Anecdote of Itrrnatlottr, At the breaking out of the revolution, in IT"!), Hnrnndottc had recently boon appointed eorjomit by hia captain. This captain, a native of the fame province as hiiii-clf, and who wish nl him well, had (.(ten reproved hitn fur Ins loudness for the revolutionary ideas which w ere pradmilly gaining ground, neuritis him that tliey could not lead to any good, mid declaring vlmt ho was "tine mauvaise tete," and in ppite of his superior education and acquirements, he would :oine to nothing. When the trouble actually commenced, and order and discipline were banished from the army, regi. iiients deposed their officers, or refused to obey tliem, and elected others out. of their midst. j The regiment to which Hernadotto belonged j followed (hia example, arrested its colonel and ' . , .... i i a nflicor,, and unanimously chose Serjeant, Lernadotto for its commander. Having aeeep- ; teil Ibis new dignity ho assembled the regiment and thanked his comrades for tl.cir ConlideneeJ r . . . . . . ot which, lie said, he felt and would prove him- self worthy. "Above all," he thus concluded ' hi speech, "I must impress it upon you, that, I . , .. . 1 ' w ithout discipline, no military body can sul.'sirt, 1 ami if I am to command you and to operate ef- liciently for vour welfure. vou promise me ! absolute, implicit obedience." "That we will!" . , , cried the men in one voice. "It follows, of course, then," resumed the serjeant-colonel, -that whoever does not instantly obey n.y or- . .... ... . iters suaii no punished according to the lawsi ot var. Do you swear this!" "We swear it !" responded the soldiers. llornadotte immediate- , . , . . - . . I, y ...ok company, tuu one 10 i.c neion- f:ed. and on which he could reckon implicitly, out himself at its head, led it to the orison, and brought out the olTicers, with whom he proeee deil to the front of the still assembled legiment. ' Soldiers," said lie, taking the hand of the colo nel, "you have, of your own accord, conferred on me the command over you, and sworn obe dience to mo. I now command yon to rerog ni.e ajjnin your former colonel and i .filer rr,. Let us not disgrace a good cause by rrbf-llin n:id ditorder. My command is at end ; I re- Fign it to our former chief." The lutter, how- . . , , ' . ever, had seen too muco, and was too well in- liirmcd of what was going on in 1'aris, and throughout all France, to accept the proffered . ii i , i . , , command again. He declined it, ami with most of the officers, quitted the regiment, of which rWnadolto then assumed the conimand. In process of time, when he came as Marshal ot Trance and Prince of Ronte-Corvo to AiiSjiach, he there met with his former cantain. w lio bad emigrated and made that place ft is residence. He received him with great cordiality, offered 1 1 i id bis services, invited him to his t.ibY, rmd introduced him to his officers as his old chief, bv whom ho had been made subaltern. "Vi .u- oyez,"e.iid he to iiim smiling, "epie, nialgre 1 ma mauviiise tete, et vos predictions, je n'ai pas , trop nial fait inon chemin." ('ulljitru'tt Mn- I guzitie. t'ure lor (lie Teller, Obtain at a druggist's an ounce of su'phurtt ef potash. lie careful to ask for this article pre cisely. J'ut the sulplmret into a large l'Uss .1 1 r, and pour on ila quart of cold water. Slop it tightly, ond leave it to dissolve. It may be iiioro convenient aflerwunh to tran.-ler it to (mailer hollies, (.'are must be taken to keep it closely coiked. To lite it, pour a little into a cup, and dipping in a soft sponge, bathe the e ruption with it five or six times a day. lYris!, and, in most cases, it will soon filed a cure. There is indeed no better remedy. Should the tetter re-appear in cold weather, immedi ately apply tins feoiution, and it wiil again be liiund etlicacious. A bath ot'sulphiiret of pot-n-h, made as above, and frequently repeated, Ins cured the letter in a 'Jold alter it had s prcad all o;cr the body. WtsrK.nN Li.oc.i i;m r.. TiiC following ex tract from a speech of a Western law yer, we find in the Wheeling tlazette. It is a capital liurlcpie : 'The law evpressly declares, gentlemen, in the beautiful language of Shakespeare, that where no doubt exists of the guilt ot the prison- , , . , .1 1 I -. . . cr. it is vour duty to can on the side ot instinct J ' and fotch bun in innocent. It you Keep mis fact 111 view in the case of my client, gentle- 1, , .1.1 .. c 1.:.. . .. .. inen, you w in uavo inu uoimr 01 iiiauio a uieiio of him and all his relations, and you can allers look upon this oceation, unit reflect with plea- sure that you did as you would have been done j by ; but if, 011 the other hand, you disregard this principle of law, and set at nought my elegant j reinaiks, and fotch him in guilty, the silent twitches of conscience will follow you all over every lair Cornfield, I reckon, and my injured and down-trodden client will be apt to light on 1 ... you one 01 these uarK ui;:t"P, "' .' fui ugnis l a tasstrfull of nrw milk .'' . - AsKrXATios. The lf iltimore RepuWicin relates tlie following, which actually took place in that citv. a few davs since : "Well, miss-," taid a Democrat to a Whig lady, "I suppose you have read both of Mr. Clay's letters on the annexation of Texas !" "Yes, 1 have." "As I hoard you profess yourself deliohi. d with his first letter, what do you now say, are you in favor of aunt xaiinn .'" "I't rwnullt I have noobjectiona." Moimt Vooo (irM 1 imam. A gcn'leniaii alvertiseg in a New York paper fur board in a quiet genteel family, wlier tbero ere two 01 three beautiful and accomplished young ladies, and where bis society "will bo deemed a niHi cient compensation for board, lodging, wabbuir and other tt teteras." i: .1 , k x o t i: ii i st. ri:xsvM,iii. The f .Mowing I it shows the current value of all Pennsylvania It ink Notes. The must implicit re lance mav t o pined upon it, n it i cirri irrrk BTfTtilly compared Willi ai d corrected fioin Hick nil's Kepor'cr. I'uiiK iii lliil;il(llila. . t Disc, t Namk. Liicatiot. ,, J II I LA It. N o T V. s A r r A rc. tank nf Xor'h Ameiica . , tbmk of the Northern Liberties . t'oininerria! Hank of Pcnn'a. . , Farmers' ami Mechanics' Hank par par par par par par par par par par par par pur par par par par par i'lll'SP Kensington H ink ' . n'. "k ssnn',wark Hank ' . Western Hunk . . chanies' Hunk . ' . Manufacturers V. Mechanics Hank ollIl,IV l;,i. Hunk of Chester I Innniy Westchester 1 Hank of Delaware County Chester Hank or Montgomery Co. Dnvlcsi.nvn Hank Eastnn Hank J'!,:'"''"' I' ''",'k ,?t""r)' r Olhce nf H ink nf Penn a. omen do do OhVu do do t)ir'ce ll" trerniaiitown Norris'nwn D-v h-sl own Fastnn Hristol Hurrisbuig- Lancaster nflices Heading ( do not Eustnn J issue n. j n . " T.K.S , f ,D 1 ?.T' i "auk of Ihe I lilted Stales Philadelphia j ,?,,! f .mi Township . I ;i'ar,l Hank j " "K ' Hank of PennsvlvanH . . 2fi p,r par par V 1 j Miners' H.u,k of Pottsville ! Hank of Lewiston-n j Hnk nf Middle!,, wn j Hunk of A iirthmnbethind Pofuville I.pwiKtuwn Midillelou n i N'.irlboinlierl.iiid par : , llUlmW,n 1!:lllk lS. nri,ige f0. Columbia ' Carlisle Uank Carlisle , Exchange Hank Pitlshmg par i i i par li) il. i iTaiKli ot IliilliilavsiXiic Farmers' Hank nf l.ancaslci t.ancastei Lanraster (aiiimIv H ink l.niienster Fiirmers' Uank of Heading K inline Hairisbur Hank Harrislmri; f.aneastpr I.anr.iKier I.plianon liauk I.cliamm Mercliantn'A Manuf. Hank I'iitKhurir pur I I 1 p.r J i i Hank of l'iltsliurii I'litbhui); W ill in niKjn rt VV..C lt,...,..K II ...I. i Wyominp Hank , .Nurtbampioii liink ' "''lk8 Cl,ll"l.V ; Oltico of Hank of I.'. S. j j),, ,0 ,0 : Do do do i v. lux. A I'enn Towij!iio S ,. Jim. u.1Ijk of v,ha,Jlhinil ! Hank of (ieiiyhlniru i Hunk of Suxjutliiiiina Co. Wilkesl'siiii A llentow a Reading l'llti-lurs fai!e llrie ISew Uiiuhton i'O do (Uianibersliuti ( iellylUlg Montrosu I'.riu Waynchlmrn Vanhinctoo 1 1 oni -d ilo lirow itoVille Votk d. it.) .1 i 40 i H lne liiuik Fanners' & lrovcrn' Hank i Franklin Uank ' Hwnk Mononuaheh of IS. Vork Han!;' N. I!, 'l'be riotPH of those banks on which wp ii'iil ijuotalioiis, Hud subsiitutii a dash ( ) are no purchased by the I'i.iludi Ipl.ia brokers, wilh the exception ol these whiih lone a letter ol n lirclice. II llll K U N U A N K S. Philadelphia Suv. Ins. I'liilmlc I, (Ji). Schuvlkil) Sav. Ins. Manual I.alier Hunk ( I Phil.iMt bia failed do billed do filled W llyoll, prop.) failed Towimhi I on ainla Hank Alleghany L'aiik of Pa. I! ink of Heaver li.lllk ol Satiira I', ink ol Washing. hi 1'iM.tre Hank fit)' Ual.k Farinem' it Me b'cs' H:,nk Farmers' MiviiVs' Hank Fanners' it MecliVs' Hank liaimouy losiiiutn 1111111111171111; Hank luniau Hank .Uiiiberiui'o'ri Ht.k S'arlbern Hank of 1'a. New Mope ll.l. Uri.lne Co. iSiirlbtunb'd I ni. hi ('ol. Hk .North W estern Ha ik of I'j. Ollice ol Schuylkill Hank I'm. Alt. it M.uiuf. Hunk Silver Lake Hank Cnion Hank of Peun'a. estinorelan.l Hank Hi.lloid Heaver ll.orisbur Wn-liiitutDii l 'c lli finl: P.llsl'LIIH no sale closed closed filled closed in sale failed filled f ailed no sale I'ntslur Fayette r. t irc nea t ll.irin.i'.v i I uti'iiiu'doii no sub l.CAiM.KWi on sib arieii iioiui.iir New lli.n M iliou Mciulnllo Port t.'uibuii!i-le MolllloM' I iiiniilouii i reensl ufii liilc.l no sule close,! Iki sale clos il fail.d closed failed closed Wilkesbarre Piid"e Co, llkcsSiar.c no sale fXj' All notes piirpoitiim to be 011 any lYuii.-yl-vuma H.o.U not nivcn in (he abou ll-t, may be et luwn a frauds. WAY Ji.Ltsi:v. Uank of ew Uiunsw ick Hi UlisW ick failed t pa'r i J.a. Uelvideip liauk KuiliiiRtnu Co. Hank 'Juininercial H ink Junil erland Hank fanner' ltnk Kariiicra' and Mechanic Heiviileie M.dlorJ J'irtli Aiiiboy Uridpelon Mount Molly Hk ba!..v.,v i Farmers and Mechuiii' Hk N. Hiuiisw hk faded ' Furniers' mid Mer.banl' Hk Mido!it..n i'l. I . ,. . .. ,, , , v 1 1 ,. .11 r rank 111 Hunk o! .V J. JerstvClty lailcJ Huhuken Hk.V Crazing Co Ilobol en Ijd.d laded f.lled filled J faded i pal I'O alr j lerscy i. ihk 1 i Mi cbaniis' Hank Ji lscy Cily 1'allt la Ml Hi III iile M..inloMi Fli'lhoid .New nk 'J'ri ntoii J.isiy Manuf icturi rs' Morris County Bank Monmouth Hi; of i. J. Michaiiics' Hank Mechanic' and Manuf. Hk Morris Canal and Hkg Co Port Notes Newark Hkn A fim ti Sew Hope Del Hiidce Co N. J. Maiiuf.ic. anil I!k? Co N'i'iHik l.aml eitsvilln llobokell i i failed j N J 1'iotecion Lombard ! k .leri y Cuy tailed 'a"S" 15'w' 1 Pulerson Hank ( ruiii.'e Fulcrum failed i ; ,.opI,V Hank Princeton Hank I Sulelil Hanking Co s'"le JJ,'J' Mate H ml. , Slutt! u ,,,k I stale Hank of M.irri do Princeton Sail ill fXcuiiik I'll. :.'.( '.biou'll fainden M .11 1 ;-to,i n 'Pn I1I011 Sale hi New 1. in 'Pieiiton Hover llackcnsn k par pur i par i failed lulled A Siaio H.uik Salem Hlld Pbillitl Mulltlf Co Sussex Hank" Pienlon Hankiog (.'o I "dixit Hank Washington Hanl.ini! Co. pur i failed j ori.iirnu'. j Ilk of Wilm & Hrundy vmiic Wiliniii;toii j Hank of Delaware W'lhnini'Ion i uank of Smyrna Siiiyioa j Do blanch Millord I t aiiiKii' Hk of Stale of Del Dour j Do brain b Wiluiiutoii , Do bi iieh (ieorgi town Do Iru.ih NiwcasiUi I nion Hunk n par par par par par pur pur par par 1 (I 1 ' l. inter .1 Q j- On all I auk maiked tbun () Iber r ei. ) -r couiileilill or allrrrd nulca of lliu Vjr.oun J . "tmiiaiioi.s, in ciiculaiioii. OAKLEY'S u.iTivi: sviu r. flHR v.biab'e proprrticn of Oaklev'n Deputa 1 live Syrup nf Snrsapniilla, an n purifipr of the Ill-mil, is no well known to the public prnrrnllv, that il is uriiircrs-ov to orrupv much 'pace in set tit'B fordi the advantage to bn derived from il use; wherever the medicine has oucp been intro duced, it lakes precedence- over all olhcm: rveiy one thai ba taken it, hnve derived so fiunal liene fn iul reulli from il, tint it is reconitepnilpd by ibem wiih the u'most ci'iilidelice. Physicians of the hipbes't sMivlimi in the profession, pipsotibe it to 1 a'ieiit-t under their rare j cent lininn nothing di I, terinns. but la inc composed ol Ibe most ndld, tel 1 Hieieiiius vrRelable nnitprinl, il is nlf-red wiih confidence, ns ibe clti'nppnl nod tnot pllicient pu. rifier of the blood imw known, 'I'he use of a few but 1 Vs. especially in Ibe sprina nionlbs. will bp nt tended wiih a most decided inipiovenii nt inthoiie Herat streiiL'lh of (lie system, rradiciiiing any peil nf ilisea-p mav have been pener ited, benides Rivuut bcnllli and vigor to the body. For ibe run1 nl Scrofula nr Kincs Kvil, HheiiinuiiKiii. T, hit, Pimples or pi options of I he Skin, White Swellinu. Fislu'a, Chronie Coui;h Astb.nn, fic. 'l'be nil meruit!) ceriiiica'cs in the possession of the sul scrl brr and hi" aceots, fioin pbysiciuns and olhers, urp sidbcicnl to ronvmcp Iip in. st skeptical ofiissu perioiity over all prepar.itinm of Sars ip-uilla. S.,bl wbnlesnhi nod retail, bv the proprietor, (JF.DKtii: V . OAKI.FY, North .rnh streel. liea dine li- iks Coruity, and to I had of the following pcison : In Xnrthu'ithrTlnt'tl Cnriutt. II. H. Massr-r, Simbnry ; l elind t MixpI, McHvcnsiIp ; 1) K rniis, r. Milton. In I'nioii Cnuuli. .1. (icnrh irt, Scliioprovp A. (iuli bus, M'llhnhuiir. In Culiimhia Cfitiity, K. W, Mi Cay, Wash itiRton. K.adinK.Manh 11, 181:1. Ma. (ItKi rt : I believe it Ibe uly of every oiip lo do whi.teverin their power I ie-, for tint b-lie. fit of their fellow in i", and havinu ha 1 po-i ivp prnnl in mv own family, of the wonderful properties of your Dcpur.i'iio Syrup of Saistipirill-i, I In st Coiisi ieiitioil. ly reeoiiiiiieinl it to the ulllicled. We h id the iiii-f.olnnc 1 1 .se I wo of our children, bv the brrakinj out oT ulcer. H's sore- that covered the face, bead and neck, iillhousb we hail Heine of Ibr most M'irmifir pbysici inii 1,1 at'eml th ni and lud triidall the known lemedies, imlieling Swoirn's Paoaci a, wiibeol avail. Another of my children was utiarke I in the ran P in inner, bpr luce ami neck wis con pieiely covered; the i1,iibirp wns so ell'eiisivc, ai d ll e disease at such ll be iibt. that we despnircd ol her l.fe. Sepinn ibe wonderful pll'ects of Vour I'ept.riiivp Syrup t.t;di, wp welt-iiidii'-id 10 niul.e tiial ol it. as l!.e I isl n s .rt ; il acted like a cbaitn; Ibe ii'cts coiinio'iiceil bealii i! ilomediuteiv. n 1 1 w bottles entirely rr-tored hi r In l.i r t.p.dth, which she b-.spijoved iin'iiteriui ledlv ever As n piiiilicr ot It.e blood, I enly be licvt' it has not its ecpml. JOHN MOV I'll, Widniit streil, neui Fourth, Kruiiuii;. l),.or!'eville, A ril 19th, Mn. IIikiii : Mv son lo-miind Leaf, ba l the seiolt hi in die most die.idtul an.l id-l'is-ini! man ner for three yeais, do inn wh eh lime be wis dc priced of the use nf his lim1 , l.i- be d and neck wile emered with ulcers. W'e Iri -d a'l the dilfer m . t r el 1 1 eil 1 1 s . but to no i lb ct, until rrrommended by Dr. Johnson of Noriistnwn. and nUo Dr. Isaac llicstet, of Heaihi u. to use your Depurulivo Symp of SiirsapTir.lla, of w bii h I ol taincd sevcial bottles, ibe use of which doive the dee i-e emiu ly nut ol bis sysVt'i, the s ire he del up, and the child wa restored lo perfect health, which he low ll jniid uninterruptedly ev r sinec, lo the ast ntshnii nt ol in.'iuv C:soits who seen l.iiu do i 12 los ntliiction. I have thought tt mv du'y, and send vu llu ci ui licnle that otl.C's who have a bke ulilictioii in the I'an.ily may know where to obtain s i valuable a uiedlciiie. Yeurs truly. AMFI.IA 1). LEAF. Sept. Ill, IS HI, ly ( ossittt-rfU-tfnV DKATH HXiOW. 'rfie pu' br will pi.ise ob-erve that lei Hrainhell. ' Pills are genuine, linhss ibe I. ox h is ihne li bels upon it. (the lop, the su e nud the bettoui) e-ii h com. lining a f .csimile siunnture of mv Ii md- w ritine, thus It. Hhiviuiitii, M. D. 'I bes,. u- j bel- aie ernruveil on steel, liemitilollv dt'smni-d, I and done at an epe:i-e of ner I'l 11. --Tin ref.oe j it wiil In-set i Ibat the onty ihmu n ce-s ny lo pro ure (he incdiciue in iis puritv, is to observe llnse Libels. ! I .' t r 1 1 1 -r 1 1 1 1 . r tbp lip, the side, and the bo'tom. I lie loil.iwinu lespeciive peisoiu aie only aoln ri nl, and bold CEr.TiOATPS cr AGE1TCY, For the sale of Uruin'r-r';'.v IV r'ulifr f Tif'rr 7v. d coemv : Milton Mickey t Ch iiobi 'hn. s,iuiiir H. H. I lsser. M'Kwens ville Ik land ,t Meixi 11. Northutn' eiliiod Win Fo'sylh. ( ieorgelow n .1. A J. Wills. I nion Coiintv : New Hirlni Una n tV Win- ter. Seliosurovc (ieorie ( iun.'.ium. Middle- biir-j Isiac Sinilb. Heavernwn David llubler. Ad iiiisburu' Wm. J. Mav. Mdllins'.urc Meusch & I! iv. II i tlelon Daniel Litis. Freelmr j li I'.C. Mover. W alls A tiiecn. ' . Colon, hi . eonniy : D..m ill. I'. It. Kew.ol.l ' - t'o. Herwn k sl iiui ui V I! Henhouse. Cat- ' lawissii C. il. limits. Hlo.ilnsliuri; John K. : Mover. Jeiti v Tun n I.ivi llisel. Wusbiiialori ' Ko! t. M.Cav.' I.ime-toio Hall.- h !-'"-rh. ' Observe licit each Acenl has nn F.nnravid Ccr- : ificate of Aifencv, coot i'ei:o a repres' iita lion of lit HltAMiKI". I ll's Vaunt iror al Sinn Smp, ; uud upon which will 's i be fci n t iiii t copies of li e new 'ttUi-s n,te used ujmii 1,'it- linnttln Ih '.' yoj'i . Plnladi Ipbia, olfice N'a. H, Noii Slh !r, el. H. HliANDiari ll.M.J. .lone 2 111,. 11:1. city n i:.M ri i:r, acction. .ITD rillVATE SALES KOOriS, .us. ". tiinl :fl North riiinl Street. -V e a r the City Hotel,!.piii . C C. MACKFY, Auctioinir. ie p.cifnl v in J v in Ibe in lu tie II of per so:, s des loo - ol per-chi-inu' Fuini.uie, to his exlcn-ivc Sabs H.oiiis, flo'h public Hi.d I'liviite.) loi ery i!e-ciqt.oii ol II aii-i Ie Id Fu t nit u i e, h. ie ( in be obl'.int ! il all limes, u'p usoitimnl of fashionable and well inulinlaelurcd C iliilel Furniture, H, d.-, Mutliussin, eVc at very reduced priced, for cash. Ci'" Mali's bv Auction, twice a week. May SV'.h. IfilH. ly 11. I.I AM .1. MAIM l, 8UNBURY, PA FFICF, in Ihe second story of the building oc cupied bv Dr. J. H. Masstr, on Muikel street. Oct. set, in. A Tlir('!ilii .Hat liliif for Sal'. Mllll' kiibscr ber oilers f r sale THHFSlHMi 1 M AITIIM:, new and in guod ordti. 'l'be Muchiue ha been tiied, an I proves to he an excel lent one. It will be sold at a icdiiced price, an JJ warm.lfd. App'y to IL H. MASsEK. July l.t, Hl'b ROSE OINTIYIENT, roit ri: ni.NoworiM.i, riMPi t-is nji tiik fai r, and oriirii Ct'TAMIHICSI t'.KrlTIONSJ. (Jj Thf filimiH!f rrrlifm'e (fr.n ihr nnr nf tht must rrirtuiriHtmry citrt.i five rjfi-ctvil bij any apjifirnfton. 1'itn.Anri riitA, Fehinary 10, 1S.1S. lOI? twenty years I was severely afllirlul with - TTTKn nn the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I w is seventeen years old, and cnnlinned Until the Full of 18:10, varvinn in vio lent e, hut without ever disappearing llurinR most of the time, prent purl of my f-.ce was covered with the eruption, frcipientty ntiended with violent itch ine; my bead sweped nl limrs until it fell as if it would hurst tbp wel;n j was so eipiit. Ibrd I could scarcely Ret my bat on. During the lonij period lint I was afflicted w i'h the disease, I used a creat many a pirntion, (ainonjt ihem several celebraled I prepaintions) ns v. II ai takinrj inward remedies, i incluiliiiR a number of bottles of Sirmm x I'aiwra, I'.xlrnrl nf Snrrnpurilh, A r, In fact, il would be impossible lo eniiniern'p all the medicines I used. I I was also under the care of two of the most dis- tincuished physicians, nf this citv, but without re- j reivinn ni'.ch benefit, ami I ib sp iired of ever being 1 cured. In the f dl nl ISMfi, the. disease ut the time ' being very violent, I commenced usina the llnsr Oinlinriil, (prrp.'.red bv Ynimhun it Davis.) In a fi w applications the violent ilcbim; ci nsed, the swcllinij nbH'ed, tbp i runtinn began to ilisippenr, j and before I hud used a jar tbo di-ease was eHlitely i cured, ft has now Is'cn nenr'y a voir and a half since, ami tiiete is not a vcliue nt Ihe ili-ease re niuieinrr, except Ibe scars from the deep pits formed by the dispHsp. ll is imp 'Ssible for me to descril in a crrlificnte the severity of the disease and mv siillcriiic 'tut I will be pie ist d In give a fuller ac count to env person wanting further satisfaclioti, who will cull en me. At the lime I commenced : using the It, se Ointment I would have given bun (beds of dodais to 1P rid of the diease. Since u- j sing it. I huvp reconiineiiib il it to 'pvr.d persons, i (ninoiig Ihem my mother, w ho hi.l the di-easo bud- i ly on her B'tiO who wi re a I cured bv it. I JAMF.s DKKNKLL, No. isn, HaceSt. I rrjj- 'l'be Hose Ointment is prepared bv F. 11. Yau,;bao, S. u b F.asl comer of Third and Pace I site. Is, Phiindi Ipbiti, and sold ml atretic v in Snnbn- I ry. by II. H., I May 1 1th, ISIS. Aa'ft. j IE (rnitiiH-nt, for I'tlUr. j a moor or its i:rrtc.cY. j I'll 1 1. A u i a , May "7 lb, 13'.!. rPlIIS is to certify Out I was severely a ill c:rd ! with Teller in Ihe bands mid fi et for upwards oflorly years ; the disease was attended generally Willi vioVnt itibing and swelling. I npphed lo i iiiimberof pbysiciacs, and us, d u gr, ut many uppli cu ions without i tlecting a core. About a y-ar since, I applied Ibe Hose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few upphc ilioii noinedi uti ly cured the disease, w hich tin re has hi en no return of, iiltbnugh I b id never been rid of it a' iinv time fur forty years. HI MAUD SAVAt.F, Kleventh, below Sjmic. ln-ct. The Hose Ointment is jr. p. red by F. H. YuiiiJiau. S mill 1bi.-t (orner of Third and Pace Streets, 1'hiludel; hia, and s Id on n jetn v in Suiibu iy bv H. H. V'.FK. ' May lltb. lS Hi. .t-r-. KEDICAX. JWVnOBATlOi? Of Ihr HOST. TMl'.. 7', fr Ttthr. I.TIIOt'(ill ll'.e sopi riontv ot the picj.aia'l 11 over nil others is fully estnhh-hed. the pr pr c lor ; lake pi, iisuie in laying before the (ulhctbe followinu ccrtiiicu'e frotn u tr- eclatde physician, a gi.nlnate ol the I niters ty of Pent Iv int i. Di. H-mgb, Lining f.niol in this lemedy Ih'it rebel f r n tedious u ml ill-arceal-lc ndectinii w hich the means wiibin Ihe range of his profes-ion faiV I to all. it.!, has not besimti d to give it hia approhution, ubhoiigli the ptcjudii and ioli re-Is of that prolosi ui aie i pposed lo SelTI'l Hi nn Piiinnn.i'iii (, Sept. Ill, l:to. I as reci ntlv lllHltin il w llll a i eicil to U' Iv one Ii liiolts he tic eitipli, n, ul.uh 'e of mv f i mid it over the car. ir. v augt'.nn, propru -t. l of ti.e 1 1 1 1 1 f , lie i . I . olxnuig my f ief, '1.-I-- , led on luy Uying bis pn paoatioii. el which he ban- ' del ine a jar. A'tbolluli in c ennion w ith tin Ineiii-l-p's nl mv -roles-ion, I ihscounten im e and di.-;:p- leve et tin- till met. -lis nn.-hum- aloud upon the public by imuii ot ri leinli i-, I Ii d in jus ice bound 10 ex. a pt ihe Hose ( 'inlnn nt horn that cln-s of me ihciins. and to him- il mv appiobation, as it entire ly Hired ihe eruption, although il hid resisted the usiid applications. DAM. H.M l.ll.M. D. Q I In' Hose Ointment is prepared by F. H. V'liilghan, South l)at corner of Thild uml 1! ice Si i et Is, Philadelphia, and old on ngtnrv in Sun- j burv, by II. 11. M AsF!J, May' 1 1th, ts:. .1;. lloi'vrx Ink. JOSEPH B. HOVER, .Mdiinfarlui'er of Wrilin nml liulelli b!e Ink, No. lti North Third Street, six doors below l!aco, (east side,) PHILADELrillA, i") I's.pi'.CTFl I.l.V ioloiois couuiry men hunts ai d o'lors, that he con-t intly keeps on band k laige rtoi k ol his sopcrier H! ick, Hlue mid H d lik, and nlso a siipcin r iprihly nt lu h lli; Ie Ink. 11 sink is put up in bi tiles varying in size, fn m I In li'J ounce-., and w ill be t.ol.1 en rcii.- oiable terms. The ex el ci.t ipmbiies cf ties ink bus .-o II oroughlv esiubli-bed us character, that it is now txtuisively iiM-d l!. r .ugb. ul ihv couii'iy, , Fnrsalcat i!.c store i f II. H. Mass. r. Sun burv. Pa. May 27ih, I S CI. l y CM VIM.I.S . IM'.CINS. A'TTGlUm'tZ AT LAW, R AS lakt n the ellice bun t il eccupinl I v ti e fcj lloll. ( billies ti. liolill I, epposlle Ihl Court ll nise. He will a tcud lo business in the Courts ot Norihinnbei land. I nion un l Columbia counties. M iv iiiih. is .l. UNION IIOTKi;. " ((iimrnt .N'ui'c 0,rrt'j m& ti.T JH-Tx'- Ct."3 LYCOMITJO COUNTY, I'viius) aula. FI1H1' Siib-crilier respecil ulty luloiim. hia friend. L and the public in general, that ho baa the above i.Miai: An couuomoi s HOTEL, I N Til E II ll II ll I'll H OF Ml.' NOV, and that he is now well prepare! to HCconiinoJatc all who may fuvor him with ihe.r custom. His Sn riso Ai'iHi sKTS wo well aiic.l, and comforlable. His'l'inLK An Hn will ulvays be mpplnd wiih ibe best the maiket ran ull'ord. His SriHLI.xii, which is got d, will It under the charge of good and careful hosilers. He b i Is confident, by strict attention to hu-inf and an earnest desire to render C"inforl&ble those who may pa'mniie hiin.ihiil bo w ill not full to give gelierul'a.iion. II. JJ. WEAYEK. Munry, Oil, 1813. if. If. iimn SJiS , me t omniission cV 1- or .vnrclir! Alcrcliants, I'vot of W illow Strrrl Rail llonil, OSJ Til F. I'M AWAHr, TTAVINO Bss-ociated wi'h them Joseph Darnel, AJ bile of Kastnn, Pu., respectfully inform llieir friends and the public generally, that they have la. km that large and we'l known store and wharf al font of Willow Street Itiiibond, lately occupiu I by Jacob Martin, wheie ihey purpose lining n Cen'ral Commission and Forwarding Holiness, and fom the local advantages of the pluee being cotim clcd wiih all ihe public improvements that have their outlet in Ibe citv, ihey flatter ibemselvcg they will bp able to do business to ss great, if not greatel ad vantage, and upon ns reasonable terms ns nny other house, mid Ihey nssme their friends Hint any con signments made to Ihem shall bnvp Iheir strict nt tention, nnd no exertions spared to give entiie satis faction. Tin y nre nisi prepared to receive and forward goods lo any point on the Di luware and Lehigh rivers, between Mauch Chunk, l'aslou nnd Phila del bi i, via Delaware Divi-ien nnd Lehigh Can ds; nlso, In nnv point on the Juniata river, nr Nor;h nnd Wi si Hranches of the SiHiiieh.inna ia Schuyl kill and Cnion, or the Chesapeake and Tide Watei Canals. For the accommodation of Hoats coming or go ing via Schuylkill and Cnion Canals, a Steitnboal will b. kept expressly for lowing bonis from ihe Schuvlklll uround to the Delaw aie and bark, which will en ible merchants to have Iheir produce deli vered on the Delaware, and their goods sl.ippid nl ii saving ol 5tl In 7.1 per cent, no iho price fir hauling i'Ctiiss, with thine ndvanluges they rc spiclfully solicit s share of pulr..naje. W. II FILM AN & CO. William lfiilirun, T William W. Keysc, Joseph lt..mel. Phils,., May 11, 11:1. ly J. E2A HI, ANB, JR. &. CO. Siiiill' iinil Tolmceo MamilhcMtircrs, .Yri. !)!) .ori West eornr r of Rao: and Third Stri i Is. PHILADELPHIA. 'PIIK under-igned have formed a Co-partnership - under the linn of J. MAYI.AN D. Ja. & Co.. us succcssois to ibe late linn of J,irnh .MmIn id Co., i.nd wiil conliotie the laisine-s ut ihe old esta blishment, on ihcs own nccoiint. In addition lis iheir own close attention and experience fot iiimiv years, in the muniif iriure of their celebrated snuff-', At., ihe long experience of the senior paitnerof the late firm, will ul-o be devoted to the interest nf the new coi cem and as no exertion And erne will I e spared to insure their goods, at all times nf the ve ry best (iiiuhly, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the liicnds and customers nf the bile lUm. THOM s ADAMS. J. M AYLA.M), Ja. Phileh Ipbia. Mav 1 -f 111. ISCi. Iv 'i'o ' nt ry ANTS. 'THF. Sui s. liber, Agent of I. von Harris, Hut Manufacturers, for Niw York, Philadelphi a. I'.altiii.ore ion jtber l.irpe ci:'n-., w! os" lifts lire highly commended 1 ir "eon" c...'-i uml iluililil '; . his o i hand a lir-t rule as-ciini 'nt ol H A I'S and I. 'A Pi. suit il Ie f r Sprinp s de-, Ii ch w -Ii I e sold very low, lot eas'i or appinved cn dil, al the nrtrtl rtuiii sturc. No. 40, Ninth 'I bird ntrc-t, o( p si'e the Citv Hotel. Phil i lelphia. HtiilF.HT I . WILKINSON. Ai".-:t. N. Ii. Opders I. ir Luis in ihe rn'".; h, prompliv attended lo. Tl.a Ligheat ricu in '.ah jr Hale given far i'tir ',)'n. Pi.d.idclphia, June 11, I P 1 fx. 1 y EOLTON &. CO. C; l4'l ill 'OIIMlliiiei I4'I ( StillltK, 1'i-r the Suit- nf Tlnur, Cniin, Stid, c, c. I Fj tV . ISl'Ff'TFCLI.Y inform their biunls and e Merchants penerj'ly. that I t.t V have la- sen !!,..-( large and coin mo, In, us li:nv.s,nii tan tic ihsks, i:o iih of Closnill -Iriel, on the D. I iw ire, totittlier w ilh tl e store No. I'd South Wharves, where ihev would he ph u-cd lo receive i'ini-1'JH-nients of (irain, Fioin, Seed, Whi-key, Iron. e. At, H. ir g u!so w il p'ep ire, I lo f nw ard all kinds ol Mi n il hv Ihe! and I 'nion, or by the Che -upciike nnd 'l i te W ater Canals, us low bouts are kept expnssly fit ihe purpose of towing bouts by ei her route. Metcbni'ts will please be particular lo send their goods destined by either canals, to No. I'd South Wh-iMca, between Market and Ohesnut streets, on the Doluwurc. w itb din-i li.-ns .'n-comp loving them w hich roete thi y w ish f'etu to he shipped, (Uj Pl.i-n r and Sub for sale, at tin- mar ket price. Hill. TON V C'l. March 19. lllll. No. 19 South Wharves. HoiU H i ( it:n:u s'.), rAFiin MAirurACTuiiEas, i.tmitirti St rti t, lllt imort , HA F constantly f ir sale. Printing Paper nfah sl7cs and iliiillln s, I 'ho Wiinug Paper, rul. d and plain, Letter Piiper, white mid l ine, ruled and plain, Hui ging Paper, line and common, Fuvelope Paper, do. do. medium, dooh'e crown, crown and evirasred Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and li.iyal Papers, Hoonel, Hinders' nud Snuw Hoi IS. 'aids, Tissue Paper, uud all lirt c lcs in then line, which (bey will sell ml hcci, illlig ti rms. Highest price given f. r old rags. lis ll 1-: li t CM! I'F.K v s ON, March H. Isl-l:j. Flkioo. M.I MERCHANTS I HOUSE, ' -Ye. e:iT, .rtli Tint d. al,oi i ( 'ultou hill St., i PIHLADFLFlll A. BOHN 1)1 NCAN, lute from the Peonsylva m i F irmi r, and Samuel Pik", jr., bee of A 1 nn ncun liolel, Columbus, I thin, lake ple.isllie in ae- .juuiniiug Iheir ' n lids Hud Ihe public ten. r.ibv lh..t j lin y have taken the large and commodious Hon I. I n ceiit'y l uill bv the M. shis. Hirt.on the kaeie silc j once oci upicd by the old r-.iul.Ii.-In .1 Hulel known ! us the Hull' llcud, in 'i'liird stint above Callow ; bill si. This Hotel is finished in the very best possible manner, and nf ihe best inu'enals. lis local. on i 1 ery di siiuble, pnniciilai Iv for coniitiy uu r.-liauts ; I the niiangeim u's loi healing and vi niiluliog ach j room is such as to secuie any tempeiature. 'l'be hfdioomsure all light uud uiry, all furnished in a iieal sly'e, so as to imtue fomloit. 'l'be receiving parlors are nlso fun ished in a so-a-rb style, the windows are on the French slyle, forming nn entrance to a balcony in front, which makes a pleasant recess, Pnrticulai atiention baa been given to Ihe beds and bedding, which, will) the furniture, are entirely new. i'rmn years ciperience in hatel business, we I'list, by strict ass.dnily to businesi, to make this bouse a desirable slopping place. Our table will always be supplied with Ihe very lust our market cult afford, and our bar with Ihe best Injunis and w ines ol the most nppioved loan, Is. P. S. There are first rate stabling wr.d carriage houses utlichcd to the liolel, attended by ea tlol and soUi hosilcrs, and cm chargei will I e Uw, in accniibinre with lite prix-oi haij Philadelphia Oct. 'ilh, 1812. ATTOUNEY AT LAW, ' SU2TBURV, TA. Dusinesa atlended to in the Counties of Nor thuml erland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia. lteTrr tot Thomas IIabt & (y'o., Lowr.n iV. HAanos;, Habt, CeMMtnos cV Haiit, yVhilad. Hr.rxoi.iia, MeFAni AHu &. Co. SpuntMo, 'loon ft Co., G O L I) E N 8 WAN A'n. (ill A'orfi Third, almve Arch Strut, lMIILADKLPlIIA. ACf'OMMonvltO.NH Kill HF.VrTV ITRNnNK. pil AHLKS WFISS, late of the "White Swnn," j v nud Mount Yernon House," respectfully in- forms bia friends and customers, that he lias become Ibe proprietor of Ihe nhov well known Hotel. j Country Meicbnnls will pnd the above Hotel a central locution, and the best of fare. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find n Inrge I yard and good stabling lot horses, ond the best of ! n.stleis. Hoarding 1 pcrduy. I May 14th, 18-1-i. if. ! EAGLE Coriirr of Third and Yiur S!r i ts, WILLIAPlSrOnT, PA. ' rjlIIF subscriber respectfully announces to the B public, that he h -s opened a Hotel in the com , niodiouK briik t'Uil.lii.g siluale on Ihe corner of 1 hird hihI Pine sln ets, where he will be happy hi I wail t:p,n ibose who may fivnr him with their I company, 'l'be F.agle Hotel is lu-ge nnd cmiveni- l cut, niul furnished ir. the best modem stl. Il is . ri"".o-u ,eu ii ,aiir n.imoer oi wen aireu nno ( rmf, rtable sleeping aparlment--, rooms, privalu ' parlors, Ac. Pcihoiis veiling Williumsport on bu siness oi plen-nre, mav rest iis-urcd every ex ertion w'll be used lo ii aider their sojourn nt iho "I'aule I loti I" pleasant and aaneublc. HisTubl will be supplied wilh the very In si the market of ' fords, nnd his bor with ibe choicest wines and other j lupous (barges re isonable. The F.ngli) Until , po-sesscs greater iidvantuges in point of location i llniri any oiln i siunluri si uhh-hment in ihe borough, . being situate in the business part nf the town, nml ' wiibin n conveineiil disl mce of the Court Hons 1 and Witlinmspori and l'.lmira I!ud Houd Dcpnt. I Sullieient Seiblii o provided, and good and trusty i osMcrs ul ways in atti lulaoce. i Attentive, uccoii.modiitiiig and bone-l Servants have been i mploM'd. and nothing left undone that wiil add lo the comfort and accommodation of hi giieMs. Thi re will I e a carriage ulwavs in attendance at 1 the Heat Lundim; to convey passenger to and from I the House, tree ef rhare. I CIIARl.F.s HOKHOWS. I Mav I lib. lN' Al A. mnl wmft-mm i W-iTiri, rJwl'iJ,JJ wi-Jis A N aitic e uiicipi ailed 'or cleaeiiig uml giving : s highly lc and inu.-i in ount polish lo sd vi r. ticriiinn Silver, II r i.-, Ceppi r, Hritt.inia ware. Tin, St. p, Cuih ry, mid for reloiiig the luslre on t .. - k i i -e I. i i amikhed c lrrrige Prepared an s. Su-iiuehanr.d Lr TiojiU c. uutv , N . W!'. K-if H. H. MA November '.tith THV IP. Id al W ho!, . ..-. i. '.c Puio Y. V I'll. A. sj:i!. A .: , I. I-'. i-i'n nml retail, by lh-J li Company, Owe'jo, ci.t lor Northurn'd, ut bo Suoburv. Yi'tL-ir Wt'.'iv.'f A: Moil, KOrE IVTAiZZrCS 1X11' CIJATMOI.IJR3. Sk I :l y,,rth V:..'rr S!r,'t. I'lii! ii'i'ihia. A Yi: eons , I. cus noiv on iiaoo i, m oe, a ... .i.. i .. i i.Ool a general ussort- i3 ki nn nt of - ' i '.ii. Hop ine I'n hu h, c, viz. : I ui i Hopes, Vu la I'ojis. Tow ..'S While Hopes, Muiiil r C m il H. its. .Mm i, u Lines I cuipli to u-'orlrne i t ef Si Hemp Sou.l an. I 1 Ii ri ii . g Net Tw ine, ( 'otron S ad Thr. a .s, c. cVc. , iso, I I l-il'ci , i'r ici -, t 'oitoii u! i . all ol w I.I h they w ill ti im. l'hllade'pbia, .V.v-ml e ine Tw ire Tw ilo', lie n .l Iii r i : i i '.v.l Cor,!-. I I, men ( d.s, ."I . A c. u as ,i r.itcnt t; i Tw ii e, sh. Plough Lines irpri Ch in, on ri .isoii.di;, i ci, i -s r; . i v . Hi'iiiii.xt.;, co. Xc l.'js M:nk"t Sfjvi.-I. r!!ilii:i. S.W ITF l!.e ut'uiiii f Com try Mon-luii's I i iheir ( vteiisj.e n i.r:iii,ril .1 Hn!ih Freer Ii unl .M'lencali Mry tioods, w!i i ll Ihe in. i I reasonable t, nils. Philadelphia. I o lech they oiler lor sale I IS . IV. J . W . S Y . 1 X , i I "iniifitllii :iiui I'iiiasnl .M;iniiractiirt!i'. .V.o', '2.111 il yln Civ H 't'l. J CIOCN'I'HN Met, an ) In ( xuinii:-- I is a. .-o els. w hioe , urn i.'o.irs lukiU- Ihe i s ure soliciti .' a. .o,!i unt hifme purcliasiui) ' Pliilu 'el hi i. I t. IS. ly. .'r. lr(i sale iici I l'unu, c n.l ,:i.,ng ahold i ln !' Inn. n, P..i,, t bed ari l I, ll ai'us. in. .re or Ie s, situ ii, iwii-oin. Ni r i.uiul i rbind c untv , ahou two m:!i ji'.ev' N oi ll iiint'e' 1 .nd, on the uiuii r, n I b-d. ling ironi ilut place lo Dmvnb', udjoiiunj land- ol John l.cglioii, ,1c se C. llorn.ii and other-, lio.v in the occonai-cy of S.imucl Payne. Al oe t i'ty a, res of sod duct are clean .1, Bud ill goiu of cu r I v ri i . on wh ch tl.ire is ii small erecn d. The piopiiiv will he .-old nn r.nsonabl ti mis. For further particulars, pi isons are reijucst f,l to ajiplv to the sui seiihi r. II. U. M Assc'.H, .1ifi, V ov. ' ?ih. HIS. tf unbui v , Pa 1 BOOKS, .NTH OA'S liouarv; Lemprnr's -I do- V insw -orlhV .1.. I'.J.h'i .l.e I'llgllsll UI'd Ceiiiiiii do; Antrum's Ci :ar; Ant:on' I iralliloer ; Antheo's Cu eio; Mau'i. Latin lieadci; l iiil v's do Andiew's I .in in Lessens; Donnepun'a l.exnon; Fish's lire, k Fxcrc ses; Djvii's Legeudei; (iiuei4 Ma Ada Koun.'i Anlioui'ie-; PinnocL's I ioclsriull.'s l'nuluiid; do. O recce; 1 .veil's Fh incuts i t (i.-ologv; Mis. Lincoln's Hoiunv; Flement.-of Holauv; Hridge's Algibra; Puller's hhiioinal Hi nder-; Fun rs mi's Ccivruphv and Hi-lory; (Ih ey' do ; I'.ir'i v's do.; Smitli'a liiammei: k n Uiuni's do.; Kay's Headers; Cobb's do.; Cobb's A rilhmctick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling PooLs, Town's do.; Cobb's Table Hooks; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Collage Hibl,-; Family do ; Collater al do.; Mnall Hiblcs and Testament-; Paikei's Ex-eici.-eson l.'umposilioii; Fruit ot the Spirit; Haiiei's Saint's liesl; American Hevolutioii; .Marry alt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps uu Chemibliy; Iliad; Cuic.hi.m of American Laws; Leiti rsou Natural Magic; (.'he n.isliv lor Heginners; English Fxeieises adapted lo Murray 's Crammer, l to Comb v's Spelling Hook; American Cla.- 11, ok; D.iboll'a Scli.iolmas tcr's Assistant; A great variety nf lllai.k Hooks, iVc. August SH, I H IS. 15LANKS 1TJU SALL AT THIS uriTCri Ox toll SA1. 1. BV ' ; i r -t-N Classical Dn