Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 02, 1844, Image 3

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    Orims or Saw-Mii.i.s. This simplo mill,
A'hirh ia now to be found on every stream of
nagnitudc in tlio country, is comparatively of
ate invention, sawing having been formerly
lone, as it ia ye t done in some of tlio Southern
Slates, chiefly by hand. The first saw-mill of
vhich there is any record, was erected lit Ma
leria in tho year 1.VJ0; the second was at Bros
lati, seven years Inter; but their multiplication
i) Europe proceeded very slowly. One wase
ected in Iwdon in lfi.'W, but it was ilemnlish
.d shnn afterward, that it might not be the means
if depriving the poor of employment. About
:)( a company was incorporated in England,
hich made a large purchase of pine timber, :
treclcd mills, and introduced various improve-'
nents in the manufacture and transportation ot ',
umber. Thit tho company made themselves o-j
'ions by the innovation, and the popnlor feeling ;
i era inst machine snwn ninl ifiiied vnrv Rlrnnrr. 1
,. . t , , . .1 1 Samuel Shannon
saw-tnill set up at I.imehouse, aliout the year wm tI vnr, s
lies, wus uct-troyon ny a ninn. i lie tirm mini
town of
Correcled weekly by Henry Yuxtheimer,
WirriT, .... 85
Rrs, 60
Con, ...... 40
Oats, ...... 25
Pome, ...... 5
Fnxsrr.n, ... . loo
Bpttm, ..... 2
Bkkswax, . . . , 25
Tallow, .... 10
Did Kit A pri.r.s, 75
Do. Pkaciiks, - 200
Flax, ... .8
Hr.rKLin Flax, 10
Eons, .... 7
n America was in what is now the
V'ork, Maine, in H'f, under the direction of
ir Fernando d'orpes, nnd in KiM, mills were :
mt up on the Piscatntpia. The ti rft mill in,
ilnti.sachusetts was built on the Ncponsett, nt
.kireheeter, in Kill:?, and the second in l(i"(i, on
he Herring Rrook, Scituate. There was one !
n the Saco as soon as 105:1, nnd one on Mill :
liver, Taunton, m year afterward. In H'e-1 i
neither aa put up in Plymouth colony, nod in
(j four were in operation at Cupe l'orpui-o,
Ir. At Mnchias there was one in 1?I:1, with- '
n a year after the first grant of 'anil nnd mill
ites East of the Penobscot. Now a settlement
il the west can scarcely ho begun until n saw.
till is erected. llnv It would retard enter
rise ifevery board fur the JioupO had to be saw.
d, as in old tunes, by hand.
A Ploiwi rou Potatoks. Mr. Watt?, of i
'redcricton, says the New York Sun, has in- j
ented a machine (a peculiar kind of plough)!
Ich is so constructed as must thoroughly to
irn up potutovs fruni tho drill, leaving them 1
atirely free iirrtl tu beautiful order on the top, I
indy to be gathered up. It is drawn by two j
orstss, and the only preparatory process neees- ;
iry, is to prill out the tops. This plough could :
laity dig up three acres of potatoes per day.
PrTHNi; Out tii: Flash. The Rev. Thomas
.Hen, who wits at the battle of Bennington nil
r Gen. Stark, was asked it lie killed any one.
ie answered - lie did not know, but that, nhscr- '
itig a Hash hard by, which seemed to he succee- I
d each time by u lull of some of our men. he j
veiled his musket, ami firitpj; in that direction,
Caiibyim; iioms ok's own vvouk. A vene
.bh1 lady of a celebrated physician in Boston,
in- day casting Iwr eye out of the window, ub
i veil her husband in the funeral procession of
ne of his late patients, nt w hich she exclaimed,
I do wish my husband would keep out ot such
roces.siotis it appeals too much like a tailor
myinc; koine Ins own work V
Tin: my iik PuotoKi'.n. A writer
tys : n m m be ever so mild and pnlieut
i his dwpo-itinii, yet if you stick the toe ol your
jot in his mouth, poke smutty tongs in his
linkers, whip nil his coat-tail with your pen
'life, and put half bricks into his soup, or open
rstcrs with his razor, ten to one but ho will re
.'ii t the iin-inuuliuii.
OJJiee uf the Baltimiirk Amkhica. Oct. 28.
GRAIN. The I'emand for Wheats for ship
sit cotllinu Rood. About I 2,00 bu lit is Md.
OF Foreign and Domestic Merchandise, of the
County of Northumberland, who have, and
who have nut paid their Licenses.
Who have lall :
William FoTvih Emanu-I ct J Kauffman
Benjamin HclTner
Wm (1 Scott
Diniel Hnlshoo
John O Kcnn
Gideon Shadlo
Petrr Beiscl
Willinin Deppcn
John Karl
Diniel Swarlz
Wm Kehris
George B rosins
John Binenmaii
Spot Ac Detty
have not I'aiil :
George W Tower
Irrland V Meixcll
II iyi s At Hepburn
T: I. Pir
Fletcher Mnthews
Hurt innn If Knahlc
Vastine t Co
J.trob )ltns
Vnl J Kn
Wm iV II FiiRfly
Samuel John
Tho. At (,'has A Posth y
John Smith
Piter IJ .rrel
J - J Wnlls
Siunuel Herb
. Notice isbereby Riven, that the Treasurer is
l oiiipellcd, by litw, to coinnienre suits nc linst all
thoKf who ilo mil C'line f irwar.l anil pity their licen
se on or before the lt't i'av ofNovemhei next.
8tnibiiry, Nov. 8. 1st 11. Treasurer.
IN ihe in ild r of the proreetls of the real rs'ste of
John II. Ciuvilen, sol, I by the several oherill's
nf Nortliunilierlninl, l.vcoiniri! and I'ni.m coun
iie, snd now ronsidioeJ in the Court of Common of Union county for distnhation,
.otlcc Is lin'y plvrn,
To hll persons in'cirsted in the distribution of the
proct ftls of the sbcriflV sules nf rcuniil. Ilmt ti c
("otirt of Ci'iniiion Pleas of Union county has np
pomtid Wediicsilav, the twenty-sevenih of No
j ve . Im r Rext, to uuike disliibtition nnd a final dc
! ciee amoni; all the creditors and legatees iiitiusteJ
ill said distribution.
Uy older of the court,
WM. KOSHONf!, Proth'y.
New Beilin, Oct Sfiiii, il
nnc Diown
Wm H FrvmireA Co
Thomas R Pomp
Setb t'ndwiillader
OeoiBC Correy
Sainscl iV Harwtck
John Sweeney V Son
Pet.r MeDowitll
William Hayes
J P Hnekeiihurg
Jame.4 Keed
Miller Sc Marti
Wood V Rhawn
John Young
Ira T Clement
John Itocar
II II Mnsser
John W Killing
(eorce Uiiuht
Movers A- Hii-bd
.fosleller Xi Swenk
Scth I Comly V i'n
Itcbrrt H Hainmond
William lleiniy
('his li Meiriik
John Crawford
T S Mnckev ti Son
I. ASS. 8 by 1(1. best uuuliiy,
XJI t'ut Nails, all sizes,
Suit, by the suck and barrel,
Hats and Cups, ot the best ipiality.
All for sale at reduced prices, by
Suiihurr.Ori.2R, 1st I. H. II. MASsF.K.
SIicrilF's Sales.
BV virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo
nas issued out of the Court of Common
I'lcns of Northumberland County to mo dirertcd,
will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House
in th HoroiiRh of Sunhury, on Monday the 4th
day of November next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., tho ful
lowing described properly to wit:
A certain lot of Rronntl situate In Ihe borough of
Northumberland, in Notthuml cilnnd county, and
marked in the genctal plan nf said town No. 70,
and bounded north east by tjurcu stieet, south
by lot No. 75, souih west by Duke street, and lioith
west by Front street, containing fit) feet in front
on ( jeeil and Duke streets, and 220 feet in depth,
whereon are erected a two story dwelling house,
(part brick and part frame,) and a blacksmith shop
Seized, tiken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Alexander ("oil.
Also: A certain tract or piece of land situate in
Coal township, Northumberland couotv, adjoining
lands nf Jacob Cass, Philip Slambach, Lewi Dew.
art and others, containing two hundred acres more I
or less, about tell acres ol which are cleared, where
on are erected a small log house, a small log sl ililc,
and un old saw mill.
Seized, tuken in execution, and to be sold as the
properly of Archibald Hodge and John Feniy.
Sheriff's Olhce, ?
Sunhury, Oct. 5th, IS 11.
Sheriff's Sale.
11Y virtue of a writ of Vend. Exp ina, issued out
BJ) of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum
berland county, to me directed, will be exposed to
public sale at the house of (ieorge Smiih in Jack
Ron township, on Satnnloy the 2fith October iost., at
I o'clock I'. VI ., the following decrihtd property,
to wit :
A certain tract or piece of land situate in Jjck
son township, Northumberland county, adjoining
I ouls of John Rower, J Im Enling, (iottfried
Shrctl'er and others, containing 105 acres more or
lens, about 45 acres of which ate cleared, whereon
aie erected a two story log house, a log burn, a
small spiiug house and a good oichard.
Seized, titken in execution, and to be sold as the
pronenv of William V clker.
FEI.I.Y MAUKEIt, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, i
Sutibury, Oct. 5 h, ln41. 5
IIE Hooks lor the purpose of receiving sub-
sciinlions of Stock in Ihe Sihmiikim, Maho-
Mir V Scm ti.kii.1. Rail Roar Cumi-avt, will
be opined at the Fnoiklni House, in Philadelphia,
lYnn-ylvHiiia Hall, in Poltsville. Schuylkill coiintv.
and at the public house of Chailes V. Whnrton, in
Sunlairy, Northumberland countv, respectively, on
the Ulsl dsv of October inst., nnd on the 1st and
2d days of November licit.
John W. Olaghorn,
llurd Patterson,
Andrew Rua-cll,
Alirabam Poll,
t'harlea W. Clemens,
John N. Lane,
Snmui I Pmk,
Wm. N. Robins,
Charles W. Hegius,
Htmh It Has,
H. II. Mas-rr,
(ieo. A. Frick,
Samuel John,
Wm. Fagely.
IJV1R trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor
thumberland County, at Nov'r. Term 1814,
commencing the first Monday, bring the 4th.
John A Lloyd vs Rebecca Wells
Eli llrobst vi 8 & II M'Kcn
Robert Miner's adin'r vs Wm Hibler et al
Dr Robert Philips vs M'Cartce & Purdy
Seitzinger, alienee of Carver vs John Carver et al
John Harding, ir
John Purman ct al
Stephen Derr
Fry mire for Evert
Jacob Unrrihart
Susannah Zerbe
llaldy cV Kase
John C Royd
Hugh Hellas &c
John Wolf
Reed for Muny
Jacob W Smith
vs Win H Sanderson
vs Augustus Huey et al
vs ( oign Lawreneu
vs J P llackeldwrg
vs Vm M'fiinnesj
vs Jo'm A l.loyj
vs John C ( Jrier et I
vs Richard Renshaw
vs Win M'Cav
vs Overseers of Jackson tp
vs James F Murrsy
vs Joeph Weiizel
Jamea Harrett's adm'rs vs Peter Snyder
Daniel Zerbe V wife s Isanr Roadaimel
VVilliam A Llovd ' Martin A Si.u k
Coni'lh of Pa. lor hit own u vs F W Poll. it k
Same vs Charles Comly's t x'rs
Samo 's Same
Same vs F W Pullmk
Sam'l Swinehart cV. wifevs Piter Ferster
Jitcob Msyland vg II Y'oxilieimer et al
Fre.'eriik Kleil vs Same
Conrad Deshcr's exr's vs Jacob M'Kinney rt id
vs Charles Shaffer's ex'rs
v Win Doiuildson
vs Jacob Werlley
vs Charles Ruch
vs John M'(i. ones
vs John Paint, r
v Abr.ham Lawreneu
vs Joseph Keller
vs Henry Sieinnie'z
Henry Petery iV wife
Edwards & Yrrreo
Heiijamin 4 'amp
Joseph Weiizel
Jacob Rariihnrt
John R Ket'h r
Reujamin Robins
William Welsh
Stephen Derr
Solomon Mengas's heirs vs Daub I Wertnian
Ch if'es CSearhnrt. jr vs Ceorge A Ilmin eta
Haas A: Druckeinillt-r vs J,,hn W Peal
Wm A Lloyd vs JCI1 Nourse
Hulel Smith vs Augu-ttis it J Huey
H F Hollingshead V Civs Peter Lazirus
Charles D Wharton
E P Shannon
A W Johnson et nl
John D Ko.-s' exr's
Chailes (Jiile
C L Wi imer
Daniel Rrnsious
Joseph Mitinnn
vs Henry Uj:Jshrr
vs Dennis Wnieis
vs John C Hoyd et al
vs C S Wullii! ct ul
vs Sao.e
vs Hobait iV M'l!ay
vs John A ShUs'cr
vs Sliairnkiu Cod ,V Iron Co
Fowler S Dieisbaeh vs lloactidobler & Picisbueh
Thomas Allen
Fagely, Cleaver A Co
It K (ieHihntl
Peter Dunklo
Daniel Moyer V wife
A Troutinan et ul
.lolm It Miller
C i D J M Uopjctct
(ieorge (tvslcr
John UM.Ii
Welih, Pomp A Frick
John ( Murrsy
Christopher Iteltz
Dunk ol North d c
Folger for Troxell
William Fairow
Charles A Towar
Light At ILdl'mun
Prolhonotarv's office,
Sonbury. Oct. filh, 1811. S
vs Yiueen cV R i-er
v Thomas M'Fall
vs John (3 Young
vs Tilbiiian Spear
vs Daniel Fry mire
v I 'hri.-lian I'shupp
vs William M'Cay
vs D Dm kb bergcr ct al
vs Samn
vs J..I111 (aruharl i t ul
vs Daniel Dorn-eif
vs (ieoige Oyster
vs m (itlla-py
v John Becker
vs John C lloyd
v SmiH
vs Henry P Fullmer
vs Abraham Kl.-ze
vs (ieorge Eikert
vs J V. P Montague
IlmiNVN ninl Iols for sale.
fiHE Subscriber offers for sain tho follow ing do
J. scribed Valuable Property, all of which he
will sell at very modcrato prices, anJ on reasona
ble terms, vir. :
No I. A large and eleg tnt two story stone man
sion house with hiscment storj , all highly finished,
and situated on the east side of Market street, in
Si ln sgrove. Union countv, lu iug the residence of
the subscriber. The lot on which this house
I stands is vetv hands imcly improved, and planted
! wbh choice fiuit and ornamental trees and shrubs,
I with all the recess iry improvem -nls of a Urge
barn, pigacrv, wagon shel and corn crib, carriage
( house, ice hoti-e, smoke house and poultry yarj.
The whole constituting a most desirable and beau
tiful lesidence. Price, f n,!it().
No. 2. A Ntge two story wooden house with ex
tensive back buildings, and highly improved gar
den and lot of ground. This property is situated
north of and adj fining No. 1, and also forms a tie
s rabi residence-. Price, 1.500
No. 3. A two story wooden houo wilh lot of
ground, situated on the east side of Water street,
in Selinsgrove, well finished throughout, with log
stable on the rear of the lot. Price, 500.
No. 4. A two story wooden house with one sto
ry kt'rhen, and a log stable on the rear of the lot,
situated north of and adjoining the last named pro
perty, No. :l, A well and pump, to accommodate
this No. n, in the yard. 1'iice, f50u.
No. 6. A lot of ground in the town of Charles
town, on the Isle ol One, situated on street,
40 by 1st) feel. A dcsiruhle lot for a dwelling i
house. Pri e. f 200.
No. f! A lot of ground adjoining Sehnsgrove
and Peons creik. and fronting on Walnut street,
containing about half an acre of ground Price, I
No 7. A very valuable property on the Pennsyl
vania Canal, on the I.-le of tue, adjoining Selins. j
grove. The improvements are such as to facilitate ;
mercantile mid trading business to a great extent,
and consist of a large two stoiy frune house, occu- I
pic. I as u d'V goods store ; a Ijrge and commodious
warr house, 40 by HO feel ; a long range of stabling;
tuid an extensive' wharf, 400 feet long, wilh hoist
im; crane, Ac. It is situated on the berm bank
side of the canal, and in every respect calculated
for un extensile busiuces. Price, 5,000.
No. S. A large and convenient Yard on
the Pennsvlvnnia ("anal, and laving south of and
adjoining No. 7. On this pioperty is erected a one j
and a half story frame dwelling house, well finish
ed ; a large shed and effice for the accommodation
ot liont tnnlil. rs, onu also a very complete ury uoca, j
Middle creek within one mile. There Is a saw mill
en the tract of land adj lining, at which th. timber
of this tnrt ran be wrm glit into bjards and ether
siwed stuff. Price, f. 100.
(Tj" In consideraiioti of ths scarcity of maney at
this time, I w ill sell any or all the above property on
terms to suit the times; and in rase cash be offereJ,
a reasonable deduction will lie mule. Further par
ticulars miy be obtained hy addressing the subscri.
bir at Selinsgrove, Union county, Pa.
Selingrove, August 1, 1944. 3m
ftOOO Dry La Plata Hides Grst quality.
:ioSO Dry Li t.iuira. do
IOOO Dry Salted La fiuira. do
MOOO Dry Salbd Br Hides, do
!. Bales (ireen Salted Pallia Kip.
'Ul Bales Dry Pa'na Kips.
I'iO Barrels Tanners' Oil.
Tanners' and Curriers' Tools.
For sale to Country Tinners at the lowest prices
and upon the best terms.
N. H. The highest maiket prices paid for all
kinds uf b ather.
No. 21, South Third St. Philadelphia.
September 14, 1S44. ly.
Country Merchants.
flHE Subscribers respectfully invite Country
M Merchants who arc about to purchase Fall
Oct 12 lb, Is-M. 1t
v i:t t n im: von imh i,
for nit: if a i. or
1) V S 1 E l'S I A.
HIS Medicine is nlfo ed to tho public gener
ally, from a full conviction that il is uperior
to buy other medicine now in use, for the cure of
llysp. psia. Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility or
Boilily Weakness, c.
Its t ffefis have been tested in a private practice
i .f ue i r light yens, and it is now more extensively
cnculated, ul the solicitude of many who have re
ceived ihe mo..! hignal benefit from ihe ue of it.
The following is one an. on; a number nt' certifi
cates received in n latiou to the success of this me
dic. ne :
Lacastui Co. March
da were in msrkrt to day, and were t 'ken for I Du. CuisnK W. At.i r.s,
lipment al 8s1 93 cunts fir good to slriclly prime
trci Is. We ipinle v. ry inferior to good reds at 75
cents. While Wheat- rule h 95 a 105 cents,
in qual ly. We quo e Md, old white Com at
'i a 44 ctsM 'Hid irld yt'How ul 46 j 47 cis. We
jote new white at 40 a 42 rts, and new yt l uw ,
.42a4:lrs A sate of lOOll bushels Md. Rye to
sy, at fi5 cents. S ,es of si.ine ihousand bushels '
'd. Oats to day si 25 a id cents.
WHISKEY. Sales of bl Is are inuking at 2ti !
,nts. Sjles of hhds. at 25 cents. !
Prairr the lli.ooi.. As the blood in its life, j
eserving rour e is subj. ci to continu d '
ire has provubd for the. supply of the rxhausting
untain, by ti e conversion of our food into new ,
ood. But whilst such wnolt- means are provided ,
r the msnufaclure nf new Mood, naluiu has been '
o less solicitous in providing for the eipul-p.ii of
at which is usi le s and decayed. This impor
tant Office is ieif run d by the bowels, and when
Nature (who is alw sys liugghiig to throw off uf
fendSig matte' , ) requites iisi-i-Unce in her lnMievo
lent intention, Braudieth's Ycgi table Univer-al
Pills will le f.suud siugulnrly ad ipltd to the pur .
iKise, because they remove tluough the stomach
and bowels all corrupt humors from ihe budy, in an .
asy, stfe snd effectual manner, producing no el
fct but what will finally conduce to the perfect pu
rification of the Blood, and thereby ruin I tie dis
ease, (by whatever mine it may be cal'cj,) and '
giva prrfect health to the whole system. j
(J Purchase of H. B. Masser, Sunbury , or of
the agents, published in another part of this paper.
"(aoori liitriit rii' ('ullllull)t,,
ASI'.M'ED MEETINti nf the Company will
be held on Tuned ty evening next, at H o'clock,
at ths Court House. Punctual attendance is re
quired. CHAsj. J. URUNER,
Nov. 2, 1844. S,e.rtary.
"WuMliliigton I'lif C'uniiuiiy.,
rPlll! menibers nf kvlie "U'sshington Fire Coiii
- psny" are requested to meet at the State
House, on Monday Evening, Nov. 4lh, at N '.
flock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required.
Dear Sir : II is w Hit great pleasure that I in
form you of ihe success Hiieiiding your Dvspe;.iic
Medicine, while employed in my p aclice. From
past experience, 1 firmly believe that in eight cases
out uf ten, the Dseplic, by the use of your medi-
in-, may emir ly ml himself of this thorn in ihe
pathway of lite: not only in dyspeptic case, but
in sit esses of constipation, and dn-ca.-es tleieiid ng
oil adibilitaled state of the iitrvoos system, tm-e-Iber
w ith a st ite of the h iwels, will your E
li x ir befouodof mrslimsblc value. Numerou- in--lances
w herein the usefulness of the medicine has
been reali-ed, may Is' fit warded, if required, I
w ich y u grrai success, and recommend the medi
cine to the Milfcr'tig art of nui.kiii.l.
Youis, with great respect,
(Jfj For sale nt ihe store of II. B. Masser, agent
for ihe pr 'prieior, Suuburv, Pa.
Oelol rr 2liih, I Hi t. ly
Tll'lE sabseriber has just received fioni Phil idcl '
L plua a fresh supply ol New (ioons, con-istiug i
in part, of MiUUn Dtlititie'. f'ruie l'luiiie,
Ctishmrrt tie IUnse .S'iuioa, Huttdkereheifn, ir.
Also, Itiuver tmil S II; Huh, t pood uss otmeiil
of .Veil's and llms' Cup; dmreries, l.iijimrx.
Sail, ir. Vc, all of which will be sold at Ihe most
reasonable terms. Sluiie Jurx uiitl Jugs, cheap.
Sunbury. Oct. 5th, IS 14.
A N II It V tV IS O Ci A i
HAT A: ('Al M A i U FACT LT 11 EKS,
South J'.usl corner of Market and -itU xts.. j
l'lillaU-llila, I
AAHERE I h y always keen mi hand un rxlen I
j sive aH irtment of HATS Zi CA VS of everv
I description, jot up in the l.e-t an. I most approved ,
sit le. IVis .us derirous ol puri h iiug stiM'rior arii
I cb s on the most reason ti le terms, will find it l
I iheir advantage to call In I .re making purchases
. elehere. .
1 Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 11!. ly j
tZ2 Bl3-
A LI. p. r-on-iodeb e I io ihe subset ibt rs, aie
JJ. ri quested to call slid settle their ai counts on
or In fore ihe I (lilt of Novemlicr nexl. All notes
in Iheir bauds against pets us, will be pi iced in ihe
hand, ol justice for collection, if not paid within i
the above mentioned tune.
Sunbury. Oct. I'Jih, I si 1 1. St
.IliillHCl llO UflflD T'N JEfctulC I
TOTICE is hereby given, thut It tiers ol a 'min-
istration have tu t. ri k rmted to the stitisi riber.
on ihe estate of Mich.irl Roi kelelh r. tlec'tl., late nl
Augusta township. Noiihuinb, rland county. Per
sons indi btetl lu said elate, or having claims agaitisl i
the same, are n quisled lo cull on the sub-enber for
st ttlenient. ISAAC Et.'KM AN,
October l'Jih, Hit tit Adin'r.
I'.Klali' oi i'ol. Juliu Jonrsi, tlec'tl.
LETTERS of Administration on said dice,
deiu's estate, have lseu granted to the sub
m riliers. Persons knowing ihem-elves indebleJ to
saitl estate, srs requestctl to muke iiuoietiiaie pay
ment, and those having deinsnds against the same
are requested lit present their accounts for examin
ation and svl'lemeiit. 1 he adminirtialors will at
Carpcti ns.
AV. 1 1 1 (Vkmiii Street, Cnrner Franklin Sjuitre.
HAS just rictived and is now osuing a very
extrusive ami beautiful assortment of CAU
J'liTIXtIS The goods are fresh, and of new
styles, and being purchased principally fir Caii,
lin y will he sold at ihe lowest priors ; they consist
in pari, of
Splendid Brush's. " CARPET.
Beauuful impeiiitl Hply, I IMiS,
Siia'r Extra Ingrain, J-t.'olors wtr-
3 4. 4 4,58 Twilled Venetian, ranle.l
" " ' Plain do. J DLHAlll.i:
A l.irgo stock ul well seasoned OIL CLOTHS
of all widih, Ri tiS, lliv in mis, Ac, together with
an exti nsive a-so tineut of ti jtrieed I'ttrjit tingt
f all tle-cripli.ins.
(r j- Purcbaers are riqoes'e.l to Call and see us,
when they will find an extensive assortment at the
most reasonable puces.
Philadelphia, Oct. 5ih. IS 14. tf 1
.1 Ao 11 Strtiichnry St. I'liilmli Ivhin.
yV Rent of the sutisinbers in iheir iocmiii I
situation being very low, and their terms
(.'.S, they aie enabled to si II at such low puces
thai customers caiin I fail to he sat ..tied, .in. I 'In y
iiivittt the people of Nmihuinhciluiid and the ad
joining counties to call and examine (licit stock, '
as they oiler an excellent assot uncut, comprising
Beuutilul linpeiul, Uply,
Superfine Ingrain, j
Heavy Twill, d Venetian, V-CARVETl.NUS.
Flue English Worsted do. I
Plain Sirqied do.J
With a laigu Slock of well seasoned Floor Oil
Cloths of all widths, for Rooms, Ha'ds, Door 'ie-
Good Karyuin!
ff iiilemliog lo engage in other business, t.ffcr
tor sale, on reasonable terms, their
I ro ia To ii ii (1 r y.
This E1 dibshinent is conveniently located along
side nf the Rail Road running from this place lo
, Sham, kin, by which coal nnd pig it nil cuu be
I brought lo ih- ir doors st linie expense. The lo
I cation is one of the liel in the state. Persons de
' siious of entering into the business will find it lo
: their advantage, bv calling on the sub-crileis al
i Sunbury, when utt the necessary inf .rinalion will
be given.
I Sunbury, Sept. 2Sth H14. :lt
! sin ;i:w rs pa i kn r
ri'HS Michine his now hi en te-iei ly more
1 than thirty families in this neighborhood, and
has given entire Fati.-hic lion. It is mi simple in its
; cot.structioii, (hut it cannot gtl out of Ii
i contains no iron to iu-1, and no -piingsor rollers lo
gel out of repair. Ii will do twice as much wash
ing, with less than hull the wear and It ar of any nf
the Ute inventions, and wh it is of greaier in pnr
I costs but hide over ball us much as other
washing machines.
j The siibsi riber has ihe exclusive right for Nor
I ihuinhf Hand, Union, L-coming, Columbia, Lu
zerne and Clinton counties. Price of single m i
! chine fti. II. II. M AssKR.
' The following certificate is fiuin a few ol those
, whuhato the.-e m icbines in use.
Sunbiuy, Aug. 24, 111.
I We, ihe subscntM'is. cerlity liial we have now
j in u-e, in our families, Sbugt it's p itent W .ti
: ing Machine," mid do not h( silate siviiigthil it is
1 a must t xcclb ut iuveinioii. That, in Wa-lung.
; it will rave more than one hall Ihe u-u.i labor.
. Thai it dots lint require more than one third ihe
: tisusl quantity uf soap uud water ; and that ibeie
ia no rubbing, and consi queuily, litlle or no weai-
ing or ti ariuu. That il knocks off no bullous, nnd
thai the fiuesl rloibes, sncli as collar, laces, tucks,
trills, Ar., niay be washed in s ve.y rhorl liine
nithoutthe least iujuiv , and in fact wilh ul nnv
appaieut wear and ti ar, w hatev, r. We
' cheerfully recoiiimend it l our fueinls snd t i the
public, as a most ustl'ul and labor saving machine.
; CH AIif.l'.S W. HKCINS,
I ( lis Pl.Evs.WYs
(ilDEON MAT;';, r.
iton. iit ti. ;;. m:i,ki:i,
tilbt'ON I.ElsENRINIi.
(In.lUiilv Trcinoiil ..ue. No.
Heel,) Philadelphiu, Septeuiber
1 into which boais for repair are floated out of the
j canal, and into which new boats erected on the
1 yard are abo launched. A very desirable proper
ty. Price. ?2.IUUl.
No. 9. A large and exceedingly valuable faim,
containing about 200 acres of choice limestone
land, in a highly improved state. On this farm
theie are about 140 aries under culture, divided by
g.cvd feiues into fields nf ten acres; a large two
st..ry hou-e with kitchen attached ; a well and
pump of excellent water al the kitchen door; a
huge mi.l convenient bank barn with wagon house,
sheds and corn crib attached ; a la'ge picas house
with every convenience for making cider, at the foot
I of the orchard, which consists of ten acres of choice
! e afted nmile tiees and trees. Limestone is
tend at ihe dwelling of Ihe deceased, un the 1 rr Af; AU,", Eurniture Oil Chubs, Beautiful
I5ib of November licit, lo examine accounts and
make st lilt incuts. M. II. Ml I'.NCH,
Sunbury, Oct. Ill, 181 1. tit A inu's.
BAOS Salt,
I (l
wv Jo., nt 1 75 cash, for sale
Sunbury, Oct. I'.Uh, 1811.
Hearth Rugs, I able ( overs, tir Hjie, Rag Car.
pets. Mailing. Ac Ac,, tigelhir with a Uigc Slotk
I low pucttl Ingram, hntry and Stair Carpels,
Wholesale and Retail, al the lowest prices in ihu
city. C.LDRIDCE A DUO fill'. U,
No. 41 Strawberry street, nue dour alsive I'hes
uui, near 2d slreet. Entunce also nt No. 50 South
Sucond stieet, Philadt Iphia,
Sept. 28lh, I tilt 'Jin
IIihh's Ilorr.i,
1 1 11 ('ht snut
2 I si, I tilt.
I hsve. ued Shugert's Patent Washing Machine
IU m bou-e upwards of eight month.-, and do not
'.chafe lo tay thai I deem it one of the ui i t use
lul and valuable lalior-saving machines ever inven
ted, I formerly kept two women continually oc
cupied in washing, who now do as much in two
lays as they then did in one wetk. Theie is no
wear or tear in washing, and il requires not more
lluu uiie-lhird Ihe uua quantity ol soap. I have
had a number ul oiln r in . hint in my turn ly, but
this is so decidedly lo cvt ry thing t be, and
so li' t It lial'le to gel out ol i. poi, that I would not
tin without one if they tdinuhl cost lni limes the
price ihey are s.dd for. DX.MUI. II I'. ItU.
I AI.ORINES, a handsome article for Ludus'
', lor al chtnp, by
June 15. 11. B. MASSER.
quarried tn any qoamiiy within 100 yards of the
farm buil.linga, where lime is burned. It lays
within one mile of the Pennsylvania CmjiuI and Se.
liusgrove. A very desirable firm. Price, ? 1 2,000
No. 10. One other large and valuable firm of a-
bout 220 acres of limestone land, and also situated I
within one mile of the canal al Selinsgrove. Il is
will improved, there being about U10 acres well
fenced and under culture, the balance being well
lunbeie I with oak, pine, walnut and chcsiiut limber.
The huildiiitrs consi-l of a largo and well llnish.'d
two stoiy farm house with kitchen ; a large barn
win wagon shed and com oil', Ac. attached; a
spring house and never failing spiing near ihe
h.'U e ; a smith shop, and two'hine kilns, capable
of hurtling one hundred bushels lime per day, built
adjoining on exhausiless lime-lone quarry. There
are al.-o three orchards of healing apple trees on
Ibis farm. Price, f 10.000.
No. It. A farm on Penns Crei k. about 3$ miles
from the canal at Selinsgrove, wilh the public road
leading from Selinsgrove to New Beilin, the seat of
justice ol Union county, running through it. It
contain, about 250 acres, of which there are about
:ttl acres ol lirs, rate uie.ul w land, the balance up
land and principally red achate. About one hun
du d acres aie rlevred, Ihe balance being well coer.
ed w ith oak. hem'oi k and while pine limber. The
buddings consist of a well finirhed two story futm
house wilh several tine springs of water close at
hand, a large log barn, corn crib, spring house, Ac.
On ibis l inn there is a mill scite with 20 feet full,
on a si renin of water tributary to Penns creek.
This faun might be ad-aiuagenusly divided into
Iw.i firms, and will be so divided if purchasers de
sire it. Price, 5.000
No. 12. A water p .wer on Penns ('reek, of fij
leet fill, unimproved. It is sil tinted between Ihe
two tracts ol laud, Nos. II and I:), and within 3
miles ol the 1'ciiu-y Ivani ('anal, ut Seliusgrovo. A
puhl r lot. I lead- ihioiiith this trtet. along the east
bii.k .f I'einis rick Price, 500.
No. l:. A liael of woodbind containing rtiiui
75 aeies, situ .ted on Penns crei k, imti, tV;a, y ,,p.
pnsiie No. II. This tricl is we'i overed with
while oik nu. I pine timber, wiik, Volf run flowing
through it and i-tupt)ing ii'Vi Wrm cick, alluding
an exci lb nt sctie f r s . v mil wilh ft out twelve
lo iwi feet 1 .11 i'ii, e. f 1,5(10.
No II. A I'ac; nfwoodl Old. unimproved, situa
te. I on tho rs ; h ,l,i ' I'. nus k, adjoining No.
I.t, tsr,,lin'ng nli .tit 2"0 acre, of evcelleul red
-'r' f upland W. If inn, I'il'Ut.iry to Penns creek,
.tli.k llnongh ihis tr.u-l, anil atlonls a aiiperior scite
for a saw mill The land i.he.vilv s't with while
o k and pine timber, and i- sn-ei plil'le of Is itig con
v. rtcd itiio un t xeelb lit firm. Puce, ff 000.
No. 15 Oi e other ir n l . f oodland, iinimj ro
vid, Mtuaie.l in Penns i.omi-I i;. about 3 milts S, linsgmve, "tljoinieg lands of John Bailv,
( Smi h an. I other , containing lH7acri,sand 125
pert lies of t L i lb nt led seh.ile upland. Wolf run
also passes through this laud, affording water
powir. The I md is well covered wilh while oak
and puui timber, and is susceptible uf being Coll
Vfttnl into an excellent l oin. Price, f'i S00.
No. Id. A tract of woodland, unimproved, situa
tul in Union Itiwuship, adjoining lands of M chael
Sanders and others, and not more than one mile
from Sunhury, on the oppo ite side of the river
Su quelui na, containing i.bout 145 acres. 'I "hit
land vejy goml led cha'e soil, capal le of la ing
coon m d linn un t xet ll-iit I in. A stieain of wa
ter, inhtrtaiy lo the river, through this land
sufficiently strong for a saw mill. The land is wi II
coteied with white oak and pine timber. I'llie,
fi 100.
No. 17. A ti n t of unin proved woodland, silua
led ill Ciiilie township, Union county, containing
10'lacns. ail. lining lands of J W illi lunycr and
othcu. MiJdirbutg is wittiiu ihicu units, upJ
and Winter Supplies, tu an examitiaiion of llitrti
respective Slocks, believing that thoir several as
sortment sic as complete as have ever been ollci
ed in the Philadelphia Market.
With stocks of Goods in their several Depart
ments of the choicest kinds a detcrtninatioa to
sell on terms which cannot fail to prove satisfacto
ry and a disposition to please old and new custo
mers, will, we hope, be a sufficient inducement 1st
purchasen to call at our iessctive establishments,
Silks and Fancy Goods.
W cV R P Remington 80 Market Street.
j Ashhurst Ac Remington 60
J Buck tfe Potter 1 1G
j Yard. Cillraoio 10'J "
Domestic and Foreign Dry Good.
Reynolds, MiYarland tfe Co 105 Market Street.
Burnett, Withers A. Co 120 '
Scott ct Baker 1 50
Wise, Pusey &. Wise 154
Hatdy it Hackers 46 N. Second St.
Importers of Cloths, Cassimers, Vetst
ings, Acc.
William H Love 117 Market Street.
Lambert Duy 10
Hardware nnd Cutlery.
Michael V Baker 215 Market Street.
Edward S Handy & Co tf '
ImjKrters and Manufacturers of Sad
dlery Hardware.
Horn &. Kneass 215J Maiket Street.
Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Caps, Leghorn
and Palm Hats, tiic.
W E & J O Whelan, 15S Market Street.
Levick, Jenkins & Co 150 '
M Conrad tV Co 60 "
Manufacturers and Dealers in Drugs
Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c.
212 Market Street.
21 3 J "
87 "
Setley A Severing
Parker & Lehman
Thomas P James
Potts, Linn A Harris
Robinson, Collins & Co
Edward Cole
Thompson Pancoast &, Co
Hats, Caps Furs and Trimmings.
L Kenton 1 6 Market Street.
John Sauerhicr A: Brother C3 "
Books and Stationary.
fiiigg Ac E'.bott 9 N. Fourth Street.
Hogan it Thompson 30 '
Importers of British and French Fan
cy Staple Stationary.
L I Cohen & Co 27 S Fourth Street.
Henry Cohen 3
ImjK)rters of Hosiery, Gloves, Trim
mings and Fancy (roods.
2 N Third Street.
3 "
Combs, Brushes, Brnotns, tfce.
Thomas Cooper 3 N Front Slreet.
Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple
A F 0:t Monrose 16 8 Fourth Street.
Manufacturer of Patent I.ard Lamps.
Ellis S Archer 33 N Second Street.
Manufacturer of Patent Floor and
Furniture Oil Cloths.
Isaac Moeauley, Jr. C N Fifth Street.
Manufacturers nnd Importers of Pa-
Per Hangings.
Howell A; Pothers 80 A 14? Chesnut St.
: I'hik.'.clphia, August 24, lsll. 3m.
. f.llt.M FOH S.U.E,- The small farm,
I containing about 100 acres, about 2 ules
t above Northum .ril.iiid, adj. Uium lauds of Jesse (.
Horlon, John I.eghou and otheis, will he sold
cln ap, if application i made soon to the subscriber,
Sunbury. Aug. 31. H. B. MASSER
71. IV Si:i'I. The highest price will be
li given lo
for 1'lax Seed, bv
:1. Mil. H.
'Ol'TAf.'E BIBLES. Five copies of l!,e Cot
lag Bible, the cheapest hook ever ul. lulled,
containing ihe roniinentarv on ihe Old and New
Testament, jut rect ivtd and for sals, for six doll irs,
bv June 15. H. B. MASSER.
' P WELCH i.t) I'll, a handsome article, all w,s.,
1 bght ninl el.isitr, lor Summer Coals and Pauls,
fnr sale, very low, by
June 15 H. B. MASSER.
TO MLRdliMS Js. lI.Mi:KM.
. M.vV JOS. I'.. sl Al liIi,
.Vo. W, Stirth Si ennd Street, ("opposite the
Madison llnunr,J
WHERE will lief tind a general anrt- T?
no nl of I'lon nee Itninl-, All rrts, Rut-sfirs.
lauds. Peddles, Willow Pl.,tt, Rice Straw, and il.o
much adiiiiied Niapnlilan Lace.aid Fancy l!m.
nets, insni.f.M tured by us, and for sale at the tow ft
in inulucluie prices. Merelmnls and MiHinrrs nr.,
inviiel to give ni a ell itp.m visilmg tint I'll v.
Q '; N. B. Wa have uo cotutnrly inukHig our
supi iior hail snd Oil. i edgings, l of wb.B, ,
bo ro'd i hi Up, l.n ra-h.
Philadelphia. May ib.