A Vrrx" Sad l.mnlillon, We cut the following from the Knickorboc ker. It is good for a laugh at any rato. Thu last stan zas we think especially rich i " It it not that sh bade me go, And aaid I'd better atop my calling, It is not that she answered, "No," As loud as could be short of bawling; It was not that she slammed the door, And set her nasty lap-dog on ma ; Oh, no : a greater, keener grief Weighs down my heart and preys upon iw. I cannot boar to see her go And promenade with other fellows ; I cannot bear to see her walk On rainy days 'neath their umbrellas; To see such things a-going on, Excites my virtuous indignation ; It makes me swear, as one might say, In vulgar phrase, "like all creation." To see her seated in a chair, With half a dozen fops about her ; And hear that fool Augistis swear He "can't exist a day without her ;" 'Tis thi which makes my withered hopes Tall thick and fast like leaves in Autumn, And causes my poor heart to beat Like a young bear's when dogs have caught him. What if her father is the Squire, And I'm a briefless-lawyer-dcvil She need n't cut me in the street It would n't hurt her to be civil. But ah ! my heart-strings are a lute On which her hand unfeeling lingers ; Well be it so ! the tune is sad, But then 'tis played by Beauty's fingers. Enough ! enough ! I've lost the maid : My mind is bordering on distraction ; Yes, yes I'll leave this classic sliadu, And seek a wider field of action : For in the distant Texan land, In war's proud ranks I'll seek for glory, And then perhaps in later years My name will sound in verse and story. And if, oh cruel Marianne ! You hear them tell about "a stranger Who wore the 'lone star', on his crest And never cared a cent for danger," Perhaps you'll proudly look around, And with a sigh of sympathy Kxcluim to all your wondering friends, "That bravo young man once courted inc." A Novel Love Chase. The Portland papcr, tell of a remarkable in instance of the truth of the apothegm, that "the course of true love never did run smooth." It seems that a Granger arrived at Portland, Me., a little while ago, and in the course of itineracy in the prosecution of bin hu inetss, fell in with a pretty inexperienced girl ami after a few interviews promised her mar riage, and they were to start for Boston in the afternoon train, to have the knot tied. In the meantime, the mother-in-law of the girl got an inkling of what was going on, and she also ap peared at the depot, to restrain her roving daughter from throwing herself in the arms of a comparative stranger. "1 he second act opens at the depot, with me train abuut to start. The mother had entered the car, and confronting her daughter find her j lover, by turns entreats the one to return home I with her, and upbraided the other for 'stealing j away an old woman's daughter.' The daugh ter would not heed her entreaties and tears. The lover was cold and indifferent to her threats. The passengers' feelings were manifestly on the side of the mother but her appeals could nut draw her daughter out of the cars. Mean while time flew, and the moment of departure came. Tho mother was still beseeching the daughter pouting the lover frowning when dame fortune for once helped the matron and disappointment the maid. The conductor in quired if the girl had a ticket ! She had not and as the rule required passengers to be so provided, she was advised to step to the office and obtain ono. She stepped out and the scene being now quite exciting some of the passen gers happened to be very much in the way of the lover, and he could'nt get out so easily. Finding his egress thro' the door strangely pre vented, he rushed to the window and with o three dollar bill between his fingers, endeavor ed to convey it to her. She was e idently lea ving home, in this man's company, withi.tit mo ney. But he could not reach her. Here was a situation ! The girl without, with no means to purchase her ticket ; the fellow within, un able to get out and every body lutighing at him. It is an old proverb, 'timo and tide ws.it for no man' neither does the mail train nor for women cither. At this moment the starting time arrived, the bell tolled, the engineer let on the steam the firemen grinned the specta tra laughed and off went the train with the itinerant, but without his victim. Then it was that the force of the girl's love broke forth. When she saw the gap every moment widen ing between them, she could endure the thought no longer hut set ofTwith frantic speed in full chase after the cars. Some shouted, some o pened wide thmreyes, some unfeelingly cried 'put on more steam, my dear,' a few pitied the poor girl. She soon found that her speed, even when impelled by love, was not equal to the mail train. Article nor at Tnr Fair. .Veto inren 'ions. A muchiiiM hr paying every Ualy's debts, also squares accounts, and strikes the balance in au instant. Looks like a burse pis tol. A patent for making tight boots feel easy. Th muJts operandi of this very desirable re cuipt, is giving them to somebody with smaller Itttt. .VouA'i Times. UA.XK NOT 12 LIST. rnxxsi ii'Axrt. The following list shows the current value of all Vnnsylvanis Hunk Notes. The must Implicit re l.ance nviy I placed upon it, a it U every ii'eek rrfully Compared with si d corrected from Dick ncll's Reporter. Hunk. lii riillailclpliln. Nams. UcATtnx. c'" 1 hilar. N O T K AT PAR. flunk of North America . , Bank nf the Northern Liberties . Commercial Bank of Perm's. . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . Kensington Bank . . Philadelphia Hunk Schuylkill Hank Situthwark Bunk . . Western Bank . . Mechanics' Hank . . Manufacturers' A; Mechsnics' Bunk Country Itauks. Bank of Chester County Westchester Bank of Delaware County Chester par par par par par par par par par pm par par par par par pur par par Hank of (Jermantown Hank of Montgomery Co. Doylestown Bank Kastnn Bank Farmers' Bank of Burks co. Office of B'tnk of Penn'a. (.crmsiitown Norris'nwii Dnylestown Easton Bristol Harrishurg" These Office do do Lancaster I offices Oflice do do Heading f Jn not Oiliee do do Easton J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Rank of the l'niied States rlank of Perm Township fii-ard Bank Moyamening Bank Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Pollsville" Bank of l.cwHMown Bank of Midd!etnwn Bank of Nnrthiirnherlnnd Philadelphia 25 par i par par i Potlsville Lewistnwn Middletown i irlhunileilsnd par Columbia Bunk St Bridge co. Colombia par i i i par par j i par J i i it Carlisle Bank Cnrlisle Exchange Bank Pittsburg Do do branch of Hnlhdavshurg Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lnncjstci Lancaster County Bank Lancaster Farmers' Bank of Heading Reading Harrishurg Bank Harrishurg Lancaster Bank Lancaster Lehannn Bank Lebanon Merchants' & Mannf Bank Pittsburg Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg West Bisnch B .nk Williarnspnrt Wyoming Bank Wilkcshano Northampton Hank Allcutnwn Rerks County Bank Reading Oiliee of Bank of I '. 8. Pittsburg failed do Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav. Ins. A ilo Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Bank of Chanihershurg Chamhershurg Bank of (iettyshurg icily slurg Bank of Suscjuehauna Co. Montrose Erie Bank Erie Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Wynesluirg Franklin Bank Washington Hniicsdale Bank Honesdale. Monongahela Bunk of I). Brownsville York Bank York do N. B. The notes of those banks on which wc Jinil quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are noi purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception ot those which have a letter of r ference. B K O K E N B A N KS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. . Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co, do failed Schuylkill Ssv. Ins. do ftiled Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed I nwanda Hank Tuwanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Dunk of Beaver Bedtord no sale Beaver closed Itnrrishurg closed Washington failed Delltfonte closed Pitching no sale Plllsbiirg failed Fayette co. failed ('recncasle fulled Harmony no salt; llurilingilon no sale Lewisiowu no sale U.irik of Swatara rjsmli of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' A MediVs' Bunk Farmers' A Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank luniata Bank lumbermen's Bunk Northern Bank of Ps. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Xorlhumh'd l'nion Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Aur.dc Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank L'nion Bank of I'enn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wiikesharre Bridge (To. Warren Dunditir New Hope Milton Mcsdfille Port Carbon Carlisle. Mont lose L'nioniown failed no sale closed lio sale closed failed closed failed closed ('recnsUirg W'tlkcslurre nosulu fXj All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above lut, may he m-i iown as frauds. kkw ji:ksi:y. Dank of New Brunswick Uelvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bunk umherland B.iiik Farmers' Bank Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Brunswick llelviilere Metlford Perth Amhoy Bndgetnn Mount Holly Hallway N. Biunawick failed i par 4 pur par i failed Mhhllrtown Pt. i Jersey City faded Hoboken bkg A Crazing Co ) I oli. .ken laibd lersey City Bank Jersey Cily failed Mechanics' Bank Munufacturera Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Msnuf. Bk Morns Canal slid Bkg Co Post Notes Newaik Bkg A; Ins Co New Hope Del Bridce Co N. J. Manufuc. and Bkg Co Patterson Belleville Morrislown Fiecllold Newaik Trenton Jersey City Newark failed failed j failed pur iu aale . i i t failed failed ! , 4. fuiled : i! par par Laiiibertsvilla Holaiken N J 1'rolectun & LoinhaiJ bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange PsterMin Bunk Patcrsoii Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co r'alem Stale Bank Newark i i par failed lulled , failed : I Slate Bank Elizalieihlown State Bank Camden Siatu Bank of Morris Moriisiown flute Bank Tieiiion rsaletn and Philad Msnuf Co Salem Sussex Bank New ion Tieulon Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover W ashington Banking Co. Hackensack IMXAVt Altl'.. Rk of Wilm A. Brand) wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do biamh Miliord Fanners' Lk of Stale nf Del Dover Da branch Wilmington Do branch (ieoigetowu Do branch. Newcistle rninri Bank Wilmington (TT l.'ndei ft's par .ar par par par par par (TT 'hi all bonks marked thus () there sre ii. I r rounteifeil or altered notes of lbs vsr.ous dr. '. soinatiriiis, is circulaiim. OAKLEY'S i riitATir sYittr. r1HB valuab'e properiies of Oakley's Depura I live Syrup of nraparilla, as a purifier of the bl'od, is so well known to he public generally, that it is unnecessary 1o orciipy much spare in set ting fonh the sdvaiitaftcs to tie derived from its use; wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it lakes precedence over all otheis : eveiy one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene, ficial results from it, that it is recommended by ihem with ilie u mint confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to paiient'i under their care ; containing nothing del. terious. but being composed ol the most mild, yet i Hicaeious vegetable materials, it Is olfrred with confidence, as the cheapest and most ellicient ti. rifier nf the blood now known. The use of a few hollies, ess?cially in the spring months, will be at tended wiih a most decided improvement in the rc- neral .trencih of the system. eradicannR any seeds """m"'""' '.' H'lir.r...u. ...o,. givinjr, health nnd vtR. r lo the body. For the cure of Sernfula or Kiiirs Evil, Hheumntism. Teller, Pimples or eiuptioii of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asth.Tin, &c. The nu merous cc'iifica'es in the possession of the subscrl . I,. f ; . . , , I'cr anil his audits, from physicians ami others, are ...r.;. . . .i . i . i . :. SI ttipienl In -ilfi iltfM IIim m.l .bmilic.l til lla ail. sufficient lo convince the most skeritical of i's su periority over all preparations of Ssrsaparilla. 8, ild wholesale nn.l retail, bv the proprietor, CEOHtiE W. OAKLEY, North 5th strc.l. I!ea iliiiK, Bnks Cotinty, and to bn hail of the. following petn.ins : In Northumberland (,'orinrr. II. B. Masis Siinbury ; lieland A. Mucl, McEwensville ; I) Krausi r. Milton. hi Union Count i. J. Ccarhart, St-linsgrove; A. (iuleliiiH. MifflinbiifR. In Columbia County. U. W. McCay, Wash ington. Reading, March 14, Mir. Oiwrrt I believe it the lily of every one In do wbhleverin their power I le, for the Irne. fit nf their fellow ina, and having had poM ivr proof in my own family, of the woinlerfol properties of your Dcpurative Syrup of Sa'sapnrilla, I m at consrieritioulv recommend it lo the afflicted. We had the nmfortune lo lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the fare.heml and l eik, although we had some cf t lie most scientific physicians to at'erid ttvm ami hsd tried all Ihe known lemeiiies, includiiiR Swaim's Panaci a, without avail. Another of my children was atmrkeil in the same milliner, her face and neck was comp'elelv covered; the d siharRt; was so oll'cusive, and ihe disease at sui h a heiiilit, that we despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful ellects of your Dcpi.r.i'ive Syrup c.l S irsapariil i, we were imlueid to lunke tiial of it, as the last resort; il aced like a cl nun : Ihe u'cers commenced healing immediately, a f. w bottles entirely rrMoml her lo her health, which she h is enjoyed uninteriui tedly ever since. As a puiifier of the hlo sj, I verily be lieve il has not its eipiul. JOHN MO YEK, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Heading. DoiirI tvsnlle, April 19th, 1843. Mh. Oaki.it: My son Eilmurnl Leaf, had the scrofula in the most dreadlul and ili-liesing man lier for thne years, duiiriR wh'i'h time he w is de puted of ll,e ue of his liml", hi he el aiul neck were covered with ulcers. We tried all the differ ent remedies, l ut lo no i-IIcci, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown, and uUo Dr. Itanc Hiester, ot HeadiiiR, lo use your Dcpurative Synip of S.irssparilla, of w hich I obtained several botien, the use nf which d'ove the dieae euiin Iv out of his system, Ihe sore healed up, and Ihe child w is restoied lo prrfect health, which he has rnjoted unintenupledlv ever since, to the astonishment of rnnny peisons who seen him du inn his affliclioii. I have thought it my du'y, ami send vmi this certi ficate that iitLe's who have a like affliction in the family may know where lo obtain so valuable a medicine. Yours truly. AMELIA D LEAF. Sept. in, tsi:i.iv CoiiiitriTrllt'r' DEATH BLOW. "Phe pu' lic will please observe that no Brandieth - Pills are penuine, unless ihe I oi has three r liels upon it, (Ihe top, Ihe si.'e and the bottom) em h containiiiR a f ic-siinile signature nf my hand writing, ihus B. ltHAMiarTit, M. D. These label-aie engraved on steel, lieautifully desiuned, and done tit an etpeiiNe of over f 3,01)0. Thi refute it w ill be seen that the only thiiiR ri'i enaiy lo pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to hsere these labels. Hemcmher the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly auln ri zed, and hold CERTIOATES OF AGEITCV, For the sule of Urundreih'a Vegetable Universal I'itis. Norlhuiuherlai d countv : Milton Mackcy A Chuinhcitin. Sunhury II. B. Masser. M'Ewens ville lieland . Meui II. Norihuniteilaiid Win. Forsyth, (ieoreetown J. i J. WhIIs. l'nion County: New Berlin BoRar & Wui. ter. SelinnRrove CeorRe liundium. Mid. lie burg Isaac Smith. Beavcriown David Hubler. Adamsburg Will. J. May. MitllinsbuiR Mensch At Hay, llaillcton Diuiel Lour. Freeliurg ii.cv r.l.. Muter. I.e wn-miru v a Is V liieen. Coluuibii eonnty : Danville E. B. Kevuulds j Ac Co. Berwick Mniinan A H tlenhouse. Ca'- ' lawissa C. (J. limi ts. BlooiosburR John H. I Mover. Jciscy Town Levi Bisel. Washiimton I I Hobt. McCay. Limestone Ball"- f". McN'nch. I Observe that eiich Agent has an l.ligr.iv, ,1 Cn- , i silicate of Agency, containing a icpics. illation of , lit BUANDHE I ll's Manufactory at Sing Sing, j and upon which will also he seen exact copies ol , the mh' ,'ubeis wi,M' used upon the Hraudrtth I'ill , i lloxe. I , I'hil ii'elpbia, office No. H, North 8'h street. j B. BHANDUETH. M. D. j June 24ih, 143. CITY I'i:MTriIF. .U (TIO, AND PKIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. '2U anJ :il North Thiid Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. (. MAt.'KEY, Auctioneer, re-peclfiiPv in- vile the attention of icro';a desnotis of pur chasing Fuuiiiuie, lo his estensivc S dc Hoonis, (both pu'die and Piivate.) foi fiery ilem ri linn tf Household Furniluri, win re can be nbtaiiied at nil tunes, a lut je sssorin.i nt f fashionable and well manufacturei) Csbinel Furniture, Beds, Maluusscs, Ac, at very reduced prices, foi cisli. (Ct7 Sales bv Auction, tw ice a week. May 2 tli, 1;43. ly WILLIAM .I.MAliriNi " p .TTCPslTEY AT L.V", I . I ! SUNBUHY. PA. OFFICE, in Ihe second story nf ihe building oc cupied by Dr. J. It. Miisstr, on Market street. Oct. 81st, I84:i. A Tlirrhliiiipr, .Hat hi ne lor Sule. ri-lHE subcrilr olVcis f..r sale a THKKSillNO 1 MACHINE, new and in good order. The Machine ha been tried, and prove to le an excel lent nne. It still he sold St a reduced price, and warranted. Apply ta H. U. MASSER. July 1st, 181-1. 1 ROSE OINTMENT, FOIl TUTTI'H. RINGWORM, riMPt.EH ON TIlR PACR, AND OTIIEH rt!TANROI!R) FRl'lTIONS. (Jj The fillowing certiica'e dmcribe nne of Ihe must extraordinary oures ever effected liy any application. PHiLAtiripiiiA, February 10, 18M. TOR twenty years I was severely afflict' d with - Tbttkh on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was sevisiteen years old, and continued until tho Full of I8:lfi, varying in vio lence, hut without ever disnppearins. DurinR most of the time, ureal part of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'enl itch ing; my head swel'ed at times until it felt as if it would buret the swelling was so gieat, that I could careely get my hat on. During the long period that I was afflicted with the disease, I useil a great many n plication, (among them several celebrated , jnplllli , um,,rr f of Wmt P(mar,.n preparation) as w. II as lakins inward remedies. . r,,. .,. . . f f, i, ,...,U I.- . -j - . .. . .. impossible to enumera'e all the medicines I used. I was also under the care of two of ihe most dis- tingtiished physicians of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired nf ever beiriR ,mhu. in me iiii in in. in, me uises-'e Hi inc limp , . . , , . , . I'ettig very violent, I rominenced usina the Kime ' . . cored. In the fill ol 1 8:111, the disease at the time Ointment, (prepared by VauRhali A Davis.) In a few applications the violent itchiiiR ceased, the swelling ahn'ol, the (riition began to disappear, and before I had used ajar the disease was entirely cured. Il has now been nearly a year and a half since, and there is not a ve-liRe of (lie disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is impossible for me lo describe in a certificate she severity of the disease and my sulTrring, but I will be pleased to eive a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. Al the lime I commenced using the li ne Ointment I would have given bun dieds of do bus to be rid of ihe disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it In sever il persons, (among Ihem my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her B'rn.) who were a I cured bv it. JAMES DL' KNELL, No. 15fi, Kuce St. qj- The Rose Ointment H prepared by E. B. Vauhan, SoH'h East comer of Third and Knee street, Philadelphia, and sold on aceucv in Sunhu ry. bv 11. B. MANSE K, May 14ih, 11.1. Agent. Itoc Ointment, for 'letter. A PROOF OF rr$ F.FFICAC Y. pHU.AniLi'HiA, May 2?lb, 1 STJO. rPlllS is to certify thai I was severely affl e'ed wiih Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards of torly years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to i number of physicians, and used a great many appli cations without pfl'eeling a cure. About a y ar since, I applied the liose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe itching, and a few applications inimedi all ly cured the disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never lieeri rid of it at any time for forty years. KICHAHD SAVAt.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. rj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vatiphan, S mill East corner of Third and Race Sireels, Philadelphia, and a dd on aeency in Siinbu ry. by H. B. MASSKH, May Uth. IS 41. Age!. MEDICAIi ArrnOBATIOW Of the ROSK OI.XTMF.T,for Tetter. LTH(l'(iII the superiority of the preparation over all others is fully is sblij-hed, the pr pr c lors lake pleasure in laviriR before the public tho following certifica'e from a resectable physician, a graduate of the I'niiersity ot Pennsv Iv inu. Dr. Baiiith, having found in this icmidy thai lehel fr a tedious and di-agrecablc after tion w hich the means wiihin Ihe range of I is profession failed to afford, hits not hesitated lo give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that profe-sion ate epposed to secret Hemedics. pHiiAiiri.PHi , Sep', it, lsnn. ( I was recently troubled w ith a tedious heretic j eruption, which coveied nearly one si. ' of my f ice, and rilimlid over the ear. Mr. aughan. prnprie tor of the Hose Ointment, observing my face, insis ted on my tiying his preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Alihough in common wiih the mem bers of my profession, I discnurrienaiue and disap prove ot the numerous nostrum- palmed upon the pi.blic'by i'jnoiant pri tender-, 1 feel in jus ice hound to eiei pt ihe Hose Oininu lit trorn tha' c!aa of me dicines, and to give it my approbation, us it entire ly Hired the eruption, although il hail resisted the usual h plications. DAN L H ATCH, M. I). The Hose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yatighan, South East corner l Third and Race Sireels, Philadelphia, and sold on agmcv in Sun- burv, by 11. B. .MA' EK, May 14th. I84:t. Agent. Hover's Ink. JOSEPH E. HOVER, MniitilactiHi-r of Writinj; nnd Iinlclli blo Ink, No. KHi North Third Street, six diMirs below Unco, (east side,) PHILADELPHIA, IlEsPF.CTFI'LLY informs country merchant k and other, thai he con-tsnlly keep on hand a large slock of l is superier Black, Blue snd It. d Ink. and slsn a supcrn r ipi ililv of Indillil le Ink. His ink is put up in bellies varying in si7e, from 1 lo .Ti ounces, and Will be sold on reasonable terms. Ihe ex.ele t ipialities of this ink basso thoroughly i stsbli-lied Us character, thai il is now rxtuisively used throughout tha country. For sale al the stoie of H. B. Mas.er, S un- burv. Po. Mjy 27ih. lsi:l. v i ( ii vin.r.s v. iu:(iis, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBUaT, TA. R R AS taken the oiiicc lormeilv occupied bv the ' III (j Hon. Charles (i. Doun I, opposite Ihe Court j II use. He will a'tend lo business in the C. nrl of Nortbunibeiland, l'nion and Columbia coun'ies. ! Mav 21Mh, Isl4:. UiMON HOTEL, ((ienrrtil Slant iQ,re,'t LVCOMING COUNTY, PfllllVyltillir.l. fllHE Subscriber iesM'cllully intoims his friend. and the public in general, that he has taken the. above l.ARCF. A Mi COMMODIOUS HC TIC L, IN THE B O H ( 1 1; ( j 11 O F M V N C Y, and that he is now well prepare! to accommodate all who may favor him with Iheir custom. His Siti.rlNo Aria i n isis ue well sited, snd cmnforlable. His TiBLF. tKn Ilia will always be supplied with the leai the market can afford. Hi Stislish, which is gold, will Is under the charge of good and rsielul hostler. He feels confident, by strict attention to business, and an earnest desire to lender C' mlorlkhle those who may psironiie huu, that ha will not fail to giro gonersl saiisfactinn. H. B. WEAYEK. Money, Oct. 1st, 18tt. If. TO. aEILlffAlT & CO., v.ommission At Forwardinfr Merchants, i-'onf of WHInw Street Rail Road, r ON THK ritl.AWANK, T.TAVINfJ associated v-iih them Joseph Bsrnet, late of Easton, Pa., respectfully inform Iheir friends and the public generally, that they have ta. ken that large and well known store and wharf al font cf Willow Street Railroad, lately occupie by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a (iein rnl Commission and Forwarding Business, and fiom the local advan'ages of the place being connected with all (he public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will be able to do business to as great, if not giester ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and they assure their friends that any con signments made lo ihem sIibII have their strict at tention, and no cxeitions spared to give entire satis faction. They are also prepared lo receive and forward goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals; also, lo any point on the Juniata river, or Norn and Wist Branches of the Susipie hirniut vis Selniyl. kill and l'nion, or the Cliesnpei.ke and Tide Watei Canals. For the accommodation of Bonis coming or go ing via Schuylkill and Cnion Canals, a Stennbont will be kept expressly for towing boats from the Schuylkill around to tiie Delaware ami bnek, which will en .hie merchnnts to have their produce ileli vc'cd on the Delaware, and their goods shipped at a saving ot 50 to 75 per cent, ort the prices f r hauling acioss, with these advantages they re spictfully solicit s share of pnrronaue. W. HEILMAN A CO. William Hellman, ) Willi. m IV k-.ico, C Joseph Burnet. Phil.nl., May M, 1R41. ly J. BTAITLANE, JR. Sl CO. 1 ISntiiT and Tobacco Manufacturers, j .Vo. !)!) Morth West corner of Race and Third j Streets. PHILADELPHIA. j rPIIE nnder-igtied have formed a Co-partnership ! A under the firm of. I. M A Y L N I) .1 a. A Co.. i as successors to the late firm of Jaenh .Mayand V Co., and will c intinoe the business at the old esta- Idishmcnt, on iheir own account. In addition to iheir own close attention and experience for many I years, in the manufacture nf their cefebrated snull'-, Ae,, Ihe long experience of ihe senior paitner of the j late firm, will also bo devoted lo the interest nf the i new concern and as no f lertion and care will be i spared lo insure their goods, at all limes of the ve- ry best quality, they solicit s continuance of the confidence of the liieiuls and customers of the late I firm. THOMVS ADXMS. j J. MAYLAND, Jr. j Philadelphia, May 14th, I H 13. 1 y I To C'oiuifrv j MERCHANTS. TDK Subscriber, Agent of Lyon A Harris, Hat j Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, wl osn ;s are i hiu'hly connncnded I ir iriei co'i und ditm!,ilit i. , has o.i hand a fir-t rutu Hssi'iluvnt of HA t'.S mid J ("A I'S, suitable for Sjirinp a iles, wh eh w ill I e sold : very low, fm casli or appioved credit, at the nrtrd clienp store. No. 40, North Third 'rvt, u p isi'e j Ihe City Hotel, PhiU.lelphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. Afenl. j N. I!. Orders lot Hats in ihe rttui-'i. promptly ; attended lo. The highest j rica in rush or trade ' given f ir Unr -r'n . I Philjdelphia, June 11, 181.1.--ly EOLTON 8c CO. (eisei iil oniniisslaii .TIer liantN, For the Stile of Floitr. drain, Sml. i-e e. 1 ESPECTFCLLY inform i I k he Merchnnts generallv, il heir friends snd hat thi y have ta ken those large and commodious Wharvs, ith two j l'mks, north of I'hcsriut alreet, on the Dchiw ire, ; j together with the .lore No. I'J South Wharves, j where they won'd he pleased In receive consign- : i ments of (irain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac, j ' Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds j I of Merchandise by the Schuylkill mid l'nion, or by ' the Chesupcake and Thle W ater Canals, as tow-: I bouts are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing ; I boats by ei her route. j l Merchants will ple.;se be particular lo send their ' t goods destined Ivy eilher canal-, t i No. HI South . I Wharves, between Market and Chesnot sine's, on j Ihe Delaware, with directions uccomp my iug them ; which route they wish Ihem to be shipped. ' Plaster and Salt foi sale, al the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON A C . March 19. 181:1. No. 19 South W harves, i HOIICIt l C AIM I II M. ! PATEn MANUrACTUnEItS,' Lombard Street, Haltimorr, j HAVE constantly for sale. Priming Paper of al. j si7.es arid qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ruled j arid plain, Letter Paper, w hite and bine, ruled and I plain. Hanging Paier, tine and common, Envelope ; I'Hper, do. do. medium, Jouh'e crown, crown and : extra sized W rapping Papeis, Colored Medium nnd h'oyul I 'ine i a, Boiiuel, Binders' and Straw Box I Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in 'heir hue. wtncli lliev will sell on ucconiinoila ing terms. Highest price given for old rags. HOISEHT CAHTEIt A SDN. MarchJ9. 143. Eiklor,, Md IIOUSK, .Y. 237, Aor;i Thiulahm e Cullowlill St., I'lllLADKLPIIIA. TTOHN DL'NCAN, la'e from the Pennsylva j 9P nia l'jinier, and Samuel Pike, jr., laje of A I tin riran Hotel, Columbus, ( lino, lake pleasure in ac I ipiuiiiling Iheir fiicndaand the public generally thai Hiry liave tuken Ihe large and coinnioilions Hotel, receiiily built by Ihe Messrs. II irt.on Ihe asi.ie site once oeru)iied by the old established Hotel known o ihe Bull's Head, in Third stieet atuivc Callow hill at. 'I'll is Hotel is finished in the very best possible manner, bud of the best materia!, lis location is very di suable, particularly for count, v merchants; the uirangetnt ins for hra.il. g and ventilating each room is such as to secure any tempeiature. 'i he Ixdioomsare all light and airy, all luruishid ins neat style, so as to insuie comfort. The receiving parlors are also furl isheJ in a su perb style, the windows are on the French style, forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whi.h make nle.s.ni reep.a. Pu.iirnlai .11. nii.m I... been given to the beda and beddine. which, with the furniture, are entirely new. 4 rom year' eiperience in hMel business, we trust, by strict assiduity In busmen, to make this I house s desirable stepping place. Our table w ill , always be supplied with the very best our market ' can sllord, and our bar wiih the best bqijuisaud w ine of the most appioved hi and. i P. S. 'J'here are lir.l rate atahling snj carriage ' house attached to the hotel, attended by ca tM and sober hosilei, and oui charges will b low, in i accordance wiih ihe present hsid (icr.es, Philadelphia, CM. 7th, It'll. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUITBTJRY, PA. Business tttended to in the (bounties of Nor thutnl erland, Union. Lveoming end Columbia, liefer tot 1 linn AS II ART A Co., Lowrn A. IlAsao!, Haht, Ccmmisos A HiRT, yPhilad. nKTWoi.ns. McFarlafiii A Co. Spr.msin, !ooii A Co., GOLDEN SWAN Ao. (JU Morlh Third, above Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. AfroMMODAIIONS FOR StVKM V rrRNONS. pH ARLES WEISS, late of ihe "White Swan, and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, that he das become the proprietor of the abovsj well known Hotel. Country Metchants will fnd the above Hotel a central location, and the best of faro. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard and good stabling fnt horses, and the best of ostleis. Hoarding f per day. May 1 Ith. 1H42. if. EAGLE Comer of Thrd and Vine Struts, WILLIAKSPOIIT, FA. npHE subscriber respectfully announces to the 1 public, that he h s opened a Hotel in the com modious biiek building a'luate on the corner of 'I hird and Pine streets, where he will be happy lo wait tip. n those who may favor him witli iheir company. The Eagle Hotel is laige nnd Conveni ent, and furnished it. the be-t modern slvle. Il i provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping npnrtmenN, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Persons visiting WilhamsM)rt on bu- iness or plea-ure, miv re! ns-ured that every ex ertion will I used to render iheir sojourn at the ' "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisTaLIn w ill be supplied with the very beg' the market af fords, and his bar with ihe c' nicest wines and other liquors charges re .suitable. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater advan'ages in point nf location than any olher similar esl ililishment in ihe borough, being situate in the business p .rt nf the town, and within a convenient distance of Ihe Court Housd and Wilhainspnrt and Llmira l.'inl Rond Depot. Sufficient Siubhug provided, and good and trusty ostlers always in atli ndatn e. Attentive, a ori.iiioiliiting and horie-l Servants have been enif-bo e.l. arid nothing left undone that will add to the conduit hi il acconimodalion of tix guests. 'J'ln re will be n earring, always in attendance al the Boat I. undine lo convey passengers to and from the House, Irte of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th. 1M 2. -if "VSTcXT T'T'T "5? T1? " A N artie'e uinMpmlle.l for e'eaniug and g.ving a A highly durable snd most brilliant polish to Sil ver, (ierniKii Silver, llr iss, (Topper. Brittaliia ware, I'm, St. 1 1, Cut'.irv, i.ml for restoring the lustre on vamished caniwges, Ae. THi" IP. Prepared jn '. sold at whole e arid retail, by I at Sus.pieh'inna t'l.rysol.te Pnlih Company, Owngo. Tioga countv, N . Y. W.M. FORSYTH. Agent for Northum'd, II. B. M.S.-i:i. Agent lor Sunhury. November Stub, 1 S Pi. .lEii-h.'U'l Weaver A. Sou, rrorc iviAurna & siiir chandlers .Vo. i:l.W(7i ll'i.'rr Strut. I'hiludt 'phia. A L coiisianlly on hand, a general assort fcj ineiit of Cord ige, Seine Tuiins, Ae , sis luil l.'opes, FUliiiii! Hopes, While Hopes, tanil la Hopes, I'o.v Lines I. r t'.ii.il Boats. Al., 1 c.-nipie'.e u-,iilim i.t o Seine Twines, A c. such a Hemp S.nid and Hening Tw ine, Best Patent Wil Net Twine, Colt. m Sim,i ami lleriirij Twii e, Sh n i uri .i s, cvc. vvc. .-:n. I v i -i i i oiiis, r ooati l.tne. i M ilters Prices, Cotton and I. men C iriiel Ch illis Ac. ait ol whiih they w ill d.sp .' ol on u jin . . i. Icln?. Philade'phitt. Noveii, lei I :. t 1C. 1 y - sim-:i:ic. nuon .-v ct. Xo. Ills M.ii-Kvt Sirt'i't, riii!a.lu!liin NYII'L the attention of Country Merchsn1 to their exien-ne asoitmeiit .! Ilntirh Frei.c' md American Dry floods, which ihey . tier for sit Il ills- liM-t teas 'ii ible b mis. Philadelphia. November Id, IM2. ly. .1 . W . S W A IN. l'ti!iifi!a nini I ".i r.i i l .M;iiiiifhi''uriM .Vo. -ii .Yrm.'A 2hi'l strirr, tiro il.mrt LtUiW ti. I It If I toll I. I ,lrl.lliiil. 1D!"NTU Menhiifts and otl eis nrp solicite to riatiiii:" Lis nr.M.i n .i ut b. fine purchasNi elsew here Phila elpbiii, Novemter 11. I '"42. ly. -OIt sale a sun1! Farm, c.u. tuning about r hundred and ten acr. s, in. .re or le-s, situ r . in Point t.wnsb p N . . r ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 erlsnd c ttnti , ab.c 'two miles above Noill.innbeil .nd, on the mat road leading from :hut place 'o liiiivid. , adjoinm . lauds of John l.eglioti, .Ic-seV'. Ilor'i n and other ! now in the occupancy ifSainuel P.'.yie. Alov. fo'ty acres of s;,id trad arerl:an d, and in go'-slat.- ol cu livation, on which 1'iere is a small bn ; erect, d. The pu piriv will bf sold i.n r. asona' lei ins. ror further paiticulars, jn isotia are requc j cd to apply to the u''n'rih r. ! H. B. MASS EI?. Aent, Nov. 7ih, 1S-I3. if Sunli'iiy. I LIST OF BOOKS, tun silk. HI 13 N'J'JIDN'S Cl.issicul l)u .ioioiry; l.empriers J 4o.; Ainswoilh's do ; Cobb's do.; Fnghsh and tiernian do.; Anthon's Cs s-nr; Anthon' lirariiuu r; Anthen's Cieeio; Mali's 1. ami Header; llgilly'ado; Amiiew's Latin Lessons; Doniiegan'a Lexicon; Fisk's (ire. k Eleu ises; D.ivu's's Legeudei; (iiaers Majora; Ad.nns's Hointin Atitnpii'ie; Piuuock' I Johlsiniih'a Engliiiid; do. (ireece; Ly ell's Elements of (leologv; Mis. Lincoln' Bolanx; Eli u.euNi of liolaiiv; Bridge's Algebra; Poitei'a i;heioiual H -r'ers; Hon rsot.'s (ieograiby anil iiisiory; t'lney's do.; Parley's do.; mitU'a (iraiiiniri: Kiikham's do.; Kay's Headers; Cold 'a do.; Cnhb' Arilhmeiick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb' Table Bonks; Evangelical Fa- n;"v 'ary; ottage in ; i amily do ; Collate.. ' do.; Small Bible and I esUmeiits; Paikei a 1.1- i w '"' 1n l'"l'"sition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's S um's Heat; American Hvvolutiou; Maiiyall's No vels; Mrs. Phelps cm Clicniisirv; Iliad; Catechism nf American l aws; Leitcrson Natural Magic; Che mislry foi Beginners; English Exercisav adapted 14 Murray's Crammer, Sequel to ('omley'a Spellir.g Book; Amirican Cluss li nk; Dsboil's Sch.silmsa ler's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ae. August 2H, lJ12. FOK SALC AT THIS orricn.