Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 05, 1844, Image 4

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    .S.lji gi
sj, AOTM-I M.V-
From tlic Philadelphia Time.
THE "POKK" nisn.
Know ye! the humble. Poke,
In valley soft and green;
It hi'Ics it tiny blossom",
Like a maid of modest niion
Yet on the rugged hill side,
And common wild and bar?,
Wherever human Toot may stray.
The hardy Toko is there.
When fuding autumn mourneth,
Her fair sweet flowers dead ;
Its stem to crimson turncth.
And bends with berries red
And playful little children
Around the poor man's door,
With crimson dye their laughing chuck.
And dance upon the floor.
Some bind their brows with willows.
Feint rosemary, and rue
l'.ut give me that red chaplct,
Of berries bright and true
lUise high the bonny Toko buh.
Ye true sons of our land '.
And forward to tlie conflict,
Its green leaves in your hand.
So like the far famed warriors,
Whose arms the green wood bore,
Success shall crown your struggle
And liberty bless our bhoie.
Not jewels for the lordlin;?,
Who sleeps cm couth of down.
But comforts for the wearied o:u,
Of honest head and brow n
I'rocly the blessed gunshinn
0er Jthe broad eartli is throw n.
And freely she puts forth her fruits,
Tor all from zone to zone ;
And freely is the red Poke thtg,
Flung forth from main to main,
Come march beneath its .shadow.
And swell the rolls of fame.
Journeymen Prlnttrs.
From high to low, they are the mme care- '
Ksp, well-informed, good-henrted men know-
ing huw to net better than they do. Nothing!
at times, yet everything if occasion requires it,
we have seen one otiJ the same individim! of
the craft, a minister in Carolina, a loutiiu-.n on :
triie western canal, a sheriff in Ohio, a tail injr ,
master on board a privateer, a (idler in New
Orleans, a dandy in Broadway, New York, a ,
pressmian ir. a garret printing office ! I
1 laving nothing to lose, no ctlamity can over
w helm them, and caring to gain nothing, no
tide of fortune carries them upwards from the
level where thry chcoce to ftunil, the least to,
be tnvicd, yet the linppiet-t dogs in Christen
dom. Philosophers by practice, and spend
thrifts by inclination. Thrj complain nut when
ihcHtomach cries for bread and they have nunc
to give ; and in the next hour if fortune fuvor.--them
'vith the means, expend more for unne
cessary delicacies than would serve to keep ;
them on wholesome food for a whole week. 1
HruvriTtTB for Stkam "La Reform" an
nounces thnt an opera'ho at Ruel, near l'urif, '
lias dicovered a new tibatitute for steam. The 1
experiment is to be made in a few days on the ;
Versailles railroad. "Figure to yourself," sayB !
the Reform, "an enormous (double or drum) ;
wheel, five yards in diameter, between the j
poke of which you can place a horse with hip
nder. This largo wheel being attached to '
four ordinary wheels placed on the rails of a ,
road, it will merely be necessary to turn the
large wheel to make the carriage advance. Hut I
what motive force does the inventor employ 7 ;
It in the horc placed in the interior of the w heel, j
and yoked by means of two bars of iron placed i
perpendicularly under the axle. Thn horse, 1
ly drawing, causes the wheel to turn, in the j
3 rue manner as a mouse or a squirrel w heel,
it has been found neceDry to dig an excavation
near the station-horse, into' which the horse is
let down. The inventor ttutes that he can inn- .
dify his wheel so as to admit three borers, atid
that, iu such case, the heaviest train may be
propelled along a railroad with a velocity tven
more rapid than that cauctd by steam." ,
Method of (Ykino Ousii.nate lloitms. !
A few days ago, as a carter was proceeding on ;
the York road, near Doiici.Ktcr, w itli a loud of
stones, his horse made a Hidden stop, and refu- '
ed, even after an unmerciful whipping to pro. ,
eeod. A gentleman told the infuriated carter '
lie must not beat him any more. "What shall :
I do !" said the man, "my horse lias stood here '
upwards of an hour ; shall I ttund here nil i!uy'"
"Oh no, the horse must go, but you tmitt nut
heat him any more. (Jej nie a rcpe twice as
long ai tho horse. The rope w as obtained, se
cured to the horcu's tail, and then parsed he
tween the legs f.irwaiJ, alter which a slight pull
was given. The animal then became frighten
cd, and showed strong yn pioins of kicking,
hut tho pulling was continued ; suddenly he
started forward, and went oil' without any if
beating. The gentleman said he Imd seen ti e
same method tried, w ith ij similar effect, on the
most refractory donkeys ever bred. If this fact
is disputed by those w ho ha 0 obstinate horse
mid asses, let them try the experiment.
Tht land in upper Illinois it so fertile that
tHs farmers ri-: their p"ik by planting bigs
The f dlowieg ti ( show the cum lit value of oil
.'cnnsylvania Hank N iti s. Thn most implicit re
lance ni iy I plarrd upon it. " it i r wry wrrte
inrrfiilly r. imp ifed with ai d corrrctcJ bom Hick
lrll's llftiiir'rr.
I::iiiUh in IMiiladt'lplilii.
. t . lnsc. I
. par
. par
! N () r n H A t r A u. of North Atneiici .
I flank of the Northern Liberties
I Commerriid of Ponn'a. .
Farmers' and Mechanics' Dank
Kensington It ink . .
Philadelphia Hinh
Schuylkill Hank
Siiutliwntk Hunk
Western II ink
Mechanics' Kai.k
Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Hunk
C'ou.slr.r IlnuIiN
Hunk oft Lester Oruiu'y
Hank of Delaware County
ll-iiik nf (icrmsut'iw n
Rank of Montgomery (V.
D.iylrstnwn Hank
fission Hank
Fanners' Hunk of Hucks ro
Office of I) ink of IVi.ii'j.
Ollice do do
Office d.i do
Ollicu do do
par j
par j
pat I
pnr I
Norria'ow 11
llri lot
Ilairishutg The-c
Lancaster 1 nthres
Heading ( do nut
Fusion J issue 11.
D I SCO i; N T.
. i
N O T r. H A T
"ink of the lni'ed Slates'
flunk of IVnn Township
ftirarl Hank .
Movamcnnir 13 u.k of Pennsylvania
Miners' llniik of Potlsville.
Dunk of Lew blow 11
Hank of MiddlittoWii
Hunk of Xorthumhe th.nd
Lrwistnvx 11
I 'oluml ia II o k &. D ridge co. Columbia
Carlisle Uatik Carlisle
Exchange Hjiik I'iiif-l iiifr
I).i d.i branch of HolliJnvsl
Farmers' D ink of l.nncastrt fiiic.iti i
1 i
l.ftnr'Hi:trr fminlv It I .ni
Farmers' Hank of Heading Kea ling
Harriabuif: liiiuk Harrisbnr
I.nncnsicr Uulik Lancaster
l.ehuuon liiii.k Lrliniiou
Mi ri hnnin' iV Ma'.mf. Lank I'iit-'.uirg
linnk of l'lllKl ur' Pitlhluiii
West UiHiich H .lik Willinuispnri
WyoniiiiR Hank ilkesl-ario
orth nipton 1! ink Alicr.tmvn
links CuuMy It.nik iu'inhi'R
Ollice of Hunk of l;. S, l'ilthliuru
Do do 00 Lrie
Do do do lirihlon
Kensineton Sav. Ins. A do
I'enn Township iv. Ins. do
liar.k of Chanihi irhurg Chmnbersliiirg
Hank ol ' (Jellynl'lirj! (!i tty.l ur?
Dunk of l!UMpje!isnna Co. Montiose
Lrie Hank
Farmers' & Drovers' Hunk Wnyneslmrg
Finuklin Hank Washington Hiiik Honesdnle
Moi,on;alicli of H. ltronsvil!e
Voik Hank Yoik
N. U. The notes of those hanks on which we
jniit iuotnlion8, and substitute a dimh ( ) are not
purchased by the 1'hiladelphia brokers, with tho
exception of these which have a letter ol n ference.
Philadelphia $av. Ins.
Philadelphia 1 .0:111 Co.
Schuylkill SSav. Ins.
Manual Labor Hank (T. W
I'owandi Hunk
Alleghany Hank of Pa.
H.tnk of Heaver
flank of iSwatnra
Dunk of Wnshiiigt 111
Centre Hank
City Hank
Farmers' MechW
Farmers' & Mcch'cs' Hank
Farmers' Sr Mccli'i s' Hank
llurmony 1 11 h 1 it 11 tu
Huntingdon Hank
luniata Hjnk
LiUuihcrmeii'ii Hunk
Northern Hank of Pn.
New Hope D.I. Hfiile (.'0.
Norlhunili'd b'uion Col. Uk.
North Western Ua-ik of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Hank
I'd. Acr. A: Manuf. Hank
Silver Lake limit
I'nion Hank of Penn'u,
Westmoreland Hank
Wilkesliarre Ltrido Co.
A N K S. i
Philadelphia failed i
do failed I
do filled !
Dyolt, prep.) failed j
Towai.iU j
Hedford no sale ;
Heaver closed '
Hnrrishiirg 1 dosed 1
Washington failed I
lo ll, foiite closed j
I'ltt-.buig 110 sale j
Pittsburg failed
Fayette co. filled :
( ireenenst'c failed i
Ilannony no sale !
Huntingdon 101 sale
I.i'immo.vij no sale
Warren failed
Duiidalt' no sale '
New Hope closed j
Milton no -ale j
MiadWIle closed
Port Caihoii 1
f oirlisle failed
Monti, se closed ;
I 'uiolilown failed ,
(ireeiishuig tloM'd , 'arr' no sale
(Tj- All notes purporting to be on any Pi i.n-yl-viima
Hank not given iu the uhuve li-t, may he set
lown as frauds.
xi:w .h:wsi:y.
Bank of New Hiunswick
Uelvideie Hank
Uur!inrton Co. Rank
Commercial Hank
'Juinlterl.iiid Hank
farmers' Uxnk
runners' and McchnnuV Hk
Farmer' and Mechanics' Hk
Farmers' and Merchant' Uk
Franklin Hank of N. J.
Hruiiswiik failed
Helvidere J
Mi dlord j ar
Perth Ainhoy A
Mount Holly par
Hahway 1
N. Ht unswii k fulled
Mi.bliitown I't. i
Jer-ey Oily laded
Hob. .kell laded
Jeisey City failed
Piitie ison filled
H llev ille tailed
Fr.ehold faded
Newark i
Trenton pur
I'O s lie
Newaitc i
I .aiiibeiNv ill.1 j
iiol.oken .n!,d
.lery City laded
Oriiugn A
l'aleioii failed
do J
1 1110 el.. 11 pai
Sal, hi par
Mnriii.lo.ui j
'I n ni. Ml failed
Salt 111 failed
N ew Ion J
Tienton par
Dover i
liackrnsick failed
Iluhokeu Ukg oV (j'ruzuig Co ii
lersey City Hank
MeclianicH' H nk
Manufacturers' Hank
Morris t.'ounty Hank
Monmouth Hk of A. J.
Mi chanies' Hunk
Mechanics' and Mantif. Hk
Morris (.'anal and 11kg Co
Po.-t Notes
Newark III. g ' Ins Co
New Hope Del Hiidae Co
N. J. Maniifuc. and likg Co
N J Protecton & Lotulmrd I k
( Irange Hunk
PaterMiu Hank
Peoples' Hank
, Piinceton Hank
Sulem Hanking Cg
Stale Hank
btale Hank
Slate Hunk
, Stste Hank of Morris
1 State Hunk
1 lutein and Philad Maiinf Co
Sussex Hank
Trtnton Hanking C'o
. I'nion Hank
U ashioglon I! inking Co.
' Hk of Wilm & Hrumly wini; Wilmington
Hark ni Deliwari Wilniiligtoii
LUi.k ol ii.jrna Nrnynia
Do huueh Miliord
Failiiits' Hk of Slate of Dil Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch (ieo.getowu
Do Irani h Newcastle
I'nion Hank Wilmington
ft V 1'ndei U't
(jjrOiiBll I snks msikrd thus ') there sre ri.
tin t couiitcfi it or shsrrd n.d 1 vt th var.ous dt
joniiiniidi.., m riicuU'nn.
fllI3 V'lhiah'e properiics of Oakley's Deputi
I live IS) -nip of Warsnparilla, as a purifier of the
blind, is to well known ti 'ha public generally,
that it is unnecef-iaiy to occupy much spare in, fet
tinR forth tho ndvniitnges to be derived from its
use j wherever the medicine bus once been Intro
duced, it takes precedence over all nthets : rviiy
one that has taken it, have derived so i;;nnl bene
fiVial renls from it, lleit it is recomiiiended by
iheni wiih ihe u most cnfi.lrliC''. Physiciif.s of
the highe-t slHti liiig in the profession, pirscritie it
o 1 a'icnH under their care ; containing nothing
d . trrioiis. but being composed ot the ne st mild,
et i lVic.ciou vegetable ninlertnls, it i off'-n-d with
rotifi'li nee. the cheapest and mn-t rtliciert pu
rifier of the b'ond now known. The use of n few
lioti'es. especially in the spring months, will be ni
Ic tub d itl) a most decided iniptovrment in the ge
lien1 stn ne'h ofl'.e system, era licn'ing anv see. Is
of i!iea-e that tniy h nv been pcncr it' d. In sides
giving health end vig.T to the boilv. For the cure
of Srrofula or Kings l'vil, Khcnnvit'Rin. 'I'rlter,
Pimples or citiptions of the Skin, While Swelling.
Faints, Chronic Cough, Ac. The numerous-
cctil'iea'cs in the possesion of ihe ul sen
Irr ned hi agents, from pliysici'ins anil others, nre
solVoMenl to ioiiv nee the m.'St ske.t'c d of its su
perioiity over nil preparations of H irsipnrillj.
S .Id w lio!e--nle nn,l retail, l v the proprietor,
OnOKOi: W . OAKI.F.Y. North fitly sire. I. Ib-a-iing,
H:ks County, and to I n bid oftl.c following
peisons :
In Sorlhuiuhi 1 hunt I'tniuri. II. H. Mas-?,
Simliury ; I elsml Ai M xcl, M H aciisi ille ; D
Kraim r, Milton.
In l ii'Uil C.'ny. J. (tearlnrt, St lin-grove
A. (ut litis, Miiilinl'U'g.
Culiiinliia C1U11I1. K. V. McCsy, Wash
Heading, Manh I I,
Mil. Kirr : 1 believe it the uty 1 f 1 very
one l.i do wln.liverin their power I ic-, for the h lie
fit of their fi How line, and having ha I po-i ive
proof in mv ow n faintly, of the w. n.leifi.l pr.ipcrtiis
of your 1). pur eiie Syrup of Smnp inlhi, I lit st recomttienJ it to the aillir'c I. We
had the ini-fortni.e t 1 I se two of our children, by
llie brrnkin; out of ul. er.ius sores that coveted th
face, bend nod t ei k, nllhoiigli we had some ft tin
most ii ientifle physicians to attend lie in ami ha. I
tried all the known len.ediej, inclu.liog Swnim's
Panae. n. w it'.i. iit nv ii!. Another of my chilihen
was nt'iiike.l in ihe svitre minnei.ler luce m ,1
Heel; was to'npVtilv ri vi r 1! ; the d si barge wns o
otVensive, ai d the iliien.- at so. h n he i:ht. that we
ihpiir. d of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects
of your Dfpi.r.itiv.' Sy nip ! S n-npari 1 1, we wete
iinliiciil to m ilt tii il ol II. a-the la-t n s rl ; it
acted lilie a cl nrni ; the u'eers romrnriici d bealii g
immediately, a I. w bottles cntiielv rttored hi r to
her l.e.ilt'.i, vvhieli she bus enjoyed itnintertu tedly
ever sime As a purifier ot the bio. d, I verily be
lieve it h is net ila eipml.
Walnut street, near Fourth, K.'adin.
Doogla-s.ille, A ril lDth, lS:t.
Mu. Oaki.kt: My son Iolmund Leaf, had Ihe in ihe most ihe.uhul and dirties-iug riniii
ner for thne years, dining which time he wis de
prived of the use of his limbs, his he ol and i ci k
were covered with ulcer. We tri.d a:l ihe ilill'er
ent reiuediis, but to no ifbct, until recomrni n.h d
I v Dr. Johnson of Nonistowu, and nho D'. Isaac
llic-ter, ol Kenlti g. to use your De urativc Syiup
of S.usap.irilla, of w hie h I o! tained seveial lim.les.
the use of which ibove ti e di-ea-e entiri lv out of
Irs tystcm, the s ue heihdup, and the child w is
resloied to prrlect he.ihh, which be has er.j.neJ
uninteriui tedly t virtue, to t!ie nt. iiihnu ill of
many peis ms vl,..f, ,11 du ing h,s i.llbction,
I have thought it my duty, and si 11. 1 you this certi
ficate that oilers who have a like nltlii'lioit in the
fnni'y may know where to ol ta u s 1 vulual le a
medicine. Yours l. ulv .
S, pt. If,, 1 5S 1 :i. 1 y
Sunlit J'.asl riirutr 1 M-irhtt iitia llli '..
IMiiliiilt Iphia,
1 F..-PF.C 1 1 1 I.I.Y nit rm the public ll.ev
' will c .ii-tiini v kie. on hoi. I a I ngs h-mi. t-
ment ol Hats. I n.sninl 1 .in, lo mi it the fid trade, .
if ti e he-t vjiin lit y . Hy lint ot'eniion to busi-
nei.s and by selln g then stock at the lowist prices,
ihey ll illt r thciilMlves in being able to give 1 1, tire
siitislacliuii. Auenst .ri, 11:1 ly
(uiiu't-i -(ii'KciV
rl'he pu' lie will please observe no Hrandieth
Pills are gen. ine, unless the box Ins three li
bels upon it, (the t.i., the sn'e and the bottom)
cuh containing a fie simile signature ot 11. y hind
writing, thus II. Hhmihktii, M. D. These la.
hel Hie enu'raved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an etijiense of over f 3,1)00. 'I hi refoe
it w ill la seen that ihe ou'y tiling necessary to pro
cure the medicine in its punlv, is to obi-ene these
Ih'inemhi r the top, the side, mid Ihe bottom.
The following icspeciivc per .ns ure duly anil, ri
7ed, and ho'. I
For the sale of lirtiiiili i ih's 'ti;tUilie ( nift r.'iil
N'orthntnbeihii d counlv : Milloii M 11 key
Chambcilin. Snnbory II It. Misser. M'Lrena
ville lu l mil Men, . Nm 'hmnl ciland Win
For. Mh. (ieorgitown .1. A .1. nils.
I 'nion C .untv : New II, rhn Ib.g .1 A W;n.
t. r.
linsgrov e ( i
Cuiiditiiii. Mid. de-
burg Isaac Smith, lteaver'tiw n David Huhlf.
Adamsbut.' W in J. M iv. Miflbiisbutit Mi nseh
V It iv. Haiti. I. .11 Diiiu-I I,n.;. I'reeburg
ti.A F. C. Mover. l.cwishurg Walls A fir. -in.
Colon. hi 1 coiiiiiy : Danville j;. l. lienolds
A Co. Herwiek Slium 01 A- 1! ttenhous-. ('a.,
lawissa C, (i. HftibS. Hloiiiesl.urg K.
Mover. Jeisey Town I.t vi Hist I, Washington
Kol. I. M. Cuy. I.itiiestone llaili. t - ! 'n,ri.
vn.seive inai cacti .Xceni lias an i.ngrav.ii i',r-
!ilioitc of Aeenrv
coniaming a icnifs.
. ntalion of
ir lili.y.MUil. I II h ,M iiiubnnrv at Sing Sine,
and upon which will a'so Ii.. r,-, i exact cnpic . I
Ihe lift,- luhcis mcd limi t.:c llruiiti'ri th fill
lfn.rt .v.
Phil idclphia, od'ce No. S, Xoith 'h street.
June 51th, lh tl.
ci rv rn:M;rn:i. u ( riox,
, N.s. nnd 111 StnlU ThiuJ Street,
.N'ciir the City llotol,
! PHil. Di;i,l'lllA.
C. MACKHY, Aoetioneir, repeelful'v in-
v. itrs ihe attention of rso.,s desirous of put
I rhssing Furniiure, to Ids extensive Sales Hooms,
(boili public and Piivate,) for evety desrription of
1 Household Furniture, ran be ohlained st all
Iime.i a Urge assortment of lashionuble and well
manufactured Cabinet Furinluie, Hrds, Mattrsssrs,
Ac, at vety tcduceil prices, fot cash.
(Vy Sales hv Auction, twice a week.
.May SI ili, H43. l y
1 rl'TAM:ol'S VRtTTIONS).
fjj 7Vie fitllmririir crrlifira'e thwilrt nnf oAc
innsl fTtrnordimiry cures rvcr rjfrelfd ly on.'
I'll ir. ir t riu 4, Febttiaiy 10,
: 14 OH twenty yror I was severely aflliclnl with
1 - Tsttkii on the Face and Head: the disease
, commenced when I wis seventeen yearsi old, and
; continued until the Fall of 18 to", varying iu vio
I lence.but wilhout ever difnppenrintr. During most
, of the time, great purl of mv f.c wns covered with
the eruption, frequently a'ti nded with vio'ent itch
ing; my bead swi ped at times until it fell ns if if
Would hurst the swelling was so Beat, thr.t I roil Id
scarcely get my hnt on. During the long peri. id
; thai I w as afllicicl wi h the disease, I used a great
I ninny a plications, (among them several celebrated
preparations) ns v II as Inking inward remedies,
in. hiding a number nfb itths of Strniiu's Vaniicril,
Helmet tif Surmipurilh, Owe, In fart, p would be
! imp.sible lo crmmeinie nil the medicines I usul.
I was nlso under the care of two of the most dis
, fingtitshed physicians of ibis city, but without re
ceiving m. ch benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cund. In the fall of In:!!-., the .b-ea-e i.t the time
, hen g very violent, I commenced using the A'ef
! (Utitinrnt, (prep.ind bv Vaogliati Davis, 1 lo
a fi w applications the violent it. long cinsed, the
swi bieg aba ed, the 1 motion began to disappear,
and before 1 hud used ajar the di-ense was entiteiv
cund. It has now been near'y n yiar and a h.iif
since, and there is tint a vrlige of n.e disease re-
lli.linintl, except llie sears from the deep pits forme
I !
by the disease. Il U imp. ssil le for me to ih sen! e
in a certificate the severity ol the ilisen.-e and my
Mtli'irii.g, but I will be pleased lo give a fuller ac
count to 11 1 1 y person wai ting further salislaclion.
: who will ci.ll en me. At the time I con.mcnee.l
using the li. se ttni'inent i would have given him
i .beds of do'liiis lo be rid of llie disease. Since u
j sing it, I have recommended it to sever it persons,
(among them my mother, who had the di-euo bad
ly on her aniO w ho were a I cured bv it.
JAMF.s DKUNKLL. No. loti, llace St. '
ij''TI.e Hose Ointment is pn pared by F.. lb
Yjughiiu, Soii h Last co. 111 r of Third and Itaee
stie. ts, PhiU.di Iphia, and soi.l on iiL'encv in Sonlni- !
ry. bv II. H. MAssF-i:,
' May I Ith. ISin. A::rnt.
llov OhsttiH'tit, for 'J't-Utr.
,1 VilOUF or ITS l.l l lCACY. !
I'm 1 ai.i 1 rm v. May -.'7lt., Is ):). '
rj'IIIS is to iirni'y It at I whs severely alli en!
with Tetter in the bands and ft et for upwards
ot forlv years; the disease w ns nttt nded gilienily
with vio'ent ttclrng and swelling. I npplttl to 1
1 iitimherof physicians, and us. d a creat 111:11 y sppli- i
ca'ions with. lit tlleiting a core. Ahont ay. nr.
since, I nppl.rd the Hose Ointment, hiell entiri 'v
stopped ihe i'eh lig.and a few apphe.iti .lis nniiiedi
:atilycurtd the disease, which there has bieu no
return of, I had never beoi rid of it at
I any lime for I. ity years. IMOHAKD S.WAt.i:,
j F.h veiiih. la low Sp. nee Slret t. 1
(J V The Kose Omlnieiit is prepared by t. H.
ait. ban, S mth La-I corner of Tl.iul and I!. ice
Siieels, J'hiladi Iphia, and s id on aji nrv in Siirihu- ;
. rv. bv H. U. MASSl'.lt, !
; ' May 1 Hh. S:I.
medicaij ArrnoBATiojT i
f , nasr. oi'VMi:'v,fr 'rnr.
l. Tilt If till the superiority of the pit patil'i II
over nil others is fully es the pnpr'c
tors pi. nsiire in laying hi fore ihe public the ,
I follow ing eei lilb-a'e IV..111 a re pectahle physician,'
.1 grinhi.te of the Iniversity ot Pennsylvania. Dr.
Il nmh, having found in this remedy that leiief f r ;
j ti tedious and disagreeable alii' lion which the means
1 within ihe range of I is profcs-toti fiile l to alV.ud,
has ttot hesitated to give it his sppiob ili .11. nhh. ugh 1
I the pr indices and inn rests of that pri . -si..n tire ;
, . pposed to secret Ih tin dies.
Phi 1. vt. 1 1 eti 1 . S. j 1. 1 0. t "llfi. 1
I was recently tn.ub'.i .1 with a tnhotis herpetic I
i eruption, w I it h coced in ar'v one si.'p of my f ee, i
; and exiei .l. .1 t vt r the e ir. Mr. 'ii"igli:in. piopnt
t. l tif the Kose Ointment, ob-'eiv 11 g mv ta. r, 'iiss-
led 1 11 my t.) i:ii 1 is j repa riti.'ii, .1 w hit Ii he han
ile I n.e a j ir. A !ih uh in c oinmon w ith ihe mem- 1
beis ol inv profession, I tl is. tiunti nance slid disiip- i
j piove ot Ihe num. 'r. u no-tumis palmed upon llie 1
public by i.tlit.i irit pr. lendi r-, 1 lei I 11: ju.s ii e b, nii.l 1
; tocxi tpt the Kose I hi. tint nl fnnn that e'a-of me- !
I il.cilies. mid lo give it mv npp..bntlon, ns il intire
I ly iure.1 the eruption, nlili oigii It h d resisted the
j li-u d iippl.eaiions. DAN L HAl't.ll, M. D.
I (i' ;-'l'he Kose Ointinei.t is pieparetl by L. I!.
1 VauuliHii, South Lust conn r ol Tl.iul and K ice
Streets, Piilade'phia, and sold on sgi nev
burv. bv 11. II. M .
May I Ith, IUI:t.
n Sun-
Maiiiiraclint'r nf Writ in mid Iniiclli
ble Ink, No. DM! North Thud Strict, t-ix
(lours below Haee, (east Hide,)
Ji:spi:cTFI I.I.Y intotms country nierchaitts
and others, lhal lie con-tiintlv keeps on I and
s luge stock i f l is supcrier Hlack, Hlue mid Kid
Ink, nnd nlso a siipeiii r .pi .1 tv ot Indi liil le Ink.
His ink is 1 tit up in b. tt!i s vaiyinjin sie. fiem
I to nJ euncis, 1.1..I W ill be sold on rt ns. .nal le
It tins. The ex. el e t ipuht es of this ink li.i m
Ihoroimhlv fstahli-hed its ch tracer, that it is now
extitisivtly used thtniichout 1 1 1 country.
. For sale ut ihe stole of II. H. Mass,r, Sun
bury. Pa. May STlli. I S I t. 1 y
ClIAlil.I'.S W. Hi-.dlXS.
BV AS taken Ihe nllice loin t
j Hon. ( hailes (i. D01 11. I
Il oceupi. d I v tl 1
oi l osile tin' ( '. ant
It. use. e will a'tei.d l.i I iis'iies in the C. ml.
of Notihuiiit.ei lui d, I'nion 1111 1 Columbia couii'ies,
Mav -nih, l':l.
l! limit Stun e nlt.rr,',
I''iius3 lv;iul.i.
' FII'IF Subscriber respectfully inl'oims las friends
and ihe public in general, lhat ho has taken
the shovo
LMtan An ca wwonioi s
1 x t h r. iiuiiii 1: ii n o f m r x o y.
I and lhal lie is now well prepare! lo acoininoddle
all who may lavor linn with their custom.
li s ScuriNu Ai-HTiTS lio well aiienl, and
His 1'iBLK n Kin will altays la SJpph. d
with the best Ihe maikel ran afford.
His SriBLiMi, which is potd, will It under
the charge of good and t arelul hostler.
! He ft els confident, by strict attention to buaiurss
i and an earnest ileriie to tender c tnlorUhle those
who may palronirn him, lhal he will not fml to give
geneial sail. faction. IL H. M' LA Y L l(.
Munry, Oct. f, 1 1 1 . if.
I'oinmist-ion & rorwnnlinrj Merchants,
oof i,f It (,7,111 Stru t Rail Road,
Tits I'l.titrint,
T TAVINfl Bssoc'mted ni b ih. m Joseph Hnrnet,
-- late of llnston, p( n sner tfully inform tiieir
friends and the public penerailv, that Ihey hsvt ts.
ken th .t large sml we I known store and wharf at
foot of Willow Street Kailrnnd, lately oecitpie 1 by
.Iseoh Martin, where ihey pit-pose doing a Oen.ral
Commission and Forwarding Hnsiness, and font
ihe local ndv nii'SUCs of the plnce being connecter!
wilh nil the pnbltc improvements that have their
outlet in the citv, thev fbttli r them-n lves ihi v w ill
be able to do business lo as gre it, if not g ralei nd
vantage, and Upon 11s icnsonahle lerriisns any other
house, and they nssute their friends that any ron
sii. tin nts made lo them shall have their strict nt
tentton, and no en rtions spared to give entire satis
faction. They arc nisi prepaid In receive and forward
goods to r.nv point 011 the Delaware and Lehijh
livers, between Munch Chunk, Lnston and Phila
dclj hia, via Delaware Divish 11 and Lehigh (Inn d;
also, to imv point on the Juniata river, or Nor h
and Wist Hianehi s of the Susipiehaiina via Schuyl.
kill mi J I'nion, or the Chesapeake and lido Watei
j For the neenmmndafion of Hunts coming or go
! ii.'I via Schuylkill and I'nion Canals, a Sie.rnhoal
: will be kept expressly for towing boa's from the
i Schuy lkill to the Delaware and hack, which
will en hi" tm rchunts to nave their produce deli
veic.l on the Delaware, and their goods sl.ipp. d at
a s.Mliu ol iil) lo 7o per rent, o': the prices f r
hauling acio-s, with these Bilvniitagcs they re
spectfully solicit a share of patronace.
Wil'ijrn H. ilm in, )
William V'. Ki yser,
Joseph I) .rnrl.
'S Philad, May 1 1, Is 1.1. ly
J. It2 AITIj AN3L?, JR. & CO.
Snttll' nii'l TuLacco Al.'itiiiliicttiicis,
A'o. '.Ill Mnrtk West corner of Rticr and Third
rpi!F nnder ignc.l have furmed a Co-partnershiji
1 imder the firm of .1. M A Y L AN D. J H. iv Co..
ns suiivsors to the late firm of Jurnh .Way land A
Co., i.tid will continue the I iisiness at ihe old cst.i
hlishineiM, on theit own account. In mlliiionto
their own close attention nnd experience f .r many
y. ars, in the manufu lure of their een bral-.1 snnd"-,
A c the long t xperit nee of the senior pailt er of t.e
litis- firm, will o lb devoted to the interest of 'he
new ctii, eem and as no fxerlion and can1 wi'l Ic
spared lo insure iheir goods, a! all limes of the ve
ry best ipialily, they solicit a continuance of the
confidence of the fi .ends an I eust .m. rs of the late
firm. THOMAS ADA Mrs,
J. M A VI. AND, Ja.
Phil i.h Iphia, Mav 1 1th, Is
'l' (Country
THi: Subs, riber, Agent of I von cV H arris, 11 it
- Matn:f 11 turers, for New York, Philadelphia,
I! iltimore and other large rities, whoso Huts are
highly commanded for i;nori t i!; and dur'i'.ilily,
has 0'i hand a fir-l rate is'erlm nit of HA TS nnd
CAPS, suit il le f. r Sprmp s des, vxh ch will te sold
vi ry low, foi cash or appioved credit, at ihe netrd
rliitip sli.n; No, 10, North Third s'l'vl, opp si'e
the City Hotel, lUiila.h Iphia.
N. II. Of.lcs for Hals in Ihe run:; 4, pr nnpllv
attended lo, Th highest rice in r;r.i ir tru ie
given for I'ur ita.i.
Philadelphia, June II. lSIU --ly
. . nil 4 iii)t!lslori .llcrc tiaitls,
'.r tlic S,ilf if I'lnir. drain, Si.rd, Ar., Ar.
1 iim:c 11
1 V he Me.c!
FI I.I.Y ii. f un) ihe'.r bit ml al.d
ant generjllv, that ll.ev have ta-
ken those I .if..' nr .1 e.m.irio, lions hievi s, w ith t o
1 Hoik, iioiih of CioMiul slriel, on the D. law ire,
t, .ci ther v ,th the slore No. 1!) South Wh iiv.'-,
' where thev would he pleased to receive ronign
i nicnts of (irain, Fl. ur. Seed. Whi-key, lion, Ac,
' Ac. Heiog also well p.epaied f i forward all kinds
I ol Mi rclniii.ltst' by ihe Schnvlt-ill and I'nion, . t by
the Chesnpi ake and Tide Water Canals, .is to-v-1
boats are kept expressly for the purpose of tjwing
; bonis by I i her route.
Merchant. w ill i.le -se be particular lo send t'n ir
C, ,U desiincd by either canal-, to No. I'd S
Wlo.rves, he twtcn Mark. I and Chesntst streets, on
ihe Dtbiware, veith dirn-tions Hccoinpniviug them
which route ihey wish them to be shipped,
Qj- Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. HOLToN A C.
Match 10, ISli). No. 19 South Whatves.
KOItl.t: . t It l i lt A NOV,
i.iitulxiril St ret I, llaltimorr,
I I .W'll con-tanlly fot sale, Printing Paper nf al.
I sies and ipialitii s, Can Writing Paper, rulttl
and plain, Letter Piiper, while and blue, ruled and
plain, g Paper, fine and comm. n, Liivclope
Paper, do. d... medium, douh'e ciow n, crow n and
extra sized Wrapping I'nj ers, Colored Medium and
Koyal Papers, lloiinet. Hinders' and Siiaw I'm, T.s.sue Paper, and all ait teles ill their line,
whnh they will sell on ai eoiumodi'.inj; Urins.
H. chest price given f,,t old rai!.
V .rcli 10. IS 13. Llsi Md
-Yn. ,':(?, Sort), Third, !, cCull.iu hill St.,
"HO UN 1 INCAN, late Iroiu the Pennsvlva
f $ ni l Firmer, uu l Sarnuel Pike, jr., li e of A
; nn riran Hotel, ( 'olunibus, t lino, take pleasure iu ac ,
'planting theit fi, nds and Ihe public itenerally ih ,
Ihey I, nve l.,kui the large and commodious Hon I,
' 'ee, inly built by the Messrs. lint, on the sane site
".nee occupied by the old established llotil known
is the Hull's Hi ad, in Third stieel uhovs Callow- ,
. hill si.
This Hotel is finished in the very !.e.-t possible
inane, r. ai d of the hf. nih'irials. lis location is
! t ry siral le, particularly for country liu tehants ;
; li e anangeiiieiiis tor btani gand veniilatin at Ii i
; ro..iu is such as to secure any letnpeialure. The i
' bidioomsaie ull light and airy, all luruishid iu a
neat sty e, so as to nisiiie loinlorl.
The it Ct iving parlors are abo fun ished in a su
perb style, the w indowt are nn the Krrnch 'y le,
foiuiing an entiunro in a balcony in front, win, h.
makes a pleusant iccess. itlcntion has
been given to Ihe beds and bidding, which, with !
the furniture, arc entirely new. j
t torn yia's' eipenence in hatil business, w e ;
trust, by strict assiduity to husiuesi, to make this :
li oil so a desirable stepping place. Our table will j
always he supplied with the vety lust our maikel
ran all'ord, and out bat with the best lupous and
w iocs of the most sppiovcd brands.
P. S. There are tiisl tale stabling nnd carriage j
house attached In Ihe hotel, nn nded bv ca t M ;
"d "lt honlers, and out charge will hs low, in .
seeorilaure wiih lUo present haul tnr.t. 1
j Philadelphia, (Vl, ith, le)J.'.
j - '- ' - - - t . a - t . .. '. .'am
Huslness tttended In in the Counties of Nor
thuinl erland, Lnion. Lvroming and Columbia.
Ilefcr 1n 1
Tho hs II riT fi U11.,
Lowrn fi. DxnnoiT,
Hurt, Ccmmisos A HAnT, Vr.iiorf.
IJkt spliis, Mr F 111. mii fi Co.
fpKnito, 'Jonii fc Co.,
ej anna 7H3 ej- m
No. (ii) North Third, ulai Arch Street,
Pill LADI'.I.l'HIA.
r'H AKLF.S WKISS, la'e of the "White Swan,"
nii.l "Mount Venn. 11 House," rrspi ctfully ins
forms his friends nnd cuslomers. I tin I be lias becoma
the proprietor of the abov well known Hotel.
Country Meichnnts will pnd the abova Hotel a
central location, and the hi st of fare. Persons tra
velling wilh private conveyance will find larga
yard and good stabling fi t horses, ai d the best of
ostlers. Hoarding , I pirdav.
Mav 14th, IS 12. tr.
n-K". err) rn? rz
Conn r of Th ird nnd Vine Streets,
rslli: subscriber respectfully announces to tha
X public, that be h s opened a Hotel 111 the com
modious bri. k building s tu ate on the coiner of
I bird and Pine streets, where he will be happy to
j wait tip. .11 those who in iv fivor l im wi)', iheir
I company. The F.agle Hotel is i.tid c.'iner.i
ern, nnd furnished in the het modern stylo. It is
provided w i'Ii a large number of well aired and
comfortable sleeping HpartrnenO, rooms, privuta
I nilors. Ac. Persons visiting iiha... sport on h-sin-i-s
or p'ea-nre, inny et as-ured that evi ry ex
ertion will le used to r.sdrr iheir sojourn at tho
"Ktiitle ILitt 1" pleasant nnd njrtcnhle. HisTulle
; will he supplied wiih the nrv s' the maik.t af-, and his bar with the choicest wines and other
' li.Unrs ibaiges re .s inable. The Cagln Hotrl
posesses grenlcr advautnge in point of location
. than any oilier similar est abli-hmi i:t in the borough,
hi itnr situate in Ihe business part of the town, nn J
w iibin a convenient distance of the Court II. mm
' ntiil Wplinmsport nnd I'.linira Kail l'oad Depot.
Sntlictent Stabling provided, ate! g..o.l nnd Irustf
o-lleiK always in atli uduine.
Attentive, iiecoii.moih.ting atnl hone-t Servants
have I een 1 mrlo.ved. and noil ing left undone tltat
will I'.'.l to the con. Toil and accommodation of his
There will br n carriage always in attendance rtj
I the Koat Landing lo convey passengers to and fr.a
! the House, fiee of tl.arce.
CllAKI.LS llDlllMW.
Mav 1 lib, IR12. If
N ar'ie'e 1 1 1 1 1 . j 1 .1 1 . I
-' durable and
I f".,r cleaning and giving a
i.l most h.t liant ...ish to !-
ver. (ieroi u Silver, llias-, C tppei, Hiiltnliia Ware,
I'm, St. t I, ( "utl, rv , Mid I.T re-t.ii b g tho hint re on
varnished cirri. ue , Ac. TKV IT.
Prepared an ' s I.l at wholesa'e ami retail, by lliy
-'.js.juehanua ("brvsol.te I'oli-h Company, O.vei,
Tii.jjn ciitdv, N. Y.
WM'. POKSY I'll. Agent f. r Northum'tl.
II. H. MAssi'.iJ. A-, nt for Sunbiiry.
Nov i in!., r ''(Mil, I Vi.
.T5 5-hnrl V:Mt'r V .oii,
rcors maixehs &. sair ciiANELEnfs.
.Yo. l:) .V.ri rtWer Strn i, Viindi hhia.
A i: coris'antlv on hand, a generd assort
ment of", Seme Tivu.ts, Ac, vi, :
I ai d liopc.-. Fishing Hopes, While Hopes, Msnil
la Hopes, Tow Line for Canal II. .ills. AIo,
eoinplete assortment of Si ine Tw inei, Ac. such s.
Ili liip Siia.l and ll.rring Twine, Host I'.ilcnl (nil
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Honing l'wii e, Sit..
I'htt a.!., A c. Ar. Also, Ki d Co'ds, Plough Lius
I i. liter ., Tr. Cotton nod I. men C .r,i, I,
Ai. all of which they will dispose ot on it asotinbla
Philadelphia, Novembei 111, Nli.-lt,
sim:!ii.c:. cihih v'v i
... I.'IS'tt Olivet, ri,ila.W.liin.
BNYll'i: the atlcnlioti of Countiy Merchants
lo their extensile assortment of British Freer h
and American Dry Hoods, w hich they offi-i fol ;!
on ihe in i t rt nsoioible t. rm.
1'hil.idi l,.l.ia. Novemh.i Id. ! si f. 1 r.
.1 . V . S Y A N ,
I 'inliiella .".mi P.H'.i.sul IM t 1 1 it I .ic l u re r .
No. Hi Am.i T'md er, urn (.-us leltHc tki
t i.'v ...'(.,; In mi!' ; i'.
1 )I " NT K Men hunts and oiiieis are solicited
to examine Lis le soiti.ient hi hue purchasing
eisew here
Phila :elphia, Novender l'l. 1.'J. ly.
JlOl! mlf a sni1! Farm, conliining about erit
liiii .be I nnd ten aens, more or le-s, situito
in Point township. N'orihuml rland r. untv, h..ut
t.v.i milt s above No: li iimbei I n.l, on i! e main
na.l hading from that place to D .nvi'd. , a.loio.inj
land- of John l.eghoii, Je-se C. Iloiioii and others,
now in ihe oeeup tney nf Samuel Payne. About
to'ty acres of s.ii.l tract lire cl. and, and iu good
sis!" of en tivalion. on which there is a small ham
erect, d. Tim pioperly w ill be sold on r. asonabla
leims. Fur further paiticulars, pt isou an rcqur t
ed to ap Iv lo the snlserih r.
H. It. MASS,:!;, ,yKrr.t,
Nov. ?th. lli. tf SuMbuiy. Pa.
loa sai i. at
"f - c-- .z-j.-
NTHON'S Classic,,! Dtc'ioiury
I l.euiprier's
Lnghsh stnl
- .hi.; A
ilisworlh's do; Cobb's do
(ierinau tin ; Alithtin's Ca sar; Attlholi' liralnloer ,
Aiilheu's Ciceio; M air's Latin Kcadci; Ogilhy'sdo ;
Andifw's Latin Lessons; D.liiugau's Lexicop;
Fisk's (ire. k Lxeicises; Davie. ' Legendei; (iraera
Majora; Adams's Koman Autiipiines; I'ninixk's
(i..dsiiiith' Liiglatul; tlo. (ireece; Lyell's Lit ment
ot (itoloL'v; M is. Lincoln's Holany; Lhinentst.f
Holanv; Ur.dg. 's Alt hra; Purler's Kheioiiral Kt a-tier-;
Kinerson' (ieography and History; Oliey's
do.; Parity's do.; Smilh's (irammer: Kirkham's do.j
Kay's Keadets; Cobi's do.; Cobb's Arilhmeiick;
Pike's do.; Liners, .i's do.; Cobb's Spt llmg Hook";
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Hooks; F.vaiigehcsl Fa
mily Library; Cottage Dibit's; Family tlo; Cnllatetf
al do.; Small llibles anil Testaments; Parker's Li-erci.-es
on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Haxlei's
Slim' Kest; American Kevolution; Many all's No
vets; Mrs. Phelps on Cbemistiy; Iliad; Culechism
of American Laws; Letter on Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Heginners; Lnghsh Kxeieists adaptctl to
Murray's (irsinmet, Serpiel lo Coniley'a Spullinj
Hook; American Class Hook; Daholi's Schoolinss
U-i's Assislant; A great variety of Hlsnk HooX. "
August 2S, I HpJ.