Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 09, 1844, Image 3

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    Wti.r ..nls:. , Xkw Vokk Htatk. -The
northern pi-tof this neighboring State is eo
wild that its condition is scarcely creditable. A
Rood deal oNantl is still owned by the State,
whilo large tracts are in the possession of indi
viduals who bought tliern for specnlntion. Some
whole townships are still an unbroken wilder
new. A few settlers are sprinkled here and
there over this larjrp. territory. Sometimes yon
will find tenor twelve lop hi:ts in tltn whole
township, sometimes four or five, sometimes
rinne. In one instance our man is the only being-in
the township. In one ot these little set
t'ements, not lonr since, d tuan was found to
be ft thief. His comrades immediately tried
find convicted him, and then Ftnrted with him
throtiph the woods for the nearest jail. A?' mile
distant. When about half way through the for
est they stoppnd, and declnred it was fining to
cost morn thnn it would crone to, and turned
1 1 i in loose in the woods. The country is too
mnuntnneous for Carmine, and thi. korp.s it com
paratively unsettled ; but it is said sheep tni'jht
be prown (here to (-rent profit and in sufficient
numbers to supply nil the wool of the t'niti'd
Salutes. Such, at least, is theopinion of a nri
tcr in the New York Tribune.
r ! nrrign nnd Domestic Merchandise, of (he
County of Northumberland, who have, mul
who have lint paid ibeir Licenses.
Who listtp lall :
VVillinm Forsvtlin
Samuel Slinmnn
Wm H Wanples
Isaac Uiowu
Wm II Frvmire A Co
Thomas ! Pomp
Solh Csdwallador
(tc irgn I Inrrey
Samel A llarwirk
John Sweeney A Son
I'etrr MeDowall
William Haves
I I ILirkcitburg
James Kt. d
Emanu. I A J Kaumnan
llt'iijarnin Hell'ner
Win (J Scott
Daniel Holshno
.Iiihn (t Kenn
(iideori Shadlo
Pe'cr lleisel
William Depprn
John K'.rl
1) -nicl Swart
Wm Kehris
fb-orge Urobilin
John I.ineamat.
Spot?. A Dotty
irii have not I'ahl:
Mil'rr A. Mart.
Wood , 1,'hown
John Voting
Irn T t'li'inent
j John llngar
II H Massor
I John W Killing
! (Jeorge Itiicht
. Hovers A llii-t.'d
i Mnstollor A Swenk
S,ih I Cnmly A d.
' l bert H 1 1 am mortil
; Wiilinm Heinev
' Chas H Mor.i.k
I John I'm a turd
i T S Markov A Son
(Jorge W Tower
Ireland A Mrixt-tl
II iv Si Hepburn
P. I. Pipe'
Fletcher Mathews
II iriimm If Knahle
Vastine A Co
Jacob Haas
Win .1 Kane
Wm A It Fsgely
S.umn l .Inhn
Tho A ('lias A Posthy
John smi'h
P. tor II rrel
J A J Wnll,
S mun Herb
Celebrated Family Medicine's
"RTS"' nnt ,,r,, rvrrv thing, but still remain
V V Uiii'ninlIeI in thrir several department by
every lliing ever offered to the public, who have
voluntary came forward s;id uttered numerous ami
highly respectable testimonials of their superior
i Hie icv.
CiintrrH's Coinpniind M ilit ated Sirup nSar.
tnpanllu or, Auit-Soorhulic Syrupj for the cure
ol Seorfula, Chronic Klicti.n itism, Chronic Swel
ling of the Joint, Eruption of the SKiri. and oil
Dtsea-rs arising (rem the abuse of Merru-y, Vr
unsurpassed by any tiling in the market, rmnhi.
liinrr all Hie virtues resident in the Sar-nparilla
with a modern mi'dirament, only lately brought
out hy the most rcspeet.ihlc medical iiitliontii h.
I'rien, ISO rents per b itile.
CtmtrcW .Inti-DtsprpHr Vouilir, forth re
lief and permanent cure of that mmt ilitrc.sins;
complaint. Dyspepsia, In all it form nd Bi;ip,s.
It i truly a most valu able reiindy. Sold in bottle
ni 25 ml 50 f.-nl eneh.
Citnlri'l't .Ix1"" Mirture anrf Tonic Mal:ra
mrnttt, A mils at hn head of the lit unrivalled by
;ny, or all tie innumerable medicines in u-e
:hr"UfVnit the length and bread h of tlie bu d, f. r
the core of Fkvui and Aoi'n in all its stages, and
t rum all it cons, quem es.
Jacob M'lvland
l.'-.. 1..-: l l.-i.
KesU. nt in Fever and Ague district, should i ,.,,.,,,,
lOK nidi in the C!(iurt nft-ninmon Flea of Nor-
thuin'ctland County, at Kov'r. Tprm 1811,
cominciu'inK the first Monday, being the 4lh.
John A Idoyd va Itebecca 'eU
Eli Urobst vi 8 t R M'Kce
Koberl Miner's adin't vs Wm llibler ct al
Dr Kohert Philips vs M'Caitee tV I'urdy
Scitr.inper, alienee of Oarvrr vs John (Jarver el id
John Ilarilinc, j' va Wm II Sanderson
John Furman et al vs Aiiiiiisiii llury it ol
vs (J. nirB I,a renee
vs .1 V llaekenbeig
v Vin M'tiinriesj
v Jo'n A I.'oyd
va John C (ir!or ct a I
v liieluird Kenslnw
vs Win M'(!v
Stephen Derr
Frvmire for F.vert
Jacob Darnbnrt
Su-annah eilie
Italdv A Kase
John" V lb.yd
Hugh tellns Ac
John Wolf
IJeed for Muny
J icob W Smith
wateh Fownns,
IIoiincn and I,otN lor si air.
''I'IE Sutiscrilu-r oilers for sale the following do
fl. setil-fd Valuable IVoiierty, all of which he
will Fell at vi-ry moderate pikes, and on reasona
ble terms, vir. :
houses a lots.
IVo I. A larcennd cb-girt two alry slnne man
sion lnme Willi IllMMlimt st.Ut . all llliilik rmi.l.n.l
J and siliiavd on t l-o can f Market Ftreet, in
i Selti strove. Cniou county, b. injj the residence of
tlie siil.serilu r. The lot on which this house
j stand is vi iv Inndsomrly improvnl, Rnd planted
j whit choice foil and ornani-nt il treis and shrubs.
with nil the i cri ss iry imprnvem nts of n hre
I. am. p a rv, .he.l im.i e irn rrih, rarriaon
s "w r ee s ol J .cksoiilp : I,,,,,,,., llUl.Pi smoke hoit.-e and poultry yard
V . ninpi I' Milrrau . . -V 1 J
Novrr. n Im i:nr:si id. We lenrn that
our old fellow cit'Z'Ml Mr. II. I Wney, now li- I . K'Hice i hereby civen. thnt the Ticisurer i
n i i. i . r I compelled. I'v law. to commence suits ne "install
Vinjr in Iew Alb.inv. ha obtained a patent for ,., 1 , r . . . ,
" ' ; ItioHf lio ilo not come I -raM and pay their neen-
n machine toairl in Iftmiinu Ira t her, by which ses en or lifore the lsid .lav orNovemher mf.
lio can manufacture the article in half the lime i JOHN FAK.N'SWOK I'll,
it lm here-ofore taken, and Mve one-haldf the ! Sl'",,"'- ' 3 1814. 7Vr,rcr.
Irnrk. lie tier's no pteam or chemical ain-nt.
but simnlv dopi ives the hides of a sort of intieus.
mid introduces the bark Timor bv mean- nfbis Fa'l Mdlenery, and will make up lionne-s of
JIt. G'ollturi
T T AS rcee've I the recent style of Fusbinnnble
1 L
I... .
in h i i-r willinin il.
The subPc, will forfeit FIFTY DOLLARS I 7'ry ,,.pr-' W',e
..i.i- i i i . t- . ldnnls A ciree
Miere lir meilicine l.uls to leitorm a cure in the 1
, , . ' i I will nuio 1 ain:i
most oVstina'c c i-e. i . . ... . .
S id Who'cale acd t.etail bv ('A LEO CUES, j i ' ! , '! ,
SON. at hi Dr.u Warel,-n-e. No. fi Nonh Th,rd ! j'n ,'lt Kc'" t
Street, Fhilndelpbia ; al-o, bv the nculr!v hp- ! i i i
. i ...,,,, ... ,,. ,,,,, ,,. . ,, . -, 1 lleiiiam n Itolnns
pointed apetil. SK III W . KOUI.U IS, liolesn c ' v,.M,
DruGirisl, No. 51 Water Sire-t M diile, w,. i .. i
nA . Sic plifii D.rr
i r ii'irt'ii t v ii v i mi- tmi i (sit ut, rnr it m ,i u i m i 1 1 in
i i. iv ii no 7IIH-II', i'i'iiht i III irtl
an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed.
i l :.i i : .
irin-, iiiiiiu IIIU urilllllir lYlllimii Mil" Flirimiuip , -.. II . I
r 'm.iv . ...v t-Li.ii I m A I.loyd
oi jiiii. ;i, u.-i.i i ivLiai.
v James F Murray
vs .1 i-epli eitr.ol
Ja-nen Itjrretl's adni'rs VS IVter Snyder
Daniel eibe A wife s Isaac KoHilarmcl
V ' i!li tin A Idovd v Martin A S ok
Com'th of I'a. lor hi own us- v F W Follock
Same vs Charles Comly'n t x'rs
Same s Same
Same v F W I'olloi k
Sani'l Swinehart A wifevs Filer Fcr-ter
vs II yoirih-iinor et al
vs Sirne
vs Jncob M'Kinnev et al
v. Charles SI;hIVi r's ex'rs
vs Win Donaldson
vs Jacoli Werlley
vs Charle Kuch
va John M'trmnrsa
vs John Pdint r
v Ahr h mi I.awtcncn
vs Jom iiIi Kelb r
vs Henry Stcinine 7.
Ch n'e (iearhart. jr
llaa A I uiekemil!i r
Canf rcllV Ajroo 31lIuro, or Tonir
n Ul II. Ill lllf HO.ivl li li hn via l..r b.I.i
Tnachine. The ci'v council of New Albany i ,r;i of ,.i,n;., .rii..t. ...i. r:i
IiftVC appointed n committee ot practical nnd sci- i IJihlions. I. i lie' ('ravats. Ac, i.nd respect 'uliv re- j t. , , i- A- . -t. i I
11 ' . . . . , i . ..' tor I he cure of nil Hmui aff-Tlionx. tll-ilen itr- 1
corliti( In flirt clnms. I
j It is a never (ailinp remedy winch nn fami'v '
thereonatan early n day ns practicable. Wei .MM II I', til' IMS I 1(1 111 Tl() , "u"' "e itnout, especially in low mar.-t.y
tn.derstnnd that the committee arc favorably in.. I OF JOHN II. tOWBElfS' ESTATE. As'Thi medicine is rut un under the n-onrie-
1 'InI"l;,r," h" I,,'?7M:,S 'V"10 IM1W"".;' J tor's imm.diale inspection on the most scicn-ilic
John II. Cowden sold by the several sbenlls ! in(- , ,-, puf( y V,pe,.,,!e, and havinC .
of .Nor.humberland l.yconvnj, and I inon con,,. : tlri, ,u r)Yxf ,hml.amN. fr MlWar,,H ,,f ,8
lie, and now ronnde e l in the Court of Common i . . i -' i... i i . i !.. . . ..... '
cording to diicclions, ihereh-is not been one fa lure.
vs (!eorc A ilixon et al
vs J .hn W I'eal
vs J (,' 15 NoiirtiC
Hu'el Smith vs Auiiu-tos .V I Huey
II r llotlmcshenil A Covs Piter
pntific men. nt the reuues.t of Mr. Dnwnev. to ' 'I'-1"1 n, r """"'ers a-,,1 inlirrs to call mid see.
, ,, ' ' Snnluy. Nov i t Ii. I SI 1. Dt
examine the process and machine, nnd In report j - -.
pressed ns far ns they have jronc in their exam
i nations. ,oui 1 7e Jmtrnuh
t 'harles D Wharton
E P S innon
A W Johnson ct al
John 1) Ko-s's cxi's
Cloi.le- ( iale
t J I. W imer
Daniel lirosiou
Joseph Milinan
vs Henry limlsher
vs Dermis Wale's
as John C llod el al
vs C S W.dlis el nl
vs S.i'i e
vs Hol.iit A M C iy
vs John A Sliis'er
vs SltHiniikin C"o. A Irun ('o
The hole constituting a nvl ib sirable and be
' tiitil icsalcnec.-. Price. :t,.ri(i(i. I
j No. C. 1'iirrn two slnry wooden house with pi.
I tensive hark buildings, and highly improved uar. j
, den and lot of ground. This property i situated
I iioiiii ol anil b.Ij iiiiini; 1, and aUo forms a dc-
s rahli- residetic -. Price, 1,5(10
: Nn. :i. A two story w oden house wi'h I l if
I Ground, situated en the ea-t sido of Wider street.
ill Splinsgrove, well finished Ihr -lii;hou, with log
tni ip en the rear ol the lo'. Price, 5(10. i
No. 4. A two stoiy wooib n bouse with ore slo- j
ry ki cheo, and a log sti'de en the rear of t1 e lot, !
situated north of and ndjoii,ioi! the last nan.ed pro j
perly . N". :). A well mid pump, to accommodate J
this and No. n. in the y od. I'rire, ?5(10. .
No. 5. A lot of uri'iind in the town of CharY- I
town, on ti e Isle ot lue, situated on ftrrct, I
10 l.y 1-0 feel. A desirable lot for a dwelling;
hoiicp. pri c, f COO. j
No (i A lot of cronnd adjoining Scfmsgrove '
and Pern creek, and froutinir on Wnlnut slrert, I
cm tai, in !out half ail ncrc of ground Piicc, '
No 7. A very valuable property on the Pennyb '
vania Can.d, on the Lie of lue, adjoiuine Selins.
prove. The improvemenis are such rfs hi facilitate !
Dr. Caldwell states, in the New York Journal
of Medicine, that nearly forty years aj:o. a dis
tinguished and well known professor of chemist
Ty, declared in Lis piesence, and in his boue.
that, by a chemical process, lie rnuld umkea Ini
tHtin firing. About the same time, a book was
published in Philadelphia, by u gentleman with
whom b" was intimate, in which it was openly
.inserted that tlie lime would soon nirive. when.
Ly the arrang -meiit ot a aiveu kind of matter in
a given way, and the passing tlirouuh it of a
stream of electriei'y, a mini mtiy be ri ystuliztd.
Vast Sizi: or T.oimv The city of London
contains over ll'.hi'O streets, i-onits and alleys,
l'-;o, 000 houses nnd public edifices, and nearly
Picas of Union county for distribution,
Notice l4 Iincliy gltcu,
I'nder such circumtaiices I recommend il lo the
To all persons in'eiesi.d in the distribution of ihe ' public, adding a ccrtifuat in support of rny asser
proceeds of the sheriffs' sales aforesaid, that the j 'ion. 4
Co.:ri nf Common Pb s i.f I'nion county ha ap- L John Hum, do certify that I was in the ship
loll. lid Wednesday, the ( Acnty-sevi mh of No I Tobacco Plant of Phd-idel, hia, ("apt. Heed, in
ve . htr m il, lo make distribution and a final de- June, 1 S-27, bound In Liverpool ; took the fever
ciee among all the creditors and legatees intrusted ' "! acue and laid in Liverpool some time under
in said disirilia' ion. j the doe'or's hands, went liom there to lliiltiii.orp,
Fo vler A Dreisbach n Ilopcmlohler A D eisl ac!
Thomas Allen
Fatfely, ('leaver A Co
It K (iei.rhail
Peter Dur.kle
Daniel Moyer A' wife
A Trout man el al
John II Miller
s Vine, in A It i-er
v Thomas M'I'all
v John (J Youna
vs Tiluhman spear
vs Daniel Fiymire
vs ( 'hri-li.iii Tshupp
v Wdham M Civ
mercantile mid trading hr.sincss til a errnt extent. , " " " Remington
and cnsist of a large two stoiy frirne house, occu- Ashhurst A Remington
pie l ns a d-v goods store; a l.iree and commodious 1 Huek A Poller
ware house, 1(1 by HO feel ; a long range of stablino; ( I Yurd A Cillmoio
and an exeiisive whart, IdO feet long, wnh hoist
ine crane. Ac. It i situited on the berni hank!
side of the ran il, end in every respect calculated .
f. r an cTlensive busiuiss. Price, 5,000. ,
uo r yard and dry dock. j
No 8. A huge and convenient Uoat Yard on '
the Pcrinsv Uania Canal, aod laying south of and
Middle creek within one roile. There is w "iv r:; II
en the tract of land adjoining, at which tlir u- j.
of thistr .i t ran be wrought into hjaid a,,-; . r
Siwed Mull'. Price, jf 300.
Cj In consideration of the scarcity of mrirr y at
Ihm time, I will sell any or all the above pM urty on
term to Fiiit the tones and in case cash be eilerc i ,
a riasonnlile deduciinii will be made. Further par
licuhira may be obtained by addressing ihe s-j1.;. ;.
br r ut Selinsgrovc, Uniuti couniv, Pa.
h. w.
8elmgrove, August 3, NIL dm
.'.(UK) Dry La Plata Hides first quality.
:"( Dry La (iurra. do
IOOO Dry Salted La d'uira, da
'HHHt Dry Saltid lir il Hides, do
ii't Hales (Jreen Salted Patna Kips,
i( llal.s Dry Pa na Kips.
141 H irrels Tanners' Oil.
Tanner.' and Comers' Tool.",
For sale to Country Tanners at tho lowest pr . -
anil upon the best terms.
N. It. The highest msikct prices paij for -u;
kinds ul
No. 21, South I bird St. Pbilidelphia
Srptrmber 1 1. IV I t. ly.
Country Mcrclianls.
riHE Subscriber r-spertfully invite Court ',
1 Merchants who are ahout to purchase Fat!
and Wi.i'cv Supplies, to an examination of th. li
respective Slock, believing that their several r "
sorlments ate as complete as have ever been offc.
cd in the Philadelphia Market.
With stocks ot (Jood in their several Depari
merits of the choircst kinds a determination tc
sell on terms wh ch cannot tail to prove satisfacto
ry and a disposition to please old and new custo
mers, wil we hope, he a sufficient inducement t
purchasers to call at our icspective establishment.
Silks and Fancy Goods.
adjoining No. 7. On this propeiiv is erected a one
and a half Mory frame dwelling house, well finish
ed ; a larire shed nnd i ifice for the accommodation
C ii D J M U - s.piet et al vs 1) Dw. kl. liergcr ft al , '.)f !" ......-rs, and also a ve-y complete dry dock,
eighteen square miles anil is over thirty miles in
circumference. In other words, it is more than
seven times as large as the city of New Yolk.
Theio is plenty of salt at Turk
very little to eat with it.
I3y order of the court, j
WM. UOSHMNC;, Proth'y. I
New Il -ilin, Oct 2uih. 1 S 1 1 at i
vu;Ri titi.i: (,
niK Tin i i'iu i. r
1) V V K PS I A.
I'BllHH Medicine is ollii eJ to the public gener-
two millions of inhabitants : it covers a space of 1 II b:i.v- ,r,,m a conviction that n is superior
' . ...... .... I . ... r .. c
- nuy innci in.-oie'iie now in usp, i ir rite, cure or
' Dyspepsia, l.ier (Complaint, Nirvous Debihtv or
: Uoilily Weakness, Ac.
j Its i tfeois have len lesie l in a private practice
I id ne ir i ight yens, and it is now more expensively
Island, but enculated, nt the s.dicirui'e nf miny who have re-
reived Ihe mn-l bi iielil from the u-e ..f it.
I The following is one among a number of re rtili-
caies reccivid ill Illation to the succcsi of this me
dic. lie :
LvesTi.ii Cn. March IS.
Da. (iinMiir. W. Ai.i.r.N,
llturSir: Il is vv.tli gr.-nt p'easure lliat I in
liirm you of die success a'lPi.dii'g your D).e;.iic
MedicillP, wbi'e cin l. ye.l in niv p nr iice. FiOin
pas) i xperieiier, I belii ve that in e tlbt rases
out of ten, the D sp.epiie, by the use f our medi
i inc. may eri'ir- Iv it l hun-elf of ih s ihoru in ihe
pathway nf lite: not in dvieplic rase, hut
in all ciscb of coimtipalinn. and diseases depend ng
on a d hilna'ed slate of the nirvous svstem, lone,
(her wi'h a to'pid si oe of Ihe bowels. ti,l yot.r P.
litir befouidof inrhtdu.ible value. Numer-.u- in
-l iiicts wheiem the n.-clii n- ss of ihe medicine has
been reali-ed, maybe f.owa'ded, if reipiind.
wish you grra! siicccs-., and leconiniend the medi
cine to tin sutler ng ait of mat kind.
Yoo is, with great respect, I" A(;.NEW, M. I).
C T" Eor sale at the rt 'ie of II. 15. Masser, iigcnl
for ihe pr pricror, Suul iirv, Pa.
Oitoher ati'h, lHl l. ly
mi. riMtut i; .MAuwr.r,
OJJice nf the. It ii i von k A m khic 4 n. Nov. 5.
CillAIX. Til'" supply of wheat bus been fair '
to-day, but ihe sales have not been brisk. We
continue to quote emu! ,, strictly prime reds at ,
f-S a y.'l rts. and inferior to e,,d ;,t i;.", a ss its. ;
White Whea's tre wmth hill Ui Itnl its We!
quote old Mil. white Con. at I ? a I'l cts., and yel- ;
low at 15 u lii cts. Sales of new white at 0 a
41 ct.., and yellowat I-' i ts. jot ol'old l'eiina.
yellow was sold to-day at is its.
WHISKEY. The demand is limited and sales
mull nt !S cts. for bbl.s. 'i he last sab s ul ,i,ds.
vieru ut UT cts.
Pl Bl.r Til K Hluiiii. As the blood i:i its life.
ipserving cour e is mhj. ci t i coiitiui. d wa-te, na- j
ture has proviibd for the supply of ihe ethausliiig
fountain, by tie conversion of our tout into new
blood. Rut whilst such ample means are provided
tor the mauuficiure of new blood, nature his been j
flu less solicitous in providing tor Ihe exiuil-i u of
that which is ucle.-s and decayed. This uepor- ;
(ant otliee it perf rm. d by the bowels, and when
Mature (vvho i ulw.ys ktiugglirig to throw oil ol'-
finding matte',) riipiiiCK nssi-tjuce in her henevo
b nt intention, IJr mil pill's Wgeiable I'niver al
Pills will be found aino iihulv a.lipttd to ihe purs I
Jsise, because they n III. Ve through the s'oniarb ,
end bowels all humors from the b dy, in an i
PUsy, uft! diidilb ctual inaun. r, producing no rf
feet but what wi'l fmi'lv conduce to ihe pi rtcet pu
'ificaiion of the 151 iod, ai d l'iCri-1 y cure t' e dis
pise, (by wha'ever il may ho cal ed.) and
give perfect health to the whole svslern.
(y Purcha.m of II. H Mis-t r, Sunbuiy, or of
tho aueuts, published in another part of this p iper.
auBnrtsarMs.j-T --i-r mm
it I i: i,
In Augusta town.-h:p, on the tilt, CEO
1.1. pi r-on- ii.ih lee. I to ihe suhsriibers, a'e
l A r' quested to rail and s. ttle their ai counts on
or t: foie ihe I I'lh el" November in XI. AM noies
in ihe r hands iigmnsl peisons, wi 1 e placi d in ihe
hands of a justice tor collection, if not paid wchiii
the above .i rd lime.
Siiid.nry. (lei. 10th. HI! !it
.tfUlsael oi lief. Ilci'si IXato.
BT()'ITl F is heiel v eiven. that I. fers id a 'niin-
i J isiralion have b n i r.mli J to the subs ribi r,
', i. li ihe estate of Michael I'o ki feller, ilcc'd., bite ol
I August i to. nsl.ip. Noi li.umlii ilaud county. Per
; m'Iis i. id. bled lo said , i l hav ing chinos against
ti e same, nre rcqtl. sled lo i a'l on li e sut'-'cwl'i-r for
; sitt'unciii. ISAAC EC KM A.N,
I Oilohrr l'.'.h, lr-ll f.l'r.
lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks from
thence to Philadelphia; was si months under Dr.
Coats; fioin thrnee to New Y.-ik went to the ;
Hospital, remained there about f.uir wi eks without I
any relief tried ivery th ug without hny limefit, !
for five years. Hearing of Cantrell's Ague Mn
tu e from a friend, I went to hi store, told him
h ..w I was hlTlictcd, and get a bottle of his minture
and used it aeeording to directions. It made a per- i
feci tore, and I have ... t had the least ntu-n since. '
I do will, confidence ii to the public.
.tlnUc all S.viup ul S;iii:ip;ii Ilia.
III lid. Ipbii, April I Ol!., 1st I.
M r. Jo ii t A . ( ' c r a m. r , Sir, Having I.'. fh'ic'cd for upward- of
two year wi'h ulceration i f the thro n, destroying :
the whole of die soil palite, ihen th'ough the tipper '
part . f my mouth inni mv nose from which sever- (
al piece of bone rame . ut, whirl, parti al'y de-trov. '
e.l my speech, ihrnujli a kind l'r ivideni e in.l your
Medicated Syrup ol Sars p ni li, I an. now re-tor.-d
to peif. ct be ill h, arid my sight, w hicb was so much
impair, d, a strong as when a l ev.
I thought it a doty I ow. d to you and those simi
larly aibvb d, lo make il public. j
Yuuis, R spec ful'v, ,
Corner of Tenth and Cou'es Streets.
I, t'.i'.ril Jorst M,. No. f. R..-k!.s Street, do rer- i
t fv that my wife, Jane, was afflicted for two yean
w ith Rlieuinaiism. and at I it was entirely di-nlded, ,
s that she ws obliged t i be confined to In d ; I rat
ing if Cant ell' Mf'icated Syiup of Sa sqiarilla,
r Ami So irbu'ir Syrup. I proline! fun tmrtl- s.
which completely reinnved all her pain and stiff- '
lies from to r hinhs; luom re !otles made a per- '
lei t i ore, S.,0 is now able lo attend io her house- I
hold d-.ti s a. usu-l. (iAllRU, JoN'STON. i
Ph ladLlphn, J in. I. 11 1
(ieorgc Oyster
John Uobl'i
Welch, Pomp A Frick
John (i Murray
Christopher Itcltz
Bank ol Nonh'd iVc
Folger for Troxell
William Fa. r.ov
'hat Irs A 'I'owar
Light A 1! -llinan
id ,1.,.-. vi
i .: y.
. . -
imuci: ci'uun.NT.
Curnetcd weekly !,y Henri Yu.rlu iintr.
Whilat, .... S5
Rts, 5;)
Cuhsj, ...... 4n
Oats, ...... s.'i
Pohk, ...... ft
Fitrtn, ... . Kin
Bctteii, . 12
IIkkswai, .... ;5
Tailow, .... io
DaiKii ArrLKs, 75
Do. Pkachk), 200
FlAl, ... H
IIickloi Flax, 10
Euu, .... .7
John I'v'H' i:lato.
kJOTICE is lerrrby givsn that letters of ad
ministrilion have been granted to the iul
rrilier, on tha utal of John Even, (1f Shsnn kin
township, ill cM. AH persons indrhlrd or having
claims against said estate, are requested to csll on
lh fiihsrril er for settb-mi nt, on or before the first
day of December licit. JOHN EERT,jr.
t-ljaiuukiii, Nuv. 1', Ull. ti AJw"..
... I l.l7 o .Aittliti Istralloil till smi.
J dim estate, have been gimitidln the sub.
I si i .h is. lYi-oim kin.n ing ihi ni i hi s i;ui bte-.l In
I ssid istale, are I, ,po t, d to m .ke itiiiueiltii'c pay
i Inent.and th. nt hivi- g I'l in iiida ag nnsi the same
are n .pu -ti cl io prem i.i On ii accounts for n nun.,
ulioii aii.l s. I leiiicnt. T.' e adiiiini-tialois will hi-
tend at the dwelling Inn o of Ihe deceased, en t'.e
I5b of Nuvcii. her InX'.to rxamine account- and
make sittliuitine. WM. !I. Ml EM'II,
Siinbury, Oct I'l, ISll lit Adinr's.
I HACS !s,
V'V loo d.)., at ?! 75 e.sli, f r sale
Sunbury.Oct. I tub, Ih-11.
A s ts it v Ai n o e a i, r
Smith Hunt curnt r of Market and 4th sts.,
niERE they uwav keep on hand an rxten-
five assortment of HA TS 6 Ci I'S nf eviry
description, got up in the best and mosl approved
style. Prim. ik dcrimus nf purchasing superior arli
cits on the most nasi inhle terms, w ill find it lo
Ibeir advantage to call In fare making pun luscs
rbe. hi re.
Philadelphia, Oct. full, ll I. ly
I ALZ(I.F.S, haiidsoinu article for LkdiiV, lor tal chtsp, by
Juuc 13. Jl.jj. MASTER.
rrj- De-cripiive Panq'hli-ts may be hud rd the
agents, ( CI rat is.)
J. W. FKlLlNd,
Siinbury, Nov. 9. 1I I. ly .l'iil
fSTlE -ahscrib. r h is just receive, I from Phil idol
fl. pint a frcsti supply o' N r v ( ion, consi-i in;
io pa it, of .V'.i;m'(i Ih'tiiiic 1'ritp Hlninri,
Citf'u.irre ih 1'. mv Shuirls, llndlitrclir:ft. ic.
A l-o. ;, arrr unil i '. Huh a good assoiimcnt
ol Mi n't nnd llms' dipt, tirircriri. I.iini rn
:7. dy. do. all of which will he sold at the most leims, Slime J :rs and J'l' che-ip.
Son bury, ()( i. ;).h, IR .
v Id. .,st ot: i J i i v .
Cut Nad. :.ll t .es,
Sail, by the s .ck .n.d barn I.
) I .Is and C ips, ot I .o h. i.t quality.
Ml for sale lit re li.ce.l pr.c. , by
Sunburn, Oct. JC. 1, 11. 11. M ASEIJ.
; M An. 11 StrmrlitiTij Si. I'hihvh Ipliin.
FIHE Pent nf the suli-ciilers in their p:e-ei.!
1 situation being very lav, nnd tin ir term.
CASH, it,, y Mi,i enabled to s. It at si.rh low pr ce
that cust .nn rs cannot I n! to be ,.at stiod, ami 'hey
invite tl.i- c, pic i t and the ad
j jomiiig counties lo call and .'limine their stick,
they oiler an excellent assottmcnt, comprising
j ltcuiitifnl,, j
Superfine Ingrain,
1 1 ...... !'.. : n i v v .............. .
j.r.,v , v.o.u i eneuaii, f A1U J', I IAUS.
Fine English Worsted d ,
Plain S rq cJ do. J
With a laige Stock of well seasoned Floor Oil
Cluih of all widths, for Rooms, Hulls, l)o, r Pie-
I ces, Ac. Ali Furniture Oil Chubs, llraulifol
Health Rugs, Table C over-, Floor llair.e, Rag Car
, pets, Matting. Ac Ac, togeilicr with a I ,rge Mot k
j i f low piiccd Ingram, Entry and Stair Carpel.,
Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest price in the
.o. 1 1 riratrticrry street, one iloor above I he-- this i. so ilecnlcdly snpcii u .. every Ih.iig el.e, and
nut. near Sd sir. el Entianre iUj at No. UO 6oUtl. ... h lie aide to c i out of i. p .... lhal I .rould not
fecund sl.tet, t hid. Iphu. j ,, Wlllll)ul , ,1(,y ttlilu, , f (MM .,
"' J ltl11 ,U1 I J'tue th.y ttiM.clJ tui. DANIEL 11 ERR.
is Same
vs John ( .'ariihart 1 1 ul
vs Dani. I Dorn- eif
vs (Jemge Ovs'r-r
vs Win (iilla-py
vs John Hccker
vs John C lloyd
v. Henry P Folbner
vs Abraham Kl.f.e
vs (ieorge Etkert
vs J A P Montague
Proihonotarv' oflice, 'r..A'y.
Sunbury, Oct. 5ih, 1 S i 1. y
C a r ) c t i n i; s . j
.io si: rii n mciuvooi),
An. 1 1 1 Clirmul Xtrerf, Cnrnrr h'rankl n Stuurc. i
HAS just received and is now opening a verv
extensive ar-d braul 'ful asori..ienl of CAIi
J' I'TIMUS The goods are fresh, and of new
stvlcs, mid Icing purchased principally for Caii,
tiny will In- sold at the h West prices; they Consist j
in put, of ' '
splendid Rins e's. CARPET.
Beautiful imperial "'ply, INtiS, j
Super Extra Inoiaio, -Color war-I
3-1, 4 4, S-S Twill.d Yertetian, r mted !
Plain do. J nviiAiiLi:
A l.rgestoek of well scsoiiej (III, (.'I.DTHS
of ad width, Ri i.s, Pimiimis, A c , togeihi" with
mi extensive assortment of Ijiw priced Carptlins '
. f all i!e-cription.
rr'j- Puri ha-ers are rtipi.'s'ed to call and see ns, 1
when II ey will find an extensive assoitmeiil al the
most reasonable puces.
Philadelphia, Oct. Mi, IK It, if
v.g:-::itg- icacj:::its.
rjHIS Machine h s now hi en ti's.f.l by trior-'
1 than thirty famibes in tin. neigh!, ihoo.l. mid
has given culiit sat .itt ion . It is -o simple in iis
ci atruction, thnt it cannot gel out of ord. r. Ii
coin nits no iron to ri:-t, and no -piingsor rollers lo
! get out of repair. Il will ilo twice as much wash
ing, with less than bait Ihe wear and tear of ain nf
1 the I i.e invention-, no I whit is of g'ca'cr in por
;, it co-ts but lit ie cr l.aif as much a3 other
washing ma. I me--.
( Tlie sii'.si h is the excl.t-ivo right f.r Nor.
thllin'.i.'iland, l oioo, I. ( .Inn.;. Columbia, Lu
r.irne mid Clinton Couniies. Price of sine!.' in.,
rhino ?ti. II. II. M rsEI.'.
; Tie following cel.!icae 's from a few ol linsc
who have lhc.-e .es in ue.
Snnl iny, Aug. 21, Is'l t.
Wo, ihe subsc.ibcis. ceriily II. ut we hive no v
. Ill u-e. in our families, Sling, it', .n-iil W ..-h-ing
M aeli int-," and do not hi -U ite suing th u ji is
m most tx. clh nt in. en i n. Tti.,i, in .i-lni g
it will -ave m re tliau one h nl the u-ud iabor.
. Tout II dusllot re, pine In it ih .n one the
' lisiia! qu .iili'y of so p and w iter ; and that ihri,
is in. nth1 ing. an I r.'ii- yiniilv hu'e or no Ue n
' nig r l.'I'ia:, I' it knoel-.i ..f no bnl-oiis. '.u l
that lite fuii ft ch. !i. s, c'i a-io'..r., !..., Intks,
lid's, Ac., may be nasi. c. I :u a vi y short tunc
without tbe it.jun , ai d in fait wnhoit .ni
app aieni w t ar and I. ar, w haiev . r. Wo iheri f..r.
tb.erlolly recininnood il I i mil f. ion. It. and t . the
pilhlir, ild a mosl and lab. r sating in ,. In..,.
Cll RLES V. HEtil.NS,
A. JiUMi N.
CHS I'LF. s N I'f.
t;iiii:t m i;ki.E,
Hon. Ol.O. C. U EI.KFl,',
! (ilDKti.N LEIsl'.MUNii.
, II.hh's HoTri, (form rly I', No.
j I I'l Clnsnut s.nri,) Phil.tiliii.hia, SciiteudH-r
j "fist, 111.
I have used Shegcrt'e Patent Washing Machine
in my hou e upw n.l- of cighi nioiiih-, and do not
hesitate to lay that I doeni il one of ihe mo t Use
ful and vuluihli' labor-saving
' ted. I formerly kepi Iwo women Cot linually no
copied in washing, who now do as much in two
' days as they then did in one wetk. 'I heie is no
! wiat or tear in washing, and il requires not more
than one-third the tpianiity ot soup. I have
, had a number of oilier in .chines in my lam v, but
into which boats for repair are floated out of the '
canal, and into which m w boats erected on the
yard are also launched. A very desirable proper
ty. Price, f'.'.utii).
No. 0. A large and exceedingly valuable faim,
roit,iinii.T about '.III) ncies of rboice limestone
land, in a highly improved state, tin this farm
tln ie about 1 10 under culture, divided by
good feint's into In Ids often acres; a large two
st. tv hou e with kitchen attached ; a well anJ
pump i. f excellent water at the kitchen door; a
large nnd convenient hank barn vviih wagon house.
sheds and corn crib attached; a large piess house !
J with i v. rv c.invrniciico tor making ruler, at Ihe foot
i of the orchard, which ron-i-ts of tin acres of choice
j g lifted apple trees and pe r trees. Limestone is
quarried n nuv ipiau'i v within 100 yards of the ! .... .
l.r:o ! u.l line; "l,.. i burned. Ii lavs I nnasP James one mile of ihe Pennsylvania ("anal and So. j I'f' ' Harrn
husgrove. A very desirable f,rm.-r,ice, f 12,000 ! 'inson ( odms A
.. .." .. . . I Edward Cole
r . i: m or 2;o At iu.s.
No. 10. One otlur large and valuable farm ofa
bout "20 acre of limestone al.-o situated
within one mde nf the canal a: Seluisgrove. Ii is
w. 11 in r at'd. ihcic being about CU) acres well
tenc -.1 and under cullure, the balance being well
tiinbo'O I w tli oik, pine, w .hint nnd ch snut timber.
The bu-ldn-gs ri:si-i of a large and well finished
two story laro. hou-e with kitchen ( a large barn
win. w .gnu shed and rorn rub, Ac. attached ; a
spring louse and never fading spring near the
hou-ii i a smith shop, and two lime kilns, capable
of bu niiig oiu hundred bushels lime per day, built
adjoining rni txhaustless lime tone quarry. There
are also thn e mil anls ..f bearing apple trees oil t . c ir fi n-- .
j it.ij'ui i iiiimiuix, uiini', Alllil-
PO Market Street.
60 '
Domestic ami Foreign Dry Goods.
Reynolds, McFi.rl.inJ A Co 105 Market Street.
Huinc'.t, Vi'ithirs A Co 120 "
Scott A linker 160 "
Wise, Pu-ey A Wiso 1S4
Haidy A Hackers 46 N'.Secenil fit.
Importers of ClolIiS) Cassimers, Vest
ing, -Sec.
William II I.ovo 117 Marked Street.
Lambert Duy 109
llarawarc nnd Cutlery.
Michael V Uaker 215 Market Street.
Edward S Handy A Co 93 "
lmpoitcrs and Mnnuraclurers of Sad
dlery Hardware.
Horn A Kneass 215J Market Street.
Cools, Slioes, l.onncts, Cafs, Leghorn
and l'alin Hats,
W E A J IS Whelan, 15S Market .treet,
Lrvick, Jenkins vt Co 1..0 "
M Conrad A Co fit)
Alanufac.turers and Dealers in Di UEt..
AlcdieinCo, Taints, Oi!., &c.
212 Markrt Stroei.
s "
Co 87 -
Tliompson Panioist vc Co 40 "
Hats, Caps Furs and Trimminqs.
I. Kenton 1 71. Market Strivt.
John Saucrbicr A Drothrr Cri "
I.ooks and Stationary.
(Iiigg A Ell ott 9 N. Fourth Suct.
Hog in A Thomi s .n 80 "
Importers of Uritisli and French Fan
ey Staple Stationary.
L I Cohen A Co 27 S Fourth Strevi.
Henry Cohen 3
thi farm. Piice, 1 0.(10(1.
i FA KM OF 2oO ACi;E-j. I
No. 11. A farm ell l'enns I 're k. about oj miles
from Ihe ranal at Solii.sgrove, wi h llic public road
' leading from S. hn-grove to New lloilin, the seat of i
justice o( I'nion comity, running through it. It1
1 contains at out '.'Ho acres, of which there are ahout
;i0 acies nflirsi rate me. id ..v land, the balance up-
laud ai d principally rod schale. About one hum j
dr. d acres ire rh'tr.-d, the (.alance being well covt r- !
ed w ih mitt. I em'o. k and while pine timber. The )
bu. Iding ceHsi.-t n fa well lim-hid two story farm I
I. onso wnh lint: spiiug-; i.f wa'cr cl .se .at
hand, a largo log ham, cm eiih, spring house, Ac. ,
On this I.i' u. there i- a null scite will. 20 feet tail,
on a s'tcam of wait' tti'. ulary to Penus creek. ;
This I .nn might lie ml' intageously dividiJ iota
two firms, -md wid .e so diiidid if j.urcliiwors de
; sire it. Price, ?."i.l'tt. I
No. ? A w ;t. r or oil Pi nns Creek, of C
leitl .p, I. 1; i.-, si iiatoj brtwo.i. Iho
twoiiaeis i. land. N o a. II and 1 .1, and within I'A
miles of (I o I't nii-y 'v una t 'anal, ..t S, -liusgrova. A
pnl. I c mi ! l';roii;h this 'r ut, iilutig ihe east
! t: k . f Pcnii- i te. k Price, f i'lll.
No. I !. A lia.lut oi.dl'iii containing abut'
a ie. s'" i ted on l'l'ni.s cri a k, iniiil. ly up
p.eteNo. II. 'I his n ul is wed rut ie.l with
..iniooik ni l pine I .n'.er, with Wolf run flowing
tl.r. oh it ami t'liipi) inj into P. rm ore k, affording
an no m i'o f.r -;uv in II with f'om twelve,- l . t 1 .11. P ic . I ,.'u ;.
No II. A trai l nf woo l! ,u !. ui.impMv.J, ,iiia.
led i.i i the .a t "I Pom.- cii , nil inn - N .
I'l, cm un 114 . ! .nt '!"H aorc . f CM cllent red
n h .', : I ni I '.' !! ri.11. tu' Ii'arv to P. nns ore. I.,
inns lUn. it;b 'hi. ti e. :, a. d ,i!t ud a superior scite
lor a sa.v mill The I oi l i he .v il v s. t w ilh w hi.e
o k .ll'il p' ue t'ni'.io, ind i- -:o-. 1:1 le .f being Cull-v.rt'-.l
m'o ao 'f.i to f .1 in Fine ? I UH.
Nil'. O. 0 oil 1 r 11 1-1 .1 v. ud' 1. d, tuning, r.i
v.d, titititel .0 Pima town ' rp c.'.oiii :t null's
I 'oin S. Iill-ve d, liiliig In .ls ul John Itailv,
(.. Siii.'ll an. I ol her , 1 lit tint, g I ft tores and ! Co
pen he ul 1 X. 1 II. i t trd sc'i .lo 1 pi in. I. Wolf run
s passes through tl.i ! ami, bhordiug water
p .iv. r. TI e I ;tid is w oil c. v. red with white oak
and pine t'nib. r, and is siioi pt.ble of being c. Ml
it'll, d int.. an exeebonl farm. Price, f'i MX).
No. Ii. A tract nf won H ind, uiiiiiipioved. situa
ti tl in I'liiou tow tiship, adioiuing hind, of M chai I
Sal. .lor- ami oil. or-, and not more than one 1111I0
from Sunbury, on the oppe-ite side i f the river
So queb intia, font lining . bout I 13 .ini-., This
land is very go. ,1 red -t hale soil, capa' le ot U-iug
conv. r' d into un exci II. ul ft. in. A "HeS'ii i f w li
ter, nibuiary to Ihe rivrr, through this laud
tiil.c etitlv a. rung f u .4 iw u. til. Tho 1 111 J is w. II
eoveie.l with tt hitu oak and 1 1116 limber. Puce,
J-2 I tm.
No. t? A trad of ui.ui piovrd wnodl in. I, itui
led m Ceniie lowinlu,., I'm.. 11 .....niv, i-lil tilling
lOUacr.s. adt. lining lands ul J ill. nmvi t ami
i uthi'is. Mldditbuig t- wdiiin thiiu tudi, and
inins and Fancy Hoods.
Sclloy A Severing 23 N Third Strc.
Parker A Lrhman 3
Combs, llriishcs, Iirootns, Sec
Thomas Cooper 3 N Front Sireet.
Importer of Toys, Fancy and Stapb
A T Oil Monroso 11 S Fourth Streel.
Manufacturer of Tatent Lnrd Lnmp?.
E'bs S Archei 33 N Second
latiiiracliircr of Fatcnt Floor nnd
Furniture Oil Cloths.
I-aac M.icauloy, Jr. CX Fifth Siroef.
Manufaeturers and Importers of Ta
per HanitiiiL's.
llewtllA Erothora 80 A 1 12 Chesuut Si.
Phil., lelphu, Angus' 21, ISll. :im.
7 Ill.M t oil .v. I .;.-The
X i-o.i...ilili.fT uii.111' I1IO o.r.. !..ii.(
sroull f .r ti,
above Noilhuin Oil .0.1. '.dioining'.ds of Jesse (.'.
H. rt 'n, Jo'. n I.eghou and otheis, wdl be sold
ch' ap, if apphca I 01 i made so. .11 to the subsci ibcr,
Siml uiy. Aug Ut. II It.
i5.II.iV fsl".ri Ihe highest ptice will be
b" given lor Flax Seed, bv
.'tl. i-n.
11. 11. M.- ssj II.
OM'ACn Pilll.l'.S. Fivo copies of t1 e Cot.
I .go Iliblo, ihe cheapest book ever ubhsh. .1,
eontaoung ll.o toiiiini niarv on ihe Old and No
Testament. Ju-l tec. i. id and for sale, for six dull-TH,
I'V Juno lo. . 11.
' V El'D I.lHil. a ln.udoiiie ariiclo, all wool,
bght 1'ie, tor Summer Coats and Pants,
tin sale, very low , by
' I " H. II. M
to 'iciitm.vis .iiii.iji:its.
M M. M.vV: JOS. I'.. Ml
An. ."tl, Anrfi S i nnd Strut, ( ny'ojiVt f,'.
Mu.lis-i.l Il. usr, )
X - W II !-.i:E will be r inula istiiora! aso.l. f-
' Ul.', ' ot I'lotiTlrtt Ilrald-. A II rls, I'ot-tfss
lands, Peddles, Willow Plait, 1'iec Sim, in.
much inhn. 11 . N . n! il ill l ace, and Fuucv It .1 -lit
is, m.iinlact.ue.l by ns and for nilo ill ihe I.e.., -.
iilaoul ir hit pines Men ha. ,1- and M.tlinei ...
I. iv. lei 10 give ut 0 II upon vi-altng tin. City.
ti )' N. It have al ... con-1,111 Iv ui .LTig . ..t
1 "" " ' " -" "o.,., ...oi,),., ni. ul tvvui. Wi.
be -..1.1 1 In so. I 11 . n-l,
1'hiUJtll'hu, M.y .