Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 14, 1844, Image 3

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    Tort-mastkr Genkrat.'r Rri-oht. The Phila
delphia Ledger says We hnva received a copy
of Hie Animal Report ofthe Postmaster General,
Mr. Wickliffe, and glean from it that the De
parttnent's current expenses have been met the
past year, as well as during the w hole course of
the present administration, by its current reve
nues. The total transportation of the mail by horse,
and in stages, railroads, and steamboats, for the
year ending the noth of June, 1811, supplying
1 ,10.1 post offices, at a cost of S2,9MS,ML was
.1.V10ii,CJ0 miles, exceeding the transportation
for the year IS 1.1 by 41.1,100 miles.
The income of the Department for the year
ending the 30th of June, 1811, was as follows :
Letter postage,
Newspaper postage,
Miscellaneous receipt,
$0,C70,1C1 .Vl
519,71.1 S3
13.- 00
11,21.' 17
Total revenue reported, $ 1, 237, is' Kl
The total amount of expenditures settled and
paid for the same period is 3 l,S'jrj,n70 70.
The Postmaster General recommends a reduc
tion of the rutes of letter postage, particularly
if the department is to be left to lean on its own
resources, to five and ten cents.
This reduction he thinks is called for by the
-ountry generally, and expresses his own belief
hat it will add to the Department's revenues.
I'he question of reduction is ably argued.
SrRo?ci, OpKRvrinj I'lsnr.R the tNn.rENrit
f M :m:tism. The editor of the Cleveland
'lain Dealer, Mates that he witnessed on the
ttth inst. a most difficult surgical operation,
lerturined by Prnfess-or Ackley, assisted by
'rofessor. Duljmatcr, Kirlhiml and others, bo
ore n class of Student at tho Cleveland Medi
al College, The patient was a Dr. Shrievpr,
rom Colunil.iiina enmity, Ohio, quite an elderly
Dlorir'i TelrgrnpH.
Thcroisno doubt of tho early f.xtonsion of
this wonderful contrivance to Bjston, cither by
Government or by private enterprise. It should
uiHtieNlionably be a Government business, as
government will be compelled to uso it largely
at all events, for tho transmission of intelligence.
Few inventions havo been so complete at their
first appearance. Upon a trial last Friday in
Baltimore, exactly one tcrond was consumed in
transmitting asijjnnl to Washington and its re
turn. A negotiation of some importance be
tween tho Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad
Company and the Postmaster General, was con
cluded in about five minutes.
When the line is completed strange results
will follow. Our merchants will have logo to
school arrain fur as toronducting business in
the old fashioned way nothing will be more ab
surd. Nobody will dare sell a cargo of flour a
bout steamer or packet time, without inquiring
of his Boston correspondent if there are any ar
rivals; which he can do, and have an answer
in five minutes, if within any reasonable dis
tance ofthe station.
All sorts of oddities will occur ; a merchant
makes his neighbor an offer for a thousand bar
rels of mess pork be is toM an answer will lie
given in an half hour, within which time the
markets of Boston and New York can bo tho
roughly tried for a better price Each mer
chant will have his own cypher. This contri
vance will interfere sadly with the post office
revenue, for who would wait for the mail todrag
its slow length along. Who goer, to Trenton in
a sloop, as our father's did ! The message to
the errand clerk will bo ''go and see if there is
any thing for me by the telegraph !"
Xorth American.
Highly Impoutat Mkdicai. Dim-oveiiy.
nan. M was an ..pcaiinn tor minor, suuaieu , T,1 N,.w yrk ,,oraj nyftf MUyc of New
nder the lower jaw and partly in the neck, j Jer(;(.y) M8 moed for years in a
ear the right ear. In reference to the pro-
series of successful experiments in relation to
I:-.... ..e.i i . .i... m..: i ....!... i
i:i-uinn in tin (riii'iiiiin, inu t nun J'umir 1MB ; ., . , I It . I . r .1 t
p 1 the (living bell, under tin; patronage of the do-
'ie Nil low m' Mati'tuuiit : . , . . , , . ,
1 vernuiei.i, nns asceriaiueu ny actual experiment
that catarrh, bronchitis, and even consumption
it-elf, may be effectually cured in a few hours,
by a novel application of the agency of the di
ving bell. It adds, that ofthe fact that, by this
'We happened to be in, just is the professor
an putting the knife to the skin. He made
voor three frightful gatdies, seemingly cut
.ng the throat, and nut a muscle of the old man
as observed to move. We were astonished,
ml we think the whole medical class, anil even
ic faculty were not less so than ourselves.
'he secret was, the patient w as in a wiagnet c
eep. This fact of course was known by the
rol'esvors, but nut lif the spectators generally.
Itulc of Court.
IN the Court of C mmon Pleas of Norlhnmber
land Connry. November 16, 1841. Rule on
the execution creditors nf Thorn. and Charles A.
Post ley, to show caue by the first day of next leim.
why the money in Court, raised from the sale of
defendants' personal properly, should not be pniil
agreeably to priority of levy, as reported by the
auditor thereupon.
Prclhonotary'a office ? J'roth'y.
Sunhury, Dec. 14. 1844. 5 4t
nil and Setllo. "
PERSONS knowing themselves indebted to
the subsciiber, are requested to call and settle
Ihcir accounts, on nr before the 20th day of Janu
ry next, after wh;ch timo those of long standing
w II be placed in tho hands of a Justice, fir colli c
tion. II. B. MASTER.
Dec. Illh, 1814.
T71"" trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor-thuinl-erland
County, al January Teim 1815.
commencing the first Monday, licing the 6th.
Sritr.inger, alienee of
vs John Onrver rt n
CSenrge Lawrence
vs J P Hackeriberg
vs Wm M'O.y
vs John F Murray
vs Joseph Weili.-I
Isaac Ronlarmi I
vs Martin A Slock
Stephen Detr
Frvm'ire for Evert
Bellas A Ellis. Ac
Reed for Murray
J W Smith
Daniel Zerhe A Wife
Wm A I.lovd
Sam'l Svvinchait A wife vs Peter Ferslcr
Conrad Desher'g ex'r vg J McK iuney et al
Apple'on, endorsee of
IOwariioiv errcc vs w m lonalilon
v Ineob Wortley
vs Charles Ruch
vs John Painter
vs Abraham Lawrence
s Joseph Keller
vs 1 1-nry Slcinmetz
vs John W Pent
vs J C 11 Noil's
vs Augustus A John Hucy
j means a dangerous disease of the lungs was
cured in half an hour, not a doubt can exist,
! and the theory by which the extraordinary cure
was explained, is altogether rat.i.nal and philo
i popliteal.
Don't Eat Pukk. A Medical w riter of much
"I .ImJ I, .. II... 1,1, ,.ull.,n I --.ill
' ' . 1 celebrity fays the pig is so remarkable for its
VI I I ,i Hit: hhi'ik i irti , n in', ivmi me iiiiiii; ui
lesuier, had thrown bis subject into pleasant
Dimmig for ("snip
Joseph Weitzel
John R Reliler
Benjamin Robins
Prentice fur Wrlch
Siepl.en Derr
Haas A Druckemil'cr
Wm A l.loyd
If idol Smilh
If T Hollinpshead oV ('o vs Pi ler l.nzarus
Chniles D Whsrlon vs Henry llnrdsher
F. P Sliannon vg Dennis Waters
J & W F Waeiiinsclh-r vs Eli S iter
A W J.ilinon et al v John C Hoyd et al
John Boss's ex'rs vg US Wallisrtal
Char'es Unle vs S mir
Christian 1. Weimer vg Hnlnri oV M'Coy
I) mil l li'usnis vs J.ihn A Shi-slrr
.lo-eph Mitman v Stmmokin C al eV Iron Co
Fnwles ,V Dtei-bich vs llncrml, idler eV Drrisliach
Fscely. 'leaver fi Co vg Thomss M'Fall
B R lienihart v John C Vnuug
Dar i 1 Mover iV Wife vs Daniel Frvmire
Al rah im Tro'jtman et al vs Chii-iian Tchuj-p
John B Miller vs Win M'Cny
t 'l.iiie ttenrvirvc D isque vg Daniel Dmiklt-bcrger
lame vg Same
(ieorge Oyster vs John (i.irnhart et al
John Bolib vs Diniel D iriieif
Welsh, I'emp Friil: vg (ieorgo Ovsier
Cclcbral cd Tamily IcilicincM
WILL not cure every thing, but still remiin
unequalled in their several departments by
every thing ever olTered tu the public, who have
voluntary came forward and offered numerous and
highly respectable testimonials of their superior
Canlrrir Compmind MnUcntrd Sfrnp nf Sar
Hipnr Un t or, Anti-Scorbutic Wy 'up, for the
of Seorfula, ('hronie Rheu.n itisin. Chronic Swel
lings ofthe Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, and all
Diseases arising from the abuse of Mercury, A"-
unsurpassed by any thing in the market, combi
ning all the virtues resident in the Snr-nparilla
with a modern medicament, only lately brought
out liy the most respectable medical authorities.
Price, ISO cents per bottle.
CnnlreH's .1nti-Dyprpl!c PoirdiT, (he re
lief and permanent cure of lb it must distressing
complaint. Dyspepsia, ill all its forms and stages.
It is truly a mot tain idle remedy. S.ilJ in hollies
at 25 and 50 cents each.
Cnntrctl'i .7ifi Mixture and Tunic Shilira
mentn, stands at the head of the list unrivalled liy
nny. or all the innumerable medicines in use
throughout the length and bread h of the hind, fur
the core of Fltvr.n and Ant-a in all its stages, and
fruin all its consequences.
Itefiilcuts in Fever and Ague districts should
never he wiihuut it.
The iber will forfeit FIFTY DOLLARS
where his medicine fails to pciform a cure in the
most ohstina'e cae.
S .Id Wbo es.ile and Retail bv CALEB CRES
SON, at bis Druii Warehouse. No. 6 North Third
Street, Philadelphia; also, bv the regularly ap
i.ointe.1 agent, SETH W. ROBERTS, Wholesale
Drill-gist, No. 51 Water Street, Mobile.
Prepared bv tbe Sulwcriher, corner ef CAR
TENTER and SECOND Sineis, below hristi
an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed.
Observe, none are genuine iihont the sicnature
reams; and now while tho knife of the bold
irgenn was dathiug away at his vitals, and
ipping with gore at his throat, he could say to
e trembling nerves be still," and all was qui
! What a triumph of mind over matter was
susceptibility to the formation of tuberculous
matter, that from scrota, the Latin term for this
animal, tho disease scrofula has obtained its
name. It is said that efen hot drinks, or sudden
changes in temperature, will render its flesh
diseased and unfit to be eaten. What is called
measled pork consists in the flesh being studded
ere! The will of tho inagnetizer striking all over with points of disease ; yet we seldom
itnbeven the living being anil making even ' hear of such a carcas being destroyed; it is u-
Mially salted and sold, if the owner has intelli
gence enough not to make use of it himself.
Spirit nf the Timrx.
A fellow taken up as a vanfant, declared that
he was not "a man without nny visible means of
subsistence, as he had just opened a store." It
ere were In q-.ienl consultations mining the j ;S fonml, on inquiry, that he had opened it with
ofessor, as i! proved to be a malignant ease. ! a crow-bar in the niuht, and unfortunately the
cui.-cd a frightful wound and a profusion H" store belonged to another man.
is body the insensible subject of dissection !
ii agon zing groans were heard, as is usual
mi the conscious patient, to alarm and terrify
-.-operator; but he went quietly on, without
iste, and c-.iisi queutly with belter effect. It
.-ted some littceu mintili s, during winch ti;iie
Folffcr for Troxell
William Farrow'es A Tewsr
l.ihi iV Hoffman
S or J Bird
J A J K To go
Hayes, Elliot, Lyon oV
( Snsh
Jacob Sei'.eit
(Jeiirge Leibrich
Henry Kupp
Henry Maser
Jordan V Purdy
Henry Hilchrnan
(ieorge Eckcrt
I) M Serhler
Mitchell f..r Raber
J.ihu oV Housworth
Burns A: Eisely
Ehz.ibeih Weiizel
(ieoige Ei ki it
Dim.I M'Knight
D S Spare
Henry M .g-er
vs Henry P Follmei
vg Ahrshim Klaze
vs (iforce Eckcrt
vs .1 St P Miiinagoe
vs John N I. i.n et si
vg Wm M'Cleery ft l
vs Miller Frvmire
vs (ii'oiue C M'Kee
vs Henry Mnsser, Esq.
vs (ieorge Sh.ley
vs ILnrv Folk
vs .In-ejih Allison
vg (ieorce Ku'7.
vs (ieorge W Towar
vs James I'll irp
vg Jaird Iiwine
vs Ci;orge Heckert cl al
vs Smic
vs D Levy's rx'rg
v (i urue W Towar
vs It I'ichardson ct ul
vs Henrv Sn tiler
ool. Tnc pa'ier.t ws removed to another
in, still unconscious of pii'n and the operation;
d wh.-n we left, he whs H.'suring the iiia-in.t-r
that he felt quite happy.
There was a fall ofsimw, in Crawford county,
, i.n Satnnlay to the depth ol'abont one
ot. The Meadville I cinnri at fays there is
ir piopeet of good sleighing, plenty of visiters
tin thi coiiii'i y. and more lively biiniiiess times.
II A I. I I IOlt K .11 H K K r,
OJfirr nf the IIutisiiihAmkiiiiiv.II.o 9,
(RAIN. The supply of Wheat this niornii g
w.ig very Ea'lv in the day s les neie made
of lood to siri. :lv piinie red- at H a l!l ct-, but
fU'.Mquent'y a deel lie ef a' suit 2 els per bushel
look pi 'Ce, an I n'p nf tro ul to irtly prime e.e
in -ile al M a .i I ct , and of infrrior to gooil at 75 a
H7 els. A parcel of I' red was sold atHT a 111!
rts. The qu int ly of (' .rn at market ibis m on us
Mr. James Madison of Newbui'gb. has sent to s unu u dly lar e, ihe iiiimunt sold being not
id sold, ill New Voi k, 11)7 worth ol butter this h's than 60(100 bu-bels The sales of white
ason, the piodiice of ten were at 37 a 3S eig. and of yellow at .10 a 40 . Is.
Mali's ef M.I. Bye at 67 ( Is and of Pi nna i t M
cts. Sa eg of Oatg at SO "7 cts, i rinrieally at
fi ci nt.
! WHISKEY is in good demand. Sales 1 1 some
In October, Mr. Washington Irving nml Mr. ' ei'ei t were mule to diy, at 2 !J cs for hhds and
'heaton were at Palis. Mr. living s health is 25 cts for lb!s.
mh improved. I,iis us I)k. UniMiHiru's Pilis.
A Bol.m PnKf iu:n. The lioldness of Sam- cr"e f'O'n af ir to ti c land of the brave,
I Divies will be illustrated hy a single a nee- r c,,,c "f diseases, aid snath fiom the grave.
V. When President r.fthe Princeton Col- j Long, long h,l Columbia her tuff' ri ig sous mour
'e he visite, I r.o-Uud for the purpose of nb- "L'dt
ning donations for the institution. The King, j But now ..he rrj ne.s. for beal h has icturn.d.
o. HI. had a curiosity to hear a pteacher ; l""' shall we iv , oi whai honor n Mow :
.in the w ilds of America, lie accordingly at
vs Wm M'l 'ar v 1 1 l
Pro'honotarv'g office. l'rli'y.
unbury.Dee. I lib 141. $
Dr. Nelson, so w ell known as one of the lead-
g in the rebellion in Canada, has been elected ' or
the Provincial Parliament.
-ided and was so much nt ruck with his com-
Hiding eloquence that he expressed his aston- wreath rhuM ve ib-ck the I'lr.l iH hto-
(lists brow !
I'hy name, Dr. Ur.indrelh, ' inseii'. e.l on our souls,
intent lood to be heard half way v. r the j A,,J ,hv h,ne h11 ,f""1 lhe " ,l"'
use in such terms hh these : ''He is a won-! "les ,,.,. tt'lit I... e.v IhJ.iios" M... Bewue nf all Druggies, who strive to deceive
;ies seeing Uie King Mas attrdding uiorc utteti
ttouthan himself, pau.ed, and luoktng his uiu
jesty full in the tix-e gave hiui in an emphatic
tone the fallowing heuuiilul rebuke. When the
lion roareth let the beasts ofthe forest tremble;
and when the lord speaketh let the kings of
the earth kei p silence." The King instantly
shrank back in his scat, like a school boy rap
ped over the head by his master, and remained
quiet during the remainder of the sermon, and
tent for him, and gave li tin fifty guineas for the
Institution over which ho presided, observing
at the same time to his courtires ''Ho is an
honest man ; an honest man."
"If you ever marry," said a Roman consul to
his son, "let it be to a woman who has judgment
enough to superintend the getting of a meal of
victuals taste enough to dress herself pride
enough to wash her lace before breakfast and
sense enough to hold her tongue when she has
nothing to say "
The r miseial le uni a' in ran m ver re i, ve ;
The Ageuta advertised, sell ihe genuine Pil!,
S hi. h run ve lioin ihe body the cause of its, Us.
Purchase of 11. U., Sunhury, or of
ihe agents, pul.ilii'd in another part of this piper.
i i i: i,
In Toint township, on the Sth inst., Mr. JOHN
LI'.Killi !', aijed til years, s months and CI days.
IMilCE CUllllK.NT.
CurrertcJ u'tikfy by Hairy Yiutmmer.
Whkat, .... 8.'.
I! i a, 50
('unu, - . . . 40
4T s:
I'll UK 5
rL4XSI(Kl, ... - ll'jj
Uurrm, - . . . . 15
Bkkswai, .... 25
Tahuw, .... 10
Dhii.ii Arrtts, - - . 50
Do. 1'muLs, . . 150
Ft4f, ... .8
Hkcklku Flai, . 10
Euus, . -10
OF Nonhiiniberlaiid County, fur January Term,
A. D. 1845.
al'.lll(l .Iiirorsi.
Turhit. Naae Dm kle.
Ihluwim: Win 11 Irwin. J.ihu Beard, Abra
liu n Siarner.
MiI'm. l.e is E Evaes, II J E.kbeil.
f'liil,nuniHi . Jo-eph Eonlrsinaii
Siirlliuniln rltmil .1 Youngui in, Beij Hcin.
Am;iiitii Henry Main h, i-lir.
Shiiiiitikiii. John II ill'inaii, James Yorilio.
i;i,Ati. Ik ihc Ke, Wm Rutin rniel. J jcoIi Ar er.
I ;ir Miilmiwy. (iiileoii Ailani, Molniuou
Folk. Samuel eu-t.
hnrrr .yt'iitiiKH. Jonathan D.ickev, (ieoige
Minis Andrew Deny, J cob Sniiler, jr., Elijah
Hyery, J dill lion man, jr.
Travel Jiiroi'M.
Turliiit. John Fox.
l.twin. Adam Si huvh r, Jacob Huusi. ker.
lhlitwarr.. Jmiic lialbciri, John Hiule, Isaac
Yincenl, John Fngi linau. Daniel Nicholas.
Miltnn Michael Kramer
Cltiliiuiiipic Thoinag Hubh u, John Heller,
Win II null ul, Rotieil Lyon, Edward Buoy.
'!. John I'I'ouix, Alhin Ncwbcriy, jr., Wm
Deiiih r.
Snrlhinntirlitud. Win II Wapp'es.
Siinlnry. laines Hulled, John Hileman, (ieu
B You gmau.
.4 tomtit. Jiroh Khonls, (M:a'le Robins,
l.j lie, Pn bp ( i ml. Andrew Kaihi riii.ui, Pi ter
N'jiulliug, tienrgo Siler, J din Y ody.
Stmmnk Mo'iiau Hughes, John HiitT, Fur
m ill F iiiswi.r.h, .lohn K I'.nepl'i II.
k',,,. (u.oige A D.iin, Iti iil iiniii M.ithi is,
J iri.b Snider, Ale I uuier CainpW'l.
(' .Daid Tliumpou. Miifnel Deik.snr.
I'jiirr MiiliHhoi. ti '. rae llna.
hm-ir Miilwiiin. HuBh Km. Lie, Johu Mig
Her, nr., Henry Wi a-t.
Jm hmm. Dnnirl Buhner, jr.. John Kb hi. Hen
ry L-t-ha, Benjamin Heini, Jacoh NV'eiser.jr,
1't'lit .lurors.
Turtul. Jsmes Armstrong.
I. tift John Klapp.
Ihlnwiirr. Jacob Dubhr. int., (ieoige Fox.
Simuel Dcaiinoud, David T Mack y, Jaied Ir
wiue. Miltmt. Isac lL.usil, Henry Willi, hn, (ieorge
Ei'eri, Michael Shoemiker.
(VrrV'.wyi.Miiie. 1'houias A ll- ii, James Jordan,
Andrew l'i, jr.
I'ni nt Daniel Yankirk.
SorthuiuUrLitul. Abiahain Hollopetcr, Jacob
Suulniry. Chailcs Weaver, P.ier W (iiay.
AuguxUi. Jacob Evert. Joseph Lytic, Ruben
(J Pursel, Jacob Dewiti, Thomas Wolf. Jr.
A'utA. Jogeph Patten, Alcxandei Moore, Cas
per Reed. Jacob Reed, jr.
Little Malui'toy. David DimklelM-rgcr.
JtiiliMii Char'es Rot! i ruiel, Mieli u I Crea-iu-gcr,
Peter Fcrsler, tcr RccJ, Jn'ob
Nov. U0 h, I .H.
C'nuf rrll'M Ajrite ?IItm-s?, or TonU-Mt'llf-niiiriif
'or the cure of nil I. 'nv ajfictinns, if taken trc
rnritinif In direction.
It is a never failing remedy which no family
niiuhi t i be without, especially in low marshy
coin. t. ies.
As this medicine is put up under the proprie
tor's immediate inspection on the most scientific
principles, be ng Pur. ly Yegctnhle, ninl having
tried its cllicaey on thousands, for upwards of 12
years, and to his knowledge when taken strictly ac
rordir g to di unions, ihere has not Ihtii one fa lnre.
I'nder such circom-lanrcs I recoinmrnd it to the
public, adding a eerlili. aio in support nf my asser
tion. I. John Burn, d.t ceitit'y ihnt I was in the ship
Tnb.crn Plant of Philadelehii. Cnpt. Reed. In
June, ls!J7, bound to Liverpool ; took the fever
and aizue ami laid in Liverpool some I in.' ninl. r
the docior's bands, went I'.nin there to Baltimore,
lay in the Inlirmnry for four or five week from
thence to Philadelphia ; was six months under Dr.
Coats; fiom thence lo New Yi-rk went to Ihe
Hospital, len.a.ind ihi re about four vv i-ks wiibont
any relief tiled every th ng without i.nv benefit,
fir five ears. Hearing of Cantre I's Ague Mix
tuie (nun a fi'end, I went to his store, told him
h .vv I was afilictrd, and got a bultle of his mixture
and esed it according to itin etions. It made a pcr
leci cute, and I have not had tho Icist r turn since.
I do with confidence recommend it to the public.
lrtllralcd Syrup ol'Sai-Nupuiilln.
Phdad.lphia, April 10th, 1811.
Mr. Johi A.Cathill,
Dear Sir, Having be. n atllic'ed for upwards of
two car with ulceration ofthe ihront, ile-lroving
the whole of the soft ite, then 'hiouuh the upper
part i f mv mouth into mv nose, from which sever
al pieces "f bin e esnie out, winch partially destroy
ed my speech, ibionuh a kind Provident c mid your
Medicated Svrupol S.,rs .p.nid i, 1 am now iclor. d
to ct hejIth.Mtid my sinht.whih was so much
impair, d, is as Mrong as when a hoy.
I ihnuuht it a duty I owed to you and those simi
larly ailed, d, In make it public.
Veins, R. spec tol'v,
Corner of Tenth and da'cg SlircU.
I, Cat ril J list n, No. ti R ekl s Street, do ci l
tifv tlnit my wile, J tec, was ulll e ed for nv i years
well la t nas eiit'ielv di-a"le.l,
so dial she was i.b.ed I i If cnulieed to Ih d ; lei -ing
ul Cant'ell's Me li- uie.l JSyiup of Sa ipariila,
r Anti Scoit'U'ic Syrup. I procure I I on hottl-a.
which removed nil her pain and fil
ms, from her limb; Iwone re bullies made a p- r
led cure. M e is nnw able lo a lend 'n In r h"Uc
hold dull, s as n-inl. li Mllill. J(lNr(.
Philad. lphii, J in. 22 1. Ill.
ff"J" De cripiivc I'an.plil. Is rosy be had of the
agents, Mir uiu..)
Sui bury, Nov. 0, IS I I. Iv . gcn.
Lost ! !
lOMEWUEUE between the residence "f the
x i.u I'.T.i n com io t
roR tux rvax or
THH Medicine is offered to the public gener
ally, from a full conviction that it is superior
to any other medicine now in use, for the euro of
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility or
Bodily Weakness, Stc.
Its effects have lieen tested in a private practice
of neir eight years, and it is now more extensively
circulated, at the solicitude nf many who have re
reived the mn-t benefit from the ue of it.
The following is one among a number of certifi
cates reccivid in illation to tlie success of this nic- !
T.nacasTtn Co. March 18.
Dn. (iniaori W. Ali.b't,
Dear Sir: II is with great pleasure that I in- j
form you of die success attending your Dyspeptic
Medic'tie, white employed in my p-act ice. From
past experience, 1 firmly believe that in e'gbl cases
mil of ten, the Dyspeptic, by the use of ynur medi
cine, may emir ly rid himself of this thorn in the
pathway of Ufe! not only hi dyspeptic eases, but
in all c-ises nf constipation, and diseases depend ng
en odduhta'cd slate of ihe nervous system, toge
ther with a state of the bwels, will your E
lixir be foui d of inestimable value. Numerous in
stances wheiein the usefulness of the medicine has
her n rea!i-ed, may I forwarded, if required. I
wih yeu great ucces, and recommend the medi
cine to the suffering part of mankind.
Youts, with great respect,
fjj For sale at the store of H. U. Masscr, agent
for ihe proprietor, Sunhury, Pa,
Oetoher Sfilh, 1S44. ly
fllllE habscrihcr has just received from Philadel.
JL phia a fresh supply ot Nkw Oooiis, consisting
in part, nf MiHlin heluincr. Crape Delaine,
Ciisiinrrr dr Kcnior Shnwln, Hindltrrchnf, Qe.
Also, Ihrirrr and S.I; Hat, a good assortment
of Mrn't mid liny' dipt, Ornrcrir, Liiptors,
Salt, tc. ic, all of which will lie sold at the most
reasonable terms. Stone Jttrt nnd Jug, cheap.
II. 1). MASSE R.
Suiiburv, Oct. ,rith, 181 1.
BAtiS Salt,
100 Barrels do.,
.... a- . , .1.
kS) ril-r, in ( II II qu que Inwiis'iin, .vnno
I unit, i land, .unl the t-oronuri nf Siiiibinv,
. on Tuesday, the 12th, a smill PocKr.r Book,
i coiiniiiing a note of hand Irom Tobias R.etlieil and
j John Murray to sub.-ciiber, us Ihe itor nf
I'hi.rn is MiniJVi dated in .lanu.ry. H2'. ; and
' i.n. Hi. r noie of hand li sime, for f Is, ditnl in
, I MO; a uhpirna I .r w .tin r, and a live do'
' lar bill on the Rit'k nf Niiilhiiniheilau.l. The
! findi r, by n turning it, will be rsuilah'v rewarded ;
i or bv lei.vini! the piei at the Post tlll'iC ', Sind'il
i rv, i r forwa'duig llnm In the . u' scnlu r. ncn keep
Ihe five do lir nil. JAMES P. Ml RRAY.
Ch liMfi q' , Nov- ol'lh, IMl if
(iiuicc ;(it(iluits IMalc.
, SvJOTlt'E I hereby uivcii that 1. 1 er. ul adiii il
' J istiaiioii huve U'eu giaiiled t i ;oe fuln-ciil ei.
I ni i Ihe i slate of (i.oriie (iu"-li..i, dee'd. All per
j song lU'llhli d lo said Call'e, t.T having claims ag nn t
jlie saine, ar- ri'ipn -t. d to ra I on the subi-c'l'i. r
and s, I lie ihe sau.o W.lhoiit d I iv.
j DMl i;iucit
Augusta, Nov. 2.1, I 1 1. til Adui'r,
John i:'rt's I'.slatrk
HfjJOlUE is hereby fiven that b Iter if ad
niiuistr diou h .ve Itch granted to the sub, on ihe ittiic of John Eveit, nf Slni'iinkiu
township, if c'd. All persona indebted or having
cla ins nt-aiii.-t said i nU'e, arc rt qui sled to call on
ihe Mihscrihci f r sellli imlll. -ni or l i loie ll e li st
day of Direinla r next. JOHN EVEItl'.jr.
tShaiuiikin, Nov. !i, IN It fi Adm'r.
LASS hy 10, bet quili y,
H Cut N ids, all a res,
Suit, by the rack and barrel.
Hats and Cap, nt the best tpiality.
AM foi sab' al icdii.i .l s, bv
Sunbuiy, Oct. 20, Li 1 1. H. U. M ASt-Elt.
at 1 75 cisb, fir sale
Sunburv, Oct. I'.Mh, 184 4.
C si r p c t i ii g s .
A'n. 1 1 1 t'ic.mttt Streit, Corner Franklin Sjuare.
HAS just received run! is now owning a very
extensive and beautiful assoTt.wnt of CAli
I'l'.'ilStiS. The goods are fresh, arid of new
tvles, and being purchased, principally for Cash,
they will In sold at the lowest prices; they consist
ill pall, nf
Splendid Bnis-e's. CARPET
Besuiifut inqieiial 3ply, I IN(iS,
Super Extra Incra n, ('0tT waT-
3-1, I 1. ft-H Twilled Yenetian, ranted
' Plain do. J DI RAHU:
A large stock ot well seasoned I HI. CLOTHS
of all width, Ri its. Bis in mis, Sir., together with
an extensive a-sculnient of hue priced Carpeting
i f all ile-criplions.
(rj- Purcha-er are requested to call and see us,
when they wtb find an extensive a?soitincut al the
most reasonable price.
Phil deipbia. Oct. iVh, 181 L tf
A N II II V V It O C A l,
South llast rortur of Market and lh .'..
l'hll;il( Iphla,
TIIE!SE ih'-v always keep on hand an cxlcn
ive a-s itiie nt ..f HATS Z CA I'S nf every
di script inn, got up i" Ihe be-t and most approved
-X le. Teis ais ib rirous el purchasing guperior arti-
j clis on Ihe most nasi n ible term, will find it to
their advantage to call bif. re making purchaaeg
I i-l-c here.
Pl-.ihi.lelphia. Oct . fil'i, NI I. ly
fllills M ichiiie Ins n nv been IcstcJ by more
E itiau thiily la' in this neighborhood, and
' h is given t-ni in -atil n lion, h is so simple in its, that il canii. t get out of nr.h r. li
i . ooia n t.o iron t i .u l, n I -piinesor lollers to
i g.a out ,.f icp i r. li w ,!I do twice as much wash
: inj. with le tlmi hall the vtvar and tear oi any of
; the I ite luvi n'ion-, end what is ,. grea'er iupnr- co-Is but lit Ic over half as much as uthe'
' u.'i liiiic.
! The subx rilier has the rxctiisive right for Not-
; ihtiinbeil tnd, l'nioii. !.'. Coluiiibii, Lu-
7eiiie and ClioHMi Colli. lies. Price of silicic ma
cho.,, ft! H. B. MASSE II.
' 'Tic foll.Hvii.g ce t'fieate s fiom ii few of those
wliu ha'C lhee machines in use,
I Sunl ijry, Aug. 24, 1811.
j We, ihe suliscrilrs. r.-rlify lhat we have now
. in u-e. in mi' families, 'Shugeit'g PaletiX Wfh
, ing M ichine," and do not lit fit lie aiying lhal it is
; a most i ell- nt. inveii.ion. Thit, in Wa-hiiig.
. il will -nve More lhan one hill the usual labor. it .Iocs not reqim mere than one third ihe
usual quaniiiv of so .p and water ; and lhat there
. is no rubbing. Bil l cniisequi mly. little or tic, wear.
. ing i r i iiik Th it it knock off no buttons, and
lhat ihe iincst rloihes, snc'i nscollars. laci s, tuck,
IriTs, iVc, may be was! i d in a ve.y short time
without ti e iujuiv, and in fad wiih.ut any
appiireni wear and tear, wlvitvvi-r. Ye therefor,
che.'itiilly reciiiuincnd il t i our fiiends and l i l!ie
public, as a ilnisl lis f'.'l ni J bib r saving machine.
t II RLES W. I'.Et-.iN?,
i a. ioi:i,
I Tils WE WT.K.
I I lls TI.E s.VTX.
Iil.:il M VRKI-C.
i5-.ii. iii;o. c. wr.i.KER,
! IH'.VI. HEM'RIi'Ks,
I!nii.'s II.u ki, (I. .run rlv I remonl H u e, -vo.
I Hi I'h i.ul s ie .) I'biU.h iphia, Scpteinb-r
I si. I H 1 1 .
I ba'e u-d Sbugcrl's Patetil Washing Machine
in mv hou -e upw nds of i iyht inonih-, and d.i not
hesitate In isy thai I deem it one of the nv I use
t tit and vi'ual.le labor saving macluin ever iiiv. ii
tcd. I k' I two Women continually c
cup ed tu wnsliniB, who iiihv do ns much in two
days as they then did in cue ek. 'There is n
war nr tear in washinc. and it requins not more
than cm -third the usual quaintly nl s .. p. I h .ve
bad a iininl i r el o h. I in chines m my lam ly, bi.t
tins is o decidedly snpc.t.n to i vi rv tlnlig cIm", and
so li tie fable to get ulll nf lep ill, lhat I woulJ le'l
In without one if tluy shoul I cosi leu innea tfic
price ilny am sold lor. DMEL HE Iff! .
'H EE II LO TH, a handsome article, all ''.
light and rUsiu', lor r'uinuici l-'ou.saiid Pautx.
In. sale, veiy low, by
Jai.i 13. H. U M MsliH.
At An. 41 Strnubctry St. Philadelphia.
riHE Rent of the suhsr.til.ers in their present
JL situation being very low, and their terms
CASH, liny are enabled to sell at such low prices
that customers cannot fail to be satisfied, and they
invite the people of Northumberland and the ad
joining counties to call and examine their stock,
as they offer an excellent assortment, comprising
Beautiful Imperial, 3ply, "
Superfine Ingrain, I
Heavy Twilbd Venetian, VCARPETINUS.
Fine English WorstcJ do. I
Plain Striped do.J
With a large Stock of well eeasonrd Floor Oil
Cloths or ail widths, fir Rooms, Halls, Door Pie
ces, Stc, Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Beautiful
Health Rugs, Table Covers, Floor llair.e, Rag Car
pets, Malting, kc Ac, together with a large Stock
if low piiced Ingrain, Entry nnd Stair Carpels,
Wholesalo and Retail, at the lowest prices in the
No. 41 Strawberry street, one door above Cheg
nut, near 2.1 street. Entrance also at No. 50 South
Second street, Philadelphia.
Sept. 2Pth, 144 '.tin
T ANN Kits' OIL.
.'000 Diy La Plata Hides first quality.
U.-0 Dry 1.3 Uuira. do
IOOO Dry Sailed La Ouira, do
MOOO Dry Satted Brazil Hides, do
:." Bales Creen Salted Pains Kips.
40 Bales Dry Pa na Kips.
1MO Barrels i'nnneis' Oil.
'Tanners' and Curriers' Toolsv,
For sale to Country Tamncrs al trw lowest prices
and upon the best terms.
N. B. The highest mmket prices paid for all
kinds of leather.
No. 81, South 'HiirdaSt. Philadelphia.
September 14, 1844. ly.
Country Merchants.
fTlHE Subscribers Tcfrpectfully invite Country
1. Merchants who are about to purchase Fall
and Winter Supplies, to an examination of their
respective Stocks, believing lhat their several as
sortmerrts are as complete as have ever been offei
cd in the Philadelphia Market.
With stocks of (ioods in their several Depart
ments of the choicest kinds a determination to
ell on terms which cannot fail o prove satisfacto
ry and a disposition to please old and new custo
mers, will, we hope, be a sufficient inducement lo
purchasers to call at our respective establishments.
Silks and Fancy Goods.
W A R P Remington fin Market Street.
Ashhurst A Remington AO "
Buck A Potter 1 Ifi
Yard vV Uillmoic 109
Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods.
Reynolds, McFarland A Co 105 Market Sneet,
Burnett, Withers A Co 120
Scott A Baker 150
Wise, Pn-ey A Wirt 1S1
I Hardy A Hackers 46 N. Second St.
Importers of Cloths, Oassimers, Vest
ings, ike.
William II I.ovo H7 Market Stirct.
Lambert Duy Km
Hardware and Cutlery.
Michael V Baker 215 Maiket Strict.
Edward S Handy A Co 08
Importers and Manufacturers of Sad
dlery Hardware.
Horn A Kneass 215J Maiket Slieef.
lioots, Shoes, Iionnets. Caps, Leghorn
atxl Palm Hats, vN-.
W E A J (' Whelan, 15H Market Sitter.
Levick, Jenkins A Co l.r0
M Conrad A Co f.O "
Manufacturers and Dealers in Drugs,
Medicines, Paints, Oils, e.
Thomas P James 2IM Market Stieet.
Putts. Linn A Harris "
Robinson, Coll ns A Co 87 "
Edward ('obi M
'Tbouipson Pancoist A Co 10 "
I latr, Caps, Furs and Trimmings.
I. Kenton lit-' Market Strict.
John Sauerbier A Brother l; "
I'ooks and Stationary.
Ciing A Elbott ! N. F. ui h Sireet.
Hoga.i iV. Thoiiij s 'n 3;l "
Importers of llntis'i and Fienrli Fan
cy lap!'? Stati.mary.
L I Chen A Co 27 S Fourth Sneet.
Henry Ceh-n :1
Importers of H.isitMV, Gloves, Ttim
mimjs and Faiu-y Good.
Sitley $ Severing ' N 'Thi'd Sirect.
Parker A Lehman 3
Comlis, liiuslicf, nrooms, iS:e.
'Thomas Co .per 3 . Front S'rret
Importer of Toys, Fancy and Ntaplo
Ciui ids.
A F O t Monrnse 1C S F. u th Street.
Manularliirer of Talent Lard Lamps.
Edig S Archer 32 N Second
ManufactMn-r of Paient Floor and
Furniture Oil Cloths,
l-saf Macaulcv. Jr. f N Fifth Sireel,
Mani.fai tiuers and Importers of Fa
j per Hangings.
I Hew. II A Br..'hcrs f A I 1 2 Chegnut M.
j Philadelphia. AngMl 21, 1"H. Min.
to mi:k iii.vis f. ni.i.ii:u)i.
M. M. i ,1 OS. I.. M AFLL,
i An. rlh Seeond Slretl, ivppoile the
I Muihson lloui, )
' (Tt. WHERE wi! bef iiud a general
! I aVSmenl ot Tlor. nee Braids. Alberts, Rul-gp,
laud's. Peddle. Willow, Rice St aw, and llm
much admired Ncap.diian I .nee, and Fancy Bon-
nels, inaliiilactured by us, and for gi'le at the loe t
' in 4 1 ill t..i-1 il C p. ii ea. Meicbai.t and Milliners hfo
I iiiviied to eve nt a oil upon isilii.g the City.
' (VT-B We tiave ul-o eoiilan:lv iiiiik'iig onr
I uMti..r ba r mi. I o' edniogs, all el whtih I
: he so'd i hi ap, lor . a-li.
i Tb'.lad. l. bis, Miv -ft, 1 1 I I. 1 sr
A l.OttlN TS, a niie arncic for Ladica'
Dicm , lor uli' cheap, t'V
Jum li. H U M.vScElt.