A find llnrgiilit.. The following occurred in one of the town f Massachusetts not far from Rhode I.alnnd. It a compound of rum and betiBvolencp, appetitp anJ cunning, high and low depravity, tuch ns eeldcni conns to light. 'Husband, what da yon think I Intvo don? to day !' said Mrs. C. to iht keeper ol"n country store, when the drunkard' 'O bo joyful' was still old, npnn his return home to dinner. 'I cannot possibly tell, my dear ; I dare say emiif tliiny; clever. ' Well I never did meh a thin? before, but the man looked bo pitiful, I thought 1 would en croach upon your wardrobe a little, for once, ns I knpv you could well supply the poor crea ture's wants without any inconvenience to yourself. Vou havn given away (onie of my ennts, I nipjiosc i hopn you dijn't make a mistake, and pivo mv rcto-mecting one, did you !' . ,. Oh.no: I gave away ono of your shuts. lie said hc'il none, and had called to heir ne :o I gave him one, and he went oflT a haiinv iih , . .... i i iinu given nun a cow. i don i Know when 1 havi-hcun such a smile of joy at eo emull a jrt i .... ,i i i . ' 'Given a shirt ! I should like to know who! there is so poor aa !o be without n shirt. Old Tom Jones is the poorest creature I know of, ; and I don't believe but he ban got a sl.it t, ns po.ir a drunkard as he it.' 'Tom Jones ! there, I don't believe but it was Jones ; I have heard you describe him, and it was him 1 know. He looked cunning, ond that smile of his seemed to be half joy, half fun, utid if 1 was Itish, I should say the other half 'Very likely it was Jones, for he has been in the store to-day.' 'Has he 1 and had he n short jacket on, and holes in his pnntuloons, uud miserable fchocs without stockius V 'Ju.-t so.' 'lie is the very man. Had he a Ltinulc er had he put hi shirt on !' 'lie hr.d a bottle, as UMial, but I saw uo bun dle, and I did not notice whether he hail a col lar or not.' His bottle ! wYll, I hope you didn't fill it for him, for that would eeeiu like the story in the piper lately, where the wile told the Inn band die woulJ supply the druukard'i family out of the house, as lun' as he supplied the ruin from the store. Did you let lntn have any !' 'Any what my dear, molasses or viuepar ! Vou have no objections to my selling l.iiu ut.y thing he will pay for !' Yes, 1 have, you know I have. 1 would not sell him rum for pty, and you tuay trust him fur anything else. I wish you would let him have mo'aes. His wife would be "lad of that. I!ut did you let him have any rum V Yes, my dear, I did. He seemed so feeble and wished tliut I wauld let him have a little.' 'How much ' 'Haifa pint 1' Half a pint ! enouph to make him pet drunk, find he will loose the shirt before he (,'etis home, and I niilit as well have turned him nfi with out it. Well now, husband, let me know, do you trust Junes fur ruin '.'o.' Did he pay fur it !' 'Yes.' How much 1' 'Six cents.' 'In money !' No.' J 'How then V 'In rajjs.' 'In rags ! I'll bet a dollar you have bought your own hirt back aguin and I'll go this min ute and see.' 'No, you fit still ai.il finish jour dinner.' No, no, you shan't go, I'll po myself. It will be such a pood one. I'll make you asha med i.f selling ruin this time, at any rate. There! there ! Iler it i lorn to pieces, and you have bought it for rags.' Pittfked uoiii s:idis Iii New York, a year or two since, a countty coutin applied to a frieuJ in power for assistance to a berth in the corporation's pill. He was accordingly set at work at one dollar and a quarter per day, end in a few months called ayum upon his friend to inform him he was poinp out to Harlem to muko hi fir.-t payment on u house uud lot he hud purchased. "How !" tuid the other, "how is this! did you not tell me you were pour!" "Yes." "And yet you have saved money enough to buy a house, on a dollar and a qumtcr a da) !'' The ether lunghed, and tiler some lieulution, , i . . .. . auswered : '1 11 tell ymi, sir, what ,t tlmt was a tliarmnig gooU tietin you gave ir.e ; i poi a dollar and a ipmrter IVmii tho city then the i ii i .... i contractors guvo me o dollurs a day to watch the bubcohtraeturs ; anil they pave ir.e two .i,,M,.r. ,,.r.r no In wftteb ihem?" '!im follo'Ain are (.'ood agricultural to'jsts: 'J'he Futn;er's lie el.e makes his Lett film ."-ing. The I'armer's motto A good dairy maid, no butter tiinde. The heinh 1,..' (hi-h hose) of a young far- liicr ! -Mas (a Ian.') for them ! Hasty l'uddinjr the only thing to (nuke a Farmer 'meuly-mouihcd.' A Pun Picdi.stbias. The Mirror perpetrutes the following pun on the lute foot race: tjiiestioo. Why did l!arlof run to like a lo comotive ! A.iswer Bctuuse I : I fd Uhit:! h'm n In- tJ:Ui: cur. 18.4 X K XOTll LIST. I'irVXSl I.T 4X14. The fdlowiDC list shows the rurnnt value of nil Vntiovlvunin II ink N.itra. The implicit rc- l.sttro m iy I p plated ii.in it, as il is firry vnh aii fiiMy romp-ired with ai d corrected liom Biik- Hell's Kcp.ir'rr. IT:t(iUN In IMiIIailcIplila. i , 1 uisc. i LnrATiotr. 1 Hit, 111. N o T F. a A T Bink of N.r h Ame.i.a PA R. pur par ..ir par par par par par par pur par par par par par par par Bank of tin- Northern Liberties , ('ninmerrinl Bank of IVnn'a. . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Hank . Kensington It ink . l'hiludcl(.hi It.it.k S.huvlkill Bank ejoiilhwark Itai.k . Western ll:ink . . Mechanics' Bank . . Muiinfactureis' A- Mechanics' Bank Country IfunkN. j Bank of Chester County i !!""k of 1), lWre ;''nty I Mink i.r(iirinatiloA, i ank f M,.iu.m. ry Co. ! O.iylistown Bank ' J""'"" V'"' ", , , Farmers Bank nf Burks co Westchester Chester t termuntnwn Nnrris'own Doylcatown Ensl.in Bri-tol AII-IO l Harrishtira:"i The. Lancaster I nllict Beading f do In par O.'icc i if I! ink of IViiii'a. These Oilire do do Orfire il. do Oilire d. do NOTES T n,,, f (iC fnPed Stiles' clank if IVnn Township iccs not Fusion J is.men. D I SOI) N T. Phil.idt Iphia rt r pv par par i J 1 (iiar.l Bark Moyiimrnoins D ink Bank nf I'cimsylvnni t Mintrs It.mk of Pottsville Bank nf l.etvi-inwn Bank nf M.ddlrtown Bank nf N nrtlinnitiei ImTIiI Pot'svillo Lewistow n Midillrlnwn N.irthumhi'rliiud par Cnluiul id Bank kV Bridge co. ( 'olnmliia ar 1 i i par p.r pat J 4 i i i n li Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank I'itti-liutfr 1 1 1 1 u)u v 1iir Lane islet Lancaster I)i d i hninrh of I Fanner B.u.k of l.ounistci I.nncostrr Cntinty 1! ink Farmer' B:.nk nl Heading niiirislniia Bank f.nnciiH'i r Bank l.rliinnii Bin k Men hants' A; Mflnuf. Bui;k I!. ink of I'iitslmr Wnt Biunch B nk W'yoniiiig Bank Nurihari'i'lmi B ink Berks ('euntv Bank 0lf.ee of Bank of U. 8. Hi adiiio; ll;irilur)T Lniteimier Liliiii.ii I'ltlsduri; I'i'.tstail W'illiainsport Wjikesharte Alleuton n i'ra. In.? Pitlsl.urg fmled do D.i do do Do do do Konsinui.in S.iv. Ins. A Penn Toniinbip -S.iv. log. Bank of ('liainliermrg Bank of (Jfttysburn Bank of u (juehuniia Co. Crie Bank Funner.-' 5c Drover Bank Franklin Bank ll.mcsd.de B nk Mui.oim ilieh Bank of B. V'nik li.inU Lnu New Briuhlon J do ('liamliersliurg ('i tly.it) Montiose Kriu Wiiyn,.,iir Wusliinuiou Honefd.de Brmt nsville Yoik lo U I N. B, Tlic notes of thou1 lanks on which e unit ipiotniiniis, and suln-titiite a ilanh ( ) are not purchaKcd by the Philadi Iphia hrnkerK, wiih the exception nl those which have a letter of r. fen nee. UIIOKE N B A N K S. Philadelphia Kav. Ins. I'hila 1. 1, hia failed I'hiladelpl.'ii Loan Co. do failed Srhu Iktll Nav. lint. do filled Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dv.ilt, prnnA failed I nwatida Hank 'i'nwai.il.t llcjliany Bank of Pa. Bank ot Beaver Bank of Sivalara Bank ol Wii-liingt.m Centre Bank taty Bank Fartncri.' V Me hVs It ink Farmer' &. Mccli'c' Bank Fatrncia' V MecbVa' Bji.k llamiony Institute HunlniRilol. Bank luniata Bank iiitihcintenV lUi.k Ninihi rn Bai l; f I'a. Xew Hope De l. Biiilue 'o. Noithutnli'd L'liinii Col. Bk. N.uth W't ht. rn B.v.k of I'a. ttilice ot Schuylkill Bank I'm Aur. & Miiuuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank L'niiin Bank of l'eiiu'a. M estmoieluud Bank Bcdt'.wd Beaver it airist'Urg Wabini;toii Bell, t ii.te Piltsl'iltlS l'itin.urt Fayette n. i iri-ciirul e llatmotiy no sale rloMtl t-I.R-Otl tailed cl.tsnt lio Mile tailed fnle.1 filled no vale )Linliiildiiii no sale LcniMnwn no s.il. arien Dnndi tl' New Hope Mill. hi Mc:;Jvi!le faded llil Kill closed lio M.le I'l.lbl d Port Carbon CarlUlo failril Miiiiltnvi! rinsed I ,'nii. mown failed (rteii'..iri rl.n-cd ilki sl'.iric no sale Wilkesbarre limine Co. fXj" All notes puipOftioK to l.e on any IVmi-yl-vama Bunk n..t giu-n in the ul.ovv li.-l, may be set Jowu as liauds. ai:v .!i:nsi;v. Bank of New Btunswuk Biunswick Belvidcie Bank Belvldcre llutlinpti.il Co. Bank .M.illurd 'J.imiinrcial Bank IVr;h Atn'wy 'nn.heil.uul Bank Briduen.u rarini i' Bank Mount H illy Farini rs' and Mechanics' Bk Italiwuv Parmer' uud .Mecbauir' Bk N. Kiunswiik Farmers' and Merihani.' Bk Middlet.iuu 'i Fruuklin Bunk of N.J. J.iev Cny failed i par 4 i p.r par i .1 fade faded fa.l.d ; tailed ! faded failed i fail, d l lio sale llohnkcii Bku iV (jmxiiii; ( o 1 1. .It ken Icrscy City Bank Jersey Cily Mcrlianiis' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bunk Monmouth Bk of .N.J. Merhtuiics' Bank Mechanics' uud Mnnuf. Bk Monis ('anal and Bkg t'o Post Notes Newark lll.e & Ins Cu 1 iitieisou I'm llevil! Moirist.iwn I'tech.ild New aik Trent. in Jetsey City Newnik Lainl.eilsMlli) i j faded I... led A failed 4 par or New Hope l'el Under Co ! J- Muiiuiar. anil tikB l . liot.nken I N J I'lOteclnli & Li.ln!.i.ld I k Jersey City , 1( iik, , faii . 'U'er.in Bank I'al.'l.ll Peoples' Bank Plinctluu Bank Sa() j, ,,1,,, stale B ink ' 'luie Bank r. a.. . i. ui !- .l. in N e w ii l k l.iia'.etlit.iw n ( 'am:. 'ii M..r.iu..ii To in. hi Naltlil New loll Tiilil.ni 1 'over llaikel.sack i i Slate Bank Sute K .nk t.f M.iiiis ft'.ute Bank Sulem t.nd I'lulaJ Mjiu.f Cu JSussei Bank par i tailed lulled J par i failed 1'rt nn.ii Banking Cu or (;,, u,,, VYuttiingti.il Bunking Co. or.iYot mi:. j Bk of Wilm ct Bruiidy wuic W iiiuiliRtiin I Bank nl Heliware ilmu.gton Bank nl Hinyrna hmyiim Do blanch Millord 1'aiini r' Bk nf iSmis nf Del Hovel I Do- b lain I. Wiliniimton par par par par par pur p.r pur par Do biaiuh (eoi)!i't.iWii Do iraneli NVwcihiIb I'nion Bank Wilmington ct I'ndt-i (j J-On nil I unk . inaiki d ti ns () tl.rrp are r i j 'r conu.r.li il . r aln red i.ntee nf iht var.ous J- H. I , 111 t il' 'lIll'L II OAKTiliY'S ii:ii iiativi: Slltl l. flIlK valunh'e propcrtim nf Oakley's Deputa- live Syiiin of farsapatilla, as a purifier of the I.I. mil, ima well known to the public gem rally, that il is liiinecessny to ifClipV much 'I ' e in set- ; ting forili the Bilvantnt!e to be derived fnm its , use; wherever the medicine lias once been intro- i dined, it lakis prrcedenre over nil otbeis: rvciy one that bus taken il, have derived so tiunal bene ficial results from it, that it is' recommended by iiien, win, in e n must rinuueui"e. i iiyMei.. ... . . r . ., ., tbp hnliel sMivliiio in the plofesn.in, prescribe it . t 7i I ... ... .,..., ,,., , ..H ... .i. t ,.,.i i.... i..:. - .i .i .1... .. m;i.t .. t , . '1.. .ml 1 1 l ...lj,..sf-.f l tin- .., mi..., yel t MicaeiiiuH vecelable liialerinls, it is off red with '. r. l . . . i . .... i ui.ii.iencf , uif cueiil'csi null incsi i-ini lem imi- r riii, I r i niter nl tltp l.tonil n.itv knnwn. I he one in n lew bottles, esiecially in the spline montbu. will bp at tendid vi i ill a ni..sl decided impiovetm lit in the itr neral strenuth of t'.e system, eradicating any ser.N ..f disen-e that may have been general, tl. besides Hivinc health nit. I viij. r to the l.odv. For the cure of Nemfulii or KtiiRa JJvil, Klietunatism. Titter, riniples or riuptietn l t lie Skin, White Stvi lluw, F.siula, ('hmuir (.'nitah Astli.iei, cVp, The mi nierous crnilica'rs in ll.r piwsessi..ii i.f the sul'st rl t rr and bis ineus, finni pl.ysiciiins und nlhi rs, lire t't.lli. ieut to ( onv iice the itn.sl ske ticul of i's sil peri. .lily ovei nil piep ir ili ais nf .Sais.paiilla. S i t w.de-nle and ret ill, Lv ll.e prnprielnr, OLOI.tii: W. OAK I. KY, North .lltl strr. t. Ken dinu, B. iks Ccmy, nu.l to bit bid nf the f.illuwiug petsons : Xoilhnwbnliiiul I'ntinn II. H. M.is, Siinbury ; Ireland tJt Mxel, Mcllcnail!t! ; D KtntK. r. Milli.li. In Viiiun Cnunfy. J. (icurhart, Pcliu-(;rove A. (UtellUS, M ltilllllU'. Iii Columbia Ctiunty. 1. W. Mct'ay, WnsIi ington. R. adioR. March 14, MX Mn. OiRttt : I believe it the uty nf every one I., do w htvrrin their niwer I irs, for llm b lie. fit of tin ir I. II. .w mi", and having bad p i-i ive proof in my own family, of the w.ii.lerful pr..pirtii s nf your Depuralive yrup of Saisap irtlh, I m st r..neirntinu-ly rermiinirinl it to the alihcle.l. 'v bad the misfortune t i l sr two nf nnr rliil.tten, by the brrakini; nut ol ulcerous s ires thntrotpird the face, bend and I e. k, ullholii;!) we bad some nf till most -cieiilifi.' physician In aHet.il lb in nil. I bad tried till the kn. tvu ieine.he, including Swoim's I'auitc. a, without avail. Atn.'lier of my children was attiuked in the same inatuier. tier face si.. I lirck was ro't p'et. ly r .ver.il; the d si h ifge wis so nlVeusive, and ibr disease at such a be eh', that we dispiired nl her l.fe. Sceine the wnndeiful ellcrts nf your Depuralive Syiup ot S nsnptir; I ., we writ1 in. In. ..I l.i make tii .l ol it. ti e last t. s ri ; il ac'ed like a rl nun ; ll.e u'rers r.mmM.e d hi ulinc imixedititely , a f. w foilli.- eutiiclv re-ton d In r to her hetllh, which she has enjoyed lin'i.terili te.llj rter since. As a ptnifier ol the blood, I verily be lli ve it has lint its tqiiul. JtUIN MOYRU. T.il .r, Wsliiut stre. t, m ar Fourth, Krading. Doiitiltssville, April lOtb. ISf.t. Mn. Oak l.Kt ; My son R.'mnud Leaf, bad the srrnlula in the must dreadful and ili-tiessim; man ner for three yeais. dniiiia winch lime he w is tie piivrd nf the use or his liiut.s, bi l.e ol and neck Weie cow red with ulcers We tried till the ilill'-r. flit trim di. s, I ut to no ilV.ct.untd reconimeiided by Dr. Johnson nf N'onistown. and aUo Dr. Isaac ll iester, ol b'eadii.H. to use your le U'iltive Syiup ol Sarsapi.rilla, of which I ol tait.e.l seven. I l.otiles. the use nf winch d-ove li e dt-ra-e etuinlv out nl li s sysle m, the sine belled up, and li e cl.ild was restored to perfect health, which lie lias njow.l uniiiterrupledlv rv. r sinre, to the ast. nisbm. nt of many peisous win. seen l.im do ii c Ins iitllirlion. I have ttion-lit ii mv ilti'y, nml si ml y. u this reiti ticatc that ..ll.es who have a like stllletion in the family may know where to i.l.tuiu so viluulde a mr.lieiuu. Yuurst.ult. AMELIA I). LEAF. s. pi. in. i s l.i. l y (oiiiifi'i Tt'ilviV DEATH BLOW. "Ilie pu' lie will plr.ise ..l.sette that no Brau.licil. ' Pills are uem.ine, unless the l ot h is three li bels upon it. (the top, ll.e S'.'e and the l.ott .111) r n Ii containini! a f.c-simile sii aiine of mv li;.n.l wrilii.j;, tints B I'll t Mm : III. M. D. These la bel H.e engraved 1.11 steel, 1-c aiil.l.illy dc-titned. and done al an etpen-e of oti-r f 'i.ll.'tl. 'I In reloie it ill ! seen ll.ut the ottlv ibiin ii'crsaiy to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is lo . .ere ll.e-e labels. Keinethl.i r the top, the side, nnd tl.e bo'toni. The follow ioi; respeciive persons ure duly auh. ri Zed, and hold CERTICATES CF AGENCY, For the sale of Uriintfrnfi'i 't lublc Viiicnud I'illx. Norlhombetlai d enutitv : Milton M 11 key t I'll imlieilin. NutiMiry II B. Masser. M'Ewei.s. ville In land tSt Mrm-ll. .ollliuin' eiland Win. Forsyth, fieoruetow 11 J. J. Wslls. I'nion ( . u 1 t y .- New Berlin Boijar fi Win ler. te!inseriive (ieore (iui.diuui. Mi. I. lie I. lira Isaac Ninilli. Beavi r'ow n David llublc. Adauisburi! Win J. May. M .111. list. uiu Mens. I, Ai l!av. Ha tli ton Dtniel Loin'. Fictbiiri: t!. V F. C. M.ni r, l.etvi-l.urj; Walls & (iieen. toliiuibia coi.niy : Danville E. B. Bey in. Ids A: Co. Berw ick Miumaii It Henhouse. Ca' tawissa C. CJ. Bruits. Bloonisl.uri: John It. Moer. Jersey Town Levi Bis. I. Washington ' Kol.t. M.t'uy. Lime-toiii Ball"" MlVmrli. Ol.srive that rnrli Anenl has till Enarav.d Ci r 'illcutc of A-,'. Lev, conlaiiiinij a te,in ntatioti ol lit BltA.MlKEI irs M inuracn ry al Sinu Sinn, and upon which will it'so lie seen eiact copies ..I the ut ir litbiis tuw 11ml njum the ISrunilrtlh 1'ill Huffs. Phll tdclpl.io, n.Tue No. S, Ninth Nih street. II. BltANDIlKTII. M. D. June ?Ith, t-M. city i ru.M i i m: acctiox, AITU miVATH SALTS HOOMS, ...s. 'Jit aiid :U .North Tiiitii Sinct, N e u r the City Hotel, 1 iiildi:li'iii. C. MMKI'V, tiir the ait. nt,. Auctioneer. ie pe. ifiil'y in- .In. 11 i.l 1 eis 1. di so. ms ..I n'.r eli . -inn I'unil inc. 10 Lis 1 ven-iv. .S.,. s l,' ...n,(, (lell pll; lie III.. I I' ivnl. ) t,. iveiy desCli.'lolt ol II .nsi Ik, 1. 1 Fuinitttie. wh re t .11 I e ..1.1 unci '0 ll times, a luitie assnttini I.l .1 I isl.ion..llc and will lliuiinfa. lured C.d.iu.l Furniliire, Beds, MatliaHses, Ac. at very ri .luci d prices, f..r cash. Siiles Lv Auction, twice a week. May Still, 1 ss t ly WILLIAM J. MARTIN, ATTC?slTE"7 i.7 L.V-, SUKBUItV, PA. OFFICE, ill Iheseron.l story of the biiildinu or rupiti.l l v Dr. J. B. Msstir, on Muiket sticet. Oct. 2 I t. 1 '1 IiK Nliiiist Mm liliiv lur Nali'. rillli: subscriber oilers f.r sale a Til K lll I i 1 MACHINE, new and in good nnlei. Tl.e Machine has I ecu I lied, an I roves In . an eiiiU lent one It w ill l.e s...l ut a icduct d price, and waiiantr,). A'y to II. B. M.VCK. July Li, ISM. 1 ROSE OINTIVIENT, I'Oll tim i i:n. HINOWOHM.1, IIMI I.K UN THE KAfE, AMI OTIIF.lt M'TANK.ors F.UI ITIIINJI. 0") Thr. fiilliiwintr rrrlitficnie drtrrlhr nnr ujlhf must ij-tnwni'iHiri curia trrr ijfrcliil by umj niif(iinii. Piiit.tnrt t'tit a, Fol'tnaty HI. I8:N. lOU twenty yrmx I was severely nHlirtrd with Tkttkh on thn Face and Head: the disease cumin, nr. d when I was seventeen yenrs old, and rorittriued until the Fall nf l.s:tfi, Viiiviiijj in vn. , . . , lenre, l.iil wiilio.it ever ilin.HMriiitf. Dttr inn most ,lf ,-, , . r i :.t "'p ,,rnpt treat part of mv face was covered with , ,.. ,. r.,,.,,. , , . I .ilK t;.ll i.,.1,. ina; my brad swel ed at linns until it tell as if it Would I.iiM ibr nwellitu whs so bp at, th.'.t I cou'd , , scarcely pet mv flat on. ' .. . J ... Durum the lonu period that I was Rll'icte.l w i'h tbn disease, I ltse.1 n orent j many B plicntion', (nm.ntr them s. veral celebinled prepaiMttotis) ns s- II n lakina inward remedies. . mi lulling n number of l..ltt. s of Sn-rrni s Vatuic n j Ejlrarf nf S,irAiii irilln, eke, In fid. it would be 1 imp.issil.lr in rnumeiate all the nie.ht ines I used. I I was also tin. let the care of two of the most dis j tiucttisbed physicians of this city, hut without re I cetvine much benefit, and I despaired i.f ever beintj enrol. In the f, nl ts:!f.. ihe disease i.l the time j being very violent, I rotioneiiei .1 Usina the Hunt j Ciillinrii, (prepared liv Vaimhun A Davi.) Ill I a f. w applications tint violent itching, c. a-e.l. the I swcllim; ul.n'ed, the ruiti.ni l.ei;au lo dis appear, I and liclore I h..d list d a jar tl.e di-ense wa entirely j euir.l. It has now l'ru nrar'y a v. ar and a half j sincp, nnd there is not a vesticr nf tin- disea-e re , iiuiiiiinc, except the sears from the deep pits fortnrd j by the disriie. Il is imponsil.lt fur m, , d. scril e in n rrrtifirate the severity of the disrasp and my sctlc rinu, but I will b ple.isul to vive n fuller no i rtitml to any prrson wantit. further satisfaction. who will r.dl mi nir. At the lime I ro innenre.l using I he IJ.-se Ointment I would have given hun duals nf do lais to Ise rid of the disease. Since u sine it, I have recninmt tided it to trvrril persons, (ainoiic them my mother, who had die disease bad ly on her aim,) who w. re a I cured bv it. JAMES DI KNELL, No. 15(1, Hare St. il" Tl.e Kose Ointment is pupated by E. B. atijhan, Soh'Ii East router nf Tlnrd and Hare stic. 1- , Pbiliidi Iphia, and sold mi ae. nev in Sunhti rv. by II. B. MAssF.!', ' May Hth, I8t:t. .lye;,. E!o.o Oiiitiiiont, i'ttv 'Ivtivw a 1'iioor or its rri Hwcv. Phi 1. a 11 1 1. 1 11 1 a . May "Tl'i. -t'. rP!Ms i- to eertil'y tl ut I was severely allbced willl Teller in the hnmls and f. el for upwards ol toily years ; the disc isr v. as attended 1;. tier i'Iv with vio'ent iteh'lid and swellinc. I npphrd to a inimbi rnf pin siccus, nnd used iii.it y .p. li ra 101 s without elVectini' n run. A'.ont syar sinre, I uppl.e.l ti e K.ise Ointment, w idt h c.tir. ly stopped the itch. na. and a lew anplic ,li .n iinmc.li an ly rured the ib-t ase, w hieh there has li. cn no rt turn of, itllhouuli I had never l-eeti ri.l of it nt any time for forty years. IIICH ABD SAVAt.E, EliVenlh, hclnw Sjeuce Sliei t. CTj' The Bose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Ysiiidiau. S .uih East corner t.f Third and Bare Streets, Philadelphia, and s ddon aenrv in Siinbu ry. I.y H. B. M AS.E!, May 14tb, I S1 1. Agr-t. WEDicAr. Arpr?;ofiATior?7 Oftbr IKlSi: OI.XTMi:.T, fr Tutir. I.TII(r(;H the stiperioritv ol 'he prepaia'i .n over all nth. rs is fully cs'aUMir.l, 'be pr pr e lors lake pb Rstire in hiyinn bef.re 'he public the follow ini, cettilica'e fr.uu a r-fertab'e phv-iciaii, a i;raduate of ihe I'niversity nl Ft iiiisn Ivani a. Dr. Bauul , hnviiii: found in this etnedy that relict f r a tedious and distiateralile aile. tton whit h 'he means within the r inee of Lis prolessioii failed to 11 1 1 . .r .1 . bus not hesitnti d to Rive it his appiohutioii, allliotmh the pti indices and interests nf that podf-sl ni ate 1 ppnscd to secret Itemetlies. Phi 1.41H Lrut t, Si pt. til, I w as recently troubbd w ilh a It dious beri etic etiipii. 11, w hich rove.nl in atlv one si e ..f my f .re, and 1 Heinle. I over the ear. Mr. .-.uian, piopru 1. I t.f the Kose I lit tiiient, i.l eivinK mv lacs, .11-1 led on 11. v I vine bis ptep.uatioit. . I wh.ilt he han ded me a jar. A though in e. .11111. on w ith die u.ein I t is nt my profession, I iIim- niiiti nance and disap prove nl the iiuineii iis itostiutiis p. lined iihiii tl.e nuldic l y ijnoianl pr. teinli r-, I let I in jus ice I... tied lopxcipl the Kost ( In. tun ul 1 1 1 .111 line c'a-sid rue- I f iocs, and In uive it mv spplohation, us il enllre Ivturid the etuption, nltho null il h d ie-i.li . I the U-U I appl. cations. DAM. BAI till. M. D. Q V The Kose Oiolinei.t is pie...r. .l hy E. B. Yauuhali, South East comer nl Tl.inl in .1 I. ice Stiecls, I'htlude pi. la, and sold on i.y. nev in Snn burv, I.y 11. B. MA-sEII. May" I I ih, IS :t. A", 11', Hover's Ink. JOSEPH E. HOVER, Alaiiuiut'tiii ir of W lit inir Imlt'lli blo Ink, No. HHiN'i.itli Third Street, ti. dis.rs below Uace, (east side,) PHILADELPHIA, I)Es'ECTFI l.I.Y intorms couiiiry ii.i r. hauls k hi .1 i.'heis. 1 ti n I he coo t .nllv keeps on hand ft Lirtie stork of I is supt rier Black, Blue and Ii. .1 j Ink. und also a supeia r (. I il ly ol In. I. Ill' le Ink j li s ink is put up in b. tiles vatyuit; in si.c, ... in I I lo 3'j nun ess, mid will he sold on reusointl.le ; I. tin-. The ex.cl'pi.l iioalu.es ol this ink has so thorouehlv eslnl.ti-hed its clnr icier, tint 11 is now cxt.n-iv. lv used ll.r.'UL'hont ihw ronnirv. For sale al the stoie i.f II. B. Ma--, r. Kun- 1 Imry, Pa. May 27ih. I H J 1. 1 v ( ii.MM.Ks "w. iir.(;is. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCNBUay, TA. 5 H '! '"''''" ofhee foiii eily ocrupi. d l v tl e H U Hon. hui!es O. Doi n I, opposite thr t'otnt II -use. ).. will a'teiid to husiness in the Curls ol Noribuml -eiland. Union and Coluiiihia routuits. May Villlh, IHpl. UMON HOTKL, ((Ivnirut Sltivr tlQ.ri;'t tSL.J Taj- GL2 ItYCOTtTING COUNTY, I't iiusj ii aula. rilllE Sidi.ciil.er n spectullv li.loinis Ins friend. 1 and ihe public in general, ihut he has liken Ihe shove HOTEL, I N Til E BO KOI' ti H OF M UNOY, and that be is now well prepare I to accommodate all who may favor bun with their custom. His Sli m isu ArAHTtf tvra trc well site I, and comfortable. His TiHi.r. mil Bh will alyi be sipphid wilb ihe lies! the muiket ran sll'ord. His HriiiLisii, which is eottl, will l under the ehariP of good and rarelul hostlers. He fielsconlident, hy still t attention 11 I u-ine-s, und uu curliest desiru to lender c inf. ili.l.le those who may patronize, hiin.ilial he will not f. il to cive H.u. i..l san.intion. If. B. WEAVE!.'. Muucy.Oct. 1st, ls4'.'. tl. CO., CotnmisMinn At rorwnnlinfr JSIerrliatifs, Foot if Willow Strut Unit llimil, 11.1 tiik t ntwtsr, T J" A VINO nssoriated wiih them Joseph Burnrl, J--1 late of Eastim, ,., resoertftdly inform their friends and the public Rcnerailv, iliat they have ta. ken th .t lamp nnd wr'l km.w 11 store and wharf nl foot of Willow Street Itatlroad, lately ncrupir I by Jacob Martin, where they pin pose doing a tipie ral Ci.miuissinti nnd Forvvnt.lii.g Business, and fnm the local ndvan'auc of the place bring conn -rteij with all ihe publir iniprnvrinen's that have their outlet in the ritv, they flatter ihotnsclve they will be able to do l.nsiiirss to ns err .1, if nut a ca'ci nd vaulace, and upon ns reasonable trims ns any other house, and they ussiue their friends that any r.in sirfi.uifiits madi: lo them shall have their strict at tention, und 110 exc ilinus spared to give cntiie satis faction. Tiny are nls.i prepaid to receive and forwnrd poods lo any point on the Di luwarr and l.rhih rivers, between Maiieh 'hunk, Easton nnd Pbiln ilelj his, via Delaware Division ami Lehiah ("an .Is; also. In anv point on the Juniata river, or Noph nnd Wist Branches ol the Su-ipiehanna via Schuyl. kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide W.itei Canals. Fur the nrcnmmn.luti.in of Itoa's CciminB or ro ii K vin Schuylkill nnd Union Canals, a Ste.mhoat will b kept expressly for lowinn li.ntts from ihe Scbuylklll around to the Delaware nnd back, which will en ..ble meirhants to have their produce deli veied on the Delaware, and their r.iimIs sl.i.p. d nt a saving ot BO to 7" per rent, on the ptires fir tiaulii R ac.oss, with them ndvsiitages they re spectfully solicit a shate of pnlr.nai:e. W. HEILMAN iV CO. William IL iltnin, T William W. Kcyse-, V. Joseph Ih.riiet. 3 Philad .May 14, 1x1:1. ly J. RIAI ANI7, JR. & CO. SrnilV ;i in I Tobncco Mnniifartururs, .Vo. !I'J Art Yi .l rorni r if llacv and Third Struts. PHILADELPHIA. rpilE inider-iirtied have formed a ('o-partnprship nnd. r the linn r.f. I. MAYLAND Jn.it Co.. a iirerssots to the late fnm of Jacilh .Mtiilnild A Ci ml will c iilin ue ihe husiness at he old cs!a- I lishment, on il fir own urrot.tit. In ud.iiiion tn il eir own close nttentiou and rjp. rience f..i inuny yi a-s. in ti e inaniif iclitre of their cell I. rated niuiV , .Vr the I. .111 ex per iron1 of ll.e senior pa'ti er of the llt- f.rtn, w ill also he devoted 1.1 die intere-l of 'he new lau.rern find as no exertion and rafe w id I e spared to insure their con.ls, nt nil t i rn- s nf the ve rv best ipiuhiy, they solicit a continuance of Ihe confidence ol the Lien. Is ari l ens! nners of the late linn. TIIOM S ADAM.-S, J. MAYLAND, Ju. IM.ili.ti Iphia. May Uih. IN4:1. ty T 'intntrv MERCHANTS, rPIIE : 1 Mat ulwcrilvrr, Ardent uf Lyon & Harris, Hat aiiufaelurers, for New York, Phil ..lelnhij, Baltimore nml ither lar.e cities, w use Unfa ute hiiihly cumiiit n.le.l I ir fjmd ro.i (;. ilu '.;, has in !, and a lir-t rate as-uitio nl of HA I'S and ("A I'S, suitable for Sj.r.np s.le;, wh eh w. le s.l.l v. ry low, f..i rash or appiuve.l cre.ht, ut ibr m tnl rfiri'p slurp. No, 4(1, North Tlnrd s're-t, o p si'e Ihe Cltv Hotel. I'hila lelphin. KOBEBT D. W ILK'N'soN. re.,i. N. II. ( )i. lets tar Huts .11 rhe r t;. '1. promptly attended to. The highest lic.i in ruvi ir Iradt i;ivcti fir Fur ikin t. Pl.il ulelphia, June II, lS13.--ly 6c CO. . !K i :i! ( oiiMtiissioii !' ltatHs, 'or t.r Suit if Tluur. (rain, Sad, i-c, .r. 1 !1'ECTFI I.LY inform their Iti.nds and j ' k- he Merchiinls (.'cnerallv, that they hive la- i ; I- en iho-r face and commodious What v. s, w ith 10 ' I D.aks, uoithot ('l.cstiui strict, on the D. law ire, I toucther with Ihe stole No. lit South Wlnrve-, j J vvl.eielhev w.n.'d be ptea-e.l lo rcc. ive c.il.si:;ti 1 ir.eiils of (t.-.iin, Fl. ill. Set d, 'Li-key, Iron. Ar. j , iVf, Be inc also well p'epared lo foivv ir.l all kinds I ! 0 1 Merchandise hy the Schuylkill '.ml Union, nr by j i ihe Che -i.pi Hke und Title Wuler Canals, as low I hoals .ire kept expressly f,.i ibr purposr uf towing j I l.onts l ci l ei route. Men bunts will pie se he particular lo send their e... ds dcsiined by either canal-, to No. I J South ! I Whaives, l.ctwei n M .rkcl and Chcsiuit strep's, on I I ihe Delaw are, w lib du. cl'. ns aec.inp iiiunn ihem 1 which route 1 tit y wish lliem to he ht e I. Qj1 Plaster all J Suit tor sale, at tlv ,nvr-l nar kct piire. B11LTON e t 1. March 111, lHl.1, No. Ill Smut, Whaives. I itoiti.it 1- ai: 1 i:Et a. stiv. " I PAPER MAKUrACTUEEHS, i l.umlmril Strut, Itiiltimurr, HAVE rolisiaiitlv f.r salr, 1'rin'inu Paper t.f al j sizes and .UhIiIi. s, Cap Writing Paper, rut. d and pi. .in, Letter Puper. while and t'lue, ruled and plain, llanninj; Paper, fine and coinm .0. Elm I. .pi j Paper, do. tin. int . hum, tloub'e cow n, crown ami , t ma sic.l rappnii! Pajars, 'ol..cd M. diom and I Koval Paptos, Bonnet, Bin. lets' and S ta.v Box ' BoHids, 'J'lssue I'uper, uud all art t ies in l.e;l hue. which they will sell oil uccoinuioduiinu I. ruts. j ll :c;he-t price piven f'.l old raus. KOBEIM' CA UTE 11 ,1 SON. March lit. 18411. Elkton. Md MERCHANTS HOUSE, .Yo. CU?, Anri Tliiril,n'nr CiUloirl.ill St., I'HILADHLI'IHA. QOIIN ri.'.NCAN. lule from tl.e Pet.usv.lva P Ida Fmni-r, nnd Samu. l Pike, jr., la'e of A m. ncan Hotel, t '. I1111.I us, I 'hio. lake pleasure in ac ipiuimiui1 their I'. 1. nils and the put. lie tcnerally tint ll.' V have I;. k. 11 the I. Hire nu.l couiuiodi. ills Hon I, 'cc. I.l'y hllill the Messrs. II .11. nil the sal.le site "nee oei upie.l hy the old rsli.l.li-he.l Hole! known is the Bull's lleud, In Third slu t I til. ovo t'ull.,w hill si. 'I bis Hotel i. finished ill the very ht sl . s Lie manner, und ol the best llil.'cnu's. Its lo.-i.t-ou is vt ry ih siial.lf, p.iiticuhirly for ei.ui.ny uu 1 -bants ; the uiiaiift ineins for hiaut $ and veniil.iln.i: ta. li rnoin is su. h as .i scenic any trinpeia'ure. Tl.e ltd n. sun- nil t i n tit and airy, all tuiuictitd in a neat sly'e, so as lo insuie con. foil. The r. ceiv ii.(. parlors are also fun i-lie I in a su perb sty le, the wiiu'.owf aie on ihe French s'yle, loimii 1 an euliaiico lo a bulcony in front, whuh makes pleasant recess. Piutirulai alt. utioii has bren civen to the beds and bidding, which, with the turuiture, are entirely new, rum years' fiericnce in b ni l business, we trust, I.y st lift assiduity tc husiness, lo mske tb' house a desirable, stopping place, (Hir tahltt will always le supplied with ihe very htsl our muiket ran alford, and our bar with Ihe best h.piois and w ines nf the most wppiove.1 loan. Is. P. S. There are first into siahlinu ml rsrriacr hou.-cs iittac he.l 10 the hoi. I. t-iirnded hv ca rial mi I sol er bo-lleis, and our rharurs will he law, 111 a.roidancc with tltf prt'M'ol haid llu. is. PhtlaJt Iphia, Ott. ih, Ibi.'. H. B. li-J3SEPs, TOISNKY AT LA ATTOISNKY AT LAW. 6UXTBURY, PA. Businesa sttpmled lo in the Counties of No ihuinl erland, I'nion. L'.roming and Columbia. Ilrft r to 1 TllO MAS 11 A NT tV Co., Lowr.n rk BAnttnt, Hht, CvMMiivns cV H n T, yVhitad. liv.TMoi.hs, McKami t.n ct Co. SpEaio, 'Jiuiii At C GOLDEN SWAN iVu. (i'J A'orA Third, tibme Arch Street, I'HILADF.I.l'HIA. ACCOM MODAl IONS Kill SUVKM'V ri'llHONS. ( MI AIiLE.S WEISS. ,,te..f the " While Swan," uud 'Mount Vrrnon House," resperlfully in forms h s frientls and rttstoiners. that be has heroine the proprietor of the nbovi well know n Hotel. Onunity Meichaiits will fnd ihr alKive Ho'cl a central I CHtinn, and the brst of fare. Person tra velling wiih private convryntice will find a largo yanl nnd pood stubling for horses, end the heat of ostlets. Boarding f 1 per day. May Mih, 1842. if. EAGLE icrir as r.n? n2 :ul 9 Vornrr nf Third nnd Vint- Struts, WXLLIAIYISiPORT, PA. flHE snl scriher respectfully annoiiur. s to tho Ji public, tltnl hp h.s opened a Hotel in thr rum modions brick huilding situ ite 011 the corner oft I bird and Pine streets, where lie will he happy to' wmii tip. ri those who mav favor him with their ; company. The Fo.plr lintel is lii'Br nnd Conveni ent, siul furnished tr. l,p he-l ui."Vin stvle. Il j pr. vide.l with a huge intnher of well aired and 1 cmfort ihle sleeping apartments, rooms, privata ! parlors, tVr. Peisons visilitu? Williatuspnrl on bu ! sinrssoi plea-ure, mav rp-l us-iir. d ih .t every ex j ertioii wd! l e uspd lo r.-i.iler 'heir s..j .u-n nt 1 he "Enule Hot. I" pleiisanl and njreeuhle. His Tnhl will lie supplied with the v.ry lies' the tnu ket nf foi.ls, nnd his liar wi'h 'he choicest wines and oilier Inpmrs ihnrues re soi.ul.le. The Eaiile Hotel I possesses (.renter mlvjuinires in point of location j than any other soiidur est il h -hin.-nt in tin horouuh, j hi ini! situate in the business p ,rt nl the inwii. und within a Convenient distance of Ihe Court Houso j und Wilhamsporl mi. I Ehmra Bad Ko.d ll. put. j Sulficient SLihlinj provided, and tf..o.l and trusty ' o- tiers always in i.tl. ii.laii.e. ! Aitentive, arcon. 111. -.Inline and lioru'-l Servantt liave h en 1 mi-lov ed. -inil noil iioj lefi niid-.i.e tha i will ;n!d to Ioe10111t1.il and act ..nun. .,la. 1011 of hi, Kin-ls. There vvi'l l e a carrias- nhvavs in attend nice at the Boat Lai. dim; lo convey passengers to and from the Hon e, tit e of charge. CIIABLEs BOBIMWS. Mav I Ith. S 2.tf x swjjixLi rvii.s).".. N uiiiee iine.inille.l for e'e u.irm ,.nd . vui); J highly ilur.ihlc and most hieh int pobsti in (! ver, (term-ii .-ilver, Brass, ('oppei, Bntt.uiia w.ira, I'm, St. el, Cutl.rv, and lor re-tori. .y the lustrv or varnished cairiae , .Vc. TliY II". Prepaid an . s ..l in wholfsa e and retai', bv th. Siisijiifh 11. na I hrys,.hte I'oli.-h Company, O.ve0'o Tiocja c liiitv, N. Y. Wl'. I'nlisY'ril. Aeenl f..r Norihutu'd, II. B. MASSE!', Agent lor fut.hury. November Stlth, IHI'.'. .TSic'jacI IVfavi'r it o:i, nors makehs u amv cnAn-DLsna A'o. l:t X.rti lfo,r Stai!. I'liilm!, 7'.;. TJ Tj A V E cons'anlly oli hand, a nenei .l ..ssort 3 in. ut of Cunt :., Seine T ines. eve, viz I itr'il Ivoprs, Flshiln; l.i.es, Whil.l Bopes, Mani Iv ines, low Lilies lor O 111 d Boats. Also. complete as.viitment of S, in.' Twines, Ac. such 11 llcmp s;.;id nt.d H.rrin.; I'wiue, Best Patent (ii, Net Tw ine. Cotton Soad ..11.! Her.inu Twii e, Sn Threa-'s, iVc. Ac. Also, lied tjuids, I'louuh I .ine. II -iliers, Traces, Cotton a..d Linen t'.rpet t'iiuo c. all ol wt.i.h they will ibsj. .se of 011 11 json.ibl telins. Phil. ..lelphin. Nov. ndfi I :t, iHf'. ly. MM:III.(., COO!) ic CO. X--. Cls Miirkt Stnrt, riii!a.!:!.!iif TflNVITE the attention of Countrv M.rehati to their extensive n-sorSi.tent ..I lir.tith Frer.t and At'ie.ican Diy ( ioods. w loch iliey . lb r for sal Ii tie' m .-t leus 'l. uhle t. rills. Philadelphia. Noveml'i r Id, I Si . ly. J . XV . f W A I N , I'm.Itc!!;! and I'artisul Matuifarttiro! A'o. -i'l A(l Tintil ttrrrt, ih nrt In'iow II 1'itn lloltl, I'liiltiiltliihia. OI"NTK Men hauls and olhris are solicit. to i 1 anone I.is utoiii.ii'i.t l.t fore purchasii 1 Ist-w here I'hila Vljliia, Novrnder I t. : t2. ly. 2k 13 .-v uhl. m. rvU.u. I rj , '! sale a stna'l Finni, ci.tiil 11 e ohoul t l hilobed and I. n urns, more or Ir s, situ. 11. Point I. wt.ship. N. r In. ml erhin.l c tint', al.". two mil. s ..l ove No, I. u.nl.. .1 ml, on ll.e ma. ro. I I. a. lit. f.om thai pla. c to D.i. villi , adjoin.! I111.1L n John I cc'ioii, .l. -.C. Horn. 11 uud othi-y now in the iHcup.u. v t.f Sjmui I P..yi e. Ab: toity acres uf said Hin t are 1 1, ai. .1. und in go ! slut- nf cu rival mil. on which tlcie is a small I: 'treet'd. The pioperiy will he sold on reasons telins. For further l aiticulnrs. i.t-isons are reuue ed I., apply to the sulsriib r. 1 II. B. j Nov 2?ih, 18-12. if MASS,R, .-li-enf, Suiihury, I ! LIST OF BOOKS, 1...1 SALS 11 v 1 A NTHuN'S Cl .s-ici.l Didioiiart ; Leiupru r 1 ; 1 do.; Aiiiswotih's tin ; Cobb's d...; I'.ntlmli and ' .eiinini do ; Ambon's C.i-si.r; A mhon's (ir..umu r; Anlhci.'s Cicc.o; Man's, a in Bcdei; I ic-iib) 'sdo I Andirvv's Latin 1 e-s 11-; D.11111 c-m's Lexiton; I Fisk's lire k Ettrcists; linvies's Leireudei; liiaecl ; Major i; Adams's l.'oinau Al.tupii:ie-; Piunock's t ioldsueth's Enpl .lid; do. Oreece; l.veH's Ll.liiel.ts i ..I ( i . ..I. v ; M.s. Linr.. In's Boii.t.v; Eh incnis ol . B. t.i..v; U.i.lj.'s Al. lr..; Portia's hhi lornul lit j tier-; Funrson's (;eoi;iahv and lll-lo. ; Obey' do.; Purity's Smith's (irdiniuei: Kiikham's do.; Kav's Bead, rs; I'ol.i's do.; Cohl.'s Arilhmciick; Pike's do.; Euiersoli's d.i.; Col h's Spt lhng B.vt.ks; Town's do.; Cobb's Tsble Bonks; l: vunet licsl Fa mily Libiary; Collude Bible-j Faintly do; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and TfsUmriils; I'sikri's El ercises on Composition; fiuit of ihe Spirit; Bsx'u's S .im's liesi; Ainericaii Ivcvolutioli; Matiyatt's No vels; Mis. Phelps on Chemistiv; Bud; Catechism of American Lws; Letters on Natural Mtiiic ; Che inislty for Bctjinncis; English Eirrcist t adapted to Murray's (irauimer, Sr.(ut to Comley'a Spelling Book; American Class Book; Daboll's Schoolm as ter's Assistant; A ure.it variety ut Blui.k Books, tVr. Anmisi 2rt, IrtpJ. 15IiAN!?IS roa t-.M.G at this ornc j'.