Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 25, 1845, Image 4

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    an... jill.' j
From the. Keepsake of 1913.
Who Glveth Songs In the Might.
When ceurting slumber,
The hour I number,
And sad cares cumber
My weried mind ;
This thought shall cheer me,
That thou art near me,
Whose ear to hear me
Is still inclined.
My soul thou keenest,
Who never sleepest ;
Mid gloom the deepest,
There's lieht above.
Thine eyes behold me ;
Thine arms enfold me ;
Thy word has told me
That God is love.
C7" The following lines were found enclosed
in a newspaper, intended t defraud Uncle Sam :
Miss Julia Reed,
With all possible speed,
1 trust that this paper may reach you,
And that what you peruse
May not merely amuse,
T3ut some lesson of import may teach you.
I at first thought 'twonld be better
To have written letter
To give you the news more precisely,
But by savin j the expense
In sending it hence,
I have thus, I think, acted more wisely. 4t
'Twill be a caution, no doubt,
The way you enjoy yourself out
In the country this very warm weather,
For I trust that pure joy,
Unmixed with alloy,
Will bear your spirits up light as a feather.
That may always such be your lot,
Whether city or cot
To dwell in you deem most expedient,
Is the sincere wish, indeed,
Miss Julia Reed,
Of your very very very Obepiest.
Calculations Verified. Wm. Darby the
celebrated Geographer, many yeara apo pub
lished a statistical table of what the number of
people would be, in the years 1820, 18.10, 19 10,
1850, &.C., up to 1900. So far, he has been ful
ly sustained by the most accurate enumeration.
We, therefore place much reliance upon any
thing from his pen on this subject. According
to DVby's calculations, at the end of this cen
tury the present United States will contain up
wards ot one hundred millions of inhabitants!
At that rate in less than 150 years from this
time, the U. S. will contain eight hundred mil
lions, or in others words, as many inhabitants
as the whole earth at present contains.
Statesmen, patriot?, and philanthropists, will
be forced to look at this matter seriously it in
our duty to make provision in time, so tar as we
can, for thin vasl increase of our race. Legis
lators should look forward to that state of things.
What ought to be done, or can be done, we do
not pretend to say but something ere long will
have to be done. Instead of giving away the
public lands as a bounty to foreigners, it may be
wise to check emigration by increasing the price
of the unsold public domain. Put up the price
of the public lands to $5 per acre, and we can
thereby mike foreigners furnish us with enough
money to pay off all our debts. Cur. of the
Phila. Ledger.
An Amcmnu Di.i ndf.r. We find in an ex
change paper the following amusing instance of
legislative blundering :
"Some year a jo, a bill was reported in the
New York House of Assembly, entitled 'An act
for the preservation of the Heath Hen and other
Game.' The Speaker of the House, who was
probably not much of a sportsman, gravely read
it, 'An act for the preservation of the I let then
and other game,' a blunder of which lie was not
conscious, until an honett member from the
north, who had suffered considerably by thede
predatious of the frontier Indians, niovej An
amendment by adding the words, 'except Indi
ans.' "
Falling Off An Officer, on a field day,
happened to be thrown from his horse, and as
he lay spraw ling on the ground, m1 to a trktid
(w ho ran to bin Htwiwtance,) I thought I had im
proved in my riding, but 7 find 1 have ftdkn off.
Pat of a Wrr.Ntsa "Small thanks to you,"
said a plaintiff to one of hie w itnesses, "tor
w hat you have said in this cast-.' "Ah, sir,"
eaid the conscious witness, "but lliiuk of wliat
1 didiCt bay."
One Tomii'B I'oi.u y. A matronly lady be
ing asked whybhedid not learn the French
language, replied that one tongue wtd builicicnt
for a woman.
Deferred Sknnibilitv A client one day
burt into a llood of tears alter he had heard the
statement of his counsel, exclaiming, "I did not
think I had sutlered half so much until 1 Iwd
heard it this day."
A Ntono PiAUKJir. "I say, llaz, where
dul comet ris at
"It rise in the 40 nirreden ob de fregin codac,
as laid down in the count alinanank."
"Well, where do him set, Bail"
"Set yju black fuol-him don't set no w here
when 'em guts tired ob shinin, him goet io his
U .(M( X O T 12 LIST.
The following li-t show the current vslue of all
Pennsylvania Hunk Notes. The most implicit re
liance may I plnced upon it, as it ' every week
arrfully compared with at d corrected from Bun
nell's Reporter.
Hunks In riillnilolpliln.
N, Disc, in
ir. Location. ,,
Bunk of North America . , par
Bank of the Northern I.i!erties . . par
Oommerrinl Dunk of Penn'a. . , pur
Farmers' and Mechanics Hunk . pur
Kensington Bank , . pur
Philadelphia flunk . ' par
Srhuvlkill Rank . . . par
Soitthwark Hank . par
Western flunk . pr
Mechanic' Hunk . . p
Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Bunk par
Country llniiKn.
flank of Cheater County Westchester
Bank nf Delaware County Chester
Bank of (Scrmantown
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Dnylestown Bank
Ration Bank
Firmer' Hunk of Burks co.
Offic e of Bunk of JVnn'i.
Harrisbtirg These
Lancaster 1 offices
Rending f do not
Eastnn J issue n.
tank of the United Stale
Hank of I'enn Township
(ii'ard Bank .
Moyamcnemg B ink
Bank of S'ennsj Ivania
Miners' Bunk of Pottsville
Bnnk of l.ewistown
Bank of Midilletown
Bnnk of Northumberland
Columbia Bunk V Bridge co. Columbia
Carlisle Bank Carlisle
Exchange Bank Pittsburg
Do do branch of Hollidavshurg
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancsstei
Lancaster County It. ink Lancaster
Farmers' Bank nf Heading Reading
Harrishurg Bnnk Harrishurg
Lancaster Bank Lnncnster par
Lelinnon Bank Lebanon J
Men-bants' At Manuf. Bank Pittsburg
Bank of Pittsburg Pittshutg i
West Branch Bank Williamsport J
Wyoming Honk Wilkesharie !
Northampton Bank Allentown
Beika County Bunk Heading
Office of Bank of U. 8. Pittsburg failed
Do do do Erie do
Do do do New Brighton do
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Bank of Chamhershurg I'hamlavsburg 1
Bank ot (ieltyahurg (Jettysburg I
Bunk of Susquehanna Co. Montrose 3(1
Brie Bunk Erie S
Farmers' cV Drovers' Bank Waynesburg 2
Franklin Bank Washington IJ Hoitesdale 1
Monongahcla Bank of B. Brownsville IJ
York Bank York I
N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we
3mit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are nol
purchased hy the Philadelphia broker, with the
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W
Powanda Batik
Alleghany Bank of Pa. of Beaver
Unnk of Swatara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Batik
Farmers' A Merh'cs' Bank
Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
luniata Bank
lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope 1 I. Briilge Co.
Northuinti'd Union Col. Ilk.
North Western Uaik of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Acr. A Manuf. Hank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Wilkesharre Bridge Co.
Philadelphia failed
do fulled
do failed
Dyolt, prop.) fulled
Belli f.uite
Fayette c.
no sale
no sale
no sale
Huntingdon no sale
Lenislown no sale
New Hope
Port Carbon
I 'nioritowii
no vale
no sale
ilkcskine no sale
fXj" All notes purporting to he on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above list, may he set
jowu a frauds.
way ji:ksi:y.
Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick
Uelvideie Bank llelvidere
Burlington Co. Bank M. ill.irJ
tail.. I
Joinmercial Bank Perth Aiubny
Suniln rl.nul Bank Bridgetnn
Fafuiera' Bank Mount Holly
Farmers' and Merhanics' Ilk Kuhway
Farmers' and MerhaiiM-s Ilk N. Iliunswitk
Farmers and Men hanu' Bk Midilletown I't,
Franklin Bunk of N.J. Jer-ey t'lty
Hoboken Bkg& (.razing Co lluti 'ken
lersey City Bank Jersey tjjty
Mecliauiia' Bank Patieisou
Manufaiiurers' Bank Belleville
Morris County Bank Mornstown
Monmouth lik of N.J. Freehold
MchaiiliV Bank Newark
Mechanics and Manuf. Bk 'I're-iton
Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Jersey City
Pont Notes no sale
Newark Bkg A Ins Co
New Hope Del Bridge Co
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co
Newark '
Laiiita-itsxilto i
Hoboken failed
Jersey City laded
Orange j
PaterwM) failed
do J
Princeton par
Sal, en pur
Newark J
Lhabelbtown $
Cum. leu par
MisriisKiwt) j
Trillion fuiled
Salem failed
Newton I
Tioiitou far
Dover i
llackensack failed
N J 1'roiecton &. lAMutiuid bk
Orange Bank
I'aterson Bank
Peoples' Bank
Princeton Bank
Salein Banking Co
State Bank
Slate Bank
Siate U:iV
State Bank of Morris
Slate Bunk
Sakrai ami 1'hilad Manuf ('o
Susses Bank
Trenton Hanking Co
Union Bank
Washington Banking Co.
Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmingtou
Bank of Sinynn Smyrna
Do blanch Millord
Farmers' Bk of State of Del Do vet
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch (ieorgetown
Do branch NewcssiUi
Union Bank Wilmington
n? UiuW. 5s
(v 7 On all banks marked
thus ('
) there are ri
ther counterfeit or altered notes uf the vsr.ous tla-
numiustioiis, ia cnculatiuii.
ii:iijnATiVK RYnri.
rilHE valuah'e properties of Oakley's Depma
I. live (Syrup of Sarsaparilla, as a purifier of the
blood, ia so well known to (he public generally,
that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set
ting fonh the advantages lo tie derived from its
usej wherever the medicine has once been intro
duced, il takes precedence oer all others : every
one thai has taken it, hae derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that it is recommended by
them with the u most confidence. Physicians of
the highest standing in the profession, present it
to patients under their care containing nothing
deb (prions, but being composed of the most mild,
yel efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered w ith
confidence, as ihe rhen)iest and most efficient pu
rificr of ihe blood now known. The use of a few
bottles, esiecially in the spring months, will be at
tended with a moat derided impiovement in the ge
neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds
of disease that may have been generated, beside
giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Titter,
Pimples or eruptions of the Skin, White Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Aslh.-ns, Acr. The nu
merous certifiraes in the possession of the subscri
ber and his agents, from physicians and others, sre
sufficient to convince the most rkenticat of its su
periority over all preparations of 8arsaparilla.
Sold wholesale and retail, bv Ihe proprietor,
CEOItCE W. OAKLEY, North Sin street, Bea
ding, Beika County, and to be hail of the following
persons :
In Northumberland County. l. B. Masssi
Siinbtiry ; Ireland cV Mixel, SlcEwensvillo ; D
Kraust r. Milton.
In Vnian County.- J. Cenrhnrt, Sclinsgrove J
A. (iiiteliu. MitllmtMi'g.
Columbia Coiuily. Tl. W. McCay, Wash
Reading, March I t, It I t.
Mn. 0Kt.?.T: I Micve it the iity of every
one lo do whi.teverin their power I ie, for the b' ne.
fit of their fellow msn, and having had po-i'ive
proof in mv own family, of the wonderful pro(wrtirs
of your Depuralive Syrup of Saraparilla, I m si
conscirutiou-lv recommend il to the afThrled. We
had Ihe misfortune to lose two of our children, hy
Ihe hrrakinc out of ulcerous sores thai covered the
fare, head and reck, although we had some of (he
most scientific physicians lo attend th m and had
tried all the known lemeiliea, including Swaim'
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
wax aliuike.l in I lie tonne mariner, tier fare and
neck was rorr.plelelv covered; the discharge was so
offensive, and the disease at such a height, that we
despaired of her life. Seeing ihe wonderful effects
of voiir Depnraiive Syrup ot Sarsaparitl.i, we were
induced to make trial of it, as the last resort ; it
acted like a cdami; the u'pers commenced healing
immediately, a f, w bottles entirely restored hi r to
her health, which she hsei joyed uninterioi tedlv
ever since. As a puiifier ol the blood, I verily lie
here it has not its equal.
Walnut street, near Fourth, Heading.
Dotigliss.ille, April 10th. 1843.
Ma. Oaklst: My son Edmund Leaf, bad the
srrolnla in the most dread In I and distressing man
ner for lline year, dining which time he was de
prived of the use of bis limb, hi head and neck
were covered with ulcers. We tried all the differ
ent remedies, but lo no effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Nunislown. and also Dr. Isaac
H tester, of Reading, lo use your Depuralive Syrup
of Sarsaparilla, of which I obtained seversl bottle,
ihe use of winch d'ove the di-ease eniiri ly out of
his system, Ihe sore healed up, and Ihe child was
restored lo perfect health, which he has enjoved
uninterruptedly ever since, lo the astonishment of
many persons who wen him du iog his affliction.
I havethouuht il my duty, and send v u this certi
ficate that other who have a like affliction in the
family may know where lo obtain so valuable a
medicine. Yours truly.
Sept. lfi, lStlt ly
4 oiiiifcriHiMV
rPhe pul'lic will plraae observe that no Itrandielh
- Pil's are gemone, unless ihe Imx ha three l i-
bets upon it, (the top, the sr.'e and the bottom)
ci h ronlainini! a fic-siinile signature of my h unl
writing, thus B. Diiamhrkth, M. D. These la.
bel aie enuraved on steel, beautifully desiuned.
and done at an e pense of over fi.doO. Then fore
it w ill he seen (bal the nulv ihing nrresaary to prs.
. lire the medicine in it purity, is lo observe lliese
Keiiii'mb. r ihe (on, the side, and Ihe bottom.
I'he fallowing lesperlive persons are duly authi-ri
Zed, and Sol. I
For the sale of liraiulriih's Yrtrttubte Universal
Norihun.beilai d eounlv : Milton Msrkev 4
Chambeilin. Sunburv II. II. Masaer. M'Ewei.s-
ville lieland A Mom II. .Noribuoi) eilaud Wm
Forsyth. (Jeorcetown J. & J. Walla.
I uion C unity ; New It, rim llogar iv in
ter. Selmserove (n'orge Oundium. Middle.
t'liru Isaac Smith. Beavertown David Holder.
Adanisburg Wm. J. May. Mitlliiishuie Mensch
llav. Haillelon Daniel Long. Freeburg
li.,V F. C. Mover. LewiburH Walls & fitet n
Colonibi i : D.oiville E. B. Ke nobis
Co. Berw ick Sliuman At It ttenhouse. Ca
tuwissa C. (j. BrnUa. Btooinaburc John B
Meyer. Jcisey Tow n Levi His, I. asbiuiton
It, dit. McCay. Limestone Ball'- ft MeNoirb
llliseive ihat each Auen I has an r.rigravul fcr
'llii'ate ol Atrency, ronlaiuiiig a reprea iitatinn o
llr Bit A.NDKKTH S Mauufaciorv at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen eiart copies ol
the new lubtU nr. to uted uion the Itrundreth J'ill
PhiUdiphhi, oCH-e No. N, N'oith Sth street.
June 24th, D43.
city FritM'i'riiK Arcriox,
Nos. ami '.il iNurtli '1'liiul Struct,
Near the City Hotel,
Cll. MACK FY, Auctioneer, re-peelful'y in-
vilea the aiteiithMi ot periMii.s desirous of iur
rha-rnii Ftirmiuie. lo his eilensive Sab a Rooms,
(both pipdic and I'livate.) lor every descriitiou of
Household Furniture, win re rati I oltuinel at all
tune, a luri assoiimenl of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Matliasses,
A.C, al very reduivd prices, for cash.
7 Salt's bv Auction, tw ice a week.
May 27th. IN43. ly
OFFICE, m the second story of ihe building oe
copied l'r. J.B. Mass, r, on Market street.
A TlirvMliliiff la lilne fur Sale.
rpHE sobscnlr offers f r sale a TilliESHINC
1 MACHINE, new and in good order. The
Machine has been tried, and proves n be an excel
lent one. Il will be said St a reduced price, anJ
warrautrd. Apply lo 11. B. MAbER. 1st, K13.
ri'TANt:Ol' ntllTHlNSJ.
(fj' T1t following eertiirn'e drtrribrn one nflhe
mont extraordinary curt a ever ejected by any
Piiu.Anr.tTiu A, February 10, 1A39.
IJ'OR twenty years I was severely afflicted with
TltTTna: on Ihe Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I wa seventeen yeara old, and
continued until the Fall of 1830, varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During mot
of the time, great psrl of my f ree was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing; my head awelled at limes until it fell as if it
would burst the swelling was so great, that I could
scarcely get my hat on. During the long period
that I was afflicted wiih the disease, I used a great
many a plication, (among them several celebrated
preparations) as w. II a lakina inward remedies,
including a number of bit lie of Siraim't 1'anarra,
F.rtrael of Sarmipnrilla, Ac, In fart, it would be
impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used.
I was also under Ihe care of two of ihe most dis
tinguished physicians of this city, but without re
reiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fall of 18:tfi, the disease st the time
being very violent, I commenced usinu the Kote
Ointment, (prepared bv aughan Davi.) In
a b w applications the violent itching ceased, the
swelling aba'ed, the ruption legan to disappear,
and before I hud used ajar the di-easo was entirety
cured. It has now been in any a year and a half
since, and there is not a vestiue of the disease re
maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed
by ihe disease. It is iintu ssible for me to describe
in a cs rtificate the severity of the disease and my
suffering, toil I will be pierced lo give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on me. At the time I commenced
using Ihe Rose Ointment I would have given hun-
da nf dollars to he rid of the disease. Since u-
sing it, I have recommended it to several persons,
(among them my mother, who had the diseaso had-
on her arm.) who wi re a t cured bv It.
J AMES DUIiNELL, No. 15C, Race St.
CTj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vauuhan, Sou h East corner of Third and Race
sire. Is, Philadelphia, and sold on aeenrv in fninhu-
ry. by 11. U. .MASS Kit,
May 14th. IMS. Agent.
Itoc Ointment, for Tetter.
Piiu.tiii.LrHi. May S7tb, 1H3!.
nPHIS ia to certify II at I was severely afflicted
with I etter in the ham! ami d el tor upwards
of lortv years ; the disease was attended generally
with violent iti rung and swelling. I applied to a
number of physicians, and used a great many sppli-
ca'tons without elleeting a cure. Atoiit a V ar
since, I applied tie Bose Ointment, which entirely
slopped ihe itching, and a few applications imtnedi.
all ly cured the disease, which there has been no
return of, although I had never l-cen rid of it at
any time for forty years. KICIlAltD S.WAI.E,
r.levenlh, lielow Spruce Street.
(Tj The Rose Ointment is prepared hy E. B.
Ysuuhari, S u'h East corner of Third and I 'are
Streets, Philadelphia, and aold on aisenry in Sunbu-
ry. by II. U. J1AI(,
May 14th. 1813. Aget.
Of the ROSF. (HTMF..T,for Tetter.
ALTIIOUOH the superiority of the preparation j
over all th ra ia fully es'ahlishcd. the proprie
tors lake pleasure in laying before the public the
following certificate from a respectable physician,
a graduate of the University of Penns Ivania. Dr.
Hnuiib, having found in llu temedy that relief for
a leilious and disagreeable affection which the mean
wilhiu Ihe ranee of bis profession failed to afford.
has not hesitated lo give it his approbation, although
the prejudice and interests of that profession aie
pposed to secret neiDedies.
P HILAR KLmiA, Sept, 19, lSIlfi.
I was recently troubled with a tedious hera-tir
eruption, wbit h coveied nearly one st.'e ol my I. ire,
ulid extended over the ear. Mr. uughan, pioprie
lot of the Bose Ointment, nbseiving toy fare, insis
ted on my Irvine bis preparation, of which he han-
lied me a jar. Although in common with ihe mem
bers ot my profession, I discountenance and disap
prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed upon the
public by inotant pn lenders, I feel in justice bound
to except the Rose Ointment from that cla-a of me
linites, and to give it my approbation, a u entire
ly ured ihe eruption, abhouith il hid resisted Ihe
usual application. DANL. HUGH. M. D.
I he Rose Ointment is prepared by L. B.
Vaotlian. South East corner ot Thud and Bare
StreeiH. Pfilladc'phia, and bold on ag.nrv in Sun.
bury, by H. B. MASSER.
.May l llh, I84:t. Agent.
Mover's Ink.
Mantilacltufr of Wiiliiiji nntl Imlclli
blo Ink, No. UHi North Third Stree t, eix
thsirs below Khcp, (east side.)
I EPEC'I FI LI. V inlorios roumry merchstil
k and oilier, that he con-tantly keep on band
a larce stock of bis soperier Black, Blue and Red
Il k. and also a superior quality of ludellil It) Ink.
His ink is put up in belt lea varying in size, f.oin
I to 3'j ounces, and will le sold on reasonable
terms. The ex.elleit qualities of this ink basso
tborooithly establibed its rhararier, that it ia now
extensively used throughout lb country.
For .ale at the store of II. B. Mass, r. Sun
bury, Pa. May 27ih, 184:1. ly
niAltl.KS v. iikc.ixs,
nAS taken the ollire loimeily ocrupi d bv the
Hon. ( hailea (i. llonn. I, oppoaite the Court
House. He will aitend to husines in the Court
of Nonhuuils'iland, Union and Columbia counties.
May 12 Oil., 184:).
(dent rat Stage Mft.ri',',
Iff BLT TCkJ CZ2 Ikr" 9
l"'mij It aula.
riIll. Snhscrilier respecifully liitorms his friend.
L and the public in general, that he has taken
the above
I N T II E B O R O U (. H O F M UNO Y,
and that he is now well prepare 1 to accommodate
all who may favor him with their custom.
His Stti.riau ArikvatsTS tre well sire. I, and
Hi.TtBLBaan Bsa will altays be ssppli.d
with the lie.t the market ran afford.
His Stsbli, which is goid, will Is under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He feels confident, by strict attention lo business
and an earnest desire lo render tvmfortuhle those
who may patronise hiin.ihsl he will nol fail to give
general satisfaction. II. B. WEAVER.
Munry, Ocl. 1st, 1843 if.
VJ1. HEIL1A1T & CO.,
Commission cV Forwardintr Merchants,
Font nf W illow Slrrrt Rail lload,
A VINO associated wiih them Joseph Barnct,
late of Easton, Pa., respectfully Inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have ta.
ken that Urge and well known store and wharf at
font of Wiljow Street Railroad, lately orcupiel by
Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a (Seneral
Commission and Forwarding Business, and from
the local advantages of the place being connected
with all the public improvements that have their
outlet in ihe city, they flatter themselves they will
be able to do business to as great, if not greater ad
vantage, and upon a reasonable terms as any other
house, and they assure their friends that any con
signments made lo them shall have their atrirt at
lention, and no exertions spared to give entire satis
They are also prepared to receive and forward
goods to any point on the D laware and Lehish
rivers, between Manch Chunk, Esstou and Phila
delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canal;
also, to any point on the Juniata river, or Nonh
and West Blanche of the Susquehanna via Schuyl.
kill anJ Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Watei
For the accommodation of Boats coming or go.
ing via Schuylkill and Union ('anal, a Steamboat
will be kepi expressly for towing boats from the
Schuylkill around lo the Delaware ami back, whietk
will en .ble merchants to have their produce deli
verer! on the Delaware, and their goods shipped at
a saving ot 50 to 75 s?r rent, on the prices for
hauling across, with these advantages they re
spectfully solicit a share of palronace.
William H.llman,
William W. Keyscr, C
Joseph Barnet. 3 Philad.,May 14, 1843. ly
J. IMA VL 1 AND, JR. & CO.
.N111II nd 1 obacco AJnmilacturers,
An. VorA 1lVf rnrarr nf liar and Third
St reel n.
THE undcr-itrned have formed a Co-partnership
under the firm of J. MAYLAN I). Jii. & Co..
as successors to the late firm of Jtieub .Mnylond Jf
Co., and will continue the business at ihe old esta
blishment, on their own account. In addition to
their own close attention nnd experience for humy
year, in the manufacture (if their eefebraled snuff-,
Ac, the long experience of the senior paituerof the
late firm, will also las devoted to ihe interest of the
new concern and aa no exertion and care will be
spared lo insure their goods, at all times of the ve
ry Ih?s quality, they solicit a continuance of the
confidence of the fiiends and customers of the late
Philadelphia. May 14th. 1S43. ly
To fouiiiry
'T'HE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon A Harris, Hat
- Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other large cities, whose lints are
highly commended for ifond tobit and dnrnhility,
has on hand a firt rate assortm-nt of HATS and
('APS, suitable for Spring sales, wh It will be sold
very low, fot cash or appioved credit, al the nrled
chenp store, tin. 40, North Third strcvl, opp isi'e
the City Hotel, I'lula Iclphia.
N. B. Orders for Hats in Ihe rouh. promptly
attended to. The highest pries in tush or trade
given far Fur ikins,
Philadelphia, June II, IR13.--Jv
Crnrral C'iiiuiiInsIoii Merc IiuiiIn,
For the Sale of Flour, llruin, iked, ie., 4 c.
1 EM'ECTFUI.LY inform their Iriend and
' k Merchants generally, that they have ta
ken those large and commodious Wharves, with two
DiMks, noith of Chesnut street, on the Delaware,
together with the store No. 19 South Wharves,
where they would lie pleased lo receive consign
ments of (.rain. Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ae.
Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds
of Merchandise hy the Schuylkill and Union, or hy
the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, a tow
boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing
boat by ei'ber route.
Merchant will please be particular to send their
goods destined by either canals, to No, I U South
Wharves, between Market and Cheannl streets, on
the Delaware, with directions accompanying them
which route they wUh them to he shipped.
Plaster and Sail fur sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON A C .
March 19.1843. No. 19 South Wharves.
HOItr.KT CMKTr.ll & so
l.tnnbarii Street, llalttmurt,
HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of all
sizes and qualities. Cap Writing Paper, rubd
and plain, Leiler Paper, w hite and blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope
Paer, do. do. medium, double ciown, crown and
extra sire. I Wrapping Papers, ( 'oloiej Medium and
Royal I apera, ltonuet, Hinder and Siiaw llox
Board. Tissue Paper, and all articles in their line,
which they will ell on accommodating terms.
Highest price grven for old rags.
March 19. 1843. E'kton. Md
31K RCli ANT'S
A'o. 2:17, North Third, almve Cutlotckill St.,
OHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva
nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., laie of A-
iim rican Hotel, 4?olumbus. ( hio. lake pleasure in ac
qiiaiuiing ttieir friends and the public generally that
lin y have taken Ihe large and coinnexlious lloitt,
it-ceiilly built bv the Mesara. Hail, on Ihe same site
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow
hill at.
This Hotel is finished in the very best possible
manner, and of the best materials, lis locution is
very desirable, particularly for country merchant.;
the airangemeina for heatir.g and ventilating each
room is such as to secure any temperature. The
liedrooms are all light and airy, all furni.hed in a
nest style, so aa to insure lomfort.
The receiving parlors are also futiiisheJ in a su
erh style, the windows are on the French style,
forming an entianre 10 a balcony in front, whith
makes a pleasant recess. Pmtirulai attention has
been given to the hede and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
tram year.' experience in hotel business, we
fust, by irtrict assiduity to business, to make this
house a desirable stopping place. Our table will
always I supplied with Ihe very best our market
ran afford, and our lair with the treat liquors and
wines of ihe mi ait appioved brand.
P. S. There are first rate stabling and carriage
houses attached lo Ihe hotel, attrnded by ea tful
and sober hostlers, and our charges will be low, io
accordance wiih lis present hard lions.
Philadelpkis, Oct. 7lb, 1842.
XJJW ... wy
Business attended to in the Counties of Nor
thurplerland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia,
liefer loi
Thomas Hart & Co.,
Lowr.n Si DAittioir,
Hart, Cpmmibos & Hart, yl'hilad.
RtTffoi.ns, McFARLAxn &. Co.
Seaman, 'toon 6c Co.,
No. 01) AWA Third, above Arch Street,
nilARLES WEISS, late of the "White Swan,"
v' and "Mount Vernon IIoubc," respectfully in
forms his friends and customers, that he has become
the proprietor of the abovs) well known Hotel.
Country Meichanta will find Ihe above Hotel a
central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra.
veiling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling foi horses, and the best of
ostleia. Boarding f I perdav.
May 14th, 184S. tf.
n et a hu 9
Corner of Third and Vine Streets,
TIHE subscriber respectfully announces to the
L public, that he has n?ned a Hotel in the com
modious brick building situate on the corner of
'I hird arid Pine streets, where he will he happy to
wait npon those who may favor him will, their
company. The Eagle Hotel ia large ami conveni
ent, arid furnished in the lavt modem t le. It is
provided with a large number of well aired and
eoriooruiuie steeping apartments, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu
siness or plea-ure, may rest as-urrd that every ex
ertion will le used to render their sojourn at the
..... . . .
I "Bgle Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table
I I... ! i ., , ... .
"... it suppueu wiiii uie very nest Uic market at
fords, and his bar with ihe choicest wines ami other
liquors Lharges resonable. The Eale Hotel
possesses greater advantaee in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in the business prt of ihe town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamsport and Elmira Bail l!oad Depot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty
ostlers always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and hone-l Servants
have been employed, and nothing l.-fi umlone thit
will add lo the lotufoit and accommodation of his
There will be a carriage always in attendance al
the llont Landing to convey passengers to and fron'
the House, free of charge.
Mav 14th. I42. tf
N article unequalled for cleaning and giving i
highly durable and most brilliant polish load
ver. (Jcrm-'ii Silver, Brass, Copper, Brittania wart
Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre ot
varnished carriages, Ac. THY IT.
Prepared and sold al wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego
Tioga countv, N. Y.
WM'. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd,
H. B. MASSE , Agent for Suubury.
Novemla r 20lh, 1843.
Michael Weaver X. oii,
Ah. 13 AorA Wutcr Street. Philadelphia.
rl'r - .. . . .
. v c cousianiiy on nami. a general avanr1
ment of ('ordage, Seine Twines, Ac. vix
I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Rones, While Roiies. M.ini!
la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also,
complete assortment of S, iue Twines, Ac, such s
Hemp Sbad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (i
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twit e, Sho
Threads, Ar. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Line
Halters, Traces, Cotton ami Linen Carpel Chain
Ac. all of which they will dispose of on n asonab
lei ms.
Philade'phia, November CI, 1842. ly.
las Market Street, riiiladulj.hi;
1 1 b the attention
of Country Merchan
to their extensile assortment of Britih Fren
and American Dry (.nods, which they offer forsj
on (he in it ri'asoiinble b rins.
Philadelphia, November 1:1, Ik42. ly.
J. W. W A IN,
rmhrclla ami I'arasol Manufacture!
No. 37 .Yis.A Thittl ttrret, two doors below ti
City Ittiltl, I'iindi Ijiiiu.
COUNTI! Merchants and others are soliciti
to examine his lit before purchjsii
else where
Phila 'elphia. NovemUr I I. '.812. lv.
STOR sale a small Farm, containing about el
hundred and len acres, more or le-s, situs
in Point township. Nor bund erland cnunti, abo
1 l" "l,"v,! Noitl.tiinbe.l ,.l, on the mm
road leading from that place to Danville, adjoinu
land- of John lghou, Jesse C llortoii and othei
now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. Al-o
folly acres of said trail are clean d, and in go
slate of cu livation, on which there is a small ha
erected. The property will be .old on reasona'
lei ins. For further particulars, pcisons are requ
ed lo apply to tlie sut sctib. r.
H. B. MASSER, A-jeni
Nov. 27th. 1843. tf Sunbnry, '
in a ant tar
rrnr 113 , 2 2li IT,
ANTHON'S Classical Dictionary; l.emprie
do Ainsworth's do ; Colib's do4 English a)
(iermau do.; Authou's Ca-sar; Anthon'a (iramim
Aiilheu's Ciceio; Mail. Latin lieader; Pgilby'sdi
Andrew's Latin Lesson-; Doiiuegan's I.exicoi
Fisk's (ire. k Elen-ise; Davie.'s Legendei; (irae
Majora; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Piunocl
(ioidsmilh's England; do. (i recce; 1. yell's Elemrn
ol (ieology; Mis, Lincoln' Botany; Elements
Botany; Bridge's Algtbra; Porter's lilu toriisl lie
ders; Emerson's (ieography ail History; iHney
do.; Parley's do.; Smith'. Crammer; Kirkham'a do
Kay's Headers; Cold's do.; Cobb's Arithmetic;
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Booki
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa
mily Libiary; Collage Bibles; Family do ; Collater
al do.; Smail Bibb's and Testaments; Parker's Ex
eteisesou Composition; Fruil of the Spirit; Baxter's
Saint's Rest; American Revolution; Marryall's No
vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; letters on Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to
Murray's (.rammer. Sequel to Comley's Spelling
Book; American Class Book; Daholl's Schoolmas
ter's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac.
August V!8, 1842.