Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 19, 1844, Image 3
The Id Letter Oftlce. Tlii office in at Washington, where letters are opened ami rem!, the owners of which cannot be found, or that cannot be forwarded according to address. A writer in the Baltimore Sun says the Amount of money found in such letters is very great. The amount of money received during the quarter ending the 30th September last, is $4170; hut how much of this money is counter feit is not yet ascertained. In every case where money, good or bad, (or other valuables,) ii found in letters, it is carefully re-enclosed and sent to the Postmaster of the place where it was trans mitted, with directions to that olficer to use eve. ty effort in finding the writer of the letter, to "whom he should deliver it anrl obtain a receipt. In this way about nine tenths of the amount re verts annually to the owners. If the owner can not bo found within forty days, it is again return ed to the Department, where it remains subject to the order of the owner at any subsequent period. Tub Warsuw War TIih rcient expmli- j tion offJnv. F'urd an-iiiiiBt tlie Anti inorinons has accomplished tls nl-jcct and tho troops hnvo boon withdrawn. O.i iho nppninch of tlm Goerri iir'e force?, several citi.m.s of Warsaw went ; over the Mi.isMppi to Cluirchvillc, Missouri, where they iMitroticlu d thmiisolvcs in nn en- i campment, as they npproliFiisivo that warrants w re out for muitii! nfihetn, on sus picion of having participated ill tlio Caitliue i murder. The Governor despatched a messenger with ! a fla"; of true", nlTering a compromise. The i conditions were, tlmt it Mr. Sharp, nn editor j from Warsaw, and n Col. Williams would stir- j render, they should be protected, not M'tit to ' IS'nuvon, or tried in Hancock cottnly ; nnd that Jackson, tlir whom (here was n warrant, might ; remain where he was, inasmucli as he was to ill to brj removed. These cjnditions were aceep- : trd on the part of the hillirrorent. They ther foro recrossed thei-ivr, and voluntarily purren- i vlered ; which concluded 'he armistice, and eli ded the war for the present. The (Jovernor had in the mean time Frcured nil the State arms i in and about Warsaw, and the army was (lis- ' banded. These :irrrts and trials were thought essential by the Executive, to ntnne in some ; measure for the betrayal of the plighted fuith fit the Stute in the nnit-sacre of the two Smiths tit Carthage. j (lov. PtiPR We were informed on Mon day says the Providence Herald that this victim of Algerian oppression was suffering tin- , lcr a severe nnd noeravMed attack of rheum.'i- I ... I linn, and that Ids friends had applied to the : Committee who visit the prison, lor such n re- j luxation of prison discipline, as niiyht permit ! limits take such exercise in the open nir, as j the circunisci ibed limits ot the walls of the yard j would permit, and that the tajitisl was culJly ' and unj'ctlinuly detii d ! I BflKKItM'ITV. IIosoKAM.IJ SkT TI.KM KNT. In 11's!, tho Boston Courier, noticing with re gret the extensive failure of it mercantile fnni of city, Hinted tlmt their character for in tegrity and was a capital, which they could nut lose and finally it would redeem them. The pame paper now states llmt the assignees have made a linul dividend of the estate. The amount due by the firm in 1 lvi was syvill.lHMI. The sales anil collections have produced in cash nearly ijsSHMMHI, and the nctivc partner has ndded by his late earnings 50.(100, so thai, ni ter having obtained an honorable discharge Irnrn their creditors, every creditor has since recei ved one hundred cents in a dollar in full pay luvnt of the debt due him. Tait, tub Mi hitch:. i-'.Hlll Er.v.nn nn ins Arkkst. Tim Philadelphia Ledger says, a few days since we puhliheil un nccouut of the murder of a young man, numed Rives, at a wed- j ding. Gov. Fit.patrick, o Alabama, has oiler- ' ed a reward of f 100 tor the urrest of 1 1 r . Tait, the murderer, and Thomas Rives, Ws'i., ol Tlallas I County, u relative of the deeousod, offers j.Mio more, making t'.m0 in all. lie is u physician by j profession. 'J'he last account of him is, that he j Was travelling in the direction of the Mississippi, j . . - - i M A KKEl'i Office of the niiTiyim Oct. It. GRAIN. S'e continue to quote good to prime red Wheats at S a (O its. ami ordinary to good at 70 a Ss its. White Wheats are woith bo a 105 cts. Sales of Md. Com at I'J n I I cts. lor ! white, and 17 cts. lor yellow. New Corn sells' at 'M a -11 cts. for parcels in good condition. Sales of old Pennsylvania yellow were made on Faturday and to-duy at 17 a IS cts. We quote Mil. Rye at t.'i a : cts. ami Oats ut '1 a 2 t cts. WHISKEY. Thete. is a fair demand tor bids nt '25 cts. llhds. go oil" very slowly at 2'tJ a j Stcts. A hi. person indebted io ihp subscribers, ate JSl rcquesled lo cull nnd sidle iheir accounts on tx Im fore llie lUlh nt November neii. All Holes ' in their hands against peisons, i'l I e placed in the : hands of it justice for collcciion, if nut paid within ' the above mentioned time. GEO. ROHKUACH A II ROTTERS. Sunbuiy. Ocl. 19th, 184 4. 2t Itlllil ItoKl'llT'i Italc. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin, ist ration have hmn t ranted to the subscriber, i n ihe estate of Michael lto keleller, tlec'd., late of Augusta township, Noiihumberlaiid county. Per. sons indebted lo said estate, or having claims against the same, are requtsted lo call on Ihe suhscriher for settlement. ISAAC UGKMAN. OcloUr I9th, 1844 0t Adin'r. i nn HAis H"lt' J loo llsir.U do., at ! 75 cash. fr sale ls IJ. liE.NDKICKS. Sunbury, Oct. lOlh. lii 11. PuniFT thk Dinon. As the blood in its life picserving course is subject tit conlimitd waste, na ture hns provided fur the supply of the exhausting fountain, by the conversion of our food into new blood. Dut whilst such ample means are provided for the manufacture of new blond, nature has been no loss solicitous in providing for the expulsion of that which is useless and decayed. This impor tant office is performed by tho bowels, and when Nature (who is always struggling lo throw off of tending matter,) requires assistance in her benevo lent intention, Drandieth's Vegetable Univcr.-al Pills will be found singularly adapted to the pur pose, because they remove through the stomach and bowels all corrupt humors from the li. dy, in an j easy, s do and effectual manner, producing no ef fect but what will finally conduce to llie perfect pu rifica'ion of the Ulnod, and thereby cure the dis ease, (by whatever mine it my be cal'ed,) and give perfect health to the whole system. (Xj Purchase of H. U. Massrr, Sunbury, or of the ai;cnt, published in another part of this paper. .Tf .1 IS It I K It , On the Mb inst , by the Rev. A. Rrittain, Mr. .Ton x Joms, to Miss Sarah Jams Hkmuorsuoi, both of Augusta. On the loth inst., by the same. Mr. (Ilorok Wi: v r rt , of Rush, to Miss Mnir Ann Rur.m;n, of Augusta. 1MIICK CrilllHXT. Currrrted wrckly by Henry Vo.itirimrr. W UK AT, 85 Ktk, So ('iihn, 40 Oats, .. 25 I'll a k, ...... 5 FnXSFKIl, ... . (() Hiittkii, .....) IIkkswat, .... 25 Tiliow, .... 1 0 lhiir.uArri.Ks, . 7.1 Do. I'kaciiks, . 200 Flax, ... g j II k( Kl.kll FLAX, . 1 II ! 1'iiins, .... - 0 j . I I IXate or '!. John .loncs, tlrt 'tl. : El'TERSnf t on saiil dec- : A Jrot's esl.ilr, have heen (.'runted lo the sub. scrilieis. I'erMiiis knowing ihem elves iudehteil to ' taid rsiale, are requested to innke iminedniie pnv- nieiit.aiid tlnse havii g I'rrniiiuls ag,iinst the s.inie aie rrqurstcd lo present Iheir sccourits for eianiin- i Btion ami seflenient. The nilinini-t.nlors will at tei d nt the ilweiliog hoi se of the ilei euseil, on the , 1.1'h of .November Ilex', lo examine accounts nnd j ninke Mtlleun iils. W M. . M I E.N IO II, i EI.ISMA KLINE. j Wonl ury, Oct. 10, 184 1. fx A ImiV. i A LL persons indebted lii the subscribers on book account or otherwise, are requesteil lo J rnuUe paxmrut lo Mr. John llright of Sunlntry, ! on or before the fjr-t iluy of November next, alter : which lime, the books, oVc, will be placed in the 1 hands of a justice for collection- MILLER cV MAR I". j Oct. 12th 1S4L Ht 1 TIIIIE subscribeis will utfer tor sale, on the pre I mi-es, on Friday the 25th d iy of October, ut 10 o'clock. A. M..a Iract of bind in Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, containing 216 a rres more or less, about ISO acres of which are eleare I. adjoii ing land of Joseph S.ividge, Jacob Fry Henry Yoxtlieiuier and o'hers, on Minuiokin i re. k. The Domlle and I'ollsville Rail Knud pa-ses through Ihe Inn. I. The above tiacl of laud po-sesie-" msiiv ndvsntages. It is situated a out 3 mi'es from tSunbu y. and a huge portion of ti e cleared land is well adapted lo ihe growth of grass. Tie improvements area dwelling house, barn and api le oich rd. The lenns will be made known rn thr il iv ( I sale, by ihe subsi nbers, execulo'sof Henry Hani sher, dee'd., ns whose e-tnie tin same will l e sold. HEM.Y l!ARn)li:i!, J ACOII It M1)SEK, FRl'.U'K WEAVER. Augusta. Oct. 12ih, 1H11. :n SIIAMOK1N, MAIIO.NOY St'Ill'YLKlLL ?sCAD CZlCTJAn fllME Hooks foi the pu'po-iH of receiving sul Ji sciiplions of Sloi k in the Shamuiix, Maho Mir cV t-r ii i v 1. 1. 1 i.u Rail Roaii Company, will ba opened at the FrMikhii House, in Philadelphia, I'enn-ylviuiia 1 1 h II, in Polisville, tschtiylkill cotimv, ami at ihe public house of Cha Ic 1). h iiton, in fuiil ury, Noilliuiuln rland county, respectively, on Ihe 31st ilny of October inst., and on the lsi and 2d days ol Nuwmliei next. John W, ('bighorn, Hur l I'at eison, A ii. hew Kus-ell, A'unham Poll, Charles W. Clemen., John N. Lane, Samuel Paik, Win N. Robins, ('h ir es W. Hegins, Hugh I) lias, H H. Mas er, (!eo. A. Frick, Snnuel John, Win. Fagely. Oct 12. h, IMI.-(t SherilPs Sales. Y virtue of certain wiits of vetoli ioi i expo nns issunl out of the Court of Common I'leaH of Northumberland Gounly lo me directed, will be exposed lo pu' I c sde, Hi the Court House in I In Horough of siUi:hury, on Monday the b day "f November nexi, at I o'cloik, P. M., the bd lowing described properly to wit: A ccit oo lot of groin. il si'uale In the bumugh of NoithumberUnd, iu N'.iul.uin eilnnd count,and to .rked in Ihe pcucial plan of said lown No (, and bounded norih east by lineu lieel,souih east by lot No. 75, souih west by Uuke siieet, and ninth et by Front sin el, containing lit) feel in front on Cjucen and Duke streets, and 220 feet in depth, whereon are erected a two story dwelling bouse, (part brick and part frame,) and a blacksmith shop. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the propei ty of Alexander Coll. Also: A certain tract or piece of laud situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, adjoining lauds of Jacob Gass, Philip !Slambarh, Lewis Dew art and others, containing two hundred acres more or legs, about ten acres ol which nre cleared, where, on are errctrd a small log house, a small log stable, and an old saw null. iSeiied, lukeii in execution, and lo he sold as the pioperly of Archibald Hodge and John FELIX MAl'KEH. Pluriff. f-herifV's OMice, i .uiibuiy, Oct. .lib, IBM. S Sheriffs Sale. Y virtue of a writ of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum berland county, to ine directed, will ho exposed lo public sale nt the house of George Smith in Jack son township, on Sjtuidny the 2Gth October inst., nt 1 o'clock P. M., the following described property, to wit t A certain tract or piece of land situate In Jack son township, Northumberland couoiy, niljoitiini! binds of John Bower, J din Enling, O il! fried Shrefller nnd others, containing 105 acres more or less, about 45 ncrrs of which are cleared, whereon re erected a two story log house, n log barn, small vpiing house nnd a good orchard. (Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold ns the properly of William Wclker. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, Oct. fiih, 1H44. 5 NEW GOOD8. TIVIE sabscriber his just rerrtived from Phil olel 1. phin a fresh supply of Nkw (iooiis, consisting in part, of Mnuslin Delaine. Crape Delaines, Cashmere de Liasse Shawls, HiindUrrehrifs, fa. Also, Heaver and Silc Hats, a Rood ass ntmeril of .Men' mill Hdih' Caps, (Iraccric, Liquors. Salt, o. Vc, nil of which will he sold at the most reasonable lerms. Stune Jars awl Jags, cheap. II. U. MASSE II. Simbury. Oct. 5'h, IP I t. A s iVit v A: ir c A V, WHOLESALE & RETAIL 1 1 AT CAT MAM'FACTUIiHRS, South 1'ast corner of Market and th sts., IMiilutU-lpliiu, VXrHERE they always keep on hand nn exten ' sive a-sortment of HA T.S Cs CA I'S of every description, got up in the bet mi l most approved Ij le. I'eis "lis di rir us ol pureb.ising superior arii cbs on the most reason il le terms, ill find it to iheir advantage to call btfjre making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia. Oct. 5lh. Hi t. ly BRUSSELS, I.NCKAIN AND VENETIAN Ciirnetins. ! VUl jtllll&S. .lOSKfll IIL ACK W(Mll, Opjioiite Hkkm's Hutu, Chrsnut Street, J'llll.ADELVIIIA. T r AS just received nnd is now opening a verv extensive nnd bmutiful assortment of CAli J'ETIXUS The goods nre fresh, nnd of new styles, nnd being purchased principally for Cash, they will be sold at tho lowest prices; they consist in part, of Splendid lliusse!s, -i CARPET- Uenutiful imperial Hply, j INGS, Nuper Ex'ra Ingram, VColors wur- 3 4, 4 4, 5-8 Twilled Venetian, ranted " " " Plain do. J DVHAlil.i: A Inrgo stock of well seasoned OIL ('LOTUS of All widih, Ri os, ISnniMis, &c, together with an extensive assortment of Imw priced Carpeting of all descriptions. rrj- Purchasers nre n quested to ell nnd see us, when they will find an extensive assoittiient at the most reasonable prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 5 h, 1814. if LIST OF CAUSES. TOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor lliumlerland County, at Nov'r. Term Hll, commencing the first Monday, being the 4th. John A Lloyd vs Rcherca Wells Eli Ur..hst vs S A. R M'Kee Robert Minn's adin'r vs Win Hihler el nl Ir Robert Pliilies vs M'Cartec St Purly Seiizinger, uli. nee of Gaiver vs John ( i .rver et al John H irding, jr vs Win H Sanderson John Furman et ill s Aiijjnslus Huey et al Stephen Derr vs (t.oigii Lawrence Frwnire for Evert vs J P 1 1 ickiiibe. g Jacob Ilarnhart vs Win M 'Giiiness Su-aunnh Zeibe vi Jo' n A L'oyd llaldy & Kase vs John (' et al J din C lb 'V.l vs Richard b'rnshaw Hugh Rella's Ac vs Win M'Cny John Wolf vs Overseers of Jackson tp Reed for Muny vs James F Murray Jacob W Smith vs Joseph Wejie James Huneti's adm'rs vs Peler Snyiler U.iliiel Zeibe cV wife s Isssc Roidaiun l W illism A I.lovd vs Martin A Smck Com'th of Pa. for hi own us vs F W Pollock Same vs Charles Comly's i x'rs Same vs Same Same vs F W Polio, k Sam'l SwiiichaM A wifevs P. let Fersler Jacob May land vs 11 YoX'hoiiner et al Fre 'erii k Kie l vs Same Conrad llesher's exr's vs Jacob M'Kinney et nl Henry Pelerv oV wife vs ('holes Shufl'er's ex'rs Edwnrds .Si Verree vs Win Donaldson I i ii j i in i ri Cami) vs Jacob Wertley Jos. j h Weiij.el vs Chirles Ruch .1 c di R irnh .rt vs John M'Ginness John R Krt'bi vs John Psinti r llei j.iinin lio'niu vs Abr ham Lawrrncc Willi m Welsh vs Joseph Kelbr Stephen 1). rr vs Heurv Sieinme'z S .lomon Mengis's hciisvs Ibini. I Weriinni I'll ailes (iearbarl, jr vs (ieorge A Dixon el al Haas A DiuckeiiiilUr vs J,.hn W Peal Win A Lloyd vs J C 11 Notirse. H u'el Smiih vs Augii-liis A J Huey II F H olbngsheail A Co vs P ler I.niuis Charles D Whaitou vs Henry Rndslirr E P Shannon vs Dennis Walos A W Johnson et al vs Jo'oi (! Il i',del hI John D Ross's cxi'a vs C S Wsllis el al ; Cba lestiale vs a i e C L Weimer vs Hobul A M'tay Daniel Itrosious vs John A Shi-s'er Joseph Milium! vs Shan.okin Coil A- Iron Co Fowler A Dn i-hach vs llogendohler A 1) eisiacli Thomas Allen vs Vincent A R a-er Fagelv, ("leavei A Co vs Ttioinas MTall II R (ieiiihail vs John (J Young Peter Dunkle vs Tiluhm in Spear Daniel Moyer A wife vs Daniel Fivmire A Tioutinaii et at vs I'shupp John H Mdler vs Willi un M't "ay i Cj G D J M H. sqiictetnl vs D D n kl. linger rl al 1 Same s Same George Oysirr vs .l. hn (iarnliart f t ul I John Hobh v Danii I Dorn..'i Welch, Pomp A Fl ick vs ( ieorge t ly sler ( Munay vs Win Ciihispy Christopher U.dtz vs John Mer'.rr Hank ol Nonh'd Ac vs J,, RoyJ tS'"H Vs Sam., Folg. r for Troxell v Un,rv p j-' ollmer William I-airow V4 Abraiibiii KI..o Cbailes A Towar i George Ecknt Light cV UolVinan vs J A P Montague SAMUEL D. JORDAN, Prtithonntarv'a office, ) i'rh'i. Sunhury. Oct, .It!) 111. :jWlrB IB CZ HJ I S heieby given thai 1 have bought at constable's 1 sale, on the 2.')J inst., as llie property of Charles Nhistdcr, one bald hnise nt 1)2, and one black mar at (20, w hich I have I. ft in po-tcssiou of Ihe said Cbailes h'bisster, until I think pioper lo uke ihsni away, JOsFITi WLITZEL. Ag(U.-.ta, S,j,!, h, U1L 31 A CHANCE FOR A (wood Marguin ! AIT IFw01TTOTJlTDPkT FOB S A Xi XI , GEORfiE ROHRHAOM V RROTHERS, iulending lo engage in olhar business, oiler for sale, on reasonable terms, their Iron Foundry. This Est ihhshmcut is conveniently located along side of the Rail Road running from Ibis place lo hanV'kin, by which conl hud pig iion can be brought to lh. ir donrs at liitle expense. The lo cation is one of the hct in (ho state. Persons do siiotis of entering into the business will find ii lo their advantage, by calling on the suh-eri' eis ai Simbury, when all the necessary inf .rinaiion vill be given. (JEORGE ROIIRHAEH . DR01TIEK8. iSunbury, Sej I. 28lh 1 H I I. .It ..fowi dpi TWO niUXDlsK cows AME lo the subscriber, nsiding in Ai'CU-1n township, nesr Siiiiburv, on iho Clh of Ju'v Inst. On one of the cows there was a large bell. The owner or owners aie reques'ed to coma for waid, prove prepcrlv, pay charges, and loke (hem away, or i lse they he disposed of according to I iw. JOHN ARRlsON. Auguln, Oct. nth, lHH. 3t Orphan 'ourl :ile. T.N pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Northumbcrl.itid cotinlv, will be sold at pub lic sule. mi faiurdny llie Itlih day of October next, nt the Onurt Mouse in the Ilorough of Sunbury. lo wit: a certain lot of ground situaie in so. I Im. rough, nnd maike,l in ihe geneml plan of said lown No. 3 IS, adjoining lot of Jacob Young on the east, and a lot of I'eler Gondii irl's est de on the wesl, bite the esta'e of J. hn Epley, der'd. Sii'e to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms of sjiu will be made known bv II. II. MAS'sER f..r GODFREY WATERS, Adm'f. T)v order of the Gourt. Suidmrv, 'Sept. 23-h. IS 14. 4t (heap CARPET STORE ow PLAN. ON THE CASH PLAN. At An. 11 Slrawlinrij St. I'hiladi Iphia. riHE Rent of the substribers in their piesenl Jl. situation In nig very low, and their term ('ASH, they aie enabled to sell at such low prices thai customers cannot fail to be satisfied, and they invite the people of Nurihumbeiland and the ad joining counties lo call and examine their stoek. as they oiler nn ex.el'ent nssoninent, comprising llcautilul Imperial, Hply, Superfine L grain, j Heavy Twill..) Venetian, C A R 1' E Tl N G S. Fine English Worsted d i. Pli'in Mifiped do.J NN'ith a large Stock of well sensoned Floor Oil Chubs of all widths, for Rooms, Halls, Door Pie ces, Ac. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, llt-antil'iil Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor Maize, Rag Car pets, Mailing. Ac Ac , together with a large Stock i f low piiccd Ingram, Entry and Stair Carpets, Whole-ale uud I'etnil, nt the lowest prices in ihe city. r.LDUIDGE A RROTHER. So. 4 I Strawberry street, one d ,or nbove Ches nttl, near 2d street. Entrance also al No. 00 Sull'h Second street, Philadelphia. Sept. 2Sih, 18 U Urn .Vf?" n'y rJ crSVrr: r j ;y t flHE sub-rriher has just received a large a-sort-1. uietit of French Jet Hair Pins; Combs, with pendants; Necklaces; Hrcisipins cut and plain ; black, white and steel Hugh s ; Jet Heads, of all sizes; peail and stlMri Heads, rose colored and while. Also, an invoice ofSiraw Satchel-, si x in a n st, and w llmul covers ; all ol will be sold, w li d-sale and retail, nt ! prices. Viloeipedes; Rocking H lsis; bruss and wo ul Cloes, H-day. 3ll-liour and alHrm ; Toys ; Accordi ons; lia keis; Pirlumery; Hnishes ; (.'.nubs, suJ Fancy Goods giuciulty, alw ivs on band. W. A. MAR I I V, Clock and Vmieiy Store, No. 07 South SECOND s'.r el, below Chesnul, east side. NOVELS, NOVELS, NOVEL. ,-. Ibc li n of Novels and miscellaneous inks, new and old, will be sold at from 7 to 12 cen's per volume, if npplied for soon, as nbove. , I'hili.h Iphia, Sept. 2Slh, Hi t tt SHIMS KUT'S I'A TI'.N r rillllS Midline his now been levied by more K than thirty families in this neighborhood, and has given entire satisfaction. Ii is o simple in ii eonslruclioii, that it cannot get out of, Ii conlviis no iron to iu-1, and no -piingsor rollers lo get out of repair. It will do twice as much wish ing, with less than hull the wear nnd tear of auv of the I ile inventions, and wh it is of greater in por lance, it costs hut lit'le over hull as much as other washing tiivcbines. The subs, riber has ihe exclu-ive righl for Nor Ihuiulii'ilaiid, Union, I. coining. Columbia, Lu zerne and Clinton coumies. Price of single mi lium' fii. H. H. M s.sKi:. 'i'lic following ceitd'u ate s fioni a few of those who have lhc.-e in o l ioes in use. Siiiibuiy, Aug. 24, 1s t . We, iho mbscribeis, cerlily dial we have now in u-e, in our familii s, "Sbugeil'. patent Wash ing Machine," and do out ht sitalo stviug thai it i, most excellent inveiiiion. That, in Wa-hing il will save more than one halt ihe u-u.l labor. That it does not requite more than one ibinl ihe usual quantiiy of so qi and water ; uud that I tier is no rubbing, and coiisequ. inly, little oi in v, u mg leaiin j. That it kno k. of no buttons, ntli that finest clothes, socli as codar-, lae. s, tucks fill, Ac, may be a-ashed in a ver, ttt'ti linM withoi.tlbe b irl iiijuiv , Hod in I'lt ui i.nv nppaieui wear and t,ar, whatu" r, ',. ihioefor. cheermlly recommend it tj - ,,r f(j,.,ls and lo the public, ss a most useful ai.,, ub. , savu.g inaelime. U'rt ARI.ES W. IIEGI.VS, A. IOI!l, ( lis WEAVER. CHS PI.E s i s, (;il)E) M VKKI.E. Hon. Gl.o. t;. I'.LKER. MEN. I. HEMlRICKs, (iiDEKN I.EISEMilNlS. Hum's Horn, (form, rly '1'riiuoM Hoiie, No. 116 ('tn sunt sueei,) Philadelphia, September Slsi, IH14. I have ued Sbugert", Potent Washing Machine in my hou e upw ards of eight liiomhs, and do mil hesitate lo lay that I deem it one of llie mo t Use. lul ai d valuable labor-saving machines ever inven ted. I formerly kept two women coiilinuslly oc cupied in washing, who now do as much in two days as ihey then .lid in nun week. There is no wear or tear in washing, and it requires not more tb an one-third the usual quantity ot soap, I have had a number of other m .chines in my fain ly, hut this is so decidedly superior to evriy thing else, and so little liable lo get out of lep ur, thai I would Hot do without one il they should rosl ten limes the price ihey aio sold for. DANIEL 1 1 1' UK. 1 ) A 1.7.1 )K1N F.S, a liaiidsoinu siticle lor Ladies' Dresses, lor tale clnsp, bv Junt l.V 11. li. MANSEII. VALUABLE F.imiS, CJAlVil., IMIOPERTY, W ATEII POWERS, II ohm ci it nil IiUts fur rtllll). TIIIE Subscriber ofTers for salo the following do .1. scribed Valuable Properly, nil of which he will sell nt very moderate prices, and on reasona ble terms, v.z: HOUSES A LOTS. No 1, A large and rleg ii.t Iwo story stone man sion hoiHcwith basement storj , all highly finished. nnu siiun eu mi tee cst Mde of Matket street, in j Sib, egrove, Union county, In ing ihe residence of. the suhscrilii r. The lot on which this house ! slut is is vetv h'indnomely improved, nnd planted j with choice fruit and ornament il trees nnd shrubs, ! wilh nil ihe i eci ss iry improvem nts of a lirge ' barn, pigiterv, wngoti she I and corn crib, carriage i house, ice hou-e, snrnke hoii'e and poultry varj. The whole constituting a most desirable nnd beau- ; lilul u s deuce, Price. H,r00. No. 2. l-nge two story wooden house with tr- I letisivo back boil lings, and highly improved gar- . den nnd lot of ground. This propeity is situated i noith ef mid adj .iu'mg No. 1. and uUo lor ins a du- s rabln resi.lence Price, l..r00 i No. il. Atwostntv wooden house wilh Id of, ground, situated on the cist side of Water street, I in Selinsgrove, well finished throughout, with lag stable on the rear of the 'o Piiec, MM). I No. 1. A two sl.ny wooden bouse with one sto- ' ry kin-lit ii, and n log stable mi ihe rear of the lot, situated north of ai d djoii.iiig the last named pro- : peny.No. U. A well and pump, to nerommodatc . I ii im Old No H. in the yard. Piiee, f.r)00. . No, 5. A lot of ground in the town of Chnrle- ' town, on the Isle, of (joe, situated on slreel, ! 10 ly 10 feet. A desirable lot for a dwelling; lion-e. Pri e. f'2110. I No f A lot of ground adjoining Selinsgrove and I'eniis creek, and fronting on Walnut street, ' coi.tiiining about half on acre of ground Price, $200. ; CANAL PROPERTY A WARE A STORE HorsEs. ; No 7. A very valuable property on thePennsyl- ' viiriia Cnntd, on the 1 lo of (Jue, adjoining Selitis. ' grove. The iniprovemetits aie such as lo facilitate mercantile nnd trading business to n great extent, nnd consist of a large twostoty frime house, occu- ; pied us a .by goods store ; a large nnd commodious ware bouse, 40 by K0 feel ; n long range of stabling ; j nnd nu extensive wharf, 400 feet long, wilh hoist- : ing crnrie. Ac. It is simated on the berm hank ; side of the can il, slid in every respect calculated : for an extensive business. Price, 0,000. j MOAT YARD AND DRY DOCK. No. H. A large and convenient Host Yard on 1 the Pennsy lvania Cnunl, nnd Iny ing south of and adjoining No. 7. On this property is erected a one and a half story frame dwelling house, well finish- j ed ; a large shed and office for the accommodation : ol bout build, rs, and also a very complete dry dock, into which boats for repair are floated out of the canal, and into which new boa's erected on Ihe j yard are also launched. A very desirable proper- 1 IV.--Price, 2.(100. I FARM OF 200 ACRES. j No. 9. A large nnd exceedingly valunble fatm, containing about 200 acres of choice limestone I land, in a highly improved state. On this farm ' theie are Hbout 140 aces under culture, divided by , good tern es into fields often acres; a large two j sl .ry hou o wnh kitchen attached ; a well nnd . pump of excellent water nt the kitchen door; a1 huge und convenient bank barn with wagon house, sheds and corn crib aHached; n la'ge piess house ( with every convenience for making cider, at Ihe foot j of ihe orchard, which consists of leu acres of choice g afied apple Irees nnd peir liees. Limestone is I quanted in any quanii y within 100 yards of the j firm buil'ings, where lime is b'irned. It lays' wi.Iiin one mile of tin- Pennsylvania Canal and Se- ! linsgrove. A very desirable firm. Piice, J12.000 j FARM OF 220 ACRES. No. 10. One o'her large nnd valuable firm of a- ! bout 220 acres of linn stone land, and til.-o situated wilbin one mile of the canal nl Selinsgrove. It is ' w. II improved, there being about I'M nrrrs well fi need and under culture, the balance being well ', liinbe.e I w Ui oak, pine, w iluut and chesnul timber, i The bu Idn.os consi-t of a large and w ell flnislwd j two -t.oy far. n tiou-e with kitchen ; a largo barn witii wigon shed nn.l cone lb, Ac. attached; a spiiug In use and never fading spiing neat the hue; a smith shop, and two lime kilns, callable of binning one bundled bushel- lime per day, built adjoining an cxhaustless lime-lone qturry. There ; are al-o three orchards of bearing apple trees on thi farm. Price, 10,t)00. j FARM OF 2o0 ACRES. No. 11. A farm on Peiins Cicik. about 3 miles 1 fiom the canal at Selinsgrove, wi'h the public road leading from S. lmsgr no loNew Heihn, the seat of justice ol Union county, running ihrough it. It 1 contains about 250 acres, of which there are about III) acres ol Tnsi rate me id nv laud, the balance up- j laud and principally red si hale. About one hull- j tin d acres arc rli'ircd, t tie balance being well cover. ' ed wiib oak, belli o. k and white pine Umbel. The I uihhugs c. iisist of a well finhhed two story furm house wnh lino spiings of w9ter close et j hand, a huge log barn, com cub, spring house, Ac. I On this fur in i he io is a mill sciie wilh 20 K". t fall, I on a siicaiu of waler tributary to Peni'.s creek. I Tins tuin might be ad -. aniage.iusly divided into ' Iwo firms, tnid will be so divided if purthasots do- ' sire it. Price, if o.COO ! WATER POWiy,;. No. 12. A water p wtr oi, iVnns Creek, of fij leel fill, unimpiovej. i tinned bet wet n the Iwoiraeis ..t land. No. It and 13, nnd wiilun y. miles of the I've,, yVania Canal, al S. linsgrove. A public to i l l. is ihiouuh this tra. t, along ihe east bai k of '.'eiilis crc. k Piice, f otllt. w ater powers a woodland. No, l:t. A tract nl woodlond e. nl auulig about ' ) ncies, si'u ited on Pcnnr rrn k, immedinli ly i p pnsi'e N . II, This trie I is wed covered with while oik and pine limber, wilh Wolf run llowing through il ai d t roptv ing into Pi mis etc k, nllording an exci lh i.i M ite I r a m i m II with fiom twelve la I' b el I P. tee. Jl. MM). No 11. A tiacl of wo. nil oi I. uniinproved, siln i led on the lit s do i f Peiins c eek, udjo'liiug No. lo, . .ml tin tig t.b ol 2"ll acres of excellent red si Ii ile ii pi in .I W II i tin, t'i1 oi.irv I i Pel nis creik, nuts lino igb ibis tract, and allot. Is a superior scite for a saw mill The I .n I i he .v i'v sl w ith while o k mnl pine timber, and I- fl.i-o ; I ible of being coil viitid in'o an i ci II nl lo'ii.- Price, f'.i 000 No I Oi e otl.i i it id .f woodland, llli ttl 10 vid, iluaied i il Ptains iown-bip. aboul 3 miles f otn s. bn-gr. ve, d. 'imng laod. ol John Hmlv, G. Sun h and other , e 'iitiitniog I S7 acres and 1 '.'.') perches of i v. i II. l.l ird schale i lalnl. Wolf tun also pi.-ses through ihis land, uil'uding line vvalei powir. Tim land is vv ell covered wilh white onk i and pine timber, and is susceptible of being c. n vcitid into an encelleul firm. Piice, 2 Sill). No. Ifi. A iracl of woo llaod, uniinpiovi d, situa ted in Union township, adjoining lands of M duel , Sanders and others, and not mote than oi e mile fiom Sunbury, on the oppo iie side nf llie rivet Su-qiieh n. nu, conlnming bout 115sne". Tins land is veiy good iej rrba'e soil, capal le of being couvifi.d into an uri llcni titui. A siieam of wu ler. ui'liuiury to the river, tlowa through this land sulliciruily tifong f.i a saw mill. The laud is will coveied with while oak slid pine limber. . Piice, 2 100. No, 17. A trarl of unio proved woodland, ntuv ed in Centre town. hip, I'limn rrn.niy, rontstmng llitlacris, (doiuiiig lands of J Wilt, mover and ulhris. Middlehurg i witlnu ihu a miles, and Middle creek within one mile. There Is a taw mill en the tract of land adjoining, at which tha limber of this tr.rt can he wrought into boards and other iiwed stud. Price, f3Ut). (Jj In consideration of the scarcity of money nt Ibis time, I mill sell any or all thn above property on term lo suit the times; end in case cash be ofleroJ, a reasonable deduction will be made, Further par ticulars may he obtained by addressing the sahscri bir at Selinsgrove, Union county, Pa. H. W. SNYDER. Selinsgrove, August 3, 1844. 3m SPANIS II HIDES TAXXKHS' OIL. :000 D y I.i Plata Hides first quality. :t54M Dry Li (iuira. do 1(M( Dry Salted La Guira. do lOOO Dry Saltid Hides, .l.i :t." Ma'es (Jreen Sailed Pstna Kips. 'iO Hales Dry Pa nn Kips. 1-iO H irrcla Tunnels' Oil. Tanners' and Curriers' Tools. For sale i Country Tanners at the lowest price nnd upon the best terms. N. It. The highest matket prices piid for ill kinds of leather. D. KIRKPATKICK A 80NS. No. 21, South Third St. Philadelphia. September II, I94L ly. TO Country Merchants. riIIE Subscribers rt spertfully invite Country 1 Merchants who nre a'.ont to purchnsc Fail and Winter Supplies, to nn examination of thtli n'spoclive Slocks, belii v'mg that their several as- s.utiiietits nte ns complete as have ever been olliii ed in the Philadelphia Market. With stuck" of Goods in their several Depart merits of the choicest kinds n delerminnti m tj sell on terms which cannot tail to prove sntisficto ry and a disposition to please old and new custo mers, will, we hope, be a sullicient inducement lo purchnrrs to call at our respective establishment. Silks and Fancy Goods. W A R P Remington fiO Market Street. Ashhurst A. Remington 50 " Huck A Poller I IS Yard A Gillmoio 109 ' Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods. Rey nobis, McFarl ind A Co 105 Market Street. Huiuett, Withers A Co 120 " Scott A. Huker lot " Wise, Pusey A Wise 1 04 " Hardy vfc Hackers 46 N. Second St. Importers of Cloths, Cassimers, Vest ings, vS:c. William II Love 147 Market Stieet. Lambert Duy 1(H ' Hardware nnd Cutlery. Michael V linker 215 Maiket Street. Edward S Handy A. Co 98 " Importers and Manufacturers of Sad dlery Hardware. Horn A Kneass 515J Market Street. Hoots, Shoes, Bonnets, Caps, Leghorn and Palm Hats, &.C. W E A .1 G Whelan, 159 Matket Street. Levick, Jenkins A Co 150 " M Conrad A Co 60 " .Manufacturers and Dealers in Di ugu, Medicines, l'ainls, Oils, &.c. Thomas P James 212 Market Street. Potts, Linn A Harris 2I3J " Robinson. Collms & Co R7 ' Edward Colo ft I " Thompson Pancotst A. Co 40 " Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimming:. L Kenton 176 Market Street. John Sauerbicr A Brother 62 liooks and Stationary. Cuing vV Ell ott 9 N. Fi'Urth Street, Hogan A. Tiionipson 30 " Importers of Hritish and French Fan cy Staple Stationary. L I Cohen A Co 27 S Fourth Street. Henry Cohen 3 " . Importers of Hosiery, Gloves, Triuvl mings and Fancy Goods. Setley A Severing Parker A Lehman 23 N Third Sireel. 3 Combs, Brushes, Brooms, &c. Thomas Cooper 3 N Front Street. Importer of Toys, Fancy ami Stapl-3 Goods. A F Ott Monrosu Di S Fourth Street. Manufacturer of Patent I.ard Lamps. Ellis S Archer 32 N Second Stnei. Manufacturer of Patent Floor and Furniture Oil Cloths. I anc Macauley, Ji. 6 N Fifth Street. Manufacturers and Importers of Pa per Hangings. How. II A Druthers 80 A, 142 Chesnul St. Philadelphia, Angus: 21, 1811. 3m, 7,.ff.l, lOlt Si.ll.h- The small faro. containing shout 100 ni res, about 2 nii'. r nbove Noithum eil Old, udjoiiiing lands of Jesse C Horton, John Lejlioti and otheis, will be se!.' . In ap, if application i- made soon to the nubncriber Sunt my, Ami. 31. H. Ii. MASSE R. 111V Th, I i.rh.xl nrl.-n uilll.i E ...veil l..r l-'l.,v V.,.l I... Aog al. 1 I . ' H. n. MASSE If. t 'O I'TAt.E lilHLES. Five copies of ti e ( 'of. I ge ltd le, llie cheapest book ever published, containing the commeniarv on ihe Did and Ne.v T. .lament, just rec. iv. d and f..r sale, for six doll .rs, hy June l.i. 11. It. MASSRR 'JM Ei:i ' LOTH, a handsome article, all w, l, hsbt and . I .s'ic, toi Suiiuuer Coa's and Paula lor sale, very Lov, bv June 15 " H. Ii, UASSER. NOTICE to mi:i;( iums x.;. WW. M.S: .His. i:. MAl'LL, MANt'l'ACTI 'RERs AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STRAW GOODS, .Yd. ;!( .Yorr7i Snoad Street, ('opposite th Madison House, ) riltLADELPHIA, j Wl El'E vvil' be f und a general as-oit-'.f.t-mem of Florence llrai.U, Alberts, Rul.!7i lands. Peddles, Willow, Rice Nmw, and much adinnej Nenpolitan I. ace, and Fancy H i. nets, niar.iifacliired I v ns, and for sale at Ihe lo.vp manotiictire pi ices. Merchants and Milliner, .it invite 1 io give ii a e II upon vi.ning the ( in CO' U- W have also e. install iy makmi; . sup. nor hair and n her e.lgingi, all of unWch w. be so'd rhrap, foi ra-h I hilad. It Ilia Mv ZS, It J