HI, J H.ll II .1 I ,. II wxgi-rv.fy.yr .-rg-'Ji; Ttllfi PliKCIOt'R NAMK. Say, 'by what name can I Impart My sense, dear g trl, of w hat thou art ? Nay, though to frown thou darest, I'll say thou art of g'r!g the pride t And though that modest lip may chid", Mary ! I'll call thee Fa!rc$t. Yet no that word can liut express Tlu soft and winning loveliness In which the sight thou mcetest ; But not thy heart, thy temper too, So good, so sweet. - Ah ! that will do ! Mary ! I'll call thee Sweetest. Ent fairest, sweetest, vain would he To speak the love I feel for thee : ' Why smil'st thou as thou hearest "Because, " she cried, "one little name Is all I wish from thee to claim That precious name is Dearest !"' Dnekwhrat f nke. A PAPODT. They're all my fancy painted them, They're lovely, they're divine ! But they're destine1 for another's month, They never can 1e mine I loved them as man never loved, Yet dare not touch or take ; Oli ! my heart, my heart is breaking. For the love of Buckwheat Cake ! The dark brown cake is laid upon A plate of spotless white ; And the eye of him who tastes it, Now flashes wilh delight ! The cake was buttered not for me, Of it I can't partake; Oh', my heart, my heart is breaking:. For the love of Buckwheat Cake! 1 ve revelled at the pastry cook's, But I have ate my last ; If I can't get cake, I will have none, My eating days are past ; And when the green sod wraps my grave, They'll say who pity take, "Oh! his heart, hisbrart was broken, For the love of Buckwheat Cake !"' Anecdotk of the Battle of New On i.kaN9. A Boy in Female Pr(sin General Jackson' Camp. The following anecdote we find in the Nashville Union. It may be old, but we do not recollect having Been it before. "Whilst the troops were in camp at New Or leans, in 1814, a person dressed in female at tire was in the habit of visiting the camps with oraiiyies nnd other fruit for sale. Some of the soldiers became euppicious that the fruit seller vvub not a veritable female, and gave such infor mation as made it proper to have the lady la ken up and interrogated. Vhen6lie was brought before the officer?, she was seen to put her hand in her bosom. Flic drew out a written paper, which, upon rxiinination, turned nut to he a certificate from a widow lady. She cer tified that the bearer was employed by her to Alleghany li mit of Pa. 11. ink of Uravrr 3. ink of Swalar Bank of Wellington Centre llaiik f,i It ,..L asu:nethe ft main dress, and sell fruit to the parmPrK' A- Meih'cs' Hank l.u.l ll.riui or,. I.. ll.n , C ... JN M..l.' 11....I, itUti'BUiab rii'- 11411 uii.i' rviio i, ti. uiioj II AN K SOTC LIST. t ; IM:VSlLVAIiIA. .- ; -, The following lit shows' the current value of all cnnsylvania Bank Notes. The mot implicit re- hnnce may In placed upon it. as it every tffek rarefntty compared with ai d corrected from Dick neiT Reporter. Hunk. In riilladclpliln. Disc, ik l.-rTi. ,,HIlAn NOTK8 AT PAR. fl.mk nf North America , , flank of the Northern Liberties , Commercial II ink of IVnn's. , Farmers' nnd Mechanics' Dank par par pur psr par pur pnr par pnr pur par par pnr pnr pnr par pnr pir Westchester Chester Oermnntown Norris'nu n 1). lylestown Fusion Dri-rol Harrishurgv. These Lincastcr i office heading I do not Eastnn J issue n. DISCO IT NT. rhilnd. Iphia S5 . pir ! 4 . par p FoUsville LewKtown Middle-town M 1 Northumberland pnr rCcti.ingtnn llmk . , Philadelphia Rank . . Schuylkill Itnnk Southwark Bnnk , . . Western Hunk . , Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Bunk Country Ituiikn. Bank of Chester t!oinly Bank of Delaware County H ink of Oerniiintown Itnnk of Montgomery Co. IJoylruMwn II. ink fiastnn Hank Farmers' Bnnk f Bocks CO. OnVe of Bnnk nl rnui'i. Odire do do Ottire do do Olfice d do KOTI'S AT tank of the United States flank of I'enn Township (irnrj Bank Moysmcnsing Bank Bank of 1'ennsv Ivnnii Miners' Bank of Puttsville Bank of Lewi-town Bank of Middlrtt-tvn Bank of Northumberland Columbia Dank & 13 ridge co. Cnrlislo Bank Exchange Itnnk D,i d.i brunch of Farmers' Bank of l.ancastei Lancaster (yoiinly B iiik Farmers' B ink of Beading HnrrisliurR Rank f.nneaster Bank lcbnnon Bnnk Men-bant' & Mnnuf. Bank Bank of Piltsbnrn West 15 ranch II .nk Wyoming Bnnk Northampton Bnk Beiks County B ink Otlice of Baiik of U. . Do do do Do do do Kensington !Sv. Inn. A Penn Township S.iv. Ins. Bank of Chatnherhurg Umik of (ieltysburg Bank of h'uquelianna Co. Kne Bnnk Farmerii' & Drovers' Bank Fiankliu Baiik Hhih-siImIo B 'nk Mononc ilicl i Hank of B. York Bank N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we limit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by tho Philmli Iphia brokers, with the exception of llno which have a letter ot rilcnnce. BROKE N BANK W. Philadelphia Snv. Ins. I'luladi Ij.liia Philadelphia I.onn Co. do Schuylkill iSav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyott, prop.) I i'W niula I'aiik Columbia Crlisle I'illsbtiis; llnlliihivsbuig Lnneislei l.ntienster If.-Biling l.irrilnir( Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Piftsbmn Williamsport Wilkf shnrte Allentown Hcndint; Pittsburg 1. no New Brighton i'o do ChamlierPbura; Orttysblirg Montrose Friw Waynesbiirg V axhiugton Ifouesd.ile Brownsville York par 1 par pur pa, r" i i i if failed do do failed fiiilcd f.iled filled dud W8B forced to support herfell with meat und bread, in their absence, by her own labor thut the had resorted to the employment of the youth to support herself with a subsistence, and his appearance as a female was her device. The three eons of the lady were looked out they recognized the hand-writing of their mo ther, and they also knew the youth. Of course the boy was discharged ; but the message which General Jackson sent to the widow lady reflect everlaMing credit upon h generous heart. He sent her word that she need give herself no further uneasiness about a livelihood, n the absence of her three sons that a widow who would furnish three such eoldieis, should havn all that she needed tor her support. He bail her amply provided for." Memokv. It is stated in a foreign paper that while the young Queen cf Spain was at Bar c I m i. the Q'X'en Mother and some other indi vi.lu il were converting on tho subject of memo ry and alluding to several eminent persons who have been in a remurUUe degree gifted with that faculty. '1 think," observed the young Quern, "that 1 have a tolerably good memory," and she directed Senator Douozo Cortes, her becretary to bring her a book which the had never seen. The secretary presented to her a volume of the lyric poems of Ochva. ller nia- j.'sty read from it tibout three hundred liintand then closing tho book hu repeated them with out nn error. Some time alter this occurrence being in the palace, at Mudrid and surrounded by several person of her court, the turned to lier secretsiy and saiJ 'Donozi you recollect having beard mo read those lines of Ochva, now you shall bear that I Mill remember them perfectly ; and the immediately repeated them from beginning to end without mistake or omis sion. In like manner the names of all person who have been present d to her in the course of her lifo and especially the with whom i-ho hud conversed are eiifravon on her recollection. Bank Bank lail.-.l lio sale closed no Mill' C I an il Farmers' & Meeh'e' Famiers & .MecliVs' llaimony Insiiluto tiuutingdor. I!. ink luninta Bank uumht-riiipii'v Bsnk Northern Bank of Pa. New llojie 11. 1. Umlge Co. Norlhunib'd I'nion Col. lilt. North Veti i'n Baiik of Pa. Ollice of IS.Iuiylkill Bank Pa. Aiir. & Maiiuf. iiunk Silver Lake Bank Union Bai k of Penn'u. Westinoreliind Bank Wilkesbarre liridge Co. (Jj All notes purporting to be on any Penn-yl-vama Bank not given in the above li-t, may In- sol Jowu as frauds. jww ji:i;si:y. 'J'owai.ila Bi dford no sale Beaver closed llarrisburg closed Washington faili-d Li-ll. fonlo ( hsicd Pitlahuig no Mile Pillsbiirg fiiled Fayette co. fold tireencastie failed Harmony Hostile llnutiiigJon no sale l.ci-lon no s.ilv Wnrien DunJiir New tlope Milton Min.Killo Port (Jul hull (,'arlilc; Montiose I 'nioniown ('rieiikburg ilktsiiarre failed closed failed closed no sole Bank of New Biunswick Belvideie Bunk Burlington Co. Bank Commercial It ink CuinUrUnd Bank Furmi-rs' Bunk Purm-r' and Mechanics Bk Farmers' nod Mechanics' Ilk Furmer and Merchant' Bk Frniiklin Bunk of N.J. Brunswick lli-lvi.bie M.,llorJ PiriK Ambny Bridelon Mount Holly l.'abwuy N. Iliuniwirk Mid.lli town Pi, J-rey City Hobokeu Bkg& Ciiuzinu Co lioliokt-n k-r&iy City Bank Mechanics' B.mk Manuf.u tiiri r' ll.mk Murri County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mtchaiilcs' Bank Mechanic' and Msnnf. Bk Morii Canal and Bkg Co Post Notes Newark Bkg &. Ins Co New Hope Del Binlue Co N. J. MjiiuIic. and Bk t o Ji iMy City PatU-isoii H, II. villi) Moiristown FreeliolJ Newark Trt-iiton JiiH-y City Newark Lam(aiih ilia llobokrii failed i ,., par par i failed - I failed fad.d failed railed tailed 4 failed i par 110 Sale i i failed lulled 4 foiled 4 Qiitc Comwoliiwi to the Arronstva An attorney in Dublin having died eaceetlinoly poor, a shilling tuhHcription wai set on fiot to pay the expense of hi funeral. Most of the attornioa and barribtera having subribod, one of them having applied to Tuler, afterward Iird Chief Justice Notbury, expressing the hopo that he would al subscribe shilling. "Only a shilling," said Tuler, "only a shilling t) bury an at'orney 1 Here i a guinea; po and bury one and twenty cf them." N J Pioterlon ft Louibuid lk Jersey Ctly Orange Bank I Iraugs Palt-rson Bank I'aieisou People' Bank do Piiiicelon UaiiK rrinciliiu pur fulfill Banking Co alcru pur State Bank Newark J State Bunk I.IijiIm ihtowu i Kiate Btnk ('siiult-ii par Slate Bank of Morris Moriiton i 8tute Bank Treiilou failed fcaUiiii soil Philad Mmiuf Co Halem failed Gusset Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton par Cuioii flunk loer j Wukhingloo Banking Co, JlackeoMck failed nui.AAiin. Ilk of Wilm A; Brumly wint Wilmington Bunk of lkUwsiv Wiluiingtoii Uank of Smyrna rSiiiyina tisni'h Millord Farmers' Bk of tStnls of Del Dover OAKLEY'S i -m imr UIl ATIT IT STMT. riIIB vslmib'e propenies of Oakley's Dcpnra. L tiveyiupof Harsnparilla, as a purifier of the Moral, is so well known t ' the , public generally, that it Is unnecessary to occupy much spare in et tinp; firth the advantage to be ilerived from Its use nhen-ver the medirlne has nnee been Intro duced, it takes precedence Over all others : evi ry one that bus taken it, have derived so signal bene, fn-ial results from it, thnt It is recommended by them whh the U'mst confidence, rhysieian of the highest standing In the profession, prescril it in pmieiit under their care ; containing nothing deli tcrtoii" but hi lug composed of the most miM, yet efficacious vegelsble materinls.lt is nlTi-red wilh confidence, as ihe ehea)est nnd most efficient pu rifier of the blond now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be lit tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any seed of disease thnt may have been generated, hrs'tiles giving health nnd vigi-r to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eiiiption of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Astb.ua, cVc. The nu merous eeriifica'es in the possession of the subscri ber and his agents, fiom physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over nil preparations of 8arsparilln. S,.d tvholc-nh snd retail, bv the proprietor, OnoHr.K v, OAKLKY, Nmth 5th sired. Itea ding, ll'iks Cuemy, and to he ha-' of the following persons : In Korthumhrrhind (Umnly.W. B. 5ln"', Siinbury ; I el and iV Mucl, MiEwensville ; D Krnusrr. Milton. In Union Ctmnti.J. GVarhart, Sclinsgrove A. (iiitilius, MitlliriliU'g. In Columbia County. H. W. McCny, Wash ington. Reading. March 11. Ifil. Afn. OAKitt: I iM-lieve it the uty of every one to do v. htcver in their power I tes, for the b-ne. fit of their fellow mo, and having ha.l pn-i ive proof in mv own family, of the woinlerfiil properties nf your Depurative yrup of Saisnp irilla, I m si ronsi-icntioiHly recomiiiend it to the flln-led. We had Ihe niiff.iitune to lose two of our children, by the brrnkinj nut of ulcerous sores that covered thr face, head and l eik, slthough we had some i f the most scientific physicians to nt'end ill m nml ha.l tried all the known teiiiedies, including waim's Panacea, witloiut avail. Another nf my children was attacked in Ihe same m inner, I er lace nnd lieik was coii'p'elcly covered; the d scharge was so offensive, and the disease at such a hc'ghl. that we despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of our Depurative Syrnp .1 S osnparid i, wc weie inductd to make trial ol il. as ti e last ri s -rt ; it acted like a c'.nrin ; the u'cers Cnliiriienci d healing immediately . a fi w bottles entirely restored In r to her lieihh, which she h set joyed iiriinteriui tedlt ever since. A n putifier ol the blond, I verily be lieve it has not its equal. JtlHN VOYER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Beading. Doiigl isjiille, April 19th. 1841. Mr. Oakm i : ,1 son I'dniumt Leaf, bad the srroftilu in ihe most dre.nl ul and ilitres-ing man ner for ihne year, dining which lime he wis de prived of the use of his linih, hn Iieotl and neck weie covered with ulcers. We tried all the dill' r. i-nl remedii s, but to no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Noni-town, and also Dr. Itnac Muster, of Keadu g. lo use your Depurative Syrup ol S.irsapiir ilia, of which 1 obliiiued sevcial bniiles. ihe use of which d'ovr the ili-en-e entinly out of his system, Ihe sore heited up, and the child was restoied to perfect health, which he ha enjoved iininteriupleilly evi r sit.ee, lo the a-t liishim nl of many peisoiis who seen him duii g his sfflict'on. I have thouiihl it my duty, and send you this certi ficate that olhei wlm have i like sllliclion in the family niny know where la obtain sj valuable a medicine. Yuur trulv, AMELIA D. LEAF. K.pt. 10, IS 13 ly C oiiiiti i ft i('i s DEATH BLOW. rPhe pub lic will please observe that no Brandietb Pills are gem inc. unless the box ha three li bels upon il, (the top, the sii'e and the bottom) c.c h containing a f ic-siniile sinnlure of my hand writing, lluis U. LlHiNi.NtTM, M. D. 'l hei- la. bel uie enuraveil on steel, Uaut.follv desimied. and done at an eipeuse of over f -S.tHKl. Therefore it will lie seen Ibal ihe imlv thing nrcrosary lo pro cure the medicine in its purity, is lo observe these lulxls. Iieinemhi r the lop, tho side, and the bottom. The f jllovvii.g re-wclive pentuii sie duly aulhori led, and hold CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY For the sale of ISrandrnh'a Vt'i-talle Universal nil. Norlhinnheilni'd county : Millon M ickey & Chauihfihn. Sunhiiry II. B. M.isser. M'lCtsen ville IitlindcV Meixell. Noiihuin'iland Wui. Forsyth, (icorgetown J. $: J. Walls. Union County : New Berlin Bogar & Win Or. Selinsprove George Cundrum. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Besvei'own Ihivtd Ilubler. Adaini-burg Win. J. May. Millluishuig Mensch & Bay. llsitletou Daniel Long. Freeburg U. A F. C. Miner. Lewishurg Walls & firecn. Coluinbi , county : Danville E. B. Kevnol.l. V t o. llcrvvick Miumsii .v K Henhouse. I a1 InwisBa I". U. llrobts. Bloomsburg John B. Moyer. Jiiy Town Levi Bisel. Washincton Itoht. Mi (Jay. I.inicsione B.illi- fi MrN'och. Observe that each Aueul has an Fngruvid C r ilieate of Agi ncv, containing a representation of Hi PI! A.N DUE I ll's Manufactory at ing ing, and upon which will a'so be recti exact copies ul the nic lalitia null' um.I upon Hit HruuJntk I'M Hum. t'hd idi Iphia, uiTice No. H, North Kih street. B. BliANDKETll.M.D. June 24ih, iX CITY VVXVS lil'l! K A l ( TI O . and rnivATB saleo uooms, Nus. 'J! ni.d :il Ninth Thiol Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. C C. MACKKY, Auctioneer, ie-pectful'y ill 's vile the attention ol hmso. desirous of pur-cha-itur Furiiiuiie, to bi extensive fah s K.huiis, (both piH-lie Slid Piivnti-.) lot every i!ei-cii.tioo of Houmhol.t Fumiluie, whin can I oblsined at nit tune, a large assortment ot lusloonabM ami well manufactured Cabinil Kuriulurx, Ueds, Mttre, if., at very reduced price, for esh. 07- Sales bv Auction, twice week. May SVih, 1843. I y ROSE OINTMENT, for ti:tti:i. . RINGWORM, riMPt.CS ON THK FA( K, AND Orllt'.K C-I'TANKOI'SI P.RI-PTIONS). fjj" Tlit 'follnwinir trrtifirn'e dor i7es one oflht must rxlrmirdinary otirt ever rjfi-cted by any application'. ' Pnti.AriM piua. February 10, 1RM. TOn twenty years I was severely afflicted with - Tuttxii on the Face' and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until Ihe Fall nf lSHG, varving in vio lence, but without ever disnpMaring. During most of the time, treat part nf my f ice was covered with Ihe eruption, frequently aitcuded with vio'ent itrh. ingj my bend svvel'ed at times until it felt as if it Would burst the'swellin wns so g-eat, thnt I cotl'd scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that 1 wnsnfflieled whh the disease, I used great mnny n plirnlions, (among them several celebrated I rep nations) as w. II as taking inward remedies, including a number nf hollies of Suaini't ranaern, Ihtntct of Sartapnrillit, A c, In fact, it would be impossible to enumein'e nil the medicines I used. I was also tinder the c ire nf two of ihe most dis tinguished physicians of this city, but without re ceiving nnrh benefit, nnd I despaired of ever being cored. In the f ill of 18:1ft, the dUca-e id the time being very violent, I commenced using the A'oe Ointment, (prepared bv Vaughnn & Davis.) In a few applications Ihe violent itching censed, ihe swelling at-a'ed, the fruition began to disappear, and before I had used ajar the di-ease wa entirely cured. It hss now l-en nearly a year and a half since, and there is not a veige of Ihe disease re maining, except Ihe sears from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe in a crrtificatn the severity of the disease and my suffering, but I will be pleised to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting furlher satisfaction, who will call on me. At the lime 1 commenced using ihe Rose Ointment I would have given bun d'cds of iln'lats to be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it lo several persons, (among them my mother, w ho bail the disease bad ly on her arm.) who were a'l cured bv it. J AMES DC R NELL, No. l.r.rt, Race St. fTj" The Rose Ointment g prepared by E. B. Vnuhan, tSoH'h East corner of Third and Raie stiei t, Philadelphia, and sold on nuenev in Siinbu ry. bv II. B. MASSE R. May 14th, 1f13. Agent. (tose Oiiiliiiriif, tor Teller. A l'KOOF OF ITS V.FFKWCY. pHit Ani iriiiA, May 27llr, IUH't. Till i to certify tl ai I was si vere'y afH e'ed with Tetter in Ihe bands nnd feet for upwards of forty years; Ihe disease was atlended generally with vio'ent itching and swelling. I applied to iiuinherof physicians, and used a great many nppli-en-ions wiihi-ut rll'ecling a corp. About ayar since, I appled ihe Rose Ointment, which entirety stoped ihe inching, and a few applications imine li. ati ly cured the thene, which there has been no return nf, although I had never la-en rid of il at any time for forty years. RICHARD SA VAt.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. fXj" The Rosa Ointment is prepared by E. B. Ynuchan, S tuth East comer of Third and Rnce Streets, Philadelphia, and s.ld on agenry in Siinbu ry by II. B. MASSKR, May 14th. 1843. ffjsr''''- MEDICAL AFrROBATZOIT OJ the liOSi: OITMi:T,for Tetter. ALTHOCOH the superiority of the prcpnia'ion over nil others is fully established, the proprie tors take pi, astnc in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a gradunte of the I'niversity of Pennsylvania, Dr. Baugh, having found in Ibis remedy that iclief f r a tedious and disagreeable affectum which the means within the range of his profession failed to afford, tins not hesitated lo give it bis approbation, nlihough the prejudices and interests of that profc-feioii aie opposed to secret Remedies. Phii.iiu.i-uh, Sept. 19, ISrtG. I was recently troubled with a tedious hcrotic eruption, which coveted pi arlv one si.'e of my fice, nnd extended over Ihe ear. Mr. Vaughnn, proprie loi of the Rose Ointment, nbseiving my face, un-ls led uu my t ying his piepaiutioH, nf which he tui ti lled 11 e ajar, A ohounh in common w ith ihe mem ber of my profi-i-sion, I discountenance and disap prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by unoiatit pr tended, 1 feel in jus ice bound to except the Rose Ointment I1010 thai cla-s of rue d.cines, and lo give it my approbation, as it entire ly tured ihe eruption, although it hid resisted the Usual applications. DANL. BAI'GH, M. 1). Qj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vuuuhan, South East corner nf Third and Race Streets, l'dilude'j hu, and nold 011 agincv in Sun- burv, ly II. U. MAhl!, May I4lh, 1S4:I. Amt. Movers Ink. JOSEPH bT HOVER, Manufacturer of Wiitino; nnd Jiulclli blo Ink, No. KMi North Tlnrd SStrcct, fci.x tloor below Kace, (eat-l side,) FHILADSLPHIA, I EPE(! TFl l.LY informs country merchants t- and others, lhai he con-lantly keep on hand a large stock of his oH iier Itlack, lllue snd lied Ink. nnd slso a superior tnality of Indellil-le Ink. Hi ink in 1 i t up in bellies vaiyiu in sir.e, from I to 32 ounces, and Will l-e sold on reasonable terms. The excel ei.t qualities of this ink has so ihoroiiKhly established lis character, that it is now extensively Used throughout lb country. ( Fur sale at Ihe store of II. 11. Masser, Suns bury. Pa. May 27th. 184:1. I y (:n7viTLi:s. "iikcjixs," ATTORNEY AT LAW, ECNBTJIIV, PA AS l;iken the nfliee lonneily oceupinl bv the lion. Chniles (J. Donml, epposite the Court (loose. He will a'li-nd to business in the Courts of Nonhutnheilaml, 1'nion and t'olutiibia coumies. May 2iltli. Is)4:l. rs , w 7 UiNlON HOTEL Do Ifancli Do branch Do branch, I'nion Bank' fXj" Cniler fi's gjr' )n all t ank maikrd par par par par par par par par par thus () there are ei. Wilmington (icoigelown Newcastle Wilunngtali tlier rounteifeil or altered notes (if the va.oua lt- f.ouiiiisiioiis, in emulation, UlIXlAoM J.oMAltTIX. ATTC?1TET AT LAV", SUNSTjnV, FA. FFICE, in Ihe second story of ihe building oc cupied by Dr. J. U. Masser, oil Msiket slieel. Oi l. 3 1 si, IS43. A Tlu'ahlii(? Alucliliie fur Kale. fUllE siibscrilier oilers f.r sale a TIlliLSlllNfJ I MACHINE, new and in good order. The Machine has been tried, and proves to tie an excel tent one. It will be ttild si a reduced price, and warranted. Apply lo IL B. MASSER. July 1st, le43. t li "di a f 11 Li 3Pbild.,l (Central Staye Uti.re', jTTtvn: olj :pcy crcs -w - LVCOMINQ COUNTY, lciiiis3ivania. riHK Hnbscrilier rc.eclfullv informs his friend. L and the public in general, that be bas taken Ihe above LARGE AM) COMMODIOUS HOTEL, IN THE B O R O U U II O F M UN C, Y, and that he is now well prepare! to accommodate all who may favor h.m with their custom. IL Sui.nu ArsaTDtnTs ure well aiie.l, snd comfortable. HisTsaLSANn Ba will a'vays U siopbed with the !( the uiaiket can allord. Hi SrAaLiao, which is gmtl, will I under the chsrge of good and carelul hostler. lie hi Is confident, by strict alleulion la business, and an earnest desire to render c- inlortthle those who may palrouizH him, that he will not fail to give general satisfaction. II. B. WEAVER. Muncy, Oi l. 1st, 143. If. Commission ife Forwarding Merchants, 2'oof 0 IVi'fVnie ,?rrref Kail lload, It T) MllWtlt, TTAVINfJ associsled wi h ihem Joseph Barrel, A- late of Easioii, Pn., ri spertrully inform ihetr friends and the public generally, lhal Ihey hnve In. ken that large and well known store and wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupiel by Jieoh Martin, where they pu'pose doing a (tem rnl Commission and Forwarding Huines, and f om the local advantage of the place being connected wilh till ihe public Improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will be able to do business lo as ureal, if not genter sd vantnge, and upon as reasonable lerms as any other house, and they assure their friends thnt any con signment mude to them shall have their strict at tention, nnd no exertions spared to give entire satis faction. They are also prepared lo receive and forward goods lo any point on Ihe Delaware and Lelneh rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals; also, lo anv point on Ihe Juniata river, or Nor'h end West Hranrheaof the Susquehanna via Sclniyl. kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Watei Canals. For the aceommndntinn of Boats coming or go. ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals. Steamboat will In kept eipressly for towing boats from the Schuylkill sround to the Delaware and bark, which will en dile merchants to have their produce deli vered on Ihe Delaware, and their goods shipH d at a saving ot 60 to 75 per cent, on Ihe prices f ir hauling ncioss, with these advantages they re spectfully solicit S share of pstn nsce. W. HrJlLMAN & CO. William Ilellman, U ilhnm W. Keyse Joseph Burnet. J Philad., May 14, 18 IT ly J. PrlAITLANI?, Jia. & CO. Sntifl" nnd Tobacco Manufacturers, .Yo. O'J Aori Yel corner of Race and Third Sheet. PHILADELPHIA. '"PHE under-igned have formed a Co-partnership -- under the firm of J. M A YL AN l Jb. A Co.. as successors to the late firm of Jnenh Jftnfund d Co., snd will e intiuue Ihe business at ihe old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition lo their own close attention nnd experience fot many years, in the manufacture nf their eefebrated snuff-, Ac., the long cTpeiienee of the senior parti er of Ihe late firm, will also be devoted to tho interest of the new concern and ns no exertion and care will be spared lo insure their goods, at all tiin-sot the ve ry l-est quality, they solicit a continuance nf the confidence of the b tends an I customer- of ihe Ule firm. THOM s ADA MS, J. MAYLAND, Ja. Philadelphia, May I Ith. Itsl3. ly To 4'oiuitrv MERCHANTS. 'T'lIK Subscriber, Agent of Lyon it Harris, Hut Mannf iclurers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, wl os? lint me highly commended f.ir mtd ed-ii and durnl.ility, has on hand a lir-t rate nsertrnnt of HA I'S and CA I'S, suitable for Spring iles, wh ch will l-e sold very low, fot cash or nppioved credit, at the nrled cheap ture, tin. 40, North Third strc-t, o-pi,e tho City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROIJERT D. WILKINSON. Aftnt. N. B. Orders tor Hats in the rti. promptly attended lo. The highest price in 1W1 01 trad given far Fur ikins. Philadelphia, June II, 1913.--ly BOLTON & CO. foii r:il C oniinlssioii Merchants, For the Sale of Flour, Grain, Seed, iVc, Vc T EM'ECTFl LEY inform their friends and -t- he Merchants generally, that I hey have ta ken those large and coinmoilious Wharvis, with to Dixks, nnith of Chesnut street, on the Delaware, together with the store No. 19 South Wharves, where they would be pleased to receive consign ments of (irain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, & e. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by ihe Schuylkill snd Union, or by the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, as low boats are kept expressly for the purpose of towing boats by ei'her route. Meiihaiits will please lie particular to send their goods destined by either canals, to No. 19 South Wharves, la tween Market and Chesnut streets, on Ihe Delaware, with directions accompanying them which route they wish them lo be shipped. (Xjf riaslir and Salt for tale, at the lowest mur ket price. BOLTON A C. March 1 . 1 843. Nn. 19 South Wharves. ItOItKKT c utn.u & so, PAPER MANUrACTUIlEnS, Lombard Street, ltullimorr, HAYE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of all sires and quslitics, Cap Writing Paper, ruh d and plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope l'a-er, do. do. medium, double crown, crown and extra sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and Royal Papers, Bonnet, Binders' and Suaw Box 1! oar its', TiMiue Paper, and all articles in I hen hue, w tiii Ik they will sell on sccoiiiinoJaiim Urms. Highest price given for old rags. KOUEUT CARTER & SON, March 19.J843. Elklon. MJ house, Yc. '2', .orth Third, mie Cuttnu hiU St., PHILADELPHIA. JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late of A- im rirnn Hotel, Columbus, t 'hio. take pleasure in so quan, ling their fiieiul and the public generally that they have taken Ihe large and commodious Holt I, recently built by the Messrs Halt, on the same vile 1 once occupied by the old established Hotel known ss the Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Cslluw hill si. Tbi Hotel is finished in the very !st possible manner, hi d of ihe best materials. It location is very desirable, particularly for country merchants; the arrnugemeiii for heating and ventilating )acli room i such as to secure any temperature. The bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished in a neat style, so as to insure loinfort. The leceiving parlors er Ih fuii.ished in a su ierb style, the window ara on the French style, forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whkh makes a pleasant recess. Pioliculai attention ha been given to Ihe bed and bidding, which, wilh the furniture, are entirely new. a roia year' experierics in hotel bminess, we trust, by strict assiduity ic businest, 10 make this house t desirable slopping place. Our table will always l supplied wuh the very best our market can afford, and our bar with ihe beat liqtloi and wine of the most approved brands, P. S. There are first rale stabling tnd carriage houses attached lo Ihe hotel, attended by ea efvjl snd sol-erhohilera, snd our charge will be low, in accordance with the present hard liinss. Philadelpbis, Oct. Till, 1 844. ATTORNEY AT LAW, V SUXTBTJRY, PA. Business atlended to in the Counties nf Nor thumt crlund, Union. Lveoming and Columbia, ltrfrr tot Tsin mis Hist Ac Co., " Low nn e BiNtion, Hart, Ccmmmos A. IIaht, yl'.'iilad. TlRtoi.ns, Mcl"ARt.5in &. Co. Ser.ntso, 'Jnnn A: Co., GO L I)EiN 8 W 'AN B:-iTQir3a7i3i2 a ATo. fit) North Third, ahnre Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOMMODATIONS) (OR ar.VF.tVTY tr.KfOSS. pHARLES WEISS, Ite of the "While SSwan," and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, that he has become the proprietor of the abovs well known Hotel. Country Meiehants will f nd the abov Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persons Ira veiling with private conveyance will find a large yard and good stabling for horses, and the best of ostlers. Hoarding f I pcrdav. May 14 ih, 1842. tf. EAGLE :rxji ai) nL7 :oi3 tx 9 Comer of Third and Vine Streets, . WILLIAKSrOIlT, PA. TIIR eubscrdier rcscl fully announces to the public, that he has opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of 'I hird and Pine streets, where he will be happy lo wait t pon thiwe who may favor him witti their company. The Eaale Hotel is la'ge and conveni ent, and furnished in the bet modern st le. Ilia provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments,, rooms, private pnilors, Ac. Persons visiting illiamsport on bu siness or pleasure, may rest ns-urcd that every ex erlion will be used to render their sojourn at tho "Eagle Hotel" ph-asant and agreeable. His Table will be supplied wilh Ihe very beat the market af fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other liipiots charges re .soiialilc. The Kiile Hotel possesses greater advantage in point nf location than any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate in the business part of the town, and w ithin a convenient distance of the Court Houso and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Dept. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good nnd trusty mtli rs alvvavs in nttc udnnrc . Attentive, accoii.moilnting and Vne-t Servants hae been itnsloi c.l. and tiolliitg left undone that will add to the comfort and accommodation of his guests. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Ront Landing to convey passengers to and from the House, free of charue. CHARLES BORROWS. Mav 14th. IH12. if A .ar,'l-'-e unequalled for cleaning and gi ving 1 highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sd ver, (iermi-n Silver, Hra-, Copper, Brittania ware Tin, St. el, Cutlery, and lor resiorii.g the lustre or varnished cnmuiie, Ac. TRV I P. Prepared an I sold at w b.olesn'e and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owrgo 'Pioya county, N. Y. W.l'. FOltsYTH, Agent lor Northum'd, H. B. MASSKR, Agent for Sunbury. November 2Hth, iTIichncl Vt;ntr Ac 01, norE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS A. 13 AoriVi Water Street. Vhiltidrlphia. OAVE constantly on hand, a general assort merit of Cordage, Seine Tv ines. Ac., viz I ar'd Roies, Fishing Ropes, While Rojies, M.mil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Doats. Also, complete assortment of S, ine Twines, Ac. such n Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Rest Patent (ii Net I 'v iue. Cotton Shad anil Heriing 'I'wii e, Sho Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, lied Cords, I'Ioul'Ii Line Halters, Traces, Colton and Linen Carpel Chain: Ac. all of which they will dispose of 011 rrasonahl teims. Philadc'phia, Novembei Ct, ISpJ. Iy. vSiMini.NG, cooiV&ro. ' No. 13S MarUt IStreet, lJiilatJcljhic ENVITE the attention of Country Merchan lo their extensive assortment of Unlirh Frenc and American Dry duals, which they oiler lore,, on ihe most reasonable t rrns. Philadelphia, November 1:1, 1412. ly. J. W. S W A IN, lTnibrellu an J Turaistil IManufaclurcr A'o. 'A'l KiHitt 1'hml ttrtet, tiro dimr Ulouc t) Citv , Fhi!,ul,lfh,a. Ol'NTKV Meiihaiits and others are solicite to examine his as.01u.1cui btfore purchasin 1 l.ewlicro Phila.'elphia. November 11. : 42. 1 v. S7TOR sale a suia I Farm, containing about or dumbed nnd ten acres, ni..ri or Ics, situat 111 Point township. Nur huml crland County, shot two null above Northuioberl ind, oil ihe mai road leading from that place to Danville, adjuiuin lauds of John l.eghou, Jesse C. llorn.n and other now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. Al-oi forty acres nf said trail am rli an d, and in got slat- of cu livalioii, on w hich there is a small bsi erectnl. The piopi-ny will lw sold on rcasona'' teims. For further particulars, peisons arc requ ed lo apply to Ihe tut scri! r. H. B. MASsZR, Agent Nov. 27lh, 142. tf Sunbury. I list "brboiSs.' HIM iLk HI VNTIION'S Classical Dictionary; Lempriei do.; A ins worth' do ; Cobb's do English ar (ieiniau do.; Ambon's Cs-s.r; Ant lion's tiramme Aiitheu's Ciceio; Mail's Latin Reudei; Oill y ' do Andrew's Latin Lessons; Doiinegau' Lexicoi Fisk's tiresk fclxercises; Davie' I.egendei; liiaec Mnjoru; Adaiii.' Roman Auliquiiies; Piuuock Ooldsinith's Kuglaiid; do. (ircece; Lvell's Eh nien nf Geology; M is. Lincoln' Boinnv; Element' Botany; tiridge's Algebra; Porter' lihctoiical lie tiers; Knirrson's lieography and History; Olney do.; Parley' do.; Smith's Crammer. Kiikham' d Kay' Readers; Cobb's do.t Ci'bb' Arilhmeiicl Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; ('obh' Sfslling Book Town's do.j Cobb's Tsble Books; Evangelical Ft. mily Lihiary; Cottage Bible; Family do; Collate! al do.; Small Bibles and 'Pestsmenls; Parkei's Ex-erci.-e. on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter's S..ioi'a Real; American Revolution; Marry alt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistiy; Iliad; Cslechisra of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che- niistiy for Beginners; English Lxeicise adapted 10 Murray' Crammer, Sequel to Comley's Spelling B'Hik; American Class lli.ok; Daholl's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 38, IH42. BLANKS I'OU BALE AT THIS OfYlCU