Lata from Mealeo. Indian Distubbancis. Tampico dates to the 26th nit. have been received at New Orleans, which give an account of a sever contest be tween the Mexicans and the Camanche and Ta huacanos Indians, which shows that the Mexican government lur the present has its hands full, without undeKaking the subjugation of Texas, for which it is ill prepared. The latter made an incursion into the North of Mexico, and carried off large number of women and children. The Mexicans pursued them, and about the 9th nit., had a severe fight at the Paso de los Moros. Forty tlx Mexican! toere killed, and twenty wounded. Cotemporary with this, at the rancho of Los Moros, twenty-two were shot or burned in the bouse attached to the rancho, and many women and children carried off" captives. On the 17th of October another engagement took place. There were, according to Mexican accounts, upwards of four hundred Indians en gaged in this. The affair lasted over two hours, a lively fire bing kept up all the while. The Indians then abandoned the field, giving up the fifty-five Mexicans, women and children, whom they had previously carried o(T captives, a quan tity of fire-arms, and some horses which they had stolen. Twenty of the Indians were left dead upon the. fivld, while many more were be- lieved to have been carried oil in the fight, nc- J cording to Indian usage, both dead ami wounded. Onthesideof the Mexicans, nine were killed I and thirty-four wounded. Immediately steps I were taken by the aub-Prcf.-ct of Rcynosn to j raise a sufficient force to cut off the retreat of j the savages, who retired by the way of the North. ! The Mexican editors pretend that upon several j of the Indians killed in th? fight were found me- j dais of silver, with the bust of Mr. Van Rnren ) upon them, and on the reverse the anna of the ; United States. This they imagine to b'.- a sien j of the utmost sienifiennce of the hostile designs I of this country upon their own. 11km vrkahi.e PitrcM-NTiMr.N t. In Dnyleston (Pa.) Beniah Holdren, an aged man of 91 years, after partaking a happy meal with his children, apparently in perfect health, observed : "Now, my friends, this is the last meal I shall ever eat : I am about to die." He then proceeded to give directions to his worldly concerns, his burial, &c.,and when he had concluded was struck down by a paralytic stroke. Somk scamt tied a large grimalkin by her tail to a clothes' line on Sunday night in Race street Philadelphia, near 11th, and the whole neighbor hood for hous was kept in a state of discordant a larm by the shriek of the animal. She resist-d all attempts to cut her loose too, und manifested a disposition as savnge and as sanguinary as as J as a regular Ca'-a line. Tha mewst were j present. J Caution io Sic;i.k Folks The statistics of hospitals show that ''the unmarried are more than four times as liable to b'come insane as married people.'" Many young ladies who affect great indifference on the subject of matrimony, will, no doubt, on receiving the above informa tion, consent to take partners merely to preserve their intellects unimpaired. Fast Grimunu. Beach's stone niiil, in this town, manufactured 3 l.'tl barrels of flour in 0 davs of last week, b-ing 3"ifi barrels per day. This is using up 10.000 bushels of wheat in about the shortest time wa have h -aid of. Akron ISeiicon. Growth or I.nvnoN. We are apt to imagine iiere in the Cuit-d States, that t lie growth of our towns and cities greatly mi, passed in rapidity and extent, those of any part ol the old world. Snie facts about London would seem to contradict this notion. It is stated, for instance, in a recent report to the Government, that '-in little more than twelve years, twelve hundred new streets have been ad ded to London, which is at the rate of 100 streets a year. These l'JOO new streets "contain 4S,000 houses, most of them built on a large and commodious scale, and in a style of superior comfort." With all this wonderful increase, it is said, "that the demand for houses, instead of dimishing. contin ues to increas " and that w hile in many towns of the inteiior, the number of unoccupied lionse it augmenting, "scarcely is a new street in London, finished, before almost every house in it is fully occupied. One great reason assigned fur the rapid growth f London, is the extiaoidinary facility, econo my and despatch with which people are now ransported over Railroads terminating there. )ving to this cause, "it is estimated that thedai y influx of individuals is five times greater than t was fifteen years ago."' London is now about forty miles in circumfer nce, and numbers more than two million of in habitants. A'. Y. Amcr. Thk Vasioi-s Sta'jis ok Lite. A French statistical work states that the inclination of crime is at its maximum in men, about the age of 23 in women five years later ; that the great est physical strength of man is developed be tween the age of and 30, and the greatest men tal powers between the age of 43 and SO; and that gaming is the principal cause of suicide a mong males, and disappointment in love affairs amongst females. Valuabuc Dous. The London Times of the 3d of October, contains an account of the sale of pointer dogs, the property of Mr. Edge, of Stre ney, near Nottingham. The highest price was given for a dog two yesis old, which was pur chased by tha Marquis of Anglesey, for X84 sterling (upwards of $400 ) Other dogs sold for various prices from 10 guineas to 33. A Regimkktai. Family The F.mperor Muli Mohammed of Morocco formed a regiment of his own sons. It numbered 3V3 men.' A pietty re spectable siied f.imily PWt. . .1- t'. I... I....... BALTIMQRH MARKKTi , , Office of the BtTttom AvicaK. Nov. 18. GRAIN.-rrices of Wheat continue steady at 88 93 cents Tor good to strictly prime reels, and at 75 a 88 cts. for inferior to good. A sale of 1500 bushels Tcnna. red Wheat to-day at 8.1 a 91 cents quality fair to prime. Sales of old Corn at 43 a 44 cts. for white, and 47 a 48 cts. for yellow. Sales of new at 40 a 42 cents for white, and 43 a 44 cts. for yellow. We quote Oats at 31 a 20 cents, according to condition. WHISKEY. The article is dull and prices have further declined. Small sales ofhhds. at 34 a 31 cts. and of bbls. at 23 a 25 cents. Tan Tunm KisnroMs. The world we inha I'i' is divided into ihiee giand detriments, named the Minn i1, the Vegetable and the Animal king I. m. Thn first named forms the bate of (he o ther two ; thus the vrgetiblc kingdom derive life and nutriment from the miners', and the animal kingdom is supported by the vegetable. No minenl substance ran Income a putt of an animal body, because P cannot be digested. Qti'ik- J silver is a nrneral. Calomel is sublimated quicksil j v r ; therefore, clotm I cannot be digested, but j when lodged in the body ae s as a corroding po: i eon, Instead, therefore if calomel, Use Br .ndreth's , Vegetable Unsversil PilU ; because they are a we- J dicme ci lacied entirely from veg t shies, snd j I known by long experience to be perfectly innocent, ! and yrt of more pwer a a pu'git ve or cleanser I of the alimrn'aty canal, than any olhrr nirdirine. I h ir i fleet on t! e system is so easy that it is a j lematkahle fait that tl,e mine dose may be given j to an if i ita ait or aduli, without the possibility of i duii g t.ny irju y but on the cnnlrory good, 'j " Purchase of H. B Master, Sunbury, or of 'he spent, published in another part of this paper. . .1 It It i K II , On Thursday the 2lst inst., by the Rev. A. I Brittain, Mk. David Fimikk to Miss Ahigaii. j F.i.izaekth Siiipman, both of Augusta township. PRICE CURRENT. j Corrected wttkly by Henry Yoxtltetmer. Whkst, 85 Rn, 60 (Joan, ...... 40 Oats, 25 Pons, ...... ft FLtxsran, ... . Kin Br)TTS.n, 1 2 Bkkswsi, .... 25 Tallow, .... lo Dm an ArPLKs, - 75 Do. Pkachks, 200 Flax, ... p Hkcklkii Flax, 10 Ectos, .... .7 No lice. f'.IE First Pieshjleiiin Church of o thun-,. JL hcr'an.l will open t' eir new house of wcrsh'p. (it Providence permit.) on the seron.l salihmh of ex! rr.onth, Deeimber 8'h Preaching by the Rev. Joel Parke-, l. D , of Philadelphia. Pel gioim services w ill t e con'.inued duting l lie wo k ensuing the I)e,l ca'ion. Several ministeis are el icited to aid i i cn lucting th" ae.-ii .g. The Congrega ion extei d a ror.lid invitation to their f in ds in the i jini'y to un.te wit'i them on the occasion. NorihumherUnd, Nov. S..?, HI 1. i George OoIIsIkiIN I'sta(c. NOTH 'E is hereby given that li t er of adm'n istiation have leeu pi anted to the snbsciibcr, on iho is'ute of (J. ore ( dre'd. A I per i sons 'ni'elib d to said cittate, r having claims ag.iinst ; the s.i me. nre requested to i s'l o i the nub.-criln r , snd stltli- the same without ) luv. DWID RE EM". It August i, Nov 23, 1814. Ct Adm'r. EVAIT. r.TJTIIEnAN SYWOD OF .' i'cnnrylvania, MET at Reading in the pric-rdiiig weik, and ' among nth r imp irt ml business, passeJ a resolu tion mi uci'iii.t f il:e iK li ful Cuuiliti ni i f the , Clin ch, to Hppoin' the fi si ThuisJ.iy in Dnetnh. r m xt as a d y of hiitniliniion and prnye'. It is ! hoped th il CIims inns id' all deihuiiuut mis wi'l , l.nm'ile iln nisi v. s. ami priy with us f, r a tetiial loTKeigi on id .lav. J . P. MI IN DLL, Nov. 1G. Piesidcnt of ih Si nod. John Even's r.tttutc. ; N1 kTO ITt'E is ben by given that letters nf ad. iiiiuistr lion h ve Iitii grmted to the su'- I scnlier, on the ut ile of J ihn E veil, of Sh iniokin : ownship. d e'd. All prisona indi bled or I aviog , c'a m sssinsl said eiie. re requested lo call on j the subsrri1 ei f r selil. m lit. ori or befiwe t e ri st , dsy of December next. J'tHN EVEUI'.jr Misniokm. Nov. tl, 1814 Ct A liu'r. "LIST CFi-iLEP.s" OK Foreign snd Doin slic Mcrchamlise, of the C.iu ly of NoilhiimberLiid, who have, and I w ho have nut pii-l ihrir Lie ns's. t In hitio I'al.l : I William For yihe Samuel eh onion Win H Wanpl.s : Isaac Biowii i Win H Fnmire eV Co Thomas K I'omp rcth Cudw.ilU.ler Ceotge I'oney i S mi-el (V Ilarwirk John Sweeney cV Son Pet. i McDowull U illiam ILiyrs ; J P Haekenburg ! James Re. d lOni .mi I tV J KiutTinin Benja'iiiii H fl'uec Win (i S.ell D til IL Is' on John ( Kenii tilde i'i Slu lle Pe'ei Dels.) Willism Deppen John K .r I D niid Wm K eh i is (Siorge Brosius John llincanisti Spotz iV Deity liait1 not I'uldj licorue W T,'er IrrUud V McixlII II T s ft Hepburn K L Pir Fletcher Mhthews lUrtinaii II Knalde Vastine St Co Jacob Haas WmJ Ks.e HtlO ; Mil1, r & Mrtz ! Wood (V lihawu John Young La T Clc meiit John Bogsr II B M ier John W Filling Urorge Blight Buyers &. H'l-t. d MiMteller 6l Kwenk Seth I Couily &. Co Robert H Hammond William llainey Cb.s U Meni.k John Crawford T 8 Msckey it 8n Win &. K F-gely Samuel John Thus cV Chas A Posthy John Smith Piter B riel J k J Walls 8jinuel Herb Notice is hereby given, thai ihe Treisurer is comelled, by law, to commence suits sgainsl all Ihoao who do nol come f orward and pay Ihrir licen see en oi l-cfois the 18th day of Nsvemlei nex1. JOHN FARNSWORTH, tunhury, Nov. 2. IV 11. Tiinattrtr, Assignees' Sale or VAlsIIAIlLE GOAL LAIVDS, Situate in Coal Township, Northum land County, Pennsylvania. WILL be sold at public auction, at the Ex change, in the city of Philadelphia, on TllVRSDA Y, the 28th int. the fnl'owing tracts of Anthracite Coal LnndM, to wit i No I, C. ml lining 2!3 acres, strict measure, it bring the iqtl d undivided one-fourth part of BUCK RIDGE TRACT, which contains, by estimate, in all 8 18 acres, atrict incisure. Upon this tricl there sre setersl mines opened s some of them are now being worked. Thereon are also erected four lw-slory DOUBLE FRAME Dwelling Houses, built to accommodate eitht families; s Frame Stable, Smith Shop, a branch R nl Road, about a quarter of a milo in length, lending from the Sunbury and Dmvil'e and Pottsville Ra.l Road to the coal mines; find other improvements suita ble for a complete Colliery. Buck Run pisses through the m'dJIc of this tract. No. 2, Containing 973 seres 43''erche-', strict measure, it being the equal undivided one half part of GREEN RIDGE TRACT, which contains, by estimate, In all, 1874 acres 87 perches, strict mesue. I he Sun'uiry snd Dan villc and Pottsville R.iil Road passes through i', (near the middle.) an I sls.i the Shamokin cri ck. Valuable mines of Iron Ore, snd great nwmlier of Coal Vien, have been discovered end opened u pon this tract , dot none of the coal tiens hsve yet been worked for market. The above one hslf of the trtct will be so'd to. nether, or in two equal one fourth pans, vf 4G3 sc.rrs 101 perches each, to suit purchssers. No. 3, Containing 22(1 acier, s net measure, it he ng the undivided one half put of the ESTHER CREAMOR TRACT, containing, by eMimite. in nil, 452 ncrs stiict meiMfre. Valuable Iron Ore has been found upon this trsct. Then on are aNo erected a nun t n A! r I t ivi: imiTsF. n.l KnY-!tllll. upon a bra- ch r.f 8ha- mokin creek, which passes through it. A large Anl'naeite Fil'nace, now in blast, is situs ted within a qi'sner of a mile of Buck Ridge, and within s mile of Grei it Ridge snd Esther Cream. r tries. Tl e wbo'e nf the ah 've derrilicd Lands a'c si.usie.l in I'.e Mms I or; A.ori, i li e own of 8W.kin, which is 10 mdea by nil load 0 Sunhury. and 30 n.lle. bv .he proposed .mp o. ved .ou.e wuhout inrlnid plmes. to I -Hs"H. 1 hes are all well t.mle.ed, s..d are nil Coal Und except .nnui xu arre. oi uu a luoge, lunring leu, Ihe sdj ining red shell And in qu inti'y snd qua' ity i f Cosl. together wi'h convenient adspiati'in by ravines, for numerous opi nti gs f r mines ah i e water level, t hi y are not inferior in any Lsnd in th it legion, rr perhsps in Pennsylvunl i. Persons wishing to vi. w the Lands are rerpect fully referred lo Mr John Bti.ld. of Su bury ; and for further partieulars lespep.ting them, and the region generally, to the suhseritii r. at Lancaster, or Burd Paiter-on, E-q.. at Pot'svillc. Ppeeiniens of the C sl ind Iron Ore, and a mip of the Lanits. together with a more pariic.ilnr de scr pt'on of :be region, will be left at the Exchange in Plid dilphhi for in peclion. Si'ewill commenre st 7 o'i. rk, P. M., whrn conditions will le mide known, and attendance given, by JAMES B LNE, As.ignee of lleekert. Notk C.J. Wol'crt, Aui'linneer, No 51 M nket street. Phl'ade'ph a, will g ve any iuf rm tion that my be disred rspic'i g the shove de si iiled bind-. Nv. Ifiih, 1S14 G ,.JS R by 10, best quili y, Cut Nails, all a zea. Salt, bv the sack and barrel, lists and dips, ot the lust quality. All for sale at reduced pr:ces, hv Simburr, Oct. 2f, 1814. ' H. B. M SsE R. folate of Col. John Jones, iletNI. W IJ ITER: of on said dece. dent's estate, have len crant d to the sub. sinbei. Persons knowing them elves indebte.l to aid estate, ra rrqnes'ed to mke immediate pny meiit, at.d h ivi. g ilem mda g i'nst the unw are reqiirsled lo present tin it sccounls for exmnin stion an I set leinenl. The sdmini-t a'ors will sl tend t the dwelling lmi.-e of the deerssed, on the I5ih of overnber ntx', to rtsmii e iiccounts and make nlili men's. 'M. H. Ml ENCH, E LIS II A KLINE. Sunbury, Oct. 19, IS14 6 Admi's. v T , wAi r.T.4 m.i: ci ior xi, roR thk if nii t r i) v s i i: is i a. "HH Medicine is ofTe e l to the public gencr I a'lv. fr 'in a full conv eti n thi it is -uperior I i any olhei m dtcuie now its ue. f.r the erne of Dyspepaia, l.iier C mplaio', Nervous Del llitv or Bodily Weakness, Vc. Its cfliC's have been tested in a priv.ite practice f lie 'C .ight yens, and il is now m re ei'ensivrlv ci'culaled, st ihe s dieiiude nf many who have re eeive.l ihe mo-t benefit from the u e of il. , The f ill. ming is one ainong s numlier of cerliti , r iles received ill lilaiiou to the suecest of this me ' d c ne: LrsTsa Co. Match IS. i Da. (imini W. Allks, Dear Sir : Il is with gr- st p'e.isure that I in . 'oriu you of ihe sue ess a'tendu R your Dyspe;iic Medicine, wdn'e eui I ycd in my p act ice. Fro n ' iast 1 1 pei i. in e, I firmly believe thai in e gbt r js. s out of ten, ihe D,sK-p ie, bv the u-e of your niedi. ine, may einir ly n.l htinstll' of ih s thorn in the pathwiy of life: in.l in dvsCt:c rises, hi( ill nl c ises i.f constipation and disea-es depentl ng ' on ad biliig ed stale i.f ihe ii rous sistem, ioL'e- ther with s to'pid st le of the h wcl. will your E- liiirbefou d of uirslitn . ble value. Nuuier. u in -l.iin'i s whe ein the usefu n ss of ihe medicine h is hern res'i-ed, may If f.n warded, if requirnl. I 1 w Uh y. u great sueet s-, and leroiinnend the meiti ! cine lo like suder ng arl of nunkiiid. i Vouis, with greit respeel, ROUEUI' AtiNE W, M. D. j For sale at Ihe store of H. B. Masser, sgenl I for i lie pr iprietor, Sunl'urv, Pa, ! October 26ih, IH44 ly if 1 rs. Fullmer TTA8, Al Fall rereiveJ the rerenl style i f Fashionable II Millenety, and will make up Bonnets of tH kinds in the latest style. She has also for s-le a V iriety of choice articles, such ss (,'alicors. Cloves, Ribbons, Ladies' Cravats, &c, snd respectfully re. quests her customers and others lo call snd sec. RunUiry, Nov. 9th, 1844 31 1tt UACS Hslt, I l II I ia ii a a . m . iuu nsrnu uo ai i 7f csri, nr sale by B, HENDRICKS. Puuhury.Oct. 19th, lH, Hi i"i:f3 1 FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD! CANTRELL'S Celebrated l'uinily ITledicincs WILL not cure every thing, but still remnin unequalled in their several departments by every thing ever offered to the public who have voluntary came forward and offered numerous and highly respectable ttsiim mials of their superior i ffie icv. CantrflCl Compound Medirnted Syrup nfSar tapar tint or, Antiscorbutic 8 rup, for the of Pcorfula, Chronie Rhen.n itism, Chronic Swel lings of the Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, and all Diseases arising from the abuse of Mercu-y, fre., unsurpassed by any thing in the ma'kel, cuinbi. ning all the virtues resident in the Sar-npirilU with a modern wdicament, only lately brought out by ihe most reapectaldo medical authorities. Price, 50 cents per b .tile. CnntreW .inti-Dytpeptic Pi.wdcr, fur ihe re lief and jiermsnent cure of that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia, in all its forms and singes. It is ttuly a mosi valu.ible remedy. 8 ld in bottles ai 25 snd 50 cents each. Cuntrcll' Jgue A xlure and Tonic Mctliea menta, stsnda at the head of the list unrivaled by ny. or all the innumerable mediein s in ue throughout the length and bread h of the Itn.d, for Iho cure of Favr.a 'nd Aour. in all its st.tges, snd from all it consequences. Residents in Fever and Ague districts should never be without il. The sul-se-i' er will forfeit EIF I Y DOLL ARS where his medicine laiN to pciform a cure in the most obstins'e cae. S.ild Whoesde ai d Retail bv CALEB CRES SON. at l is Druj Warehouse. No. 6 Nonh Third Street, Philadelphia! also, hv ihe regularly ap. pointed agent, 8BTH W. ROBERTS, Wbolesa'e Druggist. No. 54 Water Street M ibile. bv t' e Su!erdier, corner of C AR. i PENTER and SECOND S reets, below Christi an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed. Oi'Scrve, none sie genuine without Ihe signature of JOHN A. CANTKELL. ! C'unlroir ipiic Mixture, or Tonic t nictlirnnieiitn, i For the ture of all U tiouit nffrettont, iftnhen ac 1 cording to direction'. It is a never failing remedy which no fami'y i rugh 1 1 be without, especially in low marshy I cour tries. As this medicine is put up under the p'Opne. tor's iintn diate ii speclion on Ihe most scientific pii .ciples, being Pnr ly Vigetidde, snd hsving tried its rfficiiy on thoii'ands, fir upwards of 12 years, snd to hi knowledge when taken strtellv ac cording to di cctions, 'herehs not ben one fa lure. Under siu-h circtini-tsnces I recemiiirnd it to the pul lie, adding a teriifi-ati in supp.trl of my asser. lion. ( n (, , rf.f? h(), j w, , ,,, ,hip T(1) Cpo (lf, hi:., Opt. Re.d. in J , Li, , MU (he fever ; ,,,,,;,, in Livrr,0o ,0me lime und . , (, f , lm, wpn r,om ,rr0 , naltimore. . ,nfirmrv , pr five wcfks-from thence lo PhPadrtphia ; was six months under Dr. Coats ; from thence lo New Yi.rk wrnt to tl e Hospital, tema:n"d ih re about four wi cks without sny relief Med i very thing without sny benefit, for five jests. Hearing of CantreTs Ague Mit tuie fijSm a friend, I went to his store, told him h 'W I was afflicted, and got a bottle of his mixture and os'-d il according to directions. It nnde a per fect cure, and I have n't hail the less! Minn since. I do with confidence recommend i1 to Ihe public. JOHN BURNS. ! Medicated Syrup of Sai wapai Ilia. I I h I lib IpUt i, April I0:h, IR41. : Mr. JoHtt A.f'ANTHfLI, i Disr ir, Having le n sfflic'ed forupwMrd- of ' iwo jears with u'ceration of the, de-troji g I the whole i f ihesofv p il te, then thiough the upper , part i f in v ni'iulh into my nise, from which sevcr l l pieees of hot e came mil, winch parttsl'y destroy. I ed mv speech, through a kin I Providence and your Medicated Syrup ol S irs p i'i I , I urn now lestorrd : to peif c! he dih, mid mi sight, w h ch w.isso much i.npair d, H a-i -irong as iviieti a boy. I thought it s duty I owed i you and those sinii I lurly ufTect d.t imake it pi.hhc. VnUts. R spec fol'v, Sll EL KIRK. Comer of Tenth and (Vacs Stiects. I, ti' ril J. rst n, No. 0 R. ekb s Stiret, do cer 'i lifv tliat my wife,, was alTlie-ed for tw.i years wiih Rheunistisin. and l U t entirely ) a ' te . j so that shu waa oldiged be c nil'med to l d ; lea--i iug i f Csnt ell's Me'i ated Syuip of S s.psrilla, i or Ami Seothiric Sviup. I pronuel fmr bulll a. which compt lelv removed all her pnin and stitl" nrs from her limbs ; two m re botiles made a p' r let I cure. S, e is now sble to a'l- nd -o hei h'Mi-r-holl ibiti s as usual. li A It KM, JONS ION. Ph lad.lphi-, Jin. 221. I S 14. (jjj1 De crip ive sgeuts (Gratis.) 'am phi. t may b" had of the J. W. FRILINC, Sunbuiy, Nov. 9, 1S41. ly .igent. .nileliael ItocUefellerN Cstale. ITO TD E is here' y given, that 1. 1 rrs ..f a 'm ri istratinn hnv- lun ir.nt.d lo the sub r b r. on the estate of M.chsel l!o. k I. Her. ih c'd , Lie ..f A ugust i toAuship N. ml. mill., rl.m d county. Per--nrisi il t.'ed to sat. I e-t :ie,..r hsiing claims .gaiu-l the same, are reiju sted to ca'l on the sub-enh, r for mlt'cmen'. s.A(' ECKMA.V. Oclobrr 19. Ii, 1841 til Adm'r. A .SI I It Y It O OA WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT it CAP AIAMTACTUUHUS, South lHant roriifr oj Murhrt and 4th .. lMilladclplila, riIERE th 'y slwtvs ke-p on hand in ex'en sivo -a ot.ii. ut ..f HA Ts if CA I'S ,.f c v. rv li script ion, got up in the lest mil most i.iprmrd t le. i'eis ii ill r .r us of pur. h istug supeilor ai'i cbs on Ihe most iei n ible lerni-, il li d i lo tbeir advuultii;e to call b f re making juiihsse rUewhi re. Philadelphia, O," ftl'i, ' S 14. I V uitL'SSELS, I NUlt A l AND VENETIAN C n v pct i ii JOSEPH II 1- 4 14 W , .Vr. 1 1 1 Cficuiut Street, Curnrr Frank! n Square . l'lllLAbF.LVlllA. i TT AS just rectivi d and is now opening s i rv j A-- extensive smj b. sul lul sss,.r'..ieni ol t .IK i'ETISGS The gmsls sre fiesh, snd of new ll s, and leing piirchasni principally lor Csf they will be sold st the b west iiricc ; they in p ut, of rsplend'd Bius e's, -i CARPET Beautiful impe.ial 3p'y, I I.(JS, Super Ex'ra Incrs r, Vt'olors wir. 3 4, 4 4, ft H Tw.lbd Verelian, ranle l " " " Plain dm j Dl KABl.i: A l .rjestork ol well seasoned till, CJ.O I'HS ufail width, Rl us. Hi sins n, die, ml!i vu exti-nsiva asso.tme.iil of luu priced Carjtetini;$ bf all i!e-eriptioiia. (ry Puu'l.u-i j ae rtqm s ed o esll Slid see i:s, tsben tli ay wil ftiid an extensive s-s itimjiit at the moil leasonal juices. Ph.UJv'rhit, Oct. 5 h, llt,-i( .!UL II 1 L 1 ! Jl -II. VALUABLE FARMS, CAlfAK PltOrEIlTY. WATBII POWBRS, Itoiifles and liots for inlc. fflHE Subcrihef offers for sale the following de- JL ecrlbed Valuable Property, all of which he will sell at very moderate prices, snd on reasons. ble terms, vit i HOUSES St LOTS. No 1. A large and cleg trt two story stone man sion house with hisement story , s'l highly finished, snd situs ed on Ibe eist side of M.nkct street, in Si In sgrove, Union county, b. iug the residence of the subscriber. The lot on which this house statu! is verv hmdsomcly improved, and planted wnh choice fruit and nrntinvnt tl (rcia snd shrubs, with all ihe I ecss ity imprnvem nts nf a large burn, piggerv, wsgon shed and Corn crib, carriage house, ice house, sm 'kn houe and poultry ysrj. The whole constituting a m st d. sirahle and beau tiful n s deuce. Price, f 3,500. No. 2. huge two story wooden house with ex tensive bark buildings, and hijldv improved gar. den and lot of ground-. This properly is sittmted noith of and adj in'ng No. 1. a:id id so forms a de airshle residene-Price, 1,500 No 3. A Iwo stotv wooden house with lot nf ground, situ tied on the east -ida of Water sl eet, in Selinsgrove, well finished throughout, with log stable on the rear nf the 'o'. Price. 600. No. 4. A two stoiy wnodm house with one sto ry ki'cbcn, and a log stu'de on the rear of t'e lot, situiled nonh i f snd ndi'dninc the Isst named pro. perty.No. 3. A well and pump, to nrrommoJaie this .nd iVo. 3, in the y ird. I'tice, J500. No. 6. A lot of ground in the town of Charles town, on the Isle of Que, situated on MTcel, 40 by 1H0 feet. A desirable lot for a dwelling house. Pri e, f 200. No. 6 A lot of ground adjoining Selinsgrove snd I'ei.ns ctei k, and fronting on Wa'nut street, cm. tabling about half an sere of ground Price, $i00. CANAL PROPERTY At WARE & 8TORE HOUSES. No 7. A very valuibte property on the Pennsyl vania Canal, on Ihe l ie of Que, adjoining S. lins. grove. The improvements a'e such ssto facilitate mercantile and trading business to a great extent, nnd consist of a large Iwo stoty fri ne house, occu pie.l as s iby goods st re; l.crge and commodious wsre bouse, 40 by HO fee' ; a long range of stabling ; snd an extensive wharf, 400 feet long, with hoist ine crsne. &.C. It is si'unted on the berm bank side nf the can d, snd in every respect calculated f r an extensive business. Price, 5,000. BOAT YARD AND DRY DOCK. No 8. A li'ge and convenient Bojl Yard on the IVni'Svl vania Cnn d, a d laying south of and adjoining No. 7. On this p-operly is erected a one arid a hill story frame dwelling house, well finish e.I ( s large shed and effire for the accommodation of boat build, rs, and also a very complete dry dork, into whieh boa's for repair are floated out of the canal, and into which ni w boata erected on the yurd are also launched. A very di sirahle proper ty. Price ?2,000. FARM OF 200 ACRES. No. 9. A largo and exeredingly valuable faim, containing aheul 200 acres of choice limestone land in a highly improved state. On this farm thc ie are shout 140 ac es under culture, divided by good femes into fields of Irn acres; a large two st. rv boil e with ki'chen ntta bed ; a well and pump of excellent water at the kitchen door ; a in'pe and convenient bank barn with wagon house, sheds ai.d corn crib atl.iched; a la'ge piess bouse w ith cv. rv convenience f..r making cider, at the foot of the orchard, which consists of ten acres of choice g afted tipple trees end .r t'ets. Limestone is qu irned in any qnati i y witlrn 100 y.itdsofthe firm luit inps, where lim.t i burned. It Inys wi hiu cum mile oflh" I'rnn-ylv uii.i Cauul and Se liusgruve. A very desirable f.rtn., 12,000 FARM OF 5J0 ACRE-1. No. 10. One odier 'sr. e and valuable firm of a- ! hout 2''0 iicres of lim atone land, and !Lo situated j within one mile of the canal at Selinsgrove. Il is I w II i'Ur ied. theie being about 130 arrrs well ' l. iic d mill under culture, the balance being well I imihe-e I with o k, pine, w . 1 1 1 1 it nnd rh.fnut linile r. I The ho'rs ronsi-l of u large und well floishsi! j tiii l...y hou-e iv nh kitchen ; a hirgo barn win ivngon shed snd co-n nib, Ac. a't iched ; a j spring h -use and nevrr filling spitng neai ihe ! In u e ; a smith shop, n-id two bine kilns, capable I of hti ning nne hundied bushels lune ter day, built J adjoining an rxhaustles lime tone quarry. There are al-o three orcl ards of leaiing apple trees on ! this fdrin Ptiee, f 10.000. FARM OF 250 ACUES. j No. II. A firm i n Prima t're. k. about 3 mi'ea i from the canal at Srlingrove. wi h the public road ! Ic tiling from S. lin-groe lo New Beilin, the seal of .' justice i t Union coun'y, running through it. Ii coi.i.una nl out "50 oeres, of whii h there are a1 out ,'10 acre of firs r .le me d w Itnd, ihe balance up land and principal'y red s. hi'e. one hnn .It. d seres are cleir. d, Hie babinee being well cover ed iv ih oak. hem oi k and white pine timbti. The u.ldincs c..n-i-l of a well finished Iwo storv farm l.ooee w I'll sen r d fine spiings nf wa'er clese at hai d, s large log ham, c 'in oili, spring h"Use, 6iC On ibis fi m i In ru is s mill n ite with 20 fei t fall, on a s'rcain of w I'er I'i1 ulnry t i I'enns cretk. Tins f .mi lliiiht be ad !,iii'iigeously divided into two f.r ns, snd wid be i.i dnidedif purchasers do ;re it. Pr.ce, $5,t:0H WATER POWER. X,i. 12 A w..ii r p wer on Pern- Ceek, r.f 6J letTf.l', unimpioiel. Itis a. tuned belwe.n lie Iwntracs . I I .ml. N o. II ai d I 3, snd Willi in 3J miles ol tl e I run ylvania Canal, st S. linsgroie A ptibl r ioi I lead sl.rno.ti this inct, along file cjH b-j- k f I'enn. cie. k Price, f 500. WATER POWERS cV WOODLAND. No. 13. A trsei o' woudl ind cuitainiiig ah ui 7.1 si tes, no te.l on ere, k, imoii iiiat. ly i p. ...n.e ... II. This inci is wed r-neml with white o'k an. I pine timber, wi'd Wolf run flown g ihr -u:h it ai d empty iog into Penns ere k, air..r.!ini! sn exceib nl seitr f r a ss v m II with fiom twelve to fr I f Ii. P l--.fl 500. No 11. A liaci i.f wivull n l. unimproved, s to t. led on the i -l do . f IN lets e e. k. sdjo nina N i. 13, cmil on ng i b .nl 2'Kl a. rns uf excellent red si h de upland W It iuu. Li'mlary I i Pei.ns C'eifc, riu.k ilea ih thi- Ir id, and .ill'.r Is a super' .r jiie f..r a saw mill The I .n I is he ;vi'y s t v. i.n w hi e o k mil pintf li'iiU'i, r.n.l i-s i-. eptil.'.. . b. iug con v. ite.l m:o i i c II ut I r o. -'':..e. $3 (U'O No 15 l e oil er .i ci t .omlla ,1, t.iein: r -v,d, itii.ttcl in I'i in s to- n l.ip. about 3 miles f'.iin !Si Imsr. ic. ..d; .ii Iji ,U of John U n'v. t!. Sin h an, I other , o i.Ijiiii g IS 7 acres ami 123 of cv i l'.riit ird sch.ile upland. Wolf run also pa.. i.irou;h this l.iod,'inhng fine water , I'nf.r. The lsnd is w ell covered with whi'e oak t ad pine timber, ai.d is susci-pliblc of being c n vert, d n to an excellent futn. Piice fi WOO, No. II. A tract of woo Haml, uuimpiov. d. iluu- j led in Union township, a.ljiilniug land of M chad r- and other, and not more thnu tu e mile from eiunliury, on the oppo ite aide uf the r vei i sii-queh, coiitairiiug '.bout 145 aces. This' lsi.d i very go.l t. rchs'e soil, csp.ll le uf being I Conv. rud lino nil iirelb'lit fm. A alieam of a- ler i.l.ul-ry io tl e nvrr, ibrougb this land I suli'c fin ly strong foi a saw n id. The find is iv.ll I'oieied with wl.ilu oak slid ttu.b . r, Piiie, j 52 100. i N i. IT. A tract of uni" p roved woodlin.l, situs- j led in Ci'titia lowiisbip, I'bti.n eooiity, c i.tniuing 1 I OH B.'l s. adjoining lands of J Will- iimyer ami I Oihrra, Midd'tVu'g is wilhin ihice m.lcs, and j i ..I aaiLLVj. -U-jjj jjm iji jim Middle creek within une mile. There Is a saw mill en the trsct of Inn.l adjoining, at hicfi the timber of th's Ir .ft can be wrought into buatds anil other iwed stuff. Price, 5300. In ennsi.leta'loii of Ihe scarcity of money at this time, I will sell any or all the above property on terms to suit the times snd in case ensh be offered, a reasonable deduction will be made, Fu'ther par. liculars msy be oLtsined by addressing the sul scri. ber st Selinsgrove, Union coumv. Pa. H.'W. 8NYDER. Selinsgrove, August 3, 1844. 3m NEW GOODS. rri'lE rabseriber hssjtist received from Philidrt. JL phi'i fresh sopily of Naw Ooons, consisting in patt, i.f M'luslin Delainei, Crape Deltiiner, Cashmere de Ecosxe Shnuils, Hundkercheift, $c Also, Heaver and S Ik Hate, a good asso.tment of Men'i and ?or' Capi, f.'roecri'es, Liquors, Salt, 3tc. 4c, all of which will be sold at the most reasonable terms. Stone Jure and Jugs, cheap. H. B. M ASSER. Sunbury, Oct. fi'h, 1R44. CHEA p" CARPET STORE. ON THE CASH PLAN. At An. 41 Strnwbetry Si. Philadelphia. riHE Rent of the sub'Ctibers in iheir present JL situation being icrv low, anJ their terms I CASH, they sie enabled to sell at s. ch low price I that customers csnn l I'.il to ba sst ffie.l, and they itnile the iironle of Noithuinbeiland and the ed- joining counties to call and eximino theiisb'tk, ss they offer an excellent assortment, comprising Beautiful Impeiial, 3ply, " Siierfnie Ingrain. Heavy Twill d Venetian, S-CARPETINOS. Fine English WorstcJ d . Plain S rijed do.J Willi a la'ge Stork of welt sensnnrd Floor Oil Cloths of ail wid'l s, for Rooms, Hslls, Door Pie. ces, eke. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Beautiful Health Rugs, Table Covers, Floor Baize, Rag C .r jicts, Matting, fee &c , together with a h.rge ftork i f low priced Ingrain, Entry and Stair Crpe', Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest piires in thu city. LLDKIDG'B & BROTHER, No. 41 Strawberry street, one dnor above Che. nut, near C.I street. Entrance also at No. 50 Souiti Second sl.ee1, Phi'sdelphia. Sept. 28th, 1814 3m sIpXnTsIThI d e s TANNERS' OIL. ftOOO D.y La Plata Hides first quality. 3500 Dry La Cuira. do IOOO Dry Salted La Hoir. do 2000 Diy alt.-d Bnail Hides, do 35 Ba'es (Jreen Suited Patna Kips. tlO Bales Dry Pa ns ITip. 1-20 Barre's Tannera' Od. Tanners' and Curriers' Tools. For sole lo Country Tanners ottho st prices and upon the best t. tmi. N. U. The highest maiket prices paid for all kinds of leather. D. KIRKPATRICK Jk SONS. No. 21, South Third St. Phil .delphia. Seplimher 14, 1844. ly. SnUGERT'S PATENT VASHI1TG ItACHIlTE. riHlS Midline his now been tested by mora M. than ihirly families in this neighburhood, anil has given entire satisfaction. Il is so simple in its construction, tlmt it cannot pet out of order. It cont'i'iis no iron to ru-t, and no spiings or rollers to gel out of repur. It will do twice ss much w ash ing, with less than hull the wear and tcur of an) of the hie inventions, mi l whit is '-f greater in per lance, ii costs but lil'le over half i s much as other washing nif rhino. The subscriber h is the cxclu-ive ryht f r Nor. thti!nbeil.irid, L'l.ion, L ennm g, I'olun.hii, L i lerne and C' li ntun counties. Price of single m cbiire5t3. H. B. M A!EU. The following ce.tifii'iile 'a fiom a few of lliuso whuhaie these m idlines in use. Sunbury, Aug. 24, 1841. We, the suhseriliers. certify thai we have no v in u-e, in our families, 'SliugfttV P.ilcnl ing Machine," und do not hesitate siiing that il is a most excellent invcnii .n. That, in Wa-hing, it w ill save more than one half the u-ual labor, That it dot u t requiie more than one, I the usual quantity of o p and water ; und that t! cm is n i rubbing, an I const qttrntly, little or no ive.i-. ing . r tearing. That it knoekj .'IV mi button, ami that the finest cto;bes, sue') u collar-, hires, lucks, frills, Ac, may be wjdhed in a le y slirtt tuiia without the ent injury, and in fact without sny appaient wear and tear, whalrv r. We there fore clieertully recomniend it to ourf. iciiil snd I . the public, as a most useful and I th r saving machii e, CHARLES W.HEGLNS, A. JORDAN. CHS. WEAVER. CIIS PLESANTS, CIDEON M Ml K I.E. Hon. O P.O. C. W ELK ER, HEN. I. HENDRICKS. C I PEON LEISENRINO. II i tin's llnrri, (firm, rly Tietno-.t H.u-.e, No. IIC Ch' suut sine',) riiilaile'plna, Sepia, ii'ii r 2lsi, lull. I have used Kbitgert's P .lent Washirg Machine in mv hou e i.f nioiuh-, and do not hesitate lo lay tbat I ile.'in it o e of th.- mo I uso tnl avd vsiu'ible l iborsavi. p michines ever iuv. n. led. I fi.rincrly kpt Iwo won en r.u tiotiklly if. cup ed in ashing, who n.-.i d.iasinui ti in tua days as i In y then ilt.l in me nuk. 1 lie o i i. i wiar or tear in wishing, ami i' rcpiircs not in iu one-tbir.! il,, usual uuan ilv ot souii. I In.ia ! bad a tiitnlir ol o h r m chims in my lam ly, bit tins is s.i U't'idi'dly soperi t to every tl. I..: t '.-- i I I s i li tlo 1 a t gr out of n p i, linn I would it. t j do W!lnii one ,f they sboul l cost t. n tnmrs iho "'ce ,ney are sold for. DANIEL II IS UK. I VM.ZORINES. a hands rne article for Ladies' -- Dresses, for suit; rhesp, bv I June 15. " H. B. M A.En. ' M Ki-: ilA I T j 1,4 I'-iiiiWiVstucle. all 'wTIK j .ub and rl .s''C, for Suii.iuer Cca'a and Pau'.n, fu- s de, veri I iw, by ! J ti e I. a H. B. M ASSER. i NOTICE ! to !n:iiisiiis iiu.f.ii:st. ! WM, M. cV JOS. E. l AI'l.L, m M KAcrna:ps and dealers in FOKEKiN AND DuMEsl'IC N I RA W (JOODS, Vo. 10, A'orft S-cnnd Street, opposite the Muditon JFtiusr, ) PHILADELPHIA, (Tv WHERE wiP be f nnd s general asoit tjxnieiit of Florence Brui.h, Aliens, Rui Vfr, lands, IV. Mies. U ill. w Phil, K,c St aw, ai tl it iniirh s.lniire.l N.apoliian I. are, a d Fan l U ... nets, m.iiiif.ii lined by us, snd f.r snle at llie lo . mai u'sriu e pr res Mete' a', Is and Mil.iners ,,, invite I to g;ve ua a c h upon visiting the Ct'y. J T N. B We have ul-o c,.n t in l' trskii. j sup. linr In r . n.l o'ber eild ii js, all of went U w.ll hi so d cheap, t o i a-tl. f'LilkJrl, bis, My S."., li-ll.- It