Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 09, 1844, Image 1

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lllll'ltl ETOItS.
TiutMS or Tin: Auir.iucAX."
it. it. .w.?ss;f, t:-.nior.
Office in Centre Allen, in the rear of If. H. Mus
ter'! Slnre.
T1IK" AMERICAN" is published every Satur
day nt TWO DOLLARS per milium to be
paid hnlf yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till alt. arrearages nrc piiiJ.
No subscriptions received for n teas period than
six months. All communication or letters on
business rciatin? to the oiliee, to insure Btteiitioii,
miiM bo POST PAID.
Alisoluto acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vilal principle of Republics, from wliich there is no nppi al but to force, the principle, ami immediate parent of despotism. .IrrFKiiso.
Ily KIsixNrr & r.lscly. Miiilmiy, XorUiuiiibriiaiid t o. Pa. Saturday, Nov. , IS 11. Vol. 5 Xo. T Whole o, '215.
From thu Poston Courier.
I am not sail when the hearse and pall
Stand at the door of the poor or great.
For I know thai the crave is a home for all,
Come they early or come they late.
A sweet home is the crave ! Xo sorrow nor care,
To enaw at the soul, can entrance gain ;
Manufacturers of
A'o. lFt Mmhl Street,
1 h 1 1 a tlrlplila,
SNVITC the nltentiou of Merchants, Mnnnfic
turers, &c. oVc., to their very extensive, clc
tiaiit, new stock, prepared with great care, and of
iired at the lowest possible prices for cash.
The principle on which this concern is establish
ed, is to consult the mutual intriest of their custo
mers ond themselves, by m inuhicturiiig a good r
t e'e, gelling it nl ihelowist price for c;isb, and
realizing their own reinuueiatiou, in the amount of
nab s and quick returns.
Possessing, inexhaustible facilities fr muiiufai'
lure, thev are iireiiaied to sui'idy orders to any ex
tent, and respectfully solicit (be patronage ol ,M.r- : r,t n .,ml yolh urL, toL'ether there
Vilnius, ill mill lul l u h is nun t-i. I
(Xj A Imge assortment of the New Style Cur ;
tain Parasols. i
Philadelphia, June I, 11 1 1y
rOHMTJiLV tkkjioxt iiib:,
IVo. JI C'lHsimt Sired,
rTMIF MTisCltlltUU. recently of
tftir' " b'eailinu, P.'.. would inform the p'dv
Ml!iL lie that he bus li'ted up the nh,e capo
J I'lr-Lj convenient establishment, nml
will always be r-ndy tornterl in vi ilors. His en.
tahlished reputation io tbe is hoped, will
afford full assuriiice, lint his guests will be sup
plied wi'h every cunf .rt and nccoinin.ida'ion ;
whilst his house will bp conduced m der such ar
rangements as will serine a ter fur the first
responsibility, and sa'isliictory entertainment for in
dividual and famil e-
Charge for boarding ft penbiv.
Philadelphia, May 25. H11 ly
To Country Mr re Smut.
Boots, Shivs. Bonnets, Leghorn ami
Palm Ix'.if Hats.'
(;. w. vv L. r. tayi.ok.
til the S. U. rornrr of Mui htt und Filth Sis.,
OFFER fir nie mi ixten-ne ; t-oinn( nt of the
above ar'icl. s. all of which they sell til unusual
ly low pi ice, nml pirticnlrly invite the nltentiou
of buyers visiting the chv, tu mi i xumuuiti m of
hcir stock. i. NV. A L. li. TAYLOR,
l'hiladeh.hia, Mav 2o, 1S1 J. ly
Free fi6m wasting disease and pain.
Maidens come hither to hide their shame,
And matrons to ho with some darling child,
And strong proud h'.'nrts, who have struuleil for
And found that a vapor had them beguiled.
Monarch, mid noble, and warrior proud,
Come hither to rest in its silent halls,
And gladly exchune their st.ite for a shroud,
Their palaces bright foi its moist, cold walls.
Peasant and serf, from their hapless toil,
Tin yeoman bold, and the scourged slave,
Whose bluod enriches the thirsty soil
All come, for repose to the friendly grave.
O! a home is the rave where all may ret,
And quiet from all the grief may find ;
The child here sleeps on its mother's breast,
And the maid in her lover's arms entwined.
And I say te my heart, when I see the tear
(ileaui like a pearl in affection's eye,
Alas, not to know that u conch is the bier,
And that sinking to slumber it is to d;e !
And as 1 stand by the silent itrave,
Whence have deputed the hearse and pall,
1 sav to my thrinkin heart, In: brave,
For here is a peaceful home for all 1
(iAi.r.NA (Illinois.) A recent traveller in
speaking of tins 'inint'ial" town Enys, it i.s eitu
nt don the northerly side ot a blufl, which ri
t-cs abruptly lioni n nmrsh skirting Fever river
The l.i-nili'is of l-iiibllcnit Home.
Who, when looking back upon the nations,
with the view of understanding what the Fpe.
ctfio character of greatness inny have been,
which, in the highest power of human nchievc-
A Tlillil of Sorrow.
The Rmlnrntlnii of I he Jews,
On Monthly niht last, Major Nunh delivered
a discourse in the Tuheriiach', Xow Vi.rk, on the
Restoration ot the Jews. The following id cx
tr tc'ed Irom his addres? ;
riticns or aim mvnsixci.
t square 1 insertion, fO CO
1 do 2 do . 0 76
1 do 3 dtt . . . . 1 00
Every subsequent insertion, 0 SB
Yearly Advertisements: one column, f 26 i hnlf
column, f IS, three squares, f 13; two squares, f SJ ;
one square, 5. Half-yearly : one column, S ;
hnlf column, f 12 ; three squares, f 8 ; two squares,
f "; otic square, f.T .10.
Advertisements lett without directions as to tho
tennth of time they re to ho published, will ha
continued until ordered out, and charged accord-
pT-f'ixteen tines make square.
- li , II. .. Jj
Horrors of Wnr.
Tt lias been estimated by Dr. Thomas Dick,
that, since t he creation of the world, fourteen
thousand millions of beings have fallen in the
buttles which man has wnfjetl tiiiinst hi fcl-
Dtirin the late festive season, when those
who thought nt all, reflected that, riohteen him- I
ilred and fiirtv-threo venrs niro. the re ininn ol i hU tw,n. v,,,. r,-i, In .nnelnvinn Irt mo i l tc .i - i
ment, rested in simple heroic innrjnnnunily, i ,,, ,, i,Pr; n n,i ,.,. vl,,i . i . , .'
. . ........ ... . ........ ' l nnrcss nioii vonr minus w,u liiiinn oini oici, nt inen were ro no ii ear i other hv tiiohnmi it
.. I.... ;.. .'....I- c..,.i.. i.:..:
' ' ' " enrth, came to sn'ten the rior ot the religion
nnimn drawn irresistibly ta t ie ok wnrriors rr i , ; 11 i. 11
', I of form, n little ctrl, not six years old, bud twvti
and Fttitcsmen real or 1'ahtiloiis, he cares noli , ,, , , , .. ' . ... ,0. i
' observed by a lonely hulv, silting day alter day
tun more fUhulniis the more real of lloiuih- ., , , . . i i .. . i,
1 ! on the step of n door opposite to her house, it
icon llotnc le diii'r. as thev ilitl, t heimly , . , , , , , . . ., , ,,.,
- J j seemed to belong to nohoily ; but, ntncerlntn
iiiimtitcheil power that was ever known upon1, .. . ., . , , .
1 1 hour, there it was. wra i ied in tin old shawl.
earth, nursed in arms and danger, Eustuiiiin j . . ,. ,, , , . , , ,..
' " ' " crouched on tlio cold stone, nntl rockinir itsi li
each in his person the celebrity of a irretit nn- . , . , , ... . ...
' I ,,. pensively backwards and forwards, more hko
ccstral name, and prowinj up alike to the hiirh- , ,. .
, , " T nn ailing old woman than n child, l lthor clnld-
est charge of ctvt and military command , , , .. , . . , , ,
J I . t1.,.-..l nv..,,,.! ,r l,,tt tlti trio it nr nit it itt
there could not well be a birth, a inorninej.and ! ' ' . '., . i , . t ,
1 , , I Ol'injJ mill" ICU HOI lUlllCII nunr, uiu cm riiiui
n noon of lift?, in which the spirit ol the human i .
. . - , - 1 i.i,-.; mm riiiu.iij.
heart inieht rise more gloriously nno steadlast-
ly in the consciousness and the capacity of a! .on n:teruar,:s it wn? seen to peep a.-ut tne
real destination. They knew nuthmir higher ! nre" r,,,f! U"ux n,1,i '""k wU,,',,!1 "l
1 .1... 1 .:.t .:...! M'l ...t... ....... !'...
nor -'renter than the lot to which lin y were ' ""; ,m"'" "
, ... .i,i i-., ..1 ...i . .,1 . I to chi dren, thiiikmir that the oirl iin'Mit be trv-
horn, and thev saw tiothii'o above themselves ; ! nr..
inn to attract ber notice, opetieil the door niil-
that the liberty and indepentlcnre of the Jew. , arm's lentrth, they would extend over fourteen
i-h nation, nny prow out of n single rflort which rnillions fite hundred and eighty-three tliou
this country inny make in their behalf. That j Hand three hundred nd thirty-three miles of
rflort is simply to proi-ttro from the Ottoman , ground, and would encircle the globe on which
Porte a permission to puichaso and hold land in j we dwell, six hundred and eight times ! If wo
Syria in security and peace, their titles and pos- nllov the weight of a man to boon an overage
they stood at the top of earthly pre-eminence.
Serving their ambitious country, they were
called to enterprise without imiinds ; they must
know no fear, nothing unachievable. The re
nown and safety of the republic rested on the
single leader of one day's battle. They must
feel themselves to be invincible. And these
are, indeed, the characters which we find in
these heroic mitiilj ; no height of daring was
above their hope to climb; no invasion of peril
could appal them ; and, whatever duty might
be laid upr.n them they found themselves equal
to the charge. What is extraordinary is, that
among such numbers of intrepid, ardent and un
conquerable minds, engaged too in prosecuting
ambitious wars, su many should have been found
in whom it does not seem that ambition hud u
place. They served their country's passion for
conquest and renown, and yet kept themselves
sessions confirmed, their fields and flocks undis
turbed. They want only i-hotlction and the
work is accomplished. The Turkish govern
ment cannot be insensible to the fact, that clouds
are gathering round them, and destiny in which
one cwt., (and that is, if anything, below the
mark,) we shall come to the conclusion, that
six million two hundred and fifty thousand tons
of human fiesh have been mangled, disfigured,
gashed, and trampled under foot. The cnlcu-
they wholly confide, teaches them to await the j lution will appear more striking when we state,
day of trouble and dismemberment. It is their
interest to draw around them, the friendly aid
and co-operation of the Jewish people, through
out the world, by conferring these reasonable
and just privileges upon them, and when Chris-
denly, and ollered it some gingerbread. W hen
the door opened, there was a string. ex
pression in the child's eye ; but when she saw
the lady she looked scared and disappointed.
The kind voice and maimer soon reassured the
startled child, 'A ho thankfully took the offering,
broke it up into little bits in her hand, ami
carried it to the doorstep opposite, when.' she
again took up her station. Another child, see
ing the ginger-bread, came up to the golitniy
infant, ho gave the new-comer some, and, by
trestures, the lady saw that she was informing
the other child whence the gift came. After
waiting a considerable time without eating her
' gingerbread, the poor little L'irl rose tlujected
ly and went away, still looking Inch at the
! A day or two afterwards, the same child was
that if the forefinger only of every one of those)
fourteen thousand millions of beings were to hej
laid out in a straight line, they would reach
more than six hundred thousand miles beyond
the moon, and that if a person were to under-
tiatiity exert it powerful agency, and stretches , take to count tho number, allowing nineteen
forth its friendly h ind, the right, solicited will , hours a day, and seven days to the week, at tho
becheerfullv conferred. When the Jewish peo- rat.0 0f 8jx thousand per hour, it would occupv
that person three hundred and thirty six years ;
temperate, austere and just. We cannot but " r" ""'"" '"' " i"ei...-.iv o" -think
we are to ascribe to the virtuous and , rca- nn1 lading out a bit of sugar candy in its
stmple manners of the republic that peculiar ,in' fibers through the rails,
character of there great men, their own virtu- The lady, who thought that the child was
rPIIOSE peisntis havma demands npainst the ' 1 ts form is the segment of a circle, and it is
Commniiwi lth for labor perl rnicl. or mute
rials furnished for ihe n pairs .if the
Xortli ltr;ttt4'!i Canal,
ririor to the 'lib ihiy of January, IS 11, who have
nut handed to tbe subscriber no account of tee
same, are ri quested t.i do o at the earlie t poi.sib!i
moment, in nrdi r that thiy m y be put in form f r
ettlement, as n as tbe fund aiq.rupihecd for the
Jiavmi lit of old ei bu cm le obtained.
ThfMS livinu a' a distance nre. requested 'o for
ward bv mail or i ibi rwi-e. W.lf. MAFFEI',
Wilke-birre, !ny II, IMF if Superviser.
) () CT o n .1. n. MASS V. li,
'w. ITsi'l'I'TlTI I V l..bim. lliwiil.
I I 1 . ' I t , .....
izens nl .-iintiurv alio ins noniv, nun
he h .s reni.ived bis oiliee to die white
building in M.i l.ct S'nu ,ie, ei:st of Ira
T. Element's si-mi, mid immi d s't Iv opposite the
post oiliee, wlu re ho w ib U- iiappy to rect ive cjds
in the line of his pro'es.-ion
ISuiibmy, May 4th. 1-11.
1) A V I 1) E V A N S'
Tntent Fire, suid Tliicf Vvoof Imit
("iiosts, Slate liut'd llt;frigci;i1'irs,
willi Filloi's nl!;icl:c(l wlica
i t'(jni ri!.
Zx, "TiTi-TGOlT.
Ao. (i S')iillil:inl Si., f:7'o.sie lilt: J'.ichlii , !
M . I I A( I t i;i: an
'Jkeep for stile Daviii Ki ms'
trelel raited Water mid I'mvi
f si, hi f ob rs and Pnteiil Pr.
' piiiiiim Fire and Thief Pro.. I I
"frin Cle-I-, for pie-ninii
built on three streets rising one above the other
so rapidly as to allow scant width for the car
riage way and sidewalks, and a narrow strip fur
the houses and stones between them. The
base of the buildings on the :-ecoiid street is just
about on a level with the tops of those on the
front, and in like manner the third above the
second, the whole following tho circular tiirm of
the blull's. This embraces thu business part of
tho city. A broad deep ravine run.-) northwes.
terly, in, on and mound which the dwellings,
containing u large mass of people are situated.
So li.tle ru m is i.ll'i riled fur gardening that a
lean bragged of a small enclo.-ure w ith a few
vegetables grow ing in it. lie said "it was a
smart garden w here one could raise three hills
of corn and a cabbage." Some of the lead
oils simplicity. U'f imnu ne nothing above- the
powers of their minds, or their noble desires.
in those spirits winch have made the earth as the appeared, the child inn mviiy. Soon
come to offer it out of grat itude i-.r the jrinror
hrcid, went down into the area; and as soon
hlazo within their course. These ancient fa
thers of Koine are their rituals. Whence is it,
uaiii. however, the child was at its old station
the door step opposite. The lady had men-
then, that their greatness did not break forth in tinned this to her only female servant as very
ceaseless and consuming flames ! Pieeiuise the odd, but received no obserT itiou in reply,
hand that thrice trimiiplo d returned to the, ( loo morniii" the door 'A as otiened to receive
plough ; and the dictate must leave his new- tt m,ci, nt furniture, nnd the same child again
turned furrows to take upon him the deliver- ' suddenly appeared, and advanced steallhilv to-
auee of llo:vi It was the simple iriue ot
thor-e stem bul pure times a virtue never for
gutten that was ablo, bke a mighty spell, to
control the grandeur of tho-e unconquerable
spirits, nnd confine Itiein within themselves.
And hence it is not possible for its to read their
h'ttory without feeling tint there re.-ts upon
them the august renown ot'a moral greatness.
'Flu y were saoes in tho calm ami meditative
qui. t of their little field, as they were awful
rulers while thev held, in their mi'rht of prince-
mines are within a short dislunce. 'I'hiit ot j ,y e,,,,,,. uu. HV:,V oftli.- i-tnto an Hu-y woro
Whitman & Uico is very lucrative. Some ot , J, l(.uiVrs m (;o un, VR.,unuus cU.
i:.e mimes guru u, t,ie i.igngs are qnne atnu- ; Km ;.,. t.x.ll!all;;,m f what
su g. 1 here are, lor example, t no Heioociiit i
... .. . . . i
I ;gg in, i niake, i;ei lino-, iii i tuwn, I'm lion
Nip nml Tuck, Il.ird Scrabble, l.'pjier Coon,
Lower Coon, Fair 1'lay, Dry ones, lFack
h g, &c.
The value of h ad shipped from (iainia alone,
during the In t year, was one million of dollars,
and this is only one of the great points w here
it finds its outlet Dubuque, Mineral Point and
oilier places, sending large quantities. Accord-
in:.' to the term, ol the lea.-i s, the (iovt rtimeiit
it, -. .i,
AefliWAi.' 'V 1 ' ' ' j f,(itilti receive ( lie tixuenin ot an mo lean
tr yz-, ;-.rTv".. ks. Pap. rs. U..ds, J, welv, ... , ,, . ,,
f... ii i x v. n ii1.. raired, Imt as yet the concern has run theiu in
i!i bt, having never leceuod enough to pay the
agent and olio r e.peues.
Tile lililierat" is Worth, delivered at the
smelting furmuice, on the average, . Ft per ton.
in the summer of Isli, when h.I the Keys v. ete nt i js a coinmon pniclici' lor the miners to sell at
liberty t.. be used, and tbe (.'best not opened, al- ! niIktl ,irlCl. , Uil; smelters and receive
thouah ihe exp-run. lit was Imd 'y at lenst loOO
persons. One of the same Locks was nied by the Hinouiit ill cisb, or a tipulated wei-ht ol
Kobbers, ot lie Delaware Ooal Oiliee, in Walnut ' lend in the liar. The price of had here now is
scarce t Isc w
siu h I'requi i,
nue L'lehti
.( re In be
( a itnp'.e
found, no vhere e'se in
the x civ lii i j ht o; he-
with ii,e
poorness at.u
contented oli.-ctn ity, li the expression could be, ot these men, who, when they had d,s
charged their pari to their Country, whei"it;
di!!; rent further to t iter u a ii D'l ory. Vni..vsn;
H .son.
Want or Kn t 11: am Caul, aI'.ummh
Mlmai. Imhkmiiiv ami Dimasi:. Iii look
ing abroad on society, wo often behold individu
als who have no call to exertion, and wh seex
emp'ion from the ordinary cures and solicitudes
it'lil'u to cay nothing of its annoyances too
frequently opoiulc as an ine it.. hie and pow
erfully predi.-po.-ing cau.e of no litui imbecility
nnd disease. An individual ol an active tem
perament, if confined for any length of tune to
a ri'i'uhir routine of enr .-siuciits w Inch aduiil
neither range nor stimulus for tlm majority ol
his (acuities, and w ho in excluded by the lack of
nrp .. ".-ir
-1. - li . d. Silver. c . e., neiite
of Uoil-r Loo, (.mil Lot n v r PI mk us nun -tivc
out of every one bun. lied now in ue nnd lor Mile
liro ninde.) w nl, first rate L ks mid D.ivi I F.vius'
Patent Keyhole O.ivers. to the mm xbil it
pd hi ihe Pbit id. lobii Fxch.ince. fur tim e mouths
wards the door. The lady, who was near, said
'1 see you!" when the child immediately re
t rented to her ('oor-step.
" This is very extraordinary," said the lady
to her servant ; "I cannot make out w hat thai
chilil wants."
"Madam," said the servant, bursting into
tears, '"it is tin child."
"Your rh.ld ! Hut go, bring her in. Where
does she live!"
"With mv sister, and -he 'joes to school. I
have told hrr never to Come here ; but th- p"ol
Ihinir "'' come every let ol playtime she get-.
That day you thought i-he was i fl'i ring yon
Mine su'ir candy, I had been lo tin- school and
given her a penny; vv I: n school was over, .-'ie
came to give me a b:t of the t-uirar candy she
had boiiulit. lh, tna'aui, have mercy !bi give
me! Do not send uie nwav !'
The hulv, w ho had know !l adversity, and was
not one of tiio.-o rigidly righteous people vvl.o
fori'itthe lirst prmciph s iiiculeatod by the ili
vimi Author ol tlio Chri.-tian creed, looked
iinve, it is true, but did shrink from the
low ly filiniT lis it' ihe tbe !:iuiie, although
she hud beeouio a mother fetor.' the had been !
ni'iile a vv ife, by the g iy cava lo r who Imd do- j
eeived ami forsaken In r. Nor did .-he turn In r
out upon the wido world, in the virtuous stern- j
i less of her i ml i gnat ion. To the gre it hoi ror of j
some ot her neighbors si..- t Id her .-efvant, that j
ber child mi ;bt cone' to .-ee h -r every Sunday,
li.Mining with the next. Wl. :i the ch.M.
enn return to Palestine, and feel that intheir
. t t P 1
persons and property limy are ns sate irom cian
irer, as they are under Chri.-tian governments,
they will make their purchase of select posi
tions, and occupy them peaceably and prosper
ously ; confidence will then take the place of
distrust, and by degrees, the population in eve
ry part of Syria be greatly increased, will be
come consolidated, anil ready to unfold the stand
ard, when political events shall demonstrate to
them, 1 1 iii t the tune has arrived.
Tiiil.lli Women.
1 was much struck with the elegance of their
shapes and the regularity of their features.
Their complexion is as fair as that of European
women ; as they advance in age the sun browns
them a little. As to their morals, chastity be
comes a neceisary virtue, when even a kiss is
punished with death by the father or brother of
the offender. I could mention several instan
ces ot the extreme severity of the Turcoman in
this respect, but one may suffice. Three bro
thers ruling through an insulated valley, met
their sister receiving the innocent caresses of
ber lover. I'v a common impulse, they all three
discharged their lire-arms upon her, and left
their fallen victim en the ground, w hile the lo
ver escaped unhuit. My host, Mohammed All,
upon hetiiL' informed of the murder, sent his ser
vant to bruiL' the body to the tent, that the jack
alls iiiiyht not devour it ; and the women were
undressing and washing the body to commit it
to the grave, when a slight breathing convin
ced tin in that the vital spark was not yet ex-
and awful is the consideration, three hundred
and fifty thousand pipes of human blood liavo
been spilt in battles. Who would not exclaim
with Jtishop Hall, "Give n;o the man who can
devise how to save troopa of men from killing ;
his name shall have room in my calendar.
There is more true honor in a civic garland for
the preserving of one subject, than in a laurel
for the victory over many enemies." Or, with
IJishop Taylor, "If men were only subject to
Christ's law, then could they never goto war
with each other."
Maxims of Ihsnoe Middi.ltox. Maintain
dignity without tho appearance of pride.
I'ursevcre against discouragements.
Keep your temper.
I!e punctual and methodical in business, ftti'l
never procrastinate.
Preserve self-possession, and do not be talked
out of conviction.
Never bo in a hurry.
K'tther set than follow example.
Rise early and bo an economist of time.
Practice strict temperance.
Manner is something with every body, mil
every thing with some.
He guarded in discourse, attentive and slow
to speak.
Never acquiesce in immoral or pernicious o
pinions. lie not forward to assign reasons to these who
have no right to a;k.
Think nothing in conduct unimportant and
In all your transactions, remember the find
. . i . I T I
t,gu sed; .,. short tlie g.r. recovered. Raizz1m.s 0,Nms N.W8PAPEM
was no sooner out ot immediate danger, than RauZi:1,j wus a celebrated singing master at
one of All's s,ns repaired to the tent of Ins , IJalii om, oncof ,1C cnr!jegt instructor3 ot 10
('needs, the three brothers, who sat s.ulen and j ww 0, . jt w
silent round tho fire, grieving over the loss of , , js (jiinjou (lmt UCy 0(1,t tQ co,fino UjCm.
their .-i.-ter. The young man saluted them and j tlric(!y ,o the 1)romu!;;!Uk,n 0fnews, and
said, "I am come to ask you, in my tatlicr's , that tlit-ir coimr n.t were out ofnll irojortion
ii inio, for the body of your sister ; my father L ,l0 (.imntity 0ry((ffi ,tid it was in this
u ishes to bury her." He had no sooner finish- , 11(i(Iua,r U)al ,0 ..j himself: "I
rd than the brother rose crvingout, "If she was ,,ke$ ot your i;,,glls 0vvspapate. Dere is on
dead y. n wouhl n.l sl; for her ; you would j ,y )och . UV klluw (llluasurin!j to the first
.nvo t: k.ii the without our permission." I o hisforefm.-er. and then stretchino out.
ng their arms,. hey were hurrying . flrm o whjlo dcrc js
inoih ' li t tit?i.' " W hat should he have fetid
had he lived to thi'se days ot huge double sheets,
with respectably sized pamphlets for leader.
street, al.ovn 1 li.ul. t-nt ili.l not sueee.u. .j () (l) g., prr Imudi e.l wei'ht.
rr II..iflilH Mai bints, Iron Doors, supcrim ..... ..."
Look, and all kitids of Iron Ibiibiii's. Seal nml (-u- Sim. II. Ait F. km ii. I iii. v i ion or Mooi;iu In- t.,lUc'it urn or the destitution of coii'i nitil socie-
,yinR Piesscs, and ,en, rally, on hand , VlKAM..,,slu., ,s llie ig ance ol Hnropean 1 , Vm Hmr,s ot ,,, ," ,, nc,.,m
or munufucliired at tbe !. orient notice. ! .... : n ..
; art among all classes :n tins country, that, some j vun i.ri)le mebiucholy, h s intellectual and
fXj" (JAL'TION I do hereby c ution all per- y,uts ugo, a resident of Ta.igier having in his . ora 1'celiiifc'seniasi-ul.tted, and h s perceptions
son aR..inst in,iki, usiuK, sclima. or cauin i lrS,l Ull ah,ruiioiuici.l telc-cope which in- j bIoW H11, ,ll And 'his aH'ords us u clue to the
l told, any Ki v liule CiK cie for t ire I root l In sis, . I
or Doors, of anv kind similar in p.iunple I . my ; verted the oleects, and. having exhibited it to oft,,t. ,,.arll .nj-tc-ry why so m ui ot
Patent, of 10th July, lull, and also nn ni si 1. mint; some .Moorish neighbors, it wus bruited about ; ,11S0 fi,rtuualo bent" who are capit il!', Con-
w ho vv .is no h
it had been be
hoard tins, sin
Suiiihi v
tiger the moping cie.iUiro v e.idi
i're it was a liiwt'.c! t,, liic ne-ther,
' ioinie.linti lv ;,nd auxioii'v in-
W lniillV il.ivs and llibts is it to
Soi n u nnv sneer at this ; t, mo thoi
t'uing p linluilv .it'ect ing iu the quiet,
Hi frineralors Willi Slale. lor which my latent is
dated 2f,i, Mgnh, any infiingement will
be ileall wiih according lu law,
Philadelphia, April Ft, 1 SU. ly
muss i:i;iit i v n.oi its.
flIIC .ubscritier ha jut n eeived, fur tale, a few
X of the above celubraled Fight Duy (blocks,
which will be- sold nt very reduced privet, for ea-h.
AUVupctior 30 hour (.'locks, of the best nrnke
and quality, which will tie sold for tah, at ft 50.
Also, superior Uru 30 hour Urn k. at 00.
Dec. 2. IS 13. H. U. M AfsfFI5.
O'i'ONE WAHK lor sale.
225 Sioiic Jub, from I quart to J gallons,
ftl) Stone Jai, fnxii 2 to 0 nult.un
heap, by Oct. 11
Fur silo,
11. U. MA.i:ii.
that tho Auzarenu possefseU a flass tnrougli ( alll sentenced to solitary confinement
which he looked at the Moorish women on their j fur j,,- as (tu exiu1 ion of their olfences, become
terraces, and that this instrument b id the povv- , UcH The rmd. deprived of all external
or of turning the ladies upaide down ! Informa
tion wus sent to the court, showing the impro
priety ol'Chiistians being ullowcd to make use
of such magic art ; w hereupon a mandate was
despatched from tho niltun to the governor ol
Tungier, directing that the importation of such
instruments should be strictly prohibited, and
that the Na.arene who possessed tho telescope
should be summoned to deliver it up to the au
thorities for their exiiniinut ion, and called tJ ac
count for his shameless ptooccding. I)riun
inmiil ilij's W'eshrn llm Imnj.
is -o ne.
so'o.loi I
demeanor of this oti-pring of shame, tnuid'y
watching to obtain n glimpse of ber who le d
bom ' it, at an age vv hi ii happier ch.ldreu are
never without tlm-'e greatest of enjoyments,
the caresi-es of a mother. Think of the liuserv
ot this poorchild, driven, from the mere instinct
ol longing for its parent, to the staid demeanor
of age, whilcl the other merry little ones were
snorting; aioiiud it. Tuitik what she' hitirt have
nill'eii d, as she gn;vd, day after day, nl the
Loekman, the Kthinpian, was once asked' r,nv ,uig door, that shut out more than all the
from whom he received tho ii rl leseun of wis- svol value to her. Think of thu siitlering
doin. j mulher, dreading to lose, with her place and
sources of excitement, Boon loses its equilibri
um, becomes loet amid a chaos of incongruous
iui.iges and the gloom of unmitigated despair.
Mditu t 'ultii utor.
"From the blind," replied he, "who never
take a step until they have fell llie (jioiinJ he-luiethetii."
character, Ihe means of nippoiling her hapless,
pieiiialiirt ly old iiiliiut. On, nun, nun, thuii
iu-l much to uii&ucr lor.
Tiltll S''i.
out vf tin' tent in pursuit of the still living vic
tun ; but All's son opposed their brutal inten
t.otis w ith all the weight of his father's authori
ty, ami his own reputation tor courage ; he
swore he would kill the first who ghould leave
the t. -nt; told theiu that they Imd sullicienlly
ii veugid the injury they bad received; and
tlii-.l if their fi.-ter was, iu.t dead, it was the visi
ble roti (.lion o! the prophet th it had saved her;
and thus i.e at h.-t pui sti nled them to grant his
reuue.-t. The girl was nursed (of I'irei; months
j m A'.i'a fiiniiy. and was ntairied alter her reco
t v ci v to the young nun w ho had cau.-ed her mis
fortune. !.:'iittii rf VVins.
A "ii. .vf i ii i i. It i.i i.' ' i i n U cannot be
! thiil ra-tli is lu.iu'.- abi lmg place. It eanuot
! ihit our l.fe is i-.i-t by the o.'e.m of eternity to
I tli it a in hoi 'tit ip n I's w aves, and finks into
I iioth.i.oii. ss. F'.-e why i- the high and
I glorious a.-p.rV ions w Inch lead like aiii'ols Iroiu
ihe teinoli- ..flhe bealt are toreVi r wandering
nU.ot u:i-aii-it.'d '. W by is ! that the rainbow
in. I tin. . bin, I oeoe oier u wit'o a In mil y that
not of i ai'h and liien p.i.-s i '.1 and leave us to
lioisi- Ojioii our filled be. i 1:1, e.-s ! Wny is it
that the .-i.irs, vv iin h hold their 'fcstuU around
tin; midnight throne," are fi t above the yiasp o
our limited I'.icultiea, totevcr inocking us vvi'.li
their unapproachable ghiry ! And, finally, why
i.i it that the bright toitiifcl human beauty ure '
pli si iiled to our vievvs, and then taken trout us,
leav ing the thousand stn ams of our inflection
to (low leu k iu toirci.U upon mir
We are born for a higher dertiny than ll. it of
earth ; there is a realm where the rainbow
never f ides ; w lu re stuis. will bo spread nut he- (
tore us, like inland thai slumber oil llf ocean:
and where tbe benulilii! being which heie pass t
hi bile like shadow o will st.iV III our ptcocuce :
iurtvi I. IU:lm l .
IIari.y Mauki vi.e. Tacitus says, "Flatly
marriage niaks us immortal. It is the soul
and chief prop of the empire. 'Flint man who
resolves to live without a wile, and that woman
who resolves to live w ithout man, are enemies
to the community iu which they dwell injuri
ous to themselves, destructive to the whole
world, apostates Irom nature, and rebels against
heaven and eaiih !"
Co 1 1; 1 1.. Courting is decidedly the nioM
picas int purl of the whole business, and should
even alter mail has made up his mind to pi r
pet rate matrimony be prolonged to its great
est possible extent. Never be in a hurry Id
h ive llie day named. Iteiueiiiber it is an el l
man, lie' father of two children, and lliO hus
band ie ihe mo t agreeable woman in the Coun
try, that tells l oo this.
A II van Mash it. Thomas I.itchi'u Id, a
hired servant, complvned against Ins muster,
Mr. Chambers, of Yliingsboroiigh, fur the
non-payment of vwigca due hiin up tu the tiino
I.e Jell".
, "I Ie Sets me such fiiniiy jobs," said Litch
field ; " tie li tis -landing on a gatt'mst to wh fo-wa.-h
the uiooii with a p. it of blacking ; at a.'
other to f. lch a load ol clouds to litter II
horses. 1 Ie tt ll'd me the otl.i r Sunday, w hi i
wanted my dinner, to cut a li.i'.li brick in'
wiiit'oii chops, Htid lYy them m a (our vvbe. ;
' wagon at Vi.-hnv ions. It ain't likely I can i-
I io in there Con pit a i a ii tucks.''
The complaint WH-, di-uii.-ed and Lltihi.i. ' 1
ui ordered to iciurn to hia woik.