TIHOIS OF Till: AMKUICAX." II. U. MASSER, T PcB'tRHMH AIID JOSEPH EISKI.Y. PnormiTOM. . II. M.ISSEIt, Editor. i Office in Centre Alky, hi the rear of II. II, Mas tcr'a Store, THE' AMERICAN" in published every Satur day nt TWO DOLLARS per annum to be paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till Alt arrearages are ptiiil. No subscription! received for a less period than six months. All communication or lotlcrn on business relatim tn the ulftce, to insure attention, must be POST PAID. S.EST FE1T1TE2. & CO. Manufacturers of UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, and SIX SHADES, " A'n. 14ft Markvt Strict, Philadelphia, INVITE iIih attention of Merchant. Manuf.irs turcr, Ac. Si.r to their ve y extensive., ele gant, new stork, prepared itli great care, anil of fered at the lowest poasilile prices f r cash. The principle on wh'rh ihi concern i establish ed, is tu consult the niulu d interest of their eu-to- mora and thcini Ives, by til .iiufHrlurmn a good nr I tee, selling it Ht thelowist price mr cash, ami rralizihg their own ri mum ration, in the amount of ides and niitrk rctuins. 1 ussessiog iiieihnUstiMe facilities fur mnular ture, ihry are piepined to supply order to anv ex- tent, anil n npi cfullv solicit the patronage of M. r- ; chants, Manufacturer and Dealer, j Qj" A laiRe assortment of the New Style Cur ; tain Parasol.'. j Philadelphia, June I, I SI I ly I HERIVS HOTEL, FOK.i3i:m.v tiikkoxt nor.src, No. 1 ICS ( Dctntit street, PHIL ADELPHIA rpilE i:i5.sC;!ir:iJ, recently or Reado e, P. i., would infirm the pub , lie (hat he has fitted up 'he a!i.,va capi- !3 !ri us ami runt i nil lit i st ililisliment. mid will always he r ad loiiileil in vi-ilors. His is. t.'iihshe.l reputation i . the line, it is hoped, will aflord full a-suruiuv, ill il his piusl will be sup ptfl wi'h eery mini rt mid ..cromm da'ioii ; whilst his house w ill Is? e e.thic ed Ui drr surh at. j)ii;miii'i Is n will since a ch roler f.r the first esputisihihty. a d sa i-ltictory tntuiiaiumciit for in Jividu .its and l.i'iid e-'. Cliurgu for boarding I peril v. DAM EL HERR. Philadelphia. Mnv 25. 1 4 1 1 v To Country TIt rt liaiii. Roots, Slmes, I.uiiDols, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hals.' C. AV. fc T,. W. TAY..OH, ut the S. F.. curat r of Murli l anil Fifth Sts., rzixZiADrZirz-TZA, 11 FFER fur m e an i xlriiMte : -ortincnt of the 'above ur'ief s, all of hu h thi y sell at tiiniHtia1- iv low pliers, mid p iitii-ul .tl invite the atl. nlinn :if Imyejn visiting the ein, to nil i X'tniinati ni of Jji ir Vtoi k. (i. W. St L. II. TAYLOR. Phil.idil,,hia, May 25. 1844. ly miit iinini; nbon: I (it) nrri', ahout 2 tni'es idoe Nuithum' ril. nut. i.dj tiii'iii! lands of J.sc C llorton. .to!. II l.ru'hoii and oiheis, will he sold rhap, if nppltrn ion i made s oii lo the sul-si'iibrr, Kunhury. Aug. 31. II. II. MAM.-Lli. P IAX Sr:i:S The l.igheM price will be Kiven lor Flax Srt-J, bv Aus 31 IS-11. II. II. MASSER. ll'AtJE ;I!)LES lie mpies of l" el Jot lajre Uibte, the eheip si l ii 'k ev.T published, 'oula'tiinu the eoinnn mart on the Old and ,e.v stanii'lit. ju.t UTi ivi d and I -t lie. fur six d,.!l ,rs IV June 15. It. It. VASTER. E E 1 1 O V A L . ) OCTI) II J. li. MA SSKli. REPLOTIfl.l.V informs he ri--izens nl Sunl ury an t ils vicinity, that L';f1 he h s icon vnl I i ulVu e lo the while A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' in Mirltrt !l oe, cast of La P. t li uieiit'H -t i'C. all I iloxii d a'rlv oppoilo II I' 'ol olliie, vtl.err he wil be h ippy to receive ra. .0 the line of his pro'esrion Suiihmy, Mav 4 h. IS I I. I) A V I I i-: V A N s latent Fire nixl Tliicf I'rouf Inm Clicsts, Slate linoil IJclri'ieraturs, with Filters ntiachetl wlien ietiiivil. STAITS VATGOIT, Vo. 70 South I hi n! St., ojijionitf the F.xrhdiigr, PHILADELFIIIA, MWIFAOTIliE and '' t ' ..... Teep for sale David r.v iiilSifcsj5j f1 '".'.',. i eelel r iii d i.tei mid Provi. f siun I mi r-. iiiul Talent I r ' Rod i Iron, (and not over I'lji.k a. ii'iii'ty-live II of every one bundled now in ute ihI lor sale e made.) w i i first rale Locks and David Evans uti nl Keyhole f vers, similar to the one exbi1 il J at the Philadelphia Kxihatijie. for ill ice iiiontha i the uu.mer of I81'j, when all the Keys weie ut herly to tie used, and the (.'lust not opened, nl liouuh iherip riiu nt waa tried ly al least I5IH) rsons. One of ihe same Locks was liied by tobbers, bI ihe ietmre (.'oal (llhce, in Walnut trcel, abovr 'I'll. id. but did imt un reed. (Jj- Itoistine M.u hii.es, I run Doors, soperioi J.ocks, and ad kinds of 1 1 mi Had iu Seal and Co. y i 1 1 y I'.os. s, and SmilUuik cell' lally , oil hand or lll iriulacluff d at the shortest notice. tXj t'.W TIOX I do here' y caution alt -r. sous l! iii'l nuiVi- ii ut-iug, srKiuc, or cain-io lo t-e od, any Keyhole ("ovcis for Fire Proof 'Insls, or Doors, of anv kind similar in piiuciph' to my Patent, of tilth .lu'y, INI I. and also sii iinto Lining RefriL'eratois wnh Male, for whcti my Pateui is Ute,l 2'iih Man h. I Kit, as any iufiiiigeiiieiit will bt) 'hall wi'h according to law. DAVID EVANS. Plnlrlelphia, April 13, 184 1. ly FOREST VILLE muss i:n.ii r iiv c mk ks. ritllE subscriber has just li reived, for sale, a few .1. of h utiove celebrated Eight Day Clocks, which will he mild at very reduced prices, for ra-h. Also, t-upeiior 3(1 hour ('locks, of tl,e U'-t make and ijuality, which will be sol. I for iah, at f 1 50. Also, superior Ilrasa Li hour OJoiki.at f A (10. Dec. 3, IH43. II. U. M AiSSER. OT1INK WARE for sale. O 25 Ktoue -liis. from I ipiart to 3 pallons, 5il Stone Ja is, fiiHii 2 lo ti calloiis. For ale, tlu ip, by Oct. 11 H.U. MASTER. B$P.!!f.1;j.-. - . Minium Fire mid Thi. I i'lool I ii&. ! ' -' Kf ' "', 1t V e-viiiB ' tuifT"' iV'n Hooks. P'cr D-ids, Jewely, -.-'.-- i-i (j.ild, Mlver, Ac., &r made BUNBUHY AMERICAN. AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Ahsotuto arquiescenco in the Jecisiona of the Ily Master & ly. From Rentley's Miscellany. THE FATE OF A RICH TIIIEF; Or, 'The Way of flic Transgressor la tlnrd.' One Sabbath morn, in thcyenr 17 , the Oc tfipoti rlwip, in thn pnjr nnd then fashionable city nl Bath, Who crowded to excess. A collec tion was to bo made at the rnd of the service, in aid of the funds for supporting the Bridewell chnrity-school. I,et it not Lo supposed thnt the majority of the concjreaiiiit) assembled for the humane purpose of clothing tlio bodies of a hiiu drrj boys in dowhia Hhirtn, ami bltto coiits, or their lower litiih.iin rhuburb-coiored leather gnr-ment--, nnd peppi-r-nnd-salt worsted hose, no such thintr, Fashion, that frekihli and dc spotic tyrant, hnd converted n sacred edifice in to a rendezvous of her votaries And now, having told our readers why so l.-irge un nssembliicre were pothered topether, we iiiustbi'ir them to Hippoee thnt all have re tired home much edified and improved, and that one o'clock on the Monday morning has ar rived. The boys of the Bridewell school were let out for their brief hour of play; some ten or twelve of the youngsters, in a remote corner of the yard had gathered into a cluster, listening with o pencil mouth nnd upraised brows, to somethino stranpe and woiiderlul related hy n lad mmed I Inrry Vowels. Tho narrator was one of the brightest and best behaved hoys of the school, fond of his blinks, and n Ithonirh not so robust as many ol'his companions, was usually their lead er in nil sportu and pastimes. No sooner w ere the "tender juveniles" seated in due order upon their form, than one of the other hoys made his way to Ihe desk ol the mas ter, nnd intimated, almost in a whimper, that he had sunn tinny of vast importance to communi cate; he was ordered to ascend the steps, and place himselfclose to the car of the ever wil lino; listener. In a few moments, the master, his Hi ct? (lushed with emotion, nnd his eyesihtrt-ino- anpry ulances tow arris the seat w hich llnr- ry occupied, called out his name in a tune that seemed to prophe.-y the speedy application of the cane or birch. 'Come hither, you yottn? viper!' ho roared, 'come hither, you Vowels, I say, and let mr hear thin cock nnd hull story you've invented n Is.ut what hnppentd yesterday ut the chapel door.' 'There's not a bit of inventim in it, sir, no more than anything- nbotit either bulls or cocks. I vow and protest that I snw the gentleman who held the pl ite for the collection take both silver and po!d ofi'tho salver, and put the money into his waistcoat nnd small clothes pockets.' 'Do you know what you're talking about you wicked yniinp wretch !' ileum tided the master. Why, that was Doctor M itchell, one of the fir-l physicians nl the city, lives in the Circus, tin. I keeps his carriage nnd a host of -.urvants. Now come, Vowels, coufrss 'tis n bio story, nnd I'll let you ofT with a raninc ; hut if you btick to your text. I'll fleer y,,n .ilivr!' 'I never told a lie- in toy life, sir,' the hoy re plied, 'nnd punishment won't firce me to do so.' 'We'll try that, my f.ne fellow, by and by. A miihty pretty thin-, indeed, for a rhnrity -hov like yon, to po r. In nit takinp nwny Ihe charac ters of your In Iter. But ' nd here (he 'learn ed mid humane' Mr. .'.lurch chuckled at his li mp able to iit.tulesoniethino I. ken cross-exam. iiint:on 'liit, Vowels, I have a rpicslion now to pui, which Mill call upon all your talent as a sloiy-teller to nmwer. It is this 'and thus Mtyuic, e lock i (1 his spec tncles, wipidUith plassi's very deliberately with his handker chief, held Ihein to the (ipht ti i.scortattl if his operation had been snccesslul, phici d I hem cure, (ully on the bridpe if his nose, and then, w ith an air worthy of an Old Ba b y practitioner, eiu.t titled, 'Now, hoy, we will, for arpument's sake, suppose for o mnmeiil, that such an im possible Ihinp did lake plsee, how could yon, from your place in the pnllery, see what wiib pomp on nt the door ! There 1 have you at a dead lock !' Vowels, no way daunted, ra'inly replied, 'I was not in the pa'.lery, sir ; the heat was so ureal that I was forced lo pet into the air, and stood close lo the street ; w lit li I heard Ihe ron prepiitiim ceuiinp ut, I placid myselt behind ue of the lolilin-itoors, just opposite where the pentleiiian stood Dr. Mitchell you call him ami lltroooh ihe slit where the hinpesate 1 saw what I Amic said, and do say ajjaiu,' 'Oli, ho ! my niinp peidh tuan, have I cauoht you in yotir ou n trap? What, mouchinp, a well as lyiuo now yon shall smart tor it ! Tlio pedaonpue kept his word ; poor Harry was severely chastised, and with a s.vellinp heart went home lo his widowed mother, lo whom he recounted the punishment he had re ceived. The good soul doted on her eon, nnd shed abundance of tears at the recital, hut her natural pood sense soon admonished her that even dutiful boys will sometimes commit fuults and she strictly tiuestiuned Harry en Ihe pos sibility of his l.eino mistaken us to the. abstrac tion of money from the plate. Nolhiiip could shake his tcatiinuiiy ; he never wavered fur u majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which Miiihui y, ftortliuiiibc. hii.il t o. moment in his plain, straight-forward story. The widow came to the conviction that her child had been most unjustly punished, nnd wisely concluding that any appeal to Mr. Murcli would be unavai'injT, determined on calling next morning upon one of the most active governors of the Charity School, in the hope that her poor hoy's wrongs might be redressed, and the doubt of his veracity removed. MrF. Vowels found little difficulty in obtuin ing audience of the hutnnnc gentleman she sought. She told her child's story with, a mo ther's chquence, nnd speedily won the good i fliccs of her auditor. 'This is a strange business, n very serious accusation against a person hitherto looked up- on ns an honest and upright man,' observed Sir Walter Gardiner ; 'it must end shall be strictly investigated. All we can hope, for thi credit of human nnture, is that, if Dr. Mitchell did put money into his pocket, it was only to make room for other donations, nnd your boy, not ownrc of this, regarded the action as disho nest, and, childlike, told the Ftory ns he believed it. But Murcli was much to blame for punish ing the little fellow without making due inqui ries ; rely on it he will be strongly censured tor nut-stepping his duty. However, if yon will leave the matter in my hnndJ, I tuny be nb!e to have justice done to all parties concerned ; meantime, caution your son to say nothing more about the affair till I give him leave to do so.' The widuw coiirtesied her acquiescence, nnd withdrew. Two Sundays nfter the one to which we have already alluded, chapel was again densely crowded. The popular preacher, advoniiing, j upon Ibis occasion, the ennse of the Female Or phan Asylum. Dr. Mitchell kindly volunteered to take his usual station at the door. When the congregation departed, the committee nt gen tlemen who presided over the institution in whose hehnlfthe sermon hnd been preached, nnd the collection made, assembled in '.he veslrv- room to ascertain the amount. I be pl.ysicinn !n brief period Ihs constable returned, stating placed his quota upon the (able with an air of j ,1)n, ,IP ,,ouso in tic dreus was m at ly strip-self-satisfaction, observing, 'A very handsome ; ptn ol all hs f unmturf, not a servant to be seen lonaiton to-miy. I am gmu to say : but no won- oer niter sucn nn eloquent utscourse, anil lie r 'H" "I"'" J"'" ijj " m""ry wns cou.iien, "10 "" mono known, and the pnrly were on the eve of do pnrture, w hen Sir Walter Gardiner gravely in quired of Dr. Mitchell, And is that all that you have received !' '.17, to be sure it is ; who dares doubt it ?' 'I he interrogatory of the w orthy baronet ere nted considerable surprise on the part ofnll pre sent, nnd the violent manner in which the re ply was made served to incrcise it. Sir Will- ter, with great coolness of tone timl maimer, proceeded, 'Yotl shall know sir, why I asked von Ihe question. A Ikiv ol the chririi) -scIumiI avowed, that upon a recent occasion, he sa w von pocket Ihe money given by the charitable, and tiirthis accusation he has been severely punished ' 'I'm plad to hear it.' interrupted Mitchell; 'he ought to have be.cn cut to pieces, the vile slanderer." 'Gentlemen, that hoy is w iltiout ; tuny I crave your leave to bring him heforo you ! he will stale what he has seen to-ihty." 'Oh, you employ spies, I perceive, Sir Wal ter,' said Mitchell, nearly choked with rage; 'yen shall answer forth's conspiracy, depend on it. If there bo law or justice lefi ' Without heeding the threat, the bnionet call ed Marry Vowels; the little fellow obeyed the siiiiiiuoi.s, and his intelligent i.ud ingenious ti i'I c.l 01 1 ji ur-i MlTir.!.1! a r.oe..i I-L- It l. f-fitilr-tst , , w itli tue lace ! Ihe man ho was about to coti- c . trout. Now, youngster, said Sir Walter, 'if you have seen anything this morning which you think these gentlemen thould know, spetik out; hut ri member, if you are guilty of the slightest tiilevhtMjd, your punishment will he terr.bie.' 'But shall I be flogged, as I was before, for telling the trulli !' asked Henry. Certainly lint,' repH' d ui'iny present. With this Consolatory assurance, t In chil.i proceeded ; 'Thai gentleman,' jtoinlitig to M;l clu ll, 'did the same lo d ay ns he dnl this d.iv fortnight ; he put a vast many pieces of gold in- u ins pocitets. particularly on i;,e let. M.te o. uis WHlsll'ttllT It ir I W'nrr leil loin o nt ut ,.:it it I " " " ' dozen ihere.' 'You can have nn objection,' elucrvci! om i-l thn fi ittlln it l.v 'to nt-iulneit 1 1 ,r. ,-i .,, I . n I ..1 eir ' . pockets, doctor, and ll.ussel Ihe mailer al rest.' 'Object ton ! certainly ! I. el me see who w ill I bus. d.' presume to lay a hand upon me.' j Saying this, the gallant officer todo nil, and 1 will,' said Sir Walter; 'and if you do not j , pmcceded many spaces, when a tall immediately satisly my doubts I have a peace I ,n.e, to which bolh uxe and saw had been up officer in ullendauce', who will quickly aid me ' mddenly fell ocr.ns Ins path, and caused " '"'"'"sT u !')'l,,,t"''1'-' ad u thief.' !,. to and plunge to violently, thai 'I will no longer listen to such unwarrantable Ihe inler was thrown oil', ami in the (all Ir language, lelnie paus, I sayexclaimed Mitchell Detain me.isir, tit your peril I' Say . tig this he struggled lo gain ihe door, but w as there met hy one ofthe mayor" wrCUlit', who ucitd linn bv t!e; urui. there is no appeal but lo force, iho vit.it piim iple Vn. Salunlaj , !Vov. 30, IN 1 1, 'Before you search that person, said the baro net, 'let nie apprizn nil present that, anxious to ascertain the truth of this b y's charge, I pro vided many of my friends with half-guineas and seven shilling-pieces, nil marked in a similur mnnner to the one I now produce, requesting that these coins might be given at the collec tion made to-day.' Ill vain did the physician etrupple with the strong mm of tho law considerable sums in gold and silver were found upon his person, nnd amongst the former many pieces bearing the precautionary mark placed by Sir Walter. The wretched nihil was covered with confusion, but 'ill endeavored to brnve the detection of his guilt 'I demand my liberty to-morrow I will lay Ibis case of conspiracy and rohhory before the magistrates. You, Sir Waller, are Ihe culprit, anil thnt wretched urchin bus been trained to aid you in your attempts to ruin my reputation. But to-morrow my innocence shall be establish ed.' With this bold avowal he rushed from the room, leapt into his carriage, and in a few mi nutes was set liown ut the door of his splendid house in the Circus. The Guildhall nt Baih presented nn universal scene on the following morning. Rumor, with her hundred tongues, had given nearly as many different versions of the story .ve have endea vored to relate. Groups of w ell-dres fed wo men, for the most part composed of the fre quenters of chapel, pressed foward for ml in issii hi into the court. Men of all ranks were observed crowding around Ihe sent of jus tice.and amongst them a large proportion of ..ie I.. .1.1 t. ,- -iiie i.icuny, w no seemed loiaue peculiar in terest in the charge brought npaiust one of their body. At II o'clock his worship nppon red. The mayor listened attentively to all that Sir Walter had to say, received thecotrolMirntion of j those ptesent, nnd promptly issued a warrant : for the apprehension of Mitchell. ; lmi ,l0 0(,y purwm fm., ,, ,(, IVUUfCft wnsil, l,-iznly the broker, whose st. ry ran. j tlmt. he had been sent for the previous after- ,,. nil( l( t.r,.,.,sed evervthimr the doctor ' . r - - i possessed, including carriage, horses, plate nnd wine ; these he had paid for partly in cash, and the rest in bills on some of 'his people' in Lou don, and the bargain concluded, Mitchell left the house, leaving no trace by w hich his course could he ascertained. " i line rolls its ce;i si less course. A niiarti r ; of u cenltu v had p.issi .1 awiv.aiid durin.r j, ' progress our recenlly forun il column' in New I South Wales had grown rapidly in extent Hint . impoi lance. An oul...-l, souio Ihirlv miles from Sidney, was under lite command of Map i ( iardmei , ol 1 1 is Majesty ' leg inu iit ol'in ' tantry. li turning from his m.. mine's lido, ho per- ' 'rlv'p'1 n rn'iss of p.-op'e conorr o,,te.l in an o, space, in Ihe centre of the town lin n in pro ! press, and soon n.-cerlaitu d that the crowd had ; collected lo wilne.-s a fi I'ow being, convict i though he was, undergo Ihe punishment ol j whipping. The delieijiicnl was an old 111:111. ; fee!ie, thin, and cmnnciateil, his scinly hcks 1 silvered by sixly winters, hung round n coutile ! nnuee ciuvulsed with terror, whilst his with j ered hands made nn availing i.-lllirts lo disengage himself troui the grasp of the provo l's assist. nuts ; as Gardiner approached, the wretched being, in piteous accents, exclaimed, '!, sir, tor Ihe oe ol lleiiven s'ie me I I have stillere.l much chains uiul exile I have . , ,. ... borne but (), spare me Irom Ihe lush, and I , , i will iiless you Willi my latest IneaUi. The major inquired of the j iil-keeper what offence the suppliant had committed, ami hiarn ed that a Spanish dollar, h loiiirnir to a fell nv. prtsoncj had been traced to Ins psscr-isou, an I as potty ill Us were cons'a illy occurring u numost the convicts, he had received msiriic l.tui lo clu ck Ihe 1 il iiy stiuiu.arv pniiisliilieiil of the oii'ei.di rs. 'Tin-obi fellow,' continued the uo ler, 'li is he hat 1 d very well i I late a is ; he was a t r .11 li!i some ci, stonier when he lir. l c one in, t, t.ol that's 11 long while ago. Ili.ivn'l Inula hi ck Mlilll .,,.,, M.tUlU 1Ke ,:,t!i lint . Uillt lllloll.- 'leii'Ugh,' Mt il 'he inaj 'his past good coll- ! I... . .1 .O I t 1; lit l Mia 1 1 tit'i i un new . I'uhappy man,' he : . . . 1 I'I lot null 'I mlilressiiiL' M.itsoii. 'let me hone j h, ,lt. ,anv )(IU ,lia). UJ, w ; head wasila-hed w ith coiu-iileriible v inlence a pa n.-t a large stone by the wtiy-siili'. Tim crowd he bad just h li ru-h- d to the spot ; in i 11 y piotu nun tl li i 1 ti kilhil, but Matson, forcing h:o way to the pit ttrite t dy ul hi.- picctrvi r, and immediate parent f despoti.m. JurrKHaov. o. 5-Xo. 19'-Vholc Xo.rJIS. itnplored his cotnpaiiioiis not to skreen the air from the stunned nnd senseless framo desired, in almost a tone of nuthority, that water should he brought n s quickly as possible, and proceeded to liKisen the tighly buttoned regimental coat, lake off the stock, chafe the temples, and feel ing in vain for pulsation in the region of the heart or nt the wrists, he drew forth a lancet- case and opened a vein. This prompt conduct soon restored the Major to cousciousness ; after n brief delay, ho wns conveyed to his residence, Mataon still supporting him, and earnestly be seeching permission to remain in the house till oJier assistance could be procured. Ilis request was granted, and speedily the grateful old man administered a cooling draught to allay any fevrous symptoms, and anxiously watching eve ry change, succeeded, in a few dnys, in restor ing him to comparative health, lie only sufier- ed from the effects of contusion, but his reason resumed In r power, nnd as soon as he was per 111 it t oil lo converse, he hinted his belief that the efficacy of Mat soli's prescriptions must have resulted from study and practice ofthe healing art. 'Your surmise, is well founded, sir' replied the old iiinu. 'I once moved in the world as a physician in extensile practice. A madness, a disease, I can call it nothing else, tempted me to forget that we are expressly commanded not to steal. Trusted and uususpectod, I had con stant opportunities of gratifying this devilish propensity. Detected, I (led 'ho scene of my disgrace, and wns ultimately banished forever from my native land. What I have endured during my exile, I will not pain you by describ ing. Your timely interference saved me from unmerited degradation. I was not guilty of the crime ihey charged me with.' ' Your story,' said the major, 'hns brought luick to my memory nn event which happened in my childhood. A medical man in my native city, disgraced his honorable profession. I was the instrument of his detection, nnd I even now wriihe ns I remember thecastigntion I received for my dhcovery of the offender." 'Where did this hnppcn !' cngcrly inquired Matson. 'In Bath," wns tho rep'y. 'But the poor child who suffered for mc was nnmcd Vowels.' 'So was I called in the dnys of my youth ; hut on the death of my patron and friend. Sir Wal ler Gardiner, I wns bequeathed his property on tl.e stipulation that I should assume his name.' Just Heaven! the punishment you suffered liir nccu-ing wir, led to your poul fortune. The wretched Mitchell still' feels, however thnt he was ihe cause of unmerited chastisement. Cun yon forgive me !' I do most freely. To you I owe my life, and I will use niv best influence to sullen the rigors of your lot.' Mitchell w jilulrew, nnd Major Gardiner inl ine 'in'ely wrote to ihe governor for permission to rit.iiu ihe supposed Matson in his establish ment, and to lice hiui from his manacles. Be fore Ihe si ill was applied to the letter, the baud id I leaven hud rendered unavailing all human in let iition. the old mail's Uiily was found in a km eiinc position by his beiUule, his spirit had id (i 1 1. il lo the Being who gave it, the All-w ise, ami All no rcful. I'll ri i:k op 1111: i-.e;i.isii. MIAWN HY TIII.MSKLVtS. One of our Fnjlish papers, rece ived by the 1 11 1 packet, contains two or three columns of ii'ii e of this country, based upon some number-of the l,i iii.-ville Journal. The texts were inlveiltsenieiils respecting slaves, and Ameri can news ami opinions generally a sort nt "picture of Yankees drawn by themselves." We return the compliment for the "Journal," hyipioinof iVniii one single niinilier (d another lliiglisli p iper, sevi ral paragraphs, which may lie called, with equal justice 'a "picture of the Inoi.,h draw n by themselves." HOBI'.OUS OF TRANSPORTATION. Mr. M Carihy delivered a lecture on trans- porialioit 111 the Temperance Hall, Glasgow, on Saturday evening 1 .ft. After a brief mtro diictt Mr. M'Carthy said, that many person, 111 their ignorance, committed crime purposely 10 ho trnsHiiie,!. Unfortunately boys had throw 11 ih-ir Clips up in open court, and huz- zn il ui the dose ot'thi ir sentence of transpor- tali. ui. "But, nbi!"' said ihe lecturer, "how little ihot, knew of the hunger, slavery, degra- lion, exile, ilnl, sin, ami t runny, uwuiting tin in ! 'ill') little ihooehl ol lie bayonet, the rut -n'-1 1 ne I ii h, H e blisid-clollcd Irn.ngle, the Ice c! inns anil I. ami cud's, Iho gory scourge, the n,-l,l U..I1I1 and bloodhounds, the ehu.ll "iiiij and eall .ws ! Silli ly, if ihey did, they would never rejoice." Tin) emigrant is Weil fed; Ihe con 11 I -I lived. The emigrant is lespi cl.,1 ly ilrc-scd ; the convict all mottled in various ,1. radtng c.aois. The , -migrant has a bed; Hie com iet a cave or a wooden bench The emigrant has prepcity and w ages ; the convict no wages ; his solo property, nn iron ring or a chain on Ins leg. Wnges ! A mili tary guard, and un iron hearted owi looker. Wages! I'oltl hall'-Uikeil dough of maiz" meal the same as ihey feed cows and pigs with, nnd cold salt beef l.ke a block, after It has gone rein ml the globe in her Majei.y' men of war, and condemned, 'gtl j ears old. Sa'l polk from Tahiti, lough us sole leather, n ml full nl imii matciihe. Wages, indeed ! Tin rat, ami in UMU Wti'jt j ale 11UI nt llifipil rlloll. hi li ritici of Avi:itTisic. I squara I insertion, $0 tO I do t da . .0 7 I do i do . . . . I Oft Every subsequent inserlii n, 0 tfi Yearly Advertisement : one column, f 86 ( half column, $M, three aquarra, two aquarta, f 9 ; one square, f 5. Half-yearly: one column, 918 ; half column, $12 ; three square., ftj ; two mjuorow, $5; one square, $3 50, Advertisements left without directions a to tha length of time Ihey ire to be published, will be continued until ordered out, and charged acuorJ ingly. (f7"Sixleen lines make a square. (-'-.! . . . . "rww a convict ship reaches ils destinrrion, the un happy company are mnrshellcd on deck, chain ed in couples, guarded in boat loads to the shore. They aro then taken to a largo barrack at Sid ney or I lobar 1 Town ; the Government or cob niul officers come in a body to examine theso outcasts of their native soil ; the surgeon com mander brings out a Government paper for eve ry man, called an indonture. This paper is 111 -der many bends ; their name or names, height, age, country, color of hair, eyes, moles, marl how often in jail, what jails, what crime. Tho Governor stands by, while his head officer holds this indenture in his hand, and asks his ques tions from it. It tho poor man should tell a, falsehoods, woe be to his after life. Up to 183S, tho convicts wcro hired out to settlers on their arrival ; but their conduct was so bad, that now every man, whether a gentleman or otherwise, is compelled to work 6ix mouths upon the Go vernment works, which is for fifteen hours per day, carrying stones or timber, felling wood, pushing heavy barrows, working on new road-', cleaning the bottom of the docks and harbor, up to tho armpits in the tide. When they push down their spades, the water covers their face ; in using the pickaxe, they are wet to the head. They arc mostly all fast to a lurge chain to pre vent their drowning ; they dive and clear away tor masons to build quays, vto. Their food, 10 J lbs. eif maize meal per week ; 7 lbs. of salt beef, nearly unfit for use, or 4J lbs. of salt pork, 8 ez. soap ; 2 or., of salt. No wages ; no tobacco, nor any other comfort. Clothes grey cloth enp, broad arrow stamped on it ; grey trousers ; short jacket, half yellow, half grey ; stockings grey, white rings ; 6hirts grey canvass ; no kerchief or neckcloth ; clothes all loo small. After six months of this life, the authorities think the convicts sufficiently drilled for assign ment. On a certain day advertised in the Go vernment Gazette the settlers, farmers, and master mechanics, come to the barrack for Go vernment servant.", as they are called; these convicts are all marched out in a long line or row ; the purchasers walk along the line of while slaves, and pick out such as suit them ; the purchaser bids the convict walk, run, hold up his leg, arm, etc., hits hia chest or back to prove it he is asthmatic or short in his breath ; if he is sound in wind and limb, ho bids him stand on one side until ho picks from the rest; when he has enough, he goes to an office whero he pays Government XI for his slops, the yel I ,mv JrCf'i, d" " ",m canaries) half tanned shoes, caps, three 6!urts, a littlo wool pad, or bed, i small rug horse cloth. This is the con vict's outfit. He then has to walk to tho homo of his new employer, that is, tyrnnf. There is a set of laws made for the convict population, that mean anything or nothing, or every tiling. Two magistrates can order a man fitly lashes of the double, or Government cat, you can't speak, you are a convict ; presumption is against you ; you must he tloggoil. The seourgor come-, ties yotl up, and his bloody lash scatt"rs the flsh your mother kissed so often; teasnwav the blood that your father 1 eared with so much care ; if not, tl e cl'ii'ii g' tc is your fate ; yon are doom- cil, vonr in "iro'is, to tv. n it tin'il your tl- .- !.! wi'h wi'h c-a ;)ker:ng 'IV, h-. I. ' hiiroli.g iltt-' v t 'V'.'j i'1-rche I I. he ..'.... r, f:...! vo.u hair yellow as jaundice ; vo ir e running from hot winds of t!i e s sore .-. ii Ill'tV . i H poor bleeding w rist carrying yen: chain ; sum..--times, oh ! horrible! you are dimmed lo a penal settlement tor life ; a gathering of all human woes; black despair; a hind of horror ; a st ctmd hell, where naught but sadness dwells. Here the lecturer stripped and turned up his sleeves to how the manner of punishing with j the lash ; he exhibited four scourges : the first, iho small military cat ; the? sec nd, the naval cat : tSe third, the thief s, or double cat ; an''. lastly, the dreadful scourge of Norfolk Island. 1 Out of a large district sf convicts, amounting to 'Ul.iXrO, 212,00(1 had been convicted and flogged, , (heir flesh scattered, their biota) spilled, their j spirit brok their strength reduced, their lifn , shortened, their death miserable. Sad is tho convicts funeral his grave is desolate in its mi- sery ; niiuo to pray, none to pay nature's la-t tribute to humanity but the wild sea bird, which sings the requiem of 1'ie murdered exile. His unchained spirit has fled alofl escaped from the degraded boi'y that fin Is the solitary sea washed sf pub-lire of the drunkard's child on tlm distant strands ol' Tasmania. The convict i dead in law ; he can hold no property ; you might snatch the bread out of his teeth. No person need pyv him any wages, though he lias ' a ticket of leave. Colonel Breton states ; ! , dm,, seen bun nt work w hen tin thermometer Mood ll.'i in ihe sun, bang about twice the best nfour summer duy ; the sun burns ulcers on :l back of their neck. The pangs are, in thn country, ba ked up in square Imxes, moveable, like wild busts, sixteen in each b or, allow rj l4 inches for evi ry m hi. At Sidney tin y uis,, sleep in hulks I we've in one large bench, all n mass of filth. Their countenance are demon, iar, nn.l shocking In behold. Sometimes in tha hulks there nr. eel's no t'naM t tint they curiiiv lie em their luck."