Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 07, 1844, Image 4

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    A Seasonable Anecdote.
The following story, which appear in the
Cincinnati Advertiser, is just hi time. Let
those, concerned take the hint.
An elderly gentleman with a etrn(i;lit cotit
a 'i J broad-bi immd beaver, passing along Main
street a lew days fince, stepped upon some
peach p'iriiigp, wlech a young dandy at on of
our dry good store i had jasl thrown down uar
where ho wa tstnndinrr. Tho passenger was
otl his guard, but contrived to escape a full by
exehunjjinjj it for a severe wrench of the lower
limb. Hi? BaiJ nothing to the author of his mis
chances, but eteppiuj into the store, accosted
its owner, "Friend can thcolcnd mea broom."
The broom was promptly tendered, and the
Quaker applied it to the parings with seme dili
gence, as well as difficulty, from their adhe
rence to the pavement in their mashed state,
fjreatly to tho amusement ot the by-standors, and
the annoyance of the clerk. Under these cir
cumstances, the following dialogue took place :
Cleric. What is that (or 3
Quaker. To get these parings into the gut
ter. Clerk. Let them alone; they do you no
Quaker. That's a mistake, friend j I have
Iwt myself in going down the street, and I may
airiin on my return. Ik-sides, somebody else
may get a fall over thern.
Clerk. That would be none of your busi
ness. Quaker. That is another mistake of thine,
friend. Some neighbor of mine may he badly
hurt, and I may have to contribute to his relief,
perhaps to his support. It is both my business
and thine.
Clerk- You may make it your business if
you choose, but it re none of mine.
Quaker. I am not sure ofthut. If people
get hurt often before thy door, it will get an ill
n.ime, and thy employer will loose custom, end
thee, perhaps thy place. Thee should consider
better of things.
This raised a general laugh nn the clerk, who
withdrew; and when tho old Friend returned
the broom into its place and went on his way,
he probably left a wholesome lesson behind
The Paternal.
"One little hand within your hair,
The other in your cup ;
Don't wonder we so often feel
As we could eat 'tm up .'"
Some went into 'fits and dem'd raptures,' as
Mantalini would have it, not long ago, in the
Knickerbocker, about a baby, a boy-baby, a fif
f"en pound boy-baby, being born to him ! Does
he know he is a green-horn 1 Does he know
that he yet knows nothing 1 A 'fifteen pound'
is a 'whopper,' to be sure, a 'fine child,' and it
m:iy have its 'fa flier's noie' and all that ; but,
we repeat it, he knows nothing, he has never
had twins! twins ye gods ! a pairof'emt na
ked, little, rosy, bawling busters ! In testis cu
bieuluris ! If ho had he might talk. If he'd
ever had afterwards, twelve women hauling
him about and telling him he wai the luckiest
man in the world, passing the swaddled ones a
bout from hand to hand, with kissing ringimr
like pistol shots; the hec-c-c-e ucec-e of the
cherubs, mamma, 'doing well,' lying in a laven
der with a frilled cap on, smiling like a .soul in
biiss, and insisting on having 'em both back, for
she 'knows they want her.' If he'd never had
big he fists slapped on his shoulders, wicked
tinkers punched into his ribs, his health drank
with 'hurrahs,' while merry voices have decla
red that he ought to be 'ashamed of himself
going home, then, his heart dancing, his head
tinging, feathers lo his heels, making but two
i-teps from curb-stunc to curb-stone, his latch-key-ready
six miles ofl inside springing up stairs,
b nits in his hand, a story at a time ; we tay, if
going home so, and opening the chamber door,
as fuin to glide in through the key-hole, he had
ever been stopped by the nurse's 'hush,' and,
directed by her finger to the bed, had contem
plated what ! ye gods ! Heaven, peace, con
tentment, love, rcstacy too big for speech, too
full njt to run over ; tears ! yes, grateful, heart
well'tip, hope-crowing, joyous tears ! Fast a
bleep; all ! think of snying'o .'' calm, lovely,
bleep; a rose of two buds; bosoms heaving, a
i ariiHiny ot s phs, Eolian whispers stirring w ith
melody every heaven-strung chord in the bosom
of the happiest dog alive ! llau he ever, too
excited to go to his louo bed in the next room,
l.i id down in Ins trousers, listened to the little
iiebtliuns. the fussy kickinus the tin1 ! We
again and aaii say it, he's a green horn, a
young 'un he knows nothing. Furllu ruioie,
t!iere is an ecstucy to come he has'nt dreamt of
a fifteeiipuuud-biey-baby is well enough, it's
'wheels and its pulleys, its pumps and its valves,
its engines and reservoirs, its beautiful machine
ry,' &C, all well enough, but wail 'till it -peaks;
wail 'till it says 'cow!' that's the phrenzy ;
wait until convinced by its blessed mother's in
cefesauf iiibtruciions at the window, that a cow,
a 'wiooy coir,' is the most interesting object in
nature; it dances in daddy's arms, points with
its little fingers U a pig in the gutter, and says
'oow-w !' a whole room full of admiring neigh
bora ready to devour it not the pig, but the
little dear so forward !'
Hark '. band of music louder a company
of soldiers in the next strett ; tea and com puny
rise up, go to the windows, in rush the children
drum and trumpet u ry head out coming
round the corner 'ahudow before' a swarm of
little boys Willi paper caps and clam bhells
Hooray ! there's the captain L'paulettca and
ftather walking backwards sword extended
word of command 'Left wheel !' at the tame
instant, hue! in hole down goes captain
scream of delight line bn aks, and 'cow cow,'
cries the blessed child, half crazy !
The f .llowing list shnwi the current value of all
Vnnsylvania Bank N.iUa. The mnt implicit re
Lance m v e phtrcd upon it, as it is every week
larcfulty omparej with m d corroded from Bick
nell'a Reporter.
Hank In Philadelphia.
. Disc. i
LncAT.o,. IlHiiA)(
N (1 T F. S A T P A R.
Bank of North America . , pur
Bank of the Northern Liberties . , par
Commercial Hank of Penn'a. . . pur
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . . par
Kensington Hank . par
Philadelphia Dank . . par
Schuylkill Bank . . . "r
S.'iithwark Bank . . . p"r
Western Bank . par
Mechanics' Hank . . pt
Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Hank par
Country ItankN.
Hank of Chester County Westchester
Hank of Delaware County Chester
Hank of Oermantown (Jerinaiitown
flank of Montgomery Co. Norris'own
Doylestown Bank Dovlcslown
Easlon Bunk Easton
lo not
Farmer' liank of Bucks co. Bristol
Rter 1
Office of Hunk of Penn'a. Harrishurg
Ollice do do Lancastt
Office do do Reading
Office do do Easton
J issue n.
Hank of the United States Philadelphia 25
flank of I'enn Township . . par I
Oi-ard Hank . 1 i j
Movnmenoiup; B ink par
Dank of Pennsylvania . . pur
Miners' llii nk of Pollsvilli' Pottsville
Bank of l.ewiMown Levitown 1 j
lUnk of Midilletown Middletown 1
Bank of Nirthmbeilnd Northumberland par
Columbia Bank & ISridge co. Columbia par
Carlisle Batik Carlisle 1
Exchange Bank Pittsburg
Do d branch of Ilollidnvshuig j
Farmers B. ink of I. ancastei I.ancistcl par
Lancaster Comity II ink I minister "r
Farmers' Bank of Heading B ailinrr, pn
Harrisl'iug Bank Harrisburn -J
Luncaaier Bunk I.nnensier jw
l.ehiinnn lliink Lebanon J
Men htili'a' iV Manuf. Bunk Pittsburg
Umik or Pittsburg" Piusbuig '
West Bmnch B .nk Williamsporl U
Wyoming Bank Wilkesbarro IJ
N.irthiniptou Bmk Atlentiiwn
Berks Cmintv Bank Reailiup;
Ollice of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg failed
D. do do Lrie do
Do do do New Brighton di
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Bank of Charnbersburg ('hnmbersburrj I
Bawk of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1
Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose HO
Brie Bank Kriu 3
Farmers' fc Drovers' Bank Waynesburg 2
Fianklin Bank 'asbington IJ Honesdale IJ Bank of B. Brownsville 1 Bank Yoik 1
N. B. The notes of those banks on which we
unit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Pbil lib Ipbia brokers, wiih the
exception of those which hae a letter of r fcr,nce,
Philadelphia Suv. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
ScIiun Ik ill Suv. Ins.
Manual Labor Bunk (T. V
rowuiida Bank
Alleghany Bunk of Pd.
Bank of Beaicr of Swatura
Bunk of
Centre Bank
City B ink
Farmers' li Me.h'cs' l!.,i,k
Fanners' & MechW Bank
Farmers' Mech'ii' Bjnk
llarniony Institute
tluntingilon Bank
iuniiita Bank
iiinibermen's Bnk
.Nortbern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Biiit(re Co.
Norlhumb'd Union Col. lik.
North Western Baik of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bunk
Pa. Ar. & M iiiiif. Bunk
Silver Luke Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
PhiludilLia failed
do fuiled
do f.iled
Dyolt, prop.) filled
Bi'dloid no fule
lieaver closed
ll.irrtsbutg clofed
Wa-hiogtoii failed
Hell, foiite closed
Pitlrhuig no sale
Pittsburg tailed
Fnyi tie eo. fnled
(iieucaste failed
Harmony no sale
H untingilon no sale
Lew Mown no sale
Warren failed
Diiihl .tr no sab
New Hope closed
M ilton no sale
Mcad?ile closed
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Montiosc closed
Ui.ioiitown failed
Greensbiirg closed
W ilkcsburie no sale
(Jj- All notes purporting lo I on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above li-t, may be set
lown as frauds.
Bank of New Biunsw ick
LtilviuVie Bank
Uuilinglon Co. Bank
'Jommercial Bink
umberlund B.u.k
fanners' Bank
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk
Fanners' and Mechanics' Ilk
Farmers' and Men Imnii.' Bk
Franklin Bank of N.J.
Penh Aniboy
Mount Holly
N. Biunswick
Middletown i't
Jer-ey City
lull, d
fa I Ie. I
In) Sale
Hohokeii Bkg& (ir.iztug Co I lob, 'ken
lersey City Bank
Jersey City
Mid anus' Bank
Munnf ii tur rs' Bmk
Morris County Bank
Moimiouth lik ot N.J.
Mechanics' B ink'
Mechanics' and Manuf. 1 1 k
Morris Canal and Ultg Co
Post Note
Newark Bkg & Ins Co'
New Hope Del Undue Co
N. J. Muuufue. and Bkg Co
I utH'ISllll
IVIh villi)
r i. el. old
Jusey City
New ark
Luiilhf Msvilltl
llobl ki II
N J Prolecloll A. Lolnbaiil I k Jersey Cny
t lraii(;t! Bank I 'ruoge
l'u'erson Bunk I'uiii.oii
Peoples' Bunk do
l'liiueloii Bunk Piiuci'lon
Sulem Bunkiui1 Co Salem
State B ink Newark
Stale liank n
Slate B ink Ciiimlen
Stule Bank of Morris Morii..lown
inte Bunk 'J'nnioii
Salem mid Philud Manuf Co Sulcui
Susm'X Bank New tun
Trenton lianking ('u '1'ieiitoii
Union Bunk Dover
Wahiiiylon Banking Co. Hackensack
Hk of Wilm & Brandy-wine Wilmington
Bunk of Delaware Wilmington
ttank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do blanch Millord
Farmers' Bk of State nf Del Dover
Do branch" Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
fT"" Unilei S's
(X J-On all banks marked thus () there are i
) ti counterfeit t.r altered note of ih vsr.ous d
, ningtion, in rirrulstion.
ii:ri hatitk svni i.
tpilK ,,nab'e properties of Oakley's Deputa
I live Syrup of Snrnnpaiilla, as a purifier of the
blond, is so well known !! tha public generally,
that it is unrieepcsiiv to occupy mtn-h "pace in set
ting for' h the advantage to bfl derived fr.-in its
wherever the medicine h once been intro-
to i teiei.N imiler llitir rare l ennl lining nnming
di I. teri.ius. but Ining rnmpiwrd ol the ni"St mild, I
yet i iTic.icious egi tnhlc maieriaU. it is nff-'red wiih j
corifidenre. as the cheniesl and mol cllicient pu.
rider nf ibe blood now known. The use of a few j
bottles, especially in the spring mouths, will be ul- j
tended wiih a must decided impiovcmmt in the ge- I
neral sin ngtb of the system, eradicating any seeds
nf disra-r that may hive been' d. besides j
giving health and vig. r to the body. For the cure j
of Scrofula or Kings Kvjl, Rbrumulism. Tetter,
Pimples or eiuption. of the Skin, While Swelling.
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, &c. The nu
merous ceriillca'es in ibe possession of the subscri
ber and his agents, from physicians anil others, are
sufficient to conv nee the most skeptical of its su
periority over all preparations of 8 irsip oilla.
Sold wholesale and retail, bv Ibe proprietor,
G1.0U(;E W. OAKLF.V, Norlli !th street. Pea
ding, B'iks Cunnty, and to be b' of the following
persons :
a Nnrlhumherlanil Vaunt. . B. Mass?,
Siiiihury ; I el ind ft, M xel, McEwensville ; D
Krauser. Milton.
In I'tiion Cimnty. J. Gearln.rt, Si;lingrovp
A. Guti litis, M'filtiilnrg.
In Columbia C,,unty. . W. McCay, Wash
Reading. March I t. WA.
Mn. Oakih: I believe it the lily of every
one lo do wln.n verin their wer I ie-, for the b- ne
fit of their t. llow IM", and having had po-i ive
proof in my own luiinlv, of the w-i iideifnl properties
of vour DcmiMlie Syruo of S,nsap irill i, 1 m st
consciriitiouslv recommend it to the ufhVlcd. We j
bud the niirfoitune t l--se two of our children, by j
the breaking out of ul. ei.ius sres thin coveied lb I
face, head and i ei k, itlthoiigh we b id some of tin j
most scientific physicians to iil eml lb m mid had t
tried all the known ien,edie. incliiding Swiiiiu's j
Pniiaci a. without nv iil. Aim'hcr ol my children '
u Bi'i.ikel in ibe sane m inner, ber lace rul !
m k was con p'eti iy coverni; me OiS nnrge was so
olVrnsivc, and ibe disease at nidi a he ghl. ll.ut we i
di spaired ol her life. Seeing die wonderful ellects
of your Depnr.i'ive Synip (.1 S iisnpari I i, we weie
iliducid In uiiike trial of it. as the lust r. s rl ; it
acted like a cbaim; the u'eers ci'mmenci d healing
imiftedialely. a f. w bottles entiiely restorril her to
her health, which she h. s enjoyed un;ntcrui tedly
ever since. As a puiificr ot the blood, I verily
llcvc it bus not its equal.
Walnut street, near Fourib, Heading.
Dotiglutstille, April 19th, 184:?.
Mr. Oaki.kt : My son F.dmonil Leaf, bad the
scrofula in the most dreadlnl and ilii-ln'Siing man
ner for three yea's, dining wloch time he wis de
prived of the use of his limbs, his ,e.d and neck
were covered with ulcers We Iri. d nil the tlilfer
ent reinedn s, but to no i flirt, until rrcommended
ly Dr. Job n son of Nor.istow n. and aNo Dr. Isaac
Hiestel, ot Resdir g. to use jour Depuriuive Syrup
of Sarsapi.rillii, of w bich I oMuined teveial bonles
the Use of which d'ove the di-ea-e er.iinlv out ol I
Ins system, the sore he iled up, and the child was
restored to perfect healih, which he ha. enjoiol
uninterruptedly evi r sine e, to the ast. nhmenl ol
many persons who seen him du ii g h.s iiftlict.on.
I have thuiicht it my du y. and send v u thisceiti
licule that etle s who haves like alilietion in the
family may know where to obta n s i valuable a
imiln inc. Vours lin' .
Sept. 10, ISiU. lv
uiiii1'rfi lU iV
rPhe pu' lie will please obseive that no Urandieth
- Pil's are gen .me, unless the lei bus three li
bels upon it. (the tn , the s'.'e aid the bottom)
each t-ontuiiiiiig a f .c-similc sii nture ol rnv h ind
writing, thus II. Bn nu y. in, M. D. These la.
bel are enjrived on steel, beaut f dly designed,
and done at anepeneof over . Tin rt fore
it will be seen thai the nnly ibing nreissuy lo pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to obsene these
a'" Is.
Kememlier the lop, the side, and the bottom.
The following lespeclive prisons ure duly aulln ri
zi d, and hold
For the sale ol hranilmh's Vegetable Unieernul
Norlhun.beilai d county : Milton M ickey &
Chuinbeiltn. Sunluiry II B. M isser. M'Kens
ville liel indA Meixi II. Noiihuin1 ciliind Win
Forsyth. I ieoiaetow n J. & J. WhIIb.
I'nion C unity ; New Berlin Bogru A- Win
ter. Selinscrove fieorge Oundium. Middle
bun; Isaac Smith. Beaverlown David Ilubler.
Ad.iiiisburg Win. J. May. Mitllinsbmg Mensi h
A: I! iv. Ilaitleton Daniel Lung. Frei burg
ii.&t F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls & Green.
Columbia county : Duiuille C. B. Kewiolds
iV Co. Berwii k Shuman .V H ttenhouse. Ca'
tawissa C. (. Brobls. Bloomsburg John If.
Meyer. Jeisey 'I'nwn Levi Bistl. Washiugton
Kohl. McCuv. Liinestoni BalU' h McNoich.
Observe that each Audit has an F.ngruv.d ('cr- i
'ifieate of Agency, containing a representation uf :
Hr BKANDKF.'i'M'S Manufictorv at Sing Smg, j
ni upon which w ill a'so be seen enact copies of j
the new lubtis in.w n. til umn the Itrmnlitth 1'ill j
j Hons. I
Phil idelphia, i.fTu e No. H, Ninth 8th street. I
B. DliANDIiFril.M.I). !
1 June 21th, lH4:t. I
( i rv i i iiMTi iir. Arcriox,
Nds. Vi null .U .North Tliinl Street.
Near the City Hotel,
MACKF.V, Auctioneer, re-pecifiil'y in-
in s ihe ii'Ii i t nu of neisie s ilesnoiis ot ni r-
ehi-iii Fiiini inc. to his extensive Sales Kooins,
(loib pill lie mid I'.iviite ) for every description of
Household Fun. ilute, win ie ran be obtained at nil
tunes, u hope assortment of l.isbiotiuhle and Well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maltiusscs,
Ac, at very reduced price, for cash.
fT7 Sales bv Auction, twice a week.
May 2Vih. 1 h4 3. ly
Wl 1,1 JAM J.lAin iNV
sunbuby, pa.
OFFICE, in the second .lory uf the building oc
cupied by Dr. J. B. Mtn-str, on Maikel street.
Oct. 21st, 1843.
.4 Tlnealiliif? Alaciilue fur Sale.
1IIK subscriber oilers f .r sale a THKF.SHINO
MACHINE, new and in good order. The
Machine has been tried, and proves to be an excel takes prcrclencn O' er all otbes: evny , T T rrr it en thn Face and Head I the disease ,,1B P" nerally. Il.ut they hv ta.
m.elbHt lu.. i.kenit hnv ,1, rivc.l so f icnal b lie- 1 KTrMt en itift race an.l me oisen e ,, lt .,rge and well known store and wharf at
nneii hi nas inaen ii, nne o-rivro so Mt,,mi comnu ne, d v ben I was seventeen years old, and f, ,.r Vi1t., Kir...i n..;l,.. l i . i .. : i i .
filial remits from it, that it is rrco-moended b.V .. , .. . p f ....: in vj. . , Street iSnilroad, l;itely occupie I by
them with the m,.st cnfid-nc. Physicians of f ' J 'l'S;' J, , j ?'.'-' 'h-y pur, .loing a ie,,.,al
ibr h,h..s! uun.,no in .1,. ..tofesMon. n.escribe it ; ","..'' T. w,,hott' e4'.r T"?."""2' . ' ' R, T : u Commission and 1-orwardn.R llusiuess, ami torn
" , . oi iiie lime, creai rmri oi mv I icn was co:riii wiiii ,u.. i....i ...,. ..r
lent one. It will ha sold at a reduced pries, and
wurrsntr. App'y lo IL B. MASEK.
July L leU.
fXj" Tifi fillihinircertifica'ede!eribennr of the
most txlranrdinury cures ever rffrcfeil by any
PintAi'Ki phi, Frbriiary in, lN.e
the eruption, frequently attended w ith vio'ent itch
ing; mv head swcl'ed at timrs until it fellas if it
would burst the swelling was so g eit. that I could
.carci ly get my hat on. During the long period
that I w as afflicted w iih the disease, I used a great
many a plication', (among them several celebrated
prep nation-) as w. II as taking inward remedies,
including a number nf bottles of Su-aim'a Vanaem.
I'rtrai t nf Sartiipnrilbi, Ac. In fact it would be
impossible to rrnuneia'e all thn medicines I used.
I was also under the care of two of the most dis
tinguished physicians of this city, hut without re
ceiving nv eh benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cored. In the fill of IRUfi, the disease ut the time
being very vio'ent, I commenced using the A'rwr"
Ointment, (prepared bv Vniiglnm iV Davis.) In
a few applications the violent itching erased, the
swelling aba'ed, the i rui'lioii began to disappear,
and before I had used ajar the di-ease was entirely
cuit'd. It has now been nearly a V" ar and a half
since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re
maining, except the scars from the Jeep pits formed
by the disease. It is impossible for mi to descril e
in a certificate the severity of the disease and my
sulli ring, but I will le pleased to give a fuller net-mint
to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on me. At the time I commenced
using the I! se Ointment I would have given huu
dreds of do'lars to be rid of tho disease. Since u
sing it. I have recommended it lo sever il persons,
(among them my mother, who had the disease bad
ly on bet aim,) who were a I cured bv it.
JAMF.S DUKN ELL, No. lSf., R ice St.
fj; The Itose Ointment is prepared by K. B,
Vaughan, S..11I1 East coiner of Third and Race
stie t', Philadelphia, and sold on aucnev in Snnhu
ry. bv H. B. MASSKK,
May 14th. IS 13. Aisent.
E(oc (tiiitmeiit, lor I'illtr.
a moor or its f.fficacy.
I'nii.nn.piii4, May 7lli, IS:J't.
L wjt
is to ceriily II n' I was severely allhcied
ith Teller in llie bands and fit for upwards
of tortv yeais ; the disease was attended gi nerally
with vio'ent itching and swelling. I applied to i
number of physicians, and used a great many nppli
ca ioi s without etVecliug a cure. About a y. ar
since, I applied the Kose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itch'tig.and a few applications immedi
ately cured the disease, w hich there has hi en no
return of, although I bad never In en rid of it at
any lime for li.ity years. lilt'll AKU SAVAGE,
Eh venlh, below Spruce Sirei t.
Cj' The Kose Oiiitinent is prepared by E. B.
Vaiikhau. S iuiIi East corner of Third and Pace
Streets, Philadelphia, and s- Id on auencv in Snnhu
ry bv I'. B. MASSEK,
Mav Mill. 1SJ3. Agent.
Of the HOSF. OITMi:T, for T-ttir. j
Al.TMOUtill the superiority ol 'he prepaia'ion j
over nil ntln rs is fully es'abli.-hed. ihe pr .pr e- j
tors lake pi, B-ure in laying before the public the j
following eef.ilica'e from a respectable physician, I
a graduate of ihe University of Pennst tvanis. Dr. .
Baiigb, having found in this teuicdy that relief f .r I
a tedii us and di-ngrceahlc uflcction w hich the means j
wiihin the range of I. is profession lailcl to afford,
has nut hesitated to give it his approbation, although j
the prejudices and interests of that profe-sion ate ;
. pposcd to scent lie medics. j
Pitinenrui , S. pt. I!), IHIfi. j
I was recently troubled w ith a tedious herpetic j
erupi'n n. w hii h c e td in arlv one si.'e nf my f.ce,
and ex'ended over the enr. Mr. iunjhnn. piopru - :
bl of the Kose I liolinei t, obseivmg my lacf, .111
led nil nil tiyilitt bis pti paratiotl of w hiclt he hall-
iled me a jar. A thomjll in eoiiiiiion wiih die mem- (
beis nf my profe-sioii, 1 discountenance mid disup- j
pn ve uf the nunicr. us nostrums palmed upon the i
put lie by k'nm mil pr. lender-, I feel in jus ice b. und
to flii pi the Kose Oiutmi lit tiori ihu' c'u-s of li:e
d elliis. hiiiI to ;ne it inv a loballoo. as it entire- :
ly tured the eruption, alihoiiuii it hid resisted the
usual applications. DAM. II A I 1 . 1 1 , M . 1 1. ,
tJjT The Kose Ointmer t is prepared by E. B. '
'utiibiin. South East comer nl Thud and I! ice :
Slrecls, Plinude'phij, and sold on ag. ncv in Silll
hnrv, ly II. B. MA-SEK,
May I -Ith, If V. Aaent.
Manufacturer ol" Wiifin mnl liiilclli- j
ble Ink, No. HNi North Third Street, six j
doors below ILlce, (east side,) j
I E PEC'I'FI LLY informs couniry men haiits
and o'ln is. ihui he con-t intly keeps on band
H large stock of bis supclier Black, Blue slid lied
Ink. mid also a superior quality of Imlellit Ie Ink
li s ink is put u in In tiles varying in siy.e,
1 lo 32 ounces, and will be sold on ruisonal le
leims. The ex.elent qoaluies of tins ink basso
thoroughly rslabli-bed us chtrnctei. that it is now
extensively used throughout ihu coiinrv.
. For tttle at the store of H. B. Massir, Sun
bury, pa. May 27it I $4:1. I v
AS ti.ken (he ollice lonneilv occupbd I v li e
Hon. I bailes ti. Donn. I, opposite the Court
House. Me will a't.'iul lo business in ibe Curls
ul Norihumbetluiid, Union and Columbia counties.
May 2(llh, 1 S-l :.
'drill rut .Sltit: I if, re,
ri4lIE Sidiscnber lespcctlullv minims his friend.
IL and the public in general, that he has taken
the above
la nar. AM) couuonioi s
I N T II E BOB O U ti II O F M UN 0 V,
and that he is now well prepare to accommodate
all who may favor him with llie.r custom.
Ids Slmi'Inu ArAUTMiXTS ure well ail el, and
His i'BLi itii Bau will aUyi be sipplnd
wiih ihe bent the matket can alhirtl.
His SriBLian, which is gotd, will la under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
lie feels confident, by strict attention to business,
and an earnest desire to render c tnfurtsble those
w ho may putrnniie him.ihut he w ill not fail In giro
general, lion. H. B. WLAYEIt.
Muncy, Oct. I.', 1 R4'J. if.
I 1 I 1 T7 I ii n ti 1 1' . ii n r. f t. n . Munrou nOlirlnl With
' ' ' ..1 intT i, ni ninnnmuv. v
Vl:. EEXLMA1T & CO.,
Commission & Forwarding Merchants,
Foot of Willnw Street Unit Road,
nx Ta uriAWARt.
T T A VINO associated vi'h thtm Joseph Bnrnet,
-liileof Kastnn, Ph., n spec-t fully inform their
place being conn cted
with nil the public improvements that Iiuvh their
outlet in thn ritv, they flatter themselves thev will
be able to do business to as great, if not g'en'ei ad
vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other
house, nod thev assure their friends that any ron-
signmeiits made to them shall have their sir ct at
tention, and no exertions spared to give rutin: satis
faction. They ore also prepared lo receive and forward
goods lo any point on the Delaware and Lehiiih
rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila-
tie l ina, via I'cluware Division ami l.etilgn Can il;
a'so, to any point on the Juniata river, or Nor h
and Wist Blanches of the Su-(iiehanna via Si-lniyl.
kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Wutei
For the accommodation of Boats coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Sie.mboat
will he kept expressly for towing bouts from the
Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which
will en .ble merchants to have their produce deli
vced on the Delaware, and their goods ghippid at
a saving ot 50 to 75 per cent, on the prices fir
hauling bcioss, with these advantages they re
spictfully solicit i share of pntronace.
V. JIlilliMAfl & CII
William Hcilman,
v 1 1 1 1 n ni . Kcyser
loseph Burnet. 3 Philad . May 1 t, 1H1H. ly
StuiH" iinil Toliacco Mantiractiireis,
A n. V!) .rlh Wi st corner of Hare and Third
rPnn umler-igiied have formed a Co-partnership
1 under the firm of .1. MAVLANI) .Ih. & Co..
as successors to the lute firm of Jurah .Matbnid
Co.. mid will c intiiiue the busme-s ul die old esta
blishment, on their own account. In addition to
'heir nun close attention and experience fot many
years, in Ihe manufacture of their celebrated snull-,
Ac, the long experience of ti e senior paitner of the
late firm, will ilo be devoted lo the interest of the
new concern and as no exertion and care will be
spared to insure their goods, at all tine s of the ve
ry best quality, they solicit a Continuance of the
confidence of the fiicnds and customers nf the late
lirm. THOM s ADAMS,
Philadelphia. May Uth, I Hi:l. ly
To 'inilrv
TIIK Subscriber, Agent of I. yon A Harris, Hat )
M inuf icturers. for N.w Vork, Philadelphia,!
H illimoie and other large cities, : I oso Huts n't j
highly commi nded I r gtmil coin and durability,
has o,i I and a lir-t rale is'eitm id of II A I'S and
(.'A 1'. suit n Ie for Sprrnp s des, w Ii i h w II t e sold
verv low, fot cash or anptoveil en d.t, at the nrted
elieap store. No. 40, North Th rd s'r'.-l, otpisi'e
the City Hotel, Phil i lelphla.
KlUllH'.T D. WILKINSON. Ae'it.
N. B. Huts in thermp, promptly
aitcnded to. Tha highest tics in fu..t )r trade
given f ir Fur iA-n..
Philidelphia, June II, I813.--ly
dU'txciuii 4'oiiiiiilsiKilon Mvvt hauls
I'or the Sale of Ftuur. drain, Sted, r iVc
II'KC I I I I.I. V inform their f. units an
he Merchants generally, I lint they have la
ken those large and commodious Wharv s, w ith t w o
Dot k, noitli of Chesnul strict, on the D. lawtre,
together with the store No. l!l South Wharves,
where ihey would lie pleased to receive consign
ments of (ira ti, Flout. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac,
Ac. Being also well prepared to forward nil kinds
nl Merchandise bv the Schuylkill and Union, or by
: 'he Chesapeake and Tide W ater Canals, ..s tow-
boats are kept expressly fot the purpose of lowing
' boats bv ei her route.
! Men bants will please be particular lo semi their
goods destined by eill er canal-, to No. Hi South
i Wh nvi s, between Market and Chcsnut streets, on
j the Delaware, w ith diieclions accompanying ihcin
which route ihev wish them to be sbinie.l.
i Qj' Piaster and Salt for sale, at tin- lowest mar- i
kit price. BOLTON A C' t.
i March 1 'I, IS 4.1. No. 1 i) South W halves, i
1 I ( Sll.
I l.tmihurit Street, llutlinioi e, l
HAVE constantly for sale. Printing P..per of al, j
, Niy.cs and ()ii.ihtii s, Cap Writing Paper, nihil
! ami plain. Litter Paper, white und blue, ruled and j
; plain, Hanging Paper, fine and coiiim .11, Envelope 1
; Paper, do. do. medium, douh'e crown, eiouu and
! exlissied Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and
, Loyal Pspe.s, Bonnet, Itui. lets' and Snaw Box
j Itoinds, Tissue Paper, und ull aiticles in ' heir line,
which they will sell on HCcoinmmla'iug terms.
Highest price given f .r old tags.
j March 19. ISM. Elklon. Md
!:17, .Vnri Third, above i'otlou hill St.,
OH N DUNCAN, late from the Penii-vlva
uia Ftrnnr, and Samuel Pike, jr., I ve of A-
mi rican Hotel, Columbus, I lino, take pleasure in ac
iiiuinling their friends and the public genrr.illv lb it
....j nave uiKco u,e large ami cou.mou.ou.
, L I. .i i i - I: I r .... I
ecuitly built bv the Messrs. Halt, on Ihe sane site
once oc upie.l by the old established Hotel known
'is the Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow.
hill St.
'Phis Hotel is finished in the very la st possible
manner, and of ihe best materials. Its locution is
very ih suable, particularly for country ineichanls ;
the aiiaiigemeiils for heating and ventilating iftch
room is .uch as to secure any temperature. The
bcdtoonisate all light and airy, all luiuished ina
neat style, so as to insuie ton. but.
Ti e receiving parlors are also fun i'.e.l in a su
perb sty Ie, the windows aie on Ihe Fiench style,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whiih
makes a pleasant recess. Piuticului attention has
been given to the beds and bidding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
r torn yea'.' experience in hotel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity tc. husinesi, lo make this
house a desirable stepping place. Our table will
always be supplied with ihe very best our market
can alford, and our bar with the best liquors and
wines of the most sppioved
P. S. There are first rate .Hiding nd carriage
houses attached to the hotel, minded by eaitful
and sober hosllers, and our charges will t low, in
accordance with the present hard litr.ts.
Philadelphia, Oct. h, I sti.
Business attended to in the ('otinties of Nor
lliuipl erlarid, Union. L coming and Columbia.
UtTer tot
Thovks Habt & Co., "
Lnwr.n A Binnosr,
Haat, CpMMtwns A Habt, l'h!lutf,
Kr.joLiis, McFabiasjii & Co.
SrrHtsn, Goon Ac ('o.,
b ug riLMii: u,
iN'o. O'J A'orri Third, above Arch Street
pH ARI.ES WEISS, late of the "White Swan,"
and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in
forms his friends and eus'oniers, that I e has become
Ihe proprietor of the abovj well known Hotel.
Cnuuiiy Meichauts will pud the above Hotel a
central location, and the best uf fare. Persons tra
veiling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling for horses, and Ihe bent of
ostleis. Boarding f 1 per day.
May 11th, 1812. if.
:n::n: cii? rni et. 9
Corner of Third rind Vine Streets,
wii.i.i.A.isronT, PA.
ri'fllE subscrihi'r respectfully announces to the
I. public, that be h is opened a Motel in the com
modious brick building situate on the corner of
I bird and Pine streets, where be will be happy to
wait upon those who may favor him with their
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and convent-
1 em, and furnished in the he t in "'cm stde. It is
provided with a large number of well aired and
comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private
j parlors, Ac. Pet sons visiting Williamsporl on bu-
siness ni p'ea-ure, mav rest us und that every ex.-
ertioii will be used lo render their sojourn at the
i "Eagle Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table
j w ill be supplied with the very 1" s the market af
fords, and his bar wiih 'he choicest winea and other
j liipiors i barges re sonahle. The Eagle Holt I
; possesses- greater advantages in point of location
than soy other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in Ihe business part of the town, nnd
wi'lon a convenient distance of the Court House
ami Wiihanisport and Elmira Bail lioml Depot.
Sufficient Siabhiig provided, and good und trusty
I ostlers always in attendance.
Attentive, hci oii.nioihiting and honest Servants
' have been t uirhieil. and Hull ing left undone that
j will add to the comfort and accommodation of his
i iiue-t-i.
! Tin re will be ii cairiag.- always in attendance at
'he Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the Mouse, fit e of charge.
Mav Mih. ISt2.if
'mirmmTf-T TTITT" ST TiTT
. anic e uiinpialleii tor c caning ami g.vitig a
1 I'.icfily durable and most brilliant pohsh to sil-
vi r. tierm: n Mhrr, Itr iss, t, upper. Urittania ware,
I'm, Sti 1 1, Cull. r , and for resioiii.g the lustrv on
varn, shed carriage-, Ac. I'lii' IP.
Prep ned an ' sold a' wholesa'e and ret.ii', by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
Tioga county, N. V.
l. FOKsVTH, Agent for Northum'd,
II. B. M ASMHi, Agent (or Sunbury.
November Jotli, IH Vi.
TEit liat'l Weaver V fii,
.Yn. l:l Surth Watte Streti. l'hi!uitjiia.
A V E cons'nntly on hand, a general nssort-
tin lit of Cordage, Seine I'w lues. A e., viz :
I ar'd Hopes, Fishing It.ipfs, While Popes, Manil
I a Popes, i'o.v Lines for C Boats. Also, a
complete a-soitment of S. ine Twines, Ac, such as'
Hemp SI. ml ami Mining Twine, Best Patent (iill
Xel Tw iue, Cotton Son, I and llening Twit e, Shoe
Threii Is, Ac. Ac. Also, Iled Cud-, Plough Lines,
II alters. Trace. Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains,
At. all ul which tl.ey will d.sposc ot on ii json.ihle
tei ins,
Phil.ide'phia, Novunl ei CI, I Vi, ly.
Sl'llIilNC, C(OD vv CO.
.. Ills Market Street, Pliilu.le!
aNVITE the attention of Country
to their exlensie u-sor.'meut ol Hr
oiintry Merchants
Intish French
and Anierican Diy (ioods, w inch tiiey oiler lor sale
'11 ll'.e in . t leas oli'ibli t run.
Plill.nlelphia, Novfinbrr LI. IS-PJ. ly.
J . W . S V A IN,
I'ltiln e!!a nml Parasnl Manufacturer.
So. :i A(ni "'I'll it flrrrt, lira dimrg It law tlit
Villi I loti I, I'hi hub Ijiiia,
COUNTKN Meichni.'is and others are solicited
lo examine his untoi nl before puich ismg
elsew here
Phila 'elphia. Novemler I f. ! 13. ly.
jo a.
7C?k G.LS.
ftlK sale a sum I Faun, c u liii trig about ure
fi'.i:oliel and tin acres, more or Ie-s, situ tie
in P. ii.t tow nship. N..r 'I n ml i rhiud Count . , about
two miles above Noithiimheil.ini, on the main
road leading from ih.t place to Danville, adjoiiuiig;
lun.L ot John l.egliou, Jesse C. II011..11 and others .
now in the occupancy of Sarnm I Payne. Ai nu
forty acres of said trad are clean d, and in goo
slat.' of cu tivation, on which ll ere is a small ban
crech d. The property will be sold nn n asonabl
teims. For further particulars, peiaous are request
ed to apply to ti e u cril. r.
H. B. MASS2K, Agen',
Nov. 27rh, 112. if Sunbury. Pa
niH silk hi
Ni'JION'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier't
.1... ,.,M,...,ll,-U .1. t'.,l,l flO.ll.ll Ull.l
e ................... n . ......
,;, . All,I)(1,; Anihoii. Crammer;
Anlheu's Ciceio; Man's Laiiu lieadet; Otitis' sdo.:
Aiubew's Latin Lessons; Dounegan's Lexicon;
Pisk's (ire. k f'.xeiciees; Davies's Legendeil (iracca
Majora; Adams's Itoinaii Antiquities; Pinnock's
(ioidsiiiith's England; do. (ireece; L ell's Elements
nl (ieolngy; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Eli incuts of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Purler's Khtlorical Kca
dcrs; I'oii rson's (ieography and History; Oluey'i
do.; Parley's do.; Smith', (iratiimei: Kitkham's do.;
Kay's b'; ('obi's do.; Cobb's A ritbinetick;
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa
mily Library; Cottage Bible; Family do; Collater
al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Paikei's Ex
eicise. on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's
Saint's Best; American Revolution; Manyatt's No
vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to
Murray's (rammer. Sequel to Comity's Spelling
Book; American Class Be ok; Daholl't Schoolmas
ter's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac,
August 28, 1843.