The popular Vote of llic Prrsidcnlial Election. The Washington City C.Iohe 1ms token tho pains to collect the popular vote in the several Rtntes, on the Presidential question, which wo give below. The whig papers, by leaving out South Carolina, in which state the Legislature fasts its vote, ami by giving wrong fiitures, have attempted to make out Mr. Polka minority Pre sident, when in fact he has a majority over both the whig and Abolition candidates combined. Maine, N. Hampshire, Massachusetts, t-onncctifMit, Khodc Island, Vorn.oiit, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Oh in, Kentucky, N. Carolina, S. Cirnlini, lieorjin, Alabama, Ind in tin, Illinois, Mieliinnn, Mississippi, Trmnesspe, Tnuisiann, Missouri, Arkansas, Polk ('lay Birney 4010:5 MKI7-2 4(W5(5 27li!) 171(1 4101 G'J'.Ki C)fl72 1(H(H y.Hti :kjs:-j im 4-ilG "iH'2-2 .r 20770 3970 2:71Vi S'WIjI lo?"-? .'J71-!., 3213 i:U 107VH 101JII.1 31M r.ori r.jo7 3J777 n.-)!H4 4!)."7(l 43007 111)117 15.V-47 8050 5JINHJ (5127!) 3)J-7 4:WW 470.V Mill lll.Vi 4210(5 3022: 2l!Mil 7(111 (5""(H 210f rnr, i:i n 2102 2770:1 212.50 3(i:j: 231(52 1 71520 "i!))77 dlMMi) 13.V53 12-73 4130!) 3 1-'.', I 107S2 101'JS 1.202 !)7 l,i:0.427 f!),l)t3 1.13-V127 50.013 127.551 1,104, 111) SHOUT ALMANACK roil Tin: vein 1 S 1 5. firing Bflrr I lie Knuilli of July, the 00th of American Ileirudence. HI MONTHS. JANUARV, FEBRUARY MARCH, APRIL, Ivtvjir;n ition. 'I'he following is an abstract from the official report of the Department of the nnnihi'r of pass-liters that have arrived in the 1'nited Stat.'S from forcijin countries during the year ending Sept. .1(1, 1 s 1 1 Maine, "1,0 111 Yew Hampshire, 0.I1; Massachusetts, 0.1 i) , 'hod-' Island, l.'i ' 'nunecticut, .',S New York, .V. 1.72 Pennsylvania, -l.ssi; Delaware, :t Maryland, ."7,011(7 District of Columbia, ."I? Yermont, 'j7 North Carolina, .7 South Carolina, 3.'!0 Florida. ,7S Louisiana, .'i.SN'J MAY, JI'NE, JlLV, Arci'ST, Sl'.PTEM I5F.Il, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, M,704 Of which were males, Females, 1S.S07 37. Mil VI. 7(51 l!t20 0 27 7 1 t 21 I 11 is .'.'-(; 2'J -I 7 12. i:t 1 1 lit 20 21 2'ii27 2S 3 1 1 20 21 27 2 22 2.1 2'J '10 n 7 1.1 20 27 2,2'i a I it. io,l i;i2i n I : 1 7 1 1 V ) 'JII 27 20 27 10 17 212.. I 1 1 I 21 IW.l 'iO 2 it 1.7,10 22 2.1 I,.rciitor, Salt. F""IIB Exiruioia of the estate of Daniel Levy, L .. ilec'.l., will offer f t vale, at the Cnuit House, in Sunhuiy, on Monday the Gth January nel, Four C'oitlguoii-i l,ot of f'rotiti1, including the dwelling house lately occupied hy Mr. Levy, fronting the river. Alio: Four other contiguous Lots of Ground, ffonting on Doer nnd tin pis. Conditions will be made known n the day of silo, ly LEWIS DEW ART, ALEX. JORDAN. Sunhury. Dec. SI, 1N44 3t Executors. t all ami Nettle." PERSONS knowing themselves indebted to th" subscriber, are requested to c.ill fllid settle ttieir sec. mm, on or before the SOlh day of Jami ry next, after which time those of long stamling will bo pluccd in the bands of a Justice, fir roll, c ton. if. D. MASSER. Dec. Mth, 1811. LIST OF CAUSES. T"OK trial in (he Court of Common Pleas of Nor. - ihumt'Prland County, Ml January Term ISI5 eomnieneing. the first Monday, being the 0th. Sr'uairncr, alienee of vs John O.irver et n 4 (Seorfre Lawrence vs J I Hackenhcrg vs VVm M'C iy vs J.ilin F Murray vs Joseph Veit7. -l v Isaac I'o ulnrni. I vs M trlin A Stork Carver Stephen Deir Frvmirn for Evert Bellas Ac Ellis, Ac Reed for Murray J W Smith Daniel Zerbe Ac. Wife Wm A Lloyd FIFTY DOLLARS KHWAIM) ! CANTRELL'S tVlelirnlcd ramily .lltMlicinc ""TJ'ILL not rnre evrrr thing, but still rem do y utirqnalleil in ihrir several departments by every thing rver offered to (he public, who have voluntary came forward sud offered numerous and highly respectable testimonial uf their superior efiioicy. Cuntreira Compound Mtdicnttd Syrup nf S'm -unpnnlln t or, Anti-Seorbutie Syrup, for the ol Scorluls, Chronic Hheo.n itis n, C'bronic Sweb lings of the Joints, Eruption of the Skin, and ell Diseases arising from the abuse of Mercury, t.., unsurpassed by any thins in the maket, coinlii. ning all the virtues tesiilent in the Snr-npiri:.i with a modern medicament, only lately brought out liy ihe most rcspfcUhlo meilical authoritns. Price, 50 cents prr bottle. CitnlrtlVn .liiH-Dii'iievlic Pvtrdrr, for the re. rcii'T iiiM' c otn'oi FOR THK CI'RR Or n Y S 1 K V S 1 A . THH Medicine is offoreJ to the public gener ally, from full conviction thi.t it is superior to any other mrdicinn now in use, for tho rure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility or Uodilv We.ikness, etc. lis effects have been tested in a private prac.Oce efncir rilit yens, and it is now morn extensively ci'cuhted, at tho solicitude of many who have re r eived ihe rnol benefit from ihe u-o of it. 'I'he follow ion i one among a number of certifi cutes received in illation to the success of this mc dicine ; LAcHTt:n ("o. March 18. Da. (iKoanr. V. Ailkm, Dear Sir: It is with gri-at pleasure that I in form you of ihe success attending your Dyspeptic Medicine, while eii'i loyed in my ivaclioi. From Ii..f .o,l i,,,l . ure f tb .l inon distressing I " ' , .eri. iirr, . nriniy o. neve mar in c.Bm cases Sm'l Svvim ha t o wife vs Peter Fersier Conrad Desher's rx'r vs J McKinnryetal App'emn, endorsee of Edwards A Verree vs Vm Don dd-m I (til I I7is 21:2.7 II .1 , 0 1 1 DEC F.M15F.R, IJl'i l'.,20 21 20 27 as 10ll!l2 17! IN, lit 21 2'. :ii: 1 1.7 1 S 1-7 22 2 'I 2 I 10'l7 10,11 2;i :to 20 vs larob Worlley vs Clinrles Ruth vs John Painter vs Abr diam Lawrence s Joseph Keller vs II- nry St. inmetz vs John W Peal vs J (; I) N'oii'se vs Augustus cV John lluey 17 12 n lit 20 20j27 :i t 10,11 17 IS toil I lo lo i ( iv 20 21 222'l'2 12.7 27 2 2,.!::o;.,ii s II 1.7 21 22 -S oJ I IO 1 IjlJiKI 17,1s l!'J(i "I 2t 0 Ci-riois Si iihtics. Tlie American Insti ute of New York has pniili-lied a 8t itciiicnt re peclino; the consumption ofnuitnil foul yearly i city. The weight of h'-eves killed yenr V is 3l,0iK),000 lbs. ; sheep and I nnhs, 0,:(KH), .10 lbs.; hoejs, :5.7 V ,(: ;bs. ; calviw, OO'.l.lllKI is Total, 15 I l:i,(M bd. TIL. N. V. Repub iCan ays : 'Assiiminr the population of .Yew York city o bo 350,000, ami that the consumption of oni nal food averages tour nonces p.-r day lo each, he total consumption in a j ear amounts to 31, 37,500 lbs to which ni.'iy he nilded the a- Diiiiut ciiusiimed by cornnit roe in the coasting ind foreign Irailc, and also by the population in he immediate vi inity ot'the city 13.472500 ibs. fair eslini'tte ; it makes up and confirms he total be'ore related, o 45 1 10,000 Ibs , which it three cents per pound, amounts to $l,3ii3 170.' New York ami I'iiii: Rui.KOAn. The; prospect of oht.iinini; the requisite ninount id itibscrip'ion i favorable The .Yew York pa lors wy all the city directors, except one or two, t lave suh-crihod b.r the Hinoiints which they i propuse to take, rniijjinjr from 30,000 dnllars to .MI.OOO iliiUkrs, ni.d llmso who Inve nut yet put !own their names, are re uly to do so whenever t tdiall be necessiry, in order to complete the u in required. j Tiik M ikmov A bill has been in-i-luced into tie- Illinois House of Represeuta- ! ves, repealing uiieotiilitionally the whole of Ihe "ormon charters, and referred to the Committee .1 the Judiciary by a vote of los yeas to I nays, j woof the four voting in the negative were Mor ion representatives. The Springfield corres Mindentofthe St. Louis Republican expresses lie opinion that the ctiarters will be repealed. The Nauvoo Tunes and Season rives official lotice that Klder Parley P. Pratt has been ap ,Kinted by the Council nf tho Twelve to go to the city of New York, to take charge of the presi" in that city, to resolute and counsel the eini grants who come that way from I'.ornpe, and to ; take the I'reuidency ol all Ihe lvibtern Mormon churches. j Gen. Deming, tho Sheriff of Hancock, in his recent ulTiciul visit to Warsaw, had his horse shaven and thorn of its mane and tail during the night of his visit. RKFWlMIMi CRIMINALS. 111 C I III' 1 llllrt t i , B chain gang is formed of criminals, and they aretcim pelled to work on the public highway. Magnetic Tii.sokai'h. It is hi id that the wires which were laid over tho tops of the hou ros in this city, in the direction of Chatham titreet and F.ast Ilroadway, have been extended as fur us the shot tower, and will bo continued to New Haven. Jour, of Coin. 2.7 20 2 I I i 2 :t i i i h oho ii i2 :t !! 17, is l.i on 22 2.7 21 2.7,20 27 2!';:o:ii I I.l i: o Du. llHAtinHKrii's Pills. He came fiom lo tl-c laml of the brave, To cure our diseases, ami sui.ti h fiom the grave. Long, long had Columbia her suffering sons mour ned, II ut now she rrj .ices, for he.dih has return, d. What prize shall we giv , 01 what honor b low 1 With what wreath hu!l ned.ckthe I'hil.iiutir.r pists brow Thy name, Dr. Ilr.indreih, ' insciiled on our souls, And thy fame diall extend from the line to ihe p .Irs; Itewaie of all Druggisis, ho flrive to deceive Their miseialde imiiatioiis t an in ver re i. ve ; The Agents ndv-rrtised, sell ihe genuine IMIi, Which remove from the body Ihe c.msr nf its ills. iXj" Purchase of II. U. Mjs-.r, Suul'ury, or of he aueuis, publi.-hed in another part of this p iper. . .1 IS H I K It , On the 20th ult., Dr. ii. . M s-ki:. of Man. h Chunk, to Miss Amanha Ski.i.i:ks, of Ahl.iud Iron Works, Carbon countv. Oil the 17th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Pooler, Mr. Ami 11. 1' r, to Miss I'.i.izaio: i ii RoiiiMi. both l Lykens township, Duiiplnn co. On Thursday the 20th ult . by the R -v. J. W. Phillips. Major Hi I'm kn M Ci.i uk, Prothoiiut.1 ry of Lycoming county, to Miss Mkiii It, daughter of Hon. Joseph 15. Anthony, of Wil I ia ii is ki t . nrr..ii u... I .... . ... !. .. r I I V. I, III this place, on the lt inst., THOMAS, son ofCeuigc V. Kiehl, aged about fi years. I'KICK cruiu'AT. Corrected wittily hy Henry Ytixtinmer, W'hkat. - Dimmift for Camp Joseph Weitzel John R Ketiler Itenjamin Robins Prentice for Welch S'.eplien Derr llsas ft Drurkrmillcr Wm A Lloyd Unlet Smith II T Hnlhncshead .V Co vs l'i ter Lazi'iis Charles D Wharton Henry llardher E PS' annon vs Dennis Waters JAWF Wsggnnselbr vs Eli S ifer A W Johuoo et al vs John C Moyd el al John Ross's ex'rs vs C S Wal'isit al Chnr'es (Sale vs Christian I. W'eirner vs lli.b.n .V M'Coy D.iniel ll'os us s John A Shi-sler Jo eph Miimi.n vs Shamokin Ceal .V Irontio Fow'esA Diei-b trh vs H"eendol,!er oV Dreishui h Facely. Cleaver At lo vs Thoniss M'Fall II R (ieaihait vs J din C Yoiiiir Dai i. I Mover Ar Wife vs Daniel Frynd'e Al iiihsm Tro jiiimri ri n vs Chri ii in Trhupp Jolm 0 Miller vs Wm M'Csy Claire (Jenevirve D isque s Daniel Duiikleberger Psnie vs Same (Jeorge Oyster vs John (Jirnlisrt et al John llolili 4 Dtniel Dorusei( Welsh, Pump A; Friik vs (ieorgn Ovsler complaint, Dy-pepsii, in rill it forms and stntres. It is truly a most vnlu ible rcimdy. Sold in bottles ai S5 and 50 cents eieh. Ciintrcll'i .Jf'ie M:xlurf nnd Tonic Mnlirn inriltil, stands at the hend of Ihe list unrivalled ley iniy, or all the iiinnineralde mediein s in u-e throughout ihe length and bread h of Ihe land, for the cure of Fr.vm :'0il Anrc in all its stages, and from nil its consequences. Residents in Fever and Ague districts should never be without it. Thcsul.sciil erwillforf. it FIFTY DOLL MIS where his medicine tails lo perform a cure in the most obstiim'e ca-e, S Id Who es.le and Retail bv CALEB" CRES- SON, at bis Drug Varelioue, No. 0 North 'Thud j Street, Philadelphia; also, bv ibe regul irty ap-j foiuled agent. SBTH W. ROBERTS, Wholes e , Druggist, No. SI Wa'er Street, Mobile, l'r -pared oi:lv bv Hie Sul'scriber, corner nf CAR. j TENTER ami SECOND Streets, Mow I'hristi- 1 an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed. J Observe, none aro genuine vmhont Hie signature i of JOHN A. CAN TRELI out of ten, the Dyspeptic, bv Ihe use of ymir medi I ine, may emir ly rid hirnu lf of this thorn in the j pathway of life: not only in dyspeptic cases, but , in all ci-es of ennstipstinn, and diseases depend ng j on a ditiilita'ed stale of ihe nervous system, loge I ther with a Impid st Oe of the bowels, will your E lixir be foiled of inestimable value. Numerous in-.-lances wheipin the usefu'n''ss of ihe medicine has bein rea!i-ed, may l fotwarded, if reipiired. I ! i-h yi.u great success, and recommend the lindi- clue lo the nrll'er ng sit of in inkind. Vouis, with greit respect, ROBERT ACNE W, M. D. j C"J' f or ,ia', nX ,,IC fi'ue f U. Masscr, agent I for i lie proprietor, Sunhurv, Pa. (Mol.r Sfiili. Folger for i'roxell William Farrow Charles A Townr l.igln A: Hoffman S Ar J lli.d J Ai J K Tn go Hayes, Eltiol, Lyon V (nihil Jacob S. ilieit ( .eorge Leibnch lleiuy Riipp Henry Ma-ser Jordan Ai Pnrdv Henry lliiilunjti tieorge Eekert D M Secbb r Mnch. ll f..r Raber John iV Housworth Burns Al Ei-ely Elizabeih W1H.1 1 Oeoige lo k' it D.ivi.l M'KiHght D S Spare Henry M.ts-rr vs Henry P Folhnei vs Abraham Klnze vs ( irorge Eekert vs J A P Montague John N Lain rl al vs Win M'Cle. ry el si vs Miller A Frvmire vs ( o'ge C M'Kee vs Henry Massei, E-.. vn f i'orge Slul.-y s Id nrv Folk vs .lu-cph Allison s (.forge Ko'y. vs (irorge W Towar v.- James Thirp vs Jurd liwine (ieorgp lleckerl el ul vs Soie vs D Lei y' r'H vs (i. urge W Towar vs Ii Richardson et al vs Henry Si. I ler vs Win M'( 'ar y . I hI lirr.. ClIHS, - . Oa rs, Pork, Fmsun, BlTTTKM, lUlSVVAT, . 'Tallow, Drikh ArrLKs, - Do. Pkaciiks, Flax, II m'klsh Flax, Eons, H5 Ml 40 2 5 ft 112' I-.' 2ft lo Ml 1.70 ft III III " ("iiiiil liitriit Tire Company.' S CM F.I) MEE TINIi ol ibe Compniv will la' held 011 Tuesday evening i.exl, al 7 o'clock, at the Court Haute. I'oneiual alt lance ia re- joired. CHAS. S. WElSEK. Jan. 4. INI5. Seorlury. '"VashliiK:(iii IT re Company.'' rl'HE meuiUiis of the "Washiugton Fire Coin- nny" sre req iestid lo meet al the Slate House, on Mi inlay Evening, Jan. 6, at 7 o' clock, precisely. Puni-iuiil attendance is le.pii'ed. Jan. 4. J WOO Yill NCMAN. .W. Iiaiuokici Vo:l A T N () U T 11 U M B E R L A N I). fllUE Subscrilier has a boat of rxcell nt X Shamokin Coal at Norlhumbeil md, which he offers lor sale al the. lowest prices. IVrsons wishing lo purchase will call on ihe sulwcrilur al Sunhuiy, or E. P. Shannon, Esq. u Norihomlier land. II. 11. MASSE It. Sunhury, Jan. 4th, 184ft. Aoliif. A LI. persons indebted 10 ihe esUle of John Leghou, lale ol Point lownship, dneuse.l, are lietcl'V noiil'ied to make piyinin', without de. lay, to the sulixrili.-r. ; and those having 1 loins gains) raid rotate, will prevent them duly sinl.en JOHN II. IIOVO, D. URAl'TKi N, N'oiih'J, Dec. 28, 1H1L 01 Eaii uIui. S.Ml EL D. JORDAN. Proihonolarv's ofliee. ji V.V1'1. Siinliurv.Dee. Mlh I S4 I. S LIST OP JURORS OF Nonhniiiherlund I. 1 January Term, A. D. IK 4ft. (ran (I Juror. Tiirlml. l-aae Dm kle. Jirntciirr. Win 15 Irwin, J .tin Beard, Ahrn ham Siarnrr. Miton. Lewis E F.vai s. II J E.kbnl. I'hU.mwtiut. Joseph For.h sinsn Surthunthrrltmd. .1 Youiigmni, Benj llein. Augusta Henry Mali. Ii, snr. Slittiotiliiii. John II. iff nan, James Yorum. litish. Isi'ic Kase, Win liotlit rinel, Jscoh Ar'er, I ppir Mulinwy. -tiuloii A!am, Soloinoii Folk. Samuel 1 u-l. hmer .Miioiihu. J. nut' an Dorkey, '.. ine Hi i, Andre Deny, J colt Snider, jr., El jih Oyer y, John B niso, jr. , Travrr .lnror. j 'Viirhut. J tin Fox, i l.nri. Adam Schuyler, J ipii'i Ilnn-i. ker. ! Ih liiti'tire. Junes Kathr.r1, J. loi llnile, Isaac Vinceni, John Fog. Iinao, Daniel N it hulas. , M,!lmi Miehuil Kr liner t'iiliipuiiur. Thomas 1 1 ill tt ft, John Heller, 1 Wm II null ol, Ro'ipil Lyon, Edwar.l Buoy. J'oiii'. John Tfouix, A !liii Newbi-'iy, jr., Win - Dentl. r I Sorthnmherlimd. Vm II Wapples. j Suiihnrif. lames 51 listed, John 1 1 il. until. Ceo . 11 t "iinginnn. Augusta. Jacob Rhonls, ('ha les R, J is ; I. vile. Pin lip (.ml, Aniiretv Kailn 1111 hi, 1'itei Ysiidling, lieorge Siler, J din Y "dv. Slioinol; n. Mo. gsu Hughes, John lluft. Fur nun F oiisivor h, J..I111 K C .iniU II. 1 luh (ie. rge A D Xon, Benj illlin, J icoh Snider, Alexndei Cainplt-'l. Coo. Da v I.I I hoinpson. Mu hai l Derk, snr. , I'ppiT Mtihuuoy. ti.nrge H.ias. ; Oiivr Muwiii'i. Huh K.inlile, Johu M.s tier. ur.. Henry Wi s t. Jnrkton Daniel lloburr, jr.. John Kiehl. lieu- . ry L iUba, Beiijamiii lleim, Jacoh WriM'r.jr. ' lrlil .lnrrs. Turfut. Jsioes Arinsiioiig. j Isn't. John Khipp. I Ihlnware. Jacoh Diehhr. snr., (ieoige F. x Sainui'l Drarmond, David TMsck-y, Jaud lr- wine. j Milton. Isaac Hou-il, Henry Wilhi lin, Ceorge ; El'eri, Michael Shoein .ker. ! i'liilinjumpii; 'Thomas Allen, James Joidau. ( Andrew F. Uer, jr. j I'oinl. Daniel Vanknk. fiovtltumtm land. Ahiaham llollopeter, Jacob Rider. ! Sunhury. Clonics Weave', Piter W (iiav, Augurlii Jacob Evert. Jo-eph Lyile, Rohi rl (i I'ursel, J acob Dewill, Thoin is Woll. jr. A'uA.-Joaeph Patten, Ah xundei M, Cas- I r R. rd, Ja.-oh liecd, jr. l.ittlr Mufiiino) David Dunkb U iger Juckon CharU's Roll erin. I, Mi. ha. I (11 arin- j ger. Trier Fir. lei, Pcler Ritd, Jcob llolii.n Nov. aoih, 1844. I C'aiitrrllN .i-n ll1nrr, or Tonlr DIm1I aiiicnla, For Ihe cure of nil lliitu nffirtiiinit, if token nc rorilinif lo dirt ct ion. It is a never failing remedy which no fami'y oiigh' t i be without, especially in low inur.-l y com tries. As this medicine ia put up under the proprie tor's irnnii iliale inspection on the most sciennlie prii.c ples, he ng Pur ly Vigeh.ble, nnd having tried its i ll'icscy on thousands, for upwards of 12 years, and loh s knowledge when taken strictly ac cording lo di minus, ihrre has not Is en one fa lure. I inter such crciim-lanrc I recomiuiud it lo Ihe pul lie, adding a ccrnll at j in support of my asser tion. I. John Bum', do reitifv that I was in the ship Toli.ccii Plant of Philadeli hi 1, Cnpt. Reed, in June, IS27, bound to Liverpool ; took Ibe fever and ague and laid in Liverpool some lime limb r Ihe ilix'ioi's I amis, went fiom there to BaHim .ie, lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks fiom thence lo Philadelphia; was six months under Dr. Coals; fiom llienee lo New Y. rk went to the Hospital, lema'lieil there shout four weeks without any relief tried every lli'iig without snv Micfil, for five yeais. Heiring of Caulre'l's Ague Mix tine (mm a friend, I went lo bis store, told him how I was Htllictcd, and got a hut lie of his mixture and ns'd it accruing lo ihr- ctions. It made a pcr tect rure, and I have n. .1 bad the least r.tuni since. I do with confidence recommend it to the public. JOHN II CRN'S. 31-i1i4 l isp ol Sarsapai Ilia. I'hd id. Iplmi, April lOih, ISM. Mr. John A.Cisran i, Dear Sir, Having he. 11 alllie rd for upward-of two vears with ulceration ol Ihe ihioal, ile-lroyjog ihe whole of ihe soft p.l.le, then ihrouuh Ihe upper part i f 111 uioulh mill mv Hose, tr un which al 1 n ce of hoi e came cut, winch punial'y de-tioy- d mv speech, through a kind Providence mid your MnliCHle.l Svrupot Sars .p mil 1, 1 am now ie-tor. d lo pi il rl Li'alili, Hiul mv sight, sh ell was so much impair' d. Is a- strong as w In n a hoy. I thought 11 a duly I owed to you and those simi larly affect- d, to make it public. VoUis, R. spec fiillv, SH F.L KIRK, of 'Tenth and Circs Sluets I, Ca' rd J nsloii. No. K -kl. ss Sin el. do ci 1 -lifv thai my wile, J ine, was i.lll c ed lor iwo years w ith Rheuuii siu. ami al hi t w as rnt'ielv di-a 'led, so that si r w as ohhued lo he routined lo h, d ; I r 1 -ing i f Canl iU's Meliiateil Siuii of Sa s ip irilla, t Ami Scoihu'ic Svrtip, I proline I (on h. ttl s. which coinphlelv removed all her pain- and slill 11. s- from her I mil .V ; two 111 re h.orl.'s made a p. r feci i ure. S: e is now aide lo a'l. lid u her li'iiise hoid duti. s ai 11. oil. li ABRIL JDNM ON. Philad.lphii, J.11. 221. ISIt. NEW GOODS. rilllE sabsrribi r has just received from Philadel bl 'li in a freli si.pply ol New (ioons, consisling in part, of M'lUslin Drlnhic, Crope Ihluinr, Cash mere de i'eosxr Shuirls-, Hnndkerrheifn, Ac Also, llttirrr and S Ik Unix, a good assortment of. Mt n ' and Hoi' ('opt, liroccriei, l.iiuors, Suit, Ar. c, all of which will he sold at the most reasonable terms. Stone .him nnd Jus;, cheap. II. 11. MASSE It. Sunhury, Oct. Sib, IKII. 1 00 t 1 11 g s MACS Sail, 100 Barrels do., at fl 7ft rash, fir sale by 15. HENDIilCKS. Sunbiirv. Del. l!Hh. 111. Hit i : us, 1 n ( ; it a i n a n i v kx i:n a x C a r c .1 (1 S i: I II II I. 1 C 14 W 4) ( l, An. 1 I l Chcsiiut Stmt, Corner Franklin Sjuurc. l'niLM)F.f.l'llA. I I AS jusi reciived and is now opening a very ' extensive and beautiful assortment of CAR I' ."' .(iS. 'The goods are fresh, and of new Ivies, and being purchased principally for Cash, they will be sold at the lowest prices j they consist in po, of Splendid Bins-e's, - CARPET Beautiful imperial Mply, 1 I NHS, Super Exira Ingram, S-Colnrs war- 3 1. I 4, ft K 'Twilbd Venetian, ranted " " ' Plain do. J DVRAHLK A I. .run stock of well seasoned OIL CLOTHS of all widih, Ri us, t 1 si in s, AiC, together with 1.11 extensive a-so lnient of Low prictd Carprliii$ fall de- riptions. iX3" are n qui sled to call and kee us, when tl'i'v will find an extensive Sssoitineul at the most reasonable price-. I'hd de'i hia. Oct. ft h. 1S14. tf CHEAP CARPET STORE, ON THE CASH FLAN. Al An 41 Slr'iu'irtry St. Philadelphia. FI'IIIE Rent of ihe suhtrihers in their present X situation being very low, and their terms ("ASH, they are enabled lo sell at such low prices thai customers cannot fail to bo satisfied, and ibry invite the people of Nnrthumbp ilaud and the sd joining counties lo call snd rxainine their stork, ss they offer an rxielVnt asorunonl, comprising Beautiful Imperial, 3jdy, "l Superfine Ii grain, I Heavy 'Twill d Venetian, CA RPETING8. Fine English Worsted do. j Plain Siriped do.J With a large Stock of well sensoned Floor Oil Cloths of all widths, for Rooms, Hnlls, Door Pie res, Ve. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Beautiful Health Rugs, Table ('overs. Floor Uaize, Rag Car pets, Malting. Ate Ate , tognher with a largo Stuck f low ptieed Ingrain, Entry and Stair Carets, W'hole.-ale and Retail, at Ihe lowest prices in the city. riLDKIDUE & BROTHER, No. 4 I Strawberry street, one di.or above Chesi nut, near Sd street. Entrance tltj al No. 50 Sou ill Second street, Phi's. b lphia. Sept. SKlh. IR44 rim S PANI SIFhTdb"S TAXNKHS' OIL. fnOOO Diy La Pliti Hides first quality. :( Dry La (iuira. d 1 l( Dry Saltrd La (iuira, do 20OO Dry Salt, d Br nil Hides, do ;$." Bales (ireen Salted Patna Kips. 20 Bales Dry Pa na Kips. I'JJO Barrels Tsnnets' Oil. 'Tanner-' and Curriers' Tools. For sale lo Country Tuitners at the lowest prices snd upon the best terms. N. 15. The highest market prices paid for all kinds of leather. 1). KIRKTA'TRICK Ac SONS. No. 2 I, South Third St. Philadelphia. September II, I SI I. ly. TO Country Merchants. ritHE Subscribers respectfully invite Country A. Merchants who are about to purchase Fall and Winter Supplies, to an examination of their respective Slocks, believing that their several as sortments are as complete as have ever been oflt'i e.l in Ihe Philadelphia M.uki I. With stocks o( (ioods in their several Depart ments of the choicest kinds a determination to sell on terms wh'ch cannot fail to prove sntisficto-. ty and a disposition lo please old and new custo mers, will, we hope, be a sufficient inducement to purchasers to call at our ies ective establishments. Silks and Taucy Goods. W At R P Remington 80 Market Street. Ashburst Remington 50 ' Buck Ac Potter 1 Hi Yard Ac (jillmoic 10'J " Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods. 105 Market Street. 120 1 50 1 .r) 4 " 46 N. Second St. q J- De-cripiive TamphhU may be had ol Ibe agenu, Miratis.) J. W, Sm. bury. Nov. ., ISIt. ly FRILIYO. .hi ot. EC it Ic of 4 (Mil l. JN Ihe Court ol I' ill 0011 Tb ss uf Norlt'inn'n is land Couiirv. N ..vcmlier 10, lst Rule on ihe riicu'i 'II creditors ,. I'll.. mis and 1'liaiV- A. i'o-lley, lo show cau c I y Ihe In si dav of mil lenu why die m in V ill Court, rii-ed lr.un Ihe sal.- of ih I. 1 1 1 1 inu' pcr-o ul pnrr'V, -h.-uhl li 'l he pu.l agiee.b'y 10 piio i'y of bvy, as .1 by ihe auditor llll'l' lip .n. swri'i, 11. joiid 4 x. l'n ill. ill 'lan's olliee f I'mtli'i. S, o, burv, D.r. I I. Il. S It Lost ! ! NOME WHERE b. I .vein iher.s,! e ..f ihe siihscnU'r, in I'll Ii ipi ipie louns'iii-, 11I1 uoili. ilaud . and ihe hoiouuh ol SuiiLuv. 011 Tu s.l.i v, Ihe I 'IxU ins!., a small I'oe Kir It ... k . roniiiiiiuig a II 'le ol band I10111 'Tobias It-, llieil and .'..I'll Muriav 1. 1 sol. -cilia r, as the a luiiin-lratoi ol Thnlil . M.orav, dale.l in Jai.u n, l; i, and auolh. r 11 'ie of baud ti nine, fm f IS, .1 t.-, m I S I II ; aMl' ielll for w 1I10 ssesr-, and a lite dot III bill on the II. nk of Xoilhoiiil aland. The lin h r, by returning l, will Is' soil ih y rcw'.'e.l; or hy leaving the pipeia si 1 tie Post Ollic.-, Sui hu rv, i t lorwa'ding Ihun lo the sul sculler, iiiav keep ihe live dollar till. JAMES F. MI RRAV. I'h hi-ipnopic, Nov. Miiih, lull. if liruiRi' 'ullnliarN i:slal. "JOTH'E is hereby given that h t'ei. of sdiiiin Isllallon have U-cn gialiled lo the .ul'scnU l. 00 Ihe 1 atate o lieorge (ioll-h 1!, dee'd. All per sons ui.'clil. .1 lo said estate, i-r having claims ag no-l the a .ine, an- reijuc-l. dlo call oil Ihe subsinlsr and scille ihe same wilhoul b lay. D 1D REIER Augost i, Nov 2:1, I 1 1. lit Ailiu"'. C I. NS a .y Hi, ,ci 4uali.y, J Cul Niils, nil s es, "all, by ihe sai k and barrel, Hal- sod Caps, ol till' la al quality. All d i s-l. al ie (in ed pr c. , by fiunbury, Oil. Uh, Isll. 11. 1). M Ai LR. A S BI It V iV It C A r. 1 WHOLESALE & RETAIL f HAT r. MAM TACTUlllallS, j South J'.tisl corner of Market and th ... ! I'liiliuDlpliia, "IX'HERE ih'V alwavs ke.-p on band an cxlcn I ' .ive a-s ..tin. ut i f HA I S y C.4 I'S of every : 1I1 script 1011. got up in the best and most approved ; -Ii le. I'cis lis ih (ir.-u-,.! purch ariiig stis iior arti I cb s on ihe most iea-cii ible terms, w ill fn d it to 1 iheir a.Uanliige lo call hi f re making purchases j flsf .v h. re. j Phila l. lphia, Oct. 5th. I S 1 1. 1 v ! siii'iiinrrs iwtkxt V.GHI1TG- ItCZ-CIHIlTE. F"tlll"S Machine h .s now been le-ted by more 1 than thiily families in this neighborhood, and , has given entire -ntit u lion. It is so simple in M ci slroclii 11. that it cannot pel out of order. It com a us no iron to nj-t, and no-piingsor rollers to ; gel o- t of lepur. Ii will do twice as much wash in', wilh less than hall Ihe wear and tear of any ol ! Ihe I it. invein ini-, and whit is .f greater in por costs hut III Ie over half us much as other ' w ashing iiischiucs. 'The sobs, ril er h is ihe exclusive right for Nor- : ibuiiihei I ind, I'uioo. 1, coming, Columbia, I.u . rne and (Million counties. Price of single ma chine ftl. II. B. MAssER. 'Ti e billowing ce t lii .it.- s fiom a lew ol those Him Inn' thr-e m 'd ines in Use, Suuhuiv, Aug. 21, I 4 I. e, the sul scr. hers, ceruly tbat we have nun Ill 11 -, in our faimlies, "Shugeit's Patent Wash ing M .dune." and .lo 1 ol hi -Hate s iv ing that il is nio-i i.el. nt 1 1 1 -1 1 hi. 'Thai, 111 Wa-huig, il v ill -live more than one hall the usual labor. Coal il d a s not require more than one thinl ihe usual qu mil v of so .p and w ater ; and thai llieie - is 11 1 inlil'ing. ami coiis qiieinly. I tile or no weai- Ilia r ! IH III J III .1 It kll'N'l.d oil no hlltlOliS, snd il finest clo.hcs, ' ca as cod..r-, laces, Ii cks, Inl s, A uotv he a is' ed in a vcy short lime uiih.u.lli.e h .st injint , aid in I ml wilh-ul niiv appa'cn' w 1 ai and l a', h ilev r. We ihcrcfon ch.eiliillv re.'omin.'iul it I' our Ii 11 11 Is and I 1 the I uhlic, as a in o-l Us. I n I ai d I h r savint; 111 11 hlne, I 11 RLES W. HEIilXs, A. IORDAN, t ils K WEIL ( lis CLE XSANTS, 1 ; I i 1 1 . 1 1 N M KKI.E. II .... liKO. t". WEI.KER, BENJ. HENDIilCKS, (ilPEON I.EISENRINU. Hihh'k Hon 1, iform rlv 'Tiemoi-.l H 'ii-e, No. 1 10 Cli. sunt siieet,) Philadelphia, S.-plemlH r 2 I si, I S 1 1 , I have ii-cd Stingcrl's Pal. Ill Washing Machine in my hou e upw aids of right Itionih , and du 1101 hesiluie lo 1 0 v tbal I dis'in it one ol ihe 1110 I use- 1 lol and valo ihle I ibor savu g inaebiiiea ever luven l.d, I foiiiii ily k. pi Iwo women roi liiiuully oc cupied in washing, who now do us much in Iwo days as iln y then did in one w.-ik. 'Their is no sun or tear in washing, and il requires not more lhnilolic-tl.ini the! oilaimtv ot I have had a number ol o'lul m chine in my bun ly, bnl this is ili'cide.lly kiipi'ii n lo every Ihnig rise, and so Ii lie l al-le lo gel out of up 01, thai would not 1 do wiltiout one if they should rout i.n lion s ihe I price ihey are sold lor. DANIEL HERIi. 1 'I V ELD LO I II. a handsome snide, all wool. ! bgbi and rl. aiie, loi r-unimei C. aia Reynolds, Mcl'a'luid iV Co Bmnctt, WiiheisvSc Co Scott A: Baker Wise, I'u-ey Ac Wise llatdy Ac Hackers Importers of (Moths, Cassimers, Vest ings, iS:c. William II Love 147 Market Stieet. Lambert Doy 108 Hardware and Cutlery. Michael V Baker 255 Market Street. Edward S Handy A. Co US lmiorters ami Manufacturers of Sad dlery Hardware. Horn & Km a.-s 81.1J Matkct Slieel. Uoots, Shoes, Donncts, Caps, Leghorn and l'alm Mats, ixe. E & J ti WhrUii. 15S Muikel Street. I.evick, Jenkins Ac Co 1 50 M Conrad Ac Co fiO " -Matiiifar.tuiers and Dealers in Di ngs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, vVc. 'Thomas P Jain s 12 Market Street. Polls. Linn A llanis -Jinj Roi inson. Cod lis As Co bl " Edva'd Cole 55 " 'Thompson Pancoist Ac ("o 40 Dats, Caps, Furs and Triimninj-s. L Kenton lid Maikct Street. John Sam rhier Ac Broth, r (52 ' HodlvS and SStationary. (Siigg At Ell ott 9 N. Fuui h Street. Ilogan Ac 'Thomps ul !50 Importers of I'riiish and French Fan cy Staple Stationary. I. I Cohen At Co 27 S Fourth Street. Henry Cohen 3 " Importers of Hosiery, Gloves, Trim mings ami Fancv Goods. Srlley A' Severing Parkei A Lehman CnlllliS, 1'rus Thomas ( 'o per 2:5 N Third Street. 3 ties, I'rooms, vc. 3 N Front Srrect. per II, w.ll A Br .then. Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple ( ioods. A F O t Monrose lfi S Fou'lh Soeel. Manufacturer of Talent I.tird Lamps. i: I s S Aichei iJ" N Second 't irt. Manuf.iclui er of Potent Flour ami Furniture (Jd Cloths. l-aac Maciiul. y, Jr. 6 N Fifh Street. Manufacturers and Importers of l'a- nanLin:s. SO ,V I ii Chesnut St. Philadelphia. August 21, 11J. .tin. NOTICE To in:i: iiiyi s x Miixii'.uti. U.M. M.eV JOS. K. MAL I.l., M .M'FAC'TI 'RElis XD DEALERS IN FOREKiN AND DOMESTIC STRAW (iOODN, Ao. ill), .V01 Ih i 11011 Stntt, Coppoiile Ih hsoii llouxe, a general as-oit- ,1-. All eris. Rul-t?s , lauds, I'd, II, s, W dlow Plait, Rice Sf.avv, and li e much admired Ni'ap..lii.iu l ace, a d Fancy B m lirls, inaiiuliicliired by us, snd for sale at Ihe lout I maouhiciii'i' piuas Mercliai.ts and Milliners uih invited 10 n'vi 111 a c dl upon visiuu hn Cnv. ti 7 N. B We lis-"- ul o I'omlau'lv ioi.kuii - ' sup. a lor ha r 1 lid ot . idlings, all of winch will be sold heap, lor a.-ti. I'lidadel, his, May 45, S.-ly fijt W H F.liE will be found a 5 r m. ail ol Florence Braid- lu sslr, vei y low , by June 15. lid Tanls, H. U. M AittR- I I A I.ZOKI.V F.S. a liaudaoniK silu I Dresses, lot tale ihrsp, bv June IS. II. for Lad a B. MAasJiEK.