Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 14, 1844, Image 4

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    teMn njjwimi ij.ii m Fjmw.;j'i.iij..'. j m
! ... in II III I
ft6 'tfV-A-i;fJ '
T II El VOTUfl n .1 V.
Am "The Washing Day."
No clouds our cause now ove rcast,
Our hopes have risen high,
Tor we have found a man at last,
Who'll blow the coons sky-high,
With James K. Tolk of Tennessee,
Young Hickory, as they say,
We'll heat the Federal nominee,
Upon the voting day.
So 'tis march, march, drum, drum,
Chout, shout, away,
Tor all the iolk will go for Tolk,
Upon the Voting Day.
Ve now shall make a glorious fight,
As the fed will soon ditkii-er,
With Truth and Justice, Law and Right,
We'll row them up Salt River,
One fact the whtggies can't mistake,
One truth they can't gainsay,
That Tolk, the stake, is sure to take,
Upon the Voting Day.
So 'tis march, march, drum, drum,
March, march away ;
For all the folk will go for Tclk,
Upon the Voting Day.
Old Harry Clay, the people say,
Is sure to undefeated,
They nover cart forget the way
Old Hickory was cheated.
All men can tell, where'er they dwell,
In palace or in cottage,
That Farry then, his vote did soil,
Like Esau, for his "pottage."
Eut march, march, drum, drum,
March, march away,
We'll wipe the stain, away again,
Upon the Voting Day.
Two tones now issue from his mouth,
Upon the tariff question,
Free Trade's his watchword at the South,
And at the North Protection.
IIj's different things to different mm,
With soldiers prates of battle?,
With speculators wields his pen,
To children talks of rattles.
Eut march, march, drum, drum,
March, march away,
This is no go as we shall il.o-.v,
Upon the Voting Pay.
With nabobs he will drink champagne,
WTith working men hard cider,
And pat your filly on the mane,
In hopes he may bestride her.
He'll praise a beggar's ragged coat,
Find beauty in a hovel,
And seek to buy the poor man's vote,
Ey lending him a shovel !
Oh, fie, fie, shame, shame,
You know it, Harry Clay,
That this is only going to last
Until the Voting Day.
Young Hickory then our watchword he,
On mountain and in valley,
Till every friend of Liberty
Around his name shall rally.
The Whigs may swing, or feast, or fast,
Till next November moon,
'Twill only end in this at last,
We'll skin that same old Coon.
So 'tis march, march, drum, drum,
March, march away,
For all the folk, will go for Polk,
Upon the Voting Day.
A Uinnjijoliit inml.
A young Yankee u ho had formed an attach
ment for the daughter of n rich old furmcr, and
after apreeinj with his '"bonnie lassie," went
to the old fellow to ask consent, and during the
ceremony, which was an owkvvark one fur Jo
nathan, he whittled away at Q stick. The old
man watched the movements of the knife, at
the same time cont nurd to talk of the prospects
oi his future son-in-law, as he supposed, until
the stick was dwindled down to nought. He
then spoke as follows : lVu have a fine pro
perty ; you have steady habits, pood enough
looking, but yen can't have my daughter ! Had
you made tovu thing, no matter what, of the
Hick yoti have whittled n way, yon could have
had her. As it in, you cannot. Your property
will 0 ns the stick did, little by little, until all
is gone, and your family reduced to want. I
have read your character; y.m have my an
swer." Jonathan conveyed the unhappy news
to hi.-i anxious I'uir one, who, after lo uring the
story, burst out "a cry :ng,'' siy ing, " by you
tarnal fool, ye n, why didn't you ay you'd made
a liltcr on't if nothing more ! Git out! I'll mar
ry the first lelltr that points his rye at ti t I
will, fo boo o-o o."
Ono of those tinply-patcd, fclf-coiiceitt'd,
would-he-witty sort ot 'puppies, that are always
attempting o appear niart by pointing imt the
ignorance nl'ntlifcrs, was travelling tine day in
the highlands, and tailing in with a h pherd Ly
the roud-side, he thought he might tr:a-l. n joi.e
upon auld X)onuld.
'Fray, Mr. Shrphord," aaid the fellow , ' how
lar have I lo pn now 3"
'Juettwa mile fuir. r," replied Donald.
"Jndeed ! how du you know that, limit '!"
'Bocaune, they are putting up a gul'ows to
hang two knaves there, an' Fin rnisU'n i!j t;'re
na auc o' them."
Ayonnr; physician afking perrnisfion of a
lady U kiss her, he replied. 'No, sir ; 1 never
like to hav a doctor's bill thrust in my face.
It A ll ' T I! 1,1 ST.
The fdlnwing Iit show the rurrmt vnlne of all
Vntmvlvmiis Bunk Notes. The mo!, implicit re
iaficn m y le placed upon it, a it is every week
arefnliv compared with at d corrected fioin Hick
lell's Rcnor'cr.
tt:i:sUs la rhllndrlplifn.
, Drc. i
Nam,.. Locatio. Vmllk.
N O T E 8 A T P A I?.
(lank of North Ameiiea
Bank of the Northern Liberties .
Oummerrjnl Bank of Peon's. .
Farmers' nod Mechanics' Batik
Kensington l).ink
Philadelphia Bank
Schuylkill Hunk
S.oithwutk Bank .
Western It ink . ,
Mechanics.' Hank .
Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Bunk
(Miiiiry Ii:iiiK4.
Bank of Chester County
W estcheste r
Hunk of D-l iwiire County
Bnk of Ocrmnntowiri
Bsnk of Montgomery (Jo.
Doylestown Bank
Ession Hunk
Farmers' Hunk of Burks co.
Oirice of 11 ink ol Penn'a.
Oflice do do
Office ih) do
Office d. do
HarrisLing"! Th
Lancaster I nlli
Rending ( do I
Euston J
issue n.
"ink of the United St des"
flank of Penn Township
Heard Hank
MoynmeninR Bank
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Bunk of Pottsvillc
Biink of Lewi-tow n
Bank of Middlotnwn
Bunk of NurthiiiirWrlund
Philaih Iptoa
Lew istnw n
Colion! ia Bank A riridgecn. Columbia
Carlisle Ballk Carlisle
Exchange Hank Pittsburg-
Do d.t branch of Hollidavshurg
Farmers' Hank of Lancaster Lancistci
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster
Farmers' Br.nk of Reading Readiutr,
Harrishtirg' Bank Harrishnrg
Lnticas'cr Bank Lancaster
Lebanon Bank Lebanon
Merchants' A Mnnuf. Bank Pittsburg
Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg
West B.uach B ulk W illiainspnrt
Wyorninc Bunk W i.kt sl uiio
Northampton It ink Alli'iituwn
Beiks lirthk ttiuduit;
Oil'ice ni Bank of V. S. Piltshurg
Do do do 1'rie
l)j do dn New Biiuhlon
rvensioctnii Sav. Ills. A d.t
Penn Township Sav. Ins, do
Bank of Ohamherthurg Chaniberi-hurjr
Bank ol Geitynhnr (ietiyshurg
Bank of Su quehunna Co. MonliOke
Erie Bank Kriu
Firmer' A Drovers Batik Wnynesburn
Franklin Bank Washington
Honcsd.ile Uink llonewlale
Monnnpjahel Bank of B. Brownsville
York Bank Yoik
JV. B. T'lic notes of those banks on which we
amit quotations, and stibt-titnte a dio-h ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia; brokers, wiih the
exception ol those which have a letter ol nlerence.
Philadelphia S.iv. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Lubor Bunk (T. W
rowai.d'i Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank o( stars
1'iiiik ot W'
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmer' A Mcc b'cs' Bunk
Farmer' A MechV' Hank
Farmers' A Mci hiV Bank
Harmony Insiitoto
HiiiiliiiC l.ii, Hunk
luniala Hank
jiiinhermeii's Ilitik
Northern Bank ot I's.
New Hope Del. Ilii.lue ('o.
Noilhiimli'd I'linm Col. Bk.
A N K S.
Plula h i, bin tailed
do failed
do f.iled
Dyott, prop.) failed
Bedford no sale
Heiver closed
II .nri..hurg ched
ii-.hinctoi luilnl
Belh f.inte rinsed
Pit'-l'inp; n nle
I'llii-hlirn failed
F.iVt tti C". fuli t
(irevnea-t e f n'ed
Harmony ini -ale
Iliinliin'ilon mi
Lew i-IO'A ll liosale
Warren finleil
I hunlnll' no ilr
New llipe elnMil
V ilioii lio ale
MeUilrille elnMil
Poll I'
Carli-lo failed
MontluM1 closed
Uoielilown failed
t Jreens' ori' i lneil
V ill, h!inre no h.ilt'
North Wetrn Ibi'ik of Pa.
OhVe ot tS. htivlUill Bank
Pa. Acr. A Manuf. Bunk
Silvei Lake Bank
Union Bank of Peun'a.
W'cxlinoieland Bunk
VVilkesbnrre Hiide Co.
(Cj" All notes pui'ortine to I e on sny l'enn-yl-VHtiia
Bank not given in the above lit, louy be et
iown as frauds.
unv ji-:issi:v.
Bank of New Biuuswiek
Hi tiiisH ii k
Pirth Amh.iy
Mount Holly
N. Bionswirk
Mld.tleto.Mi I'l
Ji-r-ev City
fail, d
!,.,!. d
Helvideie Bsnk
Burlington Co. Bank
oommercinl Bank
Cumberland Bank
Farmers' BmiiU
Fsrini rs' uiiJ Mechanic)-' Bk
Farmers' rind Mechanics' Ilk
Farmcrb' slid Merehauu' Ilk
Franklin Hunk oi .V J.
llohoken Bkii A O'razing Co lloboken
Jersey City Bank Jersey Oily
Mtchauiis' Bank Pi.ti.tson
Miini-fuliir. r' 1! ink I'eilevihe
Morris County Bank Morristowu
.Monmni.ili Hi ol N.J. Frivlmld
Mii'hanics' Bank New.n'n
Mi ilini.H'a' and Manuf. Ri Trentnii
Morris ( !nal and Hkg Co Jcisiy
Post Noiea no sah
Newark Bl.g A Ina Co Newark J
New Hope Del Bridge Co Lamheitsville J
N. J. MatlufaC. and Bkg Co llohoken failed
N J I'lotrclon A Loiuhuid tk Jersey (.'i y Ij.led
Orange Bank Orange A
Paierssin Bank Pateisoii failed
Peoples' I'snk do
PnneeK.n Bank I'riue. ton
tsjlein Banking Co Kill in
Stale ltuik NeAiiik
Stale Bank I.liz iheihlowii
Slate B ink t 'amd. u
Stulii H ink of Morris Morii-iown -t
Slnte Bank 'I reiiloii ft.ihvl
S.deni ami Phihid Munuf Co Salem KnltJ
Sussex Bank NrWIoti J
Trcnloii Banking Co Tieutoii par
Uui .n Dour
Vushii.jiiin Banking Co. II aik l. ai k fu'.lrd
in i.nv iitiu
Bk of Wi'm A Br.nuiy wine Wilmington par
Hank nl D. I iwaie Wilmington par
liana el b, i' ma bmyrua par
Da lianeh Mdtoid par
Farnn ra' ilk of Slate nf Dtl Dover par
Dj bramh Wilmington par
Du bramh (leoigftown pur
Do bramh Newcastle psr
Union lli.i.k W ilmington par
Qj- I'lulrt 6's 1
dj On alt I anks maikrd thus () there are f is
thr or altered notes of lha vla
nomiaatioiia, in circulation.
nrrrit.iTiwn syiui.
flIIR vsluab'n properties of Oakley's Dcpmn.
I live Syrup of Harsnpsrills, as n purifier of ihe
hloed, ia an well known tn lbs public generally,
that it is nnnecefsity to occupy much "pare in set
ting forth the sdvantnues tube derived from its
lis." j whenver the medicine bus nncp been Intro
duced, it takes precedence over all other i evety
one tbt has Inken it, hv derived so siannl bene
firiul results from it, that it is recommended by
ihem wiih the u'tnnst eonfiib iice. Physicians of
the highest staivlin in the profession, presrrihe it
to patients under their care ( containing; nothing
deb terinus. but beinjr romjioed of the m ist mild,
yet i tbcacious vecetslde msleriaW, it is otf red w ith
cnrifiileni e. ns ibp cheapest and most I (Ticirnt pu
rifier of the blood now known. Thp use of a few
boliles, especially in the spring months, will be at
le ndid with a most decided imptovrm' nt in the ge
neral otrciiiiili of the tystein, rrnilicn'ttiij sny seeds
of disen-e Ihnl mav have been penernti d, hi sides
ttivirij! health nml viaor In thp body. For the cure
nf Si rntula or K'tms Kvil, Rheumatism. Tetter,
Pimples or cniption of the Skin, White SwellinR,
F.i-uda, Chtoriie Oouuli Asthma, Ac. The nu
merous cpriificntes in the possession of the subscri
ber and bis agents, from physicians and others, lire
stilhVienl to convince the most skeptical of its su
periority over all preparations of Sarsaparilla.
Sold wholesale and retail, hv Ihe proprietor,
(.'F.Oi!(.i: V OAKLF.Y, North 5th Hr lies-
dine. B'iks County, nJ to bn bad of the following
prisons :
Li Tfiirthumlrrhnul ("nunty.. B. Mav,
Sunhury ; behind A M.xcl, MvUwensulle j DJ
Kr.iu.MT, Milt. .n,
7r? Union Cnut. J. Cienthart, Seliiogrove .
A. (iuti lius, Miftlnii'Urg.
hi Coin mliiti Count;. R. V. McCay, Wash
It. I I. lflll.
Mit. O.Kirr: I believe it the uty of every
one . do whatever in their power I ie, for Ihe b-ne-fit
of their ft llnw mvi, and havinc bad pn-i ive
proof in rnv ow n family, of the Wonderful properties
of your l)i puratie Sv rop of Sarsaparilla, I ni st
cons.-ictitioU'ly reenmmend it lo the atllii ted. We
had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by
the br. akin out of ulcerous sores ihut covered tin1
face, head nod I e. k, although we had some of the
most scientific physicians lo nt'end tlv m and had
tried all the known remedies, including Swoim's
I'annci a, w ithout avail. Another of my children
was uttnclsed in ihe same manner, her face and
nir k was con p'cli lv Covered; ihe d achate was so
oll'i'iisive, and ihe .hser at surh a be'cht, that wp
ih spain d ol her lid Seeir e ihe wonderful cllixl
of v. nr Depi.r S tup ot S irsapari 1 1, we wi le to make tti d ot il. as the last ns rl; it
nc'pd like a el-arm; the u'cers commenced healing
inimed ately, a hw bodies entilely restored In r tn
In r he alth, whii h she li .sei j 'yid iiiiinleriui tedly
ever sinee. A a putifu r ol ll.e b'o. d,I verily be
lli ve it has not its equal.
Wid n lit street, near Fourth, Ri-a.ling.
DonglassMlle, A i ril 13tb, 194:).
Mil. OakM.t : My son IMmund Leaf, had the
scrolnla in the most dn adtul and di-lressing man
ner for Ihn e yes's, dniinuwh ch lime be w is de
prived of the use of his liud". Lis he .d and i t . k
w. re covered Willi lili'Prs. W p Irt d nil ihe dilb'r.
ent remedies, tut to no i fl". rt, mil I rrci-mm. ndrd
bv Dr. Johnson nf Nor.i-toivii, and also Dr. Isaac
Hosier, ol Be.'dtt p. to use your DepUMilive Syinp
of S.;r'aparill l, nf which I o! laineil seveial hollies
the use of which d'ove the di-eae eniii. ly out of
Irs svs'etn, the sole he di d up, and the child was
restored to rtfeet hi-..lih. which be has enjoved
uiiinteru leiily v. r si' c-'. to the nst ti;shmi in ol
many persons who seen him du it u loa Hpdiclion.
I have tliouubt it my du'y . and s. rid vmi thi certi
ficate that otters who haves like atl'.ieiion in ihe
fimilv may know where to obtain valuable a
mi du inc. Your ttuK .
Sep.. Ifi. IS-V
I TAT v?c CA1 M A M T I' A CT( 1 11 1 1 U S,
South I'asl cnnitrvj Marht l ami Atli sis..
p r.SPI'C I'Ft l.l.V int. rin the pnbbe that thev
' will y kicii on b-nda .og h'mhI
iin'iil ol Hats. Caps mid For, lo suit the fall trade,
nf the he-t ipiatiiv. By slrii t at'cntuin lo l.Usi
rnss. nod l y s. lhi.c then Mock ot Ihe prices,
thev tbitti r ibenisi I. s in h i'3 ible to fiive . ntire
nitialiictioo. Auuust 5, IKlll ly
t(lilt ''lf-l''
r pin1 pu he will plsase nhsprve that no Brainbeth
PiMs are genuine, unless the l ox has three 1 1
hets ii on it, (tho lop, the side and Ihe hntlom)
esrh coniaining a f ic-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus II. !!h I'M e rn, M. D. These In.
bel-aie enrsved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over f 2 W'O.
it will be seen thai ihe only thing n'fessny to pro.
cure ihe medicine in its purity, is to observe these
Remember the top, the side, snd the boilom.
The following respective person arc duly auln ri
zed, and hold
For the sale of Hrundrrih't Vegetable Uiiircrtcil
Northnmheil.n .1 county: Milton M u lav A
Ch imheilin. Stinlitirv II B. M isser. M'l'"oi's
ville lielalid A MeiXell. Nonhuoi eiland Win.
Forsyth, fieoigetowit J. A J. Walls.
Union C. Lilly: New Berlin Bogai A Win
ler. Selint!ro'e liVorge (iiiiidiuoi. Middle
l.ii'R Isaac Smith. Binivi r'Oivn David 11 id. If'.
A rg in. ,, M ay. M itllnishuig Mensrh
A rv. lis t!i Ion Daniel Long. Frei burg
(!. A F.C. 1oi r. Leivisbuig W alls A tiieen,
t'olumhi . county : Danville E. B,
A Co. Berwick A It tlenhoiisc. Ca'
lawissa C. I!. BioLts. Dhvimshui'c John It.
Mover. Jeti-ey Town Levi Bisel. Washington
RoU. M.Cay. Lime-lniie Ilali-t MNo ch.
par j Ohscive -bal each Agent has mi Engr.iv.d (! r-
I tifieateof Agenev, ciuilaitiiiig a ippres"ntaiion nf
i ilr BltANDItE I ll's Manufactory at Sing Sing,
i , snd upon which will s so be seen exact copies nt
P" I ihe iitw labels th:w uttj upon tbe ISrandilh J'ill
I'luladi Iphia, office No. t, Noilb Sih slreet.
B. BltA iSDULTll, M. 1).
June 21th, 143.
Nt.s. 42!) anil 31 North Thitd Street,
NT e a r the City Hotel,
CC. MAOKEY, Auctioneer, re'pectfuPy in-
vile, the attention of jiersons desirous of pur
chasing F.iinnu-e, lo his extensive Sales Rooms,
(bolh public and Ptinile,) fur ivery description of
Ilousthold Furniture, wh. re can be nhluined t nil
liuiei. Urge sssortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabin. I Furniture, Beds, Matlrasses,
Ac., at very reduced price, for cash.
(gf Sules hv Auction, twice t week.
May JVih, 1 143. y
I'oit urn r.n.
rt'TANKnl'Sl FRI P-I l)Sl.
(Tt 7Ve fulliiwinsr crrfijirn'e drtrrilir nnf u Ihe
niD.'l trirvorJinary cures ever effected by any
Pm!.Ani:tnuA, February 10, 1813.
IOR twenty years I wos severely alllirled with
Tr.TTf.ti on the Face and Mend: the disease
commenced when I was seventeen years old, and
continued until the Fall of t8:ifl, varviog in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the time, preat part of my f ice was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with vin'ent itch
ing; my head swebed at times until it fell ns if it
would hurst ihe 'Welling was so R eat. that I conM
srarci ly pet my lint on. During ihe long period
that I was afflicted wi'h the disease, used a great
many B plications, (among them s.'veral celebrated
prep .rations) us w II as taking inw.itd remedies,
ini'biding a number of I. ttle of Simim's Pannren.
Ext met nf Sarstip'iriltj, Ac, In fact, it would be
impo'sihln in enumerate all tho medicines I used.
1 was nlso under the of two of the most .lis
linguistic.! phvsiciiuis of ibis citv, but without re
ceiving much benefit, sod I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fill of is:tfl, tbe disease, ni the time
being very violent, I commenced using the Rime
Ointment, (prepared bv Vnughiin A Davis.) In
a few applications the violent it. hiug ceased, 'he
swelling abated, the . runlion began to disappear,
and hit, re I had used ajar the disease was rntirelr
cured. It has now been lunr'y a and a ha!f
sinee, and there is not a vestiue nf the disease re
maining, except Ihe scars from ihe deep pits formed
by the disease. It is impossible for me to ib serihe
in a c rlificute the spverity of Ibe disease and tny
siilV. ring, but I will be pie isrd to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on me. At the time I commenced
using the Ointment I would have given hun
dred of do'luts to lie rid of the disease, Since u
sing it, I have recommended it to sever .1 persons,
(among them my mother, who had the disease bad
ly on her arm,) who w. re n I cured hv it.
.1 VMES DUItNEI.L, No. ISO, Kace St.
rjj" The Jtose Ointment is prepared bv E. B.
Vniidhao, Sou'h East coiner of Third and Kace
stre. Is, Philadelphia, and sold on agenev in Simhu
rv. hv H. B. MASSER,
" May Mlh, 1813. ji'Il'"
PititAniieniA, Mav S?lh, I S:tH.
''fMIls is to
wiih Tetter
certify that I was severely afilicicd
etter in the hands and Let tor upwar.ts
of forty years; the disease was attended generally
with violent itelong and swelling.
I nptihi'd t.)
liiiioberof physici .ns, and used a great many sppli
cn ions w ithout . iVe.iing a cure. A hunt o ymr
since, I nppbed ll e Hose Ointment, which entirely
stopped ihe itching, and a ft w applications immedi cured Ihe disease, which there has Wen no
return of, although I had never been lid of it at
any time for forty yesrs. RICH AI!D SAX'Al.E,
Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
fj" The Hose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
X'nuthnn. S imh East corner of Third ami Race
Streets. Philadelphia, and Bold on agency in Sunbu
,v by II. B. MASSER,
' May 1 tlh, If ld. A:rrt.
Of the ROSF. 0.r.l:.Y7', for T'ttir.
X LTHOI'UH ihe superiority of the prepatatioti
over nil others is fully cs'nhlishcd. ihe pr .prie
lor take pleasure in laying before ihe public the
fnllowing cef.ificnte from a respectuble physician,
n graduate of the University of Pennsi lvania. Dr.
Biingb, having li.nnd in this .eniedy thai relict f.r
a tedious and disagreeable nllivtion which the means
within Ihe range of I. is profession failed to ailord,
has rot bcsiisted to give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of thai profession ate
i p posed to secret Item. dies.
PliiLAi.n.l-ui, Sept. 19, INo-fi.
I was rpcentlv troubled wiih a tedious herietic
eruption, which covered in arlv one si.'o of mv face,
und extend, d over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, proprie
loi of the Hose Ointment, observing my face, insis
ted on my Lying bis preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Although m common with ihe mern
hers ol mv profession, I discountenance and disap
prove ot the numerous nostrums palmed upon the
pohlic ly igt'iu .ml pr. tenders, 1 feel in jus'ice hound
to except the Rose from thai c'ns of me
d cinis, snd to give it my approbation, as it entire
ly , ured iIip eruption, Hlthoogh i' hid resisted the
u-ud upi hcaiiot s. DANE BAI (ill, M. D.
The Itose Ointment is prepared hy E. B.
Yauuhan, South East con er nt Third ai d I! ice
Stieeis, Philadelphia, and sold on ngi ncv in Sim- J
burv.l v II. B. MASSE It, !
May'l-lih. I on. Aeut.
Jfiouerv Ink.
Maiiufafttii cr of Writing htni Jinlclli
lile Ink, N. ItXiN.-itli Third Street, mx
doors below Race, (east side,)
"1 1 EspEt ' I Kl LLY inlorms country nu rehntils
J k und nib. rs. that he con-i tntly keep on hand
s lame stock of Ids superior Blaek, Blue and Ki d
l. k, und also a superior .piabiy of Imb IIP le Ink.
II s ink is put op in b. tiles vaymg in s re, Ii. tn
t to Wi nunc, s, hi.i1 Will ia sold on rens-iuahte
t.rms. The ex ele t quahiies of this ink has so
Ihorooehlv rstalili-licd Us ch .racier, that it i now
extensively used througlinul llttf coouirv.
, For sale m ibe stoie of II. B. Master, Sim
bnrv. Pa. May 27lh. ISld. lv
" (' H AK LKS VV. Ul .l M X S,""
AS taken Ihe ollice lonneilv occupinl hv ll e
Hon. ( harle (. D o in I, o peril. the (Yuit
House. He will a I - i.l l hiisioes in the C. Iirls
of Norihumhethuid, Union and Culumhia cnuiuit.
Mav 20th, I SCi.
(Itncrut .Stai;e I l:re,)
iia: olvj "r.r zs t.7
i'iiii It anl'i.
riHE Snb-criber r. spccilully intoiins his fiienda
L and ths public ii) ueiieral, thai he has taken
the above
I N T II E B O It O U (! II O F M U N V. Y,
and that he is now well prtpsioj to accommodate
all who rosy favor h in with ihe. r custom.
His SLM.ritis ArtitTMkttTa t-re well aiie I, and
His T aia An Bar will alvays be sapph.d
wiih the best thernaikct can afioid.
His SriaLiao, which is gotd, will It under
the charge of pond and carrtttl hostlers.
He fi rU confident, by sliiit attention la buiofsit,
and an earnest desire to rentier r nifoituhle I hose
who may patronize him, ihat he will not fail lo give
general ktuufuction. II. It. WEAVEK.
Money, Oct. Ut, I P4t. if.
' !'' If
(.otnmissinn At Forwardin? Mcrcliants,
7 no nf Willow Street Hail Road,
on tiik tiiitvtni,
T TAVINO associated viih them Joseph Barnet,
J late of Enston, Pa., respectfully inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have ta
ken th t large and well known store and wharf nt
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupie! by
.lucoh Martin, where they ptt'pose doing a (ieuernl
Commission and Forwarding Buines, and
ihe local advantages of tbe place being conm ctetl
with all ihe public Improvements: that have iheir
outlet in the city, they duller themselves ihey will
he able to do business to as great, if not g.eater ad
vantage, ami upon as reasonable terms as any other
house, and they nssiiie their friends that Bny con
signments tna.ln to them shall have their strict at
tention, and no exertions spared to give entire aatis
fuctton. Th. y are nlso prepared to receive and forward
goods lo any point on the Delaware and Lehigh
rivers, between Maucb Chunk, Enston and I'bila
del liia, vbi Delaware Division and Lehigh Can ds;
also, lo snv point on Ibe Juniata river, or North
and Wist Binnches of the Susquehanna via Schuyl
kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Wutei
For the ncrommndntinn of Boats coming nr go
ing via Schuylkill and Union Oannls, a Steamboat
will bo k. pi expresslv for towing boats from ihe
Schuylkill around lo the Delaware arid hack, which
will en .hie merchants to have iheir produce deli
vered on the Delaware, and their goods sl ippul nt
a saving ot BO to 75 per cent. o the prices fir
hauling ncioss, with these advantages they re
sp.ctfully solicit a khnre of patronage.
William Hillman, "J
William W. Key ser, y.
Joseph Ib-rncl. 3 Phila.l , May 1 1. 1813. ly
fStiuir ami Tobacco Manufacturers,
.Yo. H!) .Yori West corner of Race and Third
Slrrt Is.
rPHU tinder-igned have funned a Co-partnership
under the firm of J. M XYLAN D .Ik. A Co..
as successors to ihe lute firm of Juenh .Mayl'titd Af
Co., iind will c.intinue (be business at the old esta
blishment, on their own account. In addition to
iheir own close attention and experience f..i ninny
years, ill the manufacture of iheir ecf. hrated snnlV-,
ihe long experience of the senior partner of the
( bile firm, will nlso be devoted to the interest of iln
new concern and ns no exetiion aim care win i e
spared to insure their goods, nt all tiin. s of ihe ve
ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of the
confidence of the fi lends and customers of the late
J. M AY LAND, J it.
Philadelphia. Mav Hth. 11:1. ly
To Country
rrilK Subscriber, Agent of Lyon A Hani, Hat
Manufacturers, fur New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other large cities, whoso Hats are
highly commended qmid enl;i und durability,
has oil I. nml a lir-t rate assuitin"nt of H A I'S and
CAPS, suit able for Si r up, s des, wh ch will le sold
very low, foi ca'i or upptoved credit, nt tbe neted
cheap tttare. No. 40, North Third htr,.-i, pp ,i-e
the City Hotel, I'bila Iclphin.
N. B. Orders for Huts in theroui;1!, pro.nptly
attended to. The holiest price in fW jr trade
given far I'nr ikin.i.
Philadelphia, June 11, lSin.--ly
(.rnri al 'oiimtissioii Irr lianls,
t'nr Ibe Sale nf Flour, Vrain, Snd, .c, ,c.
n5???f .?l'
1 EsPEtri FI LLY inform iheir fri.nd nnd
' he Merchant generally, ihnt they have la
len thiisel nge and commodious W harv s, with two
Dotks, lioi th of Chefiiut stru t, on the Delaware,
together with the store No. 1U South Wharves,
where thev would be plencd to receive consign
ment nf (Jrain, Flour. Serd, Whiskey, Iron, Ac.
Ac. Being also well prepared to forward nil kinds
of Merchandise by ihe Schuylkill and Union, or by
ihe Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, as tow
boats are kept expressly for the purpose of towing
bonis bv ci her loute.
Merchants will be particular lo send their
poods destined hy either canal--, t. No. It) South
W harves, between Market and Chesnnt stnets, on
Ihe Delaware, w ith directions necotnp Hiving ihem
which route they wish Ihem to be snipped.
Qj- Plasltr and S.dt fur sale, at th.' lowest mar
ket price. Bill. TON A d .
March 19, No. 19 South Wharves
ItOlti:iM' 1' ilM K NOV,
Lombard St ret t, llaltlntorr,
HAX'H constantly for snlr. Priming Paper of ah
sizes and qualities, Cup Writing Paper, nil. d
and plain, Letter Puper, white and Hue, ruled anil
plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope
Paper, do. do. Ill til , li i ii, doub'e ciown, crow n and
cxltiiM7.l W rapping Paper. Colored .Medium and
Boyal Papers, Bonnet, Binders' and Sinnv Box
B aids. Tissue Paper, und all tut.elt s in iheir line,
which they will sell on accoiiimodaling terms.
Highest price given for old rag.
ItOUKKl UAiiJLIv cv M).N,
March 19, IKld.
f'Lton Ml
1..MOII, ... .1
u, .orlh Thii d, above Ci.llouliill St.,
OHN DUNCAN, late from the FenisvKa.
nia Farmer, nnd Samuel Pike, jr., or A-
n.erit an Hotel, Columbus, I ihin, lake pleasure nt ac
tpiainiing Iheir fii. ml ami the public ener.illv ill .1
lin y have taken the large and commodious Hon I,
lec, m!y built by the M. ssrs. Halt, oil Ihe site
once occupied by the old esiublished Hotel known
ss the Bull's Head, in Third Ktuet uhuve Callow
hill St.
This Hotel is finished in the very best possible
manner, und i f the best nihteiia's. lis l.uat on is
very di sitable, particular lv for country imrrhai.ts;
Ihe airnngcmt n's tor heaiii g and vennluM'g tuch
room is Hu h as to secure any temperature. The
I dioon.s aie all light and airy, nil luiuulied in a
lie it sty'e, so as to insuie toinloit.
The receiving parlors are abo fun ishe.l in a su
perb style, the windows aie on Ihn French siyle,
fonuing an entrance to a balcony in front, whi.h
makes a pleasant recess. Piuliculai all. ulioii has
been given to the beds and bidding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
from years' experience in hotel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity Ic busmen, lo make this
house a desirable stepping place. Our (able w ill
always be supplied wiih Ihe very best our niaikel
can all'ord, and our bur wiih Ihe best liquors and
wines of ihe mosl appioved luainls.
P. S. There are first rata stabling i.n.1 carriage
houses attached lo Ihe hotel, attended ty caiffll
and soU'r h.isllers, snd our charges will be Lw, in
scenrdance with the present hatd times.
Philadelphia, Oct. Vlh, 1813.
H. 3.
Bualncfa wttended to in the Counties of Nor
thuivt crland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia,
liefer (oi
Tho has I! a tit A Co.,
Lowr.n A BAnnox, '
Habt, CrMMisios A II a aT, yrhilad.
ItF.tnni.ns, McFAtit Atii A Co.
Spkriib, 'Jooti A Co.,
No, II!) North Third, uhovc Arch Strut,
PIIAHLES WEISS, late of the "While Swan,"
v nnd "Mount Yemon House," respectfully in
forms his friend and customers, that be has become
the proprietor of the ahnvi wtdl known Hotel.
Country Metchants will find Ihe above Hotel a
central location, and the best nf fare. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling for horses, and the best of
ostleis. Itonrding f 1 per day.
May Hth,t8l2. tfL
M:W. rjzp -etvj 9
Corner of Third and Vine Streets,
williamspout, pa
fJ'MHE subscriber respectfully announces tithe
Ll public, thnt he b is opened a Hotel in the com
modious brick building situate on tho corner of
'I hird and Pine streets, where he will be hnppy to
w ait np n those who may favor him witli Iheii
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni
ent, nnd furnished in the best modern stvle. It is
provided with a large number of well aired and
comfortable steeping apartment, rooms, private
parlor", Ac. Persons visiting V illiamsport on bu-
j uncss or pleasure, mav rct ss-ured every ex
I ertioii will le used to render their sojourn at the
"r.ngle lli.t. I pleasant nnd agreeable. Ills I able
will be supplied with the very best the market nf
fords, nnd his bar with ihe choicest wines and other
liquors t barge re isonahle. The Eagle Holt I
possesses greater advantage in point of location
than nny oilier s'unlar t st ablishment in ihe borough,
hi ing situate in Ihe business part of the tow n, nntl
within a convenient distance of the Court House:
nml WilhaniFport and Eimira Itml I'oad Depot.
SulTn ienl Siabling provided, and good and trusly
ostlers always in titleiiduurc.
Attentive, nccon. mod.- ting and hone t Servant
have been itnj-b.xel. Hint left undone thai
will add lo the cumloit und accommodation of hi:
There will be a carriage always in attendance ni
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and frorr
the House, free of charge.
Mav 11th. IRI'2. If
chp.ysclits ?cLir:-:.
VN arlic e unetpjalled for cleaning and giving .
, hichlv tlurul le and mosl hiiiliant polish to s !
'; vcr. (ermiin Silver, Brass, Copper, Brittania ware
i Till, Sti el, Cull, rv, nnd for restoring the lustre oi
varnished carriage Ac, Tlti' I P.
Prep . ml an I gold hi wholesale and relail, by th.
Susquehanna Chrysolite I'oli.-h Company, Oweg
Tioga eountv, N. X.
W M. FOltsY'PIl, Agent for Nurthum'd,
II. B. MASSEH, Agent for Sunhury.
November 20th. 1812.
llichatl Weaver V Sou,
iX'o. 13 Sorth Water Street, l'hilnddphia.
;X L corisiaiitly on hand, a penerul ussor
mi nt of Cordage, Seine Tw ines, Ac, vi.
I ar'tl I'npcs, Fishing Hopes, While Itopes, Maui
j Hopes, Tow Lines lor (.'anal Boats. Also,
complete assortment of Siine Tw ines, Ac, such n
Hemp Shad and Herring Tw ine, Best Patent (ii
Net Tw ine, Cotton S'.iud and Honing Twice, Sho
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough, Line
Ilallers.'i'races, Cotton and Linen Carpel Cham
Ac. ail of whiih they will dispose of on rtasonuh:
lei in.
Philade'phia, November 13. H12. ly.
si'iiiii.Ni:, c;ooj) & uo.
X. HIS Market Slrcct, riiilatldf.liia
SNVITE the attention of (Country Merchan
to their extensive assoriment of British Frci.c
and Aliieriean Dry Onods, w loch they idler ti'l a'
j ""
Ihe til I reasonable p rins., November 13, ISI2. lv.
I'mlirtlht and Parasol Manufacture:
A'o. lii Xuiilh Tbi) it ihnl, tiro tlnorg LttoW
C.'V l:ultl. I'.'.iadtjibta.
iOUNTItX Metchants and others are solicit.
to examim; his u:.soili.iciil before purchasu
Phila.:clpl.ii. 13. '.810. ly.
a.. zl. Lac. jbq.
TT'X2 "4 - T."?
in p..
OR sale a small Furm, conl iiiiing about ei
hnoibe.l nnd ten ucn s, nmre or le-s, situ i
it. I li.wnsinii. Nor h.iml erlanil cimtv, ah.
tw o miles shove N orthuillbell Old, on the ma
road h ading from that place in Danville, adjoinn
land, of John l.eghou, Jesse C. Horloli and tithe,
noiii the occiipancv of Samut I P..yne. Abo
' fo'V acres of said tract are clean d, and in g'
. ..:, ,..,,.11 i. .,
sinn- ol cu uvaitoo, mi w in. n nine ru.n ..
.-rectrtl. The pioperty w ill be ld oil n asm. a1'
let ms. For liirtht r particulars, prisons arc rcquc.
ed to apply to the ul scrih. r.
H. 11. MASSSIt, Agent.
Nov. 2i'h, 112. if Sunhury. P
r o
mil. n r
NTHON'S Classical Dictioimryi l.emprn
tlo.; Amsworlh s do ; Cobb lo.; t.nglisli mi
(ieimsn do.; Aiitbou's Crc.-ar; Anihon (iraiiun.
Anlhen's Ciceio; Man's Latin Ke.idi i; Ogilly'sd
Ambcw's l.aiin Lessens; Doiin.-gati Lexic.
I'isk's (ire- k Exerc scs; Danes's Legemlei; (iia.
Mnjora; Ad.nns's Roman Antiquities; Pinnocl
(ioids.uilh's Ei gland; do. tireecc; L ell's Eh inn
.1 (icologv; M.s. Lincoln's Boianv; Elements
Botany; Budge's Algebra; Porter's lilutoiicul I.',
tiers; Emerson's (ieography and History; Ohc
do.; Parity's the; Smith's tirammer; Kirkhain's tl
Kay's Read, rs; Cold's do.; Cobb's Arilhnieii.
Pike's il l.; Emerson do.; Cobb's Spelling Boo
Tow it's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical I
niily Librarv; Cottage Bible-; Family do; Collul
al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Parkei's 1
erciseson Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxtt
S im's Rest; American Revolution; Mariyutl's ?
vets; Mrs. Phelps on Cbemisliy; Iliad; Catechi
of American Laws; l.eil. rson Natural Magic; CI
miblry lor Beginners; English Exercises sdaplcd
Murrsy's (irsmmer. Sequel lo Conih y's Spplli
Book; Am.rican Clsss llt.ok; Daholl's Schonlm
ler's Assislsnl; A great variety of Blank Book, i
August Srf, 'sl'--