Horrible Iiilimnmill-. Curst. Thbatmrmt ib A Skama. I'd ward Nhrewberry, a tcnmon on board the whnlc ship Martha on n recent voyage, recovered of Joseph 'I'. Whcldon, the rapHin, for cruel treat ment. Thn plnintifl' was confined 50 days in irons in the forehold, and was rcpoatedly floe;. Arcorilinjj to the N. V. True Sun, Captain Whtlilon is a perfect brute. When about to ling this sick sesiian, tlio enptnin took nfJ 1 tt roat, rolled up his sleeves, tii.d liis suspenders around his waist, and told his helpless hut un dismayed victim that he intended to give him Mincming by winch he mould rememiier mm ?rrV)-e )mblish ,lisi WC).v the official returns to the dny of his death. This threat he accom- j qM ,.pim,v r,k-8 n,jori,y j, sun, being nn plishod to the letter the young man exhibited i increase of in votes over Shunk, whose niujoiily tlio frightful pears to the jury ; and when the in October was s;. dauntless but hitherto respectful sailor told him, ! ' I Ii.ivpb rnnr.rd ot vonr trontmont. Ciml Wind. : tT7 The BnmrsT Air-t.K ykt Wm. MiTnV, THE AMERICAN. Snltintny, Wtr. 9, 181. The weuther has been extremely unplea sant lor a week past, cold, boisterous mid rainy. tjjSJSia:ir.i'rfiiN.;irfc- THV1- Vol for ( Mini Cniiimlssliiurr ami nil Hie bale of I he Dlnln l.lnr. (OFFICIAL ) don, in black and white," the brute replied, "I'll put it down, (J d d n you, in black anil ml. I'll pivo you the Victoria stripes, you d d Knglisli ; and after giving him six or seven lashes, every one of which cut to PENNSYLVANIA ToWNSIMI S l'.(li:"M.II. Ksi., of Northumberland, exbibited to us. a few days since, an apple that weighed twenty-five nnni-ns. which be obtained from the farm of David Ilrown, ofConyngbamtown, Luzerne ro. ( Polk and flay, in parallel column . ...... useful tot reference : r7'-(lin oimii'Mi'.r.ni..iMi,'' at the last e- the quick, and sent the blood spouting all over : ,,,.,,, astonished even herself. There were him, ho would taunt him with "how do you like j ,ow ), PNpi., t. d a larger vote for Tolk than that, i-li 1 (i d d n you." This beautiful ex- , s, k llP iai all increase of c:np!ification of human nature ennobled and j ,;,,,.,.. The increased and decreased vote, as ! dignified with absolute power on board a wha- ; compared with the election in October, is as fo- j K-r, was continued, according to the testimony ows . -ph,. increase for Polk is, in Northunibor- ; of some fif the witnesses, for an hour and a halt ; : hind Cliillisouanue . Sbamokin l l,Kush3, ! and according to all of them, until the sick man j Jackson 17, Little Mabonov 1. 1'pper M.thony 10. i Shamokiii. . -.i Ti- i ' Noithlillib llld hung, moaning with agony, as if dying, and fi- j Increase for (lay. inSuubiiry I. Augusta 0, l'utnt ; ,,i)jnt nally fainted away in the rigging, l'ut it was 3, Milton .1, Tin but 7, Lewis A, lblawaie in, , Tuibut. . . not to this man alone that the fiend directed his j Coal 5, Lower Mabonov 5. j Lewis. . . . diabolical malice ; the whole crew were treat-' -L - s.i'i't'ln'1''' ted in a similar manner throughout the voyage; ! LrrNorthumbeiland "' IV.nt 'rue as , (.,li;is;)Ua0,i;,i period of three or four years. At Madnas- neeoie ro me pon-. wm ......-..-j Kush , r.l.l fi o.l ...l., ' lidei.tly expected an increased vote in these .lis- j Coal. .... Adjims, Allegheny, Armstrong, Heaver, licdlord, !lerk, Ibicks. llradford, rtntler, Crawford, Chester, Columbia, Cumberland, Cambria, Centre, Clinton, Cleai li. Id, OFFICML ELECTION KETIRNS OF N O KT 1 H M I'. I '. K L A N 1 ) COrNTV. The following table exhibits the vote of this county, in 10, for Van lluren and Harrison, -tritli and the vote in Ml for Sliunk and Maikelaud , (,!,, It will be ; )aIlmt I Pelaware, I'.rie, Sunbury, AllL'U-t.l, car, Edward Grcble was flogged severely with a rope, on the bare back. He was seined up to the main rigging on the star-hoard side ot the ship. He was beaten with a piece of the top-gallant brace, thrce-fpinrtcra of an inch thick. He was beaten until bo was senseless ; bo hung by his wrists, his bark was much Incer- ted, and in a wretched condition ; he was h'ark uml blue from the waist to the rroirn of his html. A mulatto boy on board asked the captain for something to cat ; saying he was hungry the captain kicked him about the deck, beat him severely ond sent him up to the top-gallant rross trees keeping him there during a se vere ruin storm from 12 at noon until " o'clock in the afternoon. He was then called by Cap tain Wheldon, who ordered a gun to be handed nil from the waist, ordered him to strip oh" all his clothing, lashed him with his belly on the gun, hinds and feet tied close to the gun, and ordered all the foremast hands to strike him three blows each, with an oak stave, and for bid him ever after going into the forecastle. The same boy was severely used the night previous to the ship's arrival oflf Sandy Hook." What a wretch must this captain be. Cheap Railway Travkixho. An article in the "Westminster Review" on railway ad ministration attracts some notice in the city, on account of the mode in which it advocates the principle that passengers may be carried at in finitely less sums than they now pay, and Unit very low fares will prove in the end the best source of profit to the proprietors. From the I M iiii:itik. tricts, and published the names ot 21 renouncing ' P "'"l' 1 I Lower ilo., . democrats, a month or two since. Little do., . KT" It will be seen by the re-urns published j -'aekson, . . in another column, that IViuisyh ania has given a majority of about six thousand for Polk. The vote was the largest ever polled in tlieMate. j Pennsylvania is still democratic by a handsome majority, and can, with popular and unexocptiou- ; Tml.ut lias been divided into three town able candidates, always itive the democratic par- ships since 1 Id. Lewis and pelaware are tb. . l,nn,U,,.n n.aioritv. The n.a oritv. it is lownsiups ...se, inn. is small, compared with (Jen. .Taikon"s. 1SIO. IS I I. . ? 2 I LI I i I I" 5' 2. ' 'j : I nn iH' 11.' ' 1l I0"! s: U' :ini 1:i '-"'.' I "I :,:i, 77 . lot, i'-.h 111 IJII ! I't'i ""' I'''' r,s lis i 1 us 5J o:, .' i;o 'J7I S7 lo.'li 71i 101 oil 70,1 3111 7.'l 3 J.-, 1-V. I 33 1 K.-l '.Mi 10 1 131 I'-li 11" lr,;i i:ill 130 1 1,) )3' I 101 117 1 11 -i.; 1 ; 1 or ! Hill ;r, it-: :.' 100 30 1 11:1 3s 17 c! isii r. 307 1:1 :io 177 :n; 301 s 31s HI 3'l 31 2"' 201 31 17-1 70 103 7.'.j litl! K7 is!i ri.'.i -risi 1 ins 311.') ijio ! 1 f.'s l-'io t si, 1 sv sin r.ik, Fayette. Fianklin, (Jreene, Iluutingilon, Indiana, .lefTerson, Juniata, Mr. Polk, it must be recollected, was an entirely new man, hardly spoken of. and indeed not gen IMIESIIIENTIAL ELECTII1S. The fnllowina table shows the result of the Sus.nehanna, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Lycoming, Montgomery, Mercer, Monroe, Mi til in, M'Kean, Northampton. Nortbmubei land Perry. Phila. County, Pbila. City, ' Pike, Potter, Somerset, S.h.ivlkill. C.ai. Com. Ilaitsborne. (iuill'ord 1HH ,'is.')0 170:1 20!I7 7S.V, .'.1 l.i ;ii3ii 2n:tU 2S.'.9 f.Vi3 :)u::o :iri33 1 n:ii 2:1 1 1 S7.'. bun I'-li 7o; a. i3ii i'.o.' 2103 ii :13 s 1 :333 3001 2 ". Ill l.l'll C.S7 1300 :i'.s7 .').'177 1700 3-V.'1 2VI7 1171 liilil) 107 3 I TI 2 Til 2317 3I7.' 7871 li:il 203!) ;i(l30 I 7.70 2SS2 2 12S 312 I 0030 Mils 3!.'ifl 070 17 .VI SOS 4 70 7 m I 17 :130s 20 17 .1100 101 277J 17011 llss 1031 300!) .ViS lll.'.l 2 I 10 0210 2.701 21!' I 1S07 -I27J 2,'.s1 .111 1 ISO :ioo 23-70 1 .tun 1113 132IH l ls'i'i .'3l.' S.7S7 pmllv k-nnwn. Hesides the leading and personal ..lection in this State for Van lluren and Ilarriwn, J Tioga, friends of Mr. Van Puren and the other candi- ' in 1 ; 10. and also the vote of Polk and Clay, as;' ioii. dates, who were pushed aside, felt not a little j far as beard fiont. soured at the result, and it w as to be presumed ! that many would relax their etloits ami make j Caittitir. fewer exertions on behalf of the party. With j Adams, a'l these dilficulties to encounter the victory in i;,.(r1Mny ..,,.1 I .1.. , n J rennsylvania may. sun ue proclaimed a K,, Ui "- Armstron", mocratic triumph. fX7 On-ii ui.. The oll'u-ial vote in Pbiladel- pbia City and County is as follows : The Clay electoral tic ket had 11(1. V. II. Ihn. Tolk Hiruey " Total vote, Clay's majority. 1,110 2.1.2H1 IS.S.'jj 227 12,17.1 I eaver, 11. d lord, links, Uucks, llradford, Butler, Carbon, Crawford, Chester, Columbia, LITEST ELECTION NEWS. Xr.w Yciiik r.i.rrritiN. Tlic llpmorrats Imve ! ( 'iimttcrliMul, 1 j carried the city by a majority of 2, nod. Jien.o i cratic gain of IIOO since ls0. In the coun ting .if KnrLhiml. (linens. (Iran"c. Duchess. evidence given by Mr. Hudson before the rail- I. . . . ... ... ... a J nii.limnni 111.1l kini.s tlti ilinini'r;it!C "am Since ways committee, the writer draws the Mate 11101, that on the North and York Midland rail ways coals are carried at the rate of three far things per ton per mile, and that that price is a remunerative one. Estimating that 111 passen gers would go to a ton, he finds that a regula tion load of passengers on the London and llir iningliam railway that is, three tons mid a half, or 1G passengers, who, standing up, would j IS) JO. is between 1010 and 1000. Harrison then ' i cairied the State by 1 l,2'.io. The above exhi bits a ileinoci.it it loss on (iov. P.ouck's majority, in 18-12, of 1,2.17. P.ouck's niajonty in the state was then 1 1,720. The news is cheering thus far, and if the remaining counties (about 0") to bear from do as well. Polk will have carried the biato, and bis tdettion is rendered eeitaui. ViRiiiMv We have returns I10111 upwards of only occupy a wagon of a common size iniiht fifty counties. The democratic g.iin since 110, be conveyed, at Mr. Hudson's remunerative when Van Ruren carried the State by IS'.'i. is, price, for XI lis d., or id. per passenger Why, then, he asks, should passengers, w ho can load and unload themselves, and, moreover, are rot liable to be lost or stolen, be charged higher than good? This is, of course, going to a vio lent extreme ; but it is a useful line of argu ment, as showing that the fares arc capable of: being very considerable reduced, leaving a pro fit, which would very much increase, from the additional numbers conveyed. London Times. r.i.K Sk ki.i ii i.V a Woman. We cut the fol lowing strange stol y from the Cincinnati Com mercial Bulletin. It may be true, but poni bly it may not. That paper says "a gentleman, an old citizen of this city informed us a day or two ago, that about twent y-five years since, be was travelling in the then Territory of Missouri, south of the Missouri rivt-r, when be halted at a cabin occupied by a hardy pioneer and bis wit according to the IJaltimme Ameiican, (whig,) j '30. There are about fifty counties mine to hear j from. Virginia, with ber 1 7 votes, maybe sit down for Polk. ! The election, it is said, will be held two days ! longer, (Tuesday and Wednesday.) as a number of Votes could nut be got in, in con .eijneiice ol so much challenging. Cambria, I 'em re, Clinton, ('iearuVId, Clarion, I lotipli.n, llclawaie, Klk, llrie, Fayette, 1'iaiiklin, (Iri.'ine, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jetl'erson, JuniiitH, l.u.erne, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Lvcoming, Montgomery, Ntw IIampsiuisi:. This State, according to Mercer, the Kostou Post, has gone by about In.oim lor ' Monroe, Polk and Dallas. Always sure 01 N llampshiie. ; Mit'lin, Ohio This state has gone, as we always ex- ! Mckean, nected, pretty strongly for the whigs. The re- 1 Noitliainnton, turns from 6) counties hov an increase for the whigs of over 1000, since the October election. There are upwards of 2d counties to huar fioiu which may swell Clay's majority to about Oou ). Mky!.am. This State baa aL-o ini-icascd her w hig vote since October. Clay's majority in the with a growing family of chiblren among whom i State is alioul jjuu. in iMniiariuon ntaoiny was an adopted four legg-d eliibl, viz: an F.Ik, j was 1770. Whig lo, siuoi Is 10 about lk'0. The woman informed our traveller ''thai the j Riioi'E 1;i..m. has gone fur Clay by about tw o said animal was caught while young, fioiu its thousand, ll.ii 1 i-on's majoi ity 111 1 s Id, lu ?7. mother, and of course was deprived of milk, to j csn.T.n.is state has ulxi gone, as supply which, si.ri taught it to draw fur own vsxlut fortl,e wbigs, by about llJOO. ll iiiuun's breast, and that it bad co,.tmued to thrive under , majoi.iy, in 1 10, wasG,:i0j. . . .111 IN A ?.l IsllM.!.. MIWUIll as is probable. Clay can- brtast, and m.u 11 nan coi.""i" . uiajority, 111 imjo, was such treatment untd it bad grv'wn to the si.e . - . .,, i, J C lui: Ki:..r i.r 1 mid perfection nearly nrpioacluiij n.' 01 j ... c ., .. 1 , 1 1 1 i- .1. ' New ork go for Polk, perfect animal, as described in history, Whivb hII know is huge and lieautiful. 1 lie delicacy liilil teiu ' ,t possibly succeed, unless be gets (Georgia, . , , 1 .1 1 . . 1 ti.din Tennessee, New Jeisev and Missifsiipi, lerneis with which the hlk took its lii'iiana, , . ,, . ' .. . .. , ork, from the breast, as descr.bed to us, was ..impie. whirl,, wi.l, i.;uo, , o u, both standing, the animal' ad and back, fo.m- Kentucky, 11. Mand, Louisiana Massachusetts. ,- .parallel line with the woman's bead , in its I Verm..,,., D. leware and M-iyland, will give younger days the woman rat upon a seat which him ' lOeb-. toral vote,, just two ol a majority, was raised higher us the suckling so us tf ; lUther a tight s.piee.c. accommodate the parties " HV -Tut Si si.i hi.in. a '1 here has In en a -It is said that beds are rise in both Medics ot the is.j lanoa, ..m ..- Nortbiiuibeibiiul, Perry. 1'lnla. Co. Plula. city, Pike, Potter, Somerset, Sehuj Ikill, Siisipu'liaiiua, Tioga, I 'nn. 11, Venango, Waslnn;toii, Wayne, Wai reu, Weslmoreland, Wyoinin, 2I":1 7CJ0 1 J(!(l :u i: t.H.l( 470.") J('.:ll 'JUKI 'JPiO "if! : l:fj.") 27! Ml Ml 1117 1.: C 4!l'. OH H121 21 '11 27-V) 3.-I-H 1 :',;.( 1 1 1 .": 47(S (Mil) 2771 ".'('n 2::! 2K) 1 1 1 4(Me :!21!) r,i") 1220 2i: 2-l'i l.T.l 1HT2 :'MY. 101 1771 70 V) 102S 407:1 1711 1710 2 10 712-") 41" CM! 1SH 20(W .j' ,0 22! I 2i ;!)" '.12(1 ... 1 1 1 . ;p. M2 i:!oo 21-7 l:i:i.-) 2001 :;t ):;.") 2"!2 2l10 lH'ii 1201) r.02 10P1 llio :172 1 102 2 l'l 211 1-0! 2:i:li i 1117 12I.0 270 :t-:w 21-7 P.I70 Venango, Hit. j Washington. I'olk, (Jin,, ' Wayne. 72:1 ' Wyoming, 2100 I Warren, 579 ! Westmoreland, 1G71 :v.r a2."i 37 1 (.:() 10: 12 70 i:.o .rj7- CM 157 i:i7 4!)7 York, Majorities. .',SI .'.l'l kiii'.t 317 2117 1!'07 1711 1103 .H'17 l.'.IO 7'.' I 11177 .(.'iSI'l IfitiS I'M l'.'o 2171 31-71 1 711 S'i.' 3'i;i 01 ;i :isi7 7si 7 t - s2l .177 I 2077 7701 l ins 2077 31S7 .1.',.79 31.71 1112 20.74 1S20 1.7.7 42H WS.'i 1.711 Oil 572 ys,7 701 os.7,7 2121 2 O"! 02 2707 tiO.10 '.10.1 373'i 3,1.''i 4r, 070 :i7s 12s 1.7 22l'i .12s 15oy 1171 2-,31 .110 13!''J 171 .1 t '''' lll'.S 1371 'lllso J 127,7 171 3' 277 1 21.VI 0S0 221 12s'.l 2'.i .1!.17 311C ,13S 2 lit .1 1.7 s ,1.70(1 1.7.7,7 .'7.1S I m 1 0,73 MN 7127 .7007 II Si 1S21 tain towards us. A few of their writers and their liberal thinkers look at us with different feelings. Hut these are few. Let us not be de ceived then as to the true aspect of things. Our country now and forever, must be our motto. Let us think fur mirctve ami Oct for ourteli ct. i'.uglaiid is an enemy with whom we shall onu (Iov. Domt. The Philadelphia Ledger says English Prfjodlcf s. No one is less desirous than wonru of exciting hostility to I'.iiglaiid. Hut shutting our eyes will M. Link. I nn' avert dancer, and prudent forecast may. . .... ... , , For. Ag't. iMoncy n 11 1 credit are the smnws ol war; ami if c have them, war may be avoided. ho will arise to call ns olf from the party politics, which sicken the soul of the most hopeful patriot ? I day have again to measure sword'. Whose trumpet shall -rouse the clear spirit I" The following aiticle is from the New York True Sun, a paper which we always open with j ' 'ie father and mother ol Lov. Dorr liav. peti-pleasure- tinned the Kbode Island Legislature for th re- Wenot ce continually the tendency of the Kim- lease of their son. The memorial was refurrc.l lish messes to sneer at every thing American. to the "CofireM Cmmitre." on tha irroun.! I ... ..!.,... - : I 1 1.. l.:. o:ni! Wi ran wt-ll understand that t heir long settled ! uml Dorr was a ronviei, nim inannr wun uhjbi AiAH j nti.,, (we presume this word would not pas, ; of those who pretended to be his frinds, and :i l0.7 ! unchallenged.) are by no means consonant with , were anxious for his liberation, was agitation 1-V.3 j ollrs. They are an 'old nation, we are a young n'd excitement. The parents of Mr Porr arrf '-' '' ' one. They have gone through a thousand yeal s ! as respectable people us ara in the state, anJ 2 171 1 of kin--, nu-ens. and nrinres. They believe the ! natural all-rt.ou would prompt them to s) mpa- ii'lil i rn .,v l .. i.inl. nn.l n In be i thi.e with their unl'oi tuiiate son The insulting 1 . .1 f ..I.. I... 011 ridden bv here.litarv masters. Tbev rejoice to reterence o, rneir pennon nisgraces ,,ooooy uu. Monr. of run I. rev Walker. The Louis ville ('. airier nt Friday says that fi!Wn dend h'lies hnil been found of those on Inwrd thn ill tn toil Lucy Walker. Nofurthnr nnmesoftho killed or wounded are mentioned, however. The accident was the result of the mrt culpa 1 bin tarelesrness. It will be recollected wc . . 1 .. . I . . I r : ! ! think they have iron bands around the necks of no move,, ano v.h-u ,or .1 i . , . . . ...... 1- 1. .1.1 I " 1 r IK poor, a pienuii piigeani 01 rovauj ioucsm: 220.1 j (bo lovers of tlio marvellous, a national debt, to II'" make the wealthy uphold the system, on which 2217 n their fortunes are staked, in perp duity. They 1-72 I rejoice that they have a ipieen. and that princes 1072 t arP born to them continually, and they despise '':' I the nations who have not the "Lord's anointed'' , aniMi ', to rule over them. 310s , Tbis filing prrv.vbs the nation. It is part ; mentioned yesterday, that tha body of a nnn fi" i and parcel of its temperament, belief, and reli- was blown 150 feet in the air, and fell with such r' '' ' gion. The poor and the down. trodden, stung by , force is to break through tha deck. This 00 '',!' j their misfortunes, nowan.l then niter their ma- ! currence wa- the means ot sivim tha lives of '' 's l-dictions at the ineipiality of the human rondi- Wo or tin ec pPtson. ho were rontinod be l'u t, tion. break forth into riots, are shot down , nrnt, by the deck fiilinjr on them, but who wrr lr'"'' 1 slink into the poordioiise. or emigrate : but the .,,,,., to escape lhrou;h tin) bolu thus made, miildling and upper classes r.dain their lid.dity w biom in Lou'sville in conseiuenC(j of 24'.I7 , if, kings, lords, and commons, and feel the dead- ; (1C t. x ,(.( , j inn . nirj f i,..t enmity to republican principles 1.7707s 1-7H7 1 707 111 oslil T. 1111 for 1 11 11.1 1 0 pi'cuniary embarrassments of H27 aip of our States, have alTorded them the high lO'.O ,,st gratification and the greatest possible oppor- : 1'IS tnnity ol" grumbling. We will not now go into "27 the history of that iniipiitous combination enter 212' i id intoby liritish capitalists to destroy . ineri 2IO0 I ,.ar, rreilit. We will not now explain how the lOll'O 1 government itself was alarmed at the tendency of I capital t. tlow to that point where the highest 'O. . . 1 . 1 ...! C.......I ; ..t.l ' llueresl a 10 oe uinaiui .i, aim .-., -.. ........ not much longer borrow at three or four per ct . 1 while the Americans paid six and seven. We will not now demonstrate, as we might, that the , same wovernnient was illing to break down lint 2111 ' only the three W.'s. but to alarm the other bank ers and capitalists of the realm, in order tore- I tain its capital at home. It is certain that the I'.nglish capitalists lent lonn.-v to the ennstruftiou of great public woiks. i 1 . -1- t 1.1 ....... :..-t..i,... )Wiucn,ii comj.ie.ro, oiiiiii l'.-i ,111.1,1. . 1 ft". . -.1 .,r:..;..i ,. ..,.,rt III. V I ' J HI I" I l I.I.. I ...... ...... In the midst of these operations, when they were selling us more goods in consequence than 6.72 173 OS'.tll 31S1 I 1077 ::oi.7 1713 U.77 .1.7I-.1 '.t.7',1 1 t''!'7s li.7.717 ! they ever did before, and were stimulating, both II. 7 11, .1.111 21,1.1.1 Pirsldri.llnl Klrcllons, Isii St T L. Ohio, Pennsylvania, 1 Maine, Kl.i:t-ous. 1-1 L 2:1 20 I Ti my: or mn.n. I Ml I '.I.LC-l loH fi.50 1)10 171 i:il7 52 1 :n 705 21-1 202H 17 .'1 151s 12:5 :;iil li-s J20 1701 1:15 1-0 2501 1-1 15t;i K.5 2121 .55 1117 075 27 2::. 1 :.) :n)2 j.i.) (.:.( 1 lo:v. :i7 1 105 1 105 OK 1.0:1 00-i 01 1 107(1 1-2 OH 2:kMi 05 Kil j New I iMinpslnro, (i ! Connecticut, 0 I .Maryland, H I Virginia, 17 1 Cicorgia, 10 k-. j : M is.sissippi, I 021 Kentucky, 12 ; Indiana, 12 j Illinois, 0 ; Missouri, 7 0 1 .5 Mirhipsn, 5 Arkansas, 1511 North Cir-lina, 1 I 751 New York, IVi I - 1 1 1 is i : 1 1 1 a , 0 Tennessee, l-'l New Jersey, 7 Khixle I, land, 1 Mas,achnsctt.s, 12 A lab una, I' Yerniont, 0 Ilela ware, '! 4 South Caroliiia, D j by credit and capital, Ameiican industry to its : I I. ;,.),. ..;ti l. tb..v rlinsetn nssail the t). Clllliarv ! "' 1 - - ; rcsonsibility of our country at the turning point. leave their ovsn security incomplete, fall into the trap set for them by their own eternally b u lging and borrowing aristocracy, and then turn .November 1 ! round and abuse our institutions, and our citizens . 1 : ,,r being laitbless to engagements which they " , : themselves eiicouiag. dat the outset, and discre 11 .j i dited in the moment of difficulty. Put this is not all. It w as not the credit ol the country in its pecuniary relations nu iely. wlii. h the I'.nglish th'i" a-ailed. but our in-t. lo tions themselves became the subject of th-ii as sault, and republicanism wa, if possible, to be scouted from the possibilities of truth. I'.ven their well fed and well paid priests were induced to take sides against ns. because in the shock thus pro bleed they lost some of their worldly gear that which their livine Master has told them is a snare to their souls, and which they well know can give them no place in heaven. Sidney Smith, the gay. the witty, the sentcri- lw:ii.i Uoiiio-RY or a Hans Ucnaa. Tea terdav morning about ten o'clock, a most dnrinj and udioit robbery was committed by five or sit rascals, in Sixth street below Market upon tha runner of the Hank of Nuithern Liberties. The runner bad mad bis collections nt the Hanks in the Lower part of the city, and was hurrying t the Western Hank, when he was suddenly sar louudrr by the robbers, one of whom seized him by the throat whib-another abstract -d his Bank I bonk from his inside 10 d pocket, and immediate ly made iilL He "as ba lly choked arid forced down into the gitt -r. Thn transaction, which was at first thought to be a drunken skylarking 1 or politual street collision was witnessed by an veial dravmen and porters A number of persons i gathered around, but the robbers e-raped in the . confusion. About the time of tho robbery a porter saw a man running through pecatur street. This is all the trace of the robbery that could hti discovered. The book contained s. 1 01) in bank I notes, and a few checks. Among the note there were five of the denomination of 1 .0(10 on tha Hank of North America. I'hilu. Spirit uf the Timet. 1 i I l.r.i -51 sovereign state in its embarrassments. He who preaches, if be ever does preach, that if a man 11 .. Vi Doc. 1 1 The States with s () voted for Van Huron 1-10. t Hy tho Lcgiidaiuro. lo:i :.'.il7 1020 loll Hasi: attkmit t Kii.t. tiii: New Civil, l Com hi-siom i: We publish the following let ter liom a responsible gentleman. 1 1' l;hi sr.i i:... ( 'hesf.T Co.. J Nov. Ilh. ls . J. S. Jhi Suite, i:i). IharSir On the even-' : ing preceding t lie Pres.deutiat Flection a lVmo ciatic meeting was held at F.deiitown about two miles south ol Cochialiville, in Chester Co . the renideiice ol Joshua I lait.-horn, Canal Coinuiis tinner elect lie attended the meeting, and while there home villains dug a pit in the road about four feet deepaud six leet long and covered it with balk. It wasi-videiitly done tocatch Mr. llartshorne, but when his hoi saw theliesh ' earth thrown up they sprang to one side, and thereby they probably saved his life. F.aily ' next morning a stranger passed that way and his ! horse walked into the pit, and he was so much J injured that bis life is despaired of. ; YOUH, tions reviewer, who could tell his poor parish- I inner, if he ever condescended to nekuoM ledge 5 ; any sui h. that the love of money was the root of 0 . all evil, did not think it beneath him to libel a 11 1 1 ! ak for a coat he shall receive a cloak also, could not thus give up bis stock investments. He could sell out, to throw the probable accruing loss tm uimf iiitt !', and then balance the ac count by revilings, such as in apostolic times would have excluded him from the company of the meek ari l merciful And thus it is throughout thciw hole range of I'.nglish society. J liose fashionable American travellers, who. in their turns through Fngland. have sometimes le-en seated at the window of a titled holy to see a review inthe paik ; those who have sometimes Wom.i nr.' r. i. onii FrnvriAr. Our reader will pinbably recollect a young Yankee naniivl Coleman who. for a long time, barely madf a sub sistence in this city ; by teaching people to play on the accordion, lie afterward patented a soit of lyre-at enrdion, and finally added an 'Aeloian attachment'' to the patent which excited nfhrh notice This poor young fdlnw has suddenly spiang into allluer.i- nu I faum ! In New York IIi0.iu.ii has been ag 1 to be paid him for his improvement ol tin" piano, and in Loudon, win-re he is now, he has become ' lion of the day. and it is said that he will n-mvrr h.ilfn miltviit nf tlfifan for bis p. it 'nt tli' re, besnl-s being p-tted by the hobilitv of Croat l'l '.tain. We are really glad of it. for we admired his g-nim as an r.rtiste, and liked lnui as a man. Vh.l. Spirit f Timn. , Moi:vomm Si ir.in n. Wir. The I'hil.i ; delphia Spirit ol the Tinu-A say : Ceorgi J. A dams, a baling Mormon of the .loe Smith school, lias Inoiight an action of slander, in the liis!ri( t C'ouit of this city, against licrjxniia Winchester, who is also a leading and consiiru 1 ohs Mormon lecturer, and w ho regards the spi ritual wile sytem, as he nllcg-s Ad inis irul cates and practices, contrary to th laws of tiod and the country, and destructive of peace and l.arinonv in the chinch and good will towards men. This ru'i' will be one of much inteiesf, and produce much excitement among the Mor mons ; at the same tinieth.it it will expose to the world tin? base piartice of a certain class o( this sect. Ad inis has employed as his counsel Pavi.l Paul Orown. F.s.p Winchester has em ployed Col. Hobert M Lee shaken bands with a lord, and du:ed in company Itl llHS OF l'lMM mnkrs. A few days ai it wasstated in several papers that 200 Iri.! emiorai Is bud returned to their homed from this pott, in one of the Messrs. CVpe's packets. with a cabinet iiiiai-l.-r. uiu-t not lav the llat- I he t! a't iiifiit is ii.corrt Ct. The p issciij;ets 111 tcrini unction to their sou's, that they have pass- tju,t p.i. U't wi re about cuo huiiilred, and wero ed inspection by the F.i'glish aristocracy. j cbiclly l!njr!ih and Scotch fanners, etc. ofgood We assert, on authority of the highest descrip- , stand injr, who Vi re fni.e out to brini; their Ca tion, that they have never yd been able to con- 1 niiiit s to this country I'hilu. mtr. vince their noble entertainers that they were even thoroughly well bred ' Some expression, some tone of voice, some inelegance of thought, some ignorance of conventional forms, for which Americans might well be sensed, has led to The New York Mirrur uf Monday altcrnoon h is the f, Ilo'.vino : A i-u r wiru an iMrarNtu )"ii Widows). The ciisliinere rhau Is w Inch brought such c 11:1070 llUH'.l 1 i:ii-:o 207-1 21205 212115 Majorities. 31M .5579 A Novel, Fashion now made in Fiance with a slope from the b-ad to the foot, counteiacting, it is said, many ... .1.- ineirinus etl.'t ts of high pilloWI, Or heads oiherwise too low appose. Tin: F.aktii a lion. iv. KriUE It is proved, that water, if found loud feet deep in the eai th, - isn i ii., .ii Hi., i .i,it I o ii.iiiiiii iix Larea i.-r e lint v ... .l l,,n..tr..d ii.i'i.are a ready descending 1 in wouki wxhu. ...... ..- --n w inir warm baths, wasinii 1( r. nv M.K iiiM.BV I'y Master's patent ice ' machine, a late I'.nglish invention, creams, jcl i lies, N.C., may be ici d in two minutes, and a ' large solid block of ice formed from pure water in an hour, in any climate. Important from 'J'ixas if tri'K. A let- criticisms which would make the fairest and nortiioud pncis nt the late sale by Fox it. l.i prettiest ear among them tingle, and the largest . viiigtoii, wi re all i t onrl hand, and we are in moustache curl up with rage. i for,Plj by a pentleni.in who has resided in the j In shoit, we assert there is no real regard for i Ua ,ipre js ,,., tMng (ollt 0( rorHl our country and countrymen in F.ngland. Our imuennn) a beautiful mil cashmere that money they l,keour trade they like. They ' .g ) and wish to be the sole suppliers of seventeen mil- linns of people. They want our cotton at ' three ' pence sterling'' a pound, to be scut back to us in j a different shape, at three or four bundled per ct profit. They wish to see this glorious I nmn Tb'-y are dawn beds, we will account for the falling off in the democratic vote in some of the noi thern comities. " Con siderable number of raits and aik have pas sed opposite this pldre. cooking and various domestic uses In Tans they are really endea voring to bore for it at that depth for kitchen cor.- j aiur.pt .on ter received in this city from Texaa states it a lau to pieces, and we fear they have euussaiy rumor that Santa Anna bad applied to the Tex- ; journalists who are fattening on our Lbeiabty. an Government, through the llnli.h Consul, lor j secretly engaged in the same detestable scheming an armistice. C'.ui h stun I'utriot, I These ic the piejud.L cs which theLujUjh re- A larger number of ships are now being built at New York, than ever befoie. One firm have nine sciscls on the stocks, or under contract. An Oi.ii Pa p k r The Halt lord iConn ) Con rant, was established eighty yeais ago, on th.i J'.'th ult , and is now , with one exception, t's oldest journal in '.in" lounliy