Henry Clay on I lie Turin of 11. Among thefieo urticles were two that Mr. Clay seemed particularly anxious to tax, but Tailed, though supported by large number of his Whig friends ; these were tea and coffee, articles used as necessaries of life, and coming in com petition with none produced in this country. On this subject I will let him speak for himselfr September, 184 1, he said, "He should vote for the tux on tea and coffee. Tt Was necessary under 'his calculations, and as he found he wni 'to lie deserted by it portion of his friends, (tariff men,) he trusted that some of Mhnse opposed to him, (tree trade men of the South,) would vote for th's tax. If they did not, "the result would inevitably be that at the next ;ev!ion the 'tax would be certainly imposed, or a higher duty than is authorised by the compromise '-act levied on other articles. "He thought tea and coffee the most desira ble tilings fen which to raise revenue.'1 On the motion of Mr. Woodbury, to insert in the list ofree articles tea and coffee, Mr. 'Clay and other whigs, September 4, t S 1 1 , voted no. Coal Mine on Fire. The mine of Mr. Geo. II. Potts, at PottsviHe, look fire about Ten days since, and on examina 'tion, it was found that as many as one hundred tons of coal were on fire. The plan adopted was to quench the fire with water, and then haul up in wagons the reftise mat ter. Gang after gang of the miners Were sent down, and after working five or six minutes were brought up completely lifeless. The pro prietor, however, persevered, and by rubbing ahll'res'uscftnliiigt'rie exhausted men as soon as brought to the surface, he succeeded in conquer ing the element, after thirty-six hours of hard and perilous labor. The fire was rompletely ex tinguished, and about one hundred tonsofchnrred coal and ashes taken from the spot. 'We give this occurrence as a caution to all o thers engaged in "the business. Many of our operators are now working the veins below the water level, and a great deal of inflammable ens is inevitably produced. The same accident may occur in any mine, and may be followed by much more disastrous consequences. Miners in work ing will sometimes strike their picks into a cre vice from which will gush a complete stream of gas. It sometimes happens that these "leaders'' s they are termed, will continue to emit intlum muble mutter for day. Such Was the case in 'the instance we have described. After the first explosion the leader in one of the brea-ts con tinued to burn, and hail it remained undiscover ed a few (lays longer, one of the most valuable coll ieries in the district would have been com pletely destroyed. As it is.no serious damage 'has occurred, and the vein is now worked as usual. The Kknti ckv Pkison on Finn ! Great F.x cmkmknt! A letter to the New York Tribune, dated Frankfort, August .'(1, gives the particu lars ofthe bursting out f dames in the Kentucky prison on the previous night, about Iff o'clock. There were in the prison more than one hundred and sixty convicts. The flames spread so rapidly through the workshops That there seemed but one way to save the lives of the prisoners, and that to open the cells and allow all to leave the prison walls. The young men of the city ral. lied at once, repaired to the arsenal, broke it open w ithout ereinniiy, took out tour or five hundred stand of arms, organized, and put themselves un der the command of the (I'ovcrnnr. The implo ring cries of the prisoners for relief rew more and more earnest. Every building within the walls was in flames except the building contain ing the cells and the provision house. The re-M-rvoir which supplies the city with water had been partially cleared out on Friday, and the water was not let on until the alarm Was given, and the flames were permitted to move on un checked. The Governor arranged his men, en tered the prison and addressed the convicts, lie told them if they attempted to escape every man wonld fee shot. They fell upon their knees and begged but to be delivered from the horrid death that threatened them arid they would submit to anything, Justasthe Governor Mk as a"botrt to open the doors of the prison to the convicts, a supply of water was obtained, and the engines began to play upon the building containing the cells. The Governor thtm left, assuring the prisoners that they should be rescued if the building could not be preserved. Fortunately for all, they were successful in preserving the buildings above na ined, and in keeping the prisoners within their cells. Nothing saved ofthe machinery or materi als of the workshops. Tirt Choir ok Onn Fku.ows in Kni.l.vnti. Some curious statistic details, illustrative of the present state of this extensive fraternity, were laid before the Grand Metropolitan Lodge, at its late anniversary meeting. It appears that on the 1st of April last, when the returns were made tip, that there were in Kngland and Wales .'i.'i 10 lodges and 325, 000 members, showing an in crease of l.'3 lodges and S2,Ofio members over the previous year's return. The subscriptions for this year amounted to 3o2,oS:j ; the expendi tures to 300,001-; leaving a balance ttfo2,.1S:l in favor of the Association. The total amount of property belonging to the Order, (including pic tures, flags, banners, lodge paraphernalia, official Apparel, and various insignia) was estimated at 700,000. Amongst the enrolled members are 130 members of Parliament, 6a9 ministers Of re ligion of various denominations, and 0,000 hdna rary members who mnke no claim upon the funds. If each member were to contribute only one half penny each, it Would amount to31,l,'tia year If they were to walk two and two, one yard a sunder, the procession would extend 92 miles and 1180 yards. If they walked three miles an hour it would take MO hours 14 minutes to pass any gi ven spot 10,21-1 pasting cVery hour The chief item of expenditure consists of the charge for medical aid afforded to the sick and i-idigcnt of the order Thil. Ledger, POLK, DALLAS AND SHUNKs druml Democratic Mass Meeting or tiik THIRTEENTH 'COXGKESSIom DISTRICT, at inivro, IA., ON SATURDAY, Mih OF SEPTEMBER. UittT Df.mocwats ! Rally Freemen'! Rally Brelhern ! Rally from the Pines of gallant -OLD LYCOMING." Rally little CLINTON, the gl -rldtis "Banner county ofthe district ! Rally down trodden 'but paffi. tic Democrat of 'UN ION'! Riilry your legions NORTHUMBERLAND'! Come on, ye noble sons of the "Sth op thk North !" All come with the family ! Come one, come all ! Come old, corhn young"! All to the 'rescue ! To our brethren of hII sections we semi greeting, and we shall be glad to welcome you among us. Come on ! Democrats will always do their duty. Hon. James lliichunan, Pennsylvania's gifted and talented favorite son, hint wiinen to us, "thai God willing, he will be here," no day ran suit him better. Who will not spend on rut to listen to that eloquent champion of the people's right. We have also invited the fallowing able speakers to attend, vizi B. II. Brewler, Col. James Fage, Charles Drown, and E. B. Schnahel, of Philadelphia, Col. Reih Fraxier and John W. Forney, of Lancaster, R. M. Barr, of Reading, Wilson, McOan.ltes, ,,f P.ltshurg, Gen. Robert Fleming end Win. F. Pack er, of I.yconi'uiR, Col. II. B. Wright and Hon. B. A. Bidlack, of Luzerne, James McManus and Col. Jiimis Uutnside, of Centre. F. W. Hughes, of Schuylkill, and other eniineit speakers. The names of those who will certainly attend will he announced in the p.ipers as their consent is received. Democrats, this is no lime for repose. Federal ism, with its hydit head, is leaving no means un ified to fasten upon us its aristocratic principle and measures, therefore, arouse in the might and streng'h of Fremien, who are determined to rom tin fice, and show Kciler li-tn lh.it the Democratic pxrty values the true principles of our government and is fully rlelerm ned lht they never shall fall. By order of the Milton Dem.iatic Club. A, D. Patterson, Samuel Blair, James ('overt, II. L, D.etTcnbarh, H. M. DaviJson, J. W. Brewer, James Buoy. Voinmittee. Milton, August 51, IS 1-1. I'rrtidi lit 11 ami Slate lClrcllotis. We give below a condensed table, exhibiting the times when the Presidential and State 1 '.lec tions, respectively, W'ill W held in the several States during the present year; together with the Popular Vote given at the Presiden'ial K lec tion. It will be found useful for reference during the approaching election. Time r.f etect'ns Prcsid. Ye 1M0 SlATrS. States. Presid t Harrison V. Rnmn Maine .N . llarnp Vermont Mass. R. lslnd Conn. Sep. fi Nov. 41 4n,12 20, lis 32 14 in.m i 0,27 .'i 1 .00 1 22.'i,S17 :i:i..!.-ii in. fiat .',!'V7 M,2(H :;2.ioi IS, 01S fll.it 1 1 a. .'ml 2"i.2'.Kl 212..V27 .'11.0.11 I.S7I 2S.7.VJ I'l.SO.'l .'S72 latoee. .-il.il'l't 33.'.t!H 10. 975 7,0 1 IS. OS!) na.f.io I2I.7S2 ftl.SOl it. 17; 29.: m 21.1.(1 c.o is Mar 12 Nov. Sept. .1 ev 12 (i 12 I r, :t; Nov 1 1 Nov. 1 1 A p. An Nov. 1 April 1 Nov. 4 N. Vork (Nov. ,'i'Nov. C N. Jers'y Vt. Nov. of. Penn'a. lOct. s Nov. 1 Delaw're Nov la Nov 11 a i Maryl'nd Oc t. a Dec s 17 11 l 10 Hi fi IV 11 ;t.i,.'7Si muiid N. Car. S. Car. Georgia Alabama Miss. Apr. IS Nov. I Aug. liNov. 1 I 12. .101 .i,.'I7i'. v Leg is Nv-t. 1 1 Nov. -i )ct. 7 Nov. 11 10.202 28,171 Aug. ! Nov. 1 Nov. i'Nov. .1 i.. i,. rv.u n litilS: Louisi'ua 11,2'.IC. o,:i!i. .Vov. 1 Ix.loT o.L.'ioa 4.!:i7 22.972 22,0.1.1 4 3it TeYiri . Kentu'ky Ohio Indiana Illinois Missouri AUK li.Nnv. 4. liNVi'v Aug. .ijOct. Si Nov. .'. Nov. r.jNov. !i Nov. o 12 4 2-1 Oct. Aug. Ang. Aug. MichiganiNov. liNov ArkansasjOet. "(Nov Totals, 27.1 1,271,217 ;,12S,370 No State Kleclion takes place in Tennessee, this year. They elect State offfcers every two years and that election was held lust year. The DV:V'F.NnKKs a North Point. The ap proaching Twelfth of September, the anniver sary of the battle at North Point, is to be celebra ted with much spirit by the Association bf De fenders and the military, at Baltimore. They will be joined by the remnant of the defenders from York, accompanied by an escort of several military companies from Pennsylvania Caix is generally culled the ftrAt murdcier, but some call him the first soldier ; otheis might t ll him the first physician, as the three terms are con siilerpil synonymous. Frederick the Great rrtUst have destroyed a great many thousand lives before he became so proficient in the ait of killing ; yet, when in the presence of his own physician ht resigned his laurels to the M. D.t and suirendered all claims to supeiioilly over him in that depjitiiient. Napoleon, in his fatal Russian campaign, destroyed about one mil lion of human hcingi, and we call him a hero! Dr. BranJieih's Vegetable Univeuul Pills have saved the lives of at least half that uuuiher, and w hen the properties of his medic ne shall tie duly appreciated, he will receive the thanks of hit fellow ciiiwns; a richer gift than either titles or crowns. In oidei to secuie the medicine in its purity, he ha excluded ditlggists from any psriicipslion in its tale. QCj Purchase of II. B. Mtsscr, Sunhury, or of the gen is, puhlubtd in another pat t of this paper. CARD. The ,:Good Intent l'ngino Company," ofSnn bury, return their thanks to Jos. R. Pimestlt, Ii., of Noithumberland, for the liberal hospi tality extended to them at the fire on the 1 0th i list. Who's a Bktikr Rioiit'? John A. Bryan, of Ohio, Charge d' Affaires to Peru, is at New York, on his way to South Ameriea. Mr. Bry an was formerly an editor, but he is now a diplo mat, valued at $1,500 Salary, $ 1,501) outfit, and as much infit as he can get. Good for him. ritfCE CUUUKNT, Cmttited tettkly by Henry YoaVin mer. Whiut, R-ft, Cons, Oath, PtihK, . FiAYsr.ifn, UclTTlS, ' Dicrawat, 1'A'ttOtr, Drikh Arrt.Ks, Do. Pkachks, FlAI, HrcRLtn Flax, Fiios, 85 no 40 25 A too 10 25 10 75 200 8 10 s D E M O C 11 ATS, T lT It x o t: T. 1 MEETING of the Dr.vioenATS of Lower Mahonoy, J neks. in and Upper Mahnnoy Townships will be held in Georgetown, on Wed nesday the 21 day of October nett, at 12 o'clock, at the Public House of JACOB SPATZ. The meeting will be addressed by Charles W, Hi:orns and A. Joiipa, of Sunhury. Many Democrat of Lawcr Muhttny. LOT BEP.C-STP.ESSE?.. RESPF.CI F'.LLY bees leave to offer him , self to the electors of 'Northumberland coun ty as a VOLUNTEER ondidnte for the ,VSSEMftl,Y. Shmild he be so f .rtunale as to be e'ected. he pledges himself to discharge the duties of ihe office with fidelrty. Sept. II, 1844. spTnisiFhides TaxxiSrs oil. .'OOO Diy Li Plata Hides first quality. :fc"00 IVy Li Guirs. do I OOO Dry Salted La Guirs. do iOOO Diy Salt, d Br nil Hides, do Bales Green Suited Pntna Kips. JO Bales Dry Pa'na Kis. 1'iO Barrels Tanneis' Oil. Tanners' and Curriers' Tool. For salo to t'ountry Tanners at the lowest prices and upon the lest terms. N. B. The highest matkcl prices piid Yor all kinds of leather. !). KIRK? ATUICK v SONS. No. 2t,smh I'bird St. Phil idclphia. NepleTOlier II. 1841. ly. To School Teachers. TI'ST'KLL qualified 'IV k hers will he wanted tor V the foil 'w ing Sc hotds, in Mi miok n Dis trict, vir. ; One 'I e ic trt'r and As ilnni for thn P. leri-hurg School one for the E.iMern ; onn for the Blue 1.itnx Hou.e-: .me lor llie Soi.fl'iown one for Ihe Bnik M-reiin H use; one for li e R.ipiif ; one fm the SnvVriown ; one for the Kirehi r ; ore fo l4ie Irish Vail y ; oi.e fir ll.e Fuimio, snd one for Ihe Mover Schools. PerkOnA wishing to he einploVe l as "l'i acln Ts for those Schools, the en-niiiu Autniiin V Wi ter. will pli ane make e ulv iijip'ic itin to ihe Diiec nis ha unj lire si'cil care of those St UooU. It v ordei ofthe Boank JM'Oll HAAS, Pres't. of Biiard School Director Shsinokiu K li n a Joiim, Sec'y. Dist,, Nonh'd co. Auatlst 31. I5l4.-4t Drphans1 Court Sale. T.N piirsiiHiice of nn order of the Oiphaus' Court of Northuiiilerl.ind countv, will he e,ld l puh lic sale, on S.nun!uy Ihe 21st day of Seplemher next, on the premises, to wit: a certain tract of land situate in Ancu-ts township, in slid couuiy, adjoinins lands of David Reeser, Geortre Conrad, and oh' r, Containing tweniy-eighl acr'cs more or less, w hi ruin is erected iwo log houses, &C , late the estate of John Neuhii, snr., dee'd. Sale In commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. nt said day, when the terms of sale will lie made known hv ADAM NKtiMrt, Sunbury, Alg. 3lst, 1841. 4l Adm'r. FARM f llfr. suhsi rihers will oll'.-r for tile, on ihe pre JL mises, on the fin-t day ol IH-iohcr nex', at 10 o'clock, A. M.,k tract of laud in Augus' tovuship, Noithumberl md County, contaiiiu g 246 urn i, more or less, about 180 aeies of which are clear, ed, adjoining land of J Seph Savidge, Jacoli Fiy, Henry Yoiilieimrr snd others, oil sfiamokirl Cieik. I he Dam die and PotLviCe Itail l sd ssses throiigh the land. The almve tract ofluid posses ses many advantages. It is situated nhoul A miles from Suiituiry, and a laiue portion of ihe Cleared land is well adapted to the growth of gr.its. The imi'invbmei Is are a dwelling houtc, barn, and y ple orchard. The li mis w ill I e made krioW n on the day of sale, by Ihe nihseiilH-rs-, nectitors of Heniy Baid ln r, ili t'd ( as whose estate ihe same will tve sold, m:iiY hardsheij. 'JACOB BARDSHEK, FRED'K. WEAVER, Aucuta, August :1U, I Ml 1. 3t O Witting' Cout't eSAlr. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Norihuiiilieil Hid county, will be sold at pub lic tale, on Saturday the lllh day of Sepleiutier lint, on the pieminrst lo wit t rrrtain tract of IiiiiJ situate in ShamoKin township, in said county. containing JO acres nioie or less, oil which w erec ted a log dwelling houtc, hsni and other buildings late the otaie of Solomon Persing, dee'd. Hule to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when Ihe conditions of Ihe sale will be made known hy E.MANUEL 7A M M U It M A N , Sunhury, Aug. 24, 1841. 4t Adm'r. 1Jl.1K.UfOn ft.f ,.'.-The small farm, ' containing ahoui 100 acres, about 2 miles above Noilhuiin eiland, djoiuing lauds of Jesse C. Horton, John Leghou end otheit, will be mid cheap, if applicaiion n made soon to the suhsciiher, Sunhury, Aug. 31. II. B. M ASsKll. i Sl'.ni The highest price will be I for Flat Seed, hv given Aug y I, leT4. II. U. MASSE R. Coq lUry 3Icrc1 nn ts. riIIE Suliscrihrrs respectfully invite Country Jl. Merchants who are a'. out to purchase Fall and Winter 'Supplies, to an examination of theii respective Storks, believing that Iheir several as sortments ate as complete, as havo ever been oll'ei ed in the Philadelphia A'Miket. With stocks of Goods In their SevUnil Depart ments of the choicest kind a determination to sell on terms whh cannot 'fail 'to pMve satisficto ry snd a disposition In (ileann old and new custo mers, will, tve hope, he a sufficient inducement to purchasers to cull at our respective rsiiihlishments 'Siiks nnd Fnncy luiotls. W 'rV R P Remington 80 Muiket Sfreel. Ashhurst Remington 50 " Buck eV. Po'ter 110 Yard cfe Gillmoie 10'J Domestic ntul Fot-eign Dry '( otitis. Reynolds, McFarland -ft Co '105 Market Street. Burnett, Withers 6c Co 120 Scott & Baker 150 Wrse, Pn-ey cV Wise 154 " Hardy & Hackers 40 N.Sccoml Si. Importers of Cloths, Cassimers, Vest ing, Scc. William I! Love 147 Market Street. Lamhcrt Duy 108 Hardware and Cu'tlnry Michael V Baker -815 Market Street. Edward S Handy ft Co tfS " Importers and iManufaclurers of Sad dlery Hardware. Horn Kncass 3 15J Msikel Street. Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Caps, Leghorn nnd Palm Mats, &'-. W R & J fi Win Ian, 158 Market Street. Levick, Jenkins &. Co 150 w M Conrad iV Co 60 iMfinufacturcrs and Dealers in Drugs, Mediciircs, Taints, Oi'Is, vV.r;. Thomas P Jam.s 212 Market Street. Potts, Linn iV Harris 213) " Rot inson. Colbns & Co 87 " Edard Cole 54 " Thompson Pnncoist ft (,'o 40 " Hats, Caps, Turs ami Ti immins. I. Kenton 176 Market Street John Sauerhier ft Brother Yi2 Books and Stationary. GiiiiR ,V Kllntt 9 N.lsouit1i Street. Hiigsn iSt. Thoniphon 30 " Importers of British and lYcncli l-'an- vy Maple .stationary. f I t. A .... ni si v 27 S Fourth Sireel Henry ('ohen 3 Importers of Hosiery, Cloves, Trim mings and Fancy Comls. Setley Jt Severinn 21 N Third Street. Parker oV Lehman .1 " Coinhs, Brushes, Brooms, &c. "liomaS Cooper 3 N Kroni Sireet. Importer of Toys, lmey and Stajle Cootls. A F Oil Monrose 10 S Kouitli Street. Manufacturer of Patent I.ard Lamps. Edis S A rchei 32 N Second Street Manufacturer of IV-Ment r'loor and Furniture Oil CloMis. I aac Mac.iulev, Jr. 6 N Fifth Street. Manufacturers and Importers of Pa per llanginers. Howell & Brothers Ml) A 112 hesnut S. PhiVi Iclphi i. Auuust 4,1x44. 3m. snrcr.ii r s pa'i i. i: VAASrlllTG- IvCACJHIlTS. rillllS M .chine his n iw been lesied by more I than thiity faimlies in this neighborhood, and has given en tin- miIisI.hmio.i. It is so simple in ils roiistruction, ttnit it cannot get out nf urdi r. It fimliiiis no iron to iut, mid no -pinmsor rollers to Bit out of repair. It will do ttcc ss nun I: ni-Ii-in, with less than hull the wear and tear of ani of the late inventions, and whit is of greaier in por lauce.it costs hul lil lc over half as much as olhvr wji-hing iiitchiuc. The siihsi rit-er has ihe eictu-'ive riiilil for Nor llillinheilaiid, I oion, Lmmiiiii u. I 'olumhi i, Lu- time and Uitnton counties. I rue ,, sini;!.- iii i ihmeffi. H.B. MssKI!. The following ccit'featr 'S fioui a tew el those who hove tlie-e m icl.ines in use. Wr, ihe stthserdicis, cernly tiinl we have now in Uf, in our families, Shugeil's piienl Wash ing Machine," and ilo not hi Mlito sit init that it is a most i Xcelh nt iitVi n i i.n . Thai, in Wa-hiug it w ill i-ave more thiiii one Rail tho u-o d lf lio(. That il don t require more than one third ihe usual qnmill' Y Of so iji and water ; and that theie is n. ruhhing. and eoimeqiienily, little or no wear. iu or tearinit. That it knix ks otf mi buttons, ud that the finest rloihes, such a collars, lares, tucks, frills, Ac, may N washed in a Veiy short tir;ie without the. le.st injury, sod m fact without uny appaient wear and tear, whatever. We iherrfor. cheerlully recoiiiinend it I our friends and t the public, as a most useful and l ih r savinu in ichii.e. I'll A KLEs W. HEUINs, A. jOuhan. tills WE VF.R. I'HS IM.R SA.TS. GIDEON M A liKl.l'. hon. GKO. C. WELKERi It EN. I. If EMiKM'K. UlDEON I.EISEN RING. Sunl tity, Aug. 24, is 11. ClAMElo the pieini-es nf the iiih'.iH'I, in Augusts lowiish'f, Nr?rihiimhcilmiil roumv, some lime m May last, a while and H ick spoiled OX, nhoul two years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove piopcriv, p iy churgcs and take him away, or he wdl he sold uccorduitf lo l.iw THOM AS W tH,F. Auguil 24 lh, l8ll 3t A F A 11 31 tni.l. be told al private sale, the Real tUlitle Of Samuel Uloolll, late of Allgll'tj town-hip, Niirthiimberlaiid coiimy, dee'd., containing one bundled and seventy. nine acres, and olhiwsnce, on which is erected a dwelling house and bam, a well of witci near Ihe door, a saw 111 II and two U-aring on hauls. A hunt ninrty aeiesofsi'd laud are cleared, cce acres id' which Are lueadow land. And the remainder well tunhered. If tint ahoVe desciihed pr ip. ny is uol sold at privata tale, it will hr ottered at public sate, nn Tuesday, the first day of October lu ll, nil the pre mises. For further partirulais, inquire of the suhscri Iters, in August! loiVuship, N ollll'd. loliuty. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of ssiJ day, when the leinu will he made known hv JACOB BLOOM, DANIEL BLOOM. Augusta, August 10, It'll. .t Li'is. VALUABLE TAKHS, 4il. IMtOIT.UTV, WATBH POWERS, II ohm on nnd I.otn for av. TVl E Suluerihcr offers for sale the following de 1 sciihed Valuahla Property, all of which he will sell at very muderato piices, and on reasona ble terms, vir. : HOUSES ft LOTS. No 1. A large and i legint two story stotlfl man sion hoiie with b iscim-nt stor) , all highly finished, snd silua'l-d on tbe cast side of Market street, in $, lii sgrove, Colon county, bring Ihn residence of the subscriber. The lot on whirh this house stands is-'veiy hiiiilnomely improved, snd planted wi'h choice filiit and ornnmcrit it trees and shrubs, with all the recess try iinp'Ovem 'ids of a lirce barn, pigeerv, wagon he.l nnd corn rriti, carriage I house, ten h.ni'e, smoke house and poultry yar J. The whole constituting a most desirable and beau tiful lesiticnce.-. Price, f 3,.p00, No 2. A Uige two story wooden bouse with ex trusive hack buildings, and highly improved ear den and lot of ground. This property is situated ninth df and adj .iliina No. I. and also forms a de sirable residence. Price, 1,500. No. 3. A two rtoiy wooden hbtise tviih lot nf ground, situ tied on the east side of Water street, in Selinsgrove, Wi II finished throughout, with log staltle nn the rest of the lot. Price, fi()0. No. '4. A two story wnnden house with One slo ry ki rhen, and a lo t nde !! the rear of the lot, sitonted north of and mljidninc tl.e bst nanied pro. perty.No. 3. A Well .md pump, to acrommodaie this nd No. a, in tlie y ,rd. I'licc, 500. No. 6. A lot of urniind in the town of Charles- I town, on ttie Isle of tjue, situated iii street, i 4(1 ly ISO feel. A desirable lot for a dwelling hoii-e. I'n e, f 20(1. No 6 A lot nf er.iund -adjoining Sel'insgrovr snd Penns ciei k. and fronting on Walnut sireel, roi'lHining shout half an acre of ground Price, f2fi0. CANAL PROPERTY A- WARE 5k STORE iioi:sF.s. No 1. A very valuable proneffy on the Pennsyl vania Vanul, on the 1-le. df 'Que, adjoining Selins grove. The improvements are such as 10 facilitate mercantile nnd trading hu'siiicss th a great Client, and cniisiifl of a large twostoiy frine house, occu pied ns a d'v eoots store ; a liree and commodious ware bouse, 40 hy HO fi ct ; a lohg range of stHnlrng i and an ejtensive wharf. 400 feet long, with hoist iui! 'crane. ifk'C. It i situated on the berm bank riile of the ran tl, tin I in ctery YesTt calcclated f..r an eilensive business. Price, 5,000. BOAT YARD AND DKV DOCK. No. S. A laige and convenient Boat Yard on the Pennsylvania Canal, hod laying south of and adjotiiitiit No. V. (ii I his -property is erected a one and a half story frame dwelling house, well 'finish ed ; a large shad and effi.'c for llie accommodation of hunt huild'-rs, and also a Veiy complete dry dock, into which boa's for repair are floated out of the cinal, snd full which new boats erected on the viird are al-o Inimelicd. A very desirable proper ty .Price, f 2.O00. FARM OF 200 ACHES. No. P. A larije and exceedingly valuable faim, coiiiaiuiui' ah..ut 200 acres of choice limestone land, in a highly improved state. On this farm theie Me aboul I 10 aeies under culture, divided hy ao-vl fences into fields nf ten acres; a larse two story lion e tvilh ki'clit ii nttiiched ; a well and pump of excellent water at llie kitchen door; a! iarge snd convenient bank ham with wagon hiusp, ! sheds and corn cnh nitached; a laige piess house wiili rvi ry convenience for making cider, al Ihe foot ofthe orchard, which 'consists of ten acres of choice g aftcd nppfe trees and peer liees. Limestone is (juarned in any oan'y w ithin 100 yards of the firm huil. lines, where lime is burned. It lays wiihin ono mile ofthe l'ennylvsnia Canal and Se tinsgiuve. A very desirable farm. Price, J 1 2,000 FARM OF 220 ACRES. No. i0. One oilier larueand Valufihle firm of a bout 220 acres of Hineslone land, nnd :ibo situated within one mile of Toe can.it at Sehnsurove. Ii is w-.ll improved, there hen-jr (thiiut 130 acres well feiiC'-d and under culture. The halince beinj well limheie I w ith o ik, pine, w.i'nut and chesnul limb. r. The hu Idinos ronsi-i of a large and well fjnisht.--.! two 7-tory fjtii hou-e Willi kitchen ; a l.irgo bain wi n woigoii shed and coin cnl, Ai-. attu hed ; a priui; h.Mse and never lailmu spiinu neat ilie b 'U e ; a smith rhop. and two line kilns, capable of btiimui: one hundred bushels lime per day, built adjoining u eMiaiisiless lime-tone quarry. The e are al-o three orchards of bcaiing apple trees on this Y.irui.- Pi ice. Jin.UUO. FARM OF 2M ACRES. No. 11. A farm ell Penns I 'iei k. about 3 J miles from llie canal tit Selinsgrove, wi h the pulilic road le iding from S. hn-ur.iw 10 New Beilin, the at at of jtsifce ot V'nion roiiniy, ruiininu through tt. Ii coi.l.iins at Dili 250 acres, id w hich there Arc about t .... . 1 ... 1 ... 1 ,1,.. i.i .... 1 IO III leS III lll.l ,..' lllf-IIKIW l.lllll, HID I'.MIILT Ul 1 laud and principally red schale. About one hun- ! tit. d acres sre ileucd, Ihe balance being well cover I ed with 1111k. bem'oik and white pine limbri. The I'Uddings coilsUt ol a well fiuii-hed Iwo story farm house wiih several line springs of waier close nt ' lined, a l.i'xe log bam, corn cub, spring house, Ac. j On 1 in- hum 1 here Is a mill seite with 20 feet fall, 011 a siieam of water tiibutiily to Penns crerk. ! This faun miijht he adauiai;eoiisly divided mta j two farms, and will be so divided if puTc-baners de site it. Price, $!S,H00 WAiF.lt POWER. I No. 12, A wall 1 p iWei on Penns Cieek, nf fA 1 tit I I ill. unimproved. Ilia suuaied 11 e 11 the j two tracts ol find. Nos. II and 13, and wilhiu :tj miles nl Ihe I'elin-vlv inis ' anal, al Selinsgrove A niihl.c 10.1. 1 lead-, thioujli this ir.ici. along ihe east 1 . . ... - bu.k . r Penns ciei k Vrwe, ffKltl. WATER POWERS A WOODLAND. , No. 13. A tract ol wo.sllond eontainintr, about Y5 si ics. situ ded on Penns creek, immediately np- posiie No. H. 1 his tract is well covered with j j wlme oak and pine timber, with Wolf run flowing j I through it and emptying iittu Penns ere. k, alliirdint; j an - x c. Hi nt siite fir a -inv in II with from twelve ' 1 In iwentv f.et fill. Pi ice. 1,500. No. 14. A tiafl id womllnnd. in. improved, s lu 1 ' ted on the ea-t ado of IVims c eek. sdjouiiug No. 13, coiUiui'tig .ilviut 200 acr.is of exc-ellenl ml 1 ' si h de upland W. II run, ItiWitary to Penns crci k, i j r u 1 1 k. through lllU tract, and aliords superior scite , fir a saw mill The I. ml Isheivily s with whi'e ; 0 ik and Hn timber, nnd is suseeptitde of briiitf con- I I Virte.l uiioaiicXci ll.nl firm. Puce, 3 000. I ,o. I.l Ore other ll iet of woodland, Ullnt1 b- i i veil, .itnaie.l in I'ciiiis town-bip, hIioiii 3 miles j I'ioiii S, liiHur.-it-, adjoining lands of John Bailv, J : (I. Smuh and other-, c iitaiiiing I rt 7 acres and 125 1 pen lies of 1 lei lb nt ird schale iipl ind. Wolf run ) also pusses through tl'.is laud, alloiduic line water j powi r. The land is well covered with while 0.1k 1 j and pine timber, and is susceptible of being lull j veind into an ricelleiit f irm. Price, ? SOU. j j No. in. A tract of woodland, uniuipiori d. siitta- . lid in Union township, adioiiiinii lauds nf Michael ' 1 Sanders and others, and not more than onto mile from Sunhury, on (he oppo-110 side or llie r.lei i SiiMjiich.il. na, containing utiout I Ifl sCies. '1'his ! land is verV Rood 11'd -chale soil, rapi'-le of being I couvi ned iuio all i lci lb-ill 1 1 ' III. A siieam nf wa- i ' Icr. 1il.ut.11y 10 the rivi r, llows ihrouu'i this land 1 siillic.cnilv suoiiR In a saw 11. id. The land 1- Will ! coiered With while! oak anJ pine liiuber. Pilce, . 2 100. No. 17. A tract of uiiiu proved woojian.l, situ ted in Centre township, Union county, cent 1 1U11K 10H ac r.s, adjoining lauds of J W itt um) rr mil oibcu. Mijdit-buig is within thus uidts, t MidJIe rrek within one mile. There ie a taw mill an the tract of land adjoining, at which the limber of this tm t can he wrought into b.aid and other s iwed si u If. Price, f,100. 017" consideration ofthe scarcity of money at this time, I w ill sell any or all the above property nu terms losuit the times; and in case cash be offered, a reasonable deduction will be made. Further par licubirs m iy ha obtained by addressing the tuhscrit bcr at Selingrove, Union county. Pa. II. W. SNYDER. Sclingrnve, August 3, 1844. 3m lROM a lawyer's office, in S.mbnry, nn the M of July tn-l. Tliey were a lady's, wilh bright pebble uU-ses of eihl sides, and without any j dnt in the frame. They were No. 1, or ofthe young est, nr lemt macuifying power. A liberal reward will ho Riven for recovery of the Spectacles, or detection of the thief, nn application "".3Js't4' THUS "FFICE. VOr.U.NTEF.ll LTxmiMTET" To I he inortoi-N of cVortliiimbrrfc lanl County. "J7ELLOW CITIZENS: T beg have to ifT. 1 mysc f as a VOLUNTEER candidate fur tli r the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at (lie ensuing flection. Should I be so futtunti! as to tie i-lcrt t I plr.!e myself lo dischariie t duties of saio tlice wi'li fidelit". FELIX LERCK, Shsmokin, ' jW 27th, In,1. The lI Mnsu)ii( -nt" WASHING- M.ACHIN2;. 'pills WASHING MM'i:l)., ,l.,H am' .- . i pie in its 1 on t in t on 1. 111111. i tud to find r . way Into every f mil y ulin-i- eat v ,ue beconvs known. The piicc (-ix doll irs) i fired r.t m low est rale, in nniei lo enable 1 veiy family to obtain oilc. The invcnior guaiantcCs ihst it will not re 'quire rrmre than one fourth 'the u-unl quantity nf soap That it will wash in'One.third the uvual time, and what is a matter o'f'great importance, tl,o wear and tear is kothio, or at lea-t so little, that it is not jierceptible, so that finest black worsted at.d woollen can c waslled.'if necessarv, in the saiiio suds xith linen and cedton. This mny seem tranjo to those who do not know tho princip'e upon which it works. It is 'the on'y ninchine ev.-- j; vented that washes upon the principle ofthe fric tion of wain aloiie. All others wash upon i'-o principle of friction or rubbum, by bringinu the clothes in contiet wi'b Mime p ot of the machine.. Indepcndi'lit of the g eat saving of lahur, eco'noniy should bring It into general use. The poor man cannot atl'jrd to do wiihoiit it, while the rich man w ill use it f.ii convenience, if nothing el-e. Large, families will stive from five to til teen dollais a ear in sofip nloire, and not less tb 111 SO per cent, in tho wear and fear nf clothes, besides the great saving i.f labor and expense in washing. The subscriber wilt EU iruntcc that it will pi-ifirui all that he has slated, if piopeily us d. He has secured from llie paten lee, the tiijhl to Northumlieiland, Union, L coming, Columbia, Luteine ami Clinton counties. 11. B. MASsER. Sunliiity. June 22, 1S4 1. ( "Mll'TAGE BIBLES. Fivo copies of I e Cot. lage Bible, ihe cheap.-st book ever pu' lulled, eontiinuig the cominvniaiv on the Old and New Testament, just receivtd and for s.ile, f n ix doll iri, by June I ft. II. B. MASSER. 1AL7.0RINES, h handsome - ' Dresses, lor sale cheap, tv June IS. ' ! srticle fi 1 Ladies' fi. M.-i-sER. ' p WEED ( Lt ' bght and ela iO I II, a han.igo'r" aritcle, nil I, astir, for Sumtner Coals and 1'ania, for sale, very low, by June 15 Maiiiil'ti'linors nl" I MURLI LAS, PAIMSKLS. rut MS MhDHS, .Y.i. I M1rl.1t Sir, t ft ! Phil a tl I p Ii i a, !JNirE the attenli iti of Meiehaiits, Mmuf.i? j If turers, Ac, Ac., to their very estensive, cli -j c nil, new stock, prepared w ith creat core, and of j fi red at the lowest po.iMblo pric e f ir cai-h. i The principle on which this concern is establish , cd, is to consult the tniitu .1 int. n r.t of their cu-to- ineis and th ni-clves, by 111 iimf n turing a good nr 1 t c v, selluiu it nt the lowest price for Cash, and I realizing iheir ow n remuneration, in the amount of ales and ilirck reiiliiis Possessing iiirxhaustible facilities for manufac ture, they sre prepared In supply orders to anv ex tent, and rihpccifully solicit the p.ilrjtiaij'f uf .Mi r chanls, Maiiul'.icturi rs and Dealers. fXj" A la-ge assorlineiu of the New Style Cur. tain I'aiiisols. Philadelphia, June 1. 1811 ly HEIIU'S HOTBOT roii3ii:iti.v tui:i4it iioisn, o. 1IG i'l.llt!l Mroct, 111 II l ;;t I'illA j . 'PHI'. M r.sCRIIil-'K, recently f lITsTa" " a ht'K. I'-- 4''d inform the pid - !' "T ' ha-; ii'e I dp a ie caj1 I .' . us and 'nil' 1' t .inisii ent, I wt" rovnys he r. a I ...I' 1... i : . '0 i llicit III V!-ltCi's in llie I'll.e ;t is hi p tabhrhed illallo'i M.I I ufior.l f, .! : ! pfed wi h ..ur.'.ir, th it Ins pLi fts w II iv sup cm i v cunfirt and arroimu. Ja ion ) I v. h Ui his lions.- w ill be c iinlur ed under suc'i n- raiigLUienls :i Will secure a thitifter tor 'he firt respoitsihililv. and satisfactory ti.tertaiumenl for 111 ditidlbils and famd es. Charge for hoarding fl per d y. DANIEL H ERR. Phili-lel.hia. May 25. lSll1y NOTICE To lir.ia iiiA is x tin. mm. it. M.vV JOS. K. MA I'LL. M A N i ' I ' A "IT ' I! E RS AND DEALI'Rs IN FO'f'iGX M DOMESTIC st IJAW GOODS, .Y'i. A01 ill -S cidii S'rrit, ( ''vppasile lit .l.nl.Mll JIlUM,J . W II ERE will be f 'iiiid s genera! asut- f V lit nt I lorence Braids, Ml erls, luit-V lands. Peddles. Willow PI -it. Rice St;w, rtni il" m Ik Ii admire. I Neapolitan I.Bee, and Fai'L'v l .1,. nl-ts. 11 ion ti I .it'lii 1 by us, und for sale at ll.e Ioa, in iniitacluie puces. Men bants and Milliners a, , iiivped in iive us a c.ll upon visiiing the Cn Q-- N. B. We have almi coh-lan ly niakinu . . r supeii ir li.nr i nd o hf 1 edgings, all nf which 1. It he sold cheap, lot S-ll. Philad. h Inn. May 2o, 1 S 1 1.. iii si a , es 1 . I c nn nn; Ion-, nh.iil' hilt w.-"., w ,j . I ch-ap, an..' reisolinh'e U r n. Umpiirvst this office. Ap.il 27. t , ij.ll. SJTONE V.RP f .r sat". k- 1'2't Sione Jiies, bom t ij.i.. 1 , 1 yil'm.s, !) Stone Jais, I r 0,11 2 lu ti kainii. r cluap, ly Ocl.lt H. U. MAri tV H. P.. MXSSER.