Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 26, 1844, Image 3

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    Ilrfor mid Alier,
It is astonishing, (cays tlic New York F.vriiiug
Tost,) how quietly some men ran change their o
pinions, when they have occasion to Ho so. For
instance, we read this morning in the- Philadel
phia correspondence of the Tribune, the following
reflections :
'You correctly say in the Tribune, that the
success of Shuiik. in this State, by the paltry ma
jority of three or lour thousand votes, is no cri
terion by which to judge of the result of the Pre
sidential election. My calculation is, and I have
seldom failed in similar calculations, that Penn
sylvania would be safe for Clay, should Shunk
carry it by 10,0(10 ; and now, since his majority
is not over ("that number, 1 deem the State as
safe for Clay as if the election had already been
held, and his success declared. The Slitmk men
fully calculated upon 1.3,(100 majority two weeks
e.go and had the election been deferred two
weeks longer, Markle would have undoubtedly
"been elected. Yon may set down Pennsylvania
certain for Mr. Clay and the Turin, by at least '
SUU0 majority.-' I
This, be it remembered, was written on the;
12th of October, alter the political character of
the State was well ascertained. Put the Pliila- ,
tlclphia correspondent of the Tribune had unlnr- :
tunately written on the 'Jud ol October, when the :
politics of the State were not so well known. His
opinion at that tini" was thus given :
'Some of our whig friends seem to imagine
that Mr. Clay's vote, or lather majority, will '
exceed Oen. Markle's, both in the city and conn- j
ty as well as in the State. This, T think is a
peat mistake, and it would be well lor them to
take warning in time, as many. 1 observe, exhi
bit a disposition, if not an anxiety, to bet upon i
it. 1 will speak honestly and candidly my so- i
lemn conviction upon this subject, and wh"n I
say that if lien. M.nkle fails to carry the State
ol' Pennsylvania, it is madness for our friends
to risk any wagers that Mr. Clay will. You
must give me tin: credit at li ,it of being sincere, '
and as well informed upon the subject as any
man who professes more than I do '' 1
What a dill'.-ivi re ! - It is madness to hope
for Mr. Clay's sneers-, if Markle fails," says the
Tribune writer, on the 'Jnd of October; but
''Pennsylvania is safe for Clay by ".nun." says
bo, on the Mh of October. Our opinion icon- '
tinnesthe Post,) is that the statement uf the jnd
df October is the one nearest thr truth There is
little reason to expect to carrv the State fr
Clay, when Varkle has so signally failed. And
ve are pleased to be confirmed in this judgment
by an authority so di-linsiuisheil among the
whig as Daniel Webster. In the speech which .
Vie lately made in Pennsylvania, lie lwes this
language, in every word of which we fully con
dir : '
'1 cameamong you only to tell you the deep
interest I feel in your ensuing State election
The election of a President of the I niti d States 1
depends on the next iiilieriiatorial vote of Peiui- i
rylvuniu. j
A letter ha ju-t been read fiom Cor. Rituer,
i-howing the important bearing of the election
or (!u enior in this State upon the next N'ovem-
ber contest, and I concur in every wordol
letter. I know theie is nothing in th" North ,
which interests all soinucl, then' is nothing to
which a man sit quickly and iutcntlv turns his
attent ion. alter the exercise of his dailv devo
tional duties, as to impiire info the prospects nf ,
your in-xt ensuing election. Tor it will he ouii- '
nous of the content next November.7' !
lu the cuthu-ianii of his oratory, Mr. Webster
littered the tl nth. The result in IVim-v Iv.iuia '
is ominous of the more impoitant result to be
brought about next November. J
An Oi.i Hi i! n. The Albany Alias says;
tl.fre in in the possession of one of the old Dutch
families of the city, a parrot, known to he "--J
yearn old ! The bird is now blind ; but, not
withstanding, it can walk to any part of the
house without difl'iciiity. and recognizor, the dif
ferent members of the iBinily by theii footsteps.
It whiffle tunes reat exactness, anil is
(juitc fund of sacred music.
A little word in kindess spoken,
A mot ion or a tear,
lias oft. n healed the le ait when hiokcil.
And made a friend sim'cie.
IS AlI l.VHHt K M tllKKTi
Office of the Ma i.ti mohk Amkiiica. Oct. 21.
;PvAlN Wheat is very scarce. Small par
cels bold to-day at and '.i.' cents fur good to
prime reds, and at a s cents for inferior to
i;ood. No white Wheat at market we ijiiote it
at OS a lu.'i cents. Sale- of Coin to-day at It a
1-5 cents for white, and If. a 17 cts. for yellow.
Oat arc worth y-'j a 20 ct. and Rye t'2 and tl
WlllSKI'.Y. Is in fair demand Sabs of
bbls. at Qo cts and of hhds. on Saturday, at 2-'.$
cts. To day holders ask til cts. scarie.
.n ,i is it i k it ,
At Danville, on Wednesday evening the Oth
inst., by the ltev. John Morgan, of Stratford,
Conn , KnwARn II., l'.sq., to Miss Mahy
F.i.izai.etu, daughter of Win Jenuison, Fsq ,
both of Danville.
Corrected weckty Ay Henri Yuxthamer,
Whkat, ....
Pons., ......
FLAxsrrn, ...
Hdttkh, ....
Tallow, ....
Drimi ArPLK, .
Do. Pkaciiks,
II kcklkii Flak,
Kens, ....
IN the nutter of (be proceeds of the real estate nf
John H. Cowden. sold by the several shcrill's
of Northumberland, Lycoming and I'ni an coun
ties, and now con-idetc.l in the Court of Common
Pleas of I'nion n unty for distribution,
Xollct' I liort'liy pivnt,
To till prisons inieirsti d in the distribution 'if ihe
pronedsof the slier. flV sales iif.resiiid. that ihe
Court nf Common Ph as f I'liimi county his np
pomted Wcdn.s.'av, th" twt'nty-sevi nth of No
te In r ni t', to make distiibution Hnd a final dc
cice atunng-all the crcdilots nud legatees intiusted
m said disiriluiiion.
It v older of Hie court,
New Heilin, Oct ".fiili, Mil It
1 I. ASS 8 .v 10, bist quili y,
JH Cut N sils, nil s,
Sail, by the suck an. I barrel.
Hats and Caps, of the l ist qua'i'.y.
All for s,de ill re lured iiricef, by
Sniiburr. Oct. 2(1. 111. II. 11. M SSF.R.
i'M i: r i km: on iot x i,
run tiik cenK er
i) v s i' i: i's l a.
rfTTMI Me.lieino is olT' e l to ihe public g'-ner-Q
aily. fr mi a fuil conviction thttt il is -iipcrier
I i any otl cl m diciue n iw in life, far the cure of
DyspeR:n, l.iver ('Mtiijilaiut, Nervous Dubihtv or
Uoihlv Wrnkness. Ac.
Its effects have liven teste 1 in a private practice
i f ue r tight yews, and il is now mere extensively
circulated, t ihe seliiTiiile of ininv who have re
ceived ihe most -iiMii! benefit from the ue of il.
Tlie f.ilhHxiiu is one n ileum a nmnl er of c. ttili
citcs received in illation to the nieces of this me
dic ne :'astf.ii Co. March H.
1H. (iniHUF. V. l.l.:l,
lhar S,r .- Il is with gr, at p'e.isure tbst I in
form oU of ihe sucecss atlcmliiig your Dyspeptic
Medicine, while ni' I 'yed in inv p HC.'ice. Fio n
pnsl i xtierience, I firmly ludii ve I lint in eight rasrs
i iil of ten. the lhc'tie, bv the lire of y. ur
ine, may entir ly ml hnnsilfof ih s thorn in ihe
pslbwiy of life: not only ill dyspeptic cases, but
ill id' ci-es of constip ition and diseases depend ng
n a dibilitaied stale of the lu rvous system, lege,
vher w ith a to-pi.l st ite of the b iwels, will your H
!iir bcf.iii' d of inrsMu hie value. Nun cnm-i in
.-lances wheein Ibe usefulness of the medicine has
li.'i ii reali e.l, miv l e f iiwarded, if reiuiril. I
vih y. il greul success, and receninii'iid the medi
cine to lh suffer ng ait of m ii.kind.
Youis, with crest respect,
KOIir.UP AtiNKW, M. D.
fj'j- For sale at the tlle of II. H. Masscr, agent
for ihe pr rietor, Suuburv, l'a.
October 2tiih, 1 S I 1 ly
Sheriir's Sales.
Y virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo
nas issued out of tho Court of Common
I'leae of Northumberland County lo nic directeJ,
will be exposed to public nale, at the Court House
in llw Uorough of Sunbury, on Monday tho 4 1 h
day of November next, al 1 o'clock, P. M., the M
lowing described property to wit :
A certain lot of ground si'unle In Ihe borough of
Northiimberlnnd, in Nattbuin' cil.ind county, and
in irked in Ihe geneinl plan of said town No. 7G,
and hounded north east by (jueen Direct, suuih east
l y lot No. io, soudi wesi by Duke street, and north
vest by Front street, containing CO feel in front
on Ij jeen and Duke streets, and 220 f. et in depth,
j whereon are erected a two story dwelling house,
(part brick and part frame,) and n blacksmith shop
Seized, tiken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Altx indrr Colt.
Also: A certain trai t or piece of land siiunte in
Coal township, Northumbeiland county, adjoining
lands of Jacob (5ass, Philip Stainbarh, Lewis Dew
art and olhcrs. containing two hundred seres more
or les, about ten acres of which are cleared, where
on are erected a small log house, a small leg stable,
and an old saw mill.
fe;r.ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
properly of Archibald II ailge and John Feulv.
fi;mx mauiiui;, xunjf.
Hierifl's OlTicc.
Sunbury, Oct. 5'h, 1844.
SlieriiF's Sale.
Y virtue of s wtit of Vend. Ftp mm, issued nut
of the Court of Common Pleas of Nortbum-
birland county, to me dircccil, will be exposed to
public sale at the house of (ieorce Nmi'h in .Inck
son township, on Sjtuid.iy the 2(ith Oclnber inst , at
I o'c ck P. M., the following de-cribid projiertv,
to wit :
A certain tract or piece of land situile in .l ick
, son township, Northumberland county, ndj. lining
I in. Is of J 'hn Mower, J dm Killing, (J itlfricil
' siirclller and others, containing 105 acres more or
, b-'s, about 45 acr-s of which ate cle ri d, whereon
; ate creeled a tw i story log b ui-e, a log burn, a
' small spiing house nud a good inch ird.
, Nei.ed, liiketi in execution, and tube mid as the
properly of William W elker.
I ' FF.U.Y MACKFII, Sheriff.
! Sheriff's Office,
Sunbury, Oct. ft h, 181 1. S
IOU Irial in Ihe Court of Common Picas ofNor
thumbeiland County, at IS'ov'r. Term 1S44,
coininciiciiig the first Monday, being the 4th.
John A Lloyd vs Rc-herc. Wells
Lli llmbst vs is V R M'Kce
Robert Minri's adin'r vs Wm Ilibler el nl
Dr Robert Philips vs M'Cnrtco tSt Purdy
Kcitxinizcr, alienee of Oiiiver vs John (iarvrr el al
John II mime, jr
John Fiirmnn et al
Hlephen Derr
Frymtrfl for Fvert
liiciib Marnhart
Siinnnsh Zerbe
Maldy cV Kase
John C H -yd
Hugh Hellas Ac
John Wi If
Reed for Muny
Jacob V Sitnith
vs W m H Sanderson
vs AuRcstns Huey et al
vs (Si oien Lawrence
vs .1 P II icki liberg
vs H'rn M'Oiimess
v J i' ii A Lloyd
vs John C Oner el
vs Richard Renshaw
vs Wm M'C'av
riiiis. iiii I'ltopr.itTY,
II on sir si mid liOl lor stair.
riIIF, Siiticcribcr oilers for sale the following de
I scribed Valuable Property, all of which he
will sell at very moderate prices, and on reisona
blo terms, vi?. :
No 1. A Inrceand eeg int two story stone man
sion house with Insenvnt story , all highlv finished.
and situa ed on the east side of Matket street, ill
SMi' sarove, I'nion county, In inn ihe residence of j
the subscriber. The lot on which this house J
sl ir ds is vety h unts irm ly improved, and planted j
widi choice fuiit and ornamental trees and shrubs,
with all the i.ecrss iry iinproveni nts of a large!
barn, p'ujerv. Kiig.-n he 1 and com crib, ciriiairi
Middle creek within one mile. There is a saw mill
on the tract of land adjoining, at which the limber
of this Inct ran be wrought into boards tnd other
s iweil stuff. Price, f 300.
ttj' In consideration of ths scarcity of money at
this lime, I w ill sell any or all the above properly on
terms In suit the times; and in case cash tie offered,
a reasonable deduction will be made. Further par
ticulars iniy be obt lined by addressing the subscri.
bit at Selinsgrove, Union county. Pa.
Selinsgrove, August 3, 1841. 3in
SPA N I S H "kTidUs
ftOOO I) y Li Plata Hides first quality.
:t."00 Dry La (iuirs. do
ItlOO Dry Nailed Li (iuira. do
,T-r,'H'J 1 "rkl'0" , house, ice heu-e,,. nd poultry yarJ. rj(MM Dry Salt, d Mr mil Hides do
vs James F Murray
vs Jo-eph Wei'.e
.lames H .rretl's adm'rs vs Peter Xnyder
Daniel Zerbe At. wife vs ln.r l!od.nme
Wlllimi A Llovd vs Martin S oek
Oom'th of Pa. for hi ow n us ' v F W Pollack
Same vs Charles dimly 's t x'rs
Sin,e vs Siime
Same vs F W Pollo.k
Sam'l Swinehsrt eV wifevs Piter Fer-ler
Jacob M .ybind
Fre'rriik K!e t
Conrad Divher's exr's
Henry Petery - wife
I'll anls - Vetreo
Itenj imin Camji
.lose) 1.
.1 cih II Ulibart
John R Keldi r
llenjainio Ro'i'im
Willi am Welsh
Stephen D. rr
S loinon Meimi-V hciisv
( h ir'cs (iearl.arl, jr
vs II Voxtln imer et al
vs Same
vs .Inch M'Kinnev et al
v ( boles tslialli r's cx'rs
is Win Dounldsoii
vs Jacob Werlley
vs ( 'hirle Ibtrh
vs John M'liilincss
vs John P lint, r
vs Abr di mi Law rence
vs J -enb KelV. r
s Henrv St. -ii ine z
I ani I Wer'inaii
icori:e A Dixon el al
Hints ck Diucki in. lb r vs .1 .hn W Peal
Win A Lloyd vs .1 O 11 Nourse
llulei Siuiili vs Auuu-tiis V J Hmy
II F llolhliushead i: t'ovs Pi lei l.a.iros
The who'e coti-tilut'nut a nwt d. sirable and beau-
' tilul lesalcnce.-- Price, 3, .'00.
I No. 2. , I utii two Mory wooden house with ex
, tetnivr back bnihlings, and highly imp vrd car.
, den and lot f u'otind. 'Phis property i situated
noiili of and adj iumj No. 1. ami also funis u de-
s r.ibh' resi let,c- Price, l.r.oo
, No. M. A two stoiv wooden honsp wi'h l it if
1 nronnd, s;tu tied on llirei-t -i il i- of Water street,
. in Selini-jriive, well finished Ihrouuhou', witli luis
I stable i ii the rear of the ot. Price, 500.
' No. 4. A two stoiy uooihri bouse with one s!o.
rv ki'ehen, and a lousl i' le on the rear of the lot, '
si'uateil norlh of and adjoining tl.e hi-t mi'i.ed pro- '
pertv.No. :t. A well and pump, to accotmno. late !
j (his .nl No :t, in the y iril. Piice, f."00. TFIIF Subscribers res-perlfully invite Country
i No. ft. A lot ,,f L'reunil in the lown nf Charles. I $ Merchants who are about to purchase Fall
I low ii, on the la!e ol (Jue, situated mi street, j and Wiiitev Supplies, to an examination of their
: lit ly lsll feci. A desirable lot for a dwelling' rcspCiTive Slocks, believing that their several as-hoii-e.
Pii e. fiiiu. j sortineitls ate as comple'e as have ever been offei-
No (i A I,. i nf uroiiiid adj.iininrj Srlinsgrovp , r.l in the Philadelphia Market,
and Pei ns crei I, and Itontiiin on Wa'nut street, Willi stocks nl (Joods in their several Dcpart
i oi I lining about half nu acre of ground Price, incuts of the choicest kinds a determination to
200. ! sill on terms which cannot lail to prove satisftcto-
CANAL PROPKRTV .V WARF. ok STORE ' iv and a disposition to please old und new custo.
Hales (ireen Salted Patna Kips.
( Hah s Dry Pa'na Kips.
llarrcls T nnncts' Oil.
Tanner-1 nud Curriers' Tool-".
For sale lo Country Tanners at the lowest prices
and upon Ihe best terms.
N. I!. The highest mtitkct prices paiJ for all
kinds ul leather
No. 21, South Third St. PhiUdelphia.
September 11. Hi t. ly.
Country Merchants.
Charles I) W h.nt .n
E P SI, tun on
A W J il n-oii et nl
John D I! i-s'i- c.vt's
'lia le- ( iale
C L W.imer
Man.. I II;. sinus
Joh. ph M ittuan
Vs I lent v II n dshcr
vs Drums atr s
s John t ' Hav d el al
v C S W.d'is i t nl
vs S.i e
s A M'C iy
i .1 dill A Shi-s er
Shuinokm ("oil i Iron ',.
7. A very valuable property on the Pennyb
Ciiiul, mi the I-le of l'ic, adjoiniiig Selins.
The improvements are -uch as to facilitate
Fo'Aler A- DrciPbac!i i lb eendoblcr A Dieislach
Thomas Alien
Fag. Iv, Ob er A. Co
11 U ( iealhatl
Peter Dunkle
Daniel M -yer A wi'o
A 'Pronlmaii cl ul
John 1! Miller
rBllll'' nibscribrts will olb r for sab', on the pre
1 iiii-es, on Friday the 2ftth d .y of October, at
10 o'clock. A. M..a Iracl ot land in Augusta ..n
ship, Nmlhiiuilieihind county, containing 21fia
cres more or less, about 180 acres of which are
cle ur I, adjoining land of Joseph Smidpe, Jacob . atne
Frv. Henry Ymiheimer and rubers, on Shnuwkin O.orge Oystir 'PI... 1) .mill., nr. I I'ollsvilli. I.'a.l If ..-i.l J.'hnHi.bll
pa-ses the ugh the land. The above tisct of land
ios"e--e many ailvsntages. It is situated a' out
H miles from Sunbury, and a huge portion of li e
clean d land is well ud iptcd to the growth of gras--.
The miprovcmeiiis area dwelling house, barn and
apple nrch .r.l.
The leitns will l e made known en the d ty rf
sale, bv the ,-ubsi ribers, cxecutoisnf Henry Hard
slier, dee'd., as whose estate thisjine will be sold.
Augusta, Oct. 12ih, 1SI 4. :it
vs V me. 10 ,V I. I IT
vs Tlminas M'Fall
vs John I ! Voung
v. Tilahm tu Spear
vs D-inul K.vmire
xs ( hri-tnti I shupp
vs William M'Cay
C U D J M ll. s.jucl et ul s D Dm kh bcrgcr et at
We'ch. Pomp A Fri. k
John tt Murrny
Chrisiophcr M, '!!.
Hank ol Nonh'd Ac
Folgi r for Tn.xell
William Fa'row
f' A Tovvar
Light A II. ll'maii
s ritne
vs J..i n I iariih art it ul
vs Dani. 1 I torn-eil
vs ( ieorge I y sler
vs W m (
vs John Meeker
vs Jehu t ' HoyJ
vs S.,in
Michael V Makrr
Edward S Handy & Co
vd Henrv P Fullmer
vs Abrihaiii KI..71!
s ( ieorue lo k' M
s .1 A P Mont ague
SvMtT.l. D. JOKDN.
Piothonolan's oll'ice, l'rvth'i.
Sonhurv. Oct. .Slh, 111. S
new c;ooi$s.
ool lltu'ttn in !
17 Wl
1.1. pi foil- iiuleh'e I 10 the subsci ihers, a'e
ji rupjested to call mid si ttle their aiconnls on
ot I., fore Ihe I Oth et .November next. AH nun s ;
in their hands ug'iinst pers -ns, wi I be pi iced in the
hands of a justice for collection, if not paid within 1
the above mentioned lime. I
Sunbury. Oct. IU1I1, Kill. 2l i
.llt ltat'l Ho K li 1U r'si lM;t'. ;
S.TOTICK is hereby given, that I. t'ers of s hivn- 1
istratinn hive Ih'. n ir .nt.d lo the subs rib. r,
en the 1 slate of M chad l!o. kef. Her dee'd., late ol
August 1 to nsbip. Noiiliumh. county. Per
oiii. i:.d. bled in said e-l ur, or having claims .entti-t
the same, ere rc.ju. ttcd lo ca'l ..n ihe m'. -c. ih. r for
iitilcii-en'. ISA AC ECK MAN. .
October lO h, 181 1 til'r. '
i:tiiff ol Col. John .loiios, 1' '!.
TI! EI"IT'I!Si.f Aduiiiiis'r.ition nn said dice.'
fl ih Ill's estate, l.aM' been grant' d to the sub.
1.1 r.l.ets. Persons know ing ihein elvis in. I. b e, I to
a-iil estate, lire t..jileteil to imuiediate p'V those having .'em mi! sg iinsl the same
are reipje-led lo presi nt Ihi 11 ..rcounls for ei imlo
, ul ion mil siileinenl. The a.lmini-t.atort will nt
; teed the dwelling hoi e of ihe ile. i'used, otl ibe
I full ul November lie jt, lo examine nee. unts ami
make Midi menni. N M. H. MI ENCII,
V:IE .-a'.si'rih.t his just received from Philnlel
phia a Iri sh supplv ot N r:w (. 1.11s, c ai-t-ting
' in pa't, if M'l'ulin lh'itir. Critric ) ',;(,
j Cmhinrrr de Kase Stiuirts. If.iud.K-irdie'fs. e.
I Aim, aver und S Ik n!s, good ass etui, nt
' of Mr n't 11ml ltmj C..yi. ('rnri rit . I.i'imrs.
Si', dr. c, all of which will be sold at the most
riBsonable terms, Slmie .Jiir.i mid cheap.
Sunburv. Oct. .uh, INI I.
Pinirt th r. Mloiiii. As ihe blood in its life,
pifuerving cour is tuhj. cl to c.ntinu d waste, na
ture has provi.l.d fit ihe supply of the rxhiu.tiiig pb,X3j pwZD XTT
fountain, by ll C conversion of our loud inl.i new r 1111 1". Hooks lor ihe pu' .)ie of receiv urjr
blood. Mut whilst such amide menus are provided ' s of S101U in H e
for the manufacture nf new blood, nature has been
A El II V cV IC O i A r,
Smith .'i7 corner of and llh tls.,
A INHERE ihey alwavs keep 011 band an exteu
sive i-s nlm. nt of II. 'I'S C.I I'S of every
description, gut up in the br-l und most approved
si' le. Pi is. us di riri.ui of pun h oing superior nrti
rim nil ihe most n is. 11 il le term-, v ill i. .1 it 1,.
il eir advantage t ) call In f re making puri'lriscs
1 Isew hi re.
Phila b Iphia, Oct. ..ill, I i I I. Iv
C a r p c t i n s .
.10 si: i 11 11 1. 1 c it mv o o i,
An. Ill ( 'hesiiii! Sim I, Crnt r h'ninhl. n Sjuun
HAS jusl received mi. I is now opening a very
exieiifive Hi'd beautiful as-i..rt.,ient ot C.ili
I'l'.'l (.'.N Tie goods nr.- Irci-h, and cl new--tyles,
and Icing ptiuh'is. J principally fir dsn,
Ihey will he sold at the lowest prices; Ihey consist
lu p ot, of's. CARI'L I.
Meaunfiil :)p!y, j INlJs.
Super Extra Ingiain, Colors vvir-
3 4. 4 4, J S Twill, il Venetian, rnule.l
" " Plum do. J l UAIU.E
A . rge stuck ot well se s iicd oil, CLOTHS
of n 1 1 widih. III ns, Hiv in mis, A c , l.igelher wilh
LL pi rsons indebted lo the subscribers on nu ext. nsive ii-sorlmeut of jtrieul Carpeting account or olherwi-e, are riiiueste.l lo : , f s'l I'e-rriiili.ins.
(V)- l urct.M-i rs ate ri 'pies'e.l .i call und see ns, Irdis.Ac, may be
when they w il find an cxtcliMve assnlmeut at Ihe withoi,l tl.e I. .M in
most reasonable pitces.
Vhllidelphia, Oct. ft b, 1HI1. tf
cue p
J intending 'o eng'i'je in o'her businesa, 1 th r
lor Mile, 011 reisona'ile lerni', their
1 to 11 I'd ti 11 (I v y.
This Fst ibbshmcnt i conveniently located along
side of the Rad Road running from this place lo
sham kin, ly which coal and pig inui can be
brought lo lie ir doors al li lle i Ji. i.m'. 'The lo
cniou is one of ihe best in Ibe state. Persons d. -siious
of entering into the hiisiue-s will ti id it to
Ihfir advantage, hv Calling on te sub-i itleis at
Sunbury, when all the necessary inf.rmation will
be given.
I Sunbury. Se,.. 2ih lsll. :tl
"7f . 0!rZ I IT G1 1.C H I IT 12 .
MHIS Midline his n w b. en le-'dl by in. .re
VII, l
. grove,
mere in lib i. ml trading business to a grrat extent
and consist of a large twostoty friuie house, orcu
pie I ns a ibv g.n.dssl re; a l uge and commodious
w arc house, 4 0 by K0 I. et ; s long range of stabling ;
i and an extensive wharf. !(I0 feet long, with hoist
in:', crane. Ac. It N i-i' d en the herm bank
side of die canal, nil 1 in every respect calculated
; f r nn extensive business. Price, A ,000.
No. M. A lirge and couvenienl Moat Yard on
'the Pennsvlvania Can d, a'nl laving south of and
Kiljoining No. 7. ( in this property is erected a one
. and a lull sto-v frame dwelling house, well finish
' e.l ; n large shed and etliee for the uccomni idalion
I .1 . I....I i ... 1 ..i.. . ..... t... .1...
Ol li.'lll eillio. ll., MOO III-" .1 i- i.i'iipii-i,- iiiy no.!., j rtDll
' into vvl.i. Ii boa's for repair are floated out of the i '
can d, nn. I into which low boa's erected on the j
y .n. I are nl-o launched. A very d. sirable proper-'
' iv. Piice. ?2,00tl.
I No. '.. A large and exceedingly valuable farm,
i containing ah. lit 200 afr of choice limestone
land in a highly improved stale. On this farm
! thete are about I 10 aces under culture, divided by
i g.n.l fen. cs int a ful. Is often acres; a large two ;
' "l rv l.ou e with ki'chcu atta hed ; a well and '
pump of excellent wmer nt the kitchen door; a
; large nn.l convenient bat k barn with wagon house,
sheds and corn crib attached; a l.vge piess house
it li evi rv convenience for making cider, at the feol j
of the orchard, which c 'iisists of ten acres of choice '
g atiivl apple trees and )e.r trees. Limestone is ;
irtie.l tn any c-uiu:! y within 100 yards ul the
.- . i- - , . i.i.
ir ti lu.l i: gs, nme H leirrie.i. ii lavs
bin one mile of the Penn-ylvinia Canal an I So- '
linsgrove. A v.rv de.-irablc f.rm. Piice, ? 1 2,000
FARM OF 220 ACIil. j
No. I'b One o her larte and valualle firm of a
l .nr 220 acres of linn s'. ne I ii d, and nl-o s tunted ;
wit' iu one mile i f the canal at Selinsgrove. It is
w II i n; r ve.l. then' ben g ah nit D10 acres well
f. i.e. d aid under culture, the balance being well
tuiihive I w t'l oik, pine, w dnut and cln ftmt bmb. r.
Tin bu.ldirs consi-t ..fa large and well finislis'd j
'wo -t ov frn hou-e with kitchen ; a large barn
wi n w .gon shed and co n cub, Ac. a'tuhed ; a
spring h. use and eevcr tilin g spiing ileal the
In u e : a smith shop, and nvo l ine kilns, capable
of h.i tin g ' lie bundled biir-hcl- lime per day, built L I Cohen A Co
adjoining an ihausilc-s liine-t one ipurry. There . Henry C'ohen
are a!-o three ore! aid
thit- fir in Pii
iiiers. w il', we hope, be a sufficient inducement lo
purchasers to cull nt our lespective establishments.
Silks and Fancy Goods.
W A P. P Remington P0 Market Street.
Ashhurst A Remington 50 "
Muck A Poller 1 If. "
Yard A 109 "
Domestic and Foreign Drv Goods.
105 Market Street.
1 50
40 N. Second St.
simple in it-
Sun'.urv, Oct. HI, 1K11 fl
A bin s.
t t
100 Mair.U
do., at 1 . cash, f r sale
Sun'.urv. Oct. I'Jth. 1S I1.
n.,ike paviiKiit In Mr. John llrigl.t nl y,
on or before tin- l"r-t d .v of November nrl. atter
which lime, the books, Ac, will b. placed in the
hands of a justice for collection.
Oct. 12th llt. :it
At .No 11 S!rnii lnry SI. I'l.iludi lyhin.
riNMIL Rent of the libers in iln ir pre-ent
1 situation being very low, nud their term.
CASH, iln y aie enabled to s ll ul si eh low
I.e. St. ........I ..I II... l'r,.l,Lllll U..O.. ill lM.ll a.t.-tl.l't.. lt.u .1....,... a f '.i .. .'.I I .1..
tio le. olicil.iu in providing for Ihe ,,ul-i m of Pl,n.v, ,,, ,,Ul, ... i s v,l I.-, Schuv lk.ll county! invite Ibe people of N,.'.thu,nU',h,d' and the d
thl which is useless and decayed. This iinpor- ! 8nd al ihe public hou-e of Chale D. haiton, in joining counties to call uud mnune then,
ant ollice is performed by the bowels, and when Sunbury, Noithnmbefluiul county, respectively, on t tin y oiler an rx. eTrnl assoi'ment, inmpiiMiig
not A Si hi ti K I I I. IS A l-
SlUMURI VI, M lll.l.
Koiii l'i.Mrr, will
Nature (who is always snuggling to throw oil' of
fending matter,) requires H8si.-t.mce ill her believo- I
lent iiitenlion, Mrjinheth's Vegetable Universal !
I'ills will be found singularly adapted to the pur- !
pose, because they reniuve through the si much
and bowels u II corrupt humors from the body, in an !
easy, sufe and ellectuul nianm r, producing no ef
fect but what will finally conduce to the perfect pu
rificalion of the Ml. m l, and thereby cure the di
rase, (by whatever name il miy be cal'ed,) and
livs perfect health lo the whole system.
Jj"- Purchssa nf II. H. Msser, Sunbury, or ul
the ajents, published ill another pail of ihin papir.
the :11st day i f October inst., and on (he 1st and
2d days of Novemhn licit.
John V. Clnghom,
Mur.l Pat'erson,
Andrew Russell,
Abiaham Poll,
Charles V. Clemens,
John N. Lane,
Samuel Puik,
Win. N. Robins,
Charles V. Hegins,
llu.'h M. llas,
II. M. Master,
(ieo. A. Flics,
"-.nun I John,
W in. I'agelv
Oct. 12:h, ixll. It
llcuitilul liniirrtul, dplv, "1
Superfine Ingrain, j
Heavy Twill, d Venetian, -CA RPHTlNtiS.
Fine F.nglish Worsted d . j
Plain Siriped do.J
With a large Stuck of well sensnm-d Floor Oil
Cloths of ail widths, for Rooms, Hulls, Door Pie-
m. Ihuu '.Lilly in lh'
h is given mure snti-t .. toi l. I
cm striietn ti, that it eanin t gel out of i.rd. r. Ii
coul liiis no iron t a . u -t, and no pun g - or rolh-rs In
get o it of lepi r. Ii will do twice ns much wish
ing, wilh less than hall thevviai and tear of any of
the Die inventions, and whit is of gr.i'er i i per costs but little over hall as much as other
washing iii.u'hines.
The sip's, n' . r h is ihe rr!ti-ivi' right fir Nor
thuinl.i ilao.l, I 1 1 ii 1 1 , I. callin g. Coluu.hi i, I . m -.erne
ami I'liuion counties. Piice ol single m i-
.h ii. ii. it. i si:r.
Tl.e billow iog ce t fie ite 's fioin a lew ol those
w ho have ihe.-e in cl Ii cs in use,
Sunhuiv, An.., 21, lsll.
We, the subH. Til.eis ccrutv we have n . v
in u-e, in our fjinilns, "S'.eg, n'.. '.,tci,i V ,.st..
iig M ichine," and do I ol hi sit te Mvingthit ii i
a liio-l i xcelh iit in vi'ii' i .ii . 'Phil, in W'l-hin;
it will -avc in ire than one hi'l Ihe u-u l labor.
Thai it il'.'sn t re pine in. .re ih.iu one thlr.l i.e
I s.o.l .pi inli y ol so p and w .iter ; oi l lb it tl cu
ts n rubbing, an I colls, ipicui'v. b'ta' or no we i
nn or l. iiiina it ki.oel..: "IV no buttons, an.; tl.e linesi cl a l. si c a as co.tar-, hi.. , l.ic ,s.
f. as1 id in a ve y rh.'H to.f.
uv , ai d in lucl w oho'i; uv
appaienl w ear and I. a', w hatev. r. u tlicirl .r.'
c 1 1. r 1 1 1 1 1 y re., .inn. en. I il I . our f.uuls, nn. i ,
pul he, as a luosl list ful hi i I ih r sawi, . u,o ,i,,(.
A. lOiiDW.
Clls T. WF.R.
CHS. PI il N I s,
ii L: i x makm.i:.
li.'n, oi o. i'. w r.i Ki.i:,
Hl'.N' 1. HF.NDRtrlvs,
H mil's Hoi u, (lurm ilv 'l'u-moi.l II I'-e, N...
111! Chesiiul s'leet,)'phia, Sept. '. nb. r
2 1st, lsll.
I have us. j Shiig. rt'. Pit. 'lit :i-h:,u Machine
ill my llou o upward- ol right m uiih-, and do not
hiMtaie lo lay that 1 deem il one r.l th mo I I'.-e-tnl
and vnlu'ible lahor-saving machines everiuv. n
led. I tnlioi r'v kepi two women cu. v in
eupied in washing, v bo imvv do as mm h in two
lavs as ihey then did in one wuk. I here is u .
Reynolds, MrFailand Co
Mutnett, Withers A Co
Scott A Maker
Wise, Pu ey A Wise
Hatdy A Hackers
Iinuirtcrs of Clot!i, Cassimcrs, Vost
ings, ike.
William II Love 147 Mirket Street.
103 "
Hardware nml Cutlerv.
215 Market Street.
US '
Importers ami Manufacturers of sad
dlery Hardware.
Horn A Kniass 215J Market Slieet.
Doots, Shoes, Iionnets, Caps, Leghorn
and l'alm Hats, cc.
W F. A J (i Whelan, 15S Market Street.
Lev i, k, Jenkins A Co 150
M Conrad A Co f.O
-Mantifactiircrs and Dealers in Vwgs,
Medicines, l'aiuls, Oils, vSlc.
Thomas P Jumrs 212 Market Stieit.
Potts, Linn A Harris 213
Robinson, Cod ns it Co 87 "
l'.dward Cole 61
Thompson Panvo-ist vN; Co 0 "
Hats, (.'Hps Furs and Trimmings.
I. Kenton 1 76 Maiket Street.
John S luethicr vv Mtothcr 02 "
Hooks ?.nd Stationary.
Cnigg A Fll ott 9 N. Foui'h Siren.
Hogan A Thompson 30 '
Itr.portet's ol" I'rilish and French Fnn
cy Stable Stationary.
27 S Fourth Stirxt.
of heating apple trees on ' t . r IT.,.; rsi Tr:,
C 4t(l(t00 I ' 1UISIUI1) VI1UVV.-3, llllll-
1'arm op 2o0 ACRF.s. ' tilings ana 1-ancy i.iOois.
No. 11. farm . n Pcimf Cie.k. about 3 miles Sctley A '.Severing 21 N Third Street,
from the canal nl Selinsgrove, wi h the public road Parker Lehman 3 "
lei.ling Ir.'tn Si hiisgrove lo New Meiliu, the scat of , , . , , , c
jns ice ,1 Cuiou'y, running through it. It '.. Olllbs, HniSllOS. LrOOtnS, vVC.
con tuns ul'iiul '.'.ill acics, of which there are about ; T'jnmas Cooper 3 N Front Street,
iieigtili.i!ti..oil. aii.l :(() a.-rcs ot tirs. rale me nt ov laml, ttie naljnee up- r '1' . 1'. 1 1 -
hud and puncipally red seh.i'e. About one In.-.,. , 1 '"I" " ' v." " .'
.b. d acres are i le-.r. d, the balance being well c'ivi f .
i d w all o.ik I err, if k mid white pine linil ei. The
1 u.l. hie;- c n-i-t ot a will fuislnd two vtor, farm
house wnh sc. r d tine .1 wj'er cl. se at
ha i d. a large log barn, c 'in rub, spr'ua n,.uso, Ac.
On this l.oci there is a mid s.'ite -. 0 ,.c i
en a s'ream ol water t i'utirv t.i penns ere. k.
Phis t .iui might be a.l annig . oo ,.y divided into
I v o f ,rii.. 'in d w id be so d'.vid jd if purchasers de
sire it. Price, ' a.t'00
. W A I L'.! I OWFR.
No. 12 A wat.r p w ..r ,.ii Penn- CieeR, of (.1
led I ill, nuimpiove i. Ii js s tu ited bctwe.n the
Iwo tracts el I uid .(,-;. II and I d. and w ilhm .0,
miles et ll e 'i" n..vv on i I 'anal, ,t S, liu-c A
pul. I c i.i i I I' i i, thr.m.di the
l. n k .1 IV :i .s cie. k Pin e,
WA'I ,;R poWF.Rs .V
No ! .1. A tin. I ot wo. !!
t '
t. a
r1 aO0.
i. .I c. .ul lining al
the e ist
;h il
u .Ii d on Penn- re.
It. Th.s Itifl i'.
and pine limber, wi'1
o ,1 em; tv in.! .n'o l'e
. initii. ty i p
W . :l covered w th
Wolf run tl uv n g
it s ne k. all 'r-Mng
lio:n iwel.e
ccs, Ac. Alsi 1' urmtiire Oil ( hubs, Mejulilul wear ur tear in washing, ami It rc.piins not more
Health Rugs, Table Cover1, Floor Msie, Rug Car- than one-third ihr usual ipianiity nl soup. Ih .ve
pels, Mailing, Ac Ac, together with a Urge. Slock bud a luiinUr ut odn i in i'.iine in my lam Iv, hul
if lowr piiced Ingram, 1'ntry and Stair t'urpels, this in so decidedly supeiior to every ihiiijj else, t.nd
Wholesale and Retail, at Ihe lowest prices in the '''tie ha'de In gri out of tepoi, thai I would Hot
city. r.LDRIDOF A II KO I I I F li, ! dn without one if they thoul I euht ii u times ihe
No.41 Strswbeny street, one above Che-- p"ee ihey aie s.ld foi. DMFI. lll'.RIi.
nut, near 3d strut. Liilnuce sl-o st No. f'O Soudi lM..i)R I NFS, 4 haoiltomc .Hide lot Lada .'
rsecoii'l Htcet, Iptiid, Die
Sipt. 2th, 18J1.'
June 1..
rsses, b i i ale i hi ap, I v
Jl II. M A st F R
v rnte
lb,-, o
nu eve. :. I.' i l'e I .r a - w m - r. it'i
to i m i n I . I I .li. f lie-'. ; oti.
No II. A ti act I oo II 'III. in improved, aitn i
t.'' on the .i I .- c. - I I'. '.ins c ii!:. N'a.
I II it on Ilg ..:. nl '..'O acre- f CVcellelll red
m h ilc up! I V. !l urn. t i nt irv lo Pei.ii ctei 1:,
tors lino gli this ti ni, and al. ir Is t open .r M'lte
Jar n sa.v mill I to' I n l Is I"' .v i v s-t w uli w hi'e
o k il. t Ion. .'.', C' 1 I s ,-.- III le ..I b, nig i', ..
V. i-.i I .,. . ao ve. II nt t .-'!'. I'll' .', r'i IUUI.
N ... I .". I e ol hi r 1 1 ' t I .v .. .!' n d, uunn ru
v.. I, -oiine! ;u I'ii ii. I v. ii- I i; alioiji A miles
f. in , llii-j. v ,', . ui.uig lo.'U ol .lohllMaov,
li. U Il ami . ..let -, C I t ilnn g Is; a. ICS ai d 12.'.
p- r. hi ..I O a II. ot i .1 sell de epl and. o.f iuii
it 1 o p.sse- It, Tough this, i. tl' inlu ig line wulei
power. Tl.e I in.l ts well c.veicd with white oak
sii.l pan ' l.n!'. i, and is susccj a 'I le ol being c tl
veind into an I'xcillcnl f.iui. Puce, f2 Mm.
N o. lii. A tract ol woo Hand, uuiuipiov. .1. situa
l .1 ni I 'nn hi low uship, ailioiumg I ii ils ol M ch.iel
Sander- and utt ers, and l ot in re than o,.i ni le
fiom Suiilury, oil ihe i po lie side of Ihe r.ver
Sii"in liii.iu. I'.u.ta.nii.g . b.Uil 11."' ici -. Phis
land I.- vciy go d led -cha'c soil, cap il le ol bring
com. rn d Inn) ail i kc. II. nl I i.m. A stu a n of wa
ter. I'T'iil ov io ihe .vi r, ll..w'i Ihi- Im d
sUll c elitlv f.'l.g f .l as iw ii. 1.1. The I Hill Is Weil
rove. ed Willi while oak ul'.d pine lunb. r. Pun,
ft lint.
N... 1 1. A ti.n t of uni i proved wooill uij, iiui
led ill ( 'eune town hip, Fin ni 1 1 unity , i . lit a uiog
Inn net's, nlpuniiig lands ol J Willi rimver mid ).,. ,
. olhits, MiJd.tbu' Within t h it e iiiiIij. uud, '
( iijl'da
A F f) t ViMiros.i Id S Fourth Street.
Manufacturer of Patent I.ard Lamps.
I'llis S Archer 32 N Second Strict.
Manufacturer of I'art:'. Floor and
Furniture Oil Cloths.
I-aic Mae.iul. y, Jr. 6 N Fifth Street.
Manufacturers a: id Importers of
s,,r Haii'ins.
HowiliA Mroth. r.i so A 112 Chesnu'. St.
Philadelphia. August 21, 1SH. 3m.
jr.?M llUt .V. .'. The kmall farm,
containing about 100 acres, about 2 rm'es
uii ive N. allium eil ni l, iulj liinng lauds of Ji e C.
II. rtMi, Joi n Legh ni and otheis, will he sold, if aj pbca'ion i-made s..on lo the subscriber,
Suni ii-y. Aug .!l. H.!).MSSER.
7H. l Si:!'.!) The highest price will h
given for Flax Seed, I v
Aug :il. 11-1.
' O I TA( ! II MM) LI'S. Five copies of the Cot.
' l ge II , hie, ihe cheap, st hook ever published,
conta long Ihe comn.i n arv on ihe OIJ and Ne
P. .-lament, ju-l n e. in d and f r sale, fur six doll .rs,
bv .I.m . l i. IL M. MAssp.R.
' PU i:i:) l.O I , i, article, all wo . I,
I g'.' i.n. I el. s ic, lor Sunuiirr Coals and Pants,
tin s..!c. very
J,.:.e l.'l
TO Il.UtlllMS A- Uli. I. IM. US.
W M. M. vV JOS. I-:. M Al LL,
FoRLHiN AND DOM lis ni;
An. '.It, nelh S, i inn Sirttt, ojtpoutt t'
M.ldlxoH y.uM i
i ; H FRF. w ip be f und a general asoil- I'X
nient of Florcnre Miaids, Aliens, Kui-r,
lands. Peddles. U tp.nv Plait, Rich Mus, and n
o.iii h a luiiir l N. hp.iliiait Lace, and Fancy M .i.
nets, in H. i. la, lined by us, and for sale l ihe mi i
in anuiaciii e Mn.haois an, I Milliners .
invited io ini. ,,h s c ii n(,,u i.uin4 t!lri (',n
C'V" -V M Wu In... hi.-. i i,.ii-tan K mak'iiw
supiaioi li..a icner eiliug., all of wsXi h v. I
I i hi up l.n ca b.
ladelphu Mav 2S It'll. It