Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 26, 1844, Image 2

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    tiiic orci.rsiox.
THR Mll.l.LR 1(M TRINK. 'I'ho rflect of the
promulgation of this doctrine is truly astound
ing. Tho excitement increased, and hundreds
are becoming the dupes of those who proclaim
the faith. We yesterday hrard of two men,
buth in pood business, one a brickmakcr nnd the
other a drayman, who have relinquished their
railings and given themselves up entirely to the
work of preparation for tl.c centful -3d of the j
present month.
A fow days since, a female, the owner oft wo
frnmi! homos in the Northern Liberties, upon J
the In it Ii she lias in the doctrine, disposed of
them to the owner of the ground upon which
tliry were located, for the sum of two hundred
dollar. She appeared to be in great mental '
ngony until the papers, making the conveyance,
were prepared by the Alderman, and only after
this was effected did she seem to regain any
thing like composure.
Within the p ist week, during the meetings
at the .lulianna street church, several ir.dividn- .
nU have yielded to the force of the lectures, and
put their property at the disposal of the church.
One person, calculating his excess of this
world's riches, handed over thirty-five dollars ;
another presented, for the disposition of the so
ciety, the sum of'$lGO ; of this, ('.0 were given
to one of the brothers, who stated that he was
about that amount minus, nnd the remaining
one hundred was placed in the common treasu
ry. Tlt lecturer, yesterday, most earnestly
enjoined upon all to bring their wordly wealth
and sacrifice it upon the ariar of the Lord. Ho
Mated that be had done so. He recommended
Stiturttay, Oft. i, '.814.
1viiio i iiUc omliintloii.
J A Bins K. FOLIC,
pop, vicr. rnr.siDKNT.
P. L V. C T ORS,
'or Vrnitlrtit and Vice I'rmiilent of the V Slittrs
ASA 11 MOCK, .Senatorial.
U K P R K S l: N T A T I V K .
1. Gi:o F. LniiM vn. l'l. Giokhi: S, u vv.t r.
2. Chuisho Km:.!. 11. N vtii'i.. 11. Fi nm n.
ii. Wn.i.i v il II. Smith. IV Wm. N Ihvink.
I. .fmi lln.i.. (I'liila ) 1i .Inn Wi.nhiiT i:v,
f. Swum. 1'.. I.Kfcil, 17 Hn.ll MoM-'iininuv
IV I i c Amincv,
lit. John .Mai i iti-iws.
00. Wm. Pa i h i o .
W 1 . A nr.r vv- lii km:,
2J. John MGii.t.,
'J.I ( ii it is 1 1 1 s M v i:i:s,
'J I l!ori i: I Om;
ET7" Tiiimiunui Mistiiu r. The following
are the official returns of this district for Con
press. The success of tho whig candidate was
owing entirely to defection in our ranks, par
ticnlarly in Lycominp, which gave Shnnk a ma
jority of tJo.'i and Petrikin only 210.
Ci:wtis. TiTniKiN,
Fiiion, ....
Clinton, -
Pollock's majority,
21 II
71 11
1 r,r,
I'riuii) ! vniiln Vol for Pirslilrnl In 110,
mill fur (JoTtrnnr In 19 11,
In order that our readers may institute a
comparison of the vote polled on the Hih instt .
for (Jovemor, and thnt given for President and
Vice President in 1- If), we publish the follow-
Hniry riny nnd n V. S. flunk
The prc-nt ami only essential difference between
tho whips nnd democrats, in Pennsylvania, is the
subject of tin! currency. Democrats, as well as
whips, are almost utniiiitnntn in favor of a pro
tective tarili. The issue- then, b-tween the two
pi-eat patties, is narrowed down to the subject of
ing returns. The abolition vote in the Plate j the National currency, as it is generally c.illrd
then was 13 precisely the Harrison majority. , by our whip friends, but which, in plain FngH-h,
(vy Slk ok itiK Mvin Link. The majority
for the sale of the Main Line is 01,13-1. All the
anti-improvement counties, which are not direct
ly benefitted by the public works, voted for its
sale by larpe majorities. The whips, as a party
measure, however. Generally voted in favor it.
In Philadelphia city and c .unity, where Mock
jobbers, brokers, ami corporations were greatly
interested, Ihit vote was strong in favor of the
S aii i:i. C. ill-,
.Ikxsk Sihri'K,
N V. Sa.mci.i:,
Wm Hkiiii:m;i:k h.
S i j ru icn iivi.nv,
Ju.vvu l!i;i:vv s 1 1 it,
Q. fivii, Cum m sioi:ii.
tint Commissioner is. for
llartshortie. (deiu )
Guilford. (U hip)
Ilarsthorne's majority,
-Th; vote for Ca-
,y On h i t. Votk in New Ji.nscv. The
olVu returns of th late election in New Jer
sey, ;ire as follows.
1 . I'.1I..WEU, F.nq. nt Mi llenl 1
fair and tout, ,V.. .ri! flnr Strtft, I'M- ,
that all debts ow ing to them upon notes should Imlrlphia, in authnrimt to tu t tis oi it
bo cancelled by an endorsement to that effect, rrerljtt tor all mmttrt tine thtx otlit rfitr tub
mid stated that lie hud done it in a nntter of HcritHnu or lulnrtMiif,
debt to the amount of ?()(). Where or when .lino, at Ms ".. Kill S net,
this fatal delusiuti will end Heaven only knows, j .Vir 1WA-.
The assemblies continue ns large as heretofore, '
uml it is feareil that the victims will ho manv. ' HrlllOf mfs, 10 tllC Pdlls !
Mom: of it.-A shoemaker in N. Y ,a convert
to thin doctrine gave notice a few days since,
that the jUiblic were welcome tu help themselves
to his stock, os he had no further use for it. A
large number availed themselves of the invita
tion nnd the shoes were walked off at a "real
.: in
.C. .'iM
1M I.
.'!'... 1
::i .0. t
.11.0 I
As this will be the lnt inonber of our paper
issued befoie the election, which takes place on
Total vote in 1 I I 7i.1 .is
J s. t) C I.IVi
Increase of votes iii four years, lu.T.ii
belli for Mayor
r:"7 Av l'.i.i i i m was
Baltimore on Monday last. Col. Davies ob'tu )
was ch i ted over the ol( Mayor, Law, (whip1
by a majority of I'.'V Law's uuijoiity inlM'l
was 100.
Friday the 1st of November, w e call upon the
DumociiacV of ;,Obl Nortblimberlaml." for the
last time, to attend at the Poi.i.. We have
now, and always have had a larpe majority in this
State, and if Pennsylvania should, by any rtossj. : rv-7 . ('.,.,, ,N, 1" elections in this
rate, "free gratis," a eon of the misguided ,,ilitv 0 (r ,..(Vi it i, , pn nrco,i,,t ot s,,, ;ir,. a oll ,. side, (democratic A The
limn procured the services of a Constable, and the superior number of whips, but on account of j whips have no candidates in any ol the Conpres
had the door closed. A shop in the Huwery ' the absence of the democrats from the Polls. sional returns that we have seen. Mr. Pickens,
mounted a placard, on which was insenbeil, in i f)r whig friends will battle manfully for their , at the r,ltimore Convention, declared that the
large letters, tnus!it)9 forasconsion robes ! candidate. They w ill leave nothinp nndoue that j whips in South Carolina were as scarce
Mrs. Childs, ill a letter to the Button Coll- j can contribute to their success, l .vei y w hip w ho ; upaita Mi i -stunt x,
rier, thus writes of the Milleritcs : ' can possibly pet to the polls will be there to d
"Snub crowds arc continually about the doors posite bis vote
of the Millertto meetings, that it is almost dan
gerous to life and limb, to ttflect an entrance.
Stones and brickbats are thrown in, and crack
ers and torpedoes exploded under their feet.
The other night while Mrs. lliggins was ex
horting and prophesying, with tetnpo.-tuous
leal, some boys fired a pile of bhavings outside
in. ia, O. K Tin" election came otT in
x Im members of Connress. on Monday
lied ford,
( 'outre,
Clarii n,
1) laware,
I Iuiitingdon,
. Mercer,
i Monroe,
; .Northampton,
1 .Northumberland,
i Ferry.
, 'Phila. Co.
Philu. city,
V. It.
'J 1 Hi
7 1-,V
1 lo-J
1 117
P. i7(i
21. VI
1 '(it)
:il :i
'1 KJ'.l
1 :!.'-)
1 117
1 :.V I
no ID
l ,-;
Shu nk. Mar.
iitio l
11 Oil
J :M
101 ill
I !
1 lii:t
'Jill II)
07 1 1
00 Ki
menus nothing more nor less than a I'nited
States Datik. Mr. Polk stands pledped, by his
late declarations and by all the previous acts of
his public life, opposed to a I'. S. liank. Mr.
On motion by Nfr. CLAV of Kentucky, the
Select Committee on the subject of the Currency
wa discharged from the. I'uither consideration
of all the subject which bad been referred to.
Ti.i:siia v, June 20, 1M I .
Mr ALLKN presented the proceedings of a
Democratic meetinp of the citi.ens of Cincinnati,
remonstrating apaint the establishment of a Na-
07:io '
1. ")!:
'J'.O 1
1 10".
01". I
.117 I
0 iv.
1 it)
i lav. on the other latnt. has always heen con-
li"7 J ;,,' ,i ,i, ...: ril... ' Tl.,.. , itik, ami expressing determination, if
inp ext. acts from the Journals of Conpress, at ' ' ,'1,r,"r cVrrr exertion
the session of 1MI. shows con. lusively in what ! ,,,r T"'1 TU" l''-'"' read.
Mr ALI.I.N sanl be f onciirred in the general
relation Mr. Clay then stood towards the e.-.
tablishmcnt of another U. S. I'ank :
Momhv, June 21, IS 11.
Pluol ItmiU of fhe I nllr.l Slnfrs.
Mr. CL V, of Kentucky, from the Select
Committee on the Currency, reported a bill to
mcorpotate the subscribers to the Fiscal Hank
of the I'nited States, and said be was instructed
to make a wi itten report. lie moved that the
bill have its first rending by its title, that it he
made the order of tie-day for We.lnes.'av neyf.
and that the bill and the rejimt be printed, with
fifteen hundred cxtia copies, for the use of the
Several Senators having desired that the report
might be rend
Mr. CLAY said n it was principally in his
handwriting, with 'he lenve of the Senate, he
would read it himself.
I We have only room for the following portions
of it. viz :
The Committee have neit her time nor ite li-
nation to enter into a di-cu-sion of the ipietioii
of tie- power of Cor.giess under '.!: Constitution
of the United States, to e.!abli-li
Tank. After aM that has 1 n .ild
on t! at ipe-stlon darit
rental v. nothing rel.a
i National
id written
the long pn'o I of 1 ... I C ;i
ns to le. ad I. il that would
led to the manv projiosi-
l.t::o:l lo-n
1771 7I..V)
It is in this way that we have '
the 7th inst. The whip cui lied the state by a
larpe majority.
(Jeorpia sale foi Clay by 10.000." f 'iron War
Some of our w hip cotemporai ies are dc-
DC7" Official Ri:ii isns. 'I'he official returns I
of the whole State, for Govern!", will be found
the window near which she was standi..";, and : '" "no,hpr colml1" s,,l,"kv '.i"ri'y is l ri;'7" sl
at the same time kindled several can
,, .p. .ii i. r.i c binations and great efforts made to dcstioy hi
dies, rite blue, unearthly light of these fire- i !
:.. .... . .. l...- : - .. I election.
works illuminated the whole interior of the
building with intense brilliancy for a moment.
" The effect on the highly excited congrega
tion wasterrible. Some fainted, nnd some crea
med. Several serious accidents happened a
mid the general rush ; and one man it is said,
was so deranged with nervous terror, that he
went home and attempted to cot his throat. Thu
Mayor, and a 6trong array of constables, now
attend the meetings, to prevent a repetition of
these dangerous tricks. Hut the preachers say
that no protection is needed ; for four angels
arc i-tationed at the four corners of the earth,
nnd they have sealed the foreheads of all the
taints, so that no barm can come to them."
Miilingit Cry, F.xtrti. The Miller news
paper in Phiadclphia, bad got out an alarm- j formation is desired
ing extra to frighten the oor souls w ho believed ber.
in it, out of their wits. An angel is on it blow
ing the trumpet of the Ijrd, a horrible black
looking cross. In capitals it is set forth at 3
o'clock in the morning,' OOd October, be will
come. Child, believe it. At the thh hour of
the night, Jewish time.
been beaten in most cases of late years. The
only way, therefore, to prevent defeat and ensure
success is to be on the ground on Friday next,
and exercise that most valuable preiopative of
an American Freeman, the right of mi Ifi ape termiiied to claim the result of ev ery State as
; whip victory, without lepard to what side the
niajolitv belong. Now, it is admitted and well
known that Georgia ha given a iiinjoiity of over
; 2000 tor the democrats, being a gain of nenil v
! "illOO since ls . when the State went against ns
j by ivarlv louo. Yet. the Slur" thinks this a
glorious victoiy ! Well, some folks are eailv
; pleased.
I ' We h-ain that Judge Ibd enhark. of Wilkes
I barre, ami Judge lionablson. ol Columbia county.
' have renounced I.ocoiocoism, and enlisted under
1 the glorious banner oj Clay and Fielinghuvsen."
i handsome majority, when we consider the com-
Gkkln Pfas in Oi i.ooR We were
furnished with it mess of excellent green peas,
a lew day since, fioin the garden of our neigh
bor, Mr. C. 1. Wharton. These peas were the
second crop piodticed this sea-on. Tie: boarders
at Mr. Wharton's Motel have regaled upon them j L' ;'" The above, which originally appeared in
for seveial weeks pa.t. There are lew gardens the New Yoik F.xpres. is still going the round,
in this rountiy eipial to those of Sunbiity, for ' "I the whig papers. Judge 1 b.llenba. k, who. i
the abundance and excellence ofihoice limt and ; hwcvci. is no Judge. ,a title which our- belong- j
vegetable. j ed to bis father ) in a letter published in the j
kesbarre 1 aimer, a few weeks since, denies .
CrT" L. II F.l.l.'s I.IViv; Ai.K The respective j
number ofthis truly valuable publication are
regularly received as they come out. They con
tain the choicest poitions of Piitish peiiodical
literature, and ought to find a place in every fami
ly, where substantial as W ell as ilitel est inp in-
Price 1 0 J ft, per nuiii-
K7 1aii.v Ki vsToxr. The F.veninp Mercu
ry is now published as a daily morning paper,
under the title of the "l'aily Keystone." The
Keystone is an able champion of lVmocratic
men and measures.
the chaipe and declares himself in favor of Polk j
and Italia I
Jinlpe lloiiald-on. although he w ill not vote for
Polk and Pallas, does not intend to vote for Clay
and Freliughuv sen, unless he has changed his
mind recently. !
100(h) llUts
noo.") fio-o
1 10
:uo l
:!-( to
1 1.107C. 1 liopi iooiii:t l.'.oil 1
1 i:io7ti 1 --( i 1 1 1
Majorities. IIFt ,0-'J
No returns were made (or tl.e llih
ws.d, Northern Liberties. The
vote given cut on the night ot
the election by the otlicers of
the ward, was for Shook, ".
Markle I K This district will
add to Mr. Shiink't majority
Pike, .".01 LIT) r,V
Potter, :?i:i 1-0 "07
Somerset, 70." 0."0l !00
Schuylkill, 01M 1 I :1017
Siisipiehtnna, OO0H l'.flO 01d-i
Tioga, 1701 !). 1!)7")
Cnioo. IM" 0I0U 1777
Venango, 107") .V) 10MU
Washington, HC.U 1117 li'.l.'.-s
Wayne, ll-" (17.") 1."-")M
Warren, DO!) "07 1107
Westmoreland, 1701 077S 1701
Wyoming, hi
York, UNO :!7!)0 KiiU
Heioocrat c inaj. rity,
1 :c.)7
Z.e'.te. si
Mowt Wumilki'I'I.! In the Midnight Cry,
of Thursday last, is the account of Sister Mat
thewson, who died one day of lingering dis
ease. Previous to ber death, ber spirit was
CT7" A report having been circulated in Co
l'inil.ia county, that Gov. Portei had rxpresseii
himself in favor of Mr. Clay and intend",! to
support him, Mr. Koons, of Columbia county,
addressed him upon the subject 1 he Goveinoi.
ill hi letter, denies in most explicit lei ins. that
caught up into Heaven, and then a voice, , ltf ever expressed himself in t.ivor of Mr. Clay.
"which she supposed to bo that of the Saviour,"
told her she must return to earth. She then 1
died, revived in about halt'ai. hour, and h is ever
since, about eighteen weeks, been proclaiming
to all w ho will bear, "that the time is short."
She takes no food whatsoever, except two cups
of tea, with milk and sugar, daily ; exhorts sin
ners all day, and at night converses nnd tings,
as he says, with the angels, whose forms, en
compassing her bed, she behold !
says be never voted any but the democratic
ticket for thirty years, ami that le" intends to
vote for Polk and Pallas at the next eleition
7" I!i;irisi Goi.n. We see a pleat deal in
the papers about liritish Gold being sent to this
country, for the purpose of inlluenciiig our
elections. The whig papers say it is lor the
pin pose i. aiding the election of Polk and pdllas,
and the establishment of tree tiade piiuciples
Tin; democlat ic upci, on the oilier hand, say
' Pfi fm v " The Philadelphia Ga- 1
kins of a li-llow who is said to leave
elopeil ill the Fast, defrauding his cieditors. says
that in in til. g thus, Iheiascalis " giving prai il
eal ill. 1st rat ions of Deiiiociacy " Sensible men
of either paity must think little of the decency
or the patriotism of the man that can 1 1n. stig
matise eve) v gentleman as a thief ami a swindler,
who happens to differ fioto him in political
opinion We do not believe that the respectable
portion of tin' Whig paity w ill thank the Gazette
for sin h iingoiitlciimiilv paitianship .V. 7Vie.
r7 The Ga.ctte, like many other papers
which display iiioie zeal than judgment, is doing
more bain, toils own paity than to its oppo
nents f.T" Tun Mii t iiiiiF Mm. i mov 'I'he Phila
delphia Times of Tuesday last says : "v ester
day u man in Kensington sold his house for
Vinoll a id threw the money about the streets,
while the little boys and girls picked it upmost
industriously. One little pn I shew vd us j'l ."ai
which she had gathered in her apioti.
The fame paper ol the next day, add : I'he
1 victims of this delusion were vcst.-id.iv leturn-
I. FATHER tii.ovfs. III the village of (llove
ville Johnstown, Montgomery county, New
brinp about the assumption ol the State debts by
the General Government Now, we bilicve
York, the manufacturing of gloves is carried on that there is just about a much tiuth in om
to a large ex'.ent. More than 000 men and
boys and LVN) women are employed principal
ly in their own bouses. Tl.e amount of gloves
old is from to $.100,1100 nyear. About $10,
(XK1 worth of sewing silk is used in a year. This
was formerly Italian silk, but they now buy A
merican sewing bilk, made in Conneclu ul.
They purchase in the city ot New York about
silOtld-HH) worth of drcn.ed deer skins annually.
Mormh"M I S on ami. The delusion
bit even reached that steady land. Al a moot
ing of tho faithful in (ila.-gow la. t mouth home
..(KI were present, all in mourning for the pro
phet, Jor Smith. The Si o'ch Moll. ion Co .
tiiinn embiacei L chimin v
! ing to their homes, (liom the iilace of ascension !
il is for the p.irpos,. f electing l lay and thereby I .,., ,... ,. ..".cure , fetched.
ness The preacheis of the doctrine are making
themselves scarce, ami one of th"Ui we under
stand has actually decamp ! with il.'0O coin-
charge as the other, and lint the whole is a , nm 1la1 ,n,.v belonginp to the Advent be
lievers. Another preacher, it was rumored yes
terday, was found dead ill his bed. 'I'he meet
ings at the .IiiIi.iiiii.i street chinch have been
miserable buinbnp. 1 he idea thai Amciicali
liei'inan could be bnbed w ith liritish Gobi, is '
paving them but a torry compliment , o far as molality am! patiiotisui is concerned, and
we regret to see editors of lespeclability and
standing giving cm reiicy to vueb contemptible
political humbugs
fX J" Tr i MFM.ors (1,1.1. os Fun: The
great storm we expel lenced in this place on Fri
day night, the 1 th lust .caused great loss ol life
and property or, Lake Fue. Steamboats and
vr.-u'lv in the Imihoui, were di iveu high and
diy About loi'y peisoiis have been lost. A
number of valuable building, in 1'iiillalo, have
In rn di mollohcd
C.7TI; I'oston Atlas, w hu h crowed loudly foi
a few l.i s over the Ytiiis Ivaina l'.leitiou, has
come to its senses, as will be seen by the fol
lowing paragiaph :
Fn.m thr ll.olnil Mlnf t.f del. '.('.
Pi . We have accounts fioni a few
additional counties in this State and it appears
that the returns w hit h we ba bltliei to received, .
ami upon w bicb w e had predicted our statements,
are, IN SUM F. Ml '.GUFF, 1 IKI.t i.M .( I S. 'I he
hiisle ill which many of these accounts are for
warded, and the CIT.PAI'I.F. INACCFKACY
stunt tif tune ifit) mukt tltnn up. tii e I" hUin.r
fur tltie tit ft flu If some ofoiir Ii iends .ontli of
New F.ngl.ilid would keep a little mole ipnet.
and attend to their business a little better, they
would not h-ad ihe rfil'iidsli n into so manv
IMPI'.KITK T STATI-'.M l'.VI'S, tnul tl.c w a vw'-
y t'f M tiflcn nun nil l.'if piibUhttl irli'in.i
It is probable, making al low .nice for tie- al
most i.i:.rt s.mi.i: i.t i hacy if
lliuKf (rum iflnim tec mil t.ip rtrtl mure f.rncliirt,
that Shi ns, the locofoco candidate, is elected
Goveimu of Pennsylvania, by nearly 6000 majo
Tun ."ono 1l r. It was stated afewdajs
ago that the lion. Geoipe II. Piollit bad ollen d
to Ii t f.'iOOO that .lames K Polk woiih! receive a
greater mil I tlx" I of electoral Votes at the approach
ing Presidential election than llehiy Clay. I'he
bet has been taken up by the lion. Alexander
Kaiiow, F. S Senator fiom Louisiana, and the
stake deiH.siti'd ill a thud party 's hands. We
regret to sec gambling sanctioned bv such names
be likely to s,ed much light now upon it.
Nor do the committee deem it necc- aiv
discuss the j ik-s t i Ml of the expediency of estab
lishing such an institution as a F,ml; of the I",
states. On this there is even le-s contrariety
of opinion than on 'he former occasion fin bo'li
it is the deliberate conviction of the Committee
that avast majority of tb" people of the 1'nite.l
States concur : and that they are now looking
with anxious solicitude, to the del ihei at ions of
Congress, under the confident hope that si Paid;
of the I'nited States w ill be established at the
present extraordinary se--ion of Congr-'ss
The committee have adopted Washington city,
proposed bv the Secretary of the Treasury, ns the
place of locution for the Tank They believe
the plaieofits location a subordinate (piestimi ;
but there are many advantages liom the pioxi
mity ol the I'ank to the Government. 'J'he dis
tribution of 'he capital of tin- Pank among the
several commercial cities in propnitinn to their
respective wants and magnitude, is what they
naturally desire, and. what will doubtless be
done. Put to glial d against the c Nereis.-of anv
undue Government or ollicial infuence. or tic ion of any unworthy tian-act ions, the
committee have thought it txpedient to deprive
the patent I'ank of all power to make any d.s
counts or loans whatev er, except loans to Go
vernment, authorized by evpiess law. In older
' to el is ii i e t he command of the best financial abil
ti s of th- country, the b 11 provides that the di
r. ctoi s rf the parent bond, which is to consist
of nine members, shall b aid for their services
by the col potation, and all compensation to the
: Mirectors. in the usual foi in of bank acromion,
dation.s. is ntteily prohibited.
The capital of the l ank, proposed by the Sec
' n taiy, is retained ; butaiower is les.-iveil to
Cong i ess 1 1 augment It by t be a-bill ion oft we nt y
millions, making the aggregate amount ultimate.
Iv fifty millions of dollars, if that should be found
, to be neeessai y.
The debts due to the Pank aie required not to
exceed the amount of the capital stock actually
paid ill. an I 7 1 per cent thereon, w hich is a
. gn ater lestiiction than usual
The total amount of debts w hi. b the Park is
nnthoi ized to cotitiai t. ov er and above thedepo.
sites, is not to exceed twenty-live millions of
dollars, w bo h Is aNo a greater rest riet ion than
was placed upon the .,(,- I'.ank of the C Stales.
The P.o.k is prohibited from making any fur
ther discounts or loans w In never it - notes in cir
culation exceed three t ones the amount of specie
in its vaults.
A requisition that a majority of the whole
number of the board of direetois shall be ne
cessary to transact tin-business of the i-oi pota
tion. 1 he ipii'st ion of establishing a Pank thus to
he lestricted and c i I ell msc r .b.-.l involves higher
iiiid giaver considerations than those nf mere
expediency. The Geneial Government has or
has not the power to establish a National I'.ank
If it has the power it derives fiom it the exist
ing giants in the Constitution of the I'nited
States. The tniiiimlltC ln-.'nir it luls thenirtr
tnul flight .) tSirchr it. Put alter a contest dm iiiu
the la-! ten or twelve years. 111 lesp. ctto the
constitutional pow cr of Congress, w hi, h has been
maikedbv so much animosity and bittei ness, a
lorbearanceloexercise the power would be a
viitual surrend -r of the power.
viewsof the paper just read, and as a Senator,
and in the higher rhario ter of an American citi
zen, he would use every exertion to carry tbetii
into elei t. If no other Senator would do, be
would, on the day w hen tho Senate was infvii tiled
that the President had signed the Knnk bill, (five
notice of his intention to bring in a bill for it
Mr. C LA Y of Kentucky would in form the Se
nator tio'ii Ohio, that if he imagined hi) and the
fi iends with w hom he acted Wcieto be driven
fiom their purpose by thieats of civil war and
rebellion, he was mistaken They would puisne,
the course prompted by their duty and the wants
of the country. I'eail".sly and steadily, regard
less (if I O S1a; .l is.
! Tin l;snv, June 3, 1 s 1 1 .
'I'll" bill to Incot poiiite the suhsciiher to the
Fiscal Paul; of tie- I'lnt-d States, being tin- sp.
ciill older of th" d.i v . W as taken up ; and the til t
sect. on of tic bill having be n read-
Mr CI. A V addi -ss d tie' Senate at length in
ex pi. mat ion ot t he varum- piovisious nf the bill,
and the reasons for them, lie concluded with
exhoi 1 1 ng the 1 1 lend- of t h in-t it nt ion not to sa-
Cl lt'ee it oil .ICeo'lIlt of
to tii-d -tail- lb-alb
t ens Ii f. .re the pnleie I' Sp ctieg a National
I'a 1 1 k , an I s.i id that t hes.. !i vi 1 s and conll let ini
views furnished an additional motive for the
;uon: ' -o" leu.ei.t of the question. He firmly
li liev i d that :i l.n g" oi t ion o the people ol this
countiy in favor of the establishment of n
I'liit-d V.if. s P. ink -- 'l this feeling was not
confined to the W hig party, but went far beyoti I
it That a large number of the opposite party
were openly in favor ot a Hank, and a still grea
ter poit.on privately entei ta uied the same opin
ion Mr CALIJlil'N said : He would say a few
vvoids in relation to the assumption that tie r
is a l.irpo majority of the people of tin-Tinted
Stat- iii favor of a Pn.ted States Tank Th
Senatoi from Kentucky says that in this majoii
ty. more than the Whig pai t v are Included. If
it is meant by this, that the Wlrg party, and a
la i !" poi t ion of the 1 'in :oe i at ic pa it y a re in fa
vor of a I'nited Stab s I'.al k. he ,Mr Cii.m.rM
con! I assure th" Senator from Kentucky that, in
bis opinion, so far from tliat being tie case, the
reveis. was the f.rt lie believe.! ihesenti
iiients of the South wep against the establish
ment of any bank of the kind lie believed th"ie
was a very large poitiou in that section opios,..
to a F luted Mates I'ank. and as to the Whip par
ty itself b -ing united oil it. he believed tint Sena
tot was mistaken.
Wi i.m.s.,v, July 7, ISIt.
Th" Senate th "li proceeded to consider the bill
to incoi p i ate the salisi i ihei s to the Fiscal bank
o ll- I 'nited Mat. s.
Mr r.i CllANAN took the I'oor, in
tion to the lu',1. and examiiu-l and coiiiliienteil al
linn h lengtii on tlie pi ions contained in tin
repot t of the ..ect Committee on the Currency
The repoi t a-sei ts that a verdict ot the people o
this country had b 'en remleied in lavor ol the r
tablishiiiciit of a National Hank. heie was tie
verdict It was not made .
Piesid -ntial election, nor ronh
T i lei'tion le- taken as evidence o
In his own .ite theie bee'
,,1 . Lvt ,in loi a m.-mber of Con
ict couipt is;ng the count ies i
n. and nch i the state of pul
.V e,l,ui-e o the
i;net o ill at tie1
the result ot th.
such a Veld let .
recently a sp vial
tress in tie- ilisti
F.lVette alel Glee
i-tion. that ev
the Win
! f a friend of the Indi
mi enemy of a Fnite
Of Tun Sr vi rs that went foi 1 1, in isoii, iii 1 o, I
we have lately titumphed in Indiana, Maine, l.on
isiaua, Geoigia, Melaware and Pennsylvania, be
sides reducing immensely the whig luajoiity, in i
seven others The Meiuociatic pain in thiiteen
States. ince lJrt, is just ris,.V.i$. Who say
"fail "
Mli Clll.l V IHap. The Widow o Cilley,
who was shot in the duel vv llh Glavcs. ilisd
lulcl v ul '1 h'.'liMstoii Main
lie opinion in 'l a'
candidate declare 1 ,!iu-
l.end.ent Tn a-ni v . and
Males I'ank What would be the etl'ect ol" this foi
einp of a I'ank bill through Congress, when pn!
lie opinion is totally unprepared lot it ' Wh
the ci v of n peal will be lais- d, which will r.
sound li oi ii Maine to the Gulf, and from the ohoii
ol the Atlantic to the Iiockv Mountains, and V
cry of repeal w ill b continu-d until the Pank
lep ale.l. or until th" Govei iitnent setth s dovv
into a motiied aristocracy. "
Mi. CI. A Vol Kentucky said the gentleiiiqn o
the opposite side had abstained II om in ter lei ing
while the fi iends oi the lull were submitting thtfir
aiiieiidmei.ts. ami they were disposed to r.-cipio-cate
the couite-y. while its opponents were pre
senting their amendments. We are ,-sjid Mr C I
p -rect!y willing to let honoiahle Senators have
the AKGl'.MI'.N T if tliey will let PS1IAYF
! Wool Th ui:. I'iu; New Ym k P.xpress
I says :
i )ne hiindri'd biles or about 20,(KKl lbs. fnio
Americiin WihiI were shipped iii the slrp Pat
I rick Henry for Liverpool on the ('eh. It wn
selected by a Scotch manulactuter from our fi
i ncet Saxony fleeces, and some of it was taken
! al (ilk-, a lb. There is no article that is iucrea
I ' ing in its production so fast as this. For the
Wi.r.str.R a I'lioni' r. In his speech befoie
the whips in Philadelphia, a short time previous
to the late election, Maniel Webster said :
"The election of a President of the I. States
depends on th" next ( election of
Pennsylvania. '
Well thewhm candidate has been defeated
bv very neat Iv ,'ioon votes W e bail the pie
diction of the great Maniel. who has ' come to
judgement to s lllle ptlipOM'. I'llilli. 7ll(.V
l'l! ITS CONCF.N TRA I ldN I'NMF.U Till-'.
MII.FCTION OF ON P. WILL, s(H.P ou l"Bt two years large links have been driven
CDI I I'CTIVF MPST M'liMFN T Till' ' ,ro1" l''c Lasiem Slates as well as this State to
POU'F.I. A NATION. WI 1 llOI'T SPCII i ,lie ,','r,ila r"'ui '()bio, Michigan, Indiana
A CONCFNTliA TION OF POW1.U. MAIN- ! an ' l'!"'.us.
T IN" ING FX I'F.NSl I" CUMMFUCIM. IX- ! 'l""'' years ago tere was a good deal
TF.UCOFKsK Willi ANOrHI.K NA pi, i ' of Wcndshipped trom Dutchess county. Since
posl.Sl.N(i 11", MI ST CONMFCT THAT l lnal periiKl, bonncr, our manufactures have
INTlT.COl'KSP. ON A CON Mi l ION OF IN . nu riased to that we luve not only Work
Jl" A LI I' Y ANM M1vMVANTA'F. NA- j nl up tl.e growth of our own Wool, buti large
i IIONAL TANKS IN OTHl'.K ( i'l'.NI'KH j i-iant.' L.fcvai.e Foreign.