Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 04, 1845, Image 1

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    Ti:il!US or THK ' A3Ii:illAX.'
II. n. MASSEll,
? Peaiisnrna isn
it. .rt.isst:ii. tumor.
Office in Centre Allen, " H,e rear " lf'
tcr's Store.'
THE" AMERIC AN" is published wry Palur
ilay t TWO DOLLARS per annum to be
paid half yearly in advance. No paper uiseontin
ucl till all aircnrngcs are paid.
No subscriptions received for a less period than
six months. All communications or letter on
business relating lotho. .dice, to insure ait.nlion,
mint be POST PAID. m
CPs EST IPS IT IT 33 ? fe C0 I Roston Transcript, gives Home idea if the na-
a 'mjnrirDTrri a tkt
Absolute acquiescence in thn decisions of (hp majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which there i no appeal hut lo force, Iho vital piim iplo and iimnr.liaio parent of despotism. JcrrKRao.
fly Mnascr & I:In Iv.
Suiiliury, XurUiiimbcrlantl Co. Saturday, Jan. -I, 115.
Vol. r,.-. 15-Wliolc Xo, !i'J3.
A Nciriipir Kslnbllnlimtnt. i
The following article which we find in tin;
Mnntil'.HMiirers of
Ao. Mirktt Strrct,
1 1i I I a 1 c 1 i It I a ,
NVM'E Ihe attention of Merchants, Miniifir
tiirrro, Ac. to their vn y extensive, ele
gant, new K'tH'k, prepared with Rrenl cure, and ol
I, red at the Invest possible priro fir ra-h.
I he prinnple on winch tin concern i cstaiiiisii'
turn of a newspaper establishment, and although
the Is.iuloii Times is an extreme case-, may
servo ns a warning to those win are so ready
now-n-days, with little or no capital, to embark
in so repponsiblo and costly an undertaking.
Persons are apt to think thnt it is an easy mat-
trr lo establish a paper, and ninny individuals
Itrnily, t lie Atmrlrnit Itnrdrrrr.
In an account riven by a tourist of his jour
ney, to thn fulls of Cuyahoga, near TkoErio,
and published in Sillininn's Journal of Science,
we find the following particulars of Samuel Bra
dy, n noteil American Uordercr, who flourished
about sixty years ago:
' Hrady was over s'.x fret high, with light
blue ryes, fair skin, and dark hair ; he was re
markably straight, and an athletic ami vigorous
have tried the experiment to their heart's anil woodsman, inured to till the toils and hardships
oil, is to consult the inletrst or ttieir ni-io- ( ),fc.Pr.... . ,nv deaths that have ! oI"a frontier life, and had br-cotne very obnoxious
Inerg and iln nt'i-lvi s. hv m mul letunnii a mil ur- ' . .. 1 . .i i i ,- i , i .
ce, selling it at the low si price lor rush, and : taken place of Into years will, newly Marled li- j lothc Indians, Iron, hts numerous eueecs-stul at
realizinp their own r. numeration, in the amount of terary periodicals and final! journals, and win n j ,nc on ,l",'r WBr parties, and from shooting
sales and q.rek rem, us , ' you nsk the cause it is want of funds a vital "l,,,n ' l"Hin"r excursions w henever they
l'lnwHsino iiirxtmu-ti hie fiei titles lor nmnuiac- ,J - I . , . ,, ,, , ...
i i vrirnii u nn 11 ilUrriMi with newMmner- nnd akin lo it of crested ns path or Came w it Inn reach ol hi ri-
ture lliev are iirei'ioe.l to siioiilv onh t to anv ex- : "' nt nil in ., iinu nuiii 10 uni nj , i
1 .' .. '. i. . . ... . I . . I. ..... ..ll.. .1 : ... l .1
tent, anil r. pi c fullv Hiltc.t Hie pain.iuigc in .M-r- . in i nth with the human cnistitution. e h:iv? j t 1" ,r"' j "''L'hi hi uumi- uh. imi-
' been led to these brief remarks l.ysci'inir in a ! n',Sl contests with the t-avaeos thnn any other
I , .., .. . innn u'Uhl ill' llm Infiinitri ine r.vertit lV-ituel
loreipn journal, an enumeration m me expi'niii- ' 1
! tures of'the I.i.don Times.ll.o larjreM paper in . Vkyw- ,,c VV!,!, rn,:, "" Imicr," as
many ot the early Ijonlerers.
This class of men appear to hav been more mi-
chants, Vmiuf arliin rs and Di a'ers
rjrj- A la i;i' noitiiii-iil of iho JS'ew Sljle Cur
nin Piiiaol'.
rinUd.l,.l.ii. .tune t. ? ly
w-- M w m mm rn w
the world, circulatlni; probably the preutest
utiniher of conies, ll is emphatically a iirofiia-
i.i., i, n,.,t ii.;.r.,.w.t l. tnn v. ! Microns in Hi ih region than any other twrtion of
.o. Itfl iJirMiiij Street, I jrf m)r A'rMcri(.M j,,,,,,,,,,,, I the frontiers ; nnd this douhtlese arose from the
'; , , f The Mat. inent to which we have alluded, flauhter at Braddock'sdefeat, and the numerous
i . rPHE M liSIJIvlIlhi;, ncrnilv of; , c ., .
fSTfa 1 u, ni.a, ,., would inform the p.,h ! lias respect to the receipts as well as Iheexpen- murders and attacks on defencelesa fann ies that
i'mI'j; I'c thnt h.- has lilted up 'Iv nh.ive cap ditures, and comiuei ces w ith the editorial ex- '"f I""ny y'"rs followed that disaster. Jirady and comriiii nt . stHl.:is!,..,e.,l. nd j pg w , , A, , (;-, hr f(),. was also a very Miccessful trapper nnd hunter,
.11 nlivHti he r adv loi lileit III vi-itors. Ml'rs- i 1 " 1 I . , . . . , .. ,
.i'Lhed -re .uiatioii i - the !ic. it is h. pel, will lows the claries of correspondents, 10.; Parlia- nd took more beavers than the Indians them full j-siirmcc, th .t his curst will he sup- , tary reporters (twenty in number, hi each i F, lv"'i- on0 ol ventnr-ms trapping ex-
lei wib i very cfoiiiiii.nlri.iri ; i.v ilw, . ,,,.rn nrla i i;,,,., i enrs'ons to the waters of the Leaver river, on
. i ... .
,. , til i I1 1 n si lint , ri. n ill nil. , u hi: n I i, u lilt I il'l.l
vhilsi ,is Iioiim- w !l he e ndue ed under such in- i ' '
'inieiiiei I- as w il cu.e a eh.r .ter f.r the f.rM ; ry reporters, VM; pent.y-a-liners (reporters ol
'upensiliililV. d siii-laeliiiv ei teilninnient fir ill
ivi.'u.d- a: d I. on I e-.
i ry information from authors of celebrity, per
j week 'MM law and police courts' reporter (se
veral in number) per week, 'JO. The whole
expenses of their lit jrary matter amounts per
Jools, Shnos, 15!iiicts, Leghorn ami ! Week to JiOO.
l'iilni l.e.'il I lilts. The exp' iises of printing and composition
(J. Y". oc li. 15. TAYi.Olt, weekly to 2..0; the expenses ll.r the tnanaeing
' Ihr ,S. K. roriirr of hirkrt mid l'ilth St., j clerks, hook-keepers, c, y.'ifi.; adding lo it the
PHXIiADElinXIAi iidercst upon capilal sunk by the estahlirhuient
iXieiiMte Mnorirni nl el t'ie t;, . i,,,;!,;,,,,. mRehinprv. nnd t voiv A-p.. aim outs
'liari;e lui ii'linK f I 1'i rd y.
Pl,i!a.!.l;.!iii. Mav 2-r, 11 I 1.V
f To I'otivAvx .Tilvi'clianl.
Ihe occurrences ofthe d:i y in London, viz : lires,
I iiiurdi rs, curiosities, &e.) "Jl.;l'ir ex'raordina-
"FFER f r m e an Xlei.'
I . . , it e .. i : .1. .1.. .. .11
Hellie HO'CI' S. ll'l HI " I I ll I m v M il m iiitniini- , . . , . . .. . -
, i ii ; '. it. at, .tii ! nt lo the sum (weeklv) ot 1,000., therefore per nn-
; lew n ices, mid p nin nl ilv invite the allentioli i v ' ' 1
f luiins li-itii.g the ei;v, in n xam iuli f www, offfJ.IMIO. or ir-"J. M H. The payinenls
leii stoik. ti. . A- It. li. I A l.UU. ' i , poverumeiit lor tlatnp.i and advertisement du-
I'liiUilelphia, May as. islt.-ly I ty , :i..,000.
ZX.IK.U M Oll S.J I.E.- The nuall f .rni. Thn budiret of receipts of the same iourn il
c.nt.iininp ahou: " J. f ig w ; I the year (!.:?0(l,0!H S ai"1 y'1'" '" ,,M, rm? "'aml"r '
(imp Aiiill'.um eil.tinl, mil uninis miiiw nl Jrm-'U J ' . . . .
.iirton. .lol.n I.enhou oiheis, will he sold ; cpies were sold per annum, Hineunting to a- threats ami abuse that their small knowledge ol
l-ap. if applies inn i ma.le s..on In the sul'seiiher, j l,t 12.",(HKI, or 8iHI,(HK). The entire vx- lie Knglish lununngf could aflnrd. The pn.-oli-
, s-unluiy. Aup. ill. H. 11. MAI.R. 1nj:,llr ,,.;,i. ..,.,.,;., ,.c ,i. ,,..... er hi .kid on lhee prenarations tor denth. and
i- I't.t... ... ..... . .
Miihotiing, which in early (In) s nlkmnded with
tlie Diiimnls of this Fpecics, that it took its name
from this fact, it so happened that the Indians
surprised him and took him prisoner. To have
shot or tniiiiiliMU ked him on the spot would have
l een hut a small gratification to thnt ot'
their revenge by burning him at n slow lire, in
presence of all the Indians of their village. lie
was Iherefore taken alive to their encampment,
on the west bank of the Heaver river, about a
mile and n halt from its mouth. Alter the usual
exultations and rejoicings at the capture of a
tinted em toy, and causing him to run the j mul
let, a fire was prepared, near which Emily was
placed ntter being stripped naked, and with Win
arms bound. I'reviiu-iy to tying him to the
stake, a large circle was fi.rtned around bin; con
sirtingot Indian men, women and children,
Siionks and Vcnlrllmmliini.
The following amusing skel :h was furnish
ed by a correspondent to the editor ofthe Dela
ware (I.l.etlo -
Sometime since while on a visit to the inte
rior of Pennsylvania, in my profer-sinna! enpnei
ty ; about ! o'clock the si ige in which I was
ensconced, drove into a small village as busi
ness was lo detain me fur a couple of day I was
Ihiuking how to improve the uiimolnny of my
leisure liniirs when my attention was arrested
by some very largo haiidhills, one selling forth
Ihe men's ol vciitrilinpiisin by Mr. T. V.. Skel
line, whom 1 a-certaineil had acquired consider
able celebrity in tha science ; the other was on
a lecture on the suhj-cl ol Animal Magnetism,
hy Mr. M.
Aheiit the o.h bition hour, 1 visited Ihe exhi
bition room of .Mr. Midline, hut no company
I square 1 iuieriion, . 0 10
1 du 3 do 0 TS
1 do 3 d I
Ery suhppqiienl iiiaprtirn, 0 tA
Yearly A Jfeitineinenls i one column, $25 ( half
CnliiliiOtf IX, three S(iinr's, fit ; two squares, f
one square, fri. Half-yearly! ons column, fin
half column, f 12 three squarrS, f 8 ; tT.osqunri S,
f 5 ; one squarp, S3 fit).
Advertisements left without directions as In the
length of time they are lo be published, will I
continued until ordered out, and charged scso'd
inpty. rjJ-fixtepri lines make square.
if yon can, as the niters bneatli the house are
ifiving way under the weight of our pressure !
and we shall shhi have the wholo timbers down
upim lis from above.' was now made for tl.c door
among the first was the magnetized lady, fol
loweii hy Mr. Snooks, who, no doubt, had ex
ercised his will toward the lady MifTiciently to
aw aken her.
ll.'ingjammed out iu'o the midst of tho mov
ing cmw I, who were crying, halloing and ex
erting themselves In obtain ogresr', I lost my
eo,opn:ii:i. Finding all amusements for the
evening at an end, I retired to my hotel. 1
li::d not been long sealed before in. rushed our
fat, jolly landlord, laughing, until I thought his
tat sides would hurst :
( ientleuien,' said he, as Boon as be could oh
lin sufficient cmnuiaiid over his risibilities,
i" civeii Flax i-'oed. hv
A nn ::i 11 1. II. H.MAS.KR.
l) ri Atil'. l:IIH.i:-. Fn rnie of I e Col
J I ice It it-li-, tin elie'ip. si ho k ever u M sin d,
ola iii. c the eni. m: ior on the Hid nn. I .e
i rtanii'iil. jo-i n i l ii d uiid l.-r sale, f ir six dull ir
June i:.. II. II. MAM'.K.
having arrived, we ndjiiuriieil In the rnom of his 'Who do yu think it was that kicked up that
more successful rival for stray change mid pub
ii: fame. I'pon entering the room we found il
literally crowded w ith nil ages, sexes, and
characters ; nn a platform erected for the (icca
sinn, Mr. Snooks wa.i nddtes.-iiig tl.c audience,
expatiating on the seionce of Mivmorism.
A'ler he had coneluded a committee was ap
pointed, among whom was the Hev. Mr. A
pastor ofthe village church, and Dr. (I .
My companion remarked to me that he was de
termined to expose the humbug or test its claims
as a science; accordingly things being arranged,
a b.dv was placed in the operating chair on the
platform. Alter rc(iie-tii'g silence, Mr. Snooks
fixed h'S eyes, gaz ng intently upon the sub
ject, reminding us of the serpent charming
I've, our old lady mother, and then commenced
his manipulations l y moving Ins hand up and
down her face, lie was pretty soon interrupt
oil hv the snarling and harking of two digs ; M r.
Snooks arose and expostulated w ith them for
deliiupii'iits had not paid their admission fee, a
negro was ordered to expel them. Ciilley,
coming forward, exclaimed, 'Whnr is 'um !' at
the same time flourishing ii large broom -tick,
he said, '.In-t 'loll meoherdar; I'll cotch 'cm,
and to'cli 'em nut de high gra.-n,' hut no four.
legged quadrupeds of nature being tniiud, order
was again resteied, and Mr Snooks kept on
moving Ins urins. My coiiipiii'iion remarked,
'I fixed tht'lll a little.'
Soon afterwards Skelline threw his voice h.
as to proceed immediately from the Itev. gen
.t.l.-lt.e tngi csi price wuine , 1C Government for stamps, &c. amounts to " """"f w " '"" rnunirnniir.-, ami , , ,.Xt.umul,.r .,r i. mv hov and d. n't
It appears that ihe nnnual profits derived
from it amounts to SO 10 (K'O, w iihout the profits
derii'i'd from the advertisements, of which no
account is given, hut the average number of
a stenly eve, meeting all their threats with a
truly savage fortitude. In the niid.-l i f their
dancing and p j licing, n squnw nl one of their
chiefs came m ar to him w th a ehi'd in her
amis. (Juick as thought tun! w ith in'nit ive pre.
in ttoi: J. ii.
each copy of Ihe Timf conta i,,s from iiIh.uI 7U) seience, l,e n ,ro.n n.-r ami n.rew u
into the miil-t ol the names. lorrnr-striu k at
', to l.lKiO Btinoiinceuients, -S.tKHI to T.IK'O per
y ASS V. I?. ' week, and anuunllv Ol.fKK) to Iir.l.lKK) nn-
iiniincemeiits. It has also been calculated, that
Kr.siM'.CTFri.l.V die ci'-
S-.-- izpni- ! iui!urv ami i's viemily, ih.ii (Hill ty pogrnph ical leliers are used In end
hj-i ne t. s ren. 'ieu i.i- oui.e ,.. average, and each such c.pv, divi
Pi I....I I i.. M . I .., .... gt'.at ill im ' - '
i-vLit. r I'linnii
would get himsell'out in the same way. Hut
the mud was deep and adhesive, and as lie got
one foot out, ho got the oilier in and thus ha
continued to labor anil plunge, till ho wab full
satisfied his own ability was belter calculated
to help him in, than to help him out of the ditch,
lie grew wroth and used hard words and so
far forgot the plain language that he exclaimed
'Don't thee swear, brother llezekiah,' inter
rupted Dorcas.
'Swear !' roared Hezekiah, 'thee'd swear too
if thee was in here.'
'Swear not at all, Hezekiah, but even lend
nie thy hand, and I'll use my ability to pull
thee out, accorJing to the Scripture which saith,
'If thine ox or thine ass shall tall into a ditch on
the Sabbath day '
'Now, ister, thee is too bad. Verily theo
would not make me so heavy as Ihe f. rmcr ani
mal; nor so stupid ns the latter.'
As to thy weight, returned Dorcas, thee must,
be pretty well satisfied by this time as lor thy
stupidity, it wns indeed unRistorly to liken thee
to the long eared animal. I'mt if thee is satis
fied on those points, and will forthwith reach
me thine hand, I'll do as much as in me lieth to
bring the safe to land.'
Hezekiah was pretty well convinced by this
time that his own ability would never fetch him
out, wherefore, humbly reaching his hand to
all-fired rumpus, oeryan.lerl Why it was
thnt sbek little Vii'i-lriloiptest !'
Mr. T. V. Skelline performed in Hridgeton
the next evening, nnd gave some very striking
.It linoations in rlmrutirr ami rcnfriorMMiw
and which afforded peifec.t satisfaction lo a
large and respecli.blo audience. AI.
A linkrr JiMiiplMK it Dltcli.
Hezekiah Uroa.lbrim wasn frit Quaker in the
State of New Jersey, w ho sold molasses, eod-
. .t - t -i i i .ri
n-i.,1 lima eanneoware, cio.os, a,... i. sor.a , . P( ,C M j j -Verily sister, I will accept
quor--. e like the Quakers, in deed, as well j inaanch as ,y QWn abiIity jol,, grcat.
as in nntne; tun iiczckihii was a incKory vtua- , ... , .
.... ...... I....Ul... -".........
Ker. lie was souo wuai oi n.iiini oaenemr
and had a sister w ho was somew hat of an old j
Dorcas kindly lent him assistance, and by
nulliniT viooroiislv. Hezekiah nt length came to
maid. Hut she was Ihe best crest ure alive ;, ,am) Shaking oft the mud and water like a
spaniel, he returned home; hut charged his sis
ter, hy the way, never to mention how he cama
to his catastrophe. Dorcas promised, of course ;
and as she was a girl of truth and kind feeling-.,
she was as good as her word. But once or
twice, when they were in company with sundry
other Quakers, discoursing 6oberly about mat
ters and things, Dorcas looked archly at another
sir-light as n candle, blooming as a rose, nnd
sinilin" as charity. I lor name was Dorcas.
1 1, z. kiaii and Dorcas walked out one Sun-
d-iv afternoon, in Ihe blooming month of May,
to breathe the fresh air, nnd view the meadows.
The walking was smooth nnd delightful, with
no manner of obstructions, except hcrcand there
n ditch lull of water, spanned hy a few bridges
1.l ket fqil oe, ei. si of I '
. 1 li iih oi'h -t up an I iiii-n d a' lv '0-ue llie
o-t nl!iii. whir.' In wil le happy Ion ecu c ca'l
i llie line of his r.i'esviei
iiiili.iiv, M iv -lih. I-I1.
1) N I 1) K A X S'
nlciit I'irc nn.l 'riiiiif Vn( lion
Cliesls, Slate I'miMl Ucfrigenitors,
wiili Fillers iitliichcil when
.led into octavo pages, w ill form a volume o'
:i('(l page, H, that the (i.OCO.OOO impressions of
the 7VU s annually in circulat ion would form
', a library of fi.tlOO t'OO volumes in octavo.
j The iiinnh. r of liltux received per day at
the Tunes office amounts upon un 'avenge to
i 1U0, making nnniinlly ns many ns KHKHI ! We
. find, however, no ( iilcul.ition lor the lime rp.-nt
i in their exaiiiinat ion.
! The Times Newspaper is a "great fi'd" in
Vo, 7i S'tiith third SI., oii.sf tin' J'xrliuni; the history of journalizing, requiring constant
m wit AC ri:i:i; mi
Veep fur sale Uavhi Kvm'
relet mu d v a'er nn.l I riivi.
Mflt '. -.'fsiiiii : nit r-, nnd I'iitenl I'r.-
f ?r,.a'lii V ' ''liiiil.lin Fire mid Thi. I I'roul I-
lis, rapeiK. ll eils, iv.
the sudden outrage, the Indians simultaneously
rushed to rescue the infant frmu Ihe lire. In
the on. 1st ot this confusion llrady darted from
the circle, overturning all that came in his way.
aod rushed into the adjacent thickets, with the
Indians yelling at his heels. I e ascended Ihr
sterp side of a h;l! ainid-t a show er of bullet s.
and darted iluvvn the opposite th c'i ity, secreted j
himself in the deep ravines and laurel thickets
that abounded sCeral ici'i s to the west of il. ;
I lid Li-om ti'i'im of the coitntrv uondertul ac- !
- - - i
tivilv enablel him lo elude his enemies, and i phra-e.'
reach the settlements on the south sale of Ihe j Our two virgin now removed some .lis
Ohio rier, which he crossed hy swimming. 1 tame apart, each one believing the othei l.i h.
The hill near who-e base this adventure is mid ! Ihe otlemi. r, hy breaking the ileci riiui of lie
to have hunoi lied still L'oes hv this liauie, and audie.iee.
II r- .
snaie elimw creese !' that's lime o'dav !' A'l
eves were directed towards the !'V. celitl
man, particularly Dr. ti , who looked dag
ger a t Ihe llev. olleiider, while the Shepherd
cast his eves iir.niud in otter ailinzeioent. S g
nilieant glances were i.iven by two virgin miii
.'ens whose appearince indicated that llity had
passed Ihe meridian of the r chnrni--, which
Skelline oh-i rvi d and iiiiiiinliat. ly c.i.-t his
voice In them, r. uiai !; ng,
' IV ess- in y Soul il'l he p.i-.-ih'e I never
th night thai our Minister .Irai.l; bi l.iro.'
'.Vor does he,' exclaimed the llev. Mr. A.
I..niies and gent'einen this is utterly inexpli
cable to me, as 1 have not said a word ; lo he
sure 1 did l.ei.r snmethiog veiy Hear me, hl.t I
assure uu ilwas iiot myself Ihal Used Ihe
ami too wide for any man of ordinary jumping girl, and merely said, 'Did I ever tell thee In
capacity lo cross nl a single bound. Hut Heze- j chel, how Hezekiah one Sunday '
kiah valued himself, ns people commonly do, j Hpy.ekiah turned an embarrassed and implor
on his agility and instead of walking a few i Mnr look towards her, and she said, Ny, nay
additional rods for the sake of u bridge, unlet j jej.t'k;uh, i'm not going to tell merely toask
needs leap every ditch he came lo. J ;f pver Xut low ,neo showed thy agility one
Thee'd better not try that Hezekiah,' said ; Sunday, and jumped into the middle of a ditch.'
his kind nnd considerate sister.
Alv I'ikst Oiuiir. A young man com
menced trying to obtain a livelihood by what is
called canvassing tor a bookseller, viz: calling
at houses w ith specimens of first numbers of
periodicals, &c, and soliciting orders. On pull
ing a bell for ubout the third time iu his life on
this business, a portly military bxiking person
age appeared as quick as if he had been tied to
N. v. rlhee mind, Dorcas," returned Hi zeki
ah there's no danger, I've j. imped many a
Icggi-r di'.cli when I wa.-n't half my present
AH that's very likely. lint recollect thec's
uiowii exceedingly puts)- since thee was a
oeng man."
Pursy ! Well if I have that's no reason w hy
I I'' "1 aii n-ll,! " t',i"r 1 "--il tuee i ollcr ei 0,-,tlC h- ll-wire. nnd demanded
Dorcas. I can jump tins ditch w iihout to much wmt hft war(0(i TK, Canva-ser proceeded
as loiielin g u linger.' j w tl) sofne ,1 .f-,,l,.Meo lo exiilain his errand, when
Ay. , but Ihee'll Ioj. h thy feet to Ihe bottom.' . ,)ie pf.tltinnnn rather pelulantiy asked, 'Pray,
'Tl 's but n woman, Dorcas, and thy feais j invpyoll ever UI,PII in,,e nrillV !' The answer
loi.gni') this ditch even to n river. Now stand j WBS .Vt.5sir for a shott time.' 'Let me tea
the incident lel'errcd to hy the traveller a ihe
coach is slow ly dragged op its side.''
activity (mental and physical) to sustain it, nnd
exerting an immense influence. In our own
eoiintrv, lint a paper cati be compared with it,
yet ns we have said, our American journals are .oSon. to iun. The llev. .lames Ann
attended with tremendous expense. When ' htrnng preached at Harmony, near the iihiish,
w e hear ot the birth of a new paper we w lor vv . ,, ,1M-i,,r at ihal place, a professed d. i.-t or
it the moral courage of Ihe editor in uhiiia it lnfid,., called on his associates to arc. mpany
a being, un.l if it survive to its seciuid year, w e ,m w , ua,'kcd the Methodist, ns he said,
arc ready to cry" miruc'i .' ; t fjM lt. Ur.Ui-it Mr. Armstrong 'if he followed
preaching to save souls !' who answered in the
l'Dll hADIi'S WITH nt'SIUNDS. i nfliralive Ilelhen asked Mr. -if
Conceul from others any little discord or .lis- . he ever saw a soul !' 'No.' 'If he ever l-i.-led
ounh ihe exp. rim nl was liinl ly at least l.ititl uiilnii that occurs hetween you and your hii.-h.ind a soul .,). Ml he ever Iclt a selM .' t es, n..P..f tlm same I.... ks w as iii.d hy : je vo t ver Hi cou.-cious of Miperioriiv of ll.auk ( ;.k!,' said Mr. Armstrong. 'Well, .aid
i.i...... ,. ! ,. i . ,!...,. . i .oil i iiticsv in v ii iinu - ,
ii'inn is, iii lis i'i ijvi on- . -1 ... - i ... - -
tin e aside, that I may have a full sweep uc
cor.bog to my abilities.'
Nay, hrolher 11. zi kiah, thee'd better not
The .1 tch is wide, and the bottom muddy ; and'il assuredly spoil thy Sunday clothes, if
no ttnrx'.'
A tin! o for thy fears, gill; thee shall not
you 'right ubout face then.' ' This manoeuvro
accomplished, brought the front part of tho
young tradesman's person opposite the yard
gate, when the military looking gentleman
bawls out in a voice of thunder, "Quick march
out ofthe ward, for nobody wants you here."
The lia' fall righted canvasser, of course, iinuie-
. '.U
r , -i -w.. o
- - ?.r Milvcr, cVc, A:.-., ma.te
f Uiid r Irnn. (mid not over I'hirk s lolieiy-liv,'
it of every one hundred now in use and lor sale
e made.) well first rule Locks and Ujii.l Lvnis'
ai. nl Kevhole 'mein to Ihe one e'ii it
1 nl ihe I'hilid. Iphia F.xrliaiiuc, f..r thiec liuni'hs
the .u riiiier of I -t 2, hen all the Ki'ji werp al
oertv l.i hp used, and the t' not oieneil. al-
.reel, slime Th id. I'll! .h i lint silcre. d.
(fj1 llnistiim, Ir..n Dimrs. superior
,nck. all kiniU of lorn Kail iu. r"'nl nd t'o
iyiii(j l'r. fs.n, and Siiiilhwiiik liein rally, oil hand
r lutliut'iii lurrd ut Ihe shortest Imtice.
jiidginent or lalenl, never let it ujip. ur lo your the doctor, there are lour of five teu.-es a-aiusl
husband. ' one lo evidence there is no soul!' Ml. Arm-
I know not tw o fema'e attiiiclioiis so enpt iva- j stmng then asked the gi utleiiuni M J.cwas a
ling to men as delicacy and iihhIi st) . ! doctor ol medicine !' nnd he w as also ans el c.l
If tiossihle. let your husband suppose vou ' in the ullirmuliv e. He then asked the doctor
'if he ever saw a pain !'
(Tj" t'AI I'lUN I du heretiy rautmn all per- llink (l , ,llr.bnnil, ami it will be a
anus sc iusl nnikii'U iii'mi!, sellies, or cuioil In . . .
, . ,h i- , r.e;. ii.t'.ii'i, i strong stimulus to his living so.
I suld, any hevlnile i nvris lor I lie I ronl Insls,
or Doors, ol aiiv kind similar in piim iple to my No litl raction It i.ilt rs a woman so agreeable
Pnienl, uf Iinti .luy, IKll, and h!.-.i nn.'u ' Linu.i! . nl times to her liushui.d lis dice tl'ulucss mid
K. frit;, ratios wnh Mne, l.n wh eh my Patent is IHKj illllllor
dated 2',ih Mil. h, lr-t 1, a any iiifiiiigemciit will e ' . .
U .icait wch ucorJms lo law. How pail.euhirly it is to see a wo-
DAVID l. man exercising authority over tier liusimtu, ami
- 1 say, "I will have it so," '"It shall be done us I , confounded, and walked oil'
j like," &c,
No.' 'It' he ever
Al last in spite o! all iiiterruplion ihe mag
netic sleep was produced, Mr. Snooks iio,v
addressing the audience rind :
licutleiiieii and ladles, oil see the I tie. t ot j
Animal Magnetism m the ease pp'sent no
power on iiiMh except in) own can auaisii lie r
Iroin tins tieep sleep.'
A variety of experiment wcic inm up- j
on llie sul' f ct, w hi ii siiihii nlv a voice w us heard '
in the iiit.lsl of Ihe coiniiiitti er in g Ma I doy! .
Mad dog !
'II. A', wow, wow,' exclaimed Sl.el ioe, j
transferring Ins Voi.e iniioe.i lately under Ihe j
chair ol the mag net i.ed lady, tjuick a-thought
Mr. Snooks iinu the oiioni tie spiaog Iroui Iln
stui'e, and a uiuveineut wa-i vi.-ihlo i i the mag
netized lady of drawing the feel up to tin
spokes of the chair.
.M this moment another Iremenitriis snarling i
was heard in vntious direi lions ol'the audience,
w hich cans, d a general rush lo the door, in
slay tne a jot. N)ydo not hold me; lor I in ; diately coiuphed, und on gaming the outside of
n si Ued lo jump tins ditch, if it were merely the puhsades, cixdy took out his order borjk, and
to coiiMiiee thee of my i.giiity. j making a show of w riling, replied 'thank you
Wnrdiii 'v Hezekiah weulLack a few ; sir, I'll book this as my first order.'
... i
yards m older that hi glit have a lair run,
:..t.l iii. i iho iiiioiiIm- tln-ieo:' might carry him
,, , t i ....,.,.,.1, i, c I 'Asiatic Researches,' a very curious mode ol try-
... .tr II iLimr r.'tie.ileil tar eilOU!! . lie Came ' - J
t.-rw aid w itli ii uioiiit iitiiiii pr.'poriioned lo his
PiTiiMi voiii iuht imo ir. According to
rhiUd.lphia, t:t. 1S14. ly
heard a pain !' 'N...' 'll he ever lastid a pi. in '
No' 'If he ever fell a rain!" 'Vrs.' Mr.
Ain.stropgtlien saul : 'There are also f, a,r , en- l'"'' " lobherly fellow lr-1 ..n ihe l.e s of
tcs agams" one lo evidence lhi.t there is no pa. ; patient, who could not suppress u ..ud
and yet, sir, )ou know there is a pain, and I seream.
know there is a soul.' The do-.-tor appeared j "S:'' ""' 1' "Hi-
tlfr ItirtiiWillt. is ytiiMUiK, ray run,
am i-c 1 1 l 1 1 1 ud i.D ii riiL'u Kuhl i ii i .i ... , i .............. .. i ......... ; .. ... i . i r I
111! ' I'll'IIT Ii t V I'l Ill'liV 1 iu iiami n . i nm my u ur jtm p,t JUU ir, nun cv. n I
milK uliiciU r ha. ium i.r.ive.1, f,.r sale, a few A modern writer snys :-Ifyou see half a Mkt tuuoioh tiik Si mmi KWrap up ihe j ,,,., ., w,x you.' No answer made lo
m - . ..... v j a... a r il it. s I .,i nlt. .Iii I .!.. ii .i... .r !...
Jl of (lie aliove celibraleil r.i;nl Day Imk, . fau tg , wllian, VOU may r. si assured i ,u,y "'" "UA - - I nil s r a-onanie le. uesi, ne was inreeu io pV
which will le soil at very reduced prices. f..r rah. , , iini!rL.d virtues to counterbalance. '"IT ,,,e ll",,ie fc'vcN d pack it in a bur- ; ,1(.'r llie stage, where, h thru-ting and prop-
them. We love your faulty and fear your fault- rel, taking care that there he next llie harrd Wj, ,lo WHy, pun nig his stick m every direc-
less women. When you see whut is termed a
Also, suierior 30 hour (.'locks, of Ihe best make
and quality, which will he nul.l for cah. at fi 50.
Also, kupermr Urasg 3U hour ( 00.
Dec. 2, Ht:t. II. II. MASsKH.
C'l'llNE WAHU fnr laic.
O ait, Mm
one Jui!, fruin 1 quail to 3 galliins,
f il Si me Jm, from 2 lo cullon. For sal,
cheap, ly Oct. 14 ll.B. MASS.EK.
faultless woman, dread her as you would a beau
tifully culered snake. The art of completely
concealing the delects thai she inns', have, is,
of itself, a serious vice-' S'jiut ne Journal.
and between the mcul a thick layer of tow, tum, ho was again startled hy another snarling
packed in as close as .-siblo ; then set it aw ay nn.l barking al his heels, 'l.ook out da, wh.i' i-
iu a dry cellar or upper room, ll is enough thai
the barrel he sulViciciit lo keep the
no Hy or insect w ill enter tho tuw,
you about,' halloed I'nl!', making a lusty retreat.
At this i ri.-is aiiotl . r voice was heard hi the
do.r, trying cut 'Lad if j and ciiliiiiici., .-mpv
w eight and velocoy ::ud found himself ill the
ditch. The w ater sp'ashed around on all sides
in. I liespl.iltered llie Sunday clothes of Doicas,
w ho coiil 1 no', W i'h n'l her (linker sobriety
and kind ti el ng, help bursting intoa loud laugh.
There ..s Hezekiah showing his agility, and I ing in the ii. lid like a whale. The w a
lor was n il mi deep ns lo he dangerous and
ihe scene was ion irresistibly comic for even
a saint to abstain troiu laughing, though uu the
Linl's day.
At length w hen her risibility would allow
her the pow er of speech. Oorcas kindly held out
I Iht hand and said 'Come hither I lezi'kiah, and
I'll le lp ihee c.n.'
Well! Nell!' r. turned llie floundered iua
tone of vexation ' Thee does w ell Porca.", to
stand there and Hugh nl me as though il were
mere sport, to slick in llie mud and water up
to my very middle.'
'Nav, nay, lb"' kiah, thee has show n thy a
gility so marvellously, that I could not help be-
t a .- . l , .' . I . I
ing pieaseu inrine uio ot me an.i i now iaie
si, mne lo myself for having opposed thee so jjk I,m),mmiv nn v. 'Ah me!' said old
hlreiiiiou-lv, or for having a single moment ! jri?- p1H, ;.,. h- rry, echiHiling is a grcat thing
doubted thy capacity fur jumping". Hut if lliee's J c often felt the want ot il. Why, Mr. Sin" .
satisfied with thy exploit, un.l is ready to come tide, would you believe il, I'm now1 d.'i year- . I
Un til, I'll lend Ihee a hand to In lp thee out.' ' aul I iioii't know the namei i f hut three uionli 1
Thus saying, Dorcas drew mar to ihe edge m the ) ear iiti.i them's spring, hill, and ai. to
of .In. Ii but I leii kiah luv ing ce hiin.1 It I I luiit 'em when I wan a 1 ll.c hit ct a ;!. llvl'
in cy ln uw.i uaaidtd powir ilit lurid he
ing the title to land is pruclistd in Hindosluii.
Two holes are dug in the disputed spot, into one
of which the lawyers on either side put one of
their feel, and remain lucre till (me ul tin in is
tired, or complains uf being stuty hy the in
sects, iu w hich case his client is del, uted. In
this is t ie clu ul and not tiie lawyer
w ho 'puts Ii in loot into il.'
(loon JukK. A rather green sort of a 'well
dressed' in.liviiiiial walked into the Itron.lway
House the other tiinrning, and, stretching him
self up to his full height, exclaimed in a lou 1
voice, 'Where are all the whigs ! Show me
w dig, gentlemen,' said hr, 'and 1 will show you
a thiol ' A large company of uiel geiitleine i
w as present, and in an instant one of lliem stoo l
before the noisy tu.piircr in a warlike a'litude,
ami said
1 am a w hig, s'r !'
'Are you, indeed I'
'Yes, sir, I iihi .''
H'ii just uti p down to thv Tumi u ith f.e,
u ill sl.oir you i th ,".'' .V. V Mirrvr.
Uut) , liitt my p pc.