Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 28, 1844, Image 1

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    ti:iuis F TIIK AMUUICMV
ritic ix or iin i n tisix;.
I square I losertinli, 0 fiO
1 do 2 do - . 0 7S
I do 3 d.i 1 CIO
Fvery stuWipicnt insertion, 0 SS
Yearly Advertisement : one column, f2fl ; half
Column, J 1 1, three squarra, flit ; two squares, f il ;
one squaie, f!. Hull-yearly : one column, ft" ;
half column,? 15 ; three squares, fH ; twosquarcs,
f.p; one square, .1(1.
Advertisements lell without directions as to tha
leimtli of time they lire to he published, will la
continued until ordered out, and charged acixrd-
ff Sixteen lines make a square.
II. H. MA8SF.ll, Puausmtas ash
Absolute acquiescence, in the decisions of the majority, tho vital principle of Republics, from which there i no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism. JrFrKasos.
lly DliiNNcr & lilsolj. Simbury, Xortliumlteiisuul C o. Ia. Suturttuy, ler. '2S, 111. Vol. 5 . 1 l-.wiiole Xo, ''2'2.
. n. jmsseh, :utor.
Office In Centre, lllrf, in the rear of If. Ii. Mas
rcr's Stnre.
THE" Af EfMO AN" is published every Salur
Jay nt TWO DOLLARS per annum to be
niid half yearly in advance No paper discontin
ued till all airraratjes are paid.
No subscriptions received for a loss period than
MX mouths. All communications or letters on
business relating to the nlnce, to insure alti'iilion,
must be POST PAID.
Manufacturers of
JVo. 1 1:1 Miirkvl Strut,
Phil (I c I lilil,
BNVITE tin? Rttrnlioii of Merchants,
Hirers, Ac. iVc., to their vc y extensive, elc
ft ml, new muck, prepared with great care, and of
ttred at the lowest possible ptiro fr ca-l).
Tlic principle on which this concern i estiitiHsh
rd, is to consult the inutu il inti rest of their eti-to-niera
and lli. m-rlvis, by nii.nuf ntuiiini a fjood nr
t C P, lit the low si price for Cash, arid
realizing iheir own remuneration, in tlie omounl of
Fairs and quick reiuins.
Possissing inexhaustible facilities for m inute
tore, llicy are prepmed to supply nrdera to auv ex
tent, and nsprcifully solicit ilie patronage of M.r
chants, Miitiuf ictori rs and Pen'eis
tjj- A lai;p aJorlinrul of the New SMnic Cur
tain Parasols,
Philadelphia, .lone 1. 1811 ty
I'Olt.lir.Itl.V TIIKIHOXT nisi:,
Xo. I Hi CIicKiisit Street,
rixtiK . rntrtnnil .... .1., ,,f
Keadmc, P would inform the pub-
i " : I i I
(L lie Unit he lias litte,t up in - aiiove cape .
1 "lisc3..; .... a ..I ......... t. i.. I . at .liliu'illinnt. M,ld i
! . . I ' U ", .", i
will always be r ml v to i liter! in vi-itor. Discs, j
t ihli.-hel repu'ii'iiii ii the is liopeil, will;
nllord full a-surince, th il his Rtirsts w ill be sup- j
pl.ed wi h every omf .rt mid ticcomm da'inti ; I
whilsi his bouse will be c..iduc ed Under such !
"iiiaemei Is us wdl si ru e n ch r iter fi.r die first j
responsibility, a' d s.i'.i-tnct..r i i.leitaiiimet.t for in
lei. hi is and I on I -. j
CUriie for boarding f 1 peril v. i
DA.MF.L herr.
Philadelphia. May 2.r, ISM ly
To Country TSrrclianl.
Boots, Shoos, I'linnols, I.pghcni ami 1
Palm Li-af Hals.'
(i. W. I.. V.. TAYI.OK.
it the S. E. corntr vf Mnrfot uinl Filth Six . ;
OFFER for -ae mi t xlcuie (-oinnriit of the 1
above ai'.icl s, uU i.f which liny mII at iiiiusua!- .
y low pi ices, uinl pjiticul il iiivite the attention
if buyers vi-itii g the ciiv, to an , rainination of
heir stork. !. W. & 1- H. i'AVI.OR.
Philadelphia, May a.-, IS44. ly i
TTy.lK.yr 10!t The small f. nil, :
conliiiniiii? hIhiu: 100 ai res, ahout ' m'v !
Oovp Noithum eil old. i.iljoininc l.inda uf J.-sse C. :
lorton, .lohn I.euhon ami r.-heis, will be sold ,
h' Bp. if iipplica ion t- niiule s. on to the su''sciihrr, j
Siinbiiiy. Ami. HI. II. II. MAS.M-:it. j
FSIV M'.i:i The highest price will be j
B'ven fir Flax Seed, bv !
Anil :il IS 11.
II. 11. MASSE I!.
M)l"l'.(iE HIHEEf. Fue iopiesoft edit
' l.iue Uihle, the ebe-.p si book ever pubiln ,1,
nia mi i; the coien n'arv on the Old and ,en
!' sbiiiirnt. ju-l feci iv. d ai.d t o s ile. for six dull r
y .loi, e lo. 1!. H. MASSER.
XX'I'OI! .1. P.. MASS Kit.
r fs i i: :t niiv
informs the cii-
-7 ' J irens i t Sonloirv an I its
vie nitv, lb ii
WiflU he h s io n. ved W oliice to ihe white
Lr huil.hnu i;i Ma U. I S,pi oe, nf Fa
'. I h :n ill's -t "f. ;ni 1 ii'ilv oppo-ile the
o-t i. fine, whirr he wil hi hippy to rccie call -i
the line of his pr i'es?ion
Suiibiity, Mav '1ili. 1 14.
I) A I I) I'. VANS''
'aient Fin; nml Thief Proof Iron
( 'hc.-ts, Slate lined Pefrigerators,
villi Kilters attaehed when
Vo. Tli S-nitlitliinl St., nipdsilt the Fsch uiiir,
" i .m F.t; rciJi' in'J
t:fi'j!5j"""Tf'.eep lor sale lWvm loos'
f' ii'iSi! . "icleli.i.d Water and Provi.
sum I ; on r, lino i aifiii i r
m i il n i Fin- mid Thirl Fro.. I I-
. It . . . II.
t'be-t-, for i e-ervinij
id" , i..
r .t . . . iliiiiUs, l-illiirs II. I'll-. J.l iv,
--f:-.f!-4t.,ld. Silver, &c, e., made
' !t e r Iron. ( md not on r I'bmk s n nny-tive
it of every one bun. bed now in use nnd tor side
e mud. .) eh fust I. i ks and David Fvni-'
in tit Kevbole !.!. to ihe one i vhi' it
I nt ihe i'hil i.b 'plea l; neli ince. fer thti-e month
. th.- summer of LvJ'J, when all the Keys wcie at
neity to be used, and the t-'best liol opened. Ill
.ouuh I he I'Xp.'iim- nl was tii.d 'y ut least 15(1(1
"isons. due of ihe snme le i-ks wns tiled by
...libers, at ihe Delaware Teal Ollice, in Wubiul
reel, above Th rd. but del tint sOveil.
&j- lleislinu Ma. bines, Io n Doors, foperiot
,oik, nud nil kinds . If. bin;, . i.l mid hi.
ying l'n'Si s, an. I N.iiiihwoil. iseie oil!) , on hand
.,r lililiuf.n lurrd nl the shorlml notice.
tfj- t'AFTIOX I do hereby f .viiii.n all per.
Sens up .."nisi niiikii i! u-ini!. wllii'K. or tiiu-iim In
l e sold, an) Kejhole Covri for Fire Prool ClirsW,
or Doors, of auv kind iniihir in prim iplf to my
I'alcnl, of Huh .lu'v. I H1 1 , nnd also uu lit si lauinu
l!.rri,.i r:.toi with Sl.ite. bii vthcti niv I'tt'cill Is
ilileil i',ih M41. h tl.ii any iufiiiigeiiitiit will
lie oeall wi Ii uicuriiins to i.iw.
Pliil. l. lphi-., Apiil t l. IS41 ly
imiss i:m;iit iiy clocks.
riHF siihsoiiU r has just i.-eived, for sale, a few
J of tbe above c.hbra'e.l F.iRtit Dy Clocks,
which w ill be sol I at very le.luied prices, for cash.
Also, siiiftior : hour Clocks, of the best muke
ml quality, which will be mid for ca-h. at 4 Mb
Also, suim tier ias:!(l hour '01 k, at f HO.
Dec. 3. H. . MXHIl.
Stum: wakk for sab-.
S-.r Stone Jugs, tnim I ipim! lo : gallons,
St) Si. me Jam, fnvm 2 lo ' c!lon. Fer sale,
cheap, l y kl. H II. U. MAtieLli.
It la not 1) c it t Ii.
It is not Peath it is not Death,
From which I shrink with coward fear ;
It is, that I must leave behind
All I love here.
It is not Wealth it is not Wealth,
That I am loth to leave behind ;
Small store to mo, (yet all I crave.)
Hath fate assigned.
It is not Fame it is not Fame,
From which it will be pain to part;
Obscure "s my lot; but mine was still
An humble heart.
It is not Health it is not Health,
That makes me fain to linger here;
For I have languished on in pain
This many a year.
It is not Hope it is not Hope,
From which I cannot turn away;
Oh! earthly hope has chenled nm
This many a day.
Rut there are Friends but there are Friends,
To whom I could not say. "Farewell !''
Without a pang more hard to bear
Than tonane can tell.
Put there's a tliourht but there's a thought,
Will arm tne with that pans to cope ;
Thank (iod ! we -shall not part like those
Who have no hope.
And some are gone ami some are gone
Methinks tliev chide my long delay
With whom, it seems, my very life
Went half away.
I'.ut we shall meet but we shall met t.
Where patting tears shall never (low ;
And when I think thereon, ulmosl
1 long to go.
The Saviour wept the Savioui wept
O'er him lie loved corrupting clay !
Rut then lie fpake I tie word and Death
(lave up his. prey !
A little whil. a little while,
And t'ie Tl.i rk Crave shall yield its trust;
You, render every atom up
( H human dust.
What matters then what matters then
Who earliest lays him down to rest !
Nay, "To depart and be w ith Christ,
Is surely bi-sl.
From the Massachusetts Ploughman.
Tlie Fanner.
" The Farmer's lite 's the life lor me,"
We love its quiet scenery,
We love its shades, its liills and dales.
We love the cl I l'ul fireside tales.
We love to tend th" I'ocks and herds
We lovi: to hear the singing birds,
We love the sweet saluluiotis air,
We love the pro. pert, wide amt Oir,
We love to plough, we love to sow,
We love to her, love to mow,
W" ho e the new mown grass to smell,
We love to hear the tinh .'iii!? It 7,
We love to tread the grassy lawn,
Along the brook among the corn.
We love the w heo. but ran t rehearse
His pb asure all, in proe or verse.
An Fncu.i.vm' 11i:iu. At the tune of the
disiir trolls explosion of Ihe boiler of Ihe Lucy
Wa'kei-, on the M ississippi, a fi'W weeks ago,
I w o ladies, iui'.ii lied by the iiiiuiinency ot tiie
danger, prec'pilAiled lhfinstep into the w ater.
They fnrtiinnl. iy succeeded in svizuig Ihe
tail tit a gentleman who clung to the wreck
'Fhe paper w hich r Cords the incident says :
"The Utter was not l irn un.h r the star of
Yenns. Fearing that he wool. I be drawn under
water, be l".'gcl thorn earnestly 'o free him
from their r.isp. They naturally refused to do
so. I lis po.-it ion admitted of little movement,
and he was compelled, depie ot himself, lu sup
Kirt the ludits. When luckily rescind, this
Parolies did not host.tle to Uiast loudly of his
self-deny iug gallantry, which impelled him lo
risk Ins own life to save two interesting l.i.hes.
I I is iliscoiiiliture was very a iitisnng w hen tin
ladies cuuiiieiiiie ted the true tUteofthccus.-."
Pn KI.K nut IIamn 1 o l.lltKI It'.. ! liiiuis
take tlnee pecks of salt, thn e vsitnls of saltpe-
tre, two quarts of hickory ashes, two ipiarls of
molasses, and two teacups of red poppet ; mix
all vv 11 together oil a salting table; rub tlie
j rind or skin of the ham well, and sprinkle with
I the balance; let it lie from five to fix weeks,
then hang up and Ftnoke with green hickory;
i wood for five, or siv weeks ; a little sawdust l-
: s;i, it convenient. The red pepper prevtntu the
j skipper, I think. It the hog are very large, I
think more Fait would be required. I generally
I put the large hams at tho bulloin of the tub.
FJlmtorlh'n ItijiuTt,
' A "Fasi" Day. The "droll one" of the N.
Y. Spirit, says : "In this city the owners of
j I rotting horses have petitioned the liovernor to
appoinl tt 'al'dajf. Thai's a "rny" pun.
It waa in the autumn of the year 1MI0, wltrn
the republican nrmy tindur Ney, Morrnti, Lnmb,
Cyr, and other of its bravest general was pur
Fiiing its victorious career, and layintr waste
fritne of the most important towns in (iermntiy,
the circumstance that we ore about to relate
took place.
The frequent want of stores, ammunition and
monry in the republican armies, nnd the hope
of plunder, then fo frequently holdout to the
French roldicrs, as the reward of victory,
caused no inconsiderable alarm in Ihe breast of
the more peaceable inhabitants of those places
which were likely to become the theatre of
Among- these, the inhabitants of a German
town of considerable importance and which
for distinction, we wil! cull Fbrmtirn had am
pie reasons for their misirivinos ; the daily, al
most hourly, approach of the French beiiifr ex
pected. The family of Paul Kinmayer, a merchant
citizen of parent wealth, was Binnn;rst thnsp most
1 .iL'itated by the alllictinrj intelliirenee. Ilis
, household eonsii'toi of his wife, an only (laugh.
I tor, and a few domestics in whom he cnuhl
! place confidence. I lis daughter was the sprinjr
which reoulated every action of the merchant's
ii'e; she was 'he apple of his eye, the sunshine
id" his shady places : for her he had accumulated
' his wealth, that her rare homily might w in w ith
! il a station of rank nnd influence ; and now tho
I Knpe of a whole lifetime: tnioht he wrecked in
: a few brief hours.
j Ilis wife was the first to stti'est a plan for
j the concealment of tlo'ir treasures. Their
i mansion was situated near the extremity of the
j tow n, and from it a secret passage conununi
j tilled with a bower in the garden adjoin. n ;
j from tlwnee, in the evening- a man wight casi
. y steal unpirceived to the adjacent woods; and
' theie she proposed that the merchant should at
night-time, bury his treasure; or, nl any rate,
' that he should proceed liroiigh the fori st, and
' deposite il with n relation who was to be tnist
I ed, w Ii) would not be suspected of possi'ssini so
' touch wealth, and w ho resided ahout two days'
j journey from the place.
j For a lime, Paul Kinnmyer resisted every
i importunity ol his wife. Who would protet
tlieni should the anticipated attack take place
! in his absence! the domestics were old and in
' firm, and they woulj be too much ahruird lor
their own safety to care much for other not
' akin to them. Hut when Ins wife spoke upon
the future, when she impressed on him that it
wa- wealth only that would he required of thein
nnd that deprived of that, nil for w hieh tl.ey hud
so long struggled would lie scattered in a mo
ment, his resolution gave way.
'I go,' he said, 'nnd I leave you in the trust
of one w Ikisc i!!-hw erlul hin d w ill protect
von; unless indeed, in his infinite w ts.loin, h"
deems it lining; that the int'ocent siiniild tall lis
an example and terror to the guilty.' j
Collecting ull that va most valuable into a
siual! picket, as the evening; approached, the
ii i r -li:i 1 1 1 w as prepared to depart. One jew el
only rem lined behind it was his own minia
ture, sit inn locket with diamonds nf great
I value. It was his wedding gilt to Atii'dta, ami
. w ith it he hesitated to purt ; and he placed it a-
pain around her neck, with the same fervor and
1111'eetion that be telt when he first presented it.
... . . . . . . i i .
'l'o her and his daughter, the namesake nfher
in itlier. he gave some necessary directions for
their w elfare during bis absence, and taking an
iilleetionate farewell, lie departed, unknown to
any litit themselves.
It was on the evening of the fourth day after
the merchant had departed that the mil id the 1
drums, and tiieslirill voice of the trumpet call- j
ing to arms, and the tumult nniong the inhahi- !
Huts without, proclaimed to the inmates of the
mansion, lhat the enemy was fast approaching.
Tho town was, indeed, filled Willi AuMnun :
troops, but the e had been .o often and lately ;
harrassed nnd defeat. J by (he victorious ttrms j
of tlie French, thai it was not without re isuti !
thecilizens felt strong misgivings in their prow- j
Ail chance of the tnerehant be nig to
reach the house, ur even to obtain admittance'
within the I jvvii prev ious to tlie
was n.,v entirely shut r,;t. Tlie vv ife had but
i I, ;tl(. ,linl,t t,i hs reputed wealth would u-.l
1 permit the house to pass lininoWted, nn.l nl. r
C:n:i-.ui the doors to be ban iead.-d nud ihe vv in-
,h,ws art I Fhtitteis secured, fIic ptuceedeit vv ith
a.r daughter to the innermost apartment of tho
On the return of the merchant, the French
army wns evueiiating Ihe place, Carrying withj
, them the trophies they had wrcs-ted from the j
vanquished Austrian?, and a large supply ol
I btires arid plunder from Ihe devoted tow n.-
j Paul's heart died within him as he stealthily
entered the suburbs, and proceeded tow ard the
place of his own residence.
Within the tow n all w as confusion and dis
may ; here wt reopen storehouses; rifled of all
their cuiiUiile, the very doois torn lium their
liinges; there, the trim pardens of the richer
classes broken down and triimpled over; in the
market places were groups of the middle and
lower classes, loudly i otnpla iiiiug of the excess
es of both Austria nnd I ranee. Slill Fatil stop
ped not to join in the general outcry ; his only
anxiely was his own homo. At length he
renched his dwr lling-. With what n pang o!'
intense anxiety be rushed thronnli the open pur
la!. The servants hid evidently lied ; the stairs
bore the marks uf heavy loolstops. l'aul stop
ped nut to examine them, or he would have
seen that they were traced with j;ore.
With the Fpeed of thought he rushed into Iheir
accustomed sitting; room, and there a hot rid
spectacle awaited him. Uu the ground lay his
wife, stabbed through the heart; one hand had
fallen back as il to protect her from the attack
of the assassin, while the oilier grasped tigltl'y
n few links of the slight gold chain to which
had been attached the diamoud-mouiitetl nr
trail. Of his daughter there were no traces. Loud
ly did dc cail, and wildly did he seek, Ii rt in dis
own house, and then through the whole town,
until it was w hispered abroad that he was mad ;
and so, liir a time, he was ; but anxiety brought
weariness, aad repose led to relied ion.
How deeply Paul Kintnavor reproached him
self tor not taking- the miniature with the other
valuables, need not be related, since he little
doubted that his wife's resistance to part wi'h
it had led to the fatal eatastri phc. On re
deeming thought only dished across Ins mind,
that by its ngeney il indeed she had lint shared
the same fate of her mother he might be ena
bled to discover the missing daughter. To this
end he resolved to devote ihe ul.n!" of Ins fu
ture existence : and nlier tbe of his
w ife, he disposed of his house, the wreck ofl.i-
hnuseholil gnuds, and prepared to travel ; whi
ther he knew not ; but any win re to fly from the
scenes where all his hope of earthly happiness
had been blighted by the ruthless hand of the
d' stn yer.
'And these,' he svd, as he turned fiont h;s
native town and home, 'these are the ih eds per
petrated under the sacred banner of liberty
Alas! how is the divine oil rihute desecrated!
How little but the iiaine exists in the blood
thirsty ilj na.-ty of France.
Shall we'iillow the steps of Kinmayer tor
twelve years ! Shall we relate how bo travel.
i led in srrange lands, ever in the wake of the
I ., . ' ....
r rencii i.rmy sometimes in iti.-guise how
minute, but yet how c.iutious were his inquiries,
and, alas ! Inov fruitless ! Shall we fay how
Iheliulemau grew grey nud lei h!e. as though
half a cent try hud passed over his bead, in
scarcely more than the tithe of one ! No ; tor
we could relate nothing that would interest the
reader nothing but the patient sulloruig of a
I bereaved man; hoping, hut hopott-s ; set king.
hut finding; not ; until it ti'inot sei uie.l
the bienlt ies of the w anderer had Ceased to em-
brace the or'g'iial o'.ii ct ol' bin n.'.-.-ioii
but i ,
they did not they only -lumbered.
It was something beyond t w el ve years alter
the scene above related took place, that a From h
otlieer was reciting in one nl the pr.ncipal e ite
ofl'.iris loan eager crowd ol listi nets, the par
ticulars of nil inglorious retreat Irom Rn-sia, of
which be was one of the lew survivors.
age Could not have eeeeileil llurtv ; but Ih.
' drendliil hardships o! Ihe llo-sian cniiipaigu had
' . lit' i: . ii i. : . I l l .'..... . , w.. ..
told fearful! " up hi his hardened features. War,
how, yer, had not tamed, hut had evidently ad
d. I to a natural leroc.mts disposition; for In
was detailing with savage salislaetn n, 'h" Ii- r-
ral torments ol the enemy, already torget''.i
the severities he had ju-t escaped, and m hi. h
fo many ol his comrades had 1'a'l. a sacr.tice. i
Among those who lisle. ,cd most attenthe'v j
wus K rnner.r, who na almost, suio- j
jjj,,,, j ubM.,., f. ri,rl.r ,,t ,. r, ; ,, in.
vohmtasy t .vpressi.m i.t disgust nt length be-j
tr,y,.,l hi,,,, ami till tyes were turned to where j
lf j
.pj W:,L.r apoleoti,' snid the . (Ve. r, Mluil j
t, n;, j ;,rman never sim !t (vw .'. r !i! on a ',
review day, nud never vaw m.-ie mi. ke t!n.i j
that wh'ch proceeded from his inner-
sd'n'tij '
It.-tier :t olhi rs were like oie, v ho, nti-ein-!
, boring oniy that they are s..liois. forget that
t.y aTe ij-.n.'
i -How !' xclntn"d the i iVieer, starting..',
bis feet, 'such sent nnenls lo re dangerous;
l( v v;, 11..111 are etv 1 hn ewr.
p t. ymi a lierman a iveiHure, so grncon, 11-
; m.ther tH.ttleof eeti r-ti. and then
I 'Do vmi ha .men to know the Ceraian town
j Ktinstren !' injured (lie i.tlicer.
The dull eve ol tint stranger seenied sinhlen-
y ,t with a languid fue, as he answered in the
ll was my first campaign,' continued the o-
ther ; 'my lather hadln-eu one of the bravest
(Jie ineiiiit one t' Ike niosl bliK il lliir.-tyt lend-
crsofthe revolution. His iutlueuce obtained
for me a couunis-iuu ; and crow tied willi sue
eeL.s, tlniud no ililli. uli y in r uining forii')eIi
proinotioii. lo the uvtnu a'.iudcJ lovvewtie
allowed but two hours to make what pillage we
eon hi in the town of Kbristien, before we pro
ceeded onward to gtenter and more glorious victories.
Well, there wis a jevelier of great wealth ( certain degree b- en identified with lightning-,
whose house, which was pointed out to me by t,e art of protection by conductors was utterly
an Austrian prisoner, we entered, but in which I unknown. It was not till Franklin had demon
neither jewels nor portable valuables could we ; Crated the identity of he?o two powerful n
lind. The servants Hod on our first entrance ; j,,,,,, nn, had actually biought down liglilnirg;
the wife and daughter tiliuie remained. The J ., ,, clouds by the conducting string of li s
latter had locked themselves in n room, which j eledneal kite, that he conceived the Mend
we soon burst open ; w e demanded of Ihem their , BpplyiiiLr a thunder rod to the protection of tmt'd
vi.liiiih'es ; the trumpets had already sounded j j,, jt w(ls ju ,10 ,milt, f .!,., n.-.o ij at
''l'o horse and 1 was preparing to leave the j in performed tint ci lehrated experiment, by
house, when n gold chain around the neck of j wlic)l l0 iccalun lC Prometheus of modem
the elder female attracted my attention. There j tjlnos, nil,i ,.arned a branch of the double inn-
was attached to it'
ik..r, t ., .l il... ulmniTiir in n tutin fit I
- i " " "
ill-e nceived anxiety. 'Don't interrupt me, .
said 'the narrator ; the story is tlrollt r than any
one would imagine.'
The blood ol the ttranger came and went ra
pidly, uinl putting down his pipe be was obser-
ved for Ihe moment feeling about his, pockets, j
as it in search of some inisMiig articles. j
You're right ; it was a ortriiit,and in a most j
valuable letting. Provoked at obtaining no
booty, I di iiiiled it of her, she f hou hi have the worthless immature, hut she was ob
stinate. I tried to force it from her, but fIic
reMstod, nay, more, she trad to seize a pistol j
from my belt, and in the heat of my passion
I stal.hi d In r.'
'Have you that portrait ttill !' asked the Her
man. 1 have ; though it lias been taken from the
selling in which one of my own now glitters, j
Yon said win knew Kl.ii.-lieu '
'1 did, V on rs eon.'
And probably ihe origoial of thii picture!'
said Ihe ellieer, ploducillg it
Well, well !'
'Ah, is he alive !'
I lew to he the Avenger!' And before a, some with kites, and sunn with thunder
nitweuu nt was observed, l'aul K inimayer had, . rods. In 17-", M. Hotiias received a sevens
with fatal precision, levelled a pitti.l at the shock from the string of his kilt': and two
French ellicer. nnd shot him in the breast. ! French philosophers were ttrnck down by the
Mortally wounded, but tint dead, he who had j lightning, when they were draw in" souks f,ni
biaved the heat of a hundred battles, and whom '; their apparatus. In the same year lhutess .r
death had spared, that he might make a more llichman of St. Petersburg!! erected a a n.e'.alic
suitable atonement for his guilt, was carefully j rod for the purpose of measuring the ttrcngtii
removed to a more tuivate unartment. I of the electucity which it might bring down in
Paul, who might have isca;ied in the cor.fu-
.:en ih.! net iittoioiit to ilii mi : and bo was of'
course takt
ii into custody, nnd incarcerated in
one ol the dungeons of the police.
The follow nig morning he was led forth for
i .viininaboii ; tin-wife of the til Ihn otlieer. he
was t.,l,l, would he Ii s a. eis"r. Ihil he walked
with a to oi .-i paud a li.h'er heart than o.-unl
( Ine potliini of his mission had been accomplish
ed --he bad avenged Ii is. w I'e's murder, but he
h id found no trace ol his i'.i u-tilt r.
On reaching th" of examination, lm
is cininaliiled to stand forth ; a shriek u
long, shriek was heard, and the
prosecutrix lei! sense'e-s on the floor.
l.estor all. ui w.av applied, and on her recovery rains constructed licci r im r to liis direction w is
Ihe cause ot her agitation was soon apparent ' placed in the hoii-e ol Mr. West a merchant in
'It is my f ''her !' she said, and breaking, Fhilriihlphia ; and il is n reinarkahle circuiu
ihruigli Ihe ciowd, sin: ag-iin fell senseless in j stance that this condie-tor was actually -trock
1,, nrins. ' w .th liglitniiig as it' to .'.i.-'.ilay t!ie value of the
The in,p,.in of the f,! caii.-cd a locket to
. drop f i on her b
ll i .
ii in, where it was still sistai-
, nod b .' :i ch;,i
PiiiI K'ontnayer Fiintelied it
.1 ant- ;
t was the same the sameciielet of
l.,,t it e,.nt , oie.l tbe nertrnil of
i wh ni
:' his il'i.ihier's liti.-band tlie mnr-
! dier of his wile !
i l.t.-f t'.T for to on" oft!..
aitet'dants, the old
c.iileu aloud in his
u'.:i:i :.i..t.- his tirea-t, nn.l
Was it tor this thou v ert preserved, my b-eau-t:t'n'
lov pun ".'
I ii ciiii-eipienee ot'l ;.e slate ol the w itness, tlie
i iiniiiition was po.-t io( d, nud the Fame e-
veiioig tie- dviog 11-. an reipiesl e, that the pris-
e.ner, log, ther with the chief ot the police, nniht
attend hen.
O.t their aii! h'e was b'cing fust. The
e.iii'essioii of I he oliie. r w as brief; he admitted
Ihe murder ot Paul' wife, and the jusMcn of
his iv I r 'eutinii , lie f.iilher confessed that the
d iiighiei . being altno.-t a chil l, was carried a-
way be the eotem ni soldi, ts to the rear tit'llie
hunv . Dial she wa- loiced I'loiu the i:p.itinent
pr v io.s to, iiiiil know ing nothing ol In 1 1:10
lln r's fate ; find, rep. i.t 11. g ( f Ins ai t, he
j lia 1 1" r oio'ev 1 d In Palis, nnd idiica'ed at his
ow 11 charge. ii h her v ears Ik r loveliness hi-
I en is, .', and she knowing h.m only as a ben.'-
factor, at last co.iMiii.ti to marry Inm.
This confess, on vv as attest. xl and forwarded
! t, ihe lin.peror. Meanwhile the friends of Ihe
..tlicer came f.,rw aid us proseculers, bis vv tie re-
fu-ing to do so. The murder in the latter ca-e
j !1H fully piovcd, iild Paul vv is sentenced to
j delh.
On tlie morning apHinted for liis exeeutiou
he was reprieved, and suffered to liter inoii.
astrrv, where he nxm lutik undtr a broken
In dl t.
From the lidinbtirg llevicw.
Franklin nnd the I.lKliiiilng.
It is a singular fact, that even when electri-
j city had as-uined a scient.lic a-pect and had lo
rcl with which the democratic poet has crown-
eil It :m,lit ,i,,.n ro do seentruinoiic twannis.'
A kite formed with a silk handkerchief, to ena
ble it to bear the wi t and violet. co ofa thtitnl' r
Ftorni, was rni'tl in the usual manner with a
line of twine, which terminated below in a silk
r,band, nt the junction of which with the twine,
a key was suspended. With Ihe non-cotidue-
ting riliand in his hand, Franklin with impa
tience watched the approach ol his kite to the
thunder cloud. At la.-l he saw with delight the
loose filaments of the twine rising; from it in till
directions. Ilis knuckle attracted tlnin, and
received a spark when applied to the key
When the conducting power of the string w,u
increased by being w ttted with rain, the elec
tricity descended in a cop'on-stream ; a I.eyden
jar was charged nt the key, and electrical ex
periments of various kinds performed with tho
celestial tire.
While the achievement of l'lomoihens
thus repented in the New World, the fute of
Tiillus 1 lo.-ti'.iu-was about to Lo stiff, rid in the
Old. The f.itii" of Franklin's Fuhlitne experi
ment p.ts-c.1 rapidly tinough F.nropo nnd vari
ous philosophers had the courage to repeat it.
a thunder storm. When he w as oijn to oh-
serve the cU'ectof the electricity thus obtained.
T SI.' li'i mnm'ii, uu, ib.:. i r r n rrl-iti. nl"
I ' ' . .' . . . . . T
, blue tire leap, with a report like liiat ol a pi.-to:,
1 from the iron rod, ai d strike the Professor, who
was about a foot distance fr. ni it The Profcs
j Kir was in-tatitly killed nr.i', M. S. .k-dof tell up
on the ground sUVd ho, 1 beniinih' d '.vii'.i n sort
of vapor which accompanied the fiery globe.
; There was a red spot on the tiTe'i' iid (,f I'r it'es
i sor Riclnnati, where the ligli'n ng seems ti
, have r ntc red, and a Hue in ir!;n!i the foot, f.o'.ii
' which it reorr.ed tu have undo hi ; escape,
I v., ...,. .V.,,t ti his ev... r-
uneiit than he applied cond'.iCor.s to the pmlee-
1 tioii of ti'iblie and private hi;i!dings. An ajqu-
, invention. An iron mil, more than lull an it.eli
in diameter, and to its upper end, was
I tils ait niueand a hall !uet h hove the chiii.-
; neys ot tlie House, us ujy r ena lenninaieam
a sliarp feinted bi.iss w .n ah lit till inches
. . , i i . i
, long, oie
iiiaiiir of iin liieli thirl.; nn.l rs
lowir end wns coiiih i '. d with uu inn s'al.e
wh eh wa.-ilnveu into t!ie gi , utiJ to ti.o (h'jiiii
of fair or live feet .V'er lieiu." ,truek vvilli
liglitniiig, Mr. West foiiud tie top (file' point
ed rod was melted, and the brass wire reduced
from ten to seven ii cin s in length ; ami
was interesting nud instructive, the iron stake
did not carry oil' the tltctneitv with suffice!. t
'pi:ckness, for in this and tn tlnindi r-
storms, the ligl.tntig wis seen diffused near the
stake, cov ering tv o or three ards nf the pav '-
lllfllt ti II Vtheii it was Wet Willi raitl.
M.vt'.ll' l.wi.nim Tho Wonilrrs of t!n
Magnetic Telegr ipli vv.ll never cease The
mentioned by the 15 illunore Argus :
..l,, y, p. ti.r ,.,y, being in l!.e
.,,,. . .,, .1,,, I),,..,,, l.r,,, str... , Mr
Ki'gcrs, the attentive an. I g. i t U maii'y siifn 1 m-
lei. il. nt of this station, traiisunlted nil Diuii-ng
incnlenl to Mr. all, nt tlie Wa.-lnng toll leruo
ntis, to which Mr. Vail n plied, ha! ha ! hi !
th at is--Intigh. d a! it. iS'ow il'thal dou' beat
anything- of in. ..lorn dale, we'll give it up! A
gonileman in Pr ill si. liillini ore, le'.U unoth. r
st.iiioned 011 1 pit. I Hdl, Washing ton, just forty
m.les dist.u.l. an amusing story and the oi'ier
laughs al 11! There is nothing improbable 111
tins world ol ours, Ya il.eo ingenuity w:i
not o ercome. I'.ngress should inuke an n .
propriatioii iiuii.e.iniii-ly li extend the 'IVle.
graph to ull the priticipul seaboard towns, si
t hl w e ong !.t luiigh at one another on.-e .1 day,
I tf iiutlnng el. c bi in ficwl
.1 ftiSjO f.o. II It.