Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 24, 1844, Image 4
It A X li. X OT i: LIST. rr.xxNvi.v.ixii. The f .Mowing list shows the rt'Ti-nl value of all iVnnsvlvania Hunk Notes. The most implicit rr laricc may he. placed upon it, m it D re-fry utek nrrfully compared with at d corrected limn H'uk- "ll's Kt purler. tlauks in riiil-iric Iphln. N.MK. 1 .OCAT.O. V.'"'' " 1 mun. NOTES AT PAR. ft ink of North America . , II ink ef thrt Nortlirrn Li'.ortirs f'-iinmivrnil Hank of IVnii'n. . , Firmer mid Mechanics' Hunk . Koustngtnri . . pnr par par par pir par pnr par par pn par Fhila.l, Ipllia H:lllk huyll.ill Dunk S .uthwrirk Hank . . i stem H ink . , Mechanics' Hank . . Manufacturers' V Mechanics' Hank Country lt.iU. Hank or iiPstiT County Hank of Delaware County of (Vr'nanhmn Hank of Montgomery Co. ivlrstow n Itatik I'.stiiM Hank Farmers' ltiink of Ilurk co. i b'ice nC Dunk of IViiii'a. 'iliro do da Or'iee tin Jo Olfico do do We.tolicstcr par Chrster (irrm.antotvri Nnrri s'ntv n Doy ItstoWii Fusion Hlistol llainsoufg l J lie-r letnraslir oll'icra Heading ( do not Eastuii J issue n. HIM'OI'N T. n nrns a l "mik of llie United States" of IVrin Township Hank . Movmnriwiihf, H ink II ink of Pennsylvania Miners' Hank of Potlbville. Hnuk of Lewi-town Hank of Middletnwn Hank of Nnrthnn ,,'cthind 1'iiliiml ia I! ink & llriiljjo co, CarlUo Hank Exchange Hank d branch of Philadelphia 82n54 par par par rotiillH I.pwitown I Midilletown lj Nortliiiluloridtid par ( olurulnu t 'nrlisle ritlxluiip llullidavslui'2 par 1 3 p:.r p.r I p" i i i i il rarnirrs' li:mk of l,nntistei I.aiu isli i l.micaMiT (bounty 11 ink I. incisti'r I'ariniTs' I'itrik of Heading 1i-adiiu Hinislnnor Hank H;irri-luir f . iiii .w'cr Hank I.niiraslpr I.i'I'.ici, n H.uik 1 . t'xiioii Mph Iuii!' iV Mnnuf. Bank I'lilsluirij; l ink "f I'iitsliiirn I'iltsl'Uijj V'lut Hiani'h Williaiudport yoininii Hank W i:kiliano N rlhaiiipinii H iiik Allcntinvn l-'i iks ( 'oiinty Hunk 1 . 1 1 ! n 1 1 (rilire of Hank of I. I'ilt.urn Do do dn !'. rio l)o d.i di) Neiv Hriliton l-'eiiKincloii Sav. Tin. A d.j I'-iiii 'I'ow n-liip .Sav. Ina. do iimk of Chanilierslmrg Cliaiiilii islnii H:iNk ol (icttyol'iirn (!rti:.ltun; H. ihk of U'ljui'liaiuia Co, Montrose I. rie Hank Eiitf K'niLi i!.' ik l'rovera' Hank W'oym $ 'laliklin Hank 'as!iinctoii .innesd.ili! lliiik lloitoiliilo Mot ont- ilicli Hank of B. llrnwimvillc Vork Hank Yoik faile.l do do I 1 3." 1J i IA ii 1 .. H, Tim Tintes of tliose hunks 011 whiiii we fiinit nuotaiions, and siil'stitute a dasli ( ) aro not I un liacd 1'V the ' hrokern, wiih the fxivption of tlioxo wliich liuvo n Inter ol nfcri nee, UliOKLN HANKS.,ia Sav. Inn. l' Iphia I'liiladelplii-i Loan Co. do r'-liu Ikill iav. In. do Mtnual I.a'iur li inn ( V, W- llyott. I'rop.) failed f.iled f.ile.l failed I ow anda Hank i owaiiila Hedford Heaver llarrishurg ashinctoii'io l'lltshtnij I'lttslun; Fayette im. tieciieal.c Jlarieony 11 iiulinjiiiiii Lett IsIoh 11 'ancn liond.itr N tv Hope Milton Mi iijvilla Foil l-urhon t 'ailiolo Montiose I "niunioivri .Mlehany Uaok of Pa. I! ink of Heaver I' ink ol S atara Hank of Washington l'"ioie Hank I - il V Hink f onier.-' V Moili'iV H-iok 1' 11 ruer-.' tSi Meeli'ca' l!,ink Fanners' c. Mei h'cs' Hank llaimoiiy lm-tilut'i lliiiiiiii'Zilui. Hank lunula U ird; iiiiiiilieruirii's li-nk Norti.t in Hank of I'.i. Niw Hope Ih I. Undae Co. Norhiiuili'd I'nion (.'ul. lik. hoi l!i WeM.-ru Ha .k nf I'a. Oll'ire 1,1 Si hu Ikill Fu. Atr. iV M mill. Lank Silver L ike Ii.u.k I mini liai k el I'riiii'.i. 1 Simon land Hank t.kt aharre llilile Co. TO sate closi .1 ' closed : failed ! (Ins., I ll.l !t." j fllieil i filled : failed I no sale ! no rule lio sale ' failed I 110 S'de j closed j lio sule j cloud fail. closed failed closed (in eiiBhlir dki sharie no sale 0, J' AH iioiu; puri oitiuu to he 011 ny l'enn-yl am a Uai.k nut giten in the uhovu lit, may bo set ii'rt i ad frauds. m:iv ji:ism:v. H nik of New Hiuntwiik Hrunnwiek Hi Kidcte Hank Helvidera Huiliulon Co. Hank Mnltnrd 'J' liniieieial Hank I'crili A'nhoy Ui.iiiIhiIjiiJ H.u.k lirideinii r.onor.,' Iimk Mount Holly Farineis' and Mei lninii s' Hk Haliwuv failed i pnr i par par 1 Fuiiiu r' nnd .Mi eliiiuiCK' Ilk ,. Hiunswi(k failed Fnrineis' arid Mt n liautb' HU Mlddittow 11 '. i 1 lulikliu Hank ol IN. J. Jersey City Hoi ikeu HI. 1:1V liia.un; Co Hohokeii Jersey Cilv Hank Jersey City Miilianus' H ink Fain ts. hi Maliulai lui I.,' Hank Helh iillo Moriis County Hank Morrislnwn Monmouth Hk ..I .S.J. I'm, -hold Mechanics' Hank ISiewark Mei lnn.ich' an. I Maiinl. Hk 'I'r. nion Morns Canal uial Hkt Co Jusey City .oK failed f.nlid failed filled failed 4 failed i pur HO talc Newark lik" iSi Ins Cu Ni walk )Siw ll..e I'd Indue Co l.ainl.i iUviIIu N. J. Matml.iC. Hi d likt; Co Holmkeil N J Frotecloii A J.uIiiImIiI 1 k Jersey t.'iiy 4 bull .1 ladtd I failed par par I ItanKe Hank (Iran. I'aterson Hack Fi op!i' Hank Fiineelou Sulem Hanking ('o iMaie I! ink' Mate H ink r-'t.ite Hink pi itc It ink ol Mollis State Hank ileiii uml Fhilad M.11111I Co Sussex Hank 'I'leutou Finikin; Co I '(Hon Hank Washington Hanking Co. 1'afeli oil Fi iiieeloii S.derii .Newark Fhiahclhtovvu ( ' 11 Monisto'.vn Tn uton Sa h 10 Newton 'Frentoii Untrr llai kenni k , a. I i 1 failed I tailed 1 ll par I f.lllld ; !i:i.itt iici:. Hk of W ihn Hr.inily wine W ilmiugioii Hank of Helawsle lljnk of Sin) inn 1 I'lnnili Farmers' Hk of Slate i f lb Ho br.iiieh l'o biainh Do I rani It I'nion Hank iry- t'ndei .I'i Wlhllllie,! I Sm ma Milioid Hover Wiluiiii'.'ton ('eoigiiown Newcisllo NYilmilitoii par 1 qJ" On all I ni. us m ukej It, us () tlu-re are n tli.r lounttt bit 1 r ultired iwirs of tlit var.ous 1 liounrisllor.s, 1:1 cm ulcimi. Come und 8ee. gods CUcay for CcinU or eoun try jjrotutrr. nit. 3i lSSi:il Las jut relieved an nort- inrrit of New (iond, which he will cell ul I ho Imvi'Kl piices, for cn-h or ( oionlry Produce. (Jjf Persons are invited to call uml judge for lllclllsflves. (Jj-- Deal Coll'ce for 123 cents. Cloud do. for 10, ami oilier unities in pmpoilioii. Sunbuv. May "3, IS-ll. To lo.ii.lry Jltri haul. I'ools, .Shu'? I'nniiots, I.egliurn and 1'altn Leal Hats. (J. W. vV 1.. 15. TAYLOIJ, til the S. I', curiitr of Maria I and I'ifth Sit , PITIX.AT5EIjniti, par 1 "JT'TEU f r sa'r nil rxtonsite -nriinrnt of lliO par i 'al-ove at'icl. , all of whii-li i!n y si ll at nnns'ial- pur I y low piicr, mill p utii iil .rly inviti- il,e attrniinti pnr ; of I'U 1 m visiting the ci'v, to m 1 miinitinti m ul p ir 1 i.. ir Vto, k. (i. W. A. I., li. TAYl.Ol!. nn!ali'lplua, lay -:. ISM. ly Notice. r I " 1 1 ' 1-1 pnsons liBvinij demandu naainot tlie t'ninmi.nwealtli lor I ilior prtf.rined, or mate rials 1 u 1 11 Iiotl fur the n pairs of ihs Xorlli ItrstiK li Canal, prior to the Dili I'ny of January, IS II, who liavp not handed to tho tuliscrihcr an inc. Hint of I'm aine, are r iju'n d to do o at i!ie eaihtl pni!iV inoineni, in or ler that they liny he put in lorm f r sc tllenient. as mh.ii as the fund RppiopiialcJ lor the pa Mu ni of old J ht ran he ohtained. 'J'lne living ai a dituncfl are rriiirsli d to for wfird hy 111. ul or utliei w'im'. '. If. .MAFrCT, Wiikoli irre. May II, I w 1 1 . if Super iS"r. DUCTOIi J. 11. MASSKli, KRSPmTI-I.I.V ii,r..rm llm i-il. f .Sunhurv an I i's vicinity, that he lis leiuiiM il l.ii i'11'.i i' to the white huiliJinK in Market Siiiiiii1, east of Im t li oii'nl'i ft ne. mi l iniNit d nti Iv op o-ite the post otli e, w lu re Iip w ill he happy to receive ca!U in tlie line of his profession Sunhiiiv, Mav 4'h. 144. 1) A V I 1) i: V A X S ' l'alcttt Fire ntnl 'J'liicf l'l'ii-f Ircn (lifsts. Shilo litii'd llclrierators, villi Filters altiiclicd when if(iiircrl. ETi.lTS It. VTCOITj .Ao. 70 S'mili tf:ird oppositr the l'if!iinij , niiLADELrniA, WA.M l-'Al'ITHi: mil keep for site IHvm l!vs" ci li I Mteil W H'pr uml I'rovi- - si. in ( ' nli r-. and Fatei.t I'r. - biiiiuin Fire and Thi. I Front . I ('hets, fnr prp-erviiiL' iiks, l'.i.ers. 1 )i 1 ds, Jit l , ilil. Silver, A.C., etc., made of Hod. r Iron, (.mil not nvi r Fi ink as nun ly-five out (if every one hundred now ill use and tor sate are nind) u Hi first rale 1. i ks and Divid Even-' j Fatent Keyhole Cnvers. siiuil ir to the one xlitt it- ed at the Fhil.idelphia Exctianee. lor lliiee months in the Mitnntrr of If 42, whin nil the Keys were at ' liberty to le lis. d, and ttiu Chest not opened, al thouull the cip rini. nt was t'l.d ly at leusl lotKl ! persons, dripol tlie same liOiks was 1 1 1 - I ly Knhhers, lit the Heliware Coal (lliee, in Walnut s'.ieet, shriyp 'J'h id l ilt il .1 In t sliei C"d. QTj' II 'islinir Mai I i i In.n ll.mrs, siiietini Locks, nr.d all kind-i i t li 01 l.'a 1 iiliu S. ,, and Co p ilijl Fressi s, and Siti'lhnitik (o in ratty, oil hand or m uiiifai lurnl at the sl nrt. -t n itu-e. (Xj CM'TIDN 1 .!,. h. re sins rig tin-t 111 .kii 1;, n-uo., s. Ir i.l, any Keyhole Cuvcis fu or Doms, nf Hl.v kll'.l .11 Fatent, of Huh .lu'v, ISl I, an. I y CMl' n'l per !lu 2. or eao-io tn Fi e I'm .1 ( li. tlv in p. no i !' ton y ti 'so tie, ill ' L'li a l Hi friji ratios with Ship, lor wheh rnv F.i'i iu 1 date l SO1I1 Mm h. 1811, as ni.v lid Iniietni 1.1 will i he dealt wi ll according tn law. DAYID EYA.NS. Iphn, Ap il 13. IMI.-lv 13 00 I $ Nhoi MAKING. I IlIIC'K & I! It OS KM S j JOl'l 1) inform the i fiiend- nnd the pill 1 e gem rally, that 1! ev have Commenced the above liisiiiess in all it hrancln s, in ihe 1 hop I. it. Iv oi copied by X n i r E.'H rt ss wad h- ' tnuker hcp, ia-t i f tlie lied Limi Ifoti I. in M ir'i. 1 Mre.l, Suul u V, where fry nr- prep in d to exe- I ci.tfl all ordns in their line, will) 1 rnoMPTirEss amd despatcit. 'Fluy hope, by strict ntieniioo In bu-iness, uiode ra'e charges, and the dur I i ! i ; y ul tin it work, to merit and receiio a share, of t'.e puMtc p.tionie. Sunbuiy, March o0:h. llt. ly 3 S T' mT i r "1?lT"fl ") EsFEC'I FFLLY" inf. nn- t' e puhhc lt. it be hat made NorthuniLi rlai d Ins place of ipsi- ill m e, nnd in ri ndy to ut'.i i.d to any Calls in Ihe line of bis profes.-iou. (X'f He may ul nil lime bp found at Mr. James Lee's Hull I. .Niiilhum'icr! m l. l.c. Mih, ! s 1 '1. if. rounsTviXiijU I Ill I. siib-rriln-r Iihs just r.c.'ived, f..r sate, a few nl ti e above rclehra ed Eiht 1'aV Clocks, whiih will I'd sold at very ledinid prices, f r rj li, Al-n, Ml-oiior nil hour I 'l.i. t ., ul I1 e l e-t in .ke and ipiahly, whieh will le s .1.1 for ia h. nf i f ib Also, suari..r Hras -.!o hour Chu l.s, ul Ml. Dec. 2. I-iHl. II. li. l ASF.U. i WIl.UA.M ,1. IN. SUNBUHY, FA. OFFICE, in ttie second story of the building oc cupied bv Dr. J.U. Massir, 011 Maiket st eel. O. t. 2 1st, I H Ft. ii 1 1 4.- ir r j 1 y i-.'f a . r- -j 'jj rjl'E sub-riiber will sell elf his st.rk of He.ivi r, I Fu-s d and HiUsh Hats, of the be.t ipulity, ut iff red need 1 1 ices. Siiiibury, Aug. ft, liMTI. II. R. MASSHIl 1 'I Iik sliliip, l;i tilnc lor Sal. '1 U i: oilers f.r tale a 'I'll li l 1 1 1 ( ! MAI'III.NE, up and in good oubi. 'Fhe M ut bine has bpi 11 tried, and proves to be nil ocel li lit one It w ill he .old at a ri docnl price, and warrmiinl. Apply to IL U. MAbfEH. July l.i, 1 b 13. 1 r i mm 3 OAKIiEY'S ii:i'i ttATiYi: sviti i. 'I MH vnlinih'n nrooeriiea of Oakley' Icpu'V live Syrup of Kirsananlla, as a puiifier of the hl a d, is ... well known to tha puhhc Renrr.illy, that il is iinnrce.-s ny In occupy murli arp in set- tini- fir: li the n.lvuntiieei In he derived fr on its use; wherever the medicine lias once hcen intra- ! dilrcit, it takes prcceilpnce o'(f nil others: PVely one that hus taken it, havp d rived so fianal la ne- 1 1'ii'ial revullH from it, that it is recommenced hy , II. em wiili the irmost confidence. Physicians of, the tnchr.-t y in luiK in the profession, prescribe it ; to pa ienls niiiti.r tin ir care ; cotilainini; tioihinc ih h trri.-us. hut hi iiirr pumposed nt the nn'St mild, i et ellir.icious veRelahle is nll'ered wiili ror.liilencp. 11s Hut clienpest anil most 1 llicient pu rifier of the Mood now known. The use of a few hollies, rspec i.iliy in the spriun months, will he at li inh d rti'h a most ih ei.lcd iiiipioveiix lit in ttie rc io slrensjih ofttie system, eriiltc.nii o anv secl of iltKcn-p that mav h ive heen penerit. d. hi sides Civina health mid viu1 r to the hodv. For the core ot NVrofuhi or Kmcs Evil, l!lu nmalimn. Ti tter, I'iniph's or eiiiptiiirw of the Skin, V hite Hwellins, F stula, Chri'iiie Coujli, Ac The nu ll, emus ceriil'ie.i rs in the possession of the nil si ri hrr and ln aycnis, from phv siei iris and others, are siiliieient In 1 onv nee the m is' ski tical of i su periority over all preparations of S irs ijiarill i. S. I I wholp-ale nn. I ret iil, hv ihn proprietor, t;i:(t!i(.i: u . oaki.ey. North giu stie.t, ilea. 'im!, Il'ika Cotniiy, and to t o had ol the lllowinjj pi isuiis : In RnrlhuiithrrhiK'l fnuutil. II. H.;t . Stinhory ; l ehind it Mixel, Mi Ewcnsv i!!e ; lj Kramer, .Milton. In I'liimi Cottnfi. .1. (nnrh rl, eliiisprove: 1 A. (!uti tins, Miflliiihin. ! ; Co.'hiiiIiui Cimiitt. U. V. M Cay, Wash iug'on, 1 E.adii.B.Marcli I I. Mil. Oikiit I l i lit r it the uty of every , 01 ii In do w hu'evcr in I in ir powpr I IPs, the h lie lit ot thi ir (1 llow in i", and havon! l ad po-i ive 1 ptoof in inv own family, of the Wnieii ifi.l pro) erlics ' ol VMItr I), piir.itii'ii S nt, nf Sa'sap irill'i, I m st eunsi ii ntiou-lv rcoiurni ml it 11 ihe nlllu'led. We had the mUf iiliine t 1 lose tw o nf our children, by 1'ie I n al.un out ol u!i ei.ios s 'res thai cmprcd tin j face, :.nd I ci k. nllle U4I1 we h id some i I thl j must scientific phv.-ii inns to at'end til 111 root hint ; tri. J all Itie known len edies, inetiidiiiu Swnim's j 1'aiiaeiii, w itlioul itvail. Ano'her ol 11. y children was ninoke l in il.e s-inii m.iiuii-r, f-.rr hoe ui:d ! in ek was 1 n 1 j.'ei, !y pi, vi n d ; ie d si lia'ii' w ns so . o!li nsit ., and ihe ihscase at sin II n he c'll. l' t we di sp iin d ul her l ie. Seeinu the wonderful elli cts ! ol vi lli l'e 1 r .nivp S r 1 1 j o! S r.-aj nri.l we w 1 n . union 1! to iinil.e tiiilul il. 11- tlie la-l n s. rt ; it ! nerd like a rl-nnii; the u'rers Ct-innieiiciil In alii c ' inline. I .a'ety . n f w huttli . cniiielv r'-lored In r to lit he.liii, whiih k!.c h is eijiyi d unmti ri U.lediv ever nme. As a pinilier ol the hlo d,I verity he- j In ve it h is nut its cijinil. JtillN MOYEH, Tailor, Wnliint street, near Fourth, llcadiiii,'. Dnimliss. itle, April lillb, isn. 1 Mir. Out i t : Mv son Eiimnnd Leaf. I. ad the i r.ili;l.i in 1 1 11- Ho st iln .l. and di-tris-ini m:m- ! i cr fnr thne yea.s, ihoiruwheh lime he was i!e- I p'ivrd of the use nf his liui' s, hi-i he .d and luck j w. ie coM-nd w ith ulcers. We tri. d all .he tlilV r- ent remi di I, hut to no 1 !l, et, unl.l recommended ' Iv lr. Johnsoii nf , or. i-t..w n . ai d also Jlr. Is 111c i Hostel, nt It'eadii c to use your 1 fj unnive Sy up nt S irs ip.irdta, nt w I ii ti I ot rained sevn il bottles, i the use of which dune the di-ea e eioin Iv nut ol j tits system, the sore hcilid ii, and the child w is ! restoie.l to jvilirt h.'.dih. whnli he has erjoiid nninli mil te.'tv rv r, in the n-t. inshnn nt ol many prisons wh.isien do ii.g h.s i.lli'Clion. I h ive thought il mv dti'v, and si n. I v 11 this (Pili tieate that nil cs who have a hl.e allln Hun in the fiinilv may know where to otti n s.ivatua'.teo mi di I lie. Yours ti u'y . AMELIA I) LEAF. s, ,.t. li',. I - 1 ;( ) y II ATvV: CAP MA.NFFACTFIinilS, Surah I'.iist rvr::t r ! and lh six.. Ilil:u!cl:)!i!a, I " F.SI'F.C I I I ELY ml. rm ll..- puhhc that they - will constant y kiep 011 h .nda I irg- hso 1 liu ul ol II its. l'.. s and Fur-, to suit li e fill Hade, of l:.e hi -t ipiatnv. Hv stint at ti-11 1011 to lo.-i-loss, Hiid l y selling then Unck at Ihe lowest pines, il.fv ll itn r the;nr.(lws iu Ik i.g ..b e In gie ( I, lire s itislaclain. Aimukt f, l- Fl ly ( (tiis:(ci't(-:(ci s' DEATH B Ii O W. rJhe ii In- will please nh-eive lli it 11 1 Fran. belli Fills nre irem in, t unless the I 01 b is three 1 1- hels upon It. (tlie t.i the sl.'e and the hu'.toml oh cunt liniiiL' n f ic-siinile si 'uatute nf mv h unl- w ruing, thus H. I ! 11 n n it r 1 11 , M. D. I'hese la bel rue rtiL-rited on sli t I, 1 1 autilii!!v liesigned, nnd done at nu 01 nen-e of u er !'.'. IHHI. Thi refoip it w ill he seen that ihe oidv thing nct sary to pro ( ore : I it un dicine in its punlv, is to 1 b-ei e these label-. licmemhi r the top. tlie side, and ti e bo.tom. The following ir-pt cite pei.oiis aie duly si.ln ri i d, und hold CEr.Tica.Tcs or ageitcy, For the sulr of Uraiidrrit's I'rgefulie Vniiin-td fills. Nuritioinheilat d rounlv : Milton M.irkev (V Ch itiilieilin. Suiilmry II. H. M.isser. M'Eweus- vilh In bind ot Men. II Xoiilnno eilan.l Win. ' I'or yth. (itormtowu J. A I. alls. Union County: .iv H. ihn llogar A Win ter. Se!iosi;roe Ci-orge ( i null 11111. Mi.l. I.' buig l.eiac Siniili. He.iVer own 1 lav i.l Huhlc. ' Xdaiin horg W m .1. May. M 1 ill in.-!. 11 11: Mt use!, I! IV. Il l tleloll D lll'el Lull '. F bipg (..& F.C Mover. I .nt 1. burg Wall, ,V (;(( 11. ( 'oluiiihi 1 conniy : Deiivi'li E. H. Hetnulds A Co. Herwi.k tin 10.01 iSi ll t'eutniuse. I .e. tiwissi ( '. (J. limits, nionmshuie John H. Mover, .li isey 'I'ow 11 Lt villis.-, Wnshinoinn Kui'l. MiCay. I.ime-t.ine Hall'-', i; rb. Obseive that each Aueul has un Enrav. .1 Ci r it'cale nf Al', containing 11 leprt s. ii'alio.i nf Hr HKAMHiE l iFs M.n.ufi, ,. ry ut sing Smg, uml upon which will n'so be seen eu, I eupies i l the titii' (. in.n- u.-i.l ny.ii (. Hi untn th 'ill I'lUl.t. Flid id. Ij hia, No. 8. Niiill, Sih sin . I. H. HiiAXUiiEI'll, M. D. June 24th, IsM.'l. ( ITY Fl WNri LIJi; AFCTJON, i MID WIVATE SALTT3 HOOKS, .'os. 'Jl ;wil :1 North Tliiid Slrcct, Near the City Hotel, I FHIL DELFHIA. O MACKEV, Auctioneer, rcpectfury in vitcs the alii lit. on nf persons ihsirous of pur-cha-ing Fiunnu'e. to his citensive S des Kooms, (I'oih pu lie nnd 1'iitnlc,) lor every ilescription nl lloiiii hold Furniture, win re ran be obtained t nil limes, u hired assortment nf fashionable ami wi II j manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Heils, Matliussf s, II Ac, at very reduced prices, for cish. 0"V" Willi's Ev Auction, twice a wci k. May SVih, l3. ly E.OSE3 OIXTTBIENT roti ti:iti:xs. ItlNOWOHMS, I'tMI' ON TIIF. t r K, AND OTHER M r vMuirs riirin'KiNft. j nr. ;,...;., errt, finite tlnrrilr nnr nflhe los txirtitirdmuru curt, ever rjfrctcd ly any ' aiiiiliealhni. I 11 1 1. ait t rut a, fphruary 10, lS:m "IOR twenty vrars I w spvrrrlv Alllirtrd with -1- Tbttf.ii on th Fsre nnd Head: the disease I rommrnri d when I was seventeen ycnr-i old, nnd t rontinucd until ttio Fall of IH'IO, varvinr; in vio- 1 lent e, but without ever disapprarina. 1 ti r i 1 1 tr most j of the time, crrat part of my face was covered with ' the eruption, frequently ntfended with vio'ent itch- i inuj my brad swi I'cd nt times until it fi lms if it , Would hurst the swelling was so u rat. thiit I rou'd i r-cnrci ly Ret my bat on. Fhirini the lona period , that I wssntTlicIrd widi the disease, I neil n crent I many nj plications, (am. ma thrm sevenil celebrated ; prrp nations) as w II n t-ikimr inward remedies, ineludintt 11 nunihi r of hnttles of Siraiin'x I'drttirra, Krlmrt nf Sitranpr.rillti, cVc, In fact, if would bo impossible to enumerate nil the medicine I usid. 1 I wns hIso under the care of two of the mo.-t dis tintruMicd physicians of this city, but without re eeivinn mech benefit, nnd I despaired nf ever bring cured. In Ihe f .11 of Isllifl, tbo ibsrase nt ihe time beinif Very violent, I commenced using the lloxe , Ointment, (prepared by Yniiiliaii oV Davis.) In ! il few a plications the violent ilehina ceased, I ha : swellinn nha'cd. the 1 rut tion braan to disappear, and before I hud Usui si jar the di-vaso was CHlircly cured. It lias now I ren iienr'y a nnd a half t since, nnd (here is riot a vestnte nf Kit- ih-rase re mainini!, except the scars from the deep pits firmed by the ili-eHse. It is impossible for me to describe in n certificate the severity ol the disease 11111I my '. sotl'i rinr, but I will l e pie isi d to civr n fuller nc 1 count to anv person wantini; further s itisfaeti.ui, 1 who will rail on me. At the tune I commenced 11-ine the E. se Ointment I would have civen bun ! dreds of to be rid of the ditrase, Since u 1 sine it. I have .1 it to senril persons, , (arnniia them my mother, w ho bad the di-ca'O bad ly on her n-nO who were a I cured bv it. JAMES DC K.N ELL, No. lot',. Face St. ifj- The Hose (hutment is prepared by E. 11. Yaiilian, Son ti East corner of Th.rd and Knee sttei t. Fhi'ndi Ij tilii, and sold on niteiicv in Sunbu rv. bv II. 11. MASSE H, May l lth, IS 13. Axrnf. fiCoc Oin(ii:ci:t, i'ov Tcllci'. a ruoor or its rri K wcv. I'm 1 in t e in 1. May V!7 th, 1 r ::. rF','l"' crrtilv lint I was severely al.l.cied with Tetier in the hands and feet for upwards of I 'rty cars; the disease was nt'ended generally Willi vio'ent itehmi! and sweltiiic. I spphed to 1 iiuinhi rof physicians, and used a emit many appli cations without t'ftcclitiK a cure. .V.oitt ayiar since, I nppl eil tl e Kn-e Oiiitment, which entirely stopprd the itching, nnd n few npplic.tti.4 immedi uli ly cured the dtsea-e, which tliere has la rn no return of, nltliouti I bad never been rid nf it nf nny time fnr frnty years. KICll AIll) sSAVAdE. Eleventh, below Spruce Street. CfT Tlie Hose Ointment is ) n pared by E. H. Yam ban. S mill En.-t corner of Third nnd Face Streets, I'biladelj bin, and s dil on nencv in Sunbu II. H. MASSEU, May 1 Ith, l?1 3. .4yr,,'. MEDICAL APPnOBATION Of tin HOSi: OITMi:.XT, for Tttttr. l.'l'l I ( li t i 1 1 the son rioiitv ot the tireoarati. 11 over nil nttn rs is lullv es ahll-hed. the pr -pr (- P rs t.d.r pb a-ure in laying hi fore 'he public the following cet ti' e from a re-peel, ihle physician, n gradu ueiif the I'nitersitv of Fennsv Ivnnia. Ih. I! itmb, bavina fotind in Ibis that relief for a tediniis and disa'i ea'de all'ei lion which the means within the none of I, is prul'e.s-ion Intel to ntlord. has i.ot hesiiati d to give it hist approl af ion, rdthouuh the prejudices and interests of that prob-siou ate . poi sed to secret liemedo s. Fu 1 la 1 1, S. pi, 10, l:jr.. I I w as reci i lly tror.l li d w itli n tedious herpetic eruptii n. whiih e.or.ed lu nrlv one si 'e nfrny fire, j mid extended over the car. Mr. atmhaii. proprn -lot cf the Ho-e I hi.tmciit, oh.-eiv mg mv fae, insi- ted nn my t v inu his prep. nation, ul w hieh he ban- ! de l me a jar. Aliln uoh ill I'.iiiiniiili with ihe me 111 I'eis ot my I rofrssinii, I ilismunn nance mi.l dis.ap- ! prove ot the iiurni r. us nostrums palmed upon the public by iulior ant pn tendi r-, I fei I in jusiiee h mnd to cn J t the Hose Ointnii lit tiuni thill c'a-s of me- ', d eiiies, nnd to iif it mv nppiohaiion, ns il entire Iv Hired ihe eruption, althoiigli 11 had resiled (he ' u. ii . I n piii.itioi.s. DAM.. II Al (ill, M. D. j C ' 'Flic Hose Ointment is prepared l y I!. 15. j Yauth ili, South Fa-t Conor ul Thud and I! ice . Siieets, Fni'adeptii.a, ami s. ld un :u'i ncy in Suu J l u.v, by li. 11. Jl.vs:i!, May I t!h, IS Ft. .4,-r. jBIotw-s Ink. JOSEPH 33. IIO VSR, .Maiitil'actuicr of Wrilini' mni liuli.'lii Ink, No. Id! North Thud Street, nx disirs In.linv Face, (cast blo,) F II I L A D 15 I. P II I A . EFEC'I'FI LEY int -rms conriiry nu rchnnts - ami others, ihat he con-l infly keeps on hand k l irj-e stock nf bis suni tier Hl.u k, Flue i.nd H. d Ink, mid i.bso n snperii r ipi ibty ol I1..I1II1' le Il k. II s ink is put up in b ttb s vaing in i?r, fioin I lo '.ii ounces, nn. I Will he sold nil n iisonnble It rms, 'I hp excel (" t iu ii:ies el ihts ink has so iborouL'Idy estnbli-b, its ch iructer, ih. it it is now extt iisivi y used t!iroui:houl th- countiv, , For s.ile al the loie of II. II. Ma ir, Suu hcrv. Fa. May 27th. Isl.b ly (II AIM.J'.S Y. III.CINS. ATTOIlNKy AT LAW, SfJ AS liikl'll ihe ullice t.uoieilv fi Hon. ( 'I.biVs (i. Dunn I, i Iv 01 cupi. il I v 1! c I posit.- the I II. He will attend to bosoiess in the C. urt l.unit'i'i bo d. Union mi l Columbia rountiis. 2tMh, KFI. ol" N. M:l ITMON IIOTKJ. t 1 ):-1 (f.'. lit rat .S.'ijo,- Hi, ,', rn" ci r L2 '?&r LVCOI.TIMCl COUNTY, I'eiiiisy It aniii. flMHE Sub criber respectlully into. in. bis friend. I and the public in genrial, thai he has taken tin ubovit LAHUi: AM) ( -OWODloi S r n "i T - W a, Jji I N T II E 11 O K() U(i H OF M UNC Y, and thai be is now well prepare! to accommodate all wun mny laior hmi with ll e r ru.tom. His Si.iimhu Ai'iuistsTi tro well aiied, and comfortable. His 'I'iBir ixn IUii will atvayi be aspjlnd wiih tho best theinaiket can allord. His SrKLikn, winch is got d, will I under (be charge of good and caiclul hosiler.. He ti el. confident, by Hi id attention to I u -iiK-s, nnd an PHrncst desirp tn render r uifoiii.hle Ih .se who inay pstronire lum.ihbl lie will not fail logito Rciiciiil aatisfactin. II. U. 'FA V EK. Muticy, Oct. 1st, IS F.' tf. V-l. IiSILl.lT & CO., (..'omrnissiun tSt Forward inr? Merchants, 1 oat of 11 alow Stru t Rail Iioad, ON TIII5 liXt.AWADF., T I AVINO nssociutcd i h them Joseph Harriet. J-1 late of Easton, IV, respectfully inform their friends ami the public generally, that they have tfl. ken tint laruenn l wed know n store nnd wharf al font of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupiel by Jncob Martin, where they pmpose doini; a (ieneral Conunissiun and Forwarding Husincss, nnd from the local ndvnnlnues of the place bring conm ctrd with nil ihe public improvements that have their nutlet in the citv, they finltcr themselves they will he ubte to do business to as groat, if not greater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other I .1 r.: 1. .1... iinni, nnu iin-v lissuii; ineir liM'uos uini nny run- si.nnunts made ,0 them ali.ll have their s-fict nt- 1 . . ... ; : . . i iiiiun, iinn no exeri oris sriarcu 10 crve enure sans- faction. 'Fin T ore also prepared to receive and forward goods lo nny point on the Delaware and I.rhigh , rivers, betwren Mnurh Chunk, I'aslon nnd I'hiln-' (it'll hia, viu Delaware l)ivii, n and Lehigh C in ds; also, to nny point on the Juniata river, or Nonh nnd Y( st Hinnchcs of the Su-ipieliarina via Sehuyl. j kill and Union, or the Cbcsapi akc und Tide Water ! Canals. j For the accommodation of Fonts coming or go- ' ing via Schuylkill nnd Union Canals, a Ste. inbuilt will bo kept rxprcsslv for towing hoits from the 1 Schuylkill around to the Del aw are and hack, which 1 will rn .hie merchants to hair their produce deli ven d on the Delaware, and their goods shippul at a saving ot 5(1 to 75 per cent, un the prices fir hauling ncio s, with these ndvnnt ages thev re spectfully solicit t share of patronage. W. HEILMAX i CO. i William H.ilmin, ) William W. Kcjse', C ' .lo-. ph lb.rnet. 3 Fhilad . Mav 1 4, 1813. ly ' ; J. XVZATTLAND, JR. 8l CO. I Smili' mid Tuliacco Manttl;tctiircrs, .Xo. F'.l .nrth W'tsl ctirin r nf Unci and Third Stints. IMIILAI'KLFIU . ! rPIIE nnder-igned have formed a Co-partnership j 1 under tlie firm of . I, M A Y L AN I ). J 11. V Co.. as successors to the late firm of Jaruh .Mmhind d, ! Co.. and will continue the business at die old esta- blishnient, un their own nr'count. Li'ion to 1 their own close attention i.n.l f i many yeius, in Il.e uinnnl'u tine of tl eir celt hr. t. d snulV-, : A e the bnig rtrperiencp of the senior pa.ti rr of li e , late firm, will also he devoted to tint interest of the ' new concern and ns 1.0 ixeition and cue will le I spared to insure their goods, ;)t all tinn s of the ve ' rv I rt iiality, they solicit a e.intii.11 ince nf the confidence of the liiends nnd en-turners of the late ( firm. 'FIIOM S ADAMS, i ! J. M AY LAND, J11. ' j riiilnlelphin. May Mill, l .ld. ly i i 'I O ( otiiilrv ! MSECIIArlTS. j 'PIIE Siihiw-riher, Acent of 1 yon & Harris, Hat j Manuf icturers, for New York, Fhil nlelphia, I Hattotioie nnd other large cities, ! oso Huts are 1 highly comincndi'd f r t'uori r dit mid thir'il.ilitij, j has 00 band a fir-t rate -is s(-r tin "tit ot 11 A. FS nnd j ("AI'S, suitable f.T Spririp aile, nil eh will le sold : very low, foi cash or nppiovc l credit, nl the iiitr,! diiap stare. An. 40, Aortli 1 bird t"l, o p i.-i'r the City Hotel, Fhil i lelphifi. KOHEIIT D. WILKINSON, A.-'ftt. N. H. Orders for 1 1 itts ill n: rnin-h , promptly nMende.1 lo, 'Fhe highest price in :u. jr traie given for I'ur iir'n.. Fhiladelphia, June 11, sn.--!y EOLTON Si CO. ;cii i:.l C omiiiissloii Mi rdtaiils, 'or tlie Sulr of I'lnur, (train, Sud, r., fTTTTTi VZ 1TJ Iv V.? FFCTFI'LLY inform their, bonds und e .Mi reliant generally, llud they bate ta- l.eii ihosr large nnd commodious W harv. s. w iih Inn ' Doiks, moth of strut, on the D law ire, j together with the No. lit South Whin.--, 1 where they would be ph ased to receive consign ments of drain, Flour. Seed, 'hi-l,ey, Iron, A'-. I Ac. Heine also well pM pared to forward al! kinds i j of Merehamlise by the Sehuvlliill mid Union, ot by j ! the Chcsnpi akc iiinl Thlc Water Cnnals, us low- . i boats ate kept expressly I'm tho purpose of towing I boats by ei route. j Men bants w ill pie is.- be p.irtii to send ttit ir . i g.ti ds tle.-tinrd by eiibt r c.iuuls, t No. l'J South ' barves, hetwieu Market an I Chesnnt slice's, on ' j ti c Delaware, wall dirci tiotia aecouip in ing tliciu j I whith route ihey wish them to be shipi e I. I ! Q j"- Flutter and Salt for sale, at ihe lowe-t mar- I i ket price. IJOLToN A Co. ! Mnich 10, 1SF). No. Ft South Wharves, j i' 1 iit i .v. .so, 'TAPER MANUrACTUr.EHS,! i.omhtirtl Strtil, Ittilliatorr, HA YE constantly fnr sale, Printing Paper of ah fcies and oiiHlitti s, Can W riling Paper, rub d - and plain, Letter Paper, white and Hue, ruled and i plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. ineihliiu, doub e ciown, crow n and extra mi iI Wrapping Papers, diluted Medium ami li'oyal Papris, Hoimet, Hinders' nnd S:mv ox Hoards, Tissue Paper, und u II urt cles iu then I. lie, which they will sell on uci uiiunuilutiiig ti rms. Highest price given for old rans. lit HEK F CAIM'EK A SON. March 19, IS1.1. Elkion, M,l IIOUSH, .Yo. 'JliT, .Xio th Third, ttlitn-t 'ulloichiH St., PHILADELPHIA. 15 OlIN DFNCAN. la'e from tho $f? in 1 Fjrmcr, nnd Samuel Pike, ir Pet ii-y Iva . la'e of A- rut rii 1111 lloti I, ( 'olurnhtis. ( Ihio, like pleasure in ac ipiuliiting their fihiidsntid Ihe public gener.illv lint tht y have taken the large und commodious 11 itil, icciiil'y built by the Messrs. Halt, on the site once (.cmpie.l by the old est.ibii.hed Hotel known u the Hull's Head, ill Third slieet ahuvo ' ' l'luW hill St. 'I bis lintel is finished in the very best possible manner, m d of the best inh't'inls. Its loialionis very dtsnalile, particularly for counliy im 1. bants ; the iirr.ingi un nis lor heating and vcmilatiuj t ach room is titi'li ns to secure any temperatuie. 'I lie hdlroonu are all light nml uiry, all luinislnd ina neat slv'e, so as to iiisuie tomloil. 'I he 11 ceiviug parlors nre also fun ished in a su perb stv le, the w indow s nie 1-11 the IFicricli stylo, fuming an entrance 10 a balcony in front, whith makes a pleasant recess. Pnrtienlai attention has been given to tho beds and lit tiding, which, With the luriiiture, arc rutin ly new. r loin year, expericiic :.. 1. .. .1 1....: I 111 n.iiii i.usinr.s. -1 r , ' . 1 - trust, by strict assiduity ... I.U.IIIIM, .1. house a desirable stepping place, ('ur table will always be supplied wuh the vi ry lust our market can allord, and our bar wiih the kl lupiurs and w ines of ihe most sppiuvcd brands. P. S, Thera are first rate .tabling triil carriage houses ttttnchril lo (he hotel, atftii.led lycsifll und sol er hostlers, and our charges will h lo, in acenrduure wuh the present haij tiii.ts. PhilsJdphia, Oct. 7th, ATTOIiNKY AT LAW, SUirUTJUV, TA. Dusinrss Attended to in Ihe Counties of Nor. tlmii'l 1 riand, Union. I.vrominij and Columbia. Itrfi r In 1 Tun M is Haiit & Co., I.0WF.11 V IlAniiox, Haiit, Ci;mmia cV. 1 1 a nT, Iv'ktioi.iis. McFAnt.oti Al Co Hpkh 1 in, ' loon oV (tn., yr.hiiad. GOLDEN SWAN iYo. (ill A'or Third, atmve Arch Strict, FlIll.ADKfilMIIA. ACCOM MODA'I KINH loll KF.VKJTY TntRO.NN, Mltllltl.u H'r..j , ., L. Q ' " '" 'i "f hlte 8wn,M oil" "Mount eriuiu House." rrsupctfu v in. . . . . , ...' forms his friends end customers, that he has beromo the proprietor of the nbnv well known Hotel. Country Meirhnnts will fnd thp above Hotel a central I. cation, nnd the best of fare. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard nnd good stabling fot horses, and the best of ostlers. Hoarding f per day. May 1 1th, 1812. 1. HAG III ei; gd si?" :esi: 9 Cvrurr of Third and Vine Strtt ts, VVILLIAIVISrOIlT, 2 A. rt-IIIE subscriber resj rctfully nnnoniiccs to tha i. public, that he h s opened a Hotel ill the com modious brick building situate on the corner of I bird and Fine streets, where he will be hnppy to wait up n those who may favor him with their company. '1 he F.aule Hotel is large nnd conveni ent, nnd furnished in the be-t modem style. Il is provided with a lamp number of well aired and Comfort. il.le sleeping tipartment, rooms, private, parlors. Ac. Fi rsons visiting S illiamsptirt on bu siness m p'i a-ure, may re-t ns urid that every ex enion will I r used to ri 1 der their sojourn at tho "Engle Hut. I" pleasant nnd ajrieable. HisTaMn will he supplied with the very best the maiket af fords, nnd his bar wiih ihe choicest wines nnd nlhi r li.jiinrs ihaiges re s. malic. The Eagle Until possesses greiiier ndvaniai;es in point i.f location than anv other sinnl ir establishment in the borough, hi ing situate in the business part of the tow n, nnd within a convenient distance of the Court Houso and W illiamsporl and Elmiri Fad Foad Depot. SuH'.cieiit Stabling prov ided, and good and trusty o- tiers always in atiendance. Attentive, ncci. 11. m. aiming nnd hnnc-t Servants hate in n t inr-lot ed. and null ing loll undone that vill add lo ti e coinluit ami accnnitu. illation of his giie-l -. 'Flo re w i'l be n rarriag.- nhvnvs in attendance nt the Hunt Landing to convey passengers to and from the House, Irte of ihnrge. CHAIILEs HOFHOWS. M iv I Ith, lo. if ,d 0. y ---t ms y (- Srf.JT , n W -l -1 i - N nriiele ii!ii iua!led for cleaning and giving a - highly durable .unl most brilliant polish to sil ver, (b r;n:.i Silter, lir ass. Copper, Hrittania ware, I'm, Stu I, Cutlery , nnd for restoring the lustre oil varnished c.irriae-, A c. 'I'liV IF. Frt paied .111 I s .hi nt wholes i'r nnd retai', by the Susijiielniitiii Clirvsnbte i'olish Company, Owego, Tiofsi c.iuiity, N. Y. W'M. FOKsY'l'H, Agent for N'orthum'd, II. 11. M Ass El', Agent for Sunhury. November 2tnh, lsi 12. Tlk h.u l ATi't'rivt'i iV Son, ROrE WAKENS & Sllir CHANDLERS. Ao. FI A'or,' Water Street, I'hiadt !diitt. A 1. cons'aully on hand, a gener tl ussort Inelit ol ( oiribnie, Seine Fw lues, Ac, vi : I ur l la I'. I ur'd li'npes Fishing Kup.-s, While Hopes. M inil I'oi es, 'Fo.v Lines for Canal Fonts. Al-o. a I complete a-s j Hemp Shad irtmei.t of Seine Twines, Ac. such its p es.uiil niul Id mug 1 wine, llest l atent lull Net Twine, Cuttuii Slu.d and lleriing 'I'yvii e, Slrne Ac. Ac. Also, Hid Coids.Pli.u-h Lines, II alter-. Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, Ac. nil of whiih they will dispose of on nasou.dile trims. Flu aitc 1. ina, .Vnvi rni.ei 1,1. mi" lv. Sl'I'.IM.NCs CO'JI) vV CO. i. i:is Mafk"t Street, I'liilmlt 3.NYITE tin to their ex he attention of Country Merchants i xtenstie n-sortmenl of Hritbh French ind Ainerieati Diy Co,.ds, w Inch they utl'er lor sale on th.- to . t 11 as. .nable ti rms. Philadelphia, November 1:1, 1 S 1 2. 1 v . J . W . S V A 1 . , Fmlirclla ami Tarasul Manufacturer. No. '.ii Aooi 'I'.'nlil ttntt, lira ioora ,(,',, n tie Cilu ll.itil, I'i.iliuHplnu. V lo i minimi- 1,13 nl la lore purchasing 1 Isew here Phila Mi I i 1. N'ovrmber li. '.K12. lv. j " i "K-T s'jk H R 3 1 -, . ' " w - 3mmmim lj , ,i Hi sun- a suit 1 rutin, coi iiiiinig sooiii t ne j' bun. br l and n-n urn 1, ic.ore or less, situate in I . li t towns'iip, . . r I ; 1 1 r 1 1 1 erlaiul c.iiutt, nnouf two milis iii ove N 01 ll. 11 iiiln 1 1 unl, on the in. .111 road lea. bin- from that place to Danville, udjoinum land- of John Leghou, ,lc-se('. lit. in 11 and other-, now in ttio occupancy nf Samuel Payne. About b.rty ncres of said tract are clean d, ami in good slat.- ul cu litaiimi, 011 which there i a sinull bum 1 reel. d. 'Fhe piopi rty will be .old leims. For further particulars, pcisons arc rctui si ed to apply to the ul M-ril.i r. II. U. MASS.IK, Aarnt. Nov. 27th, H12. if Sunhiirv. Pa LIST OF BOOKS, loll SAL. 11 :i (M.issieal Dit ' N 111 ON S 1 eiuprii 1 . -t do- iiiwnirb's do : ( 'nol.'s do.: English nn (ieimaii do.; Ambon's Ca sar; Anilinu'it (111111111111 Aiiiheii's Ciceio; Man'. Latin Header; ('gilly'sdo Andiew's I. aim l.c.-.-ons Doiiueg.tii's Lexicoi , Fisk'a (ire. k Exercises; Duvies's Legendei; (iraec ' Ma'iora; Adams's Honian Antiquities; Pinnotk' ( iol.l-inith's Engl and; do. Crerrr; LyeM's Eli nicnt 1 el (ieolugv; M :s, l.ini'i lu's Hoiitnv; Ehllicnts 1 llotany; Hridge's Algebra; Porter's lihtlorical Kt 1 der-; Eimrsoii's lleogi;iby und Hi-loiy; (lney ' tl.".; Parhy's do.; Smith's Crummci: Kiikhaiu's do ' Kay's Headers; ("obi's do.; Cobb's Anlhllieiicl j Pike's do.; Eon rs. ill's do. Col l.'. Spelling Hoi k : Town's do.; Cubh's Table Hooks; Evangelical Fi ' mi fy Library; Collage Uible; Family do ; Colhitei ' nl do.; Small Hibles and Testaments; Parker's E? 1 rreises en Composition; Fiuil of the Spirit; Uaxti 1 , S int'a Hot; Americuu Hevolutton; Marivatl'a Ni v is; vt Is; Mrs. Phelps 111 Cheniisliv; Iliad; ('.itechiM . , . , , .,, i of American Laws; l.etlerson Natural Magic; ( hi ,.,'.,,., .... . I- 0, l',,,,,...! I , ,,,,ol'J I.l 1,11.11, ir, "h. ...uj',,., , Murray's Crammer, Se.pii I to Comb y's Spellm Hook; Aim ricuii CUsa Hi. ok; Daboll's Schooling ter's Assistant; A great variety ol Hlank Hooks, A A ugust SH, I X 12. BLANKS-' Toil FAL.K AT THIS OFFICE.