de-cr'tii. d Topertv, In wil : A certvn liecl of I in 1 containing 310 acres or tbeieah 'tile, principally r ver bottom land, s tuitein Rush towrahip, N.iribumberliirid eotioly, s.'j .inioir lands of Hannah M Boyd, Jacb Read's heira, K. 1 -n-dy, ihe Co'innhij counlv bn and the R.ver Sus. q.i. h .nna, i f which nb nt C.'iO aens isi lrsred s I 111 s good itute of ciiltiv.i ion. Th'.e is on the ei -mines two lo amry Iratne dwelling houses, wi ft im burns, one wgjon khed and uth. I out build ing, and two o c'is d-. Veil' d, taken in execution, and to be S..1J as I' prope ly of John C Bovd. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. PheritT s Office, Sunbury, Feh. 22, 1843. ; Aoticc IS hereby givrn. that I have this day revoked a Power of Attorney, given by me lo llenrv if. Burr of Noithumlieilanil, on the lOih day of Jun , 1835, which revoctiion is ire r JeJ in ibe RcC " ders ofllce of NoiU.un.betlaod county. WILLIAM McCAY Northombrrland, ) .n. .lib, 1845. 17 if Miaiiiokiu Coal AT NORTHUMBERLAND. ffHE Sulisrri'ner baa a h at load of ncrll-rt 1. rihamok n Coal ut Noiihumbeil md, whi'-'i be off. rs lor sale at Ihe loWrst pr.cesv P. rtoi w slung 10 I'Nrt'hise will call on the subset i' ei . SunbiHv, or F.. P. Slisnnon, E-q. at .N.ri!.fm r .,nd II. U. MASLK. lu ii'V, J .e. irt, f.4S. 'all ami Hetllc. jnitl.N knowing liiema.'lv. s lii.l.MtJ ! th su'w-criber, are requeued bi call and m li.i ir a. c .nil's, mi or iu fore ihe 2!i!i Lay nf .lair -ry next, aft. r whic'i tiuis those l king snm.'ri f will be pljcad in ths ban Iswf a Joaooc f n 1 lion. 11. B. MAWEst l. !l h, Islt.