The Impudence of Stcnm. Over the billows and over 1he brine, Over the water to Palestine ! Ami awake or do I dream Over the ocean to Syria by strain ! My say is sooth, by this right huiul, A steamer brave Is on the wave, Found, positively, for the Holy Land ! Godlroy of Bulloignc, and thou, Richard, lion-hearted kiti, Candidly inform us, now, Did you ever ? No, yon never Could have fancied such a thing ; Never such vociferation", Entered your imagination As t!i ensuing "F.ase her, stop her !" "Any gentleman for Joppa ?" " 'Mascus 'Mascus ?" "Ticket, please, sir." " Tyre or Sidon ?' '-Stop her ease her !'' "Jeiusalem, 'lem, "lent '-Shnr 1 Shnr V "Do you go on to Egypt, Sir V 'Captain, is this the land of Pharaoh ?' ' Now look alive there ! Who's for Cairo '"' "Hack her !" "Stand clear, I say, old file V ' What getit or lady's for the Nile !" Or Pyramids ?" "Thebes, Thebes, Sii ! steady!" .Now where's that party for F.nped!" Pilgrims holy, Hod Cross Knights, Had ye e'er the least idea, Even in your wildest flights, Of a steam trip to Jndea ? What next marvel Time will show It is difficult to say, 'Pii'i," perchance to Jericho "Only sixpence all the way." Cabs in Solynia may ply 'Tis a not unlikely tale And from Dan the tourist hie I'nto Beersheba by "rail." Punrh. n a K x t i: li 1ST. rrxvsYi.vAxiA. The following list shows the current value of nil Vnnsylvnuia Hank Note. The most implicit re in nee miy he placed upri it, as it is firry icerk :arrftilly rompuied with ni d corrected fioin Hick lell's Rcponer. Itiiitk III IMie!allilil;i. Nt Disc, tw 1 num. N O T E !S AT P A R. flank of Nor'h Ampriea Hank of the Noitliern Liberties Commercial Rank of Penn'a. Farmers' and Mechanics' Hank' Kensington H irk ptir par par par par par par pur par put par isbinO aster I ing f . Philadclphii Hank Schuylkill Hnt.k I Soiithwark Hank . Western Rank . , Mcchnnirs' Hunk . . ; Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Hank I Country Itunli. 1 Hnnk of Chester County Westchester Bank of Del'iwarp County Chester ! Hank of (crmantowii (terinanlnwn Bank of Montgomery Co. Norristowii Ifuylcstnwn Hunk Doylcstown Easton Hank Huston i Fii'tiicrs' Hank of Hocks CO. Hristol Ofl'iec of II mk of Penn'a. Harrisburg I Ollice do du Lancaste , Office do do Heading j if luce oo do naston J ir-sue n. ; notes at DIsodcm. ! Hank nf the I'liiled States Iphia Hank of I'enn Township . . j tiirard Hank . . ; Movmiic using H ink . ' Hsnk of Pennsylvania . j Miners' Hunk of Potlsvill ' Hank of Lcwistown Hank of Middletown i Hank of Northumberland I Columbia II ink A llridgc co. Columbia 1 ( nrhsle Hank Carlisle Exchange Hank Pittshing i Do d't branch of HollulaYshuig I Farmers' II ink of Lancaster Liineistci j Lancaster County It mk Lancaster j Farmers' Hank of Heading Heading Harrisburg Hank ' Lancaster Hank Lebanon Hank Merchants' A Manuf. Dank Hunk of Pittsburg par par par par par par par The.e nfl'ices do not 2fi tnr 4 . par . par Pottsville J Lcwistown 1 j Middletown i Northumberland pnr par J i 1 par p.r i West Hianch U mk Wyoming Hunk Northampton II ink links County Hunk Ollice of Hunk of IT. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington iSav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Hank of Chamhcrshurg Hank of (ieltysburg The Great Foot Itnce. New York Victor ioi-s. This pxcitinp and long talked of aftiiir came ot yesterday, accord ing to appointment, at the Deacon Course, Ho Imken. The excitement relative to this race. in which several noted pedestrians from Hank of Susquehanna Co land, were to compete with sonic ol the best; .,' ' , - T, , ., , ! Farmers & Plovers Hank in the United States, has exceeded anything i Franklin Hank of the kind ever known in this vicinity; and I Honesdale H.nk i the postponement ot the contest lor two days,! in consequence of the unfavorable weather, i wemsto have added great interest to the tcene, i 'Fhoiisuuds ot sporting men from all purls of the ( I'nion havebecn here, waiting imputiently to u it nes the race, (urns were fired during the morning, from n high hill opposite the city, and adjoining the course, as a signal 10 inc rnuiuiuucs in town mat ( '0wanda Hank t lie ground was in order, and that the contcfct i Alleghany Hank uf I'd ... . . . ' 1 1 . . i. a f it would take place ut the hour appointed, J o clock V. M. Ilarrislmrg Lancaster Lelxiiiiin I'illsburg Pitthtllllg Williaiuspnrt Wilkenliariu Allentowti Heading Pittslmrg Lne New Hrighton !o do ("hamhershurg Oettyshurg Montrose Krie Wavneshurg Washington Honedule Hrowimville York p.. i i 11 failed do do J in U li i Hank of Denver Hank of Suatara Hank of Wulniiuti'B Vast tnultittidcs of people continued to cross j Centre Hank the river triiin 1 1 A. M. until n imnrler li..',,re l'i!y Hank li I'. M., and at t!io appointed hour a ruh wus made by the mob at the various points of ea.-y entrance, around the course, and the track was in an instant full to an overflow. It seemed lor a time as il there could be no chance for the limners to take their positions. A band of horse men was raised, who succeeded, howecr, in keeping the way tolerably clear. This contest was tor a thousand dollars, to be given in the following sum, to the four best runners in one hour : isltltl to the first, fJJ.")0 to the second, .1(X) to the third, and fji30 to the fourth. Of the HO named in the bills of the day, only 17 came to the starting post, numbered and named as fii'lows: 1 John Gilder, II Muj II. Stjnnard. 2 J. Tarlow, from 10 Thomas Ryan, MonnngahclH Hunk of H. Yoik Hank N. H, The notes of those hanks on which we Kinil quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) ure not j purchased by the Philadelphia hrokers, with the i exception of those which have a letter of n ference. H R O K F. N 11 A N K s. 1 Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed J Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed i ! Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do I dled I j Manual Labor Hunk (T. W Dyotl, prop.) failed ) I nwaudd Hedford lio sale I Heaver cloned I llurrishurg clocd Wahiugton failed Itellt (onto chsi d Pitt-luig no ale PitlBburg failed Fayette co. filled ( ireeneat e failed Harmony no sale H untingilon no sale Len istovvn no sale Warien faded Dun. lull' no sale i New Hope cloM-d Milton no le Memlville c,p.-)( Porl Curhon! Montrose I 'niontnwu (reensliurg Wilkesli.irie Farmers' A Meih'cs' Hunk Fanners' A Mcch'cs' Hank Farmers' A Mech'cs' Hank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Hunk i I in i lata Hank i (lUiiilierinen's Hsnk i Northern Hank of Pa. ( New Hope Del. Hii.lge ('o. : Noithumh'd I'uioii Col. Hk. North Western Hank of Pa. Ollice of Schuylkill Hank j Pa. Agr.A, Manuf. Hunk i Silver Lake Hank I'nion Hank of Penn'u. Westmoreland Hank Wilkcsbarre Hridge Co. failed closed failed i closed no Bale i QTj" All notes puriioiting to he on any IVinisvl- vunia Hank not given in the above lit, may he et lown as frauds. j wav .u:s:sr.v. IS (leoige Wood, Jl WCroliusYorkville. 23 I.. L. I.athrop, t .Tos. I.. P Smith, C7 P. Hutchison, HO Wm. Fowl. H John fiieenhalj;h, 6 George Jones, 7 Thomas McCube, 0 John Navils, 10 J. P. Taylor, 1 1 John Ross, Indian, Nob H, 11, and 1 l.are the only runners who did their 10 miles within the hour. The purse was won by (Jilder, (Jrecnhalyh, llnrlow and Roes in that order. Cilder's play was .Kplendid, though he had two formidable compe titors in 2 and 3, both of whom brought him up to the J mile on the 11th round, before he could get ahead, llu won about three times his length. First mile, 5 minutes !." FecnmN. Second mile, 5 minutes 50 seconds. Third mile, ." minutes 10 seconds. Fourth mile, Ti minutes 10 secoi.ds. Fifth mile, 5 minutes 10 seconds. Sixth mile, ." minutes r0 second!'. Soventh mile, 5 minutes econds. F.ighlh nvle, 5 minutes 50 seconds. Ninth mile, 0 minutes .r seconds. Tenth mile, 0 minutes 1,") seconds. John (iilder triumphant. Ten miles and five-eights: within the hour. On the list fivc-t ighlh mile, (iildcr pulled up and came in ahead. Hank of New Uiunsuick Hclvideie Hank Burlington Co. Hank 'Jonmiercial Hank L'uinlx'rl.uu! Hank Fanner.' Hank Hriinsvv ii k Helvidere Me.ll.ird Penh Arnlioy Mount II. illy failed i ' par i 1 I'" pai i i Farmers' and Mechanics' Hk l.'aliwoy Farmerh and Meehanics lik N. Hionsnick failed Farmers' and Men Imiilb Hk .Mi.hllt tmvii Pi. A Franklin Hank of N. J. Jersey City Hobuken IJkgtV txazing to Iluh.iken lersey City Hank Merhanirn' Hank Mumifaclunrs' Mnrria County Hnnk Monmouth Hk of N, J. Mechanics' Hank .Mechanics' and .Manuf. Ilk Morris ('anal mid Ukg Co Post Notes Newark like A Ins Co New Hope Del lirulize Co N. J. Manulnc. and Hkg Co Jersey Oily Pattenioii Hil'.eville M.irristumi Freehold Ncwaik Trenton Jeisey ('ity New (ilk L.iiii'.cit(.wllo Hubokeu N J Prolecton A l.olubaid l,k Jersey City Orange Hank Paterson Hank Peoples' llank Princeton Hank Salem Hanking Co Suite II. ink Siatc Hnnk Statu Stale Hank of Morris j State Hank Sileni mid Philad Mtinuf Co Sukm'X Hank T rem. mi Huiiking Co I'm. m Hunk ' Washington Hanking Co. t trudge do I'rin. el. .11 Salem Newark Fluaheihtown li Moriintowii 'I'n moii Salem New loii 'Fiei.loii Der H aekensack lall.'ll tailed filled filled laded failed i par I'.l sale i l.nle.l tailed A flile.'l ii:i. aim:. HU of ihn A u iii i in, n . i .in Ross, the Indian, exactly accompliKlu d the i Unk of D luware Wilimngtuii 10 miles, when he accidentally trinned and ( II. 1 "auk of Smyrna Smyrna I I. .l Do llllllih no Wllilil.1 wii" uicu-iii iifiuiu ivj llie Jilllea stand in triumph, on horseback, and very loudly heercd as he made his appearance at the win ning post. Thucrottdwas immense. A. 1'. t'jrpresM. Why is a benevolent man like a cart horee 1 rtecauie lie tdops at t ie sound of u ne : Millord Farm, la' Ek of Mate of Dil Dov, i Do I. ranch Do branch Do tiaiith 1'nion ay Fuller fi's (J On all hanks mailnl thus ( ) tin re lie ri. It er i.r iline.l iii..i,i of lliu vjr.ous lit auininatioi.t, in ciiculstiou. Wiliiiingtou ( ii'Olgl tow n NiAcustle N 1l11111i41t.n1 pal par 1 i par 1 I., lie, I l.ill.d J pur i failed par par par par pur jar pr pur par 1 OAKLEY'S or.n H iTivi: tkh'. fllHR valnah'c properties of Oakley's Depma 1. tie Syrup of Snrsnparilla, as a purifier of the blood, is to well known to the public generally, Hint il is unncccfsiry to occupy much space in set ting forth the advantages to ' derived from its use j wherever the medicine has once been intro ilueed, it takes precedence over all others: evety one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene, fieiul results from it, that it is rccommeodej by them with the irnmst confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to pa'ients under their care ; cml-iining nothing deli lerioiis. tint hi ieg composed of the most mild, yet i tlicaeious vegetable materials, it is offered with ciiiifulenee, as the chesest and most elficient im rilTer of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in the spiing months, will be at tended wiih a most decide.) inipiovenn nt in the ge neral slrencth of the system, eradicating any seeds of disen-e that may have been generated, besides giving health end vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Kvjl, Rheumatism, Tetter, Pimples or eiuptions ol the Skin, While Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. The nu merous ceriillcnies in Ibe possession of the subscri ber and his agents, fmro physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the must skeptical of its su periority over all preparations of S.irsaparill.i. S..d wholesale nrnl retail, l.y the proprietor, OF.OIM.i: W. OA KLF.Y, North Slh flre.t. Ilea dine, Hfiks Comity, and to le had of the following pel sons : hi Xrllmniii rltnul CiitDitt. H. H. Masser; Simbiiry : Ireland A M.xel, McKwens ille ; D Kraii! r. Milton. In I'nion Cuiini, J. (iinrhirt, Si lingrove ; A. (iuleluiH, Mililliilmrg. In Coin m'liifi County. R. V. McCny, Wash ington. Reading, March 14, IS Ft. Mil. Oakikt: I beliive it the uty of every one to do whatever in their power I ie--, fur the Ir tie tit nf their fellow ina, and having had po-i'ive prool in tnv own f un. ly. of the woinlerfiil properties of your Depurative Syrup of Sa.snp.irill 1, I in st conicieniioii-ly recommend it to the nllhete.l. We had the misfortune t I .se Ivvo of our cbihtren, bv the brraking out of ulcerous s ires that covered the face, head ami neck, nltlmiich we had some of iht most scientilic plivsieiuna lo attend th-in slid hn.l tried all die known len.edies. including SwHim's Paiiac.a, without avail. Another of my children was attaikc.l in the same manio r, her face slid neck was completely entered; tbe discharge was so oll'ensive, and the disease ut such a he cht. that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful elli'cls of your Dcpnr.iiive Syiupc.t S irsnpuri l 1, we weie iliducid t.i make trial of it. as the last resort; it acted like a cl.aim; the u'cers cetiirnenced healing jmmcdiately , a f w hollies entirely restored hi r to her teiilih, which she ha enjoyed uninteriuj Inlly ever siiieo. As n purifier of ihc blood, I verily be lieve it not its equal. JOHN MOYF.R. Tailor. Wulnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Douglassville, April 10th, tf:t. Ma. 0ki.:t : My son P.dmiuid Leaf. ha. I the sctolnla in ihe mosl dreadful and distressing man ner for three .yearn, dining which time he wis de prived of the use of his limb". hi he id and neck weie covered with ulcers. We tried n 11 the differ ent remedies, but to no rllect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Noni'town, and also Dr. Isaac Hiestci, of Reading, lo use your Deptiriilive Syrup of Sursaparillu, of which I ol.tairied sever. il hollies, ihe use of wliieh ibove the disea-e entiri ly out of his system, the s,ne heih d up, and the child was restored to perfect health, which he has rnjoved uninterruptedly evi r, lo the astonishment ot many persons who seen him du b g his affliction. I have thoucht il mv du'y, and send y "U this certi ficate that oll eis who have a like nllliciion in the f unity may know where lo obtain ao valuable a medicine. Yours Irulv. AMF.I.I A D LF.AF. Sept. if., is t:i. 1 y Ollllf t'l JClti'I V DEATH BLOW. rpiie public will please observe ihut 110 Hrainhelh Pills are genuine, unless ihe box has three 1 1 bcls upon il, (ihe lop, the side and the hott.uiil CjcIi contaiiuni! a fic-siunlesigriature ol inv hand writing, thus 15. 1Ihn!hhh, M. D. 'I'hese la-bel-aie enmaved on steel, heantilully desi2iied. and done ul an expense uf over f 2,0(10. 'Fherefoie it will he reeu that the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in ils purity, is to observe these ' labels. Remember the top, the side, snd the bottom. I The following resnective nersons are duly auh. ri I zed, and hold CERTICATES or AGENCY, For the sule of Urutiilrrifi's Vrtfi lab.'e l' Northumheiland eotiutv : Milton M n key A t-'h.iinheilin. Siinhury II. II. M tsser. M'Fwer.s- ! ville lieliin.l A Mem II. Nonhuui'.eilaud Win. j Forsyth, (ieorgetown J. A J. Wills. I'nion Oiunty: New Herhn A Win ter. Selinsarove (Jeorgc OunJiuiii. Middle burg Isaac Smiih. lleaveriowu David Hubler. Adunishurg Wm. J. May. Mitllmshuit! Mensch A Ray. Ha'tleton Daniel Long. Freeburg li.A F. t". Mover. I.ewe.buri; Walls A li'reen. Columbi.i county : Danville F.. li. Reynolds A Co. Herwiek Shumaii A K tteuhoiise. Cai- tawibsa C. (,. Hrobls. HI nshurg John R. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Hisel. Washington Robt. McCay." Lirnc.-loni H.i!li.? ? V-.-N' Observe 1I11I each Aii'i.t has an Fngravid Ci r tiiieate of Agenev, conlainiiig a icpn s. nt.ili.iii of i)r HRANDKi: TI1S Maiiufaclorv ut Sing Sing, and Upon which will a'so he seen exact copies ul Ihe neif lulit li tuilo u.v . u("o. Hi iiinin th I'iil lio.rrn, I'hiladi Iphia, o.Tice No. P, Noilh Hih street. H. HRANDIiF I'll, M. D. June 21th, ll t. CITY I TIIM I'I IfK AI'CTIOX, AKD P31IVATI' SALES nOOMS, .os. "J'.l :hk1 :il NiTlli Tliinl Stn.-et, Near the City Hotel, FIIILDFLI'I1I . t 1 C. MACKF.Y, Auctioneer, ie-pectfury in vilis the nit. litioo of persieis desirous of pnr 1 1, a -1 1 . U Fuini'uie. to Lis i xteniv fs ,i s li.ioins, (boili publii' und l' 1 i v i I .. ) (or every deseri ti.iii ol llolisih. I.I Fuiiilttiie, wh. re Can be 1. I I lined at nil limes, a hirge a-sorlment of fashionable and will inuuufac ture.l Cabin. I Furniture, lie. Is, Matliassis, Ac, at very inluced prices, for cjsh. 1 G-'-V .'b's hv Auction, twice a week. 1 May 2Vih. lil:t ly Y I I.I.I M .1. .M AI TIN, :.TTC?.lTS"J .T L.V, j SUNBUR Y, PA. OFFICF, in lliesecon l story of ihe building oc cupied by Dr. J. It. Mas -nr. on Muiket tired. I Oct. 21-1, IKFl. I 1 'riut'toliliipV Mm iilnc lor SnU: I riHF. mhscriber oil is for aide a THRKSlllNfi I 1 MACHINE, new and in good ordei, 'J'he j Machine has been tried, and proves to be an excel lent one. Il will he selj l a reduced price, and warranted. Apply to II. H. MASStR. July 1st, ll.J. HOSE OINTMENT, ron TIMTI.H. RINOWOHMS, riMfl.KSI ON TIIK A'K, ANI Ol'imt ri'TAlVKOfSI KRfMKOSl. tjj The following eertiirn'e 1I1 xerihen one of Ihe mmt rTtrnorifintiry r-urra ever ejftcteil by uny npplirnliim. I'm r. Aim em A, Febiuaty 10, 1811S. IOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with - Tkttkii on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 18:10, varying in vio lence, hut without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great pirt of my fiee was covered with the eruption, frequently attended wiih violent itch ing; my head swel'ed ut times until it felt ns if it would hurst the swelling was so, thai I could scarcely get my hat on. During ihe long period that I was afflicted wuh the disease, I used a great many a plications, (nmnng them si veral celebrated preparations) ns w. II as taking inward remedies, including a number of hollies of Straiin'n I'finnefii, I'.ilrttit nf Siirxiijoirilln, Ac, In fact, it would be impossible to enumern'e nil the medicines I used. I was also under the care of two of ihe most dis tinguished physicians of ihis cilv, but without re ceiving m"ch benefit, and I despaired nf ever being cured. In the fill of HMfi, ihn disease ul the time being very violent, I commenced using the Hnxe Oinlnini', (prepared bv Vangluin A Divis.) In a f w applications the violent itching ceas,.,, ihc swelling nba'ed. the 1 rnpti. 111 began to disappear, and before I had n-ed ajar the di-ease was entirely cured. It has now been m ar'y a year and a half since, and there is not a ve-tige of Ihc d'-ease re niaininc. except the sears from Ihe deep pits formed by the disease. Il is impi ssible for me lo describe in a certificate Ihe severity of the disea.-e and my sull'i ring, but I will be pie is. d to give a fuller nc count to any person wanting furthrr s it'tsf.ietion, who will call on me. At the lime I con nienced using the Rose Ointment I would have given bun duds of dollais to he rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it lo sever il persons, (aiiionc them my mother, who had the disease bad ly oil her ami,) who wi re a'l cured hv it. JAMES DI'RN I'LL, No. lot',, Race St. 'I 'I e Rose Ointment is prepared hy P.. H. Yauglian. Sou h Fast corner of Third and Race sire. Is, Philadelphia, and sold on acencv in Siinhu ry. hv II. H. MASSF.R, May 11th, IK:t. Arnt. llov Chittm-iit, for Teller. a nmor or rr.s r.rrn'Acv. Phii.aiii.i.phu, May -7th, H I1'. rPIIIS is to certify II ut I was severe'y a 111 ceil wiih Tetter in the hands and feel for upwards of forty years ; the disen-e was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I npplad to 1 number nf physicians, and usul a gn at many appli cations without ellectiiig a cure. About a ynr since, I npphed the Rose Ointment, which entirely slopped the itching, and a few applications iiiiincdi 11 1 ly cured ihe disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never been rid of it nt any lime for forty years. RICHARD SAVAOF, Eleventh, below Spruce Sireet. Qfj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. H. Yauidian. Saulh East comer of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and s dd pn agency in Sunbu rv. by H. U. MASS Eli, ' May 14th. 1S1 :. A.-st. MEDICAL APPROBATION Oftltr llOSi: OI.TMi:T,for Titlrr. LTH()l';il ihe superiority of ihe pr. iainii. n over nil nth. is is fully es'ubli-hed, the proprie tors lake pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a eriidtniie of the I 'niiersilv ol Pennsv Ivauia, Dr. Ranch, having found in this lemedy that lehef fir I a tedious and ilisncreeulde alfc tiim which the means within the r.ingsuf I Ik profession tided to atford, ( has not hesilali d to give it his approbation, nlthough I the prejudices and interests of that protessioii aie ; 1 pposed to secret Remctlies. t 1'iiii.amlpui , Sept. 19, H:tr.. i I was recently irnul ltd with a li dious herj elic j erupli.n, which in srlv one site of mv f.ce, ; and rxtei.ibd over the ear. Mr. Yauuhun, proprii -lol of the Rose Oiiiliiieut, ohseiving my face, nun led on mv living his preparation, nf w liieh he han ded me a jar. Althouuh 111 common with the inein beis ol my profes.-ion, I diseounlen nice and disap prove of ihe iiuiiier.ais nostiums palmed upon the public by i'jnoi ant pr. tender-, I fei 1 in jus'iee hound toexeipl the Rose Ointment liorn that claH of me dicines, and to give it mv spprolmlion, ns it entire ly lured ihe eruption, shhough it had resisted ihe u-u.l applications. DANE HA I (ill, M. D. tj' The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. I!. Yauuhun, South East corner of Thud and R ue Stieets, Pnilade'i'hia, and sold on sgiucy in Son- H. U. M ASER, Slay 1 1th. IS 1:1. A . SEILKAK & CO., C ommiMion VV Korwnrdinir Alcrclianis, loot of Wilhw Stmt Rail liaatl, of Tim iirti.Awnr, TTAVINff nssocialcd with ihem Joseph Tlnrnet, J 1 late of Eiiston, Pa., respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, ihat they have ta. ken tint large and we'l known store nnd wharf nl foot of Willow Stree t Railroad, lately oeetipie I by Jacob Martin, where t)iey purpnse doing a trin-rnl Commission and Forwarding Business, nnd Ihc local ndvnntaces of ihe place Icing -onn cted with all the public improvements that have ihrir outlet in the city, they flutter themselves they will he able to do business lo as gieit, if not g ea'er ad vantage, and upon ns reasonable terms as any other house, nnd Ihev nssuie their fiends that any con signments made lo Ihem shall have their strict at tention, and no exi rtions spared to give entire satisfaction. Tin y nrc ulso prepared In receive ar.d forward goods to any point on the Delaware and Lelech ; rivers, between Muuch Chunk, Easton and I'hita dcl hit. via Delaware Divisin and Lehigh (Jan . Is; nlsn, to any point on the Juniata river, or Nordi '. and Wsl H.nnchcs of the Siir-ipiehnnua via Sehnyl. j kill and I nion, or the Chesapeake und Tide Watei i Canals. ; For the accommodation of R.mln corning or go iog via Schuylkill and I'nion Canals, n Su,mbo:it will he kept expressly for towing boats from the 1 Schuvlkil! around to the Delaware and buck, wliieh will en dile merchants to have their produce deli ve.ed on ibe Delaware, and their goods pl.ippid nt a saving ot nil to 7.r per cent. 00 thfl prices fir hauling sc.orF, with tlnse ndviint.iges they re spu tfully solicit a share uf pntrona; e. 1 W. HEILMAN A CO. William Ileiliuan, T William W. Kevsc, s ' Joseph ll irnei. " 3 Philad., M iv 11, ISM. ly ' J. IAUIJAN3D'. JH. & CO. ' Snull- iiiul Tubnceo Aliuitilacliiicrs, , .Yo. !!! .orth Wist cor nt r of Rue? anil Third Struts. PHILADELPHIA. rPIIE undi r-igned have formed a Civpnrtner-hip ' 1 under ihe firm of .1. M A Y LAN D. J h. A Co.. as successors to the lute firm of Jiica'i .Milihni.l Co., nnd will c intinue the l usine-s at die old est.i- ; Idishment, on their own account. In addition to I their own close attention nnd experience f ! many yeais. in the mnnul iciure nf suntf, j A e., t he long ex perience of 1 be senior partner of lie ; late firm, will ul-o be devoted to the interest of the new concern and as no exett'nin and care will I e spared lo insure their goods, al all limes of the ve- ' ry I e-t quality, they solicit a continuance of Ihe confidence uf ihe fi lends nn.l customers of the lale fu 111. THO.M S A D MS, j J. MAYLAND, Jn. ! Philadelphia, May I 1th, I Si:). Iv 'I'll 4 oiiiif i MHRCHANTG. 'J'HE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon A Harris, Hat ; Manuf icturers, for New S'ork, Phil nieiphia, Haltimore and oilier large cities, w! oso Hits are highly commended f or i;i el .1 and ihir-i'iiti. has on hand a lir-t rate assei 1 111 - - 1 1 ot HA I'S and OA PS, suit it le ft T Sj.rinp s .les, h ch will e sold very low, foi cash or appnived credit, nl the w ted cheap iorr. No. 40, North Third s're-l, opp isi'e : the City Hotel, Philadelphia. I ROHERT D. WILKINSON, Are-it. N. I). Orders tor Hals in iherms, promptly ' atlended to, 'Fhe highest rice in ri.-i or trade , given fir Fur il'ni, ! Philadelphia, June 11, l13.--!y BOLTON Sc CO. (.oiK'i'iil ( iiiitmissioii i liants, 1 Tor the Snr of I'luur. tiitiin, Stitl, ic, i H. B. lASSSP., ATTOI'N V, Y AT LAW, ' 6UITBUHY, PA. Husinet-s attended to in the Countiei of Nor ihuml erland, L'niori. Lvcoming and Columbia, liefer loi Thomas IIaht A Co., I.owr.n A Raiiiiht, Hart, (.'rsmiwos A Hart, yl'hihJ, liKT.yoi.ns, McFari aisu A (Jo. SpF.nun, ' foon A Co., GOLDEN SW AN I -Vo. (i!) Xwth Third, uhtwe Arrh, PHI LADKLPIII A. I AToMMon.noNsi for cr.litv ' TMIARLES WEISS, of ihe "White Swan," nu.l "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends snd customers, lhal I e has become I the proprietor of the nbovi well known Hotel, ! Coiin'ry Meichants will find Ihe above Hotel a location, and the best of fare. Persona Irs. central veiling with private conveyance will find a Inrga yard and good stabling for horses, and the lust of oslteis. Hoarding f I perilav. May Mih, IH1U. if. SABLES Cornir of Third nnd Vine Nrc, V.-IIilAHSrOIlT, PA. rglHK subscriber respectfully nniiounces to Iha I public, that lie Ins opened a Hotel in the com modious bri. k building s'ttiil.-on the corner nf I bird mid Pine street, where he will he happy lo wail i,i,.n those who may fivor him with their company. 'J'he Haule Motel is und conveni ent, nnd furnished in Ibe be t nrulein stl. Il is provided with a luge number of well aired and com!. liable sleej ing apartments, rooms, priv ila parlors, Ac. Peisons vs'iing Wi!hsnsport on bu siness ui plea-nre, in iv re-t as nr. d liiat every ex ertion will .e used 1,1 r. i ill r their sojourn at Iho "E-iule Hot. 1" pleasant nnd agreeable. HisTabls will be supplied with the v. rv !.. pt tlic market af fords, and his bar wi'h die choicest wines and other liquors iluiroes re .sonable. The Ealo Hotfl possesses greater iidvantaL'es in point of location than any other similar e-t iblirhment in ihe borough, being situate in the hus'iicss part ol ihe town, no I within a convenn nt disianre of the Court IIoiiso and WiHianispori nnd I'linira Wad 1,'o .d 1). put. Sull'icieiit Siahhna provided, and good und Iru-ty ostlers alwavs in 11II1 11 liui. e. Attentive, uceoii.moilating arid hone-t Servant have been in-i.ved. -iial iiotl inu left undone tint tvill :uid 1. 1 the con. luit ai.d uccolninoilation uf his gne-ts. There will be n carriage always in attendance nt the lloat Landing 1. 1 convey to ..lid from the House, In e of cbaree. CII.Mil.Es HORROWS. Mav I 1th. I Ml--. n A big -Fr Ho i 1- JOSSPH 33. HOVER, AliimirarturtT of Wrilinir nmi liulcl hlo Ink, No. lIKi Ninth Third Street, six diHirs below Ruce, (east side,) PHILADEI. TIIIA, It F..I'EC'1'FFLLY informs eouulry merchants k nnd others, thai he eon-t'itillv keeps on l and 11 lar.' of his siipciier III 11 k, liliie loid R, d li.k.Hiid nlso a superior qu ihty of ludelli'le Ink. His ink is put up in h. tiles varying ill i7e,froiu I lo ;t'i ounces, nod wdl be sold on reasonable terms. 'I he en el e l quahiies ofllusink has so Itiorouehlv iktiibli-bed its ch iracier, that 11 is now ext. in-ivi ly used throughout lb-- cmni'iv. Fur sale ul the store of H. H. Masser. Sun bury, Pa. May SVili, I s :l. 1 y ( HAI.U'.S N. IM'.CIXS, ATTORNEY AT XiAW, Ei!rvinTTn v t a . the ollice tonei ilv oi'eupi.d I v ll.e hailt s (i. Doiin. I, opl osite th. C urt II 'use. He will u lend to biis'iiess in the C.uits ol Norihiimbei land, I'nion and Columbia counties. Mav .'Uili, lsfd. 1 ESPECTFI'Ll.Y inform iheir fiiends and ' he Merchants genemMv, tl.nt they have la : ken these large nnd commodious Wharvrn, wiih lv o j Dotks, 1101th ol Chesnul slnel, on the Delaware, I together w ith the store No. HI South Wharves, j where ihev would he pleased lo receive consign j menls of (irain, Flour, Seed. Whiskey, Iron, Ac. I Ac. Iteing nlso well prepared lo forward nil kinds ' of Merchandise hy the Schuylkill nnd I'nion, or by ihe Ol.esiipi ake und Tide Water Canals, .i tow ! boats are kept expressly lot tho purpose of towing boats by ei l er route. 1 Merchants will pie iw be particular to send their good destined hv either canals, to No. l'J South , Wharves, between Market nnd Chesnut street, on I the Delaware, w ith iliteetions uccomp inving ihem 1 which route ihev wish ibeni lo he shipped. C j' Plaster and Sail for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. liOlI ON i; C' . i March 1 0. I 1 :). No. D) Souih Wh nves. iioi:t:it r cm: i n o. PAPER MAIIUrACTUriEIlS, l.mnbartl Strut, Itnllloiori , HAVE coiistanilv for sale, Printing Paper of ul sizes and quiihtn s, Cup Writing Paper, nil. .1 and plain. Letter Paper, white 1111. 1 blue, ruled nnd plain. Hanging Paper, line and common, Envelope Paper, ilo. do. medium, doub'e cow 11, crow 11 and extra si.eil nipp.iig Paper-, Cnloicd M. dui'ii mid Royal P.qe.s, liooint, Hindi is' and iiaw !!..v Hoards, Tis-ne Paper, nnd ull urlieles in iheii line, which ihev wnl sill .11 111 comm. idaiuig linns. ILglit'st puce yiveu ..r old nus. ROHERT CARTER A s ON, March HI, I -'Ft. Elkion. M l lie e unequalled for e'e itiing and g'vjug a it V d irable and most hu'liant tmhsh to sil ver, (iermi.ii Silver, lira--, C, pp. r, Hritt ania ware. Tin, S,i l, Cutli rv, and for restoring ihe lustre oil varnished carriage-, .Ve. 'FRY IF. Prepared .111 ' s ! I at vvhoh mi e and retail, bv the Susquehanna CI r;. -ol.le I'oli-h t oinpany, Oweo, 'Fioga county, N. Y. WM. FoRsYTIl. Ant n.r Norlhum'd, H. H. MASSF.R. Af-ut lor Sunhury. November HUlh, IS VI. TkUh:ul Weaver X. on, ROrE MAKERS Si Sllir CHANDLERS. Ao. I:) .Y, , V.'t:i,r Strtt t. I'hUtidtlphin. SB AYE ceiis'nnlly on hand, a generil Musorl r inent id Cordage, Seine 'Fw inm, Ac., vi : I ar'd lio pes. Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, M uni la Ropes, To.v Lines f..r Canal Ron's, Also, a complete a-'oitiuent ot S, ine Twines. Ac. such as Hemp :Sm,! and Herring I'vv ine, lit M Patent (illl Net 'Fw ine. Cotton Simd and I len ing Tw ir e, Svmi Thrca 's, Ac. Ac. Also, lied Cords. I'loilgh Lines, II alters. Traces, Cotton and Linen O irpi I Cliaiiks, Ac. all of which they will d..-p. se of 011 11 .ison.ible lei ins. Philade'phia, Nov. mbei 1 :t. I M t ; -ly. CO. ilaik-lpliin. n r j : 1 i i N t : . coon a--o. i:: y.- sti'f.'i, rii I7NY1FE the attention of Country Merchaiil. S to their extensile u-sotiment ol llrilnh French mil American Dry t loads, w hu h they 1 Hi r lois da on the iii .-t leas. .liable terms. Philadelj Ilia, November I d. I -.12. ly. J . W . S A IN, i'nilidl:i l'arnsui .M.intilai'ltncr. An. 37 itutli strut, tun doors hi low tit fit,, II. .1,1, ',,',.,. I, ',01. jfT'ltM "NTR Meti hai'ts and others are solicited 0 1 1 li la VI J to CMl.oillli . isewhue Phila ;el l.i i. N'ov.n ! in P. i TJ R AS taken U 3 Hon. hi, 5' li'MON HOTEL, ((ii until .Stnuc I iia is: ta. j rss gl. IjYCCMIJSTG county, tVlllls.) 1 ;uii;i. filll' Snli-criber lespeclliillv llitoims his friends I. and the public in, that he has taken the above i.Auai: ap coMvonioi s HCTSL, IN THE HOROl Oil OF MI'NCY, and that he is now well prepare J to accommodate ull who may fuvor him with tl e.r custom. IL Si uriMii AeiHTMi xr well aiie I, and comfortable. His T.hle 4n Hxa will ulvay be (Uppliid with the beet the inaikel can ull'ord. Hi SriBiisii, which i giad, will la the charge of good and careful hosller. He fu ls confident, by strict attention In business, and an curliest desiie to render c inloruble those who inay pairoiiizo hiin.lhal he will mil fail to give general .aiisfa.lion. H. I). WEAVER. J Muncy, Oct. H, ISi:. if. j iioi'si:, -Yo. "J.'IT, Aor( Third, nhovi Cutloit l.ill St., PIlll.ADKI.PIllA. OH N 1 I.M'A , .,ie f. the P.i.l!.-lv.i ma I' j. 111. r, nnd S iiiiuiI Pike, jr., la'e of A- nu in an 1 1 ot, I, Coliiiiihus. I lino, take pleasure in sc quuiuliiig their bo uds and l!.e piibiie ciu r.illv ihat they have lal.t n the larue nnd commodious II1I1I, 'eeeiit'y I 111:1 bv the .M. ssih. II 01,011 the sue once 011 upie.l by the ni l establi.-hed ll tel known as the HuH'Hiail, in 'I'hird stieel nbove Callow hill st. 'I his Hotel is finished in tin very best possible 111 inn. r, bi d of iho ,e-t inaterni's. I s loi at on i 'eiy di siiable, particubirly for country ineri hant.s ; die uiraiigemeiiis lor healing and ventilating inch room is such us to secure uny teinpeiuiure. 'Fhe buhoiuii are all light and i.iry, nil luiliislud 111 a lieul style, so as to iiisiue lomfoit. 'Fhe receiving parlors are ul -o fun i.-hed in a su perb sty le, the w indow a aie 1.11 the fiuuh style, ioiuiiiig an entrance 10 a balcony in front, whiih makes a pleasant recess. Piuiieulai attention has been given to tho bed and bidding, which, with ihe furniture, are euiinly new. t mm yiar' experience in hotel business, we l-usl,.y ttiiel assiduity t.: business, lo make this house a desiiahle stepping place, tlur tilde will alwuy lesupplied with Ihevuv hist our market under i can all'ord, and our bur with the lust hquoiand nun-Bin nit, muni unpioveii urainiti. I1.11 nl hi fore puichasHii 1'5. ' s; 1 I v. .Ai ..E. rs XZB Ol! sale 11 sini I Faun, coi lio tug about i ne ftilndie I and I, n aeri s, or li'-s, situ ite lot low list 1111. .V i I, mil! 1 rl.iml Cotiuti , alioiit t.vo nul.s b.n N. ot: und 11I i d, on die m.on road ha.lmg from 'hat place to D m villi , adjoining i in. I, in John Lenhoti, .le-si- C. Hor'oii and others, iio.v in ihe occuptney il Samuel Payne. About totl v a. res of snl tract .He I. an .1, and ill good slat of eu tiva'ion, on w hu h there i u small barn erect, d. 'Fhe property will he sold oil ri asonabl teims. For luither paiticuhiis, peison are request ed to appN to the ,u! scrih. r. H. II. MAs;:R. Aarnt, Nov. CTih, if Sunhury. Pa, LIST OF BOOKS, lull sill. N 'I'll ON "s Cl.,s.ii.,l D N I'HO ' do.; Ai 1 . 1 here are lir.t rate slahhnu hn.l cainico houses attached lo the holel, M'i nded by (H i ful and sober hostlei, and our charge t v l-iw, 111 accordance wuh the present haid tmu. FhiUli Iphia, Oct. 7ih, I St.'. o.arv; Lemprier' Ainswoith s do ; t uiih s ilo.; t.uglislt an. I l.'cimaii ,lo.; Anihou's Cn-iu; Authoii'a tir.iniiner; Anlhen's Ciceio; M mi's Latin Re.idei; Ogilby'di) Ainhew's Laiin Less in-; D tit 1 g.iu's Lexicon; Fisk' lire.k Exeieihe; Djvics'a l.eecii.lci; (iiacca Majora; Adiuis's K, .111.111 Aniiqiiitie-; Piunock'a lold-inith' England; do. O recce; l.xe.i's Element 1. 1 (ieolonv; Mis. Lincoln's Hoiiinv; Eh menls of R. t in v; lltiditi ' A Igi t r .; P. 11 li i' h hi loi ical Ri a-der-; Eon rs. n's (ieiL'ia by and Hl-tory; Olney'a do ; Parley', do.; Siiuih's ( 11 .1111 i.ici : KiiLh.uii't do.i Kiy' Read, r.-; Cold's do.; Cobb's Arithmeiick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Col l.'. Sp( liing Hooks; 'Fuwii'a d.; Cobb's Tuhle Hooks; Evangelical Fa mily I.ihiurv; Collage Hihli-; Family do; Collater al ,l.i.; Small llil les and Testament-; Parker' Ex criise. on Composilniii; Fruit uf the Spirit; Hmtci' Saint' Rcsl; A 11. em an netululioii; Marryitt'a No vo.; M r. Phelps nil Cl cinistiv; Iliad; Catechism 1. f American Law.; Leitcrson Nalurul M.igic; Che niislry lor Heginiieis; English Exercisis udapted 10 Murray' Crammer, Sequel to Couiley' Spelling Hook; American Ola.- II, .ok; D aboil' Schoolmu lei' Aksiti.tnl; A great variety ot Plunk HotAs, Ac. August -.'H, 1 HVi. I'Uli SALE AT THI OH'lCTi