Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 12, 1844, Image 4

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Tvsk "Sitting on a Rail."
As I wulkpi! out, 'twas nut quite nonn,
O there I spied tliat "same old Coon,"
A Hinging of that tame old tune,
About Unit "roasted brrf,"
Says I Mr. Coon, 'how do you do !'
Hiiya lie old friend, why how are you !'
. 1 t;uo?s Fee none the better of yon,
I havn't got "that beef."
F.iy he 'old friend, don't be so fast,
I'll ion k o ampnds for timoa gone putt ;
IK suiil 'd, lie grinned, ond looked aghast,
Ho look'd much like a thief.
Pays I 'Mr. Coon' and then t smiled,
' V. can't q'lito come it o'er this child !'
And liiiiii lie looked, O Lord ! how wild,
Ilia tail hung1 "Joicji a feet."
S'ijs I 'Mr. Cnon yui've had your day ;
Vnii promise well but never pay
You smell toj much of Hurry Clay,
To gull vt any wort:
And ww to make the matter brief,
And i.noe we find there's no "relief'"
We'll roai-t your carcass, yo'j old thief,
In place of "that ar beef."
Male Coquetry.
M.iltf coquetry is much more inexcusable than
female, as well ns more pernicious. Very few
men will give themselves the trouble to gain
or retain any woman's affections, utiles they
have views on them either of an honorable or
dishonorable kind. Wen employed in the pur
suit of business or pleasure, will not give them
selves the trouble to engage a woman's ail'.c
ti ins meivly from the vanity of conquest, and
of triumphing over the heart of an innocent and
defenceless girl.
A man of parts sentiment, and address, if he
1-ivs aside all regard to truth nnd humanity, may
enirHjfo the hearts of fi'ly women at the same
time, and nviy likewise conduct his coquetry
with so much art as to put it out of the power of
any of them to specify a single rxpresMon that
could be said to be directly expressive of love.
Thin a mbieuity of behaviour, this art of help
ing one i suspense, is the great surety of cu
uuwtry in t-exes. It is the more cruel in
men, because they can carry it to what length
they please, and continue it as long ns they
please, without the woman Leing so much ut li
berty to complain or expostulate ; whereas
men can break their chains and force women
to explain whenever they become impatient of
their situation.
Jnst ns a woman in this ce'-ntry may easily
prevent tho first impression of love, every mo
tive of pr'Kleore and delietcy should make her
guard her heart Bp' '"st them, till sitfh time as
s ii! !n- rerr:vd the mot convincing proofs ut
the r: tt nc liijnt of a mtiT! of such merit as will
j'iMity h reciprocal rcjard. She fehoiild gludi
. 1 1 r 1 3- hib ir to pos-oss imeli high principle of
honor and generosity as w ill render her incapa
ble of deceiving, and at the same time icssrss
thai iicut discernment which may secure her
against being deceived.
TiiiNKiNO Ai.otu. The following amusing
r.rcdote is related of the Lurl of Dud It y,
whose talents as a scholar, and great knowledge
nf foreig.i and international law, induced King
(Jcorge the Fourth to select him as Secrutary
Slate lor Foreign afl'iiis, without his having
ever been a prominent man in politics, had a
habit of thinking aloud, which often placed him
ill very unpliusanl predicaments. On one cc
ct.s'uii, being caught 111 a rain a gentleman of
1. ru to take him home in his carriage ; and on
tlirir journey the Karl said to liimtwlf ; 1 sup
pose I must usk this man to dinner with me."
The gentleman sitting by the side of him, who
kne v the failing ol his Lordship, said aloud, as
if missing, "Il Lord Dudley should give me an
invitation to dinner, Til see him bunged before
I will accept it." Tins speech restored the Lar.l
to a consciousness of what he had uttered, and
ho was ro pleased with the manner it hud been
met, that he odor d the gentleman the appoint
ment of Secretary ol Embassy, which was,
huwuver, refused,
Like and its Ii.msiona. We furnish a!
house that our friends may cry out cm pur ex-j
travasnce or bad taste ; we "ive dinners, that !
our quests may hrrcVicr find ('unit with our !
cook or our cellar; we give parties, that three j
parts of the company tuny rail at their stupidi
ty ; we dress, that our acquaintance may re
venge themselves on our silks, by finding liiull
with our appearance; we marry; if well, it
was intereet it badly, il was insanity; we die,
and even that is our own limit; if we had but
done so and so, wr gone to Pr. such a one, the
accident would not have happened. A man
accepts a bill for his friend, w ho pays it the
obligation is held tiifling. 'What's in a name?'
lie fail you have to pay it, and every one
cries out aguinst your fully. Oh, Life ! what
enables us to surmount your obstacles to en
dure? your disappointments to believe
promise but your illusions !
LiTfRABv Uat. A short lime since, a pen
tU iiian who was requested tn value the books ot
11 deceased clergyman, found lo his surprise,
that many ot tl.n most valuable works were nu
perfected, having leaves torn out I'pnn ask
ing a servant w ho had lived wilh the divine
some years, if he knew any thing of the cir
i iitnstances, he replied, alter some hesitation :
Why to be sure, s.r, 1 C i sometime tear u
hot out, but I nevti went twics to the same
luck, so it could'nt be of much ecneequenee."
11 A It xti: LIST.
The f ill.iwing lis! shows thn current value of nil
'cimsvlvani.i II ink Notes. The most implicit re
iunrnimy he placed iinn it, as it i every week
nr. fully compared Willi ai d corrected from Bhk
Ifcll's Uopor'cr.
ItniiK lii t'hllariclitliln.
A T I' A It.
Disc. Or
I'm 1 1. a 11 .
. par
. par
i par
. par
N O T 1' !S
dank of North America .
Bank ef the Northern Liberties ,
(Commercial II ink of IVnn'n. .
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank
Kensington It ink , .
Philadelphia Hunk
Schuylkill U.nk
S.iulliwnrk Bank
Western Bank .
Mechanics' Hank . .
Manufacturers' A- Mechanics' Bank
C'omiliT IlsuiUsi.
Hank of Chester County
Hank ef IVIiwnre County
H ink of (tcrmantow n
Hiwik of Montgomery Co.
Ooylcslown Bank
Easton Hunk
Farmers' Hiink nf Bucks co
I ll'u e i.f Bank of IVnn'a.
Olfice do do
Office do do
Ollics 1I0 d
W rtrlicstrr par
(hrslcr par
(Jrrinantown pit
Norris'iiw'Ti par
D.iylcstown par
I'.ustnn por
Hri-tol par
llarriliuri;" Tlie-e
l,anrn.-i(f r I nflicen
HeHiliiig j ilo not
Kaston J issue n.
"snk of the 1'nited Stolen
Hank of I'rnn Township
lii'ar.l Bank .
Mnysmcnsing I! ink
Hank of IVniisv Ivnni i
Miners' Hank of Pottsvillc
Hank of I.cwislown
Hank f Midillviown
Hank of Northumbeibind
riiilaJtlpliin s:
Lew istown
Coluuiliia Bank & firidge ro. Colmnliia
Carlisle liank Carlisle
ExchanRP Hank Pittslnnir
If d. hrnnch of Ilollidavs
Farmers' B ink of l.ancastet I.ancisiri
Lancaster I'oiiuty H mk I.atiraster
Farmers' Bank of liVadirg H.-adiiiif
Hnirixhurg Bank 1 larii-lnui
Laneasier Batik l.nnr aster
l.ehaunn Bank I.clianon
MenhanisW Mimnf. Bank I'iMsliurn
Hank of I'iiisluiri; I'itul.uiK
W. at Bniiich II uk Wiliiatiisport
WyoniiiiR Bank iik.'lano
Northampton B mk AHenlown
licik t'ouuly Bank iwadme
Ollice of Bank of V. H. l'ltllnirg
p. 1
Do do 1I0 Eric
Do do do Hew Brighton
Kensington .vav. Ins. A 1I0
I'enn Townsliip S iv. In. do
Bank of Cliiiiiilirrsliurg ChamlierHliurfr
Bank ot f it'ltysl'urg (o-liysbutg
Bank of Sii.-ijucliuiina ( ?o. Montrose
Krie Bank 1'nu
Farniera' & Diovera' Bank io'in!nirg
Franklin Bank asliiimlon
lionesdale Il.nk llonesdnle
Moi onRiihrU Bank of B. Brownsville
V" . 1 1 k Bank York
M. B. The notea of those lianka on which we
nun quotation, and aulistitutti a ilnsh ( ) arc not
purrhnsi'd by the l'liiladrlphia lirokers, wilh the
txccptioii i f those which have 11 U'ltrr ul r. Icrilice.
KKiiK K - B A N K 8.
Philadr'i hta Suv. Ins.
Phil ulelphia I.iiii Co.
?chuv Ik ill "av. Ins.
Manual l.aU.r Bank (T. W
I'owaiiila Bank
Mleghany Bank uf Pa.
B .ok ol Beaver
Bank of Stvalara
Hank ol
I'. ntre Bank
City Bank
Farmers' et Meih'iV Pnink
Fanners' ck. Mecli'i'' Bank
Furinera' & MechVs' Bunk
Harmony Institute
Hunlingdon Bank
luuiala Bank
uiiilnrineu'. Bunk
Norihern Bank of I'a.
New Hope Del. Biidge Co.
Noribuuib'd L'nion Col. Bk.
Norlh Western Ba-ik of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pu. Agr. & Maiiuf. Bank
Silver Luke Bank
L'nion Bank of Penu'u.
estrnoirland Bank
i'hllud. It hta failed
1I0 foled
do filled
Dyott, prop.) failed
Bell, loule
Fayette co.
( irceiieast'e
no sale
no sale
no sale
11 initingilon no sale
l.en islowi) no sale
Dun, lull'
New Hope
110 sale
no sale
Port Cmtion
('arlislu failed
Moiiirose closed
I'nioiitown failed
(ireeiishurg rinsed
ilkesl.arre no sale
Wilkesbarre Budge Co.
All notes purporting to he on any Pennsyl
vania Bunk not given in the above li.-t, may be set
inwn as frauds.
m:v ji:rm:v.
brunsw ii k
Uelvideie Bunk
1 Ifiiihuglou Co. Bunk
i oiiiiiieicial Bank
'Jiilulierland Bank
I .""allllels' Bi.l.W
Karinrn,' and Mechanic' Bk
1 Farnicrs' and Mechanics' Ilk
I Fanners' and M. rihant' Bk
1 Frank!iu Bank of N. J.
P.rih Amlsny
Bridget. hi
Mount Holly
liah way
N . Hi inisw i. k
Mld lletown Pi.
Jer-y Cily
I Holinken Bkg (St Crazing Co Hobukeu
lu.l. il 1
failed i
failed I
failed I
t !
faded :
pur j
lersey City Bank
Jersey City
M. chunks' 1) ink
Maniilac tun r-.' Bank
Morris ( 'ouniy Bank
Momiioiilh Bk of N. J.
,M. chanics Bank
Mechanics' and Munuf. Bk1
Morris Canal and Bkg Cu
l ain ts. 111
Bi Ik wile
New ,uk
To nloii
Jcikcy City
Po-l Notea
Newark Bkg & Ilia Co
New Hope Del Bridge Co
N. J. MunufiC. and Bkg Co
N J I'loli'Cloll & I.ouitiuld I k
Orange Bunk
Pstersiin Bank
Peoples' Bank
Princeton Bank
yulcr.i Bunking Co
HO a lie
Ni waik!ieilti!lo
HoloKc 11
.leisry Cny
I Irane
F.lia'i. ihtow n
( 'lOllil.'ll
Tn ntnii
Salt in
Nt w lou
llut k. nsiik
par ,
j Slute Bk
! Statu Bank
riiate Bn.k
j "late Bank of Morris
1 lute Bunk
I ialem and Philud Mi.mif ('j
1 Sussc Bank
Tirnton Banking Cu
, l'nion Bunk
I Bshingtoii Bunking Co.
"par Aiti:.
, Bk nf W ilin & Brandy w in,; W ilmington
i It mk ul Delaware
liunk of Smyrna
Do lianch
, Farmers' lik of Statu of Dei
I Do brunch
W ilmu.gioii
Do bran, li
Do bruin h
I'liion Bunk'
IJj' I'm'er f)'
ay On all banks unnked tlilig () there are ei
Ihrr (Oiititeif. it or ultt red nutes of lha var.ous is
aomiiiatiot.K, in eireuUtion.
nr.rriMTivi: syiu i.
""IfK vahiah'fl properties of Oaklry's Depura-
I live Syrup of Karsaparilla, as a purifier of the
HI' lOll, IS BO
well known to ihn put.lin Renerally,
neeesaaiv to nrcnnv much snare in et-
that il ia unnecesaaiv to orcunv much spare in et
ting fnnh tho advantages to e derived from ils I
nap ; wherever the medicine has once hren mtrr
dured, it lakes precedence over all others: evny
oiiethat has taken it, have derived go fiunal bene
llcial r.-siilla from it, that it is recommended by
inrm won me u mo.i omnw.-neo. 1 nysic.o. m
the highest stan ling in the profession, prescribe it
to iia'icnt under their care : c.inlaining nothing
deb terioiis. but beine comoosed of the m St miM,
jet etrir.ieious vegelalile Is offered wilh I
confidence, as the cheiest and most efficient pu- !
rifier of the Mood now known. The use of a few j
bottles, csccinlly In the spring months, will be at
tend' d with a most deciiled improvement in the ge
neral strength of the system, erailicaiing any seeds
of disea-e that may hava been generated, besides
giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure I
of Scrofula or Kings Eiil, Rheumatism. Tetter, J
Pimples or eiuplinn of the Skin, White dwelling, I
F stula. Chronic Cough, fic. The nu- )
incrous fc'iifica'cs in the pnscin of the sul scrl- !
her anil bis agents, from physicians and others, are
sufficient to roiiv.nce the nn st skeptical of in s u- I
)ieriority over nil preparations of Sarsaparilhi. I
S..I.I whole-ale an.l ret nil, by ihe proprietor, ;
GEOIKii: V. OAK l.i: Y, North 5th stre.t. Uea-
ding, link Cimnry, and to bo had of the following
piisiin : I
; Siirthitmherlitnd Count). TI. B. 1asj?r, ;
Siinbnry ; lielind Sc Mixel, McCwensville ; D j
Kraiis. r. Milton. ;
hi Union County. J. (Searharf, Seliu-grovet
A. (!oti lios, Mitllinl urg. j
In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash !
iugton. j
Reading, March 1. 18 :t.
Ma. Oaki.ft: I believe it the uty of every :
one to do yihiiti verin their power 1 ie, fur the h ne- j
(it ef their fellow nian, and haviiig had po-i ivej
proof in mv own family, of the wi i.deifnl properties I
of your Depuraiivo Syrup of SSaisiiparilln, I m st ;
conscirntiou-lv recommend it to the atlheted. We '
had the ini-fortiine t I se two of our children, bv J
the breaking out of ulcerous gores that covered the
face, head and reck, i.lll.oug'i we had gome nf th 1
most scientific physician to attend th m and had ,
tried all the known leinedies, including Swaim's !
Panac.a, without avail. Anolher of my children
was nt'nike.l in ihe same manner, her fice or.d 1
nek n roii'p'elely; ttie ct.sch.iige wag so
oll'ensive, and the disease at such a be chl. lhal we
d.spaired nf her life. Seeing ihe wonderful effects
of your Dcpiiralive Syuip i.l K.tsa ari l i, we were
iuducnl to make trial ofit. as Ihe hist resort ; it
acted like a chann; the u'cers roinmeuci d hrnling
iminediately, a f. w hollies entirely restored hi r to
her health, which she h is enjoyed uninteritii tedlv
ever ginre. As a purifier of the blood, I verily he
In ve it has not its equal.
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Doiiglisstille, April 19lh. 1813.
Mb. Oaki.kt: My son Ki'mnnd Leaf, had ihe
si rotr,!.! in the most dreadlul and distieasing man
ner for thr. e years, dining winch time he was de
prived of the use of his limbs, ,ij lipid nnd nick
wete covered with ulcerg. We tried all the differ
lit remedies, I ut to no elf. ct, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and ao Dr. Isaac
Hiester, of Reading, to Use your Depurativn Syiup
of S.irsapiinlla, of w hich I obtained seveial bottles,
the use of which ibove the di-ea-e eniiri Iv out of
Ins svstem, the sore heiled up, and the child was
restored to prileel health, which he has enjoyed j
uninterruptedly t v. r ginee, to the astnishm in ot I
many peigon who seen him dmitg Ins affliction.
I have thoukht il mv du'v, and send y n this reiti
f.cite that oil erg who have a like affliction in the
I'niiily may know where to olita.n so valuable a
medicine. Yours truly.
Sept. Ifi, 1813 ly
oiiiilfr( ItciV
rl,he pu: lie will please observe that no Brambelh
Pills are genuine, unless ihe box has three l i
bels upon it. (the lop, the sii'e and the hoit on)
each containing a fie-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. Daini;rii, M. D. These la.
Iiel- aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an ex pense of over f'J.OOO. Therefore
it will la-seen lhal ihe only thing mcessary lo pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom.
The follow ing icspcciive persons are duly auh. ri
zed, and hold
For the sale of Uriindreih's Vt'rulife Vnivtrsal
N'orlliiimbeilai d county : Milton M ackey &
Ch niiheilin. Suubury H. B. Masser. M'Ewens
ville InlindA Meixell. Noilliumbeilatid Win.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. A J. Walls.
L'nion County: New Berlin Bogar d Win
ter. Selinsurove (leorge (iunilium. Mi.l.lle
bur Isaac Smith. Heavermwn David Hubler.
Ad inisburg Win. J. May. MitHinsbuig Meusrh
V Ray. Haiti. Ion Daniel Long. Freebure
ti.A: F. 12. Mover. Lenisburg Wall V (Jreen. '
Columhia ronuiy : Danville K. B. Reynolds j
& Co. Berwick Sluiman A R. Henhouse. Ca'. i
tawissu C. tJ. Brobts. Bloomshurg John R.
Meyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Wasliington
Kohl. McCay. Limestone llalls McN'oeh. i
Observe that each Aaenl has an Kngruv. d (. r-
illcate of Agenry, a representation of ',
Oi BR AN DIIK'I li'S .Munulact. rv al Sing King, i
and upon which w ill a'so be seen exact copies nf 1
ihe ntw tube nolo used n..i tin llruiulrith J'ill ,
Uiijix. j
Philadelphia, oflice No. 8. N'.irlh 8th street. '
June 2 tih, IM3. !
N..s. ami :J1 North Thiol Street,1
1 N'rnr Hip City Hotel,
par f 1 C. MACKKY, Auctioneer, le-pcctful'y
; vites ihe aiteiitimi of nersn:
desirous of pur
chasing Fuiuiiure. lo his extensive S.l.s Booms,
O'Oth public und I'.iw.n-,) lor every description of
Household Furniliiie, win re ran be obtained at all
limes, u large assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds,,
Ac, al very reduced prices, for cash.
Sales bv Auction, twice a week.
May 2Vih, l43. ly
W I iTlJ AM J. M Ali'lTx,
FFK'F. in the second story of ihe building oc
cupied by Dr. J. B. Masstr, on Maiket street.
Oct. 2 I t, 184:1.
4 Tlut'hliliiK Ulacliliic lor Sale.
11IF. snbserda-r nflera f r .ale THRESHINTS
M ACIIINK, new and in good order. The
Machine has been tried, and proves lo be an excel
lent one II will be sold at a reduced price, and
warranted. Apply lo H. B. MASSL'li.
July Ul, 1M.
roit urn 1:11.
DihnwniiM. titMnt trm r.M rirt. kn nTlir.u
, ri'TANKOtsj tnt'lTloNS.
Tlg fiiuiin'e r.rrliftmt daerihtt nne iiflhe
mn,, txlraorjinary cure, fver tffvded by any
..;.-.....-.. J
rHiLAiir.t rHt a. I eluuarv 10, 18.(8.
T7OR twenty years I wan severely alllirti il wilh
J'rttkh on the Face and Head: the disease
rommencfd when I waa seventeen years old, and
continued until the Fall of 18:16, varying tn vio-
, Pee, but without ever diaapiaring. During most
, nf lB ,. , of 'fiiC(1 WM covcrr(, wM,
i the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing; my liea.l awvllcil at timis until it felt as it it
would hurst the swelling was so great, thai I cou'd
srarcely gat my hat on. During ihe long period
that I was afllicled wiih the disease, I used a great I
many ai plication, (among them several celebrated
I rep nations) as w. II as taking inward remedies,
including a number of bottles of Sivnim't I'anarrn,
Extract of Sarnoporilla, A-c, In fact, it would he
impossible lo enumerate all tho medicines I used.
I wag also under the care nf two of ihe most dis
tinguished physicians of ibis city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In the f ill of 1S3H, the disea-e at the time
being very violent, I commenced Using the l'nse
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan A: Davis.) In
a f. w applications the violent itching ceased, the
swi lling abated, the runti.m began to disappear,
and before I had used a jar the di-e.nse was entirely
enrpil. It has now been nearly a yiar and a half
since, nnd there is not a vetige of Ihe disease re
maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed
by the di-ease. Il is imp. ssilile for me to describe
in a cr rlificate the severity of the disease and my
soil, ring, but I will bo pleased to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will cull on me. At the time I commenced
using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of ilo'latg to be rid of the disease. Since u
sing it. I have recommended it to several persons,
(among them my mother, who had the disease bad
ly on her arm.) who w. re ad cured bv it.
CEj" The Rose Ointment g prepared by K. B.
Vaujhan. South Fast comer of Third and Race
stie. ts, Philadelphia, and sold on auencv in Siinhu
ry. bv H. B. MASSF.R,
May Mlh, IS 13 Agrnt.
ICose Ointment, for Teller.
I'm i.a ni 1 nil a , May U7tli,
'PHIS is to certify that I was severely Atlheted
with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards
of forty years ; the disease w ag attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I applied to a
number of physicnins, and used a great many appli
ca'ioua without ell'eciing a cure. About
since, I applied tl e Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped ihe itching, and a few applications immedi
an ly cured Ihe disease, which there lias been no
return of, although I haJ never been' rid of it at
any lime for forly year. RICHARD SAVAhE,
Fleventh, lelow Spruce Street.
(y The Rose Ointment is prepared by K. B.
Vaiiuhan, S uilh I'a.-l corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and s d on ajcnrv in Sunhu H. B. MASSFK,
May 14th. 1SI3. AhI.
of the nosi: ot.TMi:.xr, fr rttr.
I.THOrOII the superiority of the prepainlioii
over all others ia fully established, the prnpre
tors lake pleasure in laving la fore the public the
following certificate froiri a respectable physician,
a graduate of ihe I'nitersity of Pennsylvania. Dr.
Buugb, having found in this icmcdy thai relief I r
a tedious and disugri s.i'ilr uilivtion w hich the means
niihin ihe range of his profession failed to atlord,
bus rot he-itat. el to give il his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that profession aie
. pposed la secret Remedies.
P mum i i uM, Sept. 19, is:tfi.
I was recently troubled with a tedious herja'tie
eruption, which e.oeie.1 nearly one si 'e of my face,
and extended over ihe ear. Mr. Vaughan, propru
loi of the Rose Ointment, obseiving my facr, msis.
ted on my trying his preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Allhoiinh 111 common with the niem
beis of my profession, I discountenance and disap
prove ot the numerous nostrums palmed upon Ihe
public by ii'iioiHiit pr. lenders, I feel in justice hound the Rose I10111 that c'a-s of me
dicines, and to give it mv approbation, as it entire
ly turcd ihe eruption, although it had resisled the
usual application. DAN L BAl'C.H.M. D.
fjj" The Rose Ointment is prepard by ). B.
Vauuhan, South Fast corner nf Third and R ice
Streeis, Philadelphia, and sold on ag. ncv in Sun
bury, by H. B. MAssF.R.
May I4lh, 1813. Agent. !
Hover's Ink.
Manufacturer nf Wiilitiir ami lmlclli
ble Ink, No. ltM North 'l'lnrd Street, six
doors beluvv Race, (east side,)
r) HsPECTFI LLY inlnrmg country merchants
and niheis. that he ron-luntly keepg on hand
a large stock of his supcrier II!. o k. Blue and Red
Ink. and also a supein r ipi.hty of I ml. 1 1 1 1 e Ink.
II. sink is put up in b. tiles varying in size, from
t lo :t 2 ounces, and w ill tie sold on reasonable
terms. The ex.elent qualities of this ink basso
thoroiiehly eslahli-he.l us ch .racier, that it is now
ext. iisively used throughout thv eountiv.
, For sale al the store of II. B., Sun
bury. Pa. May 27th, lsU3. ly
AS taken ihe .',ce tonneilv oceupi. d I v the
Hon. ( harles (J. Donin I. op osile the Court
I loose, lie will aiteud to business 111 ihe Court-,
of Northiimlicrlaiiil, l'nion auJ I'oluinbij coumiea.
May 'iWh, IS4 ).
Central Stutit I it), re,',
mh: 'blu :rnw az
l'4iius)lt aula.
rilHF. Suh-criber respectfully infoima his fiiend.
I ami the public in general, that he baa taken
Ihe above
H O.T E L,
IN THR B O K O i; Ci 11 O F M I? N C Y,
and that he is now well prepare! to accommodate
all who may favor him with llicr custom.
Ida Si itrisu AfAHTMtMrs well aiie.l, and
II is 'I'a bif. ivn Bta will always be aapphed
with ihe best the maiket can afford.
His STai.iNo, which ia pool, will la under
the charge of good and careful hoallers.
He feels confident, by strict attention to businos,
and an earnest desire to render c niforlable those
w ho may patronize huo.lhal lie will not fail to give
general satisfaction. H. U. WKAVEK.
Munry, Oct. 1st, 1813. if.
an. kffa
Wl:. EIL1A1T & CO.,
Commission V Forwarding Merchants,
2 'out if Willow Street Hail Road,
o?l ths nn.AWAnr,
TT A VIN'd associated sst ith them Joseph Bnrnet,
late of Fastoii, Pu., respectfully inform their
friends and tho public generally, that they have la. large and well known store and wharf at
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupie by
Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a (Jeneral
Commission and Forwarding Business, and fiom
the local advantages of the place being connected
with all ihe public improvements that have their
outlet In the citv, they flatter themselves ihey will
be able to do business tn as great, if not gieater ad
vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other
house, and they assure their friends lhal any con
signments made to them shall have their strict at
tention, and 110 exertions spared to give entire satis
faction. They arc also prepnied lo receive and forward
goods 10 any point on the Di laware and Lehigh
rivers, between Mauch Chunk, F.ssion and Phila
delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals;
also, to anv point nn the Juniata river, or Nonh
and Wist Blanches nf the Susquehanna via Schuyl.
kill and l'nion, or the Chesapeake and Tide Watei
For the accommodation of Boats coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Steimboat
will li.' k pt expressly for tow ing ho its from ihe
SchuylVdl around lo the Del aw are and bark, which
will en ible merchants to have their produce deli
vered on the Delaware, and their goods ahippid at
a saving ot 5l) to 7f per cent. on. tho prices fir
hauling acus, with these advantages they re
spectful'y solicit a share nf patronise.
William If. Ilmin, )
vv, m..... vv 1.'. . I
Joseph Burnet. 3 Philnl.Miv 14, 1N4 3. ly
J. iMAYLANE, JR. & : CO.
Snuti' nnd Tobacco Manufacturers,
.Yn. OL) Aorii I Ft st corner of Race und Third ,
St reel. . 1
Hllfl undersigned have formed a Co-partnership ;
under the firm of J, M Y I. A N I) J a. A: Co.. j
a sucsessors to the late firm of Jacob .Maylnnrf 3 j
Co.. nnd will continue the business at ihe old esta-
blishmerit, on their own account. In addition lo j
their own close attention and experience fu many j
years, in the manufacture nf their cefebrated sriiill'-, i
Vc., the long experience of the senior partner of the
late firm, will also be devoted to the interest of the
new concern and as no exertion and care will be
spared to insure their goods, at ull times of the ve- !
ry l est quality, they solicit a continuance of the .
confidence of the friends and customers of Ihe lute
J. M AYLAND, Jk. !
Philadelphia, May Mill. IR4:l. Iv ;
To Country
rrilK Subscriber, Agent of Lyon A Harris, Hat
M inufaclurers, for N. w S'nrk, Phil ulelphiu,
Baltimore and other large cities, vl ose Hats are
hiuhly coriiini ruled far good edit and tlwn.iliti.
has 00 hand a first rate asiertui'iit of HA I'S anil
CAPS., auiuhle. for Spring site-, wh ch will be sold
very low, foi cash or appioved credit, al the mtrd
cheap it ore, So. 40, North Third s'rovt, oppisi'e
the City Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. U. Ordera for Hats m ihe rouvh, promptly
attended to. Ths highest price in rush or Ira le
given for Fur kin.i.
Philadelphia, June 11, lSlD -.Iy
C; ii4 i ;il C oiiimisoioii llercliniits,
For the Snr of Flour, drain, Setd, .c, $c.
1 F.spf.CTFI'I.LY im
he Merchants genen
(form thrir triemls ami
rallv, that they have ta
ken those large and commodious Wharv s, w il li two
Doiks, north of f'hesnut street, on the Delawire, 1
touether with the store No. I'J South Wharves,
where they would be pleased lo receive consign
ments nf tirain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ac.
Ac. Being also well prepaid lo forward all kinds
nf Merchandise by the Schuylkill an.l l'nion, or by
the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, as tow
boats are kept expressly foi the purpose uf towing
boats by ei her route.
Merchants will pleage be particular to send their destined by either canal-, P . No. I'J South
Wharves, between Market and Chesnut streets, on
Ihe Delaware, with directions accamp my ing lliein
which route ihey wish lliein lo be shipped.
Qfj" Plaster and Suit for sale, at ihe lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON A: C' 1.
March li), DM 3. No. I'J South Wharves.
itoiu.tiT iu 1 1:1c . s,
l.ontbttnl St ret t, llatHniurr,
HAVK con.-ianily for sale. Printing Paper uf ah
sizes and qualities. Cup Writing Paper, ruled
and plain. Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Luvilope
Paper, do. do. medium, doub'e ciown, crown ami
ettrasized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and
Boyal Papets, Bonnet, Binders' and Snaw Box, Tissue Paper, and all articles iu their hue,
which they will sell on nciVimiioJaliug terms.
II ghe.-t price given fr old rays. P CAK I FK A SON,
M.rch 19, ism. Fktou. Md
-Yo. 'JUT, Aori Third, above i'oilou hill St.,
JOHN M'NCAN. late from the Pennsylva
nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., la-e of A
nit Mean Hotel, Columbus, t lino, take pleasure in ac
iptalnling their fiiends and the public generally lhal
tin y have taken the large and coinmodioua Hotel,
lectinty built by the Messrs. Hail, on the site
once occupied by the old establifhed Hotel known
as the Bull's Head, in Third sheet above Callow
hill st.
This Hotel is finished in the very ticst possible
manner, and of the best materials. Ils location is
ery .1. suable, particularly for country merchants;
the arrangements for hearing and ventilating each
room ia such as to secure any temperature. The
hfdrooms are all light and airy, all luriii.hcd iu a
neat style, so as to insure comfoit.
Thenceiviug parlors are also fun ished in a su
perb style, the windows are on the French style,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front,
makes a pleasant recess. Fiirticulai attention has
been given to Ihe beds and bidding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
from years experience in hotel business, we
t-usl, by strict assiduity Ic husinesi, lo make this
house a desirable stepping place. Our table will
always be supplied with the viry beat our market
ran afford, and our bar with the best Iniuura and
n ines of Ihe most approved brands.
P. S, There are lir.t rate stabling wml carriage
houses attached to the hotel, attended by ra tfal 1
and sober hostlers, and our charges will In) low, in I
accordance with tUe present hard, I
Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, 1813. j
BusincM atlended to in Ihe Counties of Nor
thumberland, l'nion. Lvcoming and Columbia.
Keier lot
Thomas Haht ft Co.,
Lowr.n V Baiiiiiiv,
Hart, Cummiwos & Hirt, PMlnd.
Rr.tJioi.iis, McFiRLtsn & Co.
Spr.aiso, 'inori & (,'0.,
rn: n s d jhcd ,
Ao. fj'J Aori Third, above Arch Street,
piIARLES WF.ISS, late nf the "White Swan,"
and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in'
forma his friends and customers, that he has become
the proprietor of the abov well known Hotel.
Country Meichaiits will find the above Hotel
central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling foi horses, and ihe best of
ostleis. Boarding f 1 per day.
May 11th, 1 8 12. If.
nin: xi ru? n 9
Corner of Third and Vine Strut,
wiLLiAircsroiiT, pa.
Timlin subscriber respectfully announces to the
I public, that he his n ened a Hotel in the corn
moilious brick building a nnte on the corner of
! I bird and Pine streets, where he will he Itappv tn
wait those who may favor him with their
! company. The Katie Hotel is large nnd Cunveni
i enl, and fornished in the be-t nvilein slle. Il is
! provided with a large number nf well aired ami
'. coinlortable sleeping apartment--, rooms, private
! parlors, Ac. Persons visiting i!liai, nirt on bu
siness ni plea-ure, may rest as-ured that every ex
' ertioti will be used lo lender their sijomn at the
F.ngle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His'l'able
' will be supplied wilh the very b. si the af
. fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other
' lupiors charges re .amiable. The Faglo Hotrl
possesses greater advantages in point of location
: than any other similar establishment in ihe borough,
! being situate in the '.uisiness p .rl uf ihe town, and
' wilhin a convenient distance of the Court Hotsd
I ami Williams-port and F.lmira Had Uo id D. pot.
j Sullieienl Stabling provided, and irnod and trusty
1 ostlers always iu attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and hone-t Hcrvants
have been rinployed, and nothing left undone that
will add to the comfort und accommodation of his
There will be a carri if always in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers lo and from
the House, free of charge.
M o Mtli. 1 12 .tf
, w--ir. - rsiwlj-ii rviiiKiM.
N ailie'e uueijualle,! for cleaning and g vmg a
highly durable and most In 1 ! 1 1 1 11 1 polish to sd
, ver, (lernn n SiKer, Brass, Copper, Dnttaiiia Ware,
, 'I'm, St. el, Cutlery, and lor restoring the lustre on
I varnished carriages Ac. TIIV IF.
j Prepared an I sold at whol. i'e and retai1, by lha
j Susquehanna Chrysolite Poli.-h Company, Owego,
Tioga coutitv, N. Y.
WM'. FOBSVTH. Agent f,.r Northuni'd,
II. B. MASSLH, Ag.ut lor Sui.bury.
j November 2lllh, 18 12.
.Tilt line I Wcnvcr V Son,
norz: MAEcns & sixir chandlers.
No. 1 'A Xurth Water trctl. I'hiludnlphm.
AVK constantly on hand, a general nss.irt
ment of Cordage, Seine Tw mea, Ac, vir :
lai d K'opes, Fishing Hopes, While Kopes, Manil
la Kopes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assoitment of Si hie Twines, Ac, sijrli as
Hemp Sand and Herring Twine, Best Patent Cill
Net Tw inc. Colton Shad and Hcning Twine, Shoe
Threads, Ac. Ac Also, Bed Cold-, Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton and l.iueu Carpet Chains,
Ar. all of which they will dispose of oa 11 jsonaMtt
Philadelphia, Novenihei I It, I H I?. ly.
sij-:ui.'c:, c;o'Ji cu.
No. 1 :JS M;n k't Street, l'liilaileljiliia.
NYI'IK ihe attention of Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment of British French
md American Dry (iootls, which ihey utlW for si.U
on ihe 111 o-l reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November ., IS 12. ly.
J . W. S W A IN,
rinlifclla ami Parasol Manufacturer.
A'o. 37 Sooth Z'hml rtrrct, two doors belotv th
Citv Hotel. Fhiluihlphia.
1or."l'lt Merchants and others are solicited
J lo r x amine his assoili.ieul before purchasing
elsew here
Plnla 'elphia. NovemUr tl. I 12. ly.
Of? wole n ..,','1 l-'itfni r.ti.t.j.iirio ahull! I, lie
, ,
1 hundred and ten acres, more or le-a, sitime
11. Poll. I tow nship, N,.r h u ml er land count , about
two miles above N.ntl iimbeil md, on ihe m.,in
road leading from that place to Dsiivilh-, aloiiuiig
laud- of John l.eghou, .ls--e C. Ilorioii ami other.,
now in the occupancy ofs.nnu. l Pi.yiie. Afoul
loity acres of said IriK't are ch ai. d, and in good
state of cu lit ation. .01 which there is a small bain
erect, d. The property will be sold on reasonable
lei ins. For further particulars, persons are reqnsst
ed lo apply to the sul scriln r.
H. B. M ASS SB, .incut.
Nov. 27th, 1M2. tf Suiibury, Pa.
r.iH SALk bl
VNTIION'S Classical Dictionary; l.sinpner's
do.; Ainswortli's do ; Cobb's do.; F.uglish an.l
j (.'ermin do.; Ambon's IVsar; Anthon's (raiiimei;
j Alithen's Ciceio; Man's I. aim Header; Ogilby'ado.;
Andrew's Latin Lessons; Donnegan's Lexicon;
! Fisk's lire, k Kxercises; Davie. 'a Leceudei; (iraeca
! Majora; A.hnn.'s Koman Aiiti.piiucs; Pinnoek's
I (iolilsmilli'a Fuglaiid; do. (ireece; I. yell's Kl. nienl
j of (ieology; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of
I Botany; Bridge'a Algebra; Porter's lilutoiical H.a
I ders; Fiinrson'i (ieography and History; Olney'a
do.; Par!.) s do.; Siiulh lirainmer; Kiikhiini a ilo.;
Kav'a Keaders; Cobb's do.; Cobb's Arilhmeiick;
Pike'a do.; Kmerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; F.vaiigeheal Fa
mily Library; Collage Bible-; Family do ; Collater
al do.; Small Bibles and Testament-; Parker'a Fx-
! ri. ises en Composition; Fiuil of the Spirit; llaxtei's s Best; American bcvolutinn; Manyatla No
vets; Mra. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; Letters on Natural Migic; Che
mislry for Beginners; Luglish Kxercis,. adapted to
Murray's (trammer. Sequel to Comley'a Spelling
Book; American Class Book; Daboll's Schoolmas
ter. Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac,
August is!, IHf.'.