Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 05, 1844, Image 1

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    TElOIg OF tiii: " AMi:RICA.
miens oivi nvimirisixc.
1 squara 1 insertion, ft) "0
1 do 3 do .0 7
1 do 3 do ... I IK)
I" wry subsequent insertion, 0
Yearly Advertisement .- one column, $85 ; Lolf
column, I IS, three squares, f 12 two squares, fV ;
one squire, Half-yearly ! one column, f I ;
half column, f 12 ; three squnrei", f 8 ; twotquarei,
f ") ; one square, f 3 f0.
Advertisement left without direction as to tba
leiiirlli of time they r-c to be published, will la
continued until ordered out, and sharged accord.
Cj'Kixtccn linen ninlte squnro.
1L U. M K.s.:p.
l'uBt.i'nKim inn
S I'llOI' III K I (.
f. ?. .rt.lSSKtt, iUlltnr.
Vjjke in Centre Alley, in the rear of II. 11. Mas
sir's Store.
TH E " AM ERICA .V in publirdied every
ilny nt TWO I.OLLARS per annum to be
paid half yearly in advance. IVo jinprr discontin
ued till all arrearages are paid.
No subscriptions received for a less period th:tn
l month. All roipniiitiirations or Irtlcrs on
business relation to the office, to insure attention,
must lie PONT PAID.
, ' " . 11
Come and See.
Absolute acquiescence in the decision of the mijori'y, the vital principle of Republics, from which them N no appeal but to force, the vil .1 piin iple and immedia'e parent of despotism. JErrKnso.
Ily Mas.srr & Klscly. fSur.buiy, !Voi (Inmit.ri 'land to. 5a. Salrrday, f. S, ISt.J. Vol. 5 Xa. 2 Whole Xo. '210.
eticnp for eras or cotttu
try 33rcsSua
II. MASSHyi has just rrcirved nn rorl-
- ment nl Mew fia.ul, whicli he will sell at
Iho lowest prices, tor ca-h or Country Trodiu'e.
rTj l irri.ius nrc invited to cill ud j.idgo f,ir
Desl liio Coffee for 12 rrnt'. Good do. for
10 and other :u:iei,M in r.r .po.iioii.
jsunburv. May Sj, IS II.
r . .
1 O CiHlIllS'V Jit'i'fii.i JJ(.
rt . to ti t i i
Boots, .Shoos, Urumets. l.eynorn ann
l'nhn It'll' Il'tts
(1 YV f& 1 J5 'I' YI ()!
tit the &'. :. roriu r 'of.!itrkt end I'ifth Sis.,
OFFER for f;i'e an xteone i.onment of the ;
above anieb . all of v hieh ihev sell at iiiois::a'. '
ly low pices, and putt, ul.uly invte the att. niion !
Oert (it the '
of buyers vinitii g the litv, to n . t .mimiti-m f
Hicir sh.l. (i. W. A- I.. It. TAYl.OI!
I'biU.lelirhi.:, May V5. Is I l. l
iAotSCC. ;
'PHOE prisons Inuoiff demands ncain
Ciiinmonweiltli f..r I .tun irrrf, rme.l er
liali) furnished for li e ri oiirs id ihe
r'ort!i i;t':ti!f!i Cnoul,
pi,ir to the '.till euv oi Jaroiuv, IS II, who iuive
Hot hai.dcd to the seller tin r mi iieceinit of I'.c
nme. are retie,te.l to do so at ihe ejrlie-t! :
MliMiieiiT, i N ei.irr ii;;n niev lli:iv oi eiu Ol lei OI I. I
-nr,,ni r, a,i... i.i ,i..,u,l f.,r ,1... 1
jiaymeiit of old d. bu run be obtioued.
I'hose livinj; ui a distance me o quested to for- j
went by mail or otherwe-e. V. I!. MAFFUT.
Wilkcsbjrre. May 1 1, 111. if iSii.ervii"r
1) (1 (' T O I! ,. . M A S H l , j
..... . '
SErj Unsrr.crrriMA informs t-
-w -j 1 . ,. ii-
tie b,,s removed his olliee (o llie while i
building in Miiikel Souoe, cast of Ira '
Clement's i,c, und iuinied'a'rly oppo-ile the
pi omee. wnere ne wiij w n.qqiy 10 recede ia.i.
in the line of his oro'esfioti i
Sunbuiv, Mnv 4ih. 114. i
I) A V I I) i: V A N s
Patent Fire nnd Tliirf Proof Iron .
l..lict;t:, M;i!e lined KL'Insreriitors,
with Filters nUac hod ulan
Sj f dmJL n3 fX Yf ... J. ftAiJ 9 ;
Xo. 70 Smith thinl St . oyo.WtV the 7;.i" .'. 1
lor sale Da vi ii KvW :
ruled W.oer nnd I'mvi. j
14 R4ri' ' ""
sii ri C el rs, nl Patent Pr- 1
. 1. 1 ,o...r X.-,. X Mm.'..
of Bod r Iron, (.md not ov r I'l..i k ns o n. ty five
outoftviry one hundred now in live urd tor ti!e
re inn I .) w I'h firr.t ri.te Locks mul D . id l'in-'
Patent Keyhole doe's siuiil ,r to the niie ' I' ll
1 lit the Phibid. lph'ii Lxel'.anpe, for three months
hi the umnier of I S 1 4 , when ail the Keys weic at
liberty to lie o-d. aed the ('lost net opened, al
Ibouuh the t xp' rim nt was t ' i :1 l y hi least I'ltlll
perfoiiii. Our ef ihe nine Locks was uied by
jiohliers, t llie Del ovare ('.ml ( Mliee, in Walnut
ttrcil, abuve d , -m. it,
Qj- ..i -(.a Ma. hi... , Ir. o P rs. siie.-riot
I.oek.. ui.d all kimU i I li.m bud ns, Se.d nnd (' ...
pying Presses, hii l Sniiibw m L aeru rnllv. on hand
or lUtiliufui luird nl the sbi.iU'it n.
rj' (WUTlOX I do hereby cu'i m all per.
.us eir iiost m.ikii e iiioi!. sedina. or r ttn-itiir lo
be rtold, any Kejbi!. Coers rur 'nc Prod t lo us.
or Doors, of any kind similar in piioeil- t i n,
ratiTit, oi nun .nny, i m i , imu a'so e? 1.11111114
Kefriaeralofs with Mile, tor wh rh tnv Palen'
dited SOth Marc h 1st I, . is iu.y ndi ii.geie. lit Will
be dealt i h ueeurdin to Ijw.
rhilid. l he, Id. 1s t I ly
u v.v it & t5 :i as 1 01 s
TJ-WJOI'LD inform tbe.r friend- and the put I e .
V V peiri.lly, that il ey have c. mreei.eed ihe '
7"' n. term tbe.r fnei.d- and llie put I e
hove l'Usii,e in .el ii- v.uii iis, in ihe
hop lult I V .iteuoied Iv X,.i. 1 I' ruol as a w-iteh-
Myr'rit V- :!."" 1 Bn" 1 ' r : unco of Ihe stm k the more ready the sale won
(ralSt---""' ,::'-' f"r ",,rvi"P I ,'1'';Cl(?,L '" acliiin ot our I.egis!;
'jf-Li r :)ook', PiM.iT 1 d-. Jewi Iv. i turc this fhiiiiig inconsistency is but too mail
6-v-..w'7.?,. .. i o. . x... .....i..:.. . .. ... ... : .
maker hop, m l 1 f (lie Red Lion Hotel, in Mar'o 1 in case nl emergency, haw the w hole Cotiiinon
tre.t, 8unbu V, where they are prep ired to me- , health tor scctiril V.
ute all urd :M 111 1 1 r line.vvub
They hope, by slriel mi.'ii'ioo 10 business, mode
rate charges, and ihe duu'alpy of work, lo
turrit and receive n bharr. of the. public p .trou.ige.
rSunbuiy, March tiOth. IkM. ly
muss i:tcaiT mv i i.oi cs.
fllHE has in, oecned . tew
1. ot ihe above relebr irrl Light Day I. locks,
which will be sold hi v.ry reduced price.. lr csh.
A lo, superior 30 hour l."loek, of li e I tt make
nd nulity. which will be old for ca,h hi 1 so.
A lo, uuiii in r Hru; 30 hour 4oi ks, at ?H 00.
Dec. . I f 13. 1LU.M.SM;1L
FFI'-'L. in tliem eoiel lory ol ihe budding oc
cupied by Dr. J. U. Mussir, on Market tieet.
Oct. 8M,
1 Tin t'Miiuii -llat ltlit lor Sato.
rill I K wlwcriber oilers lar suie l ll lU.rsill.M.
I. MAt'lIIM., new and in goo.i oniei. 1 fie
Mum ne i . ,mUcei price, mul
warranted. Applv oi
July Ut, 1L.
From the I'hila. Public Ledger.
ly a law passed nt the lust session of tho le
gislature, the IVnrful responsibility of deciding
the lite nf the Public Works rests with the
people nt the cnsiiinrr election. This is n very
itnportatit consideration l'ir the tax-payers of
Ponnsylvania ; for by the proper management
of those in favor of disposing of them, and the :
nPri;:,M,cn um cirelef sness ofthose onpsed to !
' ' . . , , ., , , ,
! suc!i a measure, it tntrhtbe possible that our I
j canals and railroads would pass out of our pos- I
session, like snow in the mmshine, nnd leave j
!,,.,, .. '
our dcliM Fttll unpaid. I
j Then' is a st t. of individuals, w ho were main-
ly ins'iumeiitnl in saddiinrr us with this heavy '
: ; , , . , , , : . - i
j debt, nnd enrrched themselves by the operation, j
i w',n nrf nmv ri ni'v ' "'''i-! r;lr Pr'nple j
" Vy tnking tho improvements off their 1
j hnm.'s, provided they (the people) will let them '
hfinn tt.., ft I lnt, M'ti nfin. '
have them nt their own price,
1 I,P'R r,r n"eM ions, nnd too
really i.npor-
tnnt quefiotis to he asked in this matter, is '
Can the Public Works he sold h a fair price, j hp,0VPI"110Ilt. b. tween ri.iladeljduit and Pitts
a pnee that will secure the ti-x-payers that the ; ,. u.. ,....,.. ulll(m r.,il(,. v, PIl!v ;
,,-, will be proportionally ! And so- .
rinst ,Ju.;ron..ij,w.onMMiii.yi,e1.i, win it do w P"i.c .
bone (it or a private her.efit ? And thirdly, are J
our improvement v.., name, Q,m can tnry o j
made to produce the interests of our debt.-.. j
. : - . . I . , , . I i 1
These are inon'mos which, as n practical ,
transport mi merchant, 1 may be allowed to
. , ...
,;t t"',"c potieral domonst in ' ion of my views
"P"" through the columns of your valuable am!
widely circulated sheet. Unable ns 1 nc.knowl-
j edge myseif for the tnf k, I trust that the suit- ;
! i.irsnu.. , n; nine, II .10 Hwi riu7i 11 luuit Illilu
' pen limn mine in hehnlfof the interests of the .
State, and to tteat tl.e subject with thnt impor- !
. .l . 1 I ' 1. : -t 1
'a-umi n-r:i uihtii 11 ho rxiuy iiii'ru.s (
LMini'ii uciiru.' m;u 11 ivauy was iin: 111 rn
,imi "f 1 -ri-!toro to have the Public
Works sold, when tit the same time they ilicrr n-
m thetate thx ; but on tho contrary, it evi-
. . -
dentiy was tne iuientin at least of a portion ot
the iiieinoers to connect these bills, and by Hint '
means induce those who were seriously in f,i-
vor f iho Public Works to vole for the tax bill.
i If they r.'till desired to have the works sold, I
cannot ur,iiert.iii.l why it was that they iucren- :
sid the Slate tux, which, instead ol decreasing, '
would increase the value of State btoc k, nnd by
t:,ia ineims ii,ntei iiiliv retard tho sale of the
j works. As the works w hen fold will beroqni-
1,11 lo ue P'"' '"r 111 'ocK, It would eectn hut
'oituiion sense lo suppose that the lower the
.;,. ,,f ,P ,t,,ek i! ,r!,l
fer t for with one vote they tacitly approve n
measure nnd ut the same time remove tho means
by which such minimou can be accomplished.
Iluii the stock been down to forty dollars per
shore as it was during hist full, and as it would
have been th. had the tax bill not have passed,
there is no doubt the holders of such stock would
have c'adly taken i.u intetesl in tho sale of the1
'"on line and tne Sr He eielit been reduced
tu-fittij iiilltonx, while the purchaser would
have paid not ipiil.: leu miliioiix ot ilolliirs for
twenty millions of prop. rty. Hero would in
deed have been nn investment worth having.
Hut tiiat day has pone by. The increase ot
Stale lax has ra iseil llie Slate stock tinforty
to s n uhj-Jlt e dvllurs, nnd Ihe holders, like all
prudent men, would prefer the honor of the oix,d
old Llommuiiwt ultli of Pennsylvania, with a rea
sonable prospect of the slock rising to par, limn
invest their hni ds of (at lie.-t) a ilouhu'vl con
cern. It Iibs bet 11 ascertained nt I Itrrisburg tlul
ttie tnilK ot liie Mate Block in tins country ami
in Kurope is held by persons out ot business,
who kei p it us a sate luvestuuMil, and those per-
sons, rest aaeuicil, will not puiclias.' steel; in a
c,pl:lv y, ,en hey are receiving int. iest on
every hundred! dollars at pur IWim the State, nnd
Wo can thcrob re not reasonably expect to
sell tie: main line ot' improvem nls w I'iiout a
great pacriiicc. These works arc daily heeo
muig more valuable, mi l I (an see no leason
why we shouhl kill the goose to obtain the gol
den egg, w hich, witli u little patience, wo w i l
receiw, and uliil preserve the oisiue to o iv e us
many more. Tne heavy bold tor repairs, that
, lr,jny IHoro. Tne heavy W,U tor repairs, that
, . . ,, ,
ft,L UP Ul1 ?roh,,! Hri! "ow l"l''r"'!l.V duiii-
, niHjud ; the Uhoks ot Ihe caiia.s, have now he-
Come compact and fotllcd firmly, and arc con-
,. , , . , , . . , ,
i svpiciitly not so bubject tu being damaged by
I suuoen rioiugsoi tiie water as lormeriy ; the in-
crease of business, aided by experience, has
pointed out many way for economizing, which
will continue, and from time to time be added
to, and make a very important increase in
the amount of the tolls received into the State
Treasury. Thisopinion is. strengthened hy the
j very lavoranie reports irom me u Herein oiicc-
, tors fur this year. I consider the mum hue of
' ''iipruvcmiTiis worth an hundred per cent, mere
than they were hie years ago, and are tveiv
year becoming more and mors valuable.
If'n proper course i pursued hy our Lr-irisln- t
lure i.inl Luiinl I oiniiiisHonprs, the Stntc tux ran
hero reduced that in titiuther year the income j
from the main line will nearly if not wholly
pny the interest on the State debt. There in,
however, profit danger to he feared that incase
a majority of votes should bo found in fa vor of I
selling the vnri, that a company would induce j
the T.eeislat tire to past" them into their Irinilu
without limit, or nt a small udvunce ; nnd thus
lue public Inr whoso use the works were, con-
stmcted would not receive nny immediate or
Iln.i1 benefit. Under nil these circumstance, I
, , , , , ,
tlmik it would be better to vote against their
rale at the ensuing election, nnd endeavor to
lav before the 1 ,e:ri.-.!at urt: some plan by which
,' . . , . , ,
tiny ln;iy in future be nvido more protitnhle.
That this can be done, I have not the slightest
doubt, to u-rprc?t which shall he the (subject of
my "t-'M comiinicution. D.
The connecting liiik between New York and
p , , ,y , , ., .::
, . MnAAi. , ,,r .,, , i':
fil!-t:tMoo docs the directness ofthc route lay in
,,r ,Uv, )IIt also in re-rard to the exaediti..,.
,, M;e.v wit, wl,ic! merchandise oi nnssen-
niny )P , mc5 conveyej and at fill
seasons.' There are nt least two mouths in the
vear, one in the fall nnd one in the sprinc, that 1
our line has the advantage; 1 mean those tnrnths j
... .... ... ..
when it is pontivelv leot.ardizdi'' life,
tremely dapcreroti to properly, to venture upon
the stormv ami b',u-t rinrr lakeKand w hieh
tnut necessarily he encountered by th.jfo who !
llllW (JOIiy UlOiNCW J OTK 111)0. .VltlirO 1HS
,ionP ,m., for nfl jn rrr,nr,( tn the facility and
sr.fety with which we can carry passengers or
. "
uhl ; nnd it RhouUI thprefore be our duty to
iiiukb iiiu iiium 111 iiiuvmi'ih. it.
To do this, and to contend successfully with
Xew York, we mut carry goods ns cheap as'
they do
How is this to be done !
U. ,, i
o will ,
S(,P. Every ton of gool orried from Philadcl-
,,j to Pittshnrrr, cost tho owner On nn average
rirhleen ilnllnmuf which the State receives-
MV nr ,u,Ilnrf. Thin immense charge is sul'
ficient to keepall eoods (II our imiirovemeiit
nnJ rP(in ,!,rn, j .,.w York and Huston din-in '
,;. winter, nnd s.rnetiuies la to in the s-rin
until the lakes nre completely clear of ice, er
drive them an iii'd by si a to ,ew Orb-ans, and up the Mississippi. We con.-cipientiy
lose, by reason of our exorbitant ciotroes, nt
least two tons of rjoods out of every three Mie
same proportion in passengers' nnd very nearly
n!i the' rmi-jrants. Now suppose we carry i'oods
rt twelve dollar a ton, ud the State receives
six dollars of that sum, (w hich the increase of
bti- iness will readily wnrrant us in doinir, we
will mo.-t assuredly trn.-port three times ns
many goods as we no'.v cn. ry over our public
works, and the State receive eighteen dollars,
where she, under present existing nrrango
tnents, receiesbut nine. This would at all e
ven's be ilotihlinjj tho income duo the State
r.,in her puhlii: works. Not only this, hut hy
Ihos lowering our to:ls one third, we would
drain nil the produce from the Ohio valley up
to Piitcdmrg to fed tin lyi!or:i market, tt.nt
nre now prr ven'ed I'rotu nsina our improve
ments, for the reason already Mated.
So much in la vor of the Mam Line for carry-
ino freioht.
Now, in rehition to pa.-sengers,
wi are still mere favored. The State nt pre
sent, out of the ten dollars, fire charged from
Philadelphia to lit trbtiry. receives nbou'. five
dollars. L", therefore, she w re to carry them
herse'if, and c'nare in full but six dollars, there
cannot he the least doubt but that in a very short
t,,,,,. We wrmld curry three pmssengcri where
we now carry o:.e, nnd instead ol'reve.v ing live
dollars, as we now do, wo would receive
eieli.een dollnrr. Tuts would make a very
handsome dihVrence in tlie ciarterly returns
of the toll collectors which, I Inw not tin;
slightest doubt, could focn he so much increas
ed by proper per-everanc", houes'y, nnd a..l
mmiaotiieut , ns to tii'iko u very rcr pectah'.e
tipi'earr.iice 011 to." ri,!it ' ol the annua'
interest of our St:tlo debt.
Hut there is another souk;.- of revenue that
could be made to arise from our public works,
winch has heretofore boon ulmo.-t cut .rely over
looked. I nlliiiie to fiiii'i r ui',' . A In nl nine-
tenth, ol the .migrant, thai come loth,, couu-
try arrive at New York, and p.sso.o r her pub-
he improvements, by way of tie. Lakes of Mi-
chignn, Illinois, Indiana and to Missouri. Th. y
can reach all thcso pointn mueh sooner and ea-
. Bier by our line. To Pittsburg three hundred
i j niiies, to which place they should bo taken for
tun ilolliirs, instead of simi as now charped,
and when at Piltshurrr.thrv can rro toSt. Louis
' ; for two dollars, making but four dollars, nnd
' they can get there in at lcaslhalf the time thev
can possibly reach Pttroit by tho New York
. line, wiiunui ruiiniiig any risk or iiang. r w nat-
ever. To facilitate this creat balance of trio
, in our favor, (for it would eventually be a poiiicp
I of much revenue,) let the State provide tars
i and rannl b'Ms, rnd in i ly th in, r,.t I be lore
said, for two dollars, nod in pi ice of ten emi- !
grants now carried r v.r our work", we won
carry one hundred, and consequently, instead j
of receiving tho forty dollars which the State!
now receives, she would receive two hun'h e l :
dtdlaix. The cars nnd boat used for the pnr-
po;.-e could bo made ntsiuiil co-t, in a s'ru';.'
ruid ?uhslantinl manner; and ns this iii.i!
freight load nnd unload themselves, they v onJ
be no rxpense to the Statu cm this account
The carrying of emi ..-ranis is made a groat
business hy tli' transport;:tin lines of .Sew York,
and the U;'ier lo carry it on, ajencies are es
tab'.islied ii Il.ivre, Liverpool, I'lemen, lmdon
derry, and ail the principal shipping ports of
Kurope, from whence tin y are regularly con
s'!ielns so much merchai,i! ise to Detroit ; and
I to Detroit they must co, whether they desire to
or not. Now il we desire to contend suecvy:
,, -,, ....... ' '" i
u!!v with our rival, Aew or!;, we nni-t fml.t .
. . I
or with her own wvaivnw: nnd it won!,! then-- i
f' bo necesarv that Petuisyivania slioiil.l nl-'
so be represented !i! thi'M' foreign p'.rts, anil in- J
stead, therelore, ot liavinir them con s;j.'tiii to
Detroit nnd the northwestern section of our
country, b t (hem he consigned to Pittsburg,
and from tle'oce t hey miht take their choice
of the hundreds of thousands of aerosol uncul
tivated laud in cor State, nr;d th(.se nf Virginia
nnd Ohio, or to proceed tit once to the Missis-
s'fP' v;i"''.v. ''' 'he route nlremly alluded to.
'1'he h-m fit. to our Sato would be therefore
twofold; tlrt wo would receive their money
'"r ,l"'ir Vn
sae, anil see
ivi' wouid he eu-
r'ohod by the;r sett iinj and cu.t.vatiu our tin-
cti t'-''ry, nix
iccoinin iood citizens n-
mi nirst 11s.
I am well nwaro tint were the State to un
dertake the carrying of p-'sserv.-ors and emi-
L'rants, she would meet wfth the mi-t tine. un
promisingoppositia'i from the lordly companies
who nre nhw futteuing on her very vituls, yet I
fancy, under present circumstances, when she
in 111 uir l wiiiii' ion oi in. rrnviiHI.. ri.. B lit ill ill
:.. .,.i ... i .t. ,t i i
etst, to licrsell, tie lost.
Tho increase of expe nse to the Sta'o would
be very t r : f! ntf ii coiiip'ir:s'.ii to the benefit she
wou'd receive ; indeed, it would be very
"'"'ve that which she i tinder at present.
it is well know n that she now is compelled to
employ a set of agents to watch over her inter
ests on lb. cars nnd boats, rn.d ns far ns lock
keepers, toll collectors, & c , are concerned, they
are also already suffo.'ieut ly, Heaven knows, in
i the pay of the S'nte to perform nil the duties
j this increase of business would re.piiro ol them.
, It would leipiire no nicr'" labor to pass a luii
! loaded boat tiirou'h the locks, than 0110 fourth
' loaded.
I There has another opposition been raisi d a
i gninst the Commonwi 'ilih carry inj passengers
i and emieraiits, when however it is br'tter cilcu
i Inted lo oti. iiite on the niimls of tiie politicians
i than ot) those of nun who really have ihe best
1 interests of the State nt I curt, nnd nre nccus.
' teuied to think and act for themselves m ltea! !
' is, thnt the 'oinuionweiil'Ji would he defraud-
ed by her agents, mid her works I"' made a p i
' lit.oal engine ofront powr. I uo.i'.l m. r. iy j
j answer, that they would not have m y more j
'chance when we wire do!c- nl! tl;.- business I
than they have now. Pu'h'ic abuse s will ui-
wavs regniate I ' it; 1 1 . s, and ns d ,.-!;. Miesiv
1 is the out: most to he dreaded in all public Pans
j actions the re-e!t would soon he inu.le niani
! lest by the people 1 lei ';n a Hoard of f ilial
'iiuunl-s. oners who would be divided 111 politics,
(which 1 think s'loiild he the cae) and then this
aruineiit ol' the politicians wmi'd be success
' folly tint nvd overcome hv Iho (hit one
parly Wouid be o bn.-y wutehitiT the other
that ti e State would pass pent-trec. S.-t a
roo-tio to catch n ioeue," .Vc
In coneliiMrin it will b" sco that bv a smili
iuvi'stuieut t. r r 1110 id cars and canal bints, nn I
by t ie Leji'dnture e': ni:
their Cunl (.i;u;os-ioi.i.
proper .l.r.'c'i uis to
. our ion in hue of '.li
proven. cuts c.ii)
bo made in a
ver v soot! time
to pay tin- ioti r-'.-t of oiir
:e ib Ins, and in thi'
principal. To nr.
coui-e i f lime
c, iniihsh all tl
t 1 ley rtqi. ! Looe-I and
upright Ifji.-hit'. 11, t.
11.;. our lire id 1. opo ve-
incuts, the ou'iy lii.'slo d on
Iljst w ilii the West, llo' I... st 1!. llie
Valuiiblc llild l.n-
port, mt 10
ring ami i;
SlS t .It'll
the I'. ie.n.
.histriol'S b:
a p.. 1 bit.
1 1".! nor m. .re per.-." ve-t'.t-r
of tie' ll.i-t pos
coi..;. hie lull i.iiper-
tant I ue nf unprov e:nec.'
long in iii-.kii'L' it p iv n,
- v w
!v tiie mtcie. t.- but
', the priori p.. I nls.,, and tie v w. nM consider ,1
: renal to treason to th. ir ( nn.'ii ictere ts end
those ..f ther State, to even whe -per the idea of
' w rrslinp them from them to enrich a select few,
nnd lo enc .ura'.'e a hud'y m.mrpoty in their
midst. lo ibis inatti r, let us at all events en-
de. nor to i.nit i'e th-Mii in sp rit and in Irelm?.
Let us f. r once throw nsi.l.. nil our po!,t .oil
prejudices, and not l.eten to the yren songs of
tlioso w note iniiT.t n is t.. tu.ini us to our rem
. iiler stfc Htid bv liiiti in fans, faild thm ftlooC.
wc can accomplish tl e desired object, ami by
ho! ling f.o t te i ur ;
p' ovrinnitf, pre
be t ''i'e ' ev, and f T h !
tctve the l.e.rr
time Jo come. To carry out the suggestions I
have hero loosely thrown toother, but which
hive been the Rnhject of ttiuch and anxious re
rt"ctii.p, and which I feel satisfied time wil
show to ho founded upon correct premise?, 'p !
every mm on the second Tuesday of October ; Iioubo of tome country farmer at night, leaving
t o'c (u;i;i:it th stile nf the puhlic works. I"). some toVen by which those who are his conle-
- ! derates may detect his whereabouts. Another r..iKrr-. I one or mora f. Hows on and stops near by, f)
Tim United Slates (ri7.ette of the 19th in- t i i r T. in tho inorninjrha may t?oon reach the a
stnnt eentaieed in n most conspicuous idace, a ' bodeoftlie first traveller, to which place l.a
terrihlo ncconnt ot Slavery and Mr. Polk's al- j proceeds nbout breaklast time, coming tbero
lo.h-ed connection thortti'h. which nrcennt just n9 his predecesior needs him. The first
the Gar.ette ctedi'ed to Ker.rbnck's Tour." traveller, about day break, makes a pitcr os
As Mr Polk's liiiniano treatment to the j noite as one in deep distress, alarming tha
slaves wis well known, too slntement publish- inmates, atul callinir them around )iis beiLidsf.
oil in the United States Giz 't'.o was by mny j For n while tho sick man struggles with d:
bilovi'd been recently manufactured sense, and apparently dies in a fit. Just at lint north ot Misonnnd Dixon's line; '
and norms were instantly taken to detect nnd , himself a disciple of the Mormons, htid declares
' , , , , ,!..,. , ,
rw-....-. l rt auilif!, . . frnihd n ftiiyonono nnr! it 10 nsnnw-nrtrtMiiin I in fiend In lir
o gross a falsehood and
V .1 ,111.', VI
S ;fTro it to snv. that no such a work as
I bur
k'a Tour" has ever been heard of hv
any of oi.r booksellers or librarians : and in the
I'i'.df d Stall's Gazette of the 21st irst., (in an
1 1 seure pesitir n,) the editor of that paper, ap- sentcd himself as a traveller bo was poor, yet
pi.rently very reluctantly, jrives a clue, which j on a mercilul errand. The father was an ho
tuny lead to tho detection a:'d exposure of the nest hearted Methodist, making less show than
scoundu ls w l.o wcie
;uilty of that iiifatnous
W'e tivo that editor the benefit of the whole
of his exiilnnntioti, ns follow ', to wit
"( JV In our piper of tho li'th inst. was on
r.rlrnrtfinm some Western paper, about Mr.
Polk's purchasing nnd branding forty-three
slaves. The piece is credited to Koorback's
Tour." We think it proper to say, since the
piece was copied, tint we know naming ot air.
K'oiirl r,ck.r Cj but that the w hole otitic extract
may be found in Fentherstoiihaugh's travels;
e xct pling the putt printed in ('apitnls, about
tho slaves being purchased of Mr. Polk, and
b. aring the braml of his initials upon them."
Ib re is a precious confession the piece was
conicd w ithout credit. Mr. Koorback is not
known to the editor, but Mr. Featherston- i sequent .y much gratified with the arrival ot
hntiehV travels cenjii;n the whole of the ex- any person, although it should bo a stranger,
tract, excepting "tout part printed in capitals," ; He v.-a 3 immediately informed of the case an I
w hich was interpolated by somebody, and j introduced into the room, upon entering whk'h
falsely crcdittd to Komhack, to conceal the j he announced himself a Mormon priest, and as-counti-rtcit-
Truly the cause of Clay and his ' sored the astonished family he could raise thtj
party must he forlorn indeed, when infamous 1 dying man to life, even should he die and in
ami bar. faced frauds-aro resorted to by his ad- deed, to convince them ol his power, he hoped
I vocntes. J he would die, w hich was soon the fact to all
j Mr. Polk r.tid M r. Clay, are nearly on the . nppearancc. Tho new comer then ordered all
' siiine finding n rosptcts slavery with this I present to stand aside, and not to touch th
j difference, that '.he slaw held by Mr. Polk, corpse or tiie bed, but to send for ncighlirs if
i were received by di .-cent I'ioiii his own and ithey plensed, in order to give full proof of hn
! Mis. Polk's purents, thos.- owned by Mr. Clay i wonderful work.
j were purchased or bartered for by himself. j Just at that moment it crept into the heal
I , 1 . ', of the firmer that a trick was abnut being play-
I Oi:r nr... d .1 id 1nlr.f1.1r ,rn f-nt.ti.i,le!tr,' o
' be on their oiiar.i npainst similar or even worse
frauds', by our opponents. It is reported Oil
10 n nl aulhe;
y that numerous tracts, pam-
phlets. nnd new spapci s, tilled with falsehoods,
have been piepnred ly the whigs in Kentucky.
Tennessee, and Ohio, to Le sent throughout
this Slate, nn I ro limed as to prevent their re
futation In li re the election. We ngain Fay to
ocr '.ends, he on your guard against more
V. log falsehi o !s and JorgurtCS ..!. SrHtilf I
1 C.uih'.n CoNsrv.i.n r.v Ammvi.s. Most fa r
j mors have uotiivd the greater quantity ot lood
1 required hv animals when exposed to a cold at
I mo'j.h'Vi', than when placid in one of moderate
1 teinperntui e. The true rea-on for tins is that
carbon is as necessary for the support of animal
lib' no I
heat, as t,,r loo nl
jHiit ol flame ; and
1 the qu intoy ot carbonaceous food which the a-
.. : t . - . . ..: ' I . I .. n .. . I. . :.. ;
III . rr.l is r. Ijlllie l.l ot ill fit iijh'i tun. irr
1 tie- th or ot'cold to which they are exposed,
j We find principle well illustrated in some
i remarlts n a.'e by M . Nerli't iii a late speech
i ln' e.n wrieultoral nss .cation in Lnirhmd.
The iter Muieurd oflier.t is said to be pcnera
tt .l by ihe I'.inih'i-tioii o' n p..;:rii ()f charcoal,
whe'li, r .' 0 tapid.y consuno d in oxygen, or
bv ord.n ev buinini, ns in the lungs of animals.
A !i"u:id -f charcoal, it mml'i to 2tvc offun ir:-
!en,-e ).e:it, mijld be c 'ii -limed in one minute,
win', ot P. hr :.t!. i:e ..( an animal a pound ol
roarer. .1 w..'.', penerally b.
coui. imol in Ml
he ii '. 1'ioui ih s .: i- i ii to understand ho.v
tin I -e
i 1 w , ;,.
e us Hie r., e le ,1 or 1,1 pouiljs
1' .1 ii, . !, n ghllon or two ot
A '..ilef Ilil o'lld ul Ciltboll In
i..i ci.iii'ite in kcepiii1? up t!;r
t I".. .0 Oo p.'l -ay.
coi,..i,:.u d ni inat .
in. 'in .1 lo r.', o! tii'j
ed bv h'.l,;.' quii'.t.t
1- dv, w
.:"h must be t-uppii
of i'ai.l u hirh cenlaiiih
carhi.n. tn i v.aiiu , .ei.ale p.-' p 3t tiouably less
ciuhon i er-iisn:,.!. d m ;et pug up tlij animal
heat, i.r, i Vss cn i hohaceoii find is required.
Tin so l iels idiou'd tinch the m ccssd v i f keep.
uig Ji''..n.S'j warn) ui wint
i ir'"'.
:r..'i,0. r,
Tu OnvroHs at Pi pi i' Mn mm. - I.erd
ii icon tins given you tins je. ; it ! i..i
lowed :
"iVdintt Jfpecchts fly aKjnt 1,'k thr. : lour;
snd c'jriou po. eht nre ns fit b r dopntrha-
I'lH '1
l,.r . ' . n
flormnn Aiircrtnte.
It is very comtnon for Mormon;", in working
miracles, to prnctico in (he following manner :
"One goes out alone in the pari) and witli
l'10 nppenrancc of a poor traveller ; Calls at the
moment the second traveller enters annout s
it it) his power to raise tho dead to life.
A couple ofthose impostors went out on nn
excursion ot this kind about two years or more
since, and in tho course of their travels cailfd
nt a farm house near Genesee. The forrunner
called on the plain looking farmer and rcpre-
; omo, but no less intclliprent Christian, or
I shrewder than tnos-t men. The traveller jom-
' ed with thefsmi'v in their devotions, and talked
of God and heaven ns a Christian. Xo ono
; suspected his hypocrisy.
j About 1 o'clock in the morning tho family
j were av.'akoncd by grunns proceeding from thi
j lodging room of the stranger. The farmer
j wrt into tho room and was quite shocked tu
find his guest apparently in the most intense;
degree of pain. Many remedies were applied,
hut of no eflect ; the suftcrcr grew worse every
hour, until about 7 o'clock he appeared to shour
signs of death. Just at that moment a k node
was heard at the door, and another stronger
entered on its being opened.
Tho family were much frightened, and con-
ed upon them of a blasphemous characttr, an 1
he quickly resolved to test tho same. "Hold,"
said l.o, "a moment, end do not the miracla
until I return." Ho went out, took an ix j
from tho wood pile, and came in, without say.
ing a word walked up to the bed side and Re
dressed the man ol miracles as follows.
"You think him really dead !"
"O, yes."
"Well, then, I will just cut of his head, n
mike it sure, for if you can ra sc him to his
from death at nil, you can do it as well w ith hn
head ofl'ns on !" and suiting tho action to th.s
word, raised the ao as if he would strike, when
lo 1 w ith a lend shriek, up jumped the dead
man, crying "murder! murder !"' at the top of
his voice.
Before the proper authorities could be rcnc.h
ed, the risen prophet and the prophet baulked,
i rl.i.1 .1' fr.n.i n d..,..M,.;., i rdn.r.t..
j'ui, ju. m ihi ,i' us o 1 1 .111 u umuhiih- i'i'vu..
much to the amusement of the sensible mart
i who detected bis imporsi'ioes. Since which
: time no Mormon f.uds his way into that rojiori
to remain long.
They have awtul agues in Missintippi. I t
. tact, rome persons have even been known t i
x.W.t o7 the filler ill, while rattling their temli
,ii.J drv bones.
! Our lile is ht't a tuUd;" taid Mrs. Simkins,
' in a spirit of resignation, to her pouso, who
wns rating her ni out lu r slovenly habits.
"I wish iniiii- life, yens a o bubble, then,
v, 1 1 : e r. j under.
"I live in Jul: it's eyes," said a dirty lonkmj
horn, istVivteoly.
"She must have a rty thcrff, then !" wait
rcuiaik uij-ic bv s liiciid oftliatlady.
J'he d. tier, ire ; between a iriu and "mr.
A cof.v is a body of men ; a corpse la a n.'it.'
The follow 1' vc ry e'ever parody we f. ,-t
an a 'vcili'uiei, 1:1 j New Yc;k ptprr I' i.
When freckled wo'veo imv.. th fo'lv
To bur their Siap .vhre men btra".
V'a wonder thai they r- iiu'lanrhfrly
To fuel llo ir -. n not washed a a v
Tl-e "-.! wtvtai f.-):. ft rover --
Th".r p.r pi
. In IT n ' el v v
(, -... ( 5,nt ej 1'ic.r le
' ' I " iki ' :
I -