SHERIFF'S "II Y virtue of certain wrila of venditioni expo. MW n" issued nut of lh Court of Common Fleaa of Northumberland County to me direcleJ, Will he exposed to public tale, at the Court Hoiim In Ih Borough of Sunbury, on Monday the 7ili day of April nni, at I o'clock, P. M., the follow, ing described property to wit t A rertain tract of land situate in Coal township, Nnrlhumb. ilsud county, surveyed on a warrant granted to Michael Kroll, containing 250 acre more or les, adjoining lands surveyed in the name. Frederick Cramer, Matthias Zimmernan, Bernard Duhlry and others; aliout 8 acne of which are cleared. ALSO The equii! undivided thiec-fourth parts, (the whole into four iqual part lo be divided,) of three certain contiguous Irarta of land, situate in Coat township aforesaid i one then of surveyed on warrant granted to John Nicholas Bailey; one o Iher thereof surveyed on a warrant to Petri Sassa man, and the other thereof survey id on a w ,rrant granted to Peter Maorer, adj lining landa survryed n the names of B irnard Hnhlcy, John Covvd. n, Uei jamin P. Voung and others, containing in the whole 64? acre more or less, shout 5 acres of which are cleared ; whereon are erected a 1 1 story og house, a Ion barn, an orehatd, Ate, now in the iccupancy of Michael Kerstetler. j A I, SO The equ il undivded one-fourth part, the whole into four equnl parts to be divided,) of t certain tra t or piece of land, situate in C at tow n hip aforesaid, containing 200 acres or there ihoula, being pari of a I .rger tract surveyed in the na r e rf Daniel Rees, called ' S jr.i i . n fn-M .') alrout 40 a rea of which are cleared ; wherein am erec ed wo story tog house, a log hsrn, an orchard, Ate, low in the occupancy of Dm id Thompson. ALSO The eqna' unJiv ded one-fourth rart of certain tr.ct of land, aittiate in Cnl township a .repaid, cont ininc; 200 acres or thereabouts, (he rig part of a larger tract surveyed in the name of )anie Rees, culled "Springfie d.") about 40 acres f which are cleared; whereon are erected a two tory log house a loir turn, an orchard, Air., now l the occupancy of ll.ivid Thompson, sul'ject to a nnrtgaee to Jot n C. Bovd. ALSO The equ I uudiided one.f ur'h part, fa certain tract uf land, situate III tp. afore aid, called "Stone Hetgc," surveyed in the name I William Touiliit.on, containing 245 acres, or uL rrcahouta, tiliout CO acres of which are cleared ; In leon ate ere led a two story log house, a log tlrn, a spring hnu e ind a large orchard, now in t-e occupancy of John Thoinnon, Scnr. Al.SO The rqnnl undivided one-fourth patt. fa certain tract of land, situate in foul township foresaid, cal'ed 'Stone Itcnge,' surveyed in ihe Hint! of William TnniliuS'.n, containing 215 ncres r thereabouts about 130 acre of whicli are clear d : whi te. n are erected a two story log house, a pring h'iu e and a large otchaiil. now in the or. upancy i.f J.d n Thom. son, sr., auhject ro a mort ice to John C. BoyA. A I. SO A cir ani tract of lund, situate in Coal i n-Tiip aforesaid, aitj initm lands now, or Lite f Diddle, Company ft oilifrs, containing 1(15 a i ts more or less, about 12 acir of which are loured ; wher i.n are erected a two story log hju-e ii. d a log slul'le, sulject lo certain mortgages ALSO A rerta'rn tract or piece of land, situate n Coal township aforesaid, arljoining lands of the Vsylum Co., Bid.Ue At Co., S rah Rees At others, ontaining 1012 acres, 43 perches and allowance, nre rr Ics, (t eing parts ol three cont'guous tracts if lunil, surveyed in the names of William P.ich ltd, doge Coldr.iiu & An 'rew Shubc.r.) shout ne acre i f which is cleared ; whereon ate. ereced log house and an excellent saw-mill, on ihe main ranch of Shainokiil crek, which pa-es through lid land. ALSO Two certain tr et of land, situa'e in 'o il inun-hip afoiesnid, a''j lining lards of Tom-n.-on, Yart all, Mcrvine, Melrhoir Smith & others .'iilaining togctU r 1 7 acre, 56 penh. axn.l al waiioe, more or Iras. In lug lire same tracts of Hid which whs surveyed in pursuance of two aTrains, granted lo I'tt r Zing, nfons, ilated the llih and 21-1 days of Dccemlier, 182'J, ie-cctne- ALSO A certain tract of land, situate in Coal rwoslrip sfiT'S ml, a-joining lands of Melrhoir inilh ft others, coniNtiring tweirly one acres, 131 errhes and a'lowwnce, more or hsa. ALSO The equal undivided four.twelfih pat. I Vii' whole it. to 12 rquM parrs to lie divideil ) 131 ntiijuoin, trai ts ol laml. siluatp in I. Mile Maho iiy & Coal townships Hforeaid ; one thereof sur. a'ved on a warrnnt, crated to William Cook, niHinir g 4 1 7 acres, 140 percl ts more oi h oiling IhiiiK surveyed in the name of Jeremiah Meltsoii, Wi inm Cray & o tu rs ; orie oth r ihere. f. surveyed on a warrant granted in William, vVilton, containing 3U:i acres I Ot pi tches more 'ess, adjoining lands mirveyed in the n .mi s of I aeoh Sharn II. John (ok Al others; one other I icreof. surveyed una warrunt granted to 1'hornaa imilton coniaining 4 12 arre, 45 perches and al i iwance, more or lei-s. adj ining lands surveyed in names of 8 ,muel Scolt. Jeremiah Jackaon and i thers; nne i tliar thereof surveyed in pur-u mc - f a warrant to Thorn is (irant, contsiaing 418 a-:-(es, 80 perches and arlowa-e, a'ljoiui" Unds u-veved in the tinmen of I'll mis li ie Thorn i I lamilton & oilier; one other thereof, surveyed oi a warrant to I'Iioiii.ik liiece, coutaiuing 4:1:) a ;res, 42 (icrchea ami allowance, mom or less, ad ining lands sui veved in ihe nainea of Th mns Hamilton. T (Jranl Al o'heis ; oneo hrr llwreof, urveyed nnavi raut lo Jeremiah Jickson. con . rung 345 acres, 50 pi rchi a and allowancti, more r less, a.'j iiimg I mils l-t afuieraid, lo wit ; 'hoinas Idese, Thomas Grant and oilier ; one iher then ol, surveyed oo a warrant to Ah lar d tr Iunter, ci n'ainir.g 420 acres, 25 petches, more or j -a. adjoining lands surviyed in the names of T. rant, Chnstophei Dot. lie Is rger and otl.eis ; one thei thereof, survi ved on a warrant lo John Cow 'en. containing 403 a.-re, 137 rerche more or lea, nlj lining lands i-urveyed in Ihe nainea of William Dunklelrergw and others; one other the r of, turvevrd on a warrant In William Gray, contain ing 3'J9 acres. 21 perchia mre or less, adjoining landsauiveyed in ihe names of Jeremiah Jackson, John Cowdcn ami others ; one other theieof, sur. veyed on a wareant to Tbomaa Gran, t ontaining 449 acres, 37 perches mo-e or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of ; one other thereof, surveyed on warrant to Samu el Scott, containing 326 acres 6 petches and allow ance, adj iiiitng lands surveyed in the names of William Hamilton, Thorn s Iteeae At others; one other thereof, surveyed on warrant lo Jacob Bright, containing 188 acria 59 perches mure or lets, ad joining lands auiveyed in the iiaate of Esther Cramer, Godfrey Waters and others ; one other thereof, surveyed on a warrant lo William C. Ulsck, rontaininng 121 acrea 68 perchea and allowance, adjoining lands surveyed iti the names of Kiehl, Hunter, Martin and others; one o'.her thereof, sur. veyed m the name of Jolin lioyer, containing 116 cres 144 percfles more or less, aili'tiiing lands sui veyed m ihe names of John U. Price, Michael Kroll and others ; one other thereof, surveyed in lha name of Charles Dering, coniaining 95 acres 97 tierches more or less, adjoining linda surveyed in the nsmes of Hunu-r, Waiera, Kiehl and others; one iKher tlicreof, surveyed in the name of Aleian- der Jordan, containing 124 terra 150 perches more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the namra of Graut, Maitin, Bhartell tV others ; one vti there of surveyed in the name of George W, Kiehl, fon taining 1 12 acres 137 perchea more or less, adjoin ing lands surveyed in the names of Hunter, Ulsck A. others ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of John G. Msrtin, containing 100 acres more or less, arljoining lands eurveyed in the nsmes of Grant Bogar fc Kiehl t one other thereof, surveyed in the name of John G. Martin, Containing 174 arret 143 perchea more or leca. arljoining land u veyed in the names of Himmelreich. Yoxtheimer &. nihers t one other thereof, surveyed in the name ofGeorge Prince, coniaining 117 acres SO perchea more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in Ihe names of Zel gler, Grant, Cowden ft. Hiailey ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of John B. Price, containing 118 aere 24 perches nvre or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of Bogar, Grant and others; one other thoreof, surveyed in the mme of John B. Price, containing 24 acres 4 1 pe chea more or less, adj i 'ing land surveyed in the nsmes of Yoithei mcr, Shissler and others; one other thereof, sur veyed in the name of G.idfrey Waters, containing 120 seres more or !c?s. adjoining lauds surveyed in the names of Bright. Hunter and others ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of Henry Yonheimer, containing 99 acres 70 perchra more or less, ad joining lands surveyed in the names of Grant, Yox tlimer and others ; one o her thereof, surveyed in the name of Henry Yotheimer, containing 173 acres 56 prrchra more or less, adjoining lands stir, veved in the names of R. ed, Martin, Cowden and others ; nnenth'T thereof suiveyed in the name of Isaac Ziegler. containing 125 acres SI prrchra more or les, adjoining land surveyed in Ihe names of Grunt, Price and Bailey ; one other thereof, survey ed in Ihe name of J acob Heller, containing ?13 as cres 108 p'-rehes more or less, adjoining Boyd, Krsmer, M Hirer and Hiinmelteieh ; one other thereof, surveyed in ihe name of Henry Himmel reich. containing 458 acres 40 perches nn-re or lera. adjoining Boy I, Wilson, Maureran l nihers ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of Henrv shift ier, containing 150 acrea more or less, arljoining Jordan, Heed, YiUtheimer and others ; one other thereof, surveyed in Ihe name of John Boyd, rnn Wining 441 acres 12 perches more or less, mlj lin ing lands surveyed in the names of Predrrirk Cra mer, Peter Maorer and others ; and the oih r there, of, patented to Joseph Wallis. containing 123 acres more or less, adjoining lands survi yed in the names of Himmelreich, YoKlhiemer and other. ALSO A certain tract of land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, surveyid in pursuance of a warrant granteil In Jacob Weiss, jr., dated the 3d lav of Neptemlx r, 1828. containing 5 acres more or let-s, adjoining lands surveyed in the name ol Ed ward (t. Matkleyand others. ALSO So much ss is sittitit d in Coal town chip, Northumberland ceunty, of eleven contiguous tracts of land ; one thi reof. surveyed in the name of William Boyd. ci. taining 410 seres 91 perch' s more or less; one other thereof surveyed in the. name of John II Stout, containing 430 acres more or les-r; one oilier thereof mrveved in Ihe nime of John C. Boyd, contaiuirg 372 acres 110 perches more or less ; one other thereof surveyed in the name of John C Hoyd, containing 390 acres more or le-s; one other thereof, surveyed in t'e name of Samuel Morgan, containing 4 15 arres ll5perehe mors or lese; one other thereof surviy.din ihe name of John C Boyd, containing 413 acres 64 ptrchtamore or less; one other thereof surveye I in the name of Hesier Scott, containing 421 seres 79 perches more or lea; one other th(cf surveyed in the name of II .trnah M Boyd, conta ning 427 serea 140 p rch a more or lis-; one other thereof surveyed in the name of William Bovd, containing 458 actea 157 perches ni ne or lrs ; one oiher thereof surveyed in the name of Eliza S. B inl.con taining 443 acres 1 perch more or !e, and the o thir thereof surveyed in the name .f William Boyd, containing 357 acres 128 perches mme or less. A LSI So much as is s lusted in Coal ownMp Norrhumlterlaml county,' f the equal undivi e.l one fourth part of I 55 parts of 226 parti of thirteen contiguous tracts ol laud, surveyed on wtrran s for 400 arres each, dated the 10th day of May, 179:1, gran'ed to William K lint. George As'it n C deb Lownes John Y ung. John Whitemnn, Joseph Jordan, Hirhard Tuni', lonn Warner, Uan:el l!ee, Wilhain Poller, Wil iam Milhr, Peter Dehaven a; d William I'owe' ; which said trai ts i.f l.i J are by the official return of mrvey compu'e I to con tain 5:146 acrea 120 petches ami allowance. Seizetl, taken in eiecutiou, and lo he aold as the proery of Bnrd Patterson. ALSO Two cert ain contieuous lots of ground situate in Ihe town of Sham. tun, in Coal township, Northumhi'rlsnd cou- lv. in that part of said town lui I oul hyAI-xandi r Ionian, E-q., sod others, and marked in the general p an then of Xos, 441 ? 412. hounded on the west by lot .No, 413, on ihe north bv a public ro nl, and on the east by land id Wm. M'Carly and o hers, and on ihe Niu'h by the mni'b. line of said lots; each of -aid lots containing 40 feel in from and feel in length J whereon are ended a two story brieV dwelling house and store room, and a pari of a log bo one. Seized, taken in i lecuMon, and lo l sold aa ihe property of Ann Woolvcrton. FELIX MAUKEU, Sheriff. Kherill s tUliee, Sunbury.F.b. I&th, 1845. 1MUCK CUUUENT. Correeteti weekly by Hairy Yuxitumer. Whst, . . . . B5 Rrt, - . .50 I'uss, ...... 40 0t, 25 PoHK, ...... 5 Flaxsikw, ... . M2J llt'TTKK, ..... la EoOli, .... .8 Notice. A I.L persons imb hied to the estate of M'chael Nei.lig, dic'd., la'e of Augii-ta tovnh p, if! tliumlierlanil county, and all llioMt Having claims agaiimt ihe naine, are requested lo meet al the houiie of said ilerea-e t, on Fiiday the 2th lay of February, in t., lor ihe purpi se of settling up said accounts, when and where due attendance will be given by GEOIiGE CONR l, S M L E L S. WAu.V EK, Augusta. Feb. 8th, 1845. 31 Admr's. Notice IS hereby given, that I have this day revoked a Power of Attorney, given by me lo Henry H. Burr of Northumberland, on the I Oi It day of June, 1835, which revocation ia recorded in ihe Recor ders office of Northutuherlsnd county. WILLIAM McC AY. Northumlierlsnd, Jan. lllh, 1845. .17 If Miamokiii 3onl AT NORTHUMBERLAND. rilHE Subacriber haa a boat load of excellent JL Shamukm Coal at Northuinbeil and, which he offers (or sale al the lowest prices. Persona wishing to purchase will call on the sulisrriUr at Sunhuiy, or E. P, Shannon, Esq. at Nimhiimber. Una. 11. B. MASSE II. Sunbury, Jan. 4th, 1845. all and Mettle. PERSONS knowing lhemvi a indebted to the subscriber, are re(uoted to call snJ K ttle llieir sccounis, on or before ihe 30th day of Jauu ry next, after which time those of long tlamling will be placed in the hauJ of a Justice, for colli c lion. I!. U. MASSEK. Dec. Hih, I84i. TO Country Merchants. fTHE Subscribers Wlmlesaln Merchants, Mann JL facturers and De iters in Philadelphia, respect fully invite thoe Country Merchants who are a bout purchasing their Spring and Summer Sup. plies, to an examination of their repeclive Stocks of Goods. We believe that our sever d ssortmcnts are aa complete a have ever been ofTered in Ibis city, and shall he pleased to have ihem give us a call Impnrlcrt and Dcakrn in Silk and Fancy Dry Goods. Caleb Cope At ro. 165 Market 8t above 4th WARP Remington 92 " Ashhnrst At Remington 80 " See. Brother At co 70 " Yard At Giltmoie 109 " Domtie and Foreign Dry Goods. Reynolds, McFarland & co 105 Market Street Morgan, Buck At co 67 " W B iV G B Cooper 63 " Samuel Hood A. cv. N F. cor of Market At 5 h St King, Boyd At King, 26 North Second St, opposite Ihe Madia. hi House William H Brown & co 20 North Fourth st Julian, Maaon At co 156 Market at Eckel, Spanglcr At Ratgurl, 128 North 3d st above Race Smith, Howell At Barr 33 North 8 cond si Barclay Lippincott. lGfiJ Ma k t st, one door be low Fifth, south snle Ludwig, K needier At co, 112 North Third, S W corner of Race at H.ros At Hollincsworth, 18 North Second st and 2 Church Alley Jimes J B 'swell At co 50 Market st Fiede rick, Dewa'l At co 62 North 3d st Importers and Draff rs in IFnsirrt, Glares, Trim ming and Fanry Goiids E S Rurnelt, 3 S 4ih st. ra-t side below Mark' t J At J P Sreiner, 48 N 2d st, 4 doors below Arch st Cliilhs, Catsimeres, rr;rjj,i. Tailors' Trim mings, iVc BvCoursey, Laf urcade V co. 77 Market si. William H Love 117 " J Godley Spry At co. 84 " Hardware and Cnltrrif. Edward S Handy At co. 98 Market st. above 3d Yardley, Sowers At co. 141 ' atrove 3d 47 " below 2,1 177 " 181 John S Filch. It At co. Mien R Reeves At Co. Wm T Howell Ac co. Deac n At Peieron Martin Buebbr At Bro. Michael V Baker Maslin At Pepper Fsusl At Winebrenner l7 " I 195 " Itolow 6th 215 " 4 North Third St. 70 findilery Hardware, and Curriajre Trimmings. John M Ford 33 Noiih Third st H Ai G Fricke 14 Coll"Ai IVtirson 12 North Fourth st Wm Ford 7 " Saddlery, Saddlery Hardware, Harness, Trunks, Ac. Ve. Edward P Mover 38 also 252 Market st. Puhlishers, Booksellers and Stationers. Grrag At Ell oil 9 North Foul h at tlogan fc Thompaon 30 " Hides, Oil and heather Dealers. William Musser Ai co 263 Market t II M Ciswh.rd 204 North Third st floors. Shirs, Hmtnets, Caps, LeghornSr t'aJj Hats W E At J O Whelan, 158 Market st Levick, Jenkins At co 150 " China, Earthen Ware and Glass Alexander Read 2n5 Mark) tat Peter Wricht At Sons 259 " Wright At Wharton 29 North Third st Benedict. D sey At Son 125 " William P H.cker 62 North 2d st. above Arch Manufacturers and Dealt rs in Drugs, Meiticiiit s, Paints, 0,l, Sir. Thomas P Jam' s 212 M rket at Thompson, Pancoist At c.t 40 " below 2d Caleo deta in 6 Neilh Third ft Manufacturers of Selves, Riddles, Screens, and Wire wrk in general. Josiph A NeeHles A to. 64 Nonh Front t-t Combs, liruthes, Pultons, Spo'il Cotton, Trim mings, Fancy Gmuls, r iVc Olivir Martin 24 North Fourth st S. M. U.y 10 " Manufacturers and hnfioilrrs iif Mil tory Good, r nnftrs, urili, li-ssels, Currmge IMCt s, e. William II Horatmann A Sons, 5t North Thud st Maniifactunrs of Vmlxdlas, J'urasols and Sun Shudts. Sleeper, Brothers 126 Market st Wright A Brothers 125 William A Drown fc " Manufacturers of Hats, Caps, Wuol Hats, Vc Henderson A Levick 144 Markets! S A OC Nichols 144 " Manufueturtrs of I'ntrnt Floor and Furniture Oil Cloths, and Elastic Carriage Curtains Potter A Carimrharl 680 North Thud M l-aae Macauley, Jr. 6 North Frfh st Manufacturers of ladies' ami Gtutlenun's Cheap Trurelling Trunks. A L II rkey A co 150 G'nrsnul st tieorge 11 llains 8 and 25 North Fourth M Importers of lys. Fancy and Stup'e Goods, Itru tilts and Perfumery. A F Oil Monrose 10 s Found below Ma ket Lnuia C Baueis chs 170 Ma ket at Manufacturer if Combs, Itrusns, Soops and Perfumery. Thomaa Burch, jr (Isle of Pittsburg) 1S3 Mat ket l ffeofTV. Wil lain V Anderson A co 21 North Water si John I'ruiks 17 N Finh si. corner of Coninii rre arerman A (Miourii, N W cor. of i I V Arch ls R Pultersou A co 182 Maiket M Dealer iu Cand'es, Oiuries, l.emont, llaixins, ie, John J Rielu dnn 4 Matket st. below 2d Imjxtrters of all kiwis of Shipping Fori, W illiam G isse A Sons, 60 S Front Cbesnul .Igricultural and Hurt cultural Imfdenientst Gar den, G-ussand FLwer Seeds. I) O Prouly, 194 Ma ket al. below Cih South side Looking Glasses, Plated and Fancy Hardware, Combs, brushes, 4c William A Waller Citason 14 North 4th at Importer and Dealer in Hulling Cloths. Jacob Fry 58 Nonh 3d l. (-ucce.sor In Raters) Manufactures and Dealers m Straw Guod.i, Hair Edgings, Ac. William M A J .mcs E Maull, 30 North 2J st. Manufacturers of Caps and Slocks, and Dealtrs in Roots, SJiors and Bonnets. James T Leet A co. It4 N.rrth Third at Manufacturer of Po'eut leather, Gtated Muslin, Carriage Oil Cluths and Cahs. John T Holloway 9 North rift) st Brass Eight Day. 30 H.ur and General Clack Establihiimnts. James S Smith 82 Nonh Thud st. ner Cherry James Barter 238 Market at. sou b aide above 7th A E Lovell corner of Third and Wood ats. sod corner of Fourth and Market 'ts. VinI Warehouse, Dealers in Pi inli, only. Moiell A eo. 20 1 Market si. 2d door above F.fh. J'hiladtlphit Fib. I5lh, I85, LIST OF JURORS OF Norihumberlsnd County, for April Term, A. U. I845. (irniifl .furors. Tnrhut. John M'Cnrmick, David L. Ireland. Lewis Wm. Sliiz.l. Delaware. Jacob Brown. Jtilton. Jesfe Dcnickson, John Goodlander, lleniy Strine. Chillisquanur.Jrnh Brown. Point. Wm. L ghou. Augusta. Jes-e Ba-tiin, Henry Bloom. Shnmokin. Samuel Gi'gnr. liuth. Jesfe Weaver. Upper Mnhonnt,. William Shadle. hiwer Mahotuiu . Daniel Zetbe, jr., Nicholas Bro-ous, Charles Brosius. Jackson. Jeremiah Longdorf, Eliia Ei-ter, Michael Cnaingnr, Jacob Seiler, Adam Campbell, Wm. Groh, John Wert. Travcrs .Turor. Delaware. Jacob Moatetlc, Franklin II. Car ver. MUton. Joseph Rhoads. Wm. Hiuan. Chillisiptaiue. Charles Gale. Northumberland. Joseph Vandyke, David Dodite. Point. Lorenxo Houel. Sunbury. t'hailes Htlrmnn, John P. Pursel, G.deon Market, (teorge lloclier, J. hn Arno'd. Auguxtn Joeph Wcittel, lacob Seahol'T. Samuel KietTi r, John Zimmerman. William Fit' man, Jacob G tsi, sur., Adsm Ncidie, Joseph Sn viilgn, Jacob K. no, Benjamin Kiicghhsum, Robeit Campbell, jr.,'n l Conrad, son of John Shamokin Joseph Hoover, Roliorl Fnrns vvm h. snr., Abriihoin Brady, Mocs Ritchie, James Gjsb. Isaiah Morgm, Hush. (Jeorje Mulcbter, John Oberdoif. I'oh Daviil Thompson, Joseph ll'ud. I pper Mahonoi. David Clark, Samuel Risslei, George Paul, Jarob (ieis. lAiwtr Mtilmnoy Jaroh Lenker, 9 lomon Heckeit, .luliii Kiehl, Jac.ib Stej.p, Wm. Shufl'i r, John Linkir. Little Mtth-inoy. Jacob Mi!lrr. Jackson. Samuel Malirh, Jacob Seiler, snr. 1'etit .Juror. Lewis. David Mover, Samuel Irrh, Michael Wsgi er, John Tweed. Delaware. James Oakes, Peter Kb ckner, Phil ip Pres-ler. Milton. J' hn Murray, F. W. Pollock, Simon Rsnd lob. Chillisqnnque. Daniel P. Caul, Samuel Beik heimer, Ned t'aut. Point James Shriner. Sunbury Win. Manx. Het.ry Weis, Walter Bell. Augusta. Jor-hua Folk, Georg Hile, Culeb Ely. Mark Slauglii, Thomas Meudenhall. Shnmoliin Dnoel II 'as, jr. Iluth. Abraham Hoffman. Coal. Joseph Sny.ler, Pemlreiton Bird, Wm. Feuelv, Georse Armstrong, jr. I'pprr Mahonoy. Daniel Moycr, John M ilich, Da M.I Rei z. Ijowtr MaJmnoi). Daniel Rothermet, Peter Bo- rl. J.icksnn. Michael Bobb, David Schwartz, John lark y. V 11 O T 15 C T J () i A ( i A I X S T S M U C. ( i 1 .1 : 1 i S . I. IX M iSSKIt & V. 31. Ilil.I., REPi:CTFrLLY .(T. r'o ti e public their self-pr. pa.e I. well tel-d an I highly i ffectu i pn par.iti an for the ei'ermirroi..n of llata, 3lle, lit-tllmsrn and t'ork riai'li'H. They piomiwe th'.s-' of the pu'dir who may be annoyed by these destructive terunn, a comi lele riddaiiare, after lining this highly clieclual eps a li.'ti for a few days. Tlrs preparation iroseses the sinsul ir property. that ilboul Wing aeloal p...n, ii will not kill the list and Mire, I hi will, in coiiniii.'nre of the smoke il proline s, p.itively compel those that do n "I ilirntly p. Make of It, prccipitali ly lo leuve the house ('ACTION As l''e e aie always person, wl III K and ready, at ihe iul' Urlil'-'ioii i.f any valuable srticle, lo ellcr pun. us unmit in s . f the gmuiiie i niluelion, we wmii the public from purchn-ti'i this prep aistion at auv oher lace ihin al the ftore of II. B. Mkm.ii, S. ! ii-v, P B. M. A C. M. II. fj This prepvr.tion is sold al 25 cents per box. and may be I ad ut the abote nuincd .ton , at any lime. Sunbury, Feb. 8th, 1845. Ulli lisirl clllN IMiile. JfcJOTIl'E is hereby given that letters of admili JSj islrstion have been gt anted to the subcrila?rs. on the islsleof Michael Neidig, derM. All per sons I aving demands against the est te, are re qoesled to present ihem for examination and set tlement, uri'l all peraona indebted are requeted to make immediate payment. GEORGE CON inn. SW11EI. S. WAGNER, Augusta, Jan. 18, ISI5. fit Ailiu'is. Lost ! ! OtOMEWIIERE between the residence of the fif subcrila?r, ii I'll li qu quo lownslup, Nonh. uailo rlaud countv , sod the boron uh i'l Suii iirv, on Tuesday, the 12th lust , a smalt Pocai f Bona, containing a n .te ol haul Inoii T.ibiaa iSomert and John Murray to, d- tho adinini-iraior of riiouias Mutrav, ilale.l in .1 miliary, lill; and another note ol har.d I , same, t o f 18, datrd in 1810; r-ubpwna lot w ilue-seM-, ami . live dol lar bill on Ihe iimk of Noitlinuili' iland The tin h r, by teiur.iiug it, will W soiiaby rewarded; or by Ifbving the papr-is at the Post Oilic , fuebii ry, cr forwa'duig them to ihe u! sciiti. r, may keep Ihe five dollur bill. JAMES F. Ml KKAY. Ch lipja(iie, N-.v. 3ilth, 1814 --if nRL'SSEUS, I.NGUAl.N AND VENETIAN C n r ) c t i n s . joscpii uia icii n oon, A'o. 1 1 1 Cketuut Slntt, Comer Frankln Square. PHILADELPHIA. n AS just reciivrd and is iisw opening a very extensive and beautiful as..a-t..ieul of VAH PETISGS. The goials are fnh, and ol new -llc, and Wiint purchased principally fir Casii, ihey will Is' aold al the luweal prices ; Ihey consist til pari, of Splendid BiuaVa, . -t CARPET- Beautiful impeiial 3p!y, j I.NGS, Super Kx'ra Insra n, V( Colors war- 3 4, 4 4, 5 8 Twill. d Venetian, ( raiite.l do. J DVHABI.E A l.rge stuck ol well seasoned OIL CLOTHS uf all wrd.h, Ri us, 11 jam i as, &C, together Willi an extensive aso Imeiil of Low priced Carprlings if all ile-criplioua. rrj- Purcl.s-r rs sie riqura'sd to rail and see us, when lite Nf wil find an extensive s-sortinenl at the most reasonable price. 1'hilidc hia, Otl. 6th, 1914. if Mi " l 1... I -I.H . Jl .. I J i) . FIFTY DOLTjAUS REWARD ! CANTRELL'S Celebrated Family ITledicincn mT"ILTj not cure every thing, hut still remain unequalled in iheir several departments by every thing ever offered to the public, who have voluntary came forward and offered numerous and highly respectable teilimmials of their superior i flicacv. Cnnfrelts Compound Medicated Syrup of Sar sapnr:llat or, Auli-Srorhutic Syrup, for the cure of Scorfula, Chronic Rheu.n itism, Chronic Swel lings of the Joints Eruption, of the Skin, and all Disea-es aiining from the abuse of Mercury, Ace., unsurpassed by any thing in the market, combi ning all the virtues resident in the Sar-nparilla with a nnidern m- dirament, only lately brought out by the most resperlablo medical authorities. Price, 60 cents per bottle. Cuntrcfl's ,1nti-Dysprptie Powder, for the re lief anil permanent cure of that most distressing complaint, Dypepsii, in all it. form, and stngos. It is 1 1 til v a most valuable remedy. Sold in bottles ai 25 and 60 cents each. Cantrciri .Igur. Mixture and Tonic Meiliea menla, stands at the head of the list unrivalled by any, or alt the innumerable medicines in ue throughout the length and bread h of the lard, for ihe cure of Fr.via and Aour. in all its stages, and from ttll its consequences. Reidenta in Fever and Ague districts should never be without it. The will forfeit EIFTY DOLLARS where his medicine tails to iforru a cure in the most obstinate cae. S..d Who'e-ale and Retail by CALEB CRES. SON. at bis Drug Warebou-n. No. 6 Norlh Third Street, Philadelphia; also, bv the regularly ap pointed agent. SETII W. RO HERTS, Wholesa'c Druaci-t, No. 51 Water Street. Mobile. Prepared bv t'e SuWrihrr, corner of C AR PENTER and SECOND Streets below Christi an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailer). Observe, none are genuine, w ithout the aicnature of . JOHN A. CANTRELL. CanfrrllN Aeito Hltir, or Tonic !U'ili amenta. For the cure of oil U. linns affections, if taken ac cording to directions. It is a never billing remedy which no family ought 1 1 W without, especially in low marshy countries. As thi-i medicine is put up tinder the proprie tor's immediste inspection n Ihe most scientific pri. epics, heng Vegetable, and having tried it. clhcary on ihouiinds, for upwards of 12 y rars. and to ha. knnwledee when taken strietlv ac cording lo dr ections, ihere ha not been one fa lure. I'udei such crcum-tanre. I recommend it t!) the public, adding a ceriificati in support of my asser tion. I.John Hum., do certify thnt I was in ihe ship Ti.Iitco I'l.nt of Pbiladeli hi a. Cap!. Reed, in Jure, 1827, bound to Liverpool ; look the fever and aeue and lanl in Liverpool mme t me miibr ihe locoi's bauds, went l.iim there to Ba'timore, lay in the Infirmary for four or five week. from thence m Philadelphia; w six months under Dr. Coats ; from tbenre In New Y rk went to It e Hospital, remained tin re about f.ur wi eks without am relief tried every th ng without snv benefit, for five esrs. Hetring of f antr-elfe Ague Mix lU'C from a fiiend, I went to hia i-tore. told him h w I was afflicted, and got a bottle of his mixture anil need it arcor ling lo directions. It made a per lert tnre, and I have not had tho least return since. I do with confidence recommend i to the public. JOHN BURNS. MetlU-atetl Syrup ofSarsapai Ilia. I'hdiil.lpliia, April 10th, 184. Mr. Johm A.Ci.tiiii., Diar eir, Having ! n afflic'ed for upward, of two vear. with ulceration of the throat, de-troii g the whole of die soft pil.le. then throuiih the upHr part . f rnv mouth into mv nose, from which sever nl piere of bone came out, which partial y de-troy, eil mv speech, thrnuch a kind Providence mid your Medicated Svrup of Sars .parill i, I to perf. ct health, and my fitfht, b'ch was so niurh impair it, I- a' t-lrong as w lien a hoy. 1 iboujbi it a duty I owi d io you and those simi larly all. i I'd, to make il public. Vouis, It pec fitllv, SAMI EL KIRK. Corner i f Tenth and Coa'es Streets. I, G.ihril J i st mi, No. fi It kh -s Street, do cer t.fv that my w ife, J n.e, was slllx-'ed for iwo years wiih Rheuina' and at I I I wa entirely di-a' le.l, so thai she was obliged to lie confined to bi d , bear ing if Caul ell's Mediated Syrup of Sa'Siparuia, .r Antiscorbutic Svtup. I proline I four hotiba. which compb tely removed all her pain, and r-l'll-iu'S- from her Innbs ; Iwo more boil lea made a pi r leei cure. Si.e is now uble lo sue ml io her houe bol.l duli.s aa u.ual. IIUIIDl, JONSl ON. Plnlad. lphi., Jan. 22 I. 1814. Do crip'ive Pamphh la mar be had of Ihe aiii-nt (Gratis.) J. W. FRILING, Su .buty, Nov. 9. 1811. ly .Igcnt. A S I I I t Y I t V A r , WHOLESALE &. DETAIL HAT vV CAP MAM'LWirnJIIKUS, South l'.itsl corner ol Market and 1th rts.. r;iilalt-llila, A Ml ERE lh. y alwav. keep on band nn exten ' hi a -a irtrn. ut of HATS ZJ CA PS of cverv di'sci iptiou, jio' up i" 'he W-t arid most apHoved l le. I'i ia us il. nr. .us ol purcli isiug suierir aiii cl. a on the in.K.1 it-a-on il le term", will tid it to their advantage lo call b I ro making purchases el6" lure Philadelphia, Oct 5th, IS4I. ly i:;r.i titi.i: ojipoi roK in- ccaii r i) v s i i; is i a. "IJIIIH Medicine is orVe e l lo tin' public gener- ally, from a full conviction thai i' ia -uperiur I . auv other m ihe ne n -w in ue. for the cure of Dy.p psiri. Lier Coin, laiot, Nervous Del ilitv or HoJilv e iknes-. A r. l. ell', rs have bn'n tested in a private practice , f ne.r . Ictil inn, ami it s now m r. ex'ens.vely circul.ihsl, at lisp s lu i'ii e ol nianv who have re reived the ino-l inn. I I eiolil Irooi ihe u-e .'f it. 'Tlie fo lowing is one among a number ol cr rtili rales ii.eived In illation to the Mli-ceas of this me d r ne i LoraiTiH Co. March 14. Du. Giomok W. Auk. lhar Sir j Ii is w.t.i gr. at pleasure that I in form you of he sue e a'tending your Dyspepiic Medic lie. while rini I ved in mv litH'ic". FiO'n pasl i a tn in c. I firmly believe that in e ghl case, oul of leu. ihe Dv.peptw, by the ue of y..ur ' ine, may enur ly n.l hnn.elf of lh s ih.Mii in ihe pathway of life: not wiily in dyspeptic canes, but in sb cises of cnuotipalion. and ili-ea-ea depend nj on a dilultla,sl i-tale of ihe nervous system, lote iher with a to. pid st .te nl the bowels, wi l y.o.i E limr be loin d of m'st ill d'le value. Nun.en.u lu laiiCes w he etn Ihe us. to II as ol" the Ine In ine ha. brio reati-ed, may la foi wanted, if requited. I w i.h y. u grea i-uc.e, and recoiii'ie uJ ibe uiedi cine to the .oMer nu art of mai kui l. Vuuis, with great ie-pe.1, ROUEKT AtiNEW, M. D. CT For sale al He st ore of II. B. Ml, aS'l" for iU' pr 'prieior, Suul urv, l'a. Uiiolsi 'itlth, lt14. ly m H.I..J... . 1 J jli ;ia NEW GOODS. rjlHE sabscribcr has just received from Philadel JL phia a fresh supply ol Niw Goons, consisting in part, i.f Mouslin Delaines, Crape Delaine; Cashmere de Ecosse Shawls, Handkercheifs, Ace. Also, Beaver and Silk Hals, a good assnrtmei t of Men's and Boys' Cops, Groceries, Liquors, Salt, cr. Vr., all of which will be sold at the mntt reasonable terms. Stone Jars and Jugs, cheap, 11. U. MASSE It. Sunbury. Oct. 5ih, 1844. C H E A P CARPET STORE, OH THE CASH FLAN. ' Al An. 41 Slruwbeirij St. Philadelphia. fllHE Rent of the suhr.cril.ers in their pre.cnt JL situation being very low, and their ternn CASH, ihey are enabled to sell at such low prices thai customers cannot fail to be sat t-fied, and they invite ll.e people of Northumberland anil the ad joining counties in csll and examine their stork, as they clVer an excellent assortment, comprising Ueautiful Imperial, 3ply, " cMipcrlnie Ingrain, Heavv Twill, d Venetian, VCARPET1NG3. Fine English Worsted d . Plain S'rrped do. With a large Stork of well seasoned Floor Oil Chuhs of ail widths, for Rooms, II.IN, Door l'ie ces, Ac. Aiwa Furniture Oil Cloths, Beautiful Hearth Rubs, Table Covers, Floor Baize, Rag C .r pets, Mailing, Ac Ac, together with a l. rge ftock . f low priced Ingrain, Entry and Stair ('arjets, Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest pi ire. in the city. Kl.DKIDGE A BROTHER, No. 41 Strawberry street, one door alaave nut, near 2d street. Entrance also al No. 60 South Second street, Philadelphia. Sept. 28th, 1841 3m SPANISH HIDES T A N N K It S' OIL. .r0OO D-y La Plata Hidca fit quality. ;(IO Dry La tiuira. d lOOO Diy Salted La Guira, do JOOO Dry Salt, d Br tl Hides, do ;$." Bales Green Salted Patna Kips. ilO Bales Dry Pa tut Kips. Barrels Tanners' Oil. Tanner-' and Curriers' Tools. For sale lo Country Tanners al the lowest prices ami upon Ihe Wsi terms. N. B. The highest maiket prices pud for all kinds ol leather D. KIRKPATRICK A SONS. No. 21. South I htrd St. Pbil.delphta. September 14. 1844. ly. NOTICE to 3ii:iu' & jiiM.ixr.ns. WM. 1. vv: JOS. K. MAULL, MANCFACTI REbS AND DEM. Kits IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STRAW GOODS, So. 10, Xorth Second Street, f opposite the Madison Ilouse.J PHILADELPHIA, (TV- WHERE will be f und a general asaort- fT t-yc'meit i.f Florence Braids, Aliens, Rut-SJ Isnils. Peddles. Willow Plait, Rice St aw, and the much admired Neapolitan Lace, ami Fancy Bon nets, manufactured by us, and for sale at the 'owe t mantifnclU'C prices. Merchants and Milliners are invited lo o've ua a cdl upon visiting the City. (7 N. B We have also rnnr-tamlv making our supeiior hair slid oil .1 edgings, all of which will be so'd cheap, for ra-b. Philadel; hia, May 25, 1811. ly SIU'dKIi TS PATKXT WASHIITG 1vC-C;HI1TE. rilMIS M .chine h .s now been te-red by morn 1. than thirty families in this neighborhood, and Ins given entire .ati-factio'i. It is -o simple in its c. i struct!, n, that il cannot get out of It cenli'iH no iron lo rut, and no -ptingsor roll, rs to url out of repair. It w ill do twice ns inurh wash inj, wilh less than hall the wear and tear of an of the late inventions and whiti of urrater in per. tanre, ii coMs but lit le over ball' os much as othor washing 'list l ines. 'The m!-' ril'i-r h is the exrlu-ive rittht for Nor. thllinli. iI.iimI. rnion, L Collin g. Columbia, L'. zerne and Clinton counties. Price of single int. chriieftV II. B.M NSER. 'Tie following cetfieat 's fioui u b w ul llio8 who have ibi'M' in icbines in use, Siii'l.iiiy, Aug.21, If 4 I. We, the su' snibris certify I'.at we have nnv in u-e, in our fumilies, "Shugeit palent Wash ing Machine." and do r ot hisitite suyiiii! thai it i s most rxrrllenl invention. 'That, in Wa-tung, it will save more than one h.VI the u-tld labor.. That it d. m s not require more than one third 'ha usual quantify of so p and water ; and that ihere is no rubbing, and cons, qui ntly I n'e or no wear, ing or tearini!. Tint il knocka IT no bui'oii-. and that the finesl clo hes, such as collar-., laciak. tnel, frills, cVc, may l wasted in a ve.y '"'rt tim without lie lest injur v, s d m tact with u' . t,y appmeiit wear and tear, vv hatev. r. We ilierrf.ri cin eif.illv recoiiuueiid il to our f' and lo iho public, aa a moot Useful and lab .r savi.'a in arbine, CHARLES W HEGINS, A. lll!lN. ens we writ, ( IIS PI.EXSXNTS. GlDl'OS M XKKI.E. II .... GEO. C. W I'l KER, BEN.I. HKNDUH KX. GIDEON I.KISEN l!.Ntt. Hrar.'s HiiTr.1., (form, rlv Tremor, I llou-r. No. 110 Cli.snul street,) Philadi 'plita, Sepieiuli. r :i, inn. I have used Shueert's Patent Wishing Machi' o in mv Inm r upwards of eight inonih-, and do I .t h. si'ate to in thai I de.-m it n e of h- mo t u-- a. d va'uahle latior-savn g machines ever inven. nd. I formerly k-pt two W"ii en c.o tinually n -copied io washing, who now do a. mm h in loo tay. as lo y then did in one w.-tk. 'The e is i. or te..r in washing, and it req.urea not he iban laie-t' inl the u ual quantity ol a .p. I hoa had a I'lin.l'er of n h.i m chines in my tain ly, b I this iss.1 iWnhdly superi .r t ieveiy ih-ng t l-e. hi 1 so b tie I a'de io eel out of u p or, thai I w oul. I t to without one il they should coat n n limes Ida price they sie so Idlor. DXNIEL 11ERR- CI.ASS (thy 10, best quality, t'.il N ill-, all s es, all. I v Ihe srk and barrel, y i. "d Cip.. of Ihe l eal viua'.ity. All for .1 at iH-loi'. d pr e. ., by Siii1bur..Oil.2ll, IH- H.B.M VSiSER. 100 bv it t;s s 1011 'It. I- do kt t 75 cb, f r sVi H. HENDRICKS. SuHhUM.Ocl. I'Jlh. 141. 'I'UEI.D I. 1 I j'.t and el O I II, l an.l.o . e ai'it-le, a'l ' - !, s ie, tor Suu.iuei to-ais and Ts a. ' sale, very I i June 15 w, by H. B. M R!sKlt. 111 7.HRIXES a baudaoma ailu'le for Lud 1 i Dte.s. . lui tale cheap, bv June 15. 11. B. MASSER. f