Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 18, 1845, Image 3

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    At 13 o'clock, nominations were made for U
tiited State Senator, and over one hundred wera
named. Of these, those nominated in the Senate
yesterday were a portion, and besides, Charles
M'Clure, E. W. Keyser, Jos. It. Ingersoll, E. C.
Reigert, John V. Ashmcad, Jacob Broom,
Henry Chapman, John Smith, Jr , and tome
fifty or sixty more were named. It seems al
most pity that there is only one vacancy to fill.
The Tariff question was the principal feature
of the day, and a very animated discussion took
place in regard to it ; both Democrats and
Whigs assuming to be in favor of the act of
1942. The subject enme up on proceeding to
the second rending of Mr. Bright' resolutions,
which read as follows t
"Whereas, Capitalists have been induced to
make investments under the act of Congress on
the subject of the tariff in full confidence nnd
faith that said law would not be altered. There
"ResolvrJ, Ac, That our Senators in Con
gress be instructed, mi J our Representatives re
quested to oppose the passage? of any bill which
may have for its object any reduction whatever
n the present tariff as established by the provi
sions of the act of Congress, passed on the 30th
August, on thousand eight hundred of forty,
"Resolve !, That ihe Governor of this com
nonwealth be requested to forward a copy of
these resolutions, with the yens and niys at
tached, to ench of our Senators and Representa
tives in Congress, with a request to lay the same
icfore the respective bodies of which they are
These resolutions h.iving been read a second
im", Mr. Riilv movi-d tit amend by adding- to
he end after the WDrd "forty-two,"
hese words "which might prove injurious to
he manufacturing and agricultural interests of
his Common wraith, sternly to resist any re
'ticti in in the present duties on iron, coil and
wool, slid to omit no ctlort to sustain all the
f rent interests of the nation." Iost.
The resolutions were unanimously adop
od, without amendment, on the 14th inst.
A Harmless Rookrack. We have seen
t stated in sundry Whig pipers, that Mr Clay's
nstngp account during the last year, amounted
i some jjilO.OtHr. Now, upon applying to the
roper source for information, rays the Wash
igtoii Constitution ; we find that the whole a
Mount of postage received at the Lexington
at -office for the year was $0,JjO 15).
o comment is necessary.
Most IIokkiim.k. Thomas Wilson, a hand in
a rolling mill at Pittsburg, met with a most dis
tressing accident on Saturday week. As the red
hot iron was passil, g throughthe rollers, it curl
ed upand stiuck him in the right eye, and then
wound around his arms and body, burning them
in a horrible manner. Some moments elapsed
Wore the hot iron could be removed, so com
itetely had it wound itself around him. He is
till living.
The Governor of Ohio estimates that there
ire tit),tHH),((K) acres of land in that State suit
ble fur cultivati m, and ti nt about 9,(KK),(KKI
cres, including mosd iws an I pasture land are '
i .
ow actually cultivated. He also estimates,
le real property of the Slate, with the improve
icnts, to be worth St J(),NI0,0IK) and the perso
al and eff-cts at $il-H).(HKt,(HH, making a to
1 aggregate ot !Si'i()0,HJl,KtU
The coffer-dam which has been built around
he hulk of Cipliiio Kidds vessel at the foot of
he Dundenherg mountains, is nearly comple
rfl, and it is expected the water will be pump
d out shout the 1st of IVhrutry. A steam en
jine will he employed for the purjuiseof tlirow
Jigout H'i barrels per minute. We shall then
know what the vessel contains if nothing more.
From the structure of a trim recovered I'mm
;t is certain thai she is very old. About 4' men 1
re now employed in the work. I
In the back pm of the ctniy of Lunenburg, '
tt a place called Chelsea, a party ot Indians had
inc.nnped for the purp se ot catching moose, !
finding the moos J-ip in coining, they thought .
it best 1o sep irate, and drive thm into the f
yard. While one of them was in search of the
game, he eurtunier'd a party of bears, four in j
nnmber. He succeeded in kilting three, but j
the fourth was too and unfortunately kl- j
fed the poor Indian. When found by his com-
lanions who went in search of him, hisjnin was '
ompletely bent over, as is supposed by blows
iven to the animal, sn! the poor fellow had
rasped his knife in the hope of despatching :
.im. lie was considerably mangled, I
Sitehstitiom. Johannes Ronge, a Catholic :
priest at Laurahutte, Germany, has published a
letter censuring feverely R shop A mold i, the
Catholic Biehop of Treves, for practising a gross
imposition upon the people, by exhibiting for
public show and adoration, a relic, said to be the
root of C'krixt, and possessed of the pow
er of healing the sick.
HoRSEwnirrtNo ToevrRii.t .NUn'osr..
The following spicy advertisement appears in
the "Savannah Sun" of January ,'J.
" To Mr. Poller, Ihe Cotnard .-You well c
nough know that I called upon you on Thurs
day with my bill, which in amount was $1(10 2."),
for services rendered in your theatre in this ci
ty. 1 am willing to take half, or even quarter,
nd give you a receipt in full. Your conduct to
lady on that occaeiun, merited, by its gross
nees, the chastisement you received at my hands
in the absence of my husband, who is now at
Macon. In consideration of tho horsewhipping
I gave you, I hereby exonerate you from all
indebtedness to me, or any demand I might have
made upon your box-office.
Jan. 3, Clara S. Risslll."
Iilla Threat.
The old story ahout dissolution of tho Union
is revived, and by those who are instructed by
the conflicting political factions of the country.
This story has been told in all quarters, by all
parties successively, and probably by all with
equal aincerity. We have long since ceased to
regard it as anything more than a scare-crow,
raised by a faction to promote its purpose of the
day t and as such wo always regard it with
very little more than contempt, though we al
ways entertain due indignation for any one who
serious thinks of it tia desirable. Many years
ago it was threatened by the old "Federal" par
ty of Connecticut ; one of their leaders, a cele
brated lawyer, named John Allen, beginning the
movement by several essays in one of the news
pipers of Hartford, and probably the Conn.
Couranf, written with great plausibility, and
designed to show the necessity ot separation to
the safety and prosperity of New England ot
least, if not of the Middle States. This was
succeeded by a similar movement in Massa
chusetts, before and during the war of 112;
seperation being only recommended as neces
sary to the safety of the commercial States.
The war ending successfully, the old "Federal"
party, the majority of whom never countenanced
separation, having disbanded, and "the era of
good feelings" having begun with the adminis
tration ot Mr. Monroe, we heard and saw no
more of this scare-crow till 1S19, and subse
quently, when Pennsylvania and others of the
Middle State began to time the doctrine of
protection. Then South Carolina and Georgia
began to talk of separation, and used it as a ste
reotyped threat t il about two j ears ago. Then
Mr. Adums presented a petition from Massa
chusetts, praying for a "dissolution of the Uni
on." This, of course, produced preat excite
ment and great opposition ; and foremost in
deprecating such catastrophe were the delega
tion from South Carolina, who had before been
foremost in the threat. This movement tested
the sincerity of the threat, and shamed the
Southern threnteners into silence on the thread
bare subject, until about a year ago, when Mr.
M'DiifTie uttered some nonsense about "three
confederacies." Hut now the subject is revived
by the Northern Abolitionists, who gravely offer
elaborate arguments in support of separation.
Thus do we find this scare-crow t rnnderroil
from field to field, always for some temporaiy
purpose, to be soon laid aside by one faction
till wanted by another.
We believe that if Nothern separation should
be subject to the same test which the South
ern could not endure, that it would fall quite as
rapidly. No party in favor of separatum, nu
merous enough to govern a single State, can e
ver be raised in this country ; and every fac
tion that attempts to raise such a standard, will
soon drop it if treated with deserved contempt,
liven in South Carolina, where the dissolving
faction is less weak than in any other State, it
never could command a majority of votes ; and
in New York or Massachusetts, where another
dissolving faction now talk of se pa rati m, an o-
verwhelining majority would regard tho pro
ject as preposterous. Therefore whenever this
scare-crow is brought from faction's garret, and
set up to frighten the majority into yielding
some point, we laugh at the attempt to do some
thing against which ail the interests and feel
ings of the country will ever wage an intermi
nable, uncompromising war.
One of the newspaper, with its usual affec
tation of polit cal wisdom, siys that the "IVmo
cracy''of New F.nglaud and the Middle Stales
are beginning to dissolve their partisan connec
tion w ith the Southern .States, and in conse
quence of the ns it ion and policy of Mr. Csl
houn in relation to annexation ; and that if this
cour-e should defeat annexation, it will save a i
triumph to the Abolitionists of Ihe Noith, that
will react upon the South, and erminate in the
dissolution of the Union into Mr. M'Dufliie's
"three confederacies." We do not yet believe,
after the defeat of all former projV-cis Kir dissol
ving this Union, that it is quite e-irch a rope of
sand as any faction may suppose, whether Abi
litionists of tfie North, or Slaveocracy" of the
South. The majority of the free Slat, s will n t
leave the Union because Texas is annexed, and
the majority ot (he Slave States w ill not h ave
it because Mr. Calhoun's projects for the exten
sion and perpetuation of slavery are defeated.
This Union will survive annexation, and Mr
Calhoun. Mr. M'Ouffie, the Abolitionists, or sla
very. This mighty confederacy, these United
States of America, free republican, prosperous
and happy, extending from Labrador to the Gulf
of Mexico, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in
cluding Texas, Oregon, Nova Scotia and Cana
da, will exist for ages after every vestige of do
mestic slavery shall have disappeared from Ihe
earth. We have no fears about disunion, and
therefore laugh at "disunionist," Northern and
Southern ; and all such will disappear, when
sureof creating their only desert, public con
tempt. Philu. I.tilger.
One of the Albany fire companies offer to
fight the Anti-Renter on the uioet reasonable
terms and at the shortest notice.
Corrected weekly by Ihnry Yoxtketmer,
What, . . . . rs
Rii, . . . . . f,o
Coin, ...... 40
OiT. ...... 25
Poarc, . . . . . &
Flixsiin, ... .112
UuTTia, ..... IV
UasaWAl, .... 2A
Tallow, ... Ifl
Daisu Arrtta, . . fio
Do. PiAcat, . . 150
Plai, ... a
II tea it n Fiii, . . lo
Eea. ... ( . 10
The latest arliclo of incenuity from Yankee
dom is a contrivance to keep the feet warm.
It is constructed of tin of an oval shape, with
a placo in one end to pour in hot water, the sub
stance that imparts the heat to the feet.
Scasosabli Anvica. "Take tints by tha fore
lock," says the adage. Take medicine at tha pro
per lime, say we. It is a matter of less difficulty
to ascertain the proper lime to seek relief from me
dicine, than it is to discover tho proper medicine
which if to administer comfort to the afllirtid pa
tient. Drandreth's Vegetable Uuiversal Pills,
which have obtained a celebrity in the "Annals of
Physic," unequalled in ancient and modern times,
have performed such astonishing cures, that thou,
sands of people, in justice to Dr. Drandreth, have
publicly recorded their opinions of their wonderful
and extraordinary health-restoring qualities.
fXj Purchase of II. B. Masser, Sunhury, or of
the stents, published in another part of this piper.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court,
of Northumberland county, on Thursday the
filli inr of February
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., Sharpies Taylor and J.
C. Orier, Administrators of William Garrett, late
of Rush township, in said county, dec -ascd, will
ei pose to sale by public vendue, at the house of
John Garrett, in Point township, in Northbrnlcr
land county aforesaid, all Ihe IRON OliE, in a
certain tract of I md containing 170 acres, situate
in Point towm-hip aforesaid, adjoining E. G-een-nngh,
M. J. Diddle and the Susquehanna rier ;
whereon the said John Garrett now residi s, with
the free privilege lo pass and rep .ss from the s .id
property to the Canal, for the purpose of cnv, voir
Ihe ore, and riaht lo land at the mines sufficient lo
build two houses tip n. wiih priv b-ge for ihe
mine's to pass and repass to and from their houses.
All of whi h will he a Id subject to a ml on the
13. h AiiRiist 1M0, ly the said deceased i.f the
said Iron tire, at 40 cents per Ion. to Eli Trego.
Xsid Trrto to take out three hundred tons the fir-t
year, anJ at least four hundred esrh subsequent
year, co inventing in the spring of 1 84 I . if the pi ice
al which the said ore could be sold would yield a
small (.refit In said Trego, with Ihe right of entry
way, fit. I.nte the estate of said deceased, situ,
ate in ihe township of Point, and county aforesaid,
Danville, Jan. 18. 1845. 3t. Adm'rs,
Mlcliarl XrMi?'fl I.sfutr.
NOTH'E is hereby given thai letters of admin
istration have lieen gi anted lo the suhscnliers,
on the istatc of Michael Neiilig, dee'd. All per
sons t sving ilemmds against the est ite, sr re
quested to present them for examination and set
itement. and all persona indebted are requested lo
make immediate payment.
Augusta, Jan. 18, 1845 (it A.lm'is.
TS hereby givrn. that I have this dav renketl a
1 Power of Attorney, given by me to Henrv II.
Purr of Northumberland, on li e 10th day of June,
1835, which revocation is recorded in the Recor
ders office of Northumberland countv.
Northumberland, Jan. lllh, 1845. 17 tf
FlluiMKX & Cn fK XS'
On Wvdnrrday Evening, Jan. l""."i.
t'istanee, who wish lo enjoy a pleasant rven
tug. are itspecftdly invitid lo favor us with llnir
pngence. The II LL will open si fi n'd 'ck, l
M., with a cr oul promenade, in the large snd com
modious saloon of tbe Engine House.
Oj" TICKE I S, f2, admitting a Gentleman snd
$y For Ti kets, apply to H. R. Masser. Esq ,
Sunt.urv j at the dice of ihe "Miltenian,' M lion ;
to Dr. Joseph Priestly, Northumberland ; or to the
Wm. Donsld-on, Geo A Fin k,
.loshui W. Comly, William Col',
John lle-l, Jon (J. Montgomery.
Danville, January Uih, 1815. 2t
Mi.tiiiokiu Coal
A T N O R T ti II M B E It L A N P.
rilll E Subserilier h a boat load of eicell-nt
I Shamolcn Coal at Norlhumbeil md. w hich
he nff.-r lor sale at the tow ret pr ces. Pi rsons
wishing lo pxn-hsse will call on the uhrri!-er al
Sunburv, or l-J. P. Shannon, E-q. at Northumber
land. " H. U. MASSER.
Sunlniry, Jan. 4th, 1845.
all ami Settle'
IJERSONS knowing themselv indebted lo
the subscriber, are n que-ted to csll and settle
their arc-unt, on or In-fore the 20th day nf J.i mi
ry neit, sfi. r which time those t f long stainling
will he placed in the hands of a Juitire. fir cidlc
iin. H. R. MASSF.R.
D.-eJth. 1844.
A LL persons im). bled lo the etle nfjolin
il Legln.u, late of Point township, di cease I,
are bereby notified lo make piymen', without de
lay, to the subscriber- ; and tbose have g l oin-i
against aid e-tate, w.ll piesent tlfem duly antl.en
linled lor JttHN II. ItOYD.
N..rthM. Dec 28, 1844. Gt Ei.cul rs.
Lost ! !
SOMEWHERE between the re.idenee of the j
subscriber, in Ch li qn que township, Noith-
umber laud countv , arid the lHroiili nf Sun'miy, i
on I ueaday, the 12tb inst., a small I'm itr Hook,
coruaming a note of hand from Tobias Ku mert md
Jobn Murray to subscriber, as ihe a lininii-ir.iior of
Thomas Murray, dated in January, l29 ; and
another note of hand to same, for f 18, ditt.d in
1810 t a ubsxna for witnesaeses, and a rive dol.
Ur bill on the Umk or NorthumlM ilaud. The
finder, by returning il, will he suilab'y rewarded;
or by leaving the ppcrs st the Post Olhce, Muuhu
ry, or forwarding them to the subscriber, may keep
the five dollar bill. JAMES F. MURRAY.
Chdisquxpje, Nov. 30ih, 1844 tf
fllHE salsieriher ha jut received from Phtlitlel
X phi a fresh supply of Nw tioons,
in pil, nf MuunliH Ikhimet. Crape iMlaines,
Cathmtrtde Ecotut SkuU'n, llindkireheifs, 4c. '
Also, Hiarr and S Ik llat$, a good s.iiin ril
of Men I and H.y' dipt, (iroeeriet, Li'juun,
Salt, Ac dr., all of hii h will be old at tbe unal
rrasonatile tvrin. Srte Jart and Juan, cheap.
fcunbury, Oct. 5tb, Ih44.
Celebrated Family Medicine
WILL not cure every thing, but still remain
unequilled in their several departments by
every thing ever offered to the public, who have
voluntary came forward and offered numerous and
highly respectable testimonials of their superior
CnnlreIC Compound MetlUaled Syrup nf Sar
laparilla or, Anti-Scorluttc Syrup, for the cure
of 8corfuls, Chronic Fiheu.n itistn, Chronic Swel
lings of the Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, snd all
Disease arising from the abuse of Mercury, Vc,
unsurpassed by any thing in Ihe market, confi
ning all the virtues resident in the Sar-aparilh
with a modern medicament, only lately brought
out by (he most respeclablo medical authorities.
Price, 50 eenls per b iltle.
Canlreir .1nl!-Dpfptlc Vuwdcr, f.r the re
lief ami permanent cure of ni 'st distressing
complaint, Dycpsii, in all its firms ami stages.
It is truly a most valu ible remedy. 8 ,l in bottles
at 35 and 50 cents each.
Cnnlreir f 1gue. Mixture and Tunic Nedita'
menla, stands at ihe bead nf the list iinriva'h d lv
any, or all the innumcraMe medinn s in ti e
throughout (he length nnd bread h of ihe land, fr
the cure nf Fkvf.r and Aouc in all its stage, snd
from all its consequences.
Residents in Fever anJ Ague districts should
never be without it.
The sulsctiler will f. EIFTY DOLLARS
where bis medieine tails to perform a cure in the
most obstina'e cae.
H..M Who'es.le and Retail bv CALEB CRES.
SON. at his Drug Warehouse. No. fi North Third
Street, Philadelphia; also, bv the rigultrly ap
pointed sgent, SE I II W. ROUERTS, Wholesale
Druggist, No. 64 Water Strert. Mobile,
Prepared orlv tv tt.e Subscriber, corner of G AR
PENT Ell and SECOND Sir.ets, below 'hristi
an, Philarielpbia. where it is also retailed.
OIsere, none are genuine without tbe signature
C'anfrrll' Aptic Mixture, or Tonic
For the cure of all HHtm njfirlinn., if taken tie-cor-linif
to direction.
It is a never fsiling remedy which no famt'y
ought to be without, especially in low marshy
As this medicine is put up under the proprie
tor's immediate inspection nn Ihe most scientific
principles, l.e ng I ur. ly Vegetable, an.l baving j
irieu us rmcsey on inousanos, ..r upwards oi i i
years, and to his knowledge when taken strirtlv ar
cording to diieciions, there has not Va en one fa lure.
Under such crcumtanre I recommend it lo the
public, adding a certiuVat in support of my asser
tion. I, John Hums, do reilifv that I was in the ship
Tnb.icco Plant of Philadelphia, t'spl. Renl. in
June, 1827, bound to Liverpool ; look Ihe f-ver
and ague and laid in Liverpool none time umbr
the ilocor's bands, went lioin tbete to Ilallini ire,
lay in Ihe Infwinary for four or five wteks from
thence to Philadrlphia ; was six months under Dr.
Coats j from thence to New Yi-rk went to tl.e
) Hospital, n tna n d th re about four wi eks without
j tiny relief tiled every th'ng without snv lenefit,
I for five er. Hering of CanlreTs Ague Mix
, tine fioin a ffei d, I went lo hi store, told him
j how I was afflicted, and not a bottle nf his mixture
I and tisi d it ai cording to ilir-' tioiis. It mule a per-
lecl cute, and I have not had the least return since.
I do with colilitlenre reroinuiend i tothe public.
Itlrdlratrd Sjniporsai isapai llla.
I'htlid. Iphii, April 10th, IS44.
Mr. Jons A. ('ax-mi li,
Dear Sir, Having be, n afllic'cd for up ward of
two )ears with ulceration of the throat, de-troyiog
the whole of ihe soft pnl ite, then thtough the upper
part i f inr mouth into niv nose, from which sever
al pieces nf boi e came nut, which panial'y dettmv
ed my speech, through a kind I'r.x idenre and votir
! Meilieaieil Syrup ill S,,rs.,p.iiil.i, I am now lesion l
: to pi-if. rt he ilili.snd my sight, which was so much
j impair, d, is as i-iroug as when a I ov.
i I thought it a duty I owed loyou and those simi
! larly affect, d, to make it public.
l ouis, R. spcrfullv.
Corner nf Tenth and Coa'e Streets.
I, C 'ril Jonston, No. 6 R,ekls Street, do cei
tifv tbal my wife, J.ine, was alllicted for two years
with Rheumatism, and at l i t was entirely di-a 'led,
so that she was obliged to In- confined to In ,1 ; I. eat
ing nf Cant'ell's Melicaled Syiup of Sats tparilla,
or Antiscorbutic Syrup, I pr, Mined four b.-ltl-s,
which coinpb tely removed all her pains and stiff
ness from lit r limb; two in. re bottles made s r
tecl cure. Sbe i now able to attend o her house
hold dull-s as usual. C MIKIL JONS f) .
PhiUiU Iphis, Jjii. 22 I. 1814.
fXj- De criptive I'amphhts mav be had of the
agent. (Gratis.) J. W. FRILINfJ,
Sunburv, Nov. 9, 1811. ly .Igmt.
A s7 il Yl " y v T ifo "v. A l,
HAT Az cV MAM'FAC'n:Ki:ilS,
South F.iiiI corn r of Murk ft nnd Ath tit..
VirilEllE ih- v alwav ke.-p on band an ejten
' sive i-.irlinenl of HAT If CA PS nfeverv
drscription, got up in the lavt and most sprord
rt le. Per ns ilerimus of pnri h ising iiHrior ani
eb on the most reason ible term. ili fii d it lo
their advantage lo call bt fore making pun liases
ebe here.
Philadelphia, Oct. 5lh, 1914. ly
- -j-Lj SLiiif WSJ
roa in. ci rk i r
THH Medicine i nffe ed t- the public gener
ally, from a full conviction lit ,i it is -uperior
to any oilier in dicine n -w in ue. f r the cure nf
Dvspepsia, Liver I'oinplaiui, Nirvous le'iilvoi
tit,lly V e.-kness. A c.
It-i i tbe bttVH Ucn tested in a private practice
efnen i j lit tt, ami it is now ni re ercm-iv. K
e oeiilaied, l the solieinp'r of manv who hitVH re
ceive.l the mo-l beio Til from ihe u-e ot it.
- Tha f louioii is one aiunng a number of cuitfi
calf receivtd in ulaiiou to tbe succes of this me :
Lvt iKrra Co. March 1.
Da. Groint W. Ami,
Dear .Sir.- It i with great p'eaue that I in
form jou of ihe success atleuding your ljs.tic
Medicine, while employed in my p atiic. Fioin
past ripviiinre, I tiriuly believe that in eight cases
nut of ten, Ihe Dpepuc, by ihe ue of your
rine, may emir Iv ml hioiMlf of th thorn in the
pathway of life! not only in dvsjplic rases, but
in all cases nf co'nlipi,tioii, and dt-eaes depend ng
on a dibilitated slate i.f tbe nervous svatetn, loce.
tlier with a to-pid slite of the bowel, will your E
luir lefout ilof uie.tini.ible value. Numerous in
stances wheiein Ihe usifu'in-.s of the medicine ha
la-en rvaiired, may l-e tor warded, if required. I
wi.h y,.u great .ucees, and lecomint nd the medi
cine lo thr kutfermg part of mankind.
Vouts, with great rcpecl,
Qf j' For sale at tlie store of H. U. Mian c, sg lit
for ihe proprietor, r-'unl urv, I's.
At Art. 41 Strawbttry St. Philadelphia.
11HE Rent of tba subscribers in their present
. situation being very low, and their terms
CASH, they are enabled to sell at such low price
thai customers cannot fail to be satisfied, and tbey
invite the people of Northumberland and the ad
joining counties to call and rxsmine their stork,
as they offer an excellent assortment, comprising
Reautiful Imperial, 3ply,
Superfine Ingrain,
Heay Twill, d Venetian, VCARPETING8.
Fine English Worsted do.
Plain ebriped do.,
With a large Slock of well seasoned Floor Oil
Clolhs of ail widths, fir Rooms, Hulls, Door Pie
res, eVc. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Ileautifut
Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor Itair.e, Rag Car
pets, Mailing. iVe Ac , together with a Inrge Slock
i f low priced Irtgrnin, Entry and Stair Carpets,
Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest priees in the
No. 4 I Strawberry street, one door above Ches
tiu', near S.I street. Entrance also at No. 50 South
Second steet, Philadelphia.
Sept. 28th, 1811 :im
ftOOO Diy La n it Hide first qutMity.
'.VtiHw Dry Li Guir. do
IOOO Dry Salted La Guir. do
2000 Dry Salt.d Unxil Hides, do
Hales (ireen Salted Pulua Kip.
'20 Hal.s Dry Pa m. Kips.
l'0 H irrels Tanners' Oil.
Tanner-.' and Curriers' Tools,
For sale to Country Tanner at the lowest prices
and ti (ion I he best I. rms.
N. H. The highest market price paid for all
kinds of leather.
No. 2l,S.,th Third St. 1'hil.delphia.
September 14. 1844. ly.
Country Merchants.
riIIE Subscrilars respectfully invite Country
J Merchants who are a'-otit to purchase Fall
and Winter Supplies, to an examination of theli
repectivo. Stocks, believing thai their several as-
goitnierits aie as complete as have ever been offet-
e, j the IMiilailelphia Market.
'ith storks ot Good' in their several Depart
ments of tbe choicest kinds a determination to
sell on terms wh ch cannot fail to prove satisficto
ry and a disposition to please old and new custo
mers, wil1, we hope, l a sufficient inducement lo
purchaser to call at our icspective establishments
Silks nnd Fancy Goods.
W A R P Remington 80 Market Street.
Ashliuist tV Remington 50
Ruck & Po'ler 116
Yard V Cillmoie 109
Domestic nnd Foreign Dry Goods.
Reynolds, MrFa.l md ,V Co 105 Market Street.
Htitnelt, Witling ft Co 120
Scott & Itaker 150 '
Wise, Pn ev fc Wise 154 "
Haidy A Hackers 46 N. Second St.
Importers of C'lntlis, Cassimcrs, Vest-
in lis, vVc.
William H Lovo
Latubert Doy
117 Market Street.
1 08 "
Hardware ami Cutlery.
Mich if I V Hakir 215 Market Street.
F.dwud S Handy St Co 98
Importers and iMiinnfaelnrcrs of Sad
dlery Hardware.
Horn A Kiiea- 215J Matket Stieet.
Hoots, Shoes, nunnets. Caps, Leghorn
and Taltn Hats, rjic
W E ,V J (; Wbelan. 158 Market Street.
L'-viek. Jenkins Ac Co 150 "
M Conrad Af Co 60 "
Manufat'ltirers nnd Dealers in Drugs,
Medicines, Paints, Oils, &.c.
Thomas P Jain- s
Potts, Linn A Harris
Riv inson. Cod us A Go
Kilwa d Colo
Thompson Panrn ist A: Co
212 Market Street.
2i:tJ '
Hats, Caps Furs and Trimrnincs.
I. Kenton l?fl Market Street.
John Sauertiicr A; Droilu r 62
Hooks nnd Stationary.
Grieg A- IM nit 9 N. Fourth Sired.
Hngan A: Thomps hi 30 "
Importers of I'riiisli ani French Fan
cy Staple Stationary.
I. I C. hen Ar Co 27 S Fourth Sweet
Henrv Cohen 3 "
Imxrters of Hosiery, Gloves, Trim
mings and Fancy Goods.
Setley A Severing 2:1 N Thiol Sireel.
Parker & Lehman 3 "
Cunibs, IJrtishcs, I'rooms, iS:c.
Thomas Cooper 3 N I'ront Street.
Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple
A F f t Monrose 1(1 S Fourth Street.
i Mainif;irtiiri r uf Patent I ar.l I nmtn
.tmniiMniinroi latent i.arn j.amps.
'ElisSAtchei 34 N Second St t el.
Manufacturer of Patent Floor and
Furniture Oil Clo'hs.
Lane Macauby, Jr. 6 N Fifth Sirect.
Mannfacliirers nnd Importers of Pa
per Hangings.
IL wi II A' llr.nher HO A 1 42 Cheanul Si .
Phila lelpbis. Angus 21. Ir.l t. m.
TO MLItt IIIVIS &. )l.l.l!I.Ra.
M.vS: .IOS. K. MAULI..
.Vo. :U, Xorth Second Strtet, ( oppotie the
Madison llour,J
WHERE will be fmnd a general a-oit-
. inenl of Florence liraid-, Allrr's, Rui-S!
lands. Peddles, Willow Plait, Rice St aw, and die
much (dmire.l Neapolitan Lace, ami Fancy Don
nets, manufactured by us, and for sale at Ihe loweM
tnanulacluie price. Merchants and Milliners are
invited to give ua a c -It upon visiting the City.
fj N. U. We have sl.n con-Un Iv nink ng our
ti pi i lor hair slid oil . I edgings, ill i.f w huh will
Im' sold cheap, for cash.
Phil. del, his, May 2 1644. ly
II ALZORI.NES. a hand article for Ladies'
Dresse, I, r salts chep. l y
' ia i il .1 i . if m
T II 1) LIVI1G A i 12,
at 12 ciNi.s a auiaata.
rillltS i work composed chit fly of choice sr.
J tides from tl.e Periodical I.iteratttr ot Europe.
Roaton having become the point of communtra
tion with the Old World, snd the intercourse being
now so frequent, we think it the best location for
our office, and believe that such a compilation may
lie issued once a week, from this citv, as wi l be
read with pleasure and profit in, all parts of the
Un'Ord Stairs.
Thk Li vi so Ao w II be conducted in the spirit
of Littcll, Mu-eum of Foreign Literature, (which
was favorably rrcelve d by the pnblic, for the past 20
years,) but as it will be twice ss large, and will ap
pear so often, we shall not only give spirit nnJ
freshness to it by many thing which were eiclu
deJ by a month's delay, but shall also, while thus
rxti nding our scope and gJlheiitig a greater and
more attrac'ivc variety, l-e able to to increase the
so'iil and substantial patt of our literary, historical
and political harvest, as fully to satisfy the Wjnt
of ihe Ameiicsn reader,
Tbe el iborate and stalely Essys of the Edin
burgh, tjuaiterly, and other Reviews; snd Blark- .
wood' ni bin civicism on Poetrv, his kien pnl-ti-csl
Commentaries, highly wrought Tales, snd V vi I
description of rural and mountain Scenery ; and
the contributions to Literature, History and corns
men life, by the ssgsrious Spectator, the sparkling
Examiner, the judicious Athertrum, the busy and
industrious Literiry Ga7.tte, the sen-ible and com
prehensive Itrittnnnia, the sober and respectahla
Christen Observer j these shall le intermixed wiih,
the M lilnry and Naval reminiscence nf Ihe Uni
ted Sorv ce, and with the best articles of the Dub
lin University, New Monthly, Fraacr's, Tan'
Ainworth'. Hood's, and Sporting Magazines, and
of Chamber. admiral le Journal. We shall not
consider it beneath our diunity to barrow wit and
wisdom from Punch; and. when we think it good
enough, shall use the thunder of The Times. YV
shall increase our vatietv by importations from tht
continent of Europe, and from the new growth of
the Rritish Colonies.
Geographical discoveries, the progress ef Col-
ntiaiicn, (which is extending over the whole world.)
and Vovsrcs and Tiavels, will be favorite mslter
for our selections ; and in general, we shall syste
matically and very fully acquaint onr readers with
the greai department of Foreign inTor.
While we sspire to make the Ltviss Aon de
sirable to all who wish to keep themselves infoim
ed of the rapid progress of the movement to
Statesmen, Divines, Lawyers and Physicians to
men of business, and lo men nf leisure it is a still
stronger obj- ct of eur ambition to make it attrac
tive and useful to their Wives and Children. We
believe that we ran thus do some good in our "lay
and generation : and hope to ronke the work indis
ptnsat'le in every well-informed family. We say
indispensable, 1ec .use in Ibis d iv of cheap litera
ture i: is not possible to guard aeainst the influx of
what is bail in - ami vicious in mora's, in anv
other way than by furnisbMic a railiicient supply nf
a healthy diameter. The mental and moial appe
tite must be gratified.
We hope, that, by "winnowing the wheat from
the chalT," by providing abundantly for the ima?in
alion, and by a large collection of Biography, Voy
ages snd Traiels, lli-loty. and mote solid matter,
we may produce a wotk which sh x II be,
white at the same time it w ill aspire to raise the
standard nf publ cta-te.
The Living Age will Ire a large pamphlet, hand
somely ptinted, and stitched in a cover, cont lining
a much matter as an ordinary duodecimo volume,
and upon good type and paper.
Eaih iiuinlsjr sold sepaiately, and with the ustvd
discount to wholesale dealers. Persons at a dis
tance will be rupplird by mail, on their remitting to
us any sum of money thtt may be convenient.
There will be thir y six numbers, making threo
larg-- volumes, in tbe rem lining part ol 1811.
Pi ice of each volume ot twelve numbers will l a
fl SO. Potm-t' r. or other ternns who may
lend us their aid in getting up a subscription list,
will le entitled to four copies of any volume, o i
remitting to us five doll irs. The copies to be ad
dressed as they may order,
US W .isi'itiiitou Sin et, Uoston.
TtTTuiKirrs i'ati'.n t
than thirlv families in this neighborhood, and
has given entire nttsLictioii. It is n simple in its
construction, that it cannot get out of ordi r. It
contains no iron to ru-t, and no piiugs or roll, rs to
get nut of repair. It will do twice as much wsh
ins, with less than halt the wear and leur of an) of
ihe l ite inventions anil wh it is . f greater in pit
tance, it co-ts but little over half as much as other
washing machines.
The nibs, nber hit ihe exeltj-ive right for Nor
thumhciland, I'nioii. L coming, Columbia, Lu
zerne and Clinton counties. Price of single in i
ihtne ti. H. U. M ASsEK.
Tbe following ceitifnate is from a few of ilium
who have ihe-e midlines in use.
Sunbuiy, Aug. 24, l4t.
We, the subscriber, certify that we have now
in ue, in our families, Sluigert's rlenl Wash
ing Machine," and do not Initiate siytng thai it i
a most excellent invention. 'That, in Wa-hing,
it will .ave more than one half the usual labor.
'That it doe not require more than one third the
j usual quantity of so q and water ; and that (hero
I t no rubbing, and consequently, little or no wear-
ing or lea riuj . That it kiuM'ks otTno bullous, and
; that the finest cloihes, such us collars lace, tucks
I frills, Ac, may be washed in a veiy short lime
without tho lensl injutv, and in fact without any
apparent wear and tea', whatevrr. We therefor--'
cheerfully recommend it to our friends and 1 1 the
public, a a most u.cful and labor saving machine,
Hraa'a lloirr, (fornnily Treiuonl H-iuse, No.
116 Cheanul atieet,) Philadelphia, SepteinU r
21', 1M4.
I liuve u. d Shuperl' Patent Washing Machine
in my b"ii e upwards of eight months, and do not
he.iiaie lo lay that I deem it one of tho mo t Use
ful and valuable labor-saving machine ever inven
ted. I fnrmer'y k pt two women continually '
copied in washing, who now do a much in two
days as thry then did in tine week. 'There is no
wtar or tear in wishing, and il requite not moir
than one-thud the u.ual quantity ol snap. I havo
had a iuin.l t r of othti m chine in my lam ly, In t
this is mi decidedly superior l.irvety tbiug else, and
so Inlle halile lo get oul of if pur, that I would n t
do without one il they .hould cost ten limes tho
price lhe aiesold for. D NIEL HE Kit.
Ci LASS by 10, best quality,
J Cm Nsil-. all s res,
r-sll. I the satk and barn I.
11 il and Caps of the bi.t quality.
All f- r al reduced prices, 1 y
Suuburt.Ocl. 2fi, 1814. H. B. MASSE I.'.
'in EiOD LO I'll, a han.Uou.e article, all wool.
hglil and el.'feiic, lot iSummer Ci a and I'anis,
fo- ale, vrry low, by
June IS.
Octoter 2i'uh, 1014. Ijr s ( June 18.
it. D. MASf-ER.