Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 18, 1845, Image 1

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    LTi:iuis of Tin: "iMi;nit'AV"
H. H. MAwKK, 1 Pi Bi iHr.r An
JOSEPH EISKJA'. S PaorniirroHa.
It. It. .W.f.vsi, Editor.
Office in Centre AllvyTin the rear nf 11. D. Mas
ter's Store.)
THE" AMERICAN" i published r very Satur
day m TWO DOLLARS per annum to !e
paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till a i.i airraragr bid paul.
No subscriptions rcreiveil for a loss period thnn
six mouth. All communication or letters on
business relating, to the olfire, to insure attention,
must l.e POST PAID.
I auara I iusertiuii, . 0 0
1 do 3 dt . 0 7ft
I do 3 d. I 00
Every subsequent insertion, 0 M
Yearly Advertisements: one column, J6 half
column,! 18, three aquarra, f IS ( two aquarea, fV ;
one square, f 5. Half-yearly t one column, $18 ;
half column, 12 ; three aquarea, fH ; two squares,
f! ; one square, fi GO.
I A ,l..i ii. .. :,!,.. .n. ..:. ..... .1,.
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions nf the mnjority, the vital principle of Republics, from which there is no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism. Jarraason.
lenqlh uf time they ire to be published, will
continued until ordered out, and charged accord
ingly. QJ-iSixtcen lines make a square.
guiibur-, IVorlliiimbciiaiKl Co. la. Sal nrla, Jan. 1, lir.
Vol. ft Xo. IT Whole IVo, !M5.
rTTTTTTrrrraii s jxhtu e i i u
Manufacturers of
A'o. 11: Market Street,
SNVITE ihe attention of Meicl tuts, Manuf.irs
turrrs, Ac. fcc., to their very extensive, rlc
r,.int, new stork, prepared with grent care, and of-
i red at the lowest possible pnees br cn.
The following narration of Lieut Van Cami-,
will, no doubt, be read with interest by
most of our readers. Many of the incidents
related by bill) must still be fresh in the minds
of some of our old inhabitants :
My first service was in the year 1777, when
I served three months under Col. John Kelly
who stationed us at Rig Isle, on the West Hranch
The principle on which this concern is establish- 0f the Susquehanna. Nothing particular trans
pired during that time, and in March 177", I
ii hp prnici
d, is to conr
.era and ihi
i consult the inulu:.l interest of their cu-tu-
..(.. l.u tii-.iiiifrfrtilrina 1 (T'lOll Hf 1
. . . ' .. i' - I. I umm n iiim.i iiif.ti iii'iiii'iiMiii rii i. rn nn' ml rii civ
c c, selling, it nt me price mr rami, nun , ri - . ....
aliziug ibeir own remuneration, in the amount of : months men. Shortly afterward, 1 was ordered
,drs and quick returns. ! by Cul. Samuel Hunter to proceed with nbotit
Pnssissinn inexhaustible fiirihtira fir manufar- ' '
ire, they are to supply orders to any ex- , twenty men to I ishing Creek, winch empties
"nt, and respectfully solicit the patronage of Mil- into the Susquehanna about twenty miles Irom
hants, Manufacturers and DruletfL Northumberland, and to build a fort about three
. larne assortment ui inc oiyie i.ui
down. When we came to the narrows 1 halted
according to order, until the main body came
up, when the general ordered us to enter the
narrows, observing, "Soldiers, cut your way
through." We did en, and entered the Indian
village and camp at day break but found that
companions to despatch thctn that night, and
urged that they must decide the question. They
agreed to make the trial s but how shall we do
it, was the question. Disarm them titttl each
take a tomahawk and come to close work at once
There are three of us ; plant our blows with
till Parasols.
Philadelphia, June 1. ISIt. 1y
'ou.iii:km' TiiKiioxT norsi:,
o. I Hi C'tirsuut Street,
. . rrilK ii:ilH;iiIHER, recently of
te&J A Readicp, P i., would inform the pub-
ZIV-'D . .1 .1 i ... . . I .... .1. . l. ........
lie inai ue nu inn-n n) .""'c v..,.
Lll&ici. us Bud eonii iiient i slulilislnnenl. nml
ill always be r. ady loelilert in vi-itors. Hie.
'llhed reputmion i i the lii.e. it is hoped, will
ford full assurance, ih.l his kiiisIs will Iw sup
ie.l wi h eveiy r-mifirt mill i.cciiniii. da ion ;
iilst bis bouse will tie endue ed u der sueti hi
liueiuet s rs Will sicu ea ell .r .eter T the first
j miles from 1 1 .4 mouth, fir the reception of its
I inhabitants in ca.e of an alarm from the Indi
I ans. In Mny, my fort being nearly completed,
j our spies discovered a large party of Indians
i milking their way towards the fort. The neigh
! boring residents hal barely lime to fly to the
' fort for protection, leaving their gtMsls behind
The Indians soon made their appearance, and
having plundered and burnt the houses, attack
ed the fort, keeping a steady fire upon us during
the day. At night they withdrew burning and
destroying everything in their route. What
loss they sustained we could not nceitain, as
they carried nil" all the dead and wounded,
tfpousihihty. a' d sxiii-luctorj t i.leiuiiunoiit I'm in though, frutn the marks o( blond on the ground
it must have been considerable. I lie inhabi
tants that took shelter in the fort had built a
viilu.ds and f.on.l i'-.
Cliaruc for buaidinu f I peril y.
Philadelphia. May 2.r, Hit ly
To Comifrv .lScrclianl".
l'alm Leaf Hals.
(1. W. & li. 1A. TAYLOIl,
the birds had flown. We halted a few minutes judgment, and three timesthree will make nine
for our men to refresh themselves, set fire to i and the tenth one we can kill at our leisure,
their village, and having discovered from their I They agreed to disarm thetn, and niter that one
trail that they had gone up the river, followed it take possession of the puns ard lire at the one
about two miles. Here our path lay up a nir-1 side of the lour, and the other two take toma
row ridge, called Hogback Hill, which we te- ' haw ks on the other side and despatch them. I
marked seemed formed by nature for an Indian ! observed that would be a very uncertain way ;
ambuscade. Accordingly every eye was fix- the first shot fired would give the alarm ; they
ed on the bill, and as we began to ascend we would discover it to be the prisoners, and might
V'iril f.r their cattle at the bead ot a small flat
j at a short distance from the fort, and one even
, ing in the month nf June, just as they were
oots, Shoos, lionncts, Leghorn and milking them, my sentinel called toy attention
j to Home movement in the brush, which I soon
i discovered to be Indians, making their way to
'i ..i i .. .i-i .
Ihr. S. :. eon.rr vfMnrht and Fifth .. c""10 J'""- ' "Pre was ,u"c 10
pjjIIjAj3i;i,PHIA, ' immediately selected ten of my sharp shooters
KKER f r m e an i xtenie i t.-oinni nt of the nnd tinder a cover of a rise of laud got between
-'above ar'icl s, u!l ot win. h they sell at unusual. t)rm nm, ip ,ikrrs. On ascending the
li.w iniees. nd paitieul nlv invite the attention
buy. is visiting tl.e eiu , loan . laiienati .n ot ridge we found ourselves within p.stnlshot of
;t,. (i. W. A- L. II. TAYLOR. thnn I fired first, and killed the lender, but a
Philadelphia, May 2; 1S44. 1.V ! volley from my nu n did no further execution,
'.he moan
lirectioii. and
ilioinna lands nf J sse l. : ...
. i..i l .....i unit he ; me uesi runner goi 10 me inn nrsi. me
I'lll'll, .iwil ... gii"" ...... . ...
ap, if application i loaile soon to die sul'seiitu r. season advanced, Indian hostilities increased
Suid'U'y. Aug 31. II. B. MAyH-:jL nj notwithstanding the vigilanceof ourscouts-,
riix M"B;il. The I, igl est price will be ; which were constantly out, bouses were burnt
f riwii li.r Flax feed, by ' and fmnilies murdered. In the summer of 177"
Aiib is) I. II. B. MASShR. i ... .
H - , - - 1 occurred the great massacre at yoining, after
M)IT.(iE I:I1ILKS. 1'ive copies oft e (.t i " ' r'
J (, Bible, ihe cheap. i hook ever published. vl,lcl' the l.overuors of ( oiinectieut, N. i.rk,
nta.niiii! Ihe coti.uu li'ar on llie Old and New and I'cimsylvanin, pet itinncd Congress to adopt
Uiiient. iu-1 lec.iv.U jinl I ..r sue. inr nx ' u .rs ,.(.,v measures for the nrotixtioii of the w est-
y.tllM rim S.H.K. 'I'he small f..rin, ' (he Indians running off at once. In!
cont..inii, abou: 100 acres, about 2 nu'es tim(J t)C mjl, fl(;w j(l tvm, (jrC(. Noithum eil. iinl, i.iljoiinna lands ot J. sse l. : , . , . . " .
j,i,. t:.. ll. u.
. .. i
i DC TO II .1. Ii. M ASS Mil,
RESPEt'TFI'LLY informs 'he i it
CXx --J iei.s of Suhbiiry and ils vicinity, that
tii3 he h s le iioved bis ollice to the white
C-r III Va ket fqt , east of lnl
. I Ii meiil's -I. ue. mi. I inim. d a'l Iv uppo-Ue tl.e
-t oO'ne, where he wil. le happy to receive cad.-
tlie line of bis profcs.-imi
Suiibiiiv, Mv 4h. 114.
I) A V 1 1)
'iitciit Kirt' twA
i : N A . S '
'11 lift" l'roi.f Iron
"iies1s. Slate line! UolVijiPrators,
will) Filters attached when
ZTi.lT.3 V'.TSOlT,
:o. 7(i S-nith third .St., opposite the F.J ehanze,
asu-is. M AM KAlM l l!E and
saw the bushes tremble, and immediately rifles defeat us. I had to yield to their plan.
were presented, and we received a deadly fire, : Pence was chosen to fire the guns, Pike and
by which sixteen or seventeen of the advance ; myself to tomahaw k; we cut and carried plenty
were killed or wounded. We that stood sprang I ot wixsl to give them a good fne ; the prisoners
under cover ol the bank, and for a moment re- were tied and laid in their planes ; after I was
served our fire. Six or seven stout fellows rush- j laid dow n, one of thetn had occasion to use his
ed out with tomahawk and knife to kill and scalp j knife j he dropped it at my feet ; I lurried my
our comrades. It was now cur time to fire ; j f,Kit over it and concealed it ; they all laid down
every shot counted one ; they Itll. lien. Hand and fn-l asleep. Alnuit inidnioht got up am!
now came on at quick step, advanced within a found them in sound sleep. I slipped to Pence,
few rials of them, and ordered his men to fire 1 w ho aro-: ; I cut him loose, and handed him
and then charge them at ihe point of the bay. tP knile ; he did the same fur inc. and I in turn
onet they were siKiti routed and put to fight. tnk the knife and cut Pike loose ; in a minute's
We returned w ith our dead and wounded the tune we disarmed them. Pence took his sta
same night to the camp. We had no further tion at the guns-. Pike and myself with our
opportunity ot coming to a brush with them tin- I toumhowks took our stations; I was to toma
til we were joined with our w hole force under ' haw three on the right w ing, and Pike two on
lien. Clinton. Wo were opposed by the ene- 'he left. That moment Pike's two awoke
my's whole force, consisting of Indians, British, and were getting up; here Pike proved a cow
and Tories, to w hom he gave a battle a little ! ard and laid down. It was a critical moment,
below Newton Point. Our loss was ! I saw there was no time to be lost ; their heads
On the return of the army I was taken with turned up fair; I despatched them in a moment
the camp fever, and was removed to the fort ; flni1 turned to my lot as per agreement, and as
which I had built in '7H, where my father was : ' WB B,Hm' 10 despatch the last on my siiL of
still living. In the course of the winter I re- ,,IC nro' ' M,ce IC ' Bn1 '- execution;
covered my health, and my father' house hov- 'l'rr,; was only one at the oft wing that his ball
ing been burnt in '7S by the party which at- n,,t reach ; his name wn9 Mohawk, a stout,
tacked the before-mentioned fort, my father re- j 'H,',' daring fellow. In the alarm he jumped
quested nie to go with him and a younger bro- : about three rods from the fire ; he saw it
ther to our furm, about four miles distant, to was the prisoners that made the attack, giving
make preparations for building another, -and ,',e war-hoop, he darted to take possession nf
raising some grain. But little apprehension 'be guns ; I was quick to prevent him ; the eon
was entertained from molestations from the In- 'est was then between him bh.1 myself. As I
dians this season, they had been so completely raised my tomihawk, he turned qu:ck to jump
routed the year before. We left the fort about from me ; I followed him, stiuek at him, but
the last nf. March, accompanied by my uncle and missing his head, my tomahawk struck in his
his son, about twelve years of age, and one IV- , shoulder; or rather t'le hick of his neck ; lie
ter Pence. We had been on our farms about I pitched forward and fell; and the same time
or 5 days, w hen, on the morning of the MOth of : my foot slipped, and 1 fell by his side; we clinch
March, we were surprised by a party often In- ed : his arm was naked ; he caught me around
dians. My father w as tuiip-d through with a , my neck, at the same time I caught him with
war spear ; his throat waseiit nnd he wassealp. my left arm around the body, ami gave him a
ed, while my brother was tnmiihuw ked, scalped close hug, nt the same time feeling li.r his knife
and thrown into the tire before my eyes. While "nn!d not reach it.
I was struggling with a waiiior.lhe fellow who ! In our scuffle my tomahawk dropped out.
hud killed my lather drew his trnm his My head was under the wounded shoulder, and
bndv and made a violent thrust at ni. 1 shrunk almost sutlocated me with his blood. I made
war should he carried into the enemy's country, ' from the spear, and the savage who had hold of a violent sirini', and broke from Ins hold ; we
and a company of rangers raised for the defence nie tureed it with his hand so that it on'v pen- both rose at the same tune, nnd he ran ; it look
of the frontier. In 177!. General Sullivan was 'et rated mv vest and shirt. Thev were then ".e some tune to clear the blood from mv vs ;
s nt w ith an army into their country. 'I'he pro- satisfied w ith tuking nie prisoner, as they had my tomahawk gut covered up, and I could not
vision for the supply of the army were purchased the same morning taken my uncle's little son find it m time tooiertalie him ; he was the nn-
in the settlements along the watets nt the Sus. and Pence, though they killed my uncle. The ly one nf the party that escaped. Pike was
qnehuniia, and deposited in More houses. I same party, before they reached us, had touch- powerless. I always luve had a deference to
was pppoiuted under the title of quarter-master, ! ed on the lower settlement of Wyoming, and christian devotinu. Pike was try ing to pray,
to superintend this business, and by the middle killed a Mr. I'pson, and took a lmy prisoner of ""d Pence swearing t him, charging him w ith
nf July, by means of boats, hid collected all the , the name of Rogers. Wc were now marched cowardice, and saying it was time to pray
From the Thila. Ledger.
Delivered hy the Rev. Mr. Clvrhr; Hector of
St. Andrew t l.piacopal Church.
Mr.nsns Editors : I observe, with pleasure,
that you have commenced reporting and pub
lishing sermons. And there is a two-fold ad
vantage connected with this new undertaking;
it tends, first, to the dissemination of Christian
principles, and secondly, enables readers at a
distance to enjoy the discourse which they are
unable to hear delivered.
I have taken the liberty lo send you a few
remarks of the Itev. Mr. Clark, (Rector ofSt.
Andrew's Episcopal Ch'irch,) which he made
in his discourse of last Sunday morning, with
he hope that you would give them a place in
the columns nf your widely circulated paper.
In the course of his sermon he remarked that
he was discoursing on an unusual topic, and
that might object to its being introduced
into the pulpit ; but when he saw that the ten
dency nf Christians, and persons openly profes
s:nrr themselves such, in these days of traffic
and gain, were uch as to disgrace themselves
in their calling and nflending their God, he felt
himself justified in his cnurse, and sought to
prevei t the increase nf the dishonest means that
such men used in their secular business.
With these prefatory remarks, I remain
Yours, Ac, F. D. A.
em frontier, which subject was referred to a
eommitte nf Coiigrejs and General Washing
ton. The committee recommended that the
provisions nt Wyoming, where General Sulli
van, with his army, lay waiting far them.
Alton, the last nf July our army moved tor
T.oga Point, w here a fleet of boats ascended the
river parallel with the army. Wc reached
rfifillfJiar' " ; ;rcelel rued V and Pr.tvi.
IfiSlSa,! iKi C, obrsioid Patent Pn-
hW&M v tlninii
ii-.Jr.... V. ..I Tl,i..l lr...,l t.
'llllllllll I O M
;iie-t-, for fre-ervKIH
iAVi1 "". Tapers IJ. .ls, J. weiv,
Mlv. r, c, Ac., iiuile
Noil r r..i.d mil ovi r Pl.uik as ll'in ty-fivd
ntl up Pishing Creek, and ill the afternoon of ought to tight; we wire master ot the
the same day we came to Huntington, where "round, and in possession of all their guns,
the Indiana found four white men at a suoar- bhiukt Is, mulebeoats, & c. I then turned my
camp, who fortunately discovered the Indians attention to scalping (hem, and recovering the
and tied to a house ; the Indians only fired up- scalps of my father, brother, and others, I strung
... ... . . i. ..... ... , I. .
Tioga (iint ear'y in August, where we halted ! on them and wounded a Captain Ransom, when mem all on my bell lor suie-Keeping. v o Kepi
fur Gen. Clinton to join us with his brigade, they continued their course till night. Having our grmmj till iiiorning, and built a raft, it be-
which came by Ihe way nf Mohaw k river, and encamped and made their tire, we, their prison- ing near the bank uf the river w here they had
so into Like Otsr go. During this time the In- er, were lied mid well seeun d, liv e Indians ly- encamped, about fifteen miles below Tiogt
diuna were collecting in considerable force at j ing on one side of us, and five nn the other ; in Point ; w e got all our plunder on it, and set
Chemung, a large Indian vi'hige about 11 miles ! I tie morning they pursued their course, and, sail for Wyoming, tl.e nearest settlement. Our
hii'her un As they became troublesome nei-'h- I leovingthe waters nf 1 islnng ( reek, touched Ihe rati gave w ay, wben we ma.!e lor limit, ami we
.1 of every one hundred i...t in use and tor sh- " niin ruiitcuiplabed an attack upon ! head waters of Hemlock Creek, where they lost considerable properly, though we saved our
; wiade.) eh first rate Locks anil Davi, I h.vans i
lent Kevhide ;.vr. similar lo ihe one it- them, hut wished to ascertain their nun. her and bund one Abraham PiVe, his wife and child, guns and ammunition, and took to laud: wc
at the Philadelphia r.xchainir. foMlnec uths .ituation. and selected me for that dangerous
the summer ..flsli, !,... all the Keys we.e .1 , , .,.,.,. Ulyself an Indian dress,
city l.t be used, and ihe h.-st not os-ii.'.l. al- , '
oiiiih ihe rp. rirn-iil was lii.d I y at least 15(10 breech cloth, leggins and moceusins. My cap
.-rsoris. Ou' of ihe same Lurks was ii ied by j pIM supply of leathers, and being piinl-obla-rs,
at il.e Delaware Coal Oilier in Walnut () j( n(lian , , (), wj, ,, ,., ,ro.
reel, above Th id. Isit diJ not succe. it. , ' , . ,. .
lloisiiiiK Ma. bi...s. Ir. n Doors. suerioi I ed in the same manner. W e left the camp at
,((k, and all kinds .,! lion Rail us. Seal "d t'o- ; ter dark, and proceeded vv ith much caution until
.yiciB Picssrs, and Suiuhwoik i n. rally, on hand I wj ca1e ,u ,,e (;ieinuilg, which v supitosed
would be strongly guarded. We ascended the
inoiiutHin, crossed over it, and came in view uf
their fire, when having defended the bill, we
waited quietly, until they lay dow n and got to
r lDuufi.lijf-l ill tliv shortest notice
fj- CAT TION I do tirre'-y caution all per.
on ag .inst u-iuK, m-IIilk, or causing lit
aold, any Kryhole tlovris for Fire Proof Chi sis.
or Door of any Vin.l sinulai in piindple t my
Patent, of ltbh July. 1811. and also aK ni si LinuiR ! sleep. We then walked round their camp,
UrfrhveraloM with Male, lor wh ell HIV Palrlit l
dated ifith Man h. 114, as any infiiiigeiiiriit will
be -'rait wi;h according lu law.
PhiU.lelj.hia, 13, 1814 ly
ltll iSS I I cloc ks.
Mill E subscriber baa just iK-rived, for sale, a frw
M. of the above celehraied Eifiht Day Clocki,
which will be sold at very reduced prices. f..r cash.
Alan, suta?rior 80 hour Clm-is, of the tst make
and quality, which will be sold for ca-h, at $1 60.
Also, upfi. Brass 30 hour Uoika, at iM "t.
Dec. 2, ' ni-ir.Br.iv.
"sJ l'ONE WAKE f -r sale.
3 St.ine Jugs, from t quart lo 3 galUna,
ful Kmu Jars, from 3 to 6 sa'l""- for sale,
cheap, by Oct. M H- U. MA8SEH.
counted the fires and the numler of Indians al
some of the fires, thus forming an estimate ot
their number, which 1 took to be six or seven
hundred. I returned and having made my re
port to the General early next morning, I went
to my tent, spread down my blanket, and had a
refreshing sleep. In the afternoon Major Adam
Hoopea, one of the General's aids, requcbted
me to wail upon the General, which I obeyed.
The latter requested, as I had learnt tho way
to Chemung, that I would lead the advance, ho
having selected Gen. Samuel H ind, f the
Pennsylvania line, to make them a with
eleven hundred men. I accepted the service,
and we took up our lino U march after nun- was made prisoner, hut his wife and child reached Wy.iliising late in the afternoon. Ci
they piiinte.l and told Jogga, squaw, go home, j to tin- narrows, discovered a smoke below, and
They continued their course that day, and rn- a rail laying at tl.e shore, by which we were
camped the came night in the same as certain that a party of Indians had passed li
the prev iisis. It came into my mind that some, i in the course nf the day, and I. a. I hulled tor the
times individuals performed wonderful actions, nioht. There was no alternative for us but to
and surmounted the greatest dangers I tlieo rout them, or l' nver the mount liu ; tl.e snow
decided these fellow s must die ; and thought nf ,.n the north side of the hill was deep; we j
the plan to despatch them. The next day I had 1 knew from the appearance nf llie rati that the
an npxirtuuity ol communicating my plan to my pirty mu-t be small ; we hid twu rifles each;
fellow-prisoners ; they treated it tia a visionary I ,y lU,y fmr was P. ke's cowardice. Token
scheme for three men to attempt to despatch ' i,e worst nt it w e no reed lb it I should as
ten Indian.). I spread before them tho advanta- certain Iti.-ir number and give the Mgnil I'.r
gea that three men would have over ten when i attack : I crept di.w u the sule ot the hill, so
asleep; and that we would bo the first prison- j near as to see their tires and packs, but snw no
era that would be taken into their tow ns and vil- j Indians. I concluded that they had gone hunt
lages after our army Iwd destroyed their corn, ! ing for meat, ui.d that this was a good otK,r u
that w e should be lied to the Make and sutler ! nity for us lu make nil" w ith thei- raft to the op-
"Man sneth forth unto his work and his labor
until the evening.'' f'ttilm civ, 23.
This is a brief epitome of human life. Man
ariseth in the morning of lile, and laboreth un
til the evening nt his days, when he goeth unto
his last home. The world wc live in is admi
rably adapted to our existence. If there were
no cuise resting upon us, then would this
world be a perlect one. Ih.t in the fall of man,
when his sentence was pronounced, "in the
sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread," this was
a sentence ot the most merciful naturethat could
have been rendered against the whole family
of man, since we w ell know, when having no
thing to occupy ourselves with, how heavy time
hangs upon our lining
If the earth brought forth fruit spontaneously;
if there were an eternal spring when '.he soft
winds breathed their refreshing nnd balmy
breezes over us, instead of the hot simoom or the
piercing blasts of a frozen region ; if the fruit
and the blossom should be seen on the same
stalk, and man had nothing to do but to pluck,
eat and be satisfied, then would the occupations
of the agriculturist and the tiller of the ground,
the mill-wright and the produce merchant, be
at an ml ; there would be no need for their aid
in our gettmgnur tiaal. So vv th the artificer,
and In' that worketh in brass and iron; they
wi nld be superseded by the hnuntifulneFS ofna-
ture ; the instruments needed by the farmer
and the miller would no longer have their use.
All traffic and barter would cease, it such were
the ease ; i( thf earth and sea produced food
simnttiieoiisly , mr.ii would relapse inloindolence
and he unhappy. I Cut in the dispensation under
which we live the reverse ef the above is our
In', and, in the language of the psalmist, "Man
goeth hutr. unUi his work and to hits labor until
the evening "
It is our piirxse to show the three different
hisiiioiis which should influence men in their
daily vocations.
1. Mill ihould liure an honest business :
and men should choose such a business or pro
fossion at which they can labor without doing
.. tliers any injury. I n some occupations, as, for
instance, a maker and vender of poisuns, or ar
tieles'nt a poisonous nature, which are exten
s.velr and daily made use nf in the arts, he is
not blamealile if some nf Ins goods arc used by
the murderer nr suicide ; hut if in his manner
nf disposing nf tip-in In- is not cautious, or does
not give the purchasers warning of their des
tructive elfect!', then trade in the luxuries nf
lite ; and I, t'. r my part, cannot see any objec
tion to tins tiatV.e, for it i difficult to say where
cointoi t end and Insures begin. The com-
I li.rts which many people enjoy in the present
j civilized state nf hie would be rendered by the
i untutored savages as the very exuberance of
luxuries ; and so would tl.e pleasures of a moil
hu'Ii's I among the most civilized and enlight
ened nuti. in. of the eurlh.
J M u sAou. .A n Au stty with oneanot'rr.
chances out of a hundred the money so bori ow
ed u il! never be paid. If the person borrowing
were only to tell his friend the position in which
he stands, so that he would lend him the money
with his eye? open, then in case where he to pay
it or not, as he is able or unable, it makes litilo
difference in the sight of God ; but when a man
seeks pecuniary aid from another, when tie
knows that he is unable to pay, and the other
is not aware of the fact, it is downright perspec
tive larceny. Another species of dishonesty ia
what is generally termed "driving a hard bar-
fiain ; where one man tramples under toot the
other, already bowed down under the afflicting;
hand ot the Almighty, and adds misery to tho
poverty-stricken ; where the opulent man op
presses the poor mini more than lie would his
rich neighbor.
There is also a subject on which 1 will briefly
touch, and that ia Ri pudiiition. This, of lata
years, is a blot on our country's fair fame. Whe
ther it is by a State, or corporation, or compa
ny, it shows a want of morals ; and id sufleieJ
to be countenanced, what will prevent persona
in their every-day business from doing the samel
The depreciation of the state of public morals ia
national disgrace ; every man who desires his
peace of conscience sIkhiIi! never repudiate hid
just debts ; w hen he does that, his peace of con
science is at an end.
3. Srriifiir businff shoittd not only be Ao
nest, but the acquisition vf wealth should be
regarded as coming from God. The transac
tions of every-day life in which w e are occupied,
are somehow connected w ith our eternal wel
fare. And if prosperity smiles upon us, we
should render thanks for it to God. When man
La9 toiled for months nnd years to gain wealth,
and then withdraws himsi If from his business
to enjoy the riches tie I as amassed, lie ehould
not regard it alone as his i arnings, but that a
Higher Power has leen pleased to aid him in
his acquisition.
And here I would remark of the vile spirit of
speculation w hich has of late years sprung up
in our midst. Some pot weory of acquiring
wealth by degrees ; they looked fot s-otne sudden
metlod of getting tidies ; they used to regard
every moment as wasted if they were not em
ployed in buying and selling ; bjt now they
embarked their all on a frail bark, which to-day
would rise and to-morrow sink on the fluctua
ting waves of speculation. God has ordered
that mankind sitould toil for his daily food ; but
now this, spirit of speculation is a perversion of
God's purpose, and should be looked upon as
such. To day the speculator cannot count his
money, he is so wealthy ; to-morrow he has not
wherewith to purchase his bread. Nor is thii
the case w ith a few only -, the community at
large sutlers by it. Witness, for cximple,
man borrowing capital from some corporation
and engaging in speculation ; he watches tho
rise and fall of the market with feverish anxie
ty ; is not satisfied with slight or moderate giin,
but waits to make his fortune ; the moment at
last arrives when he thinks his wealth enor
mous, but instead of counting his thousands, ha
finds himself a ruined man. The corporation
he has borrowed of suffers am! becomes bank
rupt, and the many who contributed to raise the
capital have lost their all. Tl.e portion of the
fatherless and the widow is swallowed up, and
their wailing cries resound, ay, and will re
sound, in that last Great lhy, when the secrets
of men's hearts are opened by the Great and
Impartial Judge. Rich people by th a means,
are reduced to beggary; and who are benefitted!
for money once acquired in this way too o'en
is lust in the same manner. These spasmodic
fluctuations injure the country and pave the
way for its ruin. Oh, what a change would
come over society if mankind would only toil
j honestly and regularly. Men may labor for
wealth in this world, but when they die what
! w II their riches avail them ' they cannot car.
J ry them beyond the grave they must leavo
them behind for others to enjoy. Let every on:t
here present resolve to commence the now year
with determinations t't be governed by ho'ierl
principles, and while laying up treasures upon
earth, also lay up treasures in heaven, where
neither moth nr rust doth corrupt, and where
thieves do not break through unrtteul.
a cruel deuth ; we had now an inch of ground
to fight on, and ifwc failed it would only bo
death, and we might as well die one way as an
other. That day passed away, and having en
camped for the night, we lay as before. In the
morning we came to the river, and saw their
canoes : they had descended the river and run
their canoes up little Tunkhannock creek, so
called ; they crossed the river vid set their ca
ncca adult. I micvu'J toy Ui,'i;e.'liens 'u iny
fxiieide ol the river.
To be ( mtiiiur d J
I'll go eet cannon,
Said Governor Shannon ;
You may go and begone,
.Said Heiior U.joo. Bust. Chra.
Ilepe is like a rock in a hot e'imate the
Jiadow id worth more than tho rubMunie.
'o one 'A ho is a Christian, nr professes himself
one, should lake nn undue) advantage over bis
neighbor. Tor instance, if I should be making
a sale wilhaome person, and I knew more about
the vvurthh-rsiiess nt the article than ho was a- j agree with him' lu had takeu the liberty to pre
Nor It i ii. A Methodist preacher, expouiid
! ing on his own authority, in a country village.
remarked that "commentator did not agree
with bun" Next day he received a basket uf
kidney patutue troiu one of the rustic disciples,
who remarked that "since common laturt. diii'nt
ware of, and if I did nt tell him nfit.and were
to receive Ins money, I would be doing a disho
nest act. But if it w a merely my ow n conjec
ture or opinion that to-morrow the article would
tall in value, it would not be dishonesty on my
part, fur be would have his eyes as much open
ed as my own, and aller all I might bo mista
ken. It is where one Mian take thu advantage
over the other that it beeninesduhniiesty. A
not her prevalent kind of disboneiy, is where
one person on the eve of bankruptcy borrows of
uenther, when ho knows that in nincty-nui
Mint linn with is.ine best kidney lutur.'
A Poskii The Providence Gazette asks
"If a man get loo lazy to draw- bis last breath
can he die .'"
Seeds are like faithful friends. We never
discover their uiei it till thty are Lid urn! r
Prisons who are much exciU'd in the pu .
suit of gold, may beaid to have iheyc bw five.