Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 01, 1845, Image 3

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    IiFAMotts Outraoc The New York papers
or Saturday last contain the following account! of
an Infamous outrage perpetrated in that city :
"A fiendish outrage was committed in this ci
ty on Monday night on the person of a respecta
ble young female. The circumstances under
'which it was perpetrated are as follows : A
giTl of about 16 years of age, lamed Sarah M.
Dolsonmans, of Goshen, who was on a visit to
her aunt, Mrs. Jennings, was taken to the Bow
cry Theatre on Monday evening by a young man,
her cousin. After the conclusion of the perfor
mance he invited her to take oysters, at an oys
ter cellar in the Bowery. She refused, and re
mained outside while he was taking refreshment.
While waiting for him she was seised by several
young men, one or whom placed his arm around
her neck, and rasping her neckerchief, twisted
it round her throat so tight that she could not
scream ; another of the party, named Alexander
Edwards, then caught her by the waist, and o
thers by her lgs. They then carried her up an
alley in a cross street, and there two of the ruf
fians, one of whom was Edwards, despite her
struggles, accomplished their atrocious purpo
ses. They also robbed her ofber pursa, contain
in;; $5. In the struggle with the villains she se
verely bit the finger of ono of them Edwards
and this circumstance led to his arrest yesterday.
He is about 20 years of age. The girl fully i
lentifies him, and he is committed to answer.
The others have not yet been taken."
Tne Conviction of Feikr W. Parke. The
.onviction of Peter W Parke, for the Castner
Tturder in New Jersey, appears to have been ef
ected by the following train of circumstances :
"Jesse Tiger deposed that some time before
be murder, Peter W. Tarke asked him if he
vould join in murdering John Castner, and then,
aid he. hall hare money enough. Mrs. Mar
aret Marteus also testified that being at the
onse the morning after the murder, and going
at of the back door to throw out some bloody
ater, she saw two men leaning on the fence,
nd one of them said to the other Da I look guil
; ? He answered Xn. The latter then said to
le former Dn t lak guilty f He also answered
Jo. They then raised their heads, and seeing
Irs. M., ono of them raised his voice and said
hat horrid murder we have up here among the
nuntaiiuf They were Peter W. Tarke and
seph W. Carter.
Peter V. Parke will be brought to Trenton to
ceive his sentence at the next term of the Su
reme Court, which begins on Tuesday the 23th
" February ; at whirh term the case of Joseph
irter, now in the Mercer jail, convicted of the
mi murder, will be disposed of."
Tai pkos of Foukiun liiuTii. The follou-ins
(traordinary statements have been published
i the authority of a committee of the Common
ouncil of New York.
''It appears that the bonds of nine firms in this
ty exhibits the enormous liabilities of $10,000,
10, that of the r02 children supported by the
(y, at the Farm Schools, 457 are the children
nany, if not most of them illigitimate,) of for
pi parents ; that of latest Irorn infants at nurse,
: the city's expense, 32 are foreign, and only 2
merican ; and "that the whole number of ihil
en 026have foreign parentage, and 195 Ameri
n, exhibiting the average of more than three
'eigners toone native, and an alarming increase
the ratio of foreigners in the more recent
The whole number of inmntes in our peniten
ry is 1110, showing an increase of 400 since
y last ; of these '.VIS are Americans, and 1 10S
eigners. The number of prisoners and pan
's to support, we all pay taxes, 4341, showing
increase since July last of nearly 1000."
Wousk's Maonktic TKRKc;RArn. has been vi
ed by M. Pagoot, the French Minister, M. Bo
.o the Russian Minister, and M. Calderon de
Hares the Spanish Ministr all of whom were
;h1y gratified with the operations of this line
alled "Yankee invention."
The French Minister had written a despatch
some length, in his own language, which was
.urned through the same medium. The spe.
nen of Telegraphic writing thus returned it is
ended to transmit to France.
Rfmarkam.r. Mr. Walter Hasty, of Liming
i, Me., a few days since, found a rent embed
1 in the middle of an ox's liver whirh he was
tting up. The liver was entirely enclosed a
jnd the cent, anil, on removing it, the imprint
the letters was seen upon the parts with which
;y had been in contact. '
rTEMrrrn Rkvival or Hf.athf.nism The
tist Advocate says, in India there are several
spapers established for the express purpose
pposing Christianity, and public lectures are
ivered in Calcutta for the same object. Some
the missioners regard these efforts of native
.ids as indirectly beneficial to the cause of
.th, inasmuch as they arouse a spirit of inqui
among minds that hitherto have been charac--iied
by inertness.
Catgut. An eagle, measuring over seven feet
-tween the tips of his wings, was caught in ti
nge county, N. Y., a few days ago, by means
a fox trap. A pound of beef makes only a
outhful for him.
Santa Ana. By later accounts it appears that
nta Ana is not so badly off as represented.
e has the most military and civil stuff in him
o.f any man in Mexico, and ought to rule by vir
tue of natural laws. From the latest authorities, it
appears that the number of distilleries in the V.
States is 10,405; the number of gallons of distil
led liquors produced annually is 41, 602,607
whirh, if sold at 20 cts. per gallon, would pro
luce $8,30,501 40. What untold misery is the
result of this degrading traffic !
Mormons Thirteen hundred and thirty-seven
Mormons have remonatrathd against the lepeal
i their charter.
From Mexico. Further intelligence from
Mexico has been received at New Orleans vis
Havana. On the 30ih of Dec, Santa Ant was
at Ayotia, a small village a short distance this
tideof the capitol. It will be recollected, siys
the Picayune, that the latest communication
from him to the Government was dated at IIu
chuctoca, Dec. 20. The change of position is
thought to strengthen an impression previously
entertained, that lie will tndesvor, in case of
failure before the capitol, which the letter
writere appear to think inevitable, to force his
way to Vera Cruz, thence to escape by sea
when he finds the game is all up with him.
A privrte letter from the city of Mexico, re.
ceived at Havana, and dated the 28th of Dec,
states that the force under Santa Ana exceeds
10,000 well appointed troops, and yet the writer
ia confident that this largo command cannot a
vail him. The capitol is defended by 20.000
men, of whom 12,000 are regular troop, and
8000 bclonjr to tho National Guard. Mary fa
milies had left and were leaving the cily, how
ever, from fear that it would be bombarded.
Resident foreigners were diligently fortifying
their houses, ir. consequence of a report that
Ssntn Ana had promised his troops that, in
case they should be able to take the city, he
would give it up to them to be sacked.
Affairs in Havana. We learn by the N.
O. Picayune, thnt several strange events have
occurred at Havana The "Monte de I'iedad,"
or pawnbroker's shop, under the sanction of
the authorities, waa broken open and robbed by
the soldiers on guard. All have been arrest
ed except the corporal and one other the pun
ishment will be death. The amount of pro
perty is variously estimated from $.10,000 to
A lawyer, in coming nut of one of the church
es, trod on the toe of the sentry, who stabbed
him instantly. Another sentinel ran up, and
also drove his bayonet into him. The lawyer
died instantly. The soldiers flod into the
church, to the sanetury, biit were dragged out,
tried the samj day and sentenced to be shot.
Their only excuse was that they were "tired
of drilling."
Matiirmaticai. CAi.n i.Ai ion. Some mathe
matical genius having made a calculation that
Niagara Falls would turn all the machinery in
the world, if applied to it. the Concordia Intelli
gencer sets its wits to work and comes out with
the startling fact that if all the machinery in the
world was applied to Niagara Falls, it would not
turn them.
Excitino Cass A case of pome in'erost or
curred in this city on the 20th tilt. A man
from Martiiihburg, Vs., arrested a co'ored man
and his wife the woman as his runaway slave
and the msn for kidnapping the woman ! The
Alderman, before whom they were token, de
clined investigating the matter, and the jailor
wouldn't take care of them unless "by authori
ty." So they are both at large I Pitt Age.
The Wrong Man Hanofd. A Liverpool
paper says that Wm. Towns, a soldier in the
21st Fusilleers, now in India, has confessed that
it was he who dashed out the brains ofa game
keeper in Esex, about nine years ago, and that
a man named Chalker, who was executed for
the murder, was innocent.
TriE IprvriCAi. Bibi.r which John Rogers',
the martyr of Primer memory, once owned, was
brought to this country nearly two centuries
ago, and is now in the hands of one of his de
scendants. A "Rreeches Bihlp," printed in
Ijrndon, 1577, the copy of which was presented
by the printer to Queen Elizabeth, was procu
red in England at a high prico by Admiral Sir
Isaac Ceffin, and sent to the late Rev. Dr. Ho
mer, of Mae., at theMle of whose library it wss
purchutied hy me, and is vilued as a pleasing
relic of Royalty and Puritanism. Carres.
Dos ton Trans.
Tiik B'hi.k in Inilam. The English re
1 pious journals state that the Hilile readerwand
home mis-ionaries are laboring with animating
success in Ireland. It is Irs than ten years
since the first effort wns there made In tvacli
the Hihle in schools ; 400 schools came into tho
plan, and 312 teachers were employed the last
year. It is estimated that 10,-V17 children
have thus learned lo read the Scriptures.
No Yt-T An old lady having
heard somebody say "the mails were very ir
regular," remarked, "it was jinl so in fu r
young days; no trusting to any of their fair
SsASOHtaLR Aitvic. "Take time hy the fore
lock, says the adage. Take oiediiiue at the pro
per lime, sjy we. It is a mailer of less difficulty
to asceilain the proper lime lo seek relief from me
diciue, lliAn it is lo dixuver Ihe proper medicine
which i lo adminisier comfort lo the amVh d pa
tient. Brandn Ill's Vegetable Uuiversat Pills,
which have obtained a celeluity in ihe "Annals of
Physic," unequalled in ancient and in.kliirn limes,
have peifornied such astonishing cures, thai thou
sands of people, in justice to Dr. Brindrcth, hve
publicly recorded their opinions of their wonderful
snd extraordinary health-restoring qualities.
fj Purchase of H. B. Master, Sunbury, or of
the agents, published in snother part of this paper.
" Good Intent Fire C ompany."
A STATED MEETING of ihe Company vs. I
he held on Tuesday evening; neil, at 7 o'clock,
st the Court House. Punctual attendance is re.
quired. CHA8. B. WEl!KU.
Feb. I, 1845 Sefttary,
"Wasihlugton 1'lre Com puny."
rPHE members of the - We.uingloo Fire (Join
J pny" are requested lo meet at ihe but
House, on Monday Evening, Feb. 3, at 7 '.
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required.
Corrected weekly hy Henry Yoxtheimer.
Whsat, .... 85
Rra, ..... 60
Corns, 40
Oats, 85
Pork, ...... 6, ... 112
Bcttes, ..... i
Hikswax, .... 26
Tallow, ... 10
DkiriiApplrs, CO
Do. Pkachks, ISO
Fla, ... .8
Hick Ltit Flax, 10
Eoas, 10
IN purunre of an order of the Drphsns' Court,
tif Nuithumlterland county, en Thursday the
Glli day of February
neit, at 1 o'clock. P. M., Sharpies Ty..r and J.
C. (trier, Administrate of William (Jarred, Mtn
of Rush township, in said county, dec-ased, will
espnoe lo sale by piihlie vendue, at ihe hnue of
John Gam It, in Point township, in Norlhbmler
land county sfores .id, ad the IKON ORE, in a
certain tract of I nd containing 170 sen s, silunte
in Point lown.hip afnrenaid, adjoining E. (! een
nugh, M. J. Biddle and the Susquehanna river;
whereon the said John Garrett now reside, with
the free privilege lo pas and rep .ss from Ihe s .i.l
property to the Canal, for the purpose of conveying
Ihe ore, and rii;ht lo land at the mines sufficient t
build Iwo houses up n. with privdege for the
mil e's to pass and repass lo snd from their houses.
Alt of whii-b will he s.Jd subject lo rah on the
1 3th August 1840, by the said deceased -f the
said linn Ore, at 40 cents per Ion, to Eli Trego.
Said Treio lo tske oul ihree hundred tons the first
year, snj at least four hundred each subsequent
year, ro mnencing in ihe spring of 1811, if the pi ice
at which Ihe said ore could e sold would yield a
emill .rofit to ss id Trego, with Ihe right of entry
way, Vc. I.ate ihe ertate of said deceased, situ
ate in the township of Point, and county aforesaid
Panv-lle, Jan. 18, 1845. 3t. Adm'rs,
MU'liacl Xe Idlg'ti FKtntc.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin
istration hsve been gi anted to the subscribers,
on the estate of Michael Neidig. dee'd. All per
sons laving demands against Ihe est Me, are, re
quested to present ihem for examination and set.
tlement, anil all persons indebted are requested to
make immediate payment.
Augusts, Jan. 18, 1845. 6t
IS hereby given, thsl I have this dav revoked a
Power of Attorney, given by me lo Henry II.
Burr of Northumberland, on the 10th day of June,
1835, which revocation is ree irded in the Recor
ders office of Northumberland coni.ty.
Northumberland, Jan. 1 Ith. 1845. 17 if
Miniiiokiii Coal
A T N () It Til U M B l) 11 1. A N D.
rilHE Subscriber has a boat load nf excellent
JL Shauiukm Coal at Nmlbuuibeil ind, which
he offers lor sale at the lowest pr ces. Persons
wishing to pHtchise will call on the nbscii'er nl
Sunbury, or E. P. Shannon, E-q. m NorthumUr
land. II. U. MASTER.
Sunbury, Jan. 4th, 1S15.
Call and Kef lie.
PERSONS knowing themmlvte indebted lo
ihe subftciiber, are requested lo call :nd settle
llieir sec. nuns, on or before the SOlh day of Jauu
ry neit, afier which time those i f long stamling
will be placed ill the hands of a Justice, fir collec
tion. . U. MASSER.
Pec. 14th. 1841.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of John
Leghnii, Isle of Point tnwnnhip, deceased,
are hereby nu'ified lo make piynien', without de
lay, to ibe Mih-rrihcra ; and lliose bavii g claims
against said estate, will piesent them duly authen
ticated for setllemcn. JOHN B. BOYD.
NorthM, Pec. 58, tS 14. 61 Etmitors.
Lost ! !
SOMEWHERE between Ihe residence nf the
subscriber, ir, Ch li-qiitque township, Noilh.
uiuherland county, snd the through of Siinbiny,
on Tuesday, Ibe lSlh ins!., a am ill 1'itcKtr Boon,
containing a note of h ind from Tobias Rirmert ami
John Murray to subscriber, as the administrator of
Tlionua Murray, dated in January, 182'.) ; ami
another note of hand to ssrue, for f 18, dated in
1810; a subpeeua lor witnesaese, and a fie dol
lir bill on Ibe Utnk of Nnrthumb'-iland. The
fiuiltr, by returning it, will be snitahy rewarded;
or by leaving (be pikers t ihe Poai (lll'icv, Nunl'U
rv, it for ardiuu I him to the .ulaeiitx", mav keep
ihe five dollar hill. JAiF.S F. MURRAY.
Cli.liMuaiue, Nov. Ullih, 1844. if
riilK rabacrilw-r hss just received fioui Plnlolel
M. phia a freh si.pply nl Ntw (Soona, ronaiirng
in pail, of M'tUflut J)rlwne, Crape Dtlniiirs,
Ctuhmere de lome Shawl, Hdndliercheif, Vc
Alao, Heaver anil S Ik Halt, a good i lment
of Men and Hoy' Cupt, firoctrie, I.i'uvrs,
Jalt, Ac Ac., all of whieh will be sold at the morl
reaaoiialde terms. Stone Jars uad Jui, cheap.
Sunbury. Oct. 5 h, 18T4.
C a r p e t i ii g s .
J OS i: I II II L. .4 11 WOOD,
Ko. 1 1 1 ChrsHut Street, Comer t'ruuklin Sipiure.
TT AS just rectived and is now opening a very
eiteuaive and beautiful asaorl.oem ot CAR
P ET1SISS. The good are fresh, and nl new
styles, and being purchased principally for dsn,
they will tie sold at the Lowest prices ; (hey consist
in pari, of
Splendid Bius-e's, - CARPET-
Beautiful iniieiial 3ply, I l.GS,
Super Ultra Ingrain, M'olors war-
3-4, 4 4, 6 8 Twilled Venetian, rsule.l
' " Plain do. J nVKARl.F.
A l.irge slock of well seasoned OIL CLOTHS
nfall width, Kres, Biauisoa, &c , together will)
an rtt nive asaoilment uf Low priced Carpt tings
vf all ile-eriptiona.
(ry Purchai rs aie r quested to call end see us,
when they will find anvxteiikive asaoitment n the
most reasonable price..
Philadelphia, Oct. 6 h, 1844 tf
i nn bags San,
1 JJ U0 llarr.U do., at $1 75, fir sale
l-y B. HENDiilCKs.
Sunbury, Oct. 1 9th, 1814.
Celebrated Family Medicine
WILL not cure every thing, hut still remain
unequalled in their several departments by
every thing ever offered to Ihe public, who have
voluntary came forward snd offered numerous and
highly rrspectsble testimonials of their superior
CanfreWs Compound Medicated Syrup nf Sar
apnrtlla i or, Anti-Scorbutic Syrup, for Ihe cure
of Scnrfula, Chronic Rheu.n ttism, Chronic Swel
lings of the Joint', Eruption, nf the Skin, and nil
Diseases arising from the abuse of Mercury, iff..,
unsurpassed by sny thing in Ihe ma'ket, combi.
ning sll the virtues resident in the Sur-spnrilla
with a modern medicament, only lately brought
out by ihe most respectable medical authorities.
Price, 50 cerils er bottle.
Cantrell's ,1ntf Dyspeptic Powder, fr the re
lief and permanent cure of th it innvt distressing
complaint, Pyspcpsii, in all it form, and stngi's.
It is truly s most vain dde remedy. Sold in bottles
at 25 and 50 cents esch.
Cuntreir t Jtgue. Mixture and Tonic Medlca
menta, stands nl the head of Ihe lift unrivalled by
any, or all the innumerable mediein-s in uc
throughout the length and bread h nf ihe Innd, for
Ihe cure of Fevkr and Aries in all its stages, and
from all its consequences.
Resident, in Fever and Ague districts should
never l-e wilhool i.
The subscriber will forfeit EIFTY POI.HR8
where bis medicine faiW to ifurm a cure in the
most nbslina'e cae,
S.dd Who'es-ile and Retail bv CALEB CRE8
SON. al bis Drug Warehouse, No. 6 North Thiid
Street, Philadelphia ; also, bv ibe regnl irly ap
pointed agent, SEi'H W. ROBERTS, Wholea'e
Drucgiat, No. 54 Water Street. Mobile.
Prepared orlv by U.e SuWriber. corner nf C R
PENTEU and SECOND Sir. ets, Mow f'hristi
an, Philadelphia, where il i also retailed.
Observe, none are genuine without ibe signature
C'niilreir Ariio Mixture, or Tonic
For the cure of nil H linux affections, if taken rrc
cording to direction.
It is a never failing remedy which no fsmi'y
ought to lie without, especially in low marhy
As this medicine is put up under the proprie
tor's immediate inspection on the most scientific
principles, being Pun ly Vegetable, and having
tried its efficacy on thousand, tor upwards ot I
years, and lo his knowledge when taken strictly ac
cording to directions, there ha. not been nne fa lure.
I" rider such cireiimlsnrea I recommend it lo the
public, adding a certifiiats in support of my asser
tion. I.John Burn, do rerlify that I was in the ship
Tnbicro Plant of Philadelphia, dpt. Reed, in
June, 1827, bound to Liverpool ; took the fever
and ague and laid in Liverpool ,-iune lime under
the doctor's bands, went fiom Ibere to BaHimore,
Iny in the Infirmary for four or five weeks from
ihenr.e lo Philadelphia ; was si month under Dr.
Coats; fiom thence to New Yik went to tie
Hospital, leinami d there about four wi eks without
any relief Ined every thing without n benefit,
for five years. Heiring of CantreTs Ague Mix
ture from a friend, I went to his store, told him
h"W I was afflicted, and got a buttle of his mixture
and used it according to directions. It mide a per
led rure, and 1 have not had the least return since.
I do w ith confidence rt'ioiniiiend it to the public.
illrtlU ixtod Syrup of StirNupnrllln.
I hilidilphis, April 1 0th, 181 1. -Mr.
Juhi A.Ctrhi,
Dear Sir, Having be. n slllic ed for npw.ird of
Iwo er with ulceration of the throst, de-lroyi"g
the whole of ihe soft pal ile, iheu through Ihe upper
pari nf mv mouth into my nose, from which seer
al pieces of bore rsme nut, which partially detroy
ed my speech, through a kind Providence and your
Medicated Syrupol Sjr .p.nill i, I am now iemr. d
to perfiCt hejllh.and my siht, which w.iaao touch
inipairid, is a. stmng ss when a boy.
I ibonght it a duty I owed loyou and those simi
larly alR-cli d, lo make it public.
YoUis, It spec fully,
Comer uf Tenth and C.a'e Stre,-is.
I, Ga'-ril Jenston, No. 6 Rerkleas Street, do cei
lifv that my wife, Jane, was sfflicipd for two years
with Rhcuinvwm. and at In -t waa entirely di-a' led,
so that she wss nbbced to be ontined to ! ,) ; ea'
iug if Cant'ell's Me.lieated Symp nf Sas iparilla,
or Anti Scnrhu'ic. Syrup. I pror-uie I f.oir bottl-s.
which Compb lely removed all her pin and st tV-nes-
from her limbs; Iwoniore bottles made a r
feii rure. She is now able lo a'tend in hei house
hull duti.a a. usual. GABRIL JONSIO.N.
Philadelphia Jan. 22 I. 1814.
De-crip'ive rainphleU may be had of ihe
agenis. (Gratia.) J. W, FRILINC,
Suobuiy, ov. 9, 1814. ly .Igent.
IIATiS: l!Al MAM'I'AtTl'ltDUS,
South I'.a si rurwrvf Murhil uud AlU (..
T7HERE ihey alw.ix ke- p on band an rxten
sive 3-s .rtiie lit of 11 A T" if CA PS of every
description, got up in the le-t an I most aprovi
t le. I'eia n denr.ius of pun h ising supciior ani
el. a on ihe most i sm ii ti le terms ib fi d to
ibeir advantage to cull b. f re luuking pun liases
ese here
Philadelphia, Oct. fith, 1814 lv
i:;i:Tiiti.i: (diiimim),
I UK I'M- ll'H I r
d v s i i: i' s i a .
rHHIS Medicine is ofl'e ed to the public gener
JL ally, from a full com.cli n th .t ii is -upermr
t any othei in dir'tie n -w in Use, fir I In- cure of
Hvspi psia, Liver C!oiuplaini, Nervous Dvbilitv or
U.,lily We kness, A c.
Its lilies have been lealed ill a private practice
.f neir i in lit yeais, and it is now in re eCensivelv
cneuUled, at (he a.dieiiude of tu.iny whu have re
ceived the mol benelil from the u e i f it.
The following is one a uunilier nf ctinfi
c itea received in xlaiion to the su xes. ol this me
dicine I
I.acTta Cu. Maith 18.
Da. Gmimhs W. Allcm,
Dtur Str ; Il is with great pleasure that I in
form you of ihe auoeesa attending your Dyspeptic
Medicine, while employed in my p attice. From
past experience, I firmly believe that in eight cases
out of ten, the D.vspepiic, bv the Use of your medi
i ine, may emir ly rid hi ma If of ih s Ihorn in the
pathway nf life: not only in dysiplic eases, hot
in all rises nf conatipatiou, end disva-es dceiid ng
on a dihilila'cd state i f ihe nervous system, lege.
iher w ith a tmpid st de of the bowels, your E
lixir beloui.dof ilimlnn ible value. Numerou- ill
sljnces whe ein Ihe uat fulm-as of ibe medicine has
beeu reaii-ed, may be foiwariled, if requited. I
wish yeu grea surceaa, end receiniin nj ibe medi
line lo the siiller ng ( ail nl uiankiud.
Voins, with grejt re-perl,
ry For sale al the ol II. 11. Maa-r, .gent
for the proprietor, Suul urv, I'a.
Oilolyl SCih, 161 ft. ly
At Ao. 41 Slratrbnrtf St. Philadelphia.
1111 E Retit of the subscribers in their present
. situation being very low, and their terms
CASH, they are enabled to sell at such low prices
thst customers csnnnt fail lo be satisfied, and they
invite ibe people of Northumberland and tho ad
joining counties to call and examine their stock,
as they offer an excellent assortment, comprising
lieautilul Imperial, 3py,
cnipernne it, grain.
Heavy Twill, d Venetian,
Fine English Worsted do.
PI tin 8 rtped do. J
Willi a largn Stork of well seasoned Floor Oil
Cloths of ail widths, fir Rooms, Hulls, Door Pie
ces, Sec. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Keantiful
Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor Baize, Kng Car
pets, Mnning, Ac &c, together with a hirge Stock
f low priced Ingrain, Entry and Stair Carpets,
Wholesale and Ketail, at the lowest prices in the
No. 4 I Strawberry street, one door alKive dies
nut, near 3d street. Entrance also at No. 50 South
Second street, Philadelphia.
Sept. 28th, 1844 3m
:000 D-y La Plata Hides first quality.
:.10( Dry La Gnira. do
IOOO Dry Salted Li Gnira, do
2000 Dry Salt. d Br anl Hides, do
iirt Bales Green Salted Patna Kips.
'iit Bales Dry Pa nu Kips.
fiO Barrels Tanneis' Oil.
Tanners' and Curriers' Tools,
For sale lo Country Tanners at the lowest prices
and upon the beat terms.
N. 11. The highest inuket prices paid for all
kinds uf leather
No. 21, South I bird St. Philadelphia.
September I t. 1844. ly.
Country Merchants.
rpHE SubscriUrs respectfully invite Country
I M. reliant, who are a'lOiit to purchase Fall
and Winter Supplies, to an examination of theii
respective Stocks, believing that their several as
sortrnenla sie as complete a have ever been ofTei
e.l in the Philadelphia Mirktl.
With stocks of (Sood. in their several Depart
ments of Ibe choicest kind a determination to
sell on terms which cannot (nil to prove satisfacto
ry and a disposition to please old and new custo
mers, will, we hope, be a sufficient inducement to
porchiiseis lo call tit our lespective establishments
sSilks and Fancy Goods.
W A R P Remington 80 Market Street.
Aahbuist iV Reniiiiglou 60 "
Muck cV Potter I 16 "
Vsrd cV Giltmoie 109
Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods.
Reynolds. McFa'I'nd k Co 105 Market Street.
Bui neit. Withers & Co 120
Senlt & Baker 1 50
ise. I'u-ey iV Wise 154 '
Haidy & Hackers 46 N. Second St.
Importers of Cloths, Cassimers, Vest
ings, S:c.
Willi tm H Love 147 Matket Street.
Lambert Duy H'S "
Hardware and Cutlery.
MichulV llak.r 215 Market Street.
Eilwaid S H A- Co t8
Importers and Maniirarlnrers of Sad
dlery Hardware.
Horn A Kneass 215. Market Si,eel.
IJixits, Shoes, llormets, Caps, Leghorn
and l'alin Huts, iScf.
W K A J ( WheUn, loH M.irkel Street.
I.eviek. Jenkins & Co 151)
M Conrad A Co fiO "
Mamifiietnrers and Dealers in Drugs,
Medicines, l'ainls, Oils, & c.
Thorn . P ,1'invMt 212 Market Stiect.
'.'..tia. Linn A. Har is 2I:1J
Ito1 inaon. Coil ns & Co 87 "
Kdwa-I Cole fit M
Thompson Fanciest ii Co 40 "
Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimniings.
I. Kenton 1 Maiket Stn et.
lolni ffijui rlm r cV Brother 62 '
Bioks and Stationary.
Giieg A- Ed ott 9 N. Four h Street.
Iloa iii A. Thoinps hi 30 "
Iinporlers of I'ritish ami French Fan
cy Slaple Stationary.
L I C h. n A Co 27 S Four h Street
llenty Cohen 1 "
Importers of Hosiery, Cloves, Trim
mings and Fancy Goods.
Seiley A Seveting 23 N Third Street.
Paikct A Lelnnan 3 "
Cunilis, Crushes, Rrooms, &o.
'I'honirs Cooper 3 N Front S'reet.
Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple
A F O t Mon rose Id S Fourth Stteet.
Manufacturer of I'alent l.ard Lamps.
E h S Aicliei Si N Second St ,el
Manufacturer of I'alent Floor und
Furniture Oil Clo'hs.
l-aac Mscauley, Jr. CN Fifih Sireet.
Manufacturers and Iinporlers of l'a-
per Hangings.
Hew. II A llrotheia 80 A 112 ChcsnutSt.
Plula I, lpbi4. Angus! 21. 1814. ni.
TO Mr.KCIItVI sS. Ul.llMtS.
WM. M.JL JOS. Ii. MAl'I.L,
j.Vo. 30, Xorth Second Slret t, ( opposite the
.Madison llotintJ
(Tv, WHERE will be f und a general ee-oil. fy
VVUienl of Florence Braids. Ml errs, Rut-tft
lauds. Peddles, Willow Pl.iit. Rice St aw, and Die
much admired Neapolitan Lace, and Fanev Bon
net, manufactured by us, snd for sale a1 the 'nwe-i
maiiutai-iu e purrs. MercbanU and Milliner are
invited to give ua a r ill upon visiting Hie City.
Jjr" .. B We I. ate Lo con-tan lv inak'hg our ba r snd ot! . r rdgiugs, all nf whiih will
be so'd cheap, for ra-h.
JPhiladeh ihia, May 15, ISll. ly
1 AI.ZOUINI'S, a hundsoine article for LaJ ..'
' DiraMS, lur tale chrap, by
Juu. 16. H. B. MASSER.
Jam mi., li mmas-j .il. lijl.ii jniia
T II I! L I V I K U AO 12,
at 12 cams a numbcs.
THIS is a wmk composed chiifly of cboic sr
ticlos from ti e Periodical Literature of Europe,
Boston having become the point of eommonna
lion with the Old World, and the in'erctrurse heir,'
now so frequent, we thii k it ihe best location for
our office, and believe that such a compilation irtnv
be issued mice a week, from this city, ss wi I In
read with pleasure snd profit in sll puts of tie
Unilrd Stales.
The Livivh Ana w ll be conducted in the spit t
of Littcll(s Mu-eum of Foreign Literature, (wl ieh
was favorably received by the public, for the past SO
years,) hut as it will be twice as large, snd will at -pear
so often, we shall not only give spirit snd
freshness lo it by many things which were exclu
ded by a month's Jelay, but shall also, while thus
extending our scope snd gathering a greater mid
more attractive sriely, l-e able so to Increase tho
solid and substantial pint of our literary, histmical
and pehfrul harvest, aa fully to satisfy the wants
of the American resder.
The el iborate and st itety Essays of the Edin
burgh, tj ia terlv, end other Reviews; and Black
word's ni hie niticisu'S on Poetry, his keen politi
cal Cumnicutaiie, highly wrought Tales, snd v vi I
descriptions of rural snd tioiii,t dii Scenerv j and
the contributions to Literstme, History and eoni.
mon life, by the angsc.ious Spectator, the spurk'ing
Examiner, the judieioos Atherrrum, Ihe buoy and
industrious Literiry G.itPtte, the sensihle and com
prehensive Briltannia, the sober snd respectable
Chrisiinn Observer; these sh be intermixed with
the MJitary and Naval reminiscences nf the TTjii
led Si-rv ce, and ilh the best article, of the Dub.
lin University, New Monthly, Fraser's, Tail's
Ainswnrih's. Hood's, and Sporting Magazines, and
of Chambers' adm rsl le Journal. We shall not
consider it beneath our dicnity lo borrow wit and
wisdom from Punch: and. when we think il good
enough, shall use the thunder of The Times. We
shall increase our vaiiety by importations from tho
continent of Europe, and from the new growth of
the British Colonies.
Geographical discoveries, the progress ef Cno
nizjiicn, (which is extending over the whole world.)
and Voyages end Tiavels, will be f.ivoti'e matter
for our selections ; and in general, we shall syste
maiically ami very fullv acquaint our reiders with
the great department of Foreign affiira.
While ve asire to mke '.he Livisso Ana de
sirable to all who wish to keep them-clve. infoitn
id of ihe rapid progress of the movement to
Statesim n, Divines, Lawyers and Physicians lo
men nf business and to men of leisure it is a so I
slroi per olj ct of itir ambition to make it ult'nc
live and useful to their Wives and Children. VVe
believe that we can ihns do some good in our t'ay
and generation : and hoi to mike ihe wmk ird.s
rnsat'le in evrry wrll-informi d family. We say
indispensable, becmsc in thi d iy nf cheap litus
lure it is not possible lo guard against Ihe influx nf
what is bid in t'st ' and vicious in morals, in any
other way than by furnishing a sufficient supply nf
a healthy character. The mental and mural appo
lite mu-il be gratified.
We hope, that, by 'winnowing the wheat frcm
ihe chaff," bv providing alun d.intlv for the iina.'in
atinn, and by a large collection of Bingrai by. Voy
ages and 'I'raiels, tli-lory, and mo'e solid matier,
we may produce a work which sh ill be po iilir,
while at the same time it will aspire to raise the
star daid of puhl C ta-te.
The Living Age w ll bee large m hlet. hand
somely piiuted, and stitched in a cover, cont iinii;
as much ntat'er as an nriHnary duodec ino volume,
and upon giv d type and paper.
Each numlier sold separately, and with the usn I
discount lo wholesale dealers. Prison at a dis
tance will be -upplitd by mail, on thrir remitting lo
u. any sum of innmy th it may be convenient.
Tin re will le thir v six numbers, m .king th-en
log v . I,i ni' , in the rem lining part nl IS 11.
Piice i f eac'i volume of twelve number will lo
f fill. Postma-t. rs. or mher persons who may
lend u tl eir a'd in grtiine up a snb-rripiioii list.
will be i utiiltd to four copies ol any vviume, on
I remitting t u five dollars. The co, its to he ad
i dressed as they may nrJer.
! v i t iTPi.i. a- rn
118 Wiishintjtoii Str et, Bos'QO.
Sill C.Kll'l "S VA TKN V
ViTashiitcs- i:aci:-:iite.
rilHI-S M .chine h.s n.iw been te-ied by morn
J. than thirty faunlie in tin neighborhood, and
his given entire -attsl.icUoil. 1 is so simple in its
c i strucln n, that it cannot cet nut of It
cciiisui no iron to tti-t, and no piingor rollers to
get out nf repair. It will do twice ss much wash
ing, wtlh les than hull the wear and tear of an of
the l-ite inventions and whit is I urea'er in pi-r-iai.ce.ii
costs but lil'lo over half us much as uthur
washing inschinea.
'i'he nibsi ri's-rhas the exrlu-ive right for Nor.
tbuiulierland, f'nion, Lvconiug, 4 'oluinbia, Lu
zerne and Clinton counties. Pricf of sitigle m
chine fd. II. B. MASTER.
The folio ing certificate ig lioiu a few of thosa
whu have there midline, in use.
Suuhiny, Aug. 21, 11 1.
We, the subscribers cernly t"at we have no'v
in u-e, in nur f.milies, 'Slmgeit'a putcnt Wash
ing Machine," and do mil hi sitate snini: thai it 1p
a most ixeelb nt invention. That, in Wa-hu g,
it will save more than one half the u-unl labor.
That it doea not require more than one third tho
usual quantity uf so p and water ; and that llieia
is no rubbing, and const qnently btlle or no wear
ing or tearing. That it knoi ki i tl'mi buttons, and
that the finest cloihes, snc'i ascollar, laces, tuck,
frills, Ac, may Ihs was1 cd in a very short tiinu
without tho lest injurs , a d ill luit without any
apparent Wear and Ii ar, w hatev -r. We iherrforo
cheerfully recommend it I otirfiienda and I t th
public, as a mont Useful and lalv.r saving loiehii.e,
Hon. GEM. C. V EI.KCQ,
iltsa's Hotki, (firm rlv Treniot t lbu-f, No.
116 Chisnut sirtel,) Philadelphia, Seplciuh r
21st, !44.
1 Igive uwil Shugerl's Patent Wa-.hirg Machb e
in my hou e upw.,rda nf i p h I inmuli , and do i"i
hisiiate lo lav !mi I dee in it one ot ihe ino I u e
lot and valuible bdmr-savu g iiuchiiu s ever mv. i
led. I formerly k' pt two women coi tiouaiiy n
cupipd in washing, who now dj as tninh in lo
day. aa 'hey then did in nne wnk. Thee is n
Wear or tear in washing, and it leqilin-S not moi.
than one-tl nd Ihr uumI quauidy ol go , p. 1 h
had a iiUniU-r ol o'hi I in chines i" my Ism ly, b l
Ibis is so decidedly .i ii o to rn-ij llniig else, I
go Irtle I aide to gel out of tepui, that I would n t
low.lliout one it Ihey ghoul I cost I. Il limes lli.l
price ihe) aip . Id for. D N I E 1. HER.?.
I.ASrt 8 t.y III, Inal quality.
Cut N .lis all s res,
e-all, I the s.u'k uu.l barrel.
II it. a d Cap, oi ihe Uv. quality.
All for s.b- ai re Ii eed ir e. s, I y
Kiinbtirr.llel. i;n, IHtl. II. II. M .SiSi:i!.
'I'W EED l.lll II, a bniidsoiuii iruce, ull w.s I,
lilil and ei gne, lor huu uiei C. aig uul IV .
lu' gale, very hy
Jan. IS. 11. B. MAS-sEit.