TI IDIS OF T1IH " AMKUICAX." H. H. MAsXriK, JOSEPH ElsiEI.Y. I'l-BLIHItEnS 1KD i Pro HOPRIKTOR1. . It. JI.1SSKH, Villi or. OJfM in Centre Alley, in the rear if It. I!. Mas er's Store. THE" AMERICAN" is published every Sntnr tlay nt TWO LiOLEARS per niinum to be paid hnlf yearly in advance. No paper dieconlim tied till all arrearages nie paid. No subscriptions received for a less period than MS month. All communication or letters on business relating to the nll'ice, to insure attention, must be POST PA IP. DSmiMM-iaMfi ' 313205? FE1T1TS?. & CO. Manufacturers of I'JIBR-LUS, PARASOLS, mul SIX SHADES, An. MM Mmkil Strict, Phil a ili'lp liln, B.NVITE the attention of Metchiints, Mainific Hirers, Ac.. Ar to tlieir veiy extensive, ele- H int, new stock, prepared itll ureal enre, and of- j ti rod at lliu lowest p. ..silile prices lor cash. The prim i b' on which this eonei rn is establish- ' r.l, id to com-ult the mutu.l intcicst of their eu-to- ! inrrg nn I themselves, by m iniihictiirtnii a u od r- 1 t r e, selliio! it lit ili.i low st pi ice lor e.ish, and . T.-.t "izi i if i li ir own r. inuiii ration, in liie amount of : sales and quick reiums. I'iwh, ssinu inexhaustible fn-ihlics for nvwnfac- j tore, ihey nre prepared to supply orders to hiiv ex- I teiit.nnd n pi eifullv solicit the patronage of M.r- chants, M.iiiul'irtiiit rs and 1 li o't rst. (J y A liii.e assorlint ill of the .New Ne t'urs j tain I'ninsols. j l'liil.iilel,.hiii, .lime 1. 1811 -ty .1(1. IJ?i IH !l!:t StlCI'l, run. iK!,ii!i v. j rrni; M'iisci;ini:u, nreniiy -f Ken. hep, I'.'., would inform lbs pub ".t lie tint In' has lilted up 1 nlh.vc cup 1- - "'t-.w-j.oi..- ii'i l cnllil lljrllt I Stiili'is'lllieiit. Illlll will always be r. ad, In enter! -in visitor. His en. ntl'ord full a-sin line, llml his musls vvdl be. sup pled wiili cveiy comfort mid accomin. da'ion ; whilst lits house wiil be (mine ed m der si, eh ar linncmiits as wdl si run' a ch.rictei' hr the lirst responsibility, ai d sn'i.-f.tctory eiiterlaiuineut for in tlividuals ami fam.l e-'. Charge for boarding f 1 perd'V. DAMHL 1IE1JR. Phil.idi Ipbia. .Tav 1311 ty IJoots, Sh li!ii)cis. I,(:h(if!i and J'lilm l.vn( Hats. (1. W. tV 1,. !5. TAYLOH, :l tin' S. V.. corner of Market inn! 1'iHL Sts. IEILADSLPHIA, ( )FI-'KU f"r '' ""e'.ie nisoium nt of the . y 'above in'icb s, all of which ibrv sell at unusual- ; ly low p,ices,nd p.ir.i. ul.ily u.vil.- tl,e alMilion , til' buyers visiting the ci'v, t nu muieieiti n ol' their utotk. (i. W. A !,. I!. I'A Yl.UR. Pbila,lel.bia, M-.y S3. !S4-t.-ly 'PlinsE pe.sons - ( !oiniiiiiiiv.iiillb l avioir demands ncainst the lb tor 1 bor in if riue. t. ni inate- lidls fuiliishr b r ibe r p drs of llir ..Htli Elraruii ( anal, prior lo the hh i'ay tit" .latiuary, 1S11, who have Hot 1 : i i t.-i ! iii the si.lisi" il'i r mi ai count of tbe fame, are r. quested to do so nt ilie raihest possible iiiorneni, in or b r that they m iv be put n form f ir eeitlenient. ns sunn is the fund ai.pn.piiated for the j I II V Hit lit of i. Id di bis t ill be ot turned. Tho-e livi a, a .hsiauce are re,pi, s., . for- wnrd by mail or otherwise. W.K. MAFFKT. Wilkesbirre, 1ny I I, 11-1 if Supervisor. I il2"OVAL. DOCTDIl .1. 15. M ASSEI!, KKM'FC TFFI.I.Y informs die eii iens of Simburv and its vicinity, 'but Hjtfl helms removed his nlliee to ihe while ik- biiililinij in Market Squ oe, ensl ol lia T. i;ieuienl's -rue, uii.l ininii d im Iv opposite the po-t (illiee, win re he will be happy to receive cj;1s ill the line of bis pro'ession ISunbuiy, May -1 lh. Isll. i) a i i) i: a s s' l'atenl Fire ami Tliiuf l'ronf Iitm Clii'sts, Slaiu lined Ki'lVigcratiits, with Fillers attached wlien te(iiired. EYjLITO T, W.TSOIT, J'o. Hi South Ihiril St., oimsitc llir I'.jihantie, PHILADBIiPHIA, M . I r At. I I o I. -m l ,:, , (K,-J ? "'"Hi . ilkeep lor sale Ptvin r.uss f ( ( !cl r iled W ilier and Pruvi. i.o, (' . .1. r- ami I'.i'eet I ' r- - fj ii 'p. i; ' ' ''Uiiiim Fire mid Thief P,,. I &i,J?W! r.in Clit-I-, for lie-trviiiii fi&Li-iv"'' 1!""k' '''i"'"'- P' "'' "' 'v. -': 2 .. '-' (J, .1,1, r-ilver, Ac, Ac, made ill" Lloil r Iron, (and um on r Plank us u in ly-live Pill of every one bun. hi d now m use and lor -ule are made.) vl'h fir-! rate I. "cks 'ind Divi.l Fvm' Patent Kevhoh' ( vets similar to tin: one exl.i' it i d at ihe Philadelphia Kxe'iiaiiue, lor lluee nion'.hs in the .umiiier of s , when 1 1 the Kejs weic at liberty to be used, and the ( lust not opened. k. lliounh ihe evperiui. m w as til. . 1 ' y at le ist 1 .iU() persons. One of the same l.oeks was liied by Itobln rs, at lie Ib laivare Coal Oliiee, in WnhiUt street, above Th.td, but ih I not stiecei d. (Xj' Jloisiinij Mai hines, In n Poors, supetioi I, oiks, and all kinds of Iron Radices, Ccal and l!u. pving I'lessrs, and SunlhtMiik i;ent r..l!y , on bund or manufactured at the sborle .t notice. (Jj CAPTION' I do hereby caution all per. sons ni; oust uinkii i;. n-ii;n, selliiie, or caiisini; lo lie old, any Key hole Oin eis lor Fire Prool Cbesls, or Poors, ol anv kind similar in piue iple to my I'aleiit, of lUtb J iiv, 1st 1 , mid utsu jo aiusi I. in in u Kefriiternturi well Hale, for wh.ch my Paten! . dated S'ith Mareli. lull, an any lufiiiigfiiic lit will bo diult wiih according tu law. DAMP FY A.N .S. Philidelphin, April Ft, ISM. ly FOREST VILLE mt iss i.uarr iiv t i.ot ks. 'I MIV. mbscriber tins just nceived, for sale, a tew ; of Ihe above clebraied FiRht lay tl.Kks, 1 wmcn win . ' ( t-i(H.kiI f ,he )el j,,;, ... , o ....i.. i r . , . I . . . . i : l ...:il l.n I... ....h ..I 11 ami iiu iliiVi w on n in n- i r . Also, superior Hrastt DO hour Unrka.al S mj. iiTON'H WAKE for sale. s5 'izf Slime Jtiirs, fnnn I quart to 3 galloon, fill Sione Jjis, fnvii 2 In enllon- For aile Oct. 1 1 II. H. M AFK. cheap, I v Absolute acquiescence in the derisions of the lly -HaNscr i:iM-ly. 1'ium I he Citizen Suhlirr. The following isi a sketch of the Revolution, portraying an event in the life of Gemiuai. llKOUliE WasIII.MITON. iiii: THAI TO Ii FOILED. A SKETi II OF THE REYOLITIOX. I N O N K V T. D v J A m eh hues, kscj. Ciunu-ruus i the Sketch. Urn. Wash ington, Col. Smith, Sergeant Jones, Ho h'rtsthc Traitor, British ((!ieer, solilicrs, t-r., Mrs. Huberts, Mary. j Si i:m: I. A Wood. Muter Serjeant Jones with ten Ainrricnn ssulil icrp. j ,S.r. Halt: j Eutor Co. Smith. I Col. This is well 1 fee yon linvc selected I cut ju-t siicli men ns tho cotnninniler can rely . u n m. Ttiko tlirm to the (icricruls qunrtrrs, 1 and be caiitiruin that you make no allusions to the purport of tlieir duty. .S'rr. I obey sir, Out I nni as much in the : dark its my no'ti nro, but I lutve lieurd j Col. Hush! mini; this way. .S'rr. That it is the intention ot the Hritish to surprise our (ieneral in ii : m walks, mid that la rue rewards have been ollered to any one who will 1 tray hill). Col. Yes I such i. the fact, nnd the (ieneral is perli'i-tly awnro of their (lesions, nnd these ( ten met! are wriiited liir a seeict and important j t .vpedition, which I have atreiuly hinted to von. j Sir. Those rebel 1 lotines are nt the bottom : of this base Rttotnpt to cut rap our (ieneral. ! ( 'r,. 1 think not, we have every reason to I . . ; btlieve that it emanates from a limber source, i .... . ' and Hritish gold has been lavished to etlmt this inlnnit. us design. Hut we will thwart them, j Americans are not to easily deceived, nor can I tlf.v W,C1, n. iole nation is ai one universal . . , ,- , ' '' ""US of their em es. j v e tight tor liberty, law, nnd justice, they tor arbitrary power, and despotic rule, to gain our piie, life itself is but nia feather in tbe mighty scale. So ('ii to the cam p, Sergeant, and obey your orders, remember ourCeuerul's life may depend upon your silence, and btnet regard to your instructions. Vr. 1 know my duty, altho, I do not know all in relation to this mysterious movement. Col. As yon ure to command the men the mystery will soon be explained. exit. (Sergeant rxei cises the men, and marches ,,. . , , . ' ,,r,l,ll ""'"' Scum: A room in Robert's House. F.n- ter ltuberts, and Riitish efiieer. Holier ts As I stated to you vtMerday, he i comes here twice a week. j Ojlin r rnattenih.d ! ' Huhirs. Aye, alone. (ftlicer. How fiir is your house from the camp, Ihe American enmp, I mean ! I Hiihrrts. About two miles nnd a half. i (Hiiri r. Short distance lint as your plans I are well laid tin rj can ho no danger of a sur- j l)riS1'- j Hohirts None whatever. He is above ' suspicion, nnd would sooner suspect his chief officer of treason than he wrnld me. (hi! nr. Are you sure of that, for we rely al together upon the intimacy and confidence he has in you and your family. llotarts. I le can have no doubt ot my sin cent v, as we were sch'io'uiKtes. ('it er (aside) Scoundrel. And be looks upon yen as friend ! lotints.'ft. OJiar (aside) The gallow s is too good lor such a rascal. And you are pledged to betray Ii mi ! .'ii'ii'fv- For the cor.si duration named in the nreemelit. CKirr. Which is J'oln rts. Ten thousand dollnrs ! O iYrr. So reads the bond, and, by the way, you have a family ! v Hoh'i ls. A w He ,ind one child, a daughter. Opii i i. And the Gent ral takes tea w ith you frequently ? Holnrts. As I said befi re, frequently. OJJinr. Yml understand uur plot w hich is to surprise him here ! Holm Is. I do, tor it w as I who arranged it. O'Jicir Indeed, (aside) Precious villisn. HoIhtIs. Precisely at 1 o'clock un t llieer wi'h ten men, must bo in yoti corridor. Dflirvr. Precisely at I, they shall be on the spot. Hularts. I leave you now, and remember s r, my family as yet know nothing of this. I exit. liftrrr. Nor should they. What a cold- bloudcii coun,lr'l : here is a man. an Ameri- cul,i ,ur a paltry sum of gold, would betray intii mil lunula I lin limn uluini nil turn Anil li'nr --i n .... , 0- w,nnl iie nation Sie;tks as if he Were a (iod, hose very name makes the bravest heart in the llntish army quake with fear, for it is a name to be dreaded. There is death in its very 'sound, he is tho champion ol Hbetle, and men JNBITKY AB AND SIIAMOKTN JOURNAL: majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which there i no appeal hut to force, the, vit.il p'inriplc Kimbuiy, Aortliiimhci iuml to. la. Saturday, Xov. 'I, mi l. who cnfjnjje in it causrt value life ah nothing. I reoret my position in tho flritinh iirmy which ' plures me in n situation to net contrary to my wishes. .My duty, however, is to obey orders. J exit. Scene!?. The whole Aniericnn encamp- : tnent, soldiers under arms, Wnsliinton fur- rounded by his stuff, gning proudly down the ; cry out, "o on and compter," 1 have pout! on Hno. ! and with that sound rinoino; in my cars, will I Washington It is well. Now send Col. still continue to move onward, until the great Smith to me. ' work is achieved, or I perish in the attempt. Col. Smith. General, I await your orders. I It is true the power and influitice ofrreat llri HWi. Ah ! Colonel, n Word have you o- ' tain still keep the fcale against us, they heap beyed my instructions'. j gold and men upon it. and our liht weight is Col. To the very letter. j tossed in the air, hut the nonius of Liberty, will Wash. Punctuality in military matters, is kick the beam, and we will nut-wciyb Ihemyet. ns important, as it is in commercial business, j Hark! a footstep. Many a battle bus bet-n lost for not ndherinir Miss It '1'is father, strictly to the rules and regulations of war. ! F.uier Roberts, nitatml. Col. I am goiti to visit my friend Roberts, the ! Wash. V II, mi rinnl, we have been 11 hour is near, and punctuality you know ! waiting your miming, and in your iibsenee we Cot. Rut (Jeueral, will you not be advised, ' ,nv iuduloed fieely in the prohi'.iitetl arliele some accident, some delay Wash. Hush ! speak lower. I have arranged my plans. Pear not Col. Col. Would it not be well thnt 1 Wash. Should remain silent, remember ! Col. I am silen', sir. Sergeant take tin? nun nrround the barracks by the riverside. (Kxerri--e nnd march oil in true military style diluting the (ieneral, and stall' as they pass.) II '. Now Col. I leave all the rest to you and remember ever) thing is to be done quickly nnd with the utmost coolness. So convicted am I that an especial Providence watches over the destinies of our country, and the humblest in- strimif.lit fiiiriiirf.il in I'o r r li i.r ! t, it tL.t t,..,,e , . ,, F T ,. . . i iiuli 1 1 , to. ii ivw nun iiiiiu iiiittoiiirt' rutrt- , ".. , . .. . Iv as a light lurce got up to amuse me, previous .' .. .. , . .. , . . in i iti- oicui iiiiL'tdv 1 1 id i is ei m ue enat-ieo. See that my orders are strictly uUcndcd to. exit Scene 1. A Landscape The Hritish camp I in the distance cer. i.nter HoUerts anil linttsii citi- mv.., t.. ;i .,r. i. ...:n i. I , ii. i i . .i i j r i u-ti hi ii pin i nit ii w mi hit inr tap of the drum, and the moment you perceive us in the lawn before your house, prepare your- self, mid your family for the event. Holierts. Pour o'clock precisely. (H'nr, Precisely lour, and remember, sir, that the moment I suspect yon of double deal- ing in this mutter, your life shall pay for it. Hoheris. This suspicion sir, is ungenerou.', I have embarked in that w hich it. bad enough, without your doubts of my faith added to it. Dijiri r. It is on thai very account 1 suspect you, but no more of this, we now understand each other ! exit. Hoherts Wbiit is it I am almut to do ! be- ' tray the man, whom all admire, turn traitor, nnd deliver into the hands of the British the' man w ho seems destined by heaven to give free- (loin to his country ! (muses) He has sat nt my table, drank of my cup, ute of my bread. He loves me nnd my family, nay lie served us on : ,1)rf. occasions than one, and Judas like I'll sell him for gold-gold, thou t.iup'er of the soul, thou devil in.-iduous, pow erful and deter- mlm.,. Fr thee, I do this, and blast my repu- : tation, and hand my name down to posterity blackened with the execration of a nation, and pointed at on the page ol history, in every age, ns toe treacherous host, uni! baje friend. .No mat'er, ere tnat 1 shall be in my grave, and wnat is posthumous fame to putrid flesh or rat ting holies ? .Nothing. I will do the de al and dread ihe worst. .Now mu.-l I clothe my face ill .smiles and un i t loin. (exit. Si t;y. "i. A room in Roberts' hoiis", with a dimr in centre, with two largo windows, o-p-ning on a lawn, &c, Mrs. Roberts, daugh ter iiiid General Washington seated at a table (kinking tea. (Si n. Mrs. Huberts, I mus; compliment you again, lealiy you should lake out a patent fur making tea. Mrs. H Will you hae another cup (ien eral ! (Stil. l'lolll such fair hands, a do.en, but what has become of my old friend ! Mrs, It. llo said he would be back in n few moments. ! sometimes think general that your visit here if known, would be somew hat gerotts, we (tie two miles from t'ue tainp. I dm. I h ive niton thought so myself, ma ' tlaiii, but the pleasure of your company and , that of your husband, and this nulling gir1, i 1 enough to render danger more an object to be j courted than shunned. j Miss Jt You soldiers are such flatterers. (Sen. It is because our cause is flatterin ' then. Mrs. A' -And nightly do I pray that it may succeeil. ' (fen. I he prayers ot tho good nvaileth , much. For it is not brutal force alone that ud- ; vances a good cause, it is in the organization of ! nie mi-li, tno motive, ana onjects tnai umnoe . i . , . - ......... them to take up arms : it is thus acting in con- 1 cert, ami relying on that p. wer, who protects 'hose that trust in it, and who will never lor- take lliosu who are cimH-td i.i a rijglitcuus 1EBIC cnuse. It is tint assurance tnnilau: lias kept up my spirits under all trying occasions, it is that, nnd that only has carried me through so many dangers, and when in the deep villies of Valley I'tiiec I have knelt down and prayed lor our cause, it Kenned ns if on the midnight Ineeze, amid the rustling of the leaves, I heard n voice of the social table a good cup of ten, ah ! ma dam you know how to miko it, the fact is the whole ar! u ml mystery of preserving that as sociation of the tea table, w hich we all love to dwell upon, consists, listen to me Roberts, I nni complimenting your wife. I iy the whole mystery lies in the knowledge of why Roberts ate you unwell ? Hot. Yes, yes slightly indisposed, but stand on no eereiiiot y with me (ieneral. Mrs. Ii You are lint well my dear, do sit (low ii and take a cup often. 7ii.--Nt now, not now, 1 I nm somewhat nervous, and tea would only aggravate it. U'si. It has made people nervous ere this and aggravated a whole country! Hark I certainly heard the tap of the drum again ! Huh. (aside) it is the signal. Miss Ii. What does it mean ? Wash. Another cup ifyoti please, why how agitated you are at thetnp of the drum. Mis. 1! If they should be Fnglisb, Ciell- (.rai)ni) yml ngardeil ! iru7i. I ugiiarded madam, they are never unrarded who put their trust there, (pointing nprj,) yet that sound has Fnglis.li music in jt ' Miss H (Running to the window nnd gar.- ! intr out, Gracious lienvens, they nre Hritish soldiers, and approach the house by the lawn. j Holi (nside) Halt an hour before tlieir time. ' Mrs. A' Oh General run, run. ' Hoh. Silence, what has the General to fear in my house. MWi. True, true, nnd ns the word run, is not to be found in my vocabulary of words, w hy I w ill even trust to nvj frit ml Roberts here for prott ctinn. I think I must taste another cup ot tea, remember iuiiiIhiii your cups are small. You look pn'e, cheer up. Mis. H. I do not understand this. Hear ( ieneral had you not better but now it is loo late. Filter on the law n in front of the door, and visible through the two windows, which should reach lo the floor, an olucer w ilh ten men, dressed in the Hiiti.-h uniform ll'rxA He'trayed ! nh, w hat is the inclining of this Roberts ! A'nr. That you are my irisotier, and I lF.w'i. A traituroiis ilii hi ! Mis. ami Miss H. (iraeioiis heaven, can this be, Oh ! (ieneral we nre innocent. Hoh - Silence, and quit the room. Mm. I'. And the house torevi'r- tVoiii tlii ii it -iiit nt wo tire strangers. The man w ho 1 would betray the sii,our of his country for gold, I would imt stop to sacrtice wife nnd children nt the Mime shrine, coiue inv child. Pure Weill I tu ral, these It ars ure all that we have to of fer m your behalf. Wash. They are enough, the tears of the w idow and orphan, for nieli indeed vmi nre now, :ire a- holy iucens" n-cemkig n h;,i,.sl tisp.i.k trumpet l. indued in behalf of cur coun- ti-ysciu-e. exit Mr-. R um! daughter. .Now ill si ii what do you ri i pi .so ! 7io'. Tins, advance soldiers Tin y enter through door, march dow u the centre, bet'.v ecu Washington a ml Robirts. Si i.e him, he is your prisoner, tin ward--men, the man 1 now place into your hinds i.. Gi:v Giuuh.i: Wash- im; i on. S.,t.!i, rs. -In. nt ami pit Mil their arms.) iy in their hands, H'ii --Train t, he is aln as he hopes lo be in their hearts. Seize this villainous I rnitor, w ho would tleliier your Gen eral into tbe hands of his enemies. ,W,.-Whttt, tricked at l ist- hark ! there is , l",l"'','- 1 Wash. N.MiHian.tliiit lap of your .Inim, a tap of allium, is but tbe knell, in. not il ' death, but capture, bark! loud bouts l'0 ; wiu.oui , no near mm. )our ten men are . m the liands ol tome twenty ot mm 1 I were nu hull' an hour tiat late ! Hoh. Lead on 1 tun ready in die.- (Music, ..ili.i i . i i yannee uo-mie, m il.e nisiai.c.o it uijr.iicu.s nearer enter twenly Aim m an soblii r. W illi ten Fritish prsoneis .-hunts, tve , c. MVA. So fails, and mi .pern-hes all llnine w ho would cuilvivor to ihtrov ui.d Olait the AN. and immediate parent of despotism. .1 tr-rKiiso. ol. 5.. Wliolv Xo, Mi l. pro p"cts nf n people fi'ht tip; lor tlieir Inde pendence. A.:d it is to he Imped thutall traitors , ,i , -, , a t . ,r 1 to their country will be m ule to stiller thrmioli- ,, .. , -nil- 'ii i out nil tune in the cnimnr Republic. 1 he ; ... , . ... ,, i cause oi l.herty is u ri"bteous cause, no other! ,!... ,t ;,.!,,: ,.r t in.' .i. ,..,, t,n0 i over the weakest instrument of HIS holy pnr. ' 1 m. . .i ii not permit a b ather in our plumed 1 I i , , .. . . i ol i it IviL'le, eiulilem ol our country, to bo milled. On i to the camp. (.Music, y.mkeo doodle, curtain falls. The end. ltt-tunrLnlilr Itot-K, One of the most remarkable rocks of which we have tiny knowledge, hn.3 been lately disco vered m tho middle of that great inland sra, Lake Superior. l!y a oentleman who has re cently returned to this city from Copper Har bor, we h-niii that a shaft of trappc rock has ve- ,.i , , , rvl iti lv been discovered, rising in the lake ,,,, ... iii i iroin Lit) to 'JIKI mib s Ironi land, nnd ascending , ., .. .... . , , , above tho surface ol the water, a distance ef ,,,,1 .1,.,,... I.,,.r l...,l lint nihilnrj if tiir.rn ov- traerdinary is, that it stands alone, and all a- union it.sirmi iisifA.liilMiuiii'ii.-, li'i'. uivn inuiii., no bottom lias been reached by any of the lead j . ... - , ,,. , ) lines u--ed on the hike, and the point of the rock ! , : U.-eif does not exceed an area of more thnn six i , . ... i or seven leet square, nnd so tar as observations i .... , , , . . i of it imve extended, it does not appear to en-! , . , i i. t ii ) laroe m size ns it descends. It lias already, he tt'itt , , , ,i beeiiine a source nt alarm to the mar- inerswho navigate the lake, who take special care in .a.s!i , to "Jvo. it us wide a berth as possible. It is loo smai! loo remote and dan gerous to admit of a light, and therefore, its re moval has become a matter of serious impor tance, nnd will doubtless pertain to the duty of government. A single blast, from ft bore of suf ficient depth would probable do it, but the sur face of the rock being so near that of water, and the (.pace so narrow as to forbid any regular lodgment tiT workmen, they would have to bo attt nded constantly by a vessel of sufficient size to resist any sudden storm of Ihe lake, and would also have to be kept constantly under way, as no harbor or even bottom for tin anchor is with in a day's sail. The discoverers relate that the rock appears to be a place of general resort lor the Salmon Trout of those hikes-, as they found thern there in almost incalculable numbers, having, during their short stay, caught several barrels with no other instrument than a rod of iron, on otic end f whirl, ti,... mrned n l,ok. Thev tried with - - all their lines on board, lor foundings immedi ately around the rock, but without success. Such a vast column, could it be exposed to view would laugh into ridicule Cleopatra's nee dle, Pompey's pillar, the colossus of Rhodes or any production of ancient or modern art. t'iitshurm Du ly Amerifan. A Mniltrl fur Itti. In the district of Hettiin Sooar, a mountane oiis country, inhabited entirely by the Hcrber .! .1 I I 1. im .- getting husbands. In fact, the whole af la ir resolves itself into the women selling them selves ; but to escape the ignominy of such .1 prereiliiie, the trufl'e is carried on in the follow ii g iiiai;"i r : I'-uch Im'y, desiring to enter in to wtt'l icl:, dresses herself in her best and most becoming u'.tire, ai d Inking with her a piece of ciii'li of her own weaving, sits down unv eiled in Ihe market place. The men, both young and old, who nre candidates for matrimony, par ade about the market, i xmiiiiing the texture of the cloth displayed by the ljilies, and scrtttini ivngnt the same t'me tin ir looks and behaviour. Should t'.i' cii-toni'T be plo ts, ., with the ma;d en, be i'noiires ihe price i t the cloth ; she re plies by iniuiiug what, she would expect as a dowry, nnd the amount of ibis she raises or do- i presses, iiccieilii gas t he ca oihento tor her heart may nlea-e her, resorting t,, demand ot nn e.v 'ihilant s:n 1 1 . t . t ! -1 she be iiverse to the pur chaser, Puiing this barter t'le enamoured ; swam is aide in some degree to judge of her j temper and t Irirael r. If lin y cume to an a- gre. unlit, top piientsot the gul a re a ppoiiled ti. illlll llii-V loilo li e It 'lit i.t !U t it... r.a,. I I.e. ri lj i'irn to a pub in eoiarv, t!i. contract is made, and il.e purchased, i ride is carried ill'ln I her new home. In this trall'ic. widows aro at H ,,nv re )ri(. , ,,.nrraIi Uul ,i.vr,.ea huU,s sell tlieir cloths very cheap. 'Flie w lib thus ,,.,,.,, r.lllo, 1h. r,,M,,,,t however much the rcwer iniiv rei.ent his ban-aiii. She is h,s tll wedded wife, and retains the purchase .,,.,, , l(r ,.i,lltlri. or l!owry. J, w evident lluil tins curious mvslein nl bailer has been resorted to by the.-o Mahonn'tlail inoiiu- taineers as means of evading the lew of Ihe lr,1,l, t) tt,jc, i,lUrd.i.ts all tuurtship bcl'tit imiliiage. - - . - .Never nquesl y.nir wife til you luvoom ) lo be tilent, bmtiLL it's a. king an iinpo;ribiliiy. irioes,,, .Morocco, mere is one piace wuere, uu- j tho.e uiH sllflke t06hw that, in vointof hunin ring the fair, a barter of a very curious kind nitVi ,he eBrt .as jrreatly improved. LetCr takes place. This fair is held once a year, and , 'the ijl)nijtm Mrninir JfrrulJ. i chiefly resorted to for the puriiose of bachc- , , , , .. ." . ii , .i i " '": 1 At lonv Gihl. I have seen myse I', lors finding wives, married men adding to their I ' ... ... , . . on the third floor of a woolen factory at Tanfl- nritrnnouial Irensures. nn i tho mnidens or wid- ' I'lticr.s or t nvKiirisiXG. I mpiRru 1 iiis.;rti(iii, fn 60 1 do 'i do . . . . 0 75 t do 3 do ... 1 (II) Kvery snbseipieiit irisprticn, 0 US Yearly Advertisements : one column, $5 half column, fl ft, three squaren, $13 ; two tquarr. f lJ ; one square, f:. Half-yearly! ono column, jlrt ; half column, f 12 ; three square, fS ; two iquorod, f5; one equate, SO. Advertieinent It'll without directions an to th lennth of time they ire to be published, will be continued until ordered out, and charged accord- tiiRly. Cj Sixteen lines make Kjuare. Ali'ot-tllfs of DJruar I'acha. I am sometimes excessively amused at read- :.. . i . . . I . . l. .1 . : 1 . . i . e1; i i ! tin t'li puptrrs u iidim-s ueamai i 113 1 ' 1 , present 1'urkisli ndministration in Syria, whicli ! , ,. 3 is held up to the public as something worths 1 " u,nn t'"Myrnt:ny which existed thero in former d.iys. I happened to have before me, in Aru- l.li. It.n 111.. ..fll.nl-... !-.- r-l. . J '" no- n' i'i iii iniuiiusi ir ez.ar 1 UCIn. IlIHl . , , , J ,.1. ll...l ll.rt ....,..., I. 1 ..II "it-ii iii'ii in-: nnn-io in bucii parairrapns couui .'. " ' rrml it in nril.. tt.t tttr . I ,1...: ( '-i n.i. n.,. niiyiii. cuirt'ei int-ii opinions on that head. They would then tsee I that Djc-zzar aniusefj himself in a way that we.il .1 I not be tolerated in the present duy. I will g ve ' an anecdote or two to prove this. The inhabi ' tnnts of Mount l.ebarion having pleaded poerty as an exeuse for not pnying their taxes, he tent I guards to bring them all to a marriage fear t, . where he regaled them in noble style witli roast mutton, and spiced sherbets. They wem i i ii i ill.. mitiini v, lai luuo .lllt:a BlIU r irt:t l.-t i , . , . , , , . cles, after which to each man he cave a lull I . " ! suit of clothes and a new walking stick. They , ,, ,, H U'orft n na u-o I r. nnaml no l....nl. . l.i.t ..lal i r ' me oruer was given, anu every man was com pelled to strip himself' of his old attire, and to ! tnrnttr rti.u-ii 1, ij M-n 1 i ,1 n vt'ii.f ...nv.. 1.. ' . , , ' a state of despair, lor gold was sewn up in their , , , ' 1 clothes, and concealed in tlieir sticks : but their bewnilings were of no cfiect, for all the old sticks and clothes were collected in a hen p and ' tlie men were dismissed with blows, and Djez- ... -'.i 1 1 ii 1 1 i.uu u iiiiiiu i vii iiiMiisaiiii tiuiiuia hi inv? ........ . speculation, after ueilucting the expenses ot the feast and the new attire. On another occa- j sioii ho made a lottery, and forced the people to buy tickets at a high price. There were blanks; but the prizes consisted of various sums of 10(, 50, and '20 dollars, and further, of paper, on which were written "ears to bo cut off," "noso to be cut oil'," "nose to be e'it," "an eye to bo torn out," "right hand to be lopped," end ko forth. Djezzar presided, paid the money where due, and was witness to the punishments, ma king a corresponding change when the unhap py possessor of a "prize" had already lost tho limb wliose excision was decreed by fate. A not her day he called one of bis secretaries, ami said, "write down the names of sundry prop'e I shall order to be put to death." The trem bling Kintib obeyed, and wrote down f0 or 70 of the officers of the Pacha's household. The Pachn then said, "count them ;" he did so, and then the tyrant remarked, "it is an odd number ; ; ' n,c pp w 110 B,mu we I"""""'" ! "'"' one ?" Thc poor secretary awaited with i .... i 1 1 i 1 impatience till the Pacha could call somebody to mind, but in vain. The Pacha then added, "well 1 cannot think of any body else, so add your own name." It was useless for the Kiatib to appeal to the monster for mercy ; the list was completed with his own cognomen, and tlui whole were put to death thc same day. Tha wives nnd children of the victims set up n. dreadful uproar; but Pjezzar commanded si lence, and ordered that whoever uttered a mur mur tdiotild be instantly decapitated. There are plenty of such anecdotes to relate ; but villi, in ( onnecticut, the daughterthe or- phan daughter, of an Episcopal clergyman tho own niece of the oldest Episcopal Hishop of tho I'nited S'ates, the late H.shop Griswold of Mas sachusetts, so engaged ; and the fair Gertrude and fair she was- her brow as Parian marble her eye d irk and bright, and full like the Gi zelle'd and "The mind beamed firth &liow ed a countenance Radiant with pure light ethereal." She felt none the less g.iod, or virtuous, or lespectable, that w ith the labor of her hand.- she assisted to give suppoit to a widowed mo ther in declining health, and twoor three young orphan sisters. She was thus at work when I saw her on what was tho old mill-seat of her grandfather, who had owned the country for a circuit of twti miles round. I may mention here, as exposing tint silly argument of the poor a gainst the rich that I have heard my father say, that when a boy he took a grist to tbe sanej old mill, that .Mr., ulkr.varJs Pushup Griswu!.!, was mowing in an adjoining field ; he hung h,s scythe upon an apple-tree, took tho grist eil'lin Imrsc, ground it, put the bags on, and stur'nl Illlll iniii". .Mv father siibseouentlv stud. el Greek ami Latin, with Mr. Griswold, and cami to the bar, w bile tho miller beenmo a H.shnp, and deceased but a few months since, with tho reput ita'ii of being onn of the most learned and respectab'e divines in the Episcopal Church.- C, r. llulcoml: I'ash.v n nsim An Arkansas hero wis lilely convicted of horse Mea'ing, and v.l u i-eii'.cnoe had been nass(.J ou him. ho took a survey of' Ihe Court loom, and gave vent In h s feelings niter ihe lo'lowuig manner : " '. this is rather the briskest p'ace I ever did ii . , riavelled fi;F i ii miles lh morniug to. ! j i eh t lion, and iiiianoooii.-ly voted by t-.civr u. u tubc iiiainiauie.l at the public exjviu-t fw 1 -v vcar.', by - !'