From the Factory Gill's Garland. TUB CHOICE. "Well Franlt, who was that Inly I nw yon rsenttina; home Inst evening 1 mid Henry Wil li to his friend Prink Hervey, ns they mot one Monday mornin? ner Frank Hervey' office. Was it the pretty factory girl I have heard yon epeak of to often V 'I hardly know what you mean by pretty' said Frank, 'it waa a factory girl, and although I do not consider her handsome, I highly es teem her. 'I don't doubt it,1 said Henry ; 'but one thinp puzzles me, Frank, and that is how you, a law yer, with wealth and talent, should be go taken with a factory girl you, who might aspire to the hand of the mort wealthy and fashionable I jdy in the village, throw yourself away on a poor girl who is obliged to work in a factory.' Tome, Henry, said Frank, it is no puzzle why 1 should marry a girl who I esteem, res pect and love ; to you it may appear different. Neither can I see why you attach respectabili ty totio word lawyer ; I regret that the com mand of my father made it imperative on me to study a profession, at which 1 can never prac tice ; and as for your fashionable ladies, I would not give a farthing for any of them, thry are v liinly unfit for wives; as the decoration of ihuir own person requires all their time, tin y of course, have none to bestow on their husbands. iMy choice is made, and I can assure you it is a good cne.' 'It may be,' said Henry, but I doubt it.' Frank entered the office, and sat with his Land raeting on his head for half an hmr, in deep meditation. Ho loved Sarah Rockwell and he waa beloved in turn he felt she pos "sscd all those qualities which would render him happy, and though her parents were poor, und dependent on '.ut for their support, be de termined to marr her, and devote a portion of his wealth to supply the wants of her parent. With these feelings he called at her boarding house in the evening, and on entering the sit ting room found her alone, engaged in reading. She listened with apparent composure to hisof f'ers of marriage, but without giving him an an twer, enquired : 'Are you certain, Frank, you will not regret having married one whom the world esteems so far below you V 'No,' said Hervey, 'the opinion of the world to me is nothing, I souk happiness.' It is hardly necessary to say that Frank's of fer was accepted. At his request an early day was set for the marriage, and Surah, after re ceiving '.he consent of her parents, left the mill to make the necessary preparation. A few days after, Hervey and Willis again met each other. Well, Frank,' said Henry, 'I have at lastob timed the object of my fondest wishes the pro tniseof the hand of the rich Miss Whitney ; af ter being satisfied that she could not get you, she consented to take me. I am obliged to you, I HB-ure you her father is aaid to be worth $-10,000. 'It uppears to me,' said Frank, 'you think more of the monry than the lady ! 'Perhaps I do,' said Willis ; but the is rathrr handsome ; at any rate, 'fine feathers make fine birds' you know.' About two months after, the following notice appeared in the Village Chronicle, under the head of Marriages In this village, Frank Hervey, Etq , to Miss Sarah K. Rockwell." And dirpct'y beneath it "Henry Willis, K-q., to M-m Julia Ann, on ly daughter of Hon. Charles Whitney." We will now, if it pleases the reader, slipo ver a half a dozen years, merely stating that Mr. Willis had removed to Philadelphia, and Mr. Hervey had taken up his residence in a lit tle village in Maine, twenty or thirty miles dis tjnrefrom Portland. Business of importance called Mr. Hervey to Philadelphia, and he resolved to call on his old acquaintance, Mr. Will s. He found him at his couuting-rooii), almost worn down with the cares of bu.-iness, rendered doubly burthensouie by recent losses. He accepted an invitation to sup wall him, and accompanied him to his re sidence. Here Mr. Hervey could not help con trasting his own quiet home, with the arrange ment's at Mr. Willi'. His wife was preparing tu attend a fiifcliioiiuble party, the servants were in an uproar in the kitchen, and two children crying at the top of their lungs in the chamber over the sitting room ; and it was with much difficulty that Mr. Willis could obtain supper for himself and his frit-ml. Mr. Hervey left for his home, pleased with his good judgment in making choice of a factory girl, intlead of a 'I'ubhiunuble lady,' for his wife. A barber in Washington being prcrsed very hard to tell w hither he was for Jackson or for Clay, answered, 'Sir, I shavve loth sides.' lie was a fence man. 'Will you hive me, Sully !' said a younf man the other day to u misled girl. 'vo John,' aid lie 'hut y hi may lone me il you will. 'Well, I don't think us how I kliiill.' Camiso. It is possible that a wise and jrcsxl man may be pnvaili.d on to came; bin it is im possible that a professed gamester should be a wibe find good inun. l.avatir. Dean Swift says "It is wilU narrow t nv led people as w.tli narrow necked bot tles, the mi ihey have in them the more noise thty tuake in pouring it out. II A IV It NOTE LIST. rrx.vstXTAXii. The f illowing hsl shows the current value, of nil rViinsylvrmia Hank Notes. The nwt implicit re liance in iv I placed upon it, as it i every week .arcfolly compared with at d corrected fiout Bick nelfs Uepnrler. , llnnli In Philadelphia. N.M. Location Wi.c-in NOTKS AT P A 1?. Bank of North Atonies , , pnr Rank of thp .Northern Liberties , . pnr Commercial II ink of Peon's. . , pur Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . . par Kensington It ink , , , par Philadelphia Dunk , . . pur Schuylkill Hunk . . , pur Southwark Hank , ... pnr Western Bank . . . pnr Mechanics' Monk . . par Manufacturer' A Mechnnics' Dank pnr Country IlanUs. Bnnk of Chester County Westchester Bank of Delaware County Chester par par par par par par par Bank of Oermaiibwn Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylcstown Hank Easton Bunk Farmers' Hank of Rucks co. Office of Hank of Pcnn'a. (Jerninntown Norris'nwn DoylcsfoWll li. si. in Bri-lol Hairisbuig" These Lancaster i offices K"ti iitj fil.i not Easton J issue n. D IS coir NT. Ollice Office Office do do do N O T E S do do do AT Rank of the l'nite.1 States flank of I'enn Township . (Vard Bank Moynmcnsing B ink Bank of ''eons' Ivanii Miners' flunk of Potlsville Hank nf Lewistown Bank of M.ddlotown Bank of Nnrihnmhctlnnd Columbia Bank & Hridge co. Carlisle Bank Cxehange Hank I). d. branch of Farmers' Bank of Lancaster' Lancaster County Bank Farmers' Bank of Heading flairUhurfj Bank Lmcas'er Bank Lebanon Hank Merchants' A: Manuf. Bank Hank of Pittsburg Weal Binnch Bank Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank links Cnuiitv Hank Office of Bunk of C. S. I). do do Do do do Kensington Suv. Ins. A Pcnn Township Sav. Ins. Hank of Chamhcrsbtirg Bank of (icltysburg Hank of Susquehanna Co, Crie Bank Farmers' A. Drovers' Bank Fiankliu Bank llolicstlale B .nk Mouoiiguhcl Bank of B. York Bank Philadelphia 25 "V pnr par j 'i 1 par par t i i par p.,r pai Potisville Lewistown Middlctown Northumberland Columbia Carlisle Pittsburg Holhduvshuig Lancasiei Lancaster Heading Harrishurg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pillshuig Willinmsport Wilkesburie Allentown i i 1 Reading Pittsburg failed do I, lie New Brighton to do Chamhcrtdiuig (ettysbuig Mont lose Erie V'nvpesburg Washington Honesdale Brownsville York do I 3d 2 U M 1 N. B. The notes of those banks on which we ainit quotnlions, and substitute a dah ( ) ore nol purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception of those which have a letter of r- fertnee. B II O K E N B A N K S. Philadelphia iSuv. Ins. I'luladi I) hia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do f.iiltd Manual Labor Biiiik (T. W Dvotl, iirniO falleil I owamla Hank TownndH Allegbany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatura Bunk of Wushington Centre Hunk City Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Hank Farmers' & McchW Bank Fanners' & McchYs' Hunk Harmony Insiilutc Huntingdon Bunk luniata Hank lumbermen's Hunk Ni.rlhern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. limine Co. Norlhumli'd Union Col. Hk. Noith Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. fc Maliuf. Hunk Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Peun'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Heaver Jlarrisburg Wa-liiugtoii Hell, fontc PltlsliUlg Piithburg Fayette co. tireencast e lliirmony no sale closed chtt-ed failed luseil no sale failed failed failed no sle lliililiug.loll no rale LenMou no sale W.irieu U.iiul.ilV New Hope Milton Meadtilld failed no bale closed no sale closed Port Cniboil Carlisle failed Monti. so closed Uiiinlitown failed (ireeiisbiirg closed Wilkesburre no sale Wilkesbarre Budge Co, iXj" All notes purpoiling to he on any Penn-yl-vnnia Bank not given in the ubovu In t, inuy be el Jown as frauds. m:iv ji:i:m:y. Hank of New Biuuswick Delvideie Hank Uuilingtoti Co. Hank Commercial Hank Cumberland Bank runnels' Hank furimrs' and Mechmiics' Ilk f'arnurs' and Mechanics' Hk Farmers' mid Meri hants' lik Franklin Bank of .V J. Brunsw iek Hclvidcre MedlorJ Perth Am' toy Hridgeioii Mount Holly luiliw ay N. Hiiinsw ii k Mid lb tow ii 'i. failed , 4 par . i ! par ! failed ! i fliled lad.d failed j failed ! laded 4 ; failed ' i pur ; Jcr-ey City Hoboken Bkgvc Ciaziug Co I lob . ken lersey City 11 ink Ji isey City Mrchuuii' Bank Manufuiuri rs' Hank Morris County Bank Monmouth Hk of N. J. Michaniis' Bank Mechanick' and Manuf. Hk Morris Canal and Bkg Cj' Post Notes Patterson Belleville Morn-tow n Fieehold Newaik Trenton Jeibey City no kale Newark Bkg & Ins Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Maiiufac. and Bkg C N J PrVtecion & Lombaid I k Orange Bank Paterson Bunk Peoples' Bank Piuicilon Bank Sulem Banking Cu Stale B ink State Hunk Sluto Hank Slate Bank of Morrih Jiiule Bank Sulem and Philud Manuf Co Sussex Hank Newaik Lambeits illd Hoboken Jersey Cry Orangu l'atersou i i faded tailed i failed 4 do Piinct ton Salem Newaik Eluuhcihlown Cuindcu Monisiown Trenton Sulcui New Ion Trenlou Dover llackcusick par pur i I pur 1 failed full, d 1 pur i fuihd par par par par par par pur par par I Trenton Hanking Cu Cuioii Hank I Wu.biiigtoii Hanking Co. ii:iyiivaiu:. HkofWihntV Brundywint Wilmington Hunk ol Delaware Dunk of bmy rna Do blanch Wilmingtou Sinyina MilturJ Fanners' Ek of State ef Del Dove I Do brunch Do brunch Do brunch I'nion Hank nV I'ndei .V Wllminpton (eorgelown Newcastle iliinnl.m dj- ()n all banks marked thus () there tre eis llier cuu'nle ftil or slttred nots of lbs VAr.out Js iioiiiinuiioi.t, in vircuUtimi. OAKLEY'S ii:ii ii iTivi: si nt r. rlHK vahiab'n properties nf Oakley's Depws l live Syrup nf Suranparilla, as a purifier of ihe blood, is so well known to the. public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much space in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use ; wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it takes precedence over all others : eveiy one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, thai it is recommended by them w'nh the umogt confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it ..,..,-, r .mr, deb terious. but being composed of the must mild, yet rlhcicious vegetable materials, it is olb red wiih confidence, as the cheilites! and most efficient pu. rifier of the Idood now known. The use of a few hollies, especially in Ihe spring months, will be at tended iih a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health nml vig. r to the body. For the cure of S, rolula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eiuptioni nf the Skin, White dwelling, F'slula, Chronic Cough, tee. The nu merous cemfica'es in the possession of the subscri ber ami his agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to conv rice the m.'S! skeptical of i:s su periority over all preparations of Bars ipatil'a. S..M nbole-nle and retail, bv the proprietor, CEOIMiE W. OAKLF.Y, North flh street, l!ea ding, B' iks County, and to bo of the following pet sons : In Korthumherhind Vuunty.W. B. Masv, Stinbury ; bclind iSt Mixel, McEivciisville ; I) Krauser. Milton. In Union County. J. flenrhart, Selinsgro-e : A. Cuti litis, Miflltnburg. In Columbia County. K. W. MrCay, Wash itigton. R.ading. March 14. Ma. Oakist: I believe it the utv of every one lo do wlwlcver in tin ir power I ic, for iho b no. fitnt'llieir follow 1110, and having bad po-bivc proof in mv own f.itndv. of the wmnicifiil properties of your Diptirativo Syrup of Satsnparilla, I m st cnnsvieiitiou-lv recommend it to the afUn teil. We had the inbfoitiine .i .se two of our children, by the breaking out nl ulcerous sores that covered the face, bend and neck, although we had some if thf most -eieutil'ic physicians to tit'end til m and had ttied all the known leu.e.'.ie. including Swaim ' Panacia, without avail. Another of my cliildri-n was attacked in the same in. inner, face and neck wa cori p'elely Covered; the d siharge was so offensive, and ibe disease at such a begin, lliut we despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depnralivp Syiup ot S osannriil 1. we wete iudiicid to make dial of it. as the lal n sort ; it acted like a cbarni ; the 11 csrs commenct d healing immediately . dw bottles entiielv restored lit r to In r be.ilih, vhieh she base joyed unintertU tedlv eer since. A a puiifier ol the bloi d,I verily be In ve it has nut its equal, JOHN MOVER, T.ilor, Walnut street, near Fouilh, Brading. Douglanvitle, April 19th. Mn. Oaklft: My son Edmund Leaf, had the scrofula in ihe most drcadiul and di-ties-ing man ner for tl.rte yeas, doting which time he wis de prived of the use nf his timba, his he id and neck were covered with ulcers. We Iried all the dilV-r. ent remcdii s, but lo no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown, and also Dr. Isaac lliisler, ol Heading, to Use your Dc Uralivc Syrup of Sarsapnrilln, of w hich I obtained seveial bonles. the use of which d'ove the di-ea-e emin Iv out of his system, the s ite be di d up, and the child was restored lo perfect health, which be has eeioved uninterruptedly evi r sii ee, to the asl. n shmeiii ot many peisons who seen I im du it g his nfllictlon. I have thought il mv du'y. and send y "U Ibis ceili ficate that others who haves like ulllielioii in the fimily may know where to nbtum so valuable a medicine. Youts tui'v . AMELIA I) LEAF. Si pi. 10, l:ty Olllltt'l f cilCI h' DEATH BLOW. rl"Mie pu' lie will please observe that no Hraiiilreth Pil's are genuine, unless ihe box has ihree l i bels upon it. (the lop, Ibe si 'e and the bolt un) chi h containing a f ic- simile signature of my hand writing, thus H. I! li v i. a Tit, M. D. These la. brl ate engraved oil steel, beautifully designed, I nud done ut an expense of over f'i.OnO. Tin refoie . it w ill lie seen that the only thing nree-saiy to pro I cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these lulirls. Kemein'ii T the top, the side, and the bottom. The following u'spcclive persons are duly uuthi ri zed, and hold CEnTiriOATrs or agency Foi the sale of Urandrrih'n Vegetable Unieersal I' ills. ' j North tin berlat d county : Milton Mickey A j Chatiibeilin. Sunliiiry II B. Masser. M'Ewens- ville liel ind iV Mem II. Northuiiil eiland Win j Forsyth, flcoreelowu J. & J. W ills. ' Union ('unity: New Herbn Bogar A' W'n ; Ii r. Se!insgroe tleorge (mi ml rum. Mid.'le- ; burg Isaac Smiih. Iieaver'owii David Ilubh". . Adanitbutg in. J. May. Millliiisbuig Mensch Huy. Il.ellitiui Daniel Long. Fretbuig i IS. A F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls A IJreen. ' t 'oluinbi i -i. i,t y ; D oiille E. H. lieynoids A Co. Berwick Miuinuii vt I! Henhouse. Ca' I a '.v ipsa C, (,'. Hrobts. Blooinsburg John K. Mover. JeiscyTown Livillisel. Washington 1 Kolit. MiCuy. Limestone Hath-' h. V:n ch. j Oliseive that each Agent has an I'ngrjv.d far- tilicate of Agencv. containing a repies. iitaiion of j Hr URANDKE I ll's M mufaciorv at Sing Sn.g, 1 a... I .,t, ..11 uhi..K u III a'.., I.u ..I llie nrai luheis naw m.sci iion the Itrandrtlh I'ill Hoxe. Phil'idelphia, office No. ft, Ninth 8th street. B. BltANDIiETH. M. D. June 21ih. lsi:t. c ii Y fi'iin rrritK Arcnox, AND PIIIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nus. "J! IU .uiili Tliiol Sln-'ft, Near the City Hotel, I'll IL DELPHI . c r v- Mil MACKEY, Auitioneer. le-peclful'v in- ins Hie nili niton nf pcis.n . il.sirons ot pnr- i chi-iug I'uilii tne. lo his extensive Sales Kooins, (l oih pill lie m il 1'iiate.) for every desciiplion of llotisi h. Id I'uii.ittiie, w In re can be obt lined at all limes, s lurge assortment of fashionable and Well manufactured Cahoot Furniture, Beds, Multiusses, Ac, at very riduced prices, for cash. (t Sales hv Auction, tw ice a week. May iiVlh, ll:t ly M I1.L1AM .irIAItTIX, ATTCP.1TET .T L.V", BUNBTJBV, PA. OFFICE, in the second story of the building oc cupied by Dr. J. U. Masser, on Maikel .tree I. Oct. 2LI, 1843. A Tli re all I iik Miieliiiie fur Kalo. mllE subscriber offers f r sale s Til I! ESfl IMS I MACHINE, new ami in good otder. 'J'he Machine has been Iried, and proves to be an excel lent ens It will be utJ st s reduced price, and warranted. Apply lo H. U. MASSED. July 1st, 1643. 1 Rose ointment, ron Ti:rn:it. RI.NOWOHMS, MMPI.KS ON TUB FACE, AND OT1IKK 'UTANKOl'S KRflTIONS. (Tj The fiillmuintr eertifirn'e deifihe one nflhe must extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. Pm LAnr.t imii a, February 10, 18:13. "TOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with Tkttkii on the Face and Head: the diseae commenced when I was seventeen years old, ami continued until the Fall of ISnfi, vnrving in vio lence, but withool ever disappearing. During most tf ll.O limn i.M.I I.A.t nf n. .. t.tL .n..r..1 IVtltl 1 the eruption, frequently ailended ilh vio'ent itch mg; my h.-ad swel'ed at turns until it felt as ir it would burst the swellirij was so g e tt, that I could scarci ty get my hat on. During the long period that ', was afflicted wih the disease, I used a great many a plications, (among them several celebrated preparations) as w II as taking inward remedies, including a number ofbotttisof Siouim'ii Vnnarra, Extract of Sar.iiipitrifii, Ac, In fact, it would be iinpiosiblc o eiiumeia'e all the medicines I used. I was also under the Care of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, nod I despaired of ever being cured. In the fill of I S:tfi, ihe disea-e nt the time being very violent, I commenced using the 7ite Ointment, (prepared bv Vanghan ,V Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling at a'ed, the 1 ruplioti began to disappear, and before I had used ajar the di-enso was entiielv cutcd. It has now been nearly a vinr and a half since, 11 11. 1 there is not a ve.tige of Hie disea-e re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is imp ssihlc for me to describe in a rr rtificate Ihe severity of the disease and my suffering, but I will be pie ised lo give a fuller nr. count to any person wanting further satisfaction. i who will call on me. At the lime I commenced I using the I! se Ointment I would have given bun i i dteds nf do lais to lie rid of ihe diease. Since il- ; i sing it, I have recommended it to -rvir-il persons, 1 I (among them my mother, w ho b id the di-iaso bad- : I ly 011 her arm,) who w re n I cured bv it. j .1 Wins DKKNI'LL, No. l.Mi, K.ce St. ! Ijj" TliP liose Ointment is prepared by E, B. Vnujlnin, Son h Ivisl coiner of and I'ace i ; si IP' Is, Philadi Ip'iiu, and told on .njetn-v in Snnbu- ' ry. bv II. B. .MASsEIJ, M..y Uth, IS IH. Aitntt. j ! Eoc OintiiiriH, tor 'lilltr. ; ; a moor or its r.rricxcY. ! 1 Piiii Ain inin. May ?7lb, H:tl. j rPIU"s is to crrlify Ibat I was severely alllicied - wiih Tetter in Ihe hands nud feel for upwards t of forty years; the disease was attended generally j j with violent itehmg and swelling. I nppbed to .1 ' luilliln r of physicians, and used a great 111:11 y upplt- , ca ions without efVecling a cure. About a y ar . since, I Hpibed lie Hose Oiiitinent, which entirely j stopped the itchmg. and a few applications inline, li ' ati ly cured the dnease, w hich there has been nol i return of, nllhough I had never bceniid of il at ' any lime for forty years. K1CIIAUD SAVAI.E, j j Eh venth, below Spruce Street, j fXj' The Hose Ointment is prepared by E. B. j Vauuhtin. S )uth East comer of Third and Hace ! ! Streets, Philadelphia, mid s. Id 011 agency in Suubu- H. B. MASS Kit, j ' May 1 tth, 111. Ancht. 1 MEDICAL APPROBATION Of the ON.' OI.TMi:.T, for Tttr. ! A LTHOl'dll ihe superiority of the prepaialion j 1 over all otln rs is fully established, ihe proprie- 1 ters t.,kf p, n-nrc 111 laying before ihe public the j following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of I'ennsi Iv.inij. Dr. j Haiicb, having found in ibis that relief fir a ledums and ili-agreeuble all'eelion which the means wiihiu the range of bis profession failed to alford bus not hesitated to give it his approbation, although j the picjiidiccs and ic.'t rests of that profusion ate , i pposed to secret Kemeilies. 1', Si pt. 10, 1 SUd. i I was recently troubled w itli a tedious herelie j erupii. n. which coded Pi arlv one si.'e uf mv f.ce, j nml exli i ded over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, propne lol of the liose Ointinent, nbsetMiig in tacf, ui-s- j led on nit trying bis preparation ol which he hun- , de I me a jar. Although m coiiimon with the mem- j la'is ot my profession, I discountenance mid ilisup- I prove nt the nomer. ti- nostrum- palmed upon the i public by ignoiant pn lender-, I feel in jus ice bound j toexeipttbe Ivose Oinlmi tit fnun that c'a-s of me- I d cities, and to give it my approbation, as it entire- ! ly i tired die eruption, although it hid tesisied Ihe ! applications. DAN 1. HA I 'till, M. D. j The l!ose Ointmei I is prepared by I" B. ' Vaughan, Sooth Hast Con cr of Third and Hace ' Mrecls, Plnlade'pliia, ami sold on ngi ncv in Son bury, by II. H. MASEK, May 14lh, IS 1:1. Aent. : lioiwr'x Ink. JOSEPH E. HOVER, Mamilacturcr of W ii I i 1 1 j mid Iiulclli blo Ink, No. HWi .North Third Street, tix disirs below Kace, (east Mile,) PHILADELPHIA, 1 EI'EC TFI I.I.V informs country menhants ai d tellers, lliut he con-l mtly keeps on bund a large slock ol bis superier Black, Blue slid Kid Ink. and slso a superior (pnblyof linblli' le Ink IIs ink is put up in Im tiles varying in size, from I toll.! ounces, nml will be sold on reasonable tint!-. 'I he ex. el ent qualities nf this ink has so tboroiigblv e.tabli-lied lis chirac'er, that il is now extensively used it.roughotit lbs couniry. For sule at the sloie of II. It. Masser, S un- lurrv l"u. ClIAlM.r.S May anii, IrilM. y w. i iik ; ins. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBUIIY, PA. H B A" I:. ken Ibe nlbee loiinnlv occupied bv ti e U 2 Hon. I hailes li. Donin I, opposite Ibe I 'oinl 11 use. He will a tend to business in the ('..nils of NonhuiubeilHinl, I'nion ami Columbia comiuc. M iv .nili. I !:). UM(3N IIOTKL," km ((It in ml St,iit U!),ce,'f mn; nj rci" tocu v." IiVCOIIIWO COUNTY, I't'iinviliuuiu. riHE Snh.criber respectfully inloiins hit fiiei.d. L and Ihe public in general, that he has taken Iho shove LAiiar. a sp commodious HOTE L, I N T H E B () H (H'(i H O F MI'N C Y, and that he is now w ell prepare J to sccoininodalo all who may fuvor him with their custom. Ids Sliii'Iso Afahtm.sts ure well aiie I, and comfortable. Hi Table Awn Bar will a'vays be s applied with the best the maiket can afford. His Stabliio, which is gotd, will Vs under Ihe charge of good and careful hostlers. lie h els confident, by strict attention lo bu.-inf.s, and sn carnesl desire lo render comfortable thus who may patronize him, that he will nol foil logivo geneial satisfaction. II. U. WEAVEH. Muucy, Oct. Ut, ii. WlI. EEXL1A1T & CO., Commission &. Forwarding Merchants, loot of Willow Street Hail Road, nOH THK lltLAWARK, AVINfl sssocinted viiih ihem Joseph Barnet, late of Easton, Pa., respectfully inform Iheir friends end the public generally, thai Ihey have la. kenthat large and we'l known store and wharf ot foot of Willow Street Uaihoad, lately occupicj by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a (i.'in rril Commissioh and Forwarding Business, and from the local advantages of the place being connected with nil the public Improvements thai have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves ihey will be able to do business lo as great, if not greater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and thev iissutc their friends thot anv con signments made to them shall have iheir strict at- ! lention, and no exettions spared to give entire satis faction. ; Thi y are also prepared lo receive and forward goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh I rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phils- i delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals; ' also, to any point on the Juniata river, or Norh ; anil Wist Blanches ofthe Susquehanna via Scbuyl. j kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Watei ! Canals. I For ihe accommodation of Boats coming or go. ' ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Stemiboat j will be ki pi expressly for towing boats from the I Schuylkill around In the Delaware and back, which will en .hie merchants lo have their produce deli vered on the Delaware, and Iheir goods si ippid at a saving ot filt to 75 per cent. 00 the prices fir hauling acios, with thise advantage they re spictlully solicit a share nf patronage. W. IIEILMAN fi CO, William lleilmin, ") William W. Kiyse-, Joseph Burnet. J I'liilad ,M,iv 1 1, 113. ly J. IVZA1TL. AND, JR. 6c CO. Smill' iind Tolmcco .Manufacturers, A. !((J .orth West comer of Ilnceand Third Struts PHILADELPHIA. 'F'lE iindi r-igned have formed a Co-partnership under the firm of J, MAY!. N II. .In. A Co.. as successors to the late firm of JdCtili .Mniloin V Co., and will c.uiliiiue the business at the old e:.i blisbinent, on their own account. In addition to their own close attention and epi rience f. i many years, in Ibe mai uf n tnre of ibeir celebrated snntV-, iV c, the long experience of the senior partner of the late firm, will also be devoted lo the interest of ihe new concern and as no rxeition and care will I o spared to insure their goods, at all tinv sof the ve ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of ibe fnends on I rn-t. oners nf t lie late firm. TilOM s ADAMS, J. M AVI. AND, J. Philadelphia, May 1 1th, t J t y To 4 Olilili'v m w m w a . h. m xtj. jj n u 1 im x a . rPIII' Subscriber, Agent of I yon & Harris, Hat , M.inuf icturers, for New York, Philadelphia, ( lialtunore and other large cities, wr oso Unfa nre highly commended lor pood coin and ditftliliti has on hand a lir-t rate assottin -iit nf II A I'S and CA PS. suit i! le for Sprint s ,les, li r-li w II ' e sold very low, foi cash or anpiove I credit, at ibe nitcd cheap store. No. 40. North Third afrvl. oi-n isi'e Ihe City Hotel, Phil a lelphia. IIOHEHT D. WILKINSON. ,l,,,.,, N. B. Orders Hats in ibe muff. pro.ppllv attende-.l lo. Ths highest rice in tu.h or tra in given far t'nr kin. Philadelphia, June 11, ISin.--ly BOLTON & CO. . ii i al ( oiiiiiiIsnIoii .lici t iiait(, lor the Sole oj I lour, drum, Sietl, ic, t,c. p EPEf TFI'I.LY inform their friends and i he Merchants generuUv, that they have tu- j ken those birne nud commodious Wbarvi s, -a ith Hvo Doiks, nor t Ii of Chesiiut stru t, on the Delaware, j together with the store No. li) South Wharves, where ihev would he pleased to receive consign- i reenls of tirain, Floui. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared In forward ull kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and I'nion, or by i the Cl'.csapi ake and Title Water Canals, as tow- I boats are kept expressly foi ll.e purpose of towing : bouts by ei I er mule. Men bunts will be particular to send their goods I'csiiiicil by either canal-, to No. It) South , halves, bctwien Market ami Chesuut streets, on I the Delaware, with directions accompany ing ihem ' which route they wish them to be ship e.l. fjj" Plaster and Sail for sale, at the lowe-l mar ket price. BliL'I'ON A CO. March 10, I SIH. No. I 'I South Wharves. ( Kom:iiT ( iu i cv nov, PAPER MANUFACTURERS, Lombard Street, ltultintore, i HAVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper oral. ; sizes and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, rub il 1 and plain. Letter Paper white and blue, ruled and . plain, Hanging Paper, line and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, doub'e crown, crow n and evira sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium ami Htiyal Papers, Honntt, Hintlers' and Snaw Hox Hoards, Tissue Paper, ami all articles in their line, which they will sell on ai terms. 1 Highest price given f r oltl rags. KOHEKT CAIM'EH A-SON, 1 March in, ISL). Elkioii. Md uousb;, ! j .Vo. 'JJIT, Xorth Third, ohoii Cotlou l.tll St., PHILADELPHIA. fOHN DI'NCAN. hue floui the Peniisvlva lila l' lrim r, i.n l Saiiiui I Pike, jr., of A j inirii uu lloii l, Cotiimb us, I dilo. lake pleasure in ac tpiall ling tlieir f.i mis and the public generuHv that ' tin y have luken the large and coinmothoiia ll.ilil, , leiaiiliy buiil by Ihe Missis. II nt'Oi the sai.iit site onee occupictl by the old establirbed llt'lel known as the Bull's Head, in Third stiect above Cullow- ; hill si. This Hotel is finished in ihe very best possible manner, hi d of the best materials. Its lotution is very ib suable, panic uUrly for coin. liy merchants; ' the arrangements lor healing ami veinilating iaeh , room is such as to secure any temperature. The i brdiooinsaie all light and airy, all lumi.hcd in a , neat sty'e, so as to iiisine lomfoit. The receiving parlors are also fun Uhed in a su- I perh sty le, the w indows aie on the French style,; founing an entrance to a balcony in front, whithj makes pleasant recess. PiulicuUi atti ulioii has been given to Ihe beds and bidding, which, with 1 ihe furniture, are entirely new. r rum year.' experience in h Mel business, we trusl, by strict assiduity tc buslaesi, to make this house s desirable stepping place. Our table, will , always be supplied with the very best our maiket ' can stford, and our bar with Ihe best liquors and wines of Ihe mosl sppioved brands, i P. S. There are first rate .tabling fcnd carriage 1 houses attached to Ihe hotel, Altrn.letl by ca.ff il and soler hostlers, and our charge, will be low, in j accordance wiih lite present haul time. Philadelphia, Cel. ith, 1843. I H. B. lASSEP., ATTOIINRY AT LAW, ' SUZTBURV, PA. Business attended to in Ihe Counties of Nor thuinl erland, Union. Lvcoming snd Columbia, lie fir to i Thoha Hart Sc Co., I.nwin cV BAnnoir, IIaut, (.'cmxhihii cV Haht, yl'hilad. KF.Tiot.iis, Mcr ABt.iii Si Co. Spr.niio, 'inoti A. Co., GOLDEN SW AN A'o. tj) Xnrth Third, ulmve Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOM MOD 1 IONS J'OR SJEVCV rER80Nl, p II. MILES WEISS, late nf the "White Swan," v nud "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends ami customers, ihat he has become the proprietor of the abov well known Hotel. Couii'ry Meichants will fnd the above Hotel a cential I. cation, and Ibe best nf fare. Persons Ira. veiling with private conveyance will find a large yard and good stabling for horses, and the best of ostteis. Hoarding f 1 per day. May Hth, 184?. tf. EAGLE Corner of Tlrrd and Vine Streets, WXriilAWSPOHT, PA. fjHR subscriber respectfullv aunoiinces to the I public, that he h is opened a Hotel in the com modious briek building siluiteon Ihe corner of 'I bird and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait up. n iliose who may favor him witi, their company. The Eagle Hotel is brge un.l conveni- j cm, nml turinstied it, the be-l modem stvle. Il is j provided with a Isige numtier of well aired and ; comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private I pallors, Ac. Peisons visiting Williamsporl on bu j sinessor p!ea-ure, mav rest ns-ur. d that every ex i ertioii will I e used to render their sojourn at the ''Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and agreeable. IlisTaMo ! will be supplied w ith the very h st the market af I fords, and his bar with 'be cl nicest wines and other j liquors (liarucs re snnal le. J'he Facie Hotrl possesses greater advantages in point of location,, 1 lliati any other similar establishment in the borough, j being situate in the business part of the town, anil ! williin a convenient di-l-ince of Ihe (Joint House i and Williainsporl mid Eltnira Had lio id Depot. Sullii ienl Si;,(. m g provided, and good and trusty I ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, Mccointnoibitiiig and hone-l Servants have been eniploy ed. ind mil Ling lefi undone that , will add to the lotnlotl accoiuiuodalioii of his ; g lie -Is. 'I here will b,- n carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from ; the House, Ine of charge. i CHAKLES HOUIMWS. i Mav 1-1 lb. ISIJ. if I A V ii. ii- . nun c i qoaiiro ror cleaning dim g vmg , highly durable and most brilliant polish to si' ver. (lerinun Silver, lir ass. Copper. Urittania wan Tin, St. e, Cutlery, and for resioiing the lusire o varnished carriages, A c. TliY IT. Prepared an t sold at wholesa'e Mini retai', by the j Sustuehnnna Chrysolite i'oli-h Company, Owego Tioga coimty, N. V. I W M. Ft )I!S PH. Agent tor Northum'd, H. li. MASSEU. Agent lor Suubury. i November 211th, IS 12. t Hit h.u l IVcav.'r .V Sou, ! RCrr MAKERS & SHIP CIIAINTDLEnS A. Kl AocA Water Street. I'liilmh Iphin. it I. cons'antiv on liaiiil. a cener .1 asaor incut of t 'or.laire, Seine I'u ines. Ac. vi I ur i il Hopes, Fishing Hopes. While Runes, tani la Ivones, low Lines lor final li nils. A I complete ussoitment of S, ine Twines, Ac, such r Hemp Solid arid Herring Twine, Best Patent lii Net Twine, Cotton S,a,f an,! Herring Twice, Shi Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, lied Cords, Plough Line Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chain Ar. all of which they will dispos.- uf on ri a.souab lei ins. Philade'phia. Novcmln'i 13, HI 2. ly NPJ.IIINC, CdOD v CO. t. .Unk"t Siret'l, riiila.!el.hir a .WIPE the attention of Country Men ban to their extensile a-sortment of Unlih Frei; inn .American Dry I lomls, w Inch they , tlcr lor su hi ttic m. Philath -t reasonable ti rills. Iphia, November 1:1, H12. ly. J . W . N V A ! . , rmlirt'lla ami l'arasnl .Mijiiiil.irturoi A. 37 AooA 'I'tniil tln-tt, tiro icr lilmc , ";7iy rr, l'hihuhh liia. Ol'N Tlt Meiehurls and others are solicit) tt riaiiiiue his uiiroi li. Dili before purchusn sew here Pinla 'elphi-i. November 11. HI2. ly. es.-" tv ncr sale a sioa I Farm, coi taming about in humhe.l ami ten aens, more or le-s, situa in Point tow nship, Nor buiiil i count' , aho two miles id ive N o'tliiniil'i il ud, on ihe ma road leading from ihat plate to Danville, adjourn lamls ol John l.cnlioii, Jesse t'. Ilorioti and othe. now in the occupancy of Samuel P..yne. Abo folly acres of said tra' l are cb an il, and ill go state of cu r i v ii I it n , on which Ihcre is a small ba erect' il. The properly will be sold on n asona1 let ins. For further articulars, peisons are requ ed lo apply to the su! .crib. r. H. li. MAssi-'K, Arnt Nov. 27rh, HI 2, if Sunbury, ; LIST OF BOOKS, run .ilk. hi NTH O ' v do.; Aii N THON'S Classical DiciiiMiurv ; l.ernpne inswoilh's do ; Cobb's do.; English st Herman do ; Antbon's Cn sur; Authoii's liramnu Anlhen's 1'iceto; Mail's l.ttHll licntler; Ogilby'sd Andiew's Latin Lessons; Doiiuegan's Lexict Fisk's (irei k Exercises; lluvies'a Legendet; lirae. Majora;'s Human Antiquities; Pinnock (ioldsmith's England; do. Creece; I. yell's Elemel )il (ieology; M rs. Lincoln's Holanv; Elements Botany ; Bridge's Algebra; Porlcr's Klieloncal If) a dcrs; Emirson'i (Seography and History; Oh.ey's do ; Purliy'sdo.; Smith's Crammer; Kirkham's ilo.l Kay's Headers; Cold's do.; Cobb's Arithmeiick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Co! h's Spi lling Hooks; Town's do.; Cobb's Tuble Books; Eianpelical Fa mily Library; ('mtage Hiblo; Family do; Collater al dir.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Paiker's Ex eicises on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter's S. dot's Itesl; American Hevolutinn; Marryall's Ni vets; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's Crammer, Sequel lo Comley's Siielling Hook; Ann rican Class llt.ok; Dalkill's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A great variety of Hlauk Books, Ac, Augusl 88, IHli. 15 LINKS l'OU SALE AT THIS OFFICE,