II ... . J . . . 1 Foreign !, by th Acailln. The Grcut Western carried out the newt of Hie election of Mr. Polk. A different re sult had been anticipated. No country in tho world, nays tho European Times, puzzles tl.c politicnl economist and tlio spccalators in ab stract theories so much as the United States. It is an enigma. Tho Englitdi rather dislike Air. Polk's election, nnd we are glad of it. The iron trade is most animated, and even atllhis, usually tho dullest season of the year. Tho American provision trade continues to form an important branch of commerce, every day adding to its growth. Queen Victoria has sen' three cnrrinjre dogs of great beauty as presents to King Frederick W'm. of Prussia. The totnl number of letters despatched through the Post-office, Ijondon, in wns 7.") millions; in ISPt, upwards of '2-.0 millions. The Into crop ot potatoes in Ireland in found to exceed the produce of any year on record. A TutiK ntT Stranuk Story. The Phila. del phi a Spirit of the Timet says. "One of the ttranscst circumstances came to light in that city the other day, every link in its chain of e Trent boin n equally mysterious and remarkable. A hnly who keips a stock store in Sixth street, missed the other tiny a splendid black scarf, of a rich and peculiarly figured silk. Of course the suspected a number of persons. She discharged lior poor washerwoman who happened to be in the store at the time, accused her salsewomau, nnd also a dealer, who had been exuminin the scarf just before. This dea'er was terribly an noyed by the accusation and sorely perplexed. But mark how he and others were relieved, and the guilty one discovered 1y a simple nccident ! Some time after this dealer stepped into a inilli .lier shop in Second street theonly one he ever visited and theic he beheld being vvoikej up into a bonnet, a piece of silk which hu believed to be the identical one in question! lie carrid a uece of it to the loser. She knew it was the same ! The milliner said the bonnet was lo be finished and tailed lor that evening. A constable itn.1 a warrant were procured, the lady came die was questioned abont the silk declared he bought it was desired to shew at what s'me i'he parly proceeded to the shop of the loser the Vady there confessed her fiiilt. and fainted ! Hie a taken before Alderman faint. dn g.iin was bound over in i.'inn to iiti"wer serif 1'or her sister for curity, and alter a ;iiiu"ul eceiie. the curtain dmppod! The culprit is a lady tiehiiigin: to good society, and with her sUtcr keeps a fashionable boarding bouse, in a fashion able sireet, is a member of church, and reputed to lie a pious and highly respectable lady. We give no names because we do rot desire to add one pang to the stiliicicuTly mortified parties, bnt merely to mention the outlines of the singula! story, in order to shew how innocence was ac tpiittcd and the really culpable mysteriously found out." A Soi's Vindication ok him Fvitiku. A pcntlenran, wlro has lately visited the battle field of I.iin.ly's I.ane, narrati s the lollow'r g in regaid tu a son (if the l ite (i. n Hull : The height which Mdler stormed is now a pr.veyard. In its bon-in repose, side by s'ple, .and in pence till the " real Irntnp shall sound, the nun tins of those who, on that fi- ld, struck t each other's li'o A gem'rous warrior spirit pave t both equal hoiior.-' snd a common grave. Ainoti'j the dead of the day there buried, the name of I loll, a captain iullie American iirmv, caught my ye. lie ',-il in t,o bailie, in 'lis year, as ,. desired to tall. He whs the sou 1 11 11 - , 1 to ,.en. nn. , wno ignomiutousiy urren,;. re.i ll..t,.it ot lt,n r.. .ui...,,,,.,,.! ..f fl..i 1 ' " ' . o. ... .. r in., in, 111 ,,1 1111; v. n 1 , nini ; was.seiiti-nei'd to die a coward's death. lVon- ly inn ins iii'io-pii.-u s.n n-i-i ihis stain iiHin , bis name, m.d lie smii'lit tiir -very opportonilv j ot washing it nut, if need he, with Iiih lo'urt's b'.o d. He .' nasli it mil; and lure, sword : 1 1 v 1.. . -..i . a . - . .. .1... - 1 , ,., u,.,u uioini.rj Mv,,.-c.ui.i of the enemv s works una 111 the arms ol victo ry he died ! Philosophic!. vr. of Cat. All travel lers speak ot the small apertures, tlmt lead f 0111 one of the I're.it . liauile rs of the pyramids of Cheops. Their list: w as long 11 subject ot' con troversy. Tin y w ere found to be air channels, thus as described by lili.lilon '. Whilst Col. Vyse'n men were probing the luirtheru uir chnim. l, they founJ it impossible to tell whether it was open ell the way through, us palm sticks lushed together could not pass; toties, rolled in, stopped, and water poured in was absorbed 111 the unsoiiry. An A rub solved the ditiiculty in n very sitoplo method. Uo brought a cut w itli her young kittens in a sack, end placed the kittens it the bottom of the air tiole in the King's chainlH-r, and shut them in with a stone ; then, going outside, h placed the cat it the opposite end and shut her in also with a stone. Ongoing inside again, alter an inter vat, the cut, attracted by the cries of her offspring, being found with her little family si the bottom of the channel, proved thai the pus eage was open Irom top to bottom ! Olives come from (Jreece ; citruns from j Medea ; cherries from the shore of the Promm. I lis; tigs from Mesopotamia ; chesuuts from Casiacea, in Asia ; peaches from Persia ; oraii ges from Tyre ; plums from i-'yria ; artichokes from Sicily; apricots from Arsenia; cabbage from Cyprus ; nicluiu from Persia. If you have a horse that refuses to draw, just take est and lie it on tho horse's back ; then pvt in the carriage and begin to whip the cat ; this wilt set the cat to scratching and biting the horse, and rely on it, that if you are not very careful, the horse will run away with you and the cat both together, Interesting vnrletlea of the Bible. When the celebrated fir. Samuel Johnson was asked why so many literary men were in tide's, his reply was "Because they were igno rant of the Bible." If the question be asked why the lovers of general reading so fail to acquaint themselves with the sacred volume, one reason that may be assigned in, that they are not aw are of its interesting variety. This feature of the Bible is well illustrated by Mrs. Ellin, in the following eloquent extract from her recent work, entitled the "Poetry of Life." "With our established ideas of beauty, grace, pathos and sublimity, cither concentrated in the minutest point, or extended to tho widest range we can derive from tho Scriptures a fund of gratification not to be found in any other memo rial of past or present time. From the worm that grovels in the dust beneath our loot, to the track of the leviathan in the f aming deep, from the moth Unit corrupts the s -cret treasure, to Hie eagle that s tars above his eyry in the clouds from the wild ass in the desert, to the lamb within the shepherd's fold from the consuming locust, to the cattle upon a thousand hills from the rose of Sharon to the cedar of I.e.b-1-non from the chrystnl stream, gushing forth out of the flinty rock, to the wide waters of the deluge from the lonely path of the wanderer, to the gathering of th mighty multitude from the tear that falls in socret to the din of battle and the shunt of a triumpha.it from the solita ry in the wilderness, to the satrap on the throne from the mourner did in sackcloth, lo the prince in purple robes from the gnawing of the woi in that dieth not, to the seraphic vision of the blest from the Mill voice, to the thun ders of Omnipotence trotn the depths ol heil, ;o the regions of eternal glory, thr-re is no de gree of beauty or deformity, no tendency to good or evil, no shade ut darkness or gleam of light, which dees not come within the cogni zance of tint Holy Scriptures; and therefore there is no expression or conception of the mind that may not find a corresponding picture ; no th rst lor excellence that may not meet with its full supply and no condition ofliumaiiity neces sarily rxc'udud from the unlimited scope of a ihip'.ion and of sympathy comprehended in the ht'iguage nnd the spirit of the B.ble." An f.NF.u.i.mi.K ItrviKnv roit I.owm:s of Spirits. Ti.ke one ounce of sp rits of resolu tion nnd an equal proportion of the oil of pood Conscience infuse into these a table spoonful nf salts of patience, and add thereto h few sprigs of a plant called "other woes," which you will find freely growing in every part of the garden f lit', but especially under the broad leaves of a s.'Miwy In rb, called disguise. (Inther also a , haniP'ul of the blosMiiiiS of hope, w hich, l''n ' peri lineal, may always be obtained; sweeten I these with the balm nf Providence, nnd if you j ,-. 1 r.i 1...1 1..III I'lliVHI I. 1 I. tii.ij.e, wt i;i fiMirii iinui.il of true friendship, it will greatly add to the val ue of the medicine. But in this one ingredient especially be careful of counterfeit. There is a spurious compound, vended by one Self Inte rest, which is obtained easily enough and by which thoit-a nils are imposed upon. The least admixture of it with the above ingredients would infallibly spoil the composition. Reihicc 'he whole to an electuary by a proper propor tion of conserve of content, tlavor it with es sence of good judgment nnd regulate Ihe quan tity taken according to the virulence ol the disease. A tried recipe and never known to tail. , s, ,: r..1. Pii-is. , t - , , - , . He came fiuui afar lo li e land of H e orave, ... . . . , 10 cure our ilisenses, ami sn .1. Il li mil Hie giave, .', I n j h i.l (.'oluuibia her mil' ring soil" inour- l.e.l. But i.ow she r.j lici s, for he.dih has teturoid. Wliiil pi e shall we giv , ei what honor li stow ! Willi what wreath shall wed.cklho Phil.l.hr. pi.-ts brow t I'hy name, Dr Draudieih, 's iusoiW-.l on our souls, I And thy fame rhall evti n I from the line t ihe p-!.; Bewaie of nil Drtiggis's, who trive lo deceivi Their miseral e oni'ati ins cnu n. ver le i. r ; I'he Audits advertise I, sell the genuine Pill Whi. Il Kin .ve 1 1 - mi tiie body the ciisr of its ills. Jj Purchase of II. B Mss-cr, Sunbury, or of lie senis, puldihtd in inolh. r p ut of this p.q.er. "Hi1 .. P .Tf .1 IS It I K If , On Thursday, the C'th insl , by the Rev. A I'l it. no, M11. l'laKV Ki i l. v to Mi Maki Fi.- I.KI.-SCOI T, Isitll Ol M.OIIHlklll tilWIIrhip. ruici: ruuun.vr. Cirrnvttd uvikly Ay feio y Wn tlitmo r. WiikAV, KTi RK, fill 0a, 411 0t, ...... Pohk, ...... r, FUXSMII, ... . oJ llrrrm, ..... Bkkswax, .... V-r Til. ni, .... n Dm hi A pci i s, . . f () Do. Puciiis, . . l.'iu Ftii, ... .8 Hkckisii Flax, III Emis, .... I0 liXCt'iitor'i Sale. flHE Exerulotl of ihe ratal of Daniel Levy, L Esq., dee'd., will olfer for iile, al the Couit House, iu Sunbuiy, 011 Monday the Oth January next, Tour 4'ontlgiioiiH Ixttii of . round, including '.he dwelling house lately iTCupied by Mr. Levy, flouting tho livei. Al; Four oilier contiguous Lots of Ground, fronting on Deer and . strirta. Coiidiiiom wii ,e nide known on the diy of ule, hv LEWIS DC WART, ALEX. JORDAN. i-uiiliuiy, Dec, 31, IHII 3l Exiruton. Notice. A I.T persona indebted to ilie rsttte of John lt Leghnu, late of Point township, deceased, ire hereby notified to nuke piymrni, without de lay, to the subscribers j and those having claim against said estate, will present them duly aulhen tinted for sctlterm:n. JOHN B. BOYD, D. BRAUTIGAN, Ni.rth'd, Dec. 2S, 1814. fit Eiecutors. Call and Kettle. PERSONS knowing thcmaelvia indented lo the subscriber, are requested lo call and settle Iheir sec. Minis, nn or before the 20th day of Janu ry next, afler which tints those of long standing will he placed in tho hands of s Justice, fir coll. e tion. II. B. MASSE K. Dec. Mth. 1841. LIST OF CAUSES. T7OR irial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumlerland County, at January Term 1815. commencing the first Monday, being the Gtli. Seitxingcr, tlience of Garter va John Carver rt n v George Lawrence vs .1 I' Haekenberg vi Wm M'O.y v J.ihn F Murray vs Joseph WeitZ'J v Isnar Rnadarm. I Stephen Dfir Fry mire for Evert Hellas A Ellis. Ac Heed fur Murray J W Smiih Daniel Zerbc fc Wife Wm A Ltoyd vs Mirtin A Stuck S im'l Stvinrhatt A wife vs Peler Fersler Conrad Dcshcr's ex'r vs J McKinnryelal App'eion, endorsee of Edwards A Verrec vs Wm Donaldson Dirnmig fur ('imp vi faroh Wortley Joseph Wcitzel vs Charles Rur.h John 1! Ii tiler Benjamin R ihins Prentice for Welch Stephen Derr Haas & Druckemiller Win A l.loyd Unlet Smith vs John Psinler v Ahnhatn l.iwteuce s Joseph Ki ller vs llmrv So inmetz vs John W Peal vs J O B Noil's vs Auiiiisius A-John llury II T Holhncshead At Co vs Peter Lazi'iis Charles D Whirlon vs Henry Dardshcr E P Shannon vs Dennis Waters J , W F Wa,!gnsrllcr vs Eli S ifer A W Johnson et il vs John O Boyd et al John Uoss's ri'rs vs C 8 VV'nllistt al Charts Gain vt Stme Christian I. Weimcr vs Hub in A M'Coy D.miel H'osius vs John A Shissler Jo-eph Mi'man v Shamokiu Cal A Iron t 'o F.iwhesoV Diei-h.irh vs llogendohler A Drrishuch Fsgely. Cleaver & Co vs Thorns M'Full II It Cirailimt vs John (7 Young Dai il l Mner Ai Wife s Daniel Frynure Abraham Tro jininn ct ul vs Chri-tisn Tchupp John B Miller vs Wm M'Oiy Claiie (teoevirve Dniijue vi Daniel Dutiklehrrger Sn e vs JSamo tieorge Ovstel vs John Otrnharl et il John ItoMi s Daniel D irnseif Welsh, Pemp A Friik vs (leorge Ovster Folncr for Trotell vs Henry I Fullmer William Farrow v Ahraham Klute Ch.ir'es A Towar vs tieoree Erkrrt l.it;ht A Hoffman vs J A P Montague is & J Biul vs John N Lain el si J &. J K Tn co vi Wm M'Clerry el al Ili-yes, r.luul, Lyoa cv tiosh vs Miller A Fiymire Jcuti ril-eit Vori'ry','upp Henry Ma-ser Jordan A Purdy Henry HitchiiMll vs (i-'oige C M Kee vs Ilenry Mssser, E.. vs tienrge Shdey vs . nrv Folk vs .l.i-rph Allison s fli-orce Ku'i vs (leorg- W Towar v James I'll irp vs Jaied Irwine lieoree Heckert et al vs S.inc vs D Levy's rx'is vs tS erne W Towar vs li Richardson rt al vs Henry Sutler v Win M't'nr-v 1 1 al SXMI'EL D. JOUI)N. li.ore Eckerl 1) M S.-chl.-r Mitchell f r Rsln-r John A llousworth Hums ,y Eielv r.liT.alelh W rUli I t M-oige Eek'it David M'Kn.Kht 1) S Spare IL ury Mas er Pniihnnotnrt s ollu-e. ) Sunbury.Der. lllli l I. S office. JV-fiV. LIST Or JURORS OF Northumberland County, f r January Tt-rni, A. D. HU. ranl .Inroi'si. Turhut. l-sac Dm kle. ttrluH-arr. Win B liwrm, John Beard, Abis ham Sisrut-r. Miltnit. Lewis E Evai.s. II J E.kbeit. Chit ntuiiijur. Joseph Fordi sinuii Sorthuntlit Hand .I Younciii.in, Bei.j I loin. .iut;iittt lleory Malieh, mi. Sit a H4( J; in. John H-ill'ii'sii, Junes Yoeuin. A'tisA. Isise Ksse, Wm b'otl.i noel. Jacob Aner. ! ''"r tiideoii Adam, tMilainuu i Folk. Samuel -!. fjiivtr .UnAormi. Jonaltsn Dockvy, tieorge H.ei-, Andrew Deity, J .Cub tmidcr, jr., Elijah Uyer y, John U .w 11111, jr. Travel' Jurors. Turliuf. l din Fox, .nets. Adam Si liuv U r, Jacob Hunsirker. ) liiuore. J ones Kutlic ,r John lliule, Isaac iiui-iii., John Fog' Imaii. 1'auii l Nicbolus. M.lluii Michael Kramer ('kili"ipiO'ie. Thomas Hul lo n, John Heller, Wm II iinti.nl, I! ilaot I. von, Edward Itiloy, 'oitr. J0I111 I'fou t, Albiu Newhe'iy, jr., Win lleolbr. Xirlfiuoibirlaad. Win II Wapples. Sunlniry. lames Htisted, John II il. itmii, (e.i B .niuuiaii. A'iiif.1,1. Jacob Ith.nds, Cbules It .bios, J is Ltle, Pn hp tiiiil, Andre K itlo rm hi, IVtei aiidlmg, ti'iore Mler, J dm Y only. Siain Ji n. Movsn Hoglies, John Hut!', Fur nun I' lusAoi li, Jotui K Cn.plsli. V.'u (ieorge A D xon, Benjouiii M.tlhias, J 11 oh Snider, Alex 111. lei I 'ampl e I. ''oof. Ddvid Thompson. Miehuel Deik.snr. I'in r Mah'inoif. i i. 1 re 1 1 nus. Ixmtr Mahioifi. Huh Kimble, Johu Mis tier, sin., ileoiy Wn-t. Jiukuiii lisniel H hner, p. Jobn Kiehl, Hi 11 iy 1. .t-l.a, Beiijainiii Helm, Jacob W eiser.ji. lVlit Juror. Turl'ut. James Armsiioug, viris John K l.ipp. Dilmi-arr, Jacob Doblir. snr., Ceoige Foi. S.oiiuel DeiruionJ, David T Mick.y, Jaied Ir wine. Milton. Isaac H ousel, Henry Wilhelni, (ieorge Ellen, Michael Slioeru.iker. Ckiiinjuaoue. Thouiii Allen, Junei Jordan, Alid'ew Filter, jr. I'oint. Daniel Vtnkirk. SorlhumUrland. Abiahtru Hollopeter, Jacob Rider. Suntiuri. Ctiaih't Weavyr, 1',-ier W (ily. AHfaMa Jacob Evert. Juepli Lyi'e, KoUrt (i Puisel, J irob Dewiu, Thonisa Woll,jr, KnA. Joseph Patten, Alisaudei Moots, Cs. per Reed, Jacob Reed, jr. Little Muhonoff.-David Duuklelwrger. Jarkton Charles Roll , rioel, Mubai Cies.in. ger. Peter I'.rslei, Piur ied, Jcob llon Vr. ,Nov. uOth, 18H FIFTY DOLLARS ItKWAUD! CANTRELL'S I'elcbratctl Taniily Icdicincsi JU.h not cure every thing, but still remain ' unrqualted in iheir sevrral departments by every thing ever offered to the public, who have voluntary came forward sod oUereil numerous and highly nspectthle tt-stimatiiali of their superior flic icy. CnnlrtW Compound Mrillrnttrt Syrup nf Sar taptirilln 1 or, Anii-Srorhutic Syrup, fur the ci.re of Scorfuls, Chronic Rheu.n itism. Chronic Swel lings of ihe Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, and all Disrates arising from the abuse of Mercury, unsurpassed hy any thing in the rnaiket, cotnhi. ntng all the virtues resident in Ihe Sar-nparilla with a modern medicament, only lately drought nut !y the most respeclahlo medical lutliorilu s. Price, 60 cenli per liolile. Cnnlrc, .1nti-l)yprptie PorroYr, for ihn re lief and jiermsnelit cure nf lhnt most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia, in all it fotms and etnges. ft is truly a mosi valuable reintdy. Sold in bottles at 25 and SO cents each. Vuntrell'i .t'"e Mixture and Timie Meilira menla, stands at the head of Ihe list unrivalled hy sny, or all the innumerable medicine in uc throughout Ihe length and bread h of Ihe land, for Ihe cure of Ficvrn nnd Ani't in all iti stages, and from nil its consequences. Residents in Fever and Ague districts should never be without il. The subsc.iber will forfeit FIFTY DOLLARS where Ids medicine tails In a-iform a cure in the most obstins'e ca-e. S. Id Who'e-.le sod Retail hv CALEB CRES SON. at his Dni Waiehou-e, Nn. 6 North Thud Street, Philadelphia; also, hv the r. pnl irly ap pointed agent. SET1I W. ROBERTS, Wholesale Druggist, No. 51 Water Strei I. Mohilp. Prepared or.lv lv the Sulw-rilier, corner of CAR. CENTER and SECOND Sir. ets, below niristi an, Philadelphia, where il is also retailed. Observe, none ate genuine u iibonl the signature of JOHN A. CANTRELL. C aiilrcll's Ariic Mixture, or Tonic Mvrilt-amt'iitu, For the cure of oil .'oks ttffrtllonx, if token ue Curding to dirrct.oof. It is s never failing remedy which no fami'y nugh' t.i le without, especially in low inarsl y countries. As Ihis medicine is put up under the proprie tor's immi diate inspection on the most scientific principles, bemg Pur. ly Vgethle, and having tried its rthrsi y on ibou-ands, for upwards of 12 years, and lohis knowledge when taken strictly ac cording I'l dneclions, ilirre has not lx en ene fa lure. Coder such circumstances I recommend it to ihe public, adding t cerlitieat) iu support of my asser tion. I.John Burn, do eettifv that I was in the ship Ti.b.rcn Plhiit of Philadelphia, Cnpt. Reed, in June, ISU7, bound in Liverpool ; took the fever and auue and laid in Liverpool some l ine under ihe doctor's bands, went fioin there to Baltimore, lay iu the Infirmary for four or five weeks from thence In Philadelphia; wassn mouths under Dr. ('oats; fiom thence to Nrw Y. rk w nl to tl e Hospital, leum n. d th. re about four wi rki without nnv relief tiled very thing without snv benefit, for five rars. Hearing of ('autre Ts Ague Mix tuie fioin a fi wml, I went lo his store, told him how I was stHictrd, and got a bottle of his mixture nnd tis- d it accor.ling lo ilir-i lions. It made a per fect cure, and I hnve not bad the lensl ntum since. I do wilh confidence recommend il to the public. JOHN BL'RNS. Mrdlcatrd Syrup ofSarsiapai Ilia. Phdad. Iphia, April 10th, 1S4I. Mr.Joiin A.CamtrilLi, Di ar Sir, Having l n afflic'ed for upward of Ivro vrars wild ulceration of Ihe throat, de-lroying the whole of ihe soil pal ite. then ihiough the upier part of mv mouth ilitu niv nose, from which sever- I nl pieces of hoi e came out, which partial'y ilestrny j ed my speech, ihrniigh a kind Pro tdenre nd your I Mediciiled Svrup ol S.,rs .p uill 1, 1 am now lesion d lo p. it. ci he ilih.nn.l my nuht, w hich w.iss.i much impair, d, t- as strong as w hen a hoy, I thought it a duly I owed 10 you and those simi larly alTect. d, to make it public. i Youis, It spec fullv, i KAMI 'P.I. KIRK. I Corner of Tenth snd Coa'cs rM.n-u. ! I, (Ja1 ill J 'list. .11, No. () R ekb ss Sticei, do cei 1 Mv thai my wife, J.me, was nlllicied for two years I w ilh Uhi um i'i-iii, and .it l;i-l w- ennri-lv 1 1 1 - ! I . so thai she w as obbued to lie cooltoed lo Im d ; beai ing of Carifell'i Me.li.ated Syuip of Sisparilla, i.r Ami Se.utiuiic Svmp, I pr.N-uie l four bottl.s. which completely removed nil her pains ni,, kjiiV- 1 roinatiis 110 .roo t 1 111-1, no t 1.0 -piingsor rollers to lies- from her limbs; I wo more bottU-s made a pi r- j gel oi't .( repair, Il will it.ilwrce as touch wish feet cure. S e is now able to attend m her house- ! ini, w ,ti less than halt the wear and tear of not of hold duti-s as ususl. ( A B til L JON'STON. I Ihe Isle inventions and whit is -f greater in.por Phila.lt tphit, Jsu. S2.I. 1811. 1 .nce.il costs bin litite uer half as much ts other (tj De cripiive I'ainptili ts may be bad of Ihs I agents, ((iratis.) ' J. W. FUILI-.vfi, Siii lunv, Nov. It, 114. ly .trnt. ' lalllt' Ol t'O'.ll'f, ; 1 N llie Coun of C tii iion Ples r.f Norlbuni' et j j a .,j Cmiirv. November ifi, HII. Rule on ! j die ein u i-n creditors 1 ( Thomas nod Charts A. ; I'o-lley, to show cau-e I y the first day of m il teiin. j why the 111 ney in Court, rui-rd from t:e sa'e of il. ten. I ml, pcr-onat pio; eny, h nild tiot be paid Sk-ree dily to pii.j.iiy of levy, ss r. port- d by Ihe ud.lor tberccp hi. s.WlL'Kl. I). JOUDW. ! Pn tlloll ilin's o!lie.-. ) I'roth'y Sunlmrv, Dec. U. Itt. S (l j Lost ! ! Si- ,-lOMEWIlKRE b. Iween the res dei.ee of ibe otiM-Viber, in ( till ipi itle I.iWIiS'.I", Nu'ih- ' umtf.rland iiiunlv, snd the borough i t Niiui'ii'Vi ! oil I'll. s.l. n , llie I'.'tli ii.sl , a siool I'i.iki r 11 -ok, , coiH iiioei; 1 11 .11 ot h u d If. 'til T. I i is K . i-wi sou 1 ! ..Im Muri.iv to siihscilta r, us (lie s.loi i.'-iriiin ot 1 I'll. .mis Muirjv, dale) in J.uui r , l,'.l; a..d ' I Hu ali. r u -'e ol liaint t s.n", I n , 1'', d iled in HI( t sUo erna foi w tin. ss, se-, ai,, , ',e do'. 1 I Ul bill 011 the It. Ilk of No.'til.nili. i old The j ! fiu-b t tiy reluriiiog it, wfii be n.ii ib v r. w 'ej 1 nr tiy leaving llie pipers il tin Poll lithe', !0' ,,. ' rv, i't lorwa'diiig ihi iu lo ihe .u'scul-er, Hfl ,., . 1 . r. .. - 1 o - 1 .11 I . M I-w I.. , . . . I llie live 11. nini eio, j.i,ii..- V , , I, H . Ch.llMpMUUe, .Nov. llOih, lltit'... . if ;'s'' oti',liarai talc. jTOl'Il'E il I'ert b-, tin-0 that let'ers of admin isliatie'.i h..'s In-en named l.i ihe ubscnler. 011 Ihe nf tieorge Gollsha!, der'd. All e. son in jetil. d lo said estate, m having rUiMis - uiot ih j same. sr rerpietted lo call on thu subu rilsr nil settle the sunn) wilhoul il- lav. DWTD I1EESER Augusii, Nnv 23, Istl. til Adm'r, "1 LASS. by III, best quality, Cut Nails, nil S'res, lall, I v (he s:k and Inn I, 11. il ai d (' i., ol llie Is 1 1 i 1 1 ' 1 V . All for sl - al ie Im r.l pr e, by Siiubury, O.t. -:ii, lU. II. II. M A 's-lv It. v i:c ; CT.i 11 li: vim vovx i, roR tiis cent or DYSPEPSIA. Till Medicine is offered to ihe public gener ally, from a Full conviction flint ft is superior to my other medicine now iu use, for the cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Dohility or Bodily Weakness, Ac. Its effects have been eaed in private practice of uetr eight years, ami it is now more extensively circulated, at the solicitude of many who have re ceived the most signal benefit from ihe Use of it. The following is one in.ong t number of certifi cates received in il lation to the success of this me- d.CiliCi I.4icTa Co. March 18. D. tiioaoR W. Ati.r.-c, Denr Sir t It is with great pleasure that I in form you rf the success attending your Dysepic Medicine, whiie employed in my p'scliee. From past experience, I firmly believe that in eight cases mil often, the Dysieplic, by the use of your tried i- ine, may emir, ly rid himself of this thorn in ihe pathway f life: not only iu dysieptic eases, but in nil cases of constipation, and diseases deiendng on adihihlated slate of ihe nervous system, toge. ther wilh a tmpid etitn of the bowels, will your E lixir be fou. d of inestimable value. Numerous in stnnces wherein Ihe usefulness of ihe medicine has been realised, may l-e foi warded, if required. I wish y.'U grrai success, and recommend Ihe medi cine lo the suffering port of mankind. Yours, w ith great respect, ROBERT ACNE W, M. D. CT" For sale at the rtore of H. B. Masser, igent for the proprietor. Sunburv, Pa. October 2r,th. lull. ly ijra t NEW GOODS. TIHE stbscrihrr has just received from Philadel .L phia a fresh supply ol Ntw (ioons, consisting in pait, of M'iitlin Delaine, Crape Delaines, Cashmere de Urnxst Shawl, llondkcrcheif, ire. Also, Itmvre and S Ik Hat, t good assortment of Mcn't and lino' Cap, (Iroccric, Liquor, Salt, Vc Jrc-, all of which will he sold at the most reasonable terms. Stone Jars and Jug, cheap. H B. MASSER. Sunburv, Oel. 5ih, ISM. 100 BAliS Si.lt, 101) Barn Is do at 1 75 cash, for sale by Sunburv. Oct. l'.lih. B. HENDRICKS. IhII. "bKL SSF.US, l.(illAIN AND VENETIAN C a r p c t i n g s . .1 O S V. I II IIL U UWOOI), Ko. 1 1 1 Chestmt Sireet, Corner Franklin Square. I'Hll.ADF.LrUIA. HAS just r.ciived nini is now opening a very exiensive and beautiful assortment of CAR i'E'l'lXCS. Tlie goods are fresh, and of new styles, ami being purchased principally for Cash, they will he sold at the loWisl prices; tbey coniisl III p i'l, of Splendid Bius e's. - CARPET Beautiful imieiial Hply, 1 INtSS, Super Exrra liuira n, M'oloxs war- 3 1. 1 4, ft 8 Twdhd Venetian, ranted Plain do. j DVRAllLE A l .rge stock of well seasoned OIL CLOTHS of all width. Reus. Hum sins, Ac, together with no extrusive a-soilmenl of Loto priced Carpeting of all ile-criplious. Purctia-a rs are ri quested to call and see us, . when tbev will find an extensive assortment at the most reasonable prices. Phil .de'phia, Oel. 5th, 1814. tf A S IB V X HOC A 1, WHOLESALE & RETAIL II AT Ai CAP MAiNUFACTUKEUS, Sonlli Kast enrntr of Market and Alh its.. IMillatUlplilu, A7HERK they alwavs keep on hand an extrn ' sive l-s nini. lit ..f HA T' & CA I'S of r ,.ry b script 1011, got op iii the t-cst and most improved tile. IVis 'lis derirous of purchasing siK-..or sni cbs on the most n asi 11 ible terms, w '.', jjuj 10 tl cu advantage lo call In furs tnahiiij, purchase! else . hi n' PI, lis lelphis, Oel ftth. ISt 1.- 1 V snrci.urs vatkxt rjlllS Machine I- jS ,,w .0 ered tiy mie 1 than ihirly lai-o.lns M) this ueighbiS-hood, and Ins given entire .--ist n-iioii. It ia so simple in its roi slroetiil, tl.nt it cannot gel out of order. Il wsshing uigctiinvs. The mbsi ri!er has llie exclusive right for Nor thumberland I'liioii, l.i coming, Columbia, Lu zerne and Clinton counties. Price of single ma ch . H. B. M ASSf.K. Ti e following ce t'fieate s fioin few of those wbotitiv itiv.-e 111 icl.ines iu u Suiibmy, Aug. 24, 1S41. We, the subscribers, ceruly thai we have now 111 u e, m our families, Sluigcrl' Prtleut Wash ing M .chine," and do not lit siiste sv ing thai it is 1 a mi st x. eil. m inveiuioo. That, in Wa-hinr, it will -ion more than one hall the usual labor. . . . ... . .1 ..... , ... .L 1 nni iv uiii-i 1101 n-'piue iiiore- iiiuu ooti iiuro inr 11s11.1l quaiiiiiy cf o p and waler ( and that time is 11 1 rutil.ing and eonsi iiientlv. bttlc or no weal ing 1 r t. n.inj. Th it it kuoektr . li no buttons, and tbst ilu- t'llo-si clo'hi., sue 1 as collars, aee, li cks, It I s, m it v be Ms' ed in a Ve.y stii.it time i'lioiit i!.e le M iujniv.aid m fact with. .ut n-; t i.p.nen sr nnd I. i, h -.tcv. r. We l''.er',r,,r, i lu id. Hy reeo iiiiK iid it t our b ten 's and I 1 (he i.ubl.,-, ss a most e-. f- ! 11 d I 1. r 'ivi..j m.eliii.t t H KLK" W.HEOIN.s, A. IOi'ii.V V. ' '-1''-' V, i:Vl i;. : l'..s PI.EvnAXTs. i GHiF.ON M RKI.E. j 11..... t;t:n. r. WKI.KER, iti:Di:i Ks. ; GiPEii.N l.Li?EN Rt.Nti. H .,!!,', Hotki, (form, rly 1'ieuiont HoU-e. No. j I Hi ('In .nut kiin",) I'bila.h Iphia, Sepii-inln r 1 .'!. Is.ll. I li ne u.-il SI.Hl-i n's P.a. nl Washing Machine in m bun e up.v nds if etvhl month-., and d.i tiol '. hesitve lo tav (but I deem il on e of the ltto-t Use- j lid ii. d valuable l.ilmr t avii g machines ever inven I ted. I formerly k t Iwo women continually oe- copied i'l washing, who imw do Ss much in Iwo lays as they (hen did in ous week. I line is 110 wiur or cr in w ashing, ami tl rCqnin a not more tbull olie-tldrd llie usual ipiaiiiily ol i mp. I hnve had a iiuiVihct of o In r in chines in my lain ty, but this is so iKeideilly snpeiioi lot-veiy Hung el.e. and Bo i tie babte lo get out ol tepur, itial I Would Hot 1I0 itt. mil one il they .houl I rosi 1.11 limes ihe price itiey .ie sold tor. D N ILL HEKIi. f.i:d mi n.i ' built slid eb s'.c, tor lit. sale, v.-ry U hy Jui.v IV bands. one arlide, all Wool, ull tnei t'eaia and Pauls. II. U. M A!: CHEAP CARPET STORE, ON THE CASH PLAN. At An. 41 Slrnwbmry St. t'kitadclfdiia, rilHE Bent of lbs subscribers in their present A situation bring very low, and their terms OAS II, they ire enabled to tell at such low price that customer cannot fnil to be istisffod, and ther invite the nple of Northumberland and the ad joining counties to call and examine their sto k, 1 they olfer tn excellent issorimeut, ootnpriiing Beautiful Imperial, Sply, Sujanfine Ingrain, Hcaiy Twill-il Venetian, VCA RPET1?DJS. Fine English Worsted do. Plain H'ris?d do. With t large Stock of well seasoned Floor Oil Cloths of ail widths, for Rooms, Halls, Door Pie ces, Ac. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Bctutiful Heitth Bugs, Table Covers, Floor Bsite, Reg Cr pets, Matting. Ac Ac , together with a large Stuck . f low priced lugra:n. Entry anJ Stair Carpets, Whole.-ale and Retail, at the lowest prices in tha city. LLDRIDGE & BROTHER, No. 4 lStrswlx-rry it reel, one door tlove Ches nut, near 2d street, 'Entrance 1I10 it No. 60 South Second street, Philadelphia. Sept. 28th. IBM -am S IP ANI SH HIDES AND T ANN Kits Oil f)00O Dry La Plata Hides first quality. :t-"iOO Dry La tiuira. dj IOOO Dry Salted La C.uira. do 200O Dry Saltid Br ail Hides, do ;!," Bales (ireen Suited Patna Kips. 20 Bales Drv Pt nn Kips. JJ Barrels Tanners' Oil. Tanner' and Curriers' Tools, Fur sale lo Country TunnenM th lowe st prices snd upon the best terms. N. B. The highest market prices pnid fur tit kiudi of leather. D. K1RKPATRICK A SONS. No. 21, South Third St. PhiUdclphia. September 11. 1844. ly. TO Country Merchants. riHE Subscrilirrs respectfully invite Country JL Merrhsnts who are about lo purchase Fall and Winter Supphe, to an examination of thelt respective Slocks, believing that their several as sortments ate as complete as have ever been offui ed in the Philadelphia Market. With slocks of Good in iheir several Depart merits of the choicest kind a delermii.ati m to sell on Icima which cannot l.iil to prove satisfitto ry and a disposition to pleise old nnd new eosr. mers, will, we hope, be a sufficient indurenrent tV purchasers to call at our respective ettabhsliarer.tt. Silks and Fancy Goods. WARP Remington 80 Mirket Srr. Ashhurst A Remington 60 " Buck A Potter 116 Yard A Uillmote 109 " Domestic, and Foreign Dry Goodf. Reynolds, McFatlaod A Co i05 Market Stttst. Burnett, ithers A Co Scott A Baker Wise, Pucy Sc Wis Hardy A Hackers 120 160 154 4B X.Becoriil St. Importers of Cloths, Cassimers, Vest ings, William H tiove 147 Mstket Stretk Lambert Duy lpft " Hardware and Cutlery. Michael V Bak,r 515 Market Strett. Edwaid S IT.,,ndy & Co S8 Importrjrs and Manufacturers of Sad dlery Hardware. Horn &.Knrat 2 II 5J Matket Street Ijoq'cs, Shoes, Honncts, Caps, Leghorn and l alin Hats, ixc T E A J fi Whelan. !S8 Market Strut. Levick, Jenkins A Co IfiO M Conrad A Co t!0 Manufacturers and Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c. Thnmia P Jam-s Polls, Linn A Harris Robinson, Colons A Co Edward Cole Thompson Pansoast & Co 212 Market Strtm SIllJ " S7 " 61 40 Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimmings. I. Kenton l7o Market Street. John Sauerbier A Brother t!S 1'ooks and Stationary Grigg A Elbolt 9 N. Fotitih Street llogau A Thomps mi St) " Importers of firitisli and French Fan cy Staple Stationary. 1. 1 Cohen A Co 27 S Fourth Street. Henry Cohen 3 Importers of Hosiery, Gloves, Trim mirths and Fancy floods. Setley A Severing 2:1 N Third Strest. Parker A Lehman 3 " Coni'osv lhushes, rirooms, ccc. Thomaa Cooper 3 Front Sireet. ' mporter of To cs, FaiicvBtid Stnplo 1 ' ' 1 lioOilS. A F O t Mtii.roso 10 S FoU'th Street. Maniifi.cttntr of Patent Lord Lamps. E 'Vi S Archsr 3i N SeconJ M i et. Manufacturer of I'atent Floor and Furniture Oil Cloths. I aac Mncaiiley, Jr. 0 N Fifth Street. MaiUifucttircrs and Importers of Ta per Hangings. ilewillA I'.r.'h rs HO A HICheinulSt. I'lula ,lpl.... Aofiis 24. 1M1. 3m. NOTICE TO MI'.IH IIIMS X III.I.IM.IIS. M. M. vV .IOS. i:. MA I'LL, MANCFAt I I REbs AND DE LLK3 IX I'OIM'.HiN AND DiiMESl'IC STRAW GOODS, ,Yo. W, .Y01 Ih .V i ond Street, opposite tkt l.i.'iAou lliiitsr,J rHILADEIiPIIIA, ! ;T .WHERE ' l . 1? B.,,t ,,l plo I Ih- f hu I a S'iier . I isorl- , t... -. irence Hrtl.l-. siipt's, nu' CSS liii.ls, Peddbs. Willow Plot, K ice !l aw, aid the much h. Inured N--apoliian Lace, I' d Fanev B nets, iiii.u.its. l'iied by ns, snd for sale Ihe loue-t iiiaiiulaciu e pines Merchants and Milliners uro iutiie I in ive us a c di upon visiting (be City. j J- N. B W e I. a- - kI-si ronstandv inhk'iig supeiior h r .-nd ie . edgings, all of wlWcu v . I be kii'd ebe up, tor 1 a-h. PbiUdel, hia, Mhv 25, HH.-ly 1 ) M.ORINEX, handsome aiticle for l.ad -V I Die. et-a a, tor tile cheap, by Jutu n. 11. y. m asm: it.