Latter from CJen. Jackson. Helow wo give another letter from the old Hero of tho Hermitage. It spenks for itself: "II kraut a or, July 12, 1 y4 I. Sir I have just received your letter of the UOth ult. informing nic that recently 'declared "that he travelled through Tennessee lit the time Mr. Polk wna for the first time a can didate for Governor, tun! that his opponents, the whig, then brought the charge of his grandfa ther's being a tory, against hint, and that the de mocrats of Tennessee, met the charge by throw ing it upon the North Carolina branch of the Polk family, that is, Col. Thomas Polk ;'' and you de sire tne to state, for your information and that cf the people, what I know of the facts. In reply, 1 state with pleasure, that 1 know all tho old stock of the Polks, Col. Thomas Polk, fa ther of Col. William Polk, am 1 F.ekiel Polk, grandfather of Col. James K. Polk. They were nil good '70 Whigs. Old Col. Thomas Polk was the first mover ('independence in Mecklenberg county. All the Polks then grown were good j '70 Whigs, and Col. William Polk, son of Tho mas, was twice wounded in the war of the revo- j lotion, ami I think he had a brother killed in bat- ; tie. I never knew one braiich of the family to be charged with toryisni before. If such a rumor j was circulated during the canvass referred to, I j never heard of it. I am gratified thus tube able to give my tes tinionv to the revolutionary services and patri- j ntisni of the Polk family, with many of whoso j members I have been intimate the greater part j of my life. It seems that in these times no character is; safe ngainst the slanderer, for there never was less excuse for it than in the case of Col. Polk, i 1 have known him since In-was a boy. A citi- j zen more exemplary in his moral deportment. ! more punctual and exact in business, more ener getic and manly in the expression of his opinion, and more patriotic, does not live. 1 am. respectfully, Your obedient servant, ANDREW JACKSON. Tlin Prfslilcnllnl KIceltoii, The following is the best and fairest calcula tion we can hit upon in relation to the chances f Messrs. Clay and Polk. Its only error is in vonceding to Mr. Clay several States that will probably go for his opponent. I'til. Tiinen. States claimed by MrJStates claimed by the Clay. Democrats. Vermont, Massachusetts, Ixhodc Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Ceorgia, I.ouis ana, Tennssee. Imliana, Ohio, Kentucky, I'm Maine. -2 New Hampshire, I New York, 1! New Jersey, .1: Pennsylvania, Sunt h Catoliiia, 11! Alabama, lOjMississippi, (il Arkansas, 1 -I M ichignii, pjilllinnis. 7 ' ! t, I n I ii II IT i 1 lit 'J.'i P.' Missouri, Virginia, l'.'ol Convention of Tim Photf-stan r Ei'lrop.r. C'uriicn. Tur. Piimioc Si staini:d. At the An- ' nual Convention of Protestant Episcopal Church, I held in New York, on Thursday, the principal ! topic of discussion related to the powers of the I President of the Convention and the privileges of j members. It being pioposed to modify the j rules so as to allow freedom of discussion, and re- j striding the lowers of the President to such as are usually exercised by chairmen of delibera- j tive bodies. The President considered that the i yules of the Convention, passed in 1S3-J, were in- ! tended to be perpeluul, and held them to be bind- I jug upon the chair; therefore he decided that the j proposition was wif of urdi.r. Mr. Duer appea- j led from the decision. The Convention sustain- i d the liishop's decision by a vote of 170 to 00. j Tin; Ohio Com i;i:ki k of the Methodist E- piscopal Church closed its session ut Marietta, j vn tho l'.'th inst. The Conference refused to concur in the resolution of thu (ieneral Cooler- , dice, recoinuieiiding the change in the sixth res- i trictive rule, only one person voting in its favor, and 1,')2 against it. liishnp Wuiigh. in his clo sing address, declared his belief that the Church would not be divided. l1Al.Tl.UOnK .M Altai KT. VJfiee of Ike 11 a i.ti m o a e AMTicivn, Sep. SO. iiKAlN. 1'he receipts of Wheat were very light on Saiuiday and to day. The sma'l parcels at market sold at NT) a H9 ecu's for coo.l lo prime Md. reds, ami ordinary to good at 7fl a 85 cei Is, A lot of prime white Wheat s ld to day at 10C c;s. A sale of a snia'l lot of Pennsylvania ted, ipiably good, was made to day st ill) cents. Salesofnhite I'orn at 4.1 J a 41 J cts., and of yellow al 47 cenls. Kdes of new ('urn, in good Jry condition, at 40 a 41 cts., and ofpaiccls not in good condiiion, al IIS Ct:. A lot of Pennsylvania yellow sold a. 4S cK O il. are. worth "'i a 21 cts. We ipjote I'ye at (S a 8'.) cis. for Md. WHISKEY. There is a fair demand, but the stock quite light. Sale, ni hil. Is. at 2Uj a 2 1 cents, and of hbls. at 25 cents. Da. wishes mankind lo consider this tiuth, that health rolcly depends on thu stale uf purity in which the blood i kept, t very part of the body being supplied daily with new blood fioin the food corisumrd; consequently, according to the puicness of that blood, so must the stale of the body be mure or Icm healthy. To obtain, Uierefoie, the most direct purifier of the blood, is a question of no little importance to every indivi dual. It is a well known fact that Drandrelh's Ve getable Universal Pills are the most direct puiilier of the blood. There will be no doubt of this when it is considered that they have gained Iheir present very rxtenive sale by iheir own intrinsic merit, proved by the numerous cures which they have accomplished in every variety of (jj' Purchase of II, U. Masser, Suubuiy, or of th agents, j'ul'lilcj in another pan of thi paper. Ton Potato Pmseask. A farmer who has examined into this disease of a valuable vegeta ble, says, he finds that the vines of those potatoes which are rotten, arc hollow for 4 or 5 inches a bove the surface of the ground and bear the ap pearance of having been eaten by an insect. In many cases he discovered a small green colored maggot in the cavity. That's tho cause. PRICE CUUI1RNT. Cnrrertcd weekly by Henry Yoxthcuner. WllKAT, .... 85 Rtk, t " Cor, 40 OtTs, 25 Pit tt k , & FnxsrKti, ... 1(H) Ul'TTKII, ' '0 Hkkswax, .... 25 Tallow, .... 10 Dnikli ArrLM, 75 Do. Pkacmks, 200 Flax, ... .8 FtAJ, 10 Funs, .... 0 "Wasliliiffloit Fire Company." THE members of the "Washington Fire Com piny" are reipiested to meet at the State House, on Mind.iv Evening, Oct. 7th, at 8 o'. cluck, precisely. Punctual nllcmliiiice is reipiircd. ff.-it. 28. JACOH YOlJN(5MAN..Vc. NEW GOODS. VIE sabscriber his just received from Philadel phia a fresh supply ot New Coons, consisting in part, of M'liixliH Dchnnes. I rape Drlaincst, Cashmere de F.tmxe Slitiwlx, Hdmfktrcirif?, ie. Also. Heaver und Silk Hutu, s good assortment i of Men's and lims' Cunt, (Irorerir, Liiunrg, Salt, Ae. c, all of which will be sold at the most reasonable terms. Stone Jars nnd Jnif, rhesp. " 11. H. MASSE It. Siinbiirv. Oci. ft b, 184-t. TWO HKINDLK COWS C AME to the subscriber, n siding in Aucn-t t )wnsh p, ricnr Sunbury, on the fith ef July last. Or. one of the cows there was a large bell. The owner or owners nie rtipicstcd to come for ward, prove prep, rlv, pay chaiges, and tnke them awjy, or i l.-e (hi y be dipos d of Hccotdinn to law. JOHN A Kl!l SON. Aucustn, Oct. ftth, 18-11. 3t A II It V V II C A I, "WHOLESALE & RETAIL : HAT CAP AlAM'FACTUIlCUS, Hultllt Dual carnr r nf Mnrki l and llt sis.. l'liilatlclplila, ATTHErtH they alwavs ke p on hand an exten- I ,.ive 3-s .rt.m nt , f HATS f CA I'S ofrverv ' disrription, gil ii( in the best and most approved i stj le. Prisons dcrirnus of purchasing vupciior aiii chs on the most ressen il le lerni", will timl ii to i iheir advantage to call bifre muking purihiscs j elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1 S 1 1. 1 y DUL'SSEIJS, INintAIN AND VENETIAN C a r j) c t i n g s . III.K liVOOI, X,. Chrmut Sreet, PHILADELPHIA. HAS just reciiv.d and is now opening a very exlensive and beautiful assort. .lent of CAR PKTlSdS. The Roods are fresh, and of new si vies, and hemp purchased principally f r Cash, thi y will be sold ut the lowest prices ; (hey coosisl In p irl, of Splendid Hnis-e's. -j CAItPET Ueaunful imperial Ilply, j INUS, Super Eira limram, (olora w ir- 3 1, 4 4, 5-8 Twill, d Venetian, tutite.l Plain do. J DVUAIU.i: A l.irgn stock of well seasoned Oil. ('I.OI'IIS of all widih, Itrus, HiMiiNos, Ac.,oi;etber with an extensive assoitmeiit of Ijfiw jtrietd CiirjietiiigK Tall de-criptions. rry- I'urchasi rs are rfipiesied to Call and bcc us, when they will find uueiiicusive uss.utmcut at the most teasonable prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 5ih, 1814. tf Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of certain writs of venditioni cip.t nag issued nut of (he Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County lo me directed, will he exposed to pu'dic sale, at tbe Court Mouse in thu Horough of Suubury, on Monday the -till day of November next, al 1 u'cloi k, P. M., the fol lowing described property lo wit : A certain lot of groui d si'u.ile In the borough of Northumberland, in NoTllitliiiiland county, and : m..rked in I lie geueial plan of said town No Hi. 1 and hounded nor h ea-t hy Queen street, .oirh east j by lot No. ?.i,sou h wet hv Duke street, and iiotth 1 west by From street, Containing till feel in fiont on Q-eeu and Duke siree's, and 220 feet in depth, whrreoti ai en-cieil a two slory dwelling house, (pstl I. licit mid pirttrainc,) ami a hlscksmiih simp Seized, liken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Ah gander Cob. FEMX MAL'ltElt, Shtrlff. Sherill's Office. Sunlajry. Ocl. 5ih, 1844. S Sheriff's Sale. Y virtue ofa writ of Vend. Eip mas, issued nil' of the Court of Common Pleas of Norihum bitlaud county, to ine direcud. will be exposed in public sale at die bouse of Ceorge Sini'h in Jacks son lowriship, on Sutii'day the 2'ith Oetoher iusl , at I o'clock P. M., the folloviiog dc-ciibid propirly, to wit : A certain tract or pieee of land situate in Jack son township, Northuiuberl ind county, adj iiiiu! lands of John Itower, J ho Enliug, ( illl'ried Shretllcr and others, containing 105 acres more or les, about 45 seres of which aie cleared, whereon sic eiec'ed a two story log house, a log barn, a small tpiing bouse slid a good mch ird. Sei.ed, i ukeii in enecuiioo, and to be i-olJ as the properly of William v i ller. FEI.IX M A I' RE 15, SluriJT. Shentl sOlhce, Sunbury, Oct. ftih, 1W44. Orill:ul, Court Salr. IN pursuance of an order ef tho Orphans' Court of Northumhvrlaiid county, will be sold at pub lic sale, on Saturday the I'Jih day of October next, at the Court House in the linrough of Suutjuiy, to wit: a certain lot of ground situate in said bo rough, and marked in ihe general plan of said town No, 'J IK, adjoining lot nl Jacob Young on the east, and a lot of Peler (ioodharl's estate mi the west, late Ihe esiale of John l'-pley, dee'd. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock, A. M- of said day, when the terms of tale will be made known by II. II. MASS Eli for (iODFHE V W ATE KS, Adm'f. Uy order of the Court. tSuiibmySepI, 2ih, IM l.4t LIST OP CAUSES. IOIt trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumberland County, at Nov'r. Term 1814, commencing the first Monday, being the 4th. John A I.loyd vs Reberca Wells Hrobst vs 8 A R M'Ken Robert Miner's adm'r vs Wm lLhler et nl l)r Hubert Philips vs M'Carten A Purdy Seil7.iit8er, alienee of Carver vs John (larver el al John If inline, jr vs W m H Sanderson John Furmsn et al Stephen Derr Frymire for Evert Jacob Harnhart Su-annan Zerhe Ha'dy A Kate John C Hy 1 1 1 duh Bellas Ac John W, If Reed for Muny Jacob W Smith vs Augustus lluey ct al vs (!i niirn I. aw rence vs J P Htcki'iiheig vs Wm M'tiinncss vs John A L'oyd vs John C (!r,er et il vs Richard I'enshaw vs Wm M'Cav vs Ovrrepts of J ic;on tp vs James F Murray vs Jncih Wei'zcl .lames Ham It's adm'rs vs Peler Snyder Diliiel Zerhe A wife vs Isnsc Rosdarmel V illiim A I.luvd vs Martin A Siork Uoni'lh of Ph. for his own use vs F W Pollock Same vs Chitrlc Comly's t x'rs Simp, vs Same Same vs F W Polio, k Sam'l Swinehnrt A wifevs R.-ter Ferster Jacob Msylarnl vs II Yox'heiiner et al Frederick Kleit vs Same Conrad Desher's exr'a vs Jacob M'Kiunev ct al Henry Pcterv A wife Edwards A Ycrree ll.'iijamin Camp Joseph Weitzel j .1 iC'tli 11 irnhiiri John It Kct'h r i licnjamin Rnbms ! Willi .in Welsh v. Charles Shaffer's ex'rs vs Win Doiinldson vs Jacob Wcrtley vs Chirlos Ruch vs John M'Cinncss vs John Paint, r vs Alirdiun Lawrenco vs Joseph Keller vs llcnrv Sieinnietr. i Stephen Derr Salomon Mengas's heirs vs Daniel Wcrimaii Ch iie Oearhart, jr vs (Senrge A Dixon ct al Haas A Druckeindlf r vs Jhn W Peal Wnt A Lloyd vs J C H Noitrs-e llu'el Smith vg Augustus A I lluey II F llolhiigshend A Co s P, ler Lazvu Charles 1) Wharton E P Sh initon A W Johnson et n! John D Ro-sV rxi's Chaile (talc C I. Wi inier Daniel Itrosious vs Heinv H udshcr vs Dennis Waters vs Jo1'!! ' ' lt vd et nl vs C S Wallis t-l al vs Sa'ne vs Holiut Sc M'Ciy vs John A Shi-s'er vs Shainokiu Coil A Don Co Joseph Mittmiu Fievler A Drcisbarh vs Hopendobter A D ei-bach Thomas Allen Fnielv, ('leaver A I'o IS K lieHihurl Peler Dnukle Dmiel M -yer A wil'o A 'Pioutin in et at vs Yinet nt A It i-er vs Thomas M'l'all vs John C Youiiii vs Tilchinau Spear vs Daniel Fivnure i ( 'hri-tinn Tsbupp .loon 11 .tinier vs i r 1 1 ; I ii i nv C ( D .1 M Uosipictct al vs D Ditnklibergcr i t al lolm li Miller vs ilham M ( v Same vs Same ! (ieorpe Oyster I John llobl'i vs John i'am!i;irt it ul vs Daniel Dornseif vs (if urge Oyster vs Win (iilla-py , , r, ' ' '., "' (' " Welch, Pomp A Frick urriy Christopher It.'ltz Bank ol Nonh'd Ac Same Folijer for Tmxell William F.nrow Charles A Towar I.iijhlA Hellinaii vs John Ilecker vs John O ltoyd VS Same vs Henry P Follmer vs Ahrah'iin Kl 7.e s ( Seorte Ecki rt J A P MonUsuc SMl i:i. D. Jl)l!DN. Prolhonotarv's uflice. .1 I'nl,'ii. Jsiinhury. Oct. 5lh 1 St 1 H Z2 B-C IS hetebv given that I hive bought al consta' le' sale, on the C'td int., as the piortv of ('hare Shinier, one bald ho-se at f il'J, and one hlaek inure at 211, w hich I have li ft in po-session of the said Charles Shis-ler, until I ihb k proper to hke (he,,, away. JOSEPH WEITZEE. Augusta, Sep'. 28, 1841. Hi A CHANCE FOR A fjiood IS a ry (tin ! j.u :?.cit1tc-jit3?.t ron s a ii e . C-KOIKJB KOHItlUCH A P.ltOTH H inleiiding to engage in other business, oiler lor sale, on teasonable terms, their I r o ii Vo ii ii (I i y. This Est iblishment is convenienllv located along side of the l!ad bond running Iroin this place lo Shane kin, by which coal nnd pig iion can be hroochl to lip ir doors at li'tie expense. The lo c itioo is one of the best in tbe stale. Persons de siunis of entering into ihe l.usioe-s will find il to their advantage, hy calling on the siib-erileis at Suubury, when all the necessary inf.irmaiion vill be given. (iEOKC.E ItOHUB CH A UltOTHEItS. Sunhury, Se,,. 2Sth 1844. 3t CHEAP CARPET STORE, ON THE CASH FLAN. I At .i II Slrnwlui nj St. I'liiludt lyhia. 1 fMHE Kent of the suhM ribers in iheir present ' 1. siiuallon h, iug ery low, and t'n ir terms I C.S, iy ie enabled to s Il al such low pr'ces that cost. inters cannot ( ol lo be sal slie.l, and 'hey invite Ihe eople of Norlhuinhcilaud and the a. I ; joining couiilies lo call and . limine theii stoi k. 1 as liny olb r an ciielleut assonmcnt, comprising i lieautdul I in H-r i it, 3ply, ) Superfine Ingrain, j 1 ! Heavy Twill d Venetian, )sC. ID'ETlMiS. j j Fine English Wors'cd d . j Plain S riped do.J ! ! W Ith a large Slock of well seasoned Floor Oil ! Cloths of ail wiilihs, for Itooms, Halls, Door Pie ces, Ac. Also Furniture Oil Chubs, Ueaunful 1 Hc.uUl ltugs, 'I'.ible ( 'overs. Floor II nic, HagC.r- ; pets, Mailing. Ac Ac , together with a l.rgeMock f low pi il l d Ingram, Enlry mid Stair Cjii els, Wholesale und IJeiail, at the lowest prnei m llie ; city. r.l.DlillH.E A I! lit) I II I". It, No. 11 Strawberry street, one d i a'uive I 'lies nut, near 2d sin ct. Entrance a's.i al No. 00 Souih Second sl'CC, Phi'adi Ipbia. Sept 28ih, ll t :im . riHE snb-eriher has ju-l rccived a luge assorl L no lit of PruichJet Hail Puis; Combs, with i peudan's ; Necklaces; lire asipin-, cut and plain ; ! Idack, while and steel Hugh's ; Jet Heads, of all tizrt; pcall and satin Heads, lusO colon d und while, ; Also, an invoice of Straw Satchels, sit in a mst, , with and without cover ; all of which will lm sold, wholesale and retail, at low prices. Vi liM'iedcs; Hocking H t t ; brass and wood (-'I.M-s, 8-dsy, 30-liour and alarm ; Toys; Accord i- , ons; lla-kels ; Perfumery ; Hrushes ; Combs, bil l i Fancy Goods geiicially, always on h tml. W. A. MA It TIN. (Mock and Vaiiety Store, No. 07 South SECOND str.el, he low Chesuut, cast side. NOVELS, NOVELS. NOV FI.s. A collec tion of Novels and miscellaneous I) inks, new and eld, w ill be sold at from 7 to 12 cen'a per uluine, if applied for soon, as shove. PhdiJilphia, K'j't. 2Sth, Hit. It A T T 12 X T I O X ! UNION INDEPENDENT UATTAMON OF VOEUNTEEKS. YOU are hnreby comtnnnded to meet in Si lins drove, on Saturday the foli dav of October next, at 9 o'clock, A. M preperly armed and equipped for drill and inpection, each member provi ded with ten rounds of Idsnk rartriges, Hy order of the Colonel. El. US lli;.lIEI Sept. ?t, 1811. :tt Adj't. I. S. Nnichboring VeluiHe. r cotnp m;es not at lacbed to said batialion, uro re.-p cifu lly inviicd to attend, and iwn in (be parade. JOHN EMMI I'T, Colonel. SPA N I S H HIDES TAXXlSuS' OIL. :00O D y I.i Plata. Hides fir.-t pialily. :t."0 Dry I.i tiuira. ill IOOO Dry Sailed I.i Cuira. do JOOO Dry Salt, d l!re.i Hides, do ;15 Hales ( recti Sailed Patua Kips. '20 Hales Drv Pa in. Kips. 1'iO llnrrels 'I'linueis' Oil. Tanners' and Curriers' Tool--. For sale to Country Tanners at the lowest prices ii ixl upon (he best terms. N. U. The highest mmket prices paid for all j kinds of leather. ' D. KMtKPATRICK A- sos. No. 2I,S.ilh Third S. Phil olelphi.i. ( September I 1. I H I 1. I v. VUlArNTl'.r.llC'ANDIDATi:. H ESPEC I F' l.l.Y bens leave to idler him- j self lo t lie i livtors of Nr'huiiit'crliii,d coun ty us a VOM'.Vl'Kt'.K c. in lor the 1 ASS i: M Ii I. Y . j Should he be so f rlunale s to be e'ecled. he pledues himself (o di.-chaige die duties nf die olliee j with fidebtv. i Sept. 11,' 14 I. I "7I.IW.V t'Olt .Vf.fv.-The small f'rui, .-iititaitiiioT itltoti! lull nrfi'H. llhollt .111 noun; iiliou. 1(10 acres, aliolil . tnilei aliove Noillium erl. oid, ni'j 'lllini; laiidi. of .Ii sse C. ll. rtoil, John I.eizhoii and olheis, will be sold i hi ap, if iipplica'i.'H i- iniule soon lo die sid seiiliet, Sunliiiry. A uk 11 It. M ss:i. a a si.i.n The eed, I v l.iirhi -I prii w ill he MASS EH. 1 I'l,. r !' AiiB I H I I II. P, TO Coimtrv Merchants I HE Suhscrihirs respectfully invite Oount'V Merchants who are a'aint lo purchase Fall ! and Winter Supplies, to an xamiti aiion ol tln li respective Slocks, believing that iheir several as ' soitments aie as complete as have ever been ollei ; ed in the Philadelphia Market. With stoiks ot (ioods in I heir several Depart ments of ihe choicest kinds a delei ininaiioti to j sill on lenris h ch cannol tail to prove satisfied) ry and a disposition (o please old and new eust i. iners, w il', we hope, he a sullicieut in doeement lo ' purchasers to cull at our icspeclive establishments Silks and p'anry Uooils. W A li P Iteminglon 80 Market Street. Ashhipst cV Kcmingtoii 50 " Itiiik A. P.i'ler IKi , Vanl A. (Jillmoic 109 1 Domestic timl Foreign Dry ( iooils. lieynelds, McFudand A Co I Of) Market Sued. Huuieit, Wnh. rs A Co 12(1 ' Scott A linker 150 Wise, I'u .y A Wise 154 " llaidv A Hackers 4 li N. Second St. j Importers of Cloths, Cossimcrs, Vest- j iiprs, vV c, j William II Love Lambert Dity Hani ware ami Mich ol V Hak.r Edwaid S II only A Co it; M nkel Street. Ins (.'nt lory. 2 15 M ukcl Sin el. Importers mnl Matitilaettii ets of Sail illeiy Il.uiluate. Horn A Kueass Sl.'i Markei S(,eei. Hoots, .Shoes, lluniit'ls. Caps, l,e:rhini ami I'aliu Hats, t. W E A J O, lots Market Str.el. Lev ick, Jenkins A Co l.'id " M Conrad A Co (ill Manufacturers ami Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, l'aiuts, Oils, c. Thomas P J times Polls, Linn A Hanis Robinson, Coll in A Co Edward Cole Thompson Pancosst A Co Hats, Caps, Furs atu I. Kenton John Sauerbii r A Hrother 2 12 Market Sued. 2I3J H7 " 51 40 Trimmings. liG Market Street. Ii2 lionks and Stalionary. filing A Ell oil ! N. FeUl'h Sireet. Hogan A 'l'hoinps ui 30 " Importers of and Fivncli Fan cy Staple .Stalionaiy. I. I Cohen A Co 2'( S Fourth Sneel Henry Ci heii Importers of Hosiery, Cloves, Trim mim's and I'tuicv (louds. Setley A Severing Parkei A Lehman Cixnlis, l'nishos, Thomas Co per 2d N Thin! Street. a lit'ootns, v't". :i N 1'ioiit Sued. Importer ol Tots, Fancy ;tnd Staple ( III! nis. A F O-l Mouioso Hi s Fourth Sued. Maiiul'ai liiier of l'atent I. aid Lamps. F.dis S Atehci .ii N Second Ma, t Mauufacliircr of l'ateul Floor and Fuiniluic Oil CloMis. I aac Macjuley, Ji. ON Filth Street. Manufucturei s and Importers of Ta per llanj,rms. HowillA Hrolhers SO A I 12 Chesuul Si. Philadelphia. August 21, 111. din. 4li sviA r.ivi.v.s IROM a lawyer' olliee, in Sonhnry, ni (he 1st ol July l,i-l. They were a lady's, wnh bright p hide glasses uf eight sides, and wuhotilauy j unl in Ihe liauie. They were No 1, or ol the young est, or least magnifying power, A liberal iwaid will U' given for recovery of the SjK'Ciacles, or detection ul the thief, on applu aiion at Aug. a. 14-1. I Ills OFFICE. I)AL0K1NES, a ...uJ.ouic article foi Ld,e' - Difssrs, lor talc ihi op, hv Juu 15. IL H. MS?tK. VALUABLE 1MR1IS, 441 IMtOIMHITY, water rownns, If o ii m n ami I. otn for utile, TIIIE Snb-eriher olTers for sale the following do I sciihcd Valuable Properly, all of which he will sell at very moderate prices, snd on reasona ble terms, vir. i HOUSES A LOTS. No 1. A large and eb girit two story stone man sion house with basement Ftor , all highly finished, and siiua'cd on the east side of Market street, in S. In sgrove, Knion county, being tho residence of, tne sutiscritier. I lie lot on which this house stands is very handsomely improved, and planted wnh choice fruit and nniainrnt al trees and shrubs. with all ihe pcctssiry impinvem ids of a lirgn ! , i : ... .. .. " i.- i i :i. i I '! oaio. p'ltu.iv, siiri,, -lira mill Loin ciio, iiirriagi! boose, ice h ni-e, smoke house and poultry yard. The whole cimtiluting a must iLsirable and beau tiful les deuce.-. Price, :l,ol)II. No 2. luge two story wooden house wilh ex tensive h ick buildings and highly improved gar den and lot nf ground, 'Phis properly is situated lioith of and adj lining No. 1. and also foims a de sirahl,, residenci Price, 1.500 No. :l. A two story wooden house wilh lot of ground, situated on the es side of Water street, in Selinsprovp, well finished throughout, with log stable en the rear of (ho lot. Price, 500. No. 4. A two story wooden house with one slo ry ki'cben, and a log stnldn on the rear of the lot, situated north of and adjoining tbe last named pro. perty.No. :i. A well mid pump, lo accommodate this : nd No. a. Ill the yard. I'llce, J.iOO. . No. 5. A lot of ground in the town nf Charles-j town, on the Isle of IJue, situated on . street, 10 by 10 feet. A desirable lot lor a dwelling h e. Pii e, 2110. i No (1 A lot of ground adjoining Scl'insgrovc ! and Perns creek, and fronting on Walnut street, i containing about half an acre of ground Pi ice, i 200. ; CANAL PHOPEISTV A WAKE A STOKE, HOlsES. I No 7. A very vain dde property on the Pennsyl vania Canal, mi the Me of IJue, adjoining Selins. t grove. The improvements are such as lo facilitate j mercantile Hint trailing nusiness lo a great extent, and consist ofa large two stmy frame house, occu pied us a thy goods store ; a large and commodious ware bouse, 40 hy HO del ; a long range of stabling ; and an exlensive wharf, 100 feet long, wilh hoist- on' crane, eve. It is siinatcti on I In" del ill nanK t side of Ihe canal, an I in every respect calculated ' for an extensive business. Piice, 5,000. UO VP YAKI) AND DKY DOCK. j No. H. A large and convenient Uoal Yard on ; ihe Peiuisv Ivania Canal, and laving south of and ! adjoining No. 7. On ibis properly is erected a one , my iioue upwards ot eight mnuttis ami il.i not and a halfsloiv frame dwelling house, well finish- hesitate to lay thai I deem ,t o ie of the mo-t use ed ; a huge shed and cilice for ihe accommodation i at d valu ihle labor-saving machines ever inven ol bout hiuld. rs, and also a very complete dry dock, j l, u. I formerly k"pt two women continually oc into which boats for repair are floated out nf ihe cupied in w ashing, who now do as much in two can il. and into which row boa's erected on the yard are also launched. A very desirable proper- iv.--Price. 2.000. FARM OF 200 ACKES. No. !. A large and exceedingly valuable faun, coniaiiiiug about 200 acres of choice limestone land, in a highly improved stale. On this farm then- are uboui 140 acies under culture, divided by good femes into fields often acres; a large two story hoii e wnh kitchen attached ; a well and pump of exci llent waier at ihe kitchen door; a) L. I o m IcaoL ham wilh wacon house. sheds a' d corn etih atliiched ; a la'ge piess house sileos u' ii coin t-ru, uoio urij ; n ui'; jiiiss mmnr with cvirv couveiiience for making cider, al the foot ot the orchard, which consists of ten seres of choice g atiej apple nees and tear trees. Limestone is uu irried in any ouiiu'i y within 100 yard of tho ; tar n buildings, where lime Is burned. It lays within olio mile of the Pennsylvania Canal and Se linsgrove. A very desirable firm. Price, ? 1 2,000 FARM OF 220 ACRES. No. 10. One other large and valuable farm of a bout 220 acres of limestone land, and ubo situated within one mile of ihe at Selinsgrove. It is iv. II improved, there being annul 1 .10 acres well leiice.l anil miner cutiuri., me naiance ueing wen liuilieie I Willi oiK, pine, wainul ami cliesnui timoir. I 1 lie mi Minos cousi-1 oi a targe auu w-iut unisuvi. ', two -toiy farm hou-e wilh kitchen ; a large barn ; wi n wagon shed ami com nib, Ac. attached ; a i . ..e - i... j Spring House mm uru-i uiuu.i; rpiiou iii-ui inu j In u-e ; a smith shop, and two l ine kilns, capable t j ol binning one bundled bushel- lime per dny, built ! adjoining an cxhausile-s limestone qiurry. There j : are al-o three oichards of bearing apple trees on , ' Ihio lartt. Pin e, fl 11.000. j FA RM OF 2..0 ACRES. ; No. 11. A (arm on Peons Cte. k. about d J miles ; lioui the canal at Selinsgrove, will ihe public road j ; leading Irom S, linsgrove lo New Iteiliu, the seat of , jiis'ice ol I'nioii coun'y, running through it. It i cool tins about 250 acres, of w hich there are about i JO acres oftirsi rate mead w land, the balance up- j ' land and principally red scliale. Alioul one hull- I I du d acres are cleared, the huljiiee being well cova r- ! ! ed wuh oak. hemlock and while pine liuibei. The I buddings consist ofa well liuirhed two story farm j bouse with several line spiings nf water close at j i hand, a largo log barn, com crib, spring house, Ac. I 1 On this faun there is a mill seilu wilh 20 feet fall, ' 1 .. .... ..o.... 1 ,... b I i oil II s rt.llll Ol waiui i' " mi I tiiio ' ;i i... .,1 ,J .l,.i.1...l i I lll I. .11,. IIIIH. '"i.i, ...... Iw. i farms, snd will be so divided if purchasers do i sire It. Price, $.1,000 j WATER POWER. No. 12. A water power on Peon- deck, nf fit tret I'll, uniinpuiM'.l. Ills snuited between the two tracts ollaiid. Nos. II and 1:1, and wnhin d) miles o (he Peuii-y Iv nil i Canal. .,( Selinsgrove. A public mi l lead, lhl tract, along ihe Cist hj,,k I Penils cie.k Pi ice, .'i00. WATER POWERS vV WOODLAND. No. Id. A lia. I ol woodloiid containing abou' ! i.i in n s, situ ted on Peons creek, iliiineviiately op. pnMie No. tl. This tract I well covered with J white oak and pine timber, with Wolf run flowing -through it and empty in into Peons cie. k, affording ' an end It, 1 1 1 seite I t a saw lu ll with from twelve feel tail. Pi ice. l,.100. No I t. A tiacl of woodland, unimproved, situa ted on ihe ea-l k de of I'enns cieek, adjoining No. . Id, conl on. ng uboui 20(1 acres of excellent red. s, h de upl md W, II iiiii, liibm.iry to I'enns cieel:, i u i in ihio.,gh tin- tr n l, and nlVu.U a superior telle lor a saw null The I oi l is heavily srt wilh while o .k and pine timber, and I- ktisccplihlu of being coil viiled into an i M-elb nl faim.-1'iiee, J'd lUKI. 1 .No. 1.1 One other Hut i t woodbind, uuilil lo- ' vi, I, olilaicd 111 Peiilis lovvii-hip. about 3 llillej from S. linsgrove, djouiing lands of John lladv, ; (i. Sin oh and other , containing 18 inies ami 12,1 per, his uf ixcillei.t ird -chain upland. Wolf (uu i also ps-s.'- through ll.i land, ud'uding line water povvtr. The I md is well covered with while oak and pine luubi r, and is siiMi plible ol is'iug c-n veilid into ail exci lleul I'aiui. Piice. 2 MHI. No. Hi, A Had of woodland, unmipiov, d. silua ; td in Inioii township, ad joining lands of M chad ; San. h is und oihers, and not more than one rude t'toin Suubury, on the oppo-ile side uf the river i Su.qui haiiiia, coiitaiiiing ulmul lift sere. 'Phis land l very good ted -i hs'e hull, capable of being convi rted iuio an i xcelleul fiun. A siieatn of i- ; j ler. iilhulary to the river, (low through this land milieu inly strong loi a saw mill. The I nid is will J eove'ed with while oak and pine timber. Pi ice, f2 100. i No. 17. A met ol limn proved woodland, ulus- i led in Crulre lownhip. I'liimi coui.iy, c iilniiu g U'O er h. adjoinii landi oi J W ill. n ov rr nd : o.l.cis. Middoby; w.ioi.i t!..iv i.idii, an J Middle creek within ami mile. There is a saw mill en the tract of land adj lining, at which tho timber of tliia tract can he wrought into Luaids and other siwcd stuff. Price, 300. GO In consideration of ths scarcity of moncat this time, I will sell any or all the above property on terms to suit the times; and in case cash ba nflcie I, a reasonable deduction will he made, Further par ticulars may be obtained by addressing tho sul scii. her at Selinsgrove, Union couniy. Pa. II. W. SNYDEIt. Seliti--grove, August 3, 1844. 3m HHriiHTiu'FirpAlTivr-' "77" AOHIlTGr 1ASHI1TE. rilHIS Midline Ins now been testod by mom I than thirty lamilics in this neighborhood, and i:is given entire satisfaction. It is so simple in its construction, that it cannot get out of order. It contains no iron to rul, and nofptingsor rollers t, get out of repair. Il will do twice as much wash- ing, with less than half the wear and lear of am of the lite inventions, nnd what is of area'cr in por lance.ii eots but little, over half as much as ulher washing machines. The tiihserilier his ihe exclusive right for Nor. thuiiilic rland, 1'iiiori, Lvcoming. Columbia, Lu zerne and Cliiilnn counties. Price of single mi. chine fti. II. II. M SSEI1. 'I'ho following ceilificati! i fiutn a few of thoso whuhavo tlni-e uio in use. Su bury, Aug. 24, Hit. We, the subscribers, certify tba! tv,. have noiv in u-e, in our familiis. ' Shugeit's Patent Wash ing Machine," and do not htsitaie siviug tint u is a most excellent invention Thai, in Wa-luug, it will save more than one half the m-iiul labor. That it does not require more than one third 'h usual quantity of so ip and v. liter ; and that ll em is no rubbing, and consequently, httle or no weir ing nr tearing. That it knocks ofTim buttons, and Unit the finest clothes, ns collars, laces, tucks, frills, Ac, may !m was' cd in a very short inmi wilhoul ll.c leant injur v , u d in fact without any apparent wear and lear, w hatev.-r. We theielor. clieerfully ree.ommcud it to nor friends and to tlio public, as a most useful and labor saving mn hii.o. CHAKLES W.lllXilNS, A. JOItDAN. CHS. WKWEU. Clls PLEASANTS, (ilDEON MAKKLE. Hon. CEO. C. WELKEIJ, HEN.I. HENDI5ICKS. CIDEON LEISENKINC. IIiiih's IIoiki, (formerly 'J'icinoiit House, No. 110 Chisnui stiret,) Philadelphia, September 2 1st, 1811. I have used Shugerl's Patent Washing Machine uays as uiey men ittl in one week. I hero is no wear or tear in washing, and it requires not morn than one-third tho usual quantity of soap. I h ava had a number of o'hi r in chines in my tain ly, but this is so decidedly superior to every thing else, and so liMle bill If to get out of repair, that I would not do w ithout one if they should cost ten limes iho price ihev ares .Id for. DANIEL IIERK. VOI.LT.NTEKU CANDIDATE. ,..... . 1" tllV UOCtoI'M of N Ol 111 tllllbcr- j I.MWl Ollllty. ; IT' ! - ,l.l.(l 1. 1 I l.I.AS : I heg have to i ft r myself as a VOLUNTEER candidate fur tha ; olliee of COI'N T Y COMMISSI! ) N E R , at the ensuing i led ion. Should I be so folunato as to be elected. I pledge mvself to discharge tho duties of said ullice with fidelity. FELIX LEIiCH, Slinmokiii. July 27(h, 1Mb ( "'OT'PACE EIUI.ES. Pivo copies ol t e Cot. f.iun ltiltli' 1 1 k rlicfiiwkil liiinL rvt-r iii!lioltt A . ro1(lnjl . ..ouinicntarv on the Old and Ne v - " - -r - - - i . T.staiuent. just tecciv. d und for sale, for hx doll us. j,y June l.r II. II. MASSE R. ' PWEKD I LOTH, a handsome article, all wool, light and elastic, lor Summer Ceals and Pauls, for sale, very low, by June 15 H. It. MASSE!!. ?.EST PS1T1TS?. & CO. Manufacturers of l'M15RELL.S, l'AllASIILS, nml M X MllIICS, A'o. IE. Xinit, I li I I a 1 I i It i a , 1 NVITE ihe attention of Merchants. Manufac turers, Ac.. A c, to (heir very extensive, ele gant, new stock, prepared with great care, and ol b red at the lowest p eisible prices for cah. The principle on which ibis concern is establish ed, is to consult I' e mutual mo n sl ,.f lln ir custo mers and I In ills. i s. ly rn , nut elinina a g.o.l urs tte'e, selling it ut wi st rict lor cash, and realizing iheir own r mL. oration, lo the amount of , , . ! sales and quick re;u Possessing iuexhautibl fieihties for inaiiut'ue- ture, they are prepared to stt p'y orders lo anv e tcnl.and rt-sp.ctfullv solicit the patronage of M.r chants, Munul'.ic' ers and Dea'i rs Q V A la'ge of ihe .New Style Cur tain l'aia-os. Pliilid. lpl ii. Line I ISH ly HEnr: hotel, , roii ii:ici.v ntctiovr 1101 sr:. No. IKS t IiciiiiI Miccl, PIIII.M'KLi HU . . fpilE is I liSCRlHKIt. receiuly .f JjsV Reading, Pa., would inlotm lite pi. b- t iiUjjune inai uu nas ntieu up ine anovu c i !Siyt3..i....J all eonveiiienl eslaldishuieut. in d will always be r ady In enter! iu visitors. His es. lahltshed reputation in the lino, il is hoa-d, will atl'ord full assui Slice, that his guests will U- sup plied with cveiy comi'irt and accommodation ; whilst his house w ill be conducted under uch n isngeinei Is as vvdl ..ecoie a cluriclcr tor ll.e lust responsibility, and sa'i-l ulorv ciitcilaiuiueut loi lit dividual and la'iitl es. Chuigc foi lionldiiig l peril. v. D NIEL HERlt. Philadilpbu. M.v 2.1. 1SI 1 ly NOTICE TO li:iit lllMS V .IILI IXI'IS. M. M. vV .ins i:. M Vi l.l.. M an if At "Pi i;i:i;s nh ir: i.irs in FOREItiN M DOMESTIC ..ii:v tatoDs, .Vo. UU, A'tlt's "l N';i7, opj'OnU tt-.o lii.-voii llmisi , 1 riiiLADiaXrniA, I '. !'-, WHERE wd! be I mud a gem ral a.otl- " Sf l .wienl of Floieuoe Hi.nd-. !iis, Rul v laiid's, Peddles. Willow l'.ee M i. und it u inui h admin l N'.ap .lit.ui Luce, and Psncv II a -nets, manufactured by n, and loi sale a1 ihe looe t nianntsclu o prices. Merchants an. I Mdooii- a o invited lo give o- a c It upon um.ii,: the l ev n'T N. H 0 t.sie nl Ci ml iu K n.nla..: r sup ll-ir ba I he -o d i heap, i'liil J. !4 i- lid her . h. 1-41.- Iv