Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 07, 1844, Image 3

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CSrnnd Icmocrnllc Muss Meeting
AT MllrOX, I4
ItALir Democrats! Bally Ficcmrn ! H illy
Brcthern ! Rally from Ihe Pine of gallant -OLD
I.YCO.MINO." Rally little CLINTON, the gl -Tieus
Diinnrr county of district ! Rally down
trodden lut patriotic Hi mnrrats nf UNION ! Unity
your Irgions NORTHUMBERLAND ! Come
tin, ye noMc snn of tlie "Srjn or the Noiitii !"
All come wilh the family ! Come one, come nil !
'Come oM, come young! All to the rescue !
To our brethren of nil section c ?eud greeting,
and we shall lo glad to welcome you among us.
Jome on ! Democrats will atways ilo their duty.
lion. Jam on lliicliaimii,
Pennsylvania' gifted anil talented favorite s.lh, has
tviitten to us, " Cud willing, he will lie here,"
no ilny run suit him heller. Who will not spend
tiat lo listen to thiit eloquent champion of the
people' rights.
We have nln inviteil tlief illowing nh'e speakers
.o atlrinl, viz.:
B. H. Diew-te, Col. J imea Page, Charles
Brown, ami E. II. Schnahel, of Phil ulelp'tia, Col.
Ueah Frazier ami John XV. Forney, of Lanra-tcr,
It. M. Uair, of Reading, WilsO'i MeCandles, of
Pittsburg, f Jen. Robert Flc m iiij and Win. F. Pack
cr, of Lycoming, Col. II. H. Wright ami lion. B.
A. I) id Mr k, nf Lu7."rne, Junes McManua and Col.
James Bumsidc, of Outre. F. W, Hughes, of
Schuylkill, and other emineit speakers.
The names of those who will certainly attend
will he announced in the p.ip-ra as their consent is
Democrat. this is im lime for repo-e. Federal
ism, with its hydra head, is leiving no me m un
tiied to fasten upon us its ar.smcratic princip les
and measures, tlien fore, amuse in the might and
streng h of rrcwineu, who lire determined to remain
free, and show Federalism the Democrat c
party values the true principles of our government
and is fully determined tint they never shall fall.
By order of the Milton Dem -ciatic Club.
A. D. Patterson, Annuel Blair,
James ('overt, H. L. Dicflciihach,
II. M. Davidson. J. W. Bnwer,
James Buoy.
Milton, August 21, 1811.
Of Tonti-o, the duty paid in Great Britain
on j:i,f0,tMI(l pound.-', or nhout 1,HI0
consumed there in the last twelve months, wan
nbniit Twenty Millions of dollars, beiiio; pro
bably as in null ns whs paid in the United Stiites
on all articles imported (rum !rent Britain du
ring the same period.
The present duty on American Fi.oi ii in
England, were it worth hut eighteen shillings;
per barrel, is nearly eleven tihillings So much
lor Free Trade ! !
The importation of Cotton Coons into the
U. Slates from Kuolnud diirin"; the Inst twelve
months, neenrdinjr to the British official returns,
ifdouble as much as in the prececdino- twelve
Prrtltli mill ami Slnlr Klicllons. j
We give below u eondensed table, exhibiting j
the times when the Presidential and Statu F.lce- i
tious, respectively, will be held ill the several'
States during the present year; together with i
the Popular Vote given at the Presidential Klee- !
tiou. It will be found useful lor reference during
the approaching election.
Time of i-b-ct'ns r: Presid. Vote is 0
Sta I f.s. . .
States. Presid't. J Harrison V. lSiiren
.Maine Sep. i, ,v. I ) -!!.; 1 .Irt.-Jlll
.V I lamp. Mar 1,' Nov. I ti yii.l.'is :(.. nil
Vermont S.-pt. .il.Nov 1' t; .'JJ.IIll is. ins
Mass. Sitv 1 ljXov. 1 1 -J 7.'..7I .'.l.'MI
K. Isl'nd Ap.Auov. 1 4 .'i,27s ...(iil
Conn. April ljXov. 4 ti 't 1 . U 1 2.7,'J'Mi
K. York .ov. ,'i Nov. ft :ji; 2-2.7.S17 213.527
N. Jers'y Oct. h.ov..iti 7 .'t:t..'i.'il ;il,0,'!4
Pewn'a. Oct. K Nov. 1 ( llt.u.'l 1 l-'J.."2
)elaw're Nov 1-J Nov II :i 5.n;7 I.S7J
Maryl'nd Oct. 'JiDec. 1 S .'I I.57S 2s,7.VJ
iginia Apr. Is Nov. I l: 13..'ilM J.j.S'.i.i
N. Car. Aug. 1 1 Nov. 1 I j 1 1 45.: :i7; :js.7s-.
S. Car. Oct 1 ljXov. lj ti By Legislature.
C-orgia Oct 7 Nov. 11:10 Ki.v'Cj .il.'i.i'l
Alabama Aug. ft Nov. I ! VS. 171'.il
-Miss Nov. I Nov. 5 ft 1 '.t.."i1 v li;,!i7'
Loiiisi'na July 1 Nov. ft; li 1 l,2'.Mi 7,il(i
Tenn Aug. )Nov. 1 1 1 t (ill. Mill )s,2S:i
Kentu'ky Aug. 5, Oct. 25 13 5s, im ;t2.Gli
Ohio Oct. S Nov. 131 lis. 157 121. 7s
Indiana Aug. ft! No v. 13 lift 1(12 51.(1111
Illinois Aug. 5 Nov. 1 i I5.!i;t7 47.47i;
Missouri Aug. ft Nov. 4 7 23,502 2!l,7ii'.i
Michigan Nov. 4inv. I ft 22,'.i'n 21. I'll
Arkansas Oct. 7.nv. 1 U l.;tH.'i (i.llls
Totals, 275 1,2T 1,317 .,12S,;i7(l
No State I'.lection takes place in Tennessee,
this year. They elect State officers every two
years and that election was held last year.
Office ffAtBilTOtoai Ameicaxb, iSep. 2.
GRAIN'. There is a good demand for wheat
for shipment to the British Provinces, which cau.
sed a further advance to-day of a cent or two per
bushel. The rads were st 80 a 85 cents for good
lo prime reds and at 70 a 80 els. for ordinary to
good. Sale of Corn at 40 a 41 cts. for white, and
4 I a 43 cts. for yellow. We quote Oats at 20 a 2 1
rents, which is a slight decline.
WHISKEY. The stitch are very small, and
holders firm. Silrs of bM. at 21 i ts. and f
Lhd. at cents,
Cai is generally called the first murderer, but
some rail him the first soldier I others might c ill
him the first physician, as the three terms are con
sidered synonymous.
Frederick the Ureal must have destroyed a great
many thousand lives before he became so proficient
in the art of killing t yet, when in the presence of
his own physician he resigned his laurels to the
M. P., and surrendered all claims to superiority
over him in that department. Napoleon, in his
fatal Russian cnmpiign, destroyed about one mil
lion of human brings, and we call him a hero!
Dr. Brandrcth's Vegetable Universal Pills have
saved the lives of at trust half that number, and
when the properties of his medic tie shall be duly
appreciated, he will receive the thanks of his fellow
citizens; a richer gin than either titles or crowns.
In order to secure the medicine in its purity, he
has excluded Jiugqists from any participation in
its sale.
(Jj" Purchase of II. B. Massrr, Sunbury, or of
the agents, publishrd in another part of this paper.
Corrected weekly hy Henri Yoxlhruner.
Wheat, 85
Rtk, - . . f0
Conv, ...... 40
Oats, ...... 25
Pork, ...... 5
Fi.xmn, ... . mo
Ul'TTKH, 10
Bkkswai, .... 25
Tallow, .... 10
Diiikii Arri.Ks, . 75
Do. Pkaciiks, . 200
Fi.xx, ... -8
Hhku.ii Fl KX, . ' 1(1
Enos, .... ti
VVTdl.L be served up at ihe residence of JOHN
' W. MILES, Esii , in Norlhiimlierlaml, on
Tuesday, the lOih of September, beinren ihe hours
of 12 ninl 3 o'clock. The proceeds to be appro
priated Inwards paying the debt of tliC Baptist
Church. Pi ice, 25 cents. '
Norlhumlierlaiid, Sept. 7th, 1 S4 1.
jit vk. ;h: gc m.
rilHE ladies of the First Presbyterian Chu'ch of
JL Norlliumherliind will, by special rnpiest r.n
ttie part of many, re-ojien their Fair, in the house
of John Leisenrinj. Esq., opposite the Bank, on
he I tub d iv of Septenilicr next. Dinner will dr
I'r-viilcd for the accommodation of those from a
hroid. A room and dinner will also lie furnishrd
for ladies from a distunce, it being understood that
many expect to It present. The proceeds of ilin
iii r and Fair to l e appropriated to the 1st Pre-by-teri
in Chuich of Noilhuinlx rland, now in the pro
gress of erection. Aug. 3t, Irtll.
IIE LbiIks of the Tiue First Preshvterian
(Old School) Church in Norihuiubeil uid, n ill
have a dinner prepared on Tuesday, the Idtli of
September, in the second story nf the Ma ket
House, for such ot their friends as may see proper i
to favor tin m wilh their company on that day. The
piocceds for the hem fit of the True First t'resly- j
lenao Church in the boiough of Norlliumbciland. ;
Auaust 31. 1811. I
To School Teacher.
E'SJ'ELL qualified Teachers will be wanted for
If ihe foil .wing Schools, in SShiimnkin Dis
trict, vii ; One Teacher and As-istant for the Pe
tersburg School ; one for the Eastern ; one for the
Blue ,lei ting House; one for the Snulliown ; one
for the Brnk Meeting H uisr; one for the Baptist ;
one for llie Snyi'c Mown ; nun for the Kieeber ; one
fo: ihe Irish Yall-y; one for the Furinan, mid one
for the Moyer Schools.
Persons wishing to bo employed a Teachers for
those Schoolh, the ensuing Autumn & Winter, will
please make early upp ictioii to the D'uccior ha
vini, the special care of those Si IiihiIs. By order
of the Board. JACOB HA AS,
Pres't. of Board School Dirertois, Shmnokin
Eliha Join, Sec'y. Disl., Xorlh'd Co.
August 31. l5H.-4t
Orphan' C'ourl Nalo.
IN pursuance if an order i,f the Oiphans' Court
of Xorlhuiiibiirl.iud coiiutv, will be sold ai pub
lic sale, on S.iuir.luy the 21st day of Si ptemlirr
next, on the premises, to wit : a certain iract of
land situaie in Aucu-U tn-vnship, in siid roumy,
adjoining lands of D ivid Reeser, (ieorge Conrad,
and oih- rs, emit lining twenty-eight acres more or
le-s, whereon is erected two log houses, &c , late
the estate of John NeidiL', stir., dee'd. Sale to
commence at 10 o'clock. A. M. of said day, when
the terms of sale will be made known hv
Sunbury, Aug. 31x1, 1841. 4l Adin'r.
fl'xHE Kubsciibers will offer fr sile, on the pre
L mises, on the first ilny ot Oc'otu r nrxi, si 10
o'clock, A. M .a tract of land in Aueus'a lownsbip,
Nortliuinlierl nd county, coiilaiiiu rr 210 acres,
more or less, about 180 acre of which are clear
id, Kiljoiiiiiig land of .I si'ph Savidge, Jacob FiV,
Henry Yoxlbeimer snd i.llmrs, on shainukin creek.
The Danolle an l I'oti.vdle Kail It ! p- the land. The a'-ove Ir.icl of land posses
ses inany advantsge. ll is situated about 3 miles
from Sunbury, and a I true portion of the cleared
land is we I adapted lo the growth of grass. The
impiovemei ts are a dwelling houtc, barn, and ap
ple orchard.
The li rnis ill be made known on thed iyef
sale, by Ihe subscribers, rxi Tutors of Heniv
slur, ilic'd , as whose estate the same will be sold.
Augii-ta, August 3Ut, 1814. 3t
cOvi)laH?5 Court Snlr.
IN pursuance of an on!er of the I Irpbaus' Couit
of Xonhumbei I and coumy, will be sold at pub
lic sale, on Saturday the l ltu day of S.-picmlicr
next, on lilt pieiuiM s, 1 1 w.t : a certain tract nf
land situate in ShamoKin towiuhip, in mid county,
contaiuin 30 acre uioic or less, on w hich is erec
ted a log dwelling house, barn and other buiblinm ;
lale the esta'e of Solomon Persing, dee'd. Sale lo
(omineiice at 10 o'clock, A. .M. of said day, when
the conditions ot the sale will be made known by
Sunbury, Aug. 81, 1811. 4l Adm'r.
IVlK.1 rait ..;.-Th7amall fanm
containing about 100 acres, about " mi'.r
alKive .Noilhumi eilalld, hiljoiuillg lanJs of Jese C.
Horton, John Leghou and otlieia, will be lll,l
cheap, if apphcaiiou i made soon to the subscriber, '
ounnury. Aug. oi. H. u. m !SSKJ.
FljiV M'.II. The highest juice w
gnen for Flax Seed, hv
ill be
Au3. 31, 181 1, 11. B. MASSE 15
Country 3Icrciants.
THE Subscribers respectfully invite Country
Merchants who are about to purchase Fall
and Winter Supplies, to an examination of theli
respective Slocks, believing that their several as
sortments aie as complete as have ever been oflei
ed in the Philadelphia Markrt,
With stocks ofdoods In their several Depart
ments of the choicest kinds a determination to
sell on terms which cannot fail lo prove satisficto
ry and a disposition lo please old and new custo.
mers, will, we hope, be a snlhVient inducement to
purchasers to call at our respective establishments
Silks and Fancy Goods.
XV cV II P Remington 80 Maiket Sircct.
Ashhurst cV ISemiuglon 60 "
Buck cV Potter 110 '
Yard cV Gillm te 109
Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods.
Brynolds, McFaibind cV Co 105 Market Sued.
Burnett, Withers cV Co 120 "
Scott iSt Baker 150 "
Wise, IWy & .Wire 154
11 july cV Hackers 4G N. Second St.
Importers of Clotli., Cassimers, Yest
iiujs, fee.
William II Lovo 117 Market Street.
Lambert Duy ldtf -
Hardware and Cutlery.
Michiel V Baker 215 Market Street.
Edward S Handy Co "J8
Importers and Manufacturers of Sad
dlery Hardware.
Horn &. Kncass 2 i5J Market Sticel.
Doots, Shoes, Tioniicts, l.'aps, I.eglioni
and l'altn Hats, &c.
r E Sr J (S Y helan, K Market Street.
I. evii k, Jenkins Co 150
M Conrad fc Co till "
.Manufacturers and Dealers in Drugs,
Medicines, Taints, ( Ills, vV c.
Thomas P J hot s 212 Markrt Sueet.
Polls, Linn & Harris 213) "
Itohinson, Collin & Co 87
Edward Cole 51 "
Thompson Pancotst cV Co 40 "
Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimmings.
I. Kenton lit) Market Street.
John Sauerbicr c Brother ti-
Hunks and Statimiary.
Ciing V Ell ott !1 N. Fiiutdi Sired.
Ilogan iV Thompson 30 '
Importers of I'riiisli ami Frcm li Fan
cy Staple Stalionarv.
L I C. hen cV Co 27 S Four h Street
Henry Cohen 3 "
Importers of Hosiery, Gloves, Trim
mings and Fancy Goods.
Setlcy At Severing 23 N Third Sireet.
Parker cV Lehman 3 "
Combs, Brushes, Iirooms. iv.c.
Thomas Cooper 3 N Front Sireet.
Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple
A F O t Monrose lfi S Fnlltlh Street.
Manufacturer of Patent hard Lamps.
Ellis S Archer 33 N Second Sln ct
Manufacturer of Patent Floor and
Furniture Oil Cloths.
Laac Macauley, Jr. f N Fif h Street.
Manufacturers and Importers of Pa
per Hangings.
Howell Si Brothers ""SO ,V I 13 Chcsnut Si.
Philadelphia. August 21. iNtt. 3m.
CAME lo the premises of the subscriber, in
Augusta township, Norihiimbeilaiul county,
some lime in May last, a white ami hlak spotted
OX, about two years old. The owner i. requested
to come forward, piove ptopertv, pay charges and
lake him away, or he will be sold according to law.
Angu-i 11th, 1941 :)t
V.s:-:ilTG 1-C!HI1TE.
riHIS M icb ii iij Ins now Im-ii tested by more
1 than thiily families in this neighborhood, and
has given entire satisfaction. It is -o simptu in its
construction, that it cannot tet out of order, Ii
loiiiains no iron to ru-i, nml no -puntisor rollers to
eel out of repair. Ii will do t ice as much ussh
itiL', with less than halt the wear an I tear of am of
the I tie iiiveiiiious and wh it is i f cr' i'er m por cost but lit'le over half as much as oilier
washing iiwi bines.
The subs, riber has ihe exclusive riuhl for Nor.
1 1 1 n it il s, r 1 1 r 1 1 1 , I'nion, Lcoming, Ciiliimbi i, Lu
zerne and Cliulon counties. Price nl sinule m i
chine f(i. II. It. M ASM-: .
Tl e following ceitificate fioin a few ot those
who have thee machines in use.
Wr, ihe suhtfciihrrs. certify thai wo have nmv
in tl-e, in our families, Slmu'eil's p.itent Wnsh
mg .Machine ." and do not hi sitiite six inn llni u ii
a most xi elb nt iiivenn hi. 'i'bai, in Wa-lting,
it will -ave more ilian one hall the u-ual labor.
That it ibw requite more than one lliinl ihe
usual qiiantity of so.ip and water ; and that theie
i H i rubbing, tyid consequenlly, little or mi weir,
ing or leai iiiii. Ph il it knoi ks oV no billion., hui
that ihe tinesl clmhes, si.C'i I. ices, lucks,
trills, AiC, may lie wast ed in a veiy short tune
without the leimt injury, and in fact with' lit uuy
appaieut wear and tear, w hatev, r. We iheiefore
cheerfully recommend it to our and to the
public, a a most useful and Ub r savin; in u biue.
Clis PI.E sNTS,
Hon. (.lo. r. w;,
Sunbury, Au-.21, 1st I.
A F A It 31
AI'II.L be sold at piiv.te sale, the Keal ''-ta.,.
of S.niiuil Bloom, late of AugustJ tov.n-hip,
Norlhuiiiberlnnd county, decd., rout ..ming one!
uuu.iir.i ami .evcntv-liliie acres. di t,,(vme
on winch is erected a dw,ul K,a.e anj I,,,,,
well of watei near lb aori 4 JW ,, ,Wl,
bearing oiehaid-. mat li1(,,y acie.of saul laud
are cleared, wt.vo (t( wni,.n are mrjil,,
laiid,a-',d tt.,e remainder well timbered.
If ubove dcsciibed propeily is uot soi l at
f rivate sale, it will be ottered at public sale, on
Tuesday, the first day of October next, on Ihe pre
mise. For further particulars, inquire of the subscri
bers, in August township, Norih'd. county.
Sale lo ciniiineiicu at 10 o'clock, A. M ., of siid
day, when the term will be in nle known by
Augusts, August 10, IH 11. 31 Ex'is.
IMltllS, CAV41, PIlOI'KltTV,
IIoiiisj ninl IiOlsi for sitlr.
TIlIE Subscriber offers for sale the following de
al, scribed Valuable Property, all nf which he
will sell nt ery moderate pticcs, and on reasona
ble Irrms, i :
No 1, A larR and cleg ml two story Mote man
sion house with bisemenl storj , all highly finished,
and silua'ed on the esst side of Mstkel street, in
Selu sgrove, Union county, being Ihe residence of
the subscriber. The lot on which this house
stands is vpiv hindmmcly improved, and planted
wiih choice fruit and trees and shrubs, I
with all the necesstry imprnvem mts of a large j
barn, pigiM-rv, wagon be I and corn crib, carriage
house, ice house, smoke house and poultry I. I
The whole constituting a most desirable and beau- ';
tiful ics'dence.-- Price, f 3,500. I
No. 2. A laioelwo sbrv wooden house willi ex-
lensivo back biiitdinc. and hijblv improved car- j
den and lot. of C'oilnd. This property is situated '
noilh of and mli -iuina No. 1, and also forms a de- I
sirabh' residenre. Price, 1,500
No. 3. A two story wooden house with lot nf
ground, situated on the eit side of Water street.
in Selinsrrove, well finished throughout, with log 1
stable on the rpar nf the 'ot. Piice, fiOO.
No. 4. A two stoiy wooden house with one to. i
ry ki:che.i. and a log stable on the rear of t'e lot,
situated north nf and adjoining the las) named pro- ;
perly, No. 3. A well mid pump, to accommodate j
this and No. 3. in the yard. Piice, 500. j
No. 5. A lot of ground in the town of Charles- ;
town, on the Isle ol luc, situated on street, !
10 by I HO feel. A desirable lot lor a dwelling ,
I .'. l.: .. 4.HIII
No. ft. A lot of ground adjoining Sihnsgrovi'i
and Perns cie.k. and fronting on ahittt stteel.
I contiiitiing about half nn acre of ground
I'nce, ;
j No 7. A very valuible property on Ihe Pennsvl
; vani.i Canal, mi the l ie nf (jue, ndjoining S, Ims.
I crove. The iinprovemeii's are such as to tacibtule
! Inercantile and trailing business lo a great extent,
j and consi-t of a large two story Inmc house, oceu
I pied as a iby go. ils st re ; a I irue and CKiiimodious
wate house, 4 0 by HO f, ei ; a long range of siabling ;
and an extensive wharf. Kill le. t long, wnli hoist
I ing crane. c c. It is si u itedou Ihe hcrm batik
side of Ihe ranal, an I in eerv respect calculated
I fir an exlen-ive business. Price, 5,000.
j No. 8. A large and convenient Ho it Yard on
' the Pennsvlvnnia C.iimI, aoil laving south of and
! adjoining .No 7. I o this propeily is creeled a one
; ami a half slmy frame dwelling bouse, well linish
1 e.l ; a large -Ind and cttiee for the iicconim -d atioo
! of boat build rs, nu I ds o a very eo nplele dry itm k,
i into which boa's lor repair a'r lloated out i.f ihe
I canal, nnd nilow lieh m w boa's erect' d oil the
j yard are al-o launched. A very d. suable proper
! iy.--Price 2.nim.
No. 0. A large and exeecdinglv valuable fat ni,
containing about 200 acrei. of i bnice limestone
land, in a highly improved stale. On lbi farm
I lit t i are aboni I 10 acies under culture, divided by
gold fences into field often acres; a large two
story hon e with ki'rhrn attached ; a well and
I pump ol rxci Hi nt water at li e kitchen door ; a
large mid convenient bank barn with wagon house,
sheds and corn crili an icheil ; a la-go piess hoiiKi
with rvi rv convenience for making cider, at the foot
of the orchard, which Consists uf len acres of choice
g lilted apple Itees and pe ir decs. Limestone is
quariicd hi any quan'i y within 100 yards of the
fir n bnd 'ings, ulnre lim- is burned. It lavs
wiihin mm mile of ihe IVimylvani.i Canal an I Se.
Iinsgtove. A very desirable I ,nn. Price, f 12,nt'0
No. 10. One oilier large and valuable firm of a
bout 220 acres of linn stone land, sml :d-n situated
within one mile of the canal at Sebiihgrove. It is
will improved, lliere being about 130 acres we'l
fenci d and under culture, the balance la-ins well
lunbeie I with oik, pine, vv ilnut and cle-Miut tiiub r.
The buddinos consi-l of a large ami well llni-ho!
two -tory farm bouse with kitchen ; a large ham
wiin wagon shed and com cub, cc. a'tiched ; a
spring In use and never fading spiing neat the
h 'II e ; a smith shop, ami two I nie kilns, capable
of bnining one hundied bushel- lime per day, built
adjoining an exbausilesslbue-liiiic quarry. There
are also three orchard of bcaiing upple trees nn
this tiirui Piice, 10.000.
No. 11. A farm 'ii Penn Crei k. about 3 nii'ea
from ihe canal at Selinsgrove, wi h Ihe public road
leading from S, bngrove lo New lleilin, the s, at of
jusiice of Union county, running ihr.-iigh il. Ii
conl. i ins about 250 acres, of In, Ii there a e a1 out
30 acres of lira, rate inc.d wv land, ihe no'e up
land and principally red si h lie. About i ne bun
dred acres are I lor. d, Ihe hal nice being well ran r
rd wiih oiik, hem i k nnd while pine imil , i. The
buildings coii-i-l ol s well fitii.-hi d iwolorv laiin
bouse widi several line springs of wa'er i-b-e at
band, a lame log barn, corn cub, spring li aise, Ac
On ihi- ta'in there is u mill si lie with 20 led I. ill,
on a stream of water tipailary ,i C nus cicik.
Tins farm might be ailaii'ageouslv ihviibd into
two farms, and will be so divided ll puichaseis de
sire it. Price, 5.n00
w n:i; power.
No. 12. A walir p mii on Peons Cieck, of (1J, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) - v f I. I is sou tied bet we. n lie
Iwoiricls ul find. No. II and 13, and wiihin
notes of the I'l-un-v Ivaina Canal, at S. lin-giove A
pubbc ioi.I lead, lliroiijh ibis t ict, uloiig the e.isl
bu.k f Penn- cie. k Price, j.HHI.
No. 13. A lia.i of uoodioii.i cnlaiiiuig ah in
1 5 acies, situ itcd nn Penn crei k, itnun diati ly i -.
posi'e .No. II. This (rut is we. I co de.ith
while oik and pine Umber, wi.h Wu!f inn I1 iw ,, g
through it and empt ing into Penns cie. k , i!' ..i.ln,
an cxci lb ni s. ne f .r a -aw in II with fu', twelve
lo iwir lv f. ,t . II.- P. b e. H .otlll.
No 11. A liacl 1. 1 vv oodlaiid, unit p roved, s lu i
le, on ihe ia-t de of 1'iiins c c. k. u.lj.eiinig X .
13, conl . ill. no idi ml 2i'l in .rs of evcell. nl red
M-h lie upland W, ll tui. t ..ibuiarv p. V civi I:,
tuns lluoogh this lust, H,,,l ut',,,jK a , ue
lor a nw mill, ''.'lie i ,i, I isbe.vilv . with wbi'e
o ,k and pintf ti'iib'.,f, ;m, is ,i.-ccptil.o - f being i-.iii
Virled uilii r.n ,xci-ll. nl l inn. Price, f l (IIIO
No. 1 '.i.e oiler iru-t if wood I nil, uiiiuii r .
v, d, kilt.aicd in Pi nti tow tl-bip, aboul 3 nub s
f1' 'in ,-, Im-rrve, udioiiiing lands of John Bmv,
O, Smih ant other-, c.iit niiiig lH7acrsa"it I'll
pen lies of cxcell.-nt trd sch.,le i. pi in. I. oil' itm
also passes thloiigh I uul, all oiling fine water
powir. The I uid is well roveied with white oak
and pine limb, r, and is siiscept'Sle of being c. li
ven, d into an excellent farm. Pi ice. ft HOll.
No. Hi. A iruct of woo Hand, uiiimiiioved. -ilita-
tul in Union township, a.lioiuing lund of Mn-h.iel
Sanders ami others, ami iioi more than ore mile
from Sunbury, oil the oppo-ite side of the rvcr
SuMpu h inna, containing ..bout 115 acres. 'This
laud is very good led -cbste Soil, capal lo of Is ing
convened into .m eXci llcnl tiiui. A slieain of wa
ter, tilhutary to the river, flows through this land
sulliceutlv sironc f.o a saw mill. 'The laud is well
coveted with while oak and pine timber. Price,
?2 1 00.
No. 17. A liact of uiii" proved woodland, situa
ted ill Centre township, I moil cuiinly, c lit. lining
lODacns. adjoining land of J ni- nii vei siel
udicis. Middltbuig is wiihin thita mills, ami
Middle creek wiihin one mile. There la a ssw mill
m the tnet of land sdjoining, at which the timber
of ibis tro l csn be wrought into h oatds and other
siwed stuff. Price, f 300.
OCT" I" consi.lera'ion of Ihe scarcity of money at
this time, I will anil any or all the above property on
terms to suit the times; and in case cash be offered,
a reasonable deduction will be made. Further par
ticulars may be obtained by addressing the subscri.
b.r at Selin-grove, Union county, Pa.
Selinsgrove. Almost 3, Islt. 3m
ii M a ii:ct a t; iiTs
JKOM a lawyer's ollice, in Simbury, on the 1st
- of July In-I, They were a lady's, wiih bright
pebble of eight sides, and without any joint
in the frame. Thev were No 1, or of the young
est, or least iiiagnit'ving power.
A liberal reward will be aiveti for recovery nf ihe
Spectacle, or detection of the Ibief. on application
" A"tt. 3, 1S11. THIS OFFICE.
viriTiVvn'iKii "cXni i i)A;n-ir"
To llu I'.I' Ioim of Xortliiimhrr
laiiil oiiiily.
1;F.LL0W CI n.ENS: I beg leave lo ,.fl"-r
mvse f as a VOLUNTEER candidate for the
oflice of
at the ensuing eleclion. Should I be so fortunate
a to be i lected. 1 pledge mvsclf to difchargo the
duties uf said oHi' C wilh lidel tv.
Slinmok n, July 27th, 111.
The l'hilooliif itl
'PUIS WASIII.Nti MAt.'llINE, pi on and sim-
pie in i s coii't'Uelion, catillot lull to find its
way nit. i every fimi y when its n-al value becomes
known. The piiee (-ix doll ira) is fixed at the
low , st rate, in nr!er to enable every family to obtain
oi.e. The inventor gu that it will not re
quire ite-re than one fourth Ihe usual quantity of
soap That it will wa-h ill one. third the usual
tune, sml wh it is a inatu r ot great importance, the
wear and tear is mi nu mi, or a I ea--t so little, that
it is not pen-i ptili'e, mi thai linrst black worsted and
woollen can l-e washed, if to-cessarv, in the same
sml a ilh I ii ii-vi mid cot t, oi. Thin may seem -irauge
to those who do not know the principle upon
winch i woiks. It is the on'y machine ever in
vented th it w ashes upon the pi ineiple of the fiic
li hi of w uti ratone. All oilier wash upon the
principle ol frieiiou or rnbbmg, by bringing the
clothes In coiiinel widi some p,r1 of the machine.
Independent of the girat saving of labor, economy
should bring it into general use. The pior man
cannot nil 'til to do uiihoiit it, while the rich man
will use ii f,. convenience, if iindiing el-e. Lugf
fonili s wiM save f om five I ti teen dollii's a rar
in soap aloite, and nut less lb n 50 pei rent, in the
wear and teir of clothes, br-ides the great savn g i.f
laboi and , xpeusc in washing. The subscriber will
en itautee that it will perform all lint he has slated,
if piiqeily u d. He has secured from Ihe paten
tee, the light lo Niitthiiinla'iland, Union, Incoming
Columbia, 1,117.,. inc uu I Cl'iron counties.
Suiibniy, June 22, 1SI4.
Mil' PACE BIBLES. live copies of te Cot
l.ige Bible, llie cheapest book ever publihed.
I rontiiinn g Ihe commrniiirv on ihe Old and New
Testament, jusl rect ivi d and for sale, for six doll irs,
by June 15. 11. B. MASSER.
1 AI..OIilNES, a handso
Dresses, lor sale cheap, b
tine article for Ludie
June 15.
rV ECD i LO I'll, a handsome article, all wool.
' light and elastic, tor Summer Coals and Pauls,
lor sale, very low, by
June 15 U. B. M-NSSER.
Maniit.ii tm eis nf
r)ir.r.nLL.iS, rAinsoLs, nmi si x shades,
An. lt:l Mtrhl StrvLl,
1 Ii i I ii ii v l hill,
NYI I'i: the attention of Merchants, Manufar-
tuiers, vVc. Ac., to their vt-'V extensive, eli i
u mi, new stock, prepared with great csre, and of- j
b n d at the ovve-l p.nsible prices for cash. j
The pM'-riple on which Ibis concern is i-tabli-h
rd, is to consul! the mutual interest nf their rtl-lo- I
me-s an I theui -elves, by ill omb, during a good nr
tee, selling ii at the towist price for cash, and
n a i7iug their own r. iiiiiin i.ilion, in the amount of
sal. and qil'ck retii'iis. '
1'Mks.s.sing me vliau-t'blc facilities for maiiular- '
lure, they aie pirpaied lo supply ordet to auv ex - '
lent, and rispectfullv solicit ihe patron. ign of
iliiuis, M nun ictun i and Dealets.
ll y A laige assnrinit'iit of the New SK'le Cur
luiu P.iia-ols.
Philadelphia, Juno I. Hit ly
roioiiiti.v iiti:v(vr iixH.i:,
o. 1IO I'r.niit Mu t t,
i nu. mm;i. t in .
'r".1' s'IJscriukR, r.-c
lYTfV 1 Beijing, I' i. .would inform
'"it-tV"' ,l' ,l '"' "'' "I1
i. -J.CI- UK n,,,l ....ll . ..ii i.. lit . wl.ihh-hll
I UU. Mll.l.l'lll
i-ceiulv of
orin the pub-
''ji I1 U lip ha titteil up Ihe atinve cap
: ' us nml eollveiiielit i stabll hllient. all, I
will alwa- s ',i,. riadv loeiilert ill i-itors. Ills is.
t .thhrhr I r,., utatiou i i Hie line. It is hoped, w ill
iillor', t',1 ,,nii-,nce, l!i ii bis guest W ill ls sup
l1' e wih i-veiy roinfn: and occonim,.d4'loii ;
w r..s- bis house will la- c inducted under such hi
i iHii.-eiiiei t- a will score a eh .r u ler for the lirst
M--i-.'iisitublv, ami s iii.i avtorv i i.teiiainir.ont for in
ilivido ds and t no 1 1 -.
I'baige foi boarding f nerd V.
I'tiil 1 1. Iphi i. May
HII tv
Vt M. M. ,1(S. F.. M AIM-,
An. : 0, Xmth .Vrmii Strut, 'njpositr the
:Wlll.V'l o'lsc. )
T'" . WHERE wdi be I .nnd a assott- Jl
l viu--nl of Florence llni, Is, Ml er's, l!ut-rj,
laud. Peddle, lilow PI tit. Rice St aw, and H e
much admire. I N ap.lltaii Lace, a .1 Tain V B oi
nets, in iinil.ictiited by us, and for sab- at the lowest
m iiuilaclU'C prices. Merchants and Mil nors are
j invited in give in a rd! upon visiting the City
(j; ; N. B. We have ulso constantly nuikuig .air
supi nor hair nnd oilier edgings, all i.f which vv.ll
be sold cbeap, lor ea-h.
Pbiladelrhia. May 25, 1 'V
A ( IHH I", capabbi of rnrviug 70
Ion-, aboul bait worn, w ill be sold cheap, and nil
reasonable terio. Euquiieat this ollice,
A pill 27tb, It'll.
i TONE WAKE f.r .ale.
V25 Sioue Jug, limn I quatt to 3 gallons,
fit) Stone, li,o 2 lu Ii Ra'l his F o sale
j cheap, by
Oil. 11
11. II. MASeER.
Come and Sec.
Ctttnp for cash ot Coitus:
tci iJvoUucc.
nil. 31 ISSI.It has just rrcirved sn srscrt-
mi ni of New (ioods, which he will sell at
iho lowest pi ices, for ca-h or Country Produce.
Qj Person arc invited fo call and judge far
tin -in selves,
j Best Rio CoiTce for 12 J cents. Good do. fr
10, and other article in proputtion.
Sunbury, May 25, 1S11.
To Country .Tien liaiif
Boots, Slincs, nonnots, I.ogliorn mil
Palm Leaf Hats,
(i. . & Ii. II. J'AVr.CHl,
nf the S. I cnmt r nf Marin t nnd Fifth .S'.'s ,
A Jsavx is iasiaLar iiixi
PFEri for sa'e an i (tensive riR-oriincnl of the.
above ar'rrl, s. all of which they sell at mitisua!-
ly low prices, mid p itticul ulv invite (he attention
of biiveis visiting the ciiv, loan examination uf stock. (!. W. ri L. B. TAVI.OB.
Philadelphia, May 2.i, 1S11. ly
'PHOsE prisons having demands against tb
Cotnmoi, wealth for labor perforined, or instc
tials furnished for ttie repairs of ihe
Aoi lh i;i a;i Ii ( aiial,
prior l.i ihe Oili day of January, 114, who Invrt
not h.iiided lo the subscril er an account of the
same, are requested to do so at the rallied p ovihls)
uiomeut, in order that ihey may be put ill form f.r
settlement, as soon as the fund appmpiiatcd lor llni
payment of old di b'.s can be pbt aired.
Those livirg al a distance are requested to for
ward hy mail or otherwise. W.I!. M FKET,
Wilkesb ore, May 1 I , lll. tf Supervisor,
1) () C T () .1. Ii. M ASS K 1?,
rZi$ rvESPECTFULLY informs ihe cil-
- J Ipus ill c-uiit'Urv ano us vicinity, tnar.
l he h ,s re:oovf d his ollice lo the white
building in Market Sou ,te, east of Ira
T. Clement's -toie, nml immed atclv nppo-ile tha
post oflice, where he wib be happy to receive calls
in the line uf his pro'essinn.
Sunbuiv, Mav 1th. 1 S 14.
Patent Tire nml Thief Prunf Iron
Cliests, Slate lined Uefriirerators,
wilh Filters attneheJ when
Ao. 70 South third A7.( opposite the I1xchangc9
am afs afk U atlaW 1 .U aU ah aih af. JS;
"j,brirrsjp'Jircii for sale Dvin
r' f'iSalJi r-lcelelratrd Water am
E-M:JuiiI'; ''.'.'!.;..,. i i.., i i,
M A AsV AJ XJ .U A sCJsa
M AM 'FAOTl RE nn-1
E t a
nml l rovi-
h'rr ? (O.jtsioii i : uii r-, in, ii ratet't rr--
'.-f,"---" -
Ii II ."t rr. J:- ' - 1 riiiiu!ll r ,rr nun i nu i i Mini i-
s r I.- I -l-l : r ll , r
ll':' Che-Is. for p e eving
rr"?ZZ.n' Ut. Papers. D eds. Jew. lv,
---'tSol.l. Silver, Ac, vVc, undo
of Bo I- r Iron, (and not ovi r Pl.oik as irnciy-tivo
nut of every one bun lied now in use and lor miIo
ate made.) wpli first rate Locks i.nd Divid Evens"
Patent Kevhnle ('..vers similar to the one i-xhii. ti
ed al the Philadelph a Exch.iii).re. fur iloee innnllis
in the su'l'.nier of I S-l 2. when nil the Keys weie ut
hbeity to be used, and the Cl.esl not opened, al ihe exp rim. nt Was Hied ly ut least IT'lbl
persons. Our of ihe same l.o. ks was liieil ly
Robbers, at the Delaware Conl Oiiice, in Walnut
street, above Th'id. bill ill ! io-t mici ei d.
fJ'J lloirimg Ma hires, r,n ) , sut-e-ior
I. in ks. and all kinds i.f Ii.m K ml ir.-s. S-..l and Co
pvinu Pusses, an. I S,iiobwrli g, n. rally , on hand
or m iliiiliiLturrd at tlie lurtcsi ii..t,ce.
0 CAUTION I do hereby caution a'! per.
sons ag.iin-t;i:,f. usina. -i i! . . or cau-ti.g to
be sold, any K- ,!,. ' o , is ! vr Ti e Pro .1 Cln si,
or Doors, of in , ' ...i - n pn, i tple I ' in V
Paienl, nf liih i v . i s1 1 , I., I a ,.,, ii.. Lam g
Ri lri,., i-,ii,is vv ., lor iiIk'i mv Ta'rni is
date. I 2'iit, Man h l--t!, iy it, tin cement will
b deail i h -,,cc,.r.o g io I -w.
I) win U.VANS.
P'nibidelphii. April Ut. Is44 ly
ISool Shoe
ii r, i n it ii os i ok s
TOI I.D inform the r I'm nds and ib.e iibl c
ecu. rally , t hat have emmeneed the
above business m nil jr virions branches, in the
shop lately o copied by Vivb r EcCirl s a watch
maker stiop, i a-t of Ihe Red Lion Hole! in Markel
stre. I, Sm, bvi'V, where thev nreprcpand lo cie
cutc a'l ord us in ibeir line, with
'They If.qic, bv -tnet ulo n'toii to t uines. modi -r
ie charaes, su.l the ihirabilcy of tin li worli, t-i
rneiil ami receive a -hare ol llie pu'-ltc p.ltoii'Re.
Sunbu-y. March :!ll li, I k 1 ! . I y
75 "J"S "lVT
aWaTk a J Jt.lvj a aa,l.aj
I lPi:c I Ft I.I.V irb. no- l' e public tl. it I n
' ' has i-.tade N'orihiunbi rt rid bis pi ice,. I ir.i
ib nee, and is r. adv lo ultend to m. v c ill.- m ll o
line ,.f hi-,- pr. frssion.
fry He liny at all timi a be found at Mr. .Iamc
Lee's Hotel.
Noithunilerl and. Dec. linb, It 11. tf.
Itli tN l lt.ll I I1V 1AH li ..'
riH I' .ii'- cii-i ' lias j t.i i, c-ivi il, I r -ale. a I. ir
I nf l e i.bov. ecu biae I E.fibl Dav Cl.ntis,
which will be sold al niv rei'uced price-, I" r c '-.
Also, mii etior 8t I our I', i f I'e I est m k
and qiialilv, which will U' s .Id for ca-h, ai f 1 .n,
A l , siipi 1 1 "i Mr ass :!() hour f Im ks, at t'0.
Dec. 2. 1-13. II. II. M SSER.
Wll.l.l VM J. M Ali n.
OFFI' F. Hi the si coin' slorv ot ihe huildinj o -cup.
e.l bv Dr. J.B. Ma r, on Maiket strec.
Oct. 21-t, is 1.1.
-JO sAi. wili I UL J J2J i
Till IE Mll-il.'ur will sell ell bis Hock il Ileal, I,
1 b'u-sot and liui-li Hals, ul the last imnii , al
n i y i .1 rd d i ices.
Sui.biirv. Auj. r., IS 1:1. H. II. MASS Elf
i I Iin sliinj; ll;u liiii lor !S;iL .
rilllE siib-cnber ol'o is I .r sale a Til R ESI! 1 i f
I MACHINE, rev and in good oubi. I i
M a, bine b i- I ecu Ii o I, an I proves n le an rxci I -lent
one il will be -old al a reduced pure, a I
va. ranted. Apply lo 11. V. MASsEI..
July 1, lU.