Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 04, 1845, Image 4

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It was nipht, nnd the a'rects were nearly de
t prted, and mora especially aa it was snowing
hist. A hinplH traveller, however, might have
!i-i- ;i - ci ii, wrapped in a thick overcoat, urging
ha way a,'sni't tlio tempest, by the light ol liie
ii.ui Suddenly na be passed n ruinous
tenement the figure of a girl started up before
'Please, sir,' fa id she, 'if it's only a penny
mother is sick, find we hnveent nothing to-ibiy.'
The first impulse of the moment wns to go
on ; the second to stop. lie looked nt the girl.
Herfiieo was thin and pale, nnd her garments
scanty. He was a mon of good impulse", so he
put bis band towards bis pocket, intending to
Vive her a shilling. She saw me act, ami mr
lustreless eye brightened. But the traveller
torgot that his overcoat was buttoned tight )
over his pocket.
'It is too much trouble,' said be to himself
'and this wind is very cutting, llesides these
bejrgnrs (ire usually cheats I'll warrant this
girl wants the money to spend in some gin
i-hop.' And speaking aloud somewhat harshly,
be said, 'I have nothing for you ; if you are re
n My destitute the guardians of the poor w ill take
care of you.'
The girl shrank ba'ck without n word, and
drew her tattered garments around her shiver
ing form. Tttit a teor glistened on her check
in the light of the dim lamp.
The man passed on ond turning the next cor
ner soon knocked at the door of a splendid man
sion through whose richly curtained windows n
rosy light streamed out across the storm. A
servant obsequiously gave him entrance. At
the Mitiud of bis footsteps the parlor door w as ri
pened, and a beautiful girl, apparently about
seventeen sprang into his arms, kissed him on
the cheek, and then began to assist him in re
moving his overcoat.
'What kept you so Ion?, dear papa V she said,
'if I had known where you were I would have
tent the carriage. You never stny 60 lute at
the office.
No, my love, I was at my lawyer's busy,
very busy, ond all for you,' and he kindly pet
ted her cheek. 'But now, Maggy, can't you
give me some supper V
The daughter rang the bell ond ordered the
supper to be seivcd. It was sue!) a one ns an
epicure would delight in, just the supper for a
traveller on a night like that.
'li,' said the daughter, when it was finished,
'I hope you arc in a good humor, for I have a
favor to ask of you,' and 6he threw Imr arms a
round bis neck, nnd looked up in bis face with
that winning smile and those beautiful dark
eyes ol hers, 'I wish to give a ball on my birth
day my eighteenth birth duy. It will cost,
oh ! a sight of money, but you are a kind, good
papa, and 1 know you have been succesoful or
you would not have been at your lawyer's.'
Yes, my darling,' be said, fondly kissing her.
the cotton speculation lias turned out well. I
sold all I had of the article thisatlernoon, recei
ved the money ond took it to my lawyer's, t 1 him to invest it in real estate. I think I
shall give up the business.'
'tih! do, do, papa, Bui you will give me
this hall won't you V
You liitle tease,' said the father, but he spoke
smilingly; and putting his hand in his pocket
book, he touk out a iiole of five bundled dollars
mid placing it in his child's hard. 'Tukelhie
if it is not enough you must have another, I sup
pose. Bat don't trouble me about it any more.'
The next morning broke clear, but the snow
w as a loot deep, uud here and there lay in huge
drifl-s blocking up the doorways. At ten o'clock
the rich merchuiit was on bis way to bis count
ing room. lie turned down the same street up
which he had come the preceding evening. A
crowd had gathered round the open cellar door
of a ruined tenement. The merchant paused
to enquire w hat was the mailer.
A woman, sir, has been found dead below
there,' snid one of the spectators ; 'she starved
to death, it is said, ond they have sent for the
coroner. Her daughter has just come back, af
ter being nut oil night. I believe she wos beg-
That's her moaning."
Ah !' said Ihe merchant ;' and a pang went
through his heart like an'icc-bolt, for be remem
bered having denied a petitioner the night be
fore. Me pushed through the crowd, ond de
scended the steps. A girl cawrring over an
emancipated corpse, that lay on a heap of straw
in one comer of the damn apartment. It was
the same girl hu had feared it would prove. The
merchant was horror struck.
My poor child !' ho cried, laying his band
on her shoulder, you mud be cared for ; (ind
forgive me for denying yon last night. Here,
take this,' mid he put a bill into her hand.
The girl looked up and gazed vacantly
at him. Then she put buck the prolRrtd
'It will do no good now,' she said, 'mother i
ileud,' nnd she burc-t into hysteric tears.
The merchant ul that moment, would have
given bull' his foiltiue to have recalled her to
The lesson thu learned he never forgo!.
The merchant personally saw thotu deem; bu
rial wo provided for the mother, utid aller
wards took the daughter into bis hum-', eiluea-
U-d her for a hi'-h -tni kui in life, and. on bei
ni rriutrfl t iiir 1 1 1 t'd In r u-11 f i tinmM r (IllWrV.
He lived to hear her children lisp tln-ir grati
tutle. To iav ami To-woKhow.TriH best nf hus
bandry, depend upon it, is to sift the corn from
the cliaH", to separate the gold from the dross, in
the portion ot tone that is allotted to us, and not
to iiiiiiL'le the sorrow of lo-inorrow with the en
joy int nl of lo-iiay.
n a x it k o t 1: i. i s r.
The following list shown the current sin of nil
r'ennsylvania H .ok Notes. The most implicit re
liHnrp may l.e placed upon it. it I errry week
lercfiilty r impnrpd with ai d Corrected fiom Hick
nell's Reporter.
ItaitKM In rnilailrlpliln.
t Disc. ir
i.iiia i in-..
Bank of Norn Amnion .
Hank of the Northern Liberties
(' ik "f Perm's. .
Farrrris' nod Mechanics' Umik
Kensington Dank
. par
. par
, pir
. p:ir
. par
. pur
Philadelphia Hunk
Srhuvlkill Bank
Snuthwink Bank
j J,",","' 'Jjjj,.
Manufacturers A- Mechanics Hunk par
(otnilry ItaitUs.
Rani; nf Cheater County Westchester par
Bank of Delaware County Chester par
Bank of (iVrmntitown (iermanlnivn par
Hunk of Montgomery Co. Norris ou n pnr
Ooylcritown H.nik Pnvlontown pur
Rsslnn Bank F.asinn par
Farmers' Bank nf Bucks CO. Bri-lol pur
I ll'iee of Bitik of Penn'n. 1 f nrrisliirjj These
Ollice di) di Lancnstt r ( nllices
Office ih) do ('palling do not
Office tlii do Faston J issue n.
Hank of the Puiied Stale Philadi Iphia 25
Hank of I'enn Township . . par
C!i'ard Bank . '
Movninrnsing It ink . . pir
Bank of PcnnsvlvRpi-i , . par
Miners Dank of Pollsvillc Pnt'sville ?
Dank nf Lcwi.-tnwn Lcwistown IJ
Hank of Middlctnwn Middlctnwn 1
Dank of Niirlhunitii'rhinil Nortluunlictliiiid pnr
Columbia Bank A: lSiidge co. CnhKiibu par
Carlisle Bank Carlisle 1
exchange liank Pittst'ing J
do branch of llnllidavshuii!
Formers' 1) ink of l.atiriisti-i Lancastei par
Lancaster County II ink Lancaster pir
Farmers' Bank of Beading Binding pni
Harrishurg Dank llarrpburg J
Lancaster Bank Lnncasler pt
Lelinnon Ilnnk Lebanon i
Merchants' A- Mnnuf. Bank I'iitst.urn i
Bank of Piitslnirij I'iilsliuin
West Brnneh It ink Willinmsport 1 1'
Wyoming Bank Wi'kesbano I J
Xorlhamplou Bmk Alleulnwn
Berks County Bank iliMihiiR
OHice ol Bank of I". I'Ulsliura failed
1.) do lo lOrie do
Do do do New Brighton ilo
Keusinctnu fuv. Ins. A ilo
I'cnn Township iSnv. Ins. do
Bank of Chaiiiliersbiiri; Chombersliuru 1
Bank ol (cltjliiir' ( tiysl'ing I
Bank of Su.quchauna ('o. Montrose 3o
Erie Bank Erin ii
Farmers' & Provers' Bank Wavneslnirg 2
Franklin Bank Washington 1J
llouesdalc B.nk Ilonesilalo I
MoiiiiiiU il.el i Hank of I). Brownsville M
York Bank York 1
N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and siihstitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased hv the Philadi lid ia brokers, w iih the
exception of thoso whitb have
i a Idler ol ri leri lice.
A N K S.
Philadelphia failed
do tailed
(to fuli'd i
riyolt, prop.) failed
'low .ind.1
Bedfiird no sale
Beaver closed
llanishlirg dosed
W.i-hiligton tailed
Hell, loole i I s. , I
I'.n-hiog no -ale
I'ltlshtirg failed
Fuvetle co. filled I
(iri i in ast e. f ulnl
llainionv no sale
lliiiiliugilou no sale
l.cwistowu no sale i
W arien laileil j
llun.l ilV no rale f
New Hope closed
Milton no stile j
Meadtille I'losi il j
Poll (Million
Cnrli.h; failed
Monliose closed
B It O K i: N 1
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadclphin Loan Co.
."Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W
IWanilt Bank
Alleghnuy Bank of Pa.
B ink of Beaver
Bank of Snutura
Batik ol Wnsl. iiio,,(
(Gentle Bank
City Bank
Farmers' it Moi h'cs' Hank
Farmers' !fc Mech'cs' Hank
Farmers' iV Mei hVs' Bank
Harmony Institute,
Huntingdor, Bank
luniala Bank
iumhcriucii' Bank
Northern Bank of I'.t.
New Hope I'l l. Bliilgc Co.
Niuthuiiih'd I'tiion Col. Bk.
Norlli WeMern Bank ol V.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pu. Aur. sV Maiiuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of I'enii'a.
W'cstmoH land Bank
Wilke-harri! Bridge Co.
1 IliollloW II
t ireelis! Org
tlused !
likes barn- no sule
Xj All notes put; oiling to he on any Pcnnyl
vniiiu Bank not given in the above lid, may he n't
low n as frauds.
wav ji:ksi:v.
Bank of New Biunswick
Itrlviihie Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Jommerciul Bank
Cumberland Bank
Farmers' Bank
Funnels' nnd Mechanics'
P. rtli Ainhny
Mount Holly
!k Itahwav
i !
par 1
4 !
Farmers' and Mcchamts' Ilk N. Biuus.vik faded
Farmers' and Men hauls' l!k Muldletoun I't. J
Franklin Bank o! N. J. Jersey City failed
Hohoken Uku v draziug ( o 1 1 oh . ken
lio lie
lersey City Bai.k
J it i y City
Mcchauus' Bank
Mauuf.iLturi rs' Bank
Morris Coiinly Bank
Monmouth Bk of N.J.
Mcchiiiilih' Bank
Mcchanici' uud Maiiuf. Bk
Monis ('anal and Bky Co
Post Note
Newark Bkg & Ins Co
New Hope 1M Undue Co
N. .1. MjiiiiUc. nnd Bkg l'u
J alli'iaoii
Hell. Mile
MiuriMnw u
i n-i'holil
New. ok
Tn nloii
Jci.-iy t.'.ly
New aik
I..oiiIm iiullo
N J Pmlecton &. Lunihald I k .lersey Ciiy
( Irauge Batik 'raoe
I'li't rson Bunk Pah unii
Peoples' Bank do
Priucclon Bank Piineiti n
Salem Banking Co Salem
Slate Bank Newark
Slain Bank l.l;.'a''i iliiown
State Bank Caindeii
Male Bank of Morris Mniiisti.w n
Sute Bank 'J'unto'i
lull, el
Tall in uud I'hilad Manuf Co Salem
I Sussci Bank Newt. ill
I Tifiilnn Bioikiuj Co' 'I'lenloll
' I'nioii Bank llnver
VVihinutuii Banking Co. llackeiiiaik
I ih:i,4 iiti:.
Bk of Wilm & BranJj wine Wilmington
Bank ol lul iwau
11 branch Millord
I'snner.' Bk of Slate nf lh l lhivrt
I hi brain h Wllmil)ton
llo hmui li (ieoigi town
lb) Irjuch Newcistlu
I'liiou Bank ilminuton
(TV I'lider ft's
n'r-Onall l acks maiktd thus () thers ars i
(tier rotiiitielt il i.r alti red iintn of Ihe var.ous it
fionmiauoi.i, in ciitulaiion.
Dci'i ncrirr, siui i.
PjMMR alunh'o propcriies of OBkley's Depura
1 live Sytup of Harsnpnrilln, as a purifier of lbs
hi. cd, is no wi ll known to ihn puhlic ernernlly,
Hint it is unnrcrss irv to occupy much spars in tet
tinff fonh tho advantage to m ilerivcd from l'
use j wherever tho mcilicine bus once been iritro
du.'Cil, it tnkrs prrccileeco over nil others: eveiy
one that tins Inken it, have derived so fignal bene.
fn hil remits from it, thai it is rerommcni'eil h
ll cni whh the trmont confidence. Fhysicians of
thn liinhest Ft'io ling in the profession, present it
'o pniienl-i under their enro ( e.mlaitiinR nolhinc
di I. terious. hut heing compned ot the must mild,
yet rH'icirious vteiMnhle is olV- red with
coi rideiice. as ihn ehenx'st nnd most elticient on.
rtfi.'r of i hit Mood now known. The use of a few
hi'ti'es, especially in the sprina mouths, will he nt
tendril wild a tin's! decide.) impingement in the up
in ral stretitfth of the system, rradiratinir nnv feed"
of tliscn-e thnl may h ive hreu generntid, hesides
civiinj henllli ion! vit'er In the hodv. For thp cure
of Si rolula or Kiorjs Kvil, llheion iiism. 'I'l'ler,
I'imples nr rtnptiniK of the Skin, While Swelling,
Fistula, ClitMi.ic Couuh, Ar, The nu
merous i ei til'n'H'es in the pnsMs-ion of the sul serl
her anil his iieuts, fiom physicinus nnd tubers, arc
siiil'i ii'i.t In t c the int skeptical ofissu
ptrioiity oer all pieparntimis of Sjrs ipaiilla.
.S ihl whole-ale ntnl rei ijl, by the proprietor,
fiKOIKiP. U. OAKLF.Y, North filh street. Bps
ilinu. B-iks Cot.inv, and to he tn.l of li e following
persons !
In Iftirlhunihrrbnid Cuiinti. II. B. Mass?,
Sunhtiry ; I. eland . Mixel, Mi EvM'nsv ille ; I)
Krntisi r. Milton.
k t'niim Ciiuntt. ,1. (ii arh 'rt, SeliioRrovp;
A (iiil. Iiiik, Miniml'iog.
In Ctittnibiit I'outity. IJ. W. McCay, Wnsli
KeadiiiS. Mareh 11. HP.
Mn. O.iKirr: I helievp it the nlv of every
one In do wh itever in their powp I It's, fur the h lie.
lit of their ( lliov uer , nnd having had pn-i ive in mv own family, of the wneVrfol pro pi riiis ,
ol your l). por itio Syrup ol Sa ap irill i, I ni si 1
ci'tis. ii'iitioti-lv reconimrinl it to the allbe'ed. We
Ind tlie nif.ii!i'tie ti lose two of our children, hv i
the hrrakimj out ol uh'cr.ios s ires lino coveted tit- '
face, nnd l eek, nllhnuch we had some of the I
must M'icutitic to nfend th m nnd had ;
liied all (he known len edies, iuelinhni; Swni'ii's I
I'annciH, wilhoot nviil. Another of my childii n j
wns ni iiikel in ihe sine milin.'i.ler lace urd j
lit fk w-hs eoit'p'eli Iv cover, d ; ihe d schntie watiFo ,
oll'eiisiv.', ai d ihe iIimms. at siieh a height, Ihut m j
desp'iin d ot her hfe. Scpoiq ihe woinh'tliil ellecls .
of Vi nt IVpnr.oive Sy top nt S iisa tiri 1 1, we weir
inilni .il tj make ot it. n t!ie l i-t n s ri ; u
neleil like a chnun; the u'cers o Inriienci il healinB
imtopdinlPiy. a t . w hotllis rieitelv rrsloreil In r tn
hi r he di!i, whiih she In s eni 'Ved un'nlenu; lediy
ever mi en . A h piiiifn r ol ll.e, 1 vrnly he
hi ve it has not its eipnil.
JnllN MOYLB. Tailor,
W alnut street, in at poutih, Krailioj.
Dofglissvi'le, April !!)!h, 181:1.
Mn. Oiklft: My son Rdmuinl Leaf, had the
scrolrln in the most dreadiul and ili-tics-ing man
ner for ihrip ypa's, dming wh el) lime he w is dc
ptivrd ot the use of his limbs, his he .il nnd reek
Wcip covered wiih ulcers. We tti. d nil ihe differ,
ent remedies, I ill In no i lit ct, uut l rrcomiiM luled
by Dr. Jobnon nl" Nonislown, ami also llr. Isaac
Hiesti i, t Beadii g. to Use von l llcpU'a'ivc Sy'Up
of Sarsapnrilla, of w hich 1 ol liiined scvetal honles.
the use of which d'ove Ihe ili-ca-e eioiri ly out of
h s sytem, Ihe sore heiled up, nnd the child w is
ri Htort d to priftrl heahh, whieh he ba. rijoycd
nniiileriupleilly i vi r sii re, lo the hs. iiishlin nl ol
many peisniis who seen him ilu ii a Ins nniti'tinn.
I have tlioi,;:ht n in v ilu'v. and -end V' U thisrrili
licate that olbe s who have a like nllln iioii in ihe
f.oeily may know where to nht i:n s i valuable a
iiiedli Inc. Vours (nils ,
S,p. m. ii:i 1y
( mim( s f'l!t'iV
'I'lie po' be will pi-. is,- olniwc that no Brand
' Pil's arp ijeiu.ine, ni less ihe lux his three
he's upon II, (the lop, Ihe sn'e and the holt
cob eontainn l' a f c-siniih si ji atiire ol my h '
w riling, thus It. I! it nit r in, M. I ).--'! hesi-
hrl Hie eiijriv.d on teel, l eant fnllv designed,
nnd done at an epett-c nf over f'i in ll.- Tin ri I'.i.e
il w ill he seen Ihut the nti'v thing li'i i-saiy lo pro
t ore the uiedieioe in its punlv, is lo ol -cie Ibesc
b'einenihi r the lop, the side, nnd the hn'toin.
The following n -peciive persons are ilu'y aulln ri
7i d, and hold
I'm the sale ol Itrmnhrih'x Ytgrlulile I'ni final
J '.
Norlhuit h-ihii d rnuntv : Milton Mickey A
f h uiihcihii. Siintmry II B. M isser. M'Ewena
ville til mi Sr. Mein II. Noiihum' cibiid Win
Forsyih. lieoreitown J. .1. Walls.
I'uion C.unty: New Berlin Bogar Si Win
I.r. Sclinscrovp (ieorgp (iiindiiiin. Mid. ilu-
liorii li-t:i- Siinlli. 1l.:iv.r''iu n I In i.l llnl.1.,. I
Ad.iiiisburg Win. J. May. Miflhnshuie Mensch
eV Hav. ILi'tleton Daniel Long. Fiei lung
t. F.!". Mner. I.ewishurg WnMs & tlrien.
('olnnihi i cot, my : Danwllc E, B. I.'e noi ls :
V Co. Bi rivirk Shotnan .V K lienhoiisp. Ca1
lawiss.a C. U. Itroh's. Bloninshuri: John I!.
Meyer. Jeisey "I'nw n Levi Bisel. Wushiiii;loii :
Kohl. Mi Cay. Limcstmi. Halh-t f: M:-Nich. j
Dhsctve ihat each A'.'enl ha mi Knur.iv.d I ,'. r- 1
'il'u ale nf Agencv, rnlilainiug a reptes' llllilion ot
in BKANDKE I IPs M ..unl n iorii at Sing Sing,
and upon w hich u ill it's., hi- seen ctnrt cop es nl
the nnn ';( rooe u v,l tij'nii tin lirninln I h i't.'l
Phil n!i Ipl ia, nllice No. X. Noilh tb street. 1
B. BliA Mil.'E I'll. M. D.
Ji. ne 2Jih, 1 "I t.
Nus. '-". iitid til .Xiutli Tliini Sin-et, !
! Near the City Hotel,
i riiiLii:LpHiA.
! (". MACKKV, Auelionccr. re-peelfnl'y iu-
- ilm the h'Ii nl. i. n nf pel so' ih sirmis it pur
cha ins Fioniiuin. lo Ins ciien-iv. Sdes Koouis,
(Lnill pu' he ai d I'linite.) tnr every ih-sciiption ol
lloosih. Id t'uinitute, win re t in I e nl t iini A it all
tunes. l.ntie ssnoitmi nl nf fasl.iom.llo and will
manufactured Cubin, Furniture, Beds,,
iVc., nt verv ndiiccd prices, for cish,
j (iJ" Sales tv Aucttcn, twice a week,
i May SYili. IM:l.)y
FFICF. in the si cmi l story of ihe building nr-
rupiJ by I'r. J. IJ. .Mattr, on Maiki l stieel.
Oil. 211, ISPI.
1 Tlirt-tiliiut; .11 in liinc lor Salt.
rplll' subscriber oilers f r sule a THUFSHINC
I M ACHINL, new and in good onhi. 'Phe
Machine has been tiled, and prove, lo he an eici l
lenl one It w ill he st.lj at a ipduced puce, and
wurranlri). Apply to Jl. B. M A.SsLH.
July 1st, 1S1 I.
run Tv.r i i:h.
ItlNOWOlIM!, I IMfl.l w ON TIIK TAr F., ANn OTtir.M
rTTANKor.i KKtrrioNa.
QjT The fnlhiwintr crrlijirii'e tlrtrrihr nne nl ' Ihe
mnsl f.nrrtnrdiiiiiri cure ever rjfcctiil hy any
. nj'ptictititm.
J PiiitnF.i.rntA, Fehruary tn, 18:1S.
j lOR twenty yea's I was severely alllictet) with
T.m:ii on the Face and Head: the disease
i commenrnl when I was sevpntpen yrnrs eld, snd
rontinurd until Ihe Fall of lH:!fi, aivion in vio-
lenrp, hut wilhmil pver diaappparini!. lurina nvst
of the limp, preat purl of my fice was covered with
the etuplion, freipteiitly n'trnded with vin'enl i'ch-
ina.; my t.p.i.l swel'p.l at titms until it li'll ns if it
' Would hurst thp swellin was so g p it. that I cou'il
scarcely net my but on. During the long period
I Ih it I was nfllieTil with the disease, I tiscil n ureal
! many n plirnlion-", (among thciii g -vernl eeli'hrn'rt)
1 prep.iiHtlnn-) ns w. II m taking remedies,
ineliiding s nurnhir ofhotth s of Sirnim'n I'annrru,
i I'ulntrl nf Huntimi if 'it, Ac. In fait it would he
I iinpo.-sihlp o eriuine'atp nil thp medicines I iisit).
j I was tdso mulct the c ire of two of ihe most di
; liiiguisbed physicians of ihis t ity, lot with out re
' retvino m ch hei efit, and I ih-Kpaircd of ever being
1 cnriil. In the f,l of lscUi, ilm ilira-,. i.t, the time
being very violent, I commenced ushie the Hour
j Vinlmnil, (prepared hv Vaouhati fi Puis.) In
I n fi vv ni plic:itinns the violent itching erased, the
swel'h g nhn'eil, the i motion began to ilif tpppar,
and hef. re I had usid a i ir the di ense was rnlnelv
j rtiieil. It has now been nearly a i nr and a half
since, nnd there is not a ve-tige of (lie disease re
i mniiiinc, except the sc.irs from the deep pita formed
In tho ,li.,.o.- ll i.n.,. Kail. I., t. ,.. .1. '
i -,-. i, it- lull" nsii'ie in, int- in in ri 1 1 . i
' in ii ciriitiente the nevi rity of ihe disea-e and my !
1 siilli ring, hill I will be p'l1 fnl to give a fuller nr- !
I count to any person wanting further satisfaction, j
i who i-ill cull on me. At ll.e time I rn-nmc need .
J using the 1! sc Ointment I would have uiven hurl '
; ibeds (.f ilo'hos to be rid of thp disease. Since u-
! 'ing it, I have rreiiriilni nib il it to -ever il persons,
j (among Ihcm my mother, who bad the ili-casp bad- '
I Iv on her niin.1 who vi re a 1 cured hv il. I
.1 Wilis Dt'BN KLI., N. iftii, !!acp St. I
1 rV The Kose Ointnient is pu pired by K. B. '
I '.mjhnn. Si u h Lat poiner of Thin! nnd Bare i
' slie. Is, Philadi Iphia, and sold mi naencv in Snnhn- I
j ry. hv 11. B. MASS KB, I
! M .y Urh, 1HI3. AL'nt.
ilosv Oiiitt:it'ut, t'ov ''tiler, j
a rim or or its r.rrncY. :
Pin i hum cm . May Z'n'-, I i:t'.l.
rPI!s is to crrtilv ll nt I was su rely all' cied 1
w ith Teller in Ihe hmids ulnl f. el for upwards t
ol tnrtv vrars; the ilise-ist w an HOeiah d gi nerally
with v i.t'i nt it, long nnd swcltini;. I upphed to i I
inimbi r of ph sici.ins, and used a gri at mni.y appli- '
ca'ioi s w ith, lit i lVeetiog s cure. About a yi ar I
since. I nppl ed tl e Ko-e Olnlinriil, w hich entirely '
stopped 'he itch ng. and a few application ininiedi.
oti ly run d ihe ilt-en-e, w b.ieh there ha bepii no
return nf, although I had never Iki ii rid of it nt j
nny time for fi-ity years. KICIIABD SAVAt.K, j venlh, belnw op'UCP Street. ;
The Pose lln linenl is pn pared !y K. B. j
VHiithiiit. S mill Fast conn r of '1'binl nnd Pace
Stii-i-is, Philadelj hia, nnd s Id on azenrv in Sunhn-
rv hv 11. B. MAssF.K, '
' May 14th. inn. Agrxt. f
oii,r imsi: oi.TMi:r, fr Turr.
IIOl. (ill the Mipertoritv ot 'he prepiita n n
0M-r nil ntln rs is folly rs'nblished. ihe r opr c
tors I kr ph n-ute in layna hi fore 'he public the
li'lhiw ii u ce'l'l'iente from a re-pei table physician,
a C'a.luali' of ihe I'nivervty o! Pi :ins Ivani i. Dr.
B un;h, having fiouiil in ihis iciin dv thai reiiel f r
a ledii.tis and ill-agreeable alii lion w hi, ll the means
within the ramie of his profrs-ioti l.niel to all'nrd.
ha- lint hesitated tngivc it hia app'obati ill. alih Ugh
the piejodii rs in d ii:li re-l- of that proh sioii ale
i ppi'-Cil to secret Ki llle.bes.
Pin l. t S, pi. Ill, IS.'IO.
I was recently Ironbh d w ith a Ii ilintis herpetic
t n.pii. ii, w l.ieh i' " cod nt ailv nne si 'e nf m f ice.
and i ii i ib d over the i nr. Mr. aiii-hiio, propro -I.
I nl the li'n-e I 'intoiei.t, ol si i inu my I n , insis
ted on ii tivii e his pu p n i'Mii "I w hu h he han
ded me a jnr. Ahoti-h in cnioioou with 'In- tnem-
lets ol mv rile si, .ii, il,s. oun'eii mi e uud ili-ai-' ol the niioier, us nostruuis piliind upon the
I pul lie by i :l.oi ant pi, 0 r-, I h i I in jus iee bi iiiid
j to exii pt the II. se I lintmi ii' lioin tha' e n s i f me
j d cim s. and to uie it mv -i pi -ballon, as il culiie
I Iv i uud the eruption, nliln ugh il h id icsistt d llo
j u-u .l ,'ppheations. DA M. II A I I 1 1 , M . I).
(J'V I he I! isc Diutineit is prepared by I' B.
'.iu;h hi, .-iiiith Lat con rr n 'Phud aid Bice
j Siiceiii. Pdiiade pl.ia, anil si-Id on ngi ncv in Son
huiy, by II. B. MAs!;K.
May 11th, ISPI.
.Maiiiifnctin rr of W I i t i r T 1 1 t o 1 1 i -bb
Ink, No. llHiN'oilh Third Stn-tt, m.
ilnurs below Kacr, (east siih-,)
I Ksl'LCTFI LLY informs country nu n haul-
nnd mhi is, that he ron-lantly keeps on l anil
X large stoi k i f his stipcrier Blnck, Blue i-nd Bi d
Ii k, and iilsu s supi-rinr ipi ihtyof lud, hi' b' Ink.
II s ink is pl.t up in hi tiles vatytng in sie, ft. in
I lo '.i'i oi l ees, and w ill be sol.l , . i , n inmnable
Ii mis. 'I hecXicl ei t ip'alnica nl this ink has so
ihiironL'h'v i st-i,'pi,,-, its. (hiractcr. tit ( il ia now
e.ten-n i ly n-e.l I i . i: c In 'HI th ccii'iv.
Pol . de at Ihe stiee nf H. It. Maner, Sun
bury. Pa. May 2?lh. I SI I, I v
CM AIJM'.S . IIl'.dlNs.
eurcEuuv, pa.
R n AS I ken tin ..Mice I. ,-ity ccrupi. il tv t1 c
U M Hon. ( In.iles (i. ). i n. ), np nsite tin dun
II msf. He w ill n'P ud in business in the Cutis
of Nord iiniS. d.
May -''ith, I is PI.
l uioii uu I Colombia coiiun. s.
( (.nf ri-l itf.ri,',
ID CLJ CkJ" tZZ 'VkT o
l' iiiisv M aula.
FlHF Subscriber ri sp.cifully iuloimi his friend.
I and tho public in tcncral, (list he has taken
the ahovii
ft f f T
I N T II H B O 1! IH.' (i II O F M I'N C Y.
snd that lie is now well p'epaiel to ncrniiiiuodate
sli who may lav or bin with their custom.
ILs'iMo AeiniMiiis ire will aiiel, and
Hi. Tnu ivii Dim will ulvnys be uph. il
wiih ihe best Ihe maikel rail alliud.
His Whiilim., which is gmd. will la under
the charge of good and raiclnl hostleri.
He h i U confident, by stiii t al lent ion to I ll ilKss,
and an ean.e.l ih sire lo icmh r Coiiifurti,ble th isp
who may piironue hiiii.ilml he will unl fail lov'ive
genual s,ilislactin. . B. WUAYEK.
Muncy, Oct. lt, 142. if.
It 1 1 1 jtJ-J
l-'oiiuiiipsion At Forwnnlina Merchants,
I'ool f Willow Street Kail lloa,l,
" TH R 1'Kl.tWANr,
TT AVINO assncinlcd wi h them Joseph Burnet,
l itp of, Po., resi'Pi tfnlly inform their
friends and the public penrrnily, that thry hnvr- tn.
kt n th it lamp snd well known stnrp anil wh irf al
foi l of Willow Street Bndrond, lately occiipiel hv
Jacob Martin, where they pin pose doing a (inn, nil
Commission nnd Forwarding Buincss, nnd f om
the lornl ndvanlnues of ihn place hrin conn cled
with nil the puhlic improvements that have iheir
outlet in the city, thry flatter tin iiiekcs they will
he nhle to do business to ns great, if not g cater nd
vnntnge, and upon as reasonable terms as nnv other
bouse, nnd they nssiite their fiiends that nnv pom-
s;snmelils mi'dp to them shall I nve their siricl nt-
ti ntioii, nnd no csrrtions sp.iicd to giv entiic satin- ,
Tiny nre nlso prppated to receive ni.d fnrivnrd I
pooils to any point mi the Di lawarr and I.eb uh !
livers, helwe.-n Mauch Chunk, P. i-ton nnd I'hda- !
i'el,hia, via Delaware Divisii n and l.t hich 4 .t ri Is; 1
also, to nnv point on the Jnni ila river, or Nor h !
and Win! Brniiclies of the So-ipiehuina via Si-huyl. I
kill and I'nion, or the Chesapeake and Tide W.ilei I
For the accommodation of Bouts coming or go- t
ing via Schuylkill and I'nion Canals, a Sip .mhnat
will li.' ki pt expressly for towing boils from the. I
Schuikill arnunil to Ihe Del iware and hack, which '
will en. .bin merchants to hnve their produce deli
e ed on the Delaware, and their goods sl iiind nt
a saving ol iSO to 7 5 per cent. u the puces f t
h.oilii c ncro-s, with thise ndvhnt.njes they re- i
spi cifully solicit a shnic of pair. naue. !
w. m:iLM.N & co. i
William II. iltnan, T
VV iili'illl W. Ki ywr, C
Joseph B.rnct. I'hilad ..M.iv It, 11:1. ly
Siuili' nil'! Tobneci) Matiiilarltircis, ,
An. il!) .Vi7i Yt f.1 mrm r of Hurt it;n Third
SI m ix. i
rPHF nnih r-inned have formed a f'o-pnrtnership
under ihe linn of . I. M A YL N D .III. iV Co..
a sill, ei-sius lo ihe lute firm of,iOV'; .tii'lniil V
Co., Mnl will c intiiiue ihe I ustre-s at ilieold c.-M- j
bh-hment, on iheir own arroinr. In adiliiioti lo
heir own close attention ami exp-rience f o inaiiv
years, in tl e manuf n line of tl cir celebrated stmli'-, '
.V c.. the long experience ol the seni ir pni I ner of the .
late loin, will a. o be devoted to the iolere'l nf 'he 1
to w coeci'iu and as no exertion and ca'c wiil le
spared lo insure their coods, at ail linn s ot the ve- I
r bc-i ipiahty, they solicit n continuance of Ihe
'onlbli nee of ihe Ii it nils and customers nf ih.- late
fir m. J lltlM S ADAMS, j
J. MAY LAN I), Jii. i
Phili lelphiii, Vny 1 till. I SPI. ly
'P' t'oiiitfrv 1
Till; Subscriber, Agent of I von .t Harris, lint
l Mi
iiiuficliirers. for N'W York. I'hil nlelphia.
Baltimore and ..ther larue cities, whose lot' n'C
highly comnirnd' d I ir "oori mlti mnl ilw'if.iifi.
has o.i I, mnl a lir-t rate asseitin -nt ol HA I S nnd
CAI'Sniij,).!,' fur Spring s ile. wh ch w.ll le sold
rv low. fni cash or :i piovr.l credit, nt the tu Iril
mn fi,rr. Xn. 4t. Norlti Th rd 'ri-L urn i.i-n
I r'lttip lnrr, Ao. 40, .orlti I II nl n're-1, opp isi'e
Ihe City Hotel. Phila lelphia.
KoinlllT D. W ILKINSON. Arrnl.
N. I). Huts in the rung V promptly
a'tende I to, Ths highest rice ill rui nt trie Is
miveu f o Fur
Pbil.idelpl.ia, June II, iKirp.-ly
(.'rcic r;il ( (iiiriilssloii .l!-r li:itt(M,
1'nr t.'it S,ifr i,f I'iiiir, ('ruin. Si til, r., ic.
I Fspp.fTFri.LY inform iheir t.i.nds nnd
! he Metcl nuts cenerallv, 'hilt lltcv have ta
I ten th. sc I . ige nnd commodious W ha'V s, ".villi mo
D ak-, iioith ul Clnsiiut strut, on the Delaw ire,
j totcther ith the store No. 1'J South Wlurvc-,
, vherclhev won'd he pleased lo receive eoisai-
it. puis nf (iram, Fbmi. Seed, W hiskey, Imn, Ac.
&c. Peine also w ell pu pated t i forw ir.l all kinds
nt Mi rehaudi-e by the Si huylkill mid I ' hv
j 'I e l'l.e-:'.pi nke nnd 'I i'te W ater Canals, ..s low-
hunts a'e kepi cxpnssly foi the purpose of ton ing
I bnais by i i her mute.
' Men bants will plcse he particular lo send their
if i ib iles' i i ed ly eiiltr, I i No. l'.l South
I W h t vi s, Ih-iwi cii M . i k i'l and ( 'hesiiut dtn e's, uu
' the 1'ihiWaie, w uh ihieetinim accurnp uiviug llicin
which mute liny wish them In be shipped,
i (J j" I'iarler inn! Sl for rale, al the lowe-t niar-
kit price. BnLTo.N A t.
j March 111, I s I :t. No. Ml South W harves
I tioitniT iu ri.u & js.
PAruu MAinirACTuncns,
j Lombard Stmt, llatlininri
I I AYK coii-lantlv for sale. Printing Paper of si.
I sies and iiihIiIh s. Cap Writing Paper, ruhd
ami plain. Letter Paper, white mnl l ine, ruled and
plain. Hanging Phkt, tine and common, Unvrlopr
l'aa r, ilo. do. medium, dnuh'e cowit, crow n mill W'nippiiig Papers, Colmed M.'illllill and
l.'oyal J'apeis, Boom I, Binders' and Sitaw But;
Hoards, Tissue Paper, uud nil art i les in lieu line,
whieh they wiil sell on iiici.miiiiida'ini linns,
II rice given f.-i old rajs.
M irch l!, l!-t:t. Llkton, M.I
Ac. C"7, .nrlli Thiril, i'iiiii i Ci.i!nu l,ill Si.,
i "HOIIN DI'NCA. laic from the Pe;.iis!v
' QP in i I' limer, mi l Samuel Pike. jr.. li e ol A
I mi f can Hotel, I 'ol uu, bus. I iii,i. lake pleasure in ac
I ipooi 1 1 i.e. their f'ieinls and Hie piihlie teller. illv thai
lin y have Inken the l.ire and coiumndious 1 Lit, I,
'en inly bui i v the M. ssis. H nl, on the name sile
nine oceupied by ihe old c-.tahli.-hcd Hotel known
as the Bull' Hiud, in Third stieel above Callow
hill st.
Tl. is Hotel is finished ill the very best possible
n ii ni r, hi d of the he.-t nih i iia's. (is he ntiiin i
vi ty d. rotable, p.inicidai ly f-r cimntry nn f, hauls ;
ihe aii.inui iiii'ii'.s for heating and veiii'l.tttng ia,'h
room is iu li as to secure any leniperaiure. Tlie
hcdioomsate all light nnd siry, all luini.licd in a
neat style, so as to iiisiite comfort.
The receiving p arlors are also fun i.hej in a su
ierl sly le, Ihe windowa ate on lbs French style,
i'mming an enhance to a balcony in fmnl, whuh
makes a pleasant recess. Pninculai altiiilinii Im.
hern given to Ihe beds and lidding, which, with
the furniture, are ciiiin ly new.
from year.' eipeiieure in halel huainrss, wp
fust, I y strict asuidiiily tc. husinesi, lo make this
house a desirable slopping pi icp. Our tilde will
always he supplied with Ihe yi ry heat our market
ran atl'ml, and our bar wi'h Ihp lie.t lupmra and
wines nf the most nppioveil luands.
P. S. There are first rale stabling wnd rarriass
house, attached lo the hotel, mended by ra tf'il
and folsr hosileis, and our rharen will b jw, in
aicurdance with lire present haul
J'htladelphia, Oct. 7th, 1813.
Business attended to in the Counties of Nor
(burnt Hand, Union. Lvcoming and ('olumhia.
llrfer mi
nns Iuiit A. (Jo,
Low-in c liiiinnx,
Haiit, i'v Mentis & IIart, yl'MfaJ.
l! McI'aim.ii Ai Co n, Snort Ac Co.,
G 0 L ) E N 8 W A N
iVn. (i'.J Xnrth Tlurtt, nlnn-c Arch Sitrrit,
Arrow yon hoh i or sf.vkntv rntisoNS.
r'MIAKLKS WF.lss, late ot the White Swnn,"
v y snd "Mount Ye'iion House," rmpectfully in
forms his friends nnd ciisiomers, that ! e has In come
thp proprietor nf the nbovi well known Hotel.
Colliery Meichants w ill find ihe above Ho'p) a
central t cation, m il the best of fatp. Persons tra.
vcll-ng with private cm. vpyaiice will fin, I n largo
yard nnd Blind si aiding ho horses, nnd the best of
oMlets. Hnaidinc 1 p'rjav,
May Hib, lli. if.
n u. si rm? trs :sr, 9
Cnriif r of Tli-nl awl Vine Stru ts,
rjjllU subscriber n spectfnlly nnimtinci s to tha
B public, that he Ii s nppnrd n Hotel in the com
mni'inus htiik l uilibiig situiti-on ihr cmner of
'I hinl nnd l'ine streets, where hp w ill he happy to
wait i,p ii those who niav favor him with their
cmpany. The P..,uc lintel i, i(.cr u, Cotivcni
et'i, mid fiirnishi-d ir, (hp In- iii '.'ein sl.le. Il ia
r.. Mih, I wiil) a luce noinher nf well aired and
comb rt ible sleeping spartrnpiiN, Moms, privntR
pnilnrs, ,Ve. Persons VMiling V ilh on bu
siness or plca-ure, may re.-l n nr d tint every ex
ertion will ip nsi-d to render their sni-mrii nt ih
;.'le Hot " ph amit and ngrcp.iblp. His Tabbj
he supplied wiih ihe v.-ry lis the mmkit af-
i, ntnl his I ar wi'h he cl nicest wines and oib.-r
hijiinrs t harden
possesses prea'er
rc soiiable. 'I'lte ion
ndvaioaui-j in point n!
H it. I
than i ti y nthet similar establishment in the hnrnugh,
heinii s tuaie in tlin hiisiuess part of the town,
will tii n ciiiv.-ii:, nl di-liiin-e of ihe tnnirt Houso
iilt'l W l!h iliisp.irl and Lluiira Pad l.' D. pnt.
Sullieicnl Neil. hut; provided, and g,,od and trusty always in nlteiiil.irne,
Altenlite, iiei-on.iiioilating and Imne-I Servants
hae In rn i ni-l,i'. e l. and iiiiii.iiu h it nii.lniie that
will add to t: c ciiintoit m il 'iccoinnii.ilaiiiin nf his
Tin-re w ill hi
a earn;
Wins in attenilancp nt
ihe Hunt Lamlinq tn ronvt y pas-ci gi rs to and from
the House, tiie of cha'Ke.
t il MM.Ks BOIHLiWS.
M.iv 1 I'll. vii-;.if
k v : . . i f - .
iiuii-.e iiiieiuaiicii nir c'canini! anil Hiving
bichly dor able and ui.i,t biilliint imhsh to ml
, v ("ermaii Silver, Brass, ( Jnppei. Bnttaiiia ware,
I in, St. 1 1, Colli rv, anil lor re-living the lustre ou
vaiinshed r.iriia-P-, Ac. TKY IP.
1'rep.irul an s . I X. wholesale and retail, hv the
sUs'"ebaiinn Chrvohtp Polish Company, Owcgo,
. 'I'loga CUinlV. N. Y.
Wl'. Fi I!s Y'I'H, A Bent for NnrthumM,
II. B. MAssF.K, lor Sunhury.
November 'JOth. IS Pi.
.f3. ji:5t l U'cavci' Son,
Horn rTAirsjs & ship cnANDLsns.
.Vo. l:l A Wat i r Sin n. I'.'iihin'i .'.-..
U, j .i r. cons'auiiy on iiamt. n general annort
. . Ys ... ... j i t.- . -i
nil in in . iTii.tje, re 1 1 . e I v UleS. AC, VI
I li'"l Flshinu it. inc.s. W hile It, iocs. M.nol
i in
la Intpc.s,
Cnlllplete I
Tow Lilies tnr Canal Boats. Also, i
snitrnent ol S.ine 'I'wines, A c. sin l. a-
lleoip si, n, I nnd Herring Pwine, Best Patent Oil
Net 'I'wiup, Coin in S' and llertitig 'I'w ii e, Sim,
i Threa.'s, Ac. Ac. Also, Cords, I'lomrli Lines
1 1 1 alter--, 'i'r ices, ('..Hon mid Linen Carpet Cliaim
, iVf. all oi win. h tl.ey wiil, ,.( on r asoiiabl
I ten. is.
j I'nil.ide'pl.ia. Nov. mlei I :!, I i I .. 1 y.
srj:i:i.c, chod co. "
j .No. i::s M.n K"t Ntivtit, I'iiilaiicli.liia
I rjNV'Til tlie attentimi nf Country Merchant
j H. tn their i xteii-ive a-si.r;nient nl lirilish prei.rl
ind American Dry (i U. wh ch they . t'i r for sal
on ih, in , n nubh ! roi.
I Phil nh Iphia, November I -I,
j J . W . S W A 1 . ,
; I'lnlnvila ami l'ar;:scl M;unif.ttiiror
; An. 3 .ii:ith 'yiutil stmt, urn (nor (.'(. le th
j ('ilu hull I, l'liiln,! 1,nu.
j ""vJOI'NTIi Mei. hai'ls and nil.cik are -ntii ltd
! to ,-ja;oiue his nl hi loir puri'liasili)
ls.-w here
Phila clphi i. N'ovrn;'. rr 11. :-PJ. ly.
; Sir .2k. JO El.
fTl 1! sale u siii'i I Fuuii, conlaii ing about , ri
liilnihe.l nnd t n ncris, nmre or le s,
in Pi.ii. t tow osh'p. N..rli'.nil i rlaiul c. unl , a In oi
two mil. s above Nmti umlieil nil, on the niai
mad leaning fnuii thai phne to Di.nviile, adjoinin
lainl. o Jnhn Leuhuii, Je-se C. Hoin n ami oilier
now in the occup im v nf Samuel Payne. At oi
Inily ai re nt Haul trai t lire ch an d, and in goi
slat' of en tiwilioii, on which Here is a small hai
' erect-d. 'Die ptoperly will he mild nil r u-nral
teinis. For further particulars, pemous are reipic
ed lo apply to the rul scrih r.
IL B. MASSi'i:, Jirtnt.
I Nov. 7lh. Hli. tf Suilh.irv. I
Furl mil III '
' : 'v T 'r.'"--?!?" 'n'Z T
Vl'HO.VS Clisical Didionary; l.cinpr.ei
1 do.; Aiu.-woith's do ; Cul l 's do.; Fnghsh an
ii'einian do ; Auilion's Ca ar; Anthnu' lir.iinnie
Atilheo' Ciccio; Man'. LaMn h'e.iilei; lliiiily'sdi
j Aiube'.v's I. iiiiii Lt-ssons; D.'iincgau'a Letico
: Fisk'sliie'k ICtircscs; Duvies'a Legeudei; liiai'i
: .Majnra; Adainn' Kniiuin Ai.liipiities; Pinnock'
: (iohlsinith'i F.nglalul; ilo. liieeii; Lyell's Lh iiicntr
. ( (colngv; Mis. I.ii.i-i, hi's Bntauy; F.lements oi
; Bi tanv; I'ridue's Algebra; l'orlei'a ilhi tiincul Hea
ders; Fiiierson's (iennraphy and lli-toiv; Olney's
' do.; Purli y's ilu.; Siiuih'. t iraiiunei: Kiikham'a do.;
; Kav'a licad.r.-; Cohl 'a do.; Cobb's Arilhmeiirk;
I Pike's do.; l'.mi rson'a Jo.; Cobb's Spelling Books;
', 'l ow ii". do.; Cuhh'a Table Books; 10 vaimcliciil Fa
I niity Library; ('ottage Bible-; Family do ; Cull.iter
I ul do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Paikei's Kx
cu i-e. on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter's
S iol'a Itesi; American Itevolution; Matryatt's No
! vi Is; Mrs. Phelps nil Chcmisliy; Iliad; Catechism
1 of American Laws; Letters on .Natural Magic; Che
: mii-try for Begiuueis; LiighkU F.xrrcim s adapted lo
Murray's (irainmer, Seipiu I lo Comity's Spelling,
i Bisik; Ann r n an Clasa Ihaik; Daboll'i Schonlmas
, lei's Assistant; A ureal vuiiety of Blank Bonks, Ac.
August VS, IMl'j,