MunaKrinptit of 1'unllry. Poultry ore eubjoct to a variety ofdicerito?, tit nearly til of a pcrioiis nature ro attributnlile t o iho rffocni of climate or wnnt of cure or tdiill. l'ip id caused by a want of clean woter, or liy drinking dirty water in dry weathtr. Cure remove the wliite blister found upon tlie ttinjj'io und wnsli it with warm vinegar and uatrr fordinjr the bird for a few days with funked bran and lettuce, or cabbage chopped very fine, j Fins is cured by pills of the yolk of nn vpz build fcnrd, mixed with bruised hemp feed, or bmlrd barley diluted with wine. , - . . Cosliveue?.1, the reverse of llic former, is cured by n-ivinr tliein beet root chopped fine, or brun nnd water with a little honey mixed. xr . , .i ermin may be destroyed by fum.ontinrr the roosts with brimstone. Rtnli and itch are cured by feeding them with moist brni. Cramp is cmwd by cold ond dump. When afflicted, the birds should not be allowed to most m oi ooors, nnu inn roosi simioih ue vi.'ii so- nnd and warm rub the los and fret with a littl" I'rosh htltter. Ati.-o.ia rrcniionllu rnmraiinnn l,rnmn ntvt ' -i " j - I '1 in enusi'd by heut of blood, or torpid stomach, whii'li corrupts the mass of blow!. Opon the iiliscss and press out the tna'ter. Fred them with chopped beet or b:tluce, with sonic! nnd or. 1 Fowls frhnuld not be allowed tn roost in very j larec nmnhcrs tojjether, but where greut ipian-. j titicsere raised they should be kept in flocks of j not more than one hundred. They should be ; koj-t very cleanly. War-nth, with freedom from damp, is the creat tccret in the care of fowls. Thoir food , shoulJ be freuuenlly changed, and green food ; ollen mixed with their meal , shorts or bran. In- j diar. meal and molasses nnd wnter will fatten j poultry faster than any other food. Cinders 1 should he sifted for them to roll in, w hivh will ' free them from vermin, nnd thry should never be without a supply ofclean water fiir drinking- ' IVever give them warm or hot food, w hic!i causes heni to become crop IkhjihI. Hemp mul buckwheat, or wheat occasionally, are good sti- J inuianis. So I'ar hs food is concerned, every farmer's wile throughout the country knows what is pro per. One great danger arises from their ora city ufappelite inducing them toiiit too much of loud too nutritious for delicate digestive or gans, whereby they become sickly, or what is commonly called crop bound. Simple as the remedy for this evil may appear, it is somewhat diiTinult to put in practice where large nuii.bcrs are fed together. As regards attention to cleinlinefs, and their other common wants, Euchas regularity of feed ing, and an abundunt supply of pure thing need be said ; they con scarcely live, cer tainly not flourish, withi ut these necessary re quirements being strictly attended to. ruder, however, the best management, and the greatest precautions used against their nous ailments, many will perinh. It is a tiulh, J ' however, Ihut almost all the ilisrases at poultry uns" fioin atiiiospherie causes. Willi respect tu medical lreiitm?nt, applied tn ihe discuses of poultry, but little regarding its efficacy is know n. The nostrums and mode of treatment adopted throughout the country, Together with the greater part of what has been written upon the subject, is a fat raon of ih n-sen.-o and absurdity. 1 f shelter, warmth, food and cleanliness, congenial lo their habits, w ill nut preserve them in health, but little reliance can be placed in me. In ine. Client care is necessary to protect poultry the ravages of the skunk, the muskrat, the ti.x, nnd other animals who possess u taste . . ... ,.!.;..! .... I.. - f,..l H J llTllllirU HO III l I l . ' i llll,.IM-ll ll, ll'IIIHM iinnm. And tj insiite coinplete success on a large ecule suilahli bilihiinos aIiiiii'i! be provided. A lose rooin, w bieh should be madj lo ex clude the wintry frosts, and also admit the balmy breeze of summer, should be pruvukMl tor llie in icliiues, nnd tdiinild be kept as un ecenleobion hall. I'n mi this hull, pa.-.-'iges should lead to j other r lotus e.-s light ami substantial, and ma- ' ny of tle'tn iiovi.led wilh risists. As the birds ' grow they should by degrees be moved along, ' until tiller si. weeks, or thereabouts, ihey will : have an open yard Willi roosting places under ! ashed. In this inunner, by keeping them in flocks of one or two bundrid, and changing their ; roosting place ?'n Ojiietitly, by keeping thein clean, Cvc., there w ill lie no difficulty in raising , any nu'.nber per annuiiK provided noold fiwis ure kept on the premises. Wilh suitable con- ; viMiH licies there will be less trouble in raising i one hundred ihnusuiid a jeur, than in raising' one liuni'red witlunil tl.em. To a successful rearing, therefore, tf a large number of birds by tiililieial ineans, the only fripjircd e.-seiitiiils are, a st.flieii lit number of. these marline's; stiiluhlo buildings; warmth nnd protection Inun duinpM s ; proper lisul ; and a careful attention in cleanliness mull respects. An tt:i,ililinn nt sn constructed nnd so condurt idcaiiliotl.ul to pay an Uiuiiflise pndil to Hi. proprietor. Tie: heit food li r ehit l.t ii.i until thue or luui i! i s old is t -ogs, etUii r stale or 'uh, Uull burd unil tut lulu very miull pieces. AHi-r w inch, meal w i t ii, and lioiumouy diy. A- Ihey grow older, lb.: let d .sbisild be t; a ml they should bine inure or li i-sgieen Iik.iI, like lettuce, cabbaoe, endue, & e., chopped line. u:id in xeJ wilh then iin ul ; und loppeied milk and biillliy-clubber ia liiocl Xi client. Cold bulled pututoes, fresh meat, critrts of bread soaketl, and many other things usually thrown to the pigs, are txitllcnl and profitable food for all kinds of ralliiiictcus fo.l. Ma kit's Triatisi c-o I'vitltn,. II A X 14 XOTK I.I ST. l'i;Sll,V4M. Thp f dhwin ht shnwa ihp ahtP of nil Vnnsylvaiiiii limit Notes. Ttie must implicit rr- lumen m iy bp plait d up m it. il rvtrif trrrfe jarefully wilh ni J correct!) J fioui Hick- noil' licpor'cr. lt;iiiK In l'lillailclplila. i Disc. 11 Naxif. Locatm. I It 1 1.A II. n o r v. a t r a n. flank nf Nnr'h AniPiie . par ftnnk of Hip Nmlliprn liilfpiltcs . ( 'nmmrrrinl H ink of IVnn's. par par par par par par par par par par par pir par p.r par Farmer" and Mechanics' Hank KrniitRtnti II. ink Philadelphia Hank , Schuylkill Hank j 'y"''k ""k ' 'em H ink i trr,nic" ntli . Manufarturrri?' At Morhanirs' Hunk Hank of Chester County 1 Hank of Dcliwarc Conwy Chrst.'r ( irrmanlon n Nnrris'im u "'"' of ' i nniiK ni .,1 (iiioini-.ry x i r . .,.,. i ,i. l.i,lrs(own 1'iision l!.-t.. ( Rnston lUi.k Fii'imT' Itnnk of rinrksro ' 1' i f Hank tit Fflill'n. par H:irriliuii"l TIipm Ollii o j ().-;(.p Oifico do do do do do l.aotMsiir I oIIipps I' i;.... r. i ilium I in. inn i:.i-jt. NOTTS AT f) I SCO l T. 'tmk of ihp l'niti',1 Malri I'hil.nli Iph'a 2" (lank of Fi nn Township . . pir (i'.r.HVinl. . I Movariirnoinij It mk . par Hank of IVniisvliani i . . par Min. rs' of Fotisvillt IVt'svi!!,. i Hank of l.ewi-tnwn Lrwtown IJ Hank i f M idilletiiwn Middlpiown It, ink of Nurlhiiiii'iipilanil rtliuinlu rkiinl pai t'ulunil'ia Hank A Ilridgo co. Coluiiiiiia ir Carlisle Hank Carlisle 1 Fxrhanne Hank FiltsUnr? j 1,i di tirmeh of llnlliibivnliui i Farinprs II ink of Laiu-aplei' l.annsli'i par l.iincati'r Cminty I! mk I .mrasiir pr Farmers' ot lii a.hi'; I' mlinrt ai M.iirislnirfr Hank M:irrilnirr J l.-ilirasier Hank l.inri'er pu l.plianon IS.uik l. l innii J Men baiiN' - Mamif. Hank I'lttsl.ur H mk of I'nislairu FiitM ini j West Hniiich II ink Wiltiainspnrt I i yoiriine ll.iuk Wilke-l-ino N'.irih onptiiii H mk Allrni.iwn Hriks County Hank ilraihni; OlliiT ol H.uik ol V. S. Fillsl.nri; faiird l.i d do loie i!,) Do do do IVciv Frihtiiii il.i Kensineioii Sav. Ins. A i'o Fenn Township !.iv. Ins. do Hank oM 'Ii.oiiIht-Iiui Cb inilu r-lnr j ll ilik ol ' tieityslnir ii t' si. 1115 H.uik of fUMjueliaiiiia Co. Mi.ntiosc HO Krie 15 ink Fnu V Fiirmeri.' Drovt is' Hank VYa nrsinr V! Fianklin Wank U 'af.fiii.uion l H.nk Ilonr-dale IJ liinonn ilu-l 1 H.uik of II. Itr.uv 11-ville ' Voik Hank Voik I J W youiine The notes of lhoo banks on uhi.h we unit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) arp not purchased by Ibe 1'hil aih Iphia brokers, w ilh the exeeplion of those whiih have a letter ol ri d n iicp. UIIOKU.N 1J A N K S. j failed! t iili tl (died ! t illed i no sale , ibw-iil I d i Fhiladelphia -uv. Ins. Fhiladelphia Loan Co. Schuylk ill av. Ins. Manual Labor Huiik (T. W I'tiwanihi Hank I'liiladi I, hia do do Dvolt. prop.) Ti.IV.IImU Iteiltonl I'.eavir II arii-biir M'.-hiimtou Felbf.l.t, I i -!.i,ri I'ltihlmrK l tie C". ireenc:i.t i Harmony 1 1 mil million I aw ii-low ii W.irieti I luiiit .il' New I lope Milnui MiuiU i!le 1'nrt (.'albiill Cariir-le Monti oe I l.loll'oW II tint hi-! nr iiki sb.irre j AUpKbany Uaiik of I'a. : !"'k 'i,avrr ; Hank of Sw atar i Hank of Wishing! in (Viitu Hank lt Hank Fanner' .V Mci h'es' It mk Fanners' Mech'cs' Hank Farmers' ,V Mt rh'is' li iok llaimony Insiiiuti! llniilniu'il'iii Hank luiii.ila Hank jUiiibrrni'inV Hank .Vorlhern Hank ol Pa. New Hope Del. Ihi.luP Co. N'oithumb'd I nioii Col. I'.k. tSoilh Wetrru Ha ik of I'a. Oriico of -('!iuv Ikill Hunk I'ii. Aur. iv M .mil. IJauk Silver Lake Hank Cninn Hank of IVnu'.i. faded ; ti ..-ii ; l.o alp filled ; filled filled : no Mile no sale no sale I laded ! Iio ilt,l : Mi a!r I I .Mil failed I clllM'd ! failed i t!iii-ed Hostile ' esinioieland Hank i ilkesbatre Uinlise Co, (Tj All notes J ill .o. line di be on any Prim vl taiiia Hank not ot ii in the above ll- l, In i) be sit town as truuds. .m:v .n:t:si:v. '.l ink of New Hiunswiek 11. . I, I.l... u It .nL 1 1 1 ti in- . i, k failed lli'lvuli'ie 1 nuri,ifH.ii i'i. U.u.k Jonnnercial H ink F. rili Aniboy liriduPioti Mount II. .liy h'abw ty par t Juiliberlaiul It ink .'ariiiei!.' Iti.lik po par Purlin r' and Mechanic' Hk Parmer.' and Meehaiiies' Ilk Fanners" and Merchant." Itk Franklin Hank of .V J. Ilobnkeii Hlii!& (aiaiitli, Co Irrsey I'lly H ink M.i I, anus' H mk Maiiuf ictur. r-' Hank Morris t 'oiitoy Hank' Monmouth Hk of .N.J. M.chani.s" Hank Mech.ii ies' and Miuuif. l!k .Morris nnd l!kj C.i I'lli-t .olC8 Newark like & Ins Co Acw Hope Del HiiiLe C,.' N. .1. Maiiul .c. hi d l!U C, i N. (tiiiuswit k foled Mid.iltt iwn I'l. J Jer-ev ' ll V II..I. .'ken ' JelM-y t 'uy I'atlt r.-'illl Hi ill llilp Mm ri-luw n t ie.-li.ild New ok 'I'r 1 1 1 1 ii i .Ii iny I 'ily I nl,, I lad,. I tilled I ol. d l.ol. I I la.l.d i pin I'O alo New ink I. tml'i'iNiilli! Ilol ok. n 1 i laded 1 lobd A par par i I 1 p.. .1 I., ll,. I laiiid A par failed pal par pi par par par l'-r par par . .1 Fro!, l loll tV l.t.liil alil I k .lei-ey Cly 1 trance Hank 'i .iup I'aicri-oll Hank IVopIrs' Hank l'l un t ton Hank .-ali in H.iiikini; Vo' Stale H illk ia!c Ii ink rsiiile 11 ink t ,le It mk of Mmris! liulik ali ill nil. I I'lnlad Maiiuf ( S'nr.'.t'ti Ii ink I n ll lll.i.kilij Cu t ii i ll Clillk u li.iiil.iin; I'ii FaM do ill I i in.'t It II Sal. Ill New irk l'.ll.'.a''.i ihio I Voiiileii Moriilowii Tr. iiiou S.llrlll .New loll Tienton Itn-iT llaikelisick Ml 1.1)1 IIU1. Ill, ol ilut ,V liramli wme iiiinn Ion I', ink ol Di I iw.llt Uai.L of 'snil io4 ! Do Ih.iiiiIi Wilmington Nnii ma MilloiJ Duel liuiimiloii tteoii'i town .Nl'WC'ISlltl Wllinui)toii Faiimiv JJk ol M ile 1 1 In Do fraiii'li Do I lain Ii 1 o I ram It I' II ink e I'ndcr .''j (1 V (In nil bio ks iiinik. d lhu (') iberp arp 1 1 J r coiiiiifiti il or tiliind iintiai of ll.e vjr.oiu J-r.iiiiuitoi.-i, in t iu'tiUu .ii. OAKLEY'S ri'MtiJ ahnh'e jiroprnics i.f Oaklrv'ti Drpma- live S'yiup of S.irsapnrilla, as a purifier of ihr .'i-oii , isao well knnwn In mo punnc. Bpnrr.iii.Y, int il la MfiMiM... ,.M l.s n.i-i,tm miirhciiai-mn efkf. till Cirh the advaiitiiKP to hr. derived from its use; wherever .he mrdifiiie lias onrr Hr-rn Intro- dmr,.,. i,fc,p pnro,IP,,rP ovPr .11 rv,-,y ..hP.l at ,n .nk. n ... have d.r.v.d so M,na 1. ,,p. r,. ,.,! trmV, from ,t. .hat ,1 m rrrom,P.,'rd by thPin wnh t.p umopt ctifi.liliPP. I'liVil nm ol whinvpr llie mi'dlcme has oncp bren intni' ,i .. i ...i .. . . i . :.. .i . .. c ..: i. n I . . . . ' . i .i aui'iiu initirr mi'ir rarp ; r.-niainioB ihmiim'b ilt I ti riiKK hut In in? rumjioTcl o) tin most miM, yi't i fllp.irioiis rirrlah!i" maiprialii, il W off- rpd wilh ruiifi'lciirr, ibp rbpaprnl and most cllieirnt nfii't i T ihp V'ood nn"' known. TIip up of a frw hot i !p. i-M i'y in tlip Kpriiia nionlh, will hi t IriidtJ wi'li a must drridfil itnpiovrmi ni ill tbp BP liiTnl Rlrrinjlli ofllip vlrm, rMiliruiiiiU any sppiU of dinpir It. at mav hivp drpii crtipratnl. Iips'hIps aivinit ln':i!ili ntnl vii'.T to (tip lioilv. For iIip curi i f 'i rolvila or KirmK F.vjl, Klouni ilium. Ti tti, I'impli's or riupti.ini of thp Skin, W biti S .vi IlinBi Firtuln, t'hriiiiic (Viiirh, Ac, Tim mi inrroti" ri"itfii:i'P"i in iln ponrf-i .n of I hi milwri-l-f r aril lit hrpoN. from pLysirnitm and uihiTS, are Hiiffipii'rt In rivv iicp i!ip no'Bt f-fcr l'u-iil of its Mi n riority ovpr all prop ira'imi" of 8 us ii irilt. .S.,l.l u t.iili'.nt.. i.ti.l rit iiL liv itin liroliriotor. I IM'fil'i.l' A lUKI.KV. ,,rih fill, Mi.-.l. IiVii. ,ii t,,u, c.if ,,., ;l,l . , , tlf (,,1oinp ' ; .,,,,,,., : In Nm-lhuinbri ttivtl Vii'mtu Tl. H. tas?. Sunl.iiry ; :r! ind V. M Xel, MillrteiK il!e ; ( Kr;nMi r. Milt. n. hi I'n'tiil i".,rriy. .1. (!i i.rh rt, Pi li'ecrovp A Cot. lm. MiUliiil'ii'ij. hi hiiuh'in frun't. R. V. MrCnv, Vnth inclin. n. ailinri. Marrh 1 1. Ma. Oikiki: I 1 r!ii vo il the ii(v of ivrrv ! or e I i do w linn vrr in lilt ir power 1 ir-, f ir Ihr b-ne. i lit of Hit ir till.i'v in ! , and bavmc bad piiive j piool in niv otn I" undv. tif l!ie w.ii,.! ili.t prnpi-rii s ' ot your 1). pnMtiiP S) nip of Sa:ip irilli. I in si I emii irmimi Iv it tin nl'du inl. We ! Ii nl tlip uii-f utiiiiP I I hp two of our rliililien, bv j I In l-rrak'tia out ol vi'i or ins s .;pt tha' roeieil l!n ! fare, head and i e. k, allliniiijli we of tin iiMst -1 ii 1 1 1 ; Il pl.y sn'i.ins io ni ei;il ih in mill 1 1 1 . 1 I tried nil the known ten pIii ". inrltidint Swaim'i. ' I'aii'ifi n, willmul n v ill. Ann'Her of my rluklrrn was ni'aikel in llie s:in e m mm I er l.irp ol il nei k v. a- roii p'e'i ty rnver. il ; llie it t hame w 'is n ': otli'iisive, in d ll.e ilite:ii at sin h n In tilit. iIimI w m ilipi!riil ol her l.fe. Seen if ihe wornlrrfnl rHi-el-nl niii l'eiinr.iiive Svmn i.l S nr. 1 1, we weir ii-iluetd di male 1 1 i il i 'I il . a J lie I it ri S'rl : it I i ae'ed like a e' aim; 1 1 1 r u'c rs r rninern il liralinu' 1 r imn-riliaiely. a f u ImiCi'.- eii''ielv r'toieil ln-r In ' s i In r tn .lib, whi. h s!.i- Ii -eij Mil unioti mi teillv I. A- pni ill. r ot l lie Mo il, I m rily In ' hi ve n has not ii- rtpi il j JnllN, , i.ho.l slrei I, r.t ai Fourth, I.i-.nhn:!. l..iicl osi'le, A ril mil.. ll: Oiki.t r: Mv son F.'inniiil Leaf, l ad the Mh in the nn si dn .id nl ai d di l es- ntf man I i r lur tl.r-e y eai j. du im; wh i h time he w i tb' piird of li e ne nl bis Hint", l.i- he d and nrrk wiili idi'ers Welii dall die ihlli r. i tit reinriln s. I in tn no i IU i t. in M ri'roinmt I'deil , ,,y )r .,,,.. f or,i-t..w,i. ai d al-o Dr. lliotu, ol Hiad.i c. to Use our Deplli alive Sjiiip of i irsiipsrill.i, of which I ol lainrd m vi i.iI bni'lrs. ibe iim of wliit h tbove Ibe ih-e.i e emiri Iv out of lis system, the he did up, and lip clnld was rislnirdto j eilii I b mIiIi. wbnli !, Ii eijoiid ni.loli mi li'i'lv il l sli re, to tin' B-t Ii -dine lit ol many peisons win. mcii I im i'ii i- c ton nflhctinii. h ivc thiiiitbl it mv ibi'V, nnd n ti l u tlnstcili- licale lliil ot! ds wlni b ivi a I ke allln lion m the laii ilv iu:iy know where tn obt i n s i valuable a inedliilic. Villus IniK. AMFI.I 1) 1 11 AF. S,pl. 1C. lplv 4. II lit I' !'( I' 1 1 I s' DSATII BLOW. rPlie ii he will plrase i.1 -ene im l!r.ue!-i tb ! I'ii s are iimih , unle- ibe I i x ba- three I i le!s upon il, (h- t.i,l'o' s; e in .1 ibe bolt iov cub I'ui.i lino l1 :i f t'-MiniliMi iilore ol my h ir d w ruiiiL. tbif H. I in i s nn v. i il, M. D. The.e la. lei Me ciijmi.hI on te.l, liai.ll'ollv ib-iijind. and done at nn e pene of over tf .Oi 0. 'I hi n f i'e it w ill be -tt'n ibe only ilium inn--niy to pi.. i lire ihe iiiriiieme m lis lintv, is tn i.beie ll.t -e I. ibil-. lieini nilu r ill-' top, the i-i I", and I'm bo'toin. I be I dlown ,it le-peciivr p' is n.s are duly anlh. ri 7a il, mid hold cnziTirj ca.ti:3 or AGErrcv For the sale of lfrnm.'rni's Yi gr'ttht? I 'ni, r-n 1 einintv : Milton f .tkey -V Ch.nnbi i Im. s-c.ii!niry 11 It. M iier. M'Li is nib In I ili.l eV ltitll. N iiriliutii' pfiii I Win Forsyth. I itorci tow n J. .i. Walts. I'liion C ti tit y : Niw lb ibn !!o,;ai ,V W'n It r. ."Seliiijiiir.ivt (ii ot ;e iiiniWiiiu. Mid He I'll i j siu Smilli. Itemr iwn llniid llulle.. Ad mlinr Win J.Mii. M iHlitibiii'j Meti-eh i I! .v. 1 1 a'tli Ion 1 1 aiitl I, oiit;. I'm I'iiil' ti... ;.C. Moier. I.f v-l tii2 Walls (i.e.n. Cohiiiibi i eoi iity : D.miiile II. H. In-iindtU A Co. liirisiili ."liuuiaii ,V I, tieuhoiip. Cii'-lawi-sa C. (,'. Itiobt-. il loinsliiiri. .t.ihu II. Mi Ncr. .Iia.-ty Town Li vi H.-it . Wa-I.intiiii I'.il l. Mt ( ' iv. I.imi-l .mllii'l..-. M-V...,-li. t llici e ih it e it'll A L'ent b in ail I'liurav. d ( r 'ila 'iii-ol A'j. iii'v, coi'i niiiiii a lepi.a-' illation ol li HKANDIIl'. Ill's M ,,,.,! tet ri al finj Sn.;., and iifi.ii wbteb ..ill a " be mi-ii tv.iti eop-i .l II. e ntir i.o.i in if nit,,' u ,.n t'n Hraiiiiri 1 It J'.i'l i,,r,,. I'ii il nli Iphia, oii'ne No. S. Noi'b siili ; i eel. ii. hi;anii.i;tii. m. d. .Ion. -:iib, l-t:!. (U I'l i!M I'H!K AITTIOX. Ai"JJ lTdVATE SAiFi HOOKS, Xos. "J'.l iiinl .'il .nrtli 'I'lin.l Mncl, ear the City Hotel, IILL 1 1 11 1 . F 1 1 1 . r c. mac i - lilts ihe ill KFV, A in tiotici r. ii per 1 1 1 1 1 ' v lu ll'lt lil'CII ot pel s , , tti 1,'intl ll pel sn s tl. '.llls ol pi T t b i-II.J riotlliinp. In bis i n, i ih it a Ilis. I I. oh pu! lit- nnd I', iiat, ) l,n tiers' dcn-rii tion ol 1 1 1 ni -i In I I Fun nine, w In if ni I e obi onetl il . il hints, ii IiIlT N-Ftiilnii nt of la-! ion. I le un.l will in.illlilai I me I C tl im I Fionlliire, lie, Is, M.itu nsm s, eve., nt mtv rtdiitftl priri. lor ctsli. Siiles by Am tli.n, tw ice a week. May SVih. sX ly Wllil.l A.M .1. MAI! I IN, SUHSUnY, PA. l'Flt'F. in I he st t'. itid story nl 'he buddilin or- copied I v Di.J.ll. J, r.oii Mai ki t i-trct-i. O.-l. SI l, I M :1 . 1 I In t nhiiitf lui IiIik lor Salt. f pill' KiibserilN r nllem fir sale Tl 1 K Il 1 1 N I i 1 MACUI.NF, new und in gnntl onbi. I he M;n bine ba been tried, and rot In If hii excel lent one It will be I al niluced pine, and wunaiilcj. Apply to 11. 11. M.M"LI!. July Ut, tell.' I HOSE OINTHENT, roit ti:tti:ii. Riviwnitus, mii'M on thh rut", and othiik JiTANr.ovn tm n in.vs. QTj' T.r fiilhiU'injr crrlifrn'e dr'rrihr nnr nflf ,,, rx'rtiiirdhutru nuritt .rer tlTrctcd bu am, .... u ' u J vppticatiun. Pinnnr.i TittA, Frbruaty 1. 18dS. i;on u , M.vrrPv'l,fflirir,l with I1 Tkttk,. on .I,p Fpp and ll,a,l: the di,raso ,.,,,,.,,, ,, , rvPntPrn vrnr (, n, ; Ulltj, ,,, f , ,fi ; iu vi i, . ,. , .. . ' j , Irnrp, hut wilhoiit pvpr disannpirin '. I 'liriny; tn'i1 of t! ft timr, ijrrat pari of my fid wn-i roven d with the rruption, frupirnlly nMeiulril with vio'riit ilrh hut; my bead swrl'ed hI linns until it tell as if it would luirst ihp swi llin was so ('P it. lhal I riinM sr.uetly pit niv bat nn, Durinj ihn lon period that I was nfllirlPil wi h the disease, t iimM a ureal many a plications (ainotiij ihpin m vprul i-rlvtirnlpd pre)i nnl ion) as w. II a-i InkmB inw ard remedies, iin hiding n innti!er of linlili i of Nirnini' I'd intern. I'.j lriti l i if S(ir.'i;mrilii, iVc. In f.iet. it would he impo-siMe in ciiiiiiipiu'p nil the inrilirinin I usnl. I n i, I-.H ii 1 1 1 to t the rire of two of llie most ilis tincuishpd pb) sieiaiiH of lV.i-i city, I nt wilti 'iit re i riviiii iu ch benefit, ami I id p liinl nf i-vcr britu; cnrid. In ll p fill ol IS:ir., ihe di-ni-o lit the limp heii'p vi ry violent, I coiioiieueil u.iina the Oniti,it ii', (prepared In Yami'i hi iV l)nis) In a f iv m pliealioiiB Ihe vinlenl itrliii'Et ci a-ril. iltP swi l it i: ril a'cil, the i t'eijan to itisipppar, and I i f re 1 hail nn d a jiir the di-rase wa nitiielv cioul. It has tn' l.reu in ar'y a yi ar and a half 'im'r. nnd there is nol n vr-tie of tl,e t!i-e-p re mail inc. exeeol ihe spars from ihe t!eeo nils f ruled ni t:.e i.i-t iiki. ll is imn'li for me to lies, ri! P in n irriilicnte the sen nty ol ibe iliscn-p and toy Mil'i i i i : l . but I will be pie isi d to .ve n fuller nr. count I i any per-on wantii i; luriber s ili.-laiti ni. who will c.dl on me. Al ti p lime I eon incnccd UMlie llie K, sp t hnliiit tit I would have cnen him ilietN of do bus to In- rid of fir disease, .""slice n ini; it. I have rcmitum nib d it to -enrd persons, (ait'oin; ibeni niv inolhei, who h i I the di-easc bad ly on her ami.) who iv. re a I cured bv it. .1 Mi:s DI'ILNKLL, No. tr.ii, K.ceSt. r I liP Hose Ointment ii pi. pinal by I. Ii. hi : j 1 1 i 1 1 . ."S'li ll I'.isl cio in r of TL.rd and line .-tie. I-, I'hi'n.h Iphni, and i!d on aut ni v in Siiubu rv. bv 11. Ii. MAsl;;, ' May 14lll. IS 111. Airr-ll. I5ot (IiE:ltej(itl, lav IVJfti". A riitKiF OF ITS CY. I'iiii.iiii.iin.. May :7l'i. Idft. 'Fhl. i- to rt ruly l' al I w ts stu re'v atil c etl with I etnr m ibe h:ilnl. and f. et fir upwards ol torlv ears ; the disc i-e w a iiin ndi d g. ner-illy with 1 1. i'i i t id b i n and swcllmc. I 'tpplt d to i I - ii i lit n r ol I hvsii'i lis, and us. d a lti at ni.e v apl li ioi,s wiln nt i lb i iii tr ii enre. About a v. ar sinci , I ppl ed ti e 1' ii-e Ointment, whii h , . , 1 1 r t y stopped it.e ileli n . ii 1 1 Iv curt d iIip ili i iin! a b w ti .! - ,i ii- iminedi-a-c, w ! !i li.rre ba" bi en mi r. iiirn of, iilih ni!'i I b id never been lid of it at any linn for f. Hy yea-s. HICHAM) S V r.ltveiiih. bi low Sp.iicc S'tiett r'i The b'o.-e t li'itiiii iit i- pr, p oeil by F. II. iiuban. t ,iiih Last cori.i r ol 'I'lii d nnd IJace MmtI,-,, Hinl s Itl on aeiicv in iv i.v ii. H. m.s.-.-i:i:, ' May Mib. 1SL1. IVIEDICAL AITROBATiOST Of tin IUISF. OITMi:T. fr T'lhr. l.'l'li M' ihe sup. rioriiv ot 'he prepnia'i n oier till l ib. i- is lolly e-eii'.li-lie,l. In- r -pr i ors l.,kr pb nunc in l.iy in: l Ii re 'be public the follow ii 'u i-e i . i ("i n i c fr 'in n re-l et lal'le pbv -leian, a criidii He of 'he I 'iitwr-tv oi I 'en ns Iv mi i. Dr. Ilanul-., Iiavitis t 'HI I in llti-. emi ilv t' ai tehel I .r a icdi.'Us anil di-;n;ii t i' l'- all'.-, lion wb'i !i the inean w it hi n tlie r n i i;e of I i r..f. --1..11 1 1 i'e I la allot d has l ot In sliiit. tl to sive il his aoptol ali .n. .I'll iii;b. ibe pit jiidiees ai d inn ri -i-of tl. it t.i. i :i im . ppoM'.l In seer, t l. 'III. dies. Fill I. un 1 I ii i i. "' p. ' I w as rrrently lioiitl.d Willi a tedious herpetic pi il pi it ii. w bit h e or ed in il. Iv one si p of mv t .it, ex t lib d i n r I hi ear. Mr. V;,i' I in. propra - 'tl of t'.ie lio-i I 'llilll enl, ob-eli'lii; IIIV t'ler. 'Ilsl- led in In I I ii-.j bis p't p i, al i. tn il n h i b be t!e I ine a , .r. A '1' i1:'!. in i- inenoii with die meui len. ot inv pr. e--'o:t, I ibsi ..istiii ti mre til l ili-ap. proit- ol the ti ri a i . i.s nostiiiin- upoi) the I ' ! lie by i o . i .1 1 1 1 pri teii b r-, 1 Ii 1 1 in jus it e In an ,1 lo rxi't pt ibe lb se hiitiin nl Inun iba- e a-s of nie- I lints, al tl to c.iic it mv iipi'it b.ition, as il t-iii 1 -1 U iurtd ibe prii titiii. 4hbnii;ii i ll nl n -i-'e I i' e u-ul .. pb, aiioi'.. DNI. II Al CM. M. D U ) I be I! Oii'lmei t is pie, ,i. ,1 l y II !i. ' .in. halt, f-oitib lla-i c,,ri f r ot Tbnd in d l ire iiteis. Pniliiti.-'phi i, and s,-ltl on aji ne in S-iin-bmv, I v 11. Ii. M F!i, M iv I l it, ISM. Ati iil. Mover ?.s Enl:. JOSEPH 33. IIC VER, .Miiiuil.ietiin'i of Wiiliiijr iiinl liiilrlli ble Ink, N". UN! .N'.ulli Third Str. i t, mx i!oor belmv K.n-e, fe.-n-t side,) FHILADELPHIA, j 1 1 li It, I'l'OTI'l I.I.N inlorms cniiiinv uicrclniut d o'ht i. t;si he coii-i inllv fiet's on l aetl a I .,!e stoi k i t hi supi rier HI n k. Itlue i'ii.lK.,1 It k. ami t.lso a siipt-ii, r tpi'ibtv ol i nl, lit' It fik. II ink is pnt i.p in b. ti its i.uviiil' in Me, Ii ni I to it, miners, mul wdi be olil on it a-- :e h rnis, 'Ihe e tl i" I tpialu as ol ibis ink hi- -. i tborniieblv i siab'i-bed lis eh ii it. that ll is now i xt. ii-ni l u-i'it ll.r.tiu'lit.iit lb-' . ' i t t ' r v . , I 'of sale m llie i-toe ol II. H. M.i--er, .-'i;.-hurv, I'a. M iv Slib. I I I, Iv CIIAIM.KS W. in.C.INS. ATTORN IIVT AT IiA"J7, SINBUnV, PA. JJ fj A5 I .km llit flliiv tfin I 'll orropi. il I v t! e ' H pj 1 1 oil. I hill 'l s C. I l it II I, oppo-ile the Coli 1 1 II use. lie 'II H'ti lid to I iis ni'ss' in ihe C uil of N 'oi ibiiiiil i i land. I 'iiu.ii mi I Columbia coiinii. at. May '.mil, lCI. Ik i (i. . f Mm ( fl't lit l ilt A 'l. et I ".,',', LYCOMINfl COUNTY, I't-iiii) l ;mi:i. FJ11IF iib-crili,T It speciliillv Inl.i.ins his, fiieitl I I and the public m general, tlml he lias t iki I. llie hove i.MM.i: ap (iij)hr.s r n T? T mm W , Jjj . i n r ii f ii ii i: o re ii o f m r n c y. and that be i- now wi ll on t are I (o iit'oiinini'.l ale i all who limy Uxor h in with tbe.r riisl.nii. II ts Si 1 1 ri si, Ai'iiiuiiTs l re well Bile I, uinl I c i u 1 1 Ii i r I I le. j III-. Tim.fc n IUh will u'wavi be ajihul j with ihe best the inaiket ran ulliiiil. Hm ""I tm.iMi, which is ttsd, will I t uudir the chariti' ol food ami cuielul hosllers, I le ti els confident, by Mr it I attention lit In -inrss, and mi earnest de-uc to it nih r C - 'III 1,-rt ., I It Ibn-p who may pjlr,inie hilli.ihal he will liol fall oi;ivo j genual misfi, tion. II. H. LAN FK. I Money, Oit. 1--, lii;v ii. EEILMA1T & CO., C ommissKin iV. lwnr-iinr Mrrrhants, Foot tf M'fVojo Slrrrt luiil Road, OS THK lill.ltvint. 1 I AVINO asociiiti d wih them .Tosrph Darnel, J 1 1 hp of Fusion, I'.i., respectfully inform thrir rrirr , n , C l.'.'r 'M " "!"'",'"'V.1,n,"'m thP" ll P"aMv. that tliry hav ta. k " ' ' V"T "T M ' "al " " J ! h,r::,1'!',llroni'' , nrr"l1,''' ? Jtroli .Viarlin, wIiitp ihry purpoup il.tna a (ipmral Commission nnd Forwarding Hui ips ami Tom I the local ndvanlavps of ihp phicp hrinif ronn. rlcd I with all ihe public improvements that have their j outlet in the citv, they flutter ihrinn lvrft ihry will bp nblp to do bnsiticss to as crpat, if not R enter ml- VHiilace, mid upon as reasonable terms ns any other house, and lin y tissutp their fnrmls thai nil v con. sianmrnts tnailp lo Ihrin shall have thi ir sir:rt at , Irn'.ioti, and no cm itioni spaird to give rntiip nalis-'hoil. i Tlu y nrp also prppainl to receive uml forward poods to any poiui on ihr Di law are and Frlruh livers between Manrh Chunk, Fa-'tmi and I'liiln- ; nei nr., via i'1'ian nre i vision nun i.riiimi v a i i s; . .u. I., oiiti . i, t.,; . ... v ,.,i i. I l.:. l.i it .,.! i i.i 1 and i si lliaiiclirs ol the t-'.u.-i'iirh.miia viu Srbiiyl. I kill and I nioii, or the Chesapeake and Tide Watei Canals. For the nproninioilation of limits camion or co j ina via .S-hny Ik ill and l .'ninn Canals, a Sip.iuboiit ! will be ki pt ex pressly fir towim bti iln from iIip ISt-li uv lkill iirmiml to the Delawnre nnd buck, wbirh , w ill i'ii. hie uieichants to have llipir piodnrp deli- p.pil on the De'aw are, ami their k hiiIs sl.ippidat 1 a siviiii" ot ft; I to l.'i per cent, o" Ihe j nee f r Ii itiliri! ac o-s, wilh ihesp ndvitiitai;i' they rp- spicllully s.ilieit hare of atron ari. I W. 1ILW1.MAN A CO. ! Will'ain IL I'man, ) William W. Kiyspi.C ; Ins. ph li tTiiet. ' 3 Ph'tlad ,M.iy 11. ly ! j. r.ZAirri anu, sb.. & co. I SmilV ntnl 'I'liliiicco MniHiLiclurei s, ! .Vo. '.Ill .nylh Y a' r ririir r if Uurr tuitl Third ; Sli t 1 1 I'HILADF.I.FIUA. i rf,lin ittidi r-ieiiPil havp formed a Cr-inrtnershin ! 1 uiiiler ib. tirin of .1, MAYLND .In. ,V Coi. I ii successors to the lute fnni ol Jarrili .Mmlnnrl , , Co.. and will c mliiiep the I usiir-s t iheol.l rs!a ! t h-hitient, on ihc'r own accnunt. In ad.liiion In ibeir own elosp niteuiion nnd expi tience fit many Veins, in li e maniif n'ltiiT of their epli hrati I snull', ' f.. lilt t xper'i nre of t! e senior a d it of toe late firm, will nl-o be di voted In the inlprpsl of the new cm cern and ns no exeilioo and ca'e w i.l l c ! -pared lo insure their ennds, al all tun s of ibe ve r li'-i ipmliiy. ihey solicit a roiitinuaiirp of the ronfith nt e ol" ihr Itu'iids and ru-t .mors of the l:ip '.nn. 'I MOM S All WIS. .1. M W I. .N D. .la. I'bil .id. Iphia. May 1 Mi. Hid. Iv 'I'll Cotllttl'V MERCHANTS. 'PIIF. ,-iil.s, rider, AL-eiil of I yon ,V Harris, Hat Maiiuf ictur-r. for New Y'.rk, I'hil ulelpbia, II iltimore and oilier lartjp cities, ! OS" lints are highly cniiiim rnbd l,ir i:ii f'..i und durnl ififi, ; li.i n i I ami n lir-t ran- asu'itm - - 1 o II A I'S and OA I, mo ible for Npr lip s.les wb ,, w II I e s .1.1 ! vi tv b.w. ftii cash or ai'piiive.l cr' d.l, at ibe tirl'd i hrrp nfnrf. No. Ill, Nnrlti 'I'll rd r'i.; t, oi p -si'p ihe City II I, I'hil a lelphia. i ;onr.i:r i. wilk'no.n. a.".,. I N. 1. Onlei I, if Hats in 1 In roup 'i. prompllv aitende I to. Tim i rieu in K.i -ji Irtt le l i v fit I, it I'm iiifiii, l-i ila.lelpbia, .Im.. II, 1 id --ly EoiiTorr & co. (sl'lH'I'liI 1 (;i .1!f-i Si;ll!iS, 1'i.r t-.i Sn'.. ,.f l inn-, (iiam, Siul, Ac c. J 't.;---u Kvr: p OFFC'i TI'l.l.V iuform ih. it hi' ml an I ' be Mi"i-I am inTsl'v, ill at they have la- l en tti I net' ii. I eoini'iodion baiv' s, i'h n o Doiks, iioiih nl Chfsnut sin 1 1, on the D. law .re, tourlber w :tb t ie si. it- N,i. l'l Soiilh Wh ine-, wl.t'Ti- ibt'V wtiultl be pte.t-ed til receive t oi,-ia(l. menls ,.f lir.iin. Flout. S-'eeil, Whi-key, Inm. ,e. ie. Heiito idsn w i Ii p'epaied to forward all kinds ol M, reliHiuliM' bv the ."-i hiiyll.i!l ilitl I' by ibe Cbe an. ake mid 'I'i.le aler t 'an ils, as .,'v- bo its are kepi i lint loi lie purpose of I iwine boals I- 1 1 1 1 ll'iC, .Mel. ! LH.ts w ill ple.ise 1 e tt send t'n ir L " us ilt .- i: t ,1 l ei her, I Nn. K' "s.n.i'i b ,i s( biTWi a ll M ;lke' and I 'h. -'net sir. t's, on llie Di I'l w nrp . with directi in nccnuip Hi yum iheui w hit h r i hi I. ihi v w ish theiu In be ship eh (; V Fla-tir and ". ll fm sale, at tie' luwe-l mar l.i I price. IH il.Tl I.N ,' C' i. Manli l!..t3l:t. No. Ill Smith Whines uiiiibit r .u i i si so. PAV2n I-T A INT IT r A C T U It iJ II S, l.iiiuhiiiit Strut, lltitttnmrr. n . II con-taiillv f.r sale, I'riiiiiiia I'ap.r ot ill. ies ;, ml ijiialiln s, C ip Writing Fuper. rubd ami p! iin, Lent r 1'iiprr. while nial blue, rule, I ai d plain, Hal itini; I'apcr, tine and ciiniiiioi). Fuielopp Piper, i!ti. do. U'eibiiin, ttoiiirp t'.nwn, it.iW n and extra si. .I Wrapping Faj eis, Coloied M, ilium mul lo val I'ape s, 11. unit t. Hinders' nnd S.iaw j loariis, l'.!-si,e .i j ii r. and nil int t ies in be.r I ne. ti tin;, will m!I in in I't' a ini; ti ru s. II a'lit'.'l pure yixeu .t old rai-s. I.OIiF.HF CA ll I l"U A ON. M in-h 10, 1 si:i. Flkion. Md HOUSK, I .k. H7, Am 'I i.i, d, ilium ( i.ioM . ill St., I'liii.Anr.LiiiiA. ClIN DI A C A N . Ine from the l'e:.n-Ka 9jr ma I' Hint i, nnd Siiniiil like, jr., lie ,1 A- n ii r if a it I Intel, Colt! in'. us. I ili i.. lake pie n-iiic in ac ipi Oi lil t; their Iin lids ami Ihe public cun r.illv lb it lin y bin e lain 11 the ,trL.e and cn'iim ..linns Unit I, 'ti.nllx I HI 1 bx i'e M, m II ill. on Ihr sai ic site nine nilllplid ll ll.e old e-l iM I -1 lit I ILltl'l kllllWII 1 the Fuil'ii lliatl, in Third i-tieel ul ove Callow. bill s'. This llolel i fmi-lietl in llie very bi st pos-ible 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 1, r . iti'tl ol ihe best inh'i'iia's. is lot al on is very tb able, pariicularly for culiul y no r. bants ; the aiiainii iiiiti's lor In ai 11. u nnd Vintd ilinc tint, room ia sin h ii tn secure ui y icinperaiiiie. The la duuim.-. aie all li'ht and airy, nit luiui.-bed iu a III' 0 -l, SO HS til illslllp Thi' 1 ceii inn P ilium are ulo fun i-he.l in a su perb fly le, ibe w nnlows mi' on the Fn lull slyle, t p un eniinnre to a bideonv in Ireiil, win, h liii.k.'s pleasant rices. FiiiIiitiIui attcutintl has been cm 11 to tint I cila and in diling, which, with the luriiiliirp, arc cniin ly new. t mm yearB' cKpeiience in l.atel hiisinrcs, ve I'lisl, by strit t as.- dully lc. buaiuesi, In make this house n tlesiiable leppitu phu'P. Our tilde will alwaya I e mpphrd will) ll.e vtry bi.l our niaikt t can all. 'itl, ami ot.f bur wilh Ihe best liipiors aiol w ines ol Ihe most apptovi d luands. F. S, There are lir.t ratp stabling wnd curriaee bouses utt'ii hed to the bill. I, Mli n.le.1 bv i a 1 I'll and solir hostler, and our charci will bp low, in m a oidaiuv wuh tlP pre-eul haid tiini s, I'loljihlpliia, Oil. illi, DDI.. AT TO UN NY AT LAW, SUIT BTJUIY, PA. H uinri.ii mended lo in the Countieg of Nor ihtiml rrland, Union. Lvrominn and Colundiia. liefer lot TitfiM is II inT Ar Co., Lnwr.n iV UAimor, Hut, Ccmmiwos &. IIaiit, y-Vhihit. Kkt iotti, McFAni.s ii Al Co. Sri:ni in, 'tonn eV Co., GO LDE N 8 "WAN Ao. (ill jXiirlh 'I'll ', tihmr Arch Strtrt, I'illl.ADHId'HIA. AffoMMoiiAi kins ihr fi.vr.nv rrnnoM. ' H AHLIj WF.lss, l.iip of ihp "While Swnn," and "Mmmt Vernon llousp," rpspcctfiilly in forms Ins friends mul cusioniprs. that bp lias become the piopri.-tor of the nhov well know n Hotel. biiui'iy MciehiiiiU will fml the iihnvo Hold a cctittal b catiuti, and the best of blip IVrson Iras Ii ' "I' ii.."' iiiii.i yHi ice v. Ill linn amp , , , . ,. - -, , , . " . Vi'"1 nl"' c'""' "''mR f"i horses, and (be best of osllei. Honrdincfl iierdav. May 1 lib, EAft-LE ! Corner if Third mid Yiif Strttls, 1 WHZiXalAIVISPOIlT, 0? A. 'I'SpiTF subscriber respectfully annoiinriB tti tho i B public, thai hp hid opened a lintel in lbs com modious bri. k I nildinir silu.iti' nn the coiner of I bird and Fine streeis, where bp will be happy In , v ii il up n ihosp who may f.,vor him wit'i their I eomprii y. The Fault lintel is iii'2e am! mnvpiii ; it, i, ntnl furiii-.hrtl it, thr be t ni 'i'mi slile. Il i I provided wilh a latcp inliiiber of well airPil and romf rtable slpepitia npartments, r ioins, privadi ' pallors, f-c. l'emnns visilitig illninnpurt on bu . nin'ss oi plcii-ure, mav re-t as und ihileierycx cninn will ltiied tn n i drr 'hrir soj nim nt iho Fnile llott I" pleasant nod 'reealilp. His'l'iiblo will he supplied wi'h the vary lust the marki i nf. f.infs, anil his bar wi ll he c' oirr.-l wines ami older htjilors ibarces re soit i! le. 'llie Fajle Hot. 1 possesses: urcuicr Hilv,uiiiii;ps in point of location than any nihi l s'uelari st il'li-louenl in the bnromih, ( hi iinr situiili in the liusini as, p- rt ol the low u, nnd w iibin n movement distance of the Coiirl llnugo mi l Wi'bauisporl and llluilia Had l.'o id D pot. i-iillii irnt SiablitiL' pro, idfd, arid good and Iriisly ostler s in ntli inbin e. AtUTitm, seeoii.iiioilalini! and hone-t Servatmi hale been i ni.oi ril. and noil ina b ti utidone Ih it will mid In the t iiinloil aid at Coliiliiodaiioii of his U'li'st-'. Tin re wi'l be a carriage a'wuvs in attendance at 'he Foal l.inthnt. lo y pas-c. tiers to and from , ihe 1 1 oi: -e, lue of char no. CII MH. F.s linKlMU'S. M iv 1 iili. is I J. if "y f s 's f r -r, m rK m rs m . - 'V -w 4, w -T" w m a, N f m N ailiee utieipialled 'or e'eaeint; ' tbira'-h' anil iito-l tui 1' iiit ml u vintf 1 Hit . . --tl I.. si. ver ( iersii ii "iler I'm, Si. i I, I 'uili r Vii.nisbed c nil il'C-, H Copper, Hull 'ilia ware, ..ii. I lor r -nn e e the lustre mi c Ti;v II'. I'rep i'ciI an s hi m w!tnli.iV anil relai', bv ihe .sii-iuel.'iiin.i t 'bri -obic Tnloli Coin;iaiiy, I liiio.i, Tlnu i count v , .N . Y. WM'. Ft'lI- V TM. Al'. i t f .r Noribum'd, H. 15. M ."-sr.i:. Aipnt tor ."Sunbury. N oi I no. I r Until, I Kivlt:w W'viwvr A; Piaiu norc makiies & tiur ciiandlshs. .V... ':l X.,1, r.,...r.-;',,,. I',;!,,,, ,,,,. A ' F cms niiily o:i liauil.a L'eiitrd ; .-sort-P In, nt ot Corila'..., s'eine l. iVc., viz: laid lio c-, l'i.-l,iiii; h p.s, hue Ibipes, l anil la hots, Tn iv Lines I r C ni il Ii its. Al-o, a I'.t'iipltTe a-oitmei t of '. ine Twiiies. iVr, sueb a? Hemp S .ad aid lb Trims I w ii.e, litst I'lilent (iill Net ''w ii ;t. ( 'olloii So nl ii. tl lieniii'. Tw ll e, Sh.n l l r. i i.. .v.'. ie. A;-o, Hi. I Cools. I'loujl, Lines, I ' I'.'i-r-, TraCf. ' 'o'l. n i id Li; en C ;r, i t ( "!i .insr. At. all ol whih the;, will tbsp ,et' ol o:i it .t.snnahlo telllls. I'hil iilr'phia, Nov.,. lie. III. IMIO. Iv. si'i',i;i.t;, co. .'... i:is!."t Sirrrt. I'!'hi,T. N V ITK tlie r.lti iif..n of Count. y Men b ml. i i i ineir ex ifiisi 1 1' a-M-r.T.-iTil oi linn ii r renrr md Ai'i. ric ni Dry I iinnls. w In !i bey i.t'i T liK salt I." ly. i lb 1.1 .-I it as,. n il le . ruis. I'loleMi !,ia. .X .v . ml er 1:5. I .1 . v I " 1 1 1 1 t ! : i I illul S W A ! N , ':ii':isi. .M.iiil.l.irflitvr. .Vo. Ai Xnllh Til 't. I lr,,t. .''. 1.' o ,,i' t!,t (,: U:il. I'hil,:,', !i ;. C10l'NTl Mt t hul ls and oll.t a, are solii itpc J tu 1 x a ai ui" ! is .t'M', ni. 1, t In loie puichaMiit belt- I'l.ila dpi i 1. Nov. ml er 11. '."Vi. ly. !" " f i ' "a1 ft ."Itlt -air a cm I Fanu, cml 1:1 1111 about 1 lj liii iibed and ! 11 nei., more or Ie s, situ il in I'. n,t l"U 10! p. N 1 bninl 1 rl.n d c. nut , al.u l.Xt. Itilbs lihiiv.' Nol l.lllliet I .11,1, nil lllp IllHtr r ii.l b adiim from 'hat pla. e I 1 D divide, ailjiiinini land, ol John Lcslinii, .le-.-e ( '. Ilofioii and nlhers now in the iMCiipiticy . I S.inni. 1 I' .yi e. At ju hiilx ai ris of said tiart are 1 band, and in slat' ol 111 livali'in. mi xx huh 1! i re is a small bar. 1 reel, tl. The property will be sold on p asm nhl it nils. Knr Ii: 1 1 In r panu nlars, p, inns ine rrijnes fl In appli tn tl e u' nub r. II. II. M ASS rib. A:;tnt, N-v '.'i'h, isr.'. if Simb.irv. F. LIST OF BOOKS, Coll silk lit LU, "v 4 ., r?2 irj r ft NTIIl).N's Classical Dii'iionarx ; Lcmpricr' tin.; Ainswiiith's do ; Cnbi'"s dn.; Flit-hi-h all ('Tiiiaii tin; Ambon's (':i,ar, Aollion's (trammel Ai then's Cict o; Man's Lic iii l.'c nli 1; I tiill x 's do Ainhew's l.a'tll Less 'lis; D 'lini Bail's l.efiicoi Fisl" lire, k FxtTeiscs; Dux le-V l.t'tli lidci; liiuci". ( M'lj iri; Ailanis'i b'oinaii Antiijuiiie-; Fiuiiock's lioiil-iniih' Li, eland; do. iii't n ; Lyell's Flt inriilt ol lieiilocx; Mis. Lincoln's liolanx; F.h menls of Ih Un; Lri.lue'a AVtl ra; I'oil. r'. Kin Ken-iliT-; Inm rson',1 iiii'iiial v and Hi-loix;'a 1 the; I'ar It do.; Snuth'r t tain mei; Knk bain's do.; Kax'a; Cnbl 'a do.; Cobb's A 1 ithmriick; , Fike'a d.i.; Liners. ai's do.; Cnl b's Spt 1 1 1 11 if Hooks; ' Town' do.; Cobb's Tuble Hunk; F.vai."eliral Fa I niily Liluarx; Cmlace Hible-; Family do j Colhiter ' al ilo.; Small llihles and Tcsl nnenl-; 1'arker' Fl ' cii i-e i n Composition; Fruil of llie Spirit; liaxtcr'a S , hit's Itesl; Aiiiiticuii Iteiolution; Mairyatl'a No 1 Vt Is; Mr. I'helps on Chrilustiy; Iliad; Catrcblsm nf American Laws; Leiti rs on Nsiural Matfic; Che-mi.-t'V lor lli i-iiiniTs; l'.ntbsh I'. ctcit adapted to M urisx ' ( iramtiier, Scjuel to Comity" Spelling Htiol.; Ami rtt-Hii Class Hi.nk; Diiboll' SchiHihnas I In' Assistant; A ureal xuricty ol Lllanli Hunk, Ac. Auptlst M, I ri l'. I'OK ISAl.i: AT THIS U1T1C11 t