ilillliii STANZAS. SI RICUASB H. WILC. Mv life i like a summer's rose That opens to the morning sky, Put ere the shades ofevening close, Is scattered on the ground to dia ! Yet on the rose's humble bed The sweetest dews of night tre shcJ, As if she wept the waste to see nut none shall weep a tear for me My life is like the autumn leaf That trembles in the moon's pale ray, Its hold Is frail its date is brief, Restless and soon to pass away 1 Yet, ere that leaf shall fall and fade, The parent tree will mourn its shade, The winds bewail the leafless iree, Put none shall breathe a sigh for me 1 My life is like the prints which feet Have left on Tampa's desert strand ; Soon as the rising tide shall bent, All trace will vanish from the sand; Yet, as if grieving to efface All vestige of the human race, On that lone shore loud moans the sa, Cut none, alas ! shall mourn for me 1 These smoothly flowing verses, which have en joyed a remarkable degree of favor for com mon place, are fairly reproved by a correspond ent who sends us the following linos less ar tistic certainly, but having something more of true poetic feeling and conception. Sewer k Daily Advcriittr. AXIWER TO "Mt LlFK IS LIES A ScxUEK'B RoSK." Jy life is not like foot-mark, leaf or (lower, Tor their existence is but for an hour They die, and leave no trace And tho' the sea may sound a note of grief, And evening-dews weep for the Cower and leaf, They never more have place ! And this so beautious earth, and sky and sea, Shall fade and pass away aye, they shall be Converted back to nothing, at Hit breath Who breathed within my soul the breath of life And me with An endowed, which midst the strife Of crumbling-worlds, shall triumph over death! In deathless things, end not in fading leaf, Or aught whose date like summer's rose, is brief, An emblem do I find Of that which unto man alone was given An amaranthine flower to bloom in Heaven Tlit immortal mind. Then rise my soul rise ever, keep in view Thy home, tho' drooping flowers strew This earthly sod, Oh! weep not o'er them! they were born to fade But to exist furtvrr wert ihou made Then look to God! . i Broken Heart. Most of the heart eases 1 hear, put me in mind of our friend Mr Lowe's story. A maiden lady of forty culled on her one day on one of those sentimental errands to which maiden ladies of her age teem parlic uhrly addicted ; and, after a deep fcigli i two, said, "1 vvibhid much, inadum, to ree you, fur you were the death of my unfortunate aunt." Somewhat surprised at thie sudden charge of murder, Mr?. Lowe naturally inquired into par ticulars. ''Your husband was engaged to my ncor aunt; he deserted her for you, and she died of a broken heart." "At v. hat age!" in quired her unconcious rival. "My poor aunt was fifty-two when she died." "At least," said Mr. Lowe, 'she took some time to consider of i'.' "For my part, I think hearts ire very much like glumes if they do not break with the first r.n, they usur.lly last a considerable time." A Scene is a School Room. A Fact of CouRar. "What studies do you intend to pur sue V said an erudite pedagogue, one day, as a Johnny-raw entered his fcliool room. 'Why, I shall study read, I suppose ; wouldn't ye V 'Yee, but you will not want to read all tho lime; are you well acquainted with figures V 'It'e pity if I ain't, when I cyphered clean thrc ich adoption.' 'Adoption t what rule is that !' Why it's the double rule of two: you know that twice two is four, and, according to adop tion, twice four it two '.' 'You may take your scat sir,' said the schoolmaster. 'You may take your'n, too,' said the pupil, 'fur it's a poor rule that won't work both ways.' A Fair Bet Fairly Won. Said Bill to Hichard the other day, "did you ever hear how tough-hided I am V 'I nuver did,' replied Dick ; 'tougher than common folks V 1 reckon 'tit a few why, I'll bet you diinks Dick, that yu may take a cowhide and lay it upon my Lure skin as hard and as long as you like, and I won't ever flinch. 'Done I'll take that M. It I don't make jou squirm like a half-ikinucd eel, the first cut, I'm sadly mistaken. 'You take the btt,thcnT I do.' Will, wail till 1 go up stairs and bring down my -ear-skin, and' O,ho! your bear skinl No, no I meant' 'I don't care what you meant It's a fuir bet fairly won. My boar-akin it my bare tkiu, and it aint nothing else.' 'I'll give in,' said Richard, looking foolish and fklbergated, 'let' adjourn to the Pewter Mug, and say no more about it.' Odd Fti,t-ow One ihst docs as be would be done by. isa.i.i. m'i-in.i--i-. LaI. DANK NOTE LIST. rrxxsixTAxi.. The following list shows the current value of all Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The most implicit re liance may I placed upun it, it U every week arcfully compared with si d corrected from Dick neil's Repor'er. Itauks In Philadelphia. Name. Location NOTES AT PAR. Bank of Nnflh America , Bank of the Northern Liberties fjommercial Hunk of Penn'a. . Farmers' and Mechanics' Bunk par par par par par par par par par par pur Kensington H ink Philadelphia Bank SrhTlylkill Hank Snuthvvark Bonk . Western Bank . , Mechanics' Itni.k . . Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Bunk t'nnnfry Hauka. Bank of Chester County Bank of Delaware County of Ocrinaiitown Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylestnwn Bank Easlon Bank farmers' Hunk of Burks CO. Office of Bank of Pei.n'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do Westchester par (heater par (Sermantown par Norristown par Dnyleatown par Easlon par Bristol par ilarrishutg These Lancaster I offices Beading i"do not Easlon J issue n. D I C O 17 N T. NOTES AT frank of the United States (tank nf Penn Township Oirard Bank Moyamerwing Bank Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Pottsvillc Bank of Lewis-town Bonk of Midilletnwn Bank of Northumberland I 'olumhia Bunk & Bridge co. Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Ilo do branch of farmers' of Lancaster l,nnrslcr County U ink Farmers' Bank f Reading Hntrishurg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bnnk Philadelphia 28 . par I i . . par par Pottsville Lewistown Midilletown 1 Northumberland par Columbia Carlisle Pittsbuig llnlhdavsburg Lanctstct Lancaster Beading Harrishurg Lancaster Lplanin Pittsburg par 1 1 1 par par par 1 par i i i Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bank nf Pittsburg Pittsburg I West Branch Bank Williamsporl 1 Wyoming Bunk Wr.kesbarte 1$ Northampton Bmk Allentown Berks C. unity Hank Beading Office of Bank of U. 8. Pittsburg failed Do do do Erie do Do do do New Brighton do Kensington Sav. tns. A do Penn Township Sov. ins. do Bank of Chamberslturg ChiimherKliurg 1 Barak ol (ietliahurg (etlyshorg I Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose 35 Erie Buiik Kriu 3 Farmer' & Drovers Bank Wsyneshurg 2 franklin Bank Waahiugton I Honesdale 14, Mnunngnhrla Bunk of B. Brownsville 1$ York Bank Yik 1 N. B, The notes nf those hanks on which we .niil quolHtious, and substitute a dash ( ) are not pun based by the Philadelphia brokers, with t lie exception ol those which have u loiter of nfcr.nce. B R O KEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuvlkill Sav. Ins. do filled Manual l.alxir Bank (T. W Dyotl, prop.) failed Fi'wnnda Bank Towundu Alleghany Bank of Pa. PcJford Bank of Beaxer Beaver Bank of iSwatara flarrishurg Bank of Wellington WuMiinKtoii Cci.lre Bank llcll. f.inie City Bank Pitl-huig farmer' & Mcr h'cs' Bank PitlMurn farmers' & Mivh'c' Bank Fayette ro. fanners' & Mcch'cs' Bank (ireencastle Harmony Insiiuito Harmony Huntingdon Bank Hinliri2lnri luniata Bank LetM-toiwi uuniliermeii's Bank Wanen Northern Bank of Pa. Dninlatf New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope Xorthumli'd Union ('ol. Bk. Milton North Western Bank of Pa. Meadille no sale closed cloM'il failed rl'isid no sale failed folc. I failed no sale no sale no sale failed no sale closed no sale closed failed closed failed closed Office of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon Pa. Apr. & Manuf. Bank dr!i.,!e Silver Lake Bank Union Bank uf I'cnn'a. Uninntown Westmoreland Bank (ircrnsliurg Wilkesharre Bridge Co. Wilkesharie no sale All nolva purpoiling to he on any Pennsyl vania Bank not giten in the almve lut, may be et Jown as fraud. sru Ji.iisr.Y. Bank nf New Biunsw iek Uclvidcia Bank Burlington Co. Bank "nmmricial Bank Duinherlaiid It ink farmers' Bank Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' lik Farmers' and Merchants' Bk franklin Bank of N. J. Brunswick Belvidere Mnlturd Perth Amhoy Bridget on Mount Holly l.'aluvay N. Biunswiek failed i par i par pa i flilej Mldlletowii Pt. J Jersey City failed Hoboken Bkg & Uruzing Co Hohokeu failed failed failed failed 4 failed i pur no sale lersev Cily Bank Jersey l,ity Patterson Belleville Morristnwn Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newark Mechaniis' Bank Manufacturers' Batik Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Post Notes Newark Bkg A Ins Co New Hope Del Bridce Co i i failed failed 4 failed 4 l.ainhvitsville IlolH.ken N. J. Mauufuc. and Bkg Co N J Protecton & Louihuid bk Jersey Cily Orange Dank Patcrson Bank Peoples' Bank Princeton Bank Salem Banking Co Stale Bank State Bank Hi ate B .mk State B.nk uf MorrU tate Bunk ( Irnuge i'aterton tlo Princeton Salem Newark F.lizaheihtown Camden Monistown Tr. moil Sale in New ion Tieutun Dover Jlackcnsack par par i par 1 failed failed 4 par i failed par par par par par par par par par Salem and I'hilad Manuf Co Kussrl Bank Trenton Banking Co Union Bank Washington Banking Co, Bk nf u ilm V Brand) win Wilmington Uaiik ol Delaware' Bank of Smyrna Do blanch farmers' Bk of State uf Del Do branch Do branch Do branch Union Bank fjj- Under B's ilVOusll hanks marked Wilmington 8myina Millord Dover Wilmington (Seoigetown Newcastle Wilmington 1 thus () there are ri ther counterfeit or altered notes fiouiiuaiious, in circulation. uf the var.ous ds- FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD ! CANTRELL'S Celebrated ramily ITIedicines WILL not cure every thing, but still remain unequalled (n their several departments by every thing ever offered to the public, who have voluntary came forward and offmed numerous and highly respectable ustimouisls of their superior t ftirney. CnnlreWt Compound Medicated Stnip of Sar. snpanllai or, Anti-Heorliutic Syrup, for the cure of Scorfuls, Chronic Rhpii.n itism, Chronic Swel lings or the .Inint, Eruptions nf the Skin, and ell Diseases arising from the abuse of Mercury, frc., unsurpassed hy any thing in the market, com hi. ning all the virtues reddenl in the Sar-aparilla with a modern nv dicament, only lately brought nut hy the most respeclablo medical authorities. Price, 60 cents per battle. Canlrell't .Qnti-Dytpeptic Powder, for tho re lief and permanent cure of tht most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia, in all it forms and atagos. ft is truly a most valu idle remedy. Said in bottles at 25 and fit) cents each. CuntreH'i .1ue. Mixture and Tonic Mediea taenia, stands nt the head of the list unrivalled hy nny, or all the innumcral'le medicim in U-e throughout the length and bread h of the lar d, for tli" cure of Ftv i r and Aocit in all its stages, and frton all its consequences. Kesideriti in Fever and Ague districts should never he without it. The will forfeit Elf FY DOLLARS where his medicine taiU to perform a cure in the most obstinate can. S .ld Who'esale and fielail l.v CALEB CRES SON, at his Drug Warehouse, No. 0 North Third Street, Philadelphia; also, by the ngufuly ap pointed spent. SETII W. ROBERTS, Wholesa'e Druagist, No. f)4 Water Street, Mobile. Prepared orlv bv (tie Sut.scrihcr, corner nf C AR PENTER and SECOND Streets, below Christi an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed. Observe, none are genuine without the, siennture - f JOHN A. CANTKELL. C'nnlrcir s itruo .illMtirf, or I onlc nisMllramrnUi, Foe the cure nfull ll.lioti njfitlumt, if token ac crilinn to direction. It is a never failing remedy which no fumi'y' i be wilhout, especially in low marshy countries. As this medicine is put up under the proprie Ir.r's immediate inspection on the most scientific principles, bring Pnnly Vegetable, and havini; trieil its rtl'icacy on ihouanilH, for upwards of I'i ! years, and to his knowledge when taken slrictlv ac- i cording to directions, there his not Ken one fa U. re. Under such circum-tance I recommend it to the public, adding a ccnilicuta in support uf my asser tion. ' I, John Burn, do certify that I was in the ship Tob.cro Plant of Philadelphia, ('apt. Reed, in June, 1827, bound to Liverpool; took the fever and ague and laid in Liverpool some lime under the doctor's hands, went from there to Baltimore, lay in the Infirmary for four or five Weeks from thence In Philadelphia ; was six months under Dr. Coats; from thence to New Yi.rk went to tl e Hospital, remained ih r about four wieks without any relief tiled) very thtnu without an v benefit, for five jenis. Hearing of Cautretl's Ague Mix tuie from s friend, I went to bis store, told him h w I was afflicted, and got a bottle of his mixture and used it s-r .rding to directions. It made a per fect cure, and 1 have not had the least return since. I do with confidence recommend it to the public. JOHN BURNS. Medicutril Syrup ofTSarsnpaiJIIa. Phrlnhlphia, April 10th, 144. Mr. JoHtt A. CAi-fm li , Dear Sir, Having he, n afflicted fortipwarJ nf two veai with ulceration of the throat, ile-troying the whole nf the sou palate, then ihrouuh the upper part i.f mv mouth into mv n .se, from which sever al pieces uf bot e came ant, which partially destroy ed my speech, throut-'h a kind Providence and your Medicated bvrup of Snrsparill.i, I arn now lestor.d lo peif cl l.eilth, and my sight, which w.isso much inil'U ri II, 1 U h ft' U llh V li ll u iKty, ' 14 . . . . . . d, is a I ihnuuM it iluly nti, ,1 Li v,,n nil 1 lhnA inila. larly atfect' d, to m ike it public, YuUis, R. spec fully, SAMUEL KIRK, Comer uf Tenth and C aics Streets. I, Oahril Jonston, No. 6 !? rklcss Strre', do cer tifv that my wife, Jane, was iifll.cied for two years with Rheumatism, and at la-t was entirely di-a'ded, so thai she was ohheed to be confined to 1m d , hear ing nf Cant'ell's Medicated Syrup of Ssis ipsriMa, or Ami Scntbutic. Syrup. I pr.s ure.l four bottles, which completely removed ail her pains ami sti lines- from her limbs; two more hollies made a per fect cure. She is now able to aiti ml io her house hold duti.s as usual. C.ABIBL JONsl'ON. Philadelphia, Jan. 22d. 1844. Qj De crip'ive Pamphlets may be bad of the orchis. (Oralis.) J. W. f IMLINO, Sunbinv. Nov. 9. l41. ly ,1jerif. AMI II V A: EC O i) A 1. WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT Ac CA1 M A M J FACTl J ll MRS, South Hast corner ol Market and 4th l'hiliiW-lilila, VXTTIERE they alwavs ke.-p on hand an exten sive ass .rttin nt of HA TS if CA I'S of every description, got up in the best and most i.pprcved si; le. Peisons denrous uf purchasing superior arli cbs on the most lessen ihle terms, will fled i lo their advantage lo Call b. fore making purchase else hern. Philadelphia. OcL 5th, IP 11. 1 v i:uE:ri:i.i: . ouroi m, ran Tilt. 1 1 at. ep DYS1" i: 1 S 1 A . THIS Medicine is offeied to I he public gener ally, from a full conviction that ii is superior to any other nr-dreme now in use, for the cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility or Bodily Weakness, Ac. Its rtfecis have liren tested in a prif atn practice nf neir eihi years, and it is now more eiieosively circulated, at the soliciiude of many who have re ceived the most signal It-nrfil from the u-e of it. The following is one among a n umber of certifi cates received in lelation to the success of this me- I dicine: I LaarisTia Co. Match IS. Du. (ikobiik W. All:, Vcur Air i li is with great p'eastire that 1 in form you of ihe success attending your Dyspeptic Medicine, while employed in my pi set ice. From past experience, I firmly believe that iu right cases out of ten, the Dyspeptic, by the use of your medi line, may eniinly rid himself of this thorn in the pathway of life: not only iu dysjieptic cases, but iu all esses of constipation, and diseases depending un adibibtaied stale of Iht nervous system, toge ther with a toipid slate uf the bowels, will your E liiir be found uf inestimable value. Numerous in stances wherein the usefulness of the medicine baa been realised, may I foi warded, if required. I wi.h you great success, and recommend the medi cine to tbe suffering pari of mankind. Youis, with great ies;ect, KOUEKT AliNEW, M. P. rj" For sale at the store of II. B. Mssser, sgent for the proprietor, Sunhury, Pa. October 30ih, 1844. ly Lost ! ! SOMEWHERE between the residence nf the subscriber, In Chili qi) .que township, North, umherland county, and the borough nf Snnbury, uii Tuesday, the 12th ins!., a small Pocrkt Book, containing a note of hand from Tobias Riemcrt and John Murray to subscriber, as the administrator of Thomas Murray, dated in January, 1829; and another note of hand to same, for f 18, dated in 1810; a sobpiena for witnesseses, and a five dol lar bill on the Bmk of Northumberland. The Rndrr, by returning it, will be suitnb'y rewarded; or by leaving the pipers at the Posi Office, Sunhu ry, or forwarding them to the subscriber, may keep the five dollar bill. JAMES F. MURRAY. Clulisqunque, Nov. 3(lth, 1844. if BRUSSKlS.TNGIlAiN AND VENETIAN" Carpetings. JO SI? 111 IILil'KWOOD, Ao. 1 1 1 Chesnut Street, Comer Franklin Rjuare. PHILADELPHIA. TTASjust received and is now opening a very extens-ive and beautiful assort. .out of CAIl PETISGS. The goods are fresh, and of new styles, and being purchased principally for Cash, they will be sold at the I. 'West prices; they consist in pail, of Splendid Bius-e's. t CARPET. Beautiful imperial flply, 1 INOS, Super Extra Inerain, Colors war- 3-4, 4 4, 6-8 Twilled Venetian, ranted " " " Plain do. J DL'RAHLF. A l..rgn stock of well seasoned OIL CLOTHS of all widih, Heos, l!iiMsns, Ac, tonether with bii extensive s-soitment of Imw priced Carpeting of all de-criptions. (ry Purchucrs am rrquFS'ed to Call and see us, when they wib find nu extensive assoitment at the most reasonable prices. Philadelphia. Oct. 5 h, IS 11. tf SPANI II HIDES O T A X K Kl S OIL. .'OOO Dry La Plati Hides first quality. :irt(H Drv La (inns. do IOOO Dry Salted La Oiiira. do iOOO Dry Salt.d Br zil Hides, do ;$." lia'es Creeu Salted Putna Kips. Hi Bales Dry Pa na Kip-. 120 Barrels Tankers' Oil. Tanner-' and Curriers' Toots. For sale lo Country 'Fanners at the lowest prices j and upon the lest l mis. j N. B. The highest miiket prices ptid for all j kinds of leather. D. KIRK P ATFICK & SONS. No. 2 I, Somh Third St. Phil .delphia. September 11. 1811. ly. NOTICE TO li:iC( II1.MS III.I.IM.KS. .TOS. K. MA I'LL, MANUf ACTUKEKS AND DEALERS IN FOHEKJN AND DOMESTIC STRAW OOODS, .Vo. o(l, .Vori Second Street, ( opposite th Madison House, J PHILADELPHIA, WHERE will be f oind a general asort- i-mint of Florence Braids, Aliens, Kut-dS lands. Peddles. Wil.,w Plait, Rice Sfaw, and the much admired Neapolitan Lace, ai d Fancy Bon nets, manufactured by us, and for sale at the loe-l manufacture prices. Merchants arid Milliners are invited to give nt a c til upon visiting the City. N. B. We have tdso constatnlv making our superior hair und ot! . r edgings, all uf n hit h will he sold cheap, for call. Philadelphia, Mav 2S, 111. Iv KlirCKllT'S PATKN'T V-.GHI1TG- 1IACHI1TE. rjHl?J his ii..w bteii tesicj by nmr 1 than thirty families in this neighborhood, ami i . - . . i : It ma.). S'l.tlrn hfttl'.l.ii-tiilil. II III a. 1 1 lllllllH Ifl ll I ' rt I ci I structtoli, tliat it caiou.l gel out ot uril. r. It re , .lama no iron to ru-t, and no -piingsnr rollers to eet out uf repair. It w ill do twice ss much wsh inj, with less than half the wtar and tear of any of the hie inventions ami whit is nf (-reater in.per costs but little over half us much as other washing iiisclniies The subsi riber has the eicluive rinht for Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming, Columbia, Lu zerne and Clinton counties. Price of single ma chine ffi. H. B. M ASSEIS. The following ceitificat.- s fiom s few of those who hsie ihere machines in use. Sunhury, Aug. ?i, lll. We, the subscrilsfis. ceritfy that we have noiv in u-e, in our families. "Shugeit's Patent VN'ash ing Machine," mid do not hlsitaie siyinu thai it is a most excellent invention. That, in Wa-hing. it will save more than one half the usual labor. Thai it does not requite more than one third the usual quantity of so p and water ; and that there is no rubbing, and consequently, little or no wear ing or It artni!. That it knock ofl'm, bullous, and that the finest ctoihes, soch as collars, laces, tucks fulls, cVc, may be washed in a very short time without the least injury, and in fact without any apparent wear and tear, v hulevcr. We therefore cheerfully recomineiid it to our fiends and to the public, as a most useful and labor saving machine. I CIIAKl.r.S . HMil.XS, A. JORDAN. CDS WEAVER. CHS PLE S.NTS, CIDEO MARKI.E. Hon. (iKO. C. W EI.KER, BEN J. HENDRICKS. (JIDEON LEISENKIN(J. Heart's IIotei, (foriuirlv Tremont ll.iuss, No. 110 Ch.suut slrt-el,) Philadelphia, September Ulsi, 1814. I have used Shupert's Patent Washing Machine iu my huu-e upwards uf eight month-, and do not hesitate lo lay thai 1 deem it one nf the nio use ful and valuable labor-saving machines ever in ven ted. 1 formerly k' pt two women continually oc cupied in washing, who now do as much in two days as they then did iu one week. There is no wear or tear ill washing, and il requires not more than one-third the usual quantity ol soap. 1 have had a number of odor in .chines in my lain ly, hut this is so decided1' superior to every thing else, snd I s i ti tle ba'.le to get out of rep or, that I woulJ not do without one if they ahould coat ten limes the price Ihey are sold for. HAN Oil. IILIMl, gi LASS, ft by 10, best quality, Cut Nails, all sizes, Suit, ly tho suck and barrel, Hats and Caps, of the best quality. All for sale at reduced prices, by Sunhury, Oct. 26, 1844. H. B.MASSER. 100 UACS Salt, 100 Barrels do., at fl 75 cash, f .r sale B. HENDRICK8. '7 Sunhury, Oct. 19th. 144. rV WEED t LOTH, a handsome article, all wool, light snd elastic, tor Summer Cuats and Pauls, for aale, very low, by June 15 H. B. MARKER. T) ALZ0R1NES, a handsome article for Ladies' Dresses, for sale cheap, by June IS. II. D. MASSER. OAKIiEY'S in.i'i hativi: smi. F11HE valuable properties of Oakley's Deptira 1. five Syrup of Sarsapnrilla, as a purifier of the blond, is so well known to the public generally, that it Is unnecessary lo occupy much space in set ling forth the advantages to i.e derived from ils use ; w herevrr the medicine has once been intro duced, it takes precedence over all others ; eveiy one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended by them with the u'tnost confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it lo patients under their care ; containing nothing debterious. but being composed of the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered with confidence, as the cheapest and most ellicient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will he at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any eeeds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Tetter, Pimples or eiuptiona nf the Skin, White Swelling, r istula, Chronic Cough Asthma, cue, 1 he nu merous certificates in the possession of the subscri ber ami his agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over all preparations of Sarsaparilla. Sold wholesale and retail, bv the proprietor, CEORCE W. OAKLEY, North fth street, Rea ding, links Cooniy, and to he bad of the following persons : In Northumberland County. . B. Mas-sf, Sunhury ; Ireland (t Mixel, Mi Livens wile ; 1) Krauser, Milton. In Union Coxtnty. J, Oearhart, Selin.-grove ; A, (iutelius, Mifflinhurg. In Columbia County. V.. W. McCay, Wash iugton. Reading. March 14, 184:1. Mn. OiKt.T.Tt I believe it the utv of every one lo do whatever in their power 1 ie, for the li-ne-fit of their fellow ma, and having had poHve proof in mv own family, of the properties nf your Depuratise Syrup of Sarsapnrilla, I m si conscientiously recommend it lo the afflicted. We had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head Rod neck, Hlthough we had some nf the most scientific physicians lo attend th' m and had tried all the known ternediea, including Swaim's Panaci a, without avail. Another of my children was a'lnrkcd in the same manner, her face sr.d neck was'etily covered; the discharge was so nUcaixivc, and the disease at such a height, that we despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful ell'ects oi yotir lU'puralive Pyrup u! iMrsaparilla, we weie induced lo make trial nf it, as the last nsort; it acted like a charm; the u'cers Commenced healing immediately , a f w buttles entirely restored her to her health, which she has enjoyed uninteri uptedly ever since. As a purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it has lint ils equal, JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Doucl.fsiille, April 19th, 1813. Mn. Oaklet: My son Edmund Leaf, had the scrofula in the most dreadful and ili-tressing man ner for time years, dining which time he was de prived of the use uf his limbs, his he.ol and neck were covered with ulcers. We tried all the dilfer int rcnu dies, hut to no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nor.istown, and also Dr. Isaac H li ster, of Beading, to use your Depurative Syrup of Sarsaparilla, of whiih I obtained seveml bottles. the use uf w hich drove the di-ea-e en. in Iv out of his system, the sore healed up, and the child was restoied to perfect health, which be hs enjoyed uninterruptedly cvtr since, to the astonishment of many persons who seen him (Ui ii g his affliction. I have tliouclil it tnv duly , and send you this certi ficate that others who haves like 111 u lion in the family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Yours truly, AMELIA D. LEAK. Sept. tfi, lS4n ly OllllU'l It'lfcI N' DEATH BLO W. rT,he put lie will please observe that no Brandieth - Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la bels upon it, (the top, the side snd the bottom) eai h containing a f ic-simile signature nf my hand writing, thus B. Basts t.NF.rH, .M. D. These la bel aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, end done at an expense of over f 2,0(0. Thcrefote it will lie seen thai the only thing ueccssaiy to pr.s. cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly aulhori ted, and hold CERTIFICATES OP AGENCT For the sulo of Urandmh's Vegetable Universal Pills. Northumberland county : Milton Maekey A Chiimhcilin. Sunhury H. B. Masser. M'Eweus ville Ireland th Meixell. Norlhum'-eiland Wm. Forsyth. Ueorcetown J. & J. Walls. Union County; New Berlin Bugar A Win ter. Selitisgrove George (iumlium. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Beavertown David Hi. bier. Adamshurg Win. J.May. Miffliusbure Mensch & Ray. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg U. A f . C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls A (ireen. ('olumhia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds A Co. Berwick Shuinan t R. Henhouse. Cat. tuwissa C. G. Brohts. Bloomsburg John R. Meyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Itoht. McCay. Limestone Ilalli.'! f- McN'ncb. Observe that each Agent has an Eugravid Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of i lit UKANDKtiTH S IManulactory al Sing Sing, ' and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the nete ufji notr used upon the Urundreth Pill Philadelphia, office No. H, North Hth street. B. BRANDRETIi, M. D. June 24ih, 184:). CITY FURMTURI: AVCTldx, AND PaiVATB SALES ROOMS, Nos. y and al North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CO. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vitea the attention of persons desirous of pur chasing Euiuiiure. to his extensive Sules Rooms, (holt) public snd Private,) for every description of Household Furniture, where can be obtained at all I lines, a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet furniture, Beds, Maltrasses, Ac., at very reduced prices, for cash. 07" tSalea hy Auction, twice a week. Msy 2Tth, 1843. ly AVI LU AM j7m ARTIX, ATTCPslTE? .T LAW, SUNBTJRV, PA. OFFICE, in the second story of the building oc cupied by Dr. J.B. Masatr, on Market street. Oct. 2 1st, 1643. A Tlirralilng Rlatiilno fur Naif. milE suWriber offers for sale a TlinESHING 1. MACHINE, new snd in good order. The Machine has been tried, and proves lo he an excel lent one. ll will he sold at a reduced price, and warranted. Apply lo )1. B. MASS.ER. July 1st, If 43. ROSE OINTIYTENT, ron TKTTEIl. RINGWORMS), riMPl.M Oti THE PACK, AND OTHEIt C't'TANKOt'SJ rtU'tTIDNfl. (Xy The folfinoingccrtificait describes one of Ihe mint extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. Phm.aum riMA, February in, 1833. "H'OR twenty years I was severely J with Tettem on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 18HG, varying in vio lenre, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my facn was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent ilrh ing ; my head swel'ed at times until it fi'lt aa if it Would hurst the swelling was ao g'eat, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that I was afflicted w ith the disease, I used a great many B plications (among them sevaral celebrated preparations) as w II as takin? inward remedies, including a number nf bottles of Swnim't Panacea, F.rtrurt of Stirsupnritia, Ac, In fact, il would ho impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was also under the care of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this city, hut without re reiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the f .11 of !8:tR, the disease at tbe tiino being very violent, I commenced using the Rose Ointment, (prepared by Vaughun Davis.) In a f w applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the eruption began to disappear, and before I had used ajar the di-ease was entirely cured, ll has now been nearly a year and a halt since, and there is not a vestige nf the disease ro mainine, except the scars from the deep pits formed by the diense. ll is impossible for me lo describe in a rrrtificate tbe severity of ihe disease and my sutferin?, but I will be pleased to givo a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will cull on me. At the lime I commenced using Ihe Rose Ointment I would have yiven hun dxds nf do'.htis to bo rid of the disease. Since u sing it. t have recommended it to several persous, ( them mv mother, who bad the disease bad ly on bet ann.) who were a I cured bv it. JAMES DC U.N ELL, No. 1..C, Race St. rXj The Rose Ointment is prepared hy E. B. Yauhnn, S iu h East corner uf Third and Race stiei Is, Phi'.adi lphia, and sold on agency in Sunhu ry. hv tl. 1J. .M ASM. If, May 14th, lSt:i. Agent Koe Ghitim'iit, for To Her. A PROOF OF ITS F.FFJCACY. Phii Ai.iiriiii, May 27lh, IS:JW. rl",HIS i to certify thai I was severely alllrc'e -- with Tetter in the hands und feet for upwarc of torly years ; the disease was attended general'.; with violent itching and swelling. I applied to i.i.mht r of h) sici ins, and used a great many appli ca'ions without effecting a cure. About ayia since, I applied tl e Rose Ointment, which entirel -lopped the ili hina. uiul a few applications mimed at. ly cured the disease, w hich there has been n return nf, although I had never Wen rid of il n any lime for forty veins. RICH ARD SAVAt.l" Eleventh, la-low Spruce Street. tjj" The Rose Ointment is pn pared by E. I Vaui ban, S uth East corner nf Third and Rat Slieels, Philadelphia, and sold on aaency in Suiibi ry. by 11. li. MASSER, May Hth, 1S43. Age IVIEUICAXa APPROBATION Of the ROSF. OISTM F.ST, for Titter. ALTHOUGH the superiority of the preporatioi over all others is fully established, the propric tors take ph B-ure in laying before the public th following certificate from a respectable physiciar a graduate of the of Penns Ivania, D Hunuh, having lotind in ibis remedy that tel. el f a tedious and di-ngrceahh- affection which the meat within the rume of his profession f liletl to allon bus not hesitated to give il his app. nbation, itlthou he prejudices and interests uf that profession a: opposed to secret Remedies. l'liitii..Lem a, Sept. 19, tHfi. I was recently lioubkid with s tedious herpet eritiiioi, which covced nearly one side of mv far and extendi d over the ear. .Mr. Vauuhari, propn no of the Rose I linlinei.t, observing mv lace, nisi led un my I. vine his preparation, ol which he ha ded me a jar. A about h in common with the tnei bets ol my profession, I discuuutcliance and di.-a prove ot ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon 1 puldie by iunoi ant pretenders, 1 feel ill jusiice boti to rin pt the ll.w Oiiiluu ni liom thai c'assof n li enor;, slid to give il mv approbation, as il enii ly Hired the eruption, althoimti It had resisted '. u-u d h pbeaiioiis. DAM. liAI CH.M.D'- (Jj- The Rose Ointment is piepared by E V autlian, oulh f.asl corner uf Third and R Stieets,, and sold on g ncv in S. bury, by 11. B. MASSERX May 14th, IS4:f. Agr "hilt. JOSEPH E. HOVER, Mnniilacturcr of Writing nnd Intlc! ble Ink, No. llNi North Third Street, ei. doors Im'Iovv Rare, (east side,) PHir.ADEX.PHIA, TlEfTECI FI LLY informs rnuntry nierrba ' slid others, that he con-lantly keeps on ha a large stink of his supcricr Black, Blue snd V tr k, and also a superior qosbty of Indillil le I II is ink is put up in b. Hies varying in 1 to 3 ounces, and will be sold on reasons terms. 'I he excrl'ei.t qualities uf this ink has thoroughly established its character, that il is n extensively used throughout ths country. For sale si the store of H. B. Mssser, Sti bury. Pa. May 27lh, I84:f. I. ( 1 1 A li i .i :s "V. iiKtii xs. ATTOHNE.1T AT LAV SUNETJRY, PA. W JS AS token the oHiee loiu.eily uccupi' d by H U Hon. Chaites (. Dot. m I, opposite the Co House. He will attend to business in the Cuu of Norlhutnla-ilaiid, Union and Columbia count May Stlth, IH4:. UNION liiYYEU ((ientral Stage Oft.ce,) LYCOMING COTTNTT, I'cunsijH aula. riUIE Subscriber resectfu!ly informs his frienr L and the public in general, ihsl he has tak. the above LARdi: AM) COMMODIOUS HOTEL, IN THE BO R O U (J 11 O F M U N C Y. and thai he is now well prepare! to accommodat all who may favor him with their custom. His SLKKemu ApAaTatiiRTs tre well aired, am comfortable. Hi.TsMrisn Bi will always be s applied with ihe heal the msiket can afl'ord. His Sta a li ao, which is gol. will Vs under the chsrge of good snd careful hostlers. He feels confident, by strict attention to business snd an earnest desire lo render Comfortable Ihosr who niay patronize him, that he will not fail login general sali. faction. II, B. WEAVER. Muncy, Oct. 1st, 184. If.