Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 30, 1844, Image 3

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    A Fact for Tint Conmdkrvtio.i of Conoress.
It is stated as a fact, in the New York Sun,
that one of the private mnil concerns received in
one dy ,"5.10 letters, while the Tost Olfice re
reived only three; and the private mail, at six
cents a letter, received S31 30, while the Post
office collected only Jilt six and a quarter rents.
This is an important fact, which shows what
will become of the revenue which the Govern
ment derived from the l'ost-office Department,
unless some reform is introduced and the cheap
postage system adopted. The Postmaster Gen
eral, it is said, has seen the necessity of the a
doption of this measure, and in hi report to Con
grcRS, in a few weeks, will press the necessity
of a reduction which will not be lower than rive
cents, nor higher than 10, and the President will
also call the attention of Congress to the impor
tance of prompt action. Congress, it is to be
hoped, will pay more attention to it than at the
last session. Had the suggestions of the press
nnd the popular voice, as expressed through pub
lic meetings, been listened to, the Government
imightnowbe reaping the advantages which o.
thers eajoy. We are anxious to see what effect
has been produced in the last year upon the Post
office department in the pecuniary resources by
the private mails.
Efforts for th LmKHATtoN of Gov. Dork.
We learn from the Providence Gazette, of
Tuesday, that Gen. Fessenden, of Maine, is in
Providence, endeavoring to do something for the
liberation of Mr. Dorr, upon a writ of error and
habeas corpus. He made an application to have
an interview with the imprisoned man, through
the Mayor of the city, but the application was
denied !
MARYt.AMiCoAr.. The first train of cars load
ed with Bituminous Coal of Western Maryland,
was despatched from the Mines to the city of
Baltimore, by railroad, a distance of tOO miles,
on Saturday last.
The Buffalo Advertiser states that more money
nas already been squandered in the Illinois Canal
100 miles long, and which is unfinished, than was
etpiired to complete the Ohio Canal 30'J miles
n length.
Pkotksiantisi PitEtmMiNAN t. New Hamp
shire is the only State whose constitution does
Hot hIIow a Catholic to hold the offices of Go
vernor, Councellor, Senator or Representative.
A proposition to amend the constitution by abo
lishing this restriction, was submitted to the
people, and the majority against it waj large.
A Fall. While the workmen were hoisting
a new bell to the cupola of the Washington street
Baptist Church, Buffalo, on Monday last, the
ropes parted, the bell falling a distance of sixty
feet, breaking through the floors and lodging in
the earth under the basement. All hands nar
rowly escaped.
Wholesale i.iitrr of Hot:s. Prepara
tions have been made at Madison, Indiana, to
slaughter and pack 100,000 hogs during the pre
sent season.
Tiik Camden, N. J. Race Coi rse is about to
fce abandoned. The whole establishment is to
be sold at public auction.
American Apple are deemed as great a luxury
in England as Knglish potatoes are this season in
the U. States.
IIomaoe to Beai -iv. A New York publisher
is preparing magnificent prints of Mrs. Madison.
Mrs. John Tyler, and M rs. Polk ; the first an F.x
President's lady, the second a President's lady,
und the third a President elect's lady. All
charming and beautiful.
Twenty seven whig newspapers having sup
ported Mr. Clay through the late campaign, have
now come out openly for Nutivism.
Freeho to tiik Bom.. Nathaniel Hood, of
Kings county, Va., lately deceased, left by his
will nearly all his slaves free, amounting to
some two or three hundred, with ample provision
to carry them to Liberia.
Playing Chkss jiv Ti:i.KfiKAru The Wash
ington Chess Club and the Baltimore Chess Club
lire topluy a game of chess through the Magnetic
Telegraph, soon.
Hi-sines and Religion. In Main they li
berally distribute business cards and circulars a
mong the congregation at the churches. The
ministers are beginning to oppose the custom.
No wonder.
Rail Road EMinnisF. The subscriptions
to the Canada and Boston Railroad already, it is
aid, reach eight hundred thousand dollars in Bos
ton. The Indians in thi neighborhood of Fort Ona
chita, are said to be in a state of open hostility to
the whites in the vicinity. So alarming has lie
come their position, that an express had been des
patched to Fort Jessup, for three companies of
V. H. Troops to quell them.
There is regularly organized temperance s
riely inthe Cherokee nation. Nearly 20IIU Cher
okees have enrolled themselves as members, and
taken the pledge. This is an example of the ad
vance of the 'savage" that might put whites to
the blush.
It is said that out of 00,000 members of the
Baptist churche in Georgia, L,U00 of them are
black persons. In Augusta theie are 1000 blacks
members f that church and iOO whites, and in
Savannah 2200 blacks and 300 whites.
The capital invested in Manufactures at Low
ell, exceeds eleven million dollars. These fac
tories consume annually VifiOQ Ions Anthracite
The number of distilleries in Sweden is said to
be liO.OOO ; furnishing 400.000,0m) gallons of
spirits annually, while the population is but
A writer in the National Intelligencer, speak
ing of the morality of the Parisians, says : "Full
one-third of the population of Paris live together
without marriage-."
hocking Murder near Vallejr Forgo.
A friend residing at Phrruixville, informs us
that "an Englishman by the name of William
Palmer, aged 21, was a day or two ago found in
a ravine, under stumps and leaves, in an obscure
place, within half a mile of Valley Forge, ha
ving been shot in the neck, and received other
marks of severe violence. An Inquest reported
"Deliberate Murder." He had been missed for
about three weeks, but it was supposed that he
had clandestinely left. Suspicion had fallen up
on a man with whom he was boarding, who has
been arrested and committed for trial. Another
boarder had missed a considerable sum of money,
and this is supposed in some way to be connec
ted with tho motive." Our correspondent states
that the neighborhood is much agitated, as this
is the first murder ever committed in the imme
diate vicinity. A deep feeling prevails moreo
ver, because the accused is connected with one
of the largest and most reputable families of the
The Norristown Register gives some further
particulars of the murder of young Palmer, near
Valley Forge. The nameof the accused is Peace,
and the two went nut gunning together, but with
only one gun. Peace returned without his com
panion. This excited inquiry, a search was made,
and the dead body found in a neighboring wood.
Tho Register adds :
'The pecuniary circumstances of Peace had
been very embarrassing for some time, and he
had been pressed very much for money. Direct
ly, Peace was found to possess an unusual quan
tity of it, and with it he discharged some debts,
one of which amounted to about Sfil. The Eng
lishman was poor, yet the sudden reverse in the
circ umstances and conduct of Pi ace, induced a
general suspicion that he had been the perpetra
tor of the muder of the former. Accordingly on
Saturday last the 10th inst., he was arrested, and
underwent an examination before n Justice of
the Peace, in that vicinity. He could not ac
count for the receipt of more than $2.i of all
the money in his possession. The 61 above
mentioned was paid on the day of the man's dis
appearance, whereas he insisted that it was paid
loin: before j this debt was, moreover, paid by
ten dollar uotes, none of which he could account
for. The circumstantial evidence adduced, was
so strong against him, that the magistrate felt o
bliged to have him committed to the County Jail
at West Chester. The deceased was subsequent
ly disinterred, and upon a post-mortem examina
tion held over his body, he was found shot in
the back of his neck, and his skull was broken."
The Great Font II ace at Ilobokrn.
On Th ursday the Great Foot Race on the Bea
con Course, New Jersey, came off. It ended in
the success of John Barlow, (English,) who com
pleted his ten miles in S I minutes and 2 1 seconds.
There must have been at least thirty thousand
persons present on the stand and in the ring. The
time of the principle race was as follows :
Barlow 1st mile. S minues 10 seconds.
5 " 13 "
Making 10 miles in 51 minutes21 seconds.
Steeprock (the Indian) I minutes 33 seconds.
Grertihalgh, 55 " 10 "
Guildersleeve, 5fi " 1 "
First prize, $700, John Barlow.
Second prize. $230, Steeprock, (Indian 1
Third prize. St.'iO, Greenhalgh, (English.)
Fourth prize, 75. Guildersleeve.
Only twelve persons had filtered for the race.
There was previously a race which, allhongh not
advertised, resulted as follows :
Thiee miles for a jnirse of f 200 $50 to the
second man in.
The competiters for this race were Edwitt
Brown, Ambrose Jackson, William Fowl, and
First Mile. Second Mile. Third Mile.
Brown, 1 gave out
Jackson, 2 1 1
Fowl, 3 3 2
Mvers, 1 2 gave mil.
Time 5 m. 10 sec. ,V:0 3.3i
Jackson won the first prize in lfi minutes and
16 seconds, Fowl coming in a short distance be
hind him. A'. V. I 'If hi an.
Tai TnasK Ki nnMs. The world we inhi
bit i dividrd into three giaud departments, named
the Mineral, the Vegetable and the Animal king
dom. The first named forms the base of the o
ther two ; thus I lie vegetable kingdom derive life
and nutriment from the mineral, ai d the animal
kingdom is supported by the vegetable.
No mineral roh.tancc can liecnme a part nf in
animal body, because!- cannot be digested. uik
silver is a mineial, Calomel is sublimated .pjicksil.
v. f ; therefore, ndom I cannot lie digested, but
when lodged ill the body sc.s a a cta-toding pn
son. Instead, therefore nfrilnnn I, use Br indri Ih's
Vegetable Cnsvvrsd I'ills; U'cause lliey are a ine
dicine enracled entirely from veg, tables, and
known by long eiper.eiM'e to be perfictly innocent,
and yet of more power as a iigitive or cleanser
of the alimentary canal, than any other medicine.
Their ifltct on tle system is so yai-y (hat it is a
remarkable fait that the same dose may be given
to an infant or adult, without the possibility of
doing any injury but on tl contrary good.
(X7 Purchase of H. U. Msssrr, Sunbury, or of
the agents, published in another part of this paiier.
"flood Intent Fire C'oiiipaii)."
A STATED MEETING of the Company will
Ire held on Tuesdiy evening nrit, at 7 o'clock,
at the Court House, Punctual attendance is re
quired, CHA8. J, UKUNBK.
Nov. 30, 1 841. Sefefary.
"WuMliliiKttm Fire Coin puny."
THE members of tl "Washington Fire Coin-
pany" are requested lo meet at the rotate
House, on Mtiitl.iv Evening, Dec. 3d, at T o'
clock, precisely, Puni'ltnil attendance is inpute I.
Nov. ao. JACOU YOUNG MAN i See.
Ojjict of the Daltimom AwiarcAit, Nov. 25.
GRAIN. The price of Wheat remains steady
at 88 03 cts. for good to strictly prime red, anj
75 a 88 cts. for inferior to good. A sale of Pcnna
red, not strictly prime, was made to day at 88 a 00
cts. Md. Rye is worth 63 cts. Sale of old Corn
to day at 43 4.1 cts. for white, and 45 a 47 cents
for yellow t and of new at 39 40 cents for while
and 41 43 cts. for yellow. We quote Oats at
35 a 20.
WHISKEY. Sales of bbls. to-diy at MJ cts
and of hhds. at 23 j cts.
A Dumfries paper says, we were shown to-day
a brace of crows nearly at white as snow. They
are this year's birds, and were taken out of the
nest with one of the ordinary color.
Surgeon nnd .llcclmiiicn
13 E5PECTFULLY otters his profess' onal ser
-1 vices to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sunbury
and its vicinity. He is prepared to attend to every
thing in the line of Dentistry. His work will be
warranted equal to any done in Philadelphia or
Persons desirous of procuring Wnnta sts of
TEETH, would do well to give him a call, as
much lime and expense might be saved by having
their work done at home.
(j Residence, for a short time, at John Hause'a
Hold. Nov. 30, 1844. 31
Lost ! !
SOMEWHERE between tho residence of the
subscriber, in Chili-qusqun township, North
umberland county, and the Iwrough of Sunbury,
on Tuesday, the 13th inst., a small Pockrt Door,
containing a note of hand from Tobias Kieniert and
Joi n Murray to subscriber, as the administrator of
Thomas Murray, dated in January, 1829 j and
another note of hand to same, for f 18, dated in
1810; a sobpn-na for witneaseae-., and a five dol
lar bill on the Bank of Northumberland. The
finder, by returning it, will be suitah'y rewarded ;
or by leaving the papers at the Post Office, Sunbu
ry, or forwarding th m to the subscriber, may keep
the five dollar bill. JAMES F. MURRAY.
Chdisquiique, Nov. 30th, 1844 tf
OF Norihnmberland County, for January Term,
A. D. 1845.
rand Jurors.
Turhut. Isaac Dunkle.
Delaware. Win U Irwin, John Beard, Abra
ham finrner.
Milton. Lewis E Evana. II J Eckboit.
Chilifijini'jUt. Joseph Fordesman.
P'orthunibertind.i Youngman, Uenj Hein.
Augusta Henry Mnlieh, snr.
Shamukin. John Hoffman, James Yoeum.
Rush. IsascKsse, Win Kotlirnnel, Jacob Arler.
I pprr Nnhonny. Gideon Adam, Solomon
Folk, Samuel N ea-t.
iAiver Muhonny. Jonathan Dockey, George
Hoi in, Andrew Detty, J.icob Snider, jr., Elijah
llyerly, John Bowman, jr.
Travers Jurors.
7'ur6i. John Foi.
Iswi. Adam Wchuyler, Jacoh Hunsirkei.
Drlmi'ure. Jiea Kuthc.rt, John Hittlo, Isaac
Vincent, John Fogelman. Daniel Nicholas.
Milton. Michael Kramer.
Chilisqxtnque. Thomas Hubhen, John Heller,
Win lUnihsM, Robert I. yon, Edward Buoy.
I'oinl. John Pfouix, Albui Newbfty, jr., Wm
Dentli r.
Surlhumlirrliind. Wm H Wapplcs.
Suuhiiry. lames Husted, Jobu Hdeman, Geo
D Yt'Ui (man.
AugustI. Jacob Rhnsds, Charles Robins, Jas
I. vile, Pbilip Gsul, Andrew Ksthennan, Peter
smiling, George Siler, Jolm Yordy.
Shamnkin. Morgan Hughes, John Huff, Fur
man FsmstvoTib, John K Csinptiell.
7t'uA (ieorge A Dnon, Benjamin Mathias,
Jxcnh Snider, Alexander CampMU
Cool. David Thompson. Michael Derk.snr.
I'pprr Muhoimt. George Hsas.
lAii'tr Mnhnnny. Hh Kemble, John Mrs-,
ner. snr., Henry Wea-t.
Jarktnn Usniel Hohner, j'.. John Kirhl, Hen
ry Lstsha, Henjamin Heim, Jacob Weiser.jr.
l'elit Juror.
Turhut. Jme Armstrong.
Iswi. John Klupp.
Ihhm-arf. Jacob Dteliler. snr., Georce Fox,
S.imuel Dearmoud, DaviJ T Mack y, Jared Ir
Mlne. M.llnn. Isaac Hotisrt, Henry Wilhelm, George
Ellrrt, Michael hbtlelll.ikrr.
i'ltilittuuqur. Thomas All n, Janers Jonlan,
Andiew t't, jr.
t'oinl. Daniel Vankirk.
Xorthumbtrlund. Abialiam Hollopeter, Jacob
S'urirWy. Cbaile Weaver, Peifr W Giav,
Augutta Jacob Evert. Joseph l.yOe, Hubert
G Purse I, J icob I tewitt, Thomas Wolf. jr.
A'wA. J.c'h Patten, Alexandei Moore, Cas
per Heed, Jacob Heed, jr.
.r'r Mahonoy. David Dunklcltcrger.
Jtickmn diaries Kotbennel, Mirhas I Creasin
ger. Peter Pi rl', IVler Reed, Jicuh llohnrr.
Nov. 30 h, HII.
riHE First Presbyterian Church of Noilhum
1 tfrlaiid will npfli tlieir new house of wrorehip,
(it Providrnre erniil.) on the second ssl'balh of
'fit monih, Deeniiber 8lh. Preaebing by the
Itcv. J.wl Parker, I). I) , of Philadelphia. Hi I.
gions se i vices will le continued duiiug iho wnk
ensuing the Dedication. Seveial niininiers ure i
4cted to aitl in coll lucliug the rar ling- The
('oiiKregaiion extend a cortll d invilstioii to llieir
fiienda in the vicinity to witn tlieiu on ibe
Norihumberland, Nov. 3:1, 1844,
;eore (ulliiliaCsi IX ale.
NOTICE is hereby given that Ul'ers f admin
istration have been gianted to the subscriber,
uu the ealate of George Gtitlvh il, dic'd. All per
sons indebti d to said estate, or having claim ag mist
the same, are requested to call on Ilia subscrilnr
and settle the same without delay.
Augusta, Nov. 33, 1814. 6i Adm'r.
Hunt I'tiinsiivuniu,
MET at Heading in the preceethng week, and
among other linportaul businesa, passed a Tesolu.
lion uu account of the dolelul condition if ihe
Church, to appoint tire first Thursday in December
next as d.iy uf huinilistion and prayer. It is
hoped that Curisiiaua of all ileuoiiiiuatiuiis Mill
humble ilituiM'lves, and pray vtiih us fir a revival
of Religion, on said duy. I. P. Ml I NDIM.,
Nov, 1 ej. IV. i but ul th' rvnoJ.
Celebrated Family Medicines
TILL not cure every thing, but stilt remain
unequalled in their several departments by
every thing ever offered to the public, wht have
voluntary came forward and offered numerous and
highly respectable testiin mials of their superior
CantrelCs Compound Medicated Syrup of Sar
snpnnlla i or, Anti-Scorbutic Syrup, for the cure
of Scorfuls, Chronic Rheu.n itism, Chronic Swel
ling of the Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, and all
Disca-cs arising from the abuse of Mercury, iVc
unsurpassed by any thing in thn market, comhi.
ning all the virtues resident in thn Snrnpnrilla
with a modern medicament, only lately brought
out by the most respectable medical authorities.
Price, 50 cents per bottle.
Canrcll's .1nti-Iyprptie Pmrdrr, for the re
lief and permanent cure of most distressing
complaint, Dyspepsia, in all it forms and atniro.
It is duly a most valuable remedy. S.dd in bottles
at 35 and 50 cents each.
Cuntrell'l Jlgue Mixture and Tonic Mriliea
menta, stands at tho head of the list unrivnllcd by
sny, or all the innumerable medicin s in u-e
throughout the length and breid h of the lnrd, for
the cure of Kr.vrn nnd Aocr. in all its stages, and
frum all its cnnsciucnccs.
Resident in Fever and Ague districts should
never le without it.
The eubsciilier will forfeit FIFTY DOI.MKS
here his medicine tails In ierform a cure in the
most obslinaie case.
S,iJ WhnVsale and Retail bv CAI.EI1 CRKS
SON. at bis Drug Warehouse, No. fi North Third
Street, Philadelphia ; also, bv the rrgvil irlv ap.
pointe.1 agent. SET II W. ROBERTS, Wholesale
Druggist, No. 54 Watar Street. Mobile,
Prepared orlv bv the Subscriber, corner of C A R
PENTER and SECOND Sireets, Mow Chrisii
an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed.
Oliserve, none are genuine without the sienaiure
Cnntrell'" iciie !IKtnro, or Tonic
For the cure of all HJicut nffielion, if taken or
eordinif tn direct inns.
It is a never failing remedy which no fami'y
ouuht to be vtiihout, especially in low marshy
As this medicine ia put up under the prnprie
tor's immediate insxction on the most scientific
principles, being Pun ly Vi getsble, and having
tried its ellicscy on thnuands, for upwards of 12
years, and to his knowledge when taken strirtlv ac
cording to diirctions, there has not been one fadure.
Cutler such circumstances I recommend it to the
public, adding a certifnats in support of my asser
tion. I.John Hnrn, do certify that I was in the ship
Tobacco Plant of Philadelphia, Cspl. Reed, in
June, 1827, bound to Liverpool ; took the fever
anil ague and laid in Liverpool some time under
the doctor's bands, went fiom there to Baltimore,
lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks from
thence in Philadelphia; was six months under Dr.
Coats ; from thence to New Yr.rk went to the
Hospital, remained I here about four wteks without
any relief tried every th'ng without any benefit,
for five years. Hearing of Cautrell'a Ague Mix
ture from a ftiend, I went to his store, told him
how I whs afflicted, and got a bottle of his mixture
and used it according to directions. It made a er
feci cure, and I have not had the least n turn since.
I do with confidence recommend it to thn public.
.Medicated Syrup ofSursmpai Ilia.
Philtd.lphia, April lOth, 1811.
Mr. John A.CnTum,
Dear Sir, Having la n sfflic'ed for upwards of
two years with ulceration of the throat, de-troying
the whole of ihe soft palste, then ihnntgh the upMr
part of my mouth into mv nose, from which sever
al pieces of bone came out, which partially destroy,
ed my sieech, through a kind Providence snd your
Medicated Syrup of Hars.iparill.i, I am now If stored
to peif. ct heilth.aud my sight, which waaeo much
unpaid d, is as strong as when a Isiy.
I thought it a duty I owed to you and those simi
larly affected, to make it public.
Yours, R. spec'fnlly,
Corner of Tenth and t'oaies Streets.
I.Gal-ril Joust n. No. fi Reek less Street, do cei
tifv thai my wile, Jane, was alllii-ietl lor two years
wilh Rheuinaiism, and at bit was entirely di-a'dcd,
so that she was obliged to be confined to bed ; bear
ing i t'aiit'rll's Me lit-ated Symp of Saisipsrilla,
or Ami Scoitiu'ic Symp, I proeuied s.
which completely removed all her pain ami still;
liess from her limbs; two in re hollies made a per
fect cure. Si e is now able to attend m her house
hold duii.a as m-ual. G MlltIL Jt).Sl tl..
Philadflphis Jan. 2td. MM,
De crip'ive I'ainphbls may bv had ol the
agents, (Gratis.)
J. W. FUll.ING.
Sunbuiv, Nov. 9, 1 s 1 1. ly .tgrnt.
.11 r. I'olluier
HAS rscfive.l the reefnl siyle of I' isl.ionsldr
FhII Milleiifrv. still will iiisltn mi Itomiia til
all kinds in the latest slvle. Nhe id bo lor ssle
a v irirty of i boiee articles, Birch as I'sIm-oi-s, .loves,
Hibbtnis, Ladies' Craals, Ac, mid resM-eifully rn
ipirsis her cuslitnif rs and odiers to call slid see,
Sunbury. Nov. tub, IKH. 3t
.lolin I'verlN IMale.
"TfOTICE in hereby given Ihsl letters nf ail lion h ive Iwn grnntrd to ihe sul
seriU'r, on ibf eslsle of J dm Eveit, nf Sharni liiii
lowjislnp. ibi'd. All perstins iiiilebti-,1 or bavinir
claims agiinsl said fHtale, are ri'ipn ste.1 lo rail on
the subncrils'r for setlb im nt. n or before the fi st
day of llccember next. JOHN EVEKT.jr.
Shamokiu. Nov. , IMIt fit Adm'r.
Ci L ASS. by 10, best nil
m Cut Nails, nil aire-,
SmIi. bv the rsia an. I bmril,
II its and (,'ap-, oi t!,,. H st mlity.
All for se al re lin t .1 pravs, liy
Sunbury, (M.3fi, I n 1 1. H. B. M SKI!.
Uhlale of 4 l. Jolaii .lneai tle d.
fF. T I E US of Admiiiistr.itioii on said drcc-
tit ill's i vljte, have Is'eo grant d io the sob
M rioeis. Persona knowing iliem elvi s in.b ble I to
said isita'e, ara noetfd to lii'ike imoiediaie pay
menl.and those having t'eiimnds ag iinst the same
are retinled to presem tin ir accounts for elimin
ation and seltlerwnt. The sdminit,aiora will at
lend t the dwelling hoioe of the deeeaaed, on Ihe
I .'th of .November next, lo examine accisanls and
make Klllcnienis. U'M.H. Ml V.M'H,
Sunbury, tVt. I?, t44. tit AdmiV
Mlehuel Itot k-llli'M i:tate.
OI'IrE is hereby given, that b t'era of alirn
isiralion have hum ranted to Ibe subs- rdi. r,
on the estate uf Michael Hock-fi Her, (b-c'd., lam of
Augusta township, NoiibuiiilH-rland courtly. Per
miiis indebted losaid estate, or having claims sgainsl
Ihe same, are rcijuikted lo call on Ibe su'i-cnbcr fur
siiileincni. s..C E'KIAN.
Oiiobn I'Jdt, leU IjI AJin i,
vAi i:t a ii m: voyt put o,
ron tiik craa or
THH Medicine is offered to thn public gener
ally, from a full conviction that it is superior
to any other medicine now in use, for the cure of
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility or
Bodily Weakness, Ac.
Its effects have been tested in privtito practice
of near eight years, snd it ia now more extensively
circulated, at the solicitude of many who have ro
ceived the mol signal benefit from the tt-te of it.
The following is one among a mimlwr of certifi
cates teceived in trillion to the success of this mo
diclue: LisriiTRK Co. March 18.
Da. GnianR W. Aur.t,
cr Sir ; It is with great pleasure that I in
form you of ihe success attending your Dyspeptic
Medicine, while employed in mv na( licit. From
past experience, I firmly believe that in eight rases
out of ten, the Dyspeptic, by tho use of your mcdi-
ine, may entir. ly rid himself of this thorn in the
pathway of life: not only in dyicptic cases, hut
in all eisea of constipation, and diseases ilciend:ng
on a dibililn'ed slate of ihe nervous system, toge
ther with a to'pid si ite of the bowels, will your E
liiir be found of inestim ible value. Numerous in--l,
us es wbeiein Hie usefulness of the medicine has
been rra!i-ed, may W foi warded, if reipiired. I
wi-b you k"s' success, and recommend Ihe medi
cine lo the MilTermg p'1 "f niankind.
Yeuts, wilh great rcpret.
C"V for snle at the store of H. 0. Masser, at'lit
for ihe proprietor, Sunburv, Pa.
October 3fiib, lull. jy
TIIIE saltacriber has just received from Philadel
JL phia a fresh supply ol Naw Goons, consisting
in part, nf Mnuslin Dcrtinca, Crape Delaines,
Cashmere de Eeossr .S'Atps, llundkereheifs, Ve.
Also, Hearer und Silk Huts, a good assortment
of Men's and Hoys' Cops, Groceries, Liquors,
Salt, Sr. vVr., all of which will he sold at the moat
reasonable terms. Stmic Jnrs and Jugs, cheap,
Sunburv, Oct. 5th, 1814.
i nn hags ssii,
1 VV loo do., at fl 75 essh, fir sale
Sunbury . Oct. 19th, 1841.
C a r j) c I i n s .
Ao. 1 1 1 Chesnut Street, Corner Franklin Square.
HAS just received and is now opening a very
enteniiive and beautiful assortment of CAR
PETIXU8. The goods are fresh, and of new
sty Irs, and being purchased principally for Cash,
they will he sold al Ihe lowest prices; they consist
in part, nf
Splendid Brus-e's. - CARPET-
Beautiful impeiial 3ply, 1 INGS,
Super Ex'ra Ingram, vColors
3 1, 4 4, ft Twilled Venetian, ranted
" " " Plnii do. J DURABLE
A I irgn slock ol well seaaoned OIL CLOI II8
of all widih. Hi s, Bismi(i, Ac, together with
an extensive atsoitmcut uf Iaiw priced Carpetings
nf all ile-criptions.
Purcha-irs are ri quested to rail and see ns,
when tbev will find an extensive assoitmesil at the
most reasonable prices.
Pbil .deiph.a. Oct. ft h. 1814. if
"ah II n V A: K VA v
South liUSt corner of Market and llh sis..
THERE they alwavs ke. p on hand an cxlcn
-ive a s iiliii. in of HATS CA PS of every
description, got up in Ibe last anil most approved
si) re. I'eis .us derirous ol piirehasiug siiH'ror ani
cbs on the most lesson ibre lerms, will find it lo
iheir advanliige lo call In fore making purchtscs
id-ew In-re.
I'biladelphia, Oct ftlh. 111. I y
1!IS Midline bis now been tested by more
than ihirtv families in this neighborhood, and
has given entire .stil n-lion. li is so simple in its
em struetioli, that it cannot get out of order. Il
contains no iron to ru-t, nnd no -piiugs or rollers lo
get out of repair. It will do twice aa much wash
ing. Willi less than hall the wear and tear of any of
ihe hie inventions, oud wh it is .! greater In.por co-Is but little over half as nixich as other
wa-biug niscbtiios.
The subs. r:ier has the etclu-ive right for Nor.
tbutiibeibiiid, I'm I.t innng, Cnlurnbi.i, l.n-
zeiiiu ami Clioton counties. Price of single un
ci fti. II. II. M AS.iE H.
The follow irt re l lic sl.- is tioin a few ol those
who hate tbivv ru .cbi .es in use.
Sniibiiiy, Aug. 21, 1X11.
We, ttw nil-si l ibers. terltly tliat wh have now
in n-e, in uur Ijinilns, -liiii;i'il'- t'.ilenl Wash
ing M lehine," and do not b silato stying that il is
a most i x t lb ut invention., ill Wa iting,
il will mivc more than one h ilt the u-Unl labor,
Pl at it d.Ksii t reipiiie more than one tbiid ihe
usual ipiantily of m ip and water ; and thvt theie
is H i rubbing, and run tpn iitlv. btlle or no wear
ing or h aiing. I'h-it it km ka oil' no bntioiis, n,
that ibe liuesl clotbi n, such as Collar-, I icea, lin ks,
trills, Ac, may be n.islied in aveiy short lime
wiiiioiit ite lensl teiyniy, imt m ion won in any
apparent wear and Irar, halevr. We therefore
clieerluHy reeoiiuueinl 1 'o our fi lends and In the
plttc, as a mtsi vwhl and labor saving machine.
( . 1 1 t: I S MAHKI E.
1 1 1 in. GLtt. C. ELK EH,
iu:. i. iii:M)Uii ks.
(illiKitN l.l'.ISENUING.
lints'. Horn, (Ioiiii ily 'fiemoi.t 11'iOf. No.
Ilti I'd -nut s in",) Philadelphia, ScprC.r.bri
'.'Isi. lull.
I bine u-sd SliHgeil's P.itelll Washing Machine
in iy lion e upw trds or eight m.mtb-, and do not
hist ste tti isy that I deem it one ef ihe mo t Use
ful and valuable labor-saviir, machines ever iuvt n
ttd. I foiineily kept two women continually oc
cupied in washing, wAo now do as much til two
days ss they then ihd in one weak. There ia no
wear or an waslimg. and it requites not more
than one-third the usual quantity ol soup, I have
had a lounlsT ol o lui in n bines in my lam l, but
this isao ilecidedly suS'iioi to every thing eUe, and
so li tie l-able to get out nf lepur, that 1 would not
do without one if they i-houll roai It u limes the
price Ihey are sold for. DAMl'.L llKKIi.
'P WEE IX LO I'll, a In
bgbt snd rlas'ic, !ji S
isitdatvi.s srne'f . all, i
uti ins' iiaiaud Pauls
III' sale
I Ulll
very low,
H. B M
At An. 11 Slrnwlmry St. Philadi Iphia.
flHE Rent of the suhnrilMv in their present
1 situation being very low, and their terms
CASH, they are enabled to sell at such low prices
that customers cannot fail to be satisfied, and ihey
invite tho people of Northumberland and the ad
joining counties to call and examine their stork,
as they offer an excellent assortment, comprising
Beautiful Imperial, :tjly ,
Suporfliie Ingrain, I
Heavy Twill, i! Venetian, S-CA RPET1NGS.
Fine English Worsted do. i
Plain Siriped do.J
Willi a large Slock of well Reasoned Floor Oil
('loihs uf ail widths, for Rooms, Halls, Door Pie
ces, etc. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Beautiful
Hearth Rugs, Tabln Covers, Floor Bair.o, Rag Car
pels, Mailing, Ac Ate, together with a large Stock
of low prirfd Ingrain, Entry and Stair Carpets,
Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest prices in thn
No. 41 Strawberry street, one door alwjve Ches
nnt, near 3d street. Entrance slso at No. 50 South,
Second street, Philadelphia.
Sept. 3Hlh, 1S11 :im
frt Diy La PMa Hides first quality.
:t-00 Dry La Guira. do
I4MHI Dry Salted La Guira. do
'JOOO Dry Salted Bnxil Hide', tlo
',1? Bales' Green Suited Pallia Kipa.
20 Bales Dry Pa'ua Kips.
124 Barrels Tanners' Oil.
Tanners' ami Curriers' Toolf.
For sale Id Country Tanners at the lowest price
and upon Ihe la'si terms.
N. 11. The highest inatket prices puid for all
kind of leather.
No. 21, South Third St. Philadelphia.
September 14, 1H44. ly.
Country Merchants.
rriHE Subscribers respectfully invito Country
M Merchants who are atom lo purchase Fall
and Winter Supplies, hi an examination of thtit
respective Stocks, believing that their several as
sortments are as cnmplote as have ever been oflei
e.l in the Philadelphia M irk. t.
With stocks ol GoihN in their several Depart
ments of the choicest kinds a determination to
si II on terms which cannot (ail to prove satifficto
ry nnd a disposition to please old and new custo
mers, will, we hope, I a sufficient inducement to
purchasers to call at our icspeclive establishment.
Silks and Fancy Goods.
W iV R P Remington 80 Markot Street.
Ashliurst Remington 60 "
Buck cV Potter 1 16
Yard ft Gillmote 109
Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods.
Reynolds, McFailand Ac Co 105 Market Street.
Buinelt, Withers & Co
Scott & Baker
Wise, I'ucy & Wise
Hatdy A Hackers
46 N. Second t.
Importers of Cloths, Cassimers, Vest-
hit's, vVc.
William II Love 117 Market StresU
Lambert Duy 108
llardwaro and Cutlery.
Michael V Bak.T 215 Market Street.
Edward S Handy & Co 98 "
Importers mid Manufacturers of Sad
dlery Haul ware.
Horn A Kueasa 2l.ri M nktt Stieel.
Hoots, Shoes, Hoimels, Cans, Leghorn
and Palm Hats, .c.
W E A .1 ii Wbelan, l.'tS M.ukrt Street.
Levii k, Jenkins A Ctt 1!S0
M Con i ad A Co f,(l
Manufacturers and Dealers in Drug,
Medicines, Painls, I i Is, c.
Thomas P Jam. s 212 Market Street.
Potts. Linn Harris 21HJ "
I'ol inson. Coll. ns A Co K7 "
Edward Cole f I
Thompson Paneoast tV Co 40 "
Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimmings.
I. Kenton Cfi Matket Sinet.
John Sauerbier A Brolhir 62 '
Pooks anil Stationary.
(iiigg V Elbott 0 N. Four h Street.
Ilogan A Thompson 30 '
Importers of IJriiislt and I'lfneli Fan
cy Staple Stationary.
I. I Cohen A Co 27 S Fourth StreW.
Henry Cohen .1 "
Importers of Hosiery, Gloves, Trim
minims and Fancv Goods.
Selley A leveling
Paiker A Lehman
Cuinlis, litttsliVS
21 N Tht.d Street.
I't'ooms, c,
:i N Front Sireet.
Thomas Co 'per
Importer of Toys. 1
A F O l MoiiroMi
y and Staple
IT S K. il'tli Street.
f I'.ttfiit I. a id Lamps.
Si N Second Slues.
Manufai lnu i
E Its S Archei
PaN'iil l'loor and
Furniture OiJ Clo'Its.
Laac Mat auiey, Ji .
How. II A Brothers
f. N F.l h Street.
Htui Importers of Pr
Hangings. M A I II Chesnut St.
Philadi Iphia. Angus! 21, lsl.,:tm.
T4 ii:iu II W IS Jw tlll.l.IM.ItS.
WM. 31. & ,H)S. V.. MAI 1.1.,
.Yn. Bit, Xurih Xi-nn. Sinet, ('opposite the
.1..'lMl lltHISI ,J
WH EUE will be f 'unil a general as.nit. fj
l iuieiil of Florence Braids, Aller's, Rut-C3
laiuls, I'e.l.llis, W lllow Plsit, Rice Sl aw, and li e
iihh Ii a. Inured Ni apolitan Lace, a d Fancy Bon
nets, manufactured by us, and for sale a the !uwi
iniiiiiliitlii e pints. Merchants and Milliners ura
iuviied io iiive na a cdl Unn viatiing the City,
017" N. I) We have uUo coiolan K making cut
m pi i lor h i I snd u'her edgings, all uf whScU wd
lie sold . heap, f.i. rah.
Philadel, bis. May 25, 1 St l ly
I ALZORINES, a handa..nie lor La b..'
Dresses, lor isle thesp, by
Juu. IS. II. B.