ruMRRViNn Food for Yrabs. Therfl is an establishment in Boston, which put up food to be sent to all quarters of the world. A case containing the food, is set in a vessel of boiling water and made to boil. In this state, while the team excludes all the air, the operator instantly closes the orifice by soldering on a small tin but ton provided for the purpose. In this state it may be preserved for years. In a similar way fruits may be preserved in bottles without su gar, for an indefinite time. Green corn, green peas, &c, mity be had in winter in absolute fresh ness and perfection by this process. SisowiBt,s Ahvick. "Tske time by the fore lock,' says the adage. Tske medicine at the pro prr time, siy we. It is a nutter of less difficulty to asci-tain the proper time to serk rslief from me dicine, thin it is to discover the proper medicine which is to administer comfort to the aflti'l'd pa tient. Brandrsth'e Vegetable Universal Tills, which have oliuined s celebrity in the "Annals nf Phytic," unequalled in ancient and in idem times, have per for me J such astonishing cures, thnt thou snds of people, in justice to Dr. DrsnJreth, tuve puhliclf recorded their opinions of their wonderful od extraordinary hcslth-reslorins; qualities. Cj- Purchase of H. U. Master, Sunlury, or of the stieiita, published in anothrr part of (his paper. PRICI. CURRENT. Correrttd weekly by Henry Yoxiheimer. M'hsat, .... 85 ltra, 50 4'oH, 40 Oats, itft lo a a, 5 Fiinrin, ... lll'TTKU, ..... Ill l'oos, ... .8 IIkkswai, . 25 Tallow, ... 10 Diiitn, - . . fiO Do. Pr.ACHIC, IS" I'm, ... S Hkckliii Flax, - 10 ECiilc or t'ourl. Peter Shiley's udm'rs. vs. WilliainWrlkcr, ' N I tin Court of Common Pleas of Norihumher - land cnuntv. January 14th, 1845, on motion of .. Jordan, Esq , the couil a r.itenn the judg rem and lien ciedi nis f W.llisin Wclker, to sp. ear on the ilay of Airil term next, and how nw why the money in court shnuM not he aiiied ) the judgment in f.ivnr of Peter Shil. y's ad in'' a. SAMUEL D. ji)KDN. Pmthnnnt iry's OfTic-. ) Prut It' y unhury, Feh.22, 1845. S It Jsifob SJiltc'si Instate. VTOTICE i hereby given 'hat letters of ad ( Ministration have been planted to the saih i ttit-rx. on the etta'e "f J-irnli Shive, dee'd., Ute Aucusta Inwi.s'ip, NorthumLe land county. All ursous having demands aga-aisl said aslate are re- uexlcd to present them for ex iminaii.m and e'tl. . tent, and all persons indebted, are requested to tuke immediate payment. s,mi;el shive, john shiye. Feb. 22,1. I45. Ct Adm'r. liKto!utlou or Iartnci'Kti!p. I Til E Co-psrtnership heretofore exiting between . the suhsenhers. in the borough nf Sunburv, in e Boot and Shoe making bus ncs. was dissolved i tlie I Sth ins. All ersnns knowing themselv, a dehlrd to tlie firm, ant all tlio-e having el. limn atnat (he ssme, are rrcjii. s'et to cull on George aristi, K-q. fr sf-ttlcinen', in whose hum's the ik biid accounts li ne Lien plnred for thst pur se. JOSEPH BEl K, elias broh;s. Sunbury, Feb. 22.1. 1845 3 Soot & Shoe MAKING. VHE subscriber, l-tc aif the fitm of Berk At Brn w iu. wonM re-p-eifullv inform his add rustom and the public generally. lint he ha I. -ken 'he ,f.nncriy occupied by Haas cV D uck.-n.iller hatter shop, one door east of Wood's store, in rkci .tret, Hmibiiry, wl.ere he inteidi to rany iia fimt-r titisine of HOOT & S1IOK MAKIXC, .11 its vatiouv l-r.-mrhes. lie i I Ite pfrre.l to ail kinda of ta ork in his line at tlie li"rti-t no. , and in the rnoat'le munner. He ia thai.k for forntrr pntron.i;-, ud by utric' klteiidtnrr to it.eva and reor Mf rhures, will ind.aviw to tsrve cotitinoaiice of it- JOSEPH BECK. Miribnry, Feb. 22 ', 1845, Cm '. LTMI'.Ili:iJ.AS lAUASoLsr CHEAP rOR CASH. J. 17. SWAIIT'S mbrclla anJ Tarasol Maiinfactory. 37 Sorth 7Virf ttrret, iwo dimrg btluw Iht CITY HOTEL, I li 1 1 u d c 1 1 li I a . I.WAVS on l a .d. a large Unck of I'M- UKEI.I.AM aii l I'AK ASttl.S. i,.du int! the .IH.waileof I'iukrd KtlgeJ I'ar.i'Ols of the wtiikinmia' ip and inalerialH. at prices that will ,e 1 an ul jeci to Country Meirtianla and oilier nil and cxauiiue h.s et 'tk brtor pU'chaing l,ere. Fe' 23, 1845. ITSV- CAPvPSTIlTGS. j sHE sutxcribris have rernvt'd, and ar.- now j . s splendid Brsoriincul of tke fo, lowing ..! ; xony, ilton snd Velvet Carpetinga ussels and Imprri il 3 ply dj j ('Alt- i tra supeifine toil fine li gr .in do y PE 1'- fli.ih shaded &. Dmthk Venetiuii do j INti. I nricn tndlcd and tig'd do J ! gh.h Hru'geits and Vo.,, n Fl or Cl.-ths ..i and Par.age liiM-k'iigs Imske.l Piano and Table Covers ndon (Jheutlle and Tufie.l Kugs or Mutts of cveiy drsrriptiun. ALSO . lsige and extensive rsrortment of Floor Oil oths, tmm one to eight ysrds wide, cut to fit eve - description of rooms or psaijrs. Also, low priced li griu Catpel.ngs from 31J to 2 J cent per yard, together wi'h a laige and exlen- ve assortment of gooda uue!ly kept by cupel irrchanU. The above goods will bs sol i wholesale or retail t the lowest market price. Country mirclunU od o'heia sie psrnculsilv invited to r t II snd eis ,in our stink bcfo ntaking then selections. CLAHKSitN. RICH & MUU.U! vN, urcessoru to Joaenh lllsckwond, No. Ill Chf-nat, r.rrier of Frsiik'i'i I' I see. nil.dilj hia, Fro. 23 J, 1845, WlSTAIl'S n AIAI OF WILD CIIEItll Y, A Comnnnntl Ratnamle PrepttrntlAit from Wild Cherry Hark and Tar, The bent remedy known to the world for the rnre nf coughs, told, asthma, croup, bleeding of the lung, whooping cough, bronchitis, influ enza, hortnes of breath, pain and weakness in the breast or side, liver comdaint, and the first stages of coxsmii'Tiox. We will not assert that this BALSAM will core Consumption In ist worst form, but it has cured ninny after all other means of relief had been tried in vain. And vihv not 1 It seems that the WILD CHERHV wit destined by Nature to be our PA NAOEA for the rstrst tns diseases of this c dd la titude, l.el not the despairing invalid waste his money rind looa TIME, to him s. all important, in sxprrimenting with the trashy nostrums of the d.iv. but use at once a medicine that will cure. If a cure be p. sihle a medicine that science approves, and mnnv years of experience have demonstrated that It always relieves. "There is no sueh thing as fail," in the history of this wonderful UAI.HAM. Evidence lhnmnt ennvinrinfr, eve lence ihn no one can doubt, folly establishes this fart. For the sake of brevity we se'ect the fol owing from tlioumds. . Isaac Pls't, Eq., Editor of the Pokcepie E tgle. one of the moat influential journals in t'ie sta'e of New Yotk, states undet the authority of his own name, thit a young lady, a relative of his, of erv delicate constitution, wss attacked in Feb. 1812. with severe rold whii h immediately produced (.pit ling of blood, cough, feer, and other dangerous and alarming symptoms. Through medirnl lieatmenl and cue she putially recvercd during summer. But on the return of winter she was sttscked more violently then st ti'st, she became scarcely able to walk and w tmuhlrd with rough, chill and fever every day, and appealed to be going rapidly wi'h consumption ; at lbi lime, when there wa n sien of improvement, Mr. Plait procured a bottle of Wistah's Bilsim or Wir.n I'misr, whieh she took, and il a-einingly restored her. Hhe g ,l s se. rood, snd before it va ha If taken "he was restored to perfret health, which fhe has enjoyed ! Ihe pre sent nine, without the slighl rt symptom ol her for mer di-e .so. Mr. P att savs "the cure csme under my own nb retvation snd I cannot be mistaken as to the farts." EXTRACT OF A J.VTTEU FftOM A POST MASTF.Il DATED Pr.Mnae.xjt, Wnfhing'on co., Msine, Apr. 29, 1S44. Mft ISAAtJ BUTTS. Desr Sir: At the re quest of m:iny of my friends in this pl ice snd viri- illy who are HlTlicte.l with roitinption sml liver complainiH, I lake the lider'y of asking you in ap point some one in this county as agent to sell Wis tah's Balsam or Wiin ("mcanr, snd to send hi n a few dozen, ss there is none of i! for sale will in 200 milrs from this. I have no doubt lhat it would me. t with a ready sale if il were where il rould be pinrnrcd without lo i much expense and delay. My wife was attacked about six m nlhs since with what the physicians railed me fir.t s'sge of Consumption a complaint ry prevalent in this S'Ction of country . Having seen the Balaam ad vrrtaed in Augusts. C7" 200 MILES FUOM HERE, .0 I took the pains to send there for a bottle nf it. which she took, ami hich helped her so much that I sent fr tsn IhiIiU-s more, which the has as i t:i ken, and he now siys she ha not fell so well for six years as she does st ibis time. All those who have inquired of me and usreilained what rIVc-ct the B.dsam had, are anxious to h ive some f-r sate in this vicinity, which is the cu- of my writing you. Please inform me ty rem n of nuil whribi r you conclude to send some, and it so to whom, in order thut it may be known where it ran be had. I am with re-pect vurs. etc. P. J. FAKNSWOIiTH. P. M. The whole country is fist learning thnt no medi cine no physictnn no ptrparnlion of any kind whatever can rqnal Us. W is r ah's Balsam of Wild Ciieiih r. A TSU I.Y i, c i hi:. Watshvillk, (lneida ro.. N, Y. Sept. 1.1, 1343. Dear S'r I owe it In the sfflicteil to inform y H thxt in January Ut I was stlm ked by a very vio lent cold, csus.d by woiki- g in the wster. which scttiid on tny lungs. It v. as arcoinp.inieil by a e ry severe pain in my breast and sides, snd sls a diiiies-iiig cugh. I had in aitendsnre all the test inei'iod aid in our vill.ipe ; Put afier exhausting all their ki'l to no uv iil. ihcy pronnunred my ili ease a conhsmi-ii riun'iirTi", r. I ill-y one and all gave me up to die. After much prrsu .sion I got the consent of my physician to use I he Balsim of Win, Ca t bt prepared by Dn Wista. I pur chased of tlie Agi'iii in our .hce one bottle, lirfore usii g b.ilf of widen I I rgun to g tin streng'h. and it w.ia very evident tny rough wa much ltt-r and my symptoms m every way iinpr-iving. I have n iw used three hoith s, slid oris restored to perfect i health. This resub is tl ne owing lo the u-e nf , Dlt. WISTAIl's B A I.SAM OF WILD CHER- j liV ; and I tske this method of giving you the in ! foruiHtion, punly lo pay you the deht nf gni'tndr j I owe yuu, and pirlly ll xl other- sini!ily alTltctud ; maj know w t ere lo apply lor relief. t V. iv trulv youis, JAMES SAf.'E. ! Mh, I'almvh DUtri'i-t, under d ite of Wuii rvtlle, . Sept. 2tlh, I r4:i. w nil a; I The slat mem pivrn y-n by Mr. J imrsSani I well know n lo be i' up I v tbis whole ca.Hniumt j, i II c rt tnlv was s most reinsika le core. The al ! of the Bal-am is tt-ry good, and i;s success in cures Iru y I) AlU rir.g. Yours res ctfu'lv. D. D. PA LSI Elf. TIIK MOST HKMAHKAliM: VWXV. V.W.W KKCOIMIKI). IIahiiiimviklii. .N. J , April 30, 184 t. On or hbotit the I.Tt't day of Ortolvei, , I was taken with a violent puiu in the side near the liver, which continued tor al'.-m five days, snd was fol lowed by the Ire.k ng of an u!cir, or jls-es. in wardly, wh'ch relieveil the pain a little, hi,t rsu-ed m to ihrow up a great qtun'ily of ohVnsive mutter snd uls.i much blood. Being grfVly this, I aplicd lo a pfysician, but he said be thou-1 he rould do but li'tle for me except g ve me some Mercury I'itU, wb.r.h 1 I. fused to lake, feeling .anstied that tbey could do me no good ; man) o ther remedies were then procured by mv wil snd fiiends, but none did me any good and the dis charge ot blood and corruption still cont nued rv, ry f w days, aod at l ist become so i iT.-nme i h it r-iu'd scarcely breathe, I .i also seixed with a vi olent cougb, wl.ich al lime rsust d me to rs; niu. h moie Moo I than I lud done before and my disease continued in thia way, still growing worse, until Fi l'ru -ry, when all hope nf my ire very was given up, and my Inends all thought I would die ol a fiALLoeiKo Coasi'MPTioM, At ibis moment, when my lite was appsremly drawing nenr itschwe, I heaid of 1I. WISI'AK'! BALSAM OF WILD CHELRY. and got a bottle which at HLvm ms iMMsoiATsiT ; and by the use of only three b 'tiles nf this uirdicttie, B',i rny piin were removed my cough and spitting of blood and cor ruption entirely s'pprd. and iu a few weeks in y health was so far te.toied as to enable me to wo.k at rny trade, (which i a carpenter,) and up to this urau 1 have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. ( risTia I'iii iii, , J , (4, Fein usll v came Ukie uie, the i-ulscriUr, one of i . 1 Li .fa.1 1 1 Ihe Justices nf the Peace in and for the said coun ty, Thomas Cozens, and be'ng duly sffirmed ac cording to law, ssith the above statement Is in all things true. Affirmed before me, on the 20th of April, 1813. J Climst. J. P. S Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL SAM. "SATIRE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION," a prescription congeni I to nor wants, as it is pie pared from rhemictl cxttacts from substances which ihe author of nature baa placed in our own land for wise purposes, that many who know nothing of the mode of its preparation are endeavoring to reap pecuniary benefits by selling sn ailicle similar in name, or in appearance, or by representing their own trash as superior to this BALSAM, or by put ting up a mixture and solemnly asseverating that it is imp irted from a foreign country, which is not the ese. All these deceptive srts go to show thai WlT4's Balsam- is known to the world lo be "THE Gil EAT IlEMEDY." and ihit to sell any mixture it must he like this in name, or pur port to be like it in substance, flTj Believe not the cunningly wrought fabrica tions and lake only the original and genuine WisTAn's Balsam or Wiin Cnsnar. NO OTHER CAN S3 X.IKB XT. Address all orders to ISAAC BU ITS, iNo. 32 A nn St., New York. Agents, JOHN W. FRILINO. Sunhury, D. BRUTTKiAM. iorlhumbcrlund, J. K. MOYER. Dfonmibun;, J. WAOOONSKLLEK. SrVas-Urorc, BROWN & CREASY, MJJIinvilU: Feb. 22d. 181.1 ly Sheriff's Sale. "HTY virtue of a writ of Levari Farias, issued inn H of the Court of Common Pleas of Norihum- hi rland county, to ine dirertrd, will be exposed lo public sale on the premises, on Sntoidsy Ihe IStb day of Msrch next, at 1 o'cl rk P. W-the follow- j ing described property, to wit : j A certain ttact of land containing 310 seres or I thereabouts, principally river bottom land, situMe in i Rush township, Northumberland county, adjoining i lands of Hannah M Boyd, Jacob Read's heirs, K' l - n dy, the Co'utnbia county line snd the River Sns qurhiinne, of which about 2.10 acres i cleared and in a good t;ite ol cultiva'ion. There is on the fir two Iwo story frame dwelling houses, two frini' barns, one wscnoii shed snd othei out build ing. and two otcha'd. Seize,), taken in execu'ion, and lo be sold s the prope ty of John C. Bovd. FELLY MAURER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ? Sunbury, Feb. 22, 1K45. $ LIST OP JURORS OF Northumberland County, for Apnl Term, A. D. 181.1. Cra iid Juror!. Titrbttf. John M'l'oruiuk, David L Ireland. Lnris Wm. Slitzel. Delaware. Jscoh Brown. .1frm. Jesfe Denickson, John Ooodlnmler. Henry Slrine. Chillisiiunw.3rob Brown. Point. Wm. Lighnu. Augusta. Jese Ha-tnu, Henry Bloom. Slmnthkin Samuel (Ji'ger. Rush. Js-e Weaver. I'pper Mahonnr,. Willism Shadle. iMt'rr Mafamav. Daniel Zeibe, jr., Nichols Brosius, Charles Brosius. Jackson. Jerem ah LotiH-loif, Eli is Ei-ter, Michael Cri a-iugei, Jacob Seller, Adam Campbell, Win. (imb, John Wert. Tra vers Iirors. Delaware. Jacob Mostelier, Franklin II. Ca--Ver. Milton. Joaoph Khoqds, Wm. Ilinnn. Ciiiiiffpiarue.i'Unrh (iiile. Xtirthumbrrland. Joseph YaiidtLr, David Dilae. Point. I.oreiiE'i H ousel. Suiiliwy. t'h.iiles Hilennin, John P. Purs-1, (i.ileon Mu'kcl, ISeoige Burbri, J- I is Arno'd. AugUfltl Jo-eph Weiltel, I ic l Se.i-bol 7. Samuel KiefT. r, John immerinin, William Fu' msn, Jcob ti.iss, tinr., Adsm Nei.lig, Jo-eph S; -vnlge, J.ic ob Reno, lo iij iinm Kieghlaum, Robert (.'amp! ell. jr., Ilinicl ('onmd, sou of John SiaiiKikin Joseph Hoover, Rolct Farris wonh. sin.. Abraham Brady, Mo.cs Riichie, James (! is, Isaiah Morg m. Rush. tti-orue Miitrlder, John Oberdoif. Coal Davi.l Thompson. J s ph Itiid. I ppcr Muhiiniii. David Claik, Sjmuel Risolei, (eoige Paul, Jacob feis. I jwer Mulimmif. J kctdi Lei. kef, Solomon Heckeit, John Kield, Jacob Slej-p, Wm. Shalfer, John Li nker. Little Mahoiioy. Jncob Miller. Jinkinn Simuel Malich, Jacob Sviler, stir. Vvtit .Juror. Lewis. D iviil Moyer. Siniuel Letch, Michael Wo' er, John TureJ. Delaware. J sines O.Ues, Pel'-r Khrkner, Phil ip Pna-ler. Milton. J hi Murray. F. W. Pollock, Sim.m b'and l,'i. C'iilliniiaiue. Daniel P. Caul, Saimnl Beik ln imer, Caul. Point James Shriner. Sunbury Win. Marie, Herrv Weis, Walter Bell. Autritsta. J hu Folk, fieorg' II I Culel- Ely. M'k Staughi, Thomas Memli nli.i.l. Shaoiukin D iimd ll - as, jr. Rush. A (unburn II 'ffnim. Coal. Joseph Snvder, Pemheitoti BirJ, Wm. Fetrelv, (!roii:e Arnistiong i. I'pper Mahoiwy. Daniel Mover, J ilin Mslich, Davnt Rei z. Imiikt Mownoii. Daniel Rollieimel, Peter llo irl. Juckion. Michael Bi h'.i, DiviJ Schwartr, John Clark, j-. I.L ersons indibted to ihe estate ol M churl Jj Nii.hif, died., la'e of Ancu-iv t.iwn-hp, .No ihiimlierlaiid county, and all ill se bivu g claims agaiusl the -ine, are mpiesied In meet al the house of aaid ileceai-e.l, on Fii.luy the 2tli day id February, iiirt., lor I lie purprse of ai-lt:ing 11,1 Slid accounts, when and wheie due aMei .hlicc will he given by (iKOKtiE CONRAD. SMI EL S. WAtiNElf, Augusta, Feb. ftih, Im5. 3t Adoirv. IS hereby givrn, thnt I have this day revoked 1 Power of Attorney, given hy me to Henry H. Burr of Northumberland, nn Ihe 10th Jay of June, which if vocation is iccordej iu the Kv'Coi ders ufliie of Noill.uinliciUn.l county. WILLIAM MeCAY. Northumlierland, Jan. 1 1th. 1845. 17 if MiMiiioUiii Coal AT NORTIIUMBERLA X t). T IHE 8ubscriter has a boat load of eirell- ut Slismokin Coal at Northuuitieil iti.l, which be oiler lor solo at the lowist prices. P. rami wishing lo pHichsse will rail 011 the fcuhsrii:., r at Kunbuiy, 01 I'.. P. Sliaiiuon, E-q. ut Nonhuiuber land. H. B. M AS:EK. iSuubury, Jan. 4th, let.1. SHERIFF'S BY virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo nis issued nut of ihe Court nf Common Pleas of North un-hcrl md County to me directed, will be exposed to puMic sale, at the Court House in Ihe Borough of Sunbury, on Monday the 7th day of April next, al 1 o'clock, P. M., the follow, ing described property lowitt A rertain tract nf land situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, surveyed on a warrant granted to Michael Krnlt, containing 250 acres more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names, Frederick Cramer, Mntihiss Zimmernan, Bernard It ubley and others; about 8 acres of which are cleared. ALSO The equal undivided thiee-foiirlh parts. (Ihe whole into four equal parts to l divided.) of three rertain ronl'goons trarts of land, siloste in Coal township sforesaid 1 one ther- of surveyed on warrant granted to John N'cholis Bailey; one o ther thereof surveyed on a warrant to Peter Masai man, and the nlber thereof survey, d on a w -rriint granted to I'eter Manrt-r, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of B irnsrd II ubley, John Cow-h n, Beijimin F. Young ami others, containing in the whole 542 acres mvr or lss, about St' acres of wh;ch are cleared ; whereon aie errcled a 1 J s'nry log house, a bu b irn, bo orchsid, cVc, now in the occupmcy of Michirl Kersielter, ALSO The rqnd undivided nne-fnirlh part, (the whole into four equal part to be divided,) nf s rertain tract or piece nf land, situate in Coal town ship aforesaid, continuing 2(H) acres or there bouts, (being pari of a I .rger tract surveved in the m i r of Daniel Rees, rall- d "Springfield ") at-otit 40 a cres of which are clenred ; wberer-n sre eree ed a two siorv log house, a log bnrn, an nrrh.ird, rVe,, now in the oeeupsncy of David Thompson. ALSO The equal nn livuled one-fotitth rarl nf a certain trrt f land, a tnste in Coal town-hip a- foresaid, conteinina 200 acres or Iherrahonls, (be ing pail of a larcer tract surseved in the name of Daniel Rees, rilled "Mpringfir d.") sl-mil 40 acres of which arec'eire.l; whereon sre erected a t-v-i story log bouse a Ins sn orcba-d, Ac, n- w iu the ifcupmcy nl D.ivjd Thompson, subject to mortgsce to John (J. Bowl. ,.,rSII The equ d oiidHdcd one f ur'h pari, of a certain tract ol land, aitm'e in t'o.d Ip. afore ssid. railed 'Slope Het-ge," survey d in tlie nau e ot William Tomliiison, rnnt lining 24S acres, 01 thrienbnu's, about CO acres nf wl-ich sre r'csteil ; whireon sre rie ted s two story log house, a l"i! t arn, a spring hot) e -nil a lsige 0t hard, now 111 the occupancy nf John Thompson, Senr. AI.vO The eqiiid undivided nnr.foiirth part, of a cerisin Imcl nf land, situate in Cod township afoiesaid, csl'cd 'Stone Hinge,' surveyed in the n.imr of William Ton. litis m, cool iir ing 215 ncres or thereabout-, nbntit f.O arr a nf whit b are ch ar ed ; wheie ui sre erected a two story loa lmue, a pring lnu'e and a large oichaid, now in the cc cupanre of Jot n Tboin( aon, sr., subject ro a mrt. gage to John C. Boyd. ALSO A crr'am tract of bind, si'iiste in Coal to" n-hip aforesaid, adj ining finds now, or lite of Biddle, Company iV others, contiinirg lf!5a en s more or le-s, al out 12 acies of which are cleared; wher nn are eiecte.l a two story log h iu-e aid a log stal e, r ubject to certain inorlgiecs. ALSO A certain tractor piece i.l I ,iul, situate in Coal town-hip afoicsaid, adjoining nf 'he Asylum Co., Bt.Ule .V. Co.. Sirah Rees et o'heia. containing 1012 acres. 43 perrhis and allowuice, more or less, (l-eing pait of three cont euous tr iris oflsnd, sorveved in ihe naoies nf Wi'.liam Piich aid, (.o ge I'oMraiu ik An'rew Shiiber.) about une acre of which is cb- ired ; whe.e m a.e etec ed a log house and an excellent saw-mill, on the maoi j brunch of ShimoKiii crc k, whiih pjses llirough said I m l. ALSO Two certain tr rts of land, situate in Col iifoiesaid, a. .ining Iir ds "I Tumi linnn. Yari all, Mctvine, Melchotr Sini.ti cV otheis containing logi ther l'i7 acre, fit! porch, s and al low nice, more or less, being Ihe sirne tr icl of ! laud which was surveyed in purs. 1 nice of Iwo I w .mil's, armicd to Pit. r '.etg. i.f , dated the I att la and 2t-t divs of Decrnilwr, I M M It , ie-pectie-' ALSO A certiin trict of land, situate in Cent tnnuahip aforesaid, a.'joining l u ds nf Mclchoir Smith fi others, contninini! one acres, KM per. he iitid a'lovvance, or l ss. ALSO The equal undivided four-twelf'h pa'l. (the whole into 12 iquil ar's tol divi.'il ) ..I 31 c.'iiti!Uiis tiai I t Irin.l. situate in Little M ihn- my ck ("011I lou nships nfore-anl ; one thereof sat' vevvd on a wa.rutit, prun ed to William Cook, containing 4 1 7 seres, 140 percl es m -re 01 . c.a.l ioiniiig land- suiveyed in ihe 1 aoe of Jeien.inh ! Jackson, Wal i iua (irjy A others ; one . th.r ihere. j of, surveyed nn a warrant granted to illisiu ! W il-oo, containing 'i'Xt seres 101 p. rche- mine J or lass, s.'j lining lands suiveyed in the n.ines of j Jacob Hum II. John ("ook fc o heis; one otUer thereof, survey 1 d una' gn'Oel 'o 1'hoiias ! Hamilton, containing 412 a. r-, 45 perches and al l.mai re, more or It-rs. a.'j 'ir ing Und-- so-eved 111 j the name of S .innt I Scott. Jerennsh Jacksoo eu.l olhe's; 1 lie et'i.o thereof suivecd in pur-'l ne ..f a Manatil lo I nomas ttia,rit, eontat.ting lis errs, SO perches an 1 nil .cc-', a 'joini t I .lids suiveved 10 ahe nnnies ol I'd nus U.e-e Th uni HamdtoiitV nlhers ; one oihei of. sor. v .1 ' nit n variant to 1 iioini. lo-sre, i j.j a ' cre, 4'J perchea snd allow ice. in te nr le-s. ad j j 'ining hinds suiveted 111 li e lisincs nf 'I'll on is ; lia;i. iiton. T tii uil fc odieis ; one o h. r tl.eicof, '. -ur'eycil on a w taut lo Jer. nimh J 1. k"on. con 1 t.i maic 345 sites, 50 perches and ull.mance. 1110 e ' or less, a 'j luil'g I. nil Ul ftfine-a d, town ; Toemas". 'I luiim. tiianl slid o'heis ; 0.1s ntber theteol, surveyed 1 n s sum I In AI. jii ii r lluulei, c. 11 ui.iii: 4 4'0 a. rs, -5 pc c'i. .-, uwr 01 j le-s. adj lining luuls survived ill the ii'tiii "I I' ; I iratit. t'hr l hei Diu klelx titer ai d of ers ; one other, sin v. e.l 11:1 a in mil In John I'ow. ' den. C nlai.11114 40J .!, LIT peiehea inoie.o less, ! sdj inii g 'and -urce l in ihe 11.1.10 nf ill am j C. Dut'klcl e 1 r und others; one oih' i tin r l 1 surveia'd on a warrant lo WiPiam (trny, a'out ilu j 11. g :i'0 acres 21 peicloa in 'ie orbs-, a.'j 11 ing I..11.I-sii' ev r.l in ihe nanus i f Ja M ill -ah J ickson. i John t'owden and nihcts ; one other tin leof, n. to 'I ho:us tirsn', ioi.t.'',,i(1;, ! 44'J acre. d7 peichi s ino e er i. f s, a.lj 'o 'i an,U j sum yd in the nmne ol , I one oiler ill re,. t, su' v. re. I on a , srisi 1 1.1 Sa'i.'i i el Scull, com, lining '.VW a. te, ,l(eict.s slid s'i.. ( adj 'iii'lig lands v.1(vev.d 111 t'ie na.r.e ol ilhaiia II iniitlo',, '.n ,n t Re,au eV otl.e ; ni p Oilier ih. reol, utv,.,V(1 wu.ri is Jac:h Briji' I. c.ii.ioai.ii-s l'' acres 59 ueicl r ni.-re nr U-, sd- I joining t ,.itls n,,erd 111 the names nf Esiher ! l're , f (j,,.f,y Wale s and others ( one mht"' ' .creof, suiveyed on a warrant to William C. HI n k. cnn'ainlung t il sees (H -rchcs anal nil .wane, sdjoiiiing lands furveyrd in the names of Kiel, I, Hun'er, Mattiu snd ithers; one o'.bi r thetenf, sur. veyad in the nan e nf John II ycr, containing 116 acres 144 perches m re nr liss, .ining binds ve) ed in ihe names of John It Puce, Michael KM! and o iler t one nth. r thereof, tuoris.l 111 ih.i na'iie ol Charles Denug. eoiitsining 95 sere 97 perches more or less, a.lj tnliu hunts surveyed 111 the nin of lluiiii r, Vsieis, K1.I1I and ntheis; one other thereof, suiviyed 111 Ihe 11 .me of Alciau tier J iiilan, co' la u ng 121 a-na 150 perches more ! hs . a Ijoiimij I aurveved in lha nam-a of i (iisi I, Mail r, Htisiiell Ar ( ttur cue other there. nfsutveved in tho name of George W. Kield, enn Initiing 1 13 acre 1 37 perches more or less, adj iin ing (amis surveyed in the names nf Hunter, Black A other ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of John O. Martin, containing 100 acres more nr less, lining land surveyed in the names nf Orsnt Bonsr A Kield ; one other thereof, surveyed in Ihe name of John O. Martin, containing 174 seres 112 perches more nr less adjoining lands suiveyed in the names of Himmelreich, Yoxlheimer St o'hers : one other thereof, surveyed in the name of Oeorge Piinre, containing 1 1 7 acres Rt perches more or leys, adjoining surveyed in the names of Zei gler, (Jrant, Cowden cV BsMey ; one other thereof, surveyed in the nsme of John B. Price, containing 1 18 acre. 21 perches m re nr less, sdjoining surveyed in ihn nnmes nf Bogir. Oranl and others; one nlher thnreof, surveyed in the name of John B. Price, con'aii'ing 24 acres 41 pe.ches more nr less, aalj ining lands surveyed in the names of Yoxthei mer. Shissler and others ; one other thereof, sur veyed in the name nf O xlfrey Waters, containing 120 seres mre or !a's. adjoining land surveyed in Ihe names of B'iaht. Hunter snd others ; one other thereof, surveved in tho nnmo of II. nry Yoxiheimer, 00 seres 70 perchrs more or less, sd joining lands surveyed in the name nf Grant, Yox the'incr and others ; one n her thereof, surveyed in the name nf Henry Yoxiheimer. containing 173 acres fifi perchia more rr less, adjoining lands sur veae.l in the nimesnf R ed, Manin, Onwden and otheis ; one otlur thereof suiveyed in the name of laar Z eler. containing 125 aces 61 perches more or less, a.ljoinina lands surveyed in the names of tirtnt. Price anil llailey ; one other thereof, survey ed in ihe name of J icoh IL-Per, containing ?13 a- e.e 108 perches more or less, adjoining Boyd, Kisnier, M Hirer and Himmelteich ; one o her thereof, surveyed in the name of Henry Himmel reich. containing 158 acres 40 perches mnro nr les sdjoining Boy I, Wilson, Maaireran l others ; one other thereof, surveved in the name nf Henry Shiss ler, ron'simng 1 50 acres m.-re or h'ss. adjoining .lor, Inn, Ree l, Yoxthrimer and others ; one other thereuf, snrreved io the nsme nf John Boyd, eon I lining 44 I ncres 1 2 perches more or lew, adjoin ing lands surveved in the names of Frederick Cra mer, Pel r Mmurr and olhors ; and the other there of. patented lo Joseph Wsllis. cnt lining 123 acres m-'r or less, s.l j ii,ing lam's surv, yed in the names of Himmelreich. otthiemer and nthers. ALSO A certain tract of land, si'uite in Coil l-iwnship aforesiid, survryed in pnrstmnce nf s warrant I'tanled to J ic.ib Weis, jr., tinted the 3d lav of September. 1S2S. conl iining 5 acres more or les, S'tj .jniriiT surveyed in the name oi Ed- word O. Mirklev rand otln rs. AI.S11 So much n is sit'ist d in C. al town ship, No'thiiriiherhnd c. iinly, of eleven contiguous tract ..f land ; cue thi reof. surveyed in the rimi nf William Bod. eint'tinitis 410 aces !l-l perches more or less : one other llureof surveyed in the n i " r nf John R Stout, rniataintrig 430 sen's more or les-; one other tin reof -urveved in the nime nf John ('. Bovd, cont iinipg 372 acres 110 perches m re airless; one o'her thereof surveyed in the n imt of John O Boyd, containing 390 acres more or le-s ; one other thereof, surveyed in the nsme of Samuel Morgan, containing 4 I ft acres I15perche mors or ee ; one other thereof surveyed in the name of John C Bovd, containing 443 seres 64 perrhi s more or less ; one other thereof surveyed n Ihe n-unc of Hester Scott, condoning 421 acres 7'J pen-he more or less; one other thereof surveyed in ihe nsme nf Hsrinah M Bovd, containing 427 acres 140 perches more or es ; one other thereof eai'veycd in ihe name nf William Boyd, containing 458 seres 157 perches more or less ; one other ibr-reof surveyed in the name nf Elizi M. Bovd. con taining 443 seres I perch mote or less, and tho o ther thereof surveyed in ihe name of William Boyd, contaii itag ?57 acres 128 perches more or lea. 1 s much us is s tn ited in Coal township Nor'huinbcrla'i l county, r.f the equal undivi 'ed one fourth pari of 155 pins of 226 pnrls of thiite.ti contiguous tracts nf land, surveyed on wurran's fur 100 acres cch. dnted the IPth day nf May, 1793, j gran'ed lo William E liot. George Ashton. Caleb Lownes John Y, ling, John Wl.iteman, Joseph I lord ni, R-chsr.l Tuni, 'oin Warner, Daniel R.-es, j Wilaro Poiter, Wil iam Milbr, Peter Dehaven j a d Wi'Mam Powel j which s.ii.l tracts nf land are I !-v the 0IV11-111I re'umsi.f snrvry co.npn'e.l lo coil j ta n 534 Ij acres 120 p rch. s and allowance. I Si iei), tiiken in eiceution, and to be Sold a the ' of H.ird Patter-on. I A LSO Two a-eitain rontignoiia lots of ground siluiiie in the 'own of shntokin, in C"l township, Northuiiil.i rlaud rou ity. in lint imrt of aid town hi' I out l y Alexander Ionian, E q., a .1 other, n. d in irke.l 111 Ihe general plan thereof Noe, 411 iV 412, honiidi-d on Ihe wa-si bv l. t No. 413. on the no. 1I1 bv a puhlir ro,.l, and on the east by land nf Wm. M'C'.niy and anheis, and on the south by ihr sou ih Inn. ol ssid lots ; enh of said tola contAining 40 Icei in front and feet in length ; whereon sre er eld a iwo story brick dwelling house an J store room, snd a pari of a loi; l.o.ii-e. Seited, taken in rsccaitmu, slid lo be sold ss Ihe propcity ol Ann Woalserl n. FELIX M A C R E R , Sheriff. Sheiill's OMice. Snnl urv, Fib. 15. h, M4.V S AC.AIXNT SMrciCLlsRS. i. si. .Missr.R x . n. 11 ill, Eft E-PEC I'FTLLY -ff-r i Ihe public their si-:f-.r paie I. well te-l. r! nil I highly all'cctu 11 pi par .li n for 1 hi. 1 xn riiiiiiaiion of ltu, .tllr., itiMl!iitrt and CotU ruiu licsi. Thev piomise thoa nf the ptil.Ii.t who m ay be siin-.ycd bv the alettructive aermin, a Cjiii la'te rid. I anaee. afli r u-inu this highly eifeolu al pra paia 'i n for a lew day. 'I li prep .r .lion posse. c the, s!-rtgul ir property, hi I'itlioui l.iiiij actual pi j, B0I only kdl the Kits mid Vice. Ian v ill, m coa.scquem e of Ihe sin k" It produce. '-v,ivelv compel those that do in I .lirnily pnlaK.. ,,f t ii'teTiptUtily lo kve the house. CAl'I'ION A4 t'eeaie alvays pers.ins w'l ling ami li".',, tn ... int.inlii, lion of any vabiable article 10 spun. Us inn at ons . f the genuine I;'"' m.iii'.si wain the pu' l.v fmni purch ising .:i's pn pa'at'on nt anv o her place ihi'i si the store 1 f II. U M askab, S.m' ii v. P B. M. cV V. M. II. Q j" This pn par .lion is sd.l ill 25 eenls per box, snd may ltt I ad "t t'o shove i.uiiicd .tutc, al hiiv lime. Siaiihur, F.h. R h, 1S4 5. ?llt Jr.tcl eit!IsN llat. 1fc.T0 1'(a 'E Is berebv given that l.-tiers nf admin- 1, trull ni have been gianted to the sulicnls-is. on Ihe isti.ttinf Michael Neidig, die', I. Ad per sons l aving demands sea list tho est ile, are re apiesird !' pie-sM.t ibelo for ex aniiii' 1011 and set ileiCeiii. an. I all per-otis indebted aie requested In iiiukc immediate payancni. GEORGE COVR.M). S MI EL S. WAGNER. Augusta, Jan. 18, 14 5, Gt Ad.n'it Call and ScCUe. JEU-ON.S knowing ihcmselve in.t.hled la III - Mi'isciil er. ne n aim te.l lo call t.nd si tile ina ir -c 0111'S, ma ..r U f .re the 20ili I'ay ol Janu ry lira, 1, sfi.r wh-eh llutn those if long s'utiiling "U he placed ill thai ban. 'a of a J.i.uce. f .1 cll-c-tio". II. U. MAS; KM. D.c lt:h, JS44. TSasssi TO Country Merchants. riHE Bubscribers Wholesale Merchants, Menu. L fsctairers snd Ieilers in Philadelphia, respect fully invile Ihn e t'.ountiy Merchants who are a- lout purchasing their Spring snd Summer Sup plies, to an examination of their tesnective Stocks of Go ls. We believe that our sever d sssnrlments are ss complete as hive ever been offered in ibis city, and shall be ples-cl to have them give us a call. Importers and Dealers in Silk and Fancy Dry (lofids. Csleh Cope At co. lr.5 Msrket St above 4 lit WARP Remington 92 " Ashhurst At. Remington R0 M See. Brother ceo 70 " Yard Stv Oillm ne 109 " Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods. Reynolda, McFarland iV CO 105 Market Sired Morgan, Bank aV co 57 " W B r G B Cooper 53 " Samuel Hood 0. N E cor or Market iV A.h St King, Bovd Ac King, 20 North Second St, opposite Ihe M ul'Bin 1 1 on so Willism II Brown & co 20 North Fourth st Julian, Mason cV. eo 150 Market st Eckel. Spinglcr & Raiguel, 129 North 3d st ahovo Race Smith, Howell &. Barr 33 North Second st Barclay Lippincutt, 1 CO J Mark, tut, one door be. low Fifth, south si.lo Ludwig, Kneedler &. co, 112 North Third, S W corner of Race st Haas A- Hollinnsworth, 18 North Second st snd 2 Church Alley Jimes J B -swoll V. co 50 Msrket st Frederick, D.'Wstt cV co 02 North 3.1 st Ioipnrtcrs and Dialers in Ihisiery, Gloves, Trim- miim and Fanry Gomts. E S Burnett, 3 S 4:h st. ca-t side below Market JaVJP Sieiner, 48 N 21 st, 4 doors below Arch st Cloths, Catnimcres, Vesting. Tailors' Trim mings, Ve. Defoursey, Laf.iurcadd V co. 77 Market st. William H Love 147 J Godlcy Spry cV co. 84 " lltrdware and Cutlery. Edward S Handv cV co. 98 Market st. above 31 Yardley, Sowers iV. CO 111 47 177 J " 181 187 " 195 ahnve 3 1 below 2d John S Fitehetl aV CO. Allen R Reeves At CO. Wm T Howell cV co. Deacon ct Peterson M irtin Biiehb r Sc. Bro. Mich .el V Baker Muslin Al Pepper Faust cV. Winehienner '.icl iw 5th 215 4 North Third st. 7 0 Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage Trimmings. John M Ford 32 North ThirJ st H At. t. Fricke 14 tJoffot Peterson 12 Nurt h Fourth t Win Ford 7 Saddlery , Saddlery Hardware, Hornets, Trunks, djC. dc. Edwsid P Mover 38 also CJ-J Market s!. Publishers, Dooksellert and Stationers. Giigg At. Ell ott 9 Ni rih Four h st Hogriu afc Thompson 30 " Hides, Oil and Leuthcr Dealers. William Musser it co 2fi3 Maiket st II M Ciawford 204 North Third st Hoots, Shoes, Roiinets, Caps, Leghorn; Palm Hats W E A J G Whelati, 158 Murktt st Lcvirk, Jenkins Ac co 150 " China, Earthen Ware and Glass. Alexander Rend 205 M irkel st Peter Writ-lit cc Sons 25'J " Wright v"k Wharton 21) North Third st Benedirt. D osey aSt Son 125 " William P Hacker 62 North 2 1 st. ahovo Arch Manufacturers and Dealers in Dntgs, Medicines, Paints, Oils. d-. Thomas P Jam's 212 Market st Thompson, l'ancoist At Co 40 " he low 2J Csleh Ciesson b N.ulh 1'hird st Manufacturers of Selves, Riddl-.s, Screens, and Wirewnrk in general. Joseph A Needles & ao. ft 1 North Front ft Combs, Uruslirs, Pultons. Spoil Cotton, Trim- mi'lgs, Fancy, Ac. Ac. Oliver Martin 24 North Fourth st s. M. D.y 10 Manufacturer and Importers nf Md'tary Goods, Fringes, Curds, Tussth Carriage Laces, Ac Willism II Harslmann Ac Soi.s, 51 North Third t Manufacturers vf I'nib- I'at, Parasols and Sun Shail: s. Sleeper, Broth rs 120 Market st Wright A. Brothers 125 " William A Drown " Manufacturers of Hits, Caps, Wool Hats, Ac. Henderson Ac Leviclt lit Market st SitlC Nichols 144 " Manufacturer rf Potent Floor and Furniture. Oil Chillis, and Elastic Carriage Curtains. Potter cV. Ca-iuichael 5So North Thii.l -t I a-ic Mactiu',ey, Jr. 6 North Fil'.h st Manufacturers of Lodges' and Gentlemen's Cheap Travelling Trunks. A I. H.ekev A co 150 C nsnut st 1) Ham 8 mid 'Zb Notlh Foutth ot hnpurters of Toys, Fancy and Sluple Gh.., jVu- shes und Pt'fui'tcry. A F O't Mourose 10 s Foaitia below Ma kit Louis C Bilieis chs 170 Ms.ket st Manufacturer of Cmr.!,.-, liruth'S, So:ips and Pi ifumrrif. Thomas Buta.h,jr (late of Pillsbu p) 183 Maikflsl Groctrii s. Wil iam Y A11V sou aSc c.i 21 North W.a'er t John frit' Vs 17 N Filth t. c rner of Comin. rro W'aieriiian iV n.-hourii, N W cor. of 2 I A A'ch I R Patterson .V ro ISU Msikn j Deafer in Cund'c; Orcn;-, Lemons, Ra's'iu, A ' j John J Rich d-on 42 M ark' t si. l!otv '.' I I lomorters oral! A-nrs of Shii'tung Fi,rs, W illinn O. i-e, (50 S Front l a I iw Chrsnnt .lricullur.d 11 d ILrt'cullnral loifdemeiJs, Car. dm. G ass and FUver Seeds. D O Prouiy. 101 J M k-i ,1. (ow Cth South i hi Locking tVoi.-fe-, Vh.te l a id Fmicy itjrduv Comb; Itrusihes, Ac Willis n A Wslier C'es. 11 14 North 4th A tuporter nod D.ciir i t ll-Uing Chili. Jacob Fry f-H N.. h lid st. (-i;cccnr 1.1 Ritt. i: ) Minuf.c'u tn en l D'u'vrsin Straw (i.ods, Uu.r Eiog; Ae. William M & I in i: M ...II. i N.-rih 2J '. I Mam f s f Cup fid Slock, (tuU liMiCt, i t rm't, 11 id Hvllilet. J J T Lee. 10. 12 North Tbt d -t j M tnof-c-tn-.r ,f I'a eut 1 1 ther, Cbirtd Mail: , ) " fn ro'ge Oil I'lulhs and Cups. j I ho T Ibdow.y 9 Norih Fif h ' '. II-on FJg't Dan. 3.1 II. ur and Utiurul CU': j ' li.-han t . I . S Snioh e-J No.ili Thud st. rie-rC- y James ItsTl rr SNVa-k-tsl. n s.oe a . .v - . A E l.veli r in. I a.l Third aod s'.s. . J c. nicr of Fouuh snl M..i 'f Print Unrr .--. li alt 1'ii't; ;.. M tell A ro. ?0I si. 'J ui.or ahjve I'. I J'll.iau.lp.i.a 15l'-h I