Trims or tub amcricax.' UNI3OTY AMERICAN. AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL. iitic;i:s of aivi:htiixo. t square 1 insertion, fO 60 t do do . 0 7 1 do 3 d i - 1 0 Evijry subsequent imsnrticn, 0 fi Yearly Advertisements i one column, $86 I half column, $18, three squares, $13 ; two squares, f M ; one squnre, 5. Half-yearly ! one column, f 18 ; half column, $12 ; three squares, $8 j two squarea, $5; one square, $3 60. Advertisements left without direction! as to th Icnqth of timo they tre to be published, will b continued until ordered out, and charged accord- inply. rjSiteen lines maUoiajuarei Fate or tub Apotle Tho tollowing' br ief history of the fate ot the Apostles may La new to those whose reading has not been evnn- II. 11. MASS EK, JOSEPH EISEI.Y. 5 PuStlsKEIIS $ Proprietors. It. It. jnASSKHy t-UlHor. OJice in Centre Alllylln'the rear of II. B. Ma er' Store. THE' AMERICAN" is published every Satur day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to bo paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till all arrearages am paid. No subscription received for a loss period than ait mouths. All communications or letters on business relating to the. office, to insure attention, Bust be POST PAID. Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital riiicip1e of Republics, from which there l no appeal but to force, the vital prim-iple and immediate parent ..f despotism. .lnrrr.Rso. Ily Jlasst r & Klwcly. Muibury, JVortluunbei laml Co. Vn. Saturday, Xov. 1J, lsl-1. Vol. 5 So. S U Hole !Vo, IMG. SlEST FE1T1TEH &, CO. Manufacturers of UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, nntl SI'S SHADES, JVo. 113 Market Street, Philadelphia, INVITE the attention of Merchants, Mamifin turers, &c Ate, to their very extensive, elc, new alock, prepared with great Cre, and of Itred at the lowest possible prices fir cash. The principle on which this concern is establish ed, is to consult the mutual inteirst of their cu-to-mers and lhemclves, by m mufarturing a pood sr te'e, sellinff it at the lowrst price for cish, and realizing their own remuneration, in the amount of VJir HIIU ipiH R rilling. i riisisini meTliaiistilile lacililtea Mr mnuiae tore, they are prepared to supply orders to anv cx lenl, and respectfully solicit the patronage of Mtt chants, Manufacturers nnd Den'ers fXj A large assortment of the New Mylc Cur laiu PaiBsoN. Philadelphia, June t. IS44 ly HEIR'S HOTEL, roiou:iii.Y tki:.iiot notsi:, Xo. lUi C JiCMiut Sired, PHILADELPHIA. Mrriu: m iiswnriKr:, recently ni Ifi a:lii'i, I.., would inform the pnh lie that he has lilted up the above capi eious. anil ci'mciiietit istuhlishineiit. mid will always be r ady to i ntert. in visitors. Hisee. tahlishe.l reputu'ion ii the is hoped, will afford full assurance, that his guests will bo sup- j.lieil wi'h every c.unfirt mid nceomin. dainn ; I whilst his house will be e nnluc ed u del "lidi ar- rangemei.ts as will secti e a ch r .cter for the first I responsibility, "d sa'isfactorx entertainment for in , and fa'inl es. Charge for boarding f I pcrd iv. DANIEL HERR. Philadelphia. Mav '.!5, 1814 ly To Country Merchant". Coots, Slmcs. l'nmifMs, Leghorn nntl Palm Leaf Hats c.. W. vV L. n. TAYUMt, at the S. F. rorinr uf Market ami Fifth Sis., PHIIiADrxrHIA, o mm " LOW." M ft.tMCKI. I.OVKR, HS'J. In days of old, w hen first I told A tale so hold, my love to thee, In falt'ring voice I soueht thy choice, And did rejoice thy blush to see; With downcast eyes I heard thy sihs, And hope reveal'd her dawn to me, As soft ami slow, with passion's glow, I whisper'd low, my love, to then. The-cannon loud, in deadly breach. May thunder on the shrinking foe ; Tis anger is but loud of speech, The voice of love is soft and low The tempest's shout, the battle's rout, Make bnvoc wild we weep to see. Tint summer wind and friends when kind All whisper low as I to thee. Now gallants gay, in pride of youth, Say, would yon win the fair one's ear ; Your votive prayer be short and sooth, And whisper low ami she will hear. The matin bell may loudly toll The bridal morn, when all mav hear ; Put at the time of vesper chime, Oh, whisper low in beauty's ear. Mr. F.DiTon : The following article, by L. M'Lane, selected from the "American Orator's: Own R "ok," will he found highly interesting to ninny of your readers : 'I'll President of tlie flitted Smtm-.'Ulin t In ought to lie, lit r.oi is m'lane A chit! magistrate ot the union should look ! "FFER lor hi r an men-ive oiiini lit of tbe , to tiohle objects, nnd consider Imiisrlf called to above, all of which they m II at unusual- I . (ip..;nv I .......u liv ,,lm rons-n biK v low niires, and pmlii'til'ilv invite tlie atti iition . " . of buyers visiting the ciu, t'.ian . xa,n.n-t. .o f spirit nnd expand his mind to the rlvvutmn and their stock. (i. V. V L. H. TAYLOR. ! grandeur of bin important trust; I would have Philadelphia. May 25, 1844. ly j : -mi It If I gut .S.Il.t: 'I'lii- wmuli f.,iin. ! H cont.iiliiiiB ahou: 100 acres, about 2 im'e ul...t;j V.i.ll.orn ml .iul .ili.iintlio l.lltits of J I sse ij . I .Horton. Joui Leghou ami oil.e.s, wilt be sold 'he general end ol hiimnu action, the happiness cheap, if applica i"i i mai!e m.on to the eiilisciibrr. j of themselves and their posterity, and all ecjiinl .sunlu.y. Aug :51. II I'-.M'V.- ! ly entitled to the protection nnd favor of their II. 1 Si:i'.S The hljllicM price Will be ' .,, i U.(1U .,,. ilim , ,:, i.:,,,. given fir Flax !eed. by ! . . " . Autr .'tl la41 H P. MASTER. . sen irotn nil ifmpiauon io pniM-ripi ion or in- jpoi'TAISE l'.inLKs. 'ie cipics"iif I e Tot '. tolrnincp. ami till vindictive or personal stiff- J t,,i;e Itible, ihe rhe'ipist look e-r u!b-heil, restinn?, nnd to maintain himself at n Flightless containing I be cor li'ur on ihe (lid an.) e. ,i,k)linrt, fttlvp lp lovv jn,rirrS and bitterness Tentamenl. iu-t ier. ivd .itnl I r sjle, six il. ll .rs 1 . J,v lune 15 II. It. MANSER. . o! Inction. 1 would have him tlioroiigb! v tonn- rjjxsoV AL I (lerstand the spirit and import of the constitu- j tii -ii of our country ; to consider all its function- I) () C 'V O It J. 15. MASS I. It, urj,lg cntit(.( t (.oiihI respect with hinisi ll ; to preer e s-acred the jus' balunce and apportion- tuous, enlightened and patriotic chief magis trate, fit to administer the government ol a Irec and united people. Such a one it mny be diffi cult, perhaps impossible to find, though it is presumed no one will deny that it is desirable and even a duty to approach ns near as possi ble to n perfect government, and social hnppi ress under it. The only question is how near it may be practicable for its to come; and all must admit tlmt we shall approach the nearer ns the efforts of the people and the government shall concur for that object. Ilnppily for our country we have one illustrious example, ho, it would seem, had been given to us by Provi dence ns nn overliving oracle from whom we might, in all future times, refresh our minds with lessons of real wisdom nnd patriotism. Washington was the head of a nation, nnd not ofa party; and amid ull the trials of his situa tion, criticnl and complex as it certainly was, nnd amid the labors oforffnnizing and conduct- Dangcra of Stiamhnut Travelling III tlie I West. An apparently candid English w riter, and a lute traveller in this country, named Dr. Sco rosby, has delivered a ploBntit lecture in Ion don on the United States. He spoke very plea santly of us ns a people, and wi'h admiration of nur inugnifice.nt country. If his account of the recklessness of the conductors t our Western steamboats be correct, though, it is no wonder we hear of so many explosions, lie says : "But the American Mourners in many cases were worked even nt a higher pressure than 0 or 90 lbs. The smaller boats, being calculated lor the higher parts of tho rivers, which are suhj-cted to he very shallow in the dty season, are designed in every part for lightness sj as not to hive a draught of moro thun from 1- to lf inches. Their engines were therefore made as com pact ond small as possible, and were therefore worked not only upon n high pressure, princi ing a new government, arduous as they were, , ()Pi Hpim R , i,;!, (,r,KBrP. h js llsUal beset also with the most dangerous ot all jea lousies, he made and preserved a united people in these boats to huve l'JO lbs. pressure on the square inch; and he had himself encountered him to realize thnt he- is the t'overnor ofa great free and prosperous people; various in the ha bits, opinions and occupations, but all pursuing nnd finally retired Irom their service with great- rjh, sti ,,rPator thun this. The boats being er character and more durable renown than he j calculated tocarry cargoes as well ns p.issen carried into ir. 1 he country lias produced no j ffcrgt t10 nnxjrty to cet freight induced them second Washington; and it may be feared it j t, take in all the "nods presented them, and in will bo long before it will. Nevertheless, it ,, rBt;0 r,.ft.rred to, the vessel win n he not into ought to be the fervent prayer of every true pa- ,er was loaded to the depth of the gunwale of trtol, that that event may yet happen, and that : tic vessel. The Mississippi was also at tbe its advent may bd hastened, and that until it tnie ; a Blhte f fl,HKl, tho water ut a rate ol shall please Providence to raise up such ano- i nu,,t g,x miles and in some casi-s eight miles ther, wc may constantly meditate upon his pure Bl nrj,t,t (f twentv-five li;et above its u-ua example, and that some one may yet be found j ovf. ; nnd l,!) n,)ilrd to the incrensod draught who has so studied the model of that matchless ; 0ft,e vessel, required nn increased pressuri patriot, as to be able to preside over a united U(WI(1 ,MO .iir before she could be got to make people. j head against the rapidity of the ciirtent. At Still more of tl.r I...r- Y.lke r.Kcc , " Vcc w ere no less than two hours very oftiie Dead. without making even the length of the vessel's 1 lie I'ennsylvMimn ot me 1st inst. says: pn)J,rC!!, . am ,l0 ony resource in such a case, e learn from the lmisvillo Journal ot atur- , l1,.r,.tore( wa to turn back (which no Amrri day, that the bodies of Nicholas Ford, Philip , ca, W(1ij t.vrr IU, jt it w cre p.dde to go for W allis, S. M. ISrown, and a litl'w girl, kn by i warj) r to i,irrense tle pressure of the stonin the explosion ot the l.ucy Walker, were taKen Hnj cotl(ctlCiitly the risk, by weighting the from tho river on Iriuay, near Hie scene ol nc- ; vave cident. I lie report that uoionei ctiroeoer ami Thif. t,)(iy (lnlj, ,,lfy ovpn,tlilny overcame Mr. James II I.cke were on hoard nt the lime )(J rP(i(.UllcPt 0n another occasion, when of the explosion, turned out lo be incorrect. ' , Mur,r(, friin 1(u.u cu CUWT . . ,111 i ' 1 ' .Miieteen ponies nave oeen recover.-u s- iar. (ab(,ut kixly or ,.Vonty miles below Ht. I.ui mere are i.i or wrio were woumieu. re- fl,,,,, vvaR ,(,, on w1(,iR ,,lWMi roll niBiniiiir at Albany. The Journals relate the taininff one thoii.-uiid inhatiitatits, was nnd. following incidents connected w ith the disas-11(1 ,. ,...,.. so .,. t,at th ter : engine worked at as high a pressure, he h '- "Tbe Iic v. Mr. Todd, of the Third Presby- iu.Vf l, as two hundred pound on the inch ; nnd teriun church in this city, w as blown overboard, lt, tia(1 bpo1 i,y om (. ,tuin that to get the but saved himself by swimming. Mr. Wren, PtHB, , jt wns sometimes the practice for the of V.i 7.. io. Miss, was thrown from the bo Irr Pnjn,,rr to Klt down upon the valve. And lime, to a degree of heat much exceeding that j B'-heal, lo kuow that. which is met with in hot donates. This opin- ht- 19 opposed to nave auuercu .... , mnrlvriliun rr if n u ntuln tl'ith II HWOfd at tl:Q ton, which we Know now to oe erroneous, was j i strengthened by the result of some experiments i c'ly ofl.lhiopia. mado hy the celebrated Fahrenheit himself, and j arK W08 rgge'l throu2n me airee. oi related bv Roerhave. Some animals were t hut Alexandria, in Fgypt, till he expired, up in a s.'.-rar-haker's stove, w here the mercury , Sl- Luke was ,,BnBcd uPn Bn olive ,re8 m stood at I'M deg. A Fparrow died in less than (jrP,c' ,, Ol, jonil fvaa pvjv lovu a wauiuiuii i uuoio (lit the power of the Human Iluily to re ami ncni It was long believed that the human body onld not salely he exposed, oven for a short th-clj and fell near the how ot the boat in a Ftnte of insensibility. When he recovered his sen ses, he saw his little son, six or seven years old, in the rear of the boat, the flames raging around the boy. The father, unable to rise, watched the movements of the son w ith the "rcatest anxiety. Soon he saw the boy leap these great risks were very little thought of in these waters, so reckless ore they of life. Ca lamity after calamity w its contiiiu. illy happen ing Irom this cause, nnd yet no national remedy no effectual measure ofa public nature was taken to insure greater safety." seven minute, a cat in rather more than a quar ter of nn hour, and a dog in about twenty-eight niiniites. The noxious air of the stove had pro bably more to do with the speedy deaths of these animnls than the bent. The truth upon this subject may be said to have been discovered hv accident. In the years 1700 and 1701, M. M. Dehamel and Jillet were appointed lo devise some means of destroying an insect which consumed the grain in the pro vince of Angnutnas, in France. They found that this could be done by subjecting the corn, nnd the insects contained in it, in an oven, to a degrr I heat great enough to kill the insect, hut net so creat as to hurt the grain. In order to nfcertain the precise heat of the oven, they introduced into it a thermometer, placed upon the end of a long shovel. The mercury, when the thermometer was withdrawn, was found to indicate a decree of heat considerably above thnt of boiling water. M. Jillct wns nwaro thnt the thermometer had sunk several degrees as it wnsdrawn towards the month of the oven. While he was pur.zled to invent some way of determining more exactly the actual degree of heat, a girl, w ho was one of the attendants, of fered to go in and mark with a pencil the height nt w hich the mercury stivid ; nnd she did enter the oven, nnd remained there two or three min utes of Reniimnr, which nearly equals 200 de grees of Fahrenheit. M. Jilletthen began to express some anxiety for the safety of the girl, but she assured him she felt no inconvenience, and remained in the oven ten minutes longer, during whuhtime the mercury reached the 'J-- decrees of Fibre nheit's scale denoting 70 degrees of bent above that of water w hen it boils. When she come out, her complexion was considerably heightened, but her respira tion was l y no means quick or laborious. This exprr tnent was afterwards repeated. Another girl remained in the oven ns long as the former had done, ut the same temperature, nnd with the same impunity. Nay, she even breathed, lor the space of fne minutes, air heated to about IVJo ('eiirc'-s of Fahrenheit or 11U degrees a b. ve that ot boiling water. Tne publication of these facts naturally exci ted the curiosity, of scientific men, and other experimen's w ere Si on instituted. Vr. Dobson, ol Liverpool, and several other persons with oil nt Rome, and escaped death ! He after wards died a natural death at Ephesus, in Asia. St. James the (Jreat was beheaded at Jerusa lem. St. Ja:nes the Less wa9 thrown from a pin nacle, or wing ol the temple, and then beaten to death with a fuller's club. St. Philip was hanged up against a pillar, at llierapolis, a city of Phrygia. St. Bartholomew wns flayed alive ty tha command ofa barbarous king. St. Andrew wns bound to a cross, whencn he preached unto the people till ho expired. St. Thomas wns run through the body with a lance, at Coromandel, in the Fast Indies. St. Judc was shot to death with arrows. St. Rirr.on-Zenlot was crucified in Persia. St. Matthias was first s;oneJ and then be headed. St. rtirnabas w as stoned to death by the Jowj at Salania. St. Paul was beheaded tit Romo, ty the ty rant Nero. gpa KtSPl.t ' I r I I.I.V intorms 'tie re- Mren" ot f.itiuurv ami us vicmiiv. ui.n , m,., of power among tho vniious departments, lie Ii i removed his olliee to the white i , . ,, e ,. , . . , huiMmo io Ma.ket fun ,.e. east of I,. . and, in all cases of diversity of opinion whe- T. Cli ment'a ami iuoin d a'i Iv uppo-ne the , iber hi tween the heads of departments or among ! overboard. Ihe river was full of planks nnd , (Iums. .Nnthnn I.-niintnan, of t oxsneki", the people nt Urge, to maintain a w ise modern- ' mattresses, nnd the ho w ent from frjgmenl to , '., w ho is now sixteen years of age, unl lion nnd forbenrnnee, and to endeavor to lend j fragment until he succeeded in getting upon a seven feet one inch in height, bids fair to !) the jurring parlies to enterlain re-pect for ench , mattress. He floated upon the mattress until come a man of higlu r staiiihna in the World .ost office, vvhere ! wil It h qq y to receive r! In tlie line or Ins pro'ifsion Knnbiiiy, Mav Mi. 114. A Gufat Tariff SprtcH. We have lis tened to, and read a great many Tariff Speech es, pro and con, during the campaign just clo sed, but in none of them, according to our judg ment, has the subject been handled in the mas terly manner which distinguishes the Pillowing effort of a prominent Hoosier nmtor, tprciul'y reported for the Concordia Intelligencer. For logical arrsngement, perspicuity of style, and comprehensive diction, it is absolutely unparal leled : "Feller citiienf, thar ar five kinds of TarilTs (counting his fingers) yes, feller citizens, fiv kinds, and you must decide which kind you ora in favor of at once. Cluy and Poke havo mado up their minila on that subject, and so must we. I say thir ar five kinds of tariffs ; first the inci dental Tariff, which confines itself altogether to hnrdware and nutmegs ; then thar is the Pro tective Taritl', which is intended to excluda from our country hollowware nnd wine ; then thar is the Tariff' tor Revenue, which goes in for cheap jewshnrps and eight-day cl icks ; but feller ciiir.ens, I'm in favor of the Ad-ve-lorum Tariff, that's the Tariff thnt meets my views, nnd comes in play ns heaiititul ns getting up stairs It's a Tariff that's understood and east- I urn, shut themselves up in the sweating room i ly explained; ail meaning when we want mo- 1) A V I I) I". V A N S' Patent Tire ntul Thief Pmnf Iron'. Chests, Slate lined I'efrijrpr.'iliirs, ; with Fillers attnelietl when iciiir('il. ! STi.lTG ?t. VfATSOlT, Ao, 70 Smith third St., ojijinxitr ihr F.fhnitiie, PHILADELPHIA, M AM FAtri't'lil'. m l "TJJikeei for sale Daviii Ki K:K 'ifce'el lalnl v Bier nn.i inni. r ... , ' ! i t, . t ,';mium r ire hIiii I mei rnmi i- "IJ.ioks, Paper 1). rds. Jrwi K , f .'-"-"'- (Jol.l, ilver, &c, A-e., mm!e of Uoib r Iron, (nd not nvi r Plank s n.m-iy-live out of every one bou.heil no in ue ntul lor sule aie made.) wi'h firsi rale I,"(-ks and Divid P.vans' Patent Keyhole (.'..vers s'unil ir to the one rvt.i'-it. ed at the i'hiladelpbia Kichanee, for 'biee months in (he summer of 1 14 2, viheii ail the Kc weie t blierlv t be lined, and the t.'lnst not opened, al- uther, nnd to eo cperate for the common good. "I would have him to think of tame ns well nn of applause, and preterthnt which lobe enjoyed must be given, to that which may be bought ; to consider his administration as a single day in the oreat year of government, but ns n day that is affected by those which went before, mxl that must affect those which are to liillow." I would I. wr! i saved by a rope Irom the (Sopher. The lather than any man now living, having gron nine saw Ins rescue with let lings wc need not at- inehea during the past year ; nnd on the usual tempt to describe. A man, his wile, and four rules of growth, will probably reach nt least oin daughters were saved without injury, though ; tis.t more. lie weighs 1!H pounds. Judging in different ways and places. Their meeting i from analogy, in such cases, by the must have been most joyous. 1 time he gets his full growth upwards, he will A lit'le girl was found clinging to the wreck begin to become corpulent, and may attain the when th" fl.iniea were so near that she hud to nioiistcr bulk ol Daniel Lambert, if i.ot tunuss have him to conside r the constitution and the ! duah wuter gainst one side of her liice to pro- ,1. laws as the sole rule of his conduct, neither tPCi it frmn the intense bent. A man was on Lambert was a native of Hnphiud. and was of the hospital there the nir having been heat ed till the mercury stood "JC1 degrees of Fah renheit. They did not experience nny oppres sive or painful sensation id heat. Dr. Fordyce tt. I Dr. P.'.Hgden made some remarkable trials of i'i. same kind. They mtered rooms artifi cially heated to a very high degree sometimes n.iktd and sometimes with their clothes on, und boro the extrai r lin iry temperature of 210, and even 200 degrees for a considerable time, with very litih: inconvenience. In all these experiments, it was found that j ney in the treasury to add to it, and lorum when it is too full to tnko money out ; that's what ad ve-lorutn means, nnd its the only tariff that makes both ends meet and carries on the govern ment as slick n.i a new tar'd wheel in January." (Great cheering, amid which the speaker seat himself.) . The Pi:st Way to We have nn story connected with the Second Jvent ex citement, so good as the follow ing : "A Millerile down East, concluding that thii end of all things had arrived, resolved to work stretching nor warping them either to enlarge j tic hurricane deck with his wife and a little buried nt Stain'ord, were two mils of his clotlx s very much quickened. The frequency of Dr. the animal heat, as ascertained bv thcrmouie tors placed under the tongue, or grasned in the "l1 n,orc ftml nn 0 10 Gathcr He Iruitsof thi hand, was scarcely increased at all, nnd the res- piratioii but little effected ; but the pulse was his own power or lo abridge thnt of the eo-ordi- d iti"hter, at the time of the explosion ; he drop nate departments, or of the people. To usurp j pPj ,ie f,irm,,r jni0 t yawl, nnd she wa saved no authority inconsistent with their Fpirit, nor ! mi with a sprained ankle ; In: threw the latter to abuse that which they confer. I Would have ! mto tl.e stream and then plunged in and saved him diligently to inform hitn;clfof all the great j u by swimming. and diversified interests of this vast and grow- Pieces ol the boilers were throw n upon the log country, and so tosuecor the various hranch- Kentucky shore, anil, it is s.vd, some portions j rtoit-s. The we'p'l.t ot tlos mass of mortality cs of enterprise as to crown the whole w , th j ,re o thicker thun a half ilollur ! When and waG72lhs. are preset veil for the m-peetioii of the curious. Mr. Lambert's b.i'.k did not in-rense above the ordinary size until he had reached the age oi 21. A pa.r of stockings made for and worn by him, measured in rircum'erence, at the at ele, twenty four inches, und at the calf nonrly forty though the eipcriin. nt was iiieJ ly at least 1500 ' prosperity. I would have him to reflect that where and by whom could thev have been in- 1 ,.er.,,n.. One of the same Lock ws. t.i.d by ; tij.. (tlversitv of interests and mull.lari- pPl.,w ! We heard a geiilleinan state last Mvtt Koliliers, at tbe Delaware Loal (tttice, in alnul ,,' i i I . irrvt, sl.ovo Third, but d J not suciei d. ",ls concerns, both foreign and domestic, ol the - evening, that he had two sets ol boilers inspec- first c' vmiivi r. ami Fnu ii iox. F.ximine the J earth. After a long ninmir.g s walk, to medi- tnte, he returned home and asked his wife if ! breakfast was ready. No,' said she, '1 havo i j . . j..... . llla.r.h.o's m.lM. i.. one i.,,inr wa. double. ; prerrn none. i ou say u is noi yonr ou-y ir. Tl.e watch chains and other pieces rf metal a. j work ; if so, it is not mine ; if tbe fruits of th bout th ,, became so hot that they could scarce- mn-v ,,,t h Sre., tt may not be cook , , . ,1 in . ', i ., led. Iain resolved to abide the consequenc ly be touched. ben thev breathed upon the : '. .. . .i ' i- . i i i w'ith von.' The man walked out to meditate, ihermom' ! r, the mercury inimediatelv sunk j i . i- ,i . , , , i.',,, and returned shortlv, said, "if you will get sonio si i iul i!etr es. act ol respitntion pro- . - , . .... ,. , .. ' breakfast I will goto work, ilnciii a p;easanl h i nog i l eooliiii'jj in the llus- r .. inks; un.l they cm e, tli.-ir fingers by breath- J,,an Paul has many fine thoughts- Here i ing iimiii tin in. Ill and by the same heated air one : winch they respired, egg were misted imte: 'Man has two minutes and a half to live op.o fXj Hoistina, Ma bines, Irun D.inri, superior Lock, and all kfhds of Kail ties. Seal and l!o iyi()(5 Piesses, and .'Siiiilbwiiik Rem rally , on baud or manufactured at the shorteM notice. CAUTION I il.. hereby ruutintl all per. sobs SKsinst niukii a. Usiou, selling, or ibui-iok tit l sold, any Keyhole ('orei for I'ire Proof I htsts, or Doors, of anv kind similar in principle to mv him not only to toletute, hut to encourage all Patent, of ll)th July, IR4 1, und also ug liest Lining decent and respectful examination into his tvririaeraiors wnti tsi oe, tur wn cn my t aieni is (Istml S6th Mrcb. 1 si 1 4, us any iiitiiugeiuviit will te dealt wi'h according lo law. DAVID EVANS. Philadelphia, April'lU, 1844. ly FORESTVILLE HlliSS i:i.lir l4Y tUKKS. NP4HK subscriber ha junt received, fur sale, a few I of the above celebrated Right Day ('locks, which will lie sold at tery reduced prices, for cash. Also, supeiior 30 hour Clucks, uf the bent maks nd quality, which will tie M foi cash, at f4 60, Also, superior Hrass 30 hour C4rka,at (10, Dec. , 1H43. 1L1L M AWSKK. S TONK I WAKE for sale. 326 8lone Jiirs, from I quart lo 3 gallons, 60 Ntone Jars, from 3 to nations. Kr sale, cb-sp, by Oct. Ii ll.U. MAS.-KK. nation, ijueslioiis will constantly arise necessa- i ,,.rPl uhn tliamirns ni. U hat salety tics w huh please In r m a lover, there is, per-; rily eliciting various opinions among his conn- ca t,,.ro lie on out waters if such criminal ' haps, not one which would bo suitable in u bos- j trymen. These I would have him to treat with : enrclessness and reckle istu ss are tolerated V band ; ami, in fact, she treipn ully sees l.tllo respect and indulgence, even w hen they differ The luisvilla Courier gives the ntines of more of him she lovi s limn the beauty of his from his own, bul by no means to make them ! forty.(,iie persons, whose lives were lost by the ; form, or, perhaps, tin; elegance of bis dress. Is objects ol anger and punishment. 1 would have j plosion of the boilers of tho Lucy Walker, not this, then, the most complete coiideinnal imi It also expresses ihe opinion that a largo mini- of our system of eduction ! r rooi an appre hend w horn cannot he ascertained, as there was hen.-ion ol too strong!)' u'lecting the heart, we public policy and official conduct. I would have j no r'itt.r of ther ninues, and in nil probabili- i from woman all lhat is worthy ol love; him to keep the offices of the government a- j ty ttjoir bodies 'vere cjnsumed on board of the j we allow the si use of the beautiful that exists bove tho reach of the flatterer and tlie denia- j KJltti There was also five badly wounded, and in them to be lost among futilities the onsido gogue, and never to bestow thetn as rewards for ( lt!n gijj.i.tiy. There was said to beat least 1:10 ! pleases them wlmt is within is unknown mere party service ; to bring to Ins aid in tho other trusts of the government the soundest pa triotism, the most elevated and various intel lect, the most enlarged capacity, that his coun try affords: and lest in seeking for inch quali ties his range ot observation might be too cir cumscribed, I would have l.iin to maintain such rclutions with til classes and portions of his countrymen, lhat the scope of Ins selection mice of a girl. Amongst all the ipi ill- i ,.m :M tvv. my m nutes, and beef stakes were to smile, one to sigh, nnd a halt to love for in dressed in thirty three minutes. And when the the middle of this he dies. But the grave is air was upon the meat by means of tad- not deep it is the shining tread of an angel lows, it was sufficiently cooked in thirteen tnin- , t!u,t seeks u. When the unknown hand throws i utes- the ftlal dart nt the end of man, then bowttii he Ttm Com. io in: l.o.r. We endorse the ; Whi '"""'i ,,UJ "rt only litis the crown of toll, ir.H .V..cki..i's adv.e to h. son, ntul J ll,l,r'-" r""" ,,is w'"""19- put it niiiu iii cucul.itioo, n loo j;)oU to be : Got Net iiiiiOK.ii nir. MorioN. A g'xd sto ry is tol 1 in a New York paper ofa dwsipated character, who went home to bis w ife one ni jht Ixk zy,' and Called for supper. The poor wif w ho, w lulu she could do eo, provided food for on board, only 93 of whom have been account- ! When, therefore, alter ha ing been united s x ed for. il,..,, l.u,L (,.r i Kn ,l..i..l,ti'il vounrruiBn whose prescnie charmed them, they are oueu There is a cobbler in liondon, over whose door , VPry niuCri surprised to find in hi place only is the following notice : Shew Maid, and Men dead Ihtf." lost '. I ! have often told you,' he says, 'that every ' man intiit be the in jk' r or m.irer of his ow n for I tune, llu whodependb ' upon his incessant industry and integrity, do- ponds upon patrons of the noblest and most ex- tears in her ejes, that there was nothing te g, I alted k ill ; these are tho creator ot detune ami ' a supper out m'. 'What,' said he, haven't y i ' fiine, the founders of families, and can never , pn-ce of dl l mPii !' 'No !' 'Give n e ' the family by her own toil, informed him wtS .Mikc WAtaii' DKi.tsr. Mike says he don't , believe in nything beyond what he csn com ' an impertinent fellow, an ignoramus or a sun I pleton. Vel this is what is commonly termed, ( in Hie worm, a marriage ui unniniwii. disappoint or desert you. I hey control all bu- I piff,. ,f bread, vv..' w told there man dealings, and even vicissitudes of any un-j none. 'What ! have you nothing nothii'p " fortunate tendency to a Contrary nature. You ! 'Nothing at U,' replied the poor wife, not t.r. -i have a genius, you haves haning; you have j a crumb A'er a pause Very w ell, very w- 'I , Jatk Downing as "There is ufithinc that industry at times, but yo-j want perseverance ; ' very well J give me a clean p!at. kinf? a.' 5 might have no other limit than the welfare of j prebend, and in no more oflhat than just what greaaes tbe wheels of business hks newspaper , without it. you can do no? lung. I b;d you tear j toifc. Uy Jupiter .1 eo through t' i"ft..)t the commonwealth. Huch is my ides if vir- ! suits him. j averlising Fear ilasm s U-uub to it " I tLs moito in mind Pisf vrus.' niy f I Vai i ' neru oi d, .'