Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 25, 1845, Image 3

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    The rate of per centnge which the gross a
mount of impost dutici bear to the total amount
of merchandise imported, is a minute fraction
over twenty-six and nine sixteenths per cent.
As, however, nearly six sevenths of the mer
chandise was imported in foreign vessels of the
diss whoso cargoes are subject to the five
per cent, augmentation, five per cent, on nix
sevenths ofthc merchandise may bo deducted
from the total duties, to show what tho average
impost rate would have boon, had all the effects
been imported in Texan, British, French, Dutch
or Belgian vessel., in which case said over
age would have been about twenty-two per
Amount paid into the Trcnsury for Linens Tnx
during the years IS 12 '3 & 1. total, $10,503 CO
Amount of direct tax assessed in the
year 1811, 00.700 52
Stntement of the appropriations for the sup
port of Government for the year 1811, in all its
different departments :
Appropriated,"! .1(1
Amount drawn, 1 17,8-10 32
Unexpended balance, S'1 ,92 I 01
.Vmnmit of cash expenditures durinir the years
1812, M3 and to 31st Oct., 1811, 511,083 00
Amount of cash receipts during the
same years, 4 (36, OS t IS
'weaving an excess of expenditures
over receipts, of $ 1 1,398 02
It is with great gratification that ( am ena
bled to say, knowingly and from the fountain
ead, that the negociations for the settlement
f the Oregon Umndary have been resumed,
nd with a very reasonable prospect of a fair
n I immediate accommodation. Mr. Archer's
mnmicement from the Committee on Foreign
.iTiirs in the Senate in respect to this matter,
pon which, n. well as ihe opinions of distin
uished Senators I predicted the remarks made
I the lfiili in."'., was premature and not fully
ithorized. This correction is not ventured
ithout the clearest assurance of ono of the
.rties conversant with the whole history, and
.(lowed with a large share of the responsibili-
of the nogociation.
Gen. Almonte, the Mexican Minister, who
.me on here from New York for the express
irpose of entering an official protest on behalf
his Government, against the measureof an
xition, has as yet made no communication
such a character to the Secretary of Slate,
is looked for with som degree of interest, but
II hardly be presented until there is a pros
ct of a vote being taken up in the question,
le object of his visit is generally understood
the diplomatic and political circles. I can
rover no influence tlia' such a proceeding in
kely to exert at thif moment, though it may
se'zad upon as an excuse for the timid toful
r or the doubtful to delay.
What has been sheer rumor for several days,
id which, as such, I deemed it unnecessary to
read, is now satisfactorily confirmed. The
ither of the Presidentelect has positively de
ned the appointment to Naples, for which he
s regularly nominated by Mr. Tyler. Every
Jy must see that he h is acted with becoming
crction and delicacy in regard to the position
.lie new President, who might hereafter be
iburn.-sed by an obligation like this.
There is an understanding that the Texas de
e will close on Saturday next, though it may
prolonged alter that day if any interest is ex
:d in the mean time. Mr. Adams is prepa
g hiurelf on tins question, to meet Ihe sharp
icks that have been made upon his diploma
, in the course of ihe digcusninn, from various
irters in the House,
Zv. Benton presented the instructions of the
.islature of Missouri, an I expressed himself
entirely approving of their tone and senli
its. He took occasion to reiterate his for
ir positions as to the piop-ct for annex it ion,
luring it to he a tint intuit and not a sectional
usure.and tint it should receive all his aid
such. The instructions arc considered as
riumph achieved by Col. Benton. His col
gue Mr. Atchison, avowed cordial approba
n of the views of the Legislature, and ad in it
hit, personal readiness to go beyond tho let-
laid down, hot at the same time conceded an I
qualified o'aedience to the terms of tho in
Slate lrbt.
The Inter ist ore on the 1st February
t, hy the State, will be paid in part, we are
ured on the very bent authority, if not in full,
ernor Sliunk is determined that the t'uith of
Commonwealth shall be maintained as fur
xistiib'e, and with this view, he is now enga
. in making a careful examination into the
ual condition of the public finances. We
ed to be able by this time to speak positive-
on this sutijfct, and to have it in our power i
communicate to our readers that Peunsyl
lia was fully prepared, and was about to wipe
tlietdain thut basso long attached to her
ne in pecuniary matters. But some doubt
:1 hangs over that "consumalion" so" de
utly to be wished." It is not well to bo
iranguine. Let us wait. The State is ho
st, but embarrassed. Her legislators are de
r mined to do what is right; but unwilling to
.tempt more than they can safely perform,
tier Executive is resolved to do what the pub
lic interest require, but prudently desires to be
first well informed of the facts, before be ven
tures upon appropriate action. Let the origi
nal holders of State Stock be not alarmed.
They will be paid ultimately if not now. Let
them not credit the panic which tho "short"
peculators are seeking to make general, in or
der to realixe a profit oil the public alarm. Bo
patient, be calm, and be satisfied that whatever
may hippen, Pennsylvania will never repudi
ate her honest debts.Ai7a. Spirit rf the
fha Defalcation of tUe Clerk of the Haute
Of Congreis.
The Philadelphia Ledger says ! The rumor of
the alleged defalcation of Mr. McNulty has been
confirmed by a report made in the House of Re
presentatives on Thursday. The report states
that after proceedings had been commenced in
this manner, Mr. McNulty had been twice sum
moned to appear before the committee on ac
counts, and that he refused to obey the summons
in both instances. It states further, that a defi
cit of forty-five thousand dollars had been disco
vered in the contingent fund of the House.
The whole amount in the Clerk's hands had
been two hundred and thirty-two thousand dol
lars. It was discovered that he had disbursed
one hundred and seventy-two thousand dollars,
leaving unexpended sixty thousand dollars. It
was also discovered that the whole amount of the
fund had been drawn from the Treasury. It had
a credit of fifteen thousand dollars, leaving an
actual deficiency of forty-five thousand dollar.
Of this deficiency there were twenty thousand
dollars secured by the clerk's bonds, and for the
balance, twenty-five thousand dollars, there was
no security. The committee state that they had
ascertained that he had loaned to E. J. Woodward,
of Ohio, $30,000 ; to L. D. Slamm, of New York,
$3000, and Thomas J. Nurdy, cashier of the Co
lumbus (Ohio) Paving Institution, $0,730. The
committee state that they are unable to deter
mine whether those sums had been thus used for
his own use, but the account was obviously
wrong, and in violation of his duty. The go
vernment it is said, will sustain no loss. The
securities are not only able and ready to pay the
penalty of the bond, but all the deficiency that
might be found to exist.
The House on Saturday unanimously expelled
Mr. McNulty, and directed suits to be commen
ced for the recovery of the money, and criminal
proceedings against the clerk and all who parti
cipated with him.
The Madisonian of Friday contains a card from
Mr. Slamm explaining the matter as far as he is
concerned. He says the check alluded to was
presented by him at the rank of America, some
time last July, while Mr. McNulty was in New
York city, the money drawn and immediately
paid over to him. It was at McNulty's request
for his convenience that Mr. S. drew the money
which was not in possession of the latter ten mi
nutes. The Washington correspondent of the New
York News, speaking of the probable cause of
McNulty's defalcation, says : "But two days
ago he lost S9, 000, with a Mr. Banks, at ten pin.
Such madness, in betting on such a game, is per
haps unparalleled."
Horrible Minder at Philadelphia.
A Man I5i:ti'Hf.rei. A manufacturer of plas
ter of Puris images and ornaments, named An
drew Troger, who lived alone in the basement of
a frame house, in the rear of a building, adjoin
ing the Central Presbyterian Church of the
Northern Liberties, in Coates street, between
Third and Fourth, was found on the 20tli inst.
about noon, lying naked on his bed in a closet in
which he slept, and horribly chopped and butcher
ed to death. Tho discovery was made by his
washerwoman, who, finding his door fastened,
got into the place through the window. The
murdered man was about 3" years of ago and
came from the Kingdom of Hanover in Germany.
He seems to have been an obscure person and it
is not known whether he had any friends or ene
mies. He was very intemperate and is said to
have been rough and insulting, particularly to
females. Two German boot crimpers, father
and son, worked in the upper part of the build
ing, and they have been arrested. They deny all
knowledge of the minder, and testified before the
Coroner's jury that they last saw the deceased on
Friday morning when he took breakfast with
them. A young man saw him the same evening
and be was not, as far as has been learned, seen
alive afterwards. There were thirteen wounds
on his head, face and neck, and the large blood
vessel, of the latter were severed and the skull
was broken in.
The deeil must have been done with a hatchet,
but no instrument of any kind was found. The
man's coat, and a watch which he was known to
have had, were gone. From the appearance of
the body ami the condition of the blood, the mur
der had been committed a number of hours.
T. .
The Wkatiii b. Thus far, this has been one
of tho mildest winters on record. More than
half of it is already gone, yet at no time has!
the nierciuy sunk below twenty degrees of
Fahrenheit. On no day at three o'clock, P. M.,
has it stood below freezing point, except Dec. j
2S:h, when it was two degrees bulow that i
point. Jour, of Commerce. I
8KniiiLr. Ahvick. -"Take lime by the fore- I
lock," says the adage. Take medicine at Ihe pro
per time, s.y we. h is a matter of Iras dilfuulty
to ascertain the projicr lime to seik relief hum me
dicine, than it is to di-enver the proper medicii.o
which is In administer c unfurl to the alllirlid pa
tient. Drandn ih's Vegetable I'uiversjl Pills,
which have oliinincd a celcbiity in ihe "Anna! of
Phytic," unrqurillrd in nncient and in idem liim-e,
have performed such a-tmiishing cures, that thou
sands of people, in justice to Dr. Drandreth, h ive
publicly recorded their opinions of their wonderful
and extraordinary healih-icsloring qualities,
rxj Purchase of II. B. Masser, Sunbury, or of
ihe egents, published in another part of this paper.
W .ff H H IE O,
On the 10th inst., by th Rev. J. P. Shiudel,
both of Augusta township.
On the saint) day, by the same, Mr. Philip
jiF.nnoiiF to Misg Ma8Ta Dawson, both ol Au
gust township.
I 1 l ,
In this place, on Wednesday evening last, Mr
JOHN BLOOM, aged about 60 years.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer.
WnitAT, .... er,
Rra, ..... f0
Con, ...... 40
Oats, ...... 25
Posit, ...... 5, ... . H2J
Butts, 12
Bksswax, . . . 25
Tallow, ... 10
Damn Applks, do
Do. Pkiches, . 150
Flax, ... . 8
Heckled Flax, 10
Eons, .... 10
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court,
of iYoithumberland county, on J hursday the
fill, tlay or February
next, nt 1 o'clock, P. M., Sharpies Taylor and J.
C (trier, Administrators of William Garrett, ,ile
of Rush township, in said enmity, deceased, will
expose lo sale by public vendue, at the house of
John Garrett, in Point township, in Nnrthbmlver
land county nforcs iid, all Ihe IRON ORE, in a
certnin trnct of I md containing 170 acres, silunte
in Point township aforesaid, adjoining H. Green
otigh, M. J. Riddle iind the Susipichanna river;
whereon the ss'd John Garrett now resides, with
the free privilege to pnss snd rep ss from the said
property to the Canal, for the purpose of conveying
Ihe ore, and right to land at the mines sufficient to
build two houses up n, with priv lege for the
miners lo pass snd repass to snd from their houses.
All of whn h will be s Id subject to a sale on the
13h August 1840, hy the said deceased of the
said Iron Ore, nt 40 cents per ton. to Eli Trego,
Said Tref o to take out three hundred tons the first
year, and nt least four hundred esch subsequent nmeneing in ihe spring of 1811, if the pi ice
at which the sriid ore could he sold would yield a
sm ill 1 refit to said 'Trego, with the right of entry
way. Ac. Late ihe estate of said deceased, shu
ttle in the township of Point, and comity nforesnld.
Danville. .Inn. 18. 18 IS. ill. Adm'r.
Michael Xchllg'H Kstate.
NOTICE is herehy given that letters of sdmin
istrntion hsve heen planted to iIip subscribers.
011 the istnte of Michael Neidig, decM. All per
sons having demands against ihe estate, are re
quested lo prpsent Ihem for examination and set
tlement, snd nil persons indehtcd are requested to
make immediate payment.
Augusta, Jan. 18, 1845. fit Adm'is.
T S hereby given, that I have this day revoked a
-I Power of Attorney, given by me to Henrv H.
Burr of Northumberland, on Ihe 10th day of June,
1835, which revocation is ree irded in the Recor
ders ollicc of Northumberland coontv.
NorthumWrtand, J.n. llth. 1845. 17 If
Shaiiiokiia C'oal
AT NO R T 11 U M n Fi II L A N I).
MplIE Subscriber has a boat of excelbnt
JL Shamokin Coal nt Northuuibeil uul, which
he ofli-r for sale at the lowest prices. Persons
wishing to pnrch se will cull on the subsciiher nl
Sunbury, or E. P. Shannon, E-q. nt Norihnmlcr
land. Jl. U. MASSEH.
Sunbury, Jun. 4th, 1845.
C all and Keltic.
aERSONS knowing ihcniM-lv.s imlihted to
the subscriber, ate reqoe-led lo call and settle
Itieir scceunis, oil or l f ire the -Hill il;iy of Juno
ry tied, after which time those of long standing
w ill be placed in the hanJs of a Justice, fo colli c
lion. II. It. MASSEH.
Dee. llth. 1811.
A LL persons indebted to ihe ctte of John
Legbou, tale ot Point leniixhip, decense.l,
are iiereby notified to make p 1) men', w ithout de
liy.lo the sub-eriU ri-; and tho havii-g 1 liinis
U. dust said e-Ule, will present tliein duly Jiollien
tinted for sett I. men. JOHN H. liOYD,
Norlh'd. Dee. 28, 1811,r.t En-cot is.
Lost ! !
SOMEWHERE between the residence of the
subrcriber, in Ch-li-quque township, North
umberland county , and the Uoooth of Sunbuiy,
on Tuesday, the 12th inst., a small I'lii ktr Hook,
containing a note of hand from 'Tobias Rieiueil ami
Jotoi Murray to subscriber, as Ihe administrator of
Thomas Murray, dated in Jamnry, I8?!i; and
another note of hand lo same, for 18, dated in
1810; a uhpirns for w ituessese, and alive dol
lar bill 011 tite Mink of Noithuinb.'ibiiid. 'The r, hy returning it, will be enilab y rcw jnleil;
or by leaving ihe p tpers st ihe Post Ollice, Sunbu
rv, or lurwardiiig llu m lo the .ulsciiher, nmv keep
tiie five dollar bill. JAMES F. ML'RRAY.
Ch hsqii ume, Nov. :tliih, 1814. if
T df
flHE sa'seril'r has jusl ri"ceived fiom Phil ulel
L phia a fre.h supply ot Niw Goons, c.un-i-iing
in pait, i.f Musliu Ihlti'iiei. Crape ll'hiinrs,
Cunfunrrr de 1'rnnne Shatrlr, Itandktrchrif, c.
Also, llturer and S Ik Hutu, a good ass nton-nl
of Mrn't ami Hay' fnpi, (rvecric, .yuors,
S;,7, ic. 4c, nil of which will lie sold al Ihe 100M
ressolialile terms. Stone Jurs and Ju', ehe.ip.
Sunbury. Oct. 5ih, 1811.
C a r p o titles.
A'o. 1 1 1 Ciemnit Srert, Corner Frank!. n SVyimre.
T T AS just reciited and is i,0w opening a verv
1 - extensive ami beiiuiiful assori..ient ol CAK
'HTISCS. 'The go.Kls are Irish, and .. n,
sty lis, mid Uir.g jiuichased principallv IhCimi,
they will be soM el ihe Inwest prices; Ihey consist
in part, of
SpiendiJ D. us e's. CARPET
Beautiful impeiiul 3ply, I l.VtiS,
Super Extra Ingrain, M'ulors sir-
3 4, 4 4, 5-8 'Twdlcd Yeuelian, ranted
" " Plain do. J IH HAHLi:
A lirgn stock of well seasuties! OIL CLOTHS
of all width, Klii, Bmniins, Ac, together with
nn extensive assoilineiil of Ltu priced Carpeting
of all descriptions.
Cj- PuritisM rs sie rrqiiested lo Call and see ns,
when Ihey will find unexieiikite uiiuieiil at the
most less, .rial e prices.
Phd idelphia, Oct. 5th, 1811. if
inn hags San,
lJf 100 DeiuU do., at l 75 cish, f.r sale
Sunbury, Oct. 1'Jlh, IS44.
Celebrated Family Medicine
tTSH.L not cure every thing, but still remain
l unequalled In ihrir several departments hy
every ihing ever offered lo the public, who have
voluntary came forward end ottered numerous snd
highly respectable testimonials of their superior
CantrtWl Compound Medicated Syrup nf Sar.
tnparilln t or, Anti-Scorbutic Hyrup, for the cure
of Scorfuls, Chronic Rhen.nitism, Chronic Swel
lings of the Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, and all
Diseases arising from the abuse of Mercury, c,
unsurpassed hy any thing in the market, entnhi.
ning nil the virtues resident in Ihe Snr-nparilla
with a modern medicament, only lately brought
nut hy the most respectahlo medical authorities.
Price, 50 cents per li ittln.
Cantrcll'i .Inti-Pynpeptie P-iwrfrr, for the re
lief and permanent cure of th it niot distressing
cnmplsint, Dyspepsia, in nil it forms snd singes.
It is truly s most vb!u ihle remedy. S dd in bottles
at 25 and 50 cents each.
Cuntrtll'i .fge Mixture and Tonic Mriticn
ntrnla, si mils nl iho he-id of the list unriva'led ly
nny, or nil the innnnierul le medicines in u-e
throughout the length nnd bread h of the land, for
the cure of Kivih mid An it in all its stages, snd
from all its eou'cqiiences.
Residents in Fever and Ague districts should
never he wiihout it. EIFTY DOI.LNRS
where bis medicine fails In pciform a cure in the !
most ol'stinaic cae.
S.dd Who'esde snd Retail bv CALEH ('RES.
SON. l hi Drug Warehouse. No. fi North Third
Street, Philadelphia ; nlso, bv the r gul irty p
pointed agent, SE I II W. ROBERTS, Whnlesa e
Drongisl, No. 51 Water Street. M.diile.
I'm -pared oelv bv f'e Subscriber, corner of C AR
CEN TER and SECOND Str.eis, Mow Christi
an, Philadelphia, where il is also retailed.
Observe, none are genuine without li e sigrn'ure
Cniifrrirn 4sne Mixture, or Ton If
For the cure of nil It limi iifftciiiin, if taken ne
rnrng liiricliiniK.
It is a neer holing remedy which no fnmi'v
ought to be without, especially in low niurly
As this medicine is lit up under the prnprie-
tor's immediate inspection "n the most scientific
principles, being Pur ly Yigeliible, Riid having
tried its elficaey on thousands, fur upwards of I. j
yi are, and to his knowledge when taken slrietlv ne- I
cording to directions, there has not Is en one fa lore. 1
I'niler such ctrcum-tanres I recommend it to ihe
public, adding a cerlifieao in support of my asser
tion. I, John Hum-", do ecitifv that I was in the ship
Tob.icco Hunt of PhilHileli-bia, Cnpt. Eord, in
June, 1827, bound lo Liverpool; look Ihe fever 1
nnd ague and laid in Liverpool some lone n titl . 1
the doctor's bands, went fiom tl ere M lta!,
lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks from
thence to Philadelphia ; w as sis months under Dr.
Coals; from thence lo New Yi-rk went lo the
Hospital, ten ained there about four wicks wiihout
nny relief tiled every thum without miv benefit,
for five years. Heiriug of CnnlreTs Ague Mix
ture from a ftiend, I went to bis store, told him
hcw I whs kfllictrd, and got a bottle of his mixture
and used il according to directions. It made a per
fect dire, and I have not had the least return since.
I do w ith confidence recommend it to the public.
Itlcllc-atel rup ol"Sarapai llla.
Tlul id. Iphi.i, April lOtli, ISt I.
Mr. Johi A. Civi hui,
Dear Sir, Hating be. 11 atllic'ed for upwards of
Iwn years with ulceration of the throat, i!e-troying
the whole of the soil psl.ite, then thiougb the upper
purl of my mouth into mv nuse, fr im which seter
:i I pieces of hone come c ut, winch puriiiil y dci-troy.
i d my speech, ihroiich a kind idem e nnd yuiir
Medicated Syrup of S.irs pfi'l 1, 1 am now re-tur.d
lo peii. cl lie-jltb, and my silil , bich so much
impair, d, is as rtrong 11s w hen a bov.
1 ihoiitihl il a duly I oued In you and those simi
l.itly utl. cli d, to ni.iWe it oblir.
YoUls, K- spec fullv,
Corner of 'Tenth and C.n cs Stmts.
I, tia'-ril Jorst-in, No. f I! k'. s Sin'et. do eei
tdt thai my w lie, J.ine, tt as Btllu-Uil lor two years
with lihcuiiivifin. ami at lit m- 1 nl 11 ly ilea led,
so that she was uhliged to be e.uitiued lo In d ; ! ea'
ilig i f Cnot'eU's .Medicated Syiup of S.111, ipoe'ii.
or Alili SembU'ie Syrup. I procure I I .11 b. ttl-s,
which eoriipl. Ii-lv reunited all lu-r pam- mul slit'.'
iicss from her I. nibs; two in -re luetics made a pi r
leet cure. She is now nble to a'tend 'o her hmi-e-hitld
dutiis as ususl. G AIIIMI. JUNSI ON.
PhiU.hlphis, Jju. '.'21. 1811.
j- De-erip'itc Tainpbhls mav b- bad of Ihe
ageote. (Giatis.) J. N . Fltll.ING,
Sui.hiiiv, Nov. 9, 1811. ly .liitt.
ASH II V Ac II on A r,
South I'.tist ciirnirot and llli sis..
Al 'HERE lin y alwats keep on lurid nn exien
sive i-s irliu. nl .1 U A TS ; CA I'S of 1 terv
di si ription, got up in the lot an I nm-t approtcd
slj le. I'eis -iis di iiri us nl pureh.i-ini; superior .uii
clis 011 ihe nioft nn-. n 0 le teroi-. illl'n d ii to
their advantage to call h 1 re, inakinij iuihaMa
t li-e.t liere.
Philadelphia, Oct. 5ih. 1 81 1. 1 y
M;i:iiiti.i; oui",t m.
i.ik Till 11 m 1 r
i) v s v j; i's 1 a.
njlHH Medicine is ,itl';.f. to ll,e pi-hhc prvrt
Ji nllv. Ir.uii s full coiiticiiuii lb o 11 r.. -uperior
I any olln-i v, j,, in,. u..v in us", f r llie cure el
Dv'pcpsis, Liter Cuiplaiul, Nnvoua i't' t.llt 01
Ha.lilj e .koess, A c.
lis i lV e'shavc fuiMi toted in a privite piaei'ee
if lie ir ii til tears, nnd il is now in re ct'ens.v, K
citi'iil.ite.l, al the a diciitnre or tiiuiv who ti.ite re
i cited the luo.-t -iji il 1 em til from ihe 11 e . I it.
The f.clouiog U one aueuig s nniuls-r ol -. ri-f.
cites iccciud in nl.T.iiiii In tlie succcm ol tins mi.
die lie :
LtM tsiiit Co. Mjnh l.
De. Gionni: '. ,-LLt.
lkur Sir ll is w nil gTi st p'easure lhat I in
form you of ihe success aihU'dinf; youi lsi';iic
Medicine, while employed in my p silica. 110111
pnsi experience, I fnnily belu-ve that in eight case,
nut often, Ihe Dspepiic, bv ihe ue ol yuiir inedi
line, may emir, ly ml hiuiM-'.f nl" th a thoru n, ihe
pathway of hfe! not only in dysVplie eases, toil
111 all eisee of constipation, nnd disea-es deieiul ng
oil adibdila'cd s'sle of ihe uirtous syaleui, loge
Iher with a lo pi.l st te of the h.iwcls, will your E
Nxir be found of inrst.ui.ible value. NuineroU in
.l.iiices wheiein the u. fu'm s of the medicine lias
beiii res i-ed, mav Is fm warded, if repined. I
wirh y.-u gtest success, and lecein-ui 11 J ihe liudi
line lo llic sutler ng part of uuiikiiiJ.
Wins, wiili ere it 10 peel,
QfJ- For uV at l. ht.ue of H. D. Msssei, sgenl
for ihe pr-'i neior, Suul-uiv, ls,
Otlotei WOih, 1814. ly
At IKo. 41 Strawbetry St. Philadelphia.
rilHE Rent of Ihe subscribers in their present
X situation being very low, and their terms
CASH, they sre enabled to sell at such low prices
that customers cannot fail to be satisfied, and ihey
invitn Ihe people of Northumberland and ihe ad
joining counties to rail and examine their stock,
ns they ofl'er nn rxiel'ent assortment, comprising
Beautiful Imperial, 3p!y, "I
Superfine Ingrain,
Heavy Twill, d Venetian, S-CA RVET1NUS.
Fine English Worsted do.
Plain S ripetl do.
Wit't a luge Stnk of well sersnnrd Floor Oil
Clulhs of ail wid'hs, f.r Rooms, Halls, Door Pie
ces, Ac. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Beautiful
Heailh Ruga, Table Covers. Floor Raize, Rag Our
Jiets, Ma ting. .Vc cVe , together with n I .rge Mock
ff low priced Ingrain, Entry nnd Stair Carpets,
Whole.-iilc and Retail, nt Ihe lowest prices in the
city. r;LDRIDGE ifc BROTHER,
No. 4 I Strawberry street, one door above Ches
nui, near 2d street. Entrance also at No. 50 South
Second slice!, Philadelphia.
Sept. 28th. 1814 :im
TV XN Kits' OIL.
:000 D.y La Plata Hides first quality.
:t.00 Dry La Guira. do
IOM Dry Salted La Guira, do
MOOO Dry Salt. d Br. ad Hides, do
Ma'es Green Salted Pallia Kips.
Babs Drv Pa 1111 Kips.
fiO Barre's Tunnels' Oil.
Tanner-' and Curriers' Tools.
For sale to Country Tanners at the lowest prices
and upon the best terms.
N. B. The highest maikct prices p iid fur all
kinds of leather.
No. 21. South Third St. Philidclphin.
September II. 1814. lv.
Country 3Icrclianls.
fltllE SutiseriU-r.4 r.spectfully invite Country
1 Merchants who ares' out to purchase rail
Bnd WiiPev Supplies, to an examination of theli
respective Slocks, believing that their several as
s.iitmctiti are ss complete as have ever been oflci
ed in the lib Iphia Murkit.
With stocks ol Go.-,,! in iheir several Depart
ments of tl e choicest kinds a determination to
sill on terms wh ch cannot tail to prove satisficlo
ry and a disposition to please old and new custo
mers, wil', we hop., be a sufficient inducement to
purchasers to call at our icspeclive establishments
Silks and Fancy Goods.
W es'R P Remington 80 Market Street.
Ashl u-st iV Remington 60 "
Buck .V Potter 1 16 '
YardtV Gillmoio 109 '
Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods.
Reynolds. MrFarlaml Co 105 Market Street.
UuineU, Withers tt Co 120
Scott fi Baker 150 "
Wise. I'u-ev tV Wise 154 "
Haidy rV Hackers 46 N. Second St.
Importers of Cloths, Cossimcrs, Vest
ings, .Scc. II Love 147 Market Sticet.
Lambert Duy 108
Hardware and Cutlery.
Michicl V Bi.k.r CIS Market Sucet.
Edward S Handy & Co U8 -
Importers ami Manufacturers of Sad
dlery Hardware.
Horn Kneass 2 1 ri Market Street.
Hoots, Shoes, I?onnets. Caps, Leghorn
and l'ahn Hats, &.c.
W E t- J (i Whelan, 158 Market Street.
Li tick, Jenkins & Co 150 "
M Coma l iXi Co CO "
Maiiufiiftuivrs and Dealers in Drugs,
Mi'dieines, l'ainls, Oils, i e.
'Thoiiias P .1 mi s 212 Market Street.
P uis. I. inn tS. Har is 2I3J
Ko ins Co, I lis & Co 87 "
Ed waul Cole 51
'Thoiiipsoii I'an.-oist - Co 40 "
Hals. Cap-;, Furs and Trimmings.
!. Kenton 16 Maiket Street,
.lohii S iui r'iicr tt Broth, r 02
Honks and Stationary.
Gii-jg A: Ell oit tt N. Fourth Street.
Hog in V Thumps m 30
Importers of l'rilili and French Fan
ty Staple Stationary.
1. I Ch-n A Co 27 S Fuurih Street.
Henry Chen 'A
Imptnters of Hosiery, tlloves, Tiim
11 lilies Mini l'a'.iev Goods.
Seilev A' Si-vering
I'srkei .V Lehman
2:1 N 'Third Street.
Cninl's, 1'ni.shes, lirooms, iScc.
'Tho m e, Co .per 3 N Front Street.
Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple
A F ti t Monrose Hi S Fouilh Stieet.
Matuifiicltiter of 1'atent hard Lamps.
Eli. N Arebei 3i N Sec Mid Sin ft
Manufacturer of 1'atent Floor and
Furniture Od Clo'hs.
I n ic Maeaulcy, Jl. Ii N Fifth Street.
M.'iutil'.tciiitfi s iind linpoiters of l'a-
:r Hangings.
II. u.ll A Broih.i 80 A; 112 Chesnut St.
P!o!a '. V' 'J. Angus- 21. lull.-3m.
Tit MClililtVIo iV 11II.I.II.S.
W.M. M. tV .MS. K. M UM-,
FOlCl'.fGN AND )iillTIO
,u. :Xt, .Wvth SfCiuid Strut, ( 'i'l0"ili: l!ir
Mnii'tsun House, J
Ps,WIEIiE will I f gem asoit
I Z uieul of Florence llr iid--, Alt er's, Ru'-sCsC,
liuufs, Teddies, Willow PI irt, Rice St sw, snd II e
much admire. I N.-npuliian I. ace, a' d Fancv 11 11
liels, in iitiiliietureil by "s, snd for mle at the ttutt" I
iniinilHi in price Meiel.Snts and Milliners uie
invite I 10 pits ns a r .Il upon tisiling the City.
i' . II. N'e I. ate ul-ocoll I in lv inuktng our
siipi liur ha r 1.11.I nil , 1 tdguigs, all if wlinh will
be o d 1 heap, f ir cash.
PliiUdel, ln, Msv So, Islt.-ly
II A I.'.OUI LS, a hanilsoine for l.jd.ts'
1 DifsM-s, tor sic ilnp, bv
June IS. ' 11. U. M AsssElt.
t ia 1; is 1 v 1 1 AO ii,
AT 11 CSKTS A Nt MatB.
f jlfist ii a woik composed chi. fly of choice sr
M llebs from tl e Literature of burope.
Hiiston having become the point of commtinns
tion with the Old World, and the intercourse bring
now so firqucnt, we think it the best location for
our office, and believe thit such a compilation may
be issued once a week, from ibis citv, ts wil be
rend with pleasure and profit in all puts of the
Un'Uid Stntes.
Thk Liti so Aok wil be conducted in the spirit
of Lilted, Mu-einn of Foreign Literature, (which
was favorably riceived l y the public, for the psst 20
years,) but as it will l e twice as targe, and wi'l ap
pear so often, we shall not only give spirit nnd
freshness to it by many things which were enc.tu
ded by n nonth's del iv, hut shall a'so, - while thus
extending our scope and gathering a greater end
more attractive variety, l-e able so to increase tho
olid and substantial pint of our literary, hi-tuiicst
and political harvest, as fully to satisfy the wants
of ihe Amciican reader.
The el .borate snd st itely Essiys of the Ed n
burgh, (.J is-terly. snd other Ifeviews; and Dl nk
woi d's ni hie criticisms on Peetrv, bis keen politi
cs! Commentaries, highly wrought Tales, snd v vi I
descriptions of rural nnd mouulnin Scenerv ; nnd
Iho contributions to Literature, History and corns
mnn lite, by the ssgsrinus Spectator, the spiirk'ing
Eiaminer, the judicious Athei rrum, the busy and
industrious Litersry Curette, the sensible nnd com
prehensive llrittiinnia, the sober and respectable
Cluisti in Observer ; these shall be iutermiied with
the Mditarv snd Naval reminiscences of the Coi
led ce, and with the best articles of ihe Dob.
lio University, New Monthly, Eraser's, Tail'
A iitrworth's. lino i's, and Sporting Magazines, nnd
of Ch unbcr.' sdnpral le Journal. We sh.di n t
consider it benetth our dignity to borrow wit snd
wisdom from Punch; and. when we think il pood
enough, shall use the thunder of The Times. We
shall increase our vaiiety by importations from tho
continent of Europe, and from the new grow th of
ihe llr'nish Colonies.
Geographical discoveries, the progress i f Col i
nizalirn, (which is extending over the whole world.)
snd Voyages and Tinvels, will be f.ivoi'no matter
for our selections ; nnd in general, we shall syste
matically nnd very fully acquaint our readers with
Ihe great departmml nl roreign allots.
While we aspire to muke 'he Livisn Aor. de
sirable to all who w ish to keep themselves infoim
td of the rapid progress of the movement lo
Statesmen, Divines, Lawyers nnd Physicians 10
mm of business, nnd to men of leisure il is a still
stronger obj ct of our ambition to make il attnic
tiveaud useful lo their Wives and Children. We
believe that we can thus do some good in our r'ny
and generation: and hope to mike the woik hubs,
pensalde in every well-informed f.imilv. We say
iiulisvensable, bee .use in this d iv of cheap litem-.
lure it is not possible to guard against the influx of
what is bad in I st and vicious in morn's, in sny
other w-ny than by furni-hing a sufneient supply of
a healthy chirncter. The menial and metal a pe
tite nvu-l be grat fied.
We boie, thut, by "winnowing Ihe wheat from
the chiitTV' bv providing nbni dantlv for the imi:in
ation. and by a large collection of Uiograt hy, Voy
ages sud Tratt Is, lli-toiy. nnd more solid matter,
we may produce a woik which sh ill lie,
while at the ssme time it w ill aspire to raise tho
standiitd of publ c ta-le.
'The Living Age wdl bos large pamphlet, hnnd--oinelv
ptiuied, mid stitched in a co-er, emit lining
as much matter as an ordinary duodec mo volume,
nnd upon good type and piper.
Em h number sold scpatately, snd with the Usu i!
discount to wholesale dealers. Persons al a dis
tance will be -upplu d by mail, on their remitting to
us any stun of mom y th .t mav be convenient.
'Tin re will l e thir y si numbers, nmking three
hrg.i volumes, in the reiiuinii g pnrt ol 1H41.
Price of each Volume of twelve numbers will la
1 50. I'oi-tmii-t' rs. or other peisons who may
lend us tl eir a d in getting up a subscription list,
will I e entitled lo four Copies ot any volume, on
remitting to us five dolhirs. 'The copies lobe ad
dicssed as they may order.
E. Lll'TELL eV CO..
1HJ Washington Mr. el, lloston.
TIIIIS M .clinic Ins now been tested by inoni
1 than thirty families in this neighhorh iod. ami
h is given entire -alisl. niton. It is 1-0 simple in Ha
ci 1strnct1. il, that it cannot get out of nr.l.r. Il
er.iil-j iis no iron to ni-t, nnd no-piingsor rolh rs to
gel out of rep-iir. It will do twice ns much wssh
inj, w ith 'es ih'in halt the wear and tear ofsnt of
the lite inventions, nnd wh it is f greater in per c.Ms b.ii In le over half us much as other
washing iiKchiues.
'The subscriber his 'he exclusive right fir Nor.
iI'iioiIm-iI ind, l'uion, L conin g, Coliiiiibin, l.u
.erne and Clinton counties. Price of single mi
dline ti. H. II. MASSHIL
'Ti c follow ii ii. cett.ficate 's fioiii a few ol ih.iao
whuha.e ihe-e lujibioes in use.
Sunbuiy, Aug. 21, I SI I.
We, the subscribe!, ceriily ttml we have inev
in u-e, in our families, "Slingi-il's .teiil W ish
ing M ichiiie."and do not htsitste sit in,, tint it it
a most excellent invention. ', in,
it will save more ihan one half I lie Usual labof.
'That it does 11 t rcipnie luore than one tliir.l the
usual ipi inli'y of so p and water ; mid that
is no rubliing, an. I consequently, bttle or no vn-:i -inn
i-r li siing. il knocks oil' no buttons, hihI
thai the finest clo.h. s, .ucli uscolLrs, laces, luck--,
frills, tVc. mav U tas!.c.l 111 a veiy slmrl tune
without the le .ht iopity, ai .1 ill fact without ny
apparenl wear so.) tear, vt h.ilev. r. We ilnii lor."
cheerfully recoiionend it t i onrfneiids and H tho
public, as a moot useful and lib. r sm ing machine.
CH A i;l.i:s W. HEl.'iNS,
. joi.'hw.
chs. ea veil
CHS i'l.E s.TS,
IIish'b Hoi si, (formerly 'Tiemonl H"Use, No.
llli Ch- -nut Miiei,) l'liiludi-lptiia, Scpteuibcr
21st, Is. 14.
I l ate u-, d Sl.iigert's l'.it- nt NN'ashing Maet itm
in mv hott i upu nd. of eii'lil ruonili-, and do not
hi.itale lo lav that I diem it one of the 1110 t u-e-I..
I and talinlile l ibor siivn g machines cter ioti ii
nd. I foimeily k- two w .o en cu liniiilly ..'
cup ed in washing, who now do as much III l
days a9 'lev l.uii til-1 in one link. 'Them is n 1
wisr or 111 washing, and it u-.piins not lu-ii 1
than 1 ne-r nd tin- 11 ipiaiiiilv ol -mp. I hut -had
a moid ei ol mil. r 111 ihinis in my lam ly. but
I Ins i s.. ,it i oti . ly sii ii-.i l i etciy thing el.-, in I
so b lie l-.i e lo , , t uul of u p "I, that I Would n t
.'own. .11 one tilnvfhoull cosl lill limes tlm ii.. t ..,. -1.1 i .r.' i L1'!1 -LL'L!i i-
sf" 1 I. S si bv 10, hot iilall'y,
(4 Ci.l A ol-. -Il " s,
-suit. I t lio k uiidba'rel,
II .is s d dp-, ol l ie l ot quality.
All f I s .. si ie 'need pr-ccn, by
Sunbiiri.ttii.'.ti, IS 1 1. ' H.U. MAS--EI-.
' P Ei - D llli II, I .111.I. eoe sr ie'e. all w . I.
I jl t slid el ic. I01 Suuuiier t.'outs anJ Tanls,
lo s ile, in t l. wt, by
Junr 15. H. U. MASL-ER.