junmiiii i. i urn .11 r- TIIK OWL'S HOLIMMtt'V. llY T. WWTWOOI). 'Twin tin; twilight hour. 'Tuwhit-Tiiwhoo !'' Said the Owl, as ho peered the branches through Of the grim old churchyard tree. 'Tnwhit-tuwhoo !" and he plumed his wing; " They are silent now they shall henr niosing That will gladden their hearts," quoth he. 'I'm the king of birds, nnd t'would ill agree With nty royal ntatc nnd dignity, To mix with the vulvar throng; So I wait till the shades begin to fall, And the earth is hushed, then I charm them nil With my soft melodious song. If I were to sing in the broad daylight, I've not the least doubt they would all be c-uiti: Ah pleased and as mute ns now ; Hut I've often been told, and I think they're riuht, That my voice has a grander sound by night, And my notes a richer llow. " Aha! there's that silly young bird ajain That nightingale, with his tedious strain Now really it's very wrong; He listened to me, one summer's eve, And ever since then without my leave, lie has tried to learn iny song. "Tnwhit-tuwhoo, tuwhoo, tuwhoo J loll be sensible soon, what a vain to-do lie has made with his rivalry ; Indeed, I've a mind myself to teach The bird, how completely beyond his reach Is the tone of my minstrel)'. 'So now for a stave ! tnwhit-tuwhoo V Said the owl, as he fluttered the branches through, Of the grim, dark churchyard tree; And a proud old fellow was he that hour, As, perched on the top of the belfry tower, He hooted right dismal!). Never do It. Never ask the nco ot an un nnrricd lad when she passes five-and-tw entv. Never expose your poverty to a rich relation, if you would have him treat you ns n cousin. Never let it come to the cars of a ricn nnd childless relative that you pecrotly pray tor his Midden and premature dissolution. Never tell a ninn he's a cursed fool ; in the first place he won't believe you, and in the next 11 A X U X'OTI! 1, 1ST. rr.wsinAMi. The fullowou; list shows the current value of nil Pennsylvania Hank Note. The most implicit rc iiinro may be pi, iced upon it, ns il i rrrry irtit tarcfnlly cump-ued with ni d Currerled liom liiik lfll's Hepnr'er. ICwiiKm In I'lilla.lclplilsi. Disc, in I Id LA II. N O T F. s A T r A K. Bink of North America , , Hunk of the No. them Liberties . 1'ommereinl Hunk of Ponn'a. . . Farmcra' nnd Mechanic' Hunk . Kensington It mk . . I,., Philadelphia Hank Schuylkill Hank j Siiiilhwnik Hank . . I Western Hank . I Mechanic' llnnk . . ! Manufacturers' A' Mechanics' Hunk I 4'Hltlt-3- t'UllliN. pnr par pnr par pnr par pur pnr par pnr pnr Dunk of Chester County I'nnk of Delaware County U.mk i f (icrmaiit.m n Bank of Mon'romery Co. Dnylrstown Hank E'sloll lillllk rnrniers' Hank of Ilurks Co. HV ,. fi inti f Pci.n'n. 'Irllre do do OlnVo do do OlHce do do n ot ns Unik of the United Hank of I'enn Township (iirard Hank , Mnyamensing 11 ink Hank of Pennsylvania Miners' Hack of P.'ttsville Hank of I .ewisiowri Hank of Middle!.. wu Bunk of Nnrihumb.'iland Columbia lLitik & Itiidge co. Carlisle Hank Exchange Hank I'o d 1 branch of Farmers' I!;mk of I.ancastei Lancaster County Hank runners' I!, ink of Heading Marrisburg Hank Lmeaa'rr Hunk Lebanon Hunk Men hunts' A- Maimf. Dank' Hunk of riltsburu Wi st Munich It .11k Wyoming Hank ..rth-in.ilou H ink Heiks Oonntv l!..nk Oilice of Uan'k of 1'. S. Ho do do I)o do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A OAKLKYS ROSE! OINTMENT, roil Ti'i i 1.1:. niMivxiiiiMs, 1'ij.ii'i.r.w on riu; rA-B, and othkk -t r ni:-si mi i-i ms. d The fnlhiU'inn crrlificn'r ilesrrihes one nflhe mint r.r imnriH ntir 1 cures ever rjfrctid by any applicittian. Pill I. ! I lilt A. IVbniniy 10. 1S..H. OR twenty years I was severely nfflictitl with Tr.TTKH on the Face nnd Head: the disease cnmnienccd when I was seventeen years old, and Westchester par I licf-t.-r par 1 Ucrniantown par j Noiris'iiun par I i.n Icstown par Fusion pnr Hri-lot pir Hnrrihurg""l T!ie-e Lancaster i olliccs Heading f do not Fusion J t-stie 11. T DISCOrNT. 'lutes Philadelphia 2o place, you make him your enemy. Never take n newspaper without pnyinr: fir ,. T0wn..l,ip i.iv. Ins It, it's the BliabbiCSt act you could possihiy be i Hank of ( tiainl er-liurg euil'.y of. A C alt lot Widow kk. In a villa j-e in I'icardy, nfttra long sickness, a farmer's wile ! l'ell into n lethargy. Her husband was uiliiu'. Cood man, to believe licr out of pain nnd so, j according to the custom of the country, the was ! wrapped in a ehoet, and curried out to be buried. 1 Hut, as ill luck would have it, the bearer car-; ried her 60 near a hedge, that thorns pierced j the sheet, and waked the woman from her ; trance. Some years after, kIic d ed in reality ; I mid a the funeral passed along the husband j would every now and then call out "not too ; near the hedge, neighbor; not too near the 1 hedge !'' , It would seem from the following, the "Re- II;. Ilk of (il l!) si lir Bank of i"Hi-iiielijiina Co. Hric Uaiik Farmers' & I'roveis' Hank Franklin U.mk ILiiicmLiIi' HjiiU Moi.onnahcla It.ink of U. York Hunk N. 15, The notes of those banks on which we .unit quotations, and substitute 11 dash ( ) sire not (lUichasid by the Philadelphia liiokers, with the exception of those which have a letter o n lcrriice. UKOKCN UANKfS. pir 4 . pir ir Tot'sr-ille -J Lew Mown l Middle! own j; Northumberland par j Oohimhu p ir : ('arlisle ! Plttshllip Il.illi.lavsburg .I Lnurtstei par I.iiiiciioier p .r H.ad'n.g i llarri-.l.ui( Lancaster pit Lehanoii I'iilsbuig I j I'ittstuug ,' Williatnsporl 1 4' j ilkesl.ario lj ' Allerilow n ! iJeadin I Pittsburg failed I Lfie do j New lirighton do do I do ; ('h.nnhi rsbutg t (;.tt)siiug i .M'inli.i-e Kiia " W; iu .-bi:ra " Wnsliii.'.-loil II HoniMl de I HrovMisville M Yo.k i it ATivi; sutrr. rpiIK VHluab'c properties of Oakh v's Uepuifl. 1 live ISy?up of tiirsnpnrilla, ns n purifier of the LI .ed, is so well known to the public RenrMllv, Hint it is unnecess ity to occupy much spin e in set ling forth the ndvniitnges to be derived from its ns. wherever the medicine, luii once been intro duced, it taki s prece.lercn O'er all otheis : every one that tins Inker- it, have lb rived so fional bene fici.il results from it, th-it it is recommended by Iheni widi the irnvmi cotifid. nce. Physici inn ol ihe hinhest stindimt in the profession, ptesctihe it to la'ieuts under their rare j cintaiiiing imihina d. . terioiis. hut bring cotnposi d ol the most mild, yet rllicnriotis vreetnlilc material-, it is olf. red w ith confidence, ns the rlienprst nnd most elbcient (in. rtiier of the blood now known. The inc of a few botiles, especially in the sprina months, will be at tendid with a most decided improvement in the ce ntral slrrncth of tin system, ern.lieaiitiff any seed of disea-e that mV huve heeti genenit'd. In sides a'ving health nnd viu-. r to (he body. For the cure ol Si rnfulii or Kini's F.vil, Hheiunatism. Tettt", I'i 111 pies or ciupti 'iis of the Skin, White Swi Hi mr, F.-lula, I'hr.. nie (.hii!!i Asih.m. Vc. The nu uierous cenifica'cs in the p.o-ses.-i 11 nflhe sulscri- 1 . 1 1. . . r - . 1. . .: 1 ...I. ..- ..t t err .in., i.c--,,,, irom ,,vs.cia is 1.00 Mg very violent, I conmi. n, M III! ICIll IO ri.M IICC III.' Ill 'Hi SKI'I'IT. 11 o. I"t mi- perioiity over all prcp.r ilions of H irs ipiiill i. S.M who!e-nln nn.l relnil, l.v (lie proprietor, OLOlIlii: . OAKLF.Y, North f.lh stte. I, l.'en .limr, links Comity, and to l e hut ol the following pi tsuns : III yml'iuillhn lllllil ('nlltitl. II. H. Ms. Stitibniy: liel ind cV M.xel, Mi Lwcnsville ; I) I Krniisi r. Milton. In I'li'tiii ('mint 1. .1. (fcarb'.rt, Seliu-grove ! A Cuii lius, M.jlbnl.ii'-i'. ; Ciiliiiiiliin ('utility. H. W. Mct'ny, Wnsh iugton. Heading, March It. I Pl.t. Ma. Oikitt : I believe it the u'v of every one to 1I1 w I. .lever i.-t their power I ie-, f..r the b ne. lit of Ihi-ir l.ll .w 111 1' , nnd havinc had po-i ive pro.it in mv own family. i.f the w..i.let(ul properties of your D.'pur.i'.ivn Svrnp of !a'!ip-iri!l-i, I m si eons.'ieiitioii-lv r commend i to 'he iill'i. led. We li el the miffoitinie t l-.e two of our children. In the I rrakiti'' nt of nice-ins s rc tint coM'icd I ! 1 . face, be.id and tc.lt. ..iih.-v.-!i i.l - -vv t f tl r most -ill ii'i!" pl.v -vi-11 a to afei.d l!i 1 1 nnd 1 '.' triid all the known irnr.li.", iiu'.iidr g ! aim's I'anacia, without av ijl. Another nf my children was ai'nike I in 'l e sure mn n. r, l er Ian- t ,1 111 ck was eoo.n'e'e'v e. vcr, .1 ; 'lie .1 iff1.' wns s,, ol!rtiie. nee! the iliMMsr ill sin h a lie uht. ll.ut we .Iriiaire.l i l her life. S'eeii-g the wonderful elli'cN Wit. HEILIAIT & CO., a; .,-2'r-r- -'r t'.VT'V"t Commissi,. 11 vv, I'orwardinc Mi rcliants, l'unt of Wilhiw Stru t Rail Road, ON THE lift.A WA1IK, I j A IN (I nssririnted vidi tin m Joseph Unmet, 1 lute of l oiston, I, r. snectlullv inform their ATTOKNMY AT LAW, SUIIBUIIV, PA. llustness llended to in the Counties of Nor thuml erlaud, Union. Lvcomitu- nnd t 'olt.mhia. liefer tm litmus IIaut V Co., N I.riWt lt &l I! AN RlOt, Haiit, tlt Mnivin ct IlinT, Kktoi.iis. McFsniAKii A: ('o. rEtit o, 'Jiinii A: Co., yphiltnl, friends nnd the public qerierallv, lliat they hnve li ken tb .1 l.irL'e nnd wc'l n.nvn store nnd wharf nt e.. 1 ..r w. 11 .... si. 11 i 1 . 1 1 . , . , 1 ., ,. , . I...., i-i v .-m-,-, 1,1,1 ron. 1, 1:11c v orcuiiie 1 ev cotitiniieil until the Full of IS'tfi, vmving in vio- , ... .. ' , . ' lence.hu. without ever disnppeirin,. lri.. m-vt JT : , m ! ! -L r t - ' 1 "' " '77 ' (111 T M V TV 7 A AJ of the time, er.,.1 ,,.,rl f V f.r, , rover, ,1 will, "" ""'T " nnA 1 1,r'""nR .''";-, '.d f on, lr l.l Vj 1 ft W A iN ,!, ,'r ,.. 1 ..,. .,;....,, :.i,. I '"' l"',,l nuvnnmur ol (he place la ing conn.rt ing; my head swel'ed nt times until it felt tm if il . l.t l...ol ll. ,1: .1...1 1.1 .... , , . 1, ., 1 , 1 'a1 nine to 1I0 husiitess I.) ns great, it not g eater nd- scnrcelv get mv hat on. Purine the loin: period . . ,, . , ,1, . r :.., -111 . 1 -.i .1 e t. . . 1 vnntae, anil upon us reasonnl'le terms ns nny nl her til it I was ndlteti'.l wnli Ihe iliseiise, I lise.l n prent , , ., , ., . ,.,,.. , 111,1 In. use, nn, I lliev nsstite their Hu n. Is that anv con- Mi.iujf ri .llllllill-, l.lllli'ii' nielli M'MTiii , eieiM.lllll prepaintlon-) as v. II ns takina inw.itd remedies, including n number of ho til. s of Sn-nhn's I'anurni, with all ihe public iniprovemenls thai have their .' rlniff nf Sarnijiiriit, c. In fact it would Ln iinpi, -slide to enunieia'e all li e medicines I used. I w as nlso up, let the c ire of two of the most dis. lii.cu'nl.ed physicians t,f thi ci'y, but without rc ri'ivirm nn ch l ei efil. and I despaired of ever hi ing cured. In ti e f .11 of lMfi. the ib-ea-e l.t the time I lisinc the Hn r (hiilinru?, (pnpired bv Yauahan rV Palis.) In n few n plications the violent itcliini; cen-ed. the sweiling nl a'ed, the 1 motion be a in In ill ; appear, and before I had used ajar lie di-ease was cnlttelr cuted. It has now Lieu m arly a v. nr and a half since, nnd there is nm n vr-tioe of Ihe di-ca.se re mo 1 1 1 i 1 1 c . iwccpl the se us fr.un the deep pits formed by the (li-cnse. Il is imp. pril le for me to di scrii e in a rirtifiento the sen riiy o( the ilisi ise in. I my Milliring, but I will be pleased to give 11 fuller nc count to anv pi r-on wanlii c fur. her s ili .fa, tion. who will call on me. Ai the linn I commenced using the K- se Oinimcul I would have civeti him .beds i.f do bus to he rid of the dne.ise. Ninre u sim it. I have lecnmim inb il it to scviril persons, (anion' tin 111 my tnothi 1 , w ho b id the di-ea-o bj.I Iv on hi r nrto.1 who w. re a I cured l.v it. .lAMl'.s M'UNI'LL. .No. l..ti. HaeeSt. 17""' Ti e Hose Ou.tineiit is ptepinil bv K. H. Yiualriii. S,.ii h I' isl cm ru r of Tbltd and Hue slie. t--, rhii.ul, lj.hia, and sui.l on aueiicv iu nil. in rv. bv 11. 11. i s-l.! ' May ! 1'h, I in. .t. ; sik!i.menls made to tin in shnll hnve their strict nl j Icr.lion, nnd no exertions spared to give enliie satis- ! i faction, 1 J 'J'hey nre nisi prepaied to receive and forward j coeds to nnv point on the ). law oe arid Lehieh I river, between Munch Chunk, I" isloo nnd I'htla- ' dilihi i, vi li lawnre Divisi, n and Li hinb Can ds; nlso, lo anv point nn the Jinn al.i river, or North nnd s! liran, lies ol the Su-ijiieb mm via fi'liiiv. t ', kill and Union, or the t.'he.sapcalu nnd Tide Walei 1 Call l's. 1 ' For the nrcomtnodatioti ,,f Hoa's coining or no- 1 i ir.g via f-ihttvlkill nnd Union C maN. a Sic unl.i.at i will bo kip! expressly for towing be ils from the ! I I, hu ikili uround to the I VI aware and hack, w i ich ! I will en dde nietcliunls to have their produce deli- ' i vc-cd on the De'iiwnre, nnd tin ir goods sl.'tppid nt j a saving ot oO to "ni per cent, o'! lift pines f.r j h.mlii tt nnii:", willl these ndv;,ntai;cs they rc- i i Hpuctliil! nolii it s share of pair, ria- e. W. ilHILMAN & CO. : William Mi ilmin, ) iliiam . Ki yse-, y : I bis,.,, I, H .met. 3 Fhilad ,M.y 1 t, ls1!. y HT a GL I "III 7 B 12 ET m Nn. ti'.t .Vo;7.' Third, al:in c Arrh Street, Fmi.ADr.LPIIIA. ATOM MOD AT tO.NSl lllll HKVK.NTV PrilSONS. MIA ISLEf") WEISS, late nf the "While Hwan," nnd "Mount Yernnn House," respcclfully in forms his friend and customers, lhal he has become Ihe proprietor of the nliov" well know n Motel, Country Veuhiint will find the nhnvt- Motel a celiti.il I. cat ion, nnd Ihe Lest of fare. Person Ira. veiling with private conveyance will find n large yard nnd coo.l -.tabling for horses, and the best of est lei s. Hoarilini; ;' 1 per day. May 1 lib, 181 J. tf. & AG LIS ( 'ornrr of Third ami Vint: Streets, WXLLIAKSrORT, rA, rSIll' si.I.m riher respectfully announces to llio 9 pul. lie, that be h m 01 ene.l a Hotel in llmcoui tno.!i,iu hiiik building s.tuale on the corner of I bird and Pine streets, where he will he happy to wait upon those win, may fn-or him witU their ccioptiiiy. The E ,tle Hotel js lu i;e and Conveni ent, mill furnished 11, the U-t in alein style. Lis I r. valid with a Lute number nf well aired nnd 1 .inli.rta'.le s'e. pini iipirtmei t, rooms, urivatii J Tfl AVT, ATJ?1 .TT? R. CfJ I itlors. tVc. He. sons visiting Willi, n.sport on bu- m sllirs 111 nefi-nre. neiv ret Hs.nr. .1 if.at n. rv ri.in wll i e used to render their s..j,.urii nt the '!'. ajle Mot. I" pi. as.int and areeahle. MisTaMn Sinsll .:i in i inkirco Miiiitil'icliircrs, .Yo. Hi I .rt!t Wist rum' r id' llnrc and Third 1 Philadelphia fav. Ins. Philndelphil Loan C'o. SchiiN Ik ill fav. Ins. Philadelphia do do Manu il Labor HiitiK (T. W l.y.itt, prop.) I ouauil 1 Hank Alleghuny Hank of Pa. Hank of Heaver Hank of sSwalura Hank of Washington Centre Hank . . : . 11 1 veilln" entertain tlic siiine tipprehension nflhe . vt l'.'n t inllucnce ot widows, n.s Tony Weller: I5t:WARK of the Winovvs. Young widows nre always blithe. They ever meet one with a smile und flatterng word. Can nny one tell why 1 Young widows pay very tcrnpulons attention to dress. None knowj so well ns they what colors', blnck, or otherwise, are best suited to their complexion, nor what tricks of niiliincry best serve to heighten the beauty ol their form. Their kiiow ledg.3 on this subject they will put in practice. loes any one know why ? Young widows are better pleased with Inch clord than with widowers. What can be the reason 1 Young widows are the most charming part of creation the envy of one sex, and the belo ved of the other and why 1 I ow anil 1 H.dlord Heaver Hiirishurg Wa-hinntoii II. II. loiite Pilt.-.buig I'lllshifg Fay die co. Creetieasl e I I ailnotiv lllillllll I .en i-:o.vn Vi'aricii Liu, dill' Niw Hope Milton Mcadvi'le Poll Curt'on Carlisle Monti ose I IliolllOWII t iieclishurg Wilki-sh.irre failed lailcil failed failed 110 sale com d closed failed I'loS. il 110 -ale failed failed failed no Mile i!ou 110 sale no sale laded j no sib el .sc.! 1 no -ah- , cL.m.1 i I Finnic' & Mecb'cs' Hank Fiirineis'it Mech'ig' Hank llatmoiiy Iusiitute Huntingdon Hank , limiata Hunk I Lumbermen's. It ink I Northern Hat.k.f I'a. ' New Hope Del. Hiidue Co. 1 N'oilhumli'd Union Col. Ilk. ! North Western Ha-.k of P... : Oll'ice of Schuylkill Hank : I'a. Agr. & Manuf. Hank Silver Lake ISai.k I iiiou Hunk of l'enii'u, estmorelund Hank Wilkesbarre Hridge Co. (JTj All Holes puipoiling to le on any l'enn-l-viuilu Dank Hot given 111 the uhove li.-t, 11, av he n'l lovvu as frauds. xi:w ji:km:v. o! v. ni Dcje r l ive ii tup (.1 .isa :u. 1 1, we were indin id to make trial f it. n the lu-l r. s. rt : it ac'ed likened, 11m; the u'ci is c. luinenecd henhn" innned atelv. n f. w botlii s enlitelv re-tored h. r to hi r health, which si e h. s enjoyed tin iitcrtil tedly 1 ver sit"-,' As a putili. r ol ihe blood, I venly la in ve it has not its cipial. JOHN MOYF.I5.T..ilr. Walnut slrct, near Fourth, Ke.nlmg. DoiinJ sii!!e, A 1 rd 10th, 1HH1. M11. Oakivt: Mv sen Edmund Leaf. I at Ihe sci. li.li in the nu'st ilieadliil and di-t'e--in 1 man r er for three years, dii im h ch lime he w ; dc ptivnl of the use of his iim! s. Li - he d nnd i.ci h wcie ruM-red with ulcers. We lib, I nil the differ, cut rcnicdii s. I ut lo no ill'ect.ui t l recommended bv Dr. Johnson of N on i-town . nod al.-o Dr. I-aac Iliestet, ol Hei'dn i!. to use your D. ilia'ive V 'Up of c-arsnparilla, ol w I ich 1 obtained scviral bullies, the use of which d'ove the .It-ea-e etiiin ly out ol li s system, the sole heileil up, 11t.it the child w is restored to fill ct he.ihh. which l e La eijoicd tiliilitertuple.lly i vir sii re, to the ast. ii'shun lit el many peisins who seen l.iin du it c Ins nlllict on. I have thnuuhl it mvdu v, and send v.'ti this rioli tlcite lhal oil fs whi liav, a like iiH.i.:i. n in the family limy know wium to ,,l ta.11 lua:ile a mciliciiie. Your tndv. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sepi. Pi, HlU. ly 4 nlltf,(itI, DEATH I1LOW. he tm lie w ill nl.-.ise ohserM' lhal no Hra failed I losed failed ( losed no Mile How to (,r.T a FEATitrn urn. The follow ing is an extract from Lover'n "Ilamiy An dy :" "In enrrying o(T even the Fmnll thing of a feather bed, Jack Tute, the bow Id burglar, show ed tho skill of a high practitioner, for lie de scended the stairs backwiirdn." "Iiuckwards ! ' exclaimed l.arry llogan "what's that lor !" UankofN'ew Htuiiswiek Hrunswiik Uelvideie Hank lb-lvidero Hurhngton Co. Hank M. oloid 'Joniiiu real Hatik' Perth Aml.oy 'Jumherland Hank HridL-eton ,'iirmer' Hank Mount II illy rurincr' und Mechanics' Ilk Hahway Farnnrs' and Mechanics' Iik N. Htiiiiswitk Farmer' and Merchants' HU Muhlli tow 11 Ft. Franklin Hal. k of N. J. Jersey Citv lluboken Hku iV Crazing Co Hob.. ken Icrsiy City Hank : Mecbaiiiib' Hank j M uiiuf utur !' Hunk . I Morris County Hank ' Monmouth Hk of N.J. ! Mechanic' U.ink Jclsey t ; II V I'.lt.cls.ui H.ilculle Moinslown FlclholJ Nl'Walk "Y'ou'll see by and by," taid Crog-rins. 'lie Mei hanica' und Mnnuf. P.k 'I ruii.111 1111 , , 11111 ,i ' Morris 1'un.il und Hkg t.'o Jeisry City escended bnckwards, w !:en tiii'.deiily he heard 1 ' ., ... b 13 .1 I list A Oil failed J ar I p.'r par faded 1 faded failed tailed fail. .! failed i fa.hd I 4 I" descended a door opening, ana a laymale voice exclai med " 'Where arc you Rtiing with that bed V " 'I'm going up stairs with it, ma'am, snid Jack, whot-o backwiud pos.tuni favored his lie ; and ho began to wulk up again. " 'Cotno down, said the lady, 'we want no bed here man.' " 'Mr. Sullivan, ma'am sent mc home with it himself,' eaid Jjck. " 'Come down, I tell you,' said the ladv in a rage, "there's no Mr. iSullivan lives here.' "1 beg your pardon, my lady," said Jnek Tu'e, turning round, and marching oil Willi Hie ieii . i;,,-,,,, Hank luir and aisy. ! Wahiii-iou 11 iiiking Co, "Well, there wag a regular eh il loo in the bullae when tho thin'? was found out, ami rtirt Niwaik Ukg ti Ins Co Ncwaik New Hope Del Hridge Cu I .anil ci lv ill.i .N.J. MaimldC. and l'..d ( 'o 1 iol !o 11 N J Piotecliin V Lollil.aril I k Jersey Cny Orange Hank l'alersou Hank Peoples' Hunk I'llileeton Hank -aleiii Hanking Cu State H ink Mule Hank Statu U.iuk Sutc Hank of Murri State Hank S.deui und Philad M.uiuf Co Sussl r; Hank I'lelltoll Hal. l.illg Co 11. Let Firs are L'en uiie, unless ihe box b is three li- ! I hels upon il, ihe top, l' ,' side and Ihe holt on I I cu h emit ill:l:, 1! n f simile nnaturo nf my h oi. I- 1 writing, thus !!. H 11 m-ii i rtt, M. D. These u- 1 bcl-ate enravid on -teel, hraittifully de-ijiud. and done at an expi 11-e of ,.n r f '-.tli'll. I'll, rrfore I il will be si en that lb J.v thii'Sj H'ce-sny to pro- j cine the medicine in iis puritv, is to nh.-erve these ' l.hrN. ' I Kememlurthe lop, ihe side, nn.l t'.e bottom. 1'lie following icspeciive persons ure duly auh. ri 7a d, and hold CEXTICATrS OF AGENCY, For the sale of Hntiitfrr:i Yc'tliitilf 1'iiivfrmt I'H!". Norlhotn! eilai d coiintv : Milton Mickey A Ch iliiheihn. Sun!'iir II. H. M isser. M'F.wens ville In land iSr Mcix. ll. Nonhiim't'i Innd Win. Forsyth. I icoriiclown J. A .1. W ills. Union C .unty: New Hcrlm Hoar A Win. ter. 'clun'.'rove (i.-ort-e (itiudium. Middle burg Isaac r-mitb. Hcawr'nw 11 David Muble'. Ad inburu' W in. J. M iv. M iillinshum Mensi h HaV. Il.ollelon 1 1 111 ill LollU. Freiburg tJ.A F. C. Mover. Le .vi-bur g Wnlls A lire. n. Ciduiiibi a coi.n-y : DuimIIc E. H. Kevnolds A Co. Herwok s-hiimaii A li'tieiihuuse, ! lawissa C, li. Ilrohts. Iilooinshuti: John H. Mover. Jel.-ev Town Levi His, I. Washington Kohl. M.Oiiv.' Liimtoiie Halli-' : M-N'i'ch. (tliM'rve that each Acert h is nn Enorav.d Ci r-il'.-ate of Aiti m v, Containing a repres. illation . I ill H1;AMjI;: I ll's M .un.fi.ct.-ry nt Mik Su e, and upon which will ,i'vi be seen exact eopii s ol the ntii' .( i.s rif tr ti.-t, iipnu .",1 llniiitit' III I'ill l',.,,,s. Flnl'idilpl.iu, o.Tiee No. . Nonh tihti.i't. H. HUAMUiETM, M. D. June "1th, ls-:t. EENt NnUi:i'ii, tor TciUi'. ; ,1 moor or its rrrnwcY. : Pi' 1 1 n n nt 1 . M av 'Jrtli. 1 S:ti. ! HIS js to eiTtilv II at I wassevcre'v all! end . w ith Tct'ir in the hnndi nnd f. .1 for upw ards ol forty ve irs; the ilisn.r was atlcni'cd yener ailv Willi vio'ei l il.-b'iig and swelling. I npp1 ed to ' lituiihi rot ph sic; ns, mid used a crc.it 111,11 y upph ca ions wilh .ut effecting a cere. About a y. ar 1 since, F applied the l'..-e Ointment, which entirely ' sio ped 'he i'l'leii'.!. nnd a b w npphcti 'lis un'ii.'ii ntilycu'id the ilisease, w hich there has hi eo no relurii uf. iilthouiih I had never I , en nd of it nt i nny ti.nc for f ily years. HICII MfD sV (.i:, j Eh venth, hi low Spiuce tieet. ' fj1"'The Ilisi' Oit.t.tieut is pr. p .red by E. IS. VauiJiaii. S ui'li Ent corni r of Third nud L'aee ' Mieels, Fl.il.ni. il bin, and s Id on ni'encv in Sniibu- ' rv. bv H. H. M ASEI', I ' May 1 1th. Hid. t. 1 tvirDicAT. APrnosATiorr j ! or tin- nost: (it.rMi:. 1, fr i' ii r. LTHlH Oil the snpeiiontv "I he pn ji.il a1 i. 11 ever nil c.thi rs is fully cs'nhlnhc.l, the pr-prie-I tors take h a-nre iu l iving before the public ihe j ! ( !! i'-.S ccrvfien'e from a i.'-..'ela!.'e ph siri.ui, j ,1 criuhi.ite of the Unin-rMly o! I'cm.sv Kania. Di. Haiic!'. havinc found ;n this letnedv that lehcl f ir ; 11 ledious and ili-ar, c 1' alio, tn.n wb.ich the me 111 ; within the r.ni;e ol I is profession I o!c 1 to ali'oid. . I has tiot in-itat, d lo fjtve il iiw appiobnli. 11, allh- nth ! the pieiiidii i s in .1 in'i ri -'s nf lh.il prole-si ui a;e j . pp.iM'd to si i n t Hi 11.. . lit s. 1'llll.AI'l l.l'UI a. S". pi. HI, l-'i.f.. i I was rccinllv lioid i.d wnli a tidioits herp, tic I ciupii. n, w 1 ten i-.Hf'i'ti 10 n r v one see 1.1 nn lace, anil exlenin il over the ear. Mr. .lUhati. ptopr.i -t. l ol I'.ie Hose I litilini'iil, obi.ei 1 'ii i in) bu r, :i.-t--ted on my t v 0 g his prep oat, 011. of which be han ded me a j .r. A ohouch 111 common w ith t!i' tucin Icis i t in v I r. to -ion, I dit ounti innre and di-ap- 1 pi. . nl ihe loin en 11. co-ln.ii alio. a! upon the pi. I lie I y i.noi it. I pr. Icn.l, r-, I lei I ,n jo- n e ...uii.l lo i xci pt the Hose I I. ..tm. ti' fit. i.l :'.. c a ,.f .nc di, 'ines. .'t.i! ,t liiw it my i'p n I rt'.ion, as it rn'.'re. Iv tilled I'ue I'lUpHoll, al'h niljti II 111 ie-i.'e.l I in ii-11 'I .. phi attoi s. DANE HAIt.'I.M. D. (J ) I he H .-e Oiiitti.ei t is piep.r.d by E H. Yuiiuhan. .-.mill E 1-: c oi.er nl Thud a. ,1 H ue Siiet ls, Pailadciphiu, ami old 011 aj;. ncy in .v.ni burv. I v II. IS. MAIll!, Slav I lib. Is'LI. d-.ii, 'Fill; '-ii' scriler, Ai-enl of I ym M atml 1 turers. fur N vv Ym Hk of Wihu A Hrnndywiiii' K..I.L III' Del lUiiii1 ropci wouldu t how 1J tho lady lor tho ruge the . 1Jitjjv r .Sjrnj wad 111. Or.u Fj'ii il., 1'riticeloU r, ilriu Newark l ll.a! e'.l.'.ow n I 'aindcii Moni-iown Tr. iiton .alrm New lull Tlellloii Don r Ilackcnsack i iiiingtoii Wiluiiiittoii A Mitv Mas. Nancy, yuu must l.ave my things ready to-morrow m. .ruing early the Imat etarU at 7 o'clock.' O, dear, husband ! witli you it u ii'waji. must, mufet, must you are tho most musiij mail 1 ever knew.' Do blanch Parmer:,' lik of Mule i f Del Do branch' I Do I inn. h Do Iruiiih I iiiou I! ink" It V 1 lldrl .ri' j On nil I auk maiki d thus () il.cre ai 1 i. I ji founit ill II 1 t ullired liuli uf lh var.ou tit '. loualiui.s, 111 tuiuUlioii. Kiiiyinu Millo.d D.H.I illlllll'jtoll lieott-i low 11 N e .V castle iluiint on faded laded K f.ohd J . pal par i i par 1 fiole.'l Ulhtl i par fuilcJ par par par par " par p.r pur pur 1 (TIT l-TI!MTl'!K AlCI'IOX. AMD X'ZllVJWT! SALE-3 nCOTitP, Ni.s. .". iiinl ."1 .i rill 'i'hilil .''lli'tt, N ear the City Hotel, IIIILADILI'IIIA. m ! ion. a r, ie 1 ei llul v in- f pcis.e s ih hiroiis of pi.r- rba-itii Fuini me. t.i his eitci ii. S , K 0111-, (bi.ih pn' tic nnd I' iiate.) loi inry di set t iiu "I II oils, hold Fun. Huic, while i. in le .blsiucl a! all tiini i. a large astortiiu l.t ..f f.ii.!.t..i...!.!e and will liianufttiHirt'd C ibin, l Furniture, lied-, M jlimsses, Ac. nl very riduced prices, for cish. (r- Sales bv A net n.ii, tw iee a week. May 2; tli, 1st:). ly 1 C. M CKEY. Al vis s the iitn ntion tl SEover'tt hL JOSBFH 3M. KOVElt, MiiiHi!':tcMirt-r of W'ritin'.' ninl liiiiclli b!o Ink, No. lilt! .Ninth 'Fluid Stioit, nx (h.i rs l-clnw I!, ice, (e i.-t :':.!i',) lIULAI)r.I.FHIA, I) EH'l'OTFlLLY iilornts country iiicr.hant k nnd tnhcrs. that he con-t oitly keeps 1.11 hand i: lame s!,w k 1 I bis supi rif r Hl.ick, Hlue and I'nl Il k. an. I ul-. 1 n superior 101 d tv of Indelli! le Ink. II in ink is pul up in b. tili s vai voi in sir, liom I lo 3'i niiiiiih, arid Will le -.old ill reus lull do lirm-. The ex.tl'e. t ijiiaht'ea nl lb s ink Ins -,i Ihoroin-hlv estnbli-bi',1 its cle. lac or, that it is now cxti Usui ly used throticheut ihn coun'rv. , For fah .11 the stoie of II. It. M i- i r, Sin,, bury. I'a. Mav -.'.tb. 1 -t:t. I v CI! Uil.l'.S V. III'.CINS. AT T 0 1 H KIT AT LAVv, S3 AS (.il., 1, lb. Hire ton. r-.U 1 eclipi. d I v ll r il Hon. t biiiVs li. D"i to I. fppo-itr tt.i I' I II lis... He Will ll'tend to bl.Ml t's- in ihe C iil'l ol N ..r il. inn'. 1 1 l.ral. Union mi 1 Colombia coun'ir.-. May -.oili, l:t. UiNlON liOTKl.." Shuts. PIMLADELPIMA. rP!II' i ie'e' -ii'iif I have formed a fvp irtn. r-!iip - nr. ! r l!i- firm ol .1, M L A N I .! 11. A Co.. es sue, 1 -si.ra to the 'ate firm of due nh .Mil'lnnd d '').. iiiid will continue the I usiiii'.-s nt ihe old it.i-bh-bin. 1,1 , on their own n"C..'.:ut. In a.l.ii. . .. to their , w n cloae ii'letition ;,nd e petieu'-e f.r r.iiiiiv Vi 'its, in the mat.uficture of their cefebrated siinlV , A !'., the Ion.: 1 jperience of the senior paili.er of the I. He I'mi, will a!-o be ilevn'td to the in'rre-t . f 'he new eot ieri. nod ns no exeili in and caie will li sp ircd to insure their toods, nt nil times of the i -rv lest tpi.ihty, thevsrlict a cotiiinuance i f the confiileuce ol the li.cnJs and ciisl. im i nf ihe late firm. TMOM s ADAMS, J. MAYI.XNl), .In. Pliil idclphia, Mnv 1 1th, is HI. l.v To IMIllfl y ItinitCHANTS. Ml A 1 1 irri-. Hat k. 1'liila.lclphia, I' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f and .ther f.r'c litie.--, a!..' .;.'.v a:r highly ciililint n.h d for -uhi I ci.'.i n,id (i;s..'','.'i,', has 01 baud a lir-t rate 'isc:lm nt ol HA I S nnd ( 'A. !, suit 11 le for S ir'l.p .'fs, li l b w il r s..hl v. i v low . t.a rash or npninvc I t-r .1 t, al the m i'Ii up joec, N o. S, Noith 'J'hild n'r.f t, o p i.-i'e the Citv llot.-l. 1'hil, lelphia. KOHF.liT D. U ILEIN'SON, At'inl. N. il. Ordcis lor Mats in the rmr. '1 , promptly iittende I to. Tbn hii;licst rlcx ill ruj n t'u lj given f ,r I'ue -'.1.1 . Philadelphia, June 11, I si :t.-.y SOLTON t C!D. ; in i al tiitmii-viiMi V.i i liiifi. ', r .'ie .'.'..( l iuur, (1111111, ',',, .'c, c. EM'EC IT'IT.I.Y ii.fonn ihur Minds Merchant- c ners!! . that tin v have t i Leu th, -c I .t'te :'t..l co'iiii,t..!i.ius Whaiv n, '.vith tv 1 D. its. i.oith ..I Ch. -nut stnfl.on the D law ire lou'ctl.er with the si, ie No. I'd South Whirve whei.'tbiv wi.n'd be ple.i-cd la receive c !is1l"i incuts ,.f Ci.l tl, I'I. ct. Srcd, Whi sev, 1-..H. A'' Ac. F. il j al.s.i wi II pn pated to torn ,r.l all ol M. rch iii.'is,. l,y the S. huvll.id and Union, ..r by 'lie Cl.i .-ap, al e el.. I 'l i h' Water Cai.!., as tow -boats :tii kepi ix;rr.-sy l the purpose ol lowing , l ea's by 1 i I I loute. Mere! ants wilt pie He be pr,r'i' i;l ir to setn! t'.eir l!oods desiineil by ei'ler c.ll al-, ti No. I'I Sol.'h V. loins, l., iiun M iikrt nnd Chcsnut sine's, on , the Delaw are, w ith dir. ctiotis aei'oinp myii :g them 1 which route ihev wish iheio to be ,-h'p c 1. ; j (j ' l'listerand S..U for -ale, at th lowest n, ar I Let piic. F.Ol.'I'i N A C'. j Match I'd. ISHS. No. ID S.iuih Wb ines. IIOI'UU t ill I I. It .V SON, papeh HANurACTunrss, I i.oniluirit Stiutt, Hiiltiminf. H.W'E Coii.-tuiitlv for sale, Friieiiii Paper nf al. . si.'rs iiml iiiahti.s. Can Wnfnj Paper, nil. d and plain, Letter Paper, w hite and blue, ruled and plain, !l aciiieL' Paper, line and cotiiui ui. Envelope Paper, ilo. d . mi d. 1.10, iloii'.'e ctw n, t'row 11 atiii 1 exn.t sii-il ia p'.ng l'aj cr-. Colon J Meilnnn mid b'oval I'ape s I'o, met, Hinder' and Stiavv H..x Hoards, 'Fissi.e Paper, and all art It iu iheii line, winch they will .-ill oil iiic.'.iiim.uljiiig leruis. I Hiche-t line given Ci old rajs. will h.. sin.tdii d w iih the vi rv In s! ihe market af- . Ion Is, til .it his bur with 'be ehoieest wines and other t Injuurs iloirees re isonahle. Tin' I'ngln Hotrl possi ses greater utUauiuges in point nf location than anv olhrr smolar e-i'il li-hiiir.il iu th" borough, heilia situ a'e in the husiiii ss p irt nf the town, nud 1 within a convenn I.l ilistanee ef the Court Housu and i haiuspor' and Elinira Ha I Ilo ,d I), pot. i Sulii.-ieiil Si;,!. In it prm i.led, and ,, nud trusty oMleis nlwuy i.l i.tu udanc. Attentiie, accon in., h.ntig nnd hone-l Servants hair bi en t inj-bo id. n,, n.ithini; hit undone tint "il! a id to li 1' ciiinioit 11 ed uccoiiimod.tiion of his glll'sls. Tin re w id he a ra-ri.e-.' a! win s in all.'tidance 11 1 j the P., at Larding to convey pasengers to and from ' the House, trie of h in:e. i OHAHLF.s HoHHOWS. M.v 1 Ph. I si''. tl j 7 -e f-s s "UT "tUT N uiiic'e ute ijti 1! ed Li-1.lv tli.r abb' and PA .1. d lor cleaning .1111! Hiving .1 111. i nn li iut .. sh lo sil- v r, (irriuaii .-ilit 1, I! ran-, Copp, r. lii.tln.ia ware, I .11, S;. , i. Cut1, r , and lor r. -t iiii g yut lustre oil v.iinishel con i.r-, Ac. THY IF. Prep i'e.l an ' .-1 Id a' who!, -a'c and retai', by ihe So-ajn, I. u.ii.1 Chri-oi ,i' Poii-h C01111 nny, Owego, Tio.:a count v , N . Y. WM. i'i 'i;--i i ll. Aaei t for N'..rthum'J, 1 H. H. M..JSi:;;, Ag.m b.r Sunluiry. N ovember Vi'tll, IS ti. 1 .'VStcJsJSPi Wt'.'tvrt V NlUJ, nori: xyiiv.ziz &. smr ciiATjuns. j N.'. :i A U '. ;.,.'. ',,.. It-phia. ' TJT'T AX E c iiis ni.tly 011 hand, a geuer 1 assnrf x fi unlit .1 Cooa.-e, S, 11 e I'n mis. Ac, viz : ! I ni'd Hopes. Fishliii! Kop.'s, Wl.,1,' Hopes, M.iuil la ilojcs, 'J'u.v L11.es tor I ' 1t1.1l IS .us. Also, 11 eem j !. :. a-- 1: tun i t of S, iue Tw i n s, Ac. sneh as liemp ; .,,! aod II-r'icj Twice. ISe.-l Patent (ill) Net Tw inc. Coon had end 1 ie, . ilia I ' -,v i 1 e, Nhoa I'hr. 1 s. iVc. Ve. Aio, lie.'. I hi; J. I'loiuh Linus, II otet.-, i r if. s, I '..'.ion an 1 I.me.i C.,r, , I I 'Iuiik, Ac. all ol whi. h l!.'.y will ili.-pore of mi u.ison.ihlB tetltis. Pi.. I nY'phi'i, .Nov, in. 'i El, I mi. ly. NlT.iM.M'i, COOh vS: CO. .M.ii !vt St -vet, riiila.lelphia. the at i.'i.tiou o dun. try Merchant cxlcii.-tic a.irtiiiei,l 'I i'ril!.-h Frei.cf PNVIi'E Il lo ihe r il"! Atnericau Dry I oil ihe .i t ., . .,, ,' Pl.t! ideh.hia. Nov ...Is, W t. mis n'.cr I. huh J I'ltilnrtht A'o. ;t; A.,,,, t 1'HNTH nn.l is ii. s v a i ;s ihev .!'. r lor ..! Iv. c i;ill(il'li'llll'i!l' (.... r Inlaw th to (1,1. 1 !! ;n .1- iuiil !it 1 ..;.. i.a. Men haft. nd olhei are mliciti. .iue t.ts a.-.e ti.icnl la oie pun li.ismi Pliila :el hia. Novcn, I.r 1 I. Isli. ly. ' W r lO aC. TJ'IIIH sale HOHEU 1' CAIM'EIJ A M .r. h 11". M l. E SON". .n.n, M. (r.',. L , . Oil' tiaall.. V I l.J.I AM .1. MA It I IN, ."TCr.lTZ'J i.T L.7t, SUUDUllY, PA. FFICE, in Hie si cm. I Mory nl ilie buildinff oc ciip ed bv I 'i. J. U. Ma. -i r, oil Maiket el 1 eel. Oct. Sl-I. IS I.l. A l in t sliltij: ,.I;u liI if for ;tD'. tHE fiilis. r.hcr oili 1 f.r sale a Tlll.'EIIIMi MAC 1 1 1. Ml, new and ill good onhi. I'he M ucbine b been tucil, and proves lo be an cxet I kill ohm II will he tulj at a ndiieid price, and waimiiird. Apply U IL U. MASsLK. July lit, Is Hi. 'I 1 11 S'l.ft U?,,-f, LYCCMING COXTNTr, I't iuisy Ivaui;). riHE S.ih-rriber r.sp.c'lelly Inloiiin hie friend I and the public iu general, lhal he has taken I lie above i.Mtar: wit ( ovMoiHi)i s I.N Till: HOHOUliM OF MI'NOV, and thai be is mnv well prepare J to arc, .minotlat. ul who may favor him with their custom. Ids Si.ii ri.Mi Ai'AHi Mi.N i Lie will uiied, and comfortable. Hi-'1'ahi i. ami IU11 will a'iiya lo .jppb.il with ihe l est tlii'lnaikel can iilliirtl. His S11n1.11., which is giMtl, will l un.hr the cluiri;e uf Rood nnd caieliil lo -i'.ts. He f. rl confident, by stiii I allciitiou t i I n anr and an rariitM de.-iu. 1,1 nnd.r r iul..rt:,b!e those w ho may palronie him, lhal be w ill not b.il .. u,ve gcii. iiil aiislu. lion. II. U. LAN EH. Muniy, Oil. iat, lsr;. if. nousi-;. .Vo. ',':!:, Aor'i Third. 1 -' ( 't low Kill St., PHILADELPHIA. "ROIIN M .M AN. late troiii the Prnnsylva (fy nia F inner, 101, 1 S nnit' l P ke. jr.. Ii'eof A n.i ru an I loll I, Coliini! us, I I'nio. take pic asiitr iu ac ,uninliiio their I n nds and Ihe public cctirral'v thai lin y have taken the liirye nud coiniuo. lions Hoti I, 'cc. nt'v bl.i t bv the M. ssis. II ot, on th..' sai l,' site once occupied by the 1. 1. 1 e-'abli.he.l H 'U I known as ihe Hull' II. ad, iu Third stieet above Callow hill st. Tilts Hotel is finished in the Very '.e-t posblc mutiricr. to d ol the he I mi.'eria's. Its. local on i cry ih : siiahle, pariicitlirly for coitnliv mm! nits; the iiiraiiaemciiis for licu'ii gand veiiitlating t aeh ro,.m i. su b n lo M'cuie iiuy Ir.np. ratur.'. The bebonm. ate all light nnd airy, nil luriiichcj iu a tint sly:e, so as to iiiMiie toiuloil. 'I'he receiving parlors arc n! o fun ished in a su perb style, the window are on the French style, fuming 101 entrance to a balcony m front, whi.h makes a pleural,! ii crss. Fin 11c ulai att. utioii has a sii. i I Faun, c .nl iinitu; about 1 ti ;a r.iin.i c 1 una ten ac.s. m,.re or ir s, sun 11 in Point I wnslrp. N. r'biitnl 1 tlai 1! count. , alien two mil. s nh ive x ... tl.uuii.ei I 'i.d, on ihe nn.i' road hading .10111 'hat place to lb. I. Mil', a,ljoiii:i:i ian.i- of John l.ealiou, .lersc C. II .rtoii and ol!ier 11. rv in the occup.ncy if Samuel Payne. Alot lo lv in res et said 1 1 li t are ( leal, d, nnd ill goo slat, ol cu liva'i in. om whiih II I re is a sinull I ai creel, d. The pu p. riv will be Mild on n iisonab let ins. For lurdicr j a ti, nlars, pel son arc icijues ed t.i apply tu the tu' sciil.. r. 11. H. mass;..:, .lo.ii', Nov. iiih, t !.. if Suiib'irv. I't LIST OP BOOKS loll lla. nn 1 1 fTi' Cl.i.s-ical 1 'let ionury ; l.einpr 1 r' N IIH IN' S V .I,, - II..H Ollll-- ,1,, ( ',.1,1.'- .1,. I',,l,.l, ,.,,.1 t.'eriiiiin do.; Ambon's Casar; Aiillioii's liraiinoci; Antli 'n's t 'iccio; Mail V I.n'in Headci; Ogilbj ' d,, ; Aniiiciv's Latin l.ts .ii-; D. ni egaii'.-, Lixicoe; Fis , s Cre k Hxtri'iscs; l'jv ic-'h Leueiidt"; Cia.aa Miiira; Adiuis's Hoiiiuli Ai.lnjui'le-; Pililiock'. I i 'lds.ii(h's Ei ! .nd; do. lireece; Lxrll's Eh met li if tieol.ui; Mif. Lincoln's Hoiuux; Eh n. cuts of Holanv; HiidKe' A l. i r i; Poitrr'n l.h, toie-al Hi h drrs; Fmiison'sj (iiogiaphy and History; Ob.cv's ib ; Put It '. do.; siui id's Ciiimmei; Kirkhum'a do.; Kuv's Hia h r..; t'obl ' do.; Cobb'. Atilhmeiicl.; Pike', d ).; Etncisoi,', tlo.; Col h'a Spelling Hocks; Town' do.; Cobb". 'Fable Honks; Evangt lie. I Fa- llil'y Lihinry; Collage Hibh-; Familv 110 ; Collati r. al do.; mull Hiblcs and Testament; Patkei's Ex- been given to Ihe bed. and beddins, which, with e'1"'? '"J l'""position; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Hax'ei'. ihe lurnilure, are euiinly luvv. , American Hnolulion; Mariyall'i No- l 10m year," cjprricme 111 l.i.tcl business, we , ';'"' 1 '"''I'3 1 beniislis; Ili.u!; I utcclu.in irusl, ly t-tt ii-t as.-.duity t. biuioc. to make this "f Amciicao Lnw; Letters on Natuial Magic; Che house a desirable stepi um place. Our table will "' '.V 'or Higinnets; Engln.li Excici-ts adapted 10 1 nlway lesupphttl Willi ll.e xtry b. ;-t ,,ur maiket 1 'lurr:'.V Or.iaiiucr, St.jml to (.'.'inhy's Spelltni j can all -id, and our barwi'h lite bel Inpiom anJ , "'i Aim ncun C1...S H..ok; lhtb, ill's cho.iinus i w ines ul the 111.11.1 ani iovc.l loan Is. Aist.mt; A lireui xuticlv nl Hlji.k Hooka, Ac P. S. Tl.rie are lirt late slahliinj 1.1. .1 cauiige ' A ugut is, 1 S pj. lioiii.es allirhcl to llm hotel, Muii.b.l by raii lol and sober ho.-lleia, and out charge will bj Uw, 111 iccor.Lnco wnli t,e pre-ent h,n4 (m,u 1'hiUJilpliiu, Oct. ah, Is U. TOR tSALE AT TIILSOH'ICEI