Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 02, 1844, Image 2

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    Terrible Rteamhoat Kxplotlon.
r.ixi v to F.inurr Persons Killed and Wot xn-
1 1
Tlie Louisville Morning Cornier of tlir 21th
nit., furnishes the following account of a most
heart-rending catastrophe :--
t is with feelings the most acute anil painful
Hint we record the following fearful disaster,
"nil the loss of no many valuable lives. Tim
steamboat Lin y Walker, dipt. Vann, left this
place for New Orleans yesterday, crowded with I
passenger. When about four or five miles be
low New Albany, and just before sunset, some
parlol her machinery got out of order, and the en
cine was stopped in order to repair it. While
rngaged in making the necessary repairs, the
water in the boilers got too low ; and about five
minutes after the engine had ceased working, her
lliroe hwilers exploded with tremendous violence,
iiid 1mi rihle and terrific effect. The explosion
was upwards, and that part of the boat alxive
the boilers was blown into thousands of pieces.
The U. S. snag boat Gopher, Captain L. H.
lunhain, was about two hundred yards distant
at the time of the explosion. Captain Dunham
Mas immediately on the spot, rescuing ttiose in
the water, and with bis crew rendering nil the
aid in his power. To him we are indebted lor
most of our particulars. Ho informs us that tin
Lucy Walker was in the middle of the river, and
uch was the force of tha explosion, that parts
of the boilers ami the boat were thrown on shore.
Just after the explosion, the air was filled with
-r-rt 1
Salnrtlnv, Vr. 2, 1844.
DT7" We have delayed our paper one day, for
the purpose ol giving the returns of the election.
of nouthi'miikulanh county.
The following table exhibits the vote of this
county, in Mil, tor Van Iiureii and Harrison,
and the vote in 111 for Shunk and M.iikelund
Polk and Clay, in parallel coluins. It will be
useful for lefcrciice :
Townmim s
Suiibiiry, . .
Augusta. . .
Shamokin. .
Tuibiit. . .
Rush, ....
I'p. Mabonov.
1 Lower do.,
I Little do.,
Jackson, .
human beings and fragments of human beings. Delaware
One man was blown up fifty yards, and fell with
such lorce as to go entirely through the dec k of
the boat. Another was cut entirely in two by a
piece of the boiler. We have beard of many
Mich hea.t-rcnding and sickening incidents.
I!efre Captain Dunham reached the place
where the Lucy Walker was, he saw a number
of persons who had been thrown into the liver,
drown. He, however, saved the lives of a large
number of persons by throwing them boards and
ropes, and pulling them on his boat with books.
Immediately after the explosion, the ladies' ca
bin took fire, and before it had been consumed,
shp sunk in 12 or 15 feet water. Thus is pre
s -nted the remarkable circuiustanceof a boat ex-
I mi
I I-
IK 7
27 I
If. I
5 '
1 1 a us 1 1
:ioi i'7 !w
'J I I 101 Vi. f.
i.v. l'i.i
ins 5y in.'.
S7 ln-'l ''
an 70 ins
100 ,!-
ij.i mi 117
p. i l'jj l'ii
lC,:i Ii7 Hill
10(1 ?" lll.l
is'.i i; ','07
;;r, 'Jill till
j I ''' or.
lii-J 70 I'M I
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K7" The following advice, upon the subject of
political squabbling, though late in the season, is,
nevertheless, worth preserving, even in the pre
sent advanced stage of our political campaign. It
is only when the fever of political excitement
has abated, that many are able to see what
dunces they have been making of themselves.
The idea of attempting to convince political op
ponents, and convert them from their errors, by
heaping abuse upen theni and their candidates,
is truly ridiculous, and yet we see this mode of
political warfare almost universally pursued by
members of both parties, with vpry few excep
lions. We copy from the Philadelphia Ledger :
'TlIK I'ltOPrH THEATMFNT OF Pol.lTICAl. Op- In the present season of of political
excitement, the pla'n duties that every citizen
owes to his political adversaries, should be of
ten brought before the minds of the people.
It is doubtless true that the majority of the
members of both the great politicil parties in our
land sincerely seek to promote the interests of
our country. Though the-ir opinions are tlilior-
Susprnslon from I lie IU I lal 1 I niporl nt ,
The following document wae sent by the
House of Mishopsto the Secretary ol the Stand
in ft Committee of the Diocese, and by him trans
mitted to our office for publication. It tells its
own melancholy story, and needs no comment
from lis. The act of discipline which it an
nounces wipes oil from the escutcheon of toe di
ocese the stain by which it has of late been sul
lied. Hut let us never forget that the individ
ual who is the subject of it was once our llish
op ; and we trust that while lie lives, prayer
will not cense to be offered up that his deep de
gradation in the Church on earth, may he bil
lowed by that repentance which shall prepare
liim for a home and a brighter destiny in the
Church above.
Sniteneiof Suspension paused upon the Right
Krvi rettil Iliiiry t'ulic Onderdonk, lhietor
in Divinity hythr House of Ifishop', in (In
Earthquake In Western Niw York.
On Tuesday morning last a very perceptible
shock of an earthquake was experienced in the
town of Alden, Albian, Alexander, Attica, lli.ta
via, Uetbany, Darien and F.lba.
A gentleman from Albion states that about S
o'clock in the morning, while he was at break
fast, something seemed to strike the side of the
house, jarring it all over, rattling the dishes on
the table. The sound then passed on w ith a deep
rumbling noise like a car passing over a rail
road. At the west end of the town, a lame
brick house was cracked through in the centre,
and some of the stones in the abutments of the
canal fell out.
Mr. Follett, assistant jios'niaster at Ratavia,
says the shock was felt there at 7 minutes past
S and lasted about two seconds.
A gentleman from F.lba estimates the duration
of the shock in that place at half a minute, and
" imiih iiu in, iiifuet t'i iM.ii'ii in nr.' , I ,. .
I- ,, , . , .,, describes it as hard enough toinr open several
if rat ( on vi ntion usnmlded, Ort "Jls, H I I. , ...
.,, ... .. . 1 - , doors. It came apparently from the southwest
I he Kt Reverend Henry VUc Onderdonk, , pasS(,(, Q (hfi northrns-
Doctor in Divinity, having acknowledge! him
ent, and each pirty has its own candidate for the , S(.if t,u cnUHe 0f reproach am! injury o the ::t"i.' m Tkxas We see it stated tbat the
rresulenry, charity indueos the belief that the Church, and having submitted himself to the i v"11 01 1 r""'n olmes to I exas, as n2ent ol , " "
great object with each is thesame. The frreat yU.,nv,M olt,ie IJ(lUHe , n,BIopil in (,'cneral ! ,,,, (;,r",i," -wociatioi... has been at- ! ll '"-P- 1 be operation,
mass of the America,, people truly love their ConvcMli()ll a,.Inhled ; the said House does 1 h" V u. in giving a was borne without the p;lt,e.,t g,
........... 1 1 i . 1 I.. I . 1 t 1 .. '. iikt nt'i.b.lien nl liiliuiif 1.111
j country nnd its wclfure. It in (inly n hiiirII por
hereby a.liudge. that the said Hcurv Urtie On- : ' -!-..
III ' f'"11"' l,nr,y wl'wo ..bject is olTice, or I .ler.Iotafc. Doctor in Dm in.ty. be suspended Iron, I r"',lr1jr, "? thm,MnA r'"r"U" arn
some ether seKUh end ' 11 1 1 .-.1 1 . . 1 p'-tej from (erniany, and the agent is 111 New
N.iiii. Jin r si 111. 11 i mi. , all public exercise ol the oflice and liinctionsof ;,, , . , , . , .
'- 1 ,.t .. i...i.,o .l .1. .,r... I . . . . "rleans to purchase one huiulred wagons to trans-
101 . .. . . I me fccr.;u miniMry. ami in parncuiar irom ni. ,. ,i,(ni ,,!,..;,,.,;, ti, 1
72 . povcr.imetit, that all voters have an eipiiil right , ex,,rclliCa whatsoever of the office and work ota ! ',.,,,,;, ,lr ' , . ,.'
ion ' to vote as tl.ev deem b.vt, be ever impressed on .,, . ....,.,. of ,;0(, . j(M,s ncCl)rj ! "' a '"" M fnr ",n ( -""tirnr.
16J : ., . ." . .. t .... ... , , , I,lbl",l 1,1 l"c Cliurcli ot l.od , and Hoes accord- . of . ,mn1(),ls of )r;nic ,, th ,rjn(.0
,7 : the. Let the fallibility, loo, ol human , ll)gly so suspend the said Henry IVtic Under- j Solmes isabout to accompany Ceneial Houston,
.-, judgment ev.-r be c.nsi.lered. dunk, Doctor of Divinity, and declare him sns- ' wjio,.. a council with the Camaii
I I .et the I'enrriiiis tlioinrl.t enter I be in in. I of 1 1 . 1 1. - .1 . .t . 1 .. i .. 1 1 . . . ..
, . . r ' . . " . . . I pi'nueu irom ami oner 111c .in nay 01 vtioutr, , dies atl.l ot'.er ti of Imlians on the P.rasos
Kurnprsa lnlrlllrn f ,
"Ut:ri r.MTioi" at tiik Lomuox Cl.t m Some
of the Loudon Clubs have aik.pted, it is said, at
the suggestion of the Kev. Sidney Smith, the plan
of rejecting, for complimentaiy aJiuuiion or as
menibrs, the citizens of the repudiating states
in America.
AlMosi'iiEKlc Railway. Six miles of atmos
pheric railway, from the Daitmouth Arms to
Croydon, will it is expected, be ready in May
next. The engineer is Mr Cubitt. and the ob
ject is, by a double line, to test the principle moie.
satisfactorily than it has yet been tested on the
Kingstown ami Dalkey line.
At Coik a few days back, the brother of a
young lady publickly horsewhipped an officer 6f
a regiment stationed there, for having, arter pay
ing the most remarked attention to his sister, ab
ruptly discontinued his visits.
lr. Arnott has invented an air pump, witli
! which it is proposed to slippy a draught to furua
j ces, superseding the necessity of funnels in
steamboats and costly chimneys in engine bouses.
Recently, at Dumfries, an abscess was remo
ved from the neck of a boy during the mesmer-
a painful one,
giving the slight
est evidence of sensation.
I On the stli instant, Dr. Sytnons, who was op
I (xiseil by the Puseyites, was elected Vice Chail
; eellor of Oxford I'nivi rsity, by a majority of
1 ss. J to 1ST
Advices recvived at New Oi leans from Vera
Cm, up to the ;wtli of September, state that Xit
remaining Texan prisoners confined in the Cas
i-i ... . . . I" " " iii. 1 i.n. v, uuitii,, kuv nun oner 11 01 inuians on Uie liiasos. i . 1 n,,,, 1
j each cmen, that ... all probability Ins polilical i ,lt! ycr of your I..rd one thou.and eight I - ,l" ' 1 Vro,c' ""I,lb'""S? " w"ru rtl"""
o.-, opiKinent seeks the welfare of his country as,, l(Imir,.,: n,l forty-four, from all public exercise ' rHA,K,E I-"" -Two hundred or upwards 1 ""'1'"' ,,,,,, ,
S7 J much as hediK-s himself, and .hat be w.shes .0 j ,)VCC ,, ,.,,., , lhe miniM j f O.-rnmi. families fro.,, Hamilton county, O- Anna e.t Mix,,-.,,,,, ,be Mh uU .r, h
. benefit ,,, only hi, own party but the w..,e i Hlld froln tlll cxcrcii0 whllt.(,,VPr 0, tlie ,icc j the lub,p, (Iowa) Transcript, have ,
people, no's, Democrats and all. nml work of ltl.,.ii in tl.i Cl.nreli nf ( :,.il iii I ",;,do a purchase of I rainc LniH.rtc, v heie thev ; " , ,
I' ' , , , J anil worn ol a isisliop in tlie l liurcli ot liixl , in I ,, , ; ring Santa Anna's absence, entered upon the dn-
teach the adherents of either party that they can
Tin but has been divided into three town- rareiy gam anyming mr uieir cause oy sianucr
ships since 1 Id. Lewis and Delaware arc lhe ' w nn( nbiisiug their opiii.ients, hut that they
A proper knowledge of human nnture would ' c name of the Father, and of the Son, and ot j ,u,w '"V'"" 01,1 n Cl,y- 1'miric Iiporte if
the Holy lihost. Amen.
Phil, ('hark, Senior Bishop,
townships taken oil of Till but.
f l'.stimated.
almost invariably weaken their party by such a
course. Honesty, even in politics, is the best
E!7" The returns of yesterday's election, for !
ni il irv
ploding, burning, and sinking, all in the space : this colltVi wil, W ,oum, in ,,. ast tw0 columll, . . . , nnu ,.-,.. , pvnpp,
. , , , , 1 - - j j 1 -
ot the above tame. to ciage n,e opinionsof an adversary by speak-
ar- I injj slightly of his judgment, by charging liim
with being' bribed, by imputing to him unwor
thy motives, or by exciting, in any way, his an
gry passions. He thus only increases the spi
el' a few minutes. The screams and exclama
tions of the females, and those who were not
killed, is represented as having been distressing
and awful. We believe none of the females on
board were injured some however may have
been drowned. The books of the bout were de
stroyed, and of course it will be impossible ever
to ascertain the names of or the number of those
killed. There wereat least fifty or sixty persons
killed and missing, and fifteen or twenty wound
ed some seriously. Captain Dunham left the
wounded at New Albany, all of whom were kind
ly and well cared for by the hospitable and hu
mane citizens of that town.
The following are the names of the dead, miss
ing und wounded, so far as we have been able to
learn them :
Killed and Missino. Gen. J.W. regram,of
Richmond, Va. ; Samnel M. Brown, Post Office
Agent of Lexington, Ky. ; J. R. Cormick, of
Virginia; Chas. Bonne, of Louisville ; Philip
Wallis, formerly of Raltimore ; Rebecca, daugh
ter of A. J. Foster, of Greensville, Va. ; .Tames
Vanderberg, of Louisville ; Mr. Hughes, former
ly of Lexington, Ky. ; Mr. Matlock, of New Al
bany, engineer of the steamboat Mazeppa ;
Nicholas Ford, formerly of this city ; David
Vann, the captain ; Moses Kirby, pilot ; second
mate, second clerk, second engineer, bar-keeper
mid three deck hands, names unknown. Four
negro firemen.
WofMiEi". W. H. Teebles, very badly hurt ;
Mr. Raines, of Va., do; the first engineer do. ;
Captain Thompson, pilot, arms fracti.ieU; Mr.
Roberts, of Philadelphia, slightly hint.
It is supposed that John N. Johnson and
r.'7"Tiiit I'.i.kc Tio.N We madi
rangements to have the returns from all the dis
tricts of this county brought to this place, by ex
press, last niuht, but on account of the length of
time required to count off the names of the 2t
electors, they did not all reach here until Go'
this morning. Polk's majority in this county is
1.00, which will not vary ten votes from the olfi
cial result. In a Hay or two we shall know the
result in the ktate. The vote will prove to be
very close.
K7" Con miiia Cor .ntt. We have received
returns from four townships in this county
Mahoning has given Clay a majority ol" 3; Val
ley, Polk, HO; Liberty, Polk, 11.; Franklin,
Clay, '.1. Mahoning, where the whig have an
increased vote since the Governor's election, Polk
received chunk's vote.
EiineojHil lii rotdtr Oct. 'St.
Amiiiiib LiiiiiMni i e I' The
Reading Gazette states that another explosion
occurred on the Railioad, near P01 1 Clinton, a
few days ago. under precisely similar circum
stances with the one whic h occasioned the disas
trous loss of life 011 the 'Jut! of September last,
and which Dr. Lardner. in a very laborious report
in Clayton county, Iowa, on the Mississippi.
j The scito is said to be an excellent one, and the
j city will be tl.e most northerly one iu Iowa.
This movement will probably add l.lHMI iiihiib
, it.'ints to Clayton county. The deputation by
: whom the selection was made, rcnrt that the
j soil and climnte nl Clayton county is well udap
i ted to the cultivation of grape, und they design
': to make immediate preparation for extensive
j vineyirds.
I The Pkhi i ction ok Put ket Picking. A few
attributed to the effect of lightning. The engine
I bad taken in its supply of water, and had a heavy ! ,!a's ar ''"'V- travelling by one of the .miner
pressure ol steam, when the engineer discovered, i "s omnibuses between Liverpool and the village
1 by a peculiar hissing, that an explosion was a- ; "atcnoo, got sealeii a 01 the 1
I 1 ... .. ......... ...... .., 1 ....1 r...... .1 1 swell mob. eiinirined for his vocation with a cloak I
nc, kindly by the ham , who p.vci h.rn just j oni,lallknii.llt hat . ! al a fa,S(. pairo. hands, the latter being d.,re- I
credit for bis honesty and patriotism, who avo,dsj ()oiiefo wl ( ii (.xl,)oiU .,,0, in!l ly folded before him. While he thus appear. ,
all misrepresentation, who reasons coolly and ! ,w ,.,,,,., .. in nll ,iir,.iolM. y,.rv fortunate- ! '" " harmless as lamb, he was bu- ;
lit of opposition in his. adversary, and gives him
additional strength.
That politician who takes his political oppo-
deliberntclv, who dwells at times on the com-
ly, no one was injured.
. j . . .i - .-.r. -
nion points 01 agreement 111 u.eir opinions, wno 1 ialL). attrimit(.s . ..x ,,1..,.,,, , ,. weakness
shows by hi manner that he nuns at his conn-; l the stays acro-s the lire box, being too light
try's pood and not mere victory, who show that ' , i,ar ,i. pr,.S:iUr,. f steam re.iuired. The
Cy Now, as the elections are ovr, we slutll
be enabled to give our readers a greater variety
ol matter than we have been abb; to do of late.
.Mom 01 mem. .10 tiouni, win oe neaiuiv 01 ,
the change. For the last three mouths the wbol
country has been agitated from one .xticme to ; ft-iise, unless prejudiced in their fivor, can ea
he wishes to promote his opine.itV interest as
well as his own, who deals kindly with his pre
judices and party influences, who proves that
it is noble to abandon opinions when we are
convinced that wo are wronp, ntes the most
powerful wenHins that can be employed in a
political contest.
( )i.r partisan pnrs rarely make any converts
to their cnuse; bocause any man of common
engine was built by Mr. I'.alilw in. and bad pre
viously worked well. The company have taken
measures to examine all their engines, and guard
against the future accidents from the same cause.
' Sum mm: Ai i ii.ent The Wilkesbarre ipa.l
I Adv ocate has the following account :
Mr. Jacob Kutz, and Mr. George W. Calmer.
, both of this buiough. were out on a hunting rx-
sily engaged in cutting through the lady's appar
el to get at her pocket, from which he succeed
ed in extracting her pulse, containing six sover
eigns. j Tin: rot.t.acts for cleansing the streets of N.
1 Vol k , lor the year, have been given out. They
amount to 1.1, 1'I7.
I Tin y can smoke from TOll.nno to one million
pounds of bacon per mouth, at the establishments
! in St. Louis. Genius of Aig-arth imagine it !
charge of the duties of the Presidency of the '. 'Oth
A conduct.! of specie arrived at Vela Cruz on
the nth ult. from the interior, with jl.'.'lU.lOO.
Losing n ItV nml three Children.
Some heart-rending scenes nf suffering were
enacted at lbillalo. during the Friday night's
; storm. One Mr. Sinilli who lo.-t a wife and
! three children that night by it, and a.ive.l him
j self, by almost superhuman exertions, give a
I tin illiug account ofthe death ol his family. He
i states that his residence was 011 I'oillth street,
I on the right hand side ., the Itlai k Kock track.
1 abore Wilkesmi's Fuinace. About two o'clock
in the morning, the water 111 the house had risen
to such an extent that he was compelled to put
his wife and chil lu n 011 a table hu then found
it necessary to chail s on the table, and bid-
I ding bis lamily not despair, he put some mutches
in his pickets, and kept three candles burning
I on a clock. A few moments afterward the
I house was struck at the south-west end by un
j other house coming in contact with it, which
! threw itoll'its ion, and precipitated Mm.
1 Smith and the three children into the water. The
i lights were all put out at the same timii. and Mr.
Smith found it iuiKis-ible to catch hold of any
! of his family, except his little girl, about four
years old. He then got upon the window il!.
the other, with iolitics.
7" For the next five or six weeks the prin
ciple topic ef interest will be the election re-
,,,rE ..a tl...e -mm. in ,'roiii llie fl.irerei.t f.t:tes
' . 1 1 .r .1 k , . i pninst them
Pennsylvania and Ohio led offyestenlay, Nov. 1st. j p
most of the other States vote on Monday the -Ith
elusion, in the township of Plymouth. In clin.b
it... a fence. Mr. Ivut lell and iniiircd his arm.
sily perceive that they most impudently misre- j Mr Kt.,li.r t((Ih(. p,iu t itl h.
present lhe doctrines of their opjionent. They ( wu,,nu )i)f ,h(, ,llllHs,. , rrlIU)Vig Mr. Kutz to
increase the zeal of their own party, hut they (ijs h(in,e Afti.r vlxcm., lliin in . Wilj,oll! sir.
likewise increase the zeal of their opponents a- Ci,,uii r h,l t, the muzzle of a gun that was
1 with hischild clinging around Ins neck, and held
Tin: Is, i; f Ilii The American Ibbl ! to her until he found his strength failed him.
Society's Depository Ins i-med for the last five i u, Wils J,,P., ,,nt of In-arms lie caught
months, upwards ol lll.llllO copies nf the liible i ,x he. as rhe was washed from him. but was too
per month, l'.ibles of smaller size, neatly bound, u,.m,ihed to keep hi' hold. The window simian-now
tiiriiished at twenty-fin cent", and tes. . t,.i then burst open, and Mr. Smith was wash.-1
laments at six c uts.
out, and succeeded in gelt ing on top ol the hou
1 standing by the side ofthe wagon, to lift it in,
the Rear Gap, in a letter to us. dated Oct '.'oth. I this season
Richard Philips, were on board ifso, they arc! IK 1 1, states that a splendid tle was raised bv Lmmii dm. Tihi.e The amount of coal j
the voune Poke men of that place, in front of the shipped by the Lehigh Canal, including Mauch
house of Casper Adams, on Tuesday previous,
with proper inscriptions on the streamer. Sha
mokin is always right side up.
" and in pulling it over the wheel, the gun was
The Cai. TiMnr The total number of tons ,. , , , ,..,.. i.i... i.:s ..1.:,.
Ho instantly full
Si.vvrs LiHEi:.rEi Nathaniel H. Hooe. ,f ' from which he was rescued
King George county, Va , lately deceased, lett
by his will nearly all his slaves free, amounting
-N. Times.
. . 1. . , f 1 .11 -ii
tr?" AvoriiER I ot.E. A correspiMiilent irom ol i-oal transporter irom me . iiujikiii region , , ; t(J ( i 1 l(j
to some JIM) or 2'.'0, w ith ample provision to car- .
rv them to Liberia.
rulated in
Am:oai. Petitions arecir
gainst the prevailing prae-
I'he liberated slaves are I
tice ol sending troops to foreign and colonial
i down in the wagon, a cmpse.
The boat was owned by Capt. Vann, of Ar
knnsas, and was insured.
to be removed under the direction of the Colo
nization Society.
A LlTTLK SfEcri.ATioN. General Thomas
Thumb is the present rd-je of F.ngland. Multi
tudes flock to see him. His managerM have al
ready made f ."inOO by him.
Maj. Noah, in one of his walks through ft road
way lately, met Madame Res tell, of infamous
notoriety, Haunting in silks and satins. He thus
moralizes on the occasion:
'I was very nunr sentencing that woman to
the penitentiary. I hail prepared an address, so
true, so painful, bo impressive, that il would
have melted the heart of even a slayer of inno
cents but her luwyer stayeu proceedings by a
bill of exceptions, and now she nearly rides over
one of her judges, tosses up her beautiful head,
and 6a ys in ell cot., lelmlJ the triumph ot virtue !'
Instead of a linsey aowlccy petticoat a boddico
of the same clo'.h, fitted .closely to her beauti
ful form, her lap filled with oakum, and her ta
pering fingers tip(cd with tar flie is glorious
ly attired in rich silks and laces ; loweti above
her sex iu a splendid carriage, suaps Lei' iiu
gcrs at the law awl uJI iu pains and penalties
and cries out for new victims and more gold.
Can that Woman sleep 1 The
day of retribution must arrive, and ftarful w ill
be its reckoning.'
Fohoivkmhs. A ikaf ansJ dumb person be.
mg asked "what is forgiveness !" took a pf
eil and wrote a reply, containing a volume ol
the most exquisite poetry, as well as deep truth,
in these tew wonls: "It is the odour which
llowcrs yielJ when trampled ujion."
'Affectionate. 'My dear, you arc not ttie
woman I took you to be.'
K7 We have been informed that an express
will be run from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, with
the election returns, which will run thiough
Hariisbiirg on Sunday, and arrive at Philadelphia
lhe same evening. From thence, we presume, it
will be carried to New York in six hour, and the
resalt cifthe election in this Statewill appear iu
the New York pax-rs of Monday morning next,
the day before the election is held in that state.
l he result in this State, w hatever it may be, is
A Man Ti.iin in Pim is i.y House. A man
Chunk. Reaver Meadow, llazleton. Sugar Loaf linmt., Murphy, on Monday, was killed by a
ami Ituck Mountain, up to the Dilh iiistagt. i ; million near Kill county, Waterford. The man
2M .I'M', tons. I was turning oil the high road into the field, to
.... , ,, . make a short cut. though advised to turn back.
i.w iokk l ana 1. 1 oi.i.s.. me joiis recei
ved 011 the New Yoik Canals this season amount
to f I .'.i.'l'i, ,'i CI, being an increase over last year of
Hartley elect (the father )
Imim.iitations iiiis Yr.Ait. 'lhe importations
of foreign goods into the I'nited States this year,
will probably amount to one hundred and fifteen
millions ol dollars Of this amount the impor
tations into Philadelphia are about eight millions,
or else be might be killed by a wild horse he 1
should have to pass. Fatally for himself he tried
the --forbidden ground.' Iu four hours alter, his ; M11. W. Simms, the poet and romance
body was found toin to pieces. The horse's writer, is elected to the legislature ill South Car
hoots ami mouth were euri usted with the blood oliua, lioin the I'.aiuwill district Talent will
ol his victim. ; be rewaided.
countries. It is stated that in the l.i-t tliree
years l'i.UIIO soldiers have perished iu India,
China and l'.f rminl.i ; that in a regiment of lnoil
The inauguration of Governor of Ohio, in De- i " Jamacia, 1 Hi died They beg that im appro
cember next, will present a novel scene. The i print ions may be voted l.. sending troops out of
robes of office w ill be transfeired from sort to j the country.
sire Irom I'cniocrat to tug ac.nig iiovern
or l'artley (the son) w ill give place to Governor
supposed to have an important effect upon our j while the importation into New Vol k ate se
neighboring ttates, New York and New Jersey. venty-live millions.
The election in New Jersey also commwiu es on j
Tuesday and will last two days.
7 Akkansas F.i. En ion . The returns fiom
Alkausas show a decided increase for the demo
crats. Hrew, the reculai ilemocralic caiunoaie . ... , , , cannon : the Rev. G. W
for Governor, is elected by a maj. '.',nu0 of over j ,.,., j, iV( lo Arkansas and Texas, and
Gibson, (Wilis.) notwithstanding there weie two , tl( U(.v William J. lioone, M D to China.
dcliioi latic candidates in the field.
Anohiik Four R.we. Another piand foot
race of ten miles, w ill take place on the J'.eacon
Course, New York, 011 or about the loth of No
vember, lor a puise of tliuiO. For it, are alrea
dy entered the following principle runnel 111
the last giand race : John Gil.lersleeve ; John
Harlow, Tho. Greeuhalgh, liuiu Kuglalid; Tho
mas McCabe.
Missionakv I'.i'isi ni ii 1 v The Protestant
I'-piM'opal Convention, on Tuesday night, '.''.id
ult , coiilirmcd the apNiiitioeiit of th Rev.
lloiat.o Soulhgate, as u Missionary Rishop to
rr7";ideon H. Smith states iu the National
Intelligencer, that he has discovered a ceitain'
cure for the whooping cough. He refuse to
I make the master public, but will furnish enough
for a patient for 1 . j
X7" To Xf.wsi aii.ii Delim.i enis The last j
i Madisoiiiaii contains the following rather sig-
j wiliciiut announcement We ' go in" for paying
I printer ourselves :
I '-We have a iiKist abusive letter from an tx
' subscriber charging us w ith getting him turnttl
I out of ollice because he would not ay his sub
Mi iption !" Mr- is informed that when we
! detected his purpose to swindle us we did all in
I our power to have him 'tinned out.' That he
j ha been turned otli' we are most happy to
, leuro Geo. .lack.on ued invariably to turn
I out' men. whether high in office, or low, lor
.it .. .1 . ..ii,.n,in I bvit 101 1 1 .11,.,.. r,..un:iner 1. rioter :' and we trust
ni ,iif nt-1,1 , jf uu ui r. mourn,,. y ,
be. Do and. nurse that child tliis minute, or I every Pre.ident we l.all have, whether Dcmv
, I t rat or Whig, w ill keep up the practice ."
The Great Hun ain Sri:. umiii- is on the eve
of being relieved from her confinement in the
Rristol dock.
The F.iimtive M11.1rA.iY Force in Ireland
011 the 1st inst , including cavalry, infant!)' and
aitil'.cry, was '.'li.Wlll men.
Tricis or Lai. us' Siiawis The F.vcning
Mirror says that at a sale of India Shawls, on
Thursday, by Messrs. Foster A. Livingston, se
veral shawls old a high a $0.'jU and liL0 ; o
lhcrat5K0, iU0, i.c
A Keamm: Cirv. St. Louis, which has a po
pulatioii of only :j.0llll, Iwiasts of twenty-seven
Newspaers. Wc cannot say how many are
F.iii rrioN. Mount Vesuvius is full of lava,
and the springs are all dry an eruption is short
ly expected.
1 M.w-of-War Rii;i This rare bird was shot
lately on Morris Island, near Charleston, South .
Carolina. It measured fiom tip to tip of the
, w iugs, seven feet.
An Immense Foiiti nk. It i said that the
late King of Sweden left a private foitune of
li, lllio, OIHI. It i well know 11 that alter he be
came flow 11 Prince of Sweden, he invested his
money iu every peiulation.
Cost or Monocolv. The Liverpool F.cono
imst calculate the extra cost of bread, Irom mo
nopoly, last week, at X JS, i0 ; of ugar, at
X.r)S,.'l'tl ; and the total extra cost ol both, from
January lt to October S, at Xlt,13'.' 3 1 .
1 Vf.i.etaiu.k Foon A Dr Lainbe, in Kngland,
J now Ml years old, lived for the lakt 111 years en
tirely on vegetable diet He ha certainly given
the system a good trial.
i A :rw Comi't Dishovkri u. A comet has
hi en discovered at Charleston College, S. C,
V S Senator F-i.t . r,,Samuel S. rh, lps ' wl'ich has been in the
ha. been re-elected I mted Stales Senator for oarlh since June last, both journeying in the
the next six year., by the Legislature of Vcr- , "ie direction, at no greater distance from each
111011l 1 other than from T0 to "J") million ot miles.
A Pn ism in, eh Roiiiieii anii Nearly Miti
i.hia i.. The Pittsburg Spirit of the Ag- says
Mr. Dill A. Smith, of that city, was robbed on
board the steamboat Fulton that left thciv. oil
Tuesday last, by Dr Tuppan, of Steubeiiville. a
son of Senator Tappau, of Ohio. Mr. Smith had
just written a letter to his wife, and while in the
act of sealing it, he observed Tappau iu his state
room w ith his money in his Nssession, and in a
struggle to recover it fiom Tappau, the latter
threw it ovei board, and shot Smith ill the shoulder
Mr. Smith bled ve. y much, and is seriously, but
not dangerously wounded. Tappau was arrested
ami i now in Steubeiiville jail.
An Omni iu , iu New Yoik, on T'.i.sday even
ing, was driven by accident right into a diy
good store. The (.mini. ns was lull of passen
gers, who were thus made ,-to go shopping''
without impiiry. Shot king.
Wan.ih to Die A lunatic in Paris, who
had been lately discharged asiuied, laid himself
in the way of a heavily laden wagon, which
passed over him and crushed him to death.
Tiif. Sol 1 11 Carolina Sknatoiis The Ham
burg (S. C.) Journal say the Hon. Mesis. Geo
McDullieand D F. Huger, will continue to hold
the seals they fill iu the Senate.
A'iiiii i i.i 1 ni: in China. Agrii ultural imple
ments have been discovered among the Chinese,
w hich were supposed to be only known to F.uro
pean and American nations, such as plougk,
common harrows, winnowing and even thrash
ing machines. Ad. led to these, there is no con
sidciable field which does not kiscss its chai.i
puuip for the purpose of watering the crops Irom
the lowei levels w ith small labor to themselves.
To Detect Arsenic A capital idea has been
promulgated by a French chemist, and that is
that arsenic should never be sold unless mixed
with one per cent, of sulphate of iron and eyan
ure of n.tash, w inch would cause it to color or
change the color of any food or drink with which
it was mixed.
Tin Nr.v ins 1 r.Ai. of 0srit:s A hoit time
since as a paity of fishermen were scraflng for
oysters in Kochyran, a Lake in Scotland, where
they abound, a large keg of Cognac P. an. ly co
vered with hellish wa taken up by the drag
Interesting 1 o Sni ie Takers. Anl'.iiglish
paper allege that Guano, the new popular ma
nure, is extensively used iu the adulteration of
Close Resemm.ancc There is a Justice in
New Yoik, who so closely resembles Father
Miller that he cannot be told a a it from that
worthy prophet Parson Miller, himself, met
the Justice on Monday, and was so struck w ifli
the resemblance to himself that he inquired of
bini what time he intended to kindle up.
1 noiiROWTN.i a Kiss The N. Y. Sunday Mer
cury says "We asked a pretty gu I, the other day,
to give us a kiss ; but the coiild't aflord it She
said however she would lend us one, provided
, We would return it
j It is needless to add that we borrowed the ar
j title and returned it promptly "