Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 21, 1844, Image 4

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    OIK HASJUt IN THIS uurciczu.
Cnfiirl our barrier to tlie breeze '.
To droop or fuultcr never more
From Muinu'i far boundaries to the seas
' That roll upon th Texan shore.
Our risin:. hosts gird on in miglil
Tin- crushing arms thnt freemen wield,
And Willi unbroken front unite
And form along the battle field
In serried phalanx dense and deep,
RomlVerl and firm, and undismayed,
As ocean waves resistless sweep,
They march with Truth's bright shield .uid
And "still they come,' the gathering throng !
While t wj afar the thundering cry,
from host to distant host along,
Fur I'u k ! for Dallas Yktoi y "
The whig look on in wild amaze,
With pale despair in every rye,
And vainly hope to quench the blaze
Thnt leaps and flashes through the sky !
In vain they hoist their frowzy flag,
An J llap their coon skins thiough the air ;
In vain they drink and fchoutand biag ;
Unfaltering still, "our (lag is tl'.-:e !"
toon o'er the field of conflict won,
.Above the foe's eternal grave,
In victory's bright and cloudless sun
Our star gem'd gonfalon shall wave ;
And Man from every distant clime.
From every shore and every ica,
Miall claim beneath its folds subli.n",
The glorious birthright of the fue.
Dbmoc K vc V ! what joy shall pour
Its swelling anthem on the w in J,
When at the idol's shrine no more
L-hall basely bend the mind ;
When owls, and eats, and coeii ikins, all
chilli pass as bmg forgotten things,
And radient o'ei the land (-bail full
The day that Truth arid Frtedo.n brines '
Imis Eut;cAHci. Tderc tuar. interec-lino;
i .loiniinicKtHin in the !:ist nutiihi-r ul the Ar
iiiii!a3 Iiitclliiroricrr, dcac'ribing un txatnina.
! on ol thu boys in Spenefr Academy a m hool
r'. iblihed in the Ciroct.iw nation, and utten-
ul by nearly a hundred yumi" Indians. This
-. Iiool was opened in February last, and the pu
,i.!s huve increased in number frutn ubuut tl.rty
.11 there 18 scarcely -accommodation tor them.
M-stuf them when they filtered it could not
-peak lliioli(-h, but now u!l receive instruction
. i thot laiiunyp, niul upon being fYntuintaJ,
iade ilii.-ir replica through the f-iiuie. They
o urratio-ud in three division, according tu
lo ir proficiency, a di-titict teacher U-iiii; oV.
..ttd tii caeli. The mot advancd division pur-
. it lh( studies usual in our academies; and it
.iti.-t Imvc been an interesting hig-lit, Ihnt of a
niiij savage in the back woods cotstruinf tin;
1 'omnirntarK'sof Clasar. Siiccci-h to the Spin.
:.-r Academy, say we with till our hearts.
Ci'Ki: or Loi kj.vw bv Ei.KciHKnr The
!;Mimal ot Commerce inentioiia a rtmarkuble
ire t-fli cleo by applying the Electro frahimic
jpparutus to both angles of the pv. The pa
ut hid been afflicted wit ti lockjaw in coiic
pjeiiccuf exposure to cold atid fatigue.
A Rich Asr.tuoTe. A' friend iuforuui.1 n?
ihcoihtr clay, of the following ecene which oc-
urrcd in his presence. It is too good to be
;ot. lie was at a whig- rnretino; where a e.rn
tlfnian was making a Fpeeth, ntul a v ry jrooi!
one too, in favor of Clay and Frelmehuysui
confound that riame, we can never Fpell it
; v ice the same way,) but erciued to have for
gotten that there wan such a man as General
llurkle. A brother Coon noticed tlie omission,
md whispered to him to fay something about
'!ib Hero of the Miesissinewa. And there, re-u-nej
the orator, ia our pure hioh-muiHod, in.
tellectiml and dieliuoiiibhed candidate for Go
vernor, from from, looking an und from
where the devil is ho from ! Our friet.d caid
it was the nuc-t ludicious scene he ever w it
utftied ; and the ciowd evinced tlie lame feel
hijT by a roar of laughter.
Thi: Toad. That poor, deFpicd, ao 1 linrrr.-!--sh
reptile, 'u adiuirablo in re proportion, end
has on eye ol fetich traiifCcriJtiit beauty, that
when I find one I place it on my hand to view
it more minutely, lis tkin, too, so completely
udaptej to the tuhterran-'un places into which
il oocd for bhelter, is well worth the ttteiHion
ot the phihwnphcr. As this little animal is in
i neuou!1, I fi-el forty v.hen I sea it trampled
underfoot by iiiconsidernte people ; who l.ave
ic iii in d f'n m their (!rniidii'Oll:i is thut il U lull
of vt iioni. 'ut rlon'e ih tiiihvliy.
1 1 of isi kr A Rut hems. "Gc utlt man of the
jury,' ou id a lloosu-r luwyer, "1 or satisfied ol
your integrity end in-nte of jinstice, and mi ar
my client ; and I respc-rl jour hum-sty to much,
that if 1 was as. rich ti Joi n Jacob Astor, I
wouldn't offer j on a bribe under no considera
tion. I scorin to influence you in any manner
but, 1 beg leave to observe, in the most respec
table manner possible, without no intention of
cvnundin' your fci liu's which are no doubt ten
der a barked chin, that if jmi pice your ver
dict in fdor nf my client, it ur my H'ttled in-ten'i'-n
to take you to the .Toggery for a ilnnk
twire round, (ihu bniu.rali'e jud;e and constn
hles included ;) but if you are deaf to the voice
of law and honor, j'st as wmn as the have
udjnurned, we mean to lick you like thunder.'
How Veiv Tata '. "The oppressor," says
Lord Brougham, in a speech, ''always t-rrs
Those who begin with hurting, such is the per
versity of human r.h'.ure, always ej.d with ha "
11 1 u xoti: LIST.
Tlie following lint shown the current value of nil
'ennsvlvaniu IJ n;k Notes. The most implicit re
iiinee m v I e placed upon it, a- it rvery week
arefiilly compared with ai d corrected ft mil H'nk
n il's Rep u'er,
1:isiU hi riillailrlHiRi.
v Disc, t
l.'.ecT.o. lH)iAh
N O Tl'S A T T A R.
dank of North America .
il-ink of the Northern Liberties ,
Umnmereinl It oik of Ponii'a. . ,
Farmers' and Mechanics' IJuiik .
Kcn-ingt in (l ink .
p it
Philadelphia Henk
Schuylkill Rank
S.iuthwaiU Rank . .
Western ?I ink
Mechanic' pnt,h
Manufacturers' A- Mechanics' Hunk"
t'nu.iiry HanUsi.
flank of Theater County
retell eiil it
II. oik of Delaware County
Hank of (icriiiaiit.nvn
Honk of Montgomery Co.
IVoi ris'ow II
loh loWil
, Uoyleytowii H ink
F.imioii Itarik
, Ftmi r' Hunk of Hoc)(i4 co
i l d'Vu p ,if IJ ink of IViiii'a,
I Oll'.ce do do
i Olfiee do do
llarriiliui(i"t Tfipe
Ij.nneastcr I ofbees
Heading f do not
Kaston J isue n.
Ollice do do
"ink of the Uni'cl M ite 1'hil.idi Iploa
flank of 1'i nn Township . .
fn'ar l , ,
Moyaini'iisini; II oik .
Hank of !Viinilaii i .
. . pir
rottsville 1
I.ewirt.iwn 1 J
Middlciown jj
Nurlhiinibi rland n ir
Wile r' Hiiok ol Potisvillc
Hank of I e i-lo n
Hank of M ddletown
Hank of Nnrthiiiifl etlnnd
'ohurd'ia 11 mk .V lUidae co. Cohiinhia
('arlicle Hank (.'ailisle
Kx. bange Hank I'hli-lmiir
do limnch of llollulavsl'iirg
Farmers' Hank of l.nnenstft Lancislei
l.nncnter (.'ounly II. ink l.nneastcr
Foriners" Hank ol Heading lb adiug
llainstiurii Hank
Lnncns'er Hank
l.elnnon Hank
Meicbant' V Mniiuf. IJank
W ilUiiiosp.irl
i ki r-hiiiie
II. mk of Fiilslniru
West llinnch II nk
Wyoming Hank
INorlhiiiiiptoii lliiik
Deiks (Jouiitv Hank
Ollice of Hunk of I J. iS.
l)j do do
lb) do do
Kensington Nuv. Ins. A
I'enn Tovwiship !Sav. Ins.
Hank of ('l)Hllil rrslung
Hank ol'(i'ett)sliurg
Bunk of iu-(jiji'liuiina Co.
line Hank
Frmera' oV Diovcrs' Rank
Fianklin Rank
lloncsdalit II. nk
Mm ongidivl i Rank of U.
Voik Hunk
fa ill. I
Mew Uritihtoii
ny nesburg
Hoih'mI ilc
.. II. 'I'lio notes of those hunk on which we
nnit notations, nnd suttitute a il n -( i ( ) are not
cun hui-id by the I' idrlphia tirkiTK, u iih lh
exci'i tion ol (liuse uhii h hae a letter of i lrr nee.
Philudelphla S'nv. Ins. I'hiladi lj hia failed
I'hilndelphiu bin, n Co, do failed
S, hitv Ikill !Sav. do foled
Manual Labor Rum (T. V llyott, prop.) filled
i'l.wnndu Hank '1 nwanda
Alleghany Rank of Fa. Hulloul no sale
H.n.k of Reiner Iteaver eh -, il
II ink ol ewatara ilaiiislung iIhm.I
Hank ol a.liioutoii laid J
1'i iitie Rank l'i lh t.nne rl.isnl
1 1'ily Hunk I'ltOiliiug no ale
I t'.iiincri.' - Mei hVii' Rank Fotshurg fiil-d
j Fanners' Mech'c Rank Fat i tie C '. f ..K t
i F o iiiert' ' Md hYg' Hunk I i'iieinai-t'e f oUd
i fiamiony lustiliiti; llanoonv Imw't
Hunliiigdoi. Rank Ili,nlini;.l,,ii no -;i l-
luniatu Hunk l.eui!ou in s ale
uUiul eiiiien's lUnk alien failed
Nurlht rn Rank of i'a. Iluud.itV no ale
New Hope llel. llihipe Co. New Hope chu-ed
Northuiuti'd I'niou ( 'oi. Rk. Milton no Mile
North Western lia'ik of I'. Mrndiille closail
Ollue of fScliuv Skill Rank Foil Cuihou
I'u. Aur. St Manuf. Dunk Coli-ie ho ltd
Siilvei Lake Rank Moiitiose closed
L'nion Rai;k of Fenn'a. Ciiioniowu fnled
Westmoreland Rank (in t usl ur closed
Wilkebarre Rudgc Co. ilki sl..n.e uosule
Qj- All note piiipoilirg tj l e on any l'innl-
mrnu Rank not given in the bhove lid, may he set
iowu j frauihi.
m:iv ji.ksiiv.
Hank ofPvew Riuiikwiik
I'trih Aiiihuy
p. i
Uelvideie Rank
Burlington Co. Riik
Joiniiit icial Rank
lHuniUrlai.d Rank
rarmero' Rank
Mount II illy
f'arnu ra' und Mechanics' Rk Ruhwuv
Farmers' and Mechbiiies' lik IV Riuuswh k fail.-.l
Farmers' and Men baulk' Rk Mi.l lhtowii l'i. )
Franklin Rank of N. J. J-r-ey City
Huhnkeii Lfl.g.V Oraziiig Co ll..!i ken
fail. .1
HO S de
R-rscy Cilv h ink
J. isey Oily
I't.ti. ISOII
He lleiille
l' ild
Jeisey City
Mt-cbatiiik' Rink
Maiiufai turt r' Rank
Muni County Rank
Monmouth Rk of N. J.
Mi i bullies' Rank
Mechanic.' and Manuf. Rk
Monis Canal and Rkg Cu
Post Notes
Newark Rkg & Ins Co
New Hope Del Rrldge Co
l.uinl cilscille
itubokl II
N. J. Maiiul.iC. ai d Rkg Co
fa.le.l j
failed i
fold ;
N J Fiutecton & l.olllbalil I k Jersey t oy
Orange Rank ( hanije
I'aterson Rank 1'aUisoii
I'eoplrs' Rank do
Piinccton R ink Piiu.-ctou
Salem Ranking Co S ib in
State Rank Newark
Stale Rank l.llaU thlow li
rilata Rank ('louden
Mute Rank nlMoirik Monistown
Slute Rank '1'iuiiou
v.dcm and Philad Maiiaf Co, in
Susmi Hank Niwlon J
Freiitoii Ranking Cu Tiei.tou par
Union Hank Davc-r j
Washington Ranking Co. Hatkfiisu.k failed
Hk of i ilni &. lir.iiLl) wint Wilmington par
Hi.k ul Delaware Wiluiingloii par
Rank of Si. i. ma Sinyini par
Do biaiK-h Millord par
Fauni rs' Rk of Mu:e . f Del Dover par
Do branch Wilmington par
Do l i.ii). h (jeoigi low n pir
Do brji.ih Novcc.sila pir
I'liion Hank Wilimugton pur
(Xj' Cinler ft I
(jj- On all banks milked thus () tb-re are i
lliti rounleiffil it sllered itclis of lit var.ous iff
aomiiiaiiona, in coiulsiiou.
ii;ri it itivi: syki:i.
rtIIR VHhmh'e propcriies of Oakley' Depma
I live Syrup of H.irsnpatilln, as a purifier of the
Mood, is sn well known to ilia public generally,
that it v lo occupy much space in set
ting funli Ihe advantage to 'i derived from its
use) whinvir the medicine has once been intrn
dnepil, it t.ikrs r ei'ih'nee O' er all othets 5 eveiy
one that ha taken it, have derived so iijiml bene,
fieial reults from it, thnt it is recommended by
thpin wilh 'be ivinost entifideliee. Fhysicinns of
the higlipst st m bng in the ptofessi hi, presctil it
to pa'ieiit under tin ir rare; eoiiliining noihing
di h lerioiH, but hi il l? pomjioped nf the must mild,
eel flicieioin egelnble in offered with
riirifideiiee. ns the cheprt and ino-t c lTicient iu.
nfier "f the flood now known. The ue of a few
hot'le. cspi ialy in the spiing tnniiths, will be at
tended with a moM decided imptovi mi nt in the ge
neral strength of the svmpin, prahenting any seed
of disea-e that may huve heen gi neratnl, besides
Riving henlih nnd viger lo the For the cure '
ol S-rofuhior Kings F.vil, niienm itisin Teller,
l impli n or eiiiplinn-i ot Hie Dkin, v lute dwelling,
F stuln, Chrotiic 4'ough Asthnet, oVe, The nu.
iT'crou ce.iificaies in lite posi-ssin of thp sul serl
rr and bts ng-tit. from phj-Hieians nnd others, are j
siiffn ient to ronv nee Ihe most ske ticitl ofissu
pcrioilly oci't all prepar iltons nf 8 irs iparill.i.
S Id hole-nle and retail, bv ihe proprietor,
('FOIit'i: . OAKI.F.Y, North Slh stie. I. Ke.
.'log. li'iks Conuiy, snd lo I n bid of the following
prisons :
In Knrthundif !tn;d t'nmity. II. R. Msss,
Siinhnry ! l eUud iV Mixtl, MiCvcensvilio ; lJ
KraiMi r, NT .It ' -It.
hi Union Cnutifi. .1. CVuth.iit, S.lin-grove:
. (iut. lins, Mitibul iug.
In Cotumlia Ciim!y.. W. McCav, Wash
Heading. Marih 11. IS I'b
Mn. OiKi.r.r: I believe it the uty of every
one to do w h .ti ver in their power I ie--, fir the b ne.
fit of their MI'i ma.-, and having had p.t-i ive
proof in mv own family, of the w-inleif ol proprnit-s
of Vi'-ur D' pur ttiie (vroi of tS.nsnp oiil-i, I m si
cons, iciitiou-lv recommend il to ihe alllieted. We
Iml the mi-fi.ttiine to l ise two of our children, hv
tlie hr. skuu tail ol uh crons i:c that covered the
t ire, l,e. ul and l l ik, alihuuph Wi had some el lh
must sriemifie physieiHiis lo attend til in nnd lis )
tiled all Ihe known leo.eilie.. in.-linling Swaim's
I'auiicia. without aviil. Another of my children
wai altarke.l in the same manner, her Inee vr.d
neck wh roit'petely cover, d; the .1 sehatge was so
offensive, nnd the disc i.- nt sin h a height, that eve
despaired of her life, feeing the woinleit'id elfeets
ol" v t. r I'epiir.nive Svtup ot S . r n h r . 1 1 . we wcu
it i.l ii i-ol to make of il, a the last ris. rl; il
acled like a chann; Ihe u'cers commenced healing
immediately, a f w bottles enliiely rr.tore.l lur to
her lieilih, ulii. li she has er joyed lininteri ii tedlv
ever suae. A a ptnifier ol the blond,! ceilly be
In ve il has not its cpnil.
JiHN MOCH, Tailor,
Walnut fctreet, n-sr Fouith, Reading.
l),.ngl.t.siille, A ril l'Jth, 1 I :l.
Mn. OiKi.f.i : My son lVmniid I.paf. liB'l the
Ji fi. It-la in ihe most dreudnil and di-trrssiiig miui
i er for ihr.e jems, dining wh;eh time lie was ile
piived of ti e use of bit liml-, hi. henl and neck
weie ci.vir.d with ulcers We tried all the dill'er
t nt remi di. s, I ut to no ell'rct, lint I rrc.iintm tided
l y I'r. J.iliiiMiii of IN ionistown, and also Dr. Isaac
Hie-ter. of Read'i g. to lise jou. Depuralive Symp
nl ' Sarsaparilla, of w l ii h I o' laiued seveinl hollies,
ihe Use of winch d-ove li e di.ea-e pntiit Iv out of
S'l system, the s ue henled lip, and the child was
r.-sl.iinl to lo-ahh. nhioh he tu ri juied
liliir.leriti tt illy cv. r si. .re, to toe a-t. iiishmi nt ol
in mv ci. in who m en him dtn iig hi iildielion.
I have (limit hi it mv du'y, and eml you this certi
ficate that otlp's echo have a like Htlliciion in the
fniiily limy know wl.t-re to ni l on so valualde a
nu .In me. V.iur lnil ,
S. pt. If.. 1 -J l :i 1 y
Suii'.k I'il t tirntr tj M' und its..
l'lillath Ipliia,
I " I.H'F.O I'l l I.I.Y inl.-im the -. id-he thnt thev
'Mil r.ili-l.inl y keep on boid a liig-a-so l
uietit ot Hats. Caps and Fur-, to suit the fall trade,
nf tlie hr-l quiihtv. Hv ilii-t al't'iilion to hu-i-loss,
and t y selling then stock at the loup.t prices,
ihev ll-.tier tht ui!eU in being nh'e to far entire
sutistact nn. Aiigusl 5, I s 1 : ly
( OlllltCI IHIl'lV
D 13 A T II liL OV.
r I In- pu he will ptr.ise oliscrve that no Rrambclh '
' Pills are geui.iue, unless ;he box has three li
bels upon it. i lit- toj, Ibe s-.'e and the bottom)
co h eonl. lining a f .c-siinile signature ol inv h n.d
cvriting, thus R. ltacxnht t il, M. D. These la.
bet aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an ecpeu-e nf over J'2.llii0. Therefne
il will he seen that ihe only thing ii'crssary to pro
cure ihe medicine in iis purity, is lo nb-enc these
Reineni'ii r the top, the side, and ti e bottom.
The follow log lopeciice persons aie duly auln ri
z. d, and bold
For the sale of Hrandrt tl.'t Vegetable Universul
Northiiii beilai d coiinlv : Milton M o key rl
Ch irnbeibn. Sun'mry II R. M isser. M'Kens
viilc li. l mil iV Meixi II Noiihmn' eilaud Win.
For yth. lieoigelown J. cV .1. W-.lls.
I'nion C.iuitv: New R. rbn Rogn o Win
ter. Seliosgrove (Jeoie (lunihiiiii. Mi.l.ile.
Inn" Isn.c Siniili. ll,,iel 'ecu Pacid llubh".
Ad i in-bur j Win .1. l.iv. M i I'll i t g Menseh
V Rjy. 1 1 . I It 1 1 i Diiifl Long. Freiburg
ti.A locer. l.ecvi.hurg Walls eV (tieen.
Columbia rontily : D.oicllle C II. Rewmlds
tV Co. Rerw-ii k Miiimau - It Henhouse, ('a -lawissa
t". I!. Riubts. Rtooiosburg John R.
Mover. Jeiscy 'I'liwn l.tviHis.l. Washington
Robt. Mi Cay. l.iiiie-lom Halli-'. fz !;Nn.i-b.
i OliM-ive ihite.u-li Ageul lots an Fngrav d Ct r- 1
t lifeate of Agencv, conl oning a icpit utaiioii nf j
; Hi HRANDRi: I ll's M uiuiui-iorv at Sing Sine, l
i and upon which will also he seen eteaet copies nl i
: ihe ),(f luhtih ncu- uned upon the lifundnth I'ill j
I i lions. 1
Phtl tdehihia, o.Tne No K, NoMh Hih street.
li. 11 It A NDI.CTH, M. D.
June 21lh, IH13.
uty fi!hTmti ni: Arcnux,
tv' l .it -N' .l nu i .
ios. vi arm oi iorm iiutu rincci,
Near the City Hotel,
O. MACK FY, Auctioneer, respretfuPy in
J cites the illt litlnll of pel sons desirous of pur-cfu-ing
Fiiiniune, to his extensive Sales Rooms,
(Loth pul lie and Plicate,) for every description of
Household Furniture, whi re (an be obtained at all
times, a hirga assortment of jiishinnuhle and well
manufactured Chun Furniture, Reds,,
Ac, at very reduced prices, for rush.
03r Sale bv Auction, tw ice a week.
MaySJi' 143. ly
for Ti:iTi:n.
niNowoiiMs, riviri.rsi on i iik tm e, and oti:i
rt-TANEot's rnt'i-i'iora.
fjj Tlit. fiilloioiriif rrrttfm'e dincrlhtu nnr fjithe
must eriraordinnrg cures ever effected hy any
FnitAnrirm, Fehiuary 10, 1R.18.
TJ'OR twenty years I severely afTlictid wilh
TrTTil on lh Face and Head: the disease
commenced when . I was seventeen year old, and
continued until thn Full of 18:18, varvint; in vio
lent?, but without pvpr disippearing. During m-tst
nf the time, great part of my f ice was covered with
the rrtiptinn, frequently n leinb d with vio'ent iteh
iug; my bead swel'ed at times until it felt nn if it
Would hurst the swelling was so g pit. that I eou'd
scarcely get my hat on. During iIip long period
that I was nfilicted wi ll the disease, I useil a great
many B plication, (arming tliem several celehrated
prppiiationi) as w II n taking inward remedies.
inebiding a tinniher of Imtth s of Sicalm't I'diiacra,
i T.rtmri nf Stir,irturiil .li tn f.irt it ivnlltll tin
j,,,,,,,..;!,!,, -, . ti ,,, ,,i;r;r. f ,,.,.,1
, ,vs, nmlpr ,1P rro nf ,wo of most .lis-
tinguihed physicians of thin city, hut with. ait re
ceivmg much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
fiir...t In 1 1 ... nt I rt!lfi Ka .tiAiXio ul till
i.itI(? v,.ry violent, I commenced using the 7iW
Ointment, (prepared hv Yaughan ct Davis.) In
a f. w a plications thn violent itching r ned, the
swt Hing nha'ed, Ihe i ruption began to disappear,
nnd before I had nsid ajar the di-ense wn rntitely
rilled. It has now been nearly a and a Im'f
since, and there is not a vc-tie of tlie di-a-B-e re
maining, except ihe scars from Ihe deep pits firmed
hv the di-t ase. Il is imp- ssilde for me to tleserit e
in a n rtificate the sorrily ol Ihe disea-e and my
snfl. ring, bill I wilt le pie ised to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further s tlisfaetiiiu,
who will e.dl on me. At ti p lime I eoiemiiiiced
using Ihe 15. se Ointment I would have given bun
died of do'lats to be rid of the diease. Since u
sing il, I have recoinuieiidt d it to spvenl persons,
(among them my mother, who In I the disease bad
ly ou her aim,) who wi re a I cured bv it.
JAMF.s I)i;r.m;i.i,, n. tisr,, n.ceSt.
Cf Ti c Rose 1 1 1 lit iik ii t ii piepnred by C. H.
Yiiuhnii, S. oh F.ast coiner of Third and Race
stici 1-, Fhiladelphia, and sold on ngenrv in Sunbu
rv. by 11. R. MAssCIl,
May 14th, 1913. A'nt.
S o.e (Hiitttioiit, for Tvtfcr.
A moor or urs i:ffi( .(-y.
I'm nut inn , May 'irtii. IH:i!l.
rPI'H i to certify that I was severely afflced
-- wilh Tetter in the bunds and bet for upwards
ol forty rars ; the disease w as atu nded g.neraily
with violent itehiug and swelling. I nppl ed to l
nimiher of physicians, and us. d a great mat y nppli
Cittions W illi.. lit etlei ling a core. Ahoiit a ar
since, I applieil the lio-e Ointment, which entirely
stopped ihe itching, and a ft w npphcati n Inline, li
nt. Iv cuted the ihsciise, which there has been no
return of, although I had never l-een rid of il tit
any time for f.-rty years. RICHARD SAVAt.C.
Klevcnth, below Sptuce Street,
fj- The Ruse Diiitment is prepared by K. R.
Ysiiuban, !S mill Fast comer of Third and Race
Slice Is, Philadelphia, nnd sold on aj.-ncv in Sunhu
tv bv 11. R. MASSRI!.
' May 1 lib. 18-13. Ajrt.
Oft'.r liOSi: l.TMi:.T, fr T-Hir.
I, Tilt ll '(;il the superiority of the prepaiaii. n
over nil others is fully es'ahli.-hi-d, ihe pr 'pr e
lors lake pi. asure in laying before ihe public the
following certificate from a re-pc.-t.ible phc,
a graduate of ihe I'nicersity of Fcnnsi. Ic.ini i. Dr.
Haiigb, having found in this lint if lief f-r
a tedious and di-ngn eabh- all.-i tion which the means
within the range of I is profession faired to all'ord,
bus lint hesitnt. d to give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that pricsi ui ate
i -pjioscd to secret Remedies.
Fiiiii.n.euic, Ill, 1 :tfi.
I was recently tioubl.d c ith a tc.liou-. herpetic
eiuptioii, ul.ii h cow cd luurlv one si 'e of my I u-e,
and exleiiih .1 ..ver the enr. Mr. Yuughan, pntpri. -toi
of the Rose I liiitinent, nhseiving mv tm f , niss
le.l mi mv living his pr. pauitiou.i l whi. It he h in-ih-il
me a jar. A !ih uuh in cm union with the tin in-b.-is
ol toy profession, I diseoiiutt n ince and tlisap-
pioxe ol Ihe iitiriien us iioslrums pilme.l upon tin
pi I lie by ii'iiount pr. len.h r-, I let I in jus ice h-'iind the Rose tiom ih n cia-s of me-
icmes, and to give it mv approbation, ns it t utiie-
Iv turetl ihe eruption, shhoiigii it h id resisicd the
U-U it i.pplie tllons. 11 A.M. li.M lill, M. I.
(Xj The Rose Oliilinent is prep .red by R. R.
Yiinuhan, South Fast cm i r of TI ml and Hue
Sueeis, I'lnluile'pl.iu, and sold on sgi ncv
bury, bv 11. R. M A
in Sun-
M tv I Ith
Mittiiilacliirt r of W'ritinjx tnnl Inilelli
blc Ink, No. DHi North Tlnrd Street, tlx
chsirs below Race, (east side,)
lCs'Ft:' Fl 1.1. Y informs country inerebniits
1 i
and oiheis, lliitl he eoo-l inlly keeps on hand
a large -tot k i H i sop. iter Hlaek, lllue siul R,d
Ink. and iilso a supeiior q
II is ink is put up in b. Ill
My ot Iml. Mil le Ink.
vaiying in sre, fnin
1 to ounces, nnd Will be sold on rtasnnable
linn-. The eiteleit qualities nf this ink has so
thoroughly established its rhiriictei. that il is now
i xl. iism-ly used ihroiighoiil ihv c.nin'iv.
. For sate at Ihe stole nf 1 1 . II. Massrr, Sim.
bury. I'a. Mav S7lb, IK1M. ly
( ilAlihKS U. 1IKC..NS.
scNEirny, PAt
AS taken II tlii-f loin t ile otcupi-d I v ti e
Hon. ( hailes (i. Dm n-1, opposite the Oouil
II us,-. He wi a leiij in business in ihe Courl.
ol N orihiimbei land, I uiiin and Columbia counties.
May Until, I H 1:1.
IViiiiwj l aula.
riDF Siib-eriber respectfully inloims his friend.
1 and Ihe public iu geneial, thai he has taken
the above
la ii a j: a n co v uodio i s
I N T II E R O It O 11 (i II O F M I'N O Y,
and lhat he is now well prepare to accommodate
all who may favor him with their custom.
Ilia Si iirisa AriurittKTS ere well sited, and
comforlal le.
His Tab t.a a kii Hah will a'tays be supplnd
with the best Ihe uiaikel ran allord.
His Sriatisu, which is gead, will Vs under
the charge of good anil careful hostlers.
He fi 1 1 confident, by Uriel attention to hui-inrs.
and an earnest dcsiie to lender c nilorti.ble those
who may patronize him, lhat he will not fail In give
geneial satisfaction. II. R. WF.AVLR.
Muncy, Oct. lt, 164! tt.
(ii in i ol !tiiie tll),re,'j
uj :iBt:
Commission cV. l'orwnnlins Mcrclianls,
7'oo of WUhw Slrat Hail Read,
Olt TN R irtWBF,
TTAVINO assncia'i-d tsi'h ihem ,fnrph Rnrnet,
a-- bite of Kaston, Pa., respectfully inform their
friends nnd the public generally, that they have la
kenth .t large and we'l known store and wharf at
font of Willow Street Railroad, lately oi cupic I by
Jscoh Martin, where they pti'pose doing a Central
Commission and Forwarding Rusiness, and fiom
the local advantages nf the place being ronm cted
wilh nil the public Improvements that have their
nutlet in the citv, they flutter themselves they will
he able to do business to as great, if not g eatt-t ad
vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other
house, and they assutn their friends thnt any con- i
stgnmcnts made lo them shall hnve their strict at- :
tendon, nnd no extitions spared to give entiie satis
faction, i
They are also prepared to -receive and forward ;
goods to any point on the Delaware and i
rivers, between Maueh Chunk, Falon and I'hila- '
delpliis, via Delaware Division and l.ehigh ('an ds; ;
also, to anv point on the Juniata river, or North !
and Wist H'anchesoflhe tSu.-ipieh.imta via Sebnvl.
kill and I'nion, or the Chcsa)e;ikc. and Tide W.itei i
Canals. i
For the accommodation of Routs coming or co- 1
ii g via Schuylkill and I'ninn Canal, a Sip.mboat '
will be kept expressly for towing bouts from the
Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which .
will en bin meichants to hae their produce deli- :
vcicd on the Delaware, and their good sl.ippul at
a saving ot fl) to 1 !i per rent, on Ilia prices fir
hauling ncoss, with these advantages they re- '
spictlully solicit s share of ntr. naL-e.
William llelhnin, )
William W. K.yfcesC
Joseph H.imet. 3 I'hilad., May H, lsl:l. ly
J. lYt AYL AND, JR. & CO.
Siitill' nnd Tolmcco MnntiliirluriM's,
o. VJ Aorfi West comer nf Rare and Third
St nits.'
rpiIF under igne l have formed a Co-partnership
under the firm of . I, M AYR N l .In. ii Co..
as successors to the late fntil of J'lrnti .Mii'fand S
Co., and w ill continue the business at he oi l esta
blishment, on iheir own account. In aib'iiion to
their own close attention nnd expirience f-i mn'.y
years, in the nianufaclure of their i eh hr at. d siiiill'-,
cV e., Ihe long t xperii nre of the senior paiti er ot the
late linn, will nUo he devoted lo the interest nf the
new coiicern ami us no rxi-iti.ui and cue will le
spared to insure their goods, at nil tim. s of ihe ve
rv best quality, thev solicit a continuance of tlie
eonlidi-iice of the h tends mi l eu-t mn rs nf the late
.1. MAY I. AND, -In.
Philadelphia, Mav 11th. 11:1. ly
To '! Ill I' v
rPlIF. Suhseriher, Agent of l.yon cV ll.iriis, Hat
Maiiiifliilurers. for New A'ork. I'hil ulelnhia.
H.dtimore nnd other large cities, whose Huts are
highly coiniiuuded I ir ixid rd;t and dtir-ditt'ty. 'I'm. S,e, Cutlery, mid for restoring the lustre on.
has cm band a iir-l rate as-antm "tit of IIAI'S nnd i varn.hhed carriage-, Ac. TRY IT.
CAPS, suitable for Springtides, wh ch will 1 1- sold j Prepared an s .1.1 at wholesa'e and retail, by thc
verv low, foi ea!i or appioved credit, at the w ted j usipiehannn 'hry ohte i'tilu-h Company, Ow ego,
cheap store. No. 40, North Third s'rg-l, o) p isi'e 'J'loga county, N. A .
the City Hotel. Philadelphia. WM. FORSYTH. Agent lor N'orthum'd,
ROHF.RT D. WILKINSON', Aeent. i H. 11. M AssRIJ, Agent for Sunhury.
N. IJ. Orders for Hals in therotn'i. iiro,iintlv ! November '.nth, IS-PJ.
atteuded lo. The biizhcst e rica iu or trade
given fir Fur iti'n.r.
Philadelphia, June 11,
f.ciK i itl oiiiimIIo: AI i liants,
For the Sole of Flour, (.'ruin, .Ski, ic, r.
j?f 1 1 1 . --
1 he Merchi
I LLY inform tin ir Irinnl and
units gi in rally, that they hace ta
ken those large and commodious harv, s, - ith two
Doiks, noith of Chestiut strut, on the Delaware,
together with the store No. ID South AVh-irce-,
when- llu V would Im pleased lo receive c'uusign-
uients of (irain, Fl 'in. Seed, Whi-key, Iron, Ae.
Reing also well prepaid! to force- ird nil kinds
of Mircbainlise by the Scbuc Ikill and I'nion, or by
the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, as tow-
j boats are kept expressly toi the purpose of towing
j boats by either mute.
! Men bants w ill please be particular lo send their
: got ,L destined by either canal-, to No. Ill South
Wharves, hetevfcn Market and Chesnut streets, on
I il.p Delaware, w ith directions accompanying ihem
which rout.' they wish them to he shipped.
Qj- Plaster and sult for sale, at tin- lowest mar
ket price. lit ILTON A C' I.
March 19, IK 1:1. No. I!) South Whatces.
. milliard Strett, ItalUmorc,
HAYR c-iii-tanllv fir sale. Printing Paper of ah
sizes and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, rub d
ami plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and j
plain, Hanging Paper, tine and comiu ui, Line 1 1. .pi :
Paper, do. do. medium, douh'e ciow n, crow u and ;
extra si7.ed nipping Pipers,! olnied Mttliuin and
: Roval l'si-is. Uoiiuet, Hinders' and Simw Rox
It. aids, Tissue Paper, and all aiVc'ts iu their bin',
w tilth they will nil oil iticolililioiijillig li ru.s.
Highest price given for old rags. !
March 10, Isil.J. Rlklon, M.l
Vo. :i, .vrth Third, iitmic Cutlou l.ill St.,
i'llll ADKI.PHIA.
"HOIINM NC.W. late from the Peniisvlva
V nia Fmnier. and Siimin I Pike, jr., late of A-
mt rican Hotel, Columbus, I duo, lake pleasure in ar
ipialntuig their In. nds and the public gcui rallv lint
ihty have lakeu the large and commodious Holt I,
'en in v built bv the Mi ssis. Halt, on Ihe site
once occupied by the old eslahli.hcd Hwlel known
I as ihe Hull's Head, iu Third stiect ulcivc CalluW
i hill si.
This Hotel is finished iitelhe very best possible
manner, and of the best materials. Its Im-at-oii is
ecty tlesiuihU', particularly for country merchants ;
the airiiiic-eiiifii' for heating and ventilating each
room is such as to secure any teinpeiature. The
htdiiHiinsaie all light and airy, all lurni.-hid iu a
nest sly', so as to in-ute tomloit.
The i.c. ieing parlors are abo fun ishcj in a su
perb style, Ihe windows are on the Flench style,
.- . .. ... ... .. c.i,. :.. r . i.: i.
loilllinu ail c-iniaiitc- it i-itieoiiy ill iitiiiii milt n
, , . i. . , .... .
nii.b..K ttlu.Ml.l repi-sy- I iirlifiilai nil. 1,1 1. ,n Iiua
been given to the beds and In ddiug, which, with
ihe lutniture, are enliit ly new,
. , . , , .
r rum year, experience in b ite business, we
i . . i . i .i
l-usl, hy si rict assiduity tc. busincsi, to make this
house a desirable stepping place. Our table will
alw ays be supplied with the very lu st our niaikel
ran all'ord, and our bar with Ihe best Inpior and
w ines of the most appioved loan. Is.
P. S, There are lit.l rate stabling, wnd rarrisae
houses attached lo the hotel, itunded hy cat fil
and sol ti hostlers, and our charges will he low, in
accordance wilh tbe present liaid limes.
Philadelphia, Oct. 'till, IH-Ci.
H. 3. lASSFk.
BiiFlness atlendeil to in the Counties of Nor.
thuml erlarid, I'nion. Lc coining and Columbia,
ltrfrr Im
I un ii is II iit .V C,...
Low hi A, Run an 1,
Habt, Ccmios A. Hanr, yl'hUutt.
Ri:tii.tiS, MrFAniMii &. Co.
Srcnmi, 'imm it Co.,
A'o. (ill .oith Third, iWc Arcli Strtnty
piI ARLFS WLISS, l.itpnf ihe "White Swan,"
ami "Mount Yernnn House," respectfully in
forms his friends and customers, that be has become
the proprietor of the abov well known Hotel.
Country Meichants w ill find the ahovw Hotel a
central I -ration, and the best of fare. Persons tra
velling wilh private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling for horses, ui.d the best of
outlet. Hoarding f I per day.
May 1 llli, IHU.lf.
a n: as mz bt 9
Corner of Third and Vine; Sine Is,
IIR subscriber resoe. ifullv iinnounees to the
public, that be Ins opened a Hotel in the com-
f modi, ma brick building situate on the corner of
I hint tun! Pirn- streets, where he w II be happy t-t
' wnit upon those who miv favor him with llieir
; con ( hi, v. The F, Hotel is laige and Conveni
em, m d furnished in the be t nioilcrn stele. It i
I pr. -valid with a huge nuiuher of well airetl anil
! I'i' !e s!et ping .irtnicnt , rooms, privato
1 pallors, Ac. PeiMins visiting Williams-port on bu
: sinews oi plea-lire, ni iv rest iis-un d thaf every ex-
ertion w II le used to r.i i!i r their sojourn at the
"Ragle Hot. I" ph asanl and agreeable. IlisTablti
will be supplied with the very best the nitnkrt af
1 fords, a nil his bar with the choicest wines and other
j lupous char-'es re .Suiiahle. The Ragle Hotel
. prsses-es greater ml van luges in point of location
than any other similar est ihlishmenl in the borough,
! being situaie in the business p irt of the town, and
! within a convenient dis' ,nee of the Cotut JLiustt
1 nn I Wi hnnisport and I'.hnira Ra I Roail Depot.
Si.ii'ii ii lit Stabling provided, and guild und tiusty
. us t Ii is alwir.s in attend. nice.
1 Atteulici-, ticeoii.niotlattng and lione-t Servants
h ne hi en t msloM'd. m, I nothing It 0 undone that
; "ill add to the cuiiihul and accoium ulation of his
i guests.
j . There cvill be a rarriage always in attendance at
the l'oat Landing tucmccy passengers to and from
the House, tree of charge.
Mav 1 lib. lMf'i. If
V N iiiiie'e uiieipiallt-il lor cleaning and giving a
A bighlv dur ihte and most binlinnt polish to sd-
; ver, (t'ermi'ii Silver, Rr a, t'opper, Rritt.uiia cvares
IsichJu l Vcavcr Son,
A'o. K) .YoWi Water tstrett.riiilndfljdiia.
H"H A'K constantly on h ind, a ceneial i.ssort
j3 B "" nt of Cordage, Seine Tec ines, Ac , vi. :
j I ar'il Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, M.inil
la Ropes, Tow Lines lor C in. il Routs. Also, u
complete ii-soiiinent of Seine Tcvines, Ac. such a-.
i fleuip SI. ad nnd lit rring Twine, Host Patent Oil!'
; Net Tcvine, ( 'otton S:nl .mil llening Tw it e, SIi.m:
j Threads, iVc. eve. A'so, lied Cuuls, Plough Line.
1 1 liters, Tr ice., Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,
Ac. ail of cvhiih they cvill dispose if on rt asoii.ihlc-
! telllis.
' Phil. ide'phia. Nov. mbei I H, 1 iVi. ly.
i Nl'KlilM;, C.OOl) cfc CO.
No. l:i.s Mai lv'l Sli fi.I, riiilailcljiliin .
NYITR the attention of Country .Merchants
to their extensive iissor.'menl of Hiilith French'
tod American Diy fiontis, which they offer tor ai
on ihe i;io:t reus -liable t nils.
Philadelphia. November LI, IS 12. ly.
.1 . W . S V A IN,
rin! ie!I;t ami I'trntsol Maniifarturor
Ao. si 7 iVn.'i Tit Hit ttii it, tiro lit tow til
Villi Until, I'hilvdtlptna.
CIOI'NTRA Menhaiils and others are solicilr i
J to I xmuiue his si-i H it lit bt lore puichasiii(
e Ist-cc hen'
Phila ;el hit. November I I. IKl'J. Iv.
'k. .HO - KCL vn.
rr"r t,-i
TjOII sale a sinn'l F.nm, ronlaiiung about oin
i houde.l uud leu liens, niore or le s, situ 1 1 .
in Point tow nship. Nor blind i rlan.l count , ah. .i
two llnlis ubove Notthliinbeil mil, on the in n:
roa I leading from lhat pl.t. e to Danville, adioiiiiu.
land, of Jot ii l.eghou, Je-se C. Horteii and oilier
now in the occup tney t f s.inim l Payne. Al-oi'
forty acres of said Haet arerhaiid, and ill goo.
state of i n licati ui, on w hich there is a small I hu
e recti d. The pmperiy w ill be old ell r. asonahh
lei ins. For further aiticulars, pi isons arc- rcijucsl
ed to apply tu the siil.-crih r.
IL II. M Ass.-IR, Azent,
Nov. y Trfi, HI 2. if Simhury, Pa
rsr tt J fvpp
' ' S r c;yyr-'1.'rtillT
N'l'HON"S Classical Diclioniiryi l.uipr,el"
do.; Ainseviiiih's th ; Cobb's do.; Fnghh am
(.'eimiio do; Anthon's Cn-sar; Anllioii's (iratmnei
' Aiitheu's Cit-fio; Mail's Latin Reader; (.gilty'sdu
i Andrew's Latin Lessons; Douuegali's Lexicon
Fish's (ire k ExtTcises; Davie' Legendei; (iiaee
, Major .; Ad one's Roiiihii Antiipiitier; Pililiock'
( itild.-iiiitirs llrigl nid, do. tiretce; 1. cell's Rlunent
nl (ieologe; Mrs. Lincoln's llotiiuc; 111. incuts c
Hotany; liiidge's Algibr.i; Porter's Rhetoiieal Ken
dcrs; linn rson's tttogruphy and Hitoiv;'
do.; Parity's do ; Snolh's Oriunmct; Kiikham's do
Kac's; Cold 's do.; Cobb's Arilbmeiic'
j Pike's do.; l'ltiersoii's do.; Cobb's Spi lling Honkt
I To ecu's do.; Cobb's 'Fable Rooks; F.eaigelli'i.1 Fl
mily Libtsry; ('mtuge Rihh-; Family do; Collate!
, , w. unit i
al do.; Small Hiblca and
c .laments; raikei s Le
eiiises on Composition; Fiuil of I lie Spirit; Haxtri
S.iini a Rest; American Revolution; Marry alt s TNi
i vt is. :,ii. I iieii'B till .- .i. iiiii, , , .nun, .xiieiitis-
i , , , , ., v..... i ti
cif American Laws; Letlt ison .Natural Magic; ( he
....I., li in...!.... in.nn.:u m..i. '.,.e.:..
inistry lot Reginneis; Riighsh Exerciis s ad.iili d i
Murray's (trammer, Srijucl to Condey's Splhn
Hiiok; American Class lL.ok; Daboll'. Schoolmae
lei's Aev.istsnt; A great variety of HUnk Rouks, Ai
August 'Jrt, IK 13.