ton. TH AMERICAN. Revisit to Snnliury. Ma. EoiTon : The sentiments conveyed in the following lines, arose in the mind of the sub scriber upon revisiting Sunbury, after an ab scene of nearly three year : Three years hare past, three long, three weary years Of hope, love, joy, of pleasure and of pain, Of aonl-enobling hopes, of blighting fears, And now I stand on thy green banks again, My beautiful Sunbury. Once again, I tee thy hilly barriers round thee crowd ; 1 hear thy Sabbath bell boom o'er the plain, In solemn cadence, mournful, sweet, and loud, Like saintly warnings from some passing cloud. 'Oh, I hare stood and looked with solemn awe, Upon the Thunderers massy Alter, when The trembling earth received the overthrow Of blackening water ; and confess, that then I felt a holy joy, as I surveyed The stringlcss bow of promise overhead ; And turiied with purer heart to Him who made Niagara's dread voice, whose tones sublime Shall ne'er be hushed, or stayed, throughout all time. And I have stood upon the verge Of the Trairie Ocean. I have climbed The gloomy heights, whereon the funeral dirge Of valiant Wolf (that dirge the rolling dram) Was heard when foemen met in deadly strife; When fiery hearts from rival nations come, And brave men fell beneath the murderous knife ; When breathless Quebpc listened to the hum Of distant battle, while her lip with fear was dumb. Aye, I have trod the fairest walks of earth : The quiet glade, the grotto, dell, and stream The flowery meadow, and the mountain's dearth ; Have seen the city spire, like torch-light gleam "Beneath the burning sunlight. I have seen The moonbeams dancing in old Ocean's breast; Have watched the Day-Rod, gloriously serene, Sinking in burning, in the yellow west, With gorgeous tinted clouds wrapped round him like a vest. But now, I feel a deeper, holier thrill Of joy steal o'er my heart string, as I stand Upon thy banks, sweet Sunbury, and view The bridal of the Waters. Calmly grand, Two streams unite like the glad gushing heart, And mingle their low vows beneath my feet, While in my heart the new waked echo starts, While nameless voices joyous sounds repeat, And fill this earthly Paradise with music sweet. G. r. Wnnm.k Cnptatu Jixek Certificate. "Having seen in the newspapers some pieces respecting the Declaration of independence by the people of Mecklenburg county, in the State f North Carolina, in May, 1775, and being so licited to state what 1 know of that transaction, I would observe, that for some time previous to, and at the time those resolutions were agreed upon, I resided in the town of Charlotte, Meek Jenberg coirly; was privy lo a number of meetings of some of the nioet influential and leading characters of that county on the sub ject, before the final adoption of the resolution?, and at the time they were adopted. Among those who appeared to take the lead, may be mentioned llezekiali Alexander who generally acted as chairman, John McKnilt Alexnnder, a j secretary, Abraham Alexander, Major John Davidson, Major (afterwards General) William Davidson, Colonel Thomas I'olk, llztkid I'olk, Doctor Ephruiin Brevard, Samuel Martain, Dun can Ocheltree, William Wilson, Robert Irvin. "When the resolutions were finally agreed on, they were publicly proclaimed from the court house door, in the town of Charlotte, and recei ved with every demonstration of joy by the in hubitauU. "I was then solicited to he the bearer of the proceedings to Congress. 1 set out the follow ing month, (say June) and in pussing through Salisbury, the general court was sitting ; at the request of the Court 1 handed a copy ol the resolutions to Colonel attorney, and they were read aloud in o;ieu court. Major William Davidson, and Mr. Avery, an attorney, called on me at my longings the evening after, and observed, they had heard of but one person (a Mr. Heard,) who did not approve of them. "I then proceeded on to Philadelphia, and de livered the Mecklenberg declaration of inde pendence of May, 1773, to Richard Caswell and V illiain Hooper, the delegates to Congress from the State of North Carolina. "I am now in the eighty-eigth year of my ge residing in the county of Elbert, in the state of Georgia. I was in the revolutionary war, from the commencement to its close. "I would further observe, that the Reverend Francis Cummins, a Presbyterian clergyman, of Greene county, in this State, was a student in the town of Charlotte at the time of the a doption of the resolutions, and is as well or per haps better acquainted with the proceedings at that time than any man now living. "Colonel William Polk, of Raleigh, in North Carolina, was living with his futher, Thomas, in Charlotte, at the time 1 have been speaking of, although too young to be forward in the bu siness, yet the leading circumstances 1 have re lated cannot have escaped his recollection. "JAMES JACK. "Signed this 7th of December, 1319, in pre sence of "JOB WESTON, C. C. O. JAMES OLIVER, Attorney at law." Thus u this monstrous fabrication crushed to the earth. No one will believe that Kzektel Polk, who "took the lead" in a Declaration of independence more than year prior lo the De claration by Congress, could ever have been it lory in the Revolution. POLK, DALLAS AND SHUNK, Grand Democratic Mum Meeting or TUB TniRTEESTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, AT MILTON, PA., ON SATURDAY, 14th OF SEPTEMBER. Rtt.tT DxmoctsI Rally Firemen! Rally Breihern ! Rally from the Tines of gallant "OLD LYCOMING." Rally Utile CLINTON, the Rlo rlous Banner county of the district ! Rally down trodden but patriotic Democrat of UNION ! Rally your legions NORTHUMBERLAND ! Come on, ye noble sons of the "Star or tiii North !" All come with the family ! Come one, come ell ! Come old, come young I All to the rescue ! To our brethren of all sections we send greeting, and we shall be glad to welcome you among us. Come on ! Democrats wilt always do their duty. Hon. James Ilurliannn, Pennsylvania's gifted and talented favorite son, has written to us, "th t God willing, he will be here," no day can suit him better. Who will not spend omr DAT to listen to that eloquent champion of the people's rights. We have also invited the following able speakers to attend, vin: B. H. Brewster, Col. James Page, Charles Brown, and E. B. Schnahrl, of Philadelphia, Col. Re h Frazicr and John W. Forney, of Lancaster, R. M. Barr, of Reading, Wilson McCandles, of Pitts'turg, Gen. Robert Fleming and Wm. F. Pack er, of Lycoming, Cut. II. B. Wright and Hon. B. A. BidUrk, of Luzerne, Jjmes McManus anj Col. J nines Bumside, of Centre. F. W. Hughes, of Schuylkill, and other speakers. The names of those who will certainly attend will he announced in the papers as their conse nt is reciived. Dcntociats, this is no time for repose,. Federal ism, with its hydia, is leaving no means un tried to fasten upon us its aristocratic principle and measures, therefore, amuse in the might and stieng h of Freemen, who are determined to remain free, and show Federalism that the Democrat c pi,rly values the true principles of our government and is fully determined that they never shall fall. By order of the Milton Dem ciatic Club. A. D. Patterson, SamUel Blair. James Covert, H. L. Hieff.-nbaeh, H. M. Davison. J. W. Unwer. James Buoy. Committee. Milton, August 21, 1811. FcAitrti. AtriiiKNT. On Tuesday last our fellow townsman, E, Q. Henderson, E.-q , met with an accident which had well nigh cost him not only his own life, hut those of his wife and child. They were riding down the turnpike, and had just passed the Five Itocks, when a team of Horses, attached to a heavy waggon, having been left by their driver, ran away and soon came up with Mr. II. who, hearing the noise behind him, had turned out to the edge of the precipice, but not sufficiently far to escape collision, and his Horse, carriage and inmates were precipitated down the bank, which was at least forty feet high apparently to their utter destruction. Yet as if by a miracle, after fall ing some 5 or (5 feet, the top of the carriage caught in a tree, and held them suspended up wards of 30 feet above Mic Canal, until a gen tleman came and extricated them the Horse detached from tfie carriHoe, fell about 12 feet. The carriage was broken toutoms.and the Horse seriously bruised and injured, while Mr. II., his lady and child, extraordinary as it may seem, escaped with no other injury than the fright na turally induced by their perilous situation. Patlxville Emporium, A Fkeak or LnjiirNiir,. The. barn ol" Mr. Benedict Babcock, one mile from Clinton, on the road to Utica. was struck by lightning, and burnt, about 0 o'clock on Friday evening last. The building was full of hay, oats, and other grain, belonging to Mr. I. P. Cook, tenant of Mr. liubcock. Mr. Cook had just finished his summer's harvest, and drove in the team with the last kxitl nf grain, closed the doors and went to the house to get his supper, leaving the horses attached to the wagon, when in a moment the whole was enveloped in flames, and so rapid was its progress that he did not save the horses. . , . ual.ti.moul: makkkt. Oice of the Baltimore Amehicax. Aug. 20. FLOUR. There is very little demand for How. ard street Flour, and prices are unchanged. Hoi ders ask f 3 94 for new flour of good mixrd brands, and parerls frrnh ground from old wheat are held at $3,87 J. We are not advi-ed of any transaction worthy of note. 'J'hi re is no filed rc ccipt pi ice. Sales on Saturday and to-day of S800 Mils. City Mills Flour at f4. WHISKEY. Sales of hhds. it 5.3 a 22$ cl. Bids, continue very scarce sales at 2MJ cent. Cais is generally culled the first murderer, hut some call him the first soldier ; others might ell him the first physician, as the three terms are con tillered synonymous. Frederick the Greal must have destroyed a great many thousand lives before he became so proficient in the art of killing ; yet, when in the presence of his own physician he resigned his laurels to the M. D., and surrendered all claims to superiorly over him in that department. Napoleon, in his fatal Russian campaign, destroyed about one mil lion of human beings, and we call him a hero! Dr. Brandieth's Vegetable Univerral Pills have saved the lives of at least half that number, and when the properties of hi medic ne shall be duly appreciated, he will receive the thanks of his fellow citizens ; a rlchct gift than either title or crowns. In order to secuie the medicine in its purity, he ha excluded druggist from any participation in its sale. 00 Purchase of H. B. Masser, Sunbury, or of th agents, published in another part of this paper. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer, Wheat, .... 85 Rir, f0 Corn, ...... 40 Oats, ...... S5 Pork, 6 FtAtstin, ... . too Butter, ..... jo Beeswax, 26 Titiow, .... 10 Dried Apples, 75 Do. Peaches, 300 Fla, ... .8 Heckled Fla, 10 Enos, .... 0 t -,-"-""--"" " tJood Intent Fire Company." A STATED MEETING of the Company will be held on Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual attendance is re quired. CHAS. J. URUNEIt, Aug. 31, 1841. Secretary. "vVaalilngton Fire Company." THE members of the "Washington Fire Com piny" are requested to meet at the State House, on Monday Evening, Sept. 2d, at 8 o' clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required. Aug. 31. JACOB YOUNGMAN, Src. IF JEL. IT riIHE ladies of the First Presbyterian Chu'di of X. Northumberland will, by specinl request on the part of many, reopen their Fair, in the house of John Lciscnring, Esq., oppnsito the Bank, on the 10th d iv of September next. Dinner will be provided for the accommodation of those from a broad. A room and dinner will also bn furnished for ladies from a distance, it being understood that many exect to be present. The proceeds of din ner and Fair to he appropriated to the 1st Presby terian Church of Northumbrian.!, now in the pro gress of erection. Aug. 31,1814. rilHE Ladies of the True First Presbyterian JL (Old School) Church in Northumberland, will have a dinner prepared on Tuesday, the 10th of September, in the second story of the Mi'kct House, for such of their friends as may see proper to favor them with their company cm that day. The proceeds for the benefit of the True First ''res'-v-Icrian Church in the boiough of Northumberland. August 31, 1844. To School Teachers. WELL qualified Teachers will bo wanted for the following Schools, in Shnmokm Dir. trict, viz t One Te x tier and As-istant for the IV. tersburg Schoul ; one for the Eastern ; one fir the Blue Meeting House; one for the SnolTiown : one for the Brick Meeting House; one for the Baptist ; one for the Soydertown ; one for the Krceher ; one for the Irish Valley; one for the Furinan, and one for the Moyer (Schools. Persons wishing to be employed as Teachers for those Schools, the ensuing Autumn A. Winter, will please make early application to the Directors ha ving the special care of those Schools. Hv order of the Board. JACOB HAAS, Pres't. of Board School Directors, Shamokin Elida Joh.h, Sec'y. Dist,, Norlh'd co. August 31, 1544. 4t Orphans' Court Sale. TN pursuance of an order tl the Orphan-' Court of Norlhuinlvorl.uid countv, will be sold at pub lic sale, on Saturday the 21st day of September next, on the premises, to wit : a certain tract of land situate in Augu-U lo'vimhip, in said county, adjoining lands of David lieeser, George Conrad, and others, containing twenty-eight acres more or less, whereon ia erected two lost houses, Ac , late the estate of John Neidig, Mir., dcc'J. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M of said day, when the terms of tale will be made Innun hv ADAM NEIDIG, Sunbury, Aug. 3Ut, 1844. It Adm'r. F A 11 T 1MK subscriber will oiler for sale, on the pre mises, nn the fir.t day ol Oc'oher nex', at II) o'clock, A. M , a tract of laud in Augusta township, Nflilhumhcrl md county, containing 240 seres, more or less, one hundred aeies nf which are clear ed, uiljoining land of Joseph Savidgc, Jaroh 1'iv, Henry Yoxtheimer and others, on shauiokin creek. The Dun ill.- and Potuville Rail Road pas-i-a the land. The ahovc tract of land pusses sea many advantages. It is situated about 3 miles from Sunbury, and a large nriioii of the cleared laud is well adapted lo the growth of grass. The improvements are a dwelling hour-e, barn, and p pie orchard. The terms will be made known on the day .f sale, by the subscribers, executor of Heniy Mm J. slur, ihc'd , as whose eslnle the same will he a ,J. H EX ItY BARDSHER, JACOB BARDSHER, Augusta, August 3Ul, 1814. 3t F' 1HM JrOH small I .rut. c. lit lining about 100 acres, about 2 riu'es shove Northurn' eiland. adjoining Uml nf Jesse C Horton, John Leghou ami othei, will he sold cheap, if application i made xn to the suhsc rjher, Suuhury. Aug. 31. H. B. MASSER. FL1X Sni:i. Th highest price will he given fur Flax Seed, hv Aug 31.1844. J. B. MASSER. Oi'Dltaus' Court alr. TN pursu tree, of an order of the Orphans' Court of Norlhtiinberl m I eouriv, will be sold at pub lic sale, on Saturday the ltih diy of September next, on the premises, t.i wit : a certain tract nf IhiiJ situate in Mriui'ip.oi to nship, in said county, containing St) arte, nioie or less, on h eh is rer. ted a log dwelling house, harn and other hull.lii'is ; late the estate of Solomon 1'ersiug, ilec'd. Sale to romimnre at 10 o'clock, A. M, of said day, when the condition ol Ihe sale wi'l he ma le kn wn by EMANUEL ZIMMERMAN. Sunbury, Aug. 21, 1811 It Adm'r ("1 ME to the premises of the suhscnU't, in J Augusta township, Nor.huiolieilaii.l county, some time in May lu.t, a while and black spoiled OX, about two year old. The owner ia rrque.leil lo come forwaid, piove poipcrlv, pay charges und take htm away, or ho will be sold according to law. THOMAS WOLF. Augu-t S4th, 1841 St CAM I M EETIU, CAM I MEETING will he held on the A XaL '"J 0I" M'- Heniy Weaver, in Ru.h town. ship, abnul 3 miles south-west from D.oville, and I mile north west from the Liheity Stump, to commence on Frid iy ih 6ih of September, and to continue until the following Wtducsluy ni iri.iiij;. The public are geuei ally invited to attend. A. BRMTAIN. Sunbury CueuiO J. W. TONGUE. Aug. 15, 1811. S' TO Country Merchants. rjlIIE Subscriber respectfully invite Coonliy .1. Merchant who are about to purchase Fall and Winter Supplies, to an examination nf theli respective Stocks, believing that their several as sortments sto as complete as have ever been oflci. ed in Ihe Philadelphia Market. With stocks of Goods in their several Depart ments of the choicest kinds a determination to sell on terms which cannot fail to prove satisfieto ry and a disposition lo please old and new custo mers, will, we hope, be a sullirient inducement lo purchasers to call at our tespective establishments Silks and Fancy Goods. WARP Remington HO Market Slreet. Ash hurst & Remington CO " Buck fc Potter 1 10 Yard & Gillmnto 100 " Domestic nnd Foreign Dry Goods. Reynolds, McFa-land tt Co 105 Market Street. But nelt, Withers cV Co 120 ' Scott oV Baker ISO Wise. I'u.ey ,V Wiso 154 " Hardy cV Hackers 46 N. Second St. Importers of Cloths, Cassimors, Vest ings, Scc. ' William II Love 14 7 Mjtkel Street. Lambert Duy 108 " Hardware and Cutlery. Mich art V Baker 215 Maiket Street. Edwatd S Handy oV C.i 8 " Importers and iManufnclurers of Sad dlery Hardware. Horn cV Kneass 215J Maiket Stieet. I'oots, Shoes, I'oniifts, Caps, Leghorn ami l'alm I tats, i.c. W E & J G Whelan. l.r.fl Market Street. Levick, Jenkins fc Co I -Ml " M Courad cV Co 60 - Manufacturers nnd Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Arr Thomns P Jumra 215 Market Street. Potts. Linn A Harris 213) Rol inson, Collins & Co 87 Edward Cole 61 Thompson Pancoist fc Co 40 " Hals, Caps, Furs and Trimmings. L Kenton 176 Market Street. John Sauerhier iV Brother fJ " liooks and Stationary. GiiL'g A Ell olt N. Fuuith Street. Ungnn & Thompson 30 " Importers of and French Fan cy Staple Stationary. I. I Cohen & Co 27 S Fourth Slreet Henry Cohen 3 " Importers of Hosiery, Gloves, Trim mings and Fancy Goods. Selley oV Severing 21 N Third Street. Parker oV. I.ehnun 3 " Comhs, I'rtislics, Brooms, Szc. Thomas Cooper 3 N Front Street. Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple Goods. I A F O l MonroHO 10 S Foutth Street. Manufacturer of Patent I .ard Lamps. Ellis S Archer 32 N Second Street Manufacturer of Patent Floor and Furniture Oil Cloths. I-aac Macauley, Jr. G N Fifth Slreet. Manufacturers and Importers of Pa per Hangings. Howell A- Brothers 8(1 oV 142 Chesnnl St. Phila Ulphia. August 51. Itl I. 3in. - -sm'GKin "S patlSt VV-SHIITG- !-3::ilTZ. riMIS Midline his n w h. en te-ieJ by more 3. than thioy families io this iieiglihorh xid, and has given entire satisfaction. Ii is so simple in it co slrorli. n, that it cannot gel nut of .r.l. r. I; couti ns tin iron to tu t, nd i o -piiuusor roth r to get oi l of repitr. It will tlo twice as much wash ing, with less than halt the wear and tear ol am ol the lite, and whit is i.f grcver in pur coMs hut III le uver half as much as ollo-r washing nurliines. The suhscriher his iho exclusive rittht for Nor thumhf rlalid, iiion. Incoming. Ciilumhi i, l. i y.erne and Clinlon counties. Price nf single in . ihineffi. 11. B. MASSER. The fullouing ceitificat s fiom a few ol those who have ibe-e in n-! in use. We, the suIisciiIh'i, cernty that c have no v in H-e, in our families, 'Slmgeit's P.ilenl Wish ing Machine," and do not htr-it-ile suinj lint it is a most i xeelb'tit invenii .n. That, in W'a-liing il will save more than one hall the u-u.d Inluir. 'J'lint It ilm t nut reipiiie more than one tliir.l ihe liaiial qiianlity of so .p and w ater ; iiii.I that there is n riihloiig, an I ivnsa tjueiitly. hitle or no wcai iiuf cr leaniij That it knoekj Il no biilt.ius, ainl that the finest clo.hcs, si. ell us collar., laeek, lucks, bills, Ac, may he washed in a veiy slo'tt lime without the least iojuiyt and in l .it with, lit Hiiy appaieni wear and ten', whatever. NVe' cheertully recommend it 1 1 our lnen ls an.l I i the public, as a mo.l u.iful ami lab r tatinc m ,ebii e. CHARLES w. HEGI.NS. A. JGlMiAX. Clis W E W'l'.R. CMS I'l.E sNTS, GIDEtlX M RKI.E. Sunliuiv, A tii. 24, IMt. A F A It 31 3srasX5U2, -.m V"r- .y-.rr. "IIMI.I. bo snl.l al piv.le sate, tlie Real E-tate of S limn I llloniii, late of Augu-l.i lown-b p, Northumberland county, deed., containing one hull. lie. I and seventy-nine acres, and ullowai ee. on which is i rerted u ilwilling h.i j-e and ha n. a well of water near the, .t iw m II and two bearin-j on hauls. About nineiv aeies of s it. I hind, twelve acre of which are ineailo v land, and li e rem liuder wi ll t in' Tied. Il lh' above deseiibed pi.ip'ily Is n"t soli io pr.VHln sile, it will tie nil. re. I ai puhllc silo, on Tues.lay, ihe first day of Octohir lit XI, on the pre uiiscs. For fiitlher pur'iruliis, iiupiire nf the suhscii beis, in A n il. -II township, Norlh'd. (ounty. Sale to' at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said duy, when the term will he nn.le known hv JACOB BLOOM. DANIEL BLOOM. Augusta, August 10, 1 e 1 1 3t Ln'is. Uitl.U Jsl'IXTAI IillS FROM a lawyer's olllce, in S.inhnry , -n the lt of July l.i-l. Tley were l.dv's. with bight pehhle gla se (if eight sides, and wi h. ut any j .n.t hi Ihe liaine, 'i't i v were No l.or of the yuun e.t, or h'a-t ing power. A lit eral reward Will im given for recovery of ihe SjHrr laile-', or deiicniri ol the thief, en ai plitaiiuii at Aug. S, 1811. THIS OFFICE, t VALUABLE 1MIUIS, ArS41a PnOPEItTV. V7ATBXI rowans, II o lines niil Iaots for unlc. flllTE Sub.eriher offers for sale the following da J. sciilied Valuahl Properly, all of which he will sell at very moderate prices, snd on reasona ble terms, vie : HOUSES A LOTS. No. I. A large and elegant (wo story atone man sion house with hiseinciit story , all highly finished, and sitoa'cd nn the east side nf Market street, in M,ii sgrove, Union enmity, being the residence of the subscriber. The lot on which this house stands is very hindsomely improved, and planted with choice fruit and ornnmrntal trees and shrubs, with all the r eci ssiry improvement of a large barn, pigzerv, wagon he.l nnd corn crib, carriage house, ice house, smoke house and poultry yard. The whole constituting a most desirable and beau tiful les'dcnre. Price, f3,!i()0. No. 2. Isige Iwo story wooden house with ex tensive back building, nnd highly improved cur den and lot of ground. This property is situated noith of and a.lj in'ma No. I, and al-,0 fotnis a de airahlo resiilciic.'. Price, 1,500. No. .1. A two story wooden hone with lot of ground, situ ited on the eat sidu of Water st'cel, in Setinsprove, well finished throughout, with log stable on ihe rear of the lot. Price, ftOO. No. 4. A two story wooden house with one sto. ry ki'cbei, and a log stable on ihe rear of the lot, situnteil north of and adjoining the lst named pro. perly.No. fl. A well und pump, to nrcninmo.laie this .n.l Nn. a, in The yard. I'lice, f,r)00. No. 6. A lot of ground in the lown of Charles town, on the Isle of (ue, situated nil street, 40 I y I 0 feet. A desirable lot for a dwelling house. Pri e, f 500. No 0 A lot of ground adjoining Sehnsgrove and Penns cifitr, and fronting on Walnut street, cm tabling about half nn acre of ground Price, fa 00. CANAL PROPERTY A; WARE oV STORE HOUSES. No 7. A very valuable property on the Pennsyl vania Canal, on the Lie of Que, adjoining Sehns grove. I he improvements are such as to facilitate mercantile nnd trading business to a great extent, nnd consist of a large twostmy frinie house, occu pied ns a d-y co. 'ds st .re; a large and commodious wars house, 40 by HO f. el ; a long range of aiubling ; and an extensive wharf, 400 feet Ions, with hoist ine crane. Ac. Il is situated on Ihe lierm bank side of Ihe cansl, un I in every respect calculated f. r an extensive business. Price, 5,000. BOAT YARD AND DRY DOCK. No. 8. A large and convenient Boat Y'arJ on the Pennsylvania Cnn il, and laying south of and uiljoining No. 7. On this property is erected a one and a hnlf story frame dwelling house, well finish ed ; a large shml and clTi -e for the accommodation of builders, and also a very complete dry dock, into whiih boats for repair are floated out of the canal, and into which new boa's erected on the yard are b!m launched. A very desirable proper ly. Price, ftf.imt). FA KM OF 200 ACRES. Nn. 9. A large and exceedingly valuable fa) m, containing hh.'M 200 acres of choice limestone land in a highly imprnvrd state. On this farm llieie are iihoul 140 under culture, divided by g. iod fences into fields often acres; a large two st .rv bou e with ki'cbcn attached ; a well and pump of exci llent water at ihe kitchen door; a large and convenient bank barn with wagon house, sheds and corn crib a't iched ; a large piess house with ev.rv convenience making cider, at the fool of the orchard, which consists of ten acres of choice g afted npnle tree nnd pe,r Hees. Limestone is quarried in any qimn'i v within lOt) yards of the farm buildings, where lime is b-jrned. It Inys Wiihln one mile ot Itm l rnn-.ylv.inia taiial an. I Se. Imsgrovc. A vry ucsirahie t .rm. t'rice, J 13,000 FARM OF 250 ACRES. No. 10. One o'her Inrce nnd valuable firm of a houl 220 seres of linn stone land, and :lso situated wit'nn one nolo of ihe canal at Sehnsgrove. Il is w. II im r ivcd, ihcits being about 130 acres well f, lir il and nn.h r culture, the balance being well limlH"e I with oak, pine, w dnul and c-ln snut limber. The huddiiios consi-t of a large and well flni-rwd two -toty far. n hou-n with kitchen ; a I a'pe harn wi'n wagon ahed and co-n ciib, Ac. nttiche.l spring house nnd never filling spiing hem the lo u e ; a smith shop, ami two lime kilns, capable i of bii'liing one bundled bushels lime per day, built I Ai'joiniiig nn iXhauoless 'line-tone rjimrry. 'I'here are lib,, three ore' nuts of hearing apple trees on tub. farm Pii.-e. flO.Ono. FARM OF 2o0 ACRES. No. 11. A firm on Penu t "re. k. ahonl 3 miles , fi.nn the ranal at Sclinsjrnve. wi h the public roa.l le tiling from S. hn-prove lo New Ileiltn, the Seat ol -jus ice of Union coiin'v. runrorig through it. It contains nl out 2ffO acres, or w Inch there me a'loni , 30 acres of first Tale me .d iv land, ihe balance up- j land and principal'v red schale. About one hull- ! ilr.d acres arc clevr. d, Ihe balance being well cover i d vvnhoaV hein'o. k and white pine Umbel. The : I u.h'inas r . n-Ut of a well ('ni-hed two story fa in house wlih several fine spring of water close at hand, a huge log harn, C 'rn cub, spring h.rtise. Ac. ' On this f i in there is a mill seite with 20 feet I d1, 1 on a meatn of ws'tr tributary to Penn creik.i This liini niialit be a.lan'nci'oii!-lv divided into two farms. Mini will li.'i.i divided if purchasers de- j sire it. Price, S-VI'OO j WATF.R POWER. No. 'i A w.iler p w,-r on 1'enns C eek, of f! I., uiitmpiove I. It IS Si'Uitcd helwe. n the iwoltacis oil no I. X". II aid Id. and within ?U miles ot tl e I'eroi-vlvaniS t'niial, at Seliu.grovo A pnblc ioh I bad- ihroiljh litis Irset, alot'.g I lie eisl hii.k .1 IVnn. ere. k Pi ice, 500. WATF.R POWER A WOODLAND. No. 13. A lia tol woodbind Containing ah ir To aeies. situ led on Peons creek, iinmedlal. Iy p-p-ieN.. II. Th- trtct is well covered w ilh white oak and pine limber, wil'l Wolf run flawing llirmih it ai d empty Ing into Penns cie. k. alliirdin an exc. lh nt .cite T r a saw null with from l.v.lvc to ft l I" . 1 1 . Pii.-e, f I ,.rni0. No 14. A ttact of woodland, unimproved, lul led o. -.he i a -I do of I'. tins c. eck, Hdjo oat N . CI, cool on tig ..h oit 2.10 acre of excellent reil . h de upland W. If iiiu, trit.uiary l.i Perm- cie. I:, runs ihio ii:li this tract, und alfir I a Suptrmr -cite for a saw mill The land ishe.vilv s-t with whi e o ik and piiiv timhei, and is eusceptit le ..t hi in:; cm Vi ited into an rxccll. lit fatio. I'lice. f - t(0 No. 15. One other ii ui t f woodland, un.iii t vid, united in I'ctii s town-hip, u'moii S mil s foni S, Itnsgr.'tr, mljoiiiiu.; lands ot .lolin B nlv, I !. Sin . ill mil I oilier-, col oning I S 7 nrres and I - ') perches of txcellenl led schaltJ opland. Wnif run ! i pSsM-s through this I i.i.l, all uding line vvan-r p.iiv.r Tl e Isnd w t c ivercd with whito oal anil pine limber, and is susceptible, of being r. tl vertid into an excellent firm. Price, fS s.0J. No. 10. A tract of woodland, uniuipioved, silu.i- ted in Union lown:hip, ailjoming lands of M chael I Sanders and others, and not more than one mile from Sunbury, on the oppo-lie side of the r ver I Surqui h, coiilaining shout 113 ac e. This I land is very gjnd ird .cha'e soil, h, u being t onv. rttd into un txc. Ilcnl firm. A stieani of ler r ibut.ry lo ti e nvrr, flows through thi ho d I hullic en Iv a rm g f il a saw mill. The land i w, II , five ed Willi White oak Slid pine linib-r. I'lice, i ii ion. i No. 17. A tract of mini proved woo.lh i.i, -una led in Ccniie iowrikhii, t'uimi county, i i ll iimt: lOOarri. adjoining lands of J Wil.ii ..vtr others, Middkbu g u within t'lten unit, and I Middle rrerk within one mil. There Is a snw mill n the tract of land adjoining, at which the limber of this tract rsn be wrought inh b.xrd nd other wed slufT. Price, f 300. (XjT In of the sorrily of money at this lime, I will sell any or all th' above propertv on terms to suit the times and in case cash he offered, a reasonable deduction will be made, Further par ticulars msy ho nhtsinej by addressing the sul scit. bir at Subinigrove, Ci.ion coumv, P. H. W. SNYDER. Selinrove, August 3, 1844. 3m To I lie r.loctoi'ft of ortliiiinbn land C ounty. T7ELLOW CiriZEXS: I beg leave toifTt myso'f as a ennrlidato for the office of COI.IN I'Y COMMISSIONER, st the ensuing election. Should I Isa so f.iitnnata lo bo tleeled. I pledge myself lo difchsrge tha do ties of said ollice with lidehtv. FELIX LERC1T,, July 27ih, 114. The riillosoiifiliiil WASHING MACHINE. MMIIS WASHING MACHINE, plain and aim. - pie in i's construction, cannot fail to find its way into every fimi'y when its real value Incomes knoivu. The piiie (-ix doll ns) is lixnl nt tha lowest rate, in or.'T t.i ci'illoeveiy family tool. tain m e. The inventor r.tMiai,tee that il will not re quire t!."Tc than nne Iniirth the ii-ual quantity of soap That it will wa-li in one. third the nvunl time, ami what ;s a in it'i r ! great impnri.inee, tlo wear and tear is Mi ni I n, or at Ieat so li lle tbnt il is not perr. plil.V, so lh it finest black worsted t':.l woollen ran he wasl.e.l, if teeessarv, in the .min su.lsisith linen ami cntl.ui. This may serin -trance to those who d not huo.v the priueip'e up ';i which it vnii, Ii i i:,,. ,,,,-y niachine ever in vented that w asl.i s upon the linciple of the f.ic ti ui of wnti r alone. All others wish upon tho principle of friction or by bringing the rl.ilhes in rootlet with some p .rt of the machine. Independent of the g ent paving of l ihnr, economv I 8''"ul' bring it into general vhc The nr.m cnnnoi nn ir.i io no wim. ui u, w-iiue me run man will use it f r convenience, if nothing cl-e. Luge familii s will save f om five to fitlr.-n dotlius a year in stvap alone, and not less llo.ii 50 per cent, in the wear and tear i.f clothes, besides ihe j;reat sav ing , f Ijhor and expense in w ashing. The subscriber ill guarantee thai it will i if..ini nil that he has stated, if properly ns d. lie has secured from Ihe paten tee, the right to NiotbiimU-ilai.d, I oion, I. coming, Columbia, Luterne an 1 Clmton rounties. H. B. MASSER. Snnbuiv, June 25. IS I I. CO M MISS IO X 15 Ii. f HFREBY ofl'ei my-ell'to tho Electors nf Nor-- Ihumtierlaiid County, as a candidate for the of fice of ( 'l 1U.NT Y COM MISSION L' R. Should I he elected, I pledge myself tadisi hrga the duties of said ollice with fidchtv. PETER BIXLER. Lower Mahnnny, June 15th 181 1. pOTTACE CIBLES. Five copies of t'-e Cot. late Bible, ihn cheapi at hook t vi-r published. containing ihe commeiitury on the Old an.) New j Testament, jast received nnd for sale, for six ih.ll ,rs, ny June IS. II. U. MASSER. IVM.ZORINES, a handsome article for LaduV -- Dressis, for sale cheap, hy June 15. If. B. MASSER. I 'P WEED I LO III, a handsome article, all wo.d, j light and elastic, tor Summer Coats and Pants, lor sale, very low, by Juno 15. II. R. MASSER. I , j JmldKJ'X j rElTlTE?v& cc. Mumil'.ichiiers ol" t'MBRELLAS, IMU M!LS, and M X SHADES, iVn. 1 :i Mm hi Strf-t, P lillndclp lila, NYI I'E the attention of Menhnnts, Manufiri tureis, Ac, Ac., to llieir M.-ry rxteusive. el. quit, new stock, prepaid with great cire, an I oi ttred at the l.iweM p.nsible prices for cash. The pnuei.e on Which tlos concern is rstaMi-h ed, is to consult the mutual inteiest of their cu-to-nieis ant tin iaelves, Iy iii.iuufacluiing a 'od r-. tee, celling it nt the lowest price for cash, :.i.l rc.i'iing their own r. inunciatinn. in ihe amount of sale and quick retti'iis. Possessing incxhau-t lie ficilitit-s f.r inirufa. -lure, they arc prepared to supply order to nnv i -tent, nnd nspectfullv Milic.i ihe ) atr,iiiage of M.r chauts, Maiiiil'icturers und Dea'eis. dj' A laige assortnieut of ihe New Sljlo Cur tain I'mnsnl. rhilad. lphti, June 1. 111. Iy HERR'S HOTEL, KIRMCRI.Y I KIMIOXT HOI Sl No. I Hi hi mitit Street, I'lIILMUM.I'HIA. 'i 'in; st ut iinn:i;. r.Tcoiiy Re.ldii g, l'i.. would infirm l'..e pi.l lie that he has fitted up ih cup - us ao I con vetiient rst iblishun r I, . w l mUviv s h-r. a Iv lo entert in vi-itors. Ih-... Iit.:,!i,l repiit.o'mii ii tlie line, it Is lope I, v I air.r.l fjl a sU' iuce, lh ii his guests will be s pl.e.l wi h t veiv r onf rt and i.reoinm a! i i . , whils- his house vriH bn e .ih'uc ,., Under m.i'Ii iaiii!eiii'r't as Vr.l si'cu e n cli.rnter fur the T.i-t 't s n. i-i tnl h v . :i",l an i-l.tctiiry ei. lei laininci.l I n in ll.v . 'll.ds and I I'll I i'-. I'harge fir bojidii.g f peril v. D MEL lir.RIJ. Philadelpln l. M.iv ':.". IS I I ly NOTICE to ti:i:t ii i i s a. iii.i,im.i?. W M. M. vV .M)S. K. M Al'I.L, man! i'Acrri:i:i;s wd de m.ers i.v FiJREItiN l IMMI'.SI'II! sri; (iooDs, .Yn. ".t .Y .S'-. i-.i. S'rut, Ofposi'f !. .).. illHll 'If ' , ,) riXXLADiLrHI.A., ' W'H I.KE vvd be f und a neiit as-ort. T"T l uii'nl of Florence II.., ids, P er's, lint. lan.U IV.I.II.'S. Wi'.l .rt-, l.'.toSr w. an. I II, e touch a loured Ne ap.dii in", a". I 1'iln. V It ill -nets, iiiai.nt.iclioed bv os, and sale al the toive-t in niufar ni e prices M.-rclniii's ami Milliner- .iro invited in rim o a c .11 iiin vinuigthe Coy. (J V N. II We he sl-o cn-lan lv nnik'ii? . nr sup, iior b.or ntid o'her t .'(jins, all i f which w II he bO'd i hi ap, lor . a-h. Plu'sd. I; his, M .V '.,.'', l.-t I. Iy 1 I iVil. lt IT, eimable tl c-rv ,u. M ton, abmii hill worn, w i I he sold cheap, and on rea. niab e l.r.o. Emjuneat tin. o'd'n-e. Apul 7ili, Hll. tTlE W ARE I r S .Iins, to. in I quart to 3 gallon-, SO Stone Ja s, f.0.11 i io l tji'l m.. I' t ..!, cheap, by Oct. U fl. U. M S.SLIi.