eign and domestic. The wants of the public ser vice are mntlc known to you ; and matters of no ordinary importance are urged upon your consi deration. Shall it not be permitted to congratu late you on the happy auspices under which you have assembled, and at the important change in the condition of things which has occurred in the last three years? During that period questions with foreign powers of vital importance to the peace of our country, have been nettled and ad justed. A desolating and waiting war, with sa vage tribes has been brought to a close. The in ternal tranquility of the country, threatened by agitating questions, has been preserved. The credit of the Government, which had experienced a temporary embarrassment, has been thoroughly restored. Its coffers, which, for a season, were empty, have been replenished. A cunency, nearly uniform in its value, has takpn the place of one depreciated and almost worthless. Commerce a m1 manufactures, which had suf fered in common with every other interest, have once more revived; and the whole country exhi bits an aspect of prosperity and happiness. Trade and barter, no longer governed by a wild ami speculative mania, rests upon a solid and sub stantial footing ; and the rapid growth of our ci ties, in every direction, bespeaks most strongly the favorable circumstances by which we are sur rounded. My happim-ss, in the retirement which shortly awaits me, is the ardent hope which I experience, that this state of prosperity is nei ther deceptive nor destined to be short lived, and that measures which have not yet received its sanction, but which I cannot but regard as close ly connected with the honor, tin glory, and still more enlarged prosperity of the country, arede- ( suneu, ai an cany nay, 10 receive me approval ol Congress. I'nder those circumstances, and with these an ticipations, I shall most gladly leave to others, more able than myself, the noble and pleasing task of sustaining the public prosperity. I shall carry with me into retirement the gratifying re- flection that, as my sole object throughout has been to advance the public good. I may not cn tirely have failed in accomplishing it : and this ' gratification heightened, in no small degree, by j -I L .1 I I I l I " I the fact, that when, ci. Him nni'n, under a nappy anil aim ng , , 1 ! . ..- nl if IT V. I have friunil mti rntif raninil tn sense resort to the qualified veto, it has neither been . J ... . r7 . . . followed by disapproval on the part ol the peo ple, nor weakened, in any degree, their attach ment tu that great conservative feature of our Government. JOHN TVLER. Washington, December, 111. An Infihri. Comuixitv Organised. We have received several copies of a strange journal issued at Mottv ille. Onondaga county. New York, by a new social organization, who call them selves the 'Skeneatles Community.' Tl r i i ' 1 Ins singular community is founded on open i ..i ..,., I :..f. i i . ' i . . and avowed infidel principles opposit ion to 'U.:.f- i n ,i i- .i ' t hnst -mitv and nil ntlior rolnnona nr thnv . look upon Christ and Moses as on the same level with Mahomet ami Huddah. They muster near ly one hundred persons of both sexes occupy ing and cultivating a farm of several hundred a- ?res, situated on the shores of the lovely lake of ! dag., county. New York - ! Skeneatles, in Onondaga county They publish a weekly journal, called the Com vrvrnsT, in which appear all their views, doc trines, ami movements. This community had its origin in the efforts of .John A Collins, who is a believer in this new sys tem of socialism, derived partly from Fourier ami other socialists of Kurope. These people "orm an isolated community among themselves. They marry, ami are given in marriage but only as long as they see lit they have all pro perty in common ami express, openly, every o pinion in religion, or philosophy, that they be- ieve to he true. This is truly infidelity in a state of organiza tion ami, during the next few years, many new theories, and new movements will be attempted nil over the country. Mnrnnuiism and Miller- rn are too ignorant, and too vulgar for the limes. The Skeneatles formation is the most startling of all .V. V. Ilnald. A Panther kh.i.eu hv a Girl. The I.a j range (Texas) paper, gives the following inci- lent which occurred near Douglass, Nacogdoches county : j A panther came into a house in which there j vas no person hut a young lady and her little jrother. The young lady b-ing very busy at- j ten, ling to her little household affairs, did not see I he panther until he ha I got entirely into the fiouse, but so soon as she discovered him she ; seized hold of him and called to her little bro- j ther to bring her the axe. After waiting come j ime for this weapon, still holding on to the pan- 1 :ber, the young lady then told her brother to ;ring her a smoothing iron, with which she soon succeeded ill putting the intruder to death. The screams, during the encounter of the heroine were heard by some of the neighbors, who went immediately to learn the cause, but when they arrived, they fuund her the conqueror, and riewing with much composure the lifeless body 'f her frightful intruder. J Value; of Nbwkp.wkuh. A thousand times, ays the .Macclesfield Courier, have wc heard his question and answer: Two gentlemen ' nect "What's the news !" pays one, "Nothing nit what you see in the papers'." They pass .n about their business. I Ins it ever been no ticed that among the thousand benefit of a lewspaper, not the least is, that it dues away at once with little-tattle gossip, street yarn, biol ish exaggeration, sciindul, and news-niongering which (Mice took up so much of the time of those who were always hearing' or Icllinn; some new thin". One real evil ol sooiul life is thus end ed. The man rises in the iiKirninir, looks over he paper, and is satisfied that lie know all worth knowing of the pattiur history of the world, lie has notliini; to tell and nothiur to hoar farther, lie dues not spend his time in gi ving information which his neighbor knows as well as himself. Me is not annoyed in the in ids', of his business or pleasure by the recital of affairs in which he takes no interest. The eame with women. Curiosity is gratified with out the loss of time. The scandal of the day hat not employed a hundred bury meddling tongues in its circulation and exaggeration. Conversation takes a higher tone. Principles of morals and taste are discussed; the new pcoin, tli j last biiok, the magazine, or the re view, becomes the subjects of conversation. E ven to the minor matters of hlV, society owes a large lit lit to the newspaper. THE AMERICAN. Saturday, Itce. 7, 1844. 1. . I'.lh.riEll, Esq., at Ms Heat A. late and Coal OIKee, ,W. 59 Vine Street, I'hl liulcljihia, f authorised to net at .Igent, ard reerijtt for alt moult due this office, for itb tierlilion or advertising, .lino, at kit Oiriee.Vb. ICO .V(i-n Street, SHir IV. C7" In consequence of the absence of the edi tor, this week, and the arrival of the President's Message, we have not furnished our readers with the usual amount of editorial. Oar readers will, however, find some useful and interesting matter in our selections. K7 Tiif. ritr.sniKNi's Mkssakk. The Mes sage of President Tyler, which will be found in this paper, was delivered to Congress on Tues day last, at noon, ami arrived here on Thursday morning. The paper is a well written one, and of a moderate length, so that we may fairly re commend it to the perusal of our readers. It is of a generally interesting nature, and well worth the trouble of a careful examination. For want of room, we have given a short synopsis of that part referring to our relations with the various ' r iini.ni. foreign powers. The President alludes very 1 ' I I l -. . 1 - ...I 'At handsomely to the quietude which lias character ized the election of a new ruler, and the beauti ful contrast it presents to the world of the stabil ity and excellence of our republican institutions. He urges the re-Annexatinn of Texas as a mea sure not only demanded by a wise policy, but by the will of the people. A reduction of the rates J of postage is recommended. The settlement of ' the Oregon Territory is also advised. The cs- ! tablisment of a line of steamships to carry the I :i l... .1 - i t - until nn wt-ni mis cnuiiiiv .inn r.inuiie is suurs- 1 ted. The flattering condition of the Treasury is ' eulogised fcc. But we refer our readers to the ' Message itself. d7 We have made arrangements to furnish our readers with the latest intelligence from Wasni,,-,,on an'' "risburg, this winter. The P""1""" "f foliar,-", however, have I n j crowded out this week. 1 he sessions of both Ie 1 gislatures will be of great interest. C7 Ii.i.i mixation. The Democracy of Nor thumberland had asnlmdid illumination on Sa turday evening last. Northumberland and Point have stood firmly in the Democratic ranks, not withstanding the galling to which they are ex posed from the ranks of the opposition. C7"Tiie Roi.i.iNii Mill. The Danville Intel ligencer of lust week, in speaking of the Rolling Mill under construction in that place, says: 'The late cold weather retards the work at the I rolling-mill, as the mason-woi k of the foundation ' is not yet quite completed but the work is still i progressing, and it will be soon ready for the frame and roof. The proprietors of this Mam moth improvement are lay ing out large sums of money in its construction and fixtures, for ma king railroad iron." CT7" Tensksskk Ornci.ir.. The Nashville Rainier of the 2.'d instant contains the official re turns of the flection in Tennessee, from which it appears that Mr. Clay received lill.O.Ill votes and Mr. Polk M.'.M 7 Clay's majority 1 Kl. IVexv Coimf erfrlK. Hank, I.i.imnkn, Pa. e, with a child, reapers, Leh.WiiV rutte, lenial .1 s. .c. Vig Ou right cud, female with bonk. Left end statue of Washington in a sitting posture. Id's. Vignette, Declaration of Independence. Right end, Pat. Lyon at his forge. On left, sai lor holding the American llag. 20's. Vignette, Pat Lyon at his forge, railroad cars in the distance. On the right cn I, cattle, on left, train of cars. All engraved by underwood, ltald, Spencer f Unity, Philadelphia, and Danlorlh, I'udei wood it Co., New Yui k. The Twentv-mmii Com;iikv. There will be no further elections for members of the next Congress until next spring. Fifteen States have already chosen their representatives, with the following political result : "si Democrats, l Whigs, 0 American Republicans. There are six vacancies. Maine 1, Vermont 1, and Massachu- j tu 1. j Senator Kenton, it is said, has already nomi nated Silas Wan.iir for the Presidency in IMS. Important To the Military. Volunteer companies of tlilH-rt nt uniform may be Inspected but cannot draw their aims and accoutrements from the State. The subject has been legally re ferred to Horace llinuey and George .M. Dallas, who decided the act of'assembly positively de mands that Volunteer Corps must be uniformed agreeably to the regulations of the t'nited Slates Army to entitle them to arms and accoutrements from the State. An Important Case Dixiiikd A suit has been pending for some time in the County Court at Shaneetown, III., for the recovery of sixty negroes, manumitted in that State seventeen years ago. The suit went against the plaintitl's, and t wenty-eieht of the negroes who had been confined in jail, were set at liberty. A Mr. r.nierson, of Maiden, now in his both year, has within the past year made hjl pairs of shoes, and from present appearances may make 1 'JUU pairs iu the present year. Postaok Reform. It will be most acceptable news, toom readers generally, to know that light on this important subject has at length penetrat ed the darkest inner recesses of the Post-office Department. The New York Tribune says We have authority in which we confide for stating, that Postmaster General AVicklifTe? will next week recommend to Congress a reduction of the rates of Postage to five cents for all dis tances under five hundred miles, and ten cents for all greater distances. There can be no doubt that Congress will readily concur, though t he Post Office Committee of the House will inter pose every obstacle in its power. This is a great step toward the right. There ought to be a still lower rate for shorter dis tances, but let us take this and then ask for more. Of course the Franking Privilege goes overboard, if there is any idea of making the Department sustain itself. Cheap Pustaue. The New York American states that the penny system of postage in I'.ng land is now uniform, and the enormous conse quent increase of letters is exhibited by the fact, that whereas in 1S,'!S the total number of letters was 7o millions, it was in IS II O.'IO millions ! producing a gross revenue of .C1,G20.0I0, cr a bnut eight millions of dollars! The editor then propounds thequestion-Whcn shall weseo in this Government of and for the people a likewise provision for the people's benefit? Nowhere more than in the IT. States would correspondence be multiplied, if postages were cheap as now they are in F.ncland. Put to bring this about the franking privilege must be abolished, and there is the rub; for they who now enjoy it, the members of Congress, are to make the laws that will curtail their own priviliges ; and lor that they lack the requisite patriotism. Rlowi.nh Is. While w? notice in our ex change papers, rumors of the suspension of iron works in other places, in consequence of the re sult of the late election, it affords us pleasure to remark that in this quarter, the Danville Fur nace, after having undergone thorough repairs in her hearth, engine, and hot blast fixtures, was blown in on Monday last, by Mr. llenjamin Perry, in his usual successful style. The furnace ''scaf folded" before she was thoroughly heated, but the skill of Mr. Perry, aided by the great power of the engine as now fixed, soon righted her, and she is now doing well. This makes four An thracite Furnaces now in blast at this place, and the Liberty Furnace six miles west, and the Roaring Creek Furnace five miles east of Dan vill, are also in blast, using Anthracite coal. There are several charcoal furnaces also in blast in Columbia county lhmvWe Intelligencer, Guv. Drew, of Arkansas, was inaugurated on the Oth lilt. Tventy-MTn guns were fired twenty-six for the States, and one for Texas. The Governor, in the course of his address, spoke as follows of Texas : 'Texas is not wanting in general intelligence, J courage, and untiring disposition to sustain a Re- I publican form of Government. Nor, isshedes- titute of statesmen, who are able to discern not ! the defects in her institutions but the superior I structure of ours, based as they are upon that di- vision of political power, of the advantages of which she can avail herself alone by annexation , So truly do I regard her as a sister state, and so certain do I consider her speedy incorporation into our t'uion, that I can never omit her in my ; estimates of the future greatness anil glory of the Tinted States.-' j A Pr.noMoriVE Machine, says the Philadelphia i Ledger, has been invented in Fglannd by the I engineer of the Hatcham iron works. It weighs I aiimil I w o luiiiilieil and seventy poumts, and is manufactured almost entirely of wrought iron. It carries four or six persons, two of whom pro pel it by treadles, applied on a new and advan tageous principle. Its greatest speed lor a short distance is at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour ; its average rate is fiften miles per hour, carrying in both cases four passengers. Its u tility on aline of railway, remarks a London paper, requires no comment, as without the slightest delay, one man can convey a message from station to station, at a far greater speed than a horse express, and should there be any fear of its e ncouutf ring a train, it can be lilted up from, and replaced on, the tiaiiiway with as much case as a sedan chair. Tit Klrrtnml Voir. The following table presents the electoral vote of the States as it was previous to IS IDaiel since that year, and also the vote given by the several States to the dili'erent candidates tor the Presi dency in lsrtii, 1M0 and 111; ls:$G isio is I I x v y ; STATES. E H f h ' 1 1 t r 7 r i . Pennsylvania, ,'UI ;tll .'III 'Jo -.'il ohm, vi a 1 at a: 1 a't I New Hampshire ' ' ' i (1 Connecticut, y. s. s. ti (i Virginia, a.'l 21 -' 17 17 Georgia, tl II 11 in 111 Mississippi, 4 1 I ti ti Kenluiky, l.'i lri lo ia Indiana, !' '.I ;i 13 1.' Illinois, :, o o 'j i Missouri, I I II 7 7 : Michigan, ,'l .'I :i .'1 .r, Aikansas, :i :i :i :t :: New Yotk, la ta ta nr. :u New Jersey, s s 7 7 l.ouisian, fi 7 ti ! Tennessee, 1.1 r l.'i l' yi Rhode tslaliil, 1 4 I 1 Massachusetts, II It 1 I la la Maine, HI 10 111 i ij Maryland, 111 1 11 to k s Alabama, 7 7 V u y ! Vermont, 7 7 7 ti ti j Delaware, .'i :i :i .1 i North Carolina, 1' Ij l.'i II 11 South Carolina, II llll l i aiM no iai r.o 'n!a76 i7uni i I I'i 171 lij Hai rison's J'olk's 1S1U, HAI.TIMOHE M A ft K tTt Office of the Baltimore Amkhicak, Dec. 2. GRAIN. We continue to quote Wheat nt 8S a 03 cents for good to strictly prime reds, and at 75 a 88 cents for inferior to good. Sales of new dun to-dny at 39 a 40 cents for white, and 41 els for yellow. We quote Rye at C7 cents. Oats are worth 25 a 20 cents. WHISKEY. Sites of Ibis, on SVurdny and to-day at 24 cents, and of hhds. at 23 j ccnis. Lints on I)n. Hn ANimr.TH's Pills, He came Torn afar. Id the land of the brave, To cute our diseases, and snatch fiom ihe grave. Long, long haJ Columbia her suff ring sons mour ned, Kut now she rej iicc, for hcabh has returned. What prize bIibII we a,v; oi what honor b stow 1 With what wreath shall we deck the Phll.inthro pints brow 1 Thy nnnie, Dr. lirntidrrlli, ' iusc i! e l on our souls, And thy fame shall extend from the line to the p'lcs; llcwaie of all Druggists, who flrivc to deceive The'r iniMerulde iini'nti.ms can mver re i ve ; The. Audits advertised, sell the genuine Pills, M l,;. K .... .a f.... ik.. I..l., il... . ... l !i. .! . 3 "" . , a . ! 0J- I urchase of H. II. Mas,.,, Sunhury, or of ; ihe audits, published in another part of this paper. i I .W .1 IS H t K It, I n.. ti i i... oi .. ..i. i... ik. n.... i .i... ' I Ml I lllll1ll.IV. Mil' 1AL llll.. UV UK! 1 1 ' ' V . 1 1 1 1 1 : 1". IllldSOIl, MT. llARMAN l.EARIIART. Ill .MISS Mary Lattmiorf, daughter of Maj. Win. G. Scott, of Rushville, Northumberland county. 1MIICK CUKKI'.NT. Corrected weekly ly Henry Ynjctheimcr. Whkat, .... H5 Rrs, 50 Co, 4(1 Oats, ...... 25 Pork, ...... 5 FLAxsrrn, ... . inp, lll'TTF.n, 12 Dkf.swax, .... 2fi Tallow, .... to Drif.ii ArrLv.s, - 75 Do. Pkaches, . 200 Flax, ... .8 Hecklkh Flax, - 10 Eons, .... .7 Lost ! ! s SOMEWHERE between the residence of the snh-rrilfr. in I'll li nil que lotvuship, Noilh- uinh -ilaod eountv , and the borough of Snuluiiy, on Tuesdav, the 12th insi., a small I'oem e IJouk, ! containing a note of band from Tohias Rh mcit and John Murray to suhsciiher, a the a.bnini-tr.ilor of Phoin is Murruv, dated in .latin irv, IS2II ; ami another nie of hand 11 same, lor flH. dated 111 ISIO; a Mit puni for witnessese-, and a live do!- lar bill on the lluik of Noithumli. rlaiid The finder, by returning it, will U' suitah v rewarded; or by leaving the piper at ihe Post Ollice, Sui.hu- rv, or forwarding them I.i the tut scuher. ninv keep the five dollar bill. JAMES F. MI'RRAY Cll'lisqilaque, .Nov. 30h. ISlI if Surgeon ami .ll li;ini a ESFF.CTFI I.LY oilers his profess onal -ei--l vices to Ihe Ladies and Geuib men of Surilni v ami iis vicinity. He is piepared to .ipeml lo every thing in Ihe line of DenUMry. His work will be a, mined equal lo any done in Philadelphia or elsewhere. Persons desirolH of procuiiug Wiioi.i: ski s of TEETH, would do will lo sive hun a call, n nun h nine and etH iisc might le saved by hamg their Wi lli done at home. rrj" Rcsidei.ce, lor u short lime. t .l-ho Hi use's 11. .1.1. Nv. 3d, sUt.;t LIST OF JURORS OF Norihumberland Coi.i ly, for January Term, A. D. 1 H I .". r:i ml .lni'or. Turhul. I-aae Dtlnkle. I iflmrare. Win It 1 1 w in, J.'hn Heard, Abra l.ani Siamer. Milton. Lewis E Evaia. II J Eckheil. Cliil.sijttaipte. Joseph Fordcsinin Surthumlit rliind. .1 Yoiiiigiiiau, Iti'nj lleiu. Augiiftn Henry Main It, mr. Sniiuoliin. J. I111 H.1II1111111. James Y-xu.n. Isaac Ks-, W111 Rutin fniel. Jacob Ar'er. 1 p'ir Mahoitoy. G.deoii Adam, Solomon Folk. SbhhicI ctiM. lAiu-tr ,Mahonoij. Jonathan Dockey, Ho is, Andrew Deity, J Cob Snider, jc Itycr'y, J-I01 liowiiian, jr. Travcr .Juror. 'I'mhut. John I'oi, Geoige , Elijah l.i wis. Adam Schuyler, J icoh Hun- . Ui. Ihloware. J ,mes K atbc r, John Hiule, Isaac Vincent, John peg. Imi 1. Daniel Nicholas. M Htm Michael Kramer Chilisipiaqui . Thomas llulh 11, John Heller, Win tl.11ub.11l, Rolieit Lyon, E.lw ir.l lliioy. I'oini. John Pfou z, Albui New bciy, jr., Wm Dentli r. Sorthumherhind, Win H Wapples. Sunhuri. Limes llu.-lcd, John II b 111:111, Geo II V. u gman. Augusta. Jacob l!ho,l, Cba les R bb , -l is I. Vile, P11. bp G ml. AoiIica K uli iiuin, IVlei Vmidliiig, Grume ilei, .1 hn Vonlv. Stiaoiokil. - Mifjan Hnu'ies, J ho Hull', Pur. linn K rurwoi'b, John K ('unplal1. yni Geoige A P xon, llenj .mm Maihnis, J icoli Snider, Alex uidcr Cainpl e'l. Cool. I lav i.i Tbom, 1011. Mn hail Deik, srr. Ipprr Miiii.-G..re Haas. lionr MahtoHoj. llii-h Kniible. John Mi. lier. snr Henry xx 1 a-l. J.trkum llaniel llobner, jr., John Kiehl. Hen ry L Uha, llenjaiiiiu lleiu, Jacob W e ser.ji. Vv lit .liirorw. Turf'Ul. J nie Armslrinig, .i ll' . John K'app. Delaware. Jacob Dubler. mn,. f.V.nee P..X Simuel Dc union I, David T Mack' y, Jared Ir- vine. M ltoti. Isaac ll usil, Henry Wilhi tin, Geoige Eiien, Michael sihoem.,t.er. ChilstaoijU,'. Ptnuuas All. il, James Joidan, Aiidrew P. II. r, jr. Point Daniel ankirk. j Am A 11 wifVrilii.. A I11 al. am Hollopelcr, Jacob R titer, 1 Stinloiri t;;. rules Weaver, Peter W Giav. Augusta l.ic.'li Evert. Joseph l.yile, KoIh II G Pursel, J icoli lb wilt, '1'hoiu is Woll. jr. liufli. J one j h Patten, Aleiandei Mooie, Cam per Reed, la oil l.'ecd, jr. .i'r MuhoHoy. David Dunkleherger. ., ..( I "hai'ct Rol'ii ruiel. Mi, hat I ('tea. in gel, Peter P.i.ie-, Pi u r licrd, J c,.b Hohner. Nv. dll h, 1. II. FIFTY DOMjAUS 11KWAHD! CANTRELL'S Celebrated Family Medicine WILL not cure evrry thing, but slill remsin unequalled in thrir several departments by every ihing ever offered to Ihe public, who have voluntury came forward and nlTercd numerous and highly nspcctahle testimonials of their superior i llieicv. Cant re W s Compound Mcillented $ynip of Sar npnrilla f or, Anti-Scorbutic Syrup, for Ihe cure of Seorfuls, Chronic Kheu.n ilism, Chronic Swel lings of the Joints, Eruption of Ihe Skin, and all Disea-es aiising from the aluine of Mercury, Vc., unsurpassed by any thing in the maiket, combi ning all the. virtues resident in the Sarsnparilla with a modern medicament, only lately brought out by ihe most respectable medical authorities. Price, fill cents prr bottle. Cnntrcl'ii .iiili-Pispciitif Painter, for the re lief a id permanent cure nf th d most distressing complaint, Dysprpsii, in atl its forms and stages, j Il is ttuly mo't valuable remedy at 25 and Ml cents each. Sild in bottles Canlrdl'i ,7''ii M'xturc and Tonic Netllnv nicntn, st mils at the head nf Ihe list unrivalled by ' my, or all the mnunicratde medicines in ue 'hieughout the length and bread h of the bind, for the core of Fkvf.ii mid Aui'K in all its stages, and from Hit its consequences. Resident in Fever and Ague districts should never be without it. , ...:u e..r..:. imv i-v nnl TMJ II It' FUl'SC I ft I Will ,1, !. . 1 ,v()(,r m,.,iirin0 ,lliU , ,,r,form , curc in t1P most o'mtina'c cnc. S , Vho'c:.lr and Retail bv CALEB CRKS. SON. a! bis Dmu Warehouse, No. 6 North Third Street. Pluliiileleliin : also, bv ihe rrcui irlv no- . ..inteil auent. SE I II W. ROMERTS, Wholesale Druucist, No. fit Water Street, Mobile. I'n p ireil nr.lv bv the SuliKcnber, corner of CAR I ENTER and SECOND Si reels, below Christi ao. Philadelphia, where il is also retailed. Oi serve, none arc genuine without the sianature ,.f JOHN A. CANTRELL. C'smf i-cU'.x (cue Mlxfiir?, or Tonic MfilH'iiim'iitu, For the cure of all I,'ihia affections, if taken ac eordinif to directions. It is a never failing remedy which no family iugh' to be without, especially in low marshy countries. As this medicine is put up under the proprie tor's immediate inspection on Ihe most scientific principles, lcing Pur. Iy Vegetable, and having tried its cllic.icy on thousands, for upwards of 12 years, and to his knowledge when taken strictly ac conlina to diicclions, there his not been one fadure. I'nder such circum-tanecs I recommend il lo Ihe public, adding a ccrlifn ati in support of my asser tion. I, John Uurn, do reilifv that I was in the ship Tiilncro IMuiit of Philadel hia, Cnpt. Reed, in June, 1SV.7, hound to Liverpool ; took Ihe fever and mine ami laid in Liverpool some time under the iloc'oi's hands, went fiom there to llaltimorr, lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks from thence to Philadelphia; was six months under Dr. I'ohih- from tin nre lo New Yi-rk went lo ll.e j ii,,,,,,,,!, i,minid there about four weeks without : Hlt r.,r 1 1 every thing without anv benefit, I f,,r' f1Vl, v,,ars, He.ui'tig of Cantrvll's Ague Mix i ,U,P ( f,ie, il, I went to his store, told him i i,w w V, J. and got a bottle of his mixture m,., B(.rr.ill? to directions. It made a s r- li-ct cure, and I have lint had the least return since. I do w ith confidence teconirneinl jt to the public. JOHN ULRNS. .llc1U ali-il Ss i up ol Sai sapaiilla. Ph.lid. Iphia, April 10th, I St I. Mr. John A. C in i 11 h i , D. iir ir, Having be. ti nl'lic'ed for upwards nf two ear w.th ulciation ol the throat, destroying ihe whole i f be soli p .lite, then llnough the uper part . f 111 v mouth into mv nose, Irom which seier- ; l pieces of boi.e came out, which partially dci-troy. j cd my speech, throuch a km I Providence and your j Meilicaied fwnp ol .irs p ut.l 1, 1 am now eloreil to peif.cl bejlih.aiiil mv siuht,wh;ch was so much impair d. is as ir.uig as vheiia boy. I thoui-ht it a duty I owed In you and those simis l.irly alfecl. d, to nuke it public. YeUIS, R' spec I 1 1 1 v . SAMI'EI. KIRK, Comer of Tenth and Couics Sttccl. I, Ga' ril Jonstoii, No. (i Iveckless Sired, do ccr I f that my wife, Jane, was ulllictcd for two years wiih Rheumi'i-in, and nt la-t was entirely di-aMed, so thai she was obliged to he confined to hi d ; hear ing i f Cant'ell's Mei'icated Syiup of Sat iparilla, i or Ami Scoil'U'ic Svrup, I priMured four hottlis. . which Completely removed all her pailK and stitl- ins- irom lier mill's; iwo r Homes mane a per- coiislruclion, Ibat it cannot ml out ol order. It tect cure. Sbe is now able lo aitend 10 her house- J eoutaiin no iron to iut, and 110 rpiingsor rollers lo hold dmiiH as uU4l. G M1RJL JONS l'lN. CPt nt f repair. It will do twice as much w.-h-Philudelphi., Jan. 22.1, 1HI-I. ini;, with less than half the wear ami tear of any of (j y lie cripiive Pamplihts may be bad of the aueula. (Gratis.) J. W. FRILING, Sunbuiv, Nov. , I "Ml. Iy .tgint. lXotiro. nlll' I'iisl Prisbvteiiju Church of Noithuin- berland will open Iheir new house of worship. (it 1 roM.l. nee permit.) 011 I lie second sannutR 01 nil mouth, Iteeiinber Sth. Preaching by the Rev. Joel Parke', D. D , of Philadelphia. Hell gions seivices w ill t'e coii'inued duiing the wcik ensuing the lle.bcai 1011. Sseveral ministers are ex- i-ected to aid in con liicting the reectn 1 n.'' Concreg.iiion extend a cordi .1 invitation 10 their liiei.U in the Mciuily lo un.lc willi them oil the cca-ioii. Norihuinberland, Nov. 2.1, IfM. ; oii:e l.olSlial'si IMale. HOTtrl' i to y gitui ihal lifers of admin Istr-jiioli ,iae been Kianted . ihe sulocnU'r, 00 tl'e si tie of ( ore Goilshtl, dcc'il. Ail per- . 11K n,,t,t , , , ,ia e. . r li iving claims aa iinsl ihe ni.e. me 1. qm -1. d 10 csl on iho suhn-lilarl t ,! kH,,. ,u. ,allll. witlntut .1. lav. j HMDIEEER ' t . . v.... 01 1.11 1.1 Adui'r. I nv. l ollimr j H.S r-iv ve I the recent style iT Eashionable Pall Mill lor v, and will make up Hounds of all kinds in Ihe late-t stvle. She has also for s-ile a v riety of choice anil les such us Calicoes, Cloves, ' Ribbons. 1. 1 lie.' Cra'uls, Ar., i-nd iiecttiilly re- , j 1" I lest her customers mnl o'hers to call uud see. Sunt u v. Nov !Hh, IHM. ;ti 1 ! .lollll l'.x' ',t IMall', WTIVI'Il.'E is hereby given tint letters of ad- j niiioslr lion hive been r,.nt.d lo the sut- , ,.nl.r, n the estate of John Eveit. of Miamokin lownslnp. d c'd. All pcisons nobbled or hating chinns aaiiist said estate, are requested lo call on ihe ruhsciilfi f'l sett I. in, ill. on or la-fote Ihe li si day nf December in xl. JOHN EV ERT. jr. Miaoiokin, Nov. It, Hi Adui'r. LASS. by 1(1, Ut quali y, xH Cut Nil, kit tes, Sail, by Ihe rack mid banel, II its and Cap-, ol bc l est .pialily. All f'l sale al If lined pr c. by Cunbui i, Oct. ati, lM. II. U. M Ao Elf. r.f;i:TAiti.r. c oipoim, ron tiik craa or I) Y S V E PS 1 A. THH Medicine is offered to the public gener ally, from a full conviction thai it is superior to any other medicine now in use, fur the cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility of Uodily Weakness, &e. Its cflVcis have been tested in a private practice of neir eight years, and it is now more extensively circulated, nt ihe solicitude of many who have re ceivej the mot signal benefit from the ue of it. The following is one among a number of certifi cates received in lc-1 j'.ioii to the success of this me dicine: LuscASTr.n Co. March 18. Da. Gr.oani; W. Aur., Dear Sir . r Il is with grrat pleasure that I in form you of ihe success attending your Dyspeptic. Medicine, while employed in mv practice. From past experience, 1 firmly believe that in eight cases mil oi icn.tne liyspepuc, ny ine use oi your meui line, may emir, iy rid himself of this thorn in the. i pathway of life: not only in dyspeptic cases, but in all cises of constipation, and diseases depending on a uit'ilitn'eil stato of ihe nervous system, tope- ihcr with a toipui st itc of the bowels, will your r.- lixir be found of inestimable value. Numerous in stances wherein the usefulness of the medicine has been realised, may I foiwarded, if required. I w ish ynu grrat success and recommend the medi cine to the sulU'ring part of mankind. Youts, with great respect, ROBERT AGNEW, M. D. ry For sale at the store of II. II. Masscr, agent for the proprietor, S'unbury, Pa, October 2tiih, tall. iy T1Q e"tH NEW GOODS. riIHE sabscriher has just received from Philadel L phia a fresh supply of IVew Goons, consisting in part, of Mnuslin helainet, Crape Ihlaintr, Cashmere de K.wr Shawl., Hundktreheifx, AC Also, Hearer and S k Hals, a good assoitmcnt of Men'i and Roys' Cops, Groceries, Liquors, Salt, vr. Ac, all of which will be sold at the most reasonable terms. Stone Jars anil Ju;, cheap. H. li. MASSER. Sutibury, Oct. 5ih, ISM. TiV ""AGS Salt, lw 100 Barrels do., at fl 75 cash, f r salo by U.HENDRICKS. Sunbury.Oct. lath, ISM. miUStsELS, INGRAIN AMI VENETIAN C a r p c t i n s . JO ST. 1 II II Li( KWOOI), An. 1 1 1 Cht stint Street, Cormr Franklin Siunrt. I'llll.AhF.LrilFA. HAS just received and is now opening a very extensive and beautiful assortment of CAli I'Fl'lXd'S. The goods are fresh, and of new styles, and being purchased principally for Cash, they will be sold at the lowest prices; they consist in pari, of Splendid H. usee's. CARPET- beautiful impetial 3ply, I INGS, Super Extra Ingrain, Colors war- 3-1, 4 '1, 5 8 Twilled Venetian, I ranted Plain do. J hUUAM.E A l.irgo stock of well seasoned OIL CLOTHS if all width, Reus, Hin in ins, &c , toijether with an extensive assortment of Ltov priced Carpetings of all de-cripti.ms. Cj' Purchasers ate n quested to call and see n, when they will find an extensive arsottnieut at the most reasonable prices. Philadelphia. Oct. 0 II I MM. A S II i: V aV II O V A V, WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT CAT .MAM.'1'A( TrUKRS, South Kant rnrntr nf Murk' t and 'h sis.. l'!illatclilila, AXHERE they alwivs keep on " and an cxlen ' ' sive issiitiiu nt id It A I'S CJ CI f'S of iverv description, not up in the bet .m ! most :.pprotvd t le. IVisoiis derireus of purch - in u superior aiii clis on the most reason ible terms, w ill fn.d it t. iheir advantage lo call In I'. re making purchasei elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, ISM. I V Sill I' S PATKXT riHI"' Machine Ins nw been tested by mom 1 than thirty families in this neighborhood, and has given enlire satisfaction. Ii is so simple 111 its the late iuveni ions, ami wh it is .-I greater impor tance, il costs but tilde over lull' as much as other wa-hing 111. chines. rtic subscriber Ins ihe exclusive riglit for Nor- lliiiinlH'ilanil, l uion, Licomiiig, Columbi.i, Lu zerne and Clinton counties. Piiee of siiiule 111.1- 1 hme ti. H. II. M ASSER. Ti e followiog cettificale is liein a lew of ihooo who liae iln'tc machines in use. Sunbuiv, Auj. 21, 1SI I. We, ihe ubscrilH'is, ceinfy that we h ive innv in u-e, i;i our faiiiilics, Shugeil's patent W i.-h-ing !iaehine,"and do not tii.-ili'e svyiiii! tint it is a most excellent inveiei ui. 'I h.it, 111 Washing, ,1 ;il i.,.,r. ilini ,nie hail the u-ual labor. 1 'I'hat il d.iesn d requite more than one Ibirl the usual quanll' v of so q and w ater i and that lliero is no rubbing, and consi qnenlly . lutle or mi wear IIH i r teaiiiii:. I'hat il knocks 1 11' 110 bullous, and that the finest cloiti. s, such as collars, laces, tucks, frills, Ac, msy be Kas'.cd in a vety short lime without the I.'bM injuiv, and 111 fact without any apparent wear ami tear, w hatev. r. We theriforo cliecitiillv recoinuiend it to our lucn.ls anj i the luMic, as a tliiM usiful and lab, r saii 2 mii bii.e. CH ARLEfi W. IIEGINS, A. JOIJIt V N. IHS WEAVER. CHS PLEASANT. GIDEON M RKI.E. Hon. GEO. C. WEI.KER, IIENJ. HENDRICKS, GIDEON I.EISENRING. Hiiim'k IIotki, (foinnrly Treinonl II nise. No. III! Ch'snul slieei.) Philadelphia, SeptcinUr aist, iroi. I have us.d Shuaerl's Patent Washing Machine in my hou e upwards nf eighl in.nuh-, and do not hesitate to tav thai I deem H one of ihe 1110-I Use lid and valuable labor-saving machines ever inven ted. I furmeily k 1 1 two women continually 01 copii'd in uhui!, who now do in much in Iwo days as the) then did iu one wetk. There i no wuir or le.ir 111 wastniit!. and it requires nol mom than oitt-tl.il .1 the usual quantity ol soap. I Into bad a iiuinla r nl odn I in chines in my lam Iy, hi t llm i-sn decidedly snpeiioi to every lh'114 else, and so b lie I able to ie out of lepm, that 1 would I" I tin williout one il tiny .houl.l cost leu limes u,,i price llu y sic Id lor. DANIEL HE Kit. EEl) I.OI II. a hsndsomii article, all w.d. buhl and 1 1 lie, lor Su Suuuufi t'i'aia and Pants, lo s lie, v. i y Uov , by ' J.00 IS. II. kl. MAtsShR.