Tub Maryland IIesvlt. The Whiog ore alarmed at their "victory" in Maryland. Tlu IlcruU (Whig) my a: "We have lust in tour year over lour thousand votes. In Ml, '42, and '43, the full vote waa never brought out, find the only just comparison that can he made must be between the prrnt Presidential conteef of 1?40, and the present one, which in almost crpial to it in point of excitement. The rrsult then ia a meagre victory for the whips "a vic tory," which may lm liked to the victory which Kinjj l'yrrhus pained over Fabricua and the l'oinanp, the vnluo of which he very properly described, when he said "Another such victo ry will be the defeat of Pyrrhua himself !" That ie candid. "Waksaw Movkmknts. liy the latest accounts from Warsaw wc learn tliut the I)rputy Sheriff of Hancock county, Illinois, had served writs on Mr. Sharp, editor of the "Warsaw Signal," and Col. Williams, of Warsaw, for being concerned in the murder of Jos-pli and Hiram Smith, ami, inconsequence of the writs being returnable at Nauvoo, they had refused, personally, to answer them, but left the question to be decided by the inhabitants of Warsaw, whether they should sur render themselves or not. The citizens of the place held a meet inc. and determined that these gentlemen should not give themselves up. Gov Ford, therefore, had ordered out 300 men to en force compliance with the writ. Sharpe and 'Williams had fled across the river. Truly the citizens of Warsaw must have some singular no tions respecting their duty as citizens, when they thus boldly defv the legal authorities of the State. Gov. Ford, we hope, will teach them something better. SlNlit'LAR ClUHUF. A'i.WNsr Pli t A fit K R. TWO lircachers were at rested a week or two ago in I Kentucky, about seven miles from Mt. Sterling. There was a camp me tin;:, at which a man na- aned Jesse Coffee was holding forth, while in the j crowd sat his daughter, listening. The officer I camp, and Mr. Coffee was made prisoner while speaking, charted with having concealed stolen goods, some of the articles being recognized as .forming the dress of his daughter, then present. ColTee was required to give bail in the sum of 51500, a disclosure having been made in, plica ling him deeply with a set of villains who infest that country, and live in the caves. &c, so nu merous in those parts. On the day following the arrest of Cotl'ee, the Rev. Mr. White was also taken from the pulpit at the same place, charged with being parlieips criniiiiis. A large amount of counterfeit money was found upon him. A St Rrjicu. rem; msrivnirn ron CoM Mr Hon. An English paper states that a physician it Darmstadt has discovered a surgical mode of curing consumption. The seat of the ulcer ation having been ascertained by means of the stethoscope, the matter is discharged outward by an incision being made in tht cavity of the bj east, penetrating the lungs. The cure is finally effected by medicine injected ii.to the wound by a syringe. There are but 8017 persons in New York who take the Croton water. The rent for the last year was SI 1 1,000. Abner Knet land, well known throughout this country, died at S.tlubria, Iowa, on the i',U of last August. No less than .'i.'i-Vi dogs were killed in New York by the olficial dog-slayer, between June l'-ith and the 2Mb of September, this year I'retldi mini ami State ICleclinii. We give below a condensed table, exhibiting the times when the Presidential and State I'.lvc tions, respectively, will be held in the several States dining the present year; together with 'he Popular Vote given at the Presidential Flec tion, it will lie found useful for reference during the approaching election. Time of olect'ns Ft Presid. Vot, 1S10 Statrs. - . States. Presid't. J Harrison V. Kuren Maine Sep. (i.Nov. 4 U 4i,iiia 4i;,'J(ll j N Il.nnp Mar l'j.ov. I fi BO.l.'is 33.1T.1 Vermont Sept. .'ti.Vov P3 ti .'tv, I in ls.OlNj Mass Nov 1 t'Xov U i 7."i.i7t .'il.'.UI' R. lsl'nd. Ap.Au Nov. II I o,i7s 3. .101 ! t'nn. April lj.N'ov. II l .J I .' 2.V'.W ' V. York Nov. !i Nov. 'iJ'i.sn 2 1-,."-7 ! N'. Jers'y Oct. K.Vov.SB ' 33.3."l '(l.tril Jenn'a. Oct. s Nov. 1 'i; 111. 021 1 I t.. 12 I relaw're Nov 12 Nov 11 3 .V.Hw 47l! daryl'nd Oct. 2 Dec. 1 K 33,.'j7k 2,752 'iginia Apr. IS Nov. 117 42,'iiM l l'.i:t i 1'. Car. Aug. li.Nov. 1111 l",37ti 3s,7S2 .Car. Oct. lljNov. 1 !i liy Legis lature. eorgia Oct. 7;Nov. 11 10 40.2'i2 31.033: tlabaina Aug. .'j'Xov. I 0 2s, 471 .TI.H'.M I tfiss. Nov. ljov. ,r 0 1I. .')1S 1C,U7' ; N.ouisi'na Tuly 1 Nov. fi (1 11.2'.ti 7, ''.Hi ! Tenn. I Aug. 1 Nov. I 13 i;i),3!)l IH,2S'. ! Kentu'kyAug. .'.Oct. 25 12 .'.s. s;i 32.'.10 Ohio Oct. S Nov. 121 lis, 1,7 121, "s ! Indiana Aug. Nov. i ti3.302 51, HO I Illinois Aug 5 Nov. I ! I5.!37 47,l7i!; Missouri Aug. 5;Nov. I 7 22,072 2:'.7G'J Michigan Nov. 4,Nov. 1 5 22,031 21.131 J Arkansas Oct. 7.nv. 4 3 4.3i3 fi.Ols! Totals',- 275 1,27 1,217 :,12S,37U j No State Flection takes place in Tennessee, this year. They elect State officers every two years and that election was held last year. 1IAL.1 ItlOUt: MAIlKKTi OJtce oflht Balti mom Amkhicas. Oct. 30. (iRAIN On Saturday sales of good to prime ieil Wheats were made at SSa l2 cts., w hich wus on advance upon the previous sales of the week, but to-day prices declined, and sales of good to prime reds were made ut 81 a S cents, and ordi nary to good at 70 a M cts The supply to-day w as light. We quute white Wheats at 1)8 a 105 i ts. fales of white Corn at 13 a 14 cents, and of yellow at is cents. A sale of Pennsylvania yellow to day at IS cts. The receipts of new Corn ure very light we quote at 40 a 41 cents. Sales of Oats at 23 a 21 cts. WH1SKKY Hhds are very dull at 23J cents alcs o bbls at 2' cents stock very light Da. llnAnnauTH wishes mankind to consider this tiuth, that health solely depends on the state of purity in which the blood is kept, every part of the body being supplied daily with new blood from the food consumed: consequently, according to the pwrcness of that blood, so must the state of the body be more or less healthy. To obtain, thrrcfoie, the most direct purifier of the blood, is a question of no little importance to every indivi dual. It is a well known fact that Brandrclh's Ve getable Universal Pills are the most direct pu'ifier of the blood. There will be no douht of this when it is considered that they have gained their present very extensive a.ile by their own intrinsic merit, proved by the numerous cures which they have accomplished in every varietv of disease. fjj Purchase of II. D. Mnsscr, Sunhury, or of the audits, published in another part of this pnr. 9 i r. i , On Saturday the 5th inst.. in Augusta town ship, Mr. M It'll AKL ROCKEFELLER, aged about 40 years. PRICK CITRKBNT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxthrtmer Whkat, .... 8ft 6(1 40 25 5 1(10 10 as to 75 200 8 10 0 P.TK, Ciiiii, Oats, PlIKK, Flaiskkii, BfTTF.H, ISkkswax, -Tallow, Dhikii ArrLKs, -Do. Peaches, Flat, IIk situ Flax, Eons, A LL persons indebted to the subscribers on hook account or otherwise, are requested to make paimrnt to Mr. John Bright of Sunhury, on or before the fir-t day of November next, after which lime, the books, i'vf., will be placed in the hands of a justice for collection. MILLER ft MAEI'Z. Oct. 12th 1841. 3t F A II M IE suhsciihers will offer for sale, on the pre-ini-es, on Friday the 27th d ly of October, at 10 o clock. A. M..R tract of land in Augusta town ship, Noilhumberland county, containing 24f a- res more or less, about 180 acres of which are elca.e I. adjoit ing land of Joseph Savidge, J.icoh Fry. Henry Yontheimcr and o'hers. on Shanmkin crek. The D.nville and Pottsville Rail Road pa-ses thr. ugh the Ian 1. The above tract of land possesses many advantages. It is situated a'-out 3 miles from Sunbu'y, and a Urge portion of the cleared land is well adapted to the growth of grass. Ti e improvements are a dwelling houae, btrn and apt le orch rd. The leims will lie made known cn the diy of sale, by the subscriber, executors of Henry Bard shcr, dee'd., as whose estate tin some will I sold. HENRY BARDsIIER, JACOU RARDSHER. FREDK WEAVER. Augusta, Oct. 12ih, 1814. 3t SHAMOK1N, MA1IONOY & SCHUYLKILL P. AIL CCltC?.lT7 f II HE Books for the purpose of receiving sub- JL scuptioiis of iStoi k in the oiiamokim, Maiio- NOT it SCHl II.KU.L IvAII. K AII CoMI'ANT, will l e npi ru d st the Kmnklin House, in Pliilmlelpbia, Pennsylvania Hull, in I'ollsville, Schuv Iklll county, an, I at the public bouse of Chale D. Wh irtou, in Suiil ury, NorlhumlH rland county, respectively, mi the 31st (lav of October iust., und on the 1st and 2d days of November next. John W. Cl.ighorn, Burd Patierson, Audiew Russell, Abraham Pot), t'hsrliB VV. Clemens, John X. Lane, Ssimi, I Park, Win. N. Rob'ns, Ch ir'es W. Hegins, Hiicb B lias, II. U. Mas-er, (ii'n. A. Fiiek, Samuel John, Win. Fagely. Oct 12 h, 1844. 4t Sheriff's Sales. KY virtue of certain writs of vendiuoni expo. nns issued out of the Court of Common Picas uf N.irtliUiidu rl nil County to me directed, will be exposed to pu'lic sale, at the Court House in irw Borough of tSu ibury, 011 Monday the 4h day of November next, al I o'cloik, , M., be fd lowing de-crilied pronrty In wit: A certniu lot of ground si'u.ite In the borougS of Northumbrrlaml, in Nurlhuin' eiland county, and murked in the reneral pl.m of said town No 70, and hounded nor li east by tjui en street, south east by lot No 75, sou h went bv Duke street, ami notth e.-t liy Fron' str. et, containing GO feet in front on tj :eeu and Duke streets, and 220 bet in depth, vthtreoii are erected a two story duelling house, (pari brick and p ot frame.) and a blacksmith shop Keized, t 'ken in execution, and to be sold as the property c f Ab x oiiler fob. Also: A certain triet or piece of land i unte in ('oal township, Northumlieiland c.iu'ity. adjoining lauds nf Jacob ( -, I'bilip Stambach, Lewis 1). w urt and others, containing two huudnd acres more or less about ten acres ol winch are cleared, w h- re- on are erected a smull log b..iie, a sinull stable, and an old saw mill. Neized, taken in execution, and to be soil as the property of Archibald H ulgx and John 1'enly. FELIX MAUb'Elt, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. ? -Sunbury, Oct. 5th, 1844. $ "Siicriir's' Sale. Y virtue of a writ ol Vend. Exponas, issued out uf the Court of Common Pleas of Nortliuin berland county, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale at the house of (ieorge Smith in Jack sun towiiiliip, on fSatuiday the Sfith flctober lust , at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described property, to wit : A certain tract or piece nf land situate in Jack son township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of John Bower, J hn Killing, Gottfried Shrefllcr and olheis, containing 105 acres more or less, about 45 acres of which are cleared, whereon ara erected a two story log houso, a log barn, small spiing house snd a good orchard. be 1 zed, taken 111 execution, and to be sold as the properly of Wdhain W t iter. FELIX MAURER, Sluriff. Sheriff's Office, fcunbury, Oct. Mi, 1811. 5 My Overcoat. THE poison who BORROWED my overcoat will please to return it to me immediately, or I shall lie under the necessity of taking some other measures of obtaining it. EDWARD OAKS. Sunhury, Oct. 12th, 1814. 3t NEW GOODS. TlHE saliscriher has just received from Phibidel A phia a fresh supply of Nsw Goona, consisting in part, of Mmialin Delainet, Crape Delaines, Caxhmert de Ecohm Sinwh, Handkerelieifs, e. Also, Reaver and S: Ik Half, a good assortment of Men'i and Hoys' dipt, Groceries, Liquor, Haft, tie. d-c, all of which will he sold at the most reasonable terms. HI one Jar and Jug, cheap. II. U. MAUSER. Sunhury, Oct. 5ih, 184. TWO HRIXDMi cows CAME to the subscriber, residing in Augusta township, near Sunliury, on the 6th of July last. On one nf tho cows there was a largo bell. The owner or owners aic requested to come for ward, prove property, pay ch irgea, and lake them away, or rise they be disposid of according to Ihw. JOHN ARR1SON. Augusta. Oct. 5th, 1844. 3t "asThITy &inVcXir WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT & CAP MANUFACTUKERS, South East corner of Market and 4th sts.. Philadelphia, WHERE they always keep on hand an exten sive assortment of If A TS 14 CA PS of every description, got up in the licst and most approved pt) le. Persons derirous of purchasing superior sni des on the most reasonable terms, will find it to their advantage to call before making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1841. ly ItllUSSELS, Cnrpctings. JOSEPH HL, A i: K O O l, Oppotite H can's Hotkl, Chemiut Street, PHILADELPHIA. HAS just received and is now opening a very extensive and beautiful assortment of CAR PETIStSS The goods are fresh, and of new styles, and leing purchased principally for Cash, they will be sold at the lowest prices ; they consist in part, nf Splendid B 1 ussels, - CARPET Beautiful imperial 3ply, I INtiS, Super Extra Ingrain, Color wr- 3-4, 4 4, 0-8 Twilled Venetian, ranted ' " " Plain do. J DUKARLE A large stock of well seasoned OIL CLOTH of all width, Rriis, Himiiis, cVc, together with an extensive assortment of Lote priced Carpeting of all descriptions. (rj Purchasers are requested to call and see us, when they will find an extensive assortment at the most reasonable prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1814. if LIST OP CAUSES. IO R trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thuml'Crland County, at Nov'r. Term 1814, commencing the first Monday, being the 4th. John A Lloyd vs Rebecca Wells Eli Probst vs S & R M'Kee Robert Minei's adm'r va Win H idler el al Ur Robert Philips vs M'Cartee & Purdy Seitzmcer, alienee of Carver vs John (iarver et al John Hording, jr John Furmau et al Stephen Derr Fry mire for Evert Jacob Barnhart Suannah Zerbe Baldy V Kase John C Boyd Hugh Bellas Ac John Wolf Reed for Muny Jacob W Smith vs Win 11 Sanderson vs Augustus Huey et al a (ii oil!" Laurence vs J P H ickenlie.g 4 Wm M'ttiuness v Jot II A Lloyd vs John C liner et si vs Hit-hard Renshaw vs Wm M'Csy vs Overseers of Jackon tp vs James F Murray a Ji-eph Weitiel James H .rrett's sdni'rs vs Peter MnyJrr U.iniel Zeibe fi. wife u Isaac Rosdarmel V illism A Lloyd vs Martin A Stock Coin'ih of Pa, for his own in" vs F W Poll.H'k Same a Charles Comly's t x'rs Same vs Saina Same va F W PoIIimV Sam'l Swinehart h wifevs Piter Ferster Jacob M.iyland vs II Yonheimor et al Fre'eriek Klest vs Same Conrad Desber's en's vs Jacob M'Kinr.ey et al Henry Petery fi wife v. Cbirb s Shaffer's cx'rs vs Wm Donaldson vs Jacob Wertley va Chirles Rucli vs John M'tSinncss vs John Psinn r vs Abr.hmi Lawrence vs Joseph Keff r vs Henrv Sieinme'i hd ards A erree lb njsmio l'anii Jos. ) h Weitiel J iC b Bamhurl John R Kct't.r ISei j 1 mi 11 Robins Willi mi Welsh Stephen lb rr Solomon Mengis's heirs vs Daniel Wertmsn Ch n'es (learbart. jr vs (ieorge A Dixon et al Hans A Druckrmdler vs John W Peal Wm A Lloyd vs J C B Nourse Hu'et Smith vs Augustus tV I Huey II F Holhngshead cV Co vs Piter La.vrus ( 'buries D W hailoii E P Shiinnon W Johnson et al John D Rosa's exr's Cbale (iale C L Weimer Daniel llrosious Joseph M it man vs Fo-vler & Drei-bach vs Thomas Allen Faglv. Clesvei &. Co B R (ieaiharl Peter Duukle Daniel Moyer A wife A Troutiiisn el al John 11 Miller vs Henry Budshrr vs Dennis Waters va Jo'in O Bovdet al vs C S Wallis el al vs S.i i e vs lloleut Sl M'C.iy vs John A Sbi-s'er "hairokin Coal A lion Co Hogendobler Si Diei.-l acli vs Vincent V R 1 er vs Thomas M'Fall vs John (' Young vs Tilhrnm Spear vs Daniel Fiyimru vs Christian Tshupp vs WMIinni M't;ay Cli D J M Bosquet el al vs D Dahkletierger et al Same va iSjnie vs John (iaruhart rt al vs Daniel Dornstif vs (ieorge Oyster vs Wm Cilla.py vs John Becker vs John C lloyd vs Same vs Henry P Fullmer vs Abraham Kb' 10 va (ieorge Erkert vs J V P Montague (ieorge Oyster John B ihb Welch, Pomp A Frick John (i Murray Christopher It. Itx Bank ol North'd Ac Same Folger for Troxell William Farrow Charles A Towar Light 6i Hoffman SML'EL D. JORD N. Prothonotary'a office. Pruth'y. ."tinbury. Oct. 6th IS heieby given that I have boug.lit at tonsuble's 1 sale, oil the !3d ml., as the pioperty of C'h nles Shis.lcr, one bsld hoise at $33, -nJ ontf i, uiare al 20, whic'ii I have h it jn pa-s. .mn uf ll.p said Chailes fchisser, bold I think pio(a)r lo tske ib.m away. JOSEPH Wf.n7.EL. Augtisu, eed V3, Ul . ll( A CHANCE FOR A Good Bargain ! AIT IFwOlT'FOTTlTEPl.T ron sals, GEORGE ROHRBACH ft BROTHERS, intending to engage in other business, offer for sale, on reasonable terms, their Iron Fon n dry. This Establishment is conveniently located along side of tho Rail Road running from this place to i Shamokin, by which coal and pig iron can be brought to their doors at little expense. The lo cution ia one of the best in the state. Persons de sirnus of entering into the business will find it to their advantage, by calling on the suh-cril'ers at Sunhury, when all the necessary information will be given. GEORGE ROHRBACH fc BROTHERS. Sunhury. Sept. 2Sth 1844. 3t Orphans' Court :ilc. IS pursuance of an order rf the Oiphans' Court nf Northumberland counlv, will be sold at pub lic sale, on Saturday the lOlh day of October next, at the Court House in the Borough of Sunbuiy, to w it : a certain lot of ground situate in said bo rough, and marked in the general plan of said town No. 31K, ndj lining lot of Jacob Young on the east, and a lot of Peter (odhsrt's esl.ite on the west, late the estate of John Epley, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when tho terms of sale will be made known bv If. It. MASTER for GODFREY WATERS, Adm'ft By order of the Coutt. Sunhury, Sept. 2di. 1S44.4I " CHEAP CARPET STORE, ON THE CASH FLAN. 1 An. -11 Slriiwtivirtj St. Philadelphia. rilHE Rent of the subscriber in their present JL situation being very low, and their terms CASH, they aro enabled to sell at such low prices that customers cannot f.iil to be sat sficd, and they invite the iconic of Northumbeilaiid ami the sd- j joining counties to call and examine their stock, as they oiler an cx client a.-sor uncut, comprising Beautiful Imperii I, 3ply, ) Supeifine li grain, j Heavy Twill d Venetian, CAIU'ETINUS. Fine English Worsted do. j Plain S rtped do.J . With a large Stork of well seasoned Floor Oil Cloths of all widths, for Rooms, Hslls, Door Pie ces, Ac. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, lleauttful I Health Rugs, 'Pahle ('overs. Floor Baize, Rag Car ; pets, Mailing. Ac Ac , together with a Urge Stock I i.f Ihw iiiireil linrrniii. Kntrv and Stnir Camels. Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest price in the city. fcLDKIDGE iSc BROTHER, No. 41 Strawberry street, one door almve dies nui, near Sd stn et. Entrance also al No. 50 South Second stieet, Philadelphia. Sept. 28ih, 1814 3m rilHE sub-i riber has jut received a Urge assort JL ment of French Jet H.iir Pins; Combs, with pendants; Necklaces; Rrcis'pin. cut and plain ; j black, white and steel Hugles ; Jet Heads, ol all j sizes; peatl and sal in Beads, rose colored und I white. Also, an invoice of Straw S.itchels.six in a mat. with and without covers ; all of which will le sold, , wil d, sale snd retail, at low prices. Vilocipedes; Rocking II rs s ; brnss and wo d C Iocs, 8-day, 30-hour and alaim ; leys; Accordi ons; Ba-ki is ; Perfumery; Brushes ; Combs, slid Fancy Goods generally, always on hand. W. A. MARTIN, Clock and Vaiiety Store. No. G7 South SECOND ' str et, below Chesnut, east side, j NOVELS, NOVELS, NOVELS . collee ti n of Novels and miscellaneous lJ .i ks, new and ! old, w ill be sold at from 7 to I'J cen's per volume, 1 if applied lor soon, as above. j Philadelphia. Sept. 2th. 1844 41 ; siii ciKirrs PATKNT : VAADHIlTCr 1ACJHI1TE. flHIS M ichiiie b is now been tested by more ! I than thirty families in this neighborhood, and ' has given entire .atisl ielion. It is -o simple in its I construction, that it cannot get out of ofibr. It I contains no iron to rust, and no -puns or rollers to I get out of repair. It will do twice as much wash- ing, with lets thin hall the wear and tear of any of ! the I tie inventions, and whit is of greater in por- lancr, it costs but little over half as much as other wishing machines. The subscriber hss thn etclu-ive right for Nor Ihurnlicrland, I'oion, L coming, Columbia, Lu zerne and Clinton counties. Price of single nn chine fB. 11.11. MASSE R. The following certificate a fiom a few ol those who hae these machines in use. Sun bury, Aug. 24, I'M I. We, the subsciiliers, ceruly that we have now in use, in our families, "Sbugeit's 'stent Wash ing Machine," and do not besttate aiying that it is a most excellent invention. That, in Wa-hinc. it will save more than one hall the usual lalxir. I That it does not require more than one third the j usual quantity of so qi and water ; and that tbeia I is no rubbing, an I consequently, lotle or no wear- j ing r lesiiiiK I b.it it kins k off no buttons, and ! that the lines! clothes such as collars, laces, lucks, frills. Ac, may be washed in a veiy short time ' without the leust injury, and in fact without uv apparent wear and tear, w hatev-r. We ihnefori cheerfully recommend it I i our firenda and to the public, as a moat useful and UU r saving m.iebine. CH ARLES V. HEGINS, ! A. JORDAN. CIls W EWER. Clls PI.EsNTS, GIDEO M MJKI.K. H .n. Gi:(. C. WEI.KER, BEN I. HENDRICKS, ; GIDEON LEISENRING. , , Htaa'a Hotki, (fornnrly 'Prernoul II 'U-e, Nn. j lift Chesnut stieei.) Philadelphia, Septe u -t ! Slsi, 1H14. ' j 1 bh used Sbngerl's Pntent Wasl.i'jg Machine in my hou-e opw ml, of eight ie.oii.n-, and do not hesitate to lay thai I deem it one of ill. mo t use lid and valuable lahnr-spvijg maehines ever invert. 1 ted. I formerly kept 'wo women continually o. -; cupieJ in washing, who now do as much in two days as they iLen did in one wnk. Theic is n wear or le.r in washing, and il r-'ipiins not more . than ono-third the usual quantity ol so.. p. I ive j nan a nuinner or o'mr m cnines in mv lain IV. hul this is so de.ide.lly superioi t.iev.iy thing rise, and s i Ictle pal'le lo get out of lepni, thai 1 would Hot do w ithout one if they should cost ten times the price they are sold lor. D NIF.L HERR. 7.1f.l JOit .!.;, The small funis e..ilJUiing ahou; 100 aires, alsml 5 mi'es sUive Noilhuiir.1,llld....liominu lauds of J.e C Horton, iolui I.cghuu and othtis, will be sold eh' ap, if application i, made s.hui to ihe subsciibcr, Suidpury. Aug. 31. II. B. M AS.-sER. TI'lX M'.i:i The highest price will be 1 U Willi I. ,r t,l.. sW.i.l i.mm v. w , ! Aug. 31. 1811. H. B. MASSE R. 1! L,I)RI.ES, a handsome article lot Ladit'k' Dresses, lor alc chesp, by Julie 15, II. U. MAs-ER. VALUABLE IMMOIft, PHOPF.IITY, W ATE n POWERS, II on en nml liOtn Tor Rttle. flIIB Subscriber offers for sale the following de .1 senile, 1 Valuable Properly, all of which he will sell at very modorato prices, and on roiaona hie lorms, vizi HOUSES ft LOTH. No 1. A large and eleg mt two story stone man sion houewith tnseinrnt stor) , all highly finished, and situa'ed on the cist side nf Market street, in Si In sgmvp. Union county, being the residenca of tho subscriber. The lot on which this house stands is very hmdsomelv improved, and planted wi'h choice fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, with nil the recess ,rv imnrovr m tits of a Urrrp burn, ptggerv, wigoii shed and com crib, carriage j bouse, ice house, smoke houoo and poultry yar I. I he whole constituting n most d sirable and beau titul lesideuce. Price, $3,500. No. 2. A l-nge Iwo story wooden house with ex tensive back buddings, and highly improved gar den and lot of ground. 'Phis proiierty is situated tioith of and adjoining No. 1, and also foims a de sirable resilience Price, 1.500 No 3. A Iwo storv wooden house tviih Id of ground, situ lied nn the east Pjdn nf Water street, in Selinsprove, well finished throughout, with log stable on the rear of the tot. Price, 500. No. 4. two story wooden house with one sto ry ki'chen, and a log stable mi the rear of the lot, situated north of and adjoining the lust named pro perly,No;3. A Well und pump. In accommodate this und IV o. 3, in the y ird. Puce, fCiOO. No. 5. A lot of ground in the town of Charles town, on the Isle of Que, situatej nu street, 40 by 1H0 feet. A desirable lot for a dwelling house. Pri.e, $200. No. fi. A lot of ground adjoining Sehnsgrove and Penns creek, and fronting on Walnut street, coi. taming about half an acre of ground Price, $200. CANAL PROPERTY A- WARE ft STORE HOl'SKS. No 7. A very valuable property on the Pennsyl vania Cimnl, on the Isle of Que, adjoining Selins. grove. The improvements are such as to facilitate mercantile nd trading business to a great extent, and consist of a large two stoiy frame house, occu pied ns a iby goods store; a large and commodious ware house, 40 by HO feet ; a long range of stabling ; and an extensive wharf, 100 feet long, with hoist ing crane. Ac. It is situated on the berm bank side of the canal, and in every respect calculated for an extensive business. Price, 5,000. BOAT YARD AND DRY DOCK. No. 8. A largo and convenient Boat Yard on the Pennsylvania ('anal, and laying south of and adjoining No. 7. On this property is erected a ono and a hall stoiy frame dwelling house, well finish ed ; a large shed and cfTiee for the accommodation of boat builders, nnd also a very complete dry dock, into which boats for repair are floated out of tho canal, and into which new boats erected on tho yard are also launched. A very desirable projicr ty. Price. $2,000. FARM OF 200 ACRES. No. 9. A large and exceedingly valuable fatm, containing about 200 acres of choice limestone land, in a highly improved state. On this farm theie are about I40 rocs under culture, divided by go'id femes into fields often acres; a large two sn.ry bou e with kitchen attached ; a well and pump of excellent water at the kitchen door; a large snd convenient bank barn with wagon house, sheils ai d corn crib attached; a large piess house with every convenience for making cider, at the foot of the orchard, which consists of ten acres of choice g afted apple trees and peir trees. Limestone is quarried in any quanti y within 100 yards of the firm buildings, where lime is burned. Il lays within one mile of the Pennsylvania Canal and Sp. liusgrove. A very desirable firm. Price, $12,000 FARM OK 220 ACRES. No. 10. One other large and valuable farm of a- '. bout 220 seres of limestone land, nnd nlso situated within one mile of llie canal at Sehnsgrove. Il is I wi II improved, there being about 130 arres well ; fenced and under culture, the balanre being well I timliere I w itli oak, pine, w ilnut and chesnut limber. 1 be buildititrs consi-t or a large and well flnlshvu Iwo story farm house with kitchen ; a large ham wbn wagon shed and corn ciib, Ac. attached ; a spring house and never failing spiing neat the h..u-e; a smith shop, and two lime kilns, capable of binning one hundied bushels lime ier day, built a. 'joining an exhausiless limestone quarry. There areal-o three orchards ol Rearing apple tree, on Importers of Hosiery, GloVCS, Trim tliisi (vifiii Purs $in.nfHi 1 1 FARM OF 2..0 ACRES. No. 1 1. A farm on Penna Creik. about 3J mile from the canal at Selinsgrove, uith the public rnad leading from Selinsgrove to New Beilin, the seat of ' iiisiir. nf lininn riinntv. riimiinir ihrrumVs ; T, j .' contains nUnil 250 acres, of which ih'.-re are about MO acres of first rate meadow land, t'.ie balance up land and principally red schulo. About one hun dred acres are cleared, the bn'.nncc being well cover ed wuli oak. hemlock and white pine limber. The buddings consist of a well finihcd two story farm house with several J"ino spiing nf water close at hand, a large .,g barn, corn crib, spring house, Ac. On this fawn there is a mill scite with 20 feet fall, i ,n sttrani of water tributary to Penns creek. Plus firm might be aduniageously divided into two firms, and will be so divided if purchasers de sire it. Trice, .1,lili j WATER POWER, j No. 13. A water p-.Wer nn Penns Creek, of fjj feel fill, uniinprived. tl is situated between the i Iwo tracts of find. Nos. It and I 3, and within 3J mites of lie I'enn-ylvania Canal, ut Selinsgrove. A : puhbe toad lead- ihrouuh this traet, along the cast ' bn.k of Penns ciei k Price, 9500. WATER POWER WOODLAND. ! No. l:t. A trai l ot w..rtl I remaining about ' 75 acres, situ -l.-.l ui; lViin ere. k, iiiinii iil.il. ly .p. pi.stie No. II. This tract is well covered with . whi'coiik and pi.ie timber, with Wolf run Rowing t through it o' it empij ing into Penns cie k, allot, ling an exce'Vi,, seite f.r a saw m II with fumi twelve lot, mv bit f.ll. Pii.e. l.ollll. i No 14. A tacl of woodl iii l. unimproved, situ i- Vd on ihe e-l s de of Penns t rcek, adjoining No. i.i, roiiiiiu iig n. on .on acres oi enceueni reu s. b de upland W II run. tinu!.irv to Penns creel:, runs lino iyh this trsft, and affords a superior scitu for a saw mill The I .mi is be .w'v -t nith white o k snd pin-' timber, nnd susceptible "f being con ; v, ited into an eve. It' nt firm.- Price, f 3 000 1 No to 0;-r oilier utei i f woodland, mum ro- vid, Mtuaied in IVin s lowu-hi;i. about 3 miles f fioiu s, hnsgrovf, iljoiiiing lauds of John B nly, j (i. Sini.h anlolher , c 'lit lining 1 87 acn s and 125 1 perches id i V illi ut ted schsle upland. Wolf inn also pa-ses through this land, nil .nhng fine water : power. The bind is well cveied with white oak and pine tiinih r, anil is susceplinie ol :n iug c. n 1 verbd into an excellent firm. Price. f2 800. ) No. If, A tract of woodland, unimproved, sif.ia- 1 ted in I'nioii Inwnsbio. ii.lbiiiiiiu, Inudd of t ,.U..o S.,i,der and others, and not more than 01. e mile' . from Sunhury, on the 0( po-ile ide ,,f tl,e river Su.-ipieh iiina, roiitaiiiiug i.hout 115acre. This' Und is Very go.nl ied .chi.e soil, enpal la of la-mg conv. ned into an m.', tlem f.,im. uea:u i.f wa- 1 ler. nibut.iry to the river, fh.ws through this lai d ' sull'ru'iiilv strong fn a saw mill. The land is will covered with white oak and pins limber. Puce, $2 100. I Io. IT. A tract 01 unueproved woodland, situa led in I. cutis township, I'nioii county, rout lining 100 ai r.s, ad. lining Un.ls of J W itt, miner and I uilicu. Mtddlibu'g is witnin thrvs indes, and Middle crock within ono mile. There is saw mill en the tract of 11,1 adjoining, at which the timber ef this tnct can he wrought into boards anJ other a. wed stuff. Price, $300. $y In consideration of lbs sesreity of money at this lime, I will sell any or all I lis above propsrly on terms to suit the times; and in case cash be offered, a reaonabla deduction will be made, Further par ticulars may be obtsined by addressing the tabsari. bi r at Srliusgrove, Union county, Pa. H. W. SNYDER. Sehnsgrove, August 3, 1844. 3 in S FAN I Sji H IDES T A XX K its' OIL. fsOOO D'V La Plata Hides first quality. ...tOO Dry Li (iuira. do IOOO Dry Saltrd La (iuira. do JJOOO Dry Salbd Brazil Hides, do ;.i Rales (ireen Salted Patna Kips. 'iO Bales Dry Pa'na Kips. P20 Barrels Tnnners' Oil. Tanners' and Curriers' Tools. For sale lo Country Tanners at the lowest prices nnd upon the liest terms. N. II. The highest msikct prices paid for all kinds of leather. D. KIRKP ATR1CK A SONS. No. 21, South Third St. Philadelphia. September 14, 1844. ly. TO Country Merchants. FjHE Subscribers respectfully invite Country 1 Merchants who are a'sjut to purchase Fall and Winter Supplies, to an examination nf their respective Stocks, believing that llioir several as sortments are as complete as have ever been offei ed in the Philadelphia Market. With stocks ol Goods in their several Depart ments of the choicest kinds a determination to sell on terms which cannot fail to prove aatisficlos ry and a disposition to please old and new custo mers, will, we hope, be a sufficient inducement to purchasers to call at our iesa?ctive establishments. Silks and Fancy Goods. WARP Remington 80 Market Street. Ashhurst A Remington 50 " Buck & Potter 116 " Yard ft. Gillmoie 109 ' Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods. Reynolds, McFarland A Co 105 Market Stroet. Buiuett, Withers A. Co 120 Scott & Baker 150 " Wise, Pusey Sl Wise 154 " Hardy fc Hackers 46 N. Second St. Importers of Cloths, Cassimers, Vest ing'', tXC. William H Love Lambert Duy 147 Market Street. 108 ' Hardware and Cutlery. Michael V Baker 215 Market Street. Edward S Handy ft Co 98 " Importers and Manufacturers of Sad dlery Hardware. Horn A Kneasa 215' Markot Street. Boots, Shoes, Ronnets, Caps, Leghorn and Palm Hats, T E A J G Whelan, 158 Market Street, Levick, Jenkins A Co 150 " M Conrad & Co 60 " Manufacturers and Dealers in Drugs, Medicines Taints, Oils, fcc. Thomas P James 213 Market Street. Potts, Linn A Harris 21 3 j ' Robinson, Collins & Co 87 " Edward Cole 54 Thompson Pancosst ft Co 40 " Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimmings. L Kenton 17fi Market Sires'. John Sauerbicr A Brother 62 Hooks and Stationary. Giigg A. Elliott 9 N. Fourth Street. Hogan ft Thompson 30 " Importers of British and French Fan cy Staple Stationary. L I Cohen A Co 27 S Fourth Sueet, Henry Cohen. 3 mings nnd Fancy Goods. Selley A Severing 23 N Third Street. Parker A. Lehman S " Combs, Bntslrcs, Brooms, &c. Thomas Cooper 3 N Front Siarel. Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple Goods. A F Oil Monrose 1 S Foutlh Street. Manufacturer of Fatcnt Lard Lamps. Ellis 8 Archer 32 N Second Str.et. Manufacturer of Patent Floor and Furniture Oil Cloths. I-aac Macauley, Jr. 6 N Fifth StreeV Manufacturers and Importers of Pa per Hangings. Howell A. Brothers 80 A 142 Chesnut St. Philadelphia. August 51, l44. 3m. a im svr. ct Acxljs IROM a lawyer's olliee, in S.iiibnry, on the lt of July hist. They were a lady's, with bright pebble glasses or eight sides, and without any j dot in Ihe frame. They were No. 1, or of the young est, or least magnifying power. A liberal reward will lie given for recovery nf the Spectacles or detection of the Ihief, on application at Aug. 3. I44. THIS OFFICE. n) I'TAGE BIBLES. Five copies of the Cot. , tge Bible, the cheapeal liook ever published. cuuta.niiig llie commentary on Ihe Old and INv Ti stamen!, just receiv.d and for sale, for aix doll r, by June IV H. U. MASSHR. 'ru FED i LO I II, a handsome article, all wool. I glit and el. .sue, lor Summet Coals and Pama, for sle, very low, by June la H. B. H ASSER. NOTICE TO li:iU IllVkS S. HII.I.IM.HS. M. M. .V JOS.K. .MAI' LL, M AM P ACTritERs M) DEM.ERS IN VOREIG.N AMI DOMESTIC STRAW GOODS, .Yo. !H), .V.i;i Srrnnd Street, ("opposite the Miidison House, J miLADELrniA, rf- WHERE will bef. nnd a general isoil- f$ l rVuient of Florence Braids, Aller's, Rut-; lands. Peddles, Willow Plait, Rice Staw, and it e much admired Neapolitan Lace, and Fancy II 'i -nets, minufaclu'ed by ns, slid for sale at the Inv el 111 innlsclu e pines. Meicbanls and Mil'iners ar invited 10 give 11a a cdl iiHn visiting the Ci'y iT N. B. We have uUo c uitanilv msking ur siih lior ha'r uu I o lier edgings, all nf whkh w .d he soul cheap, for cash. J'hilsdeljht. My 25. 1811 - ly